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Laylat al-Qadr
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void, and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God
said Let there be light, and there was light..." Gen 1:1-2
God w ould not make "Lights" of the Sun, Moon and Stars until day 4. Gnostics are attempting to
return the earth to the conditions before Creation. W hy? The Serpent has caused them to believe a
Lie, that Man can become God. Jesus returns to "...destroy them who destroy the earth: Rev 11:18 Big
Bang; Black Holes, Dark Energy; Dark Matter are the Gnostic "Darkness"; their idea of "Light" is Lucifer
and Laylat al-Qadr is their "Night of Destiny. The Spiritual battle is Arab versus Israel; Arab means
"Inhabitor of the Desert" w here Desert means "Void of God"; Cain-Canaan-Joktan-Ishmael-Esau. Israel
means "One w ho w restles w ith God" and by extension the W ord of God. Do not mistake modern day
Israel w ith Spiritual Israel; the former is "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8. Science is the primary
Arab religion; Creation replaced w ith the Big Bang and Evolution are Jesuit created Lies.
Laylat al-Qadr means "Night of Pow er" or "Night of Destiny". Destiny here refers to Arab Destiny, a
Monotheist Renaissance seen in Baathist, Alaw ite, W ahhabist, Shia Tw elver Ismailism etc. Cain,
Canaan, Joktan (Arabs), Ishmaelites and Edomites are the Torch Bearers. Laylat al-Qadr can be on any
odd night near the end of Ramadan w hich ended Aug 7, 2013; as w ill be seen a lot happened this
year. Laylat al-Qadr is about as Muslim as Santa Claus is Christian or Hanukkah is Jew ish; it is an Arab
"Night of Destiny"; an appointment w ith Lucifer.
On Aug 18 Jesuit, Knight of Malta, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey celebrated
the opening of the Bomb/Missile proof CentCom "Forw ard Command Center" in Amman Jordan.
W ahhabist King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia; Hashemite (Edomite) Committee of Luciferian Freemason,
300 member King Abdullah II of Jordan; 33 0 Luciferian Freemason, Ashkenazi (Germanic Pagan) fake
Jew Benjamin Netanyahu and a Squadron of US F-16's and 1000 US troops w ill command the invasion
of Syria. Abdullah means "Servant of Allah" aka "Sin" "...but these shall escape out of his hand (Beast),
even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon" Dan 11:41. Does any of this seem
normal? " "But he shall have pow er over the treasuries of gold and of silver, and over all the precious
things of Egypt..." Dan 11:43 Now can you see w hy Obama bow ed to King Abdullah? W hy the US
created the conditions for "Arab Spring" Revolutions in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan and
Egypt? And w hy the US is sending military aid to the Egyptian Military and the Muslim Brotherhood?
They all w orship Lucifer/Satan/Devil folks!
Dialectic is the process of controlling oppostion; Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis or Symmetry if you
prefer. In this case, Israel and Aliyah (Re-establishment of Jew s to Eretz Israel) oppose the so-called
"Arab" destiny, but as w ill be show n, both sides are of the same origin. 1st off Jew s are only 1 of 12
tribes of Israel; Judah is the tribe Jesus Christ descended from and as Gen 49:10 states plainly, Jesus,
the Law giver, gathers the tribes of Israel and holds the scepter of pow er in Judah. Today, the w orld is
w itnesseing a Luciferian Fraud 6000 years in the making. Israel is requiring DNA tests to determine
qualifications for Aliyah (Immigration) to the Holy Land "Jew ishness". Be aw are, Jesus refers to
Jerusalem as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8 KJV). W hy? "Jew w ishness" falls into 3
categories: Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi. Ashkenazis descend from Japheth, not Shem (ref Gen
10:1-4); They are Germanic (Gomer), Turkish (Togarmah) frauds as is Kaballah and the Talmud.
Sephardi descend from Canaanites, Babylonians, Cuthites etc listed in 2 Kings 17:30-33. Sepharvites
w orship Molech w ith the Six Pointed Star used on Israel's Flag; Easter and Hanukkah/Christmas are

derived from Sepharvites. Joktan and Peleg are Semitic; Joktanites settled the area from "Mesha to Mt
Sephar" (Gen 10:30) That's the "Steppes", the area from northeast Iran (Mashad=Mesha),
Afghanistan, Pakistan, (Ophir is India), Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan etc and ultimately the Himalayas. Noah's
ark settled on Chumolungma (Mt Everest) "Holy Mother"; the Holy Mother being Noah's w ife w ho slept
w ith her son Ham giving birth to Canaan. Mizrahis descend from Ham not Shem; the Philistines
(Philistim) and Cretans (Caphortim) are Misrahi. There is no Jew ishness about any of these groups, yet
the w orld w ill be plunged into W orld W ar because of them. True "Jew ishness" is follow ing the only True
Jew in the Universe, Jesus Christ!
"People w ho can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire, pen name
of 33 0 Luciferian Freemason, Rosicrucian, Hermetic Philosopher Francois-Mane Arouret.
"Now that the God Particle has been discovered...vacuum energy can be explained" Origins Project
founder Law rence Krauss. Don't w orry folks, there is no "God Particle" much less "Gravity" and there
can be no "Vacuum Energy"; it's all made up Luciferian nonesense. God defines Space as "Nothing";

Neutralinos, WIMPS, Gluons, MACHOS Black Holes. Worm

Holes, Alice Matter, RAMBOs, Muons, Binos, Guaginos, Higgsinos, Squarks, Gluinos and.PBRANES. Absurd isn't it? If Earth had "W eight" it w ould Fall in Space. It doesn't because Gravity
Hermetic Philosophers define it as

and Dark Matter are Gnostic Lies. Folks, w e are being played for fools!
By definition, a Vacuum is "Nothing", precisely the term used in Scripture to describe "Space". Ever
w onder w hy Particle Physicists w alk passed Shiva, the Hindu "Destroyer and Transformer" to the CERN
Large Hadron Collider w here the force "Gravity" is being described as the consequence of the "God
Particle" aka "Higg's Boson"? They w orship the same "Grand Architect" Luciferian Freemasons do!
According to Hindu physicist Satyandra Bose and Zionist Albert Einstein "Dark Matter" and "Dark
Energy" are composed are "Bosons" (Bose + On=Osiris=Heliopolis). The math used to describe this
nonesense is as complex as "String Theory"; basically it all boils or I really should say "Condenses"
dow n to Space being described as a He 4 Superfluid State of Helium at the Lambda Point of 2.7K (Near
Absolute Zero ie -455 0 F), a form of primordial matter called a "Bose-Einstein Condensate". BS? Of
course, just like every theory Einstein plagiarized. "Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple and made
king using dazzling mathematics to obscure truth"-Nikola Tesla The only thing true about Einstein's
"Relativity Theory" (W ave-Particle Duality or Symmetry by another name) w as his 2nd w ife, his 1st
cousin Elsa. HL Mencken called Einstein "That fiend for publicity". "There is no salvation for civilization or
the human race other than the creation of a one w orld government" Marxist,Zionist Albert Einstein. The
Luciferian idea is to destroy Creation by Nuclear Fusion (2H Deuterium +3H Tritium=He 4 plus Energy)
and form He, the title God used for Himself "I Am He". "Ground Zero" for this plan is Fukushima, Japan.
Lambda means "Null or Empty", a subatomic particle called the "V Particle" made of an Up and Dow n
Quark (Picture the Hexagram here) and a Strange Quark. Strange eh? Talmudic Rabbis open
Synagogue w ith that "V" Sign. It means Nail as in the 3 Nails used to fasten God to the Tree at the
Crucifixion! Remember Mr Spock? Vulcan is the Canaanite fire god! Bose proposed "W ave-Particle
Duality" for Light and Einstein took a step further applying this nonsense to Matter. W aves cannot
travel in the "Vacuum" of Space; hence Dark Matter w as invented. The Oroborus Serpent is a picture of
this Luciferian ideal; destroy God's Creation and Shiva emerges from the Cosmic Fire.
Star Children refer to Luciferians; Astrophysicist Carl Sagan said "W e are all children of the Stars"
He Lied. On Aug 24, the w orld's largest gathering of "Star Children" w ill convene in London, hosted by
Sir Paul McCartney. Skip that one folks! Supersymmetry refers to Matter and Anti-matter (Dark Matter)
combining in a giagantic release of Energy; the problem is God did not Create "Anti-matter"! For Star
Trek fans, this concept is manifest in "W arp Drives"; w arping Space and Time w ith Matter and Antimatter? Nice try, Space is Notihng; you cannot W arp "Nothing". Lucifer can only "W arp" people w ho let
Lambda: The Phoenician/Chaldean Creator "El"
Lambda, the Hebrew Lamed and Phoenician "El" are names fo Lucifer, w ho impersonates JEHOVAH
as "Elohim" meaning "Deity" or "Deities". No, Elohim is not the Jew ish God! Children of Elohim are Star
Children and their saying "Revenge is a dish best served cold" is about to play out.
Supersymmetry can be seen in the Obelisk (Lingam) and the Yin-Yang, the Solar Shadow over an
Obelisk representing Good versus Evil, Light versus Dark, Lucifer versus God. Zoroaster means "Star
Seed", no he w as not a person, he is a Luciferian ideal. Folks, the so-called final battle of "Good versus
Evil" is a slaughter; God w on this battle 6000 years ago at the time of Creation! Luciferian Masons and
Mormons believe Lucifer and Jesus are equals and opposites; they are not!
Laylat is Layla meaning "Dark Beauty"; in Norse, Laylat means "Holy". Talmudic Rabbis claim Lailah is
"He" (recall the Helium example), the guardian Angel "Night" w ho fought w ith Abraham against the
Kings of Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 14). BS? Of course, "He" means "God is w ith me"; if you w ant
God w ith you, ask Him just like Abram and Sarai did. "Night" also comes from the "New Moon" end to
Islamic months; the follow ing month begins w ith the "Hilal", the W axing "Crescent". Mormons use the
phrase "Pey Heylel" meaning "W ondrous Lucifer" for this same "Crescent"; Shriner Masons like Harry
Truman (Atomic Bomb, NSA, CIA, Area-51, UN) in the "Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine" proudly
w ear the same Crescent (Hilal) on their Christian blood soaked Fez. Note: Noble Arabic Order here;
Iran means "Noble Caste"; the Arab Order began w ith Joktanites from Mesha to Mt Sephar ie Mashad,
Iran to Mt Everest "Holy Mother". Lailah also appears in Rabbinical (Rabbi means "Great One or
Master") commentary as an angel fighitng w ith Barak against the Canaanite army of Sisera; BS? Of
course. The Laylas in Barack Obama's circle are Benghazi liars, Nat Sec Adviser Susan Rice, and Iranian
born Marxist Valerie Jarrett and their UN puppet Samantha Pow er.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
The famous line from the book "Les Liasons Dangereuses" (Lucifer is the Dangerous Liason!) and
the line "Revenge is best w hen done in Cold Blood" from "Memoirs of Matilda" (Matilda is Saxon for
Mighty in Battle) is about Cainite, Canaanite and Arab "Revenge".
A new "Cold W ar" w ith Russia over a CIA/NSA/ Booz-Allen-Hamilton hack Ed Snow den; seriously?
There never w as a "Cold W ar" much less a "Star W ars" program; Reagan and Gorbachev attended
Bohemian Grove for 25 years together; both men are/w ere Luciferian initiates w ho bankrupted their
respective nations w ith this farce. Think Ron or Rand Paul have the answ ers? Guess again, Ron is a
"Lambda Chi Alpha" (Chi=Masonic Messiah/Christ; Alpha=Beginning) Lodge initiate for Life! Check that
Eternity; he is a Luciferian!
Once again, Cold refers to the Lambda Point; 2.7K (Absolute Zero has no molecular motion) is about
as Cold as it gets! A w ar w ith Iran w hen they are backed up by Russia and China? China and Russia
already have troops inside America under the command of NORTHCOM; no invasion w ill be necessary! A
w ar w ith Syria and Lebanon? Mt Hermon means "Mountain of the Chief", the spot w here Lucifer's
Angels coerced human w omen to Sin in Gen 6. Lebanon is ancient Phoenicia; the Arabian Phoenix
destroys itself by Fire and is reborn anew ; sounds al lot like Shiva "Destroying" and "Transforming"
because they are the same. Laban means "To make W hite"; Aztec and Aztlan also means "To make
W hite"; these are identical to the Mormon "W hite and Deligtsome" teaching. Gnostic Cathars taught
the same thing; "Purify by Fire". 12 years of fighting illegal w ars in Afghanistan and Iraq all based on

the 9/11/2001 Lie; and W W III hasn't even started yet! So w ho is Layla really? Hint: Muhammad Ali
avoided the Vietnam draft by joining and taking the name of Nation of Islam Elijah Muhammad and
Drew Ali; his daughter? Layla.
Barry Soetero? Barack Hussein Obama? or Bari Malik Shabazz? Shabazz means "Royal Falcon" and
"First Race". Again, 1st Race refers to a time before Creation. Nation of Islam preaches a return to the
"First Time" just as the Egyptian Priesthood did w ith "Zep Tepi", the Universe before incarnation. If you
hear the term "Time W ave Zero" it refers to this concept. It's a simple plan to get "Back to the Future"
(remember that movie?); kill God and everyone w ho w orships God. Derek and the Dominoes also tells
us w ho Layla is. Dominoes are the favorite game of Bohemian Grove; Nations falling to Luciferian
control like Dominoes; Muslim means "One w ho submits"; submits to Lucifer folks! Dom means "Mask"
meaning our enemies are right under our noses as "W olves in Sheep's Clothes"; Priests, Masters,
Imams are all Luciferian! (ref Mat 23:8-10) Dominion goes to Esau (turn about is fair play to the
occultist as Jacob impersonated Esau) w ho married into Ishmaelite and Canaanite lineage. Eric Clapton
said "Like a fool, I fell in love w ith you...you turned my w orld upside dow n" Lucifer has a nasty habit of
doing exactly that and no dates do this more than the "Holy Night" called Christmas Eve, Easter and
Feast of Tabernacles.
The "Destiny" associated w ith Islam is the revealing of the occulted 12th Shia Imam "al-Mahdi"
meaning "He w ho rises"; the He here is Lucifer. The Sun spends 3 days in the Sea and Rises on Dec
25th, the morning the Magi (Solar Priests) visited Jesus in the Manger. One problem. Jesus w asn't
there and it w asn't Christimas! The Christ of the Nativity is the Theosophical Society "W orld Teacher"
"Maitreya" and everyone seens to be expecting him.
"Holy Night" 2013 aka Natalis Solis Invicti or Christmas is 91 days or 13 w eeks after the Autumn
Equinox called "Mabon" on the w itchcraft calendar. Theosophical Society (Armageddon Script) claims
W W III has been planned to last 13 w eeks. CERN is allegedly planning to up the pow er from 7 TeV to
10 TeV by Christmas 2013 in the effort to produce STrangelets; using w hat they call a
"Superconductive, superfluid, quark-gluon soup" in a project called CASTOR (Centauro STrangelet
Object Research). The purpose of to create an "Ice-9 Reaction" believed to create Supernovas. Folks,
all this is made up nonesense to be used as the Scapegoat (Desert Goat) for "Earthquakes in diverse
places". Symmetry and CASTOR refer to Castor and Pollux; Remus and Romulus (Remember those
pesky Romulans in Star Trek?), Horus and Set, collectively the "Gemini Tw ins" locked in a Cosmic Battle
of "Good versus Evil". It's all BS! Jesus w on the battle w ith Lucifer/Satan at Creation!
In 2013, the Fall Equinox also falls on Feast of Tabernacles, the true birthday of Jesus Christ. Mabon
w as coined from Mabon op Modron a mythical soldier in King Arthur's company (Knights of the Round
Table is the Zodiac); Modron also means "Holy Mother". Recall "Silk Road" is not only the DarkNet, it is
also the "Highw ay to Hell" passed another Holy Mother "Chumolungma" aka Mt Everest". "They" of
Tow er of Babel fame came from the East; they w ere Arabs descended from Joktan, the elder brother of
Peleg in w hose days the Earth became divided by W ater.
The Silk Road or Yellow Brick Road begins on the 38th parallel across the Yellow Sea from the 38th
Parallel "DMZ" in Korea and the 38th Parallel at Fukushima, w ihch w ill ultimately cause the "Exodus".
The star shaft in the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid is angled 38 0 w ith respect to the 52 0 angle
of the sides, it completes 90 0 in the Mr "Peace Triangle"; Jesus is not the "Man of Peace"! 60 years ago
the first UN sponsored W ar ended in Armistice; a sequel w as planned long ago, but w hen? W W I also
ended in Armistice just after the Theosophical (God Philosophy) Society created the "Order of the Star
in the East"; heard that before haven't w e? No, not Ron Paul's w ife and daughters w ho are "Order of
Eastern Star".
Jesus w as born on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles and Circumsized on the 8th day of
Tabernacles. This is the only Holy Feast w ith 8 days God ordained; Hanukkah has 8 days, but that is a
Luciferian counterfeit.
Fertile Crescent
The Fertile Crescent runs from the Nile to the Persian Gulf. The "Crescent" symbolizes Lucifer as the
1st sight of the W axing Moon "Hilal". Mormons w orship Lucifer w ith the phrase "Pey Heylel" meaning
"Marvelous Lucifer".
The Green Revolution (Green Man is Lucifer) in Iran is 33 years now old; Jesus w as 33 at the
Crucifixion; Masons become "Sovereign" at 33 degrees and W ater changes state at 33 degrees. The
release of 52 Iranian hostages w as contingent on 33 0 Luciferian Freemason George Bush Sr aka Nazi
spy George Scherff Jr aka "Curious George" (Tesla's accountant w as George Scherff Sr) becoming VP.
33 0 Luciferian "Grand Orient Lodge" Freemason Ayatholla Khomeini and George Scherff are 33 0
"Sovereign" Freemasons (Bill Clinton too) folks, their nations mean nothing to them. "Poppy" as he is
called for overseeing Afghanistan Opium production and distribution, is first of 3 (that I know of) illegal
US Presidents. George Bush Sr is not a US Citizen; by law George Bush Jr could not become US
President as he w as not born to a US Citizen. Obama may or may not have been born in Haw aii, but
his childhood in Indonesia at a Madrassa School prevented him from maintaining US Citizenship; the
man does not even have a US Passport and w as never sw orn to "Defend the Constitution". A preplanned shot in the Gipper's chest effectivley gave the usurping Nazi Scherff family 20 years in charge
of the W hite House; FEMA, Iran-Contra, Iran-Iraq W ar, Savings and Loan Crisis, BCCI (Bank of
Commerce Credit International), Golden Crescent Opium, Gulf W ars 1&2 (Scherff and 33 0 Freemason
Saddam Hussein are business partners; yes still!), 9/11, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA the result.
That's only the East (Orient) side of the Fertile Crescent. The W est (Occident) is also heating up.
The Arab League formed in Cairo; they formed the Muslim Brotherhood and are intiating a Civil
W ar in Egypt to re-instate Muslim Brotherhood initiate Mohammad Morsi. They are using US supplied
w eapons against the US supplied Egyptian Military. How can anyone believe this is a spontaneous
uprising? You be the judge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpmFIWm1dWw&nomobile=1 Much
of this CNN Production appears to be the w ork of "Crisis Actors" just like the Aurora Colo Theater
Shooting, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon. Sodomite Lindsey Graham and John McCain are w ith
Muslim Brotherhood now ; as US military aid pours in to their opposition? Remember John McCain riding
around w ith his "Heroes" on jeeps outfitted w ith machine guns in Benghazi, Libya after that w ar
started? Funny how these ragtag teenagers w ith guns managed to set up the Central Bank of
Benghazi amid the rubble in 2 w eeks eh? Benghazi became the largest illegal w eapons running and
mercenary training center in the w orld w ithin months!! Quite a Stage Show eh?
The "Brotherhood" is opposed by the US supplied Egyptian Military; $1.6 Billion this year alone. The
US is supplying w eapons to both sides of Egypt and Syria's Civil W ar. 300+ dead in 1 day (500 by Day
2; 100 more Day 3?). Anything seem w rong w ith this picture? Obama proclaimed a "New Beginning for
Islam" in 2009 in Cairo standing next to 33 0 Mason Hosni Mubarak, just ahead of his famous bow to
Saudi Dictator King Abdullah, a bow to Shinto Emperor Akihito in Japan and a Toast to Queen Elizabeth
II to "God Save the Queen" in Buckinham Palace. King Abdullah is a professed (Lie of course) enemy of
the Muslim Brotherhood, and the US arms Sausi Arabia and its enemies? Sure, and I'm Santa Claus!
Remember, the Russian staffed Cargo Ship "American President Lines-Russia" renamed "Mol Comfort"
w as full of w eapons destined for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia w hen it sank during the 2013 Bilderberg Mtg! At
that meeting w as Queen Elizabeth's "Privy Councillor" and top EU Diplomat Baroness Catherine

Ashton; she visited Muhammad Morsi as the Coup started!

The w orld sees the Fertile Crescent laid w aste by the US and its illegitimate Nazi and Arab Presidents
and the EU and its British overlords in NATO.
W ant the big picture? Look outside the EU in Brussels at the "W oman Riding the Beast" statue in
front of an Unfiniched "Tow er of Babel" w ith Seat #666 vacant. It's about to be filled!
The Muslim Brotherhood w ants Sharia Law ; there is no quarter for Jesus Christ in Sharia (Revealed)
Law because Lucifer "Revealed" the Law . No better actors in the w orld than Robert Ford, Col (oh don't
make me laugh!) Muammar Qadaffi, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden either! W ant to have a
better idea of w hat's really going on? W atch The Dictator Seriously, Sasha Cohen (Cohen=Samaritan
Priest) tells more truth in that! Listen to the parts about "Saddam's Double" being shot and Osama
staying at one of his homes. Time to w ake up folks!
Timing is everything
Christmas means "Sacrifice and Consumption of the Messiah". It has nothing w hatsoever to do
w ith Jesus Christ. Green Man is the Knight Templar GOAT (God Of All Things); Romans called him
Bacchus, Greeks called him Dionysus, Druids call him Apollo and Persians in Iran call him Mithras. Alll
share the common birthdate Dec 25, but Mithra is unique in he is depicted slaying the Lion. "1000 pts
of LIght" is important because the w orld w as truly "Upside Dow n" (Layla Lyrics) in the Astrological Age
of Leo in 10,500 BC. the Spinnx w as made to track the Spring and Fall equinox and the Great Pyramid
to track the "Great Year". The problem is the earth is not even that old.
Prophecy is written in Scripture; this is the Gnostic "Plan" to replace Jesus with Lucifer
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome w ill burn w hen Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine
II is elected; Pope Francis I is #112. Pope Benedict resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013 as lightning hit St
Peter's Basilica "Tw ice" that evening. Mars follow ed; Mars is the Roman god of W ar, Cuthites (Medes) in
Babylon w orshipped Nergal, the god of W ar as a Rooster. Mars became identified w ith the
Rooster/Cock symbol used in Persia as Sanjak, the idol of Now ruz "New Light". Mars also became
identified w ith the Lion in Britain because all are associated w ith Mithraism and Dec 25. Pope Francis I
is the 1st openly Jesuit Pope and w as elected on Red Heifer Day 3/13/13. Interestingly, there w ere 313
of Abram's house w ho w ent w ith him to battle the Canaanite kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. There w as
no Irish Saint named Malachy; he is none other than Moloch. St Patrick? A mythical fraud as w ell. Pope
Francis I w as an "Operation Condor" asset in Argentina's "Dirty W ar"; he is a murdering Jesuit Vicar of
Jupiter w earing the Mitre of Dagan in Red Edomite slippers and is not w orthy of your allegiance! Can
you see w hy Jesus said "Call no man on earth father"? (Mat 23:8) Folks, that Angel standing on your
Illuminated Evergreen Tree has no business in your home! Jesus w as born on Feast of Tabernacles; in
2013 Muslims w ill gather for the Hajj.
"In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again" Cathar Prophecy . The "Council of Vienne" ended
March 20, 1313. Assets of the International Bankers w ere stripped; Do the Math. Realize of course Mar
20 is the Spring Equinox, Persians celebrate as Now ruz!
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast w ill herald the coming
Melchisedek. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! This w ill be the Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years
from w hat? Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank. It is no coincidence HSBC (Hong
Kong Shanghai Bank) ceased business w ith the Vatican in July 2013 or that Vatican Banker Tarscio
Bertone abruptly quit. The Rats are jumping ship. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel w ith a crack
separating Man from God for a reason and Gnostics w ant this "Freedom from God"! Melchisdedek
Priests Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are not done yet.
Hopi "Great Purification" Prophecy States the 5th age (Blavatsky called this the 5th Root Race)
w ill begin w ith the arrival of Blue Star; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the W orld rocking to and
fro. Comet ISON (anagram of Sion=Mt Hermon "Mt of the Chief")
Prophecy Rock in AZ "W hen Blue Star comes Red Kachina w ill remove his mask in the plaza before
the Unitiated" and W hite Brother "Pahana" w ill be revealed. W hite Brother is Lucifer by the w ay. You
w ill w ant to be "Uninitiated"! The UN Planetary Initiative states "Nobody w ill enter the New Age unless
he or she takes a Luciferian Inbitiation". Just repeat the Mezuzah "The LORD our God is One" or the
Shahada "There is no God but Allah" and you are in! Hell for eternity that is!!
Nostradamus "The Last Pope w ill flee Rome in December w hen there ar 2 Suns in the sky to usher in
Judgment Day" Comet ISON makes it's closest approach to Earth Christmas Day 2013.
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President w ould be #12 from Harry
Truman; Obama means "He is w ith us" in Farsi (Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) is #12.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America (The "discovery"
made 2000 years after the Phoenicians, and Chinese) and nearly w iped out the Condor people (Heart,
Intuitiion, Mystical), a merging w ith the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) w ill herald the New
Age. Jesus says "w here the carcase is, Eagles w il gather". Seen any Eagles on US Government or
Currency lately? Pope Francis I is an "Operation Condor" operative.
His right hand man Vatican Sec of State Cardinal Tarsciio Bertone abruptly resigned June 2013
Buddhist "Mappo" Prophecy The 1000 year "Age of Degeneration" called "Mappo" w ill end w ith the
return of Maitreya "W orld Teacher". Mappo began a little under 1000 years ago.
The Beast is the Rising Sun of Fukushima
Japan means "Rising Sun"; W W II w as extended until the Atomic Bombs w ere ready. The goals of
creating Communist Russia w as to create a "Cold W ar" in w hich 200 million people under Communist
rule could be slaughtered. "To accomplish the goal of a Cold W ar, you w ill need a very good tally of at
least 1 million. You need to keep Japan in W ar until the bomb is ready" John Foster Dulles to Sec of
State Edw ard Stettinius. The other goal? Give Nikola Tesla's technology to Communist Russia and
create the privacy needed to perfect it. Nikita Kruschev called these new w eapons "Fantastic" in their
ability to destroy the earth.
Eid al Fitr (Break the Fast) on Aug 8-9, coincided w ith the anniversay of the Deuterium-Tritium
enhanced Plutonium bomb "Fat Man" used to obliterate the mostly Christian city of Nagasaki, Japan on
Aug 9, 1945. Deuterium-Tritium is in Kelp off the coast of Fukushima and TEPCO is pouring 100,000
gallons/day onto the below ground melted fuel. Tritium radiation pollution is not the issue here.
Uranium-Plutonium MOX Fuel melted into the earth under Fukushima and mixing w ith Deuterium "Heavy
W ater". Critical mass is evident because Tritium is being produced. Cocoons are forming as the fuel
melts the rock; the silica forming glass mirror like pockets eerily similar to the w ay Nuclear Fusion
bombs are constructed. W hat happens if a chain reaction begins under the earth at the intersection of
techtonic plates on the "Ring of Fire"? How could Uranium-Plutonium begin to Fission in the first place?
EM Scalar "Tesla" w eapons such the one's tested at Chernobyl to fission the Uranium fuel rods and
used to create the Indonesian Earthquake-Tsunami on Yule 2004, and on Lent 2011 at Fukushima.
Recall Deuterium-Tritium Fusion creates He 4 ; "God is w ith me"; Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the W ord;
He 4 ! Isaiah forsaw a time w hen the "Earth w ill reel to and fro as a drunkard"; I'm not a nuclear
engineer, but Fukushima has all the hallmarks of an engineered nuclear disaster of unimaginable
proportions. The earth's crust sits atop W ater not melted rock. W ater is incompressible and conducts
Shock W aves rather w ell. Unthinkable for most of us, but not to Luciferian intiates!
Manhattan Project head, Communist Spy and Luciferian Freemason J Robert Oppenheimer quoted
the Hindu God Shiva "I have become Death, the destroyer of w orlds" upon w itnessing the 1st Atomic

Fission bomb. Bohemian Grove initiate Edw ard Teller designed the first Nuclear Fusion bomb w hich
used nuclear fission to set off Deuterium-Tritium Fusion. On detonation he said "It's a Boy". Shiva had
given birth!
"...the foundations of the earth do shake. The earth is utterly broken dow n, the earth is clean
dissolved, the earth is moved exceediingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard..." Is 24:1820
Scientists w ork under the shadow of Shiva the Destroyer/Transformer god in their vain efforts to
create the "God Particle". This mythical source of "Cosmic Order" exists in their mind as "Gravity", the
ultimate form of Gravity is the tightly W arped Space-Time idea of the "Black Hole". New idea? Hardly,
The concept of a Centra Black Sun "TULA" (Tule Society is the modern day version) is as old as the
Flood! Physicists w ill start up the Large Hadron Collider soon and in the process of attempting to prove
the "God Particle" w ill claim a "Black Hole" w as created. The resulting w orldw ide earthquakes foretold
in Mat 24:7. The Pestilence in that same paragraph w ill be the creation of biologists bent on
"W eaponizing" Bird Flu (The story on this is in Daily Updates "Plague" section). CERN sits on the
graveyard and chapel called "Voltaire's Castle". The 33 0 Freemason, Rosicrucian, Hermet Philosopher
Votaire aw aits Luciferian Resurrection w ith all the other French heroes entombed at the Pantheon in
Paris. Resurrection is guaranteed by God; theirs w ill be to everlasting Hell. The "God Particle" is a Lie;
w hat w ill cause Earthquakes simultaneously all over the globe? Fukushima Nuclear explosion, set off on
the "Ring of Fire" at the one spot on earth capable of causing this type of detruction. Now let's look at
the preparation for the "Begining of Sorrow s" aka 1260 day "Great Tribulation".
Laylat al Qadr
On Laylat al-Qadr, Aug 7, Presidents Obama and Putin initiated a new "Cold W ar" over
NSA/CIA/Booz-Allen-Hamilton hacker Edw ard Snow den. Obama stood on the exact same spot Ronald
Reagan said "My Gorbachev, Tear dow n this w all" last June. Obama bow ed to Emperor Akahito, w hose
father, a Luciferian Freemason extended W orld W ar II until the bombs could be used. He proclaimed "A
new beginning for Islam" in Cairo on the spot the Arab League and Muslim Brotherhood w ere founded.
Obama bow ed to W ahhabist dictator King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and toasted Queen Elizabeth II to
"god Save the Queen". 60 years ago, the Germanic Pagan declared herself "Queen of Jerusalem"!
On Aug 7, Texas Magistrate Judge Amos Mazzant declared "Bitcoin", the digital currency used on the
"DarkNet" aka "Silk Road" for illicit activities ranging from Narcotics, W eapons, Pornography,
Assassinations, and Human trafficking to be "Legal Tender". He has no legal ability to do this, but it
sure made global money laundering a w hole lot easier, w hich is fantastic new s if you are running
Heroin in Afghanistan or w eapons in Benghazi. On Aug 11 NYC Financial Regulator Benjamin Law ski has
given "Legitimacy" to Virtual Currency by regulating it through the court system. Just coincidence or
"Black Horse" riders w orking in concert?
BitCoin and TOR is not just for "Black Market" Drugs/Porn/W eapons, it is also the preferred
"Anonymous" Black Market for Journalists; Politicians; Human Rights Advocates; W histle Blow ers, like
Booz-Allen-Hamilton asset Ed Snow den; Political Dissidents and Protesters like "Anonymous" or the
"Tea Party". TOR Mail has all their off-record communications "Black Mail" stored, so a new MalW are
allegedly introduced on the TOR has a lot of people running for cover.
Need to get out of Dodge? How about an "Anonymous" aircraft callsign "Dot Com"? Just Charter a
Jet, load your favorite criminals onboard and file the flight plan through an "Anonymous" Corporation.
Need to pick up some w eapons or drugs? How about a Customs By-pass facility in Abu Dhabi?
Chaldean Priests first w ent by the title Konn-Torrs and Bitcoin the currency used on the TOR "The
Onion Router" connecting "Servers" on the TBB "TOR Brow ser Bundle". Luciferian Mason Neil Armstrong
said "Victory goes to those w ho can peel aw ay truths protective layers" That w ould be like an Onion!
Bitcoin uses the letter "B" and "Vires in Numeris". "B" w as derived from the Phoenician alphabet; in
Hebrew it means "House". Vires in Numeris means "Pow er or Strength in Numbers". Jesus said "W ho is
like unto the Beast...w ho is able to make w ar w ith the Beast".
On Aug 3 TEPCO admitted highly radioactive w ater has been flooding into the Pacific Ocean since
3/11/2011; 80,000 gallons/day of 150 Billion Bq/m3 Strontium (mimics calcium causing bone cancer),
and cesium laced w arer; the equivalent of 112 Hiroshima detonations every hour for 2 1/2 years. This
is in addition to Atmospheric releases, far in excess of Chernobyl. The first stop on its Atmospheric and
Oceanic course? North America. Fukushima not only uses Plutonium MOX Fuel w hich is a million times as
toxic as Uranium, it has ten times the fuel Chernobyl used.
On Aug 1, the US closed 22 Embassies in Muslim Nations over "Credible Threats" from al-Qaeda;
funny eh? al-Qaeda is a CIA creation.
On Aug 1, Israel attacked Homs, Syria w ith air-burst Tactical Nuclear Weapons. You read that right
and 4 have been used thus far.
On Aug 5 all non-essential personnel from Yemen w ere ordered to evacuate. This does not include
the 100,000 troops and w ho know s how many mercenary contractors on Socotra and Masirah Islands.
Drone Strikes began the next day and have continued unabated. Like all Mid East Operations Congress
has not approved this W ar.
On Aug 5, the US declared a w orldw ide "Terror Alert" in response to "Credible" threats by al-Qaeda
in Yemen. On Sept 11, 2013 1 Million Muslims intend to march on the W hite House to demand "Rights".
AMPAC (American Muslim Political Action Committee) sound a lot like AIPAC (American-Israel PAC)
because they have the same Luciferian root. AMPAC is demanding a panel to investigate 9/11/2001
and NSA Spying; Obama appointed Dir of National Intelligence James Clapper to head the board. Sort
of like 33 0 Luciferian Freemasons being appointed to investigate the JFK murder eh?
On Aug 5, FED Chairman Ben Bernanke declared an end to Quantitative Easing; the end of money
printing is bringing fears of a collapse in the $1.5 Quadrillion "Derivatives" Markets. "Usury" (Charging
Interest) is prohibited under Islamic Law , so this w ill affect mostly w estern economies, not China, the
UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Iran. Pretty pow erful events on Laylat al Qadr eh?
Abdel Mutallib mentored Muhammad to create Islam. Farouk Abdulmutallib became know n as the
Yemen "Christmas Bomber".
Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman becomes public enemy #1 after the USS Cole incident in Yemen.
Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire.
Jafar w as Sultan's evil Vizier in Disney's "Alladdin". Jafar al Sadiq w as from w hat is now Yemen and
became the first Shia Imam, causing the Sunni-Shia split. His son Ismail Jafar then split "Tw elver" Shias
from Ismailis "Hagarenes" w hich later split again as "Assassins".
Mothman w as the evil w inged Alien in the movie "Mothman Prophecies". Mazlan Othman is also the
name of the United Nations Space Alien Ambassador. Almost comical isn't it?
Remember James Holmes at the Colorado Theater? His father is knee deep in the LIBOR interest rate
fixing scandal.
Remember Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary? His father is also knee deep in the LIBOR
Remember Dzokhar Tzarnaev at the Boston Marathon? His father in law is knee deep in CIA
sponsored "Color Revolutions". W hat all 3 of these events have in common is paid "Crisis Actors".

All just coincidence or part of Islamic "Destiny"? One thing for sure is they have a lot of "Strength in
Numbers"; just not enough to beat Jesus Christ!

Royal Scam "Lord of the Frogs"

" I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of
the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet" Rev 16:13
The Fleur de Lis represents these 3 Frogs of the Satanic Trinity; Dragon (Satan), Beast
(Alternative Messiah ie "Tw elver" Al Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha, Bahai "Bab" or the Prophecy Summit or
Mormon version of Jesus) and False Prophet. Merovingian Kings used 3 Frogs to symbolize the Satanic
Trinity and the Bee to represent the W ord; Bee=W ord in Chaldee. Now it might make more sense w hy
the NSA is installing its fastest computer in the Beehive State at the Mormon Temple. The Beast and
False Prophet w ill come out of the ashes of W W III.
Al Qaeda is an American CIA creation; Osama bin Laden (Tim Osman) means "Lion of Ladon"; the
100 headed Ladon Dragon guards the Golden Apples of Hesperides (Land furthest W est ie America);
cut 1 head off, 2 more grow in its place. There is no fighting this imaginary Beast because it comes from
w ithin. Russia (Mol Comfort) and America (Benghazi) send arms to al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria and to
Bashar al-Assad (2002 Iraq W MD shipments). Iran-Contra sent US w eapons to Iran and Iraq. The US
Airbase at Manas, Kyrgystan nearly shares a runw ay w ith the Russian airbase at Kant. A new "Cold
W ar" is developing over NSA/CIA/Booz Allen-Hamilton asset Edw ard Snow den but know this; the story
is as much BS as Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev saying "Tear dow n this w all" or Osama bin
Laden training 19 Saudi hijackers to bring dow n the Tw in Tow ers.
al-Qaeda means "Solid Foundation"; Saudis call "al-Qaeda" the "Foreign Toilet". Its mythical founder
Osama bin Laden came to national attention in Y emen (means Happy Arab) the alleged ancestral
home of Joktanite Arabs. Arab means W est, desert, sunset, mingle, merchant, raven, or steppe. Rabbi
means Master, great one, or chief; they have a similar root "Great One" w ith Iran "Noble Caste"
aw aiting the arrival of "al-Mahdi". Brahmin, Ayathollah, Reverend, Kohanim are examples Jesus w arned
of in Mat 23:8-10 "Never call anyone Father.. Master.. Rabbi".
If billions of people didn't die in W ar III, this w ould almost be comical. Abdel Mutallib mentored
Muhammad to create Islam and Farouk Abdulmutallib becomes the "Christmas Bomber". Osama bin
Laden aka Tim Osman becomes public enemy #1 and Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire. Jafar
w as Sultan's evil Vizier in Alladdin and Jafar al Sadiq caused the Sunni-Shia split in Islam. His son
Ismail Jafar then splits "Tw elver" Shias from Ismailis, later called "Assassins". Mothman w as the evil
Alien in Mothman Prophecy; Mazlan Othman is the United Nations Space Alien Ambassador. Aslan is the
Lion hero in CS Lew is' novels. Being fed Shit and kept in the Dark is not my idea of a good time,
especially w ith Mushroom Clouds rising over Syria during Leo!
Lucifer or Jesus Christ are the only 2 options left on the table
The w orld w as divided in Joktan and Peleg's day. Joktanites settled the area from Mesha to Mt
Sephar in the East (Gen 10:30). W here is that? "...they journeyed from the east" to Shinar (Babylon)
according to the Authorized Bible Gen 11:2; in new versions "from the east" is changed to "to the
East". Quite a coup eh? The Arab League, Muslim Brotherhood and Arab Spring are Arab "Salafist"
meaning "Ancestors" movement; Joktan is the "Ancestor" meant here and they have no better friend
than the US, British and Israeli Governments. Nimrod did not build the Tow er of Babel or Nineveh;
Joktanite Arabs did! Question: Noah's Ark came to rest on Mt Ararat. Is that w est or east of Babylon?
The question boils dow n to the Authorized Bible or Gnostic Bibles. Does Jacob or Esau obtain
"Dominion" (Sovereign Authority to Rule)? Read Gen 27:40 KJV and compare it w ith new bible versions
and Esau's Coup w ill be apparent. God Hates Esau! (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13). The Arab pantheon has no
room for God, much less Jesus Christ; Great Ones desire "Freedom" not "Servitude". The LORD and
people follow ing/w restling w ith Him (Spiritual Israel) are fighting a battle w ith Amalekites that ends at
the 2nd Coming and the destructio of the "House of Esau".
Yemen means "Right w hen facing East"; "To go South" means to render useless; "Don't W orry Be
Happy" is about Yemen; it came to be called "Happy Arabia". In contrast, Jesus faced w est at the
crucifixion and w ent North to the Right hand of His Father. Yemen came to w orld attention w ith the
"False Flag" attack on the USS Cole in Oct 2000. As Ramadan 2013 comes to a close, the US ordered all
non-essential citizens to evacuate Yemen; w ell, except for the 100K troops, Drones, Nuclear
Submarines, Jets and Intelligence assets on Yemen's Socotra Island and Oman's Masirah Island. The
current attack threats center in Yemen caused closure of W estern Embassies in Muslim Nations on Aug
3. Laylat al-Qadr "Night of Pow er" or "Night of Destiny" may be any odd day at the end of Ramadan. It
seems al-Qaeda now has liquid clothing explosives; a bit reminisceint of the TATP (Tri-acetone; Triperoxide) bomber in the British Airw ays aircraft lavatory that started this nonsense. The Quran w as
first "Revealed" to Muhammad by Angel Gabriel (Jibril) on Laylat al-Qadr; a bit odd (one of the last Odd
nights in Ramadan) since Angel Gabriel also revealed the birth of Jesus as God in Flesh. W hat destiny?
Arabian destiny. Are Arabs mostly Muslim? Heaven's no, they are Luciferians pretending to be Muslim,
Christian, Jew ish (Talmud/Kaballah), Druze, Bahai, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist etc. Henry Kissinger put it
best "Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our w ars". Muslims fighting
Christians; Catholics fighting Protestants; Everyone persecuting Jew s, is all the same. Funny, the
Satanic geezer doesn't fit the traditional image of an Arab does he? Deut 7:10 "And repayeth them
that hate me to their face..." Seen people afflicted w ith the "Beak Nose"? They are anything but
Jew ish! They are Arab!
Arab Destiny
Arabs begin w ith Joktan. How do you spot an Arab? Aside from the Kafiya (Patterned Scarves),
Yarmulke, Kippah, Mitre of Dagan and Tartan (Phoenician Cloth), they usually go by lofty titles such as
Father, Master, Rabbi, Reverend, Melchisedek. Joktanite Arabs claim to have settled in w hat is now ,
Yemen; in truth Mashad, Iran is named after Mesha. Mesha to Sephar (Himalayas) are the Arab
"Steppes". Arabs then continue w ith Abraham's elder brother Haran "Sabians of Haran" (Sabah means
Sunrise and "Leave one's religion for that of another") are the continuation of the Chaldean/Akkadian
Priests "Kon-Torrs" or "Chaldean Magi"; they later became Egyptian "Priests of On", the Mede-Persian
"Magi" of Zoroastrianism and Priests of Mithra currently serving as the Roman Papacy and Jesuit
orders. Joktan (Arabs) has no Inheritance rights associated with Abraham; they simply "Mingle"
their seed w ith Ismaelites, w ho w ere "Cast Out" of inheritance "Hagarenes" and Edomites w ho sold
their "Inheritance Rights". After Haran, the Birthright lineage continues w ith Abraham's eldest son
Ishmael and Ismaili "Tw elver" Ayathollahs, Nizari "Assassins" and Jacob's eldest son Esau currently
impersonating Israel. Read Obadiah "...the captivity of Jerusalem, w hich is in Sepharad..." illustrates
the Arab takeover. Israel is not Jewish!!!!
Joktanites settled Mesha (Mashad, Persia) to Sephar, east of Iran aka Himalayas, the Highest
of the High Places called Chomolungma "Holy Mother". Ararat means "Mount of Descent"; Arar
means "Curse" referring to the "Curse of Canaan". Men of Babylon continued this "Curse" in Succothbenoth "Booths of Daughters". Men of Hamath (Canaan's father slept w ith his mother) w orshipped a

benoth "Booths of Daughters". Men of Hamath (Canaan's father slept w ith his mother) w orshipped a
Goat Idol "Ashima"; same one the Templars w orshipped is now "Uncle Sam". Sepharvaim use Nergal,
the Rooster/Cock (Roman Mars) as their symbol; in Iran the Brass Idol (Nehushtan; 2 Ki 18:2) is called
"Sanjak", the Brass Rooster Idol of "Now ruz" (New Light). Adrammelech and Anammelech are the gods
of the Sepharvaim (2 Kings 17:30-32), the Assyrian sun god and Easter Rabbit. Time to stop setting up
the "Grove" of Adrammelech at Christmas folks; w hile you are at it, tell your Priest/Pastor Jesus w asn't
Crucified at Easter or born on Christmas; Adrammelech w as!
Nergal is the Cuthite god of W ar and Pestilence. The British change the Rooster Idol to the Lion.
Their "Lion King" (George Alexander Louis) w as allegedly born on the Full Moon as the Sun entered
Leo on 7/22/13; British means Birthright; quite the Arab deception eh?
Israel has Shamash proudly displayed in the center of the Hanukkah Menorah; Shamash, the
Assyrian sun god is also Nergal; know n as the "Spy of Beelzebub", "Raging King" or "Furious One". The
Irish changed the tribal standard of Dan (Judge) from the Serpent to the Eagle; another coup made
from an outright Lie! That Eagle is on the $US for a reason! Now can you see w hy Britain, Israel, the
US, the Hashemite (Edomite) nation of Jordan, Turkey (Ottomans w ere founded by Osman I; Tim
Osman ringing a bell here?), Saudi Arabia (W ahhabism) and the United Arab Emirates Arms Dealers are
so chummy?
Highway to Hell
The Karakoram Hw y runs from SW China, connecting the "Silk Road" to Har Megiddo (Armageddon
or Mt of Slaughter). The Russian and US supply bases for Middle East w eapons and drugs are Kant
and Manas, next to each other in Bishkek, Kyrgystan on the "Silk Road"; a bit costly to airlift fuel to
100K troops in Afghanistan from there eh? To think, one little traffic jam in Islamabad is causing this!
Pretty coincidental Mid East W ars follow this route from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Jordan to
Armageddon eh? The "Yellow Brick Road" begins at the 38th Parallel in Fukushima and the DMZ in
Korea, the UN W ar that ended in Armistice. China is derived from Sina or "Sin"; Joktanites taught
Muslims to call their moon-god "Sin", "Allah", and made him God. How can anyone fall for that? How do
Christians fall for the Rapture, Christmas Tree, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny w hen both Jeremiah
(Jer 10:2-5; Gal 4:10) and Paul w arned against it? How did Jew s get talked into taking the rap for
Crucifying God? or the Talmud? or Kaballah? They follow ed Rabbis! Jesus w as Jew ish in every sense of
the w ord and told us "Never call any man Rabbi"; yet Talmudic Rabbis fill Synagogues. Folks, Solar
Priests all w ant and w ill get W W III! WWIII is about "Inheritance"; Lucifer's Inheritance! "For
evildoers shall be cut off: but those that w ait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth" Ps 37:9 Just
remember, Lucifer comes before Jesus Christ!
3/21/1314 "Nowruz"
Esau's "Destiny" to achieve "Dominion" (Gen 27:40 KJV; Dan 7:6) as the 3rd "Beast"! W hen?
Jacques de Molay w as executed in Paris 3/18/1314 "In 700 years, the Laurel w ill grow green again"Cathar Perfecti aka Theraputes of Alexandria or Society of Ormus in Iran. 3 days later is Now ruz, the
United Nations International day of "New Light" symbolized by the Rooster Heralding the Daw n
(Lucifer). The United Nations day of Peace, Solidarity and Renew al of Nature? God separated the
Nations by W ater (Jesus is the "Living W ater") in Peleg and Joktan's day! Green Man is
Bacchus/Dionysus the Templar god crow ned w ith the Laurel! The Federal Triangle displays this concept:
The W ashington Monument rising out out of the same Vesica Pisces (Labrys) seen on the Aquarian
Cross at Glastonbury Tor is connected to the Capitol (W omb of Jupiter) w ith Rosicrucian Abe Lincoln
sitting on the Fasces (Bundle of Rods tied by Red Cord around an Axe Blade=Fascism) facing East
across the Reflecting Pool to the rising sun over the Capitol and the Lady of Freedom w ith her back to
her nation; the Feminine side. The Pentagon connects the W ashington Monument (Baal's Shaft) and
W hite House (now you know w hy there have been no female presidents) w ith the Supreme House of
the Temple (no female 33 degree Freemasons either) and Meridian Hill; the Male side. 3rd Beast?
Connect the Capitol and W hite House betw een the 38 0 and 52 0 (51 0 51' is the slope of the Great
Pyramid) angles and these match the latitude of W ashington DC and the City of London. The Federal
Triangle is a 3-4-5 Triangle; 3 3 + 4 3 + 5 3 =216, w hich relates to the Earth's axis precession cycle as
does 6 3 =216; the Mark of this 3rd Beast is 666 representing a 3rd Man (Adam) being accepted. Dan
7:6 describes the 3rd Beast because 7X6=42 months the Beast w ill be in pow er; and 7+6=13, the
number associated w ith Rebellion and the Great Tribulation in Rev 13. Sodomite Marriage? Read how
God feels about this in Gen 13:13. America a Christian Nation? Yup, and Santa Claus is Jesus! NOT!
W hether Lucifer is crow ned w ith the Laurel on 3/21/1314 obviously remains to be seen, but if W W III
starts before then the odds go w ay up!
Laylat al-Qadr
On Aug 7, the last odd day of Ramadan "Laylat al-Qadr" Texas magistrate judge Amos Mazzant
declared "Bitcoin" (Vires in Numeris means Pow er, Strength or Force in Numbers), the digital currency
used on the "DarkNet" aka "Silk Road" to be "Legal Tender"; Treason is too kind a w ord for this. Islamic
Law prohibits "Usury"; a $1.5 Quadrillion "Usury" bubble is about to implode w estern economies w ho
do not heed God's Commandments prohibiting "Usury". It seems the long aw aited Islamic "Golden Age"
arrived on Laylat al-Qadr (any of the last odd days of Ramadan) 2013. Closure of 22 American
embassies in addition to other W estern Embassies on Laylat al-Qadr? That's Pow er! W hen a head of
the Ladon Dragon is cut-off, another grow s in its place just like al-Qaeda "Terrorists". Yemen's Socotra
and Masirah Islands are home to 100K troops, US nuclear subs, Drones and F-22's for the upcoming
attack on Iran. You may recall Christmas Bomber Farouk Abdulmutallib caused a ruckus taking a PETN
(Nitro-Penta) bomb from Y emen to Schipol Airport, the BS event (a match w on't explode PETN anymore
than TATP can be mixed in an aircraft lavatory or jet fuel can melt steel skyscrapers) caused 49,000
commercial airports to purchase cancer causing Full body Imaging Scanners and Back Scatter X-Rays at
$250,000 apiece; how 's that for pow er? Pretty fortunate Schipol Airport purchased these scanners in
advance eh? A UPS Cargo Jet in Y emen took off w ith Printer Toner Cartridges full of explosives causing
shipping Ports to purchase similar Millimeter W ave cargo scanners. UPS does not serve Yemen, so that
story is also BS, but pow erful nonetheless in terms of enriching the lying Elite and devastating
economies. al-Qaeda, the multi-headed, homeless enemy w as also blamed for 9/11/2001. Rabbi Dov
Zakheim admitted to $2.3 Trillion "Missing" from DOD accounts and every commercial airliner needlessly
outfitted w ith $50,000 cockpit doors; go ahead, do the math. Muslim extremists w ere initiallly blamed
for TW A-800 before the story changed to "Faulty Fuel Pumps". Every airliner has betw een 6 and 10
Fuel Boost Pumps that w ere needlessly replaced to the tune of $70,000 apiece (B-757-767). W hat
does a 12 year w ar cost in Afghanistan and Iraq? Every gallon of gas used in Afghanistan needs to be
airlifted from Manas Airbase Kyrgystan to the tune of $400/gal. Get the idea how this "Pow er" is
projected now ? Al-Qaeda w as the brainchild of Dervish Mystic ibn Sayyid Qutb and so w as Laylat alQadr; the Dervish philosopher Rumi said "God is w ith the Night of Pow er"; w rong Rumi, Allah/Lucifer is
w ith the Night of Pow er! Guess w ho Abdul Mutallib is?
Muhammad's uncle Abdel Mutallib made up the Laylat al-Qadr story. Funny how Jafar w as Sultan's
evil Vizier in Disney's Alladdin! Jafar al Saddiq caused the Sunni-Shia split; His son Ismail Jafar caused
Shias to split; now you know w hy Turkey and Saudi Arabia pretend they can't get along w ith Ismailis in
Iran! Osama bin Laden? or Tim Osman? How about neither, Osman I w as the founder of the Ottoman
Empire! Their contempt for our intelligence is incomprehensible!
As Ramadan ends and Shaw w al begins on Eid al Fitr. SMOM, Rhodes Scholar and Committee of 300

"Olympian" W es Clark (nee Kohen) said 7 nations w ould be invaded in 5 years in 2007; that's 5 years
ago. W ar w ith Syria and Iran is a foregone conclusion. China and Russia are aligned w ith Syria and Iran
w hich is w hy Booz Allen Hamilton/CIA/NSA asset Ed Snow den is playing the modern day Helen of Troy
w ith lifelong KGB asset Vladimir Putin; Snow den is the face that w ill sink a thousand ships. W ith w hat?
Russian made Yakont Supersonic Cruise Missiles and Super-cavitating 230 MPH torpedoes aimed into
the eastern Mediterranean and Persian Gulf. Every ship in the Persian Gulf or transiting the Straits of
Hormuz w here 40% of the w orld's oil is shipped is a "Floating Coffin" thanks to these specially
designed short range, lethal w eapons purpose built for one purpose, W W III. That folks is the
Language of Oil. Satan is called Abaddon; guess w here the 1st British Oil refinery is? Abaddan Is; it's
called Anglo-Iranian Oil aka BP! The British created Israel and w ill instigate W W III w ith Iran, the MedePersian Ram of Dan 8; nice eh?
War: The worldwide Luciferian Racket
The US is closing 22 embassies in Muslim Nations on Lugnasadh (Aug 3) follow ing Laylat al-Qadr;
those Nations are the same ones America financed "Arab Spring" Revolutions in; now it might make
more sense w hy America is so cozy w ith the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia,
the w orld's arms dealers. The US also threatening nuclear w ar w ith China. W hy? Russia supplies China,
Iran and Syria w ith w eapons. On June 17, the Japanese made cargo ship American President LinesRussia aka MOL Comfort (Mol means Millstone used to separate W heat from Chaff) split in half w ith
50,000 tons of w eapons destined for Saudi Arabia and Al Qaeda Syrian Rebels; aw aiting the shipment?
Committee of 300, Luciferian Freemason, Jesuit Knight of Malta, John Kerry (nee Samaritan Kohen) w ith
the "Friends of Syria". Digest this a moment; Russia supplies both sides of the w ar in Syria; the US
supplies both sides of the w ar in Syria. This makes the Ed Snow den affair a Lie! Some Snow Job eh?
The US arms to al Qaeda Syrian "Rebels" through Benghazi and the Bashar al-assad through Iraq.
The US sent Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the Ayatollah Khomeini W MD's during "Iran-Contra" w hich
w ere transferred to Bashar al-Assad in 2002 (Bob Gates has even admitted this). W hy Syria? Isaiah
17:1 "Burden of Damascus"! God has "Hardened Hearts" as He did w ith Pharaoh chasing Israel into
the Red Sea. 29 Shaw w al is the birth of Muhammad's uncle and mentor Abd al-Muttalib; does that
name sound familiar? It should Abdul Mutallib w as the al Qaeda Christmas Bomber from Yemen! 10's of
thousands of commercial airports all over the w orld being forced to purchase Full Body Imaging
Scanners at $250K apiece is a lot of motivation, as w ere $50,000 cockpit doors for every commercial
airliner after the 9/11/2001 al Qaeda False Flag and $70K Fuel Pumps (each aircraft has 6 or more) for
TW A-800. Hard to believe our US Navy shot that aircraft dow n isn't it? A $Trillion does funny things to
The Gulf W ars started on Lughasadh (Aug 2, 1990); the first Cross-Quarter Sabat of the W itchcraft
Calendar; a W ild Goat (Azazel=God Of All Things=Satan) is made king and a Sacred Bull is sacrificed.
Israel took the opportunity to launch a tactical nuclear weapon on Homs, Syria, likely from a German
made Dolphin submarine; a similar nuclear device w as also used on Qasyoon in addition to Sarin
Chemical W eapons; reports are as many as 4 tactical nuclear w eapons have been used since
Lugnasadh. The Irony is Russia and the US are supplying these type w eapons to both sides and
blaming each other! The "W ild Goat"? W atch the video My Pet Goat II Azazel "Goat that Departs" is
Satan! Notice the Sacred Barque taking the alternative Messiah tow ard the Sunrise. That Barque is the
same one that ferried the Soul of Pharaohs to the afterlife symbolically from the Sphinx after Initiation
to the Great Pyramids (Orion=Osiris). That folks, represents the Luciferian Initiation! The Sacred Bull?
Look at W all St, it's the same one Israeites w orshiped at Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia after the Exodus and
later set up idols in Dan and Beth-el. Aug 2-3 "Lughasadh" is also the 23rd anniversary of Luciferian
Masons/Carlyle Group investors George Bush Sr and Saddam Hussein starting Gulf W ar I over an
identical lie. The really sad part is Satanists get aw ay w ith this in plain sight.
"Black Nobility"
Kissing the Frog (Satan, Beast, False Prophet) w ill turn Satan into a King and send you to Hell for
Eternity. This is not about Nations against Nations or Religion against Religion; it is about Humanity
choosing Lucifer or Jesus Christ. On Earth, Satan's Nobility are called "Black Nobility". Never one to beat
around the bush, my guess (Guess folks, just a guess) remains Thomas Plantard (his parents w ere
tw in brother and sister; his grandfather Pierre Plantard a Vichy French Nazi collaborator; Pierre and
Thomas as Grand Masters of the Prieure of Zion is BS!) and Bishop Timothy "Kallistos" W are (Orthodox
Bishop of Patmos w here John received the book of Revelation). Satan w ill be cast to earth at the 5th
Trumpet (Rev 9:11; 12:9-12). Black Nobility w ill fake this event w hich is w hy Site 911 w as chosen for
Project 911, a radiation hardened bunker in Beit Shemesh, Israel due to be completed Aug, 2014.
Archangel Michael leads the w ar in Heaven preceding this event; Just a guess, but Prince Michael
Stuart, playing the role of Archangel Michael (Sept 29 is the Feast Day of Michael) may also make an
appearance w ithin the Scottish Presbyterian Church. W hy? Tartan is Phoenician (Canaanite) Cloth,
Prince W illiam and Kate just allegedly gave birth to the Stuart heir; a Royal Scam? You bet. Note the
similarity w ith the 6th Vial (Rev 16:12), Gnostics w ill falsify everything possible to replace Jesus w ith
Lucifer; their "The ends justify the means" pretty much sums this up. The key to understanding this
deception is to establish a one on one personal covenant w ith Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King
of Kings, and reading nothing into the W ord of God as w ritten in the Authorized Bible (KJV). Esau
obtains "Dominion" (Gen 27:40 KJV) not Jacob! Esau married into the Canaanites in defiance of God's
w ill; nothing has changed folks! British means "B'Rith or Birthright Covenant of Canaan, the first born
human being after the Flood and his bloodline through Ishmael and Esau.
Gnostic Sage Simon Magus follow ed by Basilides of Alexandria w ere said to have created
Gnosticism, but by their day Gnosticism w as 4000 years old. Gnostics believe the Universe w as created
from the "Unbegotten Father", a Hermaphrodite combination of Mind (Nous), Christ (W ord or Logos),
Intelligence (Sophia) and Pow er. The Cosmic Seed "Panspermia" gave birth to Star Children descended
from Amphibians like Frogs; like Jesus they become Illuminated through W ater Baptism and like Jesus
w hose Death and Suffering on the Cross w as inconsequential as He w as replaced by a "Surrogate" in
Simon of Cyrene. Indestructibility of the Soul gives the Gnostic a false sense of security his Soul w ill
reside among the Fixed Stars at death (remember this in the Lion King?); it does not! The soul is to be
Judged by God! Benghazi is Cyrene; Benghazi is today, the w orld's W W III w eapons bazzaar.
Destruction of the human body "Inconsequential"? This Gnostic and Cathar belief is the reason
Fukushima w as loaded w ith MOX (Plutonium-Uranium), caused to melt and flooded w ith seaw ater.
Since 3/11/2011 Fukushima has been releasing the equivalent of 112 Hiroshima Bombs worth of
radiation every hour; that's 3.5 Million times the radiation that instantly killed 150,000 innocent
Japenese civilians; just slow er. This does not include the eventual collapse of the 1400 tons of spent
fuel (Chernobyl w as 1/10th of this) pool or fission explosion of the melted fuel under the nuclear plant.
Folks, the W ater Broke and that Genie cannot be put back in the bottle!
It's also the reason Deep W ater Horizon has been allow ed to spread Oil and Methane throughout
the massive Salt Dome under the Mississippi River Valley. NOAA, FEMA and the US Navy are planning for
this Salt dome to collapse at any time. Destruction of Flesh? W oodrow W ilson, Lyndon Johnson, Mao
Tse Tung, W inston Churchill, FDR, Adolf Hitler, Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Bush Jr/Sr et all can
take credit for as many deaths by Lead as Henry Kissinger can by by outlaw ing DDT. W hy on Earth

w ould a person like Dr Ron Fouchier resurrect the 1918 Spanish Flu virus and genetically modify it for
Human to Human transmission? W hy is W HO Director Margaret Chan Committee of 300 member and an
Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire under Prince Phillip w ho claims he w ants to be
reincarnated as a "Killer virus"? Exterminating 90% of humanity just for shits and giggles? or a more
sinister purpose? For the Gnostic, Salvation is merely Disentangling the Spirit from Matter; the Body is
not Resurrected in this system and only the Soul is Saved. Jesus says the opposite; everyone w ill be
bodily resurrected, some to everlasting life, others, their Soul condemned to everlasting Hell. Sins of
the Flesh are inconsequential to Gnostic Salvation. Heard that before? Aleister Crow ley "Do W hat Thou
W ilt shall be the w hole of the Law ". How about Martin Luther? "Sin and sin boldly for nothing can
separate you from God" How about John Calvin? "Fixed Pre-destination" sound familiar? This is
Gnostics refer to the Frog as the "Hermaphrodite of the earliest beginning" and the "Supreme Good
of the Sun and Infinite Evil" Sounds like Zoroastrian religion because it is; Ahura Mazda (Light) versus
Ahriman (Dark). Zoroastrian means "Seed of Ashta" or "Star Seed". W ant to meet some modern day
Zoroastrians w ho w ill "fiddle as Rome burns"? On Aug 24 Sir Paul McCartney (Sgt Pepper is Aleister
Crow ley "The Beast' and Yellow Submarine is the Sun/Lucifer) w ill host the "W orld Star Seed
Assembly". Satan/Lucifer is Hermaphrodite "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the
desire of w omen, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all" Dan 11:37-38. Ironically,
the original fake Jew ish Slave traders now called Monsanto produce pesticides w hich cause Frogs to
become Hermaphrodite. Round-up also causes sterility by the w ay! Astro-physicists call this monster
the "God Particle" aka "God of forces" (Dan 11:38) because Black Nobility created the Black Matter and
Black Hole lies. Pardon the language here, but isn't it time to tell them to go F--- themselves?
Sea Beast is the Sun "Y ellow Submarine"
Merovingians claim descent from Merovee, a Sea Beast; in reality they are Germanic Pagans w hose
progenitor Canaan w as "Cursed" due to his father Ham's incest. The female bloodline continued via
Chaldeans, Ishmael, Esau, Hyksos (foreign rulers of Egypt), Hittites (Santa is a Hittite god), Phoenicians
(Pa Enoch=House of Enoch), Scythians, Celts (Druids=Know ers of Trees), Irish Nobility (King
Zedekiah's Daughter Tea Tephi brought to the Emerald Isle by the prophet Jeremiah), Teutons
(Goths=Ostrogoths and Visigoths), Angles-Saxons (took Britain on 9/11/472), Normans, Guelph, Tudor,
Stuart, Hanover, W ettin, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and finally W indsors; the Teutonic Nobility aka Tuatha de
Danaan (Children of Anu/Zeus); BS? Absolutely, Zeus w as the original W hite Bull! I hope you spotted
the fallacy here; Zedekiah did "Evil in sight of the Lord" for w hich God sent Nebuchadnezzar to kill his
sons and put his eyes out. Jeremiah did not escape the fall of Jerusalem w ith one of Zedekiah's
daughters, nor is there any Irish-Scottish-English-French "Royalty"; it's a "Royal Scam" created by the
Canaanites intermarried w ith Ishmaelites and Edomites w ho call themselves British-Israel. Lost 10
Tribes? That's right folks, BS! The biggest Dung Heap of BS? The Mormon Church. Perhaps the biggest
symbol of this Royal Scam is the symbol of the Tribe of Dan. Folks, the Pagan Irish "Book of Kells"
started the myth Dan changed their tribal standard to the Eagle; they did not because God never
changes His mind. Dan is symbolized by the Serpent. Canaanites w ho married Edomites use the Eagle.
W hy is the Eagle on American and Mexican National Flags? Amurru is the Edomite Serpent god and
Amar is the Canaanite god of the w est. The Beatles "Yellow Submarine" is the Sun. "I'll follow the Sun"
is the "W ay of Horus" from the Sphinx (Initiation) to the Pyramids (Osiris) and immortality among the
Stars. "Sgt Pepper" is Aleister Crow ley "The Beast". Folks, it's a Luciferian Lie. The only w ay to
immortality is through God in Flesh; Jesus Christ.
Mary Magdalene "Holy Grail", "Tower of Babel" and Mormon "Gate of Hell"
Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge in gematria is 360; he w as allegedly delivered on July
22 (22/7=Pi) on the "Feast Day of Mary Magdalene". W as Katherine pregnant? I doubt it; the W ater
that broke here occurred at Fukushima w ith the admission 150 Billion Bq/m3 radioactive w ater is and
has been released since 3/11/2011. Mary Magdalene considered a Saint by the Catholic, Orthodox,
Anglican, Lutheran Churches and the "Heroine of Faith" in Protestant Churches; W hy? Magdala means
"Tow er", the first "Tow er of Babel" w as built in Babylon of Slime (Blackmail) and Bricks (Initiated People)
during the reign of Sargon the Great. Bab=Gate; El=Lucifer/Elohim. Slime is Bitumen (Tar/Asphalt)
produced from death of living things during the Flood. Sargon II w as Legitimized in 722 BC w hen Israel
(specifically Ephraim) made a treasonous covenant w ith Satan and the Assyrian Army commander
"Tartan" w hich Scottish Presbyterians revere to this day. In Salt Lake City is the "Eagle Gate" just
south of the Tabernacle and Temple; the Eagle carries the Beehive full of Chaldean Bees serving the
Queen in Hexagons "Stars of Molech". Once again, the Eagle is Esau (Edom) carrying the Chaldean
Bee=W ord; the "Seed" of the Canaanites! Essen means "Priest"; Essenes w ere Priests of
Cybele/Ishtar. Mormons claim Ephraimite and Dannite lineage; this is w hy Ephraim and Dan are not
listed among the "Saved" in Rev 7. Sargon III w as legitimized on 7/22/2013 w hen the Sun entered
Leo. Leo is the 4th Initiation of 7 in Mithraism; Jesus is the Lion of Judah, Satan is the "Roaring Lion"
described in 1 Pet 5:8. Satan attempts to be like Jesus in every w ay. Like the Lion, Jacobites and
Jacobins have nothing to do w ith Jacob; they created Revolutions in France, England, Scotland and
America; Jacobites w ill create another in America under the name Mormons meaning "Gates of Hell";
Mormons claim ancestry from Jacob (Ephraim, Manasseh, Dan, Levi and Judah specifically); the only
difference is Zedekiah's dead son Mulek came to America rather than Tea Tephi to Ireland. Mulek
sounds like Molech because they are one in the same. Now look at the inverted 5pt Star under the
Beehive of the Eagle Gate and the 6 ft Star of Molech over the entrance door to the Tabernacle. Make
sense? Then answ er this: W hy is Jesus fully illuminated by the Sun yet eclipsing the Earth as seen in
the Christus Statue at the Mormon Visitor's Center? Ans: Because that Christ is not Jesus at all; it is
the Moon god called "Allah". So, w ill you be shouting Allah Akhbar on Eid al Fitr (8/8/13)? or praying for
forgiveness to Jesus Christ? 13/8=Ratio of Life, symbolized by the Labrys seen in the Christian Fish
Symbol. Like the Lion, that symbol is also Satan.
13/8=Phi 22/7=Pi
On 7/22 2 Stars of Molech formed in the Sky; one w ith the Stars: Altair, Diphda, Eridanus, Sirius
(Mormon Kolob), Regulus (Alpha Leo and Arcturas (Arthur King of Britons); the other w ith planets:
Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune and the Full Moon. This is how "Children of the Stars" obtain
"Legitimacy". The Six Pointed Star is a Hexagram used in Satanism and W itchcraft ie Magis; it w as
brought to Israel by the Phoenicians (Canaanites) as the Seal of Solomon. 7/22/13 w as their big day
as the Sun entered Leo during a Full Moon w ith 2 Seals of Solomon forming in Planets and Stars in the
Firmament of Heaven. Didn't notice that? Me neither but Sabian (Sba=Star; Sabah=Sunrise) Astrologers
sure did.
Sargon means Legitimate; the female bloodline "Holy Grail" began in Sumeria and ends in London
w ith the Royal Scam. I'm w ell aw are the Royal W edding pictures w ere photo shopped to look like
Disney's (W alt w as a 33 0 Mason) Cinderella; I'm interested in w hat Cinderella represents. Cinderella
originated in China as a rags to riches story similar to Ali Baba in 1001 Arabian Nights, a story of the
coming Islamic Golden Age. The similarity here is the Royal Child, if one exists is the 1001 Arabian
Knight in the Royal Order of the Garter; W illiam is #1000. 22/7=Pi, Cinderella's shoe represents the
"Squaring of the Circle" symbolized by the Great Pyramid base approximating the Earth's
Circumference; the 52 0 angle matches the latitude of London, W estminster

Abbey/Stonehenge/Glastonbury Tor. The Height of the Pyramid to the Base represents the Polar Radius
of the Earth compared to the Equatorial Circumference. All just coincidence? Not on your eternal life;
the monument is also a predictor of the coming of the Christ (Messiah), but w hich one? Cinderella
means "Ashes", the ashes created by self-immolation of the Phoenix (House of Enoch) used on
American money. A Cinderella style reversal of fortune told in similar stories all over the w orld is about
to happen. Muslim means "One w ho submits" to w orship Allah. Allah is the Arab moon god "Sin". China
is derived from Sina=Sin. Make sense yet?
Gnostics create the Circle (or more properly Sphere) of Heaven on Earth using the Square and
Compass of Masonry. Tikkun Olam means "Repair of the Earth". How ? The w ay Jesus w ill do it of
course; by culling the "Un-initiated" aka "Useless Eaters". The UN Planetary Initiative states "Nobody
w ill progress into the New Age w ithout taking a Luciferian Initiation". This "Culling of the Herd" began
w hen TEPCO announced the release of 200 Bq/m3 w ater from Fukushima on 7/22; the same day
Cathar-ine and W illiam claimed the Royal birth of George Alexander Louis of Cambridge w hich by A=1
B=2...Gematria equals 360. Magic? 360 degrees of the Egyptian Solar Year w as represented as the 365
days w ith 7 letters ABRAXAS adding to 365. Cathars predicted in 700 years the Laurel w ould grow
green again; D-Day in 1944 w as bad; this is far w orse and 700 years after Cathar assets w ere seized
in 1313. 2013 is setting up to be bad, w hat happens on 3/18/2014, some 700 years after Jacques
deMolay w as executed in Paris? Ask Committee of 300, 33 0 deMolay Mason, Bilderberg, CFR, Bohemian
(Bohemian=Gypsy=Germanic Pagan) Grove initiate Bill Clinton!
Magick: Creating Wealth out of thin air
Committee of 300 member and Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas began "Magis 2013" on July 16
commemorating the birth of the Islamic Calendar and concluded it on 7/22 "Feast Day of Mary
Magdelne". The next day Pope Francis I began "W orld Youth Day" offering "Indulgences" to his
Internet faithful; the encyclical "Light of Faith" paved the path to Sainthood for Pope John Paul II, the
first modern Pope to openly carry the Pagan "Tw isted Crucifix". Magis refers to Enochian Magick; Enoch
being 365 years old w hen he w as taken to heaven. Gnostics revere the Egyptian Solar Year as Abraxas
or Abrasax, the root of ABRACADABRA. These 7 Greek letters represent 365.
HSBC "Hong Kong Shanghai Bank) cut-off financing to the Vatican; the largest British Bank launders
drug proceeds, in addition to controlling Shipping Ports and Air Terminals; the Vatican? High and Dry
w ith no prospective Bankers stepping forw ard. Revenge? You bet; Templar revenge 700 years in the
Committee of 300 member Ben Bernanke announced the end of Quantitative Easing on Aug 1,
meaning $500 Trillion in Interest Rate based "Derivatives" w ill soon crash the $1.5 Quadrillion
"Derivatives" Market. 15 International Banks are being investigated for Derivatives Interest Rate Fixing
(ISDAfix). LIBOR (London Interbank Offering Rate) is the root of this corrupt tree, ISDAfix are the
branches; hundreds of $trillions in Interest Rate Sw aps occur every year, so the fraud is multiplied
exponentially and repeats on a daily basis. The Black Horse was released 12/21/2011 according to
w w w .One-heaven.org/, LIBOR Interest rate fixing follow ed by fixing of ISDAfix has created a w orldw ide
$1.5 Quadrillion bubble that is about to implode like a "Black Hole"; those are myth too. International
Banks exposed to the toxic debt w ill collapse as they w ere designed to do, enslaving every person on
earth to their Fiat Paper Money Scam. Gold, Silver, Diamonds? The "Elite" have safely tucked aw ay
these assets in places like the City of London and Sw itzerland w here the "Gnomes of Zurich"
(Templars) are the very same guys Jesus turned the tables of the Money Changers over on! W hy?
Gnostics honor Satan w ith "...gold, and silver, and w ith precious stones and pleasant things" Dan
Chaldean Magick consists of 3 parts Pledge, Turn, Prestige. This w ill complete the Turn. Magick
w orks by "Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight". CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports" are the
"Hidden Books" accounting for the Assets offsetting the Liabilities. W ant to become a Politician?
Increase Debt and Sell Assets like Sodomite Israeli Dual Citizen Rahm Emanuel did in Chicago, Dave
Bing did in Detroit and Committee of 300, Knight of Malta Michael Bloomberg did in New York w here
every person not only ow es the Federal Government $52,000 but $20,000 to the City and State.
Belgium w as created to be the Germanic (eg Japheth, Ashkenaz, Gomer) belly of the Beast in
1831; it's no secret the EU w as built to resemble the traditional vision of the Tow er of Babel w ith the
W oman Riding the Beast out front and Seat #666 empty for the future "Beast" leader; Herman von
Rompuy is even a Belgian Committee of 300 member. know n as "The Priest". NATO, also in Belgium w ill
control the w estern forces engaged in W W III. Less know n is Chateau des Amerois is called "Castle of
Kings"; w hich king? Amar is the Canaanite god of the w est; Amurru the Edomite serpent and shepherd
and Ameru=Serpent. George Bush Sr and Jr flew the tw ins Jenna and Barbara to this Chateau in AF-1
for a "Sealing" (Sealing is W itchcraft and part of Mormon Ritual) ceremony at age 19 in 2000 yes there
is proof. Remember the "1000 points of light" initiative? the Chapel has the 1000 points of light dome
under w hich ritual sacrifices attempt to capture the Soul at the moment of death; the lights
representing the fixed stars. How ? Magick of course ABRASAX=365; the source of ABRACADARBA; the
Castle has 365 w indow s to represent the days in a Solar Year.. Mass murderer Marc Dutroix made
headlines about this same time in late 1990's revealing a w orld of infant sacrifice, snuff plays,
pedophilia, cannibalism and orgies among European Elite. Marc Dutroix partner Michel Nihoul spelled
out the w hy of this "I control the Government; everyone has compromising dossiers". Blackmail is a
pow erful tool, just like mythical Black Holes, Black Nobility, the the NSA "Black Hat", Blackw ater (now
changed to Academi, the name of Plato's pedophile training academy in Greece), the CIA Blackstone
Group, Black Hand (Cosa Nostra), Shadow Government or the Black Pope. Black absorbs Light and
Lucifer is the Light Bringer! Even JK Row ling got into the act w ith Sirius Black; cute eh? In all Siriusness
though, Sirius is the Star of Isis (Mormon Kolob is the same) 2013 is the year the Heliacal rising of Sirius
occurs betw een the paw s of the Sphinx representing the constellation Leo. If you saw the movie
10,000 BC you saw the reason Leo and the Sphinx is a big deal w ith regard to Luciferian Initiation;
the "Great Year" of 25,990 years brings the spring equinox sunrise through all 12 astrological houses;
in 10,000 BC Leo w as in the position Pisces-Aquarius is today. Have they stopped? Jimmy Saville, a
British Knight w as caught running a similar pedophile ring for British and European Elite recently. The
Beast w ill be an Alternative Lion of Judah and in 2013, that happened w ith the Royal Birth of the "Lion
King" on 7/22/13. A Royal Scam reversing Good for Evil and Jesus Christ w ith Lucifer!
C'thulu Cult
The Hidden Internet is the modern day "Black Market" version of the Merchants of Venice "Black
Nobility". W W III w ill feature a mass exodus from Japan due atmospheric and oceanic radiation to the
w est along the "Silk Road" originally developed by Ghengis Khan betw een the Rooftop of the W orld
(Himalayas: Mt Everest is called Chumolongo "Holy Mother") to Har Megiddo along the Karakoram Hw y,
Islamabad, Pakistan (no, sorry, Osama bin Laden didn't die on Beltane there; nor w as Seal Team 6
shot dow n w ith a lucky shot), Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Jordan (Idumea= the land of Edom, Moab
and Ammon). This is precisely w hy the Gulf W ars are being fought, not over Oil. Merchants of Death
reap and launder profits from W eapons, Drugs, Porn, Slavery, Body parts trafficking etc on the Internet
Silk Road. The first Chaldean Solar Priest "Kon-Torrs" (Priests of the Revolver) are today using the "Tor
Netw ork" aka "Hidden W eb" or "DarkNet" using a "Tor Brow ser" (The Onion Netw ork) originally

developed by the US Navy. Sites like Euroarms sell military w eapons. W hite W olves contracts out
Assassinations. Hard Candy sells Heroin/Cocaine. Zoo Portal sells Bestiality. Human Experiment sells
medical tests Josef Mengele or Major Horatio Ishi w ould be proud of. including vivisection, starvation,
exposure, hyper/hypobaric death, infections, X-Ray exposure etc. Sw atting Service sells trained SW AT
teams for hire. Fixed Match Buy-in provides betting on fixed sports events including Death Matches
(new episodes of Criminal Minds and Crossing Lines are even show ing how this w orks). Jail Bait? w ell
it's pretty obvious. All Purpose ID's is the US Marshal's Service W itness Protection program on steroids;
need to disappear like Ken Lay? North American Killers finds jobs for police/military trained soldiers in
Mexican Drug Cartels. Operation Gun Runner w as out in the open; w ant to join Mitt Romney's Sinaloa
Drug family? call these guys.
C'thulu is the name of an organized criminal group of mercenaries and soldier initiated into the
Brotherhood of Death communicating via the "Tor Netw ork". C'thulu is also the name of a semi-fictitious
Beast created by Rosicrucian Sci-Fi w riter HP Lovecraft. C'thulu is of gargantuan size, part Human,
Octopus, and Dragon centered in Saudi Arabia called the "Green sticky spaw n of stars" Heard of the
"Spaw n of Stars" before? Astronomer Carl Sagan said "W e are all Children of Stars"; He lied. Paul
McCartney w ill host the "Star Seed Assembly" on Aug 24; Let's call them by their real name folks,
Luciferians. Centered in Saudi Arabia? Now w here have w e heard that before? al-Qaeda w as allegedly
centered in Saudi Arabia. How does this relate to Lucifer? al-Qaeda w as a term coined by W ahhabist
philosopher Ibn Sayyid Qutb, an Islamic professor at Stanford University in 1966 aka "Anno Satanae"
or "Year One Satan". Anyone of interest born in 1966 besides the Church of Satan? How about Thomas
Plantard? Green sticky spaw n of stars? Green Language is a hidden Luciferian language of Langue d'
Oc (Language of Occitane) used by Gnostics; it is cogent w ith the Language of Oil and Language of
Birds (Augury). Remember the Iranian "Green Revolution" in 1979? In 1979 Thomas Plantard w as
presented by his grandfather Pierre at age 13 in 1979; in 1989 he allegedly became Grandmaster of
the Prieure of Zion. Is it a real bloodline? Of course not; it's a Royal Scam, but in hidden w ays, Thomas
"Tw in" w as being presented as the Alternative Messiah much like Black Virgin Statues are depicted.
Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion"; they predicted "In 700 years, the Laurel w ill grow
green again". The part human/octopus/dragon of gargantuan size is the Beast nobody can make w ar
w ith except Jesus Christ. The Octopus (Octagon) guarding the Hexagram "Star of Molech" is the symbol
of Chateau des Amerois and the underground sect; it is also the foundation of the W itchcraft Calendar
and British Flag called the "Star if Isis". A rope tied in and endless knot (Figure 8=Infinity Sigh) around
the Fleur de Lis is the symbol of the Prieure of Zion; Catch the similarity? The Dragon is Satan and the
Devil. There is no converting them or reasoning w ith them because they have taken Luciferian
Initiations. The great new s is you and I don't have to!
Science means "To Scire" ie bring forth the 3 frogs Lucifer, Beast, False Prophet. Science is by far
the most apostate religion on earth; a quick list of the latest theories show s unimaginable contempt for
God and human intelligence.Neutralinos "Dark Matter" are Neutrinos oscillating between Matter and

Anti-matter states called WIMPS held together by Gluons. At the center of Galaxies, WIMPS (Weakly
Interacting Massive Particles) collect into MACHOS (Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects) aka
Black Holes. Rabbit Holes (aka Worm Holes or Star Gates) connect our Universe to Mirror
Universes", full of Alice Matter, measurable through RAMBOs (Robust Associations of Massive
Baryonic Objects) or mutated Neutrinos "Muons". String Theory or Super-symmetry Theory proposes
Dark Matter is made up of Charginos, Winos, Binos, Guaginos, Higgsinos, Squarks and Gluinos.
Project designed to prove the "God Particle" are ATLAS, SOUDAN, GEST, NEMO, NARC,
MINERVA, NESTOR, and AGAPE. Jesuit astronomers even operate the Lucifer Telescope. God
Particles not only give order to the Universe, they form a Warped "BRANE" altering Space and Time; the
Dark Matter BRANES are of course Black BRANES our Universe being only one BRANE called a PBRANE and it's counterpart Black P-BRANE. Sounds like our current President eh?

I only w ith I w ere joking about this! Folks, it's time to cut the Bull Shit and start w restling w ith God.
W e are very close to the start of the Great Tribulation. Not the 2nd Coming, the Great Tribulation
w hen Esau obtains "Dominion" (Dan 7:6). Rapture? Made up nonsense. Aliens? Made up as w ell.
Human/Reptilians? Made up garbage. Not prepared for w hat's coming? Me neither, but w e had better
get ready. If this doesn't scare you into your Prayer Closet for a one on one w ith Jesus Christ, w hat
w ill?

9 Av
Ramadan, Tisha b' Av (9 Av=16 July, 2013), MAGIS 2013, World Youth Day, Pike's Peak
Prophecy Summit, Feast Day of Mary Magdalene (July 22), Feast Day of St James (July
25), Feast Day of Ignatius Loyola (1st Jesuit General "Black Pope"; July 31), the "Alleged"
Royal Birth, Bohemian Grove and the Black Hat Conference all coincide with the Sun
entering Leo (July 22), 6 planets and 6 stars align to form 2 Stars of Molech, the 26 year
Harmonic Convergence and the Heliacal Rising of Sirius signaling the Galactic New Year.
Folks, we need to head to our Prayer Closets!
9 Av is the date the 1st and 2nd Jew ish Temples w ere destroyed; Born Again Christians are the 3rd
Temple and are scattered all over the w orld. W aiting for the Rapture? That's not in scripture, but Jesus
told us in Rev 7:16 (July 16=7:16) w e had better get ready to go through the "Great Tribulation" and
w ash our robes "W hite" in the blood of the lamb! The Angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to Muhammad
on 17 Ramadan, on that day (July 25) in 2013. Think it's coincidence a train derailed at Compostela,
Spain as pilgrims gathered for the Feast Day of St James on July 25?
MAGIS 2013 Jesuit General aka Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas (Adolfo=Noble W olf; Nico=Conquer;
Nicolaitanes are Gnostics w ho "Conquer the Laity" as "W olves in Sheep's Clothes" eg Mormons
"Church of Jesus Christ..." Jesuits "Society of Jesus"; both are Gnostic Satanists in Sheep's Clothes) w ill
host MAGIS 2013 July 16-22), in Rio de Janiero (Janus is the Roman 2-Faced god of Doors). Nicolas is in
reality "President of the W orld" controlling International Maritime Law s (eg. Gold Braid around US and
State Flags), Banking (eg Federal Reserve), Freemasonry, Intelligence Agencies such as the CIA, KGB,
Mossad, MI-6, Scotland Yard, Interpol; CFR, Bilderberg Group, Knights of Malta (Hospitallers or Knights
of St John of Jerusalem; eg Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey), Knights of Columbus (eg
Jeb Bush) and the Temple Mount. Nicolas presided over the Yule 2004 Earthquake/Tsunami as East
Asia Provincial intentionally murdering 250,000. Trained at Sophia (Gnosis=W isdom=Sophia=Logos)
University in Tokyo, Japan, Nicolas became a 30 year professor and know s full w ell the plan at
Fukushima is to destroy the w orld w ith Plutonium (Pluto=Roman god of Death) Radiation and Nuclear
Fusion induced Earthquakes. Tehran, Nagasaki and Horoshima w ere the 1st Jesuit acquisitions; they
w ill be among the last to be destroyed in w hat Adolofo Nicolas refers to as "Liberation Theology"
(Lyrics to Daw ning of the Age of Aquarius might come to mind "Minds true liberation") Liberation means

"Liberation from God". Edomite Dominion (Gen 27:40 KJV) is on the doorstep folks! The Sun just
entered Leo as depicted iin the Peace Fountain at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. St George
(Prince George Alexander Louis) standing atop the Fulll Moon (Full Moon rose in Aquarius) on the Crab
(7/22, the Sun moves from Cancer to Leo) is pretty hard to miss.
World Y outh Day Jesuit Pope Francis I serves Adolofo Nicholas; he w ill be in Rio de Janiero on 7/22
for "W orld Youth Day" offering "Plenary Indulgences" to his "Internet Faithful" w ho follow the event
on TV, Live Stream, Tw itter, Google and Facebook. W hy? 50% of the w orld's 1.2 Billion Roman Catholics
live in the Americas w ith Brazil #1; Jesuit Fr Manuel Lacunza said "Good Christians would be
Ressurected before the appearance of the Antichrist"; this became the false "Pre-Trib Rapture"
doctrine prom oted by Law yer/Seminarian Cyrus Scofield in Protestant, Pentecostal and Charismatic
Churches. W ith potentially billions of Catholics and Protestants w atching this event, is a "Fake Rapture"
in the w orks? Time w ill tell! Francis is offering complete relief from suffering in Purgatory; Sounds good?
Purgatory is not in Scripture nor are Indulgences, nor are the offices of Pope or Cardinal or the
"Rapture". They are all Lies! "...we unto him through whom they (LIES) come! It were better for him
that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he be cast into the sea, that that he should offend
one of these little ones" Lk 17:1-2 Millstone? It seems one w as tied around Mol Comfort, the Russian
ship broke apart w ith 50,000 tons of w eapons being delivered to Jesuit John Kerry last month; Mol
means "Millstone" John!
Jesuit Knight of Malta Gen Martin Dempsey "US is preparing Kinetic Strikes on Syria" Kinetic?
"God's Rods" are theoretical (Scalar EM attacks are more feasible) orbitting telephone pole sized
projectiles traveling at 17,000+MPH, aimed at w here else? Damascus per Is 17:1. The plan includes NoFly Zones enforced from bases in the Hashemite (Edomite, Ammonite, Moabite; Dan 11:41) of Jordan
and an Inernational Coalition (NATO) by August or September. W hy now ? July 31 is the Feast Day of St
Ignatius Loyola, the first Jesuit General and Black Pope is the Patron of Soldiers; he w as martyred this
day in 1556. "He w ho killeth w ith the sw ord must be killed w ith the sw ord" Jesus Christ Rev 13:10.
"Burden of Damascus" is described in Isaiah 17. This has been a long time in the planning! These
"Siege W eapons" are simply modern day Catapults and Trebulchets. Think Sodomites have forgotten
about God lending Fire and Brimstone? Guess again.
Gen Keith Alexander heads the NSA and US Cyber Command; the 2009 Bilderberg attendee, Jesuit
and Mitt Romney adviser w ill give the Keynote speech the Black Hat Conference July 27-31, 2013 in Las
Vegas at Caesar's Palace on the Feast Day of St Ignatius Loyola. 7000 spooks in one hotel; nice eh?
Another LIAR Bill Nye the "Science Guy" is celebrating 20 years of Evolution and Global W arming
Lies to children on 7/22. His mentor Carl Sagan teaches "W e are all children of the Stars" Uh no boys
Stars make Helium; nice try!
W illiam and Kate w ill give birth on 7/22 (13 hours of labor no less!) as the Sun enters Leo and the
Full Moon (Buck Moon) rises in Aquarius w ith Jupiter and Mars aligned in Cancer. Sounds like the lyrics
to Dawning of the Age of Aquarius doesn't it? A bit too coincidental?
http://lightworkersxm.wordpress.com/2013/07/23/royal-baby-scam-jill-dandos-murder-linkand-fiance-in-charge-of-the-scam-all-you-need-to-know-kate-was-and-has-not-been-pregnantwhy-did-they-kill-the-nurse-what-a-right-royal-scam/ And right next to the Aquarian Cross no less!
Ready for the Gaia's W ater to Break? Get ready! The name? St George stands atop the Crab (Cancer)
at the Peace Fountain at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC; George means Earth. St George
can also be seen at the United Nations HQ next to a Golden Globe giving birth.
Cathar-ine's w ater broke at the Prime Meridian w hile on the opposite side of the globe; TEPCO
chose 7/22 to announce radioactive w ater has been and is leaking into the Pacific. 180 Billion Bq/m3
streaming into the Pacific is a big baby! Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion". The Sun
really never sets on the British Empire because it emcompasses the entire Earth! Gnostics believe they
can become Gods w hich is w hy Jesus refers to them as "Earth Dw ellers".
Star of Molech is not the Star of David
On 7/22 a planetary alignment of Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Full Moon, and Neptune
http://ufohunterorguk.com/2013/07/05/star-of-david-planetary-alignment-july-22-2013/ w ill
form the Star of Molech on 7/22. In addition 6 Stars: Altair, Diphda, Eridanus, Sirius, Regulus and
Arcturas (King Arthur) w ill also form the Star of Molech, the 13th such falsely called Star of David
(Hexagram) since 1990 http://www.sonoma.edu/users/v/vegalu/eschatology_files/Star.pdf .
Altair (Eagle W ings) and Pluto (Roman god of Death) w ere in the north/head. 1990 w as the Rio Earth
Summitt called for exterminating 5/6th of the w orld's "Useless Eaters" as w ell as the year the Aquarian
Cross w as crafted in Jerusalem and installed on Glastonbury Tor, King Arthur's mythical resting place by
"W holistic W orld Vision". Ever heard of "Tikkun Olam"; it means "Repair the Earth", W holistically using
"UN-Natural Disasters" and Disease. Star of David? Hell no! The Star of Molech and Chiun (Amos 5:26)
is Lucifer's Star! King David had nothing to do w ith it! "Nobody w ill progress into the New Age w ithout
taking a Luciferian Initiation" UN Planetary Initiative. Candy coat this all you w ant but take a Luciferian
Initiation and you will be in Hell, not Purgatory, but Hell forever!
Bohemian Grove, W orld Youth Day and the Pike's Peak Prophecy Summit all w rap up July 28. 27
False Prophets telling you the "Rapture" and 2nd Coming of Jesus is imminent. BS! Folks! The revealing
of Lucifer is imminent! Think you w ill be in the "Rapture"? Hell no! Jesuits made that up.
Nicolaitane Doctrine (Rev 2:6;15) means Conquering the Laity through the "Elevation of Clergy";
Jesus hates Nicolaitanes because they are "False Teachers"; the Roman Catholic Pope epitomizes this
doctrine perhaps more than any other. The Anthem: "Sunrise Hope" this is a Luciferian give aw ay
w hich is w hy the w orld's largest Idol of Jesus faces East to the Sunrise! The Motto: "Go and make
disciples of all nations" Mat 28:19. One problem; "make disciples" is not in the Authorized Bible;
"teach all nations" is. How about teaching the truth Father? Starting w ith Mat 23:9 "Call no man your
Father upon the earth". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3puXfaE-vc On W orld Youth Day,
remember Jesuits like Pope Francis I sw ear oaths to "tear babies from w omen's w ombs and sw ing their
heads against the rocks" Papal "Authority" rests on the Apostle Peter; one problem; in Mat 16:18
Jesus told Peter the Rock of the Christian Church w as His Divinity, not Peter!
Jesuit Teaching Legacy
Fr Francisco Ribera and Roberto Belarmino- Inquisition
Fr Pierre-Jean De Smet-Handler of 33 0 Masons Albert Pike and Mormon leader Brigham Y oung
Fr Joseph Stalin- Communism 160 million deaths and counting.
Fr Heinrich Himmler-Nazi SS and Gestapo "Secret Police"
Fr Bernardt Staempfle- Mein Kampf, WWII
Fr Georges LeMaitre-Big Bang Theory
Roger Boscovich-Theory of Everything; Anti and or Negative-matter? Are they serious? Oh yes! Bill
Nye the "Science Guy" w as mentored by Carl Sagan w ho believes "W e are all children of Stars" Bill says
"Creationist view s threaten science education" Truth hurts eh Bill?
Pierre Tiellhard du Chardin-Evolution. Pierre w as even caught fitting Ape jaw s to human skulls.
Edw ard Jenner-Smallpox. Cow pox Vacciinations intentionally spread Smallpox.
Paul Shanley-NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) "Sex by 8 or its too late"
W lodimir Ledockow ski- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Federal Reserve, WWI
Fr Manuel Lacunza aka Rabbi Juan Josafat ben-Ezra Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Dispensationalism

Pre-tribulation Rapture originated in the minds of Jesuits Francisco Ribera and Roberto Bellarmino in
the late 16th century; in the 18th century, Jesuit Fr Manuel Lacunza coined the w ord "Rapture" in
w ritings under the pseudonym Rabbi Josafat ben-Ezra. These w ere picked up by Scottish Presbyterian
minister Edw ard Irving in the 19th century and given legitimacy through "visions" of Scottish girl
Margaret MacDonald. Plymouth Brethren John Nelson Darby furthered the lie w ith the 7 yr Tribulation,
Dispensation of Israel and Daniel's 2300 Days w ere changed into 2300 years. In the 20th century,
Kansas con-man Cyrus Scofield then w rote the Scofield Bible w hich serves as the basis for most
Protestant "Study Bibles" and "Seminaries". How is that for patience? Francis means "Free" and
nothing says "Freedom" quite like "Rapture"! This is perhaps Satans biggest Lie and Jesuit Pope
Francis I seems positioned to foist it on much of the Christian W orld July 22-28, 2013. Tim LaHaye and
Jerry Jenkins w rote the Left Behind series and used the Cross in Crow n Symbol of the Rosicricians for
a reason! It represents the Sun rising through the Galactic Center on 12/21/2012 and being Crow ned
in Leo! That's 7/22/2013 folks!
Plenary Indulgences w ere offered by Pope Urban II to the Crusaders (W arriors of the Cross); the
problem is the Cross is a Pagan symbol not one Jesus ordained. "He that killeth w ith the sw ord must
be killed w ith the sw ord" Rev 13:10. Black Nobility Pope Leo X w as elected iin 1513, after bankrupting
the Vatican, he offered the sale of Indulgences to rebuild St Peter's Basilica.W hy is the Roman Pope
offering Indulgences in 2013? Plenary Indulgences w ere offerd to pilgrims follow ing the "W ay of St
James of Campostela"; on the Eve of the Feast of St James (7/25) a train derailment near
Campostela, Spain. W hy there? The 1st Jesuit General Francis Xavier calmed the w aters and had his
Crucifix saved by a Crab w ith the Sign of the Cross on its back! Miracle or BS? James, Son of Zebbedee
rescued a Knight covered in Scallop Shells (Now used for Holy W ater); Sure! James w as decapitated by
the Sw ord on orders of the Edomite Herod Antipas; the 1st Christian Marttyr for Jesus Christ is the
"W ay of St James"! You had better be ready to do the same!
11Q13 "Prince Melchisedek" Scroll claims after 10 Jubilees (500 years), the Trumpet blast w ill
herald the arrival of Prince Melchisedek. Folks, Melchisedek is Jesus Christ (Heb 7-9); no
matter w hat happens in Rio, Jesus is not returning yet; Lucifer is up next!
"In 700 years, the Laurel w ill grow green again" Cathars made that prediction in 1244; 700
years before D-Day; in 1313, the Roman Catholic Council of Vienne seized assets of their
Military/Bankers "Knights Templar" and on 3/18/1314 the last Grand Master Jacques de Molay
w as executed on Pont Neuf, Paris. On 3/20/2014 "Now ruz" (Zoroastrian "New Light") Alpha
Leo "Regulus" w ill be occulted by asteroid 163 Erigone "Little King". By August 2014, Project
911 on Site 911 w ill be completed near Jerusalem at the south end of the Valley of Mediggo.
The Mezuzah "The Lord our God is One" and Shahada "There is no God but Allah" are
Luciferian Initiations rejecting Jesus Christ!
Pope Francis I is #112, the final Pope according to the Prophecy of St Malachy. As Pope
Benedict XVI resigned, Lightning hit St Peter's Basilica "Tw ice".
Pope Francis I w as an "Operation Condor" operative w hile Bishop of Argentina; the Hopi
"Condor and Eagle" prophecy, "Blue Star-Red Kachina" Prophecy and "Great Purification
Prophecy" all point to Judgment in the Plaza at the arrival of Blue Star. My guess is that w ould
be the UN Plaza w hen Comet ISON arrives Christmas 2013. St George slaying the dragon, A
Golden Globe giving birth, Satan's Altar in the Meditation Room and a Blue River turning Red
painted in the floor are all out in the open.
Nostradamus said the last Pope w ill flee Rome in December w hen 2 Suns are in the sky.
Comet ISON is predicted to become brighter than a Full Moon, visible during the day by
Christmas 2013.
C Alan Martin predicted in 1971 there w ould be 12 US Presidents from Harry Truman; Obama
means "He is w ith us" in Zoroastrian (Farsi); he is #12.
The point? Y ou need to be in personal covenant with Jesus Christ and you need to do that now!
Black Nobility sculptor Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel 500 years ago w ith a scene called the
"Last Judgment" and a scene called "Creation of Adam" w ith a Gap separating Man (presumably Adam)
from God for a reason! Zoroastrians, Christians, Jew s and Muslims have all been duped into believing
Judgment comes after a final battle of "Good versus Evil". Folks, there is no fighting God; fight God and
w e lose!
The Glory of the LORD departed Solomon's Temple by the same path Jesus Christ as God in Flesh
took to the Crucifixion site "Golgotha" (Place of the Skull) because people did not recognize the
Sovereignty of the LORD in Spirit and in Flesh. Then as now , people tend to follow "Bigots"
(Sanctimonious religious hypocrites) and "Baalims" (Elevated Clergy is W orthless) rather than reading
the W ord of God. A Jesuit sw orn to kill Protestants, and Jew s w hile pretending to be Catholic and
selling Indulgences is Blasphemy; on W orld Youth Day? Jesus said it w ould be better if a millstone w ere
tied around his neck and he be tossed in the sea than offend the youth (Ref Mat 18:6; Lk 17:2; Mk
9:42). Am I picking on Roman Catholics? Martin Luther, Henry VIII (Anglican) and John Calvin (TULIP
Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement. Irresistible Grace Fixed Pre-destination)
created a monstrosity perhaps even w orse. Orthodox means "Having the correct opinion" The W ord of
God is not an "Opinion" it is Creation and Judgment of the W orld w hen Creation is exactly 6000 years
old. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 year Pisces to Aquarius + 21
years Flood (Taurus) to Aries to Legitimize the reign of Sargon the Great. Do the math anyw ay you like
and confirm it w ith Dendrochronology (Tree Ring Analysis), Radio-carbon (Carbon-12-Carbon 14 ratio),
Radio-metric (Uranium-Lead decay) and the W ord of God and everything w ill point to a w orld quickly
approaching the "Great Tribulation". Lucifer arrives 18 months, 1 w eek and 1 day before Jesus does at
Rev 9:11 and a radiation hardened bunker is being built near Jerusalem for the Satanic event.
Jesus said unless He shortened "those days", no flesh w ould remain. W e are about there! How
does one go about destroying most of the Flesh on Earth?
Ramadan began July 8th amid an outbreak of MERS-CoV including asymptomatic cases. 777 days
before Asiana #214, a B-777 crashed, Harold Camping made a fortune predicting May 21, 2011 and
Oct 21, 2011 w ould be finish God's final Judgment. 3 million Muslims w ill be returning home in Oct 2013
follow ing the Hajj; Margaret Chan says "MERS-CoV" is her #1 concern".
Bohemian Grove
On July 13th George Zimmerman w as acquitted; the Government sponsored "Race" tensions
providing the needed cover for 2000+ Amalekites to converge on Bohemian Grove from July 13-28 as
the "Sun is in the clutches of the Lion". Kissinger, Brzezinski, Bush, Obama et all acting out a 4000 year
old Sumerian ritual "Begone Dull Care". The Sumerian god "Barra" is "Begone", the equivalent of
"Shamash" (Sun), the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah is the Sun-god (Lucifer). In Babylon, this
god of Justice w as w orshiped at E-barra "Temple of the Sun". Site 911 near Beit Shemesh is a radiation

hardened bunker w ith the Mezuzah "The LORD our God in One" denying Jesus Christ over every door is
due for completion by 9 Av 2014; it seems Shamash/Lucifer is expected by then!
Grove rituals are w here "Evil is done in sight of the LORD"! There is 1 "Race" of Man on Earth. Don't
be fooled! "Divide and Conquer" is Lucifer's w ay! W hy in July? "Brother Bohemians, the Sun is once
again in the clutches of the lion and the encircling season bids us to the forest, there to celebrate the
aw ful mysteries". Dating from the era of Sargon II (2nd Legitimate King) and the Assyrian captivity
(ca 722BC) is a statue of an Nubian man in the clutches of a Lioness; w hether this portends the
alleged Nubian, Obama being removed from office as the Sun enters Leo and a future British "Lion
King" or "Lioness Queen" is born remains to be seen. The Ivory and Marble statue w as looted from the
Baghdad Museum just days ahead of the 2003 invasion. Michelle's "Black W idow " Dress on Election
Night w as no fashion mistake!

Sun in the clutches of the Lion (Leo) 7/22

The Sun enters Leo on 7/22. In Gen 7:22 God destroys all life except 8 on dry land w ith a Flood; in
Rev 22:7 God (Jesus) promises "Behold, I come quickly..." W hy Rev 22:7? 22/7=Pi. The Great Pyramid
represents the "Squaring of the Circle"; the Circumcerence of Earth from Equator to North Pole;
intersect 2 Circles to form the "Christian Fish Symbol" and the "Ratio of Life" aka "Labrys" or "Birth
Canal" and you w ill know w hat the "Fisher King" represents. Luciferians are very aw are of this fact!
The first of 2 full Moons w ill occur in Aquarius on 7/22 as the Sun enters Leo. Mars (Roman god of W ar)
w ill be conjunct w ith Jupiter (God Father or King Star) in Cancer (Peace Fountain at the Cahedral of St
Jon the Divine depicts this event) as astrologers eagerly aw ait the Royal birth in London. For
astrologers, Jupiter in Leo represents the Royal Throne of the "Lion King"; remember that little
presentation on "Pride Rock"? The birth of the New Age? That begins the final 42 month "Great
Tribulation"; the Aquarian Cross w as created in Jerusalem and is standing atop Glastonbury Tor for a
reason! No, the Aquarian Cross does not represent Jesus, it represents the end of Pisces and the
arrival of the "Fisher King"; it w as installed by W holistic W orld Vision w hen George Bush Sr (President
#42) started the Gulf W ar on 9 Av, 1990. The Zimmerman verdict is being debated endlessly to
obliterate real new s and ignite "Race" tensions; Trayvon Martin's attorneys also w ork for Dream
Defenders inciting the Riots. Is it also coincidence the movie 42 made its debut as the trial began and
featured "Race" tensions in Sanford, Florida? 33 0 Luciferian Prince Hall Mason, Rainbow Coalition, Rev
(the only use of the title "Reverend" is in Ps 111:9 in reference to Jesus as Melchizedek) Jesse Jackson
even called on the UN to intervene in the Zimmerman case". Rainbows form when light refracts 42 0.
Jackson mentored 32 0 Prince Hall Mason Barack Obama's National Security Adviser and Benghazi Gun
Running liar Susan Rice, so his un-orthodox view s carry a lot of w eight. Chaldean Magick relies on
Distraction; here is w hat is happening in this "Slight of Hand"
Pope Francis issued his "Light of Faith" encyclical on 7/5 paving the w ay to Sainthood for Nazi
Pope Benedict XVI; he heads to Rio de Janiero, home of the largest fake Idol of Jesus Christ in
the w orld as the Sun enters Leo (7:22-29); the Jesuit "Vicar of Jesus" is offering
"Indulgences" and a reduced term in "Purgatory" through the "Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary"
aka "Vatican Court" for those w ho follow the "Rites and Pious Exercises" on TV, Internet,
Facebook or Tw itter. Folks, there is no such place as "Purgatory", much less a Vicarious Jesus
on Earth.
Hillary Clinton offered Prayers to Trayvon Martin's family, and Vince Foster's family and Libyan
families destroyed from Tomahaw k Cruise Missiles, and families terrorized by Operation Gun
Runner arming of Mexican Drug Cartels and Syrian families destroyed from Benghazi
w eapons; just kidding on the last 4.
The Supreme Court nullified DOMA and Prop 8, opening the w ay to legalizing Sodomite
Marriage in America "In God W e Trust"? Read Lev 18:22; Rom 1:27! The "GOD" on the $US is
Lucifer not JEHOVAH!
The NTSB and San Francisco New s insulted Asiana pilots, Sum Ting W ong, W e Tu Lo and Ho
Lee Fuk; Asiana is suing the NTSB.
"W hite and Delightsome" fake Mormon Glen Beck called out to his fans to "Celebrate
Ramadan by shooting GITMO detainees in the head".
"700 Club" (2013 is 700 years from the seizing of Templar assets) Knight of Malta, Pat
Robertson called for a "Rebellion" to Obama Care.
As part of the 2013 "Sequester", Congress voted to end "Food Stamps" but continue
bankrolling Egypt and Syria's Civil W ar and leaving 20 F-16's behind in the Edomite Kingdom
of Jordan.
Edw ard Snow den w as nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize; no surprise here, Stalin w as
nominated by Satanist George Bernard Shaw after starving 20 million Ukrainians; the prize is
named after the man w ho invented Dynamite for Pete's sake! A CIA/Booz Allen-Hamilton hack,
Snow den illuminated NSA programs like PRISM (Domestic Surveillance), BLARNEY, Boundless
Informant and FAIRVIEW (International); the w orld now know s the NSA spies on everyone,
everyw here all the time. W hy Russian asylum? The CIA and KGB are one in the same.
Before heading to Bohemian Grove, George "Magog" Bush Sr dined w ith the Obama's in the
"Red Room" and handed out the 5000th "Point of Light" aw ard. Neither man is legal to be
president; George HW Bush is German born Nazi George Scherff Jr and Obama's childhood in
Indonesia precluded "Dual Citizenship".
Russia is mobilizing 160,000 troops, tanks, ships and aircraft in the largest military
mobilization since the Soviet Era.
82nd Airborne is training for invasion of Syria to secure Chemical Weapons; those are
the w eapons Nat Int'l Director James Clapper, Israeli Gen. Moshe Yaalon, Dep Sec of State
John Shaw and Russian Gen Yevgeni Primakov all stated w ere US W eapons sent to Saddam
Hussein and transferred in 56 B-747 cargo flights and truck convoys to Syria in 2002 ahead of
the US invasion. Mol Comfort, a Russian ow ned and crew ed cargo chip sank w ith 50,000 tons
of w eapons being delivered to Syrian Rebels June 17, 2013 Hypocrisy doden't quite cut it!
Israel attacked the Russian Yakont anti-ship missile depot at Latakia, Syria.
Parisiens are celebrating the "Reign of Terror" on "Bastille Day"; the Freemason Marquis de
Lafayette said of Napoleon "3 million dead Frenchmen is enough for 1 man". W hether Marie
Antoinette really said "Let them eat cake" or not, history is repeating in America and
hundreds of thousands of Guillotines are once again at the ready. Big new s? W ell not as big
as this,

Reactor #3 Seawater piping trench at Fukushima

tested 150,000,000,000 Bq/m3 radiation. Digest this little gem a moment! Nothing in
BBC new s quietly reported the

history compares to a never ending river of death like this! Steam is coming from Reactor #3 meaning
the MOX Fuel, either from the Reactor or Spent Fuel Pool is heating from Fission and w ill likely continue
indefinitely. There will be no "Cold Shutdown" at Fukushima. On July 16, 1945 Edw ard Teller said "It'
a Boy" referring to Man creating a new kind of matter "Plutonium" used to fuse Deuterium in Hydrogen
Bombs. Teller created "Helium" from Hydrogen mimicking God's act of Creation. Seems the "W ater"
"Broke" on his little Frankenstein. Eventually, Japan w ill need to be evacuated and the w estw ard
Exodus w ill end at Har Megiddo. Fukushima is nothing like 3-Mile Island or Chernobyl. This w as an
intentional w orld destroying disaster; a Terminator that w ill never stop.
W illiam and Cathar-ine even gave birth (allegedly) to the future King or Queen of England as the Sun
enters Leo; Coincidence? Pretty fortuitous the law of succession w as recently changed for the future
British Queen! British means "Birthright Covenant"; of Jacob? No, Jacobins and Jacobites have nothing
to do w ith Jacob; they are Ismaili and Edomite Revolutionaries!
Corpse Flowers
Corpse Flow ers "Amorphophallus Titanum" (Misshapen Giant Phallus) bloomed in Japan "Land of
the Rising Sun" on July 13. On July 16 in W ashington DC, a Corpse Flow er at the botanical garden is
expected to bloom on the 223rd anniversary Congress illegally set aside the District of Columbia. God
created W oman from Man in Gen 2:23 and God promises to kill Jezebel's spiritual children such as those
convening at Bohemian Grove w ho have accepted the "Mark of the Beast" in Rev 2:23; probably just
coincidence W illiam and Kate are aw aiting the birth of the future King or Queen of England on July 16
eh? America w as born of England; Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god and British means
"Birthright Covenant"; you know , the one Esau sold to Jacob; w hat a coincidence eh? And w ouldn't you
know , a Corpse Flow er also bloomed the same day in Brussels, Belgium w here the W oman Riding the
Beast statue is prominent at the EU HQ building, built to resemble the "Tow er of Babel" and w hat a
coincidence, Seat #666 is vacant! Still think God is not in control of w orld affairs?
Cast Away
On the anniversary of D-Day on Normandie Beach Dec 7, 2000, the movie Cast Away made its
debut; if it seems the attack on America from Japan is repeating, it may not be coincidence. Chuck
(Charles=God Man) emerges from the Sea, suffers an ordeal and is forever changed. Cathars are
Normans; Norman Kings originated the "Star Chamber" w hich greatly expanded under Queen Elizabeth
I as the "Cabinet" made of "Privy Councillors" (Royal Ass W ipes is you prefer). W ilson means "Son of
W illiam"; Prince W illiam descends from the Norman King "W illiam the Conqueror"; in the movie W ilson is
a Volleyball that became imprinted w ith a Blood Red Face; that and a Christmas Fedex package
imprinted w ith Eagle's W ings lasted the 4 year Exile. Fedex w as founded by Yale Skull & Bones initiate
Fred Smith; Skull & Bones is called the Brotherhood of Death Society. Chuck's Exile w as 4 years; 4
years after the movie priemered on day of the crash, Yule 2004, a 9.1 Earthquake and Tsunami hit the
same area the Fedex plane originated killing 250,000 people; in charge of disbursing the Tsunami Relief
Funds? Skull & Bonesman George HW Bush, a Knight in the British Empire. A 6.0 Earthquake hit the
same area July 16, 2013. The Eagle W ings represent Esau w ho "...exalt thyself as the eagle..."
Obadiah 4 and God w ill "...cutoff forever" Oba 10 for violence done to his brother Jacob. God hates
Esau (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13) because Esau sold his right of inheritance. Eagle W ings are painted on the
sails of the raft; the sails are made from an aircraft lavatory aka "Privy". It's almost comical how "AlQaeda" w as supposedly created by Osama bin Laden (Lion of Ladon); the name means "Foreign
Toilet". The Eagle's W ings appear at the end of the movie as the Fedex package w ith Eagle W ings is
delivered back to a w oman "Bettina" meaning "God's Promise"; the diminutive of Elizabeth. Cathars
w ere Gnostic spiritual heirs of the Johnitters w ho w orshipped the severed head (W ilson) of John the
Baptist; his mother? Elizabeth. Bettina offers directions to 2 roads; the roads are selling our Soul by
accepting the Mark of the Beast (666) offered by Esau as the Eagle or accepting Jesus Christ, the Eagle
w ho led Israel across the Red Sea at the first Exodus and being de-capitated for professing the W ord
of God. W hat w as in the Fedex package? W e don't know because Charles never opened it! Director
Robert Zemeckus hinted it w as a W ater-proof, Solar (Sol=Solis Invictus=Santa Claus) pow ered Satellite
Phone. The Holy Ghost is a Jesus Christ pow ered connection to God the Father; use that one! The Red
Sea "Exodus"w as crossed due to an "East W ind"; an East W ind pow ered the raft to safety. A W hale
"Saved" Jonah; a W hale "Saved" Chuck (Charles means "God Man"), W ilson and pointed out the
rescue Freighter. W ilson "Son of W illiam" represents the New Volleyball brought w ith the Fedex
package to Texas w ith the Solar Pow ered Telephone; again, I'd ask Jesus for the Holy Ghost! The
stew ardess on the Fedex flight from Red Square is Gw en; the Strong Delusion may in fact be delivered
using GW EN (Ground W ave Emergency Netw ork) Tow ers. Gw en means "W hite, Holy, Fair or Blessed";
Texas w ill be the first US State to secede from the Union; Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo Chicano
Movement of Aztlan) and La Raza Unida (United Race) all refer to Aztlan the mythical land of the Aztecs
means "To make W hite" or "Purify". Latino George Zimmerman did not appear by chance folks!
Star Chamber
FISA (Foreign Intelligence Services Agency), the FISA Court w ith 11 Judges appointed by Sodomite
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts rubber stamps NSA Surveillance programs in the modern day
British Star Chamber; a Privy Council on "Screened Personnel" (Czars) creating law s by Executive
Order w orking in concert w ith other nations Intelligence (MI-6, Mossad, KGB etc) on a global scale; FISA
is Treason just like Obama Care, a continuation of Hitler's T4 Eugenics program and Queen Elizabeth II
"Liverpool Care Pathw ay" created by Rhodes Scholar and Middle East envoy Tony Blair. The UN
Planetary Initiative declares "Nobody w ill progress into the New Age w ithout a Luciferian Initiation" ie a
Luciferian "Screening". Christians w ho refuse w ill be eliminated (Cast Aw ay) just as Hitler eliminated
Jew s. Folks, you had better pray you are in that group!
Gw en is Guinevere, the Queen of the mythical King Arthur aka St George seen slaying the Dragon at
the UN and Cathedral of St John (Cathars w ere the continuation of Gnostic Jonitters) the Divine in NYC.
John w as "The greatest of the Old Covenant" but Divine? Hardly, Jesus said John w as less than the
least person in the New Covenant". W hen does the w orld meet King Arthur? "The Sun is in the clutches
of the Lion" (Bohemian Grove motto) and St George stands atop the Crab at the "Peace Fountain"
(Pacific=Peace); Cancer (June 21-July 22); Plutonium Radiation kills w ith Cancer! You tell me, but it sure
looks like 2013 or 2014. Think they forgot about Jacques de Molay being burned at the stake
3/18/1314? Uh NO!
W hat happens to America? Again, Cast Away tells us. The Fedex package originated in Moscow 's
"Red Square" in delivery truck #286. To "86" a person means to Kill them. God cast out Cain, the first
"Cast Aw ay". 2000 years later, Abraham "Cast Out" Ishmael and Hagar, born w hen Abraham w as 86
years old; Funny eh? Maxw ell Smart w as Agent #86; alw ays battling "Chaos" w ith Agent #99, the age
Abraham w as w hen Isaac w as born. "Order out of Chaos" folks! "For w heresoever the carcase is,
there w ill the eagles be gathered together" Mat 24:28 W ho is Esau? "All the men of thy confederacy"
Oba 7. W ho financed the "Confederacy" during the Civil W ar? Britain; just look at the Union Jack, the
flags are the same. W ho conspired w ith the Assyrians to take Israel captive? Ephraim and none more
than Ephraimite, W elsh Gypsy, Mitt Romney know s this! Before the Mormon Church sneaks in, reak
their "Blood in the Street's Prophecy". W hen? Blue Star sure looks like Comet ISON to me and by

Christmas it w ill be here!

W ho is Obadiah? No not Obadiah Stane w ho battles the Red Suited Iron Man. Obadiah means
"Servant of JEHOVAH"; Obadiah is Jesus Christ! The Fedex package is delivered to Texas; Confederate
President Jefferson Davis attempted to establish a new Confederate Capital in Texas at the end of the
Civil W ar; the w ar ended in Armistice, and the sequel is set to begin! Folks, W ilson is on the w ay to
America and it w on't be pretty! Question: W hy is W ilson a Volleyball? Volley means "Discharge several
guns at once". Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion". Think W illiam and Cathar-ine know
Mir=Peace and Light
In a Mr "Light" Triangle the 38 0 angle connects Mother and Son, and is governed by Toth.
Fukushima sits on the 38th Parallel at the intersection of the Pacific Ocean Liman and Black Stream
Currents; the one place on earth capable of creating this type of disaster. It is also at the headw aters
of the Pacific Jet Stream w hich is w hy TEPCO is incinerating radioactive debris; lofting it into the
atmosphere. The target? America's w est coast. America's East Coast has a similar situation w ith Deep
W ater Horizon and the Atlantic Gulf Stream currents.
Reactor #3 w as loaded w ith MOX fuel; Plutonium Oxide, named after "Pluto" the Roman god of
Death and Destruction, is a million times as toxic as enriched Uranium. Melted Uranium-Plutonium Oxide
(MOX) mixes w ith seaw ater, creating a "Uranyl Peroxide" hydrogen reaction; this forms neutrally
buoyant Hexagonal ie "3-D Stars of Molech" shaped "Bucky Balls".
DHS and FEMA have 1 Billion rounds of .40 Cal ammunition stamped with the Star of Molech for
use on Americans inside this country. NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly w as proposed to head the DHS
by fake Jew NY Sen Chuck Schumer last w eek; Obama echoed the recommendation on 7/16. Kelly
received Napoleon's French Legion of Merit aw ard w ith Gen David Petraeus, Alan Greenspan, Dw ight
Eisenhow er, Douglas MacArthur, Vladimir Putin, Clint Eastw ood, Shimon Peres and others serving the
French "Langedoc" goal outlined in Obama's "Yes W e Can" (Thank You Satan) speech. Kelly w as put in
place as Police Commissioner just in time for the FBI orchestrated 1993 W orld Trade Center bombing.
W ith a dozen honorary PhD's, a $3 Billion W orld Trade Center Command Center and anti-aircraft
MANPADS, Kelly coordinates Interpol, Secret Service, BATFE, Border Patrol and US Customs, FBI, FEMA,
and DHS forces, including those sent 911 days after 9/11/2001 responding to the Madrid Subw ay
bombing and 7/7/2005 London Subw ay bombing. In all 3 cases a pre-scheduled "Terror Drill" w as in
progress thanks to the Clairvoyant Ray Kelly. DHS has 200+ Civilian Inmate Detention Facilities, 2700
MRAP (Armored Vehicles), 7000 Assault Rifles, unlimited ammunition, and Armed Drones capable of
zeroing in in Cell Phone GPS chips. Nothing like killing Americans bullets stamped w ith the Star of
Molech eh Ray? "Homeland is the new Battlefield" according to Lindsey Graham, Carl Levin and John
McCain. "A man's enemies shall be they of his own household" according to Jesus Christ!
Buckminster Fuller w as a New Age occultist and spiritual mentor to Barbara Marx Hubbard w ho said
"We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the
riders of the Pale Horse, Death. We do this for the sake of the world...the destructive one fourth
must be eliminated" Now that is some serious French Moxie from Normandie eh?
"In 700 years the Laurel will grow Green again" Cathar Perfecti in Languedoc
The US creates MOX fuel at the Savannah River MOX Fuel facility, the French at the Areva Facility in
w here else but Normandie. Langue d' Oc is Green Language, Language of Yes, Language of Birds, and
Language of Oil. 700 years after Cathars w ere executed in 1244 AD w as D-Day; 700 years after the
Council of Vienne stripped assets from their Military-Bankers Knights Templar in 1313 AD is 2013. No
matter w here the MOX w as produced, Obama bow ed to Emperor Akahito Nov 2009 and the gift of
mass destruction w as delivered the follow ing year. Akahito is the son of 33 0 Mason Hirohito, w ho
orchestrated W ar in the Pacific w ith 33 0 Mason, French Legion of Merit w inner Doug MacArthur. He is a
Knight in the Royal Order of the Garter under Prince Charles. Reactor #3 w as loaded w ith MOX Fuel just
months before the pre-planned event. W hy Lent? Tammuz is Satan! Radioactive "Bucky Balls" are
capable of traveling indefinitely in the Pacific (Peace) Ocean and every other Ocean for that matter.
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword" Mat
Mr or Mir means "Peace"; Mr Triangles have 3 angles of approximately 90 0 -38 0 -52 0 Fukushima, the
Korean DMZ, San Francisco, and W ashington DC are on the 38th Parallel; London is on the 52nd
Parallel at the Prime Meridian. A Grid Line (Great Circle) connects the 2 places. Beginning at the Pyramid
of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan (This complex is a mirror image of the Solar System) connects
America's 1st 5 Colonies; W ashington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston w ith
Stonehenge (Solar Clock/Earth Measurement Monument), Cathedral of St Sophia
(Sophia=Logos=W isdom=Gnosis), Troy and Baalbek, Syria. W ashington DC sits on the 77th Meridian
w here the Pentagon, W ashington Monument, W hite House and Supreme House of the Temple align
w ith Meridian Hill as set by W alter Raleigh intentionally (Flt #77 the 77ft tall Pentagon and 77th
Meridian all intentional as w ere I suspect, the train derailment and Asiana crash on 7/7) Mr Triangles
represent the Egyptian Soul w here Akh is the uniting of Ba (Body) and Ka (Life Force) at Death to form
Mr "Light Body". The intersection of 2 Tetrahedrons (3-D Mr Triangles), one up, one dow n forms the
Merkaba "Divine Light Vehicle" shaped like w hat else but Radioactive Life Destroying "Bucky Balls".
Radiation destroys the food chain and indeed life from bottom to top. The disaster w as intentionally
caused w ith 6% Plutonium to Uranium ratio, MOX fuel designed for neutral buoyancy in salt w ater.
W hen Reactor cores w ere flooded w ith seaw ater, the disaster became irreversible. The Tsunami had
nothing to do w ith the event; a Scalar EM caused earthquake began on Lent (40 days W eeping for
Tammuz), follow ed by intentional shut-dow n of the coolant w ater using Siemens (Nazi Corporation)
controllers. The w orst disaster in human history is unfolding and the new s covers George Zimmerman
w hile 2000 Amalekite leaders (Kissinger, Brzezinski, Bush, Obama et all) offer sacrifices to Molech, the
Lord of Bohemian Grove.
Bohemian Grove is Gnosticism practiced by the Serpent Cult, a mix of Canaanite, Medean, Ishmaeli
and Edomite w orld leaders bent on destroying God's Creation and everyone in it.
"And except those day should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved, but for the elect's
sake those days shall be shortened" Mat 24:22 Folks, "Those Days" are

July 16 marks
Heliacal rising of Sirius in Egypt just after Noah's Flood.
Beginning of the Islamic Calendar w ith Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD
Pope Leo IX ex-communicates the Bishop of Constantinople w ho ex-communicates the Pope
leading to the Roman Catholic-Eastern Orthodox Split in 1054 AD. In 2013, Anglican
Archbishop Justin W elby is in Communion w ith both
"Christian" (fake Christian of course) Crusaders herd Jew s in Jerusalem into a Synagogue and
set fire to it in 1099 AD

Conquistador Francisco Pizarro executes Incan King Atahualpa after the king paid the ransom
of 1 room full of Gold, 2 rooms full of Silver in 1533 AD.
1st Fiat "Bank Notes" issued by Bank of Stockholm in 1661 AD Fiat Bank Notes are not Money!
US Congress treasonously sets aside the District of Columbia in 1790; the "District", City of
London and the Vatican are not subject to the law s of the Nations they reside in.
Catholic Church Concordat signed w ith Rothschild agent Napoleon in 1801 AD. The Catholic
Church signed a similar Reich Concordat w ith Hitler in 1933.
Czar Nicholas II and his family is murdered and their vast fortune stolen by Lenin's Bolsheviks
in 1918. The instigator, Rasputin w as then portrayed by Mike Meyers in the Love Guru
American Civil W ar began w ith the Battle of Bull Run, a truly needless loss of life in 1861 AD.
1st Atomic Bomb detonation at the "Trinity" site occurred simultaneously w ith the transport of
"Little Boy", the first Atomic Bomb used on innocent civilians in Japan from San Francisco. W hy
"Little Boy"? Luciferian Freemason J Robert Oppenheimer said "I have become Death, the
destroyer of w orlds" at the Trinity Site; Bohemian Grove initiate Edw ard Teller responded w ith
"It's a Boy" referring to the creation of Plutonium. At Bohemian Grove, Teller later proposed
production of the Hydrogen Bomb w hich w as used in a vain attempt to punch an hole in the
Radiation Belts surrounding Earth.
Hitler orders the attack on London in 1940 on orders from Luciferian 33 0 Mason/Bi-sexual
Druid W inston Churchill. (Oh, trust me, I know how strange all this must sound)
Chiang Kai-Shek established his Supreme Council in 1949 after Mao's "Great Experiment" kills
30 Million
Luciferian Freemasons Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and generational Satanist Michael Collins
lift off in Apollo 11 to begin Stanley Kubrick's Hollyw ood inspired Moon Landing Hoax. There is
far too much radiation in the Van Allen belts for space travel; NASA's Nazi's just let Hollyw ood
Magick handle it; after all Druids made W ands from Holly Trees w hich w ere called "Holy W ood"
Book and Snake initiate Bob W oodw ard releases W atergate Tapes incriminating Richard
Nixon; Deep Throat? My guess is Mormon Senator Bob Bennett.
Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq in a Coup in 1979; the Carlyle Group investor and
33 0 Mason believed himself a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar. The Iran-Iraq W ar, IranContra Drugs for W eapons pipeline, Carlyle Group and Mitt Romney's Bain Capital money
laundry w ere born from this Coup.
Ronald Reagan in nominated for President w ith Skull & Bones Satanist George HW Bush Sr
"Curious George" as VP in 1980
Sung Myung Moon, the US Congress appointed "Messiah of the Universe", self appointed
"King of Paraguay" and mentor of UN Sec General Ban Ki Moon indicted for tax fraud in 1982
British Caledonia (Caledonia=Scotland or Pictlandia after the Pagan Picts; Edinburgh is
"Arthur's Seat") merged w ith British Airw ays 1987
Rosicrucian butcher Slobodan Milosevic becomes President of Yugoslavia in 1997. He dies in
UN Jail at the Hague of a Heart Attack; Sure! Just like Enron's Ken Lay! Bill Clinton, Madeline
Albright and W es Clark did their job of "Ethnic Cleansing" better than Hitler.
UN pulls out of Rw anda in 1998; Nice job guys! Nice pick w ith Angelina Jolie as UN Envoy too!
JFK Jr w as murdered for threatening to expose his father's Masonic murder by George Bush Sr
aka George Scherff in w hat else but his magazine "George". St George is also know n as
"Green Man" carved into Roslyn Cathedral and seen killing the Dragon at the UN and
Cathedral of St John the Divine "Peace Fountain". St George stands atop the Crab "Cancer"
because Plutonium radiation causes Cancer and because the astrological sign of Cancer (June
22-July 21) is the Crab.
Russia-China sign Peace Treaty in 2001. W W III: Russia-China-Iran versus US-Britain-Israel.
Department of Homeland Security is born in 2002 out of the ashes of the 9/11/2001 "False
Flag" W orld Trade Center demolition on July 16, 2002 The Patriot Act is w ritten and
Law makers read and pass the act in 26 days. Speed readers? Not as fast as reading the
10,000 page Obama Care on Sunday Night at 10:22PM (3:22UTC) on 3/22!

9 Av "Tisha b' Av"

9 Av. Tisha b Av commemorates Jewish calamities; 9 Av is called "The saddest day in Jewish History"
Jesus as Melchizedek made Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; He made the New Covenant with
His spiritual followers. 9 Av may also go down in history as the "Saddest day in Christian History"
Rejection of the 12 Spies report of Canaan in 1492 BC and subsequent death of all adults
except Joshua and Caleb during 40 years w andering in the Arabian Desert NW of Mecca at
Jebel al Law s not the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt.
The destruction of Solomons Temple (ref Eze 8) in 585 BC; Ancients of Israel w ere
committing abominations on the altar as w omen w eep for Tammuz on the porch! Bohemian
Grove is no different.
The destruction of the 2 nd Temple in 70 AD. An Alternative Christ may be born on 9 Av. The
"Antichrist"? No, but W illiam and Kate may give birth July 16, 2013.
Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 AD by fake Jew and self proclaimed Messiah of the Star Simon Bar
Kochba. 500,000 real Jew s are massacred because Kochba w as believed to be Jew ish.
Modern Israel, Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, Rabbis are Amalekites, not Jew s; they are anything
but Jew ish.
The razing of the Temple Site and re-dedication Zeus Capitolina on 9 Av. Zeus Capitol can
also be seen in W ashington DC; Congress means "Meet for W ar" and Capitol means "W omb
of Zeus". W hether July 16 proves to also be a razing of the Temple Site currently occupied by
the Al Aqsa Mosque remains to be seen. Is is coincidence Arabs claim (A Lie) Abraham had a
horse named "al-Buraq"; Muhammad had a horse called "al-Barak" and the US President is
Barack? Probably as coincidental as Lightning (Barak means Lightning) hitting St Peter's

Basilica Twice w hen Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation?

The 1 st Crusade began on 9 Av in 1096; instigated by the same people w ho instigate all w ars
King Edw ard I promulgated the "Edict of Expulsion" on 9 Av 1290 AD. Fake Jew ish Bankers
retaliated 700 years later w ith the 9 Av 1990 Gulf W ar. Bankers are anything but Jew ish; they
are Edomite (ref Gen 27:41 KJV) Cainite religion came through the Flood w ith Noahs w ife,
w ho produced Canaan from incest w ith Ham; Edomites married w omen of this incest. Bauer
became Rothschild "Red Shield" are Edomites w hose street address 666 Am Mein w as
w ritten in Red as the Star of Molech (Hexagram) just like the "Bucky Balls" currently
destroying the w orld. Jordan is Edomite; this is w hy the US uses Jordan to prosecute the
Syrian W ar.
The Alhambra Decree on 9 Av 1492, forced conversion or expulsion of fake Jew s from Spain.
Sephardic "Jew s" are not Jew ish, they are Samaritan, a mixed people coming from King
Solomon's 1000 Phoenician w ives and concubines. Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus
(Christ=Messiah; Taufr is Norse for Red=Red Messiah; the Red Cross on his sails and the
British Flag is a dead giveaw ay) voyaged to New Jerusalem aka America in 1492 AD. No
coincidence w ith Moses date 1492 BC either; this date is critical because it w as at the end of
the Hyksos (Amalekites are Edomites/Ishmaelites) Era. Bohemian Grove is made up of the
same Amalekites.
W W I began on 9 Av 1914, planned in advance by 33 0 Luciferian Mason, KKK founder,
Sodomite Albert Pike and 33 0 Luciferian Mason, MAFIA founder Giuseppe Mazzini
W W II began in 1939 on 9 Av. Hitler got the incredible sums of money, steel and aluminum to
build the Nazi W ar machine in large part from Prescott Bush and George Romney. Prescott
Bush aka George Scherff w as Nikola Tesla's Nazi accountant; George HW Bush w as his young
German born lab assistant w hom Tesla called "Curious George". "Get that monkey out of my
lab" w as how Tesla responded; Otto Skorzeny and Reinhard Ghelen responded by strangling
Tesla after Prescott Bush had his assets seized by the US Congress in Oct 1942 for "Trading
w ith the Enemy"
Mass deportations of real Jew s from the W arsaw Ghetto initiated the Holocaust on 9 Av 1942;
in France, deportations began July 16. Those opposing the Zionist plan w ere identified w ith a
Star of Molech and gassed, burned or shot in Germany. Far more than that in Russia. French
Legion of Merit w inner Dw ight Eisenhow er murdered 1.7 million German citizens after the w ar.
NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly and David Petraeus also w on the same aw ard. From the
German "Fatherland" to the Russian "Motherland" to the American "Homeland" soon to be
controlled by Ray Kelly.
George Bush Sr began Gulf W ar I on 9 Av 1990; the shooting w ar ended on Purim 1991, but
the w ar is far from over. W hy 1990 "In 700 years, the Laurel w ill grow green again"-Cathar
Perfecti. In 1290 King Edw ard I expelled the Amalekite Bankers on charges of "Usury"; W hy
2013? In 1313 assets of the Cathar military Knights Templar w ere seized. "Revenge is a dish
best served cold" and they have not forgiven nor forgotten.


Ramadan means "Burnt or Scorched", the Ismailis Lunar Holy Month migrates around the Solar
Calendar every 33 years; it has nothing to do w ith heat of summer.
Quran revealed by Angel Gabriel (Jibril), God's "Messenger Angel" beginning 17 Ramadan. He
must also be a Hypocrite Angel because he w arned Daniel of the final battle betw een the
Mede Persian Ram and Grecian Rough Goat (Dan 8); w arned Zechariah and Elizabeth of the
impending pregnancy of John the Baptist; w arned Joseph and Mary of the impending
"Immaculate Conception" of God in Flesh thus filling the 700 year old prophecy of JESUS in
Isaiah. Pick one or the other folks, Quran or W ord of God!
Khadija bin Khuw alid, Muhammad's w ife and 1st believer of Islam died in Ramadan as did Aisa
Abu Bakr, another w ife called "Mother of Believers" W ant to become a "Believer"? All it takes
is sincere recitation of "There is not god but Allah" and Jesus w ill slam the door to a
relationship forever! Allah is Sin; One cannot worship Sin and have God forgive Sin now can
Flag of Islam first flies at the military expedition of Abdul-Muttalib. Funny eh? Farouk
Abdulmuttalib w as the Nigerian Christmas Bomber from Yemen that led to the installation of
$250K Full body Image Scanners and Back Scatter X-Rays at most of the w orld's 49,000
Commercial airports. Janet Napolitano, Mitt Romney adviser Michael Chertoff and L-3
Communications are raking in the cash from this one!

360 Arab Idols w ere smashed at the Kaaba by Muhammad including Hubal; Osama bin Laden
(CIA asset Tim Osman) said America is Hubal of the modern age An Idol of Uzza (one of
Allahs 3 daughters) is smashed at Nakhla by Khalid bin W alid. Uzza is the Mighty One,
Venus, the Morning Star Lucifer aka Roman Aphrodite. Muslims circumambulate the Kaaba
and toss bricks at Lucifers Phallus to this day.
Muslims took control of Jerusalem from Franks during Ramadan. Franks are not Christian nor
French! Folks, Jesus and Mary Magdalene did not escape the Crucifixion; there is no Holy
Grail. Sorry, but King Arthur is also a myth! Speaking of myths, Abrahams horse al-Buraq and
Muhammads horse al-Buraq is also a myth. Oh mortal man is there nothing you w ill not
believe-Jesuit Adam W eishaupt
Muslim army battles Mongol army
Ottoman Muslim armies battle the Russian army
Conquest of Spain; Marranos are Muslims w ho fake being Christian; Cryptos are fake Jew s
w ho feigned Conversions to destroy both from the inside.
British Viscount Cyril Radcliffe partitioned India from Pakistan in 1947 AD during Ramadan;
millions are displaced.

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

The "W ay of St James" in Campostela, Spain became blood soaked on the Feast Day of St James;
the decapitation by Sw ord of James during the pagan Holy Day of Easter (Acts 12:1-4KJV). Barack
Obama celebrated Ramadan this day by quoting the Quran. It should be noted that Obama also lit the
Hanukkah Menorah at the W hite House; Jesus w arned of this type "Hypocrisy"; history records false
converts as Crypto or Marrano; Luciferians w ho float freely among many religions. The days w hen
50,000 Christians w ere beheaded by sw ord at Fez, Morocco and a million in Paris during the "Reign of
Terror" have returned. In Jan 2013, Jesuit/Knight of Malta aka Knight of St John Joe Biden view ed the
Guillotines in place at Rex-84 "Civilian Inmate Detention Facilities" for those unw illing to take a
"Luciferian Initiation" aka "The W ay of St James" Joe remembers w ell John the Baptist w as also
decapitated; his head placed on a charger.
Prince W illiam is the 1000th Knight in the Order of the Garter (Garters are W itchs Belts) founded by
Norman King, W illiam the Conqueror; think Vikings here, they are one in the same as Jesuits. Prince
Charles chairs the 24 modern day Knights of Round Table Princess Diana w as connected to the Stuart
Kings. Charles had Princess Diana murdered at the 13th Pillar of the Pont d Alma tunnel in Paris, the
spot w here Frankish Kings jousted to the death; the Muslim convert Prince Charles thinks he w ill be
one of the four and tw enty elders in Rev 5:8. Good luck w ith that Chuck!
Queen Elizabeth declared herself Queen of thy people, Queen of Jerusalem 60 years ago. Jesus is
Melchizedek King of Jerusalem so I guess that makes here the Adulterous Mrs Jesus Christ. NOT!
More like the Edomite Queen of Spiritual Sodom and Egypt! Ref Rev 11:8 KJV.
Her husband Prince Philip w ants to be reincarnated as Killer Virus to rid the w orld of Useless
Eaters. Phillip chairs the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; W HO Director Margaret Chan is an
Officer of the British Empire; her #1 concern is MERS-CoV.
W hat are the odds the future Norman/Cathar King of England w ould be born as the Sun is in the
clutches of Leo? In the year Mayans described as the End of the Age w hich begins the 5th
Age the New Beginning? On a Full Moon rising in Aquarius? W ith 2 Stars of Molech forming by
planetary and star alignments? Altair w as in the North (Top) position; the w ord means "Eagle's W ings";
the symbol of Esau seen on the FedEx package and W ilson "Son of W illiam". George (Farmer/Earth)
Alexander (Protector of Men), Louis (Famous in W ar) is W ilson. All this as the Heliacal Rising of Sirius
portends the occult version of "Re-birth" and the rise of Egypt and birth of Isis. Think occultists are
aw are of this? August 24, 2013 in London is the w orld largest "World Star Seed Assembly" hosted by
Sir Paul McCartney or rather the fake one w ho claims to be Paul. Cant make it to London? How about
the "Souledout Sirus/Leo Festival" in San Francisco. Zoroaster also means "Star Seed"; the date
W W III begins? My guess w ould be a fake Alien visitation, but w e shall see!
The Peace Fountain at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC depicts this peculiar timing. St
George slaying the Dragon is Ignorance (Born Again Christians) atop the Full Moon and Crab (Cancer)
all supported by a DNA Helix. In this case "W ilson" floating in the Pacific is 150 Billion Bq/m3 "Bucky
Balls" of radiation. The Corium (Melted Fuel Cores) is creating Steam from contact w ith groundw ater.
Thi steam is Deuterium-Tritium "Heavy W ater" encapsulating itself in melted silica rock. The precise
conditions created in Nuclear Fusion inhanced Plutonium Bombs. A chain reaction is probable in this
scenario, capable of not only collapsing the 4500 tons of Fuel Rods but spltting tectonic plates apart.
Shock w aves sent through the "W ater" filled Earth's core w ill create "...earthquakes in diverse places"
Mat 24:7 "These are the beginning of sorrows" Mat 24:8 Not the 2nd Coming!
The lyrics to the 5th Dimension song Age of Aquarius also spell this out. Venus is in Virgo.
Venus=Daw n=Lucifer folks; Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin ringing a bell here? Mary
magically tranforms into the Mar or Mer meaning Sea; there is the Beast rising from the Sea! Pope
Franciis Is encyclical Light of Faith sounds a lot like chorus Let the Sun shine in becaue they are the

Horus is Born

The Lion King/Queen w as born w ith the Full Moon in Aquarius at the beginning of the 13 month
Lunar Calendar; this speaks loudly of the New Age envisioned by John Nelson Darby in his book The
Coming Messiah No folks, this Messiah is not Jesus! w orship os Horus/Tammuz w as the reason the
Glory of the LORD departed the 1st and 2nd Temples; it w ill also be the reason the LORD w ill depart
from You! www.Wholisticworldvision designed the Aquarian Cross and has even w ritten Chapter 23
to the Book of Revelation; bold or supremely foolish? New Agers are calling this the Galactic New Year;
the prelude to a Planetary Ressurection. W ant to become a "Shining One"? It take a Luciferian
Initiation! This is the "Unforgivable Sin"!!
Mayans like the Hopi (Red Kachina Prophecy) are Chaldeans, their Great W ork is nearing
completion, you can either be in Covenant w ith Lucifer or in Covenant w ith Jesus Christ, but not both!
The time to make that choice is now !


Pike's Peak Prophecy Summit 7/26-28,

2013: 27 False Prophets fulfilling Albert
Pike's plan to replace Jesus Christ w ith
Lucifer. Article Updated 6/21/2013

64,000 bytes

118,784 bytes

America: Freemason designed "New

Atlantis" to usher in Esau's "Dominion"
legally. Lucifer is on Deck.


from God:
America w as
born on July
4, 1776; the
date w as
chosen by
w ho played
out a ritual
"In Plane
Sight" on

48,640 bytes

69,181 bytes

Sphinx: Living Image of the Divine facing

East to the Edomite port of Aqaba w here
Israelites crossed the Red Sea and
Pharaoh's army drow ned. No, they haven't
forgotten about it.

65,586 bytes

Satan's Seat: Obama accepted the

nomination on a Greek Tragedy stage;
gave the "Yes W e Can" (Thank You
Satan) speech at the Victory Column,
bow ed to King Abdullah II and
Emperor Akahito, sang God Save the
Queen and gave his final speech at
the Brandenburg Gate betw een Ishtar
Gate and Satan's Seat. It's SHTF Time.

57,344 bytes

81,408 bytes


W orld W ar III:
versus Islam.
July 16, 2013;
anniversary of
the Islamic
Calendar and
CatholicOrthodox split
also aligns
w ith 9 Av, the
saddest day
in Jew ish

Shiloh: "He w hose it

is" Jesus gives
"Dominion" to Esau
w hen creation is 5996
1/2 years old; Esau
gives control to
Lucifer; Shiloh takes it
back w hen creation is
6000 years old and
begins the Millennium.
God's "Dominion"
begins w hen creation
is 7000 years old and
lasts forever.

St Louis Arch: Masonry's largest

monument is the Gatew ay to
Gehenna, a single file Luciferian
Initiation to Amurru.

89,088 bytes

55,296 bytes

Comet ISON:
Discovered by a
Russian w ith a name
meaning "Goddess of
W itchcraft" and
"W ormw ood". ISON is
predicted to become
brighter than a Full
Moon passing closest
to the Sun on
2013 and closest to
Earth on Christmas
2013. ISON means
"Son of Joseph";
Ephraim, the son of
Joseph is not "Saved"
in Rev 7; most
Mormons claim Ephraim
lineage. Interesting
times eh?
Burden of
w ill be

36,352 bytes


40,960 bytes

w eapons
used in
the US
and Russia
to Bashar
and the alQaeda
he is
John Kerry
w as
w aiting
w ith
"Friends of
Syria" for
tons of
w eapons
ship "Mol
in Qatar;
too bad it
sank eh

9 Av "Tisha B' Av" The day the 1st and 2nd

Temples are destroyed and the Civil W ar,
W W I, W W II and Gulf W ars begin seems
like a great time for W W III to begin. Oh,
and Happy birthday Kim Il Sung NOT!

July 4, 1776: Independence from God

July 4, 1776 was chosen by 330 Luciferian Freemason, Hellfire Club Initiate (Think Eyes Wide
Shut here), Rosicrucian traitor Ben Franklin and British Freemason, Swedenborg Preacher
(Swedenborg said the Last Judgment occurred in 1757; a Sabian mystic/astrologer, he conversed
with 7 Planetary Spirits on his travels to Heaven and Hell), Sabian Astrologer Ebenezer Sibly
because of a rare 5 planet occultation. The most prevalent theory on the Star of the Magi is a
Springtime planetary conjunction (merely close to one another) of Saturn and Jupiter at the birth
if Jesus Christ; sorry, but Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles and the Magi never saw Him in
Bethlehem. For Ben, July 4 must have been the birth of something really special! Remains of 10
bodies, sawn, trepaned, cut and dissected, carbon dated to 200 years old of both adult and child
were found beneath the house Ben owned near Trafalgar Square in London. Cain, the first
"Farmer" and "Murderer" served as Ben's inspiration for the "Farmer's Amanac" I guess he went
Postal! Sabian Astrology is Planetary Astrology as opposed to Zodiac "House" Astrology; In
Arabic, Sabah means "Sunrise"; it is Luciferian or Magi Astrology first practised in Abraham's day
by Sabians of Harran, who were the original Chaldean Magi. WWIII is all about Abraham and God's
Covenant with him. The covenant was made by God as Melchisedek (Gen 14:18); you may recall
the series Wild Wild West; Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god of the West served
by Secret Agents Jim West and Artemis Gordon; Artemis/Diana is the goddess of Witchcraft
whose initiations to the 33rd degree occur in the Supreme House of the Temple designed as an
exact replica of the Temple of Artemis/Diana on the 77th Meridian. Mormon men claim the title
Melchisedek Priest; the NSA is building its Spy Facility between Brigham Young Univ and the
Mormon Temple; Mormons have a "Blood in the streets prophecy. Why? The "President" West and
Gordon served was Mormon President, Luciferian 330 Freemason and Witch, Brigham Young.
Mormon means "Gates of Hell" in Chinese; China is derived from Sina "Sin". Ever heard of the
Sinaloa Drug Cartel? That's Mormon too; freshly armed to the teeth by Operation Gun Runner.
2013 is the "Year of the Snake". Mormo is one of 99 names of Satan/Lucifer in Anton LaVey's
"Church of Satan". Mormo is "King of the Ghouls" in occultism; Mormo is "God of the Living Dead";
America, the Mormon version of Nod where Adam, Eve and Cain were cast out of Eden is set to
become the world's "Graveyard", a Scapegoat for "Babylon" (America is however not "Babylon";
Witchcraft is). Hillary Clinton ended her campaign in front of the US Flag with all 50 stars Upside
Down; that's the GOAT (God Of All Things or Baphomet). Obama was elected next to Michelle
wearing a "Black Widow Dress"; he was not made to swear to defend the US Constitution by
Jesuit John Roberts. He then proclaimed "A New Beginning for Islam" in Cairo and bowed to King
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Obama is currently under House, Senate and FBI investigation for Fraud,
Treason and Bribery over Behghazi, Operation Gun Runner, IRS Gate, NSA Gate etc. TX
Congressman Kenny Marchant said "when not if articles of impeachment are drawn up...". Mitt
Romney advisers Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo are set to produce (again for the 3rd time)
evidence of Obama's Birth Certificate fraud just as news is being released the DOJ funded and

evidence of Obama's Birth Certificate fraud just as news is being released the DOJ funded and
instigated "Race" (there is 1 race of Man and Woman made from Man on Earth) Riots in Florida,
over the Trayvon Martin shooting. South Florida is mostly Latino; George Zimmerman is Latino;
Trayvon Martin is 1/2 his size and Black; 1000's of Black Panthers are enroute to Sanford Florida.
The outcome is fairly predictable; did you know Disney bought the land for Disney World from the
Mormon Church? An interesting RNAV point on the Ivanka Departure from West Palm Beach Airport
is called "BRTHR" over fellow "Birther" Knight of Malta Donald Trump. Coincidence? Uh no! South
Florida and Texas west of I-35 (SW Colo, SW Utah, AZ, NM Southern Calif as well) are slated to
be returned to Mexico as part of "Aztlan" acording to Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo-Chicano
Student Movement of Aztlan) and La Raza Unida (United Race). Try to imaging the sort of "Race"
Riots that would ensue if Mormon Mitt Romney steps up to replace Obama and fills Mormon
Prophecy to "Save the Constitution" as "Blood runs in the streets as water down a storm drain".
Yes it's in print and as old as the Civil War! On July 9 Mormon Glen Beck said "Celebrate
Ramadan by shooting everyone at GITMO in the head"; he thinks Water Boarding and Torture
are funny. Think he knows Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11? Absolutely! Curiously, there is an
irony here.
Curious George
Obama may in fact have been a legal US Citizen at birth, but his time in Indonesiia removed
that. He is however the first President not sworn-in on a Bible to protect the Constitution. My
best guess is he is the son of Nation of Islam leader, 330 Prince Hall Mason Malcolm X aka Bari
Malik Shabazz (Bari=Barque; Malik=Molech/Melek; Shabazz=Royal Falcon) and Betty Shabazz, the
man sworn to end America. Mitt Romney is not legal to be President. George Romney was born in
Mexico and was never Naturalized a US Citizen; Nixon said "If America had lost the war with
Germany, you could thank George Romney" (He supplied Aluminum to the Luftwaffe through
American Aluminum "ALCOA"). A similar situation to George Bush Jr whose father George HW Bush
was born in Germany as George Scherff Jr, son of Nikola Tesla's Nazi accountant George Scherff
Sr. Prescott Bush, also a Skull & Bones Satanist stole the Skull of Apache Chief Jeronimo for Yale
"Society 322" Initiation Rituals and had his assets siezed by Congress in Oct 1942; 3 months later
he had his assets and Tesla's patented inventions in hand. George came to be called "Curious
George" snooping in Tesla's lab; Tesla said "Get that monkey out of my lab"; almost as funny as
the "Curous George" cartoon put out after Hitler's body guard Otto Skorzeny and Reinhard Gehlen
suffocated the genius in New York and stole his technology, 1st used by Hitler and then Joseph
Stalin; the Cold War was never about Atomic Weapons; it was about Tesla's Inventions now used
to create artificial Earthquakes and Designer Weather the Elite place sure bets on with "Weather
Derivatives". Project Odessa and Paperclip brought 50,000 Nazis to the Americas; funny eh?
Odessa is the Black Sea Port of the Scythians "Black Sea Princes" and later Khazars; it was
founded by "Obadiah Kagan" where Obadiah means "Servant of JEHOVAH" (Jesus authoried the
book Obadiah; He is Obadiah) and Kagan "King"; Jewish? Hardly, Samaritan, Babylonian, Medean,
Canaanite more like! Just ask Obama mentor Elena Kagan! Even more comical is Obama Care being
voted into Law on 3/22 at 3:22UTC; "Society 322" is also called the "Brotherhood of Death"!
Arab Spring
Arab Spring is the final outgrowth of Sabian Astrology upon which America was "Born". Muslim
means "One who submits"; to what? The "Shahada" is a Luciferian Initiation under binding Sharia
Law and the rejection of God in Flesh. The "Mezuzah" eliminates Jesus Christ and is binding under
Noahide Law; same "Sin"; Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. The world is encountering a Luciferian
Initiation; a worldwide Muslim Brotherhood if you will, centered in Jerusalem (Arabic Quds) and
enforced by the United States, a modern day incarnation of Assyria. Hard to believe?
The US is sending Egypt F-16's as part of a $multi-billion aid package. The US bankrolled the
Sharia Law enforcing Military Coup in Egypt replacing the Muslim Brotherhood with Salafis
(Ancestor worship ie Helpers of Muhammad) ie Wahhabists like Ibn Sayyid Qutb who created alQaeda. Obama declared American reprisals against Salafist attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood; as
sure as the Government sponsored riots in Florida are Egyptian riots as Muslim Brotherhood
marches on Cairo 7/12. Saudi Arabia, also Wahhabist is sending the illegitimate "Salafist"
Government $5B. During Iran-Contra, the US sent Saddam Hussein and the Ayathollah Khomeini in
Iran, weapons which were transferred to the Syrian Army from Iraq in 2002 according to James
Clapper; he basically plead the 5th in Congressional testimony. The US sends al Qaeda Syrian
Rebels, weapons through Benghazi; Hillary was too "ill" to testify and Gen David Petraeus? Caught
with his pants down until he presented his "mentor" Henry Kissinger the Intrepid Peace and
Freedom Award on June 1; ironically the same day American President Lines- Russia ship "Mol
Comfort" set sail with 50,000 tons of weapons bound for al-Qaeda "Rebels" in Syria. Behghazi
(biblical Cyrennaica) sent heavy weapons via Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey into Syria. Qatar is
sending $5B to al-Qaeda Syrian Rebels; their name? Ansar al-Sharia meaning "Helpers of Sharia".
Qatar leadershop claims to be Shia; Saudi Arabia claims to be Sunni; Jesus would call them
"Hypocrites". The US left 20 F-16's in the Edomite (Hashemite) Kingdom of Jordan; that's Edom,
Ammon and Moab, the nations who escape the hand of Lucifer (Dan 11:41) in case you forgot.
France and Great Britian are sending weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Arab Spring is a US
creation; now you can see why Obama bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Anything seem
wrong with this picture?
The War for American Independence started April 12, 1775; America's first flags were the
Evergreen Tree (Initiation Grove) followed by the Coiled Serpent symbolizing "Freedom and Time".
Time is up folks! Mormo means "Gates of Hell"; the NSA is Lucifer's Worldwide Spy Network simply
the final iteration of the "Culper Ring" (Culper was Judge Abraham Woodhull) and "Black Chamber";
it's flagship computer is in Mormon "Zion".
On July 4, 1959 the Cayman Is (Isle of the Crocodiles) became a "Colony of the British Crown";
(Brith=Birthright Covenant of Cain, Ishmael and Esau) where today International Banks including
the Vatican (Divine Serpent) and Mitt Romney's Iran-Contra money laundry "Bain Capital"
(currently managed by Israeli Mossad agent Orit Gadeish) maintain "Off Shore" accounts. Why
Cayman? Sobek is the Crocodile God of the Hyksos; Amalekite Foreigners (Canaanites mixed with
Ishmaelites and Edomites); the famous Labyrinth was built on Lake Moeris near Fayoum "City of
the Crocodiles" where on May 1, 2011 the Temple of Sobek was opened to tourists. On July 4,
1861 Abe Lincoln requested the draft of 400,000 soldiers after Freemason "Outlaw" Robert James
fired shots on Ft Sumter; fittingly Alice in Wonderland debutted July 4, 1862 because nothing is
quite what it seems; in fact it is most often backwards; for example; On July 4, 1895 "America
the Beautiful", written to music from "God save the Queen" made its debut.
"The Homeland is the Battlefield"- John McCain, Carl Levin, Joe Biden

"The Homeland is the Battlefield"- John McCain, Carl Levin, Joe Biden
On July 4, 1903 the Trans-pacific cable was laid; 110 years old the NSA, led in secret by sofounder of the Church of Satan and Temple of Set founder Gen Michael Aquino captures all
Foreign and Domestic Data crossing the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean in "Project Upstream" and all
electronic "Downstream" media in "Project PRISM"; a giant Global Crossing "Sting" perpetrated on
the world with data processed near Mormon Church HQ; hard to believe isn't it? In the event of a
Martial Law declaration, DHS and FEMA will assume control over the Federal and State Law
Enforcement with 2700 MRAP Military assault vehicles, Predator Drones, 7000 Automatic Assault
Rifles 1.6 Billion .40Cal rounds stamped on the business end with the Star of Molech (Hexagram),
Constitution Free Zones along the Canadian and Mexican borders and 200+ Civilian Inmate
Detention facilities courtesy of "Operation Garden Plot". Cain, is the "Gardener" here and only
"Organic" fertilizer is used. Want to leave? Just pay you and your family share of the National
Debt; $50,000+/person or your name will appear on the DHS "No-Fly List". Harder to believe? On
7/4.12 Obama signed an Executive Order allowing DHS to shut down all Communication: Wire,
Wireless, Internet, Satellite, and Broadcast under the title "Assignment of National Security
Emergency Preparedness Communications Function". Why now? Cathars are Normans; "In 700
years the Laruel will grow green again" in 1244 Cathars were executed in Languedoc; in 1302
Norman Bankers were ejected from England; 1313 the Cathoic Church stole their assets; on 3/18/
1314 Jacques de Molay was executed. "Dead Men Tell No Tales" comes from a 1935 book
Norwich Victims. Norwich means "Port of the Normans". Think Normans like Mitt Romney have
forgotten? Sure, just like D-Day on Normandie Beach and 9/11/2001 were just coincidences!
Lady Liberty and Lady Freedom face East with their backsides to America
July 4, 2004 the Cornerstone of the 1776ft "Freedom Tower" was laid in Masonic ceremony.
On July 4, 2007, the Crown of the French (France means Free) Freemason designed "Lady Liberty"
aka Isis (Paris means House of Isis; a replica is in the Seine River near the spot where Templar
Grand Master Jacques de Molay was executed by fire on 3/18/1314) was re-opened after
9/11/2001. On July 4, 2013 Egyptian Constitutional Supreme Court Chief Justice Adly Mansour
and Mohammad el-Baradei were sworn in after the Arab Emirates financed Military Coup. On 7/9
Hazem el-Bablawi was apponted interim Prime Minister; nice pick Adly, Hazem was an economist
with the Arab Monetary Fund in Abu Dhabi financing Arab Spring Revolutions. Mohammad Morsi
had signed into law on Boxing Day aka "Yule" 2012, a new Constitution based on strict adherence
to Sharia Law (Revealed Law of Lucifer/Allah); Adly Mansour is basically a clone of Iran's new
Sharia Law Judge and President Hassan Rouhani with one exception; Morsi declared a Holy War on
Shias! Digest this a moment because the US installed Shia Ayathollahs Khomeini and his Luciferian
successor ali-Khameini in Iran as well as Grand Ayathollah Ali-al Sistani in Iraq. "In God we Trust"?
Sure folks, as long as you realize this:
Ben Franklin brought Luciferian Masonry to America.
The God Luciferian Freemasons installed in America on top of the Unfinished
Pyramid on May 1 and July 4, 1776 is Lucifer!
The Declaration of Iindependence proclaims Independence from God not England.
Sharia and Noahide Law requires the rejection of Jesus Christ!! The Shahada
"There is no God but Allah" is the same as the Mezuzah "The LORD our God is One"
(Deut 6:4 KJV "The LORD our God is One LORD") Rejection of Jesus Christ as the
Holy Ghost is the "Unforgivable Sin".
Accepting a Luciferian Initiation will land you in Hell for Eternity!!!!!! When?
Project 911 on Site 911 near Beit Shemesh will be completed by Fall 2014. Lucifer
is ejected from Heaven Rev 9:11. Shemesh is Lucifer!
Also on July 4, 2013 Lady Liberty (Egyptian Isis or Roman Libertas) was again re-opened after
Hurricane Sandy (NOAA put out a FEMA planning map with the exact path and name of Hurricane
Sandy years in advance) to a Macy's (Red Star: Edom is Red, Pentacle used in Witchcraft (Earth,
Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence) fireworks display with music Curated by "Usher". Usher means
"Door Keeper or Escort", his song list sums it up: Yeah (Jesus says Swear no Oaths; let your
communication be Yeah of Nay), Save the World, Euphoria, Oh My God, Hero, All the Lights, and
Star Spangled Banner (Masonic lyrics set to the Greek poem Anacreon in Heaven). Taylor Swift
promoted her "Red" album in a "Red Coat" with "We are never, ever getting back together again";
she sang the song at a May concert in Texas, the first Lone Star State will the first State in the
Union to secede; I seriously doubt she knows the Jesuit/Confederate plan for America is about to
happen, but Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo-Chicano Movement of Aztlan) and La Raza Unida sure
as Hell do; as does Pope Francis I. Ready for Shock and Awe? Me neither, but it's starting.
Nobody will progress into the New Age unless he or she takes a Luciferian Initiation! -UN
Planetary Initiative; Church is in session at 777 1st St NY! You can Medidate on that in one of 11
Chairs in front of a Black 13,000LB Lodestone Altar Illuminated by a single shaft of Light in the
UN Meditation Room. God separated the Nations; Lucifer will put them back together, but how?
777: Shekinah
Sunday is the 7th Day; July 7 is the 7th Day of the 7th Month. 777 comes from Noah's father
Lamech, the 8th descendant of Adam lived 777 years; he shares his name with the 7th
descendant of Cain; God tells Cain He will avenge his killer 7 Fold and his son Lamech 77 Fold. The
word Lamech has no meaning in Hebrew; in Arabic it means Powerful, Wild Man (these are the
attributes given to Ishmael) or To be made Low; Humiliated. Seth's Lamech continued after the
Flood with Noah; his wife presumably (only Noah was "Perfect in his generations") had Cain's
Lamech genealogy. Ham's union with his mother produced Canaan, proophesied by Noah to be a
"Servant of Servants" (about as Low or Humiliated as one gets). The Covenant with Abraham
stipulated "Do not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan"; Ishmael and Esau did not heed their
father's advice.
Asia means "Land of the Rising Sun"; the word is Akkadian "Asu" means "To go out or Rise" in
reference to the Sun. On 7/7/13 Qatar (note the Tree of Knowledge is their Ensign) Charity
announced a $5 Billion gift to al-Qaeda Syrian "Rebels"; that's in addition to the 50,000 Tons of
Weapons aboard American President Lines-Russia "Mol Comfort" which split in half June 17th. On
Sunday the 7th Day of July the 7th month Asiana #214 (2+1+4=7; 2X1X4=8; 2X14=28; the
crash was on Rwy 28 A bit odd eh?), a Boeing 777 crashed into the sea wall of Rwy 28L; 2 crews
of 4 pilots would have seen airspeed and artificial glide slope indications turn Orange then Red and
finally the "Stick Shaker" indicating imminent aircraft stall; Tower controllers should have heard a

finally the "Stick Shaker" indicating imminent aircraft stall; Tower controllers should have heard a
"Low Altitude" Alarm, all playing out over the last minute or so (guessing as of 7/7). The Deborah
Hersman (Bush Jr Appointee at 34 years old) NTSB Chair claims the Auto-throttle and Autopilot
was engaged until the final 83 sec; with the ILS (Instrument Landing System) out. Pilots claim
they were momentarily blinded and the aircraft was off-course and slow. Speed of crash was
103KTS rather than a target of 137 KTS. If the Auto-pilot was engaged it had to have been in a
GPS mode flying an Artificial Glide Slope and Course; if Rwy 28R was inadvertently entered it
would explain the course deviation but not the airspeed deviation. Flying well below the 30 Glide
Slope and 30-40Kts below target airspeed with throttles at idle and pitch attitude well above
normal landing attitude? Seems some serious Meditation was occurring in that cockpit; the ship
#7742 even corresponds to Strong's #7742, the Hebrew word for "Muse pensively or Meditate".
Being that far out of normal parameters in a commercial airliner never happens! Sandy Hook
instigated a ban on Assault Rifles (even though the story changed to Adam lanza having 4
handguns); Cockpit Cameras will be the story with this incident. Maybe Deborah and the NTSB
can explain how TWA 800 crashed from faulty Fuel Pumps and why $70K Fuel Boost Pumps were
replaced on all Commercial aircraft needlesly; or why $50K Cockpit Doors were necessary after
9/11/2001; or how a B-737 engine anded up at Church and Murray St at the NE corner of the
South Tower; how a B-767 Landing Gear with a rope tied around it ended up at the Ground Zero
Mosque 2 months ago or how Colgan Air #3407 crashed with 9/11/2001 Family Steering
Committee Director Beverly Eckert on board just days after meeting Obama about delivering the
insurance settlement! Bush Jr appointed Deborah Hersman because her husband is a LockheedMartin software engineer and her montor Bob Wise is partnered with his brother Knight of Malta,
Bohemian Grove Initiate, Iran-Contra drug smuggler, 9/11/2001 Liar, Weather Derivative Fund
manager Jeb Bush. Her real specialty is train deralements; I can't wait to here her story about the
air brakes failing in Quebec on 7/7. Covering up the truth seems to be her specialty.
Liber 777 and other Qabbalistic writings of Aleister Crowley describe 777 as the Gematria of the
Hebrew letters in the Qabbalah "Tree of Life" taken by the path of Shekinah (Presence of the
Deity); God? no way Lucifer, the Zig Zag path Lightning takes. Remember "Shock and Awe"? The
Gulf Wars started with this doctrine of overwhelming force. The Roman goddess Liberty (Libertas)
is depicted standing on the Twin Pillars Jachin and Boaz under a Triangle with 777. The New Era
Masonic Lodge #777; Rhiana's 777 World Tour; International Order 777: the 12 Knights and Ladies
of Tabor (Mt Tabor is the Mt of Transfiguration; Barak and Deborah, today played by Obama and
Hillary battled Sisera there and United Nations Church Center at 777 1st Ave 44th St (Barack is
President #44 and #12 from Harry Truman who founded the NSA and the Korean DMZ is the last
President according to C Alan Martin) should be plenty of evidence 777 is a big deal.
3 Boeing 777 aircraft have crashed; the last on 7/7; 3 is the number for the hidden path Binah
to Chesed, just above Daat "Gateway to the
Abyss". http://leavethecult.com/2012/11/20/the-777-ritual-a-new-false-revivalmovement/ 777 is represented several ways: July 4, 1776 or May 1, 1776 are on the $US; the
Freedom Tower is 1776ft tall; 1+6=7 with 2 more 7's for 777; 1+7+7+6=21, the number of
accountability (adulthood) in the bible is 3 7's.
777 days before Sunday July 7th Boeing 777 accident, Harold Camping predicted May
21, 2011 would be the "Rapture" and "Judgment Day" and that the world would end as it did
in Noah's day after 5 months of plagues, war and tribulation on Oct 21, 2011. He got rich lying to
gullible Christians. Asiana Flt #214 originated in Shanghai; H7N9 Bird Flu began here when Avian
Flu infected feces of poultry were put in Swine Feed which killed them; 40,000+ dead Swine
carcasses were then dumped in rivers feeding Shanghai where the Human to Human disease
originated. Incheon: July 27 is the 60th anniversary of the Korean War "Armistice", coincident
with the mid-week of Bohemian Grove north of San Francisco; the Korean War will resume at
Incheon on the 38th Parallel. San Francisco. Denzel Washington starred in the movie Book of Eli
(in the Bible, Eli's appointed sons were "Sons of Belial") which ended in San Francisco with 3 orally
transmitted false versions of Scripture (Tanakh, Quran, New King James) and his protege Solara
(Daughter of the Sun) heading into the Rising Sun. The crash is eerily similar to the British
Airways Boeing 777 Flt #38 (San Francisco is on the 38th Latitude with the 38th Parallel DMZ
at Incheon) which suffered lack of thrust on approach to Heathrow in 2008; Coincidence? Sure,
just like British tennis player Andy Murray winning Wimbledon for the first time in 77 yrs on
7/7, the same day a train derailment occurred in Canada. That event was eerily similar to Denzel
Washington's movie Unstoppable; the Runaway engine in that movie was Engine #777 with 1
headlight, the left headlight; the left eye is the "Sinister Eye" representing Lucifer. The traiin he
and his protege were riding was Engine #1206; Why? Lucifer is Unstoppable because God
wrote the Word; Lucifer will be incarnate the "Man-Child" and rule all nations described in
Rev 12:6! You may recall Denzel was incarnated by the Demon "Azazel" in the movie Fallen.
Azazel means "Goat that Departs"; Azazel is Satan! Reports are a fire broke out on the train;
firefighters shut-down the Diesel Engine supplying air pressure to the air-brake system (I am not
a train engineer); Problem: Air Pressure bleeds off slowly; If the Engineer shut-down the engine,
he would have set the hand brake system especially on a 1.2% grade; if he didn't, the emergency
air pressure reservoir system must also have failed; a fire plus 3 compound errors or intentionally
planned for a specific date? The train started moving down the 1.2% slope where derailment at
63MPH was virtually assurred. Whether any of this is a warning about Oct 21, I am not sure but I
am warning you Do not take a Luciferian Initiation!
Ramadan and the Hajj
Umrah (Lesser Pilgrimage" occurs during Ramadam. What may or may not happen after the
Hajj on Oct 21 remains to be seen; Ramadan begins July 8 and MERS-CoV is the WHO's most
urgent concern. Every entry point into Saudi Arabia has Medical Surveillance Systems in place to
detect fever; many MERS-CoV carriers are however Asymptomatic. WHO Director Margaret Chan
is an Officer of the British Empire; British means "B'Rith" ie Birthright Covenant of Cain, Ishmael
and Esau. Her boss is Prince Phillip will become a Grandpa of the future King or Queen of England
during Ramadan; his son Charles reportedly already converted to Islam. Phillip has stated his
desire to be "Re-incarnated as a Killer Virus". An "Emergency" meeting on MERS-CoV began July 9
as Ramadan began. Mormons also worship "Hilal" with the phrase "Pey Heylel" for Marvelous Lucifer
with the NSA Spy Facility in Salt Lake City set to open next month.
The Hajj is Oct 13-19, 2013. MDCCLXXVI is on the bottom of 13 courses in the Unfinished
Pyramid on the $US to commemorate "Beltane" May 1, 1776; the day Jesuit Adam Weishaupt and
Ben Franklin brought Esoteric Masonry to America. Ben Franklin's 1st map of the 13 American
Colonies was a segmented Serpent with the slogan "Join or Die". According to Gematria where

Colonies was a segmented Serpent with the slogan "Join or Die". According to Gematria where
A=6, B=12, C=18... May First=666. 1776 to 2010 is 234 years; on May 1, 2010 America became
234 years old May=234; First=432; adding the Mirror Image=666. May 1, 2010 + 1260 days=Oct
12, 2013, the Eve of the Hajj. So if America was born May 1, 1776, what would be in store for
the Mirror Image? There is a lot more to May 1, including the fake bin Laden raid, but let's
continue with the Hajj.
3 million people in very close proximity will Circumambulate the Ka'aba (sounds like Kabbalah
because they are the same) where Ishmael and Hagar were cast out from inheritance of Abraham
and Muhammad smashed the Red Idol of "Hubal" coupled with the designer Virus, MERS-CoV
seems a recipe for disaster. What's in the Ka'aba? The stone that fell from Jupiter; now you know
why Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter! Russia is presenting "Forensic Evidence"
to the UN on 7/10 proving Syrian Rebels used Sarin Gas and posess enough weapons to "Blow up
all the Cities in Syria" No Shit Sherlock, a Russian crew of 26 aboard American President LinesRussia aka "Mol Comfort broke in half delivering 50,000 tons of just such weapons to Syrian Rebels
with John Kerry awaiting its arrival with "Friends of Syria" in Qatar. Ever wonder why Qatar's flag
is identical with the first US Flag and Lebanon's Flag? Payoffs to Muslim Brotherhood Operatives
"Ali Babas" in Egypt from Qatar have just been released meaning the Military Coup was facilitated
by the Arab Emirates and the US. Great idea for Congress to allow US Customs and the Emirate of
Abu Dhabi to construct a Customs pre-clearance facility eh? Plane loads of disease and weapons
coming Direct to your City! That's what Treason looks like! Israel IDF moved ground forces into
the Golan Heights; funny how Mitt Romney's Bain Capital is run by Orit Gadeish, a Mossad agent
and daughter of an IDF General eh? 175%/Yr is some serious "Return on Investment"! France and
Britain announced they are arming Hezbollah, the Lebanese Military with heavy weapons. WWIII is
on the Doorstep folks! The US Government has sealed the records from the May 1, 2011 bin
Laden raid; Why? It didn't happen! Helicopters can't fly 1200 milies in one night! CIA asset Osama
bin Laden said "America is Hubal of the modern age". Why? America is bout to be smashed
and re-dedicated to Allah, the Akkadian moon god "Sin"!
Jesuits: Luciferian "Light of Faith"
The "Society of Jesus" are Gnostics infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church much the way
Freemasons do in Protestant Churches, Kabbalists do in Synagogues and Sufis do in Islamic
Mosques. They are all continuing the lagacy of the Cathars, Bogomils, Abigens, Johnniters,
Yezidis, Pharisees, Theraputae of Alexandria and in general, the "Baallims" described in scripture.
Bigot means "Santimonious religious hypocrite"; today they go by titles Very or Right Reverend,
Master, Father or Rabbi, precisely the names Jesus said to never call any man on earth! (Mat
23:8-10) A major change to Paul's teaching occurs in 1 Cor 13:13 KJV "And now abideth faith,
hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity" Charity "Alms Giving" is doing the
work of God; Jesuits have contributed much in the work of their God "Lucifer" and Pope Francis'
Enclyclical "Light of Faith" on America's "Independence Day" is no exception. Ever wonder why
the Roman Catholic Pope would sit above the Shahada "There is no God but Allah" and below
Peacock feathers? Melek-Taus is the Zoroastrian Peacock Angel aka Lucifer; Ahura Mazda? The
"God of Light" of course!
Pierre Tielhard du Chardin: God and Creation be damned, by attaching Ape Jaws to
Human Skulls, Darwinian Evolution from Alien Pond Scum to Gods became more accepted.
Soon to be Saint John Paul II praised Chardin, finding no disagreement between Evolution
and the World of God.
Georges LeMaitre: The Big Bang and Red Shift (Expansion) Theory virtually eliminated the
idea of the Central, Fixed Earth described in God's Word.
Athanasius Kircher: Without his Germ Theory, Jesuit Quack Edward Jenner would not
have been able to introduce the world to Smallpox with a Vaccine. MERS-CoV, Bird Flu
and Swine Flu owe their start to Jenner's misnaming of "Cowpox"
Christoph Scheiner: Sunspot Theory gave the Sun its own Magnetic Field and
Heliosphere; the Sun could now be blamed for devastating weather events, magnetic
pole shift/reversal, global climate change and power outages.
Paul Shanley: NAMBLA " North-American Man Boy Love Association" uses the slogan "Sex
by 8 or its too late" Read the Word of God next time Paul.
Roger Boscovich: "Theora Philosophilae Naturalis" was the progenitor of the "Theory of
Everything"; God was now reduced to the smallest part of Space, a "God Particle"
erupting from "Dark Matter". I feel so special!
Franz Xavier Wernz: Bolshevik Revolution, Rasputin and the Romanov murders,
Communist Party, Federal Reserve Act, Black Hand MAFIA and WWI can be laid at the
feet of this monster.
Fr Joseph Stalin gave the world Bolshevik Communism and 200 Million+ people have been
paying the price.
Bernhardt Staempfle: Mein Kampf was Hitler's ghost written opus; Jesuits also wrote his
sequel New world Order
Fr Heinrich Himmler: The SS was the Nazi Party; the SS is the Skull & Bones aka Thule
Society to which 4 generations of the Bush family and John Kerry belong; TULA is "Black
Sun"; that originated in Egypt. Wonder why Obamacare was signed Sunday 3/22 at
3:22UTC? Thule Society is "Society 322"
Adam Wieshaupt: Freemason builders of the Pyramids and Cathedrals could now become
Gods in "Speculative Masonry" by swearing Oaths to Lucifer.
Wlodimir Ledochowski: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is as Blasphemous as the
Babylonian Talmud. Blaming Jews took on a whole new life with this garbage and no
Israel is not Jewish.
Vaticinus (Latin Vulgate) is the product of Gnostics in Alexandria, Egypt and the property of
the Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent); miracles bestowed on the Apostles through the Holy
Ghost, such as those listed in Mark 16:9-20 are removed, but "Miracles" required for "Sainthood"
handed down from St Peter, to Constantine the Great (son of Druid princess St Helena) the first

handed down from St Peter, to Constantine the Great (son of Druid princess St Helena) the first
Pope as "Vicarious Christ" to St John Paul II by whom may be the last Pope Francis I? That folks
is BS! In Mat 16:18 Jesus told Peter (Small or Movable Stone) "...upon this rock I will build my
Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" Jesus' Divinity is the Immovable Stone,
the Rock of the Christian Church; anyone who realizes this can obtain the Keys to Heaven; no
Pope or Stone Cathedral required! "And call no man your father upon the earth..." Mat 23:8
"Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands" Acts 7:48 Same goes for
Mormon Temples folks! 6 Sun Stones and 28 Moon Stones? Seriously?
San Francisco, Franciscans and Franks, Francesca and Shekinah
Gulf War I and II began with Shock and Awe; a phrase derived from Shekinah (Presence of the
Deity=Lightning=Lucifer) Merovingian Franks are Pagans who claimed descent from Merovee a Sea
Beast (Sun); the Double Sided Axe "Francesca" is known as a "Tomahawk", the Cruise Missile used
to start both Gulf Wars was used in Libya and is now being called for in Syria.
Vaticinus changes "Charity" to "Love" (Agape) but the words have little to do with one
another. When Humbolt visited the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan (Burial place of
the gods), he asked a native woman "Who made the Pyramids"? she answered San Francisco.
Pope Francis delivered his encyclical at 11 AM Rome time; on 12/21/2012, the Sunrise at
Teotihuacan formed the Chi-Rho at 11:11 UTC in London; Coincidence? In "Canticle of the Sun"
St Francis of Assisi after whom the Franciscans and Jesuit Pope Francis I is named praised
Brother Wind, Sister Earth and Sister Moon. At the Cathedral of St John the Divine; the "Peace
Fountain" illustrates the Luciferian Initiation called the "Sacred Marriage" a symbolic
between of the Sun and Moon atop the Crab (Cancer) indicating June 22-July 21 is the time
period Satan will be "Cut-off"; Is this Satan or Jesus Christ? The Moon (Allah=Sin) reflects the
Sun (Lucifer); this then is the essence of Gnosticiam. The Union of the Sun and Moon is the age
old Luciferian Initiation required to progress into the "New Age" according to the UN Planetary
Initiative, so this indicated the "Strong Delusion" when Man will be "Free of God". Will this occur in
2013? We will soon see. Did we see a "Strong Delusion" come over San Francisco with Asiana Flt
#214? A lot of people stood by and did nothing with a commercial aircraft operating well outside
normal parameters.
Proposition 8 was repealed by Sodomite Judges in San Francisco. al Qaeda originated from a
San Francisco speech by Dervish Stanford University professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb. The Church of
Satan and Temple of Set (General Michael Aquino is the highest ranking member of the NSA most
people never hear about) originated in San Francisco. The Eagle's (Eagle is a symbol of Esau;
remember Hitler's Eagle's Nest?) song Hotel California is about a Luciferian Initiation in the Church
of Satan in San Franncisco.
A Gnostic Love "Agape" Feast is a Cannibalistic Orgy mocking the Last Supper of Jesus Christ
seen in Bacchanalia, Liber and Liberia (Lady Liberty is Libertas) and Dionysiac Rituals; it stems
from Rev 19:18, but Satan is not Jesus Christ, he will only appear to be Jesus Christ as an "Angel
of Light". Dionysus, Liber (Iran-Contra was managed from Liberia, Costa Rica) and Bacchus are
the Knight Templar "Green Man"; Communist Dictator Mikhail Gorbachev originated "Green Cross
International" in San Franciso; he and Michael Aquino were involved in the McMartin pre-school
pedophile ring at the Presidio Army Base. That is Rebellion in its purest form.
Charity is "Alms Giving" and has nothing to do with "Love". 13 is the number of "Rebellion" seen
in the Sins of Sodom "But the men of Sodom were wicked sinners before the LORD exceedingly"
Gen 13:13; Understand? If not, read Mat 13:13 and you will understand Parables. Are you Loved?
"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake..." Mat 13:13. Do you need to Repent of
Sin? Read Luke 13:13 and be forgiven. Are you Clean? Read John 13:13 and be cleaned. Folks,
Jesus forgives Sin not any Man. Want to see the Beast make fire come down from heaven on the
earth? Read Rev 13:13 because that day is coming soon.
Benedict means "Blessing" Pope Benedict XVI wrote 3 encyclicals on Hope and Love; his 3rd
called "Light of Faith" was just released by Pope Francis I; completing Encyclicals on Faith, Hope
and Love which pave the way for Sainthood of Pope John Paul II. Why Sainthood?
Pope John Paul I was poisoned after 33 days in office for conducting an investigation into the
Vatican Bank involvement with the P-2 Masonic Lodge and Banco Abrosiano President Roberto
Calvi whose Bank collapsed; he was later hung from London's Black Friar Bridge; an apparent
suicide with bricks in his pockets. John Paul II became known as the "Ecumenical Pope" taking the
stage with leaders from most every religion. A Saint?
With the help of Ronald Reagen (really Satanist George Bush Sr) John Paul II recognized
the Jesuit Order, its "Superior General" aka "Black Pope" and Jesuit Ambassadors from the
JPII instituted veneration of Mary as Mother of God and Mother of the Church; Francis I
calls Mary the "Daughter of Zion"; he closed the Encyclical with a Prayer "Mother help
our Faith..."
JPII began carrying the "Twisted Crucifix", a Pagan symbol carried after the Crucifixion
representing "Freedom from God"
Vaticinus also changed 'Headdress" (Turban) to Mitre a word derived from Mithra aka Lucifer;
Mithraism originated in Iran with Zoroastrians. Francis means "Free"; the coincidence with
American "Independence Day" and the re-opening of the Statue of Liberty following Hurricane
Sandy is worth noting. Pope Benedict XVI also carried the "Twisted Crucifix". As Benedict XVI
announced his resignation, lightning hit St Peter's Basilica Twice; Vatican Banker Cardinal Tarscio
Bertone then abruptly resigned, followed by 2 managers of the Vatican Bank in July. Why now?
"After 10 Jubilees the Trumpet blast will herald the arrival of Prince Melchisedek"; in 1513
Black Nobility Pope Leo X bankrupted the Vatican and Michelangelo drew a separation
between God and King David in the Sistine Chapel. 500 years later, Pope Francis I
becomes the 1st Jesuit Pope
Pope Francis is Pope #112; the last Pope according to the "Prophecy of St Malachy" will
hand the Keys of the Kingdom to Jesus Christ. No folks, everyone in front of Jesus at the
2nd Coming dies from fire!
Pope Francis was a Jesuit operative in the CIA "Operation Condor" in South America,
Francis I seems to be fulfilling the "Condor and Eagle" Prophecy as well.; no mystery,

Hopi Shaman like the Maya Priests of Quetzalcoatl long before are Luciferian Solar Priests
from Phoenicia who sailed to the Americas in the days of King Solomon. All this is a bit
coincidental to say the least.
America is named after the Edomite Serpent god Amurru, the Canaanite god of the west Amar
and the Arab serpent god Ameru (Priests of Ameru are in Ethiopia); July 4th has no particular
importance except for 330 Rosicrucian Masons Ebenezer Sibly and Ben Franklin who chose the day
because of a rare occultation of 5 planets according to Sabian or Planetary Astrology. Sabians of
Haran (Abraham's elder brother) were known for infiltrating nations and religions as "5th Column"
Traitors; known earlier as Crypto or Marrano "Jews". The American Revolution was instigated by
Luciferian Freemasons in Boston's Green Dragon Tavern; the Tea Party Dec 16, 1773 led to the
first shots on Lexington Green by Luciferian Masons Aug 19, 1775; on 9/11/1776 Traitors Ben
Franklin and British Mason, General William Howe (his traitor brother Lord Richard Howe
commanded the British Army in America for the 1st 3 years and was called "Black Dick") met on
Staten Is to reach terms of peace which of course failed; the war continued for 7 more years
until America signed terms of peace with Britain; America did not win anything in the way of
Freedom. Fittingly, Freemason, Knight of Malta, Jesuit Co-adjuror, CFR Traitor John Kerry (Kohen)
was on Isabel his 76ft (Mic 7:6; Dan 7:6 sum up the Beast in John Kerry) Yacht in Nantucket
during the Coup de Grace in Egypt. As a Gnostic Johnitter, Kerry knows Isabel is the mother of
John the Baptist; no worries John, the Muslim Brotherhood said "May the LORD destroy secular
opponents of the Islamist movement". Kerry just came home from meeting the "Friends of Syria",
al-Qaeda arms dealers awaiting the arrival of 50,000 tons of weapons aboard American President
Lines-Russia ship Mol Comfort. Mol means "Millstone"; Gnostic Satanists like John and Vladimir
"Pooty Poot" Putin will try to falsify the Rev 18:21 "Millstone" with America's destruction;
conveniently, the Ismaili Emirate of Abu Dhabi is building a pre-clearance facility by-passing US
Customs for John. John, is that for MERS-CoV or for Weapons? Next, he travels to Santa Rosa for
3 weeks of Molech worship at Bohemian Grove. The same day, his Zionist pal Benjamin Netanyahu
called for "Tikkun Olam"; a Gnostic "Repair of the World" without God in it saying "The Jew is the
Savior and Liberator of humanity" Jesus is Jewish! Ben is however Ashkenazi, a descendant of
Japheth's grandson, not Jewish by Talmudic or Kabbalist religion or blood, he serves Lucifer under
the Star of Molech. Read Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3;5-6 until this sinks in!
Ben Franklin's map of the 13 colonies was a 13 segmented Serpent with the slogan "Join or
Die"; the 1st Flag, an Evergreen Tree; the 2nd a Coiled Serpent; the 3rd was the Masonic "Betsy
Ross" Flag with 13 Stars which flew over the Battle of Brandywine on 9/11/1777. Ben Franklin, a
member of Sir Francis Dashwood's "Hell Fire Society" kept secret his communications with Gen
Howe with approval of fellow Mason George Washington for obvious reasons as were the forensic
evidence of his numerous child sacrifices at his Trafalgar home.
Jesus gave His warning to the Roman Catholic Church in Rev 2:18-29 "Thyatira" means
"Continual Sacrifice". For most Catholics this warning is not that severe; for people like John Kerry
and Jezebel Hillary Clinton, it is sure spiritual death. Catholic means "Universal"; Lucifer means
"Light Bearer"; now you know what "Light of Faith" means. Most every nation on earth has
evicted the Jesuit Order because the Oaths they swear are Luciferian Initiations requiring
continual Sacrifice. http://arcticbeacon.com/books/Extreme_Oath_of_the_Jesuits.pdf
Jesuits promote Discord and Spying on Roman Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists and Jews (Sufis
do the same to Muslims) who swear oaths to kill on orders of the Jesuit General aka Black Pope by
Poison, Stangulation, Poinard, Bullet or swinging babies heads against the rocks. No, I'm not
joking. The continuation of the Knights Templars are Freemasons and Jesuits; the "Thesis"
appearing in opposition to Sufis, Ismaili "Assassins", "Twelvers", and "Wahhabists"; they are no
more Protestant or Catholic than the latter are Muslim; they serve as the "Anti-thesis". The
"Synthesis" is the revealing of Lucifer, the "Light Bearer/Bringer".
The Encyclical letter uses the word "Light" perhaps 100 times. Other key phrases
"Israel trusts in God": Amos 5:2 "The Virgin of Israel has fallen; she is forsaken upon
her land; there is none to raise her up" Oops!
Is 7:8 is quoted from the Gnostic Septuagint "The head of Aram is Damascus";
Wrong! "The head of Ephraim is Damascus" Aram is Syria! "...within 65 years Ephraim
shall cease from being a people" Is 6:9 What a coincidence? 2013 is the 65th
anniversary of the founding of Israel! Mormons claim to represent Ephraim in the US!
Mormon means "Gates of Hell" Refer back to the "Gates of Hell" in Mat 16:18. Now read
Rev 7 and see why Jesus did not list Ephraim as "Saved"!!!!! Need a translation here?
Francis is saying America is Toast!
"Transmission of our faith occurs first in Baptism, second in Confirmation, third in the
Eucharist where Bread and Wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. Born
Again Christians know the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is purely Spiritual. Transsubstantiation of the Eucharist is Pagan nonsense derived from Chaldean/Phoenician
"Kahn Baals" (Priests of Baal) who taught "Ritual Cannibalism".
"Our Father, Light from Light, the Church, one in Body and Spirit, in Communion,
standing upon the same Rock, transferred by the spirit of Love, radiating Light to
illumine the entire cosmos and all of history... a single insight into reality"
Standing on Peter is Quicksand! Light radiating to the Cosmos? That is the Sunlight and
Starlight God made on Day 4 (Gen 1:14); the Holy Ghost is the Light He made on Day 1.
Ask Jesus for that and skip Mass! Mass means "Sacrifice and Consumption of the Host"
Cannibalism of God has nothing to do with the Spiritual Communion Jesus instituted at
the Last Supper!
Amurru is Amorica
The West was Amurru in Babylon and Amorica to Druids. DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)
has been abolished; Sodomite Marriage and Female Clergy is one thing; "Bestiality Brothels" and
"Erotic Zoos" are sprouting up in Germany; Why? The Anglican Church gave birth to
Protestantism; Angles and Saxons are Germanic Pagans from Bohemia. A Bohemian is a person
who does not live under the laws of the land they reside in; just look at the 2000+ world leaders
who converge on Bohemian Grove next week! Bestiality and Necrophilia are par for the course
there. How much Independence from God can we handle! How about putting Mormon Sodomite Ed

there. How much Independence from God can we handle! How about putting Mormon Sodomite Ed
Smart (Elizabeth's father) in charge of America's Amber Alert? Need some Child Porn Snuff Films?
He's your man. Want to check out the progress of the New World Order? Barbara Bush (Aleister
Crowley's illegitimate daughter) allegedly writes the latest developments in the blood of child
sacrifices at the Mother's of Darkness Castle in Belgium; the "Marc Dutroix Affair" makes for light
reading if you are interested; or check out the Omaha Nebraska (Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben=Nebraska
backwards) Boy's Town Pedophile and Prostitution Ring; Johnny Gosch and George Bush Jr are
quite the pair; how about Jerry Sandusky and his Penn St scandal involving Obama "Body Man"
Reggie Love? Muckracking? No, I'm trying to illustrate what Independence from God entails and
why God rained Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah!
July 4 is "Independence Day" of Amurru (America) the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god.
Francis wears the Mitre of Dagan, the Philistine God equivalent with Mithra, the Zoroastrian sungod worshipped throughout the Roman Empire on Dec 25. Santa (Hittite god) wears the Red
"Phrygian" Cap of Mithra. Francis wears the Mitre of Dagan rather than the Headress (Turban) of
Aaron; carries the Pagan "Twisted Crucifix" and sits on the Chair of Peter above the Shahada
"There is no God but Allah". How's that for Independence?
Also on the falsely named "Christian" side of the "Dialectic" is the Archbishop of Canterbury
who recently declared "Iam pro-Israel. I believe in the State of Israel. Israel is the center of the
world in so many extraordinary ways" ex-Oil executive, Archbishop of Canterbury, Right Reverend
Justin Welby in communion with Roman Cathoilic, Greek, Assyrian, Russian, Syrian, Coptic
"Orthodox" (means Having the correct opinion; they do not!), Sunni and Shia Islam, every
Protestant denomination and most every pagan and nature religion on earth. His predecessor
Rowan Williams was an ordained Druid Priest. These boys need to read Amos 5:2 "The virgin of
Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: he is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up"
Thus saith the Lord GOD. Jesus is the "Narrow Path"; This is the "Wide Path" that leads to
destruction of the Soul.
On the Islam side, the Musllim Brotherhood declared "May the LORD destroy secular opponents
of the Islamist movement" the same day Sharia Constitutional Law Judge Adly Mansour and Nobel
Peace Prize winner and ex-IAEA Chairman Mohammad el-Baradei were sworn in as President/VP of
Egypt; el-Baradei says "There is no credible evidence Iran is developing Nuclear weapons" and
"Israel needs to sign the NPT and open up nuclear facilities for inspection"; that went over so well
the Egyptian-Israeli Natural Gas Pipeline was bombed the next day.
PRISM and Rainbow
On Sunday, July 7 NSA/CIA/Booz Allen Hamilton Scapegoat Edward Snowden made the
claim the US and Israel created the StuxNet Virus responsible for the Cyber attack on Iran's
Nuclear enrichment program. What has largely escaped scrutiny is that StuxNet caused Siemmens
coolant controllers to shut down, leading to the Fukushima Nuclear meltdown with US created
MOX Fuel; it seems Ed and his NSA handlers are prepping the US for similar attacks on US Nuclear
Power Plants as they too are controlled by Siemmens controllers! Snowden told the world about
PRISM, the NSA Data Collection program; what has largely escaped public exposure is FISA (US
Foreign Intelligence Court) operates with 11 appointed Judges without Congressional oversight
who have authorized 504 NSA and CIA Signals Intelligence gathering operations in conjunction
with other Foreign Intelligence services. Now can you see why American President Lines-Russia
aka "Mol Comfort" had a Russian crew of 26 bringing 50,000 tons of weapons to al-Qaeda Syrian
Rebels? Russia supplies weapons openly to Bashar al-Assad and covertly to Syrian Rebels. The US
supplies weapons openly to Syrian Rebels and covertly to Bashar al-Assad (James Clapper even
admitted Saddam Hussein's WMD's were sent to Assad in 2002). Internet Service providers, Phone
Companies, CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) and Medical providers all connect to the
FBI, NSA and CIA and to every other Intelligence Agency in every Nation on earth. All Foreign
Intelligence agencies work together because Lucifer is in charge! Lucifer "Light Bearer" is
like a Prism which separates Light into the constituent colors of the Rainbow, the Logo used by
the LGBT Movement. Lucifer is the god of Sodom and Gomorrah and those days are
returning. In Israel, nuclear preparations are being made at the Jericho Site, a radiation
hardened bunker "Project 911" is being built by the US near Beit Shemesh. Shemesh means "Sun".
Samson "Like the Sun" pulled down the Philistine Temple of Dagon there some 3000 years
Sharia Law and Noahide Law forces one to reject Jesus Christ.
Mohammad el-Baradei and Adly Mansour are seen as "Lightning Rods" in Israel because of Sharia
Law; how about Sharia Law Judge Hassan Rouhani as President of Iran?
On the Zionist side or the "Dialectic" is Noahide Law and fake Jew, Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel,
minus his "Acme Bomb" cartoon he used at the UN to accuse Iran of building Nuclear Weapons. He
used Independence Day to declare "Tikkun Olam" (Repair the Earth); a repair made by the
elimination of God from the world. All this was foreseen in 1871 when Freemason Albert Pike
declared the need for 3 World Wars; the last being Zionism against Islam in order for the "Light of
Lucifer" to be manifested. The 3rd Act in Chaldean Magick is the "Prestige"; the revealing of
Lucifer. You may recall the movie The Prestige ended with the revealing of Nikola Tesla's
technology; Hurricanes (HAARP Microwave Radars), Tornados (NexRad Doppler Radars),
Earthquakes (ELF Scalar Radars), Droughts, Floods (HAARP moves Jet Streams; NexRad Radars
damn them), Alien and Marian Apparitions (Star Wars aka Operation Blue Beam Satellites using the
Ionosphere as a TV Screen) will all come into play when God finallly sends the "Strong Delusion"
to believe the Luciferian Lie that Man can become God.
Thesis (Christianity) + Anti-thesis (Islam)=Synthesis (Freedom from God). Sodom is derived
from CeDom "Burnt, Scorched or Bitumen" such as the Burned Bricks held together by Slime
(Bitumen) used in the Tower of Babel. Burning or Scorching of one's Soul is meant here; Towers
(Magdala) aren't held together very well with asphalt or tar! On the Islam side is Ramadan which
also means "Burnt or Scorch"; Ramadan means "Hot Month" but over 33 years, the Islamic Lunar
based Holy Month migrates around the Solar Caldendar; the merging of the Sun and Moon is
called the Sacred Marriage or Divine Union and can be seen in the "Peace Fountain" at the
Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC occurring in Cancer ie June 22-July 21. In 2013 Ramadan
begins July 10 in Cancer and ends Aug 8 in Leo. Read the Sphinx article below to see what lies
ahead. Ramadan and Sodom both mean Scorch or Burn (Bricks=People) Souls of people in
Luciferian Initiation; the Crescent symbol represents Lucifer "Hilal" or "Heylel" for Mormons.
Taking the Independence cake in Science (Scire=To
Know=Gnosisis=Gnosticism=Sophia=Logos) is Stephen Hawking. In his The Grand Design "The
Universe created itself from nothing based on fundamental physics laws of Gravity, making God

Universe created itself from nothing based on fundamental physics laws of Gravity, making God
unnecessary..." How about the fundamental Law "Matter and Energy can neither be created nor
destroyed" Stevie? Jesuit Fr and Gonzaga Univ President Robert Spitzer is a leading Hawking and
avowed Atheist Leonard Mlodinow apologetic claiming their "M-Theory" is consitent with the "Real
God". The Gnostic "Society of Ormus" (Theraputae=Theraputic=Repair the Earth=Tikkun Olam) in
Alexandria, Egypt used the same "M" Logo 2300 years ago; the 13th English Letter represents
"Freedom and Liberty" From God and Equality With God. By the way, there is no "Law of Gravity",
just a bunch of Jesuit Lies to remove God from the equation!
The question is: Are you going to place your trust in the Right Reverend Archbishop of
Canterbury and Pope Francis I or in Jesus Christ? "Light of Faith" is Faith in Lucifer aka Allah!
Better decide fast because Time is Short!

Satan's Seat
I know thy w orks, and w here thou dw ellest, even w here Satan's seat is..." Rev 2:13 "I'm a
Berliner"-JFK "Mr Gorbachev, Tear dow n the W all"-Ronald Reagan "W ill w e live free or in chains, under
Governments that uphold our Universal rights? Or regimes that suppress them? In open societies that
respect the sanctity of the individual and free w ill or closed societies that suffocate the Soul?" Obama
The G-8 Summit concluded its discussion of the Syrian W ar; Putin openly condemned Obama for
arming Syrian Rebels; Obama then flew to Berlin for a purely symbolic speech at the Brandenburg Gate;
the same day Mol Comfort (Mitsui OSK Lines?; MOL means "Millstone") split in half w ith 4500 shipping
containers full of w eapons bound from Singapore to Syrian "Freedom Fighters" via Saudi Arabia; call
them w hat they are "Syrian "Rebels" are "Al-Qaeda" Mercenaries and they originated in the W ahhabist
dictatorship called Saudi Arabia. Now stop and think about this; the decision to openly arm Syrian
Rebels w as made by Obama June 14; Mol Comfort w as originally named APL-Russia; that's American
President Lines-Russia; it has w ith a Russian Crew of 26 carrying 4500+ containers (50K tons)
full of w eapons; it breaks in half on June 17 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/fnews/3034785/posts just 3 days after the announcement, and after crossing the Indian Ocean? A
voyage of 4300 miles from Singapore to Jeddah takes 14-18 days. Hoist the BS Flag! Mol
Comfort is a bigger "Smoking Gun" than Benghazi! Mol Comfort must have launched w hen Gen David
Petraeus aw arded his "Mentor" Henry Kissinger the Intrepid Air Museum "Peace and Freedom Aw ard",
the day before they both w ent to the Google Zeitgeist and Bilderberg Conference at the Grove Hotel
w here the Syrian W ar w as top on their list of topics! Explains w hy the "Red Line" issue came up and
John McCain and Liindsey Graham asked for Cruise Missile Strikes, a No-Fly Zone over Syria and Chuck
Hagel left 20 F-16's in Jordan eh? Mass murdering hypocrites! Petraeus even escaped Congressional
testimony on W eapons running from Benghazi thanks to John Kerry, currently in Qatar for the "Friends
of Syria" conference; your "Friendship" is causing "Civil W ar" John! From Iran-Contra to Benghazi to
Jeddah; W eapons and Drugs spread freely. Mol Comfort split in 2 the day before Putin w as publically
condemning the arming Syrian Rebels! Here are 2 more hypocrites; Mormon Senator Mike Lee and
Israel shill Rand Paul introduced legislation to block the arming of Syrian Rebels June 20; w ay to be on
top of things boys! Rand says Dir of Nat Intel James Clapper lied and Edw ard Snow den told the truth;
Rand, w as Clapper lying about Saddam Hussein shipping w eapons including W MD's and other Chemical
W eapons to Syria in 56 B-747 flights in 2002? W hile the new s follow s Booz-Allen-Hamilton employee
Edw ard Snow den; far bigger treason goes un-noticed. Booz collects and processes data for the NSA,
CIA, DHS, FBI, IRS, Army, Navy, Marines and AF; Rabbi Dov Zakheim is a Mitt Romney adviser; he lost
track of $2.3 Trillion in DOD funds just before 9/11; James Clapper lies repeatedly about NSA spying
and Benghazi, Ian Brzezinski is the son of Obama adviser and NW O legend Zbiginiew w hose book The
Grand Chessboard is a NW O blueprint. Nice company Edw ard keeps eh? Carlyle Group ow ns Booz; the
bin Laden family are investors in Carlyle; doing business w ith Halliburton, W illiams Int'l (Drone/Cruise
Missile Engines), Evergreen Aviation (Iran-Contra arms suppliers; w orldw ide Chemtrail contract) and
HSBC (Drug money laundry); they are based in Jeddah and John Kerry w as w aiting for the illegal
shipment! Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov condemned the arming of Syrian Rebels as a "Gross
violation of International Law and the UN Security Council Resolution" Sergei, Mol Comfort is a APLRussia ship with a Russian crew! Edw ard Snow den is a "Red Herring", globe trotting from Haw aii to
Hong Kong to Moscow to Cuba as the biggest Arms Deal in history is unfolding in the shadow s;
ironically Mol also means "W orker in the Shadow s".
Syrian al-Qaeda "Rebels" use the Black Flag and "Allah Akhbar" as their symbol; nice "Friends" John
McCain and John Kerry have eh? Tune in to Syriatube to see how "Rebels" are view ed by the rest of
the w orld; John McCain is proud of his "Rebels" like Northern Front Commander Abdel Baset Taw ileh in
Qatar on al-Jazeera New s June 23 "Rebels w ill use Chemical W eapons...Syria w ill have a Government
of Sharia Law ...you have 1 month to supply advanced w eapons to Rebels" The US is even considering
moving the 5th Fleet to Qatar. Nothing like America flexing its muscle in support of the Ismaili
"Assassins", Arab Arms Bazaars, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab League, al-Qaeda and Sharia Law eh?
W hy? Sharia Law "Revealed Law " is Law revealed by Lucifer; it's #1 requirement? Denial of Jesus
Christ! W ant to approach Satan's Seat? Deny Jesus Christ. W ant to approach the Throne of God?
Accept Jesus Christ. It's as simple as that folks!
Mol Comfort w as completed July 2008 for APL Russia (American President Lines-Russia); strange
name eh? Obama gave his first speech at Victory Column in Berlin as the APL Russia w as named MOL
Comfort; (MOL=Mola=Millstone or Mole "One w ho operates in the shadow s") and the speech
highlighted the phrase "Yes W e Can" dozens of times; "Yes W e Can" means "Thank You Satan" Mol
Comfort w as built in Japan (Jipun means "Land of the Rising Sun=Lucifer) the year before Obama
bow ed to Shinto Emperor Akahito; the ship w as bound for Saudi Arabia and yes, Obama bow ed to King
Abdullah too! Abdullah has a new FOX News Bureau Chief Jamal Khashoggi; his cousin Adnan
Khashoggi is a Mormon Church and Mitt Romney (Clear Channel Communications is ow ned by Bain
Capital; Khashoggi ow ned the Mormon Church ow ned KSL New s Broadcast House) business partner;
funny eh? Adnan w as the principle Saudi Arms Dealer supplying Iran w ith covert w eapons under
"Operation Phoenix" assassin, turned Methodist Reverend, Rex-84 "Civilian Inmate Detention Facility"
manager and Fox New s Contributor, Lt Col Oliver North during the Iran-Contra Drugs for W eapons
pipeline; rather duplicitous eh? During a "Friends of Syria" meeting June 22 in Qatar w ith Foreign
Ministers from the US (John Kerry), France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey
and Egypt Jamal said "Saudi Arabia w ill not allow an Iranian victory in Syria". The Ministers approved
immediate arming of al-Qaeda Rebels in Syria. 1 day later a report from Lebanon indicated Qatar
supplied the Chemical W eapons used by "Rebels" through Turkey. A bit nervous fellas? Just know that
Hell is forever! The Cargo Ship full of 10's of thousands of tons of Guns, RPG's, APC's and mobile Rocket

Launchers split in half 4 days ago; the w orld w ill soon know Qatar, the US, Russia and Turkey are all in
this together! Funny how 9/11/2001 to 6/22/2013 is 11 years 9 months 11 days eh? Catch the "Mirror
Image" here boys? No? Read Rev 9:11 and you w ill! If you like Google Doodles, then you should know
they forecast future events. The Summer Solstice Doodle featires a w ave w ashing over the logo; sort
of like the flooding in Northern India and Calgary, Canada. http://www.google.com/doodles/firstday-of-summer-2013 Mirror Image? HAARP alters Jet Streams by Ionospheric Heating; combined w ith
NexRad Radars in Canada and the US Artificial "Ionospheric Mirrors" form to create Artificial Floods;
think Steven Harper know s about this? June 23 Google Doodle features Mt Fuji as a UNESCO W orld
Heritage site; might that be because Mol Comfort w as made there? Or because Fukushima Radiation
w ill force an Exodus soon? Here are a few more symbols
Symbols of the Beast
Obama made another purely "Symbolic" visit to Israel, the same day Pope Francis I w as
inaugurated at the Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent); scheduling conflict? Nah. Pope Benedict XVI
resigned, Feb 28, as he did, Lightning hit St Peter's Basilica Twice. Benedict means "Blessing; Francis
means Free". On "Red Heifer" Day (2 Nisan/Abib) Moses used ashes from the 1st Red Heifer to
consecrate Aaron as Levitical Priest; the Chief Levite Priest then used ashes of sacrificed unblemished
and non-Yoked Red Heifers to consecrate the Cornerstones of the 1st and 2nd Temples; a fake Levite
(Samaritan) Priest w ill soon do the same for the 3rd Temple w here Satan's Seat w ill be installed. On
"Red Heifer" Day 3/13/13 Pope Francis I w as elected the first Jesuit Pope; his name means "Free"; on
his Inauguration Day as the final Pope #112 according to the prophecy of St Malachy, Barack Hussein
Obama (Lightning; Handsome and He is w ith us), the final American President according to C Alan
Martin and his 1971 "vision" (I regard C Alan Martin, St Malachy and 11Q13 "Prince Melchisedek Scroll"
as Gnostic deceptions designed to replace Jesus Christ w ith Lucifer) visits the Church of the Nativity
(Hanukkah/Christmas is the Nativity of Sol "Natalis Solis Invicti" aka Lucifer not Jesus Christ; Jesus w as
Born on Feast of Tabernacles; the site is an ancient Grotto below the Temple of Venus and Apollo) and
lays a w reath on the graves of Zionism's founder Theodr Herzl and Yitzhak Rabin at both sites Obama
w ore a White Y armulke, and Masonic Light Blue Tie, accompanied by Israeli President Shimon Peres
and PM Benjamin Netanyahu, at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial; as he did, an East W ind (the
original Exodus across the Red Sea from Egypt to Arabia w as facilitated by a similar but obviously far
larger East W ind) sandstorm grounded AF-1 before his "Symbolic" visit to the Hashemite ie Edomite
(Edom=Red) King Abdullah II of Jordan. Jordan is Idumea, the ancestral home of Edom, Moab and
Ammon; Yup, the ones listed in Dan 11:41 as escaping the hand of the "Beast"; Obama's Limo is "The
Beast". W hat all these men have in common is Free Masonry; all 3 men w ore identical light blue
Masonic ties; W hy? Going back to Glastonbury Tor; the name Glastonbury means "Woad"; W oad is a
Celtic w ord meaning "Stronghold of the people" and is the name of "Blue Dye" used in Masonic ties.
The W hite Yarmulke? Skull Caps (Yarmulke, Kippah, Zuchetti) are separations from Jesus Christ; a
replacement Temple Veil of sorts; Masonry eventually forces one to reject the Holy Ghost and this
symbolizes the "Unforgivable Sin"; Pope Francis? Yup, he w ears one too! Pretty symbolic eh? How
about this?
Druids rode Hobby Horses into Congregations on April Fool's Day to mimic Jesus Christ, their socalled "April Fool"; no I'm not Jesting! thank God w e don't do that sort of Mockery anymore! Most
Congregations send children on Rabbit laid Easter Egg hunts on Ishtar's Day instead! The mockery
stems from Jesus being sent on "Fool's Errands" from Chief Priest Caiaphas to Annas to Pontius Pilate
to King Herod and back again before the Crucifixion; Druids are "Know ers of Trees" and Jesus w as
"Hung upon the Tree". April is derived from Aprilis "Month of Venus"; Venus is Lucifer! W hat day w ould
be better than April "Fool's Day" 1314? On 3/18/1314 the 700th anniversary of the last Templar
Jacques de Molay being executed follow ed by the New Moon on 1 Abib/Nisan to start God's New Year,
follow ed 2 w eeks later by a Lunar Eclipse to start a Tetrad of 4 Lunar Eclipses on Passover and
Tabernacles in 2014-15 and 2 Solar Eclipses on 1 Abib/Nisan and Feast of Tabernacles in 2015? Jesus
w as born on Feast of Tabernacles and Lucifer w ants to replace Him. Pharisees just love "Signs in the
Heavens" and God is sending plenty of them!
First up is Comet ISON on Hanukkah/Christmas 2013. ISON means "Son of Joseph" and is an
anagram of Sion aka Mt Hermon. Anyone preparing for its arrival? The Planetary Defense Project
"W ormw ood" in Australia for one! "Project 911" is another! The Shahada is all that is required for a
Luciferian Initiation to Islam; repeating "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet" w ill
do it. Jesuits and Masons have their ow n version; W itches turn the Cross upside dow n and blaspheme
Jesus similarly. Pope Francis I sits on the Chair of St Peter above the Shahada. Obama has w orn a
w edding ring for years before he met Michelle; on the ring is the first line of the Shahada "There is no
God except Allah". That folks, is the Sacred Marriage or Divine Union to Lucifer from w hich there is no
turning back. Jesuit, Masonic, Islamic and W itchcraft Oaths all deny Jesus Christ, so does the Mezuzah.
Project 911 on Site 911 near Beit Shemesh (Allah the Akkadian Moon god is the reflection of Shamash
"Sun") is a radiation hardened bunker due for completion Aug 2014, w ith the Mezuzah over every door.
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD" Deut 6:4KJV The Mezuzah? "Hear, O Israel: The LORD
our God is One" Most bibles including the versions used by John Calvin (1599 Geneva) and John Knox
(Presbyterian) alter the scripture to make God "One" instead of "One LORD". W hy put a Mezuzah over
a Doorw ay? Protection from the Angel of Death of course! Satan arrives at Rev 9:11, so time may be
quite short to secure the protection of Jesus Christ! Now , w hy the Brandenburg Gate?
Berlin means "Bear" as does "Arthur" the mythical "King of the Britons", mythically buried at
Glastonbury Tor below the Aquarian Cross. Sorry, but the Christian "Fish" symbol on top of that Tor
"High Hill" has nothing to do w ith Jesus Christ and everything to do w ith the coming Alternative
Messiah aka "Fisher King". British means "Covenant of Birthright"; Cain, Japheth, including Gomer
(Germans) and Ashkenaz (fake Jew s), Canaan, Elam (Persians), Joktan (Arabs), Ishmael and Esau
might ring a bell here. 50 years ago, JFK w as killed by Masons 5 months after that speech in front of
the Berlin W all at the Brandenburg Gate because he w oke up to reality and began w arning the w orld
about the danger of Secret Societies; 50 is the number associated w ith Jubilee; the rest follow ing the
perfect consummation of time (Seven Sevens). Gnostics predicted in 11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll
"After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast w ill herald the coming Melchisedek" Jesus is Melchisedek! Does
this means the 2nd Coming is imminent? NO!! This w ill be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500
years from w hat? Black Nobility Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank. Michelangelo painted
the Sistine Chapel w ith a crack separating Man from God to illustrate "Freedom and Liberty from God";
the removal of the "Yoke" described in Gen 27:39-41; essentially, God as the "Restrainer" is allow ing
Esau to remove the "Yoke" of service to Jacob and like Frankenstein, his intent is to kill his master.
JFK w oke up to reality; Ron Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev attended Bohemian Grove Rituals
together for 25 years, a modern day version of a 4000 year old Sumerian Ritual "Begone Dull Care"; no
w aking up for Ronnie or Gorby; he runs "Green Cross International" in San Francisco; "Green Man"
is Satan. Bush and Obama attend Bohemian Grove. Putin is a product of Stalin just like North Korea's
Kim Il Sun; the Obamas are Marxists; there is no difference betw een Putin and Obama; they both serve
Lucifer from both sides of the "Dialectic". Thesis+Antithesis=Synthesis; the Synthesis? W W III and the
ensuing "Order out of Chaos".

The Brandenburg Gate or Tor is not a Gate; rather an Acropolis built on a "High Hill" to replicate the
Acropolis of Athens. Acropolis means "Highest City or Citadel"; Athens the "City of Athena" the Greek
goddess of W ar. Standing atop the Brandenburg Gate is the Quadriga of Victory; 4 Horses line
abreast puling the Chariot of the goddess Victory (Greek Nike; Egyptian Nepthys; Sabine Vacuna).
Victory is a goddess promising Victory over Death; that is meant here, but it is a Satanic Lie. The
inscription "W ho brings Peace" refers to Lucifer, the "Man of Peace"; Jesus returns w ith a Sw ord! The
timing w ith the new movie Elysium is not coincidental; Nazis adopted the Norse version "Valhalla". In
Paris, the Quadriga of Victory stands atop the Arc de Triompfe at the end of Champs Elysee (Elysium),
connecting the Luxor Obelisk of the Exodus, Place de la Concorde (Agreement w ith Satan/Lucifer), Pont
Neuf, the spot Jacques de Molay w as executed 3/18/1314; Notre Dame Cathedral and the "Rose Line"
(original Prime Meridian) at St Sulpice Cathedral. Similar Quadrigas of Victory are W ellington's Arch in
London (W ellington-Napoleon created the Rothschild Banking House, Central Banks, FED etc; they are
Edomite not Jew ish); Altar of the Nation in Rome; Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn (Columbia represents
the US in this one); Palace Square in St Petersberg, Russia and the Horses of St Mark in Venice w here
Black Nobility Merchants propagated Luciferian Religion.
The original Acropolis in Athens w as a "Sun Temple" dedicated to Cecrops a mythical 1/2 Man 1/2
Serpent. Obama is part of the Serpent Cult aka Gnosticism. His 2008 speech at the Victory Column
opposite the Brandenburg Gate featured the phrase "Y es We Can" to 200,000 people; in Reverse
Speech "Yes W e Can" means "Thank You Satan". "Yes" being equivalent w ith "Green Language",
"Language of Birds" (Augury or Inauguration), Languedoc, the place Cathars w ere executed by fire and
Language of Oil. (Ouissez=Oil=Oui=Yes). Obama's 2013 speech at the Brandenburg Gate w as behind
Rocket Proof Glass to a handpicked group of 4000 people; protesters held up signs "Yes W e Scan"
instead of "Yes W e Can". The speech had several key w ords: "Free"; "Universal Rights"; Open
Societies" and "Soul". Universal Health Care and George Soros' "Open Society Inst" may come to mind.
Universal Rights are provided by Satan not God. Adam and Eve had "Rights" to live forever in Paradise
until the advent of Sin in the form of the Serpent broke the Covenant; the w orld is now at the end of
the 8th Covenant and Gnostics look to break that one too. New Covenant "Rights" w ere purchased by
the Blood of God at the Crucifixion. Our "Rights" are the same as before; "Live Forever", but this time it
is by accepting the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf. God "Judges" the "Soul" based solely based
on that fact; that folks, is a "Closed Society" w ith an impassible gulf betw een Heaven and Hell. Time to
choose w here you w ill spend Eternity!
Nobel Peace Prize w inner Obama is playing the role of Exodus Pharaoh, but Deliverance and
Salvation is not in the cards this time; Hell is. W W I eliminated Tsarist Russia, killed 1/3 of Europe w ith
US made Ft Detrick "Spanish Flu" Plague and created Nazi Germany. W W II ended on W alpurgisnacht
w ith Hitler's faked suicide, and Stalin's "May Day" (Beltane is Baal/Satan's Birth) Parades in Red Square
as Eisenhow er set up; the line betw een East and W est became the "Berlin W all"; symbolically, JFK, a
Catholic, delivered his speech on its W est "Setting Sun" side; Obama on its East "Rising Sun". Masons
murdered JFK and intend to destroy the Roman Catholic Church; this time w ith help on the inside by
the first Jesuit Pope Francis I. Cardinal Bergoglio w as an "Operation Condor" operative; if you haven't
researched the Condor and Eagle Prophecy you might w ant to.
Hitler's Pulpit "Zeppelintribune" at the 3rd Reich rally grounds in Nuremberg w as based on the
Throne of Pergamon "Satan's Seat"; the real one is located in the Pergamon Museum on Museum
Island in Berlin. The "Throne of Pergamon" and processional of Babylon w ith "Ishtar's Gate" w ere
taken to Germany in advance of the Nazis according to Albert Pike's plan for 3 W orld W ars. You may
recall Madonna re-enacted "Ishtar's Descent int Hell" at the 2012 Super Bow l. Ishtar's Gate w as the
8th Gate to Neo-Babylon; the Judge of the 8th Satanic Covenant w ill soon sit on the Throne of
Pergamon. The Nuremberg Trials a public show covering America's financial and material backing of the
Nazi Empire and involvement w ith the Rat Lines. Nazi Germany w as not the 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6;
Esau's "Dominion" is the 3rd Beat and that is coming soon, and the result w ill be a Global Holocaust
that made Daniel faint and Jesus inform us "Save those days should be shortened there should not
flesh remain". Not ready for "those days"? Me either, but w e had better get ready by entering the New
Covenant w ith Jesus Christ! Think Hitler and Goebbels w ere monsters? Thank Prescott Bush and
George Romney among others.
The Knights Templar "Green Man" w ill sit on the Throne of Pergamon in Jerusalem. Stalin removed
the "Throne of Pergamon" to Leningrad (Lenin instigated the Bolshevik Revolution w ith W all St funding)
in 1948 w hen Israel w as born; likely it w ill be taken to Jerusalem before Rev 9:11 w hen Satan is cast
to earth, 18 months, 1 w eek, 1 day before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Project 911 on Site 911, a
radiation hardened bunker w ith the Mezuzah over every door w ill be completed by 9 Av 2014.
Remember the signs: 4 Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles 2014-15 and 2 Solar Eclipses on 1
Abib and 1 Tishrei "Rosh Hashanah" 2015. Heralding the arrival of Jesus Christ? I doubt it; Jesus comes
as a "Thief in the Night". The point? Be ready! Mick Jagger said "Time is on our side"; it is not on the
side of Christians! Get right w ith Jesus now ! So w hen w ould the Great Tribulation begin? Comet ISON
means "Son of Joseph"; it is also an anagram of Si on aka Mt Hermon "Mount of the Chief". W hether
ISON proves to be "W ormw ood" of Rev 8:11 remains to be seen, but its supposed Russian discovery
by a man (Artonym=Artemisia Abysinthium=W ormw ood) w ith a name meaning "W ormw ood" should be
of some alarm as it arrives Hanukkah 2013. You may recall the Live 8 concert at the Victory Column
opposite the Brandenburg Gate w as 8 years ago on July 2, 2005. Just coincidence I'm sure, and w ho
can forget Green Day singing "American Idiot", "Holiday", "Minority" and "W e are the Champions";
W ant to be in that group? Take the Mark of the Beast at the Throne of Pergamon.

"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. And
shall go our to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to
gather tham together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea" Rev 20:7 "Gog and
Magog" is after the Millennium, not now!
The "Red Line" has been crossed. US, French and British Intelligence has proof Bashar al-Assad
(Arab Monotheist "Alaw ite") has used Sarin Chemical W eapons. US educated, Arab League/Muslim
Brotherhood Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi (also Monotheist) cut Diplomatic ties w th Syria and is
calling for a No-Fly Zone, a Holy War on all of Shia Islam (Morsi calls Shias "Unclean"), War iin
Ethiopia over the "Renaissance Dam" (Baath means Renaissance; Syria is primarily Baathist) and
support if "Eretz Israel"; you read that right! W ar is on betw een Zionism and Islam just as Sodomite
Freemason Albert Pike predicted 142 years ago, and the US is caught "Red Handed" supplying W MD's
to both sides of the "Dialectic". Russia stands against a No-Fly Zone in Syria and is sending Marines
and TOS-1 Buratino Flame Throw ing Thermobaric W arhead equipped tanks to Syria. Russia, Iran, China,
Syria (NAM "Non-aligned") V US, EU, Israel (NATO). Read Is 17-23 beginning w ith "Burden of Damascus"
before the Tomahaw k Cruise Missiles fly; this w ill get ugly quick! Morsi received an honorary PhD in
Islamabad 3/18/13; 3/18/14 is the 700th anniversary of the execution of Jacques de Molay on Pont

Neuf, Paris; that spot connects the Rose Line, St Chapelle (Reliquary of the Crucifixion), Notre Dame
(Our Lady aka Queen of Heaven), Luxor Obelisk in the Place of Concord (Agreement w ith Lucifer),
Champs Elysee (Elysium=Abode of the Blessed) and Arch of Triumph in Paris "Par Isis" (House of Isis
"Queen of Heaven"); Lucifer's Triumph over God is built in Paris! "In 700 years, the Laurel w ill grow
green again"-Cathar Perfecti (Templars and Assassins are the "Dialectic" both Militarily and
Economically in the Occident/W est and Orient/East). US=Amurru "Edomite Shepherd"; British=Covenant
of Birthright; France=Free of God. Jacob's "Yoke" is about to be removed from Esau (Gen 27:40 KJV)
and it's going to get ugly. Just a guess, but w atch for the matching Luxor Obelisk of Amon-Ra to be
moved from Luxor (Thebes="City of the W AS Scepter"; a Surveying Transit of "W orld"; W AS means
"Dominion"; Esau's "Dominion") to Paris at Pont Neuf and the Throne of Pergamon (Satan's Seat) to be
moved from Berlin to Jerusalem.
WWIII will end all National Sovereignty and complete Esau's "Dominion"
The CFR and UN receive the most attention, but Yemen deserves more; Shem's son Arphaxad W ho?
exactly; Elam (Iran), Asshur (Assyria is represented in the ruthless US Military and cites of Detroit and
Chicago; Church of the East "Rising Sun" is Lucifer w hich is w hy the Statue of Liberty, Lady of Freedom
and Angel Moroni atop Mormon Temples all face East) Lud (Turkey) and Aram (Syria) get most of the
attention. Arphaxad had a son Eber (Hebrew ); in the days of his sons Peleg (Archipaelago means
"Land divided by w ater"; Jesus is the "Living W ater") and Joktan (+239 years after the Flood) "...by
these w ere the nations divided in the earth after the flood" Gen 10:32. Joktanites settled in Yemen and
Oman; Joktan's son Sheba is listed in Eze 38 "Gog and Magog"; Ophir settled in Oman. Yemen is an
Arab deception; the US has in place a Zionist, Talmudic fake Jew as Ambassador Gerald Feiersteiin. In
Bahrain w here the US 5th Fleet is stationed, another Israeli Thomas Krajeski w as Chief of Staff for Iraq
Provisional Authority "Pillager in Chief" 33 0 Luciferian Mason L Paul Bremmer, w ho stole his $60 million
"Ali Baba" fund (used to bribe locals), built oil pipelines from Iraq to Haifa and allow ed UN Sec General
Kofi Annan to steal "Oil for Food" funds; Tom's father w as a Hagana terrorist just like Rahm Emanuel's
father Benjamin w as for Irgun. Ever w onder how 56 B-747 flights from Iraq to Syria w ent largely unnoticed or how Saddam's sons Uday and Qusay made off w ith $20 Billion? The range of Iran's Russian
supplied Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles conveniently covers the 5th Fleet base. Shooting Iran's 230
MPH super-cavitating torpedos at stationary targets? Pearl Harbor all over again. AQAP (al Qaeda in
the Arabian Pennisula) and the Islamic Jihad of Yemen aka Houthis or Zaidi "Rebels" stage "al-Qaeda"
"False Flag" attacks from Yemen. Abu Dhabi is set to open a US Customs pre-clearance facility; IDEX
(Int'l Defense Exhibition and Conference) in Abu Dhabi hosts the w orld's largest "Arms Bazaar"; 100
International Corporations selling w eapons to 80,000 "Arms Dealers" in 60 countries operating outside
Government oversight. Libyan "Rebels" purchased Canadian Drones at IDEX; need a Canadian Frigate
to start a w ar IDEX has it.
The US is sending 1500 Marines, operating a Drone base and DynCorp (Iraq reconstruction/slave
trade) w eapons storage facility in Yemen and Socotra Is, as w ell as an F-22/Drone base at Masirah Is
in Oman right next to the Straits of Hormuz. Of 240 GITMO prisoners, 100 are Yemeni. The Osama bin
Laden "al-Qaeda" myth began w ith a False Flag attack on the USS Cole in Yemen. Christmas Bomber
Farouk Abdulmutallib originated in Yemen; his fake name matches that of Muhammad's grandfather!
The UPS "Toner Cartridge" bombs w ere discovered in Yemen; UPS does not serve Yemen! Yemen is
intergral to ending National Sovereignty and putting the Nations of the w orld under the rule of Lucifer!
Peleg represents the choice of Jesus Christ; the "Living W ater". Joktan (Lucifer) or Peleg (Jesus Christ)
are your 2 options.
In 630 AD "Mohammadens" took Mecca by force and Muhammad (means w orthy of praise). smashed
a the Red Agate Idol of "Hubal" (Ha Baal), the Chief god of the Kaaba (Cube) at the Zamzam W ell (spot
w here Hagar and Ishmael w ere cast out by Abraham; descendants claim the title "Tw elver" and
"Assassin" Ismailis and Hagarites; Hagar=Agar=Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia) in Mecca, re-dedicating it to
"Allah" (means "The God" or "The One"); this began Monotheism based Islam. CIA recruit Osama bin
Laden said "America is Hubal of the modern age". Muslim means "One w ho submits to Allah"; the
primary tenet of Monotheism, 7 Noahide Law s and Sharia Law is Rejection of Jesus Christ and the
Holy Ghost. That is the Luciferian Initiation required of the New Age as stated by the UN Planetary
Initiative. "Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost" is the only "Unforgivable Sin". W ith 100% certainty, taking
a formal Luciferian Initiation w ill land you in Hell for eternity! "...blasphemy against the Holy Ghost chall
not be forgiven unto men...neither in this w orld, neither in the w orld to come" Mat 12:31-32; Mk 3:29
Sen. Lindsey Graham and John McCain are asking for Cruise Missile attacks and a No-Fly Zone in
Syria using F-16's flow n from the Edomite Kingdom of Jordan; W hy Edom? "...but these shall escape out
of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon" Dan 11:41 Today, w e call
this area Jordan; Hubal came from Jordan! Ps 83 lists the "Confederation" of Edom, Ishmael, Moab,
Ammon, Hagarenes, Amalekites and Philistines; Christians are still in spiritual w ar w ith them; of those,
God w ill be at w ar w ith Amalekites from generation to generation. Jesuit Chuck Hagel previously sent F16's to Jordan as part of the "Eager Lion Drill"; pretty convenient eh? He is meeting w ith Israeli
"Officials" at the Pentagon w ho are demanding military intervention over the next few days; tail
w agging the dog it seems. Think about this for one moment; w hy w ould the supposed "Jew ish" nation
of Israel and the supposed "Christian" nation of America team up w ith the Hashemite ie Edomite nation
of Jordan? Esau (Edom) rejected his "Birthright" and since, has been the declared enemy of Jew s.
Obadiah means "Servant of JEHOVAH"; "...there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau: for
the LORD hath spoken it". This is w hy Mal 1:3 and Rom 9:13 declare God hates Esau! Jacob does not
obtain "Dominion" (ref Amos 7:2-3;5-6 KJV); Esau obtains "Dominion" over Earth (ref Gen 27:40 KJV).
Esau sold his Birthright; God renamed him Edom meaning "Red". Esau is the "Red Line" Esau is the
Red Idol "Hubal" and Esau's "Dominion" is assured (Gen 27:40 KJV) Esau's intent is to kill Jacob
ie "God's Followers".
How does Muhammad figure in? Muhammad's grandfather Abd al-Mutallib chose by Lot (Arrow s) his
son Abdullah (Abd=Servant of Allah) to be sacrificed to Hubal at Mecca; his son Muhammad is
considered a "Hanif", a descendant of Ishmael as w ell as "Banu Hashim" a Hashemite descendant of
Esau. Does Abd al-Mutallib ring a bell? It should, Abdulmutallib is the famed "Christmas Bomber"! Pretty
brazen eh? The Abrahamic Covenant specified "Do not take w ives of the daughters of Canaan"; Isaac
and Jacob complied; Ishmael and Esau did not. Isaac became a type of Jesus as the Messiah; Jacob
became a symbol of the spiritual follow ers of Jesus as Messiah or Christ called "Christians". Ishmael
and Esau became "Rebels" and W W III is next up.
In a joint statement, "Rebel" praiser John McCain and Sodomite Lindsey Graham said "Supplying
arms is not enough...US credibility is on the line...now is the time for decisive military action... using
Cruise Missiles...the President must rally an International Coalition...Hezbollah is all in; Iran is all in". All
this is just in time for the G-8 Conference June 17-18 in Ireland. Irish, Libyan W ar architect and now UN
Ambassador Samantha Pow er takes over the UN Security Council in July, the self proclaimed "Genocide
Chick" and "Human rights Advocate" w ill w ithout question, support US military intervention in Syria just
as she did in Libya. Former UN Ambassador and Benghazi liar Susan Rice is w ell positioned as Nat
Security Adviser. Meanw hile in Iran, Hassan Rouhani, a Sharia Law interpreter for both Sunnis and
Shias; the lead IAEA Nuclear Inspection negotiator and Iran-Iraq Dep. W ar Commander takes a dim
view of "Human Rights" and is the new President; check his book out "National Security and Nuclear

Diplomacy". Hassan Rouhani know s a thing or 2 about covert w eapons shipments during the IranContra program; Saudi Arms Dealer and Mitt Romney/Mormon Church business partner Adnan
Khashoggi (Clear Channel Comm and KSL Triad Building) brokered the w eapons; Deja Vu isn't it?
Sharia Law means "Revealed Law "; to w hom? Elected Shia Ayatollahs and bloodline descendants
"Sayyids" called "Companions of Mohammad"; just ask the man w ho claims both Ayatollah Seyyed
(Sayyid) Kameini; he alone selects Iranian presidential candidates. Angel Gabriel not only foretold of
the birth of Jesus Christ, he brought the "Book of Mormon" to Joseph Smith and the Quran to
Muhammad; NOT! to the last 2. It seems Gabriel w as mistaken about Jesus being God in Flesh! NOT!
Arab myth claims Muhammad flew w ith Gabriel on the Winged Horse "Buraq", the same "Buraq",
Abraham flew on 2500 years earlier to the site of the al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount) w here the Quran
claims Abraham w as w illing to sacrifice Ishmael rather than Isaac. Ishmael and Esau or Isaac and
Jacob; those are your choices! Muhammad w as able to visit Heaven and Hell, and visit w ith Abraham,
Moses and Jesus; Praise the LORD! Remember w hen Barack (Buraq=Barack=Lightning; Obama="He is
w ith us") Obama bow ed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and proclaimed "A New Beginning for Islam" in
Cairo, Egypt? The New Beginning aka Renaissance of Islam is coming on the wings of Barack!
Dervish (Qutb means "Axis or Pillar"), W ahhabist (Muhammad W ahhab created this Saudi Cult)
professor at Stanford University Ibn Sayyid Qutb used his w ritings from prison to create the "al-Qaeda"
myth in 1966, the year Luciferians call "Year One" (Anno Satanae). Since his execution for treason,
Shiek Omar Abdel Rahman "Blind Sheik" has rallied "Islamic Rebels" from prison; Omar=Great Speaker;
Abdel=Servant of El (Phoenician El=Mormon Elohim); Rahman=pre-Islamic name of Hubal, Allah and
Lucifer. After supposedly fighting 3 w ars to rid the w orld of this deadly menace, the US is now arming,
training and financing al-Qaeda (Foundation) to the teeth and has enmeshed itself in the center of the
1400 year old Sunni-Shia division! A return to the good ole days w hen Catholics and Protestants
slaughtered each other because Martin Luther and John Calvin told us the Pope is the Antichrist; He is
NOT, nor w ill Francis hand the "Keys of the Kingdom" to Jesus Christ!
How did Hassan Rouhani get elected? Ayathollah Khameini of course; he appoints all 12 electors and
personally removes candidates from the approved list. Then the man w ho tries to convince Shia
"Tw levers" the w orld cannot exist w ithout the presence of the Grand Ayathollah "suggests" the
candidate the people should vote for; sounds a bit Mormonesqe because they are the same;
Hilal=Crescent=Mormon Heylel=Lucifer. Bee means W ord in Chaldee; the rigged game is a Luciferian
"Sting" w ith its Spy Center in the Beehive State! A "Sting" is a "Rigged Game".
The day after the election in Iran; Ahmadinejad announced that 4000 Republican Guard troops are
headed to Syria. Previously, he has announced his prophetic mission at the "Green" UN HQ to usher in
"al-Mahdi"; al-Mahdi is Lucifer! Extra-territorial Guard Troops are called "Quds Force" meaning
"Jerusalem Force". Quds Day w as instituted after Iran's "Green Revolution" in 1979 created the Shia
Dictatorship under Ayatholllah Khomeini; a far cry from the Persia of Cyrus the Great! Jerusalem aka
Quds Force is headed to Syria;

Quds Day is Aug 2, 2013 the day after is Hassan Rouhani's

Inauguration. The goals of Quds Force and Quds Day?

Combat Zionism; to that end Iran is proposing a new front in the Golan Heights on Mt
Hermon; see w hy Israelis are meeting w ith Chuck Hagel now ?
Promote Solidarity with Palestinians. Ayathollah Khomeini, Kameini and Sistani are all Grand
Orient Freemason brothers w ith 33 0 Masons Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestine President
Mahmoud Abbas and Prince Hall Mason Barack Obama. W hy? Freemasons are Luciferians!
Control Jerusalem. To that end I w ould not be surprised to see a "False Flag" attack on the
Al-Aqsa Mosque. Remember, Israel and the US are building "Site 911", a radiation hardened
bunker near Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun=Lucifer) due for completion by 9 Av 2014.
"Quds Day 2013" is August 2, 2013; in 1990 that day was Tisha b' Av. That date should ring a
bell as GHW Bush started Gulf War I on Aug 2, 1990. W W III could very w ell start on the 23rd
anniversary of "Quds Day" or the beginning of the Islamic Calendar on July 16.
23 years ago in the same year, the Aquarian Cross w as fashioned in Jerusalem and erected on
Glastonbury Tor by www.Wholisticworldvision.org How does Jesus figure w ith them? They w rote an
additional 23rd Chapter to the book Jesus delivered via the Holy Ghost; right after the parts "I am
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the first and the last...if any man add unto these things, God
shall add unto him the plagues that are w ritten in this book" Rev 22:12;18 Gutsy move or the actions
of Vain Fools? MERS-CoV has all the earmarks of being a plague of dare I say "Biblical Proportions". Is
it God's Plague? No! Nobody survives the 7 Vials/Bow ls of W rath or the 2nd Coming.
"Ramadan is July 8-Aug 7 with Quds Day on Aug 2; the Hajj is Oct 13-16, 2013. The timing w ith
MERS-CoV breaking out in Saudi Arabia and Jordan could not be w orse. An "October Surprise"? You
may recall 52 American hostages w ere released in Tehran (Tehran w as the first acquisition of the
Jesuits 500 years ago) during Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Speech w ith GHW Bush on the ticket; he
w ould become the architect of the Iran-Contra Drug and W eapons pipeline and Gulf W ar I. The
mortality rate of this Human to Human plague currently stands at 80%. Dr Ron Fouchier at the Erasmus
Medical Center mapped and patented the lethal killing machine too! How is that for Credibility? On the
w estern calendar, a curious "Mirror Image" w ith Ramadan 7/8-8/7 occurs and the Hajj beginning on
8/13. 13/8 is the "Ratio of Life" or "Golden Mean"; Reversed in 8/13? W ell you get the idea, and if
MERS-CoV blooms w hen 3 million Muslims return home from the Hajj, W atch Out! Home is not just the
so-called "Fertile Crescent" Egypt and Saudi Arabia to Pakistan; it is Indonesia, France, England, 6
previously Communist Republics, Detroit and Chicago etc and Abu Dhabi is set to open a Private
Customs By-pass facility. Sending in MERS-CoV infected people to the US just got a lot easier for Arab
Emirs. Still don't believe this is all pre-planned? or that national leaders serve the same goal?
Johnniters are Cathars June 21-24 is Christmas for them
"A man's enemies shall be they of his own house" Mic 7:6; Mat 10:36
Mic 7:6 matches Dan 7:6 "3rd Beast" because the "Beast" is created from w ithin. Freemasons infest
Protestant Congregations like Jesuits do Catholic and Sufis do Muslim; they are Luciferians in "Sheep's
Clothes". Johnniters and Cathars are Gnostics; Gnosticism is Monotheism; Rejection of the Holy Ghost
and Jesus Christ as God in Flesh is required to progress into the New W orld Order. The Holy Ghost is
the only remedy of Sin. Priests, Imams and Rabbis are the "Enemy in our ow n house" and know this
very w ell (ref Mat 23:8-10)
On June 21, Canadian Nexrad Radars began damming up W ater in the Jet Stream, causing
w idespread flooding; a "Baptism" in honor of John the Baptist? June 21 "Summer Solstice" to June
24 "Feast Day of St John" is a big deal. The movie World War Z opens June 21; Zombie is the name
of the Snake Fetish God as w ell as "Slow W itted" person. Pagans and Druids w ill converge on
Stonehenge, an Earth Mesurement, Solar Calendar of Stone, Ritual Initiation and Ceremonial Sacrifice
center used by Druids, the forerunners of today's Freemasons. The Sun rising betw een the Trilothons
"Friar's Heel" or "Sun Stone" represents a "Gallow s" used in human sacrifice perhaps that is w hy 100K
people are being evacuated from flooded homes in w estern Canada on 6/21; NOAA's Nexrad (Next

Generation Doppler Radar) is used as an Artificial Ionospheric Mirror to dam natural storms, creating
un-natural floods. Here is how it w orks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h1Zwv4cis8
In 2013, June 23 is a Full Moon and a Super Moon on the Eve of St John's Day, making its closest
approach to Earth in all of 2013. W ill increased "Gravitational Pull" cause a "Disaster"? No. Occultists
being Looney cause "Disasters"; Gravity has not ever been, nor w ill ever be proven! 33 0 Luciferian
Mason Isaac New ton Lied! The Graviton "God Particle" is the "God of Forces" Daniel 11:38 speaks of;
that's Lucifer!
St John is a Gnostic combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist w orshiped by Knights
Templars and Knights of St John aka "Knights of Malta". Templars w ere accused of w orshipping the
severed head of John the Baptist; recall his head w as severed by the Edomite Herod by request of his
step daughter Salome; Shalom "Peace" may ring a bell here, in W itchcraft, the Luciferian Initiation is
accomplished by turnng the Cross Upside Dow n and breaking the cross-bar into the "Peace Sign". The
series "Simpsons" forecasted 9/11/2001 as did the series "Lone Gunman", "Patriot" and others. The
series "Jericho", "Revolution" and "Zero Hour" are screaming loud and clear 6/21-6/24/2013. Eg.
9/11/2001 to 6/22/2013= 11 Yrs 9 Months 11 Days; note the "Mirror Image" 11-9-11; that's w hat St
John's Day is to Christmas. The Nationw ide EMP featured iin "Revolution" (the "o" is a Pow er Sw itch)
goes off at 6:23PM; this leads to Civil W ar and the release of a Deadly Virus. Could something like this
happen now ? FBI Director Robert Mueller w as summoned to Congress over the NSA Spy Program on
the anniversary of TW A 800 being shot dow n on 6/19; sparking Fuel Boost Pumps? Nah, replacing 7200
Commercial Aircraft, each having 4-10 Boost Pumps w ith $70,000 Pumps is a lot of money all because
of the TW A-800 lie. " Are Drones are being used Domestically" "Yes";that's the truth, so it this "W e
certainly never proved Osama bin Laden had any involvement w ith 9/11" Robert Mueller. CHAMP is an
EMP Drone built on a Cruise Missile platform http://defense-update.com/20110922_boeing-testschamp-hpm-missil.html The FAA has also approved the Domestic use Drones; CHAMP is one that can
destroy the US Pow er Grid; Convenient eh? Guess w here it w as tested? Right next door to the NSA
Spy Facility in Urah (Zion). NERC (Nat Electric Reliability Corp) is a non-profit (read no Liability) Corp
experimenting w ith different frequencies on the 60Hz US Pow er Grid; This is Pow er Grid Suicide as any
electrician w ill tell you
http://en.wikipedia.org wiki/North_American_Electric_Reliability_Corporation. MERS-CoV w ill
soon be able to be flow n into the US from the Abu Dhabi Customs By-pass facility
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324063304578522711698243192.html If
approved in December, it w ill be 2 months after the Hajj brings 3 million Muslims in very close proximity
to each other at Mecca. Nice timing eh? Think Hollyw ood created these new series by accident?
Dog Tags in "Revolution" highlighted numbers addiing to 9/11 and 6/21. The "Simpsons' featured
6/22 in a Toast and a Credit Card highlighted 6/21. 6/21-6/24 have all been highlighted in one w ay or
another for a reason. In this case it seems to illustrate Zoroastrianism's final battle: Ahura
Mazda/Ahriman, Horus/Set etc. It is no coincidence Temple of Set founder Michael Aquino is involved
w ith the NSA. In the same w ay the Gnostic St John is celebrated 6/21-24; Sol Invictus is celebrated at
Christmas 12/21-24. Just stay alert! I know nothing of John Kimber or his motives but his information
can be researched here http://johnkimber.wordpress.com/author/johnkimber2/
6/21 is highlighted at the "Peace Fountain" at the Cathedral of St John the Divine (same Templar St
John) A DNA Helix rising from a Reflecting Pool supporting a Crab (Cancer) w hose shell forms "Ratio of
Life" Spirals and w hose claw is cutting Satan's head off. Atop the Crab is a symbol of Luciferian
Initiation called the "Sacred Marriage", a "Divine Union" of the Sun facing East and Moon facing W est.
Atop the entire sculpture is St George slaying the Dragon.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_Fountain. The UN has a similar statue of St George slaying the
Dragon. In my opinion, it all means is the Roman Catholic Church w ill be portrayed as the "Dragon"
(MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT...", slain w ith the Sun in Cancer and America w ill be sacfiriced as
"Babylon" just before the "Alternative Messiah" (al-Mahdi, Krishna etc) is "Revealed". Preparation? The
G-8 Summit meets in Ireland June 17-18, 2013. The point? Establish a one on one relationship w ith
Jesus Christ before the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick "Prestige" begiins!
McCain says "American credibility is on the line"
300 Depleted Uranium tipped Tomahaw k Cruise Missiles hit Baghdad because US Ambassador to
Iraq, April Glaspie (really GHW Bush) lied; 504 Depleted Uranium tipped Tomahaw k Cruise Missiles
Baghdad in 2003 because Colin Pow ell (really GW Bush) lied; 160 Tomahaw k Cruise Missiles hit Tripoli,
Libya w ithout a declaration of w ar or an even plausible reason because Benghazi Gun Runner Hillary
Clinton lied. How many Cruise Missiles are in place, ready to be launched at Damascus? "Damascus...
shall be a ruinous heap" Is 17:1 How many $1.3 Million Raytheon Missiles does that take to do that
John and Lindsey? John has professed his admiration for Syrian and Libyan "Rebels"; they are "alQaeda" John! Hafez and Bashar al-Assad and Saddam Hussein like Muammar Qadaffi w ere "Allies" of
America far longer than "Enemies"; heck even Osama bin Laden w as a CIA recruit training Taliban
(Student) to become Mujaheddin (W arriors of Allah).
John McCain and Lindsey Graham need to read the latest UN report claiming Sarin w as used not by
Assad, but by Syrian "Rebels". Russia says there is no evidence Sarin w as used; w ar w ith Syria is w ar
w ith Russia. The EU Inst of Security Studies Chemical W eapons expert Jean Pascal Zanders says there
is no evidence of Sarin. So, w ho is telling the truth here?
Syria is primarily Baathist (Renaissance or Re-birth) Sunni. Assad claims to be Alaw ite; a strict Arab
Monotheist; 33 0 Mason, Kabbalist, Bohemian Grove, My Lai Massacre liar Colin Pow ell used this same
W MD lie in 2003 just before Cruise Missiles hit Baghdad in the "Shock and Aw e" campaign; Shock and
Aw e refers to "Shekinah", the presence of God; JEHOVAH? Nah, Lucifer. Assad is even (allegedly) using
the same W MD's; pretty brazen eh? Pow ell later recanted his testimony, but that is little consolation for
the million innocent Iraq citizens w ho died or bombs and radiation trying to catch 33 0 Luciferian Mason,
Carlyle Group (Bush, bin Laden, Rumsfeld, Cheney all make billions, laughing on the w ay to the offshore
banks!) w ar profiteer Saddam Hussein.
W W III w as pre-planned in 1871 by 33 0 Luciferian Masons Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini; Pike a
Confederate General; Mazziini, an Italian Revolutionary "W W III w ill pit forces of political Zionism
against Islam...to the point of physical, economic and moral exhaustion, at w hich time w e w ill unleash
the Nihilists...in order the true doctrine of Lucifer can be brought out in full view ". The Luciferian plan
w as announced by Gen W es Clark (Kahne=Samaritan Kohen) in 2007 "The plan is for the US to invade
7 nations in 5 years".
Dir of Nat Intel. James Clapper denies the NSA is spying domestically; how ever he stated that
Saddam Hussein sent US Chemical W eapons to Syria in 2003 using 56 B-747 shipments. Maybe he
could explain the purpose of the NSA Data Collection Facility in "Mormon Zion" (Salt Lake City) then.
W here did the Sarin come from? Uncle Sam; Bashar al-Assad got W MD's from Iraq w ho got them from
the Iran-Contra drugs for w eapons program. The Syrian "Rebels" are al-Qaeda mercenaries trained
and financed in Benghazi, Libya; they use the same W MD's.
Luciferian Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Freemason Bush Sr started Gulf W ar I on Tisha B' Av;
shooting ended on Purim w ith a 100 hr slaughter on Hw y 8; called "Highw ay of Death", Daniel received
his vision from Jesus Christ and Angel Gabriel in Dan 8 on the banks of the "River Ulai" at that spot

2600 years ago! Hearing w hat is about to happen made him sick and faint! (ref Dan 8:27). Skull &
Bones, Sodomite Bush Jr started Gulf W ar II on Purim. Skull & Bones aka "Brotherhood of Death" is an
offshoot of the Theosophical Society w hose leader Annie Besant had "...great reverence for the
prophet and messenger of God, Muhammad" Adolph Hitler, Mao Tse Tung and Joseph Stalin w ere
initiates of the order and combined to murder more than 250 Million people; W W III w ill be far w orse.
"Nobody will progress into the New World Order without a Luciferian Initiation" UN Planetary
Initiative. Sounds a bit harsh until one realizes a "Moonie" Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung
Moon is Secretary General. In 2004, the US Congress declared Sun Myung Moon "Messiah of the
Universe"; Monotheist Arabs call "Sin", "Allah" meaning "The God"; he is simply the 4000 year old
Sumerian moon-god "Sin". Lucifer? W ell, he is the "Man of Sin"! In Iran, Lucifer is called "Ahura Mazda"
meaning "God of Light"
W W III is about to begin w ith "Made in the USA" Sarin Gas. Uncle Sam? A Samaritan Goat (God of All
Things) Let's call him Allah! America? Amar is the Canaanite god of the w est; Amurru the Edomite
Shepherd (Pastoral god) and Serpent god. America's first flags? Evergreen Tree (Grove) and Serpent.
Sarin is an American Chemical W eapon that started w ith Iran-Contra W eapons sent via Oliver North
(now a Methodist Reverend; praise the Lord and pass the Sarin) from Liberia (Bacchus w as also called
Liber; the Sacred Marriage w as a consummation of Liber and Liberia), Costa Rica, w ith Drug Money
made at Mena Airport protected by 33 0 de Molay Mason Bill Clinton w ith the money laundered by Mitt
Romney. Mitt has been told he is "The One, Mighty and strong, bathed in light, w ho w ill usher in the
Messiah" Lucifer is the Mormon Messiah! More proof "Syria is confederate w ith Syria...the head of
Ephraim is Samaria" Is 7:2;9 W hite Mormons claim to be Ephraim! Mitt has been told this for 33 years
since Bain Capital (Bane and Batman w ere "Initiates" of Ra in the movie Dark Knight Rises; Ra is Lucifer)
w as formed and Grand Orient Masons Ayathollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein took over Iran and
Iraq in 1979. Bain Capital is a global money laundry for drugs and w eapons (HSBC is the largest, they
not only control US Ports, they print Hong Kong's currency) w hich uses Offshore Tax-Free Accounts in
Grand Cayman; funds like this w ere used by Hillary Clinton to finance "Operation Gun Runner" and
Benghazi (Biblical Cyrennaica). W eapons supplied to the Mexican Branch of the Romney Family
business, the "Sinaloa Drug Cartel", to Syrian "Rebels" aka "al-Qaeda" and to Saddam Hussein,
Ayathollah Khomeini and Bashar al-Assad; brazen isn't it?
The US grow s Opium in Afghanistan; supplies w eapons to Nizari "Assassins" (Ismailis just like
"Tw elvers") in Pakistan; to Shia "Tw elvers" in Iraq (Grand Ayathollah Ali al-Sistani is in the Iraq "Green
Zone") and Shia "Tw elvers" in Iran. The US finances, trains and guards the International Arms Bazaar
in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Qatar (mostly an Arab Shia branch of the Nizari Assassins); guards the
W ahhabist Dictatorship in Saudi Arabia and the Edomite nation of Jordan. W hy? "In 700 years, the
Laurel w ill grow green again" Cathar Perfecti. W ho is Green Man? Lucifer; Romans called him
"Bacchus"; Greeks "Dionysus"; Assassins "Old Man of the Mountain"; Tw elvers "al-Mahdi". Folks, if you
are not ready for the Knights Templar "Green Man", you need to get ready! Green Man is Lucifer!
Mormons call Lucifer "Heylel" Arabs symbolize Lucifer as Hilal "Crescent"; Shriner Masons
symbolize Lucifer with the "Crescent" The Fertile Crescent is iindeed gettiing Fertile!
The stage is set for W W III to begin; here is the case for it happening on Tisha B' Av (July 16).
Zoroastrianism teaches there w ill be a final battle of "Good vs Evil"; forces of Ahura Mazda
(Light=Lucifer) versus forces of Ahriman (Darkness=Satan) w hich is w hy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
repeatedly declares America is the "Great Satan". Important! Lucifer is Satan; the Devil!
Daniel 8 w arns of the battle betw een the Mede-Persian Ram (Iran) and Grecian Rough Goat. Uncle
Sam looks like a Goat because Masons designed it that w ay. Isaiah 13-23 w arns of w ar in Palestine,
Jordan, Syria (Damascus w ill be a "Ruinous Heap"); Ethiopia, Egypt, Persia and Lebanon. Notice
Assyria is mentioned as w ell; w ho represents Assyria today? Uncle Sam. W ho is confederate w ith
Assyria? Ephraim and Syria; the Mormon Church claims (A Lie) to represent Ephraim! Think it's
coincidence every one of these nations is in the new s? Masons set it up this w ay; Masonry and
Mormonism are one in the same entity.

Gog and Magog occurs 1000 years after the 2nd Coming! (Rev 20:7-8)
Ezekiel 38-39 lists participants in the final battle (really a gathering as nobody fights God and w ins)
on earth "Gog and Magog": Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer (Germany), Togarmah (Turkey) and the
North Quarters (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary etc) Sheba, Dedan (Y emen-Arabia). The US is sending
1700 Marines to Yemen (home of Joktan's descendants) in addition to the DynCorp W eapons storage
facility on Socotra Is. Of 240 GITMO prisoners, 100 are Yemeni; Odd? not really; the bin Laden myth
began w ith the USS Cole "False Flag" attack in Yemen; Christmas Bomber Abdulmutallib (shares his
fake name w ith Muhammad's grandfather) is from Yemen; the UPS Toner Cartridge Bomb hoax
originated in Yemen. W hy? In Joktan's day, God divided the Earth by w ater (Gen 10:29-32); Joktanite
Arabs w ill put it back together under Luciferian rule. Jesus descends from his brother Peleg;
Archipaelago means "Land surrounded by W ater: Jesus is the "Living Water" you need to surround
yourself with! NOW!! Ethiopia is currently building a "Renaissance Dam" that Egypt w ill go to w ar
over; Egpyt's president is Arab League and Muslim Brotherhood initiated Mohammad Morsi; he is
Luciferian. Meshech and Tubal are also mentioned; study bibles usually ascribe these to Moscow and
the Siberian capital Tobolsk; this is a Lie! Nonetheless, Russia is aligned w ith Syria, Iran and China for
W W III. I need to be perfectly clear here; "Gog and Magog" is the final gathering at the end of the
Millennium around Jesus Christ and King David in Jerusalem by those w ho "Rebel" against the
commandment to make an annual pilgrimage on Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus' Birthday! (ref Zech 14:8)
The Millenium is 1000 years, so if I w ere a betting man, I w ould bet the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ w ill
occur on Feast of Tabernacles and the arrival of Lucifer on Christmas/Hanukkah. That's w hat "Project
911" is likely for and it's due for completion by Tisha b' Av in 2014!
July 16 is Tisha b' Av in 2013. July 16 w ill mark the Middle of Bohemian Grove; as 2000
w orld leaders dress in w omen's clothes for "Hi Jinx in Hades" playing endless games of "Dominoes"
(Dominoes represent the Nations falling) to offer "Grove Sacrifices" to Molech,

July 16 will mark

Beginning of the Islamic Calendar

The Roman Catholic-Orthodox Split
Islam vs "Christian" (fake Christian of course) Crusades
American Civil W ar beginning at the Battle of Bull Run
1st Atomic Bomb detonation and manufacture of "Little Boy", the first Atomic Bomb used on
innocent civilians
Launch of Luciferian Freemasons in Apollo 11 (No, the Eagle didn't land on the Moon)
Saddam Hussein taking Iraq to start the Iraq-Iran W ar.
Masonic murder of JFK Jr for threatening to expose the Vietnam W ar drug pipeline, NASA farce
and his father's murder.

9 Av "Tisha b' Av" is July 16

9 Av. Tisha b Av commemorates Jewish calamities; 9 Av is called "The saddest day in Jewish History"
Jesus made Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the New Covenant with His spiritual followers. 9
Av may go down in history as the "Saddest day in Christian History"
Rejection of the 12 Spies report of Canaan in 1492 BC and subsequent death of all adults
except Joshua and Caleb during 40 years w andering in the Arabian Desert NW of Mecca at
Jebel al Law s not the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt.
The destruction of Solomons Temple (ref Eze 8) in 585 BC; Ancients of Israel w ere
committing abominations on the altar as w omen w eep for Tammuz on the porch! Bohemian
Grove is no different.
The destruction of the 2 nd Temple in 70 AD. God w as rejected as King of Jerusalem and Priest
of the Most High Melchisedek; an Alternative Christ w ill be born/revealed on 9 Av w ho
comes in his ow n name; Daniel refers to him as the God of forces Is it just coincidence
W illiam and Kate may give birth July 16, 2013?
Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 AD by fake Jew and self proclaimed Messiah of the Star Simon Bar
Kochba. 500,000 real Jew s are massacred because Kochba w as believed to be Jew ish.
Modern Israel, Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, Rabbis are like the Pharisees of old, anything but
Jew ish.
The razing of the Temple Site and re-dedication Zeus Capitolina; Zeus Capitol can also be
seen in W ashington DC; Congress means "Meet for W ar" and Capitol means "W omb of Zeus".
W hether July 16 proves to also be a razing of the Temple Site currently occupied by the Al
Aqsa Mosque remains to be seen. Is is coincidence Arabs claim (A Lie) Abraham had a horse
named "al-Buraq"; Muhammad had a horse called "al-Barak" and the US President is Barack?
Probably as coincidental as Lightning (Barak means Lightning) hitting St Peter's Basilica Twice
w hen Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation.
The 1 st Crusade began on 9 Av in 1096; instigated by the same people w ho instigate all w ars
Expulsion of fake Jew s from England on 9 Av 1096; W hy? Usury. Rothschild is anything but
Jew ish; the name Bauer means Farmer the profession of Cain; Cainites, or their religion at
least came through the Flood w ith Noahs w ife, w ho produced Canaan from incest w ith Ham
and Edomites married w omen of this incest. Bauer became Rothschild w hose street address
666 Am Mein w as w ritten in Red; Rothschild means Red Shield. Jordan is Edomite; this is w hy
the US w ill use Jordan to prosecute the Syrian W ar.
The Alhambra Decree on 9 Av 1492, forced conversion or expulsion of fake Jew s from Spain.
Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus (Christ=Messiah; Taufr is Norse for Red=Red Messiah; the
Red Cross on his sails and the British Flag is a dead giveaw ay) voyage to New Jerusalem aka
America in 1492 AD. No coincidence w ith Moses date 1492 BC either; this date is critical
because it w as at the end of the Hyksos (Amalekites are Edomites/Ishmaelites) Era, Moses
w as raised up.
W W I began in 1914 on 9 Av just after the Bankers illegally created the Federal Reserve and
illegally created "Income Tax" w ith the never ratified 16th Amendment. The Nazi build-up w as
financed and planned in advance by 33 0 Luciferian Mason/KKK founder Albert Pike and 33 0
Luciferian Mason/MAFIA founder Giuseppe Mazzini
W W II began in 1939 on 9 Av; ever w onder w here Hitler got the incredible sums of money,
steel and aluminum to build the Nazi W ar machine? Bankers. Prescott Bush and George
Romney are 2 names; Prescott Bush w as actually Nikola Tesla's lab assistant George Scherff
w hom Tesla called "Curious George", that is until he w as murdered by Prescott and Hitler's
bodyguard Otto Skorzeny.
Mass deportations of real Jew s from the W arsaw Ghetto initiated the Holocaust on 9 Av 1942;
in France, deportations began July 16. 6 million God fearing Jew s w ho rejected Rothschilds
British version of Israel and the Zionist Star of Molech w ere gassed, burned or shot in
Germany and far more than that in Russia. Dw ight Eisenhow er gets a free pass in history for
murdering 1.7 million German citizens after the w ar.
George Bush Sr began w ith Gulf W ar I on 9 Av 1990; the shooting w ar ended on Purim 1991,
but the w ar is far from over. On 9/11/1991 Bush Sr made his famous New W orld Order
speech; that year he also founded his 1000 pts of Light foundation. Prince W illiam is the
1000th Knight in the Order of the Garter.
"Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction must stick to possibilities, truth does not" Bohemian
Grove Founder Mark Tw ain
"Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened it w as planned" FDR

Pike's Peak Prophecy Summit

As Bohemian Grove ends July 28, closing the annual rendition of a 4000 year old Sumerian Ritual
"Begone Dull Care" the Pike's Peak (W hether it w as named for Luciferian Mason Zebulon Pike or Albert
Pike matters little) Prophecy Summit on July 26-28 w ill feature Luciferian "W olves in Sheep's Clothes"
expounding on subjects (Lies)
"Defending the Rapture" Don't buy into this lie folks! Jesus bodily Resurrects the living and
dead in Christ at the Last Trump; the 7th Trump is the Last Day before the 2nd Coming!
"Petrus Romanus" Tom Horn's new book claims "The reigning Pontiff w ill w elcome Christ at
His second coming and hand him the keys to the kingdom" Bull Shit! The Jesuit Pope w ill hand
Lucifer the Edomite "Dominion" prophesied in Gen 27:40 KJV and Dan 7:6.
"Catharism" Chuck Missler w ill talk about Albigens, Bogomils and Cathars being the last
remnant of true Christianity. They are Gnostic Cults folks!
"3rd Temple" Mark Blitz w ill talk about the coming Messiah on the Throne of David. How
about Antichrist on the Throne of Pergamon "Satan's Seat"! "How beit the Most High dw elleth
not in temples made w ith hands" Acts 7:48
"Serpent Seed" Satanist Doc Marquis of Cutting Edge Ministries w ill talk about Nephilim and

the Serpent's Seed on Mt Hermon. Angels and Demons do not mate w ith human w omen!
"Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia" and "Noah's Ark in Iran" W ho Cares? God left Solomon's
Temple (Eze 8) and ended the Old Covenant in the Ark. Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant w as
Crucified and took the same route to Heaven. The New Covenant Ark? Jesus is the Ark! Climb
on board like Noah did and be "Saved" of fall for this Lie and go to Hell. That's your choice!
Israel "God's Timepiece" and the "Gog and Magog" War Gary Stearman w ill identify the
nations in Eze 38-39; Magog=Russia, Kazakhstan; Meshech=Georgia, Armenia, Turkey;
Tubal=Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbiajan; Gomer=Ukraine, Germany. Gary like all the other
Prophecy Summit teachers are LIARS! Jesus (Shiloh) gathers Israel at the 2nd Coming.
Read Gen 49:10 until it sinks in "...until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the
people be" Read Gen 20:7 until it sinks in "...w hen the 1000 years are expired"
Ted Pike (w w w .Truthtellers.org) is even lying about "Gog and Magog". Read and Trust the Word! If
Prophecy Teachers cannot back up their "Prophecies" w ith Authorized Bible Scripture; they are Liars!
"Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do alw ays resist the Holy Ghost: as your
fathers did, so do ye." Acts 7:51
W W III has been planned in detail; w orld leaders are follow ing the script God w rote in their
"hardened hearts" and "stiff necks" as He did in Pharaoh's heart. Are Christians and Jew s appointed to
"Rebel" against this plan? Heaven's no, "Be w ise as serpents, and harmless as doves" Mat 10:16.

Zero Hour

Going back to Mic 7:6 and Dan 7:6; 7+6=13 the number of Rebellion w hich began in Gen 13; 7X6=42,
the number of months in the "Great Tribulation". 13 is the number of Lunar Cycles in a Solar Year; it is
associated w ith Rebellion to God. Romans 13 describes our responsibilities "Let every soul be subject
unto the higher pow ers. For there is no pow er but of God: the pow ers that be are ordained of God.
W hosoever therefore resisteth the pow er, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall
receive to themselves damnation" Rom 13:1. The "damnation" w ill come after the "Strong Delusion";
just guessing, but it may come in the form of a 13Hz signal occultists refer to as "Zero Point". The new
series "Zero Hour" deals w ith the hunt for the "True Cross", a Constantine era fake "Relic" made onto
12 w ooden clocks; We need a relationship with Jesus Christ, not a Relic! W hy "Zero Hour"?
Zoroastrianism teaches the final Battle of Good vs Evil; the w ord is derived from Zero Ashta meaning
"Star Seed". Ever w onder w hy Science claims (A Lie) life is the product of Stars? I found this
interesting; in the 1975 movie "Rollerball", the w orld is run by Corporations; all books and nonapproved literature has been destroyed w ith approved information stored in a Corporate Data Base
called "Zero". The Mormon Church approves material for its members; it is a tax-free, International
Corporation w hich w ill open the Utah Data Center next month. Mormo means "Gates of Hell"; Mormo is
"King of the Ghouls" w hich is w hy Mormo is called "God of the living dead"; Ghouls are graveyard
ghosts. This is w hy Anton LaVey listed "Mormo" as one of Satan's "Infernal Names" in the Satanic
Bible. Mormons, Masons and other occultists like to claim Lucifer and Satan are 2 different entities, but
they are not; Satan is Lucifer, the Devil! LaVey's co-founder of the Church of Satan is NSA General
Michael Aquino runs the Temple of Set; he proposes "Psychotronic W arfare" by controlling people's
minds via radio w aves; Gee, let me guess, 13Hz might w ork; a w orld full of people at "Zero Point"
energy state, not quite aw ake and aw are, but not quite asleep either! Picture the movie The Mummy
w ith people chanting "Imhotep, Imhotep.." By the w ay, Imhotep w as the architect of the first stepped
pyramid in Egypt (1st gig w as probably the Ziggurat of Marduk in Babylon); Joseph? Heaven's no, more
like Chaldean Magi. Got a better idea for the "Strong Delusion" in 2 Thess 2:11? One thing is certain;
the "Strong Delusion" is coming! Do you believe in Evolution? Black Holes? Heliocentric Theory? Gravity?
How about Aliens? Nephilim (fallen angels mating w ith human w omen)? Christmas? Easter? The
Rapture? Sorry, but if you answ ered "Yes" to any of those, the "Strong Delusion" is already part of your
life and only Jesus Christ can set you free w ith the Truth! God calls it the "Strong Delusion"; Lucifer calls
it "Global Transformation", go figure!
W hen the Great Tribulation begins at Rev 13, it w ill be too late to accept Jesus Christ as your
personal Saviour; the "Strong Delusion" (2 Th 2:10-13) w ill be upon the earth and the days w ill be a
return to the days of Sodom "But the men of Sodom w ere w icked and sinners before the LORD
exceedingly" Gen 13:13 Sodom is derived from "CeDom" meaning "To Burn or Scorch"; God applies the
w ord to the "Scorching of the Soul", a "Hardening of the heart" if you w ill,; Jesus uses the term "Earth
Dw ellers". Luciferians, intend to literally scorch the earth and they have the means and heart to do
exactly that.
Time to head for your Prayer Closet and establish a one on one personal covenant w ith Jesus Christ
folks. Time is getting rather short! Do not accept a Luciferian Initiation!


Plasma, Red/Brown/White Dwarfs, Worm Holes, ALICE Matter and P-Branes are what Science
wants you to believe the Universe is made of.
"Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?" Jesuit Professor of Canon
Law, Adam Weishaupt.
"The people who can make you believe absurdities are the people who can make you commit
atrocities" Voltaire

Time to Wake Up folks!

Shiloh is an epithet of the coming Messiah; the word means "He whose it is". 2 choices; Jesus
Christ or Lucifer. Lucifer is Satan, the Devil and Azazel (Lev 16:8-10); if "Scapegoat" is replaced
with "Azazel" (Goat that departs) in Lev 16 you have a Luciferian version of scripture. (ref Is
14:12, 1 Cor 14:12, Rev 12:9) Lucifer arrives before Jesus! The Guest List of the "Marriage of
the Lamb" in Rev 19:7 is only open to those who have not taken a "Luciferian Initiation".
Luciferiians go by the title Reverend, Most Reverend, Very Reverend, Father, Master, Imam,
Rabbi, Melchisedek, Cardinal and others. God's Holy Feasts are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First
Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles; Lucifer has a host of Holy Festivals:
Easter, Lent, Carnivale, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kol Nidre, Nowruz, Huli, Ramadan etc. God is
Omnipotent; Lucifer uses Spies, Intelligence Agencies, Internet and Phone Providers. Withcraft
and Masonry are Luciferian; Shia Twelvers and Assassins are Luciferian. Kaballah and the Talmud
are Luciferian. There is no bargaining with or converting a Luciferian; they are Luciferians because
they Blasphemed (Rejected) the Holy Ghost in a 6000 year old Intiation Ritual designed to do
exactly that. They are "Cretans" and "Jezebels" living off "Taxes" and "Tithes". Jesus called them
"Ravenous Wolves in Sheep's Clothes".
Rabbi David Bar Hayim heads "Macha Shilo" (Shiloh Institute) in Jerusalem. The goal is Macha
Shilo is to secure "Eretz Israel" in preparation for the arrival of the Messiah prophesied in the

Shilo is to secure "Eretz Israel" in preparation for the arrival of the Messiah prophesied in the
Jerusalem Talmud. David, Jesus was and is the Messiah; then as today, Pharisees Crucified Him!
Eretz Israel is established when Shiloh, the lawgiver from Judah comes "The sceptre shall not
depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him
shall the gathering of the people be" Gen 49:10 This is plainly stated in the Torah; Israel is
not the "gathering of the people" prophesied here; it is the prophesied "Dominion" of Esau in Gen
27:40 KJV. Shiloh means "He whose it is"; Jesus warned "I come in my Father's name, and ye
receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive" Jn 5:43. Jesus is the
"lawgiver", Rabbi, He wrote the Law! He is descended from Judah; Rabbis in Israel are descended
from Japheth (Ashkenazi), Ham (Mizrahi=Mizraim) and Sephardi (Babylonians, Medes, Canaanites
and Cuthites), the Molech worshiping Sepharvaim listed in 2 Kings 17:30. Your Six Pointed Star of
Molech is in plain sight for all to see. Jesus is Melchisedek "King of Jerusalem"; he refers to your
current occupation of Jerusalem as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8 Notice the "h" is
missing from Juda in Rev 7:5 KJV; Why? Juda is not "Saved" except through the Grace of Jesus
Christ. Jesus is Melchisedek "Priest of the Most High" (Heb 7:11); Sins need to be forgiven by this
Priest, not by fake Priests and Rabbis. Jesus forgives Sins committed; Rabbis forgive Sins yet to
be committed on "Kol Nidre". Jesus didn't create that Holy Day anymore than Hanukkah or Purim;
Rabbis did. Can you see why Jesus said "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even
Christ (Messiah): and all ye are brethren"? Mat 23:8
Rabbi, you might think its funny to read in the Talmud (Gittin 57a) that Jesus is boiling in Hell
in His own excrement, but those of us who are awake do not. Rabbi, Jesus' mother was not a
Whore, nor do Rabbis win arguments with God. They get told to "I never knew you: Depart from
me, ye that work iniquity" Mat 7:23
Rabbi David says 9/11/2001, the Boston Bombing and London Beheading are violent
characteristics of Islam and the West needs to wake up to this fact.
http://machonshilo.org/en/index.php Silly Rabbi, Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11,
Boston or London; those events are called "False Flags"; you remember Israel attacking the USS
Liberty using US supplied F-4's and blaming Egypt during the 6-day War don't your Rabbi? As
crazy as Purim loving Talmudic Zionist Rabbis are to true Jews; Shia "Twelvers" like Grand Orient
Freemason Ayatollah Khamenei are to Muslims. Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were
Muslims? Good one Rabbi, they are no more Muslim than Heroin growing CIA asset Hamid Karzai;
Saudi weapons financing King Abdullah; Edomite King Abdullah II of Jordan, or Nizari Assassin
Pakistan PM Sharif Khan. The Messiah (Christ) you, Netanyahu and Mitt Romney are ushering in, is
the same Messiah Shia "Twelvers" are ushering in; his name is Lucifer.
Rabbi David wears the same Black Yarmulke (Cap of Cybele) Eunuch Priests of Cybele wore. He
wails at the Western Wall of Herod's Temple because like Herod, he is an Edomite impostor.
George Bush, Barack Obama, John McCain, John Kerry and Mitt Romney among many others have
all worn the same Yarmulke at that wall. We do need to wake up in the West Rabbi! We need to
realize the Six Pointed Star of Molech, the Talmud, Rabbis, Hannukah and Purim have nothing to
do with God and everything to do with Lucifer.
Lucifer demands sacrifices; WWI sacrificed 11 million to lead and 100 million to US created
1918 Spanish (Sephardic) Flu. WWII sacrificed 54 million to lead and 160 million to worldwide
Communism. WWIII will pit Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, moral and spiritual
exhaustion http://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm Disease? Of course, like
Spanish Flu, MERS-CoV is man-made and just starting to bloom in the Middle East. Jesus returns
to "Destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev 11:18) Nothing like taxpayer financed Evergreen
Int'l B-747 spraying Megatons of Aluminum (causes Dementia, Alzheimers, Stroke; food/water
poisoning) Barium (causes Heart Attacks), Synthetic Polymers (causes Morgellons), Viruses and
Bacteria. Natural Gas Fracking? Ethanol prodution? Water Fluoridation? All this is just, Well
poisoning, Scorching and Salting the earth taken to a whole new level! You know about Zionism
don't you Rabbi? Lucifer is a Zionist, but Jesus is a Zionist too. The problem with worshipping
Lucifer is every "Liar" and "Earth Destroyer" will be DOA when the real Shiloh comes! Armageddon
culminates with the arrival of "Shiloh" (Jesus Christ). WWIII culminates with the arrival of an
Alternative "Shiloh" (Lucifer) aka 4th Beast of Dan 7:7.
Lucifer: The Chaldean Word made Flesh
"Nobody shall enter the New Age who has not taken a Luciferian Initiation" -UN Planetary
Initiative Directive, published by Lucifer (now Lucis Trust) Publishing 666 UN Plaza, NYC. Why?
Jesus is "The Word made Flesh" Jn 1:14 Lucifer's attempt to be the "Word" is the United Nations
Lucifer Publishing; a Trust? No, more like a Liar soon to be made Flesh. In Chaldee, "Word" is
"Bee", the symbol of the Mormon Church; just modern day Essenes folks! When? "Blue Star arrives
and Red Kachina removes his mask before the Un-initiated in the Plaza" I would not bet against
Comet ISON being "Blue Star"! I would not bet agaiinst Red Kachina being Esau (Edom) "Domiinion"
(Dom means Kachina Mask) prophesied in Gen 27:40 KJV (this scripture is reversed in new
versions); the 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6. White Pahana? Lucifer, the 4th Beast of Dan 7:7. When?
Comet ISON is arriving Hanukkah/Christmas 2013. All pretty much revenge for the execution by
fire of Jacques deMolay on 3/18/1314. "In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again"-Cathar
Lucifer Trust changed its name to Lucis Trust and moved from it's original office at 666 UN
Plaza; a little too obvious I guess. The UN Building is Green as is the Assembly Room because the
Knight Templar "Green Man" is Lucifer. The UN Meditation Room has 11 (10 Horns + Lucifer) chairs
behind a 13,000lb Black Lodestone (Leading Stone) altar shaped like the King's Chamber of the
Great Pyramid used for Luciferian Initiations since the days of Joktan and Peleg ca 2248 BC to
2006 BC (Jesus was born on Tabernacles in 6 BC, so adjust this to 2000 BC; God doesn't do
anything haphazard) These were the days of Sargon the Great of Akkad (Gypsy) and large scale
migrations. His semi-mythical mother is recorded as being a Temple Prostitute aka "Whore of
Babylon" as was his semi-mythical sister in Harran, the city named after Abraham's elder brother
(Lot's father) where Abraham lived after he left Ur of the Chaldees "Babel". "Sabians (Sabah
means "Sunrise") of Harran" and Chaldean Magi are one in the same "Planetary Astrologer-Priests";
they are the same "Shemsu Horus" and later "Priests of On" in Egypt. America was founded on
Sabian (Planetary) Astrology by Ebenezer Sibly and Ben Franklin; today's "UN Planetary Initiative"
is no different. Need proof of the Flood? Yonaguni Monument in SW Japan is a Geographical and
Solar oriented Temple now 25ft to 300ft underwater, dating to this exact period. Need proof
Lucifer is alive and influencing world politics? The EU Parliament has the "Woman Riding the Beast"
out front and a permantly empty chair #666 in the building built to replicate the "Tower of Babel".
A physical Tower to Heaven? No, a 7 stepped Zuggurat of Marduk designed for "Luciferian

A physical Tower to Heaven? No, a 7 stepped Zuggurat of Marduk designed for "Luciferian
Initiations". Ur of the Chaldees is the URI (UN Religion Initiative) designed to combine all religions
into 1 Universal Religion of Man. Roman means "Man"; Catholic means "Universal". Is the Roman
Catholic Church the Universal Religion of Lucifer? NO! Is the Roman Catholic Pope the
fabled "Antichrist"? NO!! Gnosticism (Gnosis, Sophia or Science) is the Universal Religion
of Lucifer!!!
11 Q 13 "Prince Melchisedek Scroll" is a Gnostic Scroll predicting the arrival of Prince
Melchisedek; the title means "King of Jerusalem". Rabbis like David claim Melchisedek authored the
Covenant with Abraham as Shem. Hindu Brahmins (Priest Caste) and Arabs go one further,
claiming Shem and Melchisedek are Lord Krishna. Mormons go all the way with this lie claiming all
Tithe paying Males may become Melchisedek; this Luciferian (Satanic) Initiation is familiar to
Mormons using the phrase "Pey Heylel" meaning "Marvelous Lucifer". This would be equivalent with
the "Twelver" (Messianic Islam) Messiah "al-Mahdi". Arabs are Semitic descendants of Joktan
and/or from Abraham through Hagar (Hagarenes) or Keturah, the latter being the mythical line
from which Krishna descends (Buddha and Zoroaster as well). Brahmins falsely claim descent from
Joktan as well. To be blunt, this is quite literal BS originating from the days of Joktan and Peleg
when the Earth became divided by water. Jesus is the "Living Water"; the UN wants to re-unite
the world under the rule of Lucifer. In Egypt, Krishna/al-Mahdi/Buddha etc would be equivalent
with Horus; all are Gnostic lies folks! Zoroastrianism (Star Seed) and the 7 step religion of
Mithraism swept Asia and Europe 2000 years ago; today, nothing has changed! Jesus is the
Narrow Path to Salvation; Lucifer is the Wide Path to Death and Hell.
13 Hz is the limit of the Schuman Resonance aka "Earth Beat"; this is of course BS! 186.000
MPS/24,000 Miles=7.8Hz What 13Hz really represents is the Upper limit of Alpha Brain Waves
(Relaxed) and Beta Brain Waves (Awake). New Agers call this the "Zero Point". Do the Magnetic
Poles shift every 13,000 years? Of course not; the Flood caused that. Is 12 Aug the date this
13Hz limit is reached? Of course not, it's merely the Eve of 13 Aug 3114 BC, the date the Mayan
Calendar (really Eagle Bowl and Mayans had nothing to do with it) arbitrarily began and
began on 12/21/2012. Why 13? Ismael was Circumcised at 13; Isaac at 8 Days of age just like
Jesus Christ was because that was God's Law! Jesus Christ is God in Flesh and the Age of Grace
is the 8th Covenant between God and Man; 13/8=Golden Mean/Ratio of Life/Fibonacci
Sequence/Golden Section. 8 is the number of Eternity and 13 is Rebellion to God. Simple as that
folks! New Agers are loooking to Aug 12; Whether Aug 12, 2013 proves to be the date God sends
the "Strong Delusion" remains to be seen, but why risk it? Head for your "Prayer Closet" and ask
God for an Invite to the "Wedding of the Lamb"!
Krishna means "He of dark complexion who attracts all" Sounds a bit like the "God Particle"
coming out of "Black Holes" as the "Force of Gravity" because it is. Daniel calls Lucifer the "God of
forces" Dan 11:38 Luciferians refer to the "Great Work" because infinite "Force" X infinite
"Distance"=Infinite or Great "Work". Knights Templar transported "Black Virgin and Child" Statues
all over Europe; yes folks, that would be Satan/Krishna on the lap of the "Black Virgin". Krishna
sounds a bit like the movie Dark Knight Rises because he is. al-Mahdi "He who rises" is the Shia
"Twlever" version; sounds a bit like the Beast Rising from the Sea because he is. There are
hundreds of Luciferian Initiations: Freemasonry, Shriners, Jesuits, Sufi, Dervish, Brahmin,
Mormonism etc but one that is far more subtle is the conception of Jesus at Easter (Lucifer is the
Eastern Star; Passover has nothing to do with Easter) and birth of Jesus at the Solar Solstice
under a Grove; sorry, but that too is a "Luciferian Initiation". Holy means "To Separate" not
Google "Zeitgeist" began June 1; "Spring Jinx" (gathering for Neophyte Bohemians) at Bohemian
Grove on June 4; the 2013 Bilderberg Mtg began on the anniversary of D-Day June 6th as did a
little publicized meeting in Deer Valley hosted by Mitt Romney; now why would Obama's campaign
director and White House Adviser David Axelrod be invited to that? D-Day was 700 years after
Gnostic Cathars were burned at Montsegur; the invasion prolonged WWII in order for Fr. (yeah,
go figure, Joe was a Jesuit) Joseph Stalin to take control of Eastern Europe and create "Gulags".
Which killed more Rabbi? Hitler's (Meinn Kampf? Written by Jesuit Fr Staempfle) US financed
(Prescott Bush aka George Scherf supplied the financing; George Romney the aluminum)
Holocaust, Rev. (yeah, go figure, Mao was a Yale Divinity School Grad) Chairman Mao's "Great
Experiment" or Stalin's "Gulag Archipelago"?
First order of business for the Elite at the Grove Hotel? "Iran-Syrian War" On June 6 Bashar
al-Assad captured the Golan Heights crossing at Qunietra; on cue bin Laden's Al-Qaeda
moutpiece Ayman al-Zawahiri said "Syrians must unite and topple Bashar al-Assad"; his pal John
McCain, who met last week with al-Qaeda Syrian "Rebels" said to the Brookings Inst "The US
must send missiles to Syrian militants"; John, Syrian militants are al-Qaeda! You told us they
flew airplanes into the Twin Towers John! al-Qaeda "Rebels" already get US weapons through
Benghazi (blblical Cyrenne) which Bilderberg attendee Hillary Clinton could have told you if she
had been made to testify. You remember Cyrenne, John? Cyrenans and the Synagogue of the
Libertiines stoned Stephen (Stephen=Crown) as the first Christian Martyr. al-Qaeda is a fictitious
creation of the CIA, Saudi elite refer to as the "Foreign Toilet"; you may recall 330 Mason L Paul
Bremmer announced on NBC News within 2 hours of the Twin Towers falling " Osama bin Laden
has to be the prime suspect and Iraq and Iran the suspect nations"; Bremmer referred to the
complete destruction of Iraq infrastructure as "De-Baathification"; Syria is also Baathist and will
be destroyed as Isaiah 17:1 prophesied. Brookings wrote a booklet last year "Which Path to
Persia"; the path is through Syria, just like Gen Wes Clark (nee Kohen) said in 2007. CUFI Zionist
Pastor John Hagee "The US and Israel should launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran to fulfill God's
plan...the biblical end-time confrontation with Iran leading to the Rapture, Tribulation and 2nd
Coming" Nice try John, pre-Trib Rapture is not in the bible. Hagee needs to read Gen 49:10 and
he would realize Israel is not "Jewish" nor God's restoration of Jacob to the "Holy Land" until Shiloh
comes. Biblerberg 2013 ended on June 9; on cue "Taliban" forces attacked Kabul. Al-Qaeda "Solid
Foundation"; Taliban "Student" and Mujahideen "Warrior of Allah", "Black Water" are all Luciferian
Mercenaries financed by Uncle Sam (Samaritan)!
"Global Pandemic"; last week WHO Director Margaret Chan, an Officer in the Most Excellent
Order of the British (British means B'Rith "Covenant of Birth" ie Ishmael and Esau, not Isaac or
Jacob) Empire said "MERS-CoV is my greatest concern and a threat to the entire world"; some
1300 Asymptomatic cases are being evaluated and Ramadan is July-August and the Hajj in
October. Bilderberg will discuss "Middle East Developments" such as MERS-CoV, Depleted Uranium
and the proliferation of Measles, Cholera and Tuberculosis in Syria. Is is coincidence the latest

and the proliferation of Measles, Cholera and Tuberculosis in Syria. Is is coincidence the latest
Google Doodle honors the inventor of the Petri Dish?
"Control of the Internet" Not coincidentally, on June 5, China and the US opened talks to
"Regulate the Internet"; nice timing eh? Google's Eric Schmidt says "Privacy is relic of the past"
The current Microsoft slogan is "Your privacy is our priority"; both are represented at Zeitgeist
and Bilderberg. Want to protect yourself against unwanted Viruses? Download Kapersky Antivirus; just kidding!
"Domestic Spying" In Sept 2013, the NSA Utah Data Collection Facility w ill open for business,
collecting data from most everyone on earth in an upgraded version to the "Jaguar" computer; a 10-20
petaflop computer called "Titan". Japan's "K" Computer and China's "Tianhe 1-A" Computer are tied
together to the NSA program "Stellar W ind" using a program called "Prism". Jesus separates Goats
from Sheep; a Prism separates "Light"; those w illing to take accept a Luciferian Initiation if you w ill.
Isn't it a bit convenient that Verizon and AT&T w ere ordered to turn over phone records to the NSA as
Bilderberg begins? The Patriot Act w as w ritten before 9/11/2001, in large part by Dual US-Israeli
Citizen and Mitt Romney adviser Michael Chertoff (his name means "Son of the Devil" in Russian, and no
he is not Jew ish); section #215 is now being interpreted as the Government may use information
gathered by private companies either foreign or domestic. The solution? At&T uses the Israeli firm
Narus and Verizon uses the Israeli firm Verint to process the information and transfer it to the NSA;
Treasonously simple eh? Now you know w hat the "All Seeing Eye" is doing on the $US. Google
Searches, Facebook, Tw itter, E-Mails, IM's, Chats all recorded is creepy enough. How about
"NetTraveler TooKit" "Discovered" June 5 by Kapersky Labs that steals and records employee,
membership and bank passw ords; all passed on to the NSA computer in Mormon "Zion"; nice timing
eh? CIA, KGB, ISI, Mossad, MI-5 et all +160 more are all tied together because they are Gnostic
Organizations giving pow er to men through Know ledge; the UN has a Unification Church Disciple of Sun
Myung Moon "Moonie" and KCIA Asset in charge for Pete's sake! The KGB founded Kapersky Labs
folks! Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, a Bilderberg 2013 attendee w ith Google
CEO Eric Schmidt attend "Burning Man" for Pete's sake! W hat's "Burning Man" Google Bohemian Grove
and check out the Burning Idol of Molech or w atch Nic Cage's movie "W icker Man" and you w ill get the
idea; it's Molech w orship; Molech is Lucifer (Sumerian Begone or Barra) and Molech demands human
sacrifices! Data Mining of public and private information from Google, Microsoft, Apple, Skype, U-Tube,
Facebook, AOL directly from Internet Servers w ith real time GPS location, w hich is connected to our
supposed "Foreign Enemy", China w ho is w orking w ith the NSA and Russian billionaires Sergey Brin
and Eugene Kapersky? Just how stupid do the "Elite" think w e are? Do these guys know that "Temple
of Set" (Set is Satan) founder Gen Michael Aquino is in the NSA? Do they know Chernobyl and the
Russian "Discoverer" of Comet ISON has a name, both meaning "W ormw ood"? A bitter pill to sw allow ,
but Jesus w arned us nonetheless "A man's foes shall be the men of his ow n household" Mat 10:36.
China, Iran, Syria and Russia, our enemies? That's a good one!
"Ministry of Truth" June 5, Gov Dan Malloy stopped requests for video, crime scene photos and
transcripts from New tow n CT June 5; pretty coincidental eh? Eric Holder avoids testimony on Operation
Gun Runner; Mitt and Tagg Romney avoid testimony in Solamere Capital's theft of $8.5 Billion in assets
invested in Stanford Capital; Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus avoid testimony of Benghazi; IRS Chief
Lois Lerner pleads the 5th. This is how the "Ministry of Truth" w orks. No longer does a Hollyw ood actor
playing the role of President even need to stand before the peasants and blame "Certain covert
operatives" for Iran-Contra; they just do it in broad daylight. Oh, the "covert Operatives in IranContra? Rev (yeah, how about that, a Methodist Reverend) Ollie North and Melchiedek Priest Mitt
"Diffusing austerity induced protests" Austerity is derived from Aus "To Shine" and Lucifer; Paul
Ryan, the Little King of Austerity is meeting during the Bilderberg Mtg w ith Mitt and Tagg Romney at a
$5000/person investment meeting in Deer Valley Utah. A sure bet as Solamere Capital bilked $8.5
Billion in Stanford Capital investments; Sola "She w ho is alone" Mere "Sea" is also Lucifer or the W hore
of Babylon "Isis" if you prefer. Chris Christie, Rand Paul and Obama campaign manager David Axelrod
are among the invitees; surprised? Bilderberger Henry Kissinger advises both Barack Obama and Mitt
Romney; it's just how the Satanic Elite operate. The agenda? Family Values, Immigration, Health Care,
Global W arming and Corporate Competitiveness. Mitt ran the Iran-Contra money laundry; his Illegal
Immigrant Polygamist family in Mexico runs the Sinaloa Drug Cartel w hich received thousands of
w eapons in Operation Gun Runner; his offshore Mecca of Tax Free investments in the Cayman Is. is
called "Marvelous Investments". Running a Tax Free 501c3 Corporation like the Mormon Church is one
level of "Corporate Competitiveness"; running a $Trillion "Bain Capital" Empire (Dark Knight Rises
pretty much summed up the story) w ith his Israeli Mossad partner Orit Gadeish w ith taxpayer financed
w eapons and drug money is quite another. After allegedly fighting Obama's eligibility for 2 years (like
Donald Trump and Mitt romney adviser Sheriff Joe Arpaio, my guess is Montgomery is part of the show )
Montgomery Sibly sent a letter June 6, stating "Mitt Romney is the last man standing" to challenge
the eligibility of Barack Obama to hold office. Nice timing eh? Mitt is ineligible as w ell; his father George
w as never Naturalized a US Citizen; no matter Mitt has been told for 40 years he is "The One Mighty
and Strong" w ho w ill fulfill the Mormon "W hite Horse Prophecy"; sounds fine until you read about the
"Blood running dow n the streets from Ogden to Salt Lake City as w ater dow n a storm drain"! The
overriding motto of Luciferian Initiation is "Order out of Chaos"; in America, having Mitt Romney replace
Barack Obama and reverse the Immigration Law w ould do it! The plan is to create a new Civil W ar
w hich may be w hy Obama symbolically chose Springfield Ill, the spot Abraham Lincoln used, along w ith
his bible and train stops to W ashiington. Think this can't have been planned? Hillary conceded her race
to the nomination iin front of a flag w ith all 50 stars Upside Down!
http://www.y outube.com /watch?v =v 00oJOd5kF4 W hy upside dow n? The Goat folks! The same
Goat w orshipped by the Knights Templar (Military/Bankers) seen in the video I Pet Goat II
http://v im eo.com /44583147 Jesus separates Lambs on His Right from Goats on His Left! Guess
w here Hillary and Bill are? Bilderberg!
Immigration Reform legalizing 11 million additional people is guaranteed to cause Austerity,
and Austerity is guaranteed to cause protests, w hich is w hy on June 6, the Pentagon granted itself
the authority over "Civil Disturbances" w ith a liberal interpretation of the "Defense Support of Civilian
Law Enforcement Act" and fake Mormon/Catholic/Baptist Marco Rubio said "Legalizing 11 million
foreigners is guaranteed and w ill happen; it is not contingent on changing law s" How can a person be
in Communion w ith Catholic, Mormon and Baptist Religion? Sabah means Sunrise; Saba means "Leave
one's religion and enter that of another"; in a nutshell, that is Luciferian credo called Nicolaitane
Doctrine; Conquer the Laity by leading them to slaughter. Posse Commitatus has prohibited Military
involvement w ith Civilians since the Civil W ar, but no matter, the Federal Military and its Contractors
like "Black W ater" (Xe or Academi) and "Craft International" used during Hurricane Katrina and again at
the Boston Marathon Bombing w ill no longer even ask for local or State consent to quell "Civilian
Protests". A Taser, W ater Cannon, Rubber Bullets, Pain Ray, or Sonic Cannon is bad enough, try having
taxpayer financed tanks run over protesters, as is happening right now in Istanbul! Domestic Spying
is guaranteed to cause protests, w hich is w hy Edward Snowden works for Booz Allen Hamilton.
Talmudic Rabbi, Dov Zakheim w as Sr VP at Booz until 2010; he bankrupted Texas as Comptroller under

GW Bush, lost $2.3 Trillion in 3 months w hile at the Pentagon as Comptroller under Rumsfeld and GW
Bush; he designed the Flight Termination Systems used on 9/11 to crash Boeing Jets into the Tw in
Tow ers and now he advises Mitt Romney on the finer points of stealing $Billions in Iraq and Afghanistsn
w ith his son Roger. Ed did tell us about any of that did he? He campaigned for Ron Paul, a lifelong
Luciferian Initiate of Lambda Chi Alpha w hose w ife Carol is Velasco Order of Freemasonry and w hose
children have all been raised in Eastern Star and de Molay Freemasonry. Ed is apparently not a very
good sleuth! Ed w orks for Dell, CIA, and NSA and released his report commensurate w ith
Zeitgeist/Bilderberg; Hero or just another Luciferian playing his role? The Elite w ant to create "Order
out of Chaos" folks!
Since the Crucifixion of God, physically, no human beings have any "Rights"; Spiritually, how ever, all
human beings have the "Right" to absolve Sins through the Blood of God. Look close at the Gold Fringe
around the US Flag in the Police Station and Courtroom and the CAPITALIZED NAME on your Social
Security Card, Driver's License and Passport and you w ill soon realize w hat Mitt Romney means by
Corporate Competitiveness! Our Rights? Pay our share of the Debt! W hy is Austerity being ushered in
by Obama? Mitt Romney w ill ride the "W hite Horse" of Mormon Prophecy. Obama w ill be the Scapegoat.
Iranian born puppet Master Valerie Jarrett said it best "After w e w in this election it's our turn. Pay back
Time! Everyone not w ith us is against us, better be ready because w e don't forget. There w ill be Hell to
pay; Congress is no problem and w e have 2 Judges"; in my opinion, Belizian Grove Initiate Sonia
Sotomayor and Obama mentor Elena Kagan (Kagan is a Khazar title of nobiity, just ask the millions
murdered by Lazar Kaganovich, Joseph Stalin's bagman; no Khazars are not Jew ish!). It w as Valerie
w ho introduced Obama to Michelle in the first place.
"The w orld is run by symbols, not w ords nor law s" Confucius. British is derived from B'Rith "Birthright
Covenant"; that being Ishmael and Esau. English Royalty uses the Unicorn and Lion facing each other
in their Royal Coat of Arms; London w as designed w ith the Unicorn representing the Moon (Sin)
guarding the W est (Setting Sun) and the Lion representing the Sun guarding the East (Rising Sun). I
don't not endorse this site, but the map proves the point
http://www.ishtarsgate.com /forum /showthread.php?4348- The- Dark- Moon- Goddess- and- theEnchantm ent- of- Bilderberg&p=23579#post23579 The Unicorn has its head laying in the lap of the
Virgin moon Goddess "Isis" w hereas the Lion is w earing a Crow n. W hy? Jesus is the "Lion of Judah"
and Lucifer desires to replace Him. 60 years ago, Queen Elizabeth II proclaimed herself "Queen of thy
people, Queen of Jerusalem"; Is she? Jesus refers to Jerusalem as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" so
let's giver her that! She is no more Jesus' Queen than Mitt Romney can be a Melshidedek Priest,
another title Jesus use for Himself.
The Spinx is a Lion facing East "Rising Sun"; from its Tail to Head (an Obelisk once stood betw een its
Paw s for Solar Priests to make this alignment) the annual Equinoxes recorded the years much like a
Minute Hand on a Clock w hile the Zodiac recorded precession of the Axis much like an Hour Hand. On
July 22, 2013 Cancer (Crab) gives w ay to Leo as it has done since the Flood started the Earth
"W obble" in 2348 BC. I'll beat this dead horse until this sinks in; Earth is 5996 1/2 years old, not
Billions of years. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2 Astrological Houes Aries and Pisces (the Fish Symbol
of Pisces is on the Aquarian Cross standing atop Glastonbury Tor for a reason)=4320 years. Add 1656
year=5976 years. The Bull Cult (Taurus) began as soon as Astronomer Priests realized the Equinox
Sun rose in Taurus; it soon moved into Aries during the reign of Sargon the Great w ho w as pronounced
"Legitimate King" because his birth likely occurred at this juncture. Legitimacy is obtained at adulthood
(21 years) so do the math! Zeitgeist means "Time of the Spirit". W hether 2013 is the "Year of the
Spirit" remains to be seen, but is a pretty big Symbol on the so-called Mayan Calendar (more
properly called the "Eagle Bow l"; Jesus w arned "Eagles gather around the Carcase" Mat 24:28 Lucifer
w ill attempt to fill the role of Jesus Christ described in the very next paragraph! Folks, the Eagle is the
symbol of Esau and Esau obtaiins physical "Dominion" not Jacob! (ref Gen 27:40 KJV; Amos 7:2-3;5-6
At the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC is the "Peace Fountain" show ing Satan's head being
cut-off by St George atop a Crab ie in Cancer, June 22-July 21. Inn 2013? Time w ill tell.
London is not the only place this type symbology occurs; W ashington DC is guarded by Isis form of
the Statue of Freedom standing atop the Capitol; NYC by Isis in the form of the Statue of Liberty. W hat
makes London unique is the Unicorn and Lion essentially guard the entire w orld at the Prime "0"
Meridian w ith the Bilderberg Mtg at the Grove Hotel betw een them. Glastonbury Tor features the
Aquarian Cross, a Cross installed 22 years ago w ith the Golden Mean aka Ratio of Life at its center;
symbolically, King Arthur is meant here; King of the Britons? Hardly, Arthur is the son of the Druid
Pendragon, born annually at W inter Solstice in the Grove.
Bilderberg is giving birth to evil. Royal birth in July as Leo begins? In my opinion, just a
smokescreen, but time till tell. Just a guess folks; 3 individuals may soon be revealed: Thomas
Plantard; Thomas means "Tw in"; Plantard means "Branch", allegedly a product of Josef Mengele's
"Tw ins" experiment born about 1966 "Anno Satanae" (Year of Satan w hen LaVey and Aquino founded
the Church of Satan; Aquino is now allegedly in control of the NSA). Bishop Timothy "Kallistos" W are
(River Ver=W are feeding the Thames=Tammuz-Isis or Tamesis; Kallistos means Bear ie Bear Guardian
of Arthur "Arcturas") is a major Orthodox figure in the New Age Movement. Istanbul aka Constantinople
w here the Orthodox Religion began is locked in Austerity Riots for a reason! Timothy W are w ould be a
false Orthodox Prophet from Patmos Is; Orthodox means "Having the correct opinion"; He does not!
Scotland Prince Michael Stew art (Stuart) in a restoration of the Stuart "Jacobite" Monarchy to Ireland,
Scotland and England. Scotland uses the same Royal Coat of Arms except the Unicorn and Lion are
reversed; the meaning? Perhaps to indicate the W indsor Monarchy is fake. At some point, 3 men w ill
likely play the roles of Alternative Messiah, False Prophet and Archangel Michael for this charade to
w ork. Again, Just a guess! W hen? My best guess for a SHTF date at this point (June 10) w ould be July
16, 2013. Did you know Prince Charles heads the "Order of the Garter" and converted to Islam? Did
you know the Shahada "There is not god but Allah" is w ritten under the Papal Chair? He sits under
Peacock Feathers representing "Melek Taus"; did you know Melek is Lucifer?
July 16: Beginning of Islam
Bohemian Grove 2013 convenes July 9-July 28, 2013 commensurate w ith "Burning Man" Festivals.
"Brother Bohemians: The Sun is once again in the clutches of the Lion; the encircling season bids us to
the forest to celebrate the awful mysteries". The ritual dates from Abraham's day in Sumeria ie "Ur of
the Chaldees" called "Begone Dull Care" or "Cremation of Dull Care". Ever been to "Bohemian Grove"
or "Burning Man"? Lucifer w as know n as "Ea" in Ur, Sumeria; obsessed w ith Ea Sports? Yes, folks,
Lucifer is everyw here! 4000 years ago at Zamzam W ell at Mecca, Hagar and Ishmael parted from
Abraham; Lucifer as Allah w as/is w orshipped as a "Black Stone at the Ka'aba. Ea is none other than
original Akkadian moon-god "Sin" and "Allah" of Islam, w hich is w hy Jesus w arned us of the "Man of
Sin"! July 16, 622 marks the beginning of the Islamic Calendar; "W W III w ill pit Zionism against Islam
to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion in order to extermiinate Christianity and
Atheism at the same time (Google "3 W orld W ars") Yes Atheists w ill need to accept a
Luciferian/Planetary Initiation. An idol of a Lioness clutching an Ethiopian dated from the reign of

Sargon II (ca 722 BC) may even portend Obama being martyred; again just a guess; Michelle w ore the
"Black W idow " Dress on Election Night, and hails from Ethiopia for a reason. Again, take note of the 50
stars all sew n Upside Dow n on the US Flag behind Hillary Clinton the night she ended her campaign;
that too w as not by accident. Obama traveled to Egypt to proclaim "A New Beginning for Islam" on June
4, 2009. By that point Prince Hall Mason Barack Obama, in 1 month, had met w ith Grand Orient Mason,
King Abdullah II, the Edomite "Hashemite" President of Jordan; Ashkenazi fake Jew , 33 0 Luciferian
Mason, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu; 33 0 Luciferian Mason, Palestine President Shimon Peres;
bow ed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and w orthipped at the Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo w hch
w as built to combine all 4 schools of Sunni philosophy. Obama means "He is w ith us" and the "us" are
Luciferian Initiates. He capped his Middle East tour w ith a stop at the Buchenw ald Concentration Camp
in the Fire Bombed city of Dresden Germany w ith Hitler's daughter (alleged) Angela Merkel (name
means "Angel of the Sea"). 1 month later, Obama bow ed to Order of the Garter, Emperor Akahito,
bringing the gift of Plutonium MOX Fuel w hich w as loaded into Fukushima Reactor #3 before the Lent
2010 Nuclear Meltdow n caused by Nazi Gernam Siemens Corporation Nuclear control valves.
July 16, 1054 began the East-W est Schism (Orthodox-Roman Catholic) at the Haggia Sophia Altar
(Sophia means "W isdom"). The one man w ho may be able (guessing folks) to "Heal" that schism is
Orthodox Bishop Timothy "Kallistos" W are. On July 16, 1212 Pope Innocent II sent Crusaders to
battle Moslems at Las Nevas de Tolosa, considered the turning point for Iberia. On July 16, 1861
Rosicrucian Abe Lincoln marched troops to Bull Run to begin the Civil W ar. On July 16, 1931 Emperor
Haile Selassie (believed he w as Jesus incarnate) proclaimed the 1st Ethiopian Constitution. You may
recall the movie "I Am Legend" featured his Rasta successor Bob Marley music as plague gripped NYC
and w as isolated; the same thing w as portrayed in "Dark Knight Rises". On July 16, 1942 Vichy
traitors in France arrested and deported to Nazi Germany, 14,000 Jew s to be exterminated at
Auschw itz. On July 16, 1945 as J Robert Oppenheimer w atched the Trinity Detonation quoting the
Baghavad Ghita "I have become Death, the destroyer of w orlds", the USS Indianapolis departed San
Francisco for Tinian Is w ith the Atomic Bomb "Little Boy". Bohemian Grove Initiate Edw ard Teller used
the phrase "It's a Boy" for Plutonium. On July 16, 1969 33 0 Luciferian Freemasons Buzz Aldrin and Neil
Armstrong fooled the w orld in Apollo 11. On July 16, 1973 Bohemian Grove Initiate Richard Nixon w as
accused of the W atergate Spying, by Book and Snake Initiate (same as Skull & Bones) Bob W oodw ard;
w ho w as Deepthroat? My guess is Mormon Sen Bob Bennett. On July 16, 1979 Saddam Hussein took
Iraq (Babylon) as a little publicized leak of 1,100 tons of radioactive w ater from the Church Rock
Uranium Mill polluted aquifers used to produce food in the US forever. On July 16, 1994 Comet
Shoemaker-Levy impacted Jupiter. On July 16, 1999 after threatening to expose the assassination of
his father in the Magazine "George", JFK Jr w as murdered on approach to Martha's Vineyard. On July
16, 2004 Millennium Park w ith its 6X over-budget Millennium Monument, Black Crow n Fountain and
Cloud Gate w as dedicated. Cloud Gate is a good name for Obama's NSA Spy Scandal; Millennium Park
features a nearly idential Greek Tragedy Stage as the one used in Denver for Obama's Republican
Nomination. On July 16, 2013 as Bohemian Grovers celebrate Molech in the Grove, the 100th Knight in
the Royal Order of the Garter, Prince W illiam may become a father; Kate is derived from Cathar;
Catharsis means "Discharge of Pent up Emotion". Ever heard of "1001 Arabian Nights"? British means
B'Rith=Birthright; Prince W illiam is the 1000th Arab Knight; Say w hat? Arabs are Ishmaelites w ho claim
Abraham's "Birthright". Knight means "Person in service to the Queen" Queen Elizabeth II? NO! the
Black Virgin "Queen of Heaven". The Garter? A badge of Luciferian Initiation called the "Sacred
Marriage". 2013 is 700 years since Cathar assets w ere siezed and the order disbanded; they predicted
"In 700 years the Laurel w ill grow green again" Don't w rite all this off to coincidence folks! The
"Weddiing of the Lamb" is available to everyone who has not taken a Luciferian Initiation. The
only catch is you need to ask Jesus Christ for the Invitation!
www.One-heaven.org/ and seven other sites just like it, declare the Pale Horse w as released
12/21/2012. They all provide an 18 digit membership number in 3 groups of 6. The Pale Horse is named
Death and Hell follow s this horse. They are Capitalized because Spiritual Death results in accepting the
terms "Mark of the Beast" of this horse; Hell w ill result. Hell lasts for Eternity! Jesus gave authority of
this horse to inflict physical "death" in Rev 6:8; no need to w orry about that "death"; w orry about the
other "Death"! W ho is the rider of the Pale Horse? Barbara Marx Hubbard "W e are the riders of the
Pale Horse, Death...God creates, w e decide w ho lives and w ho dies" She w as a disciple of Buckminster
Fuller. Manhattan Project engineer J Robert Oppenheimer w itnessed the Trinity Atomic Blast saying "I
have become Death, the destroyer of w orlds". MOX Plutonium/Uranium Fuel w as loaded into Fukushima
Reactor #3; during the meltdow n, the 6% ratio formed perfectly shaped "Bucky Balls" w hich are
neutrally buoyant in seaw ater. W hat w as fed into the Reactor? Seaw ater. The Hindu god Shiva is called
"The Destroyer" because Souls are w hat is Destroyed here. Hubbard's quote is attributed to Shiva and
a statue of Shiva stands in front of CERN w here theoretical astrophysicists are attempting to prove the
Force of Gravity exists in the "God Particle". Daniel refers to the Alternative Messiah as the "God of
forces" (Dan 11:38)
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome w ill burn during the reign of "Peter the Roman"; Pope #112
from Celestine II. Pope Benedict XVI w as #111; he resigned Feb 28, 2013 as lightning hit St Peter's
Basilica Twice. Jesuits are much like Freemasons, the heirs to the Knights Templar; Pope Francis I is
the first Jesuit "W hite" Pope to occupy the Vatican w ith his superior "Black" Pope, Jesuit General Adolfo
Nicholas. W ill Rome burn? As the first MERS-CoV cases popped up in Italy, Mario Monti show ed up at
the Bilderberg MTG and the Vatican Sec of State Cardinal Tarscio Bertone resigned.
"In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again" Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of
France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar w ealth and disbanded the order w ith "Licet
Pridem". They then made a new agreement w ith the Knights of Malta aka Sovereign Military Order of
Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes or Knights of St John of Jerusalem called "Licet Pridem". Gen W es Clark
(Kohen) w arned the US w ould invade 7 nations in 5 years in 2007 w ith Syria and Iran last on the list.
Rhodes Scholar Susan Rice w as appointed National Security Adviser on June 5. Catharsis means
"Discharge of pent up emotion". Think she know s this?
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll "After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast w ill herald the coming
Melchisedek". Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! Melchisedek means "King of Jerusalem" and "Priest of the
Most High" This Melchisedek w ill be an Alternative Messiah. Mitt Romney? True, he is a Melchesidek
Priest, but no; he w ill likely be one of the Mormon elders to "Restore the Constitution w hen it hangs by
a thread"; the US Constitution? No, Lucifer's Constitution proclaiming "Freedom from God". 10
Jubilees=500 years from w hat? Black Nobility Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank.
Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel w ith a crack separating Man from God for a reason.
Melchisdedek Priests Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are not done yet.
Hopi "Great Purification" Prophecy Remember, Cathar means "Pure Ones". States the 5th age
(Blavatsky called this the 5th Root Race) w ill begin w ith the arrival of Blue Star. Disease, Great Dying,
Earthquakes and the W orld rocking to and fro w ill follow . Prophecy Rock in AZ is interpreted "When
Blue Star comes Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the Un-Initiated" and White
Brother "Pahana" will be revealed. White Brother is Lucifer/Satan. Do not be deceived; Lucifer is

the Devil and Satan, transformed into the "Angel of Light" Is 14:12. The last of their 9 signs before the
Purification? Arrival of Blue Star. Is ISON really Blue Star? ISON means "Son of Joseph"; Jesus restores
Joseph (Joseph's son Ephraim is Israel) w ith Judah at the 2nd Coming as described in Eze 37:16; an
Alternative Messiah w ill attempt this before Jesus arrives w ith a Luciferian Initiation. You w ill w ant to be
"Uninitiated"! W hat initiation? The UN Planetary Initiation aka Mark of the Beast! W hat Plaza? 666 UN
Nostradamus ( I put him on par w ith St Malachy, Edgar Casey, or C Alan Martin; the only accurate
source of Prophecy is the Authorized Bible) said "The Last Pope w ill flee Rome in December w hen there
are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day" Comet ISON makes it's closest approach to the Sun on
Hanukkah-Thanksgiving and its closest approach to Earth on Christmas-Boxing Day 2013. It w as
"Discovered" (I know of no w ay for an amateur astronomer to visually locate a Comet outside of
Jupiter's orbit) by a Russian man (Artonym Novochonik=Artemesia Abysinthium=W ormw ood; same as
Chernobyl) w hose name means "W ormw ood". W hether this is actually the 3rd Trumpet remains to be
seen, but just remember Lucifer w ill attempt to replace God in every w ay on earth and attempt to
destroy God in Heaven; as Prophecy assures us, Lucifer lost that battle long ago!
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President w ould be #12 from Harry
Truman Harry w as a 33 0 Mason, Shriner, Jester, MAFIA Capo, mass murderer using Atomic w eapons,
originator of the CIA, NSA, Mercury Test Site, Area-51 and UN. Obama means "He is w ith us" in Farsi
(Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) Obama is #12.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly w iped
out the Condor people (Heart, Intuition, Mystical), a merging w ith the Eagle people (Brain, Rational ,
Material) w ill herald the New Age. Jesus says "w here the carcase is, Eagles w ill gather". Seen any
Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is an "Operation Condor" operative; the
operation like many others w as managed by Bilderberg Initiate Henry Kissinger.
Pope Francis ! right hand man, Vatican Sec of State Cardinal Tarscio Bertone abruptly resigned June 5,
Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter? Jesus set it up that w ay. He is the only escape! "For thy
sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter" Rom 8:36; Ps
44:22. Is it coincidence Obama is the 44th US President and scripture ends w ith Chap 22? The Golden
Age is the Gnostic version of Eternity; I prefer the sure bet on Jesus Christ "Shiloh" prophesied 6000
years ago and brought to Earth in Flesh! Now can you see w hy He called Himself Alpha and Omega?

St Louis Arch: Hell's Kitchen, Gateway to Gehenna

BBC reporter Jane Standley reported WTC #7 falling 23 minutes before it actually fell; the
building had not been hit by anything and a live shot of WTC #7 was behind her as she spoke on
9/11/2001; FEMA had arrived with a full contingent on 9/10/2001 for a pre-scheduled "Terror
Drill". NOAA, NATO and SOUTHCOM were in Miami Jan 11, 2010 for a pre-scheduled "Haiti Disaster
Relief Drill"; the 7.0 Earthquake hit Jan 12. NPR set up a radio station in Sichuan Province, China
just in time for the 7.8 Earthquake that killed nearly 100,000 people May 12, 2008. The Glomar
Explorer sat over the epicenter of the 9.0 Earthquake at the 90E Ridge which generated the 2004
Yule Tsunami in Indonesia killing 250,000 people. CNN meteorologist Chad Myers was on scene as
Tornadoes devastated Moore, OK on 5/20; he was also at El Reno, Ok on 5/31 calling the
strength, touchdown time and place beforehand. Is this just accurate forecasting or warnings in
advance of pre-meditated murder? Think it's impossible to control weather with such precision?
Another less publicized tornado ripped through the Westlake Landfill in the flood plain of the
Missouri River just north of St Louis. Nice spot; a smoldering underground fire is lofting radioactive
material from the oldest Superfund Site in the US into the atmosphere on a path northeast to the
Ohio Valley. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon declared a Federal Emergency, largely absent from the
news. If lofting radioactive material into the atmosphere and flooding radioactive material into the
Missouri and Mississippi Rivers is bad, this is worse.
"My greatest concern is MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus), we
understand too little about this virus...MERS-CoV is a threat to the entire world" WHO Director
Dr. Margaret Chan at the 66th World Health Assembly May 28, 2013. As of 5/29 MERS-CoV has
infected 50 persons and killed 30. Influenza Virus genes were manipulated into a Human to Human
strain by Dr Ron Fouchier; Just before the Hajj in 2012, Dr Ali Mohamed Zaki sent a sample from
an infected man in Jedda, Saudi Arabia to Ron, which tested positive as Novel Coronavirus, now
named MERS-CoV. Manipulating, Sequencing and Patenting a potentially Global Plague in a private
lab at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam seems a bit odd to me. CFR Senior Fellow Laurie
Garrett and Michael Bloomberg Health Commisioner now CDC Chief Tom Frieden lied about the post
9/11/2001 CDC created Anthrax attacks, so expect them to report on MERS-CoV. Seems a bit
odd to construct a weapon of extreme mass destruction until Gnostic belief is understood. The
timing? Ramadan begins July 8 and the virus is concentrated in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar,
Tunisia and the UAE. Frieden said "MERS-CoV is only a plane ride away from the US"; Congress is
responding by approving a Customs by-pass for the UAE in Abu Dhabi. A modern day Trojan Horse
to be sure; Guess what the original one had inside? Disease. The #1 topic for the June 3
Bilderberg Conference? Global Pandemic. The most recent Google Doodle honors Julius Petri,
inventor of the "Petri Dish". The message to all this? Pandemic. America is about to become a
giant Petri Dish! Note: This does not mean Mat 24:8 is here. The confusion stems from
changing "death" in Rev 6:8 KJV concerning the Pale Horse to "plague, pestilence or disease" in
new bible versions. The words death and plague are not the same. The biblical "Pestilence"
comes just before the "Abomination of Desolation". Do not be fooled! WWIII and a worldwide
Pandemic will not reveal Jesus Christ; it will reveal the "4th Beast Kingdom" of Dan 7:7. Why?
Armageddon is not a battle of "Good versus Evil"; Jesus returns (Rev 19) and everybody dies. It's
as simple as that! The Pale Horse is named "Death" because "Spiritual Death" results from
accepting the "Mark of the Beast"! "death" is merely physical death which will occur to those of
us like me and I hope you, who say no to the "Mark of the Beast". Got an Authorized Bible yet?
Get one! See anyone claiming to be "Christ" running around? Just say no!
Margaret Chan is an Officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire led by Prince
Phillip; his stated goal "In the event of my reincarnation, I would like to return as a deadly virus in
order to contribute something to solve overpopulation" http://thetap.blogspot.com/2012/07/prince-philip-if-i-were-reincarnated-i.html Margaret Chan,
Prince Phillip, Jacques Cousteau, Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, Obama science adviser Ezekiel
Emanuel (son of Irgun terrorist Ben Emanuel; brother of Rahm Emanuel), Obama Science Czar John

Emanuel (son of Irgun terrorist Ben Emanuel; brother of Rahm Emanuel), Obama Science Czar John
Holdren and many others feel the same way and wrote their #1 Commandment 33 years ago in
stone at the North Georgia Guidestones in Elberton GA #1 Commandment in the New Age?
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature" What does Jesus think
about Overpopulation; well besides commanding "Go forth and multiply"? The Earth's final battle
"Gog and Magog" will number "...as the sand of the sea" (Rev 20:8); that battle is on earth just
over 1000 years from now, and those are just those in rebellion to Jesus Christ! The point?
Overpopulation is a Satanic idea. Why target 2013? "In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green
again" Norman Cathars; Gnostics whose assets were seized and whose military order was
disbanded 3/20/1313 in France. The symbol of France is the Fleur de Lys, the symbol of an
irrevocable covenant with Lucifer.
Masonic ChIP (Child ID Program) is a CD containing DNA, Video, Picture, Fingerprint, Ear
Picture, Dental Bite, Allergies and Vaccination records. Load the information onto an RF
Transmitter Chip, and the program, sponsored by Luciferian Grand Lodge Masons all over the
world has the earmarks of the Mark of the Beast. Want a number to go with the RFID Chip?
www.One-heaven.org/ can provide you with an 18 digit in 3 groups of 6 membership number in
the "United States of Free Spirits"; sounds similar to the ones developed by IBM during the
Holocaust. Your "Spirit" did not "Evolve"; it is provided by God to communicate with Him; your
relationship with Him determines the Judgment of your Soul and residence for Eternity. Are you
sure you really want to be Free of God?
This is just a guess, but the Gateway to the West "Setting Sun" as seen in Obama's Prince Hall
Masonic Logo seems likely to open June 21, 2013. The Google Zeitgeist (Zeit=Time;
Geist=Spirit/Ghost) Conference June 1-5 and Bilderberg Conference June 6-9 at the Grove
(Groves are where Evil is done in sight of the LORD) Hotel near London will put the finishing
touches on a Global Police State. Iran elections on June 14 will "elect" the man Grand Orient
Mason, Ayathollah Khamenei's "Guardian Council" decides should take the world into WWIII and
reveal the occulted 12th Shia Imam "al-Mahdi".
Amurru (Calneh in Gen 10:10) is the land farthest West; Amurru is the Serpent (Snake) and
Shepherd god of Edom (Esau). B'rith-ish (British) means "Covenant Men"; What Covenant? Cain,
Japheth, Ishmael and Esau. Who was prophesied to obtain "Dominion" (Sovereign Authority to
Rule); Jacob or Esau? ESAU. Who are the Wealthy? Jacob or Esau? ESAU. What does Esau want
to do with this "Dominion"? Thin the herd by 95%. Read Gen 27:39-42 in the Authorized Bible (it is
opposite in New Versions) until this sinks in. Jesus returns to "...destroy them which destroy the
earth" Rev 11:18 "...except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved" Mat
God's Timing
There were 1656 years from Creation to the Flood. Axis precession (God's Time Clock) is 10
every 72 years, so from Aries to Pisces to Aquarius (600) took 4320 years. Sargon the Great was
likely pronounced "Legitimate King" at 21, the biblical age of accountability; do the math and the
world is 5997 years old give or take. www.One-heaven.org boasts the Pale Horse "Death" was
released on the "Day of Divine Judgment" 12/21/2012. God's "Divine Judgment" is over 1000 years
from now, so whose God is Judging humanity now? Want a "Mark of the Beast"? You can apply for
an 18 digit number in 3 groups of 6 at this site and 6 others just like it. Bee Careful! Bee means
Word in Chaldee and this Bee has a big WASP stinger!
The Ecliptic and Milky Way intersect at 600 forming an X "Chi"; the 11:11UTC Sunrise on
12/21/2012 aka formed the Chi-Rho symbol "Royal Christ"; Jesus Christ? No, "Sol" ie
Lucifer. On 1/11/13 the first "New Moon" of the "New Age". On 1/20/13 "Sun rising in Aquarius"
was "Inauguration Day" of the "New Age". 3/20 "New Light", the Aryan New Year and Spring
Equinox, the Serpent descended the steps at Chitzen Itza. In sum, the Sun, Moon and Stars are
now aligned with the "New Age".
The UN Planetary Initiative uses the term "Planetary Citizens", claiming "Everyone in the New
Age will take a Luciferian Initiation". Ban Ki-Moon a Unification Church Disciple "Moonie" of Sun
Myung Moon knows the Green building was constructed according to the Ratio of Life (1.618 to
1), facing East on Manhattan Is. with a 13,000lb "Lodestone" altar Illuminated by a single shaft of
Light, built in the dimensions of the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid in front of 11 Wicker
Chairs in an 11X18X33ft Room facing a Serpent wrapped Pole. Sun Myung Moon was pronounced
"Messiah of the Universe" by the US Congress. Druids called their Sacrifices by Fire "Wicker Men".
Can it get more obvious? Yup.
Summer Solstice is a date Masons call the Keystone of the Royal Arch. The St Louis Arch is
a necked down Catenary Arch; think single file here much like a chute used to lead Sheep to
Slaughter. Born Again Christianity is Holy and Ekklesia meaning "Separate" or "Called Out"; it is not
a "Team Sport" nor found in a Congregation, Mosque or Synagogue, much less so in Masonry or
Royal Arch candidates learn the Satanic Lie, God is really a composite of Jah-Baal-Osiris called
"Jahbuhlon"; in doing so, they voluntarily take a Luciferian Initiation by committing the
"Unforgivable Sin". David Spangler of the UN Planetary Initiative boldly states "No one will enter
the New World Order unless he/she will pledge to worship Lucifer; No one will enter the New Age
unless he/she takes a Luciferian Initiation". The St Louis Arch symbolizes Luciferian Initiation and
that folks, is the Unforgivable Sin! Want to become "Walking Dead"? Take that Initiation; want
Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ? "Just say No"! Ever heard the phrase "Pey Heylel"?
Mormons have, it means "Marvelous Lucifer", which is why Mormo is the "god of the living dead".
The word Zombie is derived from worship of the Snake God "Glykon" (ca 150 AD) a made up
god much like the previous Egyptian-Greek "Serapis" (ca 500 BC). Paul referred to these made up
gods as the "UNKNOWN GOD" (Acts 17), a Universal God, forming the Pagan Trinity Father,
Mother, Son. Seems like Jesus, but it isn't. Glykon was described as the earthly manifestation of
the Deity, having Virgin Birth, Prophecy, Miracles and Healing the Sick; sound familiar? The price ls
admission to this Cult is Blasphemy (Rejection) of the Holy Ghost. It's a 1 way ticket to Hell!
Warnings and Prior Planning
An unprecedented 2.6 mile wide, 295 MPH, EF-5 Tornado ripped through Moore Oklahoma the
day "Anonymous" warned to "Expect Us", 2 years in advance; the Tornado expanded from 1 mile
to 2.6 miles wide in 30 seconds. 5/19/13 was to begin their so-called "Apocalypse"
http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/51913-expect-us . Coincidence? Over 100 Tornadoes
have hit since the warning with Moore Ok hit again May 31. A thumb tack on Oklahoma City can
be seen in the video My Pet Goat II. http://vimeo.com/44583147 If you haven't seen it yet,
you may want to; GOAT means "God of All Things" and it's mirror image The Ark of God; this

you may want to; GOAT means "God of All Things" and it's mirror image The Ark of God; this
Scapegoat however is not the Scapegoat in Lev 16:8-10; it is Lucifer in the form "Azazel"; Jesus
is the real Scapegoat. My Pet Goat II begins with Martial Law and ends with the revealing of the
Solar Christ aka Son of Apollo (Glykon) and June 21 is his big day.
World War Z will be released June 21 by Brad Pitt's production company "Plan B
Entertainment" (Angelina Jolie + Brad Pitt=Angel of the Bottomless Pit; no I am not trying to be
funny; Abaddon and Apollyon mean "Destroyer"). Plan-B is slang for the Morning After Pill RU-486
which comes from "Are you for 86ing"; America is about to be 86'd. World War Z, a rehash of
"Night of the Living Dead", "Dawn of the Dead", "I Am Legend" and the "Walking Dead" series. It
may pay to understand "Zombie" means "Snake god fettish". Mormo is is the "god of the living
dead". Mormon is a worshipper of Mormo; they refer to America as "Zion", but Jesus rules the real
Zion (Jerusalem) after destroying it by fire. "Zombie Apocalypse" may sound like a Hollywood
movie, but the CDC invented the term "Zombie Apocalypse" and posted it on the CDC
website. Is it coincidence the "Walking Dead" series takes place at the CDC in Atlanta?
http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-101-zombieapocalypse/ The CDC is just south of the Georgia Guide Stones
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones which proclaim a 90% destruction of
humanity is necessary for earth (Gaia) to survive. Does this mean Rev 9 (5th and 6th Trumpet
warnings) are here? NO! and neither is the 7th Trumpet warning at the 2nd coming!
Zombies are portrayed as Cannibals because Kahn-Baals (Priests of Baal) taught Cannibalism
after the Flood; Why? God's Covenant with Noah prohibited this (Gen 9:4); the "New Age" is all
about Rebellion to God! In Rev 19:17 an angel standing in the sun gathers men to Armageddon
"That ye may eat the flesh of kings..." World War Z seems a presage to the revealing of the
Alternative "Solar" Christ.
Sandy Hook means "Play the Joker Card"; Adam Lanza means "Red Spear", a thumbtack
highlighted Newtown CT in My Pet Goat II; and Sandy Hook was warned ahead of time in Dark
Knight Rises which premiered on 7/22, the night 12 people died in Aurora CO 7/22=Pi; Still
Coincidence? The Twin Towers and Pentagon can be seen on fire in the $20; Hoover Dam is
destroyed on the $50; out in the open isn't it?
FEMA was in place in NYC on 9/10/2001; their #1 stated concern was a Terror attack in NYC,
#2 a Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 an Earthquake in LA; when that list is completed, people in
LA may wish they had built their own personal Ark.
A Planning Map with America's growing regions underwater was made by FEMA, NOAA and the
US Navy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nscOVvMA_sc with most of California and
the Mississippi River Valley Underwater. Can they make this happen? Overpumping the
Ogallala Aquifer for Ethanol Production; Insane. Dumping Glyphosphate "Round Up" into the
Missouri and Mississippi Rivers causes Algae Blooms and "Dead Zones" in the Gulf of Mexico;
Insane. Hydraulic Natural Gas and Oil "Fracking" is polluting underground water and eroding Salt
Domes supporting the area; Insane. Pumping Hydroflouric Acid into Oil and Gas Wells (Acidizing) in
California and the Mississippi River Basin; Insane. Monsanto Genetically modifies the Seeds,
produces the Pesticides which create "Super Weeds" (over 60million AC infested), hires
Blackwater mercenaries to infiltrate opposition groups which enforce this mass murder. The best
part? They wrote their own Monsanto Protection Act giving immunity from prosecution and got
the US President to sign it! How? Monsanto VP Michael Taylor worked in the USDA during the
Clinton Admin and now is in charge of the FDA Foods Division. Taylor is now the Obama Food
Safety Czar! A dozen State Laws led by the North Carolina "Commerce Protection Act" are being
dubbed "Ag-gag" bills; they make it illegal to report on Food Industry practices, so be quiet,
nobody needs to know China just purchased Smithfielod Foods, processor of 30% of America's
pork! Congress allowing Fracking, Acid Jobs, Aquifer Depletion, GMO Seeds, and
Neonicotinoid "Bee Killing" Pesticides is pre-meditated mass murder and Treason. Guess
who is enforcing the Monsanto Protection Act? Blackwater mercenaries, fresh off their latest
charade in Boston. Food in the US is primarily controlled by Tyson Foods (Iran-Contra Drugs were
shipped in Tyson Chickens from Mena AK by Gov Bill Clinton), Cargill, Nestle (Dairy) and Smithfield
(Pork); China purchased Smithfield Foods May 31, 2013; Wanna bet the USDA has no objection?
Obama and Romney adviser Henry Kissinger said "Control Oil, you control Nations. Control Food,
you control People". Henry will likely be taking his Steak "Well Done" in the "Lake of Fire". Don't
join him!
Grove Meetings
Davos, Switzerland, Sun Valley Mtgs, TED and Bohemian Grove are pretty well known. Abraham
built the first "Grove" but these "Groves" are where "Evil is done in sight of the LORD" On May 30,
2013 Knight of Malta, Iraq/Afghanistan War architect, Benghazi Gun Runner Gen David Petraeus
awarded fellow Knight of Malta, 330 Mason, Bohemian Grove Satanist, Bilderberg, TC and CFR
Globalist Henry Kissinger the Intrepid Air/Sea Peace and Freedom Prize; Henry was asked "How
does the prize feel when you are wanted in several nations on charges of mass murder?" I must
say, Henry is indeed "Intrepid" for stepping standing with a 4 star General on that Aircraft Carrier
after saying "Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars". Henry
received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for carpet bombing Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia into the
stone age, managing "Operation Condor" (with Pope Francis I) and financing Pol Pot and the Kmer
Rouge "Cambodia Killing Fields". He wrote NSSM-200 proposing the use fo "Food as a Weapon"; his
puppet Barack Obama will sign the treasonous UN Small Arms Agreement on June 3 while Henry
and David Petraeus attend the 2013 Google Zeitgeist Conference June 1 followed by the
Bilderberg Mtg at the Grove Hotel near London.
Bilderberg Mtg June 6-9 Attendee List
HSBC (Hong-Kong Shanghai Bank) is the w orld's largest drug money laundry; they use the profits to
control US Airlines and Shipping Ports. Vaccine maker Novartis Food controllers Syngenta and
Monsanto, US Treasury Sec. 2 former CIA directors, including Gen David Petraeus, the Benghazi Gun
Running Chief. Amazon, Microsoft and Google CEO's rubbing elbow s w ith a man (really animal, w ho
advises Mitt Romney and Barack Obama) Henry Kissinger advocates using "Food as a W eapon" and
soldiers as "Cannon Fodder", Pretty hard to figure out the purpose eh?
Bilderberg Agenda
Global Pandemic MERS-CoV w as gene sequenced and patented by Dr Ron Fouchier at the
Erasmus Medical Center. The W HO lists it as the #1 W orldw ide Health problem. Remember
Obama "Birther" Law yer Orly Taitz? Her husband is a private contractor for Vaccine maker


Iran-Syria War. Gen Wes Clark warned 5 years ago, Iran and Syria are the final 2 of 7
nations to be destroyed; Why? Acquisition of "Eretz Israel"; that 4th Beast in Dan 7:7
will be a doozie!
Destruction of Iran's Nuclear Facilities Isn't it a bit convenient Qom is a nuclear
facility and training center for Shia "Twelver" Clerics? Right on cue, IAEA Director Yukiya
Amano declared June 3 "Iran is in violation of UN nuclear iinspections". Remember the
monolith in 2001: A space Odyssey and 2010: Year we make contact? Looks a lot like
the UN HQ doesn't it?
Arming Anti-Assad "Rebels" such as Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front and Ansar al-Sharia.
David Petraeus was in charge of this. Sen John McCain was just visiting these unsavory
characters on Memorial Day as 12 al-Nusra "Rebels" were arrested at the Turkey-Syria
border with 4 Lbs of Sarin. Where do you suppose they got that from? 2 weeks into the
Libyan War the Central Bank of Benghazi opened to finance their arming and training;
John had high praise for Libyan "Rebels" because they are one in the same. So how is it
the EU voted to allow "Rebels" to open Bank accounts yet the UN Security Council voted
to Blacklist the organization? .
Google's Domestic Spying "Surveillance" Program. NSA Data Collection Facility is
coming on line this summer. Google's Street View virtually eliminates privacy and Google
is archiving all Google searches. The latest Google Doodle honors the inventor of the
Petri Dish; the next one should honor Dr Ron Fouchier for creating MERS-CoV
Control over the Internet Microsoft, Amazon and Google will ensure that
Establish a "Ministry of Truth" George Orwell's version is 1800 out; this is about
Propaganda; Lies told over and over until people believe them, as taught by Edward
Bernays to Joseph Goebbels and George Romney among others. We havent' seen the last
of Iran-Contra money launderer Mitt Romney
Bank Bailouts and Wealth Transfer FED money printing is $85B/month; this is a World
War in and of itself. Now can you see why IMF Chief Christine Lagarde will be there?
Diffusing Austerity Social Protests ie Military enforced Martial Law. Aren't hearing
about this on the news? Most news outlets parrot what is said in LA, Chicago and New
York. LA 7 News Anchor Lilli Gruber may seem small time for Bilderberg, but she keeps the
secret about the real purpose of LA Water Fluoridation being to Diffuse Austerity
Protests through Lethargy. George Romney supplied both Aluminum for Hitler's Luftwaffe
and Fluoride, used by Hitler and Staliin to pacify the masses being taken over. Protests
occurred in 250 cities across the US and in 52 nations with 2 million people attending
over the Monsanto Protection Act and Vladimir Putin said "This will surely lead to War";
didn't hear about that either eh? Folks, It can't get any more obvious!!
Aleister Crowley's "Book of the Goat" (God of All Things or the Mirror Image The Ark of God) is
called "Liber 77" or "Liber Oz". Extraordiinary Rendition was authorized by Bill Clinton's NSD #77.
UAL #77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon lined up with Meridian Hill, the Supreme House of the Temple,
White House and Washington Monument on the 77th Meridian called by Freemasons "God's
Longitude". 77 also symbolizes God avenging Lamech (Cain's Lamech); Sinners before the advent
of Jesus Christ; The number of generations from Adam to Jesus Christ; Separation of Pure and
Un-pure and Divine Revelation for Kaballaists (Lambs from Goats for Jesus Christ); the Limit of
Sin; The limit of Cosmic Evolution; 77 Lambs were brought to Jerusalem by Ezra; 77 is Spirit +
Flesh in Gematria (remember the Holy Grail nonsense started in France); "France" is 77 in
Gematria; using A-Z as 1-26, Biblique is 77; Halley's Comet has a period of 77 years; Iridium has
an atomic number of 77 (Iridium is derived from Iris the Greek goddess of the Rainbow and
Messenger of the gods); Zoroaster was said to have died at 77, WWIII will be the final battle of
Good versus Evil according to Zoroastriian belief. So what is 77? Somewhere "Over the Rainbow"
in "Emerald City" I suspect. Dan 7:7 describes Beast Kingdom of Lucifer and it is coming soon.
What will the "Elite" do? Hide in Arks (Caves) similar to what Noah did in Gen 7:7. Folks, Jesus
Christ is the Ark of the New Covenant! Question: How many times are Christians commanded
to forgive the offenses of our Gnostic enemies? The answer is in Mat 18:22. 77 times? Nope, 70 X
7 times! If your bible says 77, it's time to get an Authorized Bible. Day #77 is Mar 18. On that day
Mar 18, 1314, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar Jacques de Molay was executed by
fire at Pont Neuf on the Isle of Paris at what was then the Prime Meridian.
Magdalene means Migdol an Elevated Pulpit; Jesus Hates this Nicolaitane doctrine
Jesus said never call any man Father, Master or Rabbi; the titles Reverend and Melchisedek
apply only to Jesus; Sermon is not in Scripture; Paul said "Howbeit the Most High dwelleth in
Temples made by hands" (Acts 7:48) Why is it these people can stand on elevated pulpits
delivering Sermons? Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels said "The best place to keep a big
secret is out in the open"; 2 warnings that far in advance of May 19 are a bit hard to ignore. The
Evangelical Family Research Council Pres. Rev Fr. (Jesus told us to never call any man Father and
only Jesus is entitled to the title Reverend (Mat 23:8-10; Ps 111:9) Tony Perkins announced the
"Moore tornado was punishment from God"; Tony is a Ukrainian Orthodox spiritual adviser to TX
Gov Rick Perry who managed Operation Gun Runner with Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, AZ Gov Jan
Brewer, NM Gov Susanna Martinez and the Phoenix BATF out of the Alliance Airport in Ft Worth.
Tony sounds like "700 Club" (700 refers to 2013 being the year the Laurel grows green again 700
years after the Hospitallers "SMOM" assumed the Mantle of the Templars) Pat Robertson "God did
not sent the tornado, but he would have stopped it if people had prayed to him"; that was in
2012. In 2013 "God allowed the storm to come to Moore because people had not prayed hard
enough" I have an idea Pat, become a Storm Chaser and pray them away! Pat is a SMOM
(Sovereign Military Order of Malta) sworn to kill Christians and Jews anywhere on earth; he knows
there was plenty of praying going on during that Tornado. Pat Robertson descends from
signatories to the Declaration of Arbroath (Scottish Independence); his ancestors aided fleeing
Knights Templar in Scotland 700 years ago; no he is not a Christian; He is a Jacobite in sheep's

Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine: Shriner Clowns are not funny
Moore is just north of Norman Ok; Norman "North Men" is derived from the "Normans" and
Moore from the "Moors"; 50,000 Christians died at the hands of Moors; Shriner Masons wear the
blood soaked "Fez" to celebrate this event. The surname Moore is derived from the Doomsday
Book compiled during the reign of the Norman King William the Conqueror detailing the land
Norman's were entitled to. They acquired land through Usury (Interest). Norman Cathars were
later executed by fire and their Military Bankers (Usurers), the Knights Templar were disbanded
Mar 20, 1313, called in Iran "Nowruz" (New Light or Dawn); "Melek-Taus" the idol of Nowruz is also
Lucifer. "In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again" Cathar prediction. Cathar is derived from
Catharsis "Discharge of pent up emotion" Better get ready for a lot of discharge folks!
Feast of Epiphany to the Nativity of St John the Divine
A Pattern is developing: The US conference of Catholic Bishops met on Feast of Epiphany (Jan
6, 2013). This Orthodox Epiphany is of Sol Invictus not Jesus Christ who was born on Feast of
Tabernacles, not Christmas. Christmas has the Tree where the Snake God resides! 33 days later,
Legatus (Roman Catholic Business Leaders; Rom means Man; Catholic means Universal" "Universal
Religion of Man" met on the Chinese New Year (2/11); 2013 is the Year of the Snake; the next
day, Pope Benedict XVI unexpectedly resigns and Lightning strikes St Peter's Basilica at the
Vatican Twice! Francis is the first Jesuit (Jesuits wrote Mein Kampf) Pope ever elected by
Conclave, a Conclave that was scheduled to begin on 1 Nisan (3/12) the Ecclesiastical New
Year. Odd coincidence or pre-panning? The Pan-Starrs Comet became visible in the northern
hemisphere that night! the next day 3/13 Pope Francis was elected on Red Heifer Day. Most
every nation on earth has evicted Jesuits for subversion, now the Roman Church is led by a Jesuit
Wolf in Sheep's Clothes. 33 days later, bombs were detonated during a pre-planned Bomb Drill in
Boston on "Patriot's Day" (Barbarians of a commmon father ie Lucifer; T-Party=Tammuz, Son of
Marduk folks!) providing the backdrop for an Interfaith Service between Muslims, Catholics,
Orthodox and Protestants. Interfaith is Luciferian; Jesus is the Narrow Path! Boston was a False
Flag and Beta Test for upcoming nationwide Martial Law; FEMA camps have been set up for this
express purpose. 33 days later a record setting Tornado leveled 30 SQ Miles of Moore, Oklahoma.
33 days later is June 21, called the Keystone of the Royal Arch in Freemasonry. Is all this just
coincidence? Folks, St John the Divine is Lucifer!
The movie World War Z will be released June 21; Zombie is a worshipper of the Fetish/Snake
god "Glycon". Wonder why the Snake wrapped phallus is used by the Medical establishment? WHO
Director Margaret Chan is an Officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, led by
Prince Phillip; he sated his desire to be re-incarnated as a "Killer Virus". MERS-CoV is a man-made,
created Virus with an observed 50% mortality rate capable of aerosol human to human
transmission. Why would anyone like Dr Ron Fouchier want to create H7N9 "Bird Flu" and MERSCoV (Mid East Coronavirus)? Lucifer! Think this is a joke? The goal to remove 6-7 Billion people
from the world's population is written in stone at the North Georgia Guidestones in Elberton GA
(RC Christian? my guess is fellow "New Age" mass murderer Ted Turner) Unprecedented in history?
No way.
Glycon: Snake God and protector from the Plague-cloud
Greek mystic Alexander introduced the Eleusinian Mystery religion to early Christians during the
reign of Marcus Aurelius (remember him in the movie Gladiator?) as a plague struck with the
phrase "Glycon protect us from the plague-cloud"; in the movie, the Zombie Plague originates
in China; H7N9 originated in China as well. In the series Walking Dead the Plague originates in
Atlanta at the CDC, just south of the Georgia Guidestones. The WHO (World Health Org) Margaret
Chan issued a Pandemic Alert on May 21, 2013 at the opening of the 66th World Health Assembly
in Geneva (The ill-fated search for the "God Particle" is near there as well) stating "Bird Flu in its
many forms is able to morph into a Human to Human virus capable of a global Pandemic"
Quite a coincidence eh? she works for a man (animal really) Prince Phillip, who wants to reincarnate as a "Killer Virus"! Will you be coerced into taking a Vaccine with a Serpent wrapped
Phallus "Cadeuces" on the label?
Christians of today are being duped by man-made gods like Serapis and Glykon in the form of
Santa Claus at Christmas and the Easter Bunny at Easter; June 21 is the nativity of the Son of
Apollo. The opponents of Alexander? Christians of course! A true Born Again Christian is looked at
much like a Zombie in their unfailing devotion to Jesus Christ and belief in the unseen. Z refers
also to Oz, the Book of the Goat (God of All Things) Liber Oz written by Satanist Aleister Crowley;
Dorothy (Doro=Door=Gate) at Emerald City at the end of the Yellow Brick Road if you will. Funny
how Prescott Bush whom Nikola Tesla referred to as "Curious George" (real name George Scherff;
Hitler's Banker) married Dorothy Walker; Zombies are called Walkers! Click those slippers folks,
it's going to be a wild ride from here; Barbara Bush is Aleister Crowley's illegitimate daughter! Have
I convinced you of the more than urgent need to establish a 1 on 1 relationship with Jesus Christ
yet? Ever wonder why the Brotherhood of Death is called Society 322? or why Obamacare was
signed into law at 3:22UTC on 3/22?
June 24 is the Nativity of John the Divine, a made up composite of John the Baptist and John
the Evangelist, in opposition if you will, to the Nativity of Jesus Christ on Dec 24. Christ-Mass
means Sacrifice and Consumption of the Host, however Jesus Christ has nothing whatsoever to
do with Christmas; Natalis Solis Invictus (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun) is meant here.
Likewise, the birth of John the Baptist has nothing to do with June 24; both are purely Luciferian
fictions of a Solar nature. The Truth? John the Baptist was conceived in June during the 8th
Temple service of Abia, and born on Passover 6 BC. Jesus was conceived at Hanukkah and born 6
months after John on Feast of Tabernacles, 6 BC. The St Louis Arch supports the Keystone of
Royal Arch Masonry, so what is it?
Royal Arch
The Arch or Gateway to the West (Amurru) is derived from Gen 3:22 "...man is become as one
of us, to know good and evil...", and has its culmination in Rev 3:22 "...he that hath an ear; let
him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches". The Spirit is the "Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost"
rejected in Gnosticism. Do you hath and ear? If so, read on. Man was driven from the Garden of
Eden, destined to till the land "East of Eden"; Mormons (Mormo is King of the Ghouls "god of
Graveyards" hence the fixation with Necromancy and Genealogy) teach this Garden is at the
geographical center of the US at Adam Ondi Amman, the land God banished Adam and later
acquired in the Louisiana Purchase; relax, it's BS! "Society 322"
aka Skull & Bones, Theosophical Society or Brotherhood of Death is Cainite religion, continued
after the Flood with Canaan, the eldest son of Ham whose incestuous Canaanite genealogy

after the Flood with Canaan, the eldest son of Ham whose incestuous Canaanite genealogy
married into Ishmael and Esau (Edom=Adam=Red) in violation of the Covenant with Abraham. This
continued with Greek Philosopher Demosthenes (d 322 BC) who led Civil uprisings in the name of
Freedom and Legal Suits, the 3/22/1312 "Vox in Excelso" (Voice from on high) delivered by Pope
Clement V disbanding the Bankers (Knights Templar) and the 1832 installation of the Brotherhood
of Death in the US at Yale University who led the Opium trade with China.
Fleur de Lys
The Triptych entrance to the Yale "Tomb" is also used in Gothic Cathedrals and Masonic
Lodges. This is symbolized by the Fleur de Lis "Flower of the Lily", sacred flower of Buddha and
the path of Enlightenment or Illumination. France means "Free"; Lucifer promised Freedom from
God 6000 years ago in the Garden of Eden. Enlightenment, Illumination and Gnosticism seen in the
Fleur de Lys is the Gnostic Trinity "Father, Mother, Son". For this reason, Skull & Bones "Society
322" initiates are called "Knights of Eulogia" meaning "Blessing" in the form of a person ie a "godman" seen in the word Manhattan (Man-Aton) or Hu-Man (Hu=Celtic god). The Fleur de Lys is the
symbol of Luciferian Death/Re-birth seen in the Initiatiion of "Circumcision" (Think peeling a
banana here and the Fleur de Lys will make more sense). Glykon as the Son of Apollo "Lucifer"
was in fact an erect pallic snake idol. Ritual Sodomy Initiations are Homosexual by design; 2
Riders on one horse used on Knights Templar coins is pretty obvious and Masons and Jesuits are
their spiritual heirs. 2013 is their Year, 700 years after their order was disbanded; Is it any
wonder the Boy Scouts of America chose 2013 to admit Gays? Their first logo was the Swastika
"Broken Sun Wheel" used in Buddhism and Jainism; their Re-birth? Fleur de Lys.
Egypt "Land of Gypsies": America, the final resting place "Setting Sun"
The Romney family begins in Dalton in Furness with the Norman invasion and expulsion of
Bankers exacting "Usury" by King Edward I; it ends in America with the "Law of Consecration".
Bain Capital laundered $Billions if not $Trillions (175%/Yr has a habit of turning small illegal
investments into giant Bubbles called Taxpayer Bailouts) in Drug profits from the Iran-Contra
treason and the spin-off "Solamere Capital" vaporized $8.5 Billion worth of investments in Stanford
Capital; ever wonder why Allen Stanford was handed 110 years in prison while Mitt Romney his
son Tagg, Chief fundraiser Spencer Zwick and Stanford Capital Exec Jay Comeaux ended up with
millions in commissions? Why is a painting of Comeaux in Rm 322 of the ZaZa Hotel in Houston?
Zeta is the 6th Greek letter; recall May 28, 2013 was the 66th World Health Assemply and the St
Louis Arch encloses an Equilateral Triangle of 600-600-600 This 1/3 size theme room is called the
"Hard Times" Room and is themed like a Jail with the bed chained to a faux Brick Wall. Why?
"...they journeyed from the East...let us make Brick and burn them throughly...and they had
Brick for Stone...and Slime for mortar" Gen 11:1-3 Free Masons may ring a Baal here! Babel
means "Gate of El" Mormons call El "Elohim"; other names for Lucifer are On (Osiris or Heliopolis),
Allah or Sin. Romanichal (Romani) Gypsies are in fact Akkadian Sin worshipers who worship On,
Allah and Sin; the "Rising Sun" East of Eden. Mitt Romney and his Welsh wife Ann got the "Nod";
it is no coincidence Solamere Entrepreneur in residence is Skull Candy CEO Jeremy Andrus. Why
Skull? The Temple of Wisdom and 3rd Eye of Illumination sits atop the 33rd Vertebra of the human
spine of course! Now can you see why ZaZa Hotel has a theme room called "Houston, We have a
problem!" The Apollo 13 Masonic distress call made from low earth orbit came in at 1313 Hrs on
July 13, 1970 to begin a symbolic "Death/Re-birth" ritual going around the Moon (Allah=Sin) in a
"Figure 8" pattern from Dark into Light. This can be seen in the Mormon visitor's Center with Jesus
being Illuminated by the Sun with the Earth "Occulted" (Hidden) behind Him. The Moon is a
reflection of the Sun-god, the very first Lie the serpent made was "Ye shall be as gods". Folks,
Gravity and the God Particle are not real; Nazis (NASA) used 330 Luciferian Masons to concoct
the Apollo (Glykon is the son of Apollo) Program; Saturn 5? How about Satan's Nail!
(Satrun=Chronos; 5=Hebrew 6=Shin "Nail") Ask your favorite Rabbi about the "Sign of Shin"; ask
them why Jesus said call no man on earth Rabbi!
Jay Comeaux is an LSU grad and Fraternity Initiate of the "Friars", an LSU branch of Skull &
Bones also called "Zeta Zeta" (World War Zeta?) Friar means "Brother"; beginning with
Franciscans such as Francis of Assisi whom Pope Francis I is named. St Francis introduced the
world to the Stigmata (Wounds of Christ), Trans-substantiated Communion (Body of Christ) and
Nativity Scene; relax, they are all BS; it's Natalis Solis Invicti meant here. Augustines named
after St Augustine, the Carthage educated source of Islam and Zionism with his "City of God".
What City? New Jerusalem of course; the Mormon "Adam Ondi Amman". Carmelites named after
Mt Carmel where 450 prophets of Baal were destroyed in Elijah's day and Dominicans, the
prosecutors of the Inquisitions. In Gen 27:40 KJV we see Dominicans are soldiers of Edomite
"Dominion". Baton Rouge means "Red Pole", a name similar to Sarah Palin's Rouge Cou or
Cambodia's Kmer Rouge. Louisiana is derived from Louis "Famous Warrior"; the Louisiana Purchase
applies to the entire Mississippi River Basin. Now maybe you can see why Solamere Capital is
named after the Deer Valley Resort "Solamere" where Mitt Romney kept his mansion and the Skull
& Bones retreat in New York is called Deer Island. The oldest Swastikas were in fact, deer painted
on pottery with annually shed antlers forming the broken circle "Sun Wheel". Mitt Romney's father
George supplied the Nazi Luftwaffe with Aluminum from American Aluminum "ALCOA", but Hitler
didn't invent the Swastika; Akkadians did!
The "Elite" like Romney are Luciferian "Parasites" adhering to the "Law of Consecration";
creating the appearance of "Wealth" through "Usury" which in turn, creates "Hard Times" for the
Un-initiated, relegated to "Debtor's Prison" (Jail). The Elite voluntarily dedicate (consecrate) their
"Ill gotten Gain" to the "Sons of Israel". Who are these Sons of Israel? The Sons of Israel named
in 2 Kings 17:30; Babylonians, Cuthites (Medeans), Canaanites etc. Are Mormons all really "Sons
of Israel"? (Dan, Levi, Ephraim, Manasseh) Of course not; again it's all BS, specifically the Golden
Bull that originated at Mt Sinai which now resides on Wall St!
St Louis "Gateway Arch" to Babylon
The St Louis Arch is a Solar Oriented Masonic Death Memorial for a land
(West=Amurru=America) destined to become "Wilderness" ie Desert. The Fleur de Lys (Louisiana
Purchase) symbolizes Father, Mother Son, the Occult "Trinity"; America is to be the sacrificed
Son, completing the Nazi German "Fatherland" and Communist Russian "Motherland". The Crown of
Charlemagne is the Fleur de Lis and was used to coronate Merovingian Franks. The BSA (Boy
Scouts of America) voted this week to admit Sodomites; a trend for the very near future in all
churches of the west.
On May 31, a Tornado ripped through the West Lake Landfill in St Louis which holds 143K Cu
Yds and 8700 tons of Manhattan Project era radioactive waste; 70 years worth of Radioactive
Isotopes sits 1200 ft from the Bridgeton Landfill, currently spewing steam and noxious fumes

Isotopes sits 1200 ft from the Bridgeton Landfill, currently spewing steam and noxious fumes
described as "Rotting Flesh"; it is polluting ground water and lofting particulates into the air from
a massive, underground, smoldering fire; all this just north of the primary reservoir for St Louis
and 1.5 miles away the Missouri River feeding into the Mississippi River. Good location eh? Just like
Fukushima at the source of the Pacific Jet Stream and Pacific Ocean Currents or Deep Water
Horizon at Atlantic Gulf Stream and the "Gulf of Mexico" which means "Place where the world's
oceans converge". Coincidental? Not on your Eternal Life!
Like the Gulf of Mexico, St Louis came into US control via the Louisiana Purchase; the Fleur de
Lis? Pagan Trinity folks! The entire area is in danger; From Nuclear explosion? No. Dirty Bomb? No.
Gehenna? Let's see. The Gulf of Mexico has been filling with Methane since its intentional collapse
by fire on Earth Day 2009; the article on Fukushima and Deep Water Horizon goes into more
detail; suffice to say, Man cannot stop Methane from saturating the sub sea Earth at 100,000
PSI; if you recall, when the Halliburton designed Well Head dislodged, preventing the Shear Ram
from closing off the flow, a Super-cavitating flow of sand and Methane eroded the Drill Casing;
then the well was plugged; a designed move to hide Methane profusion under the Gulf of Mexico
that is still going on. What happens when Methane induced Sink Holes catch fire is called
NOAA and FEMA have planning maps showing the entire area around the New Madrid Fault from
north of St Louis to New Orleans as being underwater. FEMA has conducted several large scale
"Disaster Drills" and ordered 200,000 Death Certificates; planning a bigger event is already
underway. Occult planning?
St Louis became the defacto Capital of the Louisiana Purchase under Luciferian Masons
Thomas Jefferson and Luciferian Mason Albert Gallatin. The Treaty with France authorizing the
purchase was April 30, 1803 "Walpurgis" ie the Eve of Beltane; and possession took place Oct 31,
1803 "All Hallows Eve", the Eve of "All Saints Day". Sainthood is bestowed on Death, thus
America's tallest Masonic Monument is rather a Memorial that was authorized 132 years later
(132=4X33) Important? The 4th Beast described by Daniel is the 4th Sovereign Kingdom diverse
from the previous 3; 33 is the Masonic number associated with Sovereignty.
The word Kitchen comes from Kiln; Kilns, use hot fire to harden clay such as the toes of the
statue Daniel described in Dan 2 or the fire Nebuchadnezzar used in Dan 3:27 against Shadrach,
Meshach and Abed-nego; with Jesus' protection, no fire is hot enough to destroy what God has
made! Well except "His eyes were as a flame of fire"; you see those Eyes at the 2nd Coming and
Gehenna awaits for eternity! Kilns are built like Arches used in Cathedrals; the Masonic Royal Arch
is shaped mathematically as a Catenarian Arch. This is the shape an Anchor Chain assumes under
its own weight; the shape a simple Suspension Bridge takes or an electric Transmission Line
takes; the shape a Charge in an Electric Field makes or the shape a Spider's Web forms. The St
Louis Arch is actually a flattened Catenarian Arch, a mirror image of a suspended chain with
lighter links in the center; it is not a Parabola which defines Orbital Paths, but a Masonic
approximation of such. The Arch thus represents Man's approximation of God seen in Royal Arch
Masonry, a Bridge over troubled Waters or Tower to Heaven if you will; the Deification of Man
through, Sacrifice is the basis of Gnosticism.
Whether the MOX (Oxide of Uranium/Plutonium) Fuel used at Fukushima came from the Areva
Nuclear Plant in Normandie (Cathars were Normans; important in a moment) France, Savannah
River Nuclear Plant or from Texas seems moot; America's first Prince Hall Mason President Barack
Obama bowed to Taoist-Shinto Emperor Akahito, son of 330 Mason Hirohito; both believe they are
literal descendants of Sun goddess Amaterasu (Magna Mater is you prefer) and the trip was just
before Reactor #3 was loaded with MOX Fuel at Fukushima. On Lent 2011 the world began
receiving the "gift that keeps on giving".
Lent is "40 days Weeping for Tammuz" where Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire. Phoenician, Ammonite,
Moabite religion entered Israel first with the Tribe of Dan; worship of Jah, Baal and Molech was
the sacrifice of children by burning them alive in fire; often in a Kiln shaped like a Bull "Molech".
Bodies were dumped in a landfill in Gehenna "Valley of Hinnom" called "Tophet" which constantly
smoldered and caught fire. Notice Daniel 11:43 describes Moab, Ammon and Edom as escaping the
hand of the 4th Beast Kingdom; sacrifice oriented religion came from them.
Burning radioactive material at Fukushima is insane; this allows the waste to loft into the
Pacific Jet Stream toward the "Americas" and beyond. Flooding the reactor with Sea Water is
insane, especially when Siemmens Corp (a Nazi era Corp) Nitrogen Inerting systems mysteriously
failed and allowed a Hydrogen reaction to create perfectly neutrally buoyant Radioactive "Bucky
Balls". Spilling radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean contaminates the Pacific Ocean Currents
where fisheries from Alaska to Chile are in the direct path.
The Americas were named after Amar the Canaanite God of the West, Ameru, the Ethiopian
Serpent (important in Rastafarian beliefs in Jah) and Amurru, the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent
god. Am I saying all this was pre-planned? Absolutely.
Hanford is also a Superfund Nuclear waste site that is leaking uncontrollably into the Columbia
River. The Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington St is leaking radioactive sludge from 60 of 177
tanks holding 50 million gallons directly into the Columbia River. The tanks were built from 1943 to
1986 with a 20 yr lifespan; go figure! Bechtel Corp (Wackenhut Security, Hoover Dam, Mercury
Nevada Nuclear Test Site; Bechtel brothers are Molech worshiping regulars at Bohemian Grove)
has the contract to "Vitrify" (mix with sand and boron and melted into glass rods) the sludge, but
the process will take 30 years. As Plutonium sludge congregates in the tanks or pipes, there is a
real danger of Fission or Hydrogen explosions.
Warnings? 9/11 was forewarned on the US $20, by now you have likely seen the Twin Towers
and Pentagon in a folded $20 put there before 9/11/2001. The Twin Towers collapsing is carved
into the Arched entrance to the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. Next to that is a giant
Bronze Statue of the Crab (Cancer) sandwiched between the Sun and Moon (Hieros Gammos or
Sacred Union is the merging of the Sun and Moon or Man/Woman becoming like the sun god) atop
a DNA Helix (man becoming physically, a god) cutting Satan's Head with its claws. Telling us
something about the timing being in June-July? Radiation alters or rather damages DNA.
The Hoover Dam can be seen collapsed on the $50? Bechtel Corp. built that Dam too. Just 35
miles north of the Hoover Dam is a 1.4Million Lb ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate, Fuel Oil) Bomb sitting
atop the "Crucible" where 1000+ Nuclear Tests were conducted at the Mercury Nevada Test Site;
both are controlled by Bechtel Corp. What happens when 50 years worth of radioactive materials
loft their way into Lake Mead? The bomb is called "Divine Strake" for a reason! "Down winders" in
Utah know all about life with Cancer caused by the testing of these weapons. On 9/10/2001
FEMA was already in place for a "Terror Drill" in Manhattan; spokesman Tom Kennedy told Dan

FEMA was already in place for a "Terror Drill" in Manhattan; spokesman Tom Kennedy told Dan
Rather on the CBS evening news their #1 concern was a Terrorist Event in NYC; #2 was a
Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 was an earthquake in Los Angeles. Yes Hurricane Katrina was a
planned event and on the Feast Day of Herod's beheading of John the Baptist Aug 29, 2003 no
less! Katrina is derived from Catherine; lying to people that Mt Sinai is at St Catherine's
Monastery in Egypt instead of Arabia as scripture says (Gal 4) is fully to occultists; Hurricane
Katrina must seem Hilarious. Can't you just hear George Bush saying "Fabulous Job Brownie?" The
only job FEMA director Mike Brown held previous was organizing an Arabian Horse race. Los
Angeles, St Louis, the New Madrid Fault, Gulf of Mexico and Fukushima are Time Bombs ready to
go off; Why?
Manhattan is derived from Man Aton or "god man" in Egypt, the same Bull "Molech" sits at Wall
St. Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the Trinity Site detonation and quoted
Shiva "The Destroyer" in the Baghavad Gita "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds". CERN
scientists attempting to discover "The Force" of Gravity in the "God Particle" walk under Shiva to
work. Again, notice Daniel 11:38 describes this 4th Beast Kingdom as honoring the "God of
Forces"; God Particle is you like. Barbara Marx Hubbard, ironically, a disciple of Buckminster Fuller
also described herself as "Death", specifically the Rider of the Pale Horse "Death". Royal Arch
Masons know this same god as "JahBulOn" a merging of Jah, Baal and Heliopolis "On". The symbols
they use are the Triple Tau and Royal Arch; the strongest Arch in Masonry being the Catenary
Arch used in the St Louis Arch.
Jesus condemned the Pharisees to Gehenna (Hell) and gave a stern warning in Mark 9 of Hell;
their spiritual descendants, Talmudic Rabbis use the term Gehenna to describe "Hell on Earth"
which St Louis, the US and indeed the world is set to become. Why? Masonry and Science is
Gnosticism, the religion of Esoteric Knowledge that came from the Serpent in the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil. America's first flag? An Evergreen Tree. Its 2nd Flag? A coiled
Serpent now used by the T-Party; Tau Party perhaps? Isaiah's final warning Is 66:24, Jesus in Mk
9 and the KJV use Gehenna to describe Hell, a separation from God that lasts forever where the
"Worm never dies". Time to choose! Hell on Earth is biblically assured; Spiritual Hell is also 100%
biblically assured for all who reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
St Louis Arch is the Masonic Gateway to the West. It's 630ft Height and 630ft base encloses
an Equilateral Triangle denoting the occult Trinity "Father, Mother, Son". It was perfectly oriented
to the North South Axis by observing the Taoist "Yin Yang" symbol form over each base over the
course of a Solar Year and drawing a perfect circle around the shadow lines. The Arch frames the
Rising/Setting Sun and symbolically bounds an Equilateral Triangle and Triple Tau. The North Pillar
"Jachin" means "Moon" (Jarac); the South Pillar "Boaz" means "Moving Fire".
The St Louis Arch is the "Death Monument/Memorial" of Royal Arch Masonry.
The Monument was announced Dec 21, 1935, the year Mason FDR put the Reverse of the Great
Seal on the $US on 9/11/1935; see that Yin Yang in the $ yet? It's also seen in the Solar track
"Sin Wave" from Dec 21 (Capricorn) to June 21 (Cancer). Christ=Messiah; Christ Mass is the
sacrifice and consumption of the body; nothing to do in the slightest with Jesus Christ. June 24
"Feast of St John" also has nothing to do with John the Baptist or the John the Apostle, but is
sure does with the St Louis Arch; remember Saints become Saints only after their deaths. The
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial is the Gateway to the West and the the land furthest West
is the US; specifically Hawaii or Alaska if I am 100% honest. Obama means "He is with us"; born in
Hawaii? Who cares Hawaii means "Water and Breath of Life".
June 21 is the Keystone of the Royal Arch in Masonry; Templars were first known as
Johnnitters, named after a mythical combo of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called "St
John the Divine". Cancer is the astrological symbol symbolizing the Sun exalted to the Summit of
the Arch; remember, Masons exalt John the Baptist above Jesus Christ; they regard him as His
Mentor or Master. The statue depicting this is the "Peace Fountain"
http://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-st-john-the-divine-cathedral/ in
the courtyard of the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. Notice Satan's head is cutoff in
Cancer ie June 21-July 22. June is the Babylonian month "Tammuz" meaning "Purify by Fire". A
Legatus (Roman Legates were the equivalent of Generals given authority of Life or Death by
Caesar using the Fasces) Mtg was held Feb 10, 2013 on Chinese "New Year" 2013 is the "Year of
the Snake", the following day Pope Benedict XVI resigned. 30 days later Pope Francis was elected
on 3/13/13. Francis means "Free", he is #112, the final Pope according to St Malachy (Molechy)
is a Jesuit sworn to kill Christians and Jews anywhere on Earth
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/jesuits.htm. 3/13/13 was also noteworthy for being Red
Heifer Day (2 Nisan); ashes of the Red Heifer will be used to consecrate the Cornerstone of the
3rd Temple and its Chief Priest "Kohanim". When? 3/18/2014 is the 700th Anniversary of the
execution of the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay; at this point, I
would watch out for 2 April 2014 as the final Red Heifer Day. 33 days after Pope Francis' election
was the Boston Marathon Bombing; 33 days later was 5/19/13, the date of the Anonymous
warning of natural disasters and the Oklahoma Tornado; 33 days later is June 21 "Summer
19/5/13 (why this date format I don't know) was posted in 2010 by Anonymous at 4Chan.org/
(They are not a Rogue hacker group; they are as Jesuit as Pope Francis) as the date to "Expect
Us" in "Operation Apocalypse Rise", a Bank Holiday, Collapse of the $US, Natural Disasters, World
War etc. Timing? On 3/18, as the US Debt Limit was reached; on 5/18 the WHO issued a Global
Pandemic Warning over MERS-CoV, on 5/19 Tornadoes struck 5 states. On 5/19, NASA
announced the largest Asteroid collision on the Moon since Lunar monitoring began. And on 5/19,
the UN Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon, a Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon and KCIA asset
denounced a North Korean missile test; relax Ban, it fell in the Ocean as they all do. I am not
trying to foster any sort of panic, much less predicting events, but here is the link to the
Anonymous waring http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKJnFqnzbSs
Gnosticism: Religion of the Snak

Comet ISON=Blue Star=Wormwood

The Great Pyramid "King's Chamber"=Tarot Card "Joker"
Project 911=Shamash=Mormon "Melchisedek" aka Solar Christ
Comet ISON w as "discovered" by a Russian amateur astronomer w ith a strange name ie
pseudonym. Artyom Novichonokis. Artyom means Artemis aka Diana "Goddess of w itchcraft"; Artemesia

Abisinthium is "Wormwood"; a bit odd? ISON is predicted to become brighter than a Full Moon and
visible during daylight. It w ill make its closest approach to the Sun on Hanukkah 2013. Hopi prophecy
states Blue Star w ill arrive at the "Day of Purification" w hen Kachina takes his mask off before the Uninitiated and the 5th w orld emerges; Helena Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society saying that
same thing, so it seems w e may have a match.
The Prophecy (Rosicrucian Plan more like) of St Malachy predicts Pope Francis I is the last Pope. The
Condor and Eagle Prophecy is illustrated w ith Francis (Bergoglio) a Jesuit and CIA asset in "Operation
Condor"; the Mayan Calendar is called the "Eagle Bow l" and the Solstice w as marked in
stone over 2000 years ago.
w w w .One-heaven.org/ claims the Pale Horse "Death" w as released on 12/21/2012, the "Day of
The Cathars predicted "In 700 years the Laurel w ill grow green again"; D-Day w as 700 years to the
day of their executions; presumably 2013 w ould be from the 1313 Council of Vienne disbanding their
military/bankers the Knights Templar.
11Q13 "Prince Melchisedek Scroll" predicts the arrival of Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem) in 10
Jubilees; every 50th year is a Jubilee (reversal of fortune of sorts); presumably this 10 Jubilees is from
the 1513 coronation of "Black Nobility" Pope Leo X w ho bankrupted the Vatican. Melchisedek is of
course the author of the Abrahamic Covenant, the authority of King David and sole source of the New
Covenant w ith God in Jesus Christ. (Gen 14:8; Ps 110; Heb 7-9) This Melchisedek w ill how ever be an
Alternative Messiah.
On May 10, 2013, One W orld Trade Center w as topped at 1776ft; the day is significant because the
Civil W ar Armistice w as signed betw een Gen Sherman and Johnston on May 10, 1865; a second Civil
W ar w as planned as outlined in Confederate General Albert Pike's letter to Italian Revolutionary
Guissepe Mazzini Aug 15, 1871.
On May 10, 2013 the USDA approved Internationally banned Bayer Crop Science pesticide
"Sulfoxaflor" deemed "Highly Toxic" to Honeybees. Kill Bees, you kill Food; it's as simple as that. Bayer
designed another pesticide called Zyklon-B used in the Holocaust. Maybe you have heard of it. "A man's
foes shall be the men of his ow n household"-Jesus Christ (Mat 10:36)
On May 10, 2013 the movie The Great Gatsby w as released; Gatsby represents America and its
Rosicrucian purpose in Birth and Death. The Green Light seen on East Egg at Daisy's dock is more
properly interpreted as Lucifer "Green Man" in the East Rising at Daw n "Day's Eye" aka Solis Oculus or
"Sun's Eye" (my Movie Review of The Great Gatsby goes into more detail).
Mahmoud Ahmadinijad (nee Saborjian aka "Esther's Child") is a "Tw elver" or "Hagarene" cast out of
the inheritance God promised to Abraham and Sarah. He claims the revealing of the 12th Shia Imam
"al-Mahdi" is imminent. Benjamin Netanyahu (Ashkenazi "Jew s" are not even Semitic let alone Jew ish;
they descend from Japheth) also says the arrival of the "Jew ish" Messiah is imminent. Same Messiah
Rev 13 describes the final 42 months "Great Tribulation", beginning w ith the Beast rising from the
Sea that all the w orld w hose names are not w ritten in the Book of the Lamb w orship. Jesus is that
Lamb and Jew ish Messiah; Crucified by these same people. Pay attention to the "Signs of the Times"!
The center candle of the modern Hanukkah Menorah is Shamash "Sun". Hanukkah is not Jew ish, it
means Pa Hanok or "House of Enoch", the pre-flood son of Seth taken to heaven before death; good
day for a fake "Rapture"? Hanukkah 2013 also aligns w ith Thanksgiving, a celebration of native
slaughter in the Americas. Feeling like a plump, stuffed Turkey? Turkey is a domesticated Aztec Fow l
and Aztecs sacrificed people to the sun god Quetzalcoatl w hom Mormons believe to have been Jesus.

Blue Star, ISON and SION

ISON is an Anglo-Saxon, Norman French, Old English derivation of "Joseph" meaning "Adding or
Increasing"; ISON is thus "Sons of Joseph". ISON is also an anagram for SION, not ZION, but rather Mt
Hermon "Mount of the Chief". W hich Chief? Lucifer! On 5/11 Hezbollah Chief Sayyid Nasrallah said
Syrian w eapons sent to Lebanon are a "Game Changer" designed for Syria and Labanon to recapture
the Golan Heights aka Mt Hermon. Coincidence w ith SION? Don't bet on it. The Mormon Church claims
to be Sons of Joseph and falsely teaches America is not only the original Garden of Eden, but future
Zion. ISON is an anagram of "Sion" aka Mt Hermon or "Golan Heights"; the source of the Jordan River.
Jordan means "Going dow n the Dan"; Dan means Judge and is not listed in Rev 7 as "Saved". Notice
neither Dan nor Ephraim are Saved in Rev 7 because they represent most of the Mormon Church.
Water Baptisms do not Save anyone; Baptisms of the Holy Spirit Save everyone. Golan means
Vagabond, Hooligan, Gnave or Tramp; Hermon means "Mount of the Chief"; do not fall for the W atcher
or Nephilim lie concerning Gen 6; "Giants" are produced by selective breeding not Demon-Human
relations. The Mormon Church is derived from Mormo King of the Ghouls aka "God of the Living Dead".
They claim Dannite and Ephraimite lineage; neither tribe is "Saved" so get ready for an occult "Baptism"
in the Age of Aquarius!
"And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heav en, burning as it were a
lam p..." Rev 8:10 Comet means "Long Haired Star". There are a few good reasons to believe Comet
ISON is the prophesied "W ormw ood" of Rev 8:11 and the Hopi Blue Star. W hy? God set ISON in motion
at Noahs Flood and adding the 1656 years of the pre-flood to 2 Astronomical House precessions
from Aries to Pisces to Aquarius of 4320 years plus the age of Legitimacy for a King to assume the
throne of 21 as w as the case w ith Sargon the Great and one can see the Earth is roughly 5996
years old. The Great Tribulation is 3 years so do the math. W e are living according to Gods Timetable
not Mans.


In Chinese, Mormo means "Gates of Hell" as does Babylon Gate of the gods The first lie Ye shall
be as gods is the lie that leads to Hell. The Mormon Church claims to be the biblical House of Joseph;
comet ISON means Sons of Joseph. Ephraim became the moniker for Israel w hen Joseph gave 1 st born
rights to him. Ephraim had thus replaced Reuben w hen he lost 1st born rights due to Sin. Think Cain,
Canaan, Harran, Ishmael and Esau here. British=B'Rith-ish or "Birthright Covenant" w hich is w hy
Mormons of Ephraim are usually W hite European immigrants w hereas Mormons of Manasseh are
claimed to be of Native or Polynesian origin. W hite Natives such as Hopew ell, Adena or Hopi are the
descendants of W elsh Gypsies; the ancestors of Britain, Hyksos "Foreign Shepherd Kings" of Egypt aka
"Amalekites". "...the LORD w ill have w ar w ith Amalek from generation to generation" Ex 17:16 Melek in
Persia is the same as the Six Pointed Star of Molech in Israel and the Ow l Idol "Moloch" at Bohemian
Grove. Amalekites have never been more numerous or pow erful in history.
On May 11, Pakistan elections installed billionaire Naw az Sharif to a third term; skimming from the
$2Billion annual US aid package helps I'm sure. He w as prompty contratulated by Aga Kahn IV the head
of the Nizari Ismaili Assassins. His opponent Imran Khan, also an Ismaili vow ed to shoot dow n US
Drones. "Assassin" comes from "Hashishim" the Arab "Dialectic" counterpart to the Knights
Templar/Knights of Malta aka Hospitallers. Enemies? Hardly. St Augustine w as trained in Carthage; no
surprise Mormon Joseph Smith w as martyred in the Carthage Jail either. Islam formed on Zionist
concepts and split into Sunni and Shia. Shia further split into Nizarii Ismailis "Assassins" and
"Tw elvers"; Ismailis reject God seen in the missing "h" meaning "God is w ith me". Pakistani Imran Khan

like his billionaire predecessors Agha Khan I-IV is an "Assassin"; Ayathollahs in Iraq and Iran are
"Tw elvers". The United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, Qatar Kuw ait are also Ismailis; now does it make
sense w hy Congress is setting up a Customs pre-screening facility in the UAE and w hy 20,000 M-16's
w ent "missing" ln Kuw ait last w eek? The British Viscount Sir Cyril Radcliffe split Pakistan from India as
Israel w as being formed, causing a million refugees in both places; thank God I'm not judged by my
ancestors! The Karakoram Hw y w as for the purpose of delivering 200 Million peope across the "Silk
Road" used by Genghis Khan to Armageddon "Valley of Slaughter". The driving motivation to head w est
is Fukushima, Japan and Korea. Luciferian Shriner Freemasons proudly w ear the Red Fez
commemorating the slaughter of 50,000 Christians at Fez, how about 200 Million? Ref Rev 9 and
Project 911 if you think this could never happen; or read the 1st Commandment at the Georgia
Guidestones if you like. It'a all out in the open now .


Notice Ephraim is not listed among the "Saved" tribes, nor is Dan; W hite Mormons claim Ephraim and
Mormon Prophets claim Dannite lineage. Furthermore, Mormons claim the Melchisedek Priesthood.
Gnostics believe the Serpent's Lie from the Garden of Eden "Ye shall not die, but be as gods" Gnostic
Scroll 11Q13 stated after 10 Jubilees Melchisedek w ill arrive as Judge. My best guess is 10 Jubilees
from Black Nobility Pope Leo X in 1513. W hy? Rosicrucian Martin Luther began the Reformation on the
premise the Pope w as the Antichrist and Sin does not separate Man from God; BS! Jesuits Ignatius
Loyola and Francis Xavier w ere unleashed; Jesuits at the top level sw ear to kill for the Jesuit General
"Black Pope" anyw here iin the w orld. Kill w ho? Protestants, Catholics, Jew s primarily! John Calvin (nee
Kohen) proposed his TULIP (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistable
Grace, Fixed Pre-destination); all are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Melchisedek authored the Covenant w ith Abraham; Melchisedek gave the authority to King David;
Jesus, the W ord made Flesh, long before prophesied by Isaiah, presented Himself to the w orld as
"Melchisdedek" meaning "King of Jerusalem" and Priest of the Most High"! The Mormon Melchisedek is
Lucifer w hom they w orship w ith the chant "Pey Heylel"; Heylel is the Arab w ord for Lucifer! More proof?

Great Pyramid "King's Chamber" and Prophecy Rock "Blue Star"

The Ascending and Descending shafts built into the Great Pyramid intersect to form a symbolic
continuation below or an ascending climb to the King's Chamber. The Descending Shaft w as designed
to track the annual Meridian crossing of Alpha Draconis in the Constellation Draco w hich precisely tracks
the length of a Sidereal "Star" Year. Axis Precession (Time Keeping) w as know n to the Egyptians very
precisely to track the Constellation Draco as it w raps annually around the Celestial Pole. This can also
be seen as the Orobourus Snake used in Theosophy.
The Intersection of these pyramid shafts can also be seen (I believe) in the Hopi Indian petroglyph
called "Prophecy Rock" w here the split separates the Initiated from Un-initiated; Comet ISON is in my
opinion the likely candidate for the Hopi Blue Star w hich heralds the arrival of Kachina w ho removes
his Mask before the Un-initiated. Anno Domini means"Year of the Lord"; Dom means "Mask"; Dom also
means "Red". Call this Red Kachina "al-Mahdi" or "Antichrist" if you like; it representd Esau's
prophesied "Dominion" from Gen 27:40KJV.
Biblically, Joseph (Israel) is at the Altar (Initiated); Gentiles are on the Porch (Un-initiated). I cannot
stress enough Stay on the Porch!! The Mark of this Beast is real!
Tracking of the North Polar Serpent constellation "Draco" began w hen Pharaoh Cheops married a
European ie "Akkadian" foreigner bringing w ith her, the same Solar Priests as at the Tow er of Babel.
"They" came FROM the East! The Hopi descend from the same W elsh Gypsies (Akkadian=Gypsy;
Egypt=Land of Gypsies) continuing the Solar Cult of ancient Egypt correctly forecasted the arrival of
W hite Men, Railroads, Interstate Highw ays and Jet Travel complete w ith Chemtrails described as Spider
W ebs; their prediction at Prophecy Rock w ill in all likelihood, come true as w ell. The Mask of Red
Kachina is the Dominion prophesied by Isaac in Gen 27:40KJV. Think modern day Israel, the Six Pointed
Star or Hanukkah are Jew ish? Guess again; how about Edomite. Jesus returns to destroy the entire
"House of Edom" (ref Obadiah) and they all know this. Need more proof?

Project 911 Why put a Mezuzah on every door?

Project 911 is a 5 story nuclear hardened bunker financed by US taxpayers through the State
Department US Foreign Military Sales Program; it is under construction on "Site 911" near "Beit
Shemesh" (House of the Sun) at the Israeli Air Force Base used to house nuclear capable Jericho
Missiles. Beit Shemesh means "House of Shemesh"; Shemesh is the Canaanite sun goddess and
Akkadian sun god. Jew ish? Hardly. Akkadians are Gypsies w hich is w hy Greeks called Egypt Land of
Gypsies. Recall Joseph married the daughter of the Priests of On (On=Osiris=Heliopolis); now does the
Mormon claim make more sense?
Mezuzah's w ill be affixed to every door in protection for Rev 911, the 1st "W oe" w hen Satan is cast
to earth. The Mezuzah declares "The LORD our God is One" and may be w ritten by either Sephardic or
Ashkenazi Scribes; Jew ish? Hardly, Ashkenaz is a descendant of Japheth and Sepharvaim are
Canaanite/Medean/Babylonian imposters mentioned in 2 Ki 17:30.
Shamash is center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah; no it is not Jew ish. The Assyrian sun god
Asshur represents the 2 nd son of Shem; Ephraim w as the 2 nd son of Joseph just like Isaac w as the
2 nd son of Abraham and Jacob w as the 2 nd son of Isaac. See w here occultists get their supposed
Shamash is equivalent w ith Barra or Begone w orshipped at Bohemian Grove as a continuation of an
ancient Sumerian ritual Begone Dull Care. Shamash is the Babylonian Marduk, Persian Melek, or
Arab Azazel meaning "W ilderness Goat"; the GOAT on the cover of this w ebsite is for Pagans the
God Of All Things and the mirror image of The Ark Of God. The Ritual is designed as "Protection" from
Begone/Barra similar to Israel placing Lamb's Blood over the Doors at the 1st Passover. Project 911 w ill
be completed w ith the "Mezuzah" (Phlactery), an altered scripture of Deut 6:4 proclaiming the "LORD
our GOD is One" on every Doorpost. The correct reading of Deut 6:4 is The LORD our God is one LORD
and the next verse are w ords exactly summarizing the 1 st Commandment of the New Covenant in
Jesus Christ Love God w ith all thine heart and w ith all thy soul. Project 911 is scheduled to be
completed Hanukkah/Christmas 2014. This is a formal rejection of Jesus Christ as God in Flesh ie LORD
in Flesh Recall Jesus said His name w as I AM to the Chief Priest Caiaphas and for that He w as
Crucified. Knight of Malta Bill O'Reilly w ill claim Romans ordered the Crucifixion over taxation in his book
Killing Jesus but Bill spins everything in his "No Spin Zone". Rejecting Jesus as LORD is grounds for
our own Crucifixion!
Beit Shemesh is claimed to be the site of the first Iron Foundry in the w orld, the foundry w here
Phoenicians made Nails for the ships used to "Discover" and Trade w ith America 2000 years before
Columbus. Iron legs of Daniels statue might ring a bell here. Samson allegedly killed the Lion and
proclaimed "Samson's Riddle" there. The Bees and Honey in the carcass of the Lion being mimicked in
the Chaldean Bee meaning W ord and Honey the product of W orker Bees serving the Queen Bee
Artemis/Diana. The Ark of the Covenant w as taken to Beit Shemesh on return from Philistine captivity.
Dont be surprised if a fake Ark of the Covenant show s up, but remember, the Covenant w ith Jesus
Christ is not in that Ark! It is betw een you and Him in your Prayer Closet! Beit Shemesh w as the
habitation of the Kohanim (Chief Levite Priests). Jesus replaced the corrupt Levite Priesthood, the last

corruption being his trial by night in secret by the Chief Levite Priests Caiphas and Annas. Big Deal? You
betcha! For Luciferians, Project 911 is probably their most important project in all of history! Got Lambs
Blood on your Doorpost? Better go get some by taking Communion w ith Jesus Christ!
Folks the "LORD is One LORD" not One! If you w ant Lamb's Blood on your Doorpost, you need to ask
Jesus Christ! This formal rejection of Jesus Christ as God in Flesh times w ell w ith the 5th Trumpet
W arning at Rev 9:11 because the Great Tribulation lasts 3 1/2 years (1260 days). The 5th Trumpet
lasts 5 months and the 6th Trumpet lasts 13 months, 1 W eek and 1 Day, and is follow ed by the Trump
of God (1 Thess 4:17; 1 Cor 15:52).
Peter advised the w orld not to be ignorant of one thing "...one day is w ith the Lord as a thousand
years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise...all should come
to repentance" 2 Pet 3:8 The Promise? A 2nd Coming. Peter means Small Stone. Freemasons are
called Operative Masons or Porch Brethren w hen in the Blue Lodge and Initiated or Speculative Masons
in the Red Lodge; Mormonism is simply Masonry by another name. Hopi Shaman referred to Blue Star
and Red Kachina as heralding the division of humanity the same w ay the Architects of Egyptian
Pyramids did w ith the Ascending and Descending passages.


Tarot comes from the Arab w ord "Taraha" meaning "To Reject" Reject W hat? God and his
interference w ith the Covenant made to First Born sons ie Cain, Japheth, Joktan, Ishmael and Esau.
W e can see this in a simple Deck of Cards w here 12 Face Cards represent the 12 Tribes of Israel, 12
Egyptian months in a year or 12 Apostles; 13 cards in a suit representing sons of Ishmael and the
Lunations in a year and the 4 suits representing the 4 seasons. Givieng the 52 card Deck a total value
by counting the Jack as 11, Queen as 12 and King as 13 yields 364, close to the number of days in the
year. There are of course 365.234 days, so the Joker, w hen added to the Deck is 5-1=1.234. W hy?
The dimensions of the "King's Chamber" in the Cheops Pyramid match those of the Holy of Holies in
Solomon's Temple (1 Kings 6:3); the room sits at the top of the Ascending passage receiving the
reflected light of Alpha Draconis; it w as and still is used for ritual initiation. Added these numbers yield
365.234 days in a Solar Year. Big Deal?
These dimensions w ere built into the Kings Chamber of the Cheops Pyramid, designed by foreign,
light skinned, Solar Priests; "They" of Tow er of Babel fame. Pyramid means Amid the Pyre or Flames.
Jesus destroys the w orks of man by Fire at the 2 nd coming, but the Egyptians did not w orship God but
rather Osiris, the Solar God of Heliopolis "City of the Sun". The Divine Solar Sons Horus and Tammuz
have nothing in common w ith Jesus Christ, they are man-made counterfeits created by Solar Priests.
Priests of On (Heliopolis) used the Ben-ben Stone aka Pyramidion to mark the Solar Year; the same
Pyramidion is missing from the Unfinished Pyramid on the $US. In other w ords, w ith the sacrifice of
America, the "Great W ork" w ill be completed. The Ben-ben stone is the symbolic perch for the Bennu
Bird seen as the Eagle on the $US; in reality the Eagle is the Phoenix, the Arab-Egyptian bird of
Resurrection by Fire. Folks, the W omen w ept on the Porch for Tammuz, the Divine Son of the Solar God
in Eze 8 and the result w as the Glory of the LORD departing the Temple. Christmas, Lent, Easter w ill
soon cause the Glory of the LORD to depart the human temple; Time to stop the Egyptian Solar Cult
from blocking your Salvation!
W hy is 2013 different. 12/21/2012 the sun formed the Chi-Rho Royal Christ, Jan 13, 2013 the 1 st
New Moon, Jan 20 the annual Inauguration of Aquarius and March 20 the Aryan "New Light". W e are
now , by all measurements in the Age of Aquarius "W ater Pourer".
Sandy Hook means Play the Joker Card, the event w as a pre-scheduled charade foretold in the
movie Dark Knight Rises. Bane you may recall told Bruce W ayne they w ere both "Initiates" of Ra alGhoul. Ra is the Egyptian Sun god; Mormo means "King of the Ghouls". Think Mitt romney's Bain Capital
and Bane is coincidence? Guess again. Lucifer is the Man of Sin, the Akkadian Moon god is Sin. Red, the
least energetic of visible light w as seen at Sandy Hook in the name "Adam Lanza". Ocultists refer to
Lucifer arriving as a 3rd Adam; Adam Lanza means Red Spear; I have a 12 page article covering the
rest on the Daily Updates page.
The Boston Marathon w as a similar event designed to show case an Interfaith Service on the
birthday of Leonhard Euler, US Income Tax Day and the Assyrian New Year; April 15. Read Dan 8:13-14
and note 2300 days w ere foretold by Jesus Christ and the Angel Gabriel concerning the Daily Sacrifice,
Transgression of Desolation and the host trodden underfoot. Is it coincidence IRS Form 1040 w as
designed to match the 2300 days-1260 days of Great Tribulation? Ever w onder w hy America does not
figure as a w orld pow er in prophecy?
I hate to bear scary new s, but Americas demise w as planned by Initiates of Secret Societies like the
Rosicrucians long ago, and that time has arrived! Secret Societies carry on the "Great W ork" of the
Egyptian Solar Priests; it's as simple as that. Think Christmas or Easter have anything to do w ith Jesus
Christ? Guess again. Its time to establish a 1 on 1 Repentant relationship w ith the Judge of our Souls,
the Mediator and One LORD in Flesh, Lord Jesus Christ.
If you prefer Clichs use the Octagon analogy for this. There are 8 Covenants betw een God and
Man, the New Covenant is #8 and it ends at Dan 8 and Rev 8 w ith the start of Great Tribulation. Before
you step in the Octagon and take the Red or Blue Corner, you w ill hear Bruce Buffer say Its Time! I
suggest saying out of the Octagon!
If you saw the Matrix trilogy, you know Morpheus (Born Again is a Morphing) offered a Blue and Red
Pill before he became the ONE; Cute Sunrise at the end w hen Neo meets the Great Architect eh? Man
cannot become God folks! Thats Lucifers 1 st and greatest Lie. 8 is the number and symbol of Eternity;
Jesus is Eternity not Lucifer! Lucifer (Allah is Lucifer) is headed for a 1000 year dirt nap in the
Bottomless Pit and after that the Lake of Fire. Masons think its funny to represent Jesus as the Jester
or Joker; I dont. JESUS has a number; His number is 888 and that beats a Crazy 8 every time! No Im
not a Joker and no the Red Hair w as not coincidental! Lucifer has played all 52 cards and the Joker, the
only Trump Card is Jesus Christ! You need Him in your life before Comet ISON or the Blue Star arrives!

Cinco de Mayo: Birth of Karl Marx

"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy Capitalism"- Karl Marx. Born Cinco de Mayo 1818, his
Communist w ish is coming true.
On May 10, 1865, an Armistice w as signed betw een General W T Sherman and General Johnston; a
continuation of the Civil W ar w as planned on that date. It is no surprise Cinco de Mayo w as the alleged
start date for "Operation Ring of Fire"; nor w as it a surprise that Israel launched a nuclear fusion
w eapon against Syria killing perhaps 10's of thousands along w ith 2 military divisions; nor w as it a
surprise on May 10, 2013 the Spire w as set atop the 1776ft tall "One W orld Trade Center" and finally,
it w as no surprise the movie Great Gatsby w as released. Gatsby represents the demise of America and
fulfillment of its Rosicrucian purpose. First shots w ere fired on Lexington Green on April 19, 1775; the
American Revolution w as underw ay over a year by the time Rosicrucian Ben Franklin and Ebenezer
Sibly chose July 4, 1776 to sign the Declaration of Independence; the 1776ft tow er w as thus planned

as w as the demolition of the Tw in Tow ers on 9/11/2001.

The new s is silent because the w orld is being set up as a stage for the "Prestige", the 3rd Act of
Chaldean Magick. Obama quetly signed Executive Order initiating "Operation Ring of Fire" because
America is being set up as the Scapegoat for Rev 18 "Babylon". Similar Nuclear w eapons may be set off
around the US shortly in order to usher in Martial Law as demonstrated by the micro-nuke detonation
used in Boston. 17 officers in charge of nuclear material stores at Minot AFB w ere discharged May 5; no
conclusive (to my know ledge as of 5/10/13) proof has yet surfaced, but claims an ex-general broke the
"Ring of Fire" story going by the initials "DLK". In 2007 Knight of Malta, Rhodes Scholar Gen W es Clark
(nee Kahnne or Kohen) outlined the US plan to invade 7 nations in 5 years w ith Syria and Iran the last
2. His real name is David Leonard Kahne; General DLK? As NATO commander, Bill Clinton's fellow
Rhodes Scholar and Knight of Malta, Gen W es Clark w as called the "Butcher of the Balkans"; NATO
became involved beause of the Democratic League of Kosovo or DLK. A bit coincidental isn't it? Time
w ill tell, but the Butcher of Kosovo and W aco has a habit of mass murdering innocents.
In the COEXIST Symbol

e is the

symbol of Man and W oman (Androgeny) as w ell as Science because

Leonhard Euler proposed God can be described using the Natural Log e W rong God Lenny! That's the
"Green Man" aka "Lucifer"you w ere describing! The Boston Marathon "False Flag" on Euler's birthday
featured representatives of all 7 COEXIST symbols complete w ith energy released at mc2 during a preplanned "Bomb Drill". W hat may or may not happen on Karl Marx' birthday remains to be seen.
Cinco de Mayo is in relation to Beltane "May Day" as Christmas Day is to W inter Solstice; neither
"Holidays" are w hat they seem. Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice of the Host is a celebration of the
Death of Jesus and the Birth of the Sun god "Sol Invictus"; likew ise Cinco de Mayo celebrates the birth
of the man most dedicated to dethroning God. May Day is a W itchcraft/Pagan Cross-quater Sabbat
designed to "Please the Si". Yes that's right "Si"; "Sidhe" in Gaelic or "Sith" in Scottish. Druid (Know ers
of Oaks or Groves) initiations w ere held in caves, burial mounds and arks called "Caer Sidhe"; Sith?
W e've seen that before. On May 3, archaelogists at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl at Teotihuacan near
Mexico City "Discovered" an Intiation Cave full of Sacrifices and Fool's Gold.
"Yes W e Can" means "Thank You Satan"; the "Language of Yes", "Green Language", "Language of
Birds" (Augury) are ancient forms of W itchcraft brought around the w orld by "Tuatha de Danaan"
meaning "Offspriing of Danu" w here Danu, Anu or Zeus is Lucifer. Sith should ring a "Bel" Cute eh? Baal
is Bel, the Phoenician "Lord"; because Star Wars featured "Bane's Sith Order" or "Rule of Tw o".
Chancellor Palpatine w as the Sith Lord Darth Sidius (Si-Sidhe-Sith) w ho by deception became Emperor.
Rosicrucian Ben Franklin had as his master, Rosicrucian Comte de Saint Germain "The Professor", asked
w hether America w as a Monarchy or Republic after the Revolution, he replied "W hat you have is a
Republic, if you can keep it". July 4, 1776 w as chosen to declare Indendence by Saint Germain, Ben
Franklin and British Astrologer Ebenezer Sibly because of a rare Occultation of Planets portended in
Sabian (Sabah means Sunrise) Astrology; the Revolution w as already w ell underw ay since shots w ere
fired on Lexington Green in Boston on April 19. In Star Wars, the Sith Lord destroyed the Republic from
the inside w hich is how Franklin predicted America w ould eventually fall. Sound familiar? Hitler turned
from Chancellor to Fuhrer using the Reichstadt Fire to blame Russia and now it's Obama's turn! "Si" is
"Yes"; "Yes W e Can" w as Obama's campaign slogan; remember? Immigration Reform, Gun Control and
false flag terror drills in Boston and Sandy Hook are just part of the plan to collapse the Constitutional
Republic from the inside. "A man's foes shall be they of his own household" Jesus Christ Mat 10:36.
Bane is familiar as the foe in Dark Knight Rises. The similarity w ith Mitt Romney's "Bain Capital" and
his Secret Society Initiation should be evident; Bain returned 175%/Yr making Bain the Iran-Contra and
Afghanistan Drug Money Laundering vehicle of choice. The Rule of Tw o is Master-Apprentice seen in
the Knight Templar Logo as w ell as Jedi Knight training w here Jedi is really the Egyptian "Djed Pillar"
aka Backbone of Osiris symbolizing Egyptian Solar Cult Initiations. REcall in Dark Knight Rises Bane and
Bruce W ayne w ere initiated by Ra into the "League of Shadow s"; Ra is the Egyptian Sun God. League
of Shadow s and the Dark Side ring another Bel? How about Karl Marx "League of the Just"? Folks,
I hate to break it to you but Christmas is a Solar Cult Initiation in a Grove!; Osiris or Ra is just another
name for Lucifer. Follow so far? The point is Hollyw ood is not Jew ish nor simply Entertainment; it's truth
in plain sight.
Sith, Si, or Sidhe are "People of the Mounds", Ancestors, Fairy Spirits, Changelings etc. The movie
Changeling directed by 33 0 Luciferian Sodomite Freemason Clint Eastw ood show ed the "Si" taking
human form; Changeling originated in the Babylonian myth of Sargon the Great w hose mother w as a
Ok, now maybe understanding Cinco de Mayo w ill be easier. Is it a celebration of: 1. Mexican
Independence? NO 2. Emperor Maxmillian and Pres. Benito Juarez defeating Napoleon III at the Battle
of Puebla? That w ould be like Russia celebrating the American Revolution, so, NO. 3. Europe Day? Now
w e are close; The Club of Rome founded the EU and the W oman Riding the Beast is the logo 4.
Birthday of 33 0 Luciferian Freemason, Crypto Talmudic Jew , fake Christian convert, Jesus Christ hater,
Moses Levy Mordechai aka Karl Marx on May 5, 1818? Now thats a lot of Jew ish sounding names for a
man vehemently opposed to anything of God!
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (nee Sabourjian; one of "Esther's Children"), Benjamin Netanyahu and Karl
Marx have something in common? Aside from claiming to be Jew ish, they like Messianic Jew s, Messianic
"Tw elvers" (Hagarenes or Ismailis) and Christians, they anticipate the arrival of a Messiah; Jesus? W ell,
better read that part about Jesus returning w ith "Eyes of Flame", nobody survives the 2nd Coming, so
you w on't w ant to be in front of Him w hen He returns! "al-Mahdi" for Ismaili "Tw elvers" or "Shiloh" for
Marx is the Messiah. Marx w aited for Shiloh to bring an end to history and a New Heaven and New
Earth. "al-Mahdi" means "He w ho Rises"; Gen 49:10 tells us "the Sceptre shall not depart Judah until
Shiloh come", but Marx' "Shiloh" w as a Demon named "Oulanem" an anagram of "Manuelo" meaning
"Antichrist"; Marx w rote about Oulanem at age 18. Marx w as then initiated into the "League of the
Just" by Moses Hess. First, W hy Puebla?
30 million people live under the shadow of Popocatepetl "Smoking Mountain" w here Aztec sacrifices
reached a fever pitch in the city once called Tenochtitlan. Follow ing a Great Circle from Tenochtitlan to
Mt Hermon in northern Israel, one passes directly over America's 1st 5 Colonies, W ashington DC,
Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, then Stonehenge, Cathedral of St Sophia, and Troy;
Coincidence? Not quite. W hether Napoleon II w as the illegitmate father of Emperor Maxmillian is
debatable, but Maxmillian set up residence at the Castle once used as the retreat of Aztec Emperors,
and like the French, Aztecs w ere Foreigners. The Arch of Revolution in Mexico City and Napoleon
Bonaparte's Arch of Triumph in Paris sure look a lot alike don't they? Next, W hy Europe Day?
The Europe Council w as formed 5 May 1949; Europe Day is 5 May; Europe has as its symbol the
"W oman Riding the Beast" and the slogan "Unity in Diversity"; one can see this same motto in the
United States as "E Pluribus Unum" (Out of Many; One). In myth, Europa w as the daughter of the
Phoinix (Phoenix) or Agenor, King of Phoenice (Phoenicia); both represent self sacrifice and re-creation.
Europa later "Rode the Beast" w hen Zeus/Lucifer took the form of a W hite Bull and produced the
Minotaur; Moloch is offered sacrifices as a Bull as w ell at Bohemian Grove.
Napoleon III gave birth to the term "Latino" yet hardly any Latins from Mexico realize Latins w ere
the original Pagans w ho founded Rome or that Latins from Spain w ere once Marranos and Sephardic

"Jew s of the Spanish Rite". Think Aztec sacrifices are over? Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo, Student
Movement of Aztlan) and La Raza Unida actively foster and aw ait a new Revolution in America using the
slogan "Viva la Revolucion". Remember Aztlan, the Lion in Chronicles of Narnia? Jesus is not only Shiloh
but the Lion of Judah; this Lion how ever is nothing like Jesus. Aztec, Aztlan and the Mormon phrase
"W hite and Delightsome" mean the same thing; "Purify" W ho? Un-initiated Christians.
Co-founder of Marxism Frederich Engels w as "Pandeist" a religion fusing God and Man; hence May
Day, the Emergency Distress Signal became "Pan Pan Pan". Moses Hess said "Marx w ill surely chase
God from His heaven and w ill even sue him". Frederich Nietzsche said "God is dead and w ill remain
dead, w e have killed Him w ith our Science" The God Particle and Black Holes have certainly done that!
Marx said this to Charles Darw in "You have given me the basis of my system" The system is of course
Communism and Darw in's (rather his grandfather Erasmus) Evolution Theory proposes Man has
Evolved from Primordial Alien Pond scum to Fish to Birds to Monkeys to Man and finally to Gods.
Si or Sith, the "Dark Lord", "Dark Knight" or Science reducing God to the smallest unit "God Particle"
of imaginary "Dark Matter" is all Satanism by another name. Satan's goal is to dethrone God and take
his place, so it is no coincidence "Ape Man" Charles Darw in began his expedition on May 5, 1834; or
that John Scopes w as arrested on May 5, 1925 for teaching Darw in's Evolution Theory in public schools.
My how times have changed! No agency has been more dedicated to "Killing God" than NASA, so it's no
coincidence Mercury (Toth or Hermes) 7 astronaut Alan Shephard boarded a Mercury-Redstone
(Edom=Red) Rocket and blasted into Space "Dark Matter" on "Freedom 7" on Cinco de Mayo. It is also
no coincidence most of the Astronauts w ere/are 33 0 Luciferian Masons and the Gemini-Apollo program
manager w as the brother of Scotttish Rite Mason w orshipful Grand Master C Fred Kleinknecht. These
are simply modern day Tuatha de Danaan ie "Offspring of Lucifer". Do you really believe astronauts like
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin or Edgar Mitchell w hen they tell you Aliens are living on the "Dark Side" of
the Moon? I hope not!
Toth=Hermes=Mercury; in myth, his mother is Maya, a Sanskrit w ord meaning "Illusion, Diplomatic
Trick or Deceit" Make sense yet? W rapping Ribbons around May Poles is simply the Sun and Moon
W rapping the Ecliptic path of the Sun; how many Doctors know the Cadeuces represents this? How
many Barbers have the same May Pole out front and know Barbers are Hindu Priests? I venture a
guess not many.
Barbara Marx Hubbard declares she is the Rider of the Pale Horse, Death, and Atheist like her
namesake Karl Marx? NO! Karl Marx w as a Satanist addressed as "My Dear Devil" by his son Edgar.
Early member of his "First International" (Marxists refer to themselves as W orld Citizens eg Bill Clinton
or Mitt Romney) w as Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin "The Devil w as the first Free Thinker and the
W orld Saviour; the Devil liberated Adam and sealed his face w ith humanism, making him disobedient".
Liberated Adam? Masonic Revolutions are based on "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". Marx glorified Lucifer
and Revolution! Bakunin also said "In Revolution, w e w ill w ake up the Devil in people in order to stir
their low est passions" Atheist? No W ay!
Marx' w ife w rote "Your last pastoral letter, Higher Priest and Soul Possessor brought Peace and
calmness to your poor flock" Atheist? or High Priest of Satanism? Jesus said He w as aw are the Throne
of Pergamos w as Satan's Seat. Archaeologists took the relic to Berlin w here Hitler used it for Satanic
Initiations, but w hat is overlooked is w hen Stalin captured Berlin, the relic w as then transferred to
Moscow w here it became the model for Lenin's Tomb. It w as later quietly moved back to Berlin, and
soon it w ill be likely be moved to the Temple Mount.
Iskra became the vehicle for disseminating Marxist Ideals, published ahead of the Bolshevik
Revolution by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov aka Vladimir Lenin and Lev Davidovich Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky.
Marx longed to "Avenge himself against the One w ho rules above". On May Day "Beltane" 1945 Iosif
Vissarionovich Dzugashvili aka Josef Stalin gave birth to Marxist Communism in Red Square; since that
day 200 Million people have perished under Communism. Like Hitler, 4 generations of the Bush family
and John Kerry (nee Kohen) Stalin w as an initiate of the "Brotherhood of Death Society" aka "Skull &
Bones" or "Society 322"; the latter because Satan promised Man he w ill not die and become a god in
Gen 3:22. Cute eh?
On May Day 2013, Barack Obama proclaimed May 1 a National Holiday called "Loyalty Day" to be
celebrated by dispaying the Flag or saying the "Pledge of Allegiance". Jesus says "No man can serve
both God and Mammon"; James says "Above all, Sw ear Not"; I'm thinking that is better advice! Fascism
comes draped in the Flag, carrying a Cross and no better example exists than Hitler signing the Reich
Condordat w ith the Catholic Church.
Also on May Day, Bohemian Grove initiate (Moloch is Satan; w orshipped in the form of a 40ft Ow l of
W idsom in a ritual of Sumerian nature called "Begone Dull Care") W arren Buffet purchased 100% of
ISCAR perhaps the most critical metals manufacturing company in Commercial and Military Jet Turbines.
Just guessing, but ISCAR and Iskra have one in the same meaning; that being Oscar "God's Spear".
Stalin (Rusian for Steel) said "Give me control of Hollyw ood and a generation of young and I w ill control
the w orld" Cinco de Mayo is hardly celebrated outside the US, promoted mainly by Berkshire Hathaw ay
controlled Bank W ells Fargo. Karl Marx w anted to dethrone God and sue Him afterw ard; his legacy lives
on in Cinco de Mayo.

Burden of Damascus
I can think of 318 really good reasons for getting baptized by Jesus Christ!
Iran-Contra was drug pipeline into America, financing a weapons pipeline into Iraq and Iran. Nat
Intelligence Director James Clapper noted in 2002, just ahead of the Iraq "Shock and Aw e" (Shekina
means Presence of a Deity) campaign, Saddam Hussein (Freemason and Baathist "Re-birth" Sunni,
partner of Bush Sr w ho claimed he w as an incarnation of Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar) used 2
converted Iraqi Airw ays B-747's and several convoys of trucks to transfer W MD's to Bashar al-Assad
(Alaw ites are Sunni Monotheists; most of Syria claims Baathist Sunni religion) in Damascus.
Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the w orld and home to Eleazer, Abram's heir
before the birth of Isaac. Note: Islam does not recognize the covenant through Isaac. W hile
Hammurabi (biblical Amraphel) King of Babylon w as bow ing to the GOAT Idol and making w ar w ith the
"men of Sodom w ere w icked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly" Gen 13:13 and their Kings of
Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram's nephew Lot w as captured. 318 men of Abram's household, led by
Eleazer fought the King of Elam (Persia) Chedorlaomer in his 13th year to rescue Lot, the 2nd in line to
receive the Covenant of Abraham.
Isaiah is a Cliff Notes version of the Bible, many chapters describing destruction matching those in
Genesis upon w hich they w ere formed eg. the Burden of Babylon in Chap 13, Palestine in Chap 14,
Moab (Jordan) in Chap 15-16, Damascus in Chap 17, Ethiopia in Chap 18, Egypt in Chap 19, Elam and
Media (Mede-Persia) in Chap 21 and Tyre (Phoenicia or Lebanon) in Chap 23.. W onder w hy every one
of these nations is in the new s now ?
On 5/1/13 "May Day" "W e have proof Assad has used Chemical w eapons on his ow n people and
is transferring then to Hezbollah in Lebanon ...w e are beyond proof...not one shred of doubt" fake Jew
Benjamin Netanyahu. "Chemical w eapons are being used by Militants, many of w hom are Foreign
Nationals"- Bashar al-Jaafari Syrian UN Ambassador. "One of my main functions is to defend Israel" US

Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice. Obama is now studying Syrian options: 1. No-Fly Zone over Syria
using US Patriot Missiles. 2. Bombing Syrian Military Bases and suspected Chem W eapons Sites in
Damascus. 3. Setting up a Humanitarian Corridor through Turkey. 4. Invading w ith US troops from
"The burden of Damascus. Behold Damascus is taken aw ay from being a city and it shall be a ruinous
heap" Is 17:1 Now you know w hy Syria is in the cross hairs, w hy US made Chemical w eapons sent to
Assad in 2002 are stored in Damascus and w hy US made Chemical w eapons w ere sent from Benghazi
through Saudi Arabia and Turkey to Militants aka Foreign Nationals aka al-Qaeda aka Free Syrian Army.
Also on May Day, a purchase by "Oracle of Omaha" W arren Buffet of ISCAR, an Israeli Metals and Jet
Turbine Blade manufacturer active in Turkey; strange bedfellow s eh? Isn't is nice to know Knight of AkSar-Ben (Nebraska spelled backw ards) W arren Buffet puts on plays in w omen's clothes called "Hi Jinx
in Hades" there and in Bohemian Grove and now controls the metals used in the Commercial and
Military Aviation industry using investors in Berkshire Hathaw ay? Ever w onder w hy Tim LaHaye chose
airliners to illustrate his false Rapture doctrine? The w orld may soon find out. Berkshire controls W ells
Fargo and they finance Cinco de Mayo celebrations because: 1. Mexican Independence? 2. Battle of
Puebla? 3. Birthday of Moses Levy Mordechai aka Karl Marx?
W hy 318? On 3/18/1314 the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar Jacques deMolay w as
executed by show roasting on the spot in central Paris connecting the Rose Line (Prime Meridian before
London) at St Sulpice Cathedral, Notre Dame, St Chapelle w hich housed alleged relics from the
Crucifixion including Crow n of Thorns, Seamless Robe, Pieces of the True Cross and Nails found 300
years after the fact by Druid Princess Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, the Egyptian Obelisk of
Moses' adoptive mother Pharaoh Hathsepsut, Champs Elysee and Napoleon's Arch of Triumph. Ever
w onder w hy Rothschild agent and Freemason Napoleon w ould sew 300 Bees from Merovingian Kings of
France into his coronation robe? The w orld is about to find out that Bee means W ord in Chaldee ie
March 18, 2014 w as Touched on in the series "Touch" (Cute eh?) in the Pilot Episode "Tales of the
Red Thread"; catching on to the Templar Red Cross, Rothschild "Red Shield", Edom "Red" and Red
Thread? The first episode focused on the number 318, the second on w as called "1+1=3" "Father, Son,
Holy Ghost"? Not quite. 318 is the Greek Gematria number of "Helios", the Hebrew Gematria number of
Eleazar w hom Gnostics regard as the true heir of the Covenant w ith Abraham and the Gematria value
of the Gnostic "Christ". 318 is mass difference betw een Jupiter "King Star" and Earth; Jupiter is derived
from "Zeu Pater" meaning "Father Zeus" aka Lucifer. Ever w onder w hy Mormon Church founder Joseph
Smith w ould be buried w ith a Talisman of Jupiter? The w orld is about to find out.
318 is the alleged number of Bishops Constantine sent to the Council of Nicaea to determine the
nature of Jesus Christ and proclaim allegiance to the Universal Catholic Church via the Nicene Creed.
Remember those 13 decks in the Costa Concordia? It means "In agreement w ith Constantine" Thanks,
but count me out. Perhaps most telling is 318 is the sum of the 12 Prime numbers betw een 7 and 7 2 7
being the number of perfection.
Damascus is about to become a "Heap of Ruin"; Assad has Chemical W eapons there, al-Qaeda
mercenaries trained and armed by the US has Chemical W eapons there and Obama has draw n a "Red
Line" there. Damascus w as part of Amurru, the biblical Calneh of Nimrod's day. Amurru is also the
source name of America as w ell as the Edomite "Red" Serpent and Shepherd god. Damascus became
part of the Hyksos (Hyksos w ere Amalekite Foreign Rulers in Egypt w ho came from Minoan Crete)
Empire and appears in the list of cities of Thutmose III; the bible know s him as son of Pharaoh
Hathsepsut and likely Pharaoh of the Exodus w ho chased Israel across the Red Sea.
Damascus is home to the "Street called Straight" w here Jesus sent Ananias to the House of Judas to
Baptize Paul in Acts 9:9; the East Gate is Bab Sharqi "Gate of the Sun"; the W est Gate is Bab al-Jabiya
"Gate of the W ater Trough" w here a Temple of Jupiter once stood. Catching on yet?
"The burden of Tyre. How l, ye ships of Tarshish; for it is laid w aste..." Is 23:1 Sir Francis Bacon w rote
New Atlantis about America destroying itself and resurrecting as a Phoenix (Egyptian Bennu bird) from
its ow n ashes. Guess how America w as Discovered? Columbus under his Red Cross Sails? Uh no, King
Solomon's Ships of Tarshish staffed by Phoenician sea men. Phoenicia is today Lebanon w here
Hezbullah holds the reins of pow er and of course US made Chemical W eapons. Think it's coincidence
America's first flag w as the same one used by Lebanon? Guess again.
Time to get Jesus Christ on your side, W ar in Syria is a foregone conclusion as are he fiery results.
Timing? The w orld passed the X Constantine saw in the Sky on 12/21/2012. Comet ISON w ill become
its brightest on Thanksgiving/Hanukkah 2013 (Nov 28) 3rd Trumpet "W ormw ood"? Project 911 on Site
911 at Beit Shemesh w ill be completed Hanukkah/Christmas 2014. Now go back and look at Hammurabi
King of Babylon bow ing to the GOAT "Shamash" and ask w hy Esoteric Judaism w ould put Shamash at
the center of the Hanukkah Menorah? Jesus folks, Jesus does the Baptizing and you need one now !


God Of All Things. The Ark Of God? Satan attempts to be the Mirror Image of God; don't be fooled.
The Androgynous Goat "Baphomet", "Pan", the "ONE", "Azazel" or "Ashima" (2 Kings 17:30) of the
Hamathites (Ham produced Canaan w ith his ow n mother) represents the Union of Heaven and Earth
called the "Sacred Marriage" or "Divine Union" seen in the opening lines of the Emerald Tablet of TothHermes "That w hich is Above, shall be that w hich is Below ". The Six Pointed Star symbolizes this
ancient plan. Pan is the Horned God of the W itch Sabat, the Gnostic "Sophia", the "Logos" made Flesh
and "God of All Things", Lucifer. Science calls this "String Theory" or "M-Theory", promoted by Stephen
Haw king. Rosicrucians call the Book of the W orld "Liber Mundi" by the 13th letter "M". M is represented
as the Egyptian Hieroglyphic for W ater; MI6 Agent Aleister Crow ley w rote Liber 77 "Book of the Goat";
the head of MI6 being "M" in the "007" franchise. W itchcraft and Science is the "W hore of Babylon"
The Goat Idol w as originally w orshiped by the Amorite King Hammurabi as Shamash; today Shamash
(Sun) is the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah. The Society of Ormus centered at Hormoz Is
controls of the Straits of Hormuz (Horus and Tammuz); today they are the 7 United Arab Emirates
including Dubai, kuw ait, Abu Dhabi and Qatar in the W est and Ismaili Ayatollahs in Iraq and Iran to the
Ismaili "Tw elvers" aw ait Lucifer in the guise of "al Mahdi" using the Standard of the Black Flag aka
"Banner of the Eagle". Ever w onder w hy the Great Seal of the United States has the Six Pointed Star of
Molech above the Eagle? or w hy it is used on everything from Federal Agencies to Money? Satan's Elite
are called "Black Nobility"; Science uses the term "Dark Matter" and the Mother of God a "Black Hole".
The Eagle is the symbol of America, because America created "al-Qaeda" and their Black Banner of the
Eagle w ith the Shahada "There is no God but Allah". Blasphemous doesn't describe this! Did you know
this declaration is also under the Papal Chair of St Peter?
Chaldean Magi, Zoroastrian Magi, Priests of Heliopolis, Theraputae, Order of Perfectibillists, Cathar
Perfecti, Knights Templar, Hospitallers, Free Masons or Jesuits (first acquisition in Persia w as Tehran), it
matters little; they have controlled the "Fertile Crescent" for 4000 years and planned for one moment
w hen the w orld w ill be Free of God. Using a stylized M to represent the Celestial Virgin w ith OURS
w ritten w ithin it; Ormus derives from Orma meaning Shrew d or Crafty, hence Masonry and W itchcraft

are "Craft", both attributes of the Serpent; Israel and specifically Jerusalem is the focus w hich is w hy
Jesus refers to the "City of Peace" as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt".
The Crescent symbolizes Allah aka the Akkadian/Assyrian moon god "Sin". Time to choose sides folks!
The path to Heaven is through Jesus Christ, the "Living W ater". The path to Hell is through Lucifer, the
"Sea Beast" Capricornus "Devil of the Tarot". John 1:1;14; 1 Jn 5:7 refer to Jesus Christ not Lucifer.
Folks, the Crescent is Fertile and the Rooster is Crow ing signaling the arrival of Daw n "Lucifer", the
Beast Rising from the Sea!

Park 51 aka Ground Zero Mosque

Example of recent Occult (Hidden) Communication: United 175 (1+7+5=13) Landing Gear is found 12
years after the fact near Church and Murray St. Note the pristine rope tied around the charred gear
assembly. Also note AA Flt #11 that hit the North Tow er w as not scheduled to fly on 9/11/2001
according to American Airlines; Jules Naudet Film (conveniently in place under the North Tow er flight
path) show s an aircraft more commensurate in size w ith a B-737 hitting the North Tow er; a CFM-56
(1/2 the diameter, 1/3 the thrust of a GE CF6-80-A2 engine used on the B-767) engine core, used on B737-300's w as found in the debris on 9/11/2001 at the Church and Murray St sign on 9/11/2001
(http://w w w .nc911truth.org/foto/cores.html). Strange? Flt #11 tail number N334AA w as put up for sale
by Atlas Aviation in 2004 (http://need2know .w hynotnew s.eu/?p=521) from a virtual office in
W ashington DC; Stranger? Atlas Aviation CEO Ronni Chodry later claimed N334AA should actually read
N330AA and that fire damaged aircraft w as photographed in LAX; Got all these lies sorted out? Me
neither, but for another w rinkle, look at pictures of Flt #175, the plane has no w indow s and strange
protrusions along the fuselage, plus the proportions of a much longer B-767-300.
So, a B-767 landing gear assembly is allegedly found near the 13 story "Park 51" Interfaith Islamic
Community Center aka "Cordoba House" or "Ground Zero Mosque". Ishmael w as 13 w hen he w as
Circumcised meaning he began faking his allegiance to God's Covenant w ith Abraham; rejecting God he
became Ismaili because the "h" means "God is w ith me". Cordoba w as the 9-11th century city in Spain
w here Jew s, Christians and Muslims peacefully Coexisted, in Interfaith bliss; recall the COEXIST Logo?
Same source! Cordoba w as named after Qart-Juba, a Phoenician name for Juba the King of Numidia;
Libya/Algeria. Scripture records this area as Cyrennaica w here Synagogues of the Libertines w ere
located. Synagogues of Satan is how Jesus describes them. You may recall Darth Vader (Anakin
Skyw alker w as named after Sons of Anak, the biblical "Giants") w as born there in the Star Wars
movies; taken by Jedi Knights to be mentored. Ever heard of a Djed Pillar? It is the backbone of Osiris
aka Lucifer! Cordoba later became the possession and capital of Islamic conquerors called "Donmeh",
false converts to Islam "Marranos" w ho secretly practiced Sorcery and Kaballah under Shabbetai
"Sabbataeans" Zevi and later Jacob "Frankists" (Libertine and Frank both mean Free as in Free of God
aka Synagogues of Satan) Frank. One such follow er w as Abdul W ahhab fathered the Saudi Arabian
dynasty of Ibn Saud using a fake genealogy claiming lineage back to Muhammad. Another follow er Ibn
Sayyid Qutb (Sayyids claim this false genealogy to Muhammad) became a lecturer at Stanford
University and created the "al-Qaeda" myth in 1966 at the same location and date the Church of Satan
w as founded by Anton LaVey and Michael Aquino, the latter currently a ranking member of the National
Security Agency. Strange eh? So is the $multi-billion spy facility being built just south of the Mormon
Temple in Salt Lake City "Zion". The founder of the Ottoman Turks w as Osman I; pretty funny how
Osama bin Laden w as hired as CIA asset Tim Osman and later Scapegoated for masterminding "alQaeda" eh? Saudis use the term "al-Qaeda" to mean "Foreign Toilet". Need more occult humor?
Christmas Bomber Abdul Mutallib is named after Muhammad's uncle. More? Osman is the Turkish
variation of Othman; the United Nations Space Alien Ambassador (no I'm not kidding) is M Othman. Oh,
my gut is hurting from laughing!
Today "Park 51" is ow ned by Kuw aiti Sufi Faisal Abdul Reuf. Sufism is esoteric Islam found in Sunni
W ahhabism of Saudi Arabia, Ishmaili "Tw elver" Shia Islam found in the Ayathollah controlled Iraq and
Iran and Sharia "Revealed" Law . Esoteric "Crypto Judaism" found in Kaballah, Chabad Lubavitch and
the Zohar is from the same source as Marranos. Templarism aka Zionism is likew ise from the same
source such as Christian Zionism taught by CUFI (Christians United for Israel) John Haggee. Recall, last
w eek, 20,000 M-16's and ammunition w ere mysteriously "Lost" in Kuw ait and the Gulf W ars began over
a dispute in the Kuw ait Oil Fields; Kuw ait is a havenn for Esoterism. Now can you see w hy Obama
bow ed to Saudi Arabian W ahhabist dictator King Abdullah? or w hy he intends to set up a Customs preclearance facility in Abu Dhabi? Ok, ready for the Occult communication in the recent landing gear find?
United and 13 mean United in Rebellion (13) to God w hich is w hat Ismailis represent; Ishmael w as
13 w hen he feigned conversion ie belief in God. Ground Zero means "Site of a Nuclear Detonation"; in
fact the Tw in Tow ers w ere demolished using Demolition Nuclear Devices in the basements and
Thermate (Sulfur, Aluminum, Magnesium) Cutting Charges, not Airplanes or Jet Fuel. Now recall in Dark

Knight Rises Manhattan (Man-Aton means God Man) becomes an island, held hostage to a nuclear
detonation by Bane. The Brooklyn Bridge is severed, along with other paths to the mainland as
seen in the movie I Am Legend but did you know the Brooklyn Bridge and Twin Tower Demolition
are also published in stone in the arwhways leading into the Cathedral of St John the Divine?
Bane, a Secret Society initiate collapses the Economy; Ever heard of Mitt Romney's Bain
Capital? It's the world's largest Money Laundry for Drugs and Guns from Iran-Contra to
Afghanistan to Benghazi to the Sinaloa Drug Cartel; currently Bain is run by IDF General and
Mossad asset Orit Gadeish and used to launder $Trillions in Afghanistan Heroin profits. Did you
catch the latest revelation that the CIA now admits paying Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai
and his brother Walid roughly $1Million/month for the last 10 years? Strange? Mitt Romney, like all
white Mormons claim descent from the Israelite tribe of Joseph, fancy that, so do Pashtuns like
Hamid Karzai! ISON means "Son of Joseph"; think Comet ISON was named this by coincidence? It
will be here by Halloween (Samhein), the "Hallowed Eve" opposite May Day, Martin Luther
dedicated to Christian Martyrs; it will reach Apogee becoming as bright (allegedly) as a Full Moon
on Thanksgiving which just happens to occur with Hanukkah 2013. Thanksgiving, like All Hallows
Eve is nothing more than a Pagan Sacrifice Day; Thanksgiving a celebration of Indian Slaughter
originally during the Green Corn Festival about May Day. A bit coincidental eh?
Park means "Enclosure for beasts of the chase"; 51 can mean 5 or 6, the 6=5 level of Kaballah
is where Jesus is placed meaning an "Illuminated Man". Mosque means "Place of worship" of Allah;
Allah is the Akkadian moon god "Sin". The first Sin? Believing Man can become God. Starting to
make sense yet? If not, just look at the now 10 year old pristine rope around the landing gear
and tell me how it got there.
Now guess what April 28 is? Lag Ba'Omer the birthday of Esoteric Judaism based on Kaballah,
Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud and the Zohar. Babylon means "Gate of On" (Egyptian "Osiris",
Phoenician "El", Akkadian "Ilu") and Jesus refers to Jerualem as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt"
(Rev 11:8KJV) Think Rabbis are Jewish? Guess Again! Better yet, read Mat 23:8-10. Now does
Park "Enclosure of Beasts", Kaaba "Enclosure" and Kaballah "Enclosure of Allah/Sin" make sense?

Oh, Mecca, where the Quyraish Bedouuin Muhammad was raised means "Adultery". Wanna be
Married to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ? Better stop committing spiritual Adultery!
Is it just coincidence Particle Physicists are meeting in Krakow Poland April 28-May 1? At CERN,
these "God Particle" scientists walk passed the Hindu goddess "Kali" called the Destroyer" or
"Death". Odd? At the Trinity detonation, Manhattan (Man Aton) Project manager and 330
Luciferian Freemason J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Kali from the Bagavad Ghita "I have become
Death, the Destroyer of worlds"; recall Ground Zero means "Site of a Nuclear Detonation" and
Mosque "Place of Worship" for Allah? Yes, but remember Allah is Sin and Lucifer. The Orouborus
Serpent is a Snake eathing its own tail; pretty telling who these Scientists worship since they
chose this Smake as their Logo eh? 2013 is also the Chinese Year of the Snake; seems fitting the
Particle Accelerator Conference May 12-17 will be in Shanghai, Ground Zero for H7N9 Bird Flu.
Donmeh, Cryptos and Marranos are Lucifer/Satan's Missionaries. Back to the original founding
of the Saudis by Abdul Wahhab; his grandfather also claimed Jewish descent using the name
"Shulman"; Jewish? No more than Hamid Karzai, Ashkenazi, Binyamin Netanyahu or Mormon Mitt
Romney, but I find if interesting Grandpa Shulman was kicked out of Damascus, Syria for
practicing Sorcery and Voodoo and on Lag Ba' Omer (April 28), the date commemorating the
founding of Esoteric Judaism, it is America's favorite War Hawks Sodomite Lindsey Graham and
John McCain who declare on Sunday "Now is the time to invade Syria" A bit nervous the world will
discover Assad, a Sunni Alawite and Shia, al-Qaeda mercenaries aka "Free Syrian Army" are using
WMD's with "Made in the USA" labels on them? Getting Catholics to fight Protestants, Zionists to
fight Muslims and Shia Muslims to fight Shia Muslima is what Cryptos do best. 10 years ago
Kabbalist, 330 Freemason Colin Powell told us the WMD Lie, do we need to fall for it again? Heck
Bush Jr even told us 10 years ago on May 1 "Mission Accomplished". They Lied folks!
Lucifer is the lying "Interfaith Path" to Hell; Jesus is the Tuth and Word made Flesh "Narrow
Path" to Salvation. Time to choose Paths! Would it help if I screamed "Pan Pan Pan" or "May Day
May Day May Day"? I'm doing it on the deck of the Titanic, oops I mean Olympic as it sinks.
Emergency is derived from "Emerge" Guess what Beast will Emerge from the Sea this time?

2013 is the "Year of the Snake". The Ouroborus is a Snake eating its ow n tail; it is the Logo of the
Theosophical (God Philosophy) Society. On April 28-May 1 "Beltane", Theoretical Particle Physicists meet
in Cracow , Poland and complete the 4th Annual International Particle Accelerator Conference in
Shanghai, China May 12-17. April 28, 2013 is Lag Ba' Omer, the birth of Esoteric Judaism ie Kaballah
and the Zohar. Nazis used the Ouroborus, ending w ith Hitler's alleged suicide on April 30; Stalin began
Communism w ith May Day parades in Red Square. May is named after Maya the mother of Hermes
(Mercury); the name means "Illusion". International Physicists picked the same Ouroborus Snake as
their Logo, follow ing the 12/21/2012 Solstice w hen Mayans calculated the Sun w ould rise through the
"Dark Rift" aka "Black Hole" at the center of the Snake, and now they claim to have proof of "Black
Holes" and the "God Particle"?

33,280 bytes

73,728 bytes

Easter 2013:
Isn't it about
time to give up
the Sunrise
Easter (Ishtar)
Egg hunts and

90,112 bytes

The "god
of Forces"
of God.

I": The
No The

Deep W ater Horizon and Fukushima w ere forew arned, pre-planned, intentionally created Disasters
capable of destroying all life on Earth yet both are capable of being stopped instantly. No I'm not
Methane at 100,000 psi and Oil at 7000 psi, leaking under the Sea Floor in the Gulf of Mexico can be
stopped using Electro-Magnetic Scalar W ave Energy deposited near the source some 25,000ft below
the Sea Floor. Instead, the solution is to order 200,000 Death Certificates by June 30, 2013 and draw
NOAA and FEMA "Disaster Maps" w ith the New Madrid Fault and Mississippi River flooding and dividing
the US in half.
Fukushima has begun to emit Xe-133 Fission Radiation; likely the situation w ill w orsen quite rapidly
forcing an Exodus from Japan. This situation can be remedied using a Tesla Dome or Shield around the
area and intentionally "Fissioning" the melted nuclear material. Seriously? Tesla Domes w ere tested in
plain sight on 9/11/2001.
Neither w ill happen because Jesus has hardened hearts much like Pharaoh of the 1st Exodus.

"Except those should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved..." Mar 24:22 W hy does Jesus
return? "To rew ard...them that fear thy name and to destroy them w hich destroy the earth" Rev 11:18
"Those Days" are approaching fast!

549,888 bytes

55,808 bytes

A quick
primer on
the modern
day version
of Salting
the Earth.

Crow ing
Nergal by
Mars by
Romans or
Ares by
Greeks and
GOD" by
Paul. IN
case it's
Rooster if
Crow ing.

Israel is Samaritan not Jewish

Jesus w ill gather Israel (Joseph/Ephraim) and Judah to the Holy Land during the Millennium (Eze 37
"Valley of Dry Bones"), after the 2nd Coming. Israel is a Zionist/Jesuit creation. The Messiah Israel w ill
soon accept is not Jesus Christ. You can spot Samaritan imposters by looking for the Dove Logo;
Samaritans are the "Dove Cult".
"The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a law giver from betw een his feet, until Shiloh come;
and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" Gen 49:10 KJV New bible versions change
"gathering" to "obedience" because God did not gather modern day Israel; Man did. Shiloh means "He
w hose it is"; your choices for Shiloh are Jesus Christ or Lucifer/Satan. Choose w isely! Modern Israel is a
British (B'Rith means Birthright Covenant) and Edomite Rothschild creation that Obadiah assures us w ill
be destroyed. Esau sold his Birthright for a bow l of Red Beans and God w itnessed it. Don't sell yours!
Just remember, Lucifer and Edomite "Dominion" (Gen 27:39-41KJV) comes before the 2nd Coming of
Jesus Christ! Do not be Fooled by the Prophecy of St Molochy, it's a Templar myth.
God ordained 7 Holy Feasts because 7 is the number of Completness and Perfection: Passover,
Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. All others are
Revelation contains 7 Church Warnings, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Vials of Wrath.
Dan 8:14 describes the last 2300 days before the 2nd Coming. Dan 9:24-27 describes the last "70
W eeks" (490 Days). The "Covenant w ith Many" (Dan 9:27) lasts 1 W eek ie 7 Days. 7 Vials of God's
"W rath" last 1 day.
There is no "Rapture", Israel "Peace Treaty", 7 yr "Tribulation" or final battle of "Good versus Evil".
7 Trumpets:
Comet ISON is due become brighter than the Full Moon, arriving Hanukkah/Christmas 2013. The 3rd
Trumpet W arning "Wormwood" is a Star "Burning as a Lamp" that makes the "W aters Bitter".
Project 911 on Site 911 is due to be completed by Conti Corp Federal Services, a US Corp. near Beit
Shemesh "House of the Sun" in Israel by Aug 2, 2015; in time for Rev 9:11? The Mezuzah (similar to a
Phlactery) w ill be inscribed over every Door to protect follow ers of Satan at the 5th Trumpet in Rev
9:11 18 months, 1 W eek and 1 Day before the 2nd Coming.
The "Covenant with Many" w ill be broken mid-w eek w hen Satan kills God's "2 W itnesses", Enoch
and Elijah in Jerusalem; they w ill rise 3 days later as "First Fruits" of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.
The Time to establish a 1 on 1 personal covenant w ith Jesus Christ is now .
11Q13 "Prince Melchisedek" describes 10 Jubilees until Prince Melchisedek comes; the same 500
years described in the Condor and Eagle Prophecy; the same prophecy in the Eagle Bow l aka Mayan
Calendar Prophecy; the same in the Blue Star and Red Kachina Prophecy and the same as the
prophecy of St Malachy; Pope Francis I is an Operation Condor operative as w ell as St Malachy's last
Pope. W anna bet they are all w rong?
Stop Sinning against the LORD: Stop calling any man or w oman on earth Father, Master or Rabbi
(Mat 23:8-10). Stop calling anyone Reverend; that is the LORD's name (Ps 111:9). Stop Tithing. Only
Levites w ere ordained to collect the "Tithe" and even then the Tithe w as only payable in livestock and
agriculture; do not confuse this w ith Christian "Charity" "Firstfruits" or "Firstlings of the Flock", none of
these have anything to do w ith "Tithing" most false Church's collect. Stop attending Synagogue; the
Synagogues of God w ere "burned up" nearly 3000 years ago (Ps 74:8). Stop attending Congregations;
Jesus is the only Priest (Melchisedek) of JEHOVAH; Paul w aited until the Congregation broke up before
telling them to leave (Acts 13:43). The New Covenant is through Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost;

Jew ish religion is over; there are no legitimate Levite Priests only fake Samaritans claiming God's
Holy Priesthood. God w ill not reside in the 3rd Temple. God resides in Tabernacles made of Flesh,
among "Born Again Christians" w ho recognize Jesus Christ is God in Flesh, the sole source of the Holy
Ghost and sole Judge of Man.
All Religion on earth is false; of all, Science aka Gnosticism is the most corrupt. W ant to become a
Born Again Christian? Ask Jesus Christ; align your physical behavior w ith the W ord; begin seeing things
on Earth from God's 7000 year perspective. Begin seeing the Spiritual Dimension "Height" as the
"Length, Breadth, W idth" are physical and "Height" is Spiritual and finally, begin the task of becoming
"Holy". Holy means "To Separate"; to put it bluntly, Get Out or your Old Life and start a New Life, aw ay
from lying Reverends, Priests, Pastors, Imams and Rabbis.
God did not ordain Hanukkah, Christmas, Purim, Lent or Easter and there is 1 Priest in the New
Covenant, Jesus Christ. Time to W ake Up! The offer of Salvation has a definite expiration date and w e
are fast approaching it!

Writing on the Wall

www.One-heaven.org/ (+ seven other sites just like it) declares the Pale Horse "Death" (Spiritual
Death meant here) w as released 12/21/2012.
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome w ill burn w hen Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine
II (1143 AD) is elected; Pope Benedict w as #111 and resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013. W ill you kiss the
Red Papal Shoes or Signet Ring of Pope #112? I pray not!
"In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again" Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of
France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar w ealth and made a new Concordat w ith the
Knights of Malta, w ith "Licet Pridem" Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion". The "Council of
Vienne" ended March 20, 1313. Do the Math.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast w ill herald the coming
Melchisedek "King of Jerusalem" "Priest of the Most High". Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! Repeat! Jesus
is Melchisedek!! This w ill be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from w hat? Black Nobility
Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and rebuilt St Peter's Basilica w ith the Exodus Era
Obelisk (Baal's Shaft) in the Labarum (Birth Canal) in front. Seen any Melchisdedek Priests lately?
Hopi "Great Purification" Prophecy States the end of the 4th age w ill begin w ith "Spider W ebs
and Tracks in the Sky". Seen any Chemtrails lately?

Scapegoats have Red Legs

Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter? Jesus set it up that w ay. He is the only escape! "For thy
sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter" Rom 8:36; Ps
44:22. Problably coincidence the US has President #44 and scripture ends w ith Chap 22 eh? NOT!
In 1908 Nikola Tesla demonstrated Electro-Magnetic (Sun/Earth) W eapons leveling a sw ath of forest
in Tunguska, Siberia. Occultists have had 100 years to develop these w eapons. Fire Balls w ere seen in
Japan, Russia, Cuba and San Francisco on the Ides of February "Lupercalia" and in South Florida,
Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Sw itzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, UK and Timor on 2/17-18.
W hat w ere they? Russia is releasing pictures of smoking holes w ith burning meteor fragments that are
as ridiculous looking as Iran's new Q-313 Stealth Fighter. In my opinion, Tesla w eapons, not
Meteorites. W hat about "God's Rods" aka "Oribital Kinetic Bombardment"? These have been a bastion
of Sci Fi for 50 years in books/show s such as Orphanage, David's Sling, Babylon 5: Mass Drivers, Mass
Effect 2, The Moon is a harsh mistress, Night's Daw n, Thor's Sky Hammer and GI Joe Retaliation. High
Kinetic Energy is obtained by accelerating Mass (eg Tungsten or Uranium) to Orbital velocity and using
them for Bunker/Tunnel busting; Expensive; Not the least bit Anonymous; Deadly to the environment
and w holly unnecessary w ith Tesla based w eaponry w hich solves all of those problems. Orbitting
platforms (Satellites) are sitting ducks for Tesla w eapons; Shuttle Challenger, Shuttle Columbia and the
Thresher Submarine w ere all taken dow n w ith EM based w eapons. The recent Fire Balls? Man-made.
Man has the ability to create simulated Meteorites, Plasma Shells and Fire Balls at w ill and all quite
anonymously. W hy now ? My best guess is w e are approaching the 7 Trumpet W arnings of Rev 8 and
the start of "Great Tribulation". W e are not at Rev 9:11 nor the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ!

67,584 bytes

68,608 bytes

Anglican Communion: On
the Zoroastrian New Year
"Now ruz" 3/21/2013, a new
Anglican Archbishop of
Canterbury w ill be
enthroned in Communion
w ith the Sharia Law
"Muslim Brotherhood",
"Beth Din" Rabbinical
Courts, Druid Priests,
Lesbian and Gay Bishops,
same sex Marriage, the
Babylonian Talmud, the
Quran, and teachings on
Darw inian Evolution to the
exclusion of Creationism.
Remember the phrase "Yes
W e Can"? I suggest saying
"No I W on't" "1/25/2013
Sympathy for the Devil: I
don't have any for him and
he doesn't have any for
us. This article is a w arning
for Super Bow l 47. I have
no idea w hether anything
w ill happen, but Sandy
Hook, the movies Flight,
Deja Vu, Dark Knight Rises
and the Mercedes Benz
commercial and the Drill
"Falcon Virgo 13-

Superbow l" seem to

indicate caution is
w arranted. 2/2/13

48,640 bytes

Licet Pridem:
"In 700 years,
the Laurel w ill
grow green
again" Cathar
1/13/1313 w as
the Illegal
confiscation of
Templar (W orld
Any Rights to
W ealth or
Property you
may think you
have, the
sold long ago to
the same
Bankers Jesus
turned the
tables on.

"In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again" Cathar Prediction

An International arrest warrant and commercial lien is imminent on the Roman Catholic Church
and Pope Benedict XVI
Licet Pridem of 1/13/1313, issued by Pope Clement V illegally confiscated property acquired through
Usury by Knights Templar (Money Changers). Legal Usury? Absolutely; Usury is only forbidden among
Born Again Christians and Jew s ie people living under the Law s of God as w ritten in the Old and New
Covenants. People Sovereign of God seek Freedom and Liberty from God according to the axiom "Do
w hat thou w ilt shall be the w hole of the law ". W orld events are shaped by Revenge, enacted by
Knights of St John of Jerusalem according to this 700 year old Timeliine.
The Laurel is the Earthly Crow n of the Knight Templar "Green Man". The Prophecy of St Malachy
predicts Peter the Roman w ill be the last of 112 Roman Catholic Popes from Celestine II. Pope Benedict
XVI is #111. Constantine initiated the Church of St Peter w ith his mythical vision of the "X" in the sky.
12/21/2012 fulfilled that Sign; Rome's dow nfall w ill soon follow .
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll predicts the Trumpet blast w ill herald Prince Melchisedek after 10
Jubilees. 2013 is 500 years since Black Nobility Pope Leo X bankrupted the Vatican; good time for a
Debt Jubilee?
Every 50 years, a Debt Jubilee occurs; in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act secured an expiration date for
America via Debt; in fact, the FED has a pre-planned "Samson Option"; Assets to the Banks, Debt to
the US and pull the House dow n. Like Julius Caesar and Abe Lincoln before him, JFK attempted to limit
the Banker monopoly on creating money out of thin air. JFK stopped the sale of Treasury Silver and
signed EO #11110 on June 4, 1963 giving the Government the ability to issue Silver Certificates
redeemable in physical silver; w e know w hat happened next; now 50 years later, America has passed
the "Fiscal Cliff". Some Jubilee eh?
The FED's ideological founder Col Mandell Huis (House) said "Americans w ill soon need to register
their biological property... a charge back for Fiat Currency, unable to earn a living, they w ill become
Chattel w ith security interest held over them forever" House w as describing the "Mark of the Beast"
and w hy 2013 is the year of the Fiscal Cliff
In 1871 Confederate Mason Albert Pike sent a letter to Italian Revolutionary and Mason Giuseppe
Mazzini calling for 3 W orld W ars, the latter pitting Zionists against Muslims. Is it coincidence Muslim
Nations are the only ones to outlaw Usury? The Money Changer Tables are being turned over again.
Rights a Born Again Christian has w ere purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. There are no
gurantees in the US Constitution for Citizens because it is a "Constitution of the United States" That's
different from the "Constitution for the United States"; the former is an Oath to the 10 square mile
area know n as the "District of Columbia" w hich like the Vatican City and City of London, they do not
subscribe to the law s of the nations they reside in.
The Civil W ar w as fought over Federal (Union) usurpation of States rights not granted in the
Constitution; the Confederacy recognized an Armistice of May 10, 1865, so the 2nd Civil W ar w ill likely
resume in 2013 for the same reasons. Obama is a foreign trained Mujaheddin (W arrior of Allah aka
Sin), using a false Social Security Number, fake Birth Certificate, fake Passport and does not E-Verify for
employment in the US. Obama Care forces Commerce betw een States and Individuals w ith the Federal
Government w hose Jurisdiction still remains w ithin the 40 Boundary Stones of the City of W ashington in
the Territory of Columbia as set by Freemasons in 1792. The 2010 Census w as conducted under Dual
Citizen, illegal Chicago Mayor and W hite House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel rather than the Census
Bureau, currently under the Commerce Dept. Biblically, this corresponds to the Mount of Olives w here
the Israel Census occurred. W ant to be part of Israel? Get ready to be treated as Jesus w as.
Upcoming Gun Law s w ill end the 2nd Amendment and pave the w ay for Creditors from China to
Foreclose. NDAA 2013 ends Habeaus Corpus; the Military and National Guards are being asked to
prepare to collect guns and take up arms against fellow citizens. the FED has stated their intent is to
sacrifice the $US. W ell planned isn't it?
7 Trumpet Warnings begin 2013
Trumpet Blast? I'm blow ing it as loudly as I can; It's time to decide w hether you are Sovereign or
under the New Covenant Law s of Jesus Christ "Love God"; "Love your Neighbor". The preamble to the
Constitution does not provide Rights to Property, only Happiness. The Bill of Rights? It only applies to
the Constitution of the United States; Sovereign States INCORPORATED in the District of Columbia.
How 's that Torch "Fire Rising" on Lady Freedom, Britannia and the Statue of Liberty looking now ?
Facing East like the Angel Moroni aren't they? W hy turn her back to the Nation and face East? Same
reason there are Baal's Shaft (Obelisks) at the City of London, Vatican and W ashington DC. Same
reason Israel is putting the Mezuzah over doorw ays at Beit Shemesh (Project 911=Rev 9:11) and the
same reason the Roman Pope sits on a Chair on w hich the Shahada is w ritten.

The 9 Branched Menorah w as lit at the W hite House. The Chaldean sun god Shamash is the center
candle; at Bohemian Grove, 2700 w orld leaders conduct the "Begone Dull Care" ritual to protect
themselves from Shamash. Figuring this out yet?
This is not a Joke and Jesus is no Joker; He is standing at your Door, but He w ill not open it for you.
W hy not head to your Prayer Closet and do that before it's too late?

57,856 bytes

commitment of
one's life to a
purpose". W hat
purpose does
training and the
murders of
innocents at
Sandy Hook

Christmas 2012: The Pale Horse was saddled in Sandy Hook

"Egypt, and Judah, and Edom, and the children of Ammon, and Moab, and all that are in the utmost corners,
that dwell in the wilderness: for all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are
uncircumcised in the heart. Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you O house of Israel: Thus
saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the
heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the
forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they
fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not" Jer 10:1-4
I apologize if this is too direct, but the time for dancing around the edges is long gone; America is
being Consecrated (Set Apart) and presented for Sacrifice on the Altar of the Luciferian New W orld
Order. America is to become "the W ilderness". The only spiritual escape is to become "circumcised in
the heart"; The "House of Israel" is made up of people "Circumcised in the heart"; the people w ho
"W restle w ith God". How ? Establish a 1 on 1 relationship w ith Jesus Christ (God in Flesh) through the
Holy Ghost.
A physical escape? Yes, that's w hy there are so many "Heathen" in the w orld; Heathen means "Living
on the Heath"; Jesus refers to "Uncircumcised of the heart" as "Earth Dw ellers" during the last 42
months of "Great Tribulation". Heathen are dismayed at the signs of heaven; Heathen have planned
for Dec 21, 2012 like no other; the Sunrise through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Galaxy Disc w ill
symbolically for the Chi-Rho (Royal Messiah); Don't w orry about it! Black Hole? Oroborus Serpent? All
Many people can see times of trouble on the horizon"...but these shall escape out of his (Sodomite;
God of Forces; Dan 11:37-38) hand, even Edom, Moab and the children of Ammon" Dan 11:41 Folks,
that is a very short lived escape; Spiritually, that decision lasts for Eternity w hich is w hy the Pale Horse
is called "Death" and "Hell" follow s. Pale is Ash, America is to be "Purified by Fire"; self destroyed as a
Phoenix rising from its ow n ashes.
"The ends justify the means" and "Order out of Chaos" are 2 familiar mantras used by the Luciferian
Elite aka "Black Nobility" Think tw ice before accepting an initiation to this, the "Tow er of Babel" aka
"Gate of Marduk"
Advent is the "Arrival of Marduk" (Son of Pure Origin), Hanukkah means "Consecration"; "Festival of
Lights" is not a "Holy Day", it is a Luciferian Carnival. The US National Hanukkah "Dedication" Festival
w as begun by Sodomite Skull & Bonesman, Knight of Malta George Bush Jr after the self inflicted False
Flag event on 9/11/2001; on 1/8/2008 the Sanhedrin and Temple Mount Faithful presented Bush Jr
w ith the Megillat (Scroll) Bush proclaiming him "Gog, Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal"; He is neither.
"Gog and Magog" is a gathering around Jerusalem 1000 years after the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.
The 9 Branched Hanukkah Menorah (on display inside and outside the W hite House) is a celebration
of the Assyrian sun god Shamash aka Marduk, a w ord cognate w ith "Shin", the opening benediction of
Talmudic Synagogues meaning "Nail"; the Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Crucifixion Tree is in fact
the Christ-Mass Tree. Mormons use the phrase "Sure sign of the Nail" and "Pey Heylel" meaning
"Marvelous Lucifer". W hy bring them up? Mormon means "God of the Living Dead" and "Gates of Hell" ie
the Pale Horse; they claim to be the House of Joseph and w ill be Judged at the Altar (Eze 37:16; Rev
11:1) of the 3rd Temple.
The US and Israel are currently building a 2 year "Project 911" on "Site 911" at Beit Shemesh "House
of Shamash"; Rev 9:11 candidate? W hy put a Mezuzah (Doorpost) declaring the "LORD is One" on
every door unless to protect against Lucifer's Angels released by Abaddon/Apollyon? A year before that
project is finished, "W ormw ood" (Rev 8:10-11) w ill arrive; Comet ISON (Son of Joseph) is due a close
approach Hanukkah 2013.
Shamash means "Servant", the Assyrian Marduk means "Son of pure Origin". The center candle
"Shamash" replaces Jesus Christ (Melchisedek, and the Burning Bush), Crucified amid 2 thieves, thus
forming the 7 branched candlestick Moses constructed for the Tabernacle. Jesus Christ as God in Flesh
w as born on Feast of Tabernacles, not Christmas, the celebration of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ is in
fact the "Latin Mass".
X-Mass is the Satanic "Evolution" of Christ-Mass; the X specifically refers to the Sign Constantine the
Great united Christians and Pagans w ith, w ill form w ith the Crow ned sun-god Helios/Osiris "On" aka El,
Marduk, Allah on Dec 21, 2012, the "Day of Divine Judgment" according to www.One-heaven.org/ A
physical event? No; more a formal rejection of Jesus Christ and acceptance of Lucifer. Don't do this!
folks, it's high time to cut the Grove, turn off the Lights and trash the Menorah!
On 12/12/12 the eve of St Lucia Day "Bride of Light/Lucifer" aka "Aurora" Iraq-Afghanistan W ar
profiteer Nancy Pelosi took the floor of Congress to accuse the GOP of having a lack of concern for
American "Bonding Rituals" such as Christmas, Hanukkah and Kw anzaa. Nancy, read the bible instead
of the "Quotable Karenga" and "Talmud"; you w ould then see these 3 "Holy Days" have nothing to do

w ith Jesus Christ; they are Heathen Samaritan "Holy Days", not Christian, Jew ish or biblical in the
slightest. Is it just coincidence the America's 2nd Flag and Tea Party Logo is the coiled Serpent w ith
"Don't Tread on Me" and both resemble the Bushmaster logo?

55,296 bytes

2012: This
might be a
w as right

Bethlehem's 1st female Mayor Ms Vera George Mousa Baboun inaugurated the Nativity of Jesus
Christ as the Pink Advent Candle w as lit. The Madam Mayor needs to know Christmas is the Nativity of
Solis Invicti aka "Marduk", "Daw n" or "Lucifer". Jesus w as born on Feast of Tabernacles. It's also w hy
Paul "suffered not a w oman to teach" (1 Cor 14:34; 1 Tim 2:12)
On Dec 24, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Tw al, a citizen of the Hashemite (Edomite)
Kingdom of Trans-Jordan celebrated the "Birth of Christ our Lord" and the birth of the "State of
Palestine" w ith a precession from St Catherine of Alexandria Church and the Church of the Nativity.
W rong Lord Fouad, that's the Edomite Red Christ and the Nativity of Solis Invicti you are celebrating.
Alexandria is w here Gnostics w rote texts denying Jesus is God in Flesh. Oops! Santa Claus w as on
hand to distribute little Christmas Trees in front of a giant lit Tree to Christians. Nothing like a Grove to
do Evil in sight of the LORD on Christmas eh? Jeremiah w arned about this Heathen practice 2600 years
ago in Jer 10 as did Paul in Gal 4:10.
Pope Benedict XVI marked the occasion by lighting the Peace Candle; may w ant to read the bible
Father, Jesus comes not to send Peace, but w ith a Sw ord. Oh, He said never call any man Father, and
Peter has the Keys alright, but so does everyone w ho has a repentant relationship w ith Jesus! Peter
the Rock? W ell a small one, but Jesus is the Big Rock; you might w ant to build your faith on that Rock
as Jesus intended in Mat 16:18.
St Catherine of Alexandria w as a Virgin, tortured on the W heel by Constantine's brother in law
Emperor Maxtentius; her body w as carried by angels and buried on Mt Sinai w here hair w as grow ing
and healing oil still effusing from her dead body until 800AD at the Chapel of the Burning Bush. A
miracle? No, more like a rediculous lie on par w ith 1 days w orth of oil burning for 8 at Hanukkah, 3 W ise
Men arriving at the Nativity to w itness Jesus' birth in w inter or Jesus restoring the Gospel on the
Mormon Golden Plates. Oh, and tourists are told that Burning Bush is the original! Joan of Arc even
claimed she visited her; Joan w as burned at the stake for w itchcraft and later made a Saint by infallible
Vicars of Christ. Jesus' mother Mary supposedly gave Catherine to Jesus in "Mystical Marriage". Have
some faith folks! This is nothing but junk myth.
Christianity has taken quite a beating w ith lies like this. Jesus w as born on Feast of Tabernacles 6
BC, not Christmas. Mt Sinai and the Burning Bush are not in Egypt, they are w here Moses and Paul said
they w ere, in Arabia. Jesus left no Vicar or Christ; He can and w ill be your Priest 24/7 if you ask Him!

46,592 bytes

38,400 bytes

Shamash is the
center candle on
the Hanukkah
Menorah. Jesus
w as hung amid 2
thieves forming
the 7 branched
candlestick God
instructed Moses
to build.
Shamash, the
sun god has
replaced Jesus at
the Capitol Mall.
"In GOD w e trust"
takes on a w hole
new meaning
now . 12/12/12

Kw anzaa 2012: The Solar Boat of Milcom

rising from the Galactic Black Hole to form
the Chi-Rho. You can choose the W ord of
God or the Quotable Karenga and the 7
fold path to Blackness, but not both.
Last Pope: The
Catholic Church
claims Peter w as
the first Pope. St
Malachi said the
Last Pope w ould
be Peter the
Roman. The

650,752 bytes

Roman. The
Equestrian Order
of the Holy
Sepulchre w as
begun during the
First Crusade,
w ent underground
at the Fall of Acre
and is back out in
the open, today
headed by
Gianfranco Ravasi.

75,264 bytes

122,880 bytes

The Sun,
Ecliptic and
Zodiac w ill
form the ChiRho at Daw n
follow ed in 1
year by
Comet ISON
and Project
911 in 2
years. w w w Oneheaven.org/
the Day of
Judgment, of
God? No
w ay, this is
w ith Marduk"
and likely
start of Rev

Signs: God created the

Sun, Moon and Stars
for Signs to tell Time
and Seasons. Some
Times are set in Stone:
1656 years Creation to
Flood, 18 months, 1
Day and 1 Hour from
the 5th Trumpet
W arning to the 2nd
Coming, 70 W eeks to
"Finish the
Transgression" and
2300 days "Daily
Sacrifice to the
Cleansing of the
Sanctuary". Lunar and
Solar eclipses are on a
set schedule as are
Comets, created during
the Flood w hich return
on preset schedules.
Some big Signs are
coming up. Updated

57,856 bytes


stamp is
all over
like these
if w e just

402,432 bytes

60,416 bytes

88,576 bytes

Management requires
creating Emergencies
to Manage. The
process is called
"Dialectic". Create a
problem and offer a
solution. 10/29/12
Lehi: Samson used a
Jaw bone of an Ass to
slay Philistines; On
9/11/1835 Mormons
slaughtered 120
Pioneers; on 9/11/1940,
Lehi split from the Irgun
Terrorist Group to form
the stern Gang; on
9/11/2001 and
9/11/2012 they got
revenge. Lehi also
founded the Mormon

11Q13 "Prince Melchisedek": Mitt Romney

and the Mormon Church w ill establish Zion
in New Jerusalem in Adam-ondi-Ahman, the
original Garden of Eden near Independence
Missouri and recover the Ark of the
Covenant from Mt Nebo. America is to be
their Burnt Offering (Holocaust) to Marduk;
out of the Ashes the Phoenix w ill rise as
New Atlantis. Jesus Christ w rote other
plans you need to be aw are of. 10/10/2012
313: There are 313 ! in the Authorized
Bible. Jesus put them there for a reason.


43,008 bytes

59,904 bytes

Druid: The Tree of

Know ledge or the Tree
of Life? Everyone on
Earth w ill make this
choice; Druids deny
Jesus (God made Flesh)
is the Tree of Life and
hope you do the same.

184,320 bytes

50,688 bytes

Rise of the
Phoenix as
Elect Race:
These 2
make all

Independence from God

On July 4, 2012 "Independence Day" CERN announced the "God Particle" w as 99.99% proved; rank
Blasphemy! Gnostics have long claimed the Universe is an illusion "Maya" ordered in a cosmic game
called "Lila" by the danciing of Shiva "The Destroyer"; Strange? Shiva stands guard at the entrance to
CERN! Coincident w ith this, NASA announced Planet X "Eris" had been proved; Eris is the goddess of
"Discord". On 9/11/2012 CERN announced proof of "Dark Matter", the Primeval Soup/Plasma created
by the "Big Bang"; BS! Big Bang theory violates the most basic Thermodynamics and Physicas Law s.
On Sept 26, 2012 NASA announced Comet ISON w ill become 15X brighter than a full moon Nov 2013.
On Sept 27, 2012 the Russian Ice Breaker Rosslya and Orthodox Bishop Lakov carried the relics of St

Nicholas (St Nicholas of Myra w as Gnostic Nicolaitane w ho represented Constantine at the Council of
Nicea) to the North Pole, blessed it and claimed it for Russia; Seriously folks, Santa at the North Pole!
Science cannot get more rediculous than this.
The "Great Work" is complete and it's all BS!. In "Science" the equation is W ork=Force X Distance;
the "Transfer of Energy"; F=Mass X Acceleration. The W ord of God says the Earth is "Fixed" and the
Firmament is "Stretched"; Physicists claim the Earth is accelerating around the Sun (Orbiting) and the
Firmament (Universe) is expanding (Stretching). God Particles supposedly give "Mass" to every Atom,
and connect every Atom in the Universe to every other Atom by "Force"; this requires "Inifinite Energy".
Infinite "Force", Infinite "Distance" and "Infinite Energy" mean "Infinite W ork" aka "Great W ork". The
motto of Sovereign Masonry is "Order out of Chaos"; "God Particles" provide this "Order" w hich they
refer to as the "Grand Architect". Perhaps now you can see w hy Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim 6:12KJV
Science is "Vain and Profane Babblings". Vanity is believing you are God. Profanity is Blasphemous
contempt of God.
The "Great W ork" is nearly complete; 99.99% to be exact; the reason the "God Particle" w as
announced on America's "Independence Day" is because America is not w hat you may think it is.
Amurru is the Edomite shepherd and serpent god; Amurru is the land furthest w est; Amar is the
Canaanite god of the w est and Amorica is the land of the Chaldean Magi aka Celtic Druids.
Leading the Independence: Scottish Independence in 2013 w ill dissolve the United Kingdom;
Catalonia (Langue d' Oc to Basque region) w ill break-up Spain; Venetia w ill break-up Italy and the
Roman Catholic Church and Cyrenaica w ill break up Libya and North Africa. the US is set to be divided
into 10 regions; Chaos coming from LaRaza Unida, Voz de Aztlan and MEChA; managed by foreign
troops from NORTHCOM in Colorado Springs. 500 admirals have come out in support of Mitt Romney
tow ard this goal.
Esau (Edom) w as prophesied by his father Isaac, he w ould obtain "Dominion" and cast off the yoke
of his brother Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV) The yoke referred to here is the man Jacob w restled w ith; God
in Flesh aka Jesus Christ.
Folks, there is only a "Finite" amount of time to establish a relationship w ith Jesus Christ; He does
not "Force" anyone to do anything against their w ill but w ill not allow this to go on forever. God w ill be
w ith you w hen you ask Him to be; in doing so, He w ill be w ith you; no "Distance", no "Force" and no
"Energy" on your part. Simple and easy; now go do it!
Omnipresent and Ubiquitous aka "All Seeing Eye"
The Pale Horse "Death" is the capstone of Gnosticism (Gnosis-Know ledge). Intelligence agencies and
their Spies w ork in concert in each Nation (Mossad, MI-5, ISI, CIA etc); the final piece of the puzzle w ill
open in 2013 in Salt Lake City Utah w ith the NSA Data Collection Facility. StuxNet (directed at Nuclear
Energy facilities in Iran and Fukushima), Duqu, Keylogger, Flame, Gauss (directed at Lebanon)
Shamoon (directed at Saudi Arabian Oil) created the Causus Belli for a w orldw ide Cyber Command,
managed from the Pentagon and used to collect iinformation on everyone on earth. Lucifer/Satan's w ay
of becoming like God.
The Pale Horse rider is on the cover of the Council on Foreign Relations "Foreign Affairs" Magazine
w ith the slogan Ubiquitous "Encountered Everyw here".
"When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the
truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic" Dresden James The purpose
of PR aka Propaganda and Education is to tell big lies over and over until people come to accept them.
This is not new ; it began w ith the Tow er of Babel (ca 4200BC); Priests telling people like Nimrod they
can become Gods. In Greece, the pederast philosopher Plato admitted the plan "Strange times are
these in w hich w e live w here old and young are taught in falsehood's school and the one man w ho
dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and a fool"
Great Work
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot
believe it exists" J Edgar Hoover The only w ay to understand this monstrous conspiracy is to
establish a repentant relationship w ith Jesus Christ (Melchisedec) in private; not in Church. Satan hides
as the Angel of Light "Lucifer", in Easter "Eggs" and Christmas "Groves". True Discernment comes
strictly from the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Salem and Priest of the most High.
"In 700 years the Laurel will grow Green again" Cathar Perfecti Key dates:
Magna Carta 1215 AD + 700 years=W W I.
Cathar executions at Montsegur 1244 AD + 700 years=D-Day Normandie Beach
Eviction of fake Jew ish Norman Bankers from Briton by King Edw ard II 1290 AD; Fall of Acre
1291 AD; plus 700 years= Bush Sr "1000 Points of light" speech, "New W orld Order" Speech
to the UN, Iraq W ar I, the Rio "Earth Summit" and UN Agenda-21
Templar and Hospitaller imprisonment in Cairo 1302 AD plus 700 years=9/11/2001,
Afghanistan W ar and Iraq W ar II
Templar arrest, torture and executions in 1307 plus 700 years= Gen W es Clark's "7 Middle
East Nations invaded in 5 years" admission
Council of Vienne 1312-1313 + 700 years=Arab Spring, Libyan W ar and soon Syria and Iran
aka W W III AD. Mayan Calendar date, "Age of Aquarius", symbolic "Chi-Rho"
Execution of Templar Grandmaster Jacques de Molay 1313. 3/13/13 "Red Heifer" Day, possibly
3rd Temple begins. Some sources claim de Molay w as executed in 1313, some in 1314
4 consecutive Lunar eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles w ith 2 Solar eclipses on 1 Nisan and 1
Tishrei in 2014-2015 do not happen by chance; God started the clock 6000 years ago and gave Man a
w ay to tell time w ith Axis Precession caused by the Flood 4340 years ago. Don't blame Him! He
promised to return w hen Creation is 6000 years old in 2 Pet 3:8, and He is not slack concerning this
promise. Luciferians know this.
w w w -One-heaven.org/ proclaims the "Day of Divine Judgment" arrives w hen the" Pale Horse" is
released on 12/21/2012. If so, the first Trumpet W arning w ill follow close behind.
Comet ISON (Son of Joseph; Ref Eze 37:16; Rev 13:1) is due to arrive just before Christmas 2013.
The 3rd Trumpet W arning is the Star "W ormw ood".
"Project 911" on "Site 911" near Beit Shemesh "House of Shamash" (Assyrian/Akkadian Sun god) is
due completion about Christmas 2014 w ith Mezuzah's over every door (protection from Satan similar to

Lamb's Blood at the 1st Passover w as protection from God's Angels). 1260 days "Great Tribulation" +
720 days=5th Trumpet at Rev 9:11 w hen Satan is cast to Earth. 50 days later, the Satanic equivalent
of Pentecost w ould begin Daniel's "70 W eeks" (490 Days).
6th Trumpet ends w ith the last W eek "Covenant w ith many"; the Peace is broken midw eek w hen
Satan murders God's 2 W itnesses, Enoch and Elijah in Jerusalem. They rise 3 days later as Jesus did
before the body ressurectio of Born Again Christians at the 7th Trumpet. 7 Vials of god's W rath follow
immediately after.

Prince Melchisedek: Gnostic Priest, Judge and King impersonating God

11Q13 "Prince Melchisedek" is a Gnostic Scroll found among the Dead Sea Scrolls w hich states
Melchisedek "King of Salem" and "Priest of the Most High" is due to be revealed at the "Trumpet blast
of Freedom" (This is the yoke of Judah being removed per Gen 27:39-41) after 10 Jubilees. 2013 is the
10th Jubilee after Jesuits installed their Black Nobility Pope Leo X in 1513 AD; Mitt Romney believes he
is Melchisedek. The Trumpets begin in Rev 8; Jesus seals the "Book of Life" at Rev 6:14.

"No matter who people vote for, they always vote for us" Order of Perfecibilists aka Cathars
Vote means "To Vow "; Jesus told us our responses should be limited to Yea or Nay; "Sw ear Not"
refers to making Vow s or Oaths. Why Vote?
SCYTL, a Barcelona based investment capital firm w ill count the votes. E-Voting is controlled by Bain
Capital, w hose President Orit Gadeish w orks for Mossad and Mitt Romney; she is the daughter of an
Israeli IDF General. Hart Intercivic makes the machines, HIG Capital ow ns Hart Intercivic and Bain
directors are now HIG directors. Bain made 173%/yr for 10 years laundering $Trillions in Iran-Contra
Drug and W eapons money. W hy w aste your time?
Romney is a Corporate Raider; TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership) and TAP (Trans-Atlantic Partnership)
w ill bid on America's Public, Private and Corporate Assets in Operation Blue Seed, converted barges
and cruise ships anchored offshore in International W aters bidding on America's assets. Romney is a
Mexican, Central and South American Drug Runner, Gun Runner, Money Launderer and African "Conflict
Diamond" merchant.
Obama: Obama is a 32 0 Prince Hall Freemason; an Archon (Archon means Demon) initiate of
"Boule" (Sigma Pi Phi means Sum of Pi and Phi "Ratio of Life"), the Black version of Skull & Bones
"Brotherhood of Death" Society. He is a Sodomite member of Rev Jeremiah W right's "Dow n Low Club"
and Chicago Bath House "Man's Country". He has no Passport; fails to E-Verify for US employment;
multiple Social Security Numbers; W hite House conducted 2010 Census; unauthorized Libyan W ar;
bow ed to W ahhabist Dictator King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Emperor Akahito of Japan; Mexican
Drug Cartel W eapons dealing in "Operation Gun Runner"; Illegal Drone W ars in Pakistan, Yemen,
Somalia, Oman; Benghazi w eapons dealing to al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Sharia and the Free Syrian Army
through Chris Stevens and the intentional CIA murder of Chris Stevens. Obama means "He is w ith us"
in Farsi (Zoroastrian or Medean language). Likely, Obama w ill start W W III w ith Iran.
Romney: Ineligible under the "Natural Born Citizen Clause" of the Constitution;CFR Initiate sw orn
to end US Sovereignty; $Trillions in Iran-Contra Drug and W eapons money laundering; financing El
Salvadoran "Death Squads"; Chinese w eapons purchased w ith African "Blood Diamond" profits and
sent back to Africa, managed by the Mormon Mafia; $8.5 Billion Pension Bankruptcy sceme through
Solamere and Stanford Capital w ith son Tagg; religious fanatic sw orn in Mormon ritual to avenge the
blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith upon America and Gentiles; Vote Fraud through SCYTL,
Hart Intercivic and Bain Capital. Romney adviser Sheldon Adelson is a partner w ith Larry Silverstein in
the 9/11/2001 W TC demolition/murder as w ell as Benghazi using the Innocence of Muslims movie.
Dan 4:17 tells us God puts the "Basest" (Morally Corrupt) of men in charge. America w as designed
to be Scuttled; Barcelona is named after Sodomite Pederast, father/son Generals Hannibal and
Hamilcar Barca w ho coerced Rome to Scorch, Salt and piss the ashes of North Africa. The US w ill receive
the same treatment; Rome and Romney are no coincidence; they both refer to Romani Gypsies (ancient
Addadians) aka the Chaldean Magi w ho created this w orldw ide Bee (In Chaldean Bee means W ord)
and W ASP (W hite Anglo Saxon Protestants) Sting. Sting means "Rigged Game"; sorry, but Martin
Luther and John Calvin w ere simply part of this Sting. Physically, God w ill ensure "They" w in as stated
in Gen 27:39-41KJV and Dan 7:6-7, but Spiritually, "They" lost 6000 years ago. Vote for the w inning
side; Jesus Christ.

Most new material is being posted to Daily Updates; some of this is also reproduced at
w w w .Removetheveil.com/ w ith comment sections and chat rooms. Speak UP! I w ill post updates to
Romney and Marco Rubio just below this introduction as they become available. Folks, The Titanic is
going dow n; Scuttled (SCYTL) intentionally just like it's namesake. It's time to W ake Up!
Truth in a Nutshell
Creation is just under 5997 years old; only people in Covenant "Marriage of the Lamb" w ith Jesus
Christ w ill survive the 2nd Coming w hen Creation is 6000 years old. Earth w as flooded roughly 4300
years ago; 8 survived.
Earth is fixed "Geocentricity" at the center; it is not oribiting the Sun. There is no "Force of Gravity", nor
w as there a "Big Bang" or "Dark Matter"; Space is "Nothing". There are no "Aliens".
The interaction betw een the Sun and Earth's Magnetic Field and the potential energy "Voltage"
betw een the Earth "Ground" and Ionosphere, creates unlimited, non-poluting "Free Electro-Magnetic
Energy"; there is no need for Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Hydro-electric Dams or Atomic Energy.
There is 1 "Race" of Man; Man did not evolve from anything; rather Man w as created in the image
and likeness of God.
God's birth has nothing to do w ith Christmas; His crucifixion has nothing to do w ith Easter. There
w ill be no pre-Tribulation "Rapture"; there is no "7 year Tribulation". There is how ever a 3 1/2 year/42
month "Great Tribulation" and body ressurection of the "Bride of Christ" on the last day before the
"Day of W rath" and His return.
Man does not make the Temple; God makes the Temple.
There are no "Christian" Churches or earthly Priests either male or female. The Cross and Crucifix
have nothing to do w ith Jesus Christ; He w as Crucified on a Tree. W ater Baptism, and Communion
administered by a Priest on earth have nothing to do w ith Jesus Christ.
Israel is not Jew ish, nor is the Six Pointed Star, Hanukkah, the Menorah, Yarmulke, Talmud, Zohar,
Rabbbis or Chabad Rebbes.
Allah is not God; Allah is the Assyrian Moon god "Sin" aka Mlk, Marduk, Molech, Ilu, On, Osiris, Allah.
The Crescent "Hilal" means "Lucifer"; identical to the Mormon "Heylel".

America is not a "Christian" Nation; it is Assyrian. All w ars are pre-planned; W W III w ill conclude w ith
the revealing of an Alternative Messiah (Prince Melchisedek, al-Mahdi, Krishna etc) to Jesus Christ
"Antichrist", the destruction of America and the end of the Catholic "Universal" Church. Israel is not
Jew ish, nor is Kaballah, the Talmud, Zohar, Six Pointed Star, Yarmulke, or Rabbis; as prophesied in Gen
9:27 and 2 Kings 17:30, imposters of Babylonian, Medean, Chaldean and Canaanite origin replaced
Israel and are impersonating Jacob's descendants both physically and spiritually,
The Authorized Bible (KJV) is God in w ritten form, delivered to Man via the Holy Ghost;
God does not make mistakes. Trust it.
Lucife, the god of Gnosticism and Science promises Freedom and Liberty from God; Satan means
Obstructor; this is how God's plan of Salvation is Obstructed..
Judgment of Jesus Christ or Antichrist (Pale Horse)
There are 2 Sticks used to Judge all of humanity since the Crucifixion of God in Flesh (Son of God;
Jesus Christ), the Stick of Joseph and Ephraim as physical "Israel" and the Stick of Judah as spiritual
"Israel" based on the Holy Ghost given to Man by Jesus Christ. The narrow , straight path to Jesus
Christ and Judah is outnumbered by the w ide path to Ephraim and Antichrist. Is 7 and 2 Kings 17
illustrate many of Ephraim's confederates: Samaria, Syria, Assyria, Babylon, Sepharvaim (Arabs),
Phoenicia, Hittites, Edomites etc. Eze 37:16 describes the true restoration of spiritual Israel; physical
Israel is based on the Babylonian Talmud, Chabad Lubavitch, Noahide Law s and the Star of Molech.
Judgment happens at Rev 11:1 to start the Great Tribulation. W e can be measured w ith the Temple or
stay on the porch in the Grace of Jesus Christ. At Rev 6:14 Jesus rolls Heaven as a Scroll (Book of Life),
so choose w isely. Time is short.
The CFR has the Pale Horse and Rider "Death" on the cover of Foreign Affairs Magazine w ith the
slogan "Ubiquitous". His name is Death and Hell follow s. "W e are the riders of the Pale Horse, Death"
Barbara Marx Hubbard. "I have become Death, the destroyer of w orlds" J Robert Oppenheimer Can this
be any more out in the open?
The first few articles are primers describing the total rejection of God by Man. Profanity has nothing
to do w ith foul language; Profanity is "Blasphemous contempt of God". There is nothing more
contempuous of God than claiming proof of the "God Particle". Gravity is literally the "god of Forces"
Lucifer. the ultimate in Vain and Profane Babblings w e call Science (1 Tim 6:12KJV)

80,896 bytes

74,240 bytes

LIBOR: The "Black

Horse" forces
everyone on earth
into Debt Slavery, by
controlling the values
of all the earth's
assets through
"Usury". It's w hy
Jesus overturned this
"Beast" 2000 years
ago. 7/19/2012

Amalek: Spiritual, Physical, Religious House

of Esau. None of them w ill remain, nor w ill
any remembrance of them. W here are
they? Everyw here, you just can't see them
w ithout the Holy Ghost because they are in
Hidden in Plain Sight. 12/5/2009

61,440 bytes

DNA of Light:
#137, the 33rd
Prime Number
and Atomic
Mass of Dark

124,416 bytes

Signs of
Planet X
and the
"Signs of
is the
"God of
in Dan

33,280 bytes

W W III w ill
Islam in
order for
aka "God
of forces"
to be
Don't you
just love it
w hen a

"Earth Destroyers"
At the entrance of CERN's Large Hadron Collider is a statue of Shiva "The Destroyer"; W itnessing
the Trinity Atomic Detonation J Robert Oppenheimer said "I have become Death, the destroyer of
w orlds". Barbara Marx Hubbard "W e are the riders of the Pale Horse, Death". W hat these people are
saying is they are Gnostics; Men/W omen attemptiing to become Gods.
Earth Destroyers are not new . Salting, Scorching, De-forestation, W ell Poisoning and Disease
propagation is just more modern
W eather Modification, Chemtrials, HAARP (EM Radar FAcilities), Depleted Uranium Munitions,
Fukushima, Deep W ater Horizon, Aluminum laced Chemtrails, Mercury Dental Fillings, Mercury
lased Vaccines, W ater Flouridation, Genetically Modified Crops, Pine Beetles, Bee Kissings,
Hive Disorder, Phosphate Fertilizers, Glysphosphate pesticides (RoundUp), Agent Orange,
Atomic/Nuclear Testing, Active Sonar, BPA (Bisphenol-A) in food/w ater containers, Injection
W ells, Oil and Natural Gas "Fracking" etc.
"The earth w ill reel to and fro as a drunkard" Is 24:20 EM W eapons are transferring
enormous energy from the Arctic, currently used as evidence of "Global W arming" to the
Antarctic w hose ice packs are rapidly expanding; this is causing the Earth's axis to increase
its w obble.
Plum Island, Ft Riley and Ft Detrick, have created w eaponized Vaccines, Mosquitoes and
Ticks; dispersing diseases such as Spanish Influenza, AIDS, SARS, HINI (Avian Flu), H5NI
(Sw ine Flu), Recombinant Super Flu, Foot and Mouth Disease, Anthrax, Dengue Fever, Malaria
carrying Mosquitoes and Lyme Disease to name a few . Sort of Ticks you off doesn't it? It
should Ticks are their favorite w eapon.
Deep W ater Horizon: Oil and Corexit are destroying the w orld's oceanic food chain, altering
the Gulfstream and Deep Ocean Conveyor. Methane created Sink Holes w ill eventually begin
causing fires and explossions in the Gulf region.
Fukushima: 30,000 MOX Fuel Rods w ill eventually become uncovered, catch fire and
destribute Plutonium across the Pacific and North America; this is the most toxic man-made
material on earth. Fukushima w ill lead to the largest Exodus in w orld history, w est across the
"Silk Road" to Har Megiddo in falsification of Armageddon designed to usher in the Mormon,
Zoroastrian, Hindu, Islamic Alternative "Messiah".
Most modern diseases are man-made "Iantrogenic": Cardio-vascular disease, Cancer, Diabetes,
Parkinsons, Morgellons, Tourettes, AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, the result of Mercury/Toxin laced Vaccines
causing Ischemic Stroke, metal laced Chemtrails or treatment involving radiation.
Over 30 Trillion Tons of toxic Pharmaceutical, Agricultural, Chemical, and Industrial W aste, laden w ith
cancer causing chemicals like Benzene have been pumped into nearly 1 million "W aste Injection" and
"Fracking" w ells over and under the Aquifers in the US alone. Most every nation is doing this, and it is
by design; it's called "Green Language" (Green is the Evergreen Man Bacchus/Dionysus)
"Sustainability" (Suppport from Below ) or "Agenda-21" (21 is the age of accountability). W ith the w orld
starving, only a truly Evil Nation w ould modify the W eather and use Corn to produce Ethanol, directly
inflating Food prices, particularly Beef and Poultry, and creating Derivatives to bet on W eather and
Commodity Prices. The Evil Nation is America named after Amurru the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent
god and Can "Priest of Cain".
America's first Flag (Ensign=Signal) w as an Evergreen Tree and the Slogan "An appeal to Heaven";
an appeal to God? No, an appeal to Lucifer/Satan aka Apollyon or Abaddon. The CIA ow ned Evergreen
Air operates a fleet of the most inefficient B-747 aircraft in the w orld under a renew ing no-bid contract
to pollute the w orld's skies w ith Nano- technology, Aluminum, Barium, Arsenic Chemtrails. W hy? In the
New Covenant, people are the Temple; the first w as made w ith Evergreen Cedar Timbers, the latter is
being destroyed by that Evergreen.
"Control Oil you control Nations. Control Food, you control People" Henry Kissinger

91,648 bytes

Health Care:
The Affordable
Care Act
w hich is w hy it
w as signed into
law on 3/22 at
3:22 Universal
Time. Man
became a god
in Gen 3:22

Jesus said "He

that hath an
ear let him
listen" in Rev
3:22. 7/4/2012

46,592 bytes

of Yes: "In
700 years
the Laurel
w ill grow
again". On
6/6/1244 in
w ere
burned at
on D-Day
the Laurel
green. On
a Voice on
the Knights
Sunlight on
the 33
atoms of
caused the
Laurel to
Green on
Now ruz

"No matter who people vote for, they always vote for us"
"People who vote, count for nothing; people who count votes, count for everything"- Joseph
Joseph Goebbels w as mentored by the same man as George Romney, Edw ard Bernays the father of
Public Relations; PR's main function is to tell big lies often enough that people believe them.
SCYTL a Foreign Private Equity firm w ill count the US votes in Barcelona; a city named after
Phoenician Sodomites Hannibal and Hamilcar Barqa; Benghazi w as named Barqa in the Zoroastrian era
(6c BC) then Cyrenaica in the time of Jesus and finally Benghazi in the Rosicrucian era ie (15th
Century). George Soros and Mitt Romney's Bain Capital are principal ow ners and managers of SCYTL.
Electronic Votes (E-Slate, E-Book) in Sw ing States TX, OH, CO and others w ill be tallied by previous
employees of Bain Capital now at HIG Capital, the principal ow ner of Hart Intercivic, the maker of the E
Voting Machines. Mitt's financial manager Spencer Zw ick and Tagg Romney are direct ow ners of Hart
Intercivic through Solamere (Sol=Sol Invictus) Captital.
To seal the deal, Donald Trump is asking Barack Obama for his College applications, Transcripts and
Passport by Hallow een 2012. Obama attended a Madrassah School (Quran School similar to a Yeshiva
for Talmudic fake "Jew s") in Indonesia (No Dual Citizenship means Obama had to give up any American
citizenship to obtain Indonesian citizenship) and traveled to Pakistan (On either a Brisith or Indonesian
Passport). Obama w as in Pakistan during the "Missing Years" at Columbia University. Folks, You can't
get more corrupt than this. Think the Media w ill w arn of this?
"Think of the Media as a tool dictators can use" Joseph Goebbels
Magi and Medea are synonymous; they caused the fall of Babylon and couldn't read the w riting on
the w all: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. By "Inception", the Media w ill cause people to believe
America's fall "Babylon" and the fall of Roman Catholic Church is "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..."
Neither are true; America and the Roman Catholic Church are being destroyed from the inside by
"Double Minded" Traitors, specifically Jesuits and Freemasons. The 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick is the
Presitige, an "Alternatice Messiah" that w ill rise from the Ashes (Pyre), completing the Pyramid "Amid
the Flames" of the Occult Trinity "Father, Mother, Son". Mormo means "Gate of Hell" as does Babylon;
the Mormon Church and Mitt Romney are a very big part of the "Inception" "An Idea is the most
contagious and pow erful Virus in the w orld". The Magi have been at this game for a long, and their
Prestige aka W izard of Oz is coming up.
Barack Obama is a trained Mujahideen. Mitt Romney laundered $Trillions in Iran-Contra Drug
Barack Obama is a Sodomite (CeDom=To Burn) and trained "Mujahideen" (W arrior of Allah=Sin).
Romans 1 describes Barack Obama, a fraud similar to Sodomite George Bush Jr, but now here near as
dangerous as George Bush Sr or Mitt Romney. Bari Malik Shabazz is the illegitimate son of Malcolm X
and Betty Shabazz, a man sw orn to end Christianity and give rise to the Nation of Islam. Nation of
Islam is not Muslim in any sense, it is no more Islamic than Jesuits are Catholic, Mormons are Christian,
Freemasons are Protestant Christian or Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardics, Kabbalists, Talmudists or
Rabbis are "Jew ish". They are Luciferian "W olves in Sheep's Clothes". Nation means Goyim; Islam
means "One w ho submits" to the w orship of Allah and the rejection of Jesus Christ.
Nation of Islam is based on the mythical "First Race" of "Shabazz". Is Barack Obama therefore legal
under the Constitution to be President? Yes. Mitt Romney and Sheriff Joe Arpaio w ill demand his Birth

Certificate as a smoke screen to hide Mitt Romney's Ineligibility to be US President under the "Natural
Born Citizen" Clause. "Order" w ill come from this "Chaos".
The 2 other choices of Barack Obama's father usually provided are Barack Obama Sr, 3 years old
w hen W W II broke out he certainly w asn't the father Obama claims served in W W II, and Frank Marshall
Davis; His mother Stanley Ann Dunham w as enrolled in fall classes and living in W ashington at the end
of August 1961; she gives birth and leaves 3 w eeks later? Picturtes dated from the summer of 1961
show Stanley Ann is not the least bit pregnant, so birth in Haw aii? I don't think so. Obama's birthdate
w as Oct 28, 1959, his Facebook posted his age commensurate w ith this birthdate for the first 2 years
in office. Obama's name is like that of Malcolm X. Malcolm=Milcom the Ammonite Idol; X refers to the
Cross of Constantine and the Jesuit slogan "In Hoc Signo vinces" ie "By this Sign Conquer";
Constantine w as no Christian; he w as a Gnostic Pagan married to a Druid Princess. Barack=Blessed
Lightning Hussein=Handsome or Good; Obama is Persian for "He is w ith us"; He being Melek-Taus.
Bari Malik Shabazz means "Boat or Barque of the First Race of Melek ie Shabazz". Obama, a 32 0
Prince Hall Mason is a Sodomite w hose CIA training as a Mujahideen "W arrior of Allah" aka "Sin" w as
managed by Middle East station chief, now Sec of Defense Bob Gates during his "Missing Years" at
Columbia University. His arranged marriage is much like Sodomite George Bush Jr to Laura Bush.
Understand this, Obama is the vehicle or boat for a Gypsy cargo far more dangerous.
Michelle Robinson, w as herself managed by 33 0 Prince Hall Mason "Rainbow Coalition" founder Rev
Jesse Jackson and Mayor Richard Daley w hose son is now W hite House Chief of Staff. Obama w as
handled by 33 0 Prince Hall Mason Rev Jeremiah W right by in a group at the Trinity United Church of
Christ called the "Dow n Low " Club w here Sodimite men are given an air of normalcy. He is a long time
member of "Man's Country", a male bath house in Chicago w ith Rahm Emanuel. His bow s to Saudi King
Abdullah (Abd=Servant of Allah) and Knight of the Garter/Japanese Shinto Emperor Akahito w ere not by
accident any more than his proclamation of "A New Beginning for Islam" in Cairo during 2009. On
election night Michelle w ore a Black W idow Dress w ith a giant Red X on it for a reason.
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney is a multi-billionaire Media Mogul controlling Clear Channel Communications
(Radio, Billboards) and Weather Channel, Weather Underground; he is hands down the world's
largest Drug Money launderer and Death Squad financier. "They" (Chaldean/Akkadians) came from
they East to build Babel; Mitt came from the East (Land of Nod; "Rising Sun") and w ill finish the Gate of
the Sun God (On, Ilu, Marduk, Molech, Allah)
Mitt Laundered $Trillions in Iran-Contra Drug money, through Bain Capital, returning a profit of
173%/Yr for 10 years during the Reagan-Bush Sr presidencies (reported by the LA Times). The scheme
w orks like this: A nominal $10 in Panamanian, El Salvadoran drug money is given to Bain w hich records
the investment as $1; the original $10 is returned in just over a month, the remaining $9 is used to buy
drugs, transport them to Mena AK w here Bill and Hillary Clinton control the shipping and Black Budget
w eapons (W MD's) for the Iran-Iraq W ar; those Chemical W eapons are not in Syria and w ill be used as
the pretext for W W III. That's just Iran-Contra Drugs and W eapons.
Bain is the chief money launderer of African Blood Diamonds, Mexican, Central and South American
and Afghanistan Drug profits. Mitt and fellow Harvard criminal/Mexican President Carlos Salinas built up
the Mexican Drug Cartels Obama armed in Operation Gun Runner. Profits are held in discreet banks in
Panama, Cayman Is and Sw itzerland and managed from Cuba through Jesuit agent Fidel Castro and
Mormon Mitt Romney. Drugs are brought into the US primarily by the Siniloa Cartel, a CIA unit financed
by Mitt Romney's money laundry, funneled into covert accounts like "US Direct Commercial Sales" at the
State Department under Hillary Clinton.
Mormon CIA agents in Africa manage the Blood Diamond business in Tel Aviv, so named after the
Babylonian city Jew ish "Exiles" w ere taken. Profits sent to China are used to purchase w eapons used
in Africa and for al-Qaeda, Boko Harum, UNITA, Mansar al-Sharia, etc to control the operations. The
Mormon run Polynesian Cultural Center in Haw aii is used to convert pirated technology profits in the
Shenzhen "Special Economic Zone" to gold; W estern US states are also harboring these Chinese tax
free zones under the radar thanks to Obama's 2010 Census.
Afghanistan supplies 97% of the w orld's Opium, flow n primarily in Global Haw k Drones at 1.5
Tons/flight. Illegal Drone W ars and Drug Flights are soon coming to America, controlled by a man w ho
has sw orn an Oath of Vengeance on America. Ever w onder w hy the Mormon Church ow ns the largest
farms and cattle ranches in the US? Controlling Food is the primary used by Luciferians such as Stalin,
Hitler, Castro, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung; Romney is no different; just read NSM-200, the population control
plan called for by his chief adviser Henry Kissinger. Ever w onder w hat the Mormon Mafia is? W hy the
FBI and CIA have an inordinate porportion of Mormons? W hy Mitt w ould be connected to Las Vegas
Mafia Don Sheldon Adelson? or Saudi Arabian born Iranian Arms Dealer Adnan Khashoggi? Is it
coincidence Lehi plays a prominent part in founding the Mormon Church and is also the name of Israel's
most brutal terrorist organization called Lehi (aka Stern Gang to w hom Rahm Emanual's father Ben
belonged) These men sold their souls; there is no turning back for them.
Mitt is a Criminal far exceeding Bernie Madoff or Ken Lay. Mitt w as at FBI HQ on 9/10/2001 planning
the press release for 9/11/2001; a last minute schedule change prevented Mitt from being in Battery
Park just south of the Tw in Tow ers; advance know ledge is pretty obvious here. His adviser Rabbi Dov
Zakheim announced $2.3 Trillion w as missing from DOD accounts on 9/10 and FEMA w as in place w ith a
full contingent in NYC and W ashington DC; the money, CIA w istleblow er Susan Lindauer claims is
actually $9 Trillion came from Mitt's Iran-Contra money laundry machine (over 10 years, a $100
investment returns $1 Billion), a CIA front company used to launder drug money, and exchange the
enormous profits made in drugs for w eapons such as the Chemical w eapons in Syria.
Mitt's Benghazi (bilblical Cyrenaica) attack press release w as 2 minutes after Hillary Clinton's; CBS
New s reporter Sharlyl Attkisson w itnessed a Predator Drone flying overhead the compound meaning
the attack w as not a spontaneous reacton to Innocence of Muslims; it w as in fact planned by the US
and Mitt is w ell aw are of this. Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr and Mitt Romney
are w orking in concert and have been for 30 years.
Mitt's father George, a Mexican citizen, aided the Nazi W ar machine as George Bush Sr's father
Prescott did. George's mentor w as Edw ard Bernays the father of PR (Public Relations) aka Propaganda
as w as Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and Obama idol Saul Alynsky. Both men w ere
planned far ahead for their respective roles. Barcelona (Catalonia) foreign vote counting firm SCYTL w ill
ensure the plan succeeds. Mitt's son Tagg and Spencer Zw ick plundered $8.5 Billion in pension funds
through Solamere Capital, a major investor in HIG and Hart Intercivic, the voting machine maker. Folks,
Mormon means "Gates of Hell". There is no more Satanic, Chaldean, Akkadian, Pharasaic, Gnostic
religion than Mormonism; a "W hited Sepulchre full of dead men's bones"
Mitt is "Amalekite". His Israeli (Israel is not Jew ish) counterpart is Benjamin Netanyahu. Mitt's Iranian
counterpart is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Romney has been told he is the "One, mighty and strong,
clothed in light to usher in the Christ"; Ahmadinejad has been told his "Divine mission is to usher in alMahdi". Romney's Messiah is "Prince Melchisedek"; Ahmadinejad's is "al-Mahdi". The Crescent "Hilal"
represents "Lucifer"; Mormons like Romney use the phrase "Pey Heylel" meaning Hail Lucifer. Say
w hat? "I w ill utterly put out the rememberance of Amalek from under heaven...the LORD w ill have w ar

w ith Amalek from generation to generation" Ex 17:14-16. Obadiah 20 declares "the house of Joseph
w il be a flame and the house of Esau for stubble...none shall remain of the house of Esau and the
fields of Ephraim repossessed". There is a description of the Mormon Church and the reason Ephraim
is not "Saved" in Rev 7, the stick of Joseph and Ephraim if you w ill in Rev 11:1. Jesus is the Stick of
Zedek or Tsaddiq means Jupiter; Gnostics called Zedek/Jupiter the "Avatar of Seth"; the Gnostic
"Satan". Capitol means "W omb of Jupiter aka King Star" or "King Planet" w here Planet means
"W anderer" as in Cain or Arab "Vagabonds". America w as founded on July 4th, 1776 according to
Planetary (Sabian) Astrology and it w ill end similarly. Joseph Smith w as buried w ith a Talisman of
Jupiter and Mitt has sw orn to avenge his blood on America and Gentiles. The engine from the East
"Jupiter" met Engine #119 at Zion to join the Trans-continental Railroad; 119 then became the Area
Code for Iran (Persia) and Iraq (Babylon). there are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible; Mitt w as forn in
Detriot, Area Code #313; Coincidence? Don't bet on it !
Mitt claims the title Melchisedek Priest, an office held by Gnostic Melchisedekians. Capitoline Hill in
Rome simply moved to Capitol Hill in W ashington DC. At Mecca, is the Black Stone described in the bible
as the image that fell from Jupiter (Acts 19:35). Talmudic Rabbis claim Melchisedek is Shem w hich is w hy
Mitt claims Semitic (Israel) lineage; he is not. Mitt w ill hammer the Golden Spike that ignites W W III
betw een Zionism and Islam and like Melchisedekians w ho claim Jesus' Priesthood, Mitt is also a Foreign
Usurper, illegal to be President under the Constitution.
"My father w as born in Mexico of US citizens living in Mexico at the time" Mitt's Great Grandfather
Miles skipped bail on charges of polygamy, perjury, corruption and false land titles; he fled US w here
his grandfather Gaskell and father George w ere born Mexican Citizens; they fled the Mexican
Revolution to the US, and sued the Mexican Government, w inning a Judgment of $9613. An accused
Felon does not flee the country and give birth to US Citizens w ho w in law suits in Mexican Courts. On
Mitt Romney's 2011 Federal Tax Return, he lists USA as a Foreign Country. On oversight? Gnostics
(Jesuits, Illuminated Masons etc) view themselves as Citizens of the W orld; their Private Oaths relieve
them of Oaths sw orn in Public w ithn the Nations they reside. Mitt is Usurper and a Liar ineligible to run
for US President.
Mitt Romney fills the same role the Hyksos "King Shepherds" did in Egypt at the time of the Exodus
(1492BC). He claims the same title"Melchisedek" (Priest-King) and claims descent from Joseph and
Asnath, the daughter of the "Priest of On" Read Rev 11:1 and Eze 37:16, the "Stick of Joseph" has
arrived w ith the same disregard for God and human life, the Hyksos had. the Hyksos w ere a W ar
machine as is America. The Lord of the Hyksos at the ortress of Avaris w as Set; it is no coincidence NSA
Gen Michael Aquino w ill run the largest Spy facility in the w orld from Zion aka Salt Lake City w here Mitt
Romney's Mormon Temple is located or that he is Chief Priest of the Temple of Set. Mormon means
"Gate of Hell" in Chinese and Mormo is an infernal name of Satan in Aquino's co-founder of the Church
of Satan Anton LaVey. Got it? You w ill. Romney is a Foreign Druid Romani Gypsy sw orn to end
US Soverignty and avenge the blood of his Mormon prophets on America and Gentiles. His cohort Paul
Ryan is the "Little King of Austerity"; Aus means "To Shine" as does Lucifer.
Paul Ryan, is a Knight of Malta aka "SMOM" Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Cyprus, Rhodes aka
Knight of St John of Jerusalem. Jesus Christ has no part in Paul Ryan's w orld. Asked about his Austerity
(Aus=To Shine=Lucifer) plan "W e don't know because w e haven't run the numbers on that specific
plan" Do the math Paul $1.7 Trillion Deficit divided by 300 Million people, 47% of w hom do not pay
taxes; Unfunded Liabilities of $50 Trillion; run those numbers and prepare for a shock. Ryan is a Knight
of Malta aka Sovereign Military Order of Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes, a Knight of St John of Jerusalem;
paired w ith a man w ho believes he is Melchisedek, the King, Priest and Judge of Jerusalem. Quite a pair
(Ryan is Gaelic, Celtic, Irish, Scottish and English for "King" or "Little King" One may recall Osama bin
Laden's entire family w as flow n out of the US on 9/13/2001 on a chartered Ryan Air B-727; it's all
symbolic. Mitt Romney's 4th generation maternal grandfather Parley Pratt w as even called the "Apostle
Paul of Mormonism". Ryan is Mitt Romney's VP pick. Debt begets Austerity, Unemployment rises, then
Banks collapse, Taxes increase, Currency becomes w orthless and soon, shortages of Food and Energy
result in Chaos and likely Martial Law ; some plan eh? On the 11th anniversary of the US attack on the
Tw in Tow ers, Ben Bernanke is printing $40Billion/month to ensure Bankers (Creditors) w in and Debtors
(Tax Payers) lose.
The Plan of 33 0 Masonry and the Brotherhood of Death aka Thule Society or Skull & Bones is "Order
out of Chaos"; using this motto Revolutions have been fomented for centuries, notably in America,
France and England (Jacobin), Scotland (Jacobite), Russia (Bolshevik), Greece, Egypt and Spain; look at
Arab Spring for more modern day examples.
Ryan and Romney are CFR Initiaties; the Pale Horse is on the cover of CFR Foreign Affairs Magazine;
the Pale HOrse is called "Death and "Hell" follow s; now can you see w hy Mormon means "Gate of Hell"?
Ryan also is a member of 33 0 Mason Jack Kemp (Reagan's HUD Secretary during the Savings and
Loan Crisis), Bill Bennet (Reagan's Education Secretary and Bush Sr Drug Czar, a notew orthy Gambler
and Alchoholic) and Jeane Kirkpatrick's (UN Ambassador) "Empow er America" w hich merged w ith 33 0
Mason Dick Armey's, "Freedom W orks" and the "Tea Party". You may recall 33 0 Mason Congressman
Joe W ilson received the Masonic Medal of Freedom in 2009 for calling Obama "A Liar"; Obama is a
Prince Hall Mason; the intent w as for 33 0 Mason Jimmy Carter to turn it into a "Race" issue w hich 33 0
Masonic Reverends Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah W right and Al Sharpton obliged. The "Rainbow Coalition"
refers to Masons w ho have ritually blasphemed the Holy Ghost ie Rainbow Arch Masons; in Tom clancy's
book Rainbow 6 the killer Flu virus Ebola-Shiva is released during the Olympics; coincidental? W e'll see.
The Boston Tea Party w as the w ork of Masons as w ill be the next American Revolution; there is even a
new series out this fall about the Revolution occurring w hen the lights go out in America.
Ryan is a busy boy; he is also affiliated w ith George Soros' NED (National Endow ment for
Democracy), the CATO (Cato refers to the Roman philosopher Cato, the arch enemy of Julius Caesar)
Institute for Liberty, the American Enterprise Institute, the New Age, Metaphysics Aspen Institute,
PNAC (Project for a New American Century) w hose blueprint w as used on 9/11/2001 as the "New Pearl
Harbor" and my personal favorite, the Atlas Society, named after the god "Atlas" of course and Ayn
Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged", a Gnostic bible of sorts. Oh, for those w ho haven't figured this out
(don't feel bad, it takes aw hile) yet, Atlantis means "Isle of Atlas" and America is "New Atlantis", upon
w hose ashes the New W orld Order rises as a Phoenix (Pa=House; Enoch, Seth's descendant taken to
Heaven by God is not this Enoch; this one is Cain's Enoch, the Mormon Enoch) from it's ow n self
Ryan's admitted inspiration is Thomas Aquinas, the so-called Catholic "Angel Doctor" and model for
Catholic Missionaries, a metaphysical philosopher w ho said the "Gentile understanding of God comes
from reason"; no Tom, it comes from the Holy Ghost w hich is w hy the w ord "Missionary" is not in
scripture. An example of Aquinas' teaching is his proof of God by sensing the motions of the Universe.
W ell Tom, my bible says Earth is "Fixed" and God "Stretched" the Firmament; I'm just not feelling the
motion much less reading about it old buddy! On more example may suffice to see Ryan's point of view ;
Aquinas said "Nothing exists prior to itself"; w ell Tommy, God states many times He has no beginning

nor ending. May w ant to read the bible next time!

Ryan's mentor Vin W eber is currently Mitt Romney's Economic Advisor; previously he w as caught in a
Bank scandal and w as a highly paid lobbyist for the Bankrupt Mortgage insurer Freddie Mac w ho also
paid 33 0 Mason, Baptist turned Catholic (member of Legatus and Opus Dei) New t Gingrich handsomely.
Bankrupt? Yes, by longtime George Bush roommate and fellow Skull & Bones initiate Victor "Victoria"
Ashe, the so-called "Gay Mayor of Knoxville".
How w ould you like to be in a room w ith all these clow ns? If not, w hy not establish a 1 on 1 personal
relationship w ith Jesus Christ before Austerity comes to your neighborhood?
America's Role
America is derived from Amar, the Canaanite god of the W est; Ameru the Serpent and Amurru the
W estern Land, Edomite Serpent and Shepherd. Can means Priest of Cain, the w orld's first murderer.
America has never been a Christian Nation; it is a Masonic creation; a modern day "Assyria" designed
to usher in a one w orld leader "Sargon III" (Legitimate King). America's pre-planned fall w ill be touted
as the fall of "Babylon" in Rev 18; out of this fall w ill come a Messiah touted as Jesus Christ; a false
Messiah Jesus w arned of called Antichrist or the Pale Horse "Death". "Hell" follow s him as the "Mark of
the Beast" is accepted w orldw ide. Don't do this!
An international force w ill enforce "Matrial Law ", "Operation Garden Plot" and a "Debt Jubilee"; the
UN w ill control America's military arsenal symbolically turning "Sw ords into Plow shares", a major theme
of the UN. To the w orld, the US is seen as a monstrous bully. Mitt Romney w ill play the role of "Prince
Melchisedek" destroying America and absolving America's $50 Trillion Debt Burden in a symbolic Prince
Melchisedek "Debt Jubilee". 200 Civilian Inmate Detention Facilities; UN Rail Cars w ith shackles, Cattle
Prods, Stun Guns, Microw ave and Gas Fired Crematoriums are all part of the Freemasonic plan for
The UN is forecasting 2013 to be the year of the Global Food Crisis; W eather Modification W eapons
w ill ensure America's Food exports are Nill, prompting UN intervention.
Mitt Romney's Role (W e are not done w ith this clow n)
Mitt Romney started at Bain Capital in 1977 w hen Monsanto (Genetically modified food, Agent
Orange) w as their largest client; Mitt adviser Henry Kissinger said "Control Oil, you control Nations;
control Food, you control People". In 1984 Mitt used Bain Capital to launder money during Iran-Contra
drugs for w eapons scandal, and the Iran-Iraq W ar during the Reagan presidency. Initial seed money
came from elite El Savadoran families (eg Francisco, Orlando, Herbert de Sola) in Miami funding Death
Squads in El Savador guarding the Cocaine pipeline. Iran and Iraq W MD's w ere delivered under the
table using these profits; Bain made 175% per year for 10 years, only possible through drugs like
Cocaine and its highly profitable Crack derivative (Gary W ebb's expose' in the San Jose Mercury New s
can be researched for details) or Heroin. After the Iran-Iraq genocide, these W MD's w ere used as a
pretext for George Bush Sr's Gulf W ar I invasion. These same W MD's w ere later used as the main
pretext for George Bush Jr's Gulf W ar II. Saddam's W MD's w ere in fact US W MD's because Saddam and
George Bush Sr are both business investors in Carlyle Group as w ell as 33 0 Freemasons. Iraq's W MD's
w ere shipped to Syria ahead of Gulf W ar II and w ill be used as the pretext for W orld W ar III, set to
begin in Syria and Iran.
The Romney family ends the Amalekite-Cathar legacy; Catharsis means "Discharge of Pent up
Emotion". The grave of George Romney is at the Cistercian Abbey of Dalton in Furness. Dalton aka
Daltune in the "Doomsday Book" commissioned by W illiam the Conqueror (Mitt's claimed ancestor) w as
a survey of all assets and land claimed by the Normans; for the sake of simplicity, the entire w orld.
Knights Templar w ere and still are Cistercian Order International Bankers acquiring and consecrating
the w orld's real estate and assets from "Gentiles" to "Sons of Israel", the band of Medes, Babylonians,
Canaanites and mixed blood Samaritans (2 Kings 17:30) w ho replaced Israel in 722BC during the reign
of Sargon "Legitimate King" II.
Mitt Romney has been told for 40 years he is "The One, Strong and Mighty" w ho w ill usher in the
2nd Coming of Jesus Christ as one of his progeny "Holy Grail" bloodline. There is no Holy Grail or
Royal Bloodline! King Arthur, Zedekiah's "Grail" line, Joseph of Arimathea's "Grail Cup", Mary
Magdalene's "Sangreal" is all fabricated nonsense! Mormo means "Gates of Hell", the same meaning as
Babylon "Gate of On"; Romney is the Samaritan Melchidedek Priest, the Tsaddiq "Chief Priest" of Moloch
w ho w ill usher in the Pale Horse "Death"
Mitt Romney is not eligible under the Consititution to be President. Both President and Vice President
must be Natural Born US Citizens. The US is Illegitimate on every level. If you don't believe this is
important, it is because of Public Relations aka "Spin Doctors" in the "Media". Media comes from Medes
w hose Priests w ere "Magi", the hereditatory caste of Priests of Zoroaster "Star Seed". Magic and Media
have 3 parts: Pledge, Turn and Prestige; W W III is the Prestige, the collapse of America and
presentation of the "Alternative Messiah".
The Latin expression of the "Natural Born Citizen" Constitutional requirement is "Jus Sanguinis":
Born to parents w ho are US Citizens at the time of birth and "Jus Solis": Born in the US. (There are
exemptions for Foreign Service or Military deployment). Barack Obama's claimed (Lelo Soetero, Barack
Obama Sr. Frank Marshall Davis and Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz are all contenders; I believe the
latter to have more proof) father (Soetero) w as not a US Citizen; doubt also exists as to his birthplace
and citizenship (Indonesia does not have Dual Citizenship). Obama has stated his father served in
W W II; Obama Sr w ould have been 6 yrs old. The point? This shouldn't be a mystery w hen the
legitimacy of the Commander in Chief is in question. Obama did not bow to Saudi King Abdulluh by
accident, nor did he proclaim "A new beginning for Islam" in Cairo standing next to Egyptian dictator
Hosni Mubarack (Barack means Lightning) by accident.
Mitt Romney's father George w as born in Mexico and never Naturalized a US Citizen (records need to
be made public and dated prior to Mitt's 1947 birth); George like George Bush Sr's father "Curious
George Scherf" (Nikola Tesla's lab assistant Prescott Bush) aided the Nazi Reich through Alcoa
Aluminum; George Bush Sr's father financed the Nazi Reich through the Union Bank. A bit odd Stalin lost
the w ar and received 12 time zones of land isn't it?
Public Relations aka "Spin" w as handled by Joseph Goebbels for Hitler's Germany and by Talmudic
Zionist Edw ard Bernays in America, the nephew of Dr Sigmund Freud. George Romney supplied Nazi
aluminum through IG Farben as an intern, lobbyist and later executive at ALCOA (Aluminum Corp of
America), and w ith Bernays, ALCOA's "PR Adviser" convinced the American Dental Association and
Municipal Governments such as NYC "W ater Fluoridation" w as safe; it is not. The purpose, w as to
create a more compliant populace, riddled w ith diseases such as bone fluorosis and ADHD. The first
thing Hitler and Stalin did w as fluoridate w ater supplies for this reason. ALCOA w as the w orld's largest
Fluorine producer; w hat better w ay to dispose of this industiral toxin than in making Atomic w eapons
and fluoridating W ater supplies. "Manipulation of public opinion is a necessary part of Democracy"Edw ard Bernays in his book Propaganda
"Tell a big lie often enough and people w ill begin to believe it" Joseph Goebbels

If you believe the Mormon Church is based on teachings of Jesus Christ, it is because of "PR". "For
such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transform ing them selv es into the apostles of Christ.
And no m arv el; for Satan him lelf is transform ed into an angel of light." 2 Cor 11:13- 14
Ever heard Jesus and Lucifer are brothers? Good PR eh? Mormons believe that nonsense.
Dialectic: Thesis + Anti-thesis=Synthesis
The US never had an election choice; all the horses are ow ned and managed by the same source:
Ron Paul an initiate of Lambda Chi Alpha (meanng; Sacrifice of Alpha Messiah ie Jesus Christ). Michelle
Bachmann, IRS attorney w ho "Beards" for her husband Marcus; Norw ay shooter Anders Breivik w as
trained at his Lake Elmo homosexual training Camp under the name Andrew Berw ick, the name he
used on his 1000 page Nazi-Israeli-Sodomite promoting manifesto. Rick Santorum is a Jesuit and Knight
of Mallta as is Marco Rubio. New t Gingrich is a 33 0 Mason, Bohemian Grove, CFR initiate recently
converted to Jesuit Catholic, Opus Dei initiate from Southern Baptist. All w ere role players.
Marco Rubio: His parents w ere Naturalized 4 years after his 1971 birth. He is not a not eligible
under the US Consittution to be Vice President. Rubio, like Ryan is a Knight of Malta. If you haven't read
the Extreme Oath of Jesuit induction, you can do it now
http://arcticbeacon.com/books/Extreme_Oath_of_the_Jesuits.pdf ( I do not promote Arctic Beacon, just
the oath). Rubio w as born Catholic to Cuban immigrants (Castro is Jesuit) in Miami. South Florida is
part of Aztlan "To make W hite": Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, W est Texas (w est of the
NAFTA Superhighw ay aka I-35W ), SW Colorado, Southern Utah. La Raza Unida (United Race), MEChA
(Mestizo, Chicano Movement of Aztlan) and Voz de Aztlan (Voice of Aztlan; remember CS Lew is' Aztlan
w as a Lion?). The goal of America's immigration program is "To make W hite" (Aztlan=Aztec "To make
W hite"), the age old plan of Chaldean Magi from Laban (Laban also means "To make W hite" and "To
mke Bricks" as in bricks for the Tow er of Babel); America is to be sacrificed on the altar of the "New
W orld Order".
Rubio w as baptized Mormon at 8; he still considers himself a Mormon Church member; remember,
Mormons claim the Aaronic and Melchisedek Priesthoods. Rubio practices Latin "Tridentine" Rite Mass
(Latins w ere one of the pagan tribes that created Rome), Byzantine "Orthodox" Rite Mass (Maronite
aka Church of the East "Rising Sun") in the Catholic Church; holds the Mormon Priesthood and is a
member of Christ Fellow ship Southern Baptist. The Southern Baptist Convention is run by 33 0 Masons
such as Richard Land. In other w ords, Rubio is a Crypto/Marrano "W olf in Sheep's Clothes".
The Latin terms "Marrano" or "Allumbrado" w ere used in Iberia during the days Ferdinand and
Isabella of Spain sent their murdering pirate Columbus to America; Allumbrado means "Illuminated
One"; the age old term for people w ho change from Luciferianism (Sabbatean Talmudism or Kaballah)
to the outw ard practice of many religions in public (500 years ago it w as Islam or Catholic) w hile
sw earing oaths in secret is "Sabian"; a Luciferian in private, a variety of New Age and Eastern religions
in public. Sabah means "Sunrise". This form of Luciferian religion originated in Haran. Syria/Turkish
border; notice in Is 7:2 "Syria is confederate w ith Ephraim"; Mitt claims to be descended from Ephraim;
Haran became the hotbed of false religions w hen Chaldean Priests follow ed Abram out of Ur of the
Chaldees. Today, Syria is Baathist Sunni meaning "Sunni Rennaissance"; remember the Italian
Rennaissance? "Black Nobility" started that and run the show now . Romnichel means "Black Gypsy".
Rubio is 41 years old, his memoir An American Son has hidden meaning just like Obama's Dreams of
my Father or Audacity of Hope. Remember Tea Party darling, Pentecostal fake Christian Sarah
Palin's Going Rogue? The symbol used in Piracy is identical to the Skull & Bones symbol; it is the "Jolly
Rogue"; a Red Coat right on the cover? Pretty hard to figure this out eh?
Mitt Romney is also a Chaldean "Gypsy" Pratt-Romney both use a Red Scallop on their Coat of
Arms; CFR is Headquartered in "Pratt House" named after Standard Oil magnate Harold Pratt; the
statue of Prometheus in front of Rockefeller Center is symbolic of Langued'Oc the Language of Yes
(Obama matra "Yes W e Can" means "Thank you Satan"), Birds (Augury=Inauguration), Green
(Bacchus) and Oil as in Standard and British Petroleum aka Anglo-Iranian Oil; Make sense yet?
Prometheus, the Statue of Liberty and the Standard Oil Logo all have the Torch of Lucifer. simply
modern day versions of the Colossus of Rhodes.
Culdee is the coastal land from Cornw all to W ales w here W elsh Gypsies like "Romnichel" settled,
often becoming Druids "Know ers of Trees" or "Groves". The Lundy Triangle in W ales w as in fact used to
mimic and create Stonehenge using the ancient art of "Earth Measurement" (Geodesy or Geomancy);
Druid initiations are/w ere inducted there as w ell; Anglican Arch-bishop Row an W illiams is a practicing
Druid as w ell as head of the Church of England; remember Ferdinand and Isabella's daughter Anne
Boleyn started this schism w ith King Henry VIII. Mitt's w ife Ann Davies is also W elsh Gypsy converted
from Anglican to Mormon. Jon Huntsman, a CFR and Bilderberg Group initiate is also a Mormon; and ex
Governor of Utah and ex Chinese Ambassador for Obama; he participated in the Tiananmen Spuare
Tea Party demonstrations, and is fortunate not be in prison for doing so. Huntsman, also a W elsh
Gypsy, attended the 2012 Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly VA w ith Henry Kissinger (33 0 Mason, CFR,
Tri-lateral Commission, Pilgrim Society, Bohemian Grove Satanist). Is it any w onder Henry is headlining
a July 12, 2012 $2500/plate fundraiser for Mitt Romney? Hery Kissinger's right hand man is Mormon
George Bush Nat Sec Adviser Brent Scrow croft. Mitt Romney's transition team is headed by Goerge
Bush EPA Director Mormon Gov Mike Leavitt.
Jon Huntsman is Chairman of the Huntsman Cancer Intitute; his Dad, mentored by Soviet spy and
Occidental Petroleum founder Armand Hammer (Russian shield is an Arm and Hammer; cute eh?) is
asking for donations currently Jon funds Cancer research and causes Cancer by being a Director of
Huntsman Chemical Corp, one of the largest producers of cancer causing BPA (Bisphenol-A) used in
canned food, and plastic containers such as baby bottles. Just a little conflict of interest eh?
One W orld Globalists are necessarily opposed to the US constitution, and by definition they are
Traitors. "W e need to energize and lead a united coalition w ith European Nations"-Marco Rubio. No w e
don't Marco. God separated the Nations for this very reason!
Ow ning all the horses in a race ensures a predictable outcome. The other VP choice (as of 6/17)
Chris Christie is a Jesuit, w ho said this about Palestine on a recent AIPAC (Israel Lobby) sponsored trip
"I w ill defer to the w ise counsel of King Addullah II of Jordan" Abd=Servant; Ullah=Allah=Sin; he is a
Hashemite ie Edomite descendant. Read Gen 27:39-41KJV folks! Esau ie Edomites obtain "Dominion"
not Jacob; this same scripture is described by Daniel in Dan 7:6 Jesus said Leopards do not change
their spots! Edom means "Red"; now how does Sarah Palin's Red Coat look?
"In 700 years, the Laurel will grow Green again" Cathar prophesy. Ever heard of Pat Robertson's
"700 Club"? Pat is a Norman and Knight of Malta. Norman Cathars w ere executed by fire in 1244; DDay occurred 700 years later at Normandie. The fall of Acre to Sarcens occurred in 1291; George Bush
Sr initiated Gulf W ar I and his "1000 Points of Light" foundation 700 years later. Templars w ere given
the island of Arw ad (near Tartus); in 1302, Pope Clement V sent them to Cairo prisons; 9/11/2001,
Afghanistan and soon after, Iraq W ar II began 700 years later. Knight Templars (Cathar military
guardians/international bankers ie "Temple Money Changers") w ere tortured and executed in 1307,
700 years later Rhodes (Knights Hospitaller are Knights of Malta, Cyprus and Rhodes) Scholar W es
Clark (nee Kahne=Cohen) revealed the plan to invade 7 nations in 5 years, only Syria and Iran remain
on the list. The US has 45 military bases surrounding Iran and Russia is sending troops and equipment
to Syria timed w ith the annual Bohemian Grove encampment, and the Tisha b' Av London Olympics. The

Council of Vienne w as held (King Phillip of France and Pope Clement V) 1312-1313 stripped assets of
the Knights Templar in favor of the Hospitallers aka Knights of Malta (Marco Rubio know s this) they
w ear a Black Cross for a reason; Black absorbs Light!
Mitt Romney, a W elsh, Kale (Black) Gypsy and Marco Rubio are Crypto; they w ill say or do anything
required of their Luciferian initiations. In Rubio's case he celebrates Latin "Tridentine" Mass and
Orthodox Mass (Byzantine ie Church of the East "Rising Sun"). He has not renounced his Mormon
Baptism or Church membership and participates in the Southern Baptist Church.
Rubio is also Muslim; he supports Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood that "Sprang" this rebirth of the Sharia Law brand of Islam. Rubio supports the Tea Party, created as the original Boston
Tea Party w as, by Luciferian Freemasons dressed as natives. Tea refers to Tammuz "Purify by Fire";
same as the Cathars and the reason the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon's Temple in Eze 8. As
Ron Paul folded AGAIN, the Tea Party w as left w ith Romney; Edomite Sheep Herding at its best.
Rubio supports the Trans-Atlantic Partnership, a Corporate Trade Agreement nullifying the
Constitution, National Jurisdiction and National Sovereignty by selling public lands and assets to foreign
investors.Blueseed is Rubio's brand of treason; converted barges anchored offshore in International
W aters as Corporations bidding on America's Public Assets. Rubio supports the UN LOST Treaty and
CLEAR Act w hich cedes w ater rights, mineral and oil rights in the seabed and rights of w ay on the high
seas to the UN, charging royalties on $multi-Trillion assets back to the US.
Art 23 Covenant of One-heaven http://one-heaven.org/covenant/article/23.html "Day of
Judgment" aka "Black Horse" 2012 is the year of this so-called Divine Black Horsemen and 2 of the
men holidng the reins are Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio. Knights of Malta and Mormons both sw ear
"Blood Oaths" in private. Knights of Malta/Jesuits sw ear to serve the Black Pope w ith a Black Crucifix
pressed to their chest and sw ear to kill on command for this cause. Mormon men like Mitt Romney
sw ear the Mormon Oath of Vengeance on the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith upon
Gentiles and the United States.
The US is choosing betw een Secret Society men illegal to be President and Sw orn to Oaths most of
us cannot fathom. W ho w ill w in? It matters little, and SCYTL, a Barcelona based vote counting firmm w ill
inform us of our decision. As Joseph Stalin said "People w ho vote, count for nothing. People w ho count
votes, count for everything". Think Sodomite Elena Kagen got to the Supreme Court by skill? 20 million
Russians probably w ish Lazar Kaganovich (Kagan is a Khazar term for Chief) didn't arrive there either,
but rest assured, both w ere planned. Likew ise, La Raza Unida, Voz de Aztlan and MEChA are doing
backflips know ning their Sodomite Judge Sonia Sotomayor is in place. Think Obama's Oath of Office w as
botched by accident? That's w hat Sodomite, Jesuit trained Chief Justice John Roberts w ould have you
believe, but don't. God even holds Luciferians accountable for Sw orn Oaths on the bible, w hich is w hy
Obama didn't use one.
and read it for yourself.
Let me resate w hat w e are up against: Mitt Romney is a Mormon (Mormo means "Gates of Hell" in
Chinese) CFR Corporate Globalist sw orn to avenge blood on America and Gentiles. Nation means
Goyim; he considers most of us unitiated Goy or Cattle; as Henry Kissinger said "Soldiers are dumb,
stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder for our w ars". Should Marco Rubio be a heart beat aw ay
from President, w e have a Mormon, Orthodox and Roman Catholic, Muslim, Southern Baptist sw orn to
kill on command of the Jesuit General aka Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas. An American Son? Absolutely,
Rubio (Red Son) is the son of Amurru the w estern land of the Edomite "Red Serpent"; Ameru, the
Serpent god, Amar, the Canaanite god of the w est. Folks, this is an ancient plan and the actors w ere
chosen long ago for their parts.
W W III and the implosion of America w ere planned long ago. America's first flag w as an Evergreen
Tree and the slogan "An appeal to Heaven"; it is no coincidence the CIA ow ned airline Evergreen Air
has a no-bid contract to spray Aluminum laced Chemtrails over the US; a modern day version of
"Salting the Earth". Aluminum is a nero-toxin far w orse than Mercury or Lead; the w ord is derived from
"Alum" meaning "Bitter Salt"; W ormw ood also means "Bitter". Mitt Romney's father George w as an
Alcoa Aluminum lobbyist; Phil Lader a CFR initiate like Mitt is a director at Evergreen and UC Rusal, the
w orld's largest Aluminum producer. Mitt's list of advisers include NSA and CIA directors w ith the NSA's
largest Spy facility being finished in Salt Lake City. America will not survive a Romney-Ryan
Does this mean w e "Up the creek w ithout a paddle?" Heaven's no! Jesus Christ is standing at the
door ready to forgive all Sins and provide a real Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Jesus is the Holy Ghost (1
Jn 5:7KJV) Get out of the Sheep Pen you call Church, aw ay from your fake Priest and his/her Transubstantiated Commnunion Sacraments and head for your "Prayer Closet" Alone
(Alone=Ekklesia=Holy). There you w ill find Jesus and make Him part of your life. Now is a great time
because there isn't much time. Paul Ryan is a Knight of Malta aka Hospitaller sw orn in blood to avenge
the demise of the Knights Templar, using a Black Crucifix, Black Ritual Athame, and to serve serve the
Black Pope aka Jesuit General. Austerity means "To Shine"; he like Mitt Romney are Ludiverian Knights.
W inged
W hite Horse
W inged
W hite Horse
Israel's 5th
and Keturah,
and Hagar
or Abraham
and Sarah's

189,952 bytes

451,584 bytes

87,040 bytes

56,832 bytes

Keystone to
Let's just
say he may
be the Arab
Holy Grail
and Aryan
in one
Sorry, but
again I
added a fair
amount of
material to

Romney: "The One,

Mighty and Strong
Bathed in Light".
Mormons tell Mitt,
he w ill usher in the
Christ. At the UN,
Netanyahu said
"The arrival of the
Jew ish Messiah is
Ahmadinejad says
"The arrival of alMahdi is imminent.
W hat could go
w rong w ith a
ineligible, IranContra Drug Money
Launderer, sw orn to
"Avenge the blood
of the prophets on
America and the
Gentile Race",
surrounded by
advisers telling him
w ar w ith Iran and
Syria is necessary?
Original article

Trump: Knight of Malta

Donald Trump w ill
expose Obama as a
fraud, but not one
peep about Mitt
Romney being
ineligible under the
Natural Born Citizen
Clause, his IranContra multi-Trillion
dollar money
laundering, his
$8.5Billion Ponzi
Scheme or his Mormon
Oath of Vengeance
against America.

Paul Ryan: The King of Austerity paired

w ith a man w ho believes he is King of
Jerusalem, Priest of GOD and "The One,
Mighty and Strong" w ho w ill usher in the
2nd coming of Christ. 8/13/2012

Alex Jones: Jesuit

Minister of
Discordia; V
"Victory" means
Nail and he

118,272 bytes

Nail and he
know s it.

84,480 bytes

Mitt Romney
believes he is
Abraham met
King David met
Jesus claimed
He w as
W ho is

49,152 bytes

Killing of
the King:
Clement V
issued a
Papal Bull
against the
heirs got
Revenge in
fashion in

Mabus: "Great
Adulterer". 10/5/2011

43,008 bytes

36,352 bytes

Bottomless Pit: 9/11 w as used to

create the Bottomless Pit. The
w orld's Golden Calf is in its death
throw s. Time to choose God or the
Bull. 9/10/11

112,128 bytes

Al Qaeda: A Solid
Foundation; just
not solid enough.
Jesus Christ is the
only Foundation. By
the w ay, Osama
bin Laden did not
lead Al Qaeda; the
NSA did an still
does. 5/7/2011

"Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heav en from abov e;
And by thy sword shalt thou liv e and shalt serv e thy brother; and it shall com e to pass when
thou shalt hav e the dom inion, that thou shalt break his y oke from off thy neck" Gen 27:39- 40
Esau obtains Dominion, not Jacob
"Cured be ev ery one that cureth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee." Gen 27:29 Stop
Blaming Jew s!! The Synagogue of Satan are "Those w ho say they are Jew s but are not"
"The v irgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no m ore rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is
none to raise her up" Am os 5:2
Jacob is not Israel and God didn't Jacob up.
The Stone Idol above is Hammurabi, the biblical "Amraphel" w as the Amorite King of Shinar ie King of
Babyon. Babel means "Confusion"; Babylon means "Gate of Marduk". Hammurabi
w as contemporary w ith Abraham and Lot (Gen 14 ca 1913 BC). He is vainly attempting to obtain
absolution from a Goat Idol, the symbol of the men of Hamath (2 Kings 17:30). He thus represents
Gnosticism; Man's w ay over God's w ay through Kabbalah, Science, Religion. The Goat is Azazel aka
Satan and false Scapegoat; Jesus is the real Scapegoat in Lev 16:8; don't make this mistake. Only
Jesus Christ can provide absolution of Sin. Confused? It's because you and I are in a Spiritual W ar w ith
our Souls in the balance.
War: "State of hostility, conflict or antagonism; Struggle" W ar is symbolized by Cain and Abel;
Ishmael and Isaac; Esau and Jacob. W ar is both physical and spiritual. W ar, w hether spelled W yrr,

W erre, Guerre, W erra, W erso, W erran, Verw irren or Bellum all mean "To Confuse or Perplex". God is
not confusing; He exists as Father, Son, Holy Ghost; His W ord (KJV) is His bond. Jesus Christ is God
is Flesh; He is Alpha and Omega; there are 6000 years bew een the Garden of Eden and the Millennium
w hich begins w hen He returns. The Tow er of Babel w ill how ever be completed 3 1/2 years before Jesus
Confused? Then Who is doing the confusing? Nicolaitanes (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity). W here are
they? Behind the pulpit. Jesus tells us to never call anyone on earth Father, Master or Rabbi (Mat
23:8-10) because He alone fills those roles. Reverend appears only once in scripture; Psalm 111:9 tells
us the Lord alone holds the title Reverend. Anyone using this title is a fraud. Congregation appears
once in the New Covenant. in Acts 13:43, Paul w aits for the Congregation to break up
before persuading them to "...contunue in the Grace of God". This describes the spiritual w ar going on
all around us; only the truth w ill set us free.

"W hen a w ell packaged w eb of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth
w ill seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic"- Dresden James (Pseudonym similar to
Christian Rosenkreutz, founder of Rosicrucianism)
"I am the w ay, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me"- Jesus Christ
Your Scapegoat can be Jesus Christ or Azazel (Satan) but not both. Only 1 of them can forgive Sin.
The "Nutshell" version goes like this. Abram submits to God by offering Isaac on the Rock w here the
Golden Dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque stands today; he tells Esau he (Edomites=Red) w ill obtain
"Dominion" (Sovereignty) over Jacob in Gen 27:40. Jacob w restles w ith God in Gen 32 and is
renamed Israel "One w ho fights/w restles w ith God". In Amos 5-7 the name "Israel" is removed due
their acceptance of the Golden Bull and Star of Molech (Six Pointed Star). Assyrians replace Israel w ith
Medes, Babylonians, Edomites, Canaanites listed in 2 Kings 17:30 w ho impersonate Jacob (Jew s and
Christians); the goal of these "Knights" is Sovereignty ie Freedom from God an His Yoke (10
Commandments). Gnostic "Theraputae" aka Order of Perfectibillists became Cathars and Abigens of
Montsegur; "Every 700 years the Laurel grow s green again" w as fulfilled at the beaches of Normandy
in 1944 by Secretary of W ar (he w as also W W I Sec of W ar) Skull & Bones Henry Stimson 700 years
after the Catholic Church burned them at the stake. In Oct 1311 assets of their military order "Knights
Templar" w ere transferred to the "Hospitallers" (Hospital=Theraputae); W W III w ill likely start in 2011
for this reason.
Religions and Secret Societies (32-33 degree Masonry= Sovereignty) developed to provide artificial
Sovereignty and re-create Heaven on Earth "As above, so Below ". Modern Israel continues the Folly of
fighting w ith God culminating in Zionism versus Islam "Submission to Allah" (Allah is the 4000 year old
Assyrian god "Sin") aka W W III. At it's end "Heaven w ill depart as a scroll w hen it is rolled together" Rev 6:14 and the 1260 day Great Tribulation w ill begin, led by "Earh Dw ellers" from Jerusalem "Spiritual
Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8). The Israeli Airline El-Al says it best; it means "The Best home is in the
W orld"; the Star of Molech is next to it. If Heaven is your goal, you need to tell Jesus Christ, not your

The most dangerous person in your life is very likely the Priest, Imam, Master, Rabbi or Professor
standing in front of you; the man you "Trust" the most. Collectively, "They" are the Synagogue of
Satan and "Synagogues" are not Jew ish; rather they like "Congregations" are of Gnostic ie
Chaldean/Ishmaelite/Edomite origin; read Malachi 1:3 and Rom 9:13 until this sinks in; Israel is not
Jewish. Amos 5:2 removes the covenant name "Israel"; 5:21 tells us He despises the new "Feast
days" eg Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah; 5:26 the Six Pointed Star is described as the Star of
Moloch; 7:2,5 make perfectly clear Jacob shall not rise; Mat 23:8 identifies the culprits are Rabbis, an
Arab w ord meaning "My great one" not Jew ish in any sense. Arab means "Merchant or Trader"; Israel
is the name given to people in covenant w ith God; Spiritually, one can be either Arab or Israel but not
both. Physical Palestine and Israel are merely "Ground Zero" for a w orldw ide Canaanite/Edomite ie
Gnostic deception designed to end w orship of God and usher in the New W orld Order. Spiritual
Jerusalem is in Heaven as stated in Gal 4:26; the physical w orld and every nation on it has been
"Quartered", this then is the true image of the Cross; Jesus w as "Hung upon the Tree" as stated 7
times. The Circled Cross "Celtic Cross" symbolizes this hidden "occult" w ar; the Sign of Shin "V"
symbolizes victory over God and "Il Cornuto" (Horns) symbolizes a return to pre-flood conditions w hen
the equinox Sun rose, framed by Taurus the Bull. Everything since is a managed stage show .
Like the Trojan Horse, Gnostics gain acceptance by flattery and attempt to create Heaven on Earth
"As Above, So Below "so Man feels no need to access the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ). Gnostic absolution
is falsely offered from Satan under the guise of Shamash, Ashima, Azazel, Goat of Mendes, the Gnostic
Scapegoat. Initiation into w orldw ide Gnostic Rites involves lying and ultimately incest or sodomy once
the Holy Ghost becomes silent.
Christmas (Sacrifice of Christ), Hanukkah "Hanakh" means House of Enoch; Enoch means "He
dedicated"; Cain's 1st born son Enoch killed Abel and consecrated/dedicated him as an acceptable
sacrifice on the w orld's first Hanukkah 25 Kislev 40 years after Creation. The Yarmulke "Cap of Cybele"
is w orn as a shield (Veils serve same purpose for w omen) from God for that event to this day by a
variety of diverse groups and religions, hidden under other coverings such as Fez, Turban, Helmet, Top
Hat etc etc. Lent venerates the Divine Son ie descendants of Canaan, not Jesus Christ. Easter
venerates "Ishtar", the conception of this Divine Child "Tammuz". Succoth is the birth of Jesus Christ;
Succoth-benoth "Booth of Daughters" is the symbolic tent used for initiation into MYSTERY, BABYLON
Divine Union; Churches celebrating Easter, Advent, Christmas and Lent merely reenact this annual
drama until the "Heavens" reflect that w hich has been created by Man on Earth.
The Hanukkah Menorah has 8 candles surrounding Shamash the Assyrian sun god symbolizing 8
Contracts betw een man and God ending (Age of Grace is the 8th). The 7 branched candlestick God
instructed Moses to construct w as Crucified; Jesus plus 2 thieves hung on the Tree are the 6 arms
surrounding the 7th, born on the 7th day of the 7th Feast "Feast of Tabernacles" and rejected on
Passover Eve. Hanukkah-Christmas symbolizes "Sol Invictus" the unconquered sun, the first born son
of the w orld's first born son Cain "Enoch".
America is the Arabian Phoenix "Pa-Hanok" w hich w ill open the Gate of Babylon "Bab Ilu" through
self immolation "Fire Sacrifice". I don't mean to scare anyone; America w ill inaugurate the Great
Tribulation and it simply doesn't matter w here a person is; you and I w ill either be in or out of covenant
w ith the LORD through the Lord Jesus Christ. There are 1656 years Creation to Flood; 2160 years from
Aries to Pisces and 2160 years from Pisces to Aquarius, added=5976. Sargon of Akkad means
"Legitimate Foreign King" (Foreign meaning outside the gate or covenant)w as born soon after the
Flood; approximate dates for his birth are 2334 BC and for the Flood 2348 BC; the point is Earth is
getting close to 6000 years of age. 4 consecutive Lunar eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles 20142015 and Solar eclipses on 1 Nisan "New Year" and 1 Tishrei "Rosh Hashanah" 2015 coupled w ith the

spiritual significance of Christmas W eek 2012 are pretty significant God ordained w arning signs.
Al Allah is the Assyrian moon god Sin and Mecca means "Adultery"; Jerusalem is in heaven w ith
Jesus Christ; the Dome of the Rock houses the "Stone" the builders of Babel rejected; W W III w ill
center on it; a man w ill sit in Satan's Seat inside a 3rd Temple (Dan 7:6-7); Heaven w ill depart as a
scroll rolled together (Rev 6:14) at mid w eek of Daniel's "70th W eek" (Dan 9:27) and the Great
Tribulation w ill commence. 3 1/2 years later Jesus w ill destroy the Edomite imposter (ref Obadiah and
Eze 35) and his False Prophet along w ith the w orks of Man. 1000 years later is Gog and Magog (Eze
38-39; Rev 20:7) a similar w orldw ide rebellious gathering destroyed by the Spirit of the LORD (Dan
7:13) returning to Creation cleansed of Sin 7000 years after Creation; the Tree of Know ledge of Good
and Evil and Satan are now destroyed along w ith physical and spiritual death.
If this is understandable w arn others, if not this material should prove everything outside ie East of
Eden and the Tree of Life is a provable Gnostic Lie.
The purpose of this material is to help you see the need at this late hour to make a personal
covenant w ith Jesus Christ and help you recognize the time of His visitation as KING OF KINGS, AND
LORD OF LORDS. No attempt to alter the W ord (KJV) or Privately Interpret them is made.

"Nothing in Politics happens by accident; if it happened, you can bet it was planned" -FDR
God used the Flood to separate the Nations; Politicians want to bring them under the rule of one. This is
not hard to understand the Who, Why, How and When. Earth is coming up on 6000 years of age, and the
2nd Coming will happen when it is.
When? Adding the ages of pre-flood Patriarchs yields 1656 years Creation to Flood. The
Flood altered the Earth's Axis and began a Wobble; encircling this wobbling axis is the Celestial Dragon
"Draco" on the North and the Southern Cross on the South. Wobble causes a retarding torque of 10 per 72
year axis precession the opposite the direction of spin. The Firmament of Stars is Fixed; Man divided this
into 12 segments "Zodiac" each segment "House" consumes roughly (shapes are not well defined) 2160
years. From Aries to Pisces=2160 years; from Pisces to Aquarius=2160 years. 1656+4320=5976 years.
Chanukkah "House of Enoch" was added to God's 7 Holy Feasts during the Macabbean period at the
change from Aries to Pisces; it is not a Jewish or God ordained Holy Day. Sargon of Akkad means
"Legitimate King"; Gen 11:2 says "They" came from the east ie the "Rising Sun"; Nod was the land Cain was
cursed to wander as a dispossesed vagabond (Gen 3:24; 4:14); his followers are "They". Foreign means
outside the door ie dispossessed. 21 is the age of biblical adulthood and accountability. Sargon
was likely pronounced "The King is Legitimate" at the age of 21, astrologically significant if the equinox
sunrise had precessed from Taurus (Fecundator of Cattle) into Aries (Supreme Shepherd). 5976 + 21=5997
years. Sargon III (Antichrist) would likely be declared "Legitimate" by a similar astrological event at the
transition from Aries to Aquarius "Planetary Pentecost". Earth was Created with Light on the first day; Earth
as "Dry Land" was created on the 3rd Day (Sun, Star and Moon Light on the 4th day); the first day began
with "Evening", so "Dry land" creation ended the first 3 1/2 days; Jesus was Crucified and spent the next 3
1/2 days in the Earth. The Alternative Messiah will be accepted and declared "Legitimate" 3 1/2 years before
the Earth is 6000 years old and Jesus returns as Melchisedek "King of Salem", Heaven and Earth of Day
1. Christmas means sacrifice of Jesus Christ in favor of an Alternative Christ; Rev 6:14 "Heaven departs as a
scroll when it is rolled together" and Dan 9:27 "Covenant with Many" point to Christmas 2012 as the end of
the Age of Grace and beginning of the Age of Aquarius (Zeus-Jupiter). The Sun will symbolically Passover
(Through) the Galactic Center beginning at the "Solar Solstice" 11:11 UTC and be witnessed from
the Pyramid of the Sun as finishing before "Even". The Crucifixion of Jesus occurred during the day, finishing
at Passover "Even".
Who? Earth Dwellers; those who willingly reject Jesus Christ as God in Flesh aka Gnostics who instead
place trust in the Serpent/Dragon of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. How does one spot a
Gnostic? The Covenant is Love God and Love your Neighbor as yourself. Killing another for any reason is
not part of this Covenant.
How? Solar (Electro) and Earth (Magnetic) powered EM Radars.
Why? Because Satan assures them they can be gods themselves and repair Earth without God or His
followers on it.
Earth is not moving; it is at the center of creation. Electrons stream off the Sun and contact Earths
Magnetic Field. The Magnetosphere shields life by blocking the most energetic, deadly Gamma and X-Ray
Radiation, guiding it through the Earth which becomes an infinite electrical ground. Less energetic but still
deadly UV (Ultraviolet) radiation is absorbed by the Ozone Layer. Packets of still less energetic
electrons are perceived as visible light which passes through the Magnetosphere, contacting oxygen and
nitrogen atoms in the Atmosphere. The outer layers of the Atmosphere become the Ionosphere, a positively
charged region when electrons are stripped from oxygen and nitrogen atoms; Ions are Charged, providing
unlimited and continuous free energy with respect to the Earth. Light passes through
the Atmosphere powering plant photosynthesis and provides the ability to see. Light slows down according
to the Refractive Index and becomes IR (Infrared) providing heat as it passes through water in the
Atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure changes caused heat of alternating night and day and changing axis tilt
over the solar year distribute the heat evenly. Simple so far? Earth is the only planet where this occurs, and
the odds this evolved are Nil.
Reflected Light and IR Radiation is absorbed by CO 2 which is why it is called a "Green House Gas";
too much CO 2 and heat increases evaporation of the oceans; water vapor rises to the saturation level forming
clouds which reflect visible light in a self correcting process. Ironically, it is CO 2 and
CH4 "Methane" Gnostics use as justification in their worship of the Earth to murder most of humanity. This is
also why Gnostics have such an easy time posing as Jews and Christians; Earth like Light has 2 meanings.
During the Great Tribulation everyone not in spiritual covenant with Jesus Christ via the Holy Ghost (Day 1
"Light") is called "Earth Dweller".
Space is nothing ie a Vacuum yet the Atmosphere remains attached to Earth. Why? The Earth's surface
expands outward at 1 "G", 32 ft/s2. Gravity Theory cannot account for this. Simply put, Evolution, Gravity,
Space-Time, Dark Matter and Aliens are lies designed to create "Chaos". God provided everything
everyone needs for free thank Him and you will see Gnostic lies for what they are.

1000 years after Hammurabi bowed to the Goat, the Richest, Wisest and most Free man on earth, King
Solomon put it this way "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and
vexation of spirit" Ecc 1:14 Gnostics have control of everything "under the sun" except the Holy Ghost;
science, religion (all of them) and philosophy (cosmology) are unnecessary, vain and complex Gnostics lies
designed to create "Order out of Chaos". The Gnostic Tree has its roots in the Earth and God was nailed to
it. The Tree of Life started with its roots on Earth, was carried in the Tabernacle and resided in Solomon's
Temple until rank blasphemy caused God to remove His Glory. The Tree of Life returned to Earth on Feast
of Dedication in a body of flesh and was born in a flesh Tabernacle; 33 1/2 years later after the 2nd Temple
was made a "House of Merchandise", He and was nailed to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
A third Temple is about to be built in the great city Jesus calls "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" and all the
natural energy God designed the Earth to posess will be used against Man and God in the ultimate act of
"Vanity under the Sun". Simple enough? Except the Holy Ghost, all Priests today are Gnostics; Sons of
Belial; Worthless.
The Holy Ghost will depart Earth and the Book of Life will be sealed when Man makes the "Covenant
with Many" on the 2012 Solstice; begins Rev 13, a very well planned event, written in stone
and kept secret in the open. In 1605 Rosicrucians under the pseudonym "RC Christian"
(Rosenkreutz) wrote The Advancement of Learning; the same year King James I commissioned
the Authorized Bible and Jesuits attempted to prevent it with the Gunpowder Treason Plot. Bonfire Night
aka Guy Fawkes Day has been celebrated ever since. Gnostics such as the Rosicrucians reject Jesus Christ
and venerate John the Baptist. His birth was Passover, but Gnostics celebrate St John's Day June
24, opposite Dec 24 "Sol Invictus". Cancer (June 21-July 22) is on display at St John the Divine Cathedral in
NYC; in June 1979 RC Christian commisioned the Georgia Guidestones calling for the elimination of all but
500 million persons from Earth (there are currently 6.6 billion). 1979 set up the final 33 1/2 years of the Age
of Grace. Nazi Kurt Waldheim declared "UN International year of the child" (Antichrist); 3-Mile Island
incident ended atomic power development in the US; SALT II (Salt=Assyrian Prince=Sargon) was signed;
1st International European Parliament elections ended National Sovereignty; US began training Mujahideen
"Warriors of Allah" in Afghanistan; Iran (Aryan=Noble Caste) and USSR invades; Iranian Revolution
installed Shiite Ayathollah's, Hostage Crises installed Skull & Bones Satanist George Bush Sr, Iran became
an Islamic Republic; the FED began adjusting money supply (Mayer Rothschild's stated goal); Neo-cons
Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama control or will control Assyrian Marduk's weapon "Amaru" for
33 1/2 years. Jesus was born on Tabernacles and Crucified at 33 1/2 years of age on Passover Eve. Solstice
"Stand Still"; the Gnostic version Christ-Mass "Sacrifice of Christ and distribution of a suitable host" 2012 is
33 1/2 years after the Georgia Guidestones were commissioned. Daniel's "70th Week" will mark the end of
the Age of Grace. Those not in covenant with Jesus Christ will become Earth Dwellers. Simple
enough? Then propose a Marriage Covenant with Jesus before it's too late and Christmas 2012 aka may in fact be too late!
Howard Ratcliffe

116,736 bytes

Lodestone: Magnesia is Plato's Ideal

City w hich rises out of the ashes of
Atlantis like a Phoenix uniting the
w orld's Nations under the rule of "The
ONE". The UN has a Unification Church
disciple in charge and the Magnesian
Stone in its Meditation Room w ith 11
chairs. Doesn't take a genius to see the
plan. Material added to 1st page.

89,088 bytes

Third W orld W ar: First W orld W ar

and the UN's 1st W ar "Korean
W ar" both ended in Armistice.
Planned in advance to have a
sequel; W W II ended w ith Atomic
W eapons in Japan; W W III may
have begun w ith a Nuclear
Disaster in Japan on the exact
same Longitude Korea fought
over, and UN in control over an
undeclared W ar using UN banned
Uranium munitions. Go figure!

60,928 bytes

"and shouldest
destroy them
w hich destroy
the earth" Hard
to believe there
are people w ho
w ant to destroy
the Earth and
cause you to
destroy your
Soul isn't it?
Material added
to previous

107,008 bytes

Revelation Diagram:
12/21/2009 W hite Horse
"Day of Divine Agreement";
12/21/2011 Black Horse
"Day of Judgment";
12/21/2012 Pale Horse
"Day of Divine Redemption"
from w w w .OneHeaven.org/ w w w .OneJerusalem.org/ added. May
21, 2011 and Oct 21, 2011
compared w ith current
events. March 2011 seems
to be the Red Horse; Mars
is the Red Planet, Roman
Mars aka Greek Aries are
the gods of W ar. Got Jesus
yet? Now is a good time.

408,064 bytes

136,192 bytes

70,144 bytes

189,440 bytes

Earth Dw ellers:
and One-SpiritTribe.org/ all
say "Sol
Invictus" 2012
is the "Day of
and "Sol
Invictus" 2011
w ill be the "Day
of Judgment".
Some Merry
Christmas eh?
Pledge allegiance
to the Flag, you
become a Sw orn
vassal, a Liegeman "Serf" of the
Lord of the
Earth. Sing the
National Anthem
and you partake
of a 2500 Greek
becoming a
pledged member
of the Society of
Anacreon. Be

Rainbow : Jacob's
connection betw een
Earth and Heaven;
Man and God.
Lucifer surrounded
by separated Light
on God's Throne
and his follow ers on
earth under this
shield for 42
months. Oops!
Paragraph added
on Royal Arch

W hy: BP "Anglo-Iranian"
Oil in the Gulf of Mexico
"W hirlpool w here the
W orld's Ocean currents
converge" mixed w ith
Corexit "W eed Killer"
enters the Gulf Stream
shutting off the ocean
conveyor, perhaps
irrevocably affecting
w eather around the
w orld. Deepw ater

Horizon caught fire on

W eed Day "Fordicidia"
and sank on Earth Day
"Parilia"; if not
accidental, W hy?

258,560 bytes

125,952 bytes

W as: Blue pig snout

human spine shaped
scepter of Set, Typhon
and Hurrakan meaning
"Dominion". W HO
controls W AS?

87,040 bytes

Hat Trick: 3rd Act in

the Chaldean Sting
and 3rd Goal by the
same person. 1st
The LORD is
rejected. 2nd The
Lord is rejected. 3rd
A person filling both
roles w earing 2
hats, one visible,
one hidden w ill be
accepted and
spiritually the w orld
w ill change forever.
An error on Orion
corrected and
material added.

Galatians: Star
studded Gala of
Celtic Money
Priests of Baal,
Astrologers, W ar
Mongers, Disease
Doctors, W eather,
W ater and Food
managers, Nordic
Shaman and
Masons. Got your
invite yet?

52,224 bytes

57,344 bytes

Signs of
the Times:
A dozen
w ays to
w ritten,
events are
coming up.
article rew ritten; it
w as
to me so it
must have
been for

versus Islam
is not
it's the 3rd Act
in Chaldean
"Prestige"; it
starts in

Korea and
ends at the
Temple Mount.
Translation: Initiation Ritual into the
army of Marduk and aw ay from God.
How 's that for a bad omen? I think this
article is easier to understand. Let me
know w hat you think. 11/20/2010

45,056 bytes

38,912 bytes


Secret Spiritual
passed the
Gate of Marduk,

Tree "Yew " of Know ledge "Gnosis", the

poisonous tree fertilized by Amaru;
Marduk's consort brings Gnostic
salvation. NOT! 11/4/2010

68,608 bytes

86,528 bytes

Oz: Emerald (Green

Lightning) City run by the
W izard (Satan) w here
Dorothy and her friends
(God's Gift) use Gold, Silver
and Opium to create their
W onderful W orld on Earth.
10/1/2010 Dang typos!

Updated 6/16/2010
Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

The purpose of this material is to hack at the roots of the Tree of Know ledge of Good and
Evil, prove simple biblical Truth and help you see the need for a personal relationship w ith the Tree of
Life, Jesus Christ, nothing more.
The 7 Year Tribulation is an Abassid (Baghdad Muslim Caliphate) and Jesuit Lie. Pretribulation Rapture, a Plymouth Brethren/Scottish Lie. Restoration of Jacob (Israel) prior to the 2nd
Coming is Syrian (Aramaean) Lie. The last 2300 Days begin w ith 7 Seals: W hite, Red, Black and Pale
Horse ending w ith Heaven departing as a scroll. The "Book of Life" is sealed by God in Rev 6:14 and
"Messiah (Jesus) is cutoff" in Dan 9:26; this is the end of the Age of Grace, coinciding w ith the
"Covenant w ith Many" and "Mark of the Beast"; Antichrist w ill continue from this point 42 months (Rev
13:5). Sabians controlled the Baghdad Caliphate; this is their "Coup de Grace" and the true definition
of Hellenism, Democracy, Freedom and Liberty, the physical restoration of Gen 13:13 "Sodom and
Gomorrah" under rule of Rev 13 "Beast" seated in Jerusalem "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8).
No additions to the Book of Life after the "Great Tribulation" begins. This period is 42 months/1260
days/3 1/2 Lunar years "7 Trumpets". The 5th Trumpet lasts 5 months (150 Days) beginning w ith
Satan's ejection from Heaven and Fall to Earth; 6th Trumpet lasts 1 year, 1 month, 1 day and 1 hour,
thus Satan w ill control the earth 18 months; his rule ending at the 2nd Coming. God's W rath is the
last day "7 Bow ls".
God does not destroy His ow n Creation; the "UN-Natural" events occurring now
(Pakistan/Sichuan/Haiti Earthquakes; Indonesian Tsunami; Hurricane Katrina etc) are the result of
Electro-magnetic w eapons pow ered by the Sun (Electricity=Electrons) and Earth (Magnetic) not God.
God returns to destroy those w ho destroy the Earth as Jesus plainly stated in Revelation 11:18. The
time for half measures and excuses is over; Stop trusting Man; Stop blaming Jew s; Stop blaming
Muslims; Stop blaming Christians; Stop blaming God and trust Jesus Christ.

Silk Road Diplomacy

Scythians w ere named for the "Scythe"; W W III is their "Threshing Floor", a culmination of Silk Road
Diplomacy. Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan (Faisal Shahzad Apollo Mgt, ISI asset). North Korea
w ar begins w estw ard exodus. Golden Triangle Opium financed Vietnam; Golden Crescent Opium
is financing W W III. Kyrgystan anchors the NDN "North Distribution Netw ork" and Karakoram Hw y;
US Manas Airbase serves Opium distribution and Afghanistan W ar staging base; Russia Kant Airbase
anchors "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" betw een China, Russia, Iran. CIA (ISI, KGB, KCIA,
Mossad, MI-5 et all are all the same corrupt "Tree"; they are not National Intelligence assets but rather
International Psy-ops organizations) assets. They control Pakistan (Asif Ali Zardari), Afghanistan (Hamid
and Ahmed W ali Karzai). Iran (Ayathollah ali Sistani), China, Russia (Putin), North Korea, pitting them
against Israel, US, Britain, South Korea. In Iraq, the escape route passes the original 1991 "Highw ay of

Death" betw een Basra (Edom's Sheepfold) and Saudi Arabia (W ahhabist King Abdullah). Jordan
(Hashemite King Abdullah II) is the final for "Kings of the East" to amass in Megiddo. This w ill be the
false fulfillment of Rev 16:16, a w orldw ide and very Grim Reaping. W hy 16? 16 Cauldrons of Olive Oil lit
the Temple, Jesus replaced this w ith Mary and after His rejection, by "Born Again" follow ers guided by
the Holy Ghost.
Israel "Diaspora" begins 700BC; Scythian w agons bring "Freedom" from God w est; Silk
Road Diplomacy ends at Rev 6:14; Dan 9:26 w hen Heaven departs and is rolled together as a scroll;
"Purification Day"-Siriusly. August is the heliacal rising of Sirius in Egypt, so this w ould be my guess
for the exodus initiated by Korea arriving in Megiddo "Mount of Slaughter". Feast of Tabernacles is the
real birth of Jesus Christ, so my guess for the revealing of Antichrist w ould be this date (Sept 23-29 if
this occurs in 2010; Oct 13-19 in 2011; Oct 1-7 in 2012).
"4 Corners" Pahana "Blue Kachina" (aka Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha, Matreya) inaugurates the
5th W orld (Mayan 5th Sun/Theosophical/Aryan 5th Root Race) by taking his mask off in front of the
uninitiated. Mask refers to the sun god Satan/Lucifer in his many forms being revealed; Latin
"Dom/Domini" is Esau's Dominion. The Blue Kachina is Sirius; w hen his mask comes off, Muslims (Sunni,
Shiite), Christians (Calvinist, Catholic), Jew s (Talmudic) w ill have finished fighting each other over
reasons none but Sabians understand and it w ill be too late to seek Jesus Christ-Siriusly.
Sabians of Haran
"They" sit on top of Satan's w orldw ide know ledge, religious and pow er structure; w ho are
"They"? Rosicrucians, Kabbalists and Sufis are modern day groups originally derived from the Sabians
of Haran. Sabian comes from Sa'ba, people w ho leave one religion for another. Sabians are neither
Jew ish, Muslim, Magian or Christian but infiltrate these groups w ith a stated belief in a god; their
philosophy is the liberation from God (JEHOVAH). Saracen means "Empty of Sarah"; Ishmaelites
(Hagarenes) married Hittites (Canaanites) and the Edomites married into this Arab Clan. Saracen has
nothing to do w ith Islam; they merely control Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
Sabians are Gnostics (Tree of Know ledge of Good and Evil), Nabattaean Arabs, Theraputae
of Alexandria Egypt, Essenes, Libertine and Hellenized "Jew s". Sabians in Baghdad served as advisors
to the Abassid Caliphate (750-1258AD), then Constantinople (Istanbul) w here the Hagia Sophia
"W isdom of Sophia" Cathedral/Museum stands. Job of Edessa (geometry/astrology), John Calvin
(fixed pre-destination/eternal security), Catholic/Lutheran/Orthodox Trans-substantiation of
the Sacrament and Priest Confession and Islamic Martyrdom are examples of Sabian "Leaven". Other
examples of Sabian Leaven are Jesuit control over and Mafia (Mazzini approves of theft, arson and
poison) membership in the Roman Catholic Church, Masonic/Shriner control/membership
in Protestant/Baptist Churches, Talmudist/Kabbalist control/membership in Jew ish
Synagogues and W ahhabist control/membership in Sunni Islam as seen in Saudi Arabia. Example:
Imam Mohammad Abdul W ahhab+Caliph Mohammad ibn Saud+Ibn Sayyed Qutb=Al Qaeda w hich
means "Solid Foundation" or more affectionately "Foreign Toilet". Other examples: Saracens, Druze,
Dervish, and Bahai, Raelism, CUUP (Church of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) and Inter-faith Ministers.
In a w ord they are Chamelions taking many forms. Individual examples: John Dee, Rasputin, Nicholas
Roerick, Zbigniew Brzezinski (advisor to 5 presidents) and Henry Kissinger. Bohemians (Bohemian
Grove) and Gypsies; basically, people Free of Man's and God's Law s. Aleistaire Crow ley coined the
phrase "Do w hat thou w ilt shall be the w hole of the law ".
Saracen means "Empty of Sarah"; the cast outs of God's inheritance described in Gen 21:14;
neither Jew , Arab-Muslim or Christian, they are Orientialists (Orient means East "Rising Sun"; "Nod")
Pagan Tent Dw ellers, Raiders, Barbarians, Mystics such as Dervish or Sufis mostly associated w ith the
Arab side of the Dialectic w hereas Templars, Conquistadores, Jesuits, Inquisitors are associated w ith
the "Christian" side. Scythians, Cimmerians, Rus, Vikings, Saxons, Lombards, Huns, Mongols etc. A
modern example is 33 0 Mason Guiseppi Mazzini, founder of the MAFIA and 33 0 Confederate Mason
Albert Pike w hose 1871 letter spells out W W I, W W II, and W W III in detail. MAFIA (Mazzini autorizza
furti, incendi, aw elenomenti) "Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Fires and Poisonings". This same motto is
visible in America w ith Pike's statue sitting at the foot of the US Justice Dept. Mafia originally stemmed
from "Ma afir" a Saracen Tribe in Palermo; the name came to mean "Security for its members"; basically
the same as the Masonic creed. Jesus described them as "Those w ho say they are Jew s, but are not"
and "W olves in Sheep's Clothing".
Israel is Jacob's covenant name w ith God; the right to use it ended at the Crucifixion and w ill be
re-established at the 2nd Coming; the event w ill be faked by an Alternative Messiah. Arab has nothing
to do w ith Islam, in fact the w ord Arab is not even in the Quran. Arab means Nomad, Desert, Merchant,
Exchanger or Trader. It also means "Setting Sun" ie "Occident" w hich is w hy the Arab Barack
Hussein Obama (not his real name) uses the setting sun logo. An example is Occidental Petroleum
CEO, Manhattan Project scientist, US ambassador to Stalin's Russia Armand Hammer; neither Hammer
nor Stalin w ere Jew ish. W W 3 w ill be a Dialectic (Thesis+Anti-thesis=Synthesis) created by Arab and
Israel; by that I mean Arab Satanists pretending to be Shia and Sunni Muslim, Israeli Satanists
(Sepharvaim, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi) pretending to be Jew ish, and Christians (Spiritual sons of
Jacob) divided betw een Jesuits pretending to be Catholic and Luciferian Masons (Lucifer is Satan)
pretending to be Baptist and Protestant. The w orld is by and large a Satanic "Matrix"; Freedom and
Salvation comes only from a relationship w ith Jesus Christ, but you must ask in order to receive. His
rules are "Love God"; "Love our Neighbor" including our perceived enemies.
Sabian religion is Enochian Magick and veneration of Hermes Trismegistus. Enoch, taken by
God from Earth became the Sabian post-flood incarnation Egyptian Toth/Greek Hermes
Trismegistus, personified 1st by Imhotep, architect of Pyramids (Pyre=Fire). "Sacred Architecture" then
spread around the w orld to re-create the Heavens (Constellations) on Earth, generating the phrase
"As Above, So Below ".
Saba'a means "Leaving one's religion and entering another"; "Crypto", "Marrano" or Arab "Sabi"
are terms for destroying religion from w ithin; examples are 33 0 Mason Billy Graham, Rick W arren,
Grand Ayathollah ali-Sistani, Saudi King Abdullah, PLO leader Yasser Arafat, all of Israel's prime
ministers and Spanish (Sephardic) Inquisition leader Pope Benedict XVI. Jesus called Sabians the
"Synagogue of Satan"; "W olves in Sheep's Clothing"; "Double Minded Men" and "Those w ho say they
are Jew s but are not"; Pharisees w ere not Jew ish; if they w ere they w ould have recognized Jesus as
being Jew ish in every sense of the w ord.
Haran w as central to the Mesopotamian moon god "Sin". Sabians in Persia w ere called "Sarmon or
Sarmoung Brotherhood" w here Sarmon means "Bee". Essenes, Mandaeans and Yezidis are examples.
The "Corpus Hermeticum" functions as the Sabian Bible. Haran means "Crossroad", it is associated w ith
Noah, Abraham, Laban, Rebekah, Rachel and Joseph. Sabian initiations include Jesuits,
Ismaelis, Brahmins (corruption of Abraham), Sufis, Bektashi Dervishes "W hirling Dervishes" (Muslim
Imams are often in Dervish Tekkes much like Christian Pastors or Jew ish Rabbis are in Masonic Lodges),
Druids, Knights Templar, Hospitallers, Rosicrucians, Dominicans, Franciscans etc.
Sabian religion is Dualistc, functioning on both sides of Hegelian Dialectic; Zoroastrianism (ZeroAshta means Seed of the W oman) under the titles "New Age" and "Zionism".

Sabian rituals are sacrifices to the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets. Sun=Mithras=SOL; Moon=Sin;
Stars=Zodiac aka Mazzaroth; Mercury=Hermes; Venus=Goddess of Heaven "Ishtar"; Earth=Gaea;
Mars=W ar; Saturn=Satan aka Enochian Magick and Jupiter=Zeus aka Goden Age including
Homosexuality, Pedophilia, Pedersty. "Planet" appears only once in scripture in 2 Kings 23:5; Sabians
of Haran are those idolatrous priests of Baal. "They" built the Tow er of Babel, follow ed Abram to
Haran and are about to finish the Tow er by ingniting W W 3 betw een Abram's 3 groups of descendants;
Jew s, Christians, Muslims.
The reason many believe the W ord of God to be metaphorical is simply because "They" teach that it
is and it is our fault for trusting them. Jesus Christ is the W ord of God. The W ord w as w ritten at
Creation and is not subject to change in the slightest. Jesus curses us for believing any Man and no
Man unless Sinless can recover from a Curse, but Sabians w ould have us believe otherw ise.

Sacred Architecture and Astrology from God's Perspective

The Great Pyramid in Egypt w as built at the center of the Earth's Land Masses; the length of the
side is 365 Pyramid Cubits (Cubit=36,525 in); the angle is 52 0 (actually 51 0 51' 14"); approximately the
same angle of a 3-4-5 Right Triangle and the dimensions of the King's Chamber; 3 3+4 3 +5 3 =216; 52 0
is the angle formed by a 3-Dimensional Tetrahedron placed one on top of the other "Merkaba" and
tilted aw ay from the Sun 23 0 as the Earth is; view ed from the Sun, the side points are then separated
by 19.5 0 w hich is the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon allow ing for precise calculations of solar and
Lunar Eclipses. If the Pyramid Height becomes the Radius, the Base becomes the Circumference;
relative to the King's Chamber to the Ground, the ratio of Solar and Tropical Year can be calculated
"Ubliqatory Cycle" w hich defines the limits of the Tropics; Capricorn and Cancer. Jesus describes the
people w ho use this information "Earth Dw ellers". The Perimeter of the Pyramid's Base/100=365.24.
This is the age of Enoch (Enochian Magick mimics God's ascension of Enoch) w hen he w as taken by
God and the length of an Egyptian and Gregorian Solar Year. The 3 Pyramids are lined up w ith Orion's
Belt and the Sphinx to the Equinox.
The Hindu Cush Mountains w ere folded up during Noah's Flood 4300 years ago; to a great extent,
they w ere the cause of the shift of Earth's Axis; today, they are the geographic center of the W orld's
Population. The Karakoram Hw y begins here, ending in Har Megiddo (Armageddon). Kandahar, the next
Afghanistan offensive is perhaps the critical point on that road, largely built since Israel became a
nation for the "Kings of the East"; one problem, China is not "East", Sin is.
Noah's Ark and the Anchor Stones in Kazan used to stabalize the craft are w ell know n the Turks,
Armenians, Kurds. The Red Sea Crossing from Egypt to Arabia at the Gulf of Aqaba is w ell know n to
many in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Mt Sinai w ith its blackened top and Golden Calf altar is fenced off by
the Saudi and US Government, but nonetheless, many know of it. Sodom (Bab edh-Dhra) and
Gomorrah (Numeira) stand as testaments to God's W rath and many in Israel and Jordan see
the evidence of fire and brimstone that rained from above there. Iran means "Aryan", at the top of the
Elite heap is the "Society of Ormus"; an anagram meaning Horus, Tammuz, Gold and Virgin. All these
people know Jesus is God in Flesh and tremble at w hat they have done. The goal is simple; through
Education and Religion to keep you believing Scripture is a Fairy Tale. Christians listen to Sermons
and take Communion from Priests w ho celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at "Sol Invictus" hoping a Red
Nosed Stag w ill bring Santa Claus to their Grove 9 months after they celebrated Jesus' birth w ith a
Rabbit and Eggs at first light on "Dies Solis"; likely w ith 40 days "W eeping for Tammuz" in betw een.
W AKE UP!!! God w ill not be mocked; w hatever w e sow , w e w ill one day reap. W ell, I have some new s;
the Authorized Bible w as w ritten by Men moved by the Holy Ghost and not one Jot or Tittle is in
error. Did you know that BF W estcott and FJ Hort w rote the underlying Greek for all new bible versions
including the New King James and both lost their ability to speak? It's time to W ake Up.
America w as named after "Amurru", the Edomite and Nabattaean Shepherd and Serpent god. for
the first time in US history, they may have their Man in the W hite House. Norse "Aryans" called America
Omme Rika for "Last Reich" and Ultima Thule for "Farthest land w here Norse is spoken". Sol Invictus,
the Un-Conquered Sun, rises 3 days and 3 nights after the mid-W inter Solstice on the date called
Christmas. Joshua and Jesus mean Saviour; a Solstice like no other directed by God against
w orshippers of Baal and Ashtoreth allow ed Joshua to decisively defeat the Amorites, their kings hung
on 5 trees being made a curse; today they are represented as the Olympic Rings. JESUS means
Saviour; capitalized, His name infers Spiritual Salvation, and make no mistake about it, a Spiritual W ar
of Souls is nearing completion. W e can choose Jesus Christ or Sol Invictus, but not both. Jesus as God
in flesh w as conceived on Feast of Dedication aka Festival of Lights or "Chanukkah" (25 Kislev) and
w as born on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishri). He w as rejected 33 years later as Saviour, His body
nailed to the Tree betw een 2 thieves, He bodily rose 3 days later. His murderers w ere not Jew ish, but
Amalekites pretending to be Jew ish.
Esau hates God and know s Jesus is God; Edomites have 2 goals: Destroy God and destroy the
Souls of His follow ers; they accomplish this through W ar and turning the W ord of God into Fables.
Edomites exalt themselves as the Eagle (Arabian Phoenix); they set their nest among the stars, led by
Chaldean Astrologers (Priests, Imams, Rabbis). Measuring the patterns of the Heavens (Equinixes,
Solstices, Eclipses, Precession), they inscribed the Eagle Bow l Mayan Calendar, donned Eagle
Headdresses and sacrificed Eagle Men to the Sun, symbolized as the Eagle. This is the same symbol
God used to save Israel during the Exodus. The Sun w ill Hang upon the Sacred Tree on the 2012
Solstice. For Astrologers, the Sacred Tree is the center of the Milky W ay Galaxy; the W omb of
Creation. Solstice means "Stand Still"; for occultists, it is a day like no other.
On the first day of Creation, God said Let there be Light. Satan assumed the title Lucifer, Light
Bringer to become as God. Easter Sun Day at first light, Sol Invictus is conceived by the rays of Light
God made on the fourth day. These are not the same Light. Nurtured 9 months in W ater, protected by
a Torroidal Enclosure Magnetic Field, Sol Invictus symbolically dies and is reborn annually until the
Golden Age begins; and it w ill begin 6000 years after Creation. Judas Goats lead sacrificial Scape Goats
to Altars in Groves and High Places to ensure the continuing cycle. If this sounds like your favorite
Church, it w as meant to; Congregation is not part of the New Covenant.
Satan is the "God of Forces"; there are no "Forces" holding Matter together; he w orks in concert
w ith Edom, Moab and Ammon (Dan 11:41); the 3 nations w ho chose to Assimilate into Assyrian
domination of Israel. Gravity w as introduced as the fabric of Creation by Rosicrucian Isaac New ton.
E=Mc2 follow ed w here Light speed w as declared constant by Zionist Albert Einstein; Energy
became interchangeable w ith Matter; perpetual Motion and Energy are Lies. The final lie is E=Tc2
w here the Force of Creation is trasmitted Electro-Gravitically in the Massless Domain of Time; Infinite
Energy and Time travel in the 4th Dimension if you w ill. This then is the Holy Grail of Kaballah; mastery
over Time, Energy and Distance.
Jesus is Alpha and Omega; the occult version of Alpha is the Bull "Taurus", the Vernal Equinox
constellation at the time of the Flood; Omega the Ouroborus Serpent w hich completes its circle on Jesus is the W ord; the occult version of the W ord is BS "Lies". Jesus set the patterns in the

heavens at Creation and pronounced Judgment after life; the occult give credit to Chaos, Gravity and
Chaldean Magick has 3 parts: Pledge, Turn and Prestige. The Pledge occurred during the 130 years
after Cain killed Abel resulting in Cities, W eapons, Idols, Domestication of Animals, Music and Poetry.
The Turn occurred during the 130 years before Abram w as born in Ur of the Chaldees Babylon
resulting in Religion, Elevated Clergy and Man-made Law s. The Prestige occurred during the 130 years
betw een the Macabbean Rebellion and the birth of Jesus, resulting in Sol Invictus replacing Tabernacles
and God in flesh being Crucified. The 8 th Covenant betw een God and Man w ill end w hen Man has
accepted Sol Invictus.
Jesus informed Daniel the last 2300 days w ould begin w ith Daily Sacrifice and end w ith a cleansing
of the sanctuary. The Great Tribulation is 1260 days, leaving 1040 days to precede it. 8 X 130=1040,
the burden of the Eagle Men. Daniel understood the 70 years of Desolations for Jerusalem, Jeremiah
spoke of and a later 70 W eeks to finish the transgression, make an end of sins, make reconciliation
for iniquity, bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up the vision and prophecy and anoint the most
Holy. Jesus w as Crucified during the day, spent 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb and w as Resurrected
to Heaven in accordance w ith His Law in Deut 21:23. The same sequence w ill repeat; Daily Sacrifice
ending w ith the Covenant w ith many, broken in the midst of the w eek (Crucifixion), causing
desolation 3 years (Lunar); ending w ith bodily resurrection of the bride and W rath poured out in the
desolate. Jesus calls the desolate Earth Dw ellers.

America is named after the Amorite Serpent Amar and the Amalekite Amurru. Norse
called this land Omme Rika for Last Reich and Ultima Thule for Last Spoken Word. The
World Crucifixion is 12/21/2012; I would not wait until then to make your personal
Covenant with God. Jesus birthday is not Christmas, and He is not Sol Invictus. Jesus birth
is Feast of Tabernacles and during the Millennium everyone will celebrate it.
America was founded as the World "Eagle Bowl"; out of the Sacrificial ashes of the
Phoenix, New Atlantis will emerge; so goes the Masonic plan. Obama's Logo, Universal
Health Care and Carbon Fund LLC use the same Rising Sun Logo. The bill was signed on
Ostarra (Spring Equinox) on Sunday in the US, but more critical perhaps is the signing was
30 years to the day after the Christening of the Rosicrucian North Georgia Guidestones on
March 22. The time was approximately 3:22 AM Greenwich Mean Time on 3/22; the Skull &
Bones "Brotherhood of Death Society" to which 4 generations of the Bush family, Hitler
Stalin and Mao Zedong belong has "322" under a Skull missing its lower jaw (Secret)
because Genn 3:22 "Man is become as one of us" in other words like the gods who must
put out their hand for the Tree of Life in order to live forever; "They" do not! The signing
was on the 1st day of Aries "Ram" offered as the "Burnt Offering" instead of Isaac by
Abraham. Folks, it's time to put out you hand to the Tree of Life; things are going to dare I
say "Heat Up" soon.
King of Babylon Hammurabi (aka King of Shinar Amraphel) bowing to Azazel (Shamash) for
Absolution ca 20th century BC. W rong Scapegoat! Aleister Crow ley originally titled his book "Liber
77", aka "Liber Oz", "Book of the Goat" he made the same mistake. If your bible version has "Azazel" in
place of "Scapegoat" in Lev 16:8-10 it w as w ritten by Gnostics.
God's 8th and Final Covenant: Love God; Love your Neighbor ends w ith W W III and the acceptance
of the Alternative Messiah. The "Golden Mean" is the key to Gnosticism's "Golden Age". God's 5th
Covenant w ith Man w as the 10 Commandments delivered to Moses, administered by the Levitical
Priesthood under Aaron. That w as corrupted by the Sanhedrin, the Talmud, Kaballah and the soon
to be administered Noahide Law and Sharia Law . 8/5=1.618, the Golden Mean is w itnessed by
Gnostics by Venus' (Ishtar) Solar Cycle divided by Earth's, found in Music, Poetry and Life. Over 8 years,
Venus forms a 5 pt Star around the Sun; the 8th Covenant betw een Man and God ends at Rev 8 "7
Trumpets", W W III w ill start at the Rock of Offence w here Abraham offered Isaac to the Lord and the
Lord offered Himself to Man the original Jebusite "Threshing Floor" David purchased for Solomon's
Temple. The w ar betw een the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Goat w ill start at Hw y 8 "Highw ay of
Death" near the spot w here Jesus Christ and the Angel Gabriel gave Daniel the prophecy in Dan 8
(Basra=Edom's Sheepfold) Ask Jesus for the Holy Ghost and this w ill make sense.
Gnosticism: Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? or Tree of Life: Jesus Christ is a Spiritual battle in
the W ilderness of Sin. Saracen means "Empty of Sarah". Sabean means "Leave one's religion for that
of another". Arab means Merchant, Trader, Tent Dw eller. Israel: Name of people in voluntary Marriage
Covenant w ith God. Muslim, Jew ish, Christian and their endless sub-catagories have nothing to do w ith
being Arab or Israel, nor does the nation called Israel, Jerusalem or the Rock of Offense (Threshing
Floor, Foundation of Solomon's Temple, Abram's offering of Isaac, Crucifixion of Jesus). Jesus Christ is
the Rock Arabs reject as their Foundation: Sarsen "Standing Stones", Cube of Zoroaster, "Image" of
Diana (goddess of W itchcraft) that fell from Jupiter in Acts 19:35 and the Black Stone of
Mecca "Ka'aba" are examples of "Alternative Stones" and all mean "Adultery". Zoroaster: Seed of
Ashtar; Mecca: Mechus is Adultery; Ka'aba: Allah Khabar is the moon goddess Aphrodite. So w ho is an
Arab? Everyone from the single Race of Man made in the Image and likeness of God w ho is not in
Marriage Covenant w ith God. Adultery is the single offense that abrogates the Marriage Contract w ith
God. I mean no offense here; People! It's time to stop f---king around and make your ow n personal
Covenant w ith the King of Salem, Jesus Christ. Your Priest, Imam, Guru and Pastor is not Jesus Christ in
the flesh; he or she is a Spiritual W hore causing you to commit Adultery. You get 1 chance to ask Jesus
Christ for a Marriage Contract; w hen Revelation 6:14, Daniel 9:27 arrives it w ill be too late. Don't F---it
up; Fornication Under Consent of the King is Adultery; Fornication becomes Adultery in Marriage and
the Divorce is final. Now for some possibly cold hard numbers: Occultist Peter Lemesieur w rote W W III
w ould last 13 w eeks; in the 1984 movie 2010: The year we make Contact; Jupiter became a Sun w hen
the black stone monoliths had become numerous enough to cause nuclear fusion; a nuclear fusion
device is being readied for the Deepw ater Horizon W ell. From Aug 1 "Lughnasadh" (Harvest of Souls)
to Oct 31 "Samhein" (All Hallow s Eve) there are 13 w eeks. Sabians of Harran have been facilitating W ar
for 4000 years; Sa'ba means "Leaving your religion for that of another"; in other w ords, they are
Satanists pretending to be Christian, Jew ish and Muslim; you know , the person you call Father, Master
and Rabbi and the titles Jesus said to never call anyone on Earth in Mat 23. If you read this, your
"Prayer Closet" is empty; that's w here your marriage Contract begins.
"..reward...them that fear thy nam e...destroy them which destroy the earth" Rev 11:18 God
does not destroy His Creation; He cleanses Sin from it. Rebellious Man destroys the Earth through
Scortching, Salting, W ell Poisoning, Clear Cutting, Industrial Phosphate/NitrogenFertilizers, Lead Fuels,
Atomic/Nuclear detonations and w aste, Chemtrails, W eather Modification. The Deepw ater Horizon Gulf
Oil disaster is an intentional Earth sabotage: Fire on W eed Day/Hitler's birthday/Roman
Fordicidia; Professional Demolition and Collapse on Earth Day; Harvest of Souls likely to come on

Lughnasadh (Aug 1) the 1st day of W eed Month. W hy? Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple w ere
destroyed on Lugnasadh; the Temple of the New Covenant are the bodies of Born Again Christians and
Lugnasadh means "Harvest of Souls". Ashkenazi (80% of modern Talmudic "Jew ry") are descendants of
Japheth and Ashkenaz; they are not Semitic (sons of Shem); God said He w ould enlarge Japheth and
he w ould dw ell in Shem's tents (Gen 9:27). Sephardic "Jew ry" are mixed blood Assyrian replacements
(2 Kings 17:31) of Israel and Mizrahi "Oriental Jew ry" are descendants of Ham. These people destroy
the Earth and blame Jew s for it.
"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of
Satan" Rev 2:9 Sin can only be forgiven by God; the Goat above is the Scape Goat "Shamash" or
"Azazel" both names of Satan; Shamash is represented as the center candle on the Chanukkah
Menorah and Azazel the Gnostic replacement w ord for "Scapegoat" in Lev 16:8. Man cannot live a
Sinless life and Satan cannot make Atonement for Sin; only Jesus Christ as God in Flesh can. Israel is
not Jew ish; Jerusalem is "Spiritually Sodom and Egypt". The Synagogue of Satan is hidden in plain sight
w ithin Governments, Courts, Banks, Universities, Churches, Synagogues, Charities, New s, TV, Movies,
Music, Radio, Science Agencies, NGO's and Think Tanks. Jesus Christ is God, the w orld's
only genealogical, succesfully law abiding Jew ; He alone is the only w ay for you know them and their
open blashphemy of God, the "Unforgivable Sin". Talmudism, Kabbalah, Six Pointed Star, Synagogues
and Rabbis are not Jew ish in any sense of the w ord.
"Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated" Rom 9:13 W hy? Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a
bow l of beans and didn't think God W itnessed it. Jesus calls this Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the
"Unforgivable Sin". As Jacob impersonated Esau, Esau impersonates Jacob (Israel); Jesus called then
"Those w ho say they are Jew s but are not and do lie"; by creating a w orld of Lies they hope you don't
notice. All Liars shall have their place in the Lake of Fire; don't join them.
"God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem" Gen 9:27 Ashkenaz is
Japheth's grandson yet 80% of "Jew s" are Ashkenazis w ho claim to be Jew ish w ithout any Semitic
(Shem) blood. The Talmud, Six Pointed Star of Molech "Seal of Solomon" and Kaballah are not Jew ish.
Likew ise, Sephardics (Spanish "Jew s") and Mizrahi (Oriental "Jew s") are not Semitic, Hebrew or Jew ish
in any sense of the w ord.
God did not raise Jacob (Israel); Satan did. Gen 27:39-41KJV and Amos 7:2-3; 5-6KJV state this
plainly. Jacob ceased to be Israel at the Crucifixion of God and true to His W ord, Jesus w ill restore
Israel at the 2nd Coming.
Geographic Jerusalem is "Spiritually Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8KJV makes this clear. Spiritual
Jerusalem is above and free in Heaven. Gal 4:26 makes this clear
Mt Sinai is in Arabia. Gal 4:25 makes this clear. Arab myth says Abraham and Muhammad had W inged
W hite Horses named el-Barack and both departed from the Rock w here Isaac (Quran says Ishmael-a
Lie) w as offered and Jesus w as sacrificed. Israel's 5th Judge w as Barak; America's 1st Arab President,
Barack w ill lead the US and Iran (Aryan) into W W 3 in fulfillment of Dan 8. FDR said "Nothing in Politics
happens by accident...it is planned". "Arab" is not in the Quran; the w ord means Nomad,
Merchant or Exchanger; King Ibn Saud and his son King Abdullah have nothing to do w ith Islam as
practiced by 2 Billion, they w ork w ith Israel tow ard 1 goal; W W III. Ibn Saud and FDR w orked on the
creation of Israel; Reagan (really Bush Sr) and every president since; are subserviant to the House of
Saud, a Pagan W ahhabist, Sharia Law creation holding Jerusalem and indeed the w orld in bondage.
God called Jacob "Israel" only after Jacob made Covenant with Him (Gen 32:28) God alone
decides who is to be called Israel, and God alone will restore Israel, not the Edomite Rothschilds,
nor the British "Birthright" and not Chabad Lubavitch teaching Kaballah under the Star of Molech.
It's not a Star of David!
Jesus was not born at Christmas "Sol Invictus"; Jesus was born on the 8th day of Tabernacles and
Crucified on Passover at Even, not on Easter "Ishtar". "Easter" (Acts 12:4KJV) is a Chaldean and
Edomite Holy Day, not a Christian Holy Day. Christmas is Mithras Birthday not Jesus' Birthday.
Love God; Love your Neighbor. Jesus summed up the Law w ith these simple admonitions. W ho is
God? I AM, I AM HE, JEHOVAH, Father, Holy Ghost, W ord (Authorized Bible=KJV). W ho are the Neighbors
w e are to love? Everybody. Pastors and Priests train "Christians" for W ar simply
because "Congregations" are not a Christian concept. Jesus said "He w ho kills w ith the sw ord must be
killed w ith the sw ord"; think you can justify killing another person even in "self defense"? Guess
Earth is fixed; it does not orbit anything. New ton claimed Earth moves from the "Force" of Gravity
w ithout proof.
Creation is God's work; Evolution is Darwin's. DNA replicates; it does not improve upon itself. There
are no Alien or Fallen Angel "Hybrids".
Sermon and Missionary are not in God's Word. Congregation appears in the New Covenant 1 time in
Acts 13:43; Paul told Christians to Separate from, not join Congregations. Synagogue appears 1
time in Ps 74:8, by King David's day all the Synagogues of God had been burned up. God did not
ordain w omen to teach the "Church" as 1 Cor 14 makes clear yet Joyce Meyer fills stadiums. Paul says
"Sw ear Not"; Promise Keepers and Rick W arren require it.
God baptizes with the Holy Ghost Mat 3:11 makes this clear. W ater and Living W ater are not the
"Reality Check" Updated 8/8/2010

New: Turkomen are not Christian, Muslim or Jew ish; Turkish ship Mavi Marmara means "Bind,
Encircle" w as 1st to run the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Rachel Corrie w as made an example to instill
"Jew ish" hatred; Irish-Ulster "Orange Revolution" (Orange refers to W illiam III and Mary; married
Sodomite to his 1st cousin) ship Rachel Corrie w as next. Libyan (Phoenician) dictator Muammar
Gadaffi's son sent the "Amalthea" (surrogate Goat mother of Zeus/Phoenician Adonis) through next.
PLO spokesman, Columbia Univ. Arab studies professor Rashid Khalidi is now sending "Audacity of
Hope", expected to arrive in late August-September. Chaldeans/Phoenicians have been instigating

w ars for 4000 years; today is no different. M-Star, a Japanese (Symbol of Japan is the Red Sun) supertanker attacked in Strait of Hormuz at midnight July 28. M-Star refers to life supporting stars
w ith carbon atmospheres "Red Giants" capable of sustaining M-Class planets w ith oxygen, nitrogen
and sentient "Races". Folks, Stars do not produce Carbon; the Red Giant referred to is Esau; 13 refers
to Gen 13 Sodom and Gomorrah and Rev 13 "Beast rising from the Sea"; M is the 13th
English/Phoenician letter. There are no M-Class planets w ith Aliens, this is simply occult (hidden)
Revelation is the revealing of God's testimony via the Holy Ghost. D-Day for a spiritual
relationship w ith God is Rev 6:14 w hen Heaven departs as a scroll w hen it is rolled together. It is
appointed for man to live once and be judged; the age of accountability is 21, therefore Revelation is
divided into 3 groups of 7, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials. 7 year Tribulation and pre-Tribulation
Rapture are lies. The final 2300 days begin w ith "Daily Sacrifice" (Dan 8) and end w ith the "Covenant
w ith Many" (Rev 8; Dan 9:27). There w ill be 1040 days from "Daily Sacrifice" to the start of "Great
Tribulation" (7 Seals) and 1260 days to the 2nd Coming (7 Trumpets). God's W rath lasts 1 day (7 vials).
Rulership of the Earth w ithout God is based on Birthright: Adam's 1st born Cain, Noah's 1st born
Japheth, Joktan (Mt Sephar is in Yemen),Terah's 1st born Har'an (Lot-Moabites, Ammonites), Abram's
1st born Ishmael, Isaac's 1st born Esau. Rulership of Earth w ith God as the Covenant Author and
W itness: Seth (after Cain murdered Abel), Noah's 2nd son Shem, Peleg (w orld w as divided by w ater in
his days), Abram, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus Christ and His Spiritual follow ers.
Amillennialism is Zionism; denying Jesus Christ the 1000 year reign on Earth. To that end the
gathering "Gog and Magog" described in Eze 38 and Rev 20 w ill be faked 1000 years early and
Armageddon "Mount of Slaughter" w ill be faked 3 1/2 years early. The path for "Kings of the East":
China/Korea-Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan. The Nations listed in Gog and Magog
include Germany, Turkey and North Quarters, Iran, Ethiopia, Libya.
Jesus Christ is God in Flesh; He w as conceived on Chanukkah (25 Kislev) and born Feast of
Tabernacles (15 Tishri); John the Baptist w as conceived at summer solstice and born on Passover (14
Nisan). "Sol Invictus" aka "Mithras" (Un-conquered sun) is the Christmas/Chanukkah celebration; the
birth of St John the Divine, an alter ego is celebrated opposite the calendar on the eve of June 24. This
date is on display as a statue at the Cathedral of St John Divine as the zodiacal sign "Cancer".
In a letter dated Aug 15, 1871 to Guiseppe Mazini (MAFIA founder), Gen. Albert Pike w rote W W I
w ould build up the Nazi Empire (fake Leopard 3rd Beast of Dan 7), W W II w ould exchange Nazis for
Communists and the Great W ork w ould be complete w ith W W III, pitting Islam, Israel and Christianity
against each other, introduce the "Nihilists" (Destroyers of the Earth) and true religion of Lucifer.
"Best w ay to unite nations of this globe is an attack from some other planet" John Dew ey
1917 NYC. 1938: Orson W elles "W ar of the W orlds Broadcast" CBS Logo is "All Seeing Eye", HQ in NYC.
1987 "...w e need some outside universal threat to make us realize a common bond...an alien threat
from outside this w orld" Ronald Reagan UN in NYC. "V" series; Anna is "Anamellech" (2 Kings 17:30)
a Sephardic idol. 2010 AT&T "W orld of Pure Imagination" ad reatured paper alien/monsters in NYC.
Notice Lucent, an AT&T spinoff uses the Red Ouroborus as its Logo; AT&T uses the "One W orld" Logo.
The catch phrase "W hat you see w ill astound you". David Icke "Moon is a hollow artificial construct...a
home to aliens manipulating Man". Aliens and a fake Rapture are part of the final deception; both are
America is setting up a 7 Front W ar, all on false pretenses under a President inelligible to hold
office under an invalidated Constitution (US Census cannot be conducted by W hite House): 1.
Afghanistan: Gen Stan McChrystal quits over lack of support for W ar, replaced by CENTCOM
Commander Gen Petraeus. CENTCOM now controls the largest NATO force ever assembled; US defense
forces are not part of the UN. Osama bin Laden (CIA asset Tim Osman trained Mujahedeen "W arrior of
Allah"); no connection to 9/11; Obama w as also a CIA asset (Barry Soetoro) w orking in support of
the Mujahedeen during his alleged/missing years at Columbia Univ; 2400+ tons of Depleted Uranium;
96% of w orldw ide Heroin is guarded and transported from Afghanistan by US Troops; Kandahar is the
mid point on the Karakoram Hw y from SW China near Kyrgystan to Megiddo (fake Armageddon battle)
2. Iraq: No W MD's and no connection to 9/11; 3000+ tons of depleted uranium and an escape route for
US soldiers past the original "Highw ay of Death" near Basra "Edom's Sheepfold"; Saddam Hussein and
George Bush Sr w ere 25 year business partners just as Hitler w as financed by Prescott Bush; they
w ere both portrayed as the w orld's bag men and likely neither died as history records. 3. Pakistan:
$Billions in US aid stolen by Benazir Bhutto and her husband Asif Zardari; Drones killing civilians and
transporting Heroin; Faisel Shahzad the bag man for the NYC fertilizer bomb w hich w as incapable of
exploding; Pakistan controls the Kandahar Hw y thorugh the Hindu-Cush Mtns. 4. North Korea: No
evidence of involvement in attack on ROK Cheonan, likely intentionally split in half by during the USSouth Korean Naval "Fow l-Eagle" exercise using a Russian VA-111 230 mph torpedo. There is no place
to hide a sub in that shallow region of the Yellow Sea especially from an anti-submarine ship during an
exercise; US has a protection pact w ith South Korea; China has pact w ith North Korea; Hillary Clinton
calling for an international response to the sinking of the Cheonan; UN Secretary General from South
Korean CIA, Ban ki Moon agrees (big surprise); I'm quite sure he is very familiar w ith the 13,000lb
"Satan's Altar" in the UN meditation room. Moon is so named after the Assyrian god Sin, know n to
Muslims as "al-Allah". 5. Iran: The name means Aryan; Hillary Clinton condemned Iran's nuclear
program w hithout the slightest shred of proof it has military goals. 80% w eapon's grade enrichment is
a far cry from 20% reactor grade or 3% initial enrichment (this is w hat Iran is doing); Iran has pacts
w ith Russia, Brazil, Turkey and China. Hypocrisy is that on 6/12/2010 the US announced it is missing
more than 600lbs of highly enriched plutonium from the Los Alamos Lab. Hillary stated ballistic missiles
in Poland w ere there to protect Poland from Iran, not to attack Russia; that's Hilarious. 6. Israel attacks
Turkish ship Mavi Marmara "Bind or Encircle" headed for Gaza on the eve Turkey assumes post at UN
Security Council; Irish ow ned Free Gaza Movement MV Rachel Corrie close behind, spectacular timing
eh? 7. Yemen: Farouk Abdulmutallab had help getting his "Crotch Bomb" past Dutch Customs and
Israeli staffed Schipol Security; PETN w as the excuse for L-3 Communications full body scanners
(Millimeter W aves alter DNA). US Tomahaw k (Tomahaw k is named after Francesca throw ing axes w hich
stemmed from Fransiscan Monks and ultimately the Roman Fasces and Minoan double sided Axe
"Labrys") Cruise Missile w ith UN banned Cluster Munitions found in the Christmas (means Sacrifice and
distribution of Christ) Yemen attack; 3 Israeli Dolphin Class Subs carrying over 600 Tomahaw ks are in
the Persian Gulf. Michelle Obama (Robinson) claims (a Lie) relation to Sabean Priesthood of Yemen and
Ameru, Ethiopia going back through the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon and w ay back to Joktanites
(Noah's Flood separated the w orld in Joktan and his brother Peleg's day). Hillary is playing the role of
"May Queen", the most dangerous person on earth, a 4th degree W iccan facilitating W W III.
NORTHCOM, NORAD, FEMA plus Nat Guard and Law Enforcement are conducting June 2010 "Military
Operations" against an "Unconventional Foe"; these agencies planned and aided the Iran-Contra
Drug/W eapon treason, 9/11/2001 and Katrina; Martial Law is the goal, the Unconventional Foe? Guess.
NOAA predicting 2010 Hurricane season to be unusaully strong and 1st named Hurricane "Alex" for
June 28-30. They cannot predict w eather w ith that sort of accuracy.
Deepw ater Horizon is an intentionally created disaster. Nitrogen/phosphate fertilizers used by

Corporate controlled Farms (Monsanto, ADM, Cargill) created algae blooms, the oil kills them,
they oxidize during decay, robbing the ocean of oxygen. The Gulf is now a toxic brew of W eed Killer and
Neurotoxins. Oil/Acid rain is falling in Florida. Methane Oxidation from the oil leak is in a ratio of 5000 to
1 compared to oil and as it rises, it expands 1000 fold, robbing the ocean of oxygen. Pipe size=2ft; W ell
Pressure=8000psi; Flow Rate for 3 months (7/14)=4 Million Gal/day; Methane Oxidation is a far bigger
problem than the oil for sea life. Bacterial Microbes can consume oil and fix the oil problem in short
order, but the 0 2 Dead Zone is another story. Oxidation converts Methane (Natural Gas) to C0 2 and
H2 0; Carbon and/or Methane does not cause Global W arming Gobal W arning Gas but the lies have
been spread far and w ide and America w ill take the blame. Deepw ater Horizon is 50 miles from shore
just off the Continental Shelf; Obama has no legal jurisdiction to shut dow n oil production in the Gulf
nor any claim to the w aters; nor does he have legal legitimacy to be US President. This is an
international incident and like the Korean W ar, the UN w ill be called in to remedy the situation w ith a
Unification Church "Moonie" at the helm.
W arnings concerning Deepw ater Horizon: 1. Movie Knowing featured a Gulf Oil Rig Fire and
numbers indicating 4/20/2010 a year before the Rig caught fire. 2. Goldman Sachs sold $4.6 Million
shares in 1st Qtr. 3. BP CEO Tony Hayw ard sold 1/2 of his shares just w eeks ahead. 4. BLM Surprise
Rig Inspection hours before explosion. 5. Oil Services Company Schlumberger flow n off Rig hours before
the Drill Log w as completed and the Rig exploded. 6. Eurex Stock Exchange issued Equity "Put" Options
on Transocean Stock for April 20. 7. Rig caught fire on W eed Day; sank Earth Day (Methane/Oil Fire
cannot melt steel) 8. Evergreen Air (CIA Front like Air America, Halliburton or W ackenhut Security)
spraying Corexit 9500 at night over Gulf Residents and the Gulf Oil; it's basically Monsanto Round Up
W eed Killer ow ned/produced by W arren Buffett, Maurice Strong "Earth Summit", George Soros
(Brzezinski Economic Hit Man; Obama advisor)
America has a w orldw ide public relations problem. 1. President Obama has used at least 2 Social
Security Numbers; his first issued before 1975, his current betw een 1977-1979 from Connectucut, a
state he has never lived in. 2. He traveled to Pakistan in 1982 w hen US Passports w ere not accepted.
3. Many believe he w as born in Kenya and his Haw aii birth certificate has not been authenticated. 4.
His myspace account lists his age as 52, therefore his birth w as before Haw aii became a State. 5.
Annexation of Haw aii by the US w as never formalized. 6. His public oath of office never included the
w ords "protect the Constitution"; his repeated oath did not use a bible, hence the w orld sees "One
Nation Under God" as some other god. Some 250,000 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are conducting
w ars based on the Tw in Tow er demolition; Muslims had nothing to do w ith the event. 7. Obama's
school records from Occidental, Columbia and Harvard are sealed; during his missing years at Columbia
he w as serving as a CIA asset w orking for the Mujahedeen "W arriors of Allah" (recall Allah originally
meant Sin) using an Indonesian Passport. Obama on a dozen different levels is
not Constitutionally eligible to be Commander in Chief, his orders are invalid, and US soldiers have no
rights under the Geneva Conventions. 300 Million persons residing in the US are likew ise living under
law s w ritten w ithout authority on land stolen from native populations. Congress know s of this and is
committing treason; to that end they proposed expatriation legislation declaring anyone committing
acts of Terrorism as "Non-Citizens". Destroying Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and perhaps Iran w ithout
justification is Terrorism by any definition.
Jew s have a similar public relations problem. "Jew " is an adherant of Mosaic Law (impossible
w ithout a legitimate Levitical Priesthood and Temple) or physical descendant of Judah (Netanyahu's
claim to Benjamin doesn't even count). Real Jew s are in Diaspora. Israel is not Jew ish in any sense of
the w ord; most (leadership) are Ashkenazi (descendant of Japheth) or Sephardic (Mixed); neither
groups are even Semitic let alone Jew ish. Talmudic Rabbis, Synagogues, Six Pointed Star, Babylonian
and Jerusalem Talmud, Zohar, Protocols of the learned elders of Zion (Zionism) and Kabbalah have
nothing to do w ith Judaism, yet the w orld has been conditioned to believe Israel has a God ordained
right to lie, cheat, steal and murder its w ay into land God promised Abraham. The 1948 creation of
Israel and today's Deepw ater Horizon and the Mavi Marmara are International incidents facilitated by
Satanists on both sides of the Dialectic w ith the goal stated in Gen 27:39-41 Esau's "Dominion".
Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis. Synthesis is W W III and the revealing of Luciferian
Gulf of Mexico Oil, Methane, Corexit "W eed Killer" destroying the ocean; w ith a relief w ell shaft in
place, closing the w ell w as a relief w ell aw ay and in a w orst case scenario 1 tactical nuclear
explosion w ould have prevented it. NYC smoking fertilizer bomb w as not capable of
exploding and pictures of a bald, w hite man mysteriously turn into a young Pakistani, providing
justification to kill Pakistanis w ith Drones and Xe Services Private Contractors. Iran has made no
attempt to produce 80% w eapons grade uranium yet the US insists this is their aim. Folks, I am not
Political and have no horses in this race save 1, help you see the need for a personal relationship w ith
Jesus Christ. The rest of the w orld does not see America as w e do.
The w orld sees dozens of versions of the perfect W ord of God contradicting itself as w ell as the
Quran. They see Jesus Christ turned into Santa, a Middle East Hittite god w ith a bag full of psilocybin
mushrooms. The tree is a "Grove", the ornaments "Sacrifices" to Sol Invictus. Anammellech is a 4000
year old Assyrian moon god, the Easter Rabbit and Ishtar's eggs are pagan and Solis Dies has nothing
to do w ith Sabbath.
Sabians of Harran started all the fraud; all Gnostic, their final guise as Rosicricians began 400 years
ago. Sabians are comfortable as Talmudic Rabbis, Orthodox Priests, Jesuit Priests, Protestant
Ministers and Abbasid Imams; all "Double Minded". W ake Up to the Truth, God put in w riting 6000
years ago. Rapture, Sermon, and Missionary are not in Scripture; Synagogue is not Jew ish,
Congregation is not Christian; Sunday is not the Sabbath. The w orld sees America charging Usury
and paying "Tithing" to hear W omen, Homosexual, Masonic, Kabbalist and Jesuit "False Prophets" tell
them they are God's Chosen Nation w ho have Divine rights to enforce the w ill of the Rogue Nation
of Israel under the Satanic Star of Molech and Chiun. Step back, become Holy and Ekklesia "Separate"
and look at the w orld situation from God's perspective. He w ill show you, but you must ask Him. It's
time to w ake up.
The last 2300 days before the 2nd Coming begin with "Daily Sacrifice" not Peace. God w as
Sacrificed and so w ill most of His follow ers. Edomites have Satan's plan w ritten in stone at the North
Georgia Guide Stones; it's' not for the faint of heart.
"How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice...tw o thousand and three hundred days..."
Dan 8:13-14
"Blessed is he that w aiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days" Dan
The 2nd Coming is not imminent; the last 2300 days (Dan 8) begin w ith Daily Sacrifice. W ar w ith Iran
w ill start the final 2300 Days (Dan 8). "70 W eeks" in Dan 9:24-27 is 490 Days; these days w ill end as
the Great Tribulation begins. Rapture is a Lie; there w ill how ever be a fake Rapture. 7 year Tribulation
is a Lie. The Roman Catholic Church is not Rev 17 "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." Chaldean/Sabian

Magick "W itchcraft" is; the attempt to become a god. America is not Rev 18 "Babylon"; The Tow er
of Babel is Babylon. America and the Catholic Church w ill how ever be totally destroyed and declared
"Babylon"; the Messiah rising from the ashes w ill be Antichrist, not Jesus Christ. Heb 9:22 says
shedding of blood is required for remission of Sin; for people w ho reject the blood of Jesus Christ, the
blood of Scape Goats is required.
"No man can serve two masters...Y e cannot serve God and Mammon" Mat 6:25 Karl Marx summed
up Mammon: "Abolish Private Property". How ? Bank of International Settlements "BIS"; in America the
best example is Goldman Sachs: 85 Broad St. 8/5=1.618 "Golden Proportion""; 8+5=13 "Rebellion";
"Sodom and Gomorrah" Gen 13:13; "Beast" of Revelation 13; 8X5=40: Days of Rain, Jonah's Assyrian
w arning, Years of W andering in the Arabian Desert, Jesus's Fast, Jesus' W arning to Judah and for the
occult "Lent". Goldman is the Rothschild Flagship; CEO Lloyd Blankfein says "I'm doing God's w ork";
true enough Lloyd, Esau's God of Mammon; making un-repayable loans on housing, selling the toxic
debt as leveraged "Derivatives", shorting the Housing Market (like airline stocks before 9/11), taking
the taxpayer bailout, purchasing 2nd mortgages for pennies on the dollar and getting
Capos Obama/Geithner to temporarily revalue 1st mortgage loan balances in order to make your 2nd
mortgage purchases 100X more valuable w as a stroke of genius. Too bad God sees it all eh? 7 Left
"Sinister" Forks takes a person from Columbus Circle to Union Square w here the Fasces is supporting
the US Flag in front of this God of Mammon on the Virgin Record Building. NY Federal Reserve 33 Liberty
St is the main repository of the w orld's Gold W ealth estimated at 5000 Metric Tonnes. W ho's in charge?
Tim Geithner; IMF, Kissinger Associate, Goldman, FED, Treasury Sec. Foxes alw ays guard hen houses;
just ask Goldman/FED Alums Alan Greenspan, Tim Geithner, Henry Paulson and Robert Rubin; the
money marionettes behind their respective W hite House puppets.
"Swear not at all..." Mat 5:34 Knight means "Service to the Queen". Easter is the Teutonic Goddess of
Spring. Templar Knights, Teutonic Knights, Hospitaller Knights sw ear allegiance to this "Mother of God"
Eos, Kali, Hathor, Ishtar. Too bad God doesn't have one.
"God said, Let there be light: and there was light" Gen 1:3 Holy Ghost is God illuminating Spiritual
Darkness. This Light has nothing to do w ith Starlight.
"I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the
light of life" John 8:12 This is describing the Holy Ghost
"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world" John 9:5 Occult "Freedom" and
"Liberty" refers to "Messiah cutoff" Dan 9:26 and "Heaven rolled as a scroll" Rev 6:14 the time to seek
out a relationship w ith Jesus Christ is now ; the offer has an expiration date.
"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man..." Jer 17:5 Jesus is Melchisedek,
trust Him, not "Sons of Belial" posing as Priests, Rabbis and Ministers
"...be not ye called Rabbi...call no man your father upon the earth...neither be ye called
masters...whoever shal exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be
exalted." Mat 23:8-12 Father, Master, Rabbi are titles for "Sons of Belial"; they are w orthless to your
Salvation w hich comes strictly from Jesus Christ
"...by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: it shall not be, saith the
LORD" Amos 7:2-3 Israel is a Satanic/Chaldean/Edomite Fraud. Real Jew s and the other 10 tribes of
Jacob are in Diaspora w here God put them.
"Behold, they dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; And
by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt
have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck...then will I (Esau) slay my
brother Jacob" Gen 27:39-41 Edomites (Fake Jew s) are the Military in every Nation on Earth; through
Deceit Esau achieves W orld "Dominion" 3 1/2 years, before Jesus reinstates Jacob to his rightful
inheritance; soon Esau's "Chaplain" Mask "Domini" w ill come off.
"Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated" Rom 9:13 Salvation rests w ith a relationship w ith Jesus
Christ; not the Congregation or Synagogue you are in.
"But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" Mat 24:37 If
you are oblivious to the W ar for your Soul; ask Jesus to W ake you Up and tell your other Priest to
"Shut the Hell up" so you can hear the Truth.
God is Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Word of God. No Oaths; just a relationship. Like Israel did on the
1st Passover, put His blood on your doorpost or suffer His W rath.
"Mammon" is the Synagogue of Satan Initiations and Oaths required. It is Amalekite not Jew ish;
Amalekites represent Esau; God hates Esau and they all know it. Eventually, an Oath of Allegiance on
pain of death w ill be required; Be Careful! STOP BLAMING JEW S!!
Truth versus the Sabian/Edomite Matrix
Earth is fixed at the center of the Universe; Earth is roughly 6000 years old; no Evolution, no Force
of Gravity, no Dark Matter. The Universe is not expanding; the speed of light is slow ing dow n; "Red
Shift" proves this and Astronomers all know it.
Sermon, Rapture, Mission and Missionary are w ords not found in scripture and Ministers all know it.
Synagogue is not part of the Old Covenant; Congregation is not part of the New Covenant; Sunday is
not the Sabbath. Priests on earth are not Christian; Rabbis are not Jew ish. Kaballah, Talmud, Zohar,
Zionism and modern Israel are not Jew ish. The "Cross" is not Christian; the Star of David is not Jew ish
and w as not used by King David. Purim is not Jew ish; Chanukkah is not Jew ish; Azazel is not the Scape
Goat; Rosh Hashanah is not New Year; Yom Kippur "Atones" for nothing; Christmas and Easter are not
Christian. Jew s w ere not chosen by God to rule the Earth; Esau w as.
Good and Evil have been Reversed
Satan assumed the title Lucifer "Light Bearer" to usurp the title "Light" that is God on Day 1. He
began secretly initiating follow ers in "High Places" into covenant called "Sacred Marriage", the Satanic
counterfit of "Marriage to the Lamb". The LORD did not raise Israel up; Satan did that through Edomites
"Society of Red Men". W hen Esau (Edom) achieves Dominion and makes the "Covenant w ith
Many" Messiah Jesus w ill be cutoff (Dan 9:26). In Noah's day, the Babylonian deity Shamash assumed
the titles "Judge of Heaven and Earth", "Lord of Judgment" and "god of Divination"; Shamash is now
the center candle on the Chanukkah Menorah; like the Talmud, Kabbalah, modern Israel and all

Talmudic Rabbis, none are Jew ish in any sense of the w ord; they are Satanic. The 8 candles represent
8 Covenents betw een God and Man w ith Shamash in the middle. It's time to accept Jesus' offer of
"Marriage to the Lamb".
End of the w orld on the 2012 Solstice? Absolutely not. End of the Spiritual 8th Covenant betw een
God and Man? ""; 11:11GMT, Dec 21, 2012 the "Sun w ill hang upon the Sacred Tree" aka
"W orld Tree". Jesus, "Son of man" w as hung upon the Tree to begin the 8th Covenant. As John 9:5
makes clear, Jesus is the "Light of the W orld" w hen He is in the w orld; the 8th Covenant "Age of
Grace" w ill likely end w hen the Sun is hung upon the Sacred Tree to begin the Great Tribulation. This
date may be the 6th Seal w hen "Heaven departs as a scroll rolled together"; w e'll all have to w ait and
see. 3 days later on "Sol Invictus", the "Covenant w ith Many" w ould be broken at mid-w eek and the
biblical "Strong Delusion" Paul spoke of in 2 Thess 2:11 w ill have arrived. Any better interpretations of
Scripture? I'm all ears, but just the same. I suggest making your proposal of marriage before then;
Obama's Rising/Setting Sun Logo designed by Sol Sender LLC is identical to Carbonfund.org. "Carbon
Offsets" are achieved thorugh sacrificed human beings, the animals they eat, the w ater they drink, the
energy they consume and the trees they use for shelter. Shamash w as know n as Pan to the Greeks;
I suggest follow ing the Lamb, not the Goat.
Voltaire said "People w ho make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"
Absurdities: Big Bang, Evolution, Gravity, Heliocentricity, Dark Matter, Aliens, Global W arming. Use your
Branes and this w ill make sense; no typo Astronomers think the Universe is one of billions of Branes. I
really w ish I w ere kidding.
Jesus summed up the Laws of the New Covenant as Love God; Love your Neighbor. By accepting
the services of a Lawyer in a Courtroom or Priest/Rabbi in a Church or Synagogue, you are
declaring yourself Incompetent to affect your own Salvation or to Stand Trial. Are the Laws Jesus
gave us too hard to understand?

NWO Quotes
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public
believes is false"- Reagan's CIA Director W illiam Casey.
"Oh Mortal Man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?" Jesuit Priest Adam W eishaupt,
father of the Bavarian Illuminati
"The Constitution (US) is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in
despotism"-Ben Franklin, Mason, Rosicrucian, member of Francis Dashw ood's "Hell Fire Club". Franklin's
map of the 13 Colonies w as shaped like a Serpent w ith the logan "Join or Die". The Hell Fire Club
consists of the St Law rence Church in Buckinghamshire topped w ith a Golden Sphere, cave entrance
"Catacomb", "Banquet Hall", Triangle shaped "Miner's Cave", River "Styx" and the Inner Temple. Still
w ant to Join?
It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us"-Joseph Stalin; Explains how
people like Bush, Clinton and Obama get w here they are eh?
"Earth occupies a unique if not central position in the Universe, this hypothesis cannot be
disproved but is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs" Edw in Hubble, the father of "Red
Shift" in a 1936 speech at Oxford. Think Science is after Truth? Guess again Einstein.
"War, famine, disease are necessary prospects of industrialized civilization to keep the population
down...war has been dissapointing in this respect...bacteriological war may prove more
effective"-Lord Bertrand Russell
"I'd like to be reincarnated as a killer virus"-Prince Phillip; Queen of Jerusalem's hubby
"The Technetronic Era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society dominated by
an elite unrestrained by traditional values with continuous surveillance and instantaneous review
of information of every person"-Zbigniew Brzezinski; Obama Advisor.

Ministry Alert
I first "w oke up" by reading books by Jesuit Priest Alexander Hislop "Tw o Babylons"; Fritz
Springmeier "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"; "Be w ise as Serpents", Dave Hunt "W oman rides the
Beast", Texe Marrs "Codex Magica" and w ebsites like Cuttingedge.org, W atchpair.com, Rense.com,
W hatreallyhappened.com and others; then I w oke up to the truth of the LORD. Ultimately, you like me
w ill make your choice concerning Truth and Lies; here a few w arnings signs to w atch for that may help.
Just the names and their lies; just a little leaven, leaveneth the entire lump. Paganism, Hellenism,
Freedom, Liberty, Arab, Sabian, Chaldean, Talumd, Zohar, Kaballah are w ords associated
w ith Satanism not Catholic, Jew , Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu. There are hundreds of sites and
thousands of books; these are just one's I'm familiar w ith and quite frankly Jesus Christ and the W ord
of God (KJV) is the only person and w riting I w ould ever place my trust in.
Subtle Errors to Avoid:
Father, Master, Rabbi: (Rabbi is an Arabic title "My Great One" it is not Hebrew or Jew ish). Other titles
not in scripture: Reverend, Archbishop, Cardinal, Monk, Nun, Knight. There is one Priest (Mediator)
betw een God in Spirit and Man in Flesh; Jesus Christ (God in Flesh) Ref Mat 23:8
Baptism, Marriage, Confession, Communion, Oaths: Jesus Christ (God in flesh) alone has the
Authority to administer these Covenants; they are betw een you and Him. Jesus and James w ere very
direct "Sw ear not" Ref Mat 5:34; Jas 5:12
Bible Commentary The Authorized Bible is God in w ritten form; it means exactly w hat it says, no man
has the ability to correct God. Ref 2 Pet 1:20
Women Teachers, Inter-faith Ministers: Eve fell into Sin first, it is not a w oman's role to teach
doctrine. Ref 1 Cor 14:34, 35 Inter-faith is Unitarian Gnosticism aka "New Age".
Sermons, Missions, Congregations, Synagogues:The first 2 w ords are not in Scripture; Jesus opened
His mouth, He did not give the so-called "Sermon on the Mount". Paul w aited until the Congregation
broke up to tell the congregation "continue in the grace of God" Acts 13:43. By King Solomon's day
"they have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land." Ps 74:8 Congregations are not Christian;
Synagogues are not Jew ish; neither are their leaders.
Talumd, Kabbalah, Zohar, Nag Hammadi Scrolls, Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrapha, Syriac Peshitta,
Quran, Rig Veda, Upanishads etc: There is 1 w ritten form of God; the rest are Gnostic creations.
Israel supporters: Amos 5 states the Virgin of Israel has fallen; Israel is changed back to Jacob and
Amos 7 states God repents, but Jacob shall not be raised. Modern day Israel are frauds.
Private Interpretations of Authorized Scripture (KJV), New Bible Versions. Examples: Daniel 8 says
2300 days; Daniel 24-27 says 490 Days. God w rote the book in advance and delivered it to Man
through the Holy Ghost; it is God in w ritten form, it has no errors (KJV).

Killing, Military Chaplains, War, Rebellion. Gnostics facilitate W ar and Strife, Chaplains are on both
sides of every w ar Ref Rev 11:18
Rapture, 7 year Tribulation, Israel Dispensation teachers: 7th Trumpet is the last day prior to the
2nd Coming and Marriage of the Lamb. There is no rescue before then.
Christmas, Easter, Lent: Gnostic Holy Days (Sol Invictus-Mithra, Ishtar, Tammuz respectively) w ith a
thin "Christian" veneer. Ref Luke 1; Tabernacles is Jesus' Birth; Ref Acts 12:4 Passover is not Easter, if
your version of scripture changes "Easter" an Edomite Holy Day w ith "Passover" the Jew ish Holy Day,
get a KJV.
Ministry, News Watch (No Judgment, Just the basic errors)
David Bay, www.cuttingegde.org: Rapture, Israel is Jew ish; KJV AMP Version
Barbara Aho, www.watchpair.com: Rapture, MYSTERY, BABYLON...=Jew ish, Catholic bashing
George Noory/Art Bell, Coast to Coast AM: tied to NASA, Aliens, New Age
Lambert Dolphin, www.ldolphin.org God's names are I AM, Melchisedek and JEHOVAH; he has
dozens incuding Adonis
Jeff Rense, www.rense.com: New Age, Aliens
Henry Makow: www.savethemales.ca Jew ish basher, Frank-Sabattaean=Jew ish
David Hunt: www.thebereancall.org Catholic basher; book W oman Riding the Beast=Catholic Church
Fritz Springmeier, book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"; Grey Aliens. His name Fritz: Peaceful ruler or
Malfunctioning and Broken and Springmeier: Germanic (Japheth) name "Bright, Shining, Clever
(Hebrew ); Headman, Farmer, Stew ard (German); Larger (Latin). Antichrist springing Peace on the w orld
is pretty clever.
Alex Jones, www.prisonplanet.com State of Israel is Jew ish
Michael Rivero: www.whatreallyhappened.com: Jesus had bloodline offspring=Palestinian
Bill Schnoebbelin: W itchcraft, Satanic Adept.
Stan Monteith, www.radioliberty.com Scottish promoter; family is signatory on Declaration of
Arbroath ie Knights Templar
David Meyer, www.lasttrumpetministries.org (d2010); 2nd Coming is imminent. David w as also a
w itchcraft adept.
Y air Davidiy, www.britam.org follow on to Arthur Koestler book "13th Tribe"; America and Great
Britian=Ephraim, Natives=Manasseh, Mormon Church=Dan, Israel=Jacob, Palestine=Esau
Nial Kilkenny, www.reformation.org/ Catholic basher, Scottish promoter, Martin Luther promoter.

Brother Nathanael Kapner, www.realzionistnews.com, Jewish basher, no mention of

Esau or his Dominion; Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion are Jewish. Jesus said street
preachers have their reward.
Arianna Stassinopolis (Huffington) www.huffingtonpost.com Inter-faith Ministry at
www.huffpost.com under ordained Baptist Minister/Princeton Religious Life Counselor Paul
Raushenbush; Jesus is the only path; interfaith is New Age Religion; Paul,
Arianna and frequent contributor Deepak Chopra know this.
Chuck Missler www.khouse.org Harpz (Greek)=Rapio (Latin) for Rapture "To take by
force" this is why the Latin Vulgate was replaced by the KJV Chuck; also Space-Time
relativity/Chaos Theory; Talumdim Tours of Israel featuring IDF, Knesset, Supreme Court,
Shin Bet, Mossad?
Tea Party Original Tea Party were Masons in the broader Society of Red "Esau" Men; no
change today.
Barack Obama, www.usurper.gov (Just kidding, seeing if you are still reading) "My father
served in WWII" Barack Obama Sr b1935, d1987 was 6 at the start, 10 at finish; Lolo
Soetero (step dad) b1936 d1982 was 5 at start, 9 at finish. What did they do Barry?

Recent Articles

67,072 bytes


W orld W ar III:
The W hite
Horse Rider,
and fake Gog
and Magog
brings in the
Pale Horse,
Death and Hell.
Magick's 3rd Act
is the
"Prestige"; fake
Aliens, fake
Rapture and a
very real period
of Daily
Sacrifice. Recent
material on
Revolution and

Tow er of Babel: No Tow er, just a

Tree w ith a Snake and Assyrian
Priests saying "Come and See".

371,200 bytes

156,160 bytes


178,176 bytes

Scape Goat: Sin

can be atoned
by Jesus Christ
or Azazel;
Heaven aw aits
one and the
Lake of Fire the
other. Choose
W isely; the
Assyrian King
Sargon III looks
ready to begin
the 3rd and
final act of
"Prestige" and
he's from

A to Z: 6000 years of turning God into a

Bull and His W ord into BS. Trans-humanism
and H+ symbol added to previous posting.
The Serpent is no Liberator; he is a Liar!

175,104 bytes

223,232 bytes


128,000 bytes

2300 Days
from Daily
Sacrifice until
Cleansing of
No,it w as not
fulfilled in the
Period; No,it
is not
animals; No,
it w as not
fulfilled in
1844 AD. 19
years ago on
Feb 28th
Bush Sr gave
Saddam the
Purim 2010
begins Feb
28th on the
day the
end. Time for
a 3rd Middle
East "Shock
and Aw e"?

Phoenix: Every 500 years, the Phoenix is

born from it's ow n destruction, connecting
Egypt w ith Arabia. It's America's turn for
the Eagle Bow l; out of the ashes, New
Jerusalem and New Atlantis w ill rise. Jesus
calls this "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt"
13: Lot and Abram separate in Gen 13 and
the Beast rises from the Sea in Rev 13.
Samson, Israel's 13th and final Judge killed
Philistines and offered himself as an
acceptable Sacrifice. America is about to be
offered as an acceptable Sacrifice for the
Beast. America's Burden w ill be 1040 days,
a multiple of 13 and 8 w hich w ill finish the
Great W ork (Rebellion "13" to God), end
the 8th contract betw een God and Man and
usher in the Great Tribulation. Are you
ready? 11/6/2009
Tax Time: 1040 days of Man-made trying

44,544 bytes

times or 1260 days of God's trying time.

Antichrist protects Esau in the first period;
God protects Jacob in the second. W e
need to make our Covenant w ith God
before your IRS Form 1040 is rejected!

Revelation: The final 2300 Days begins with WWIII

Updated 6/11/2010 Ezekiel 38-39;Rev 20:8 describe the post Millennium gathering "God and
Magog", 1000 years after the 2nd Coming and restoration of Jacob; W W III is the Amillennial fake using
the nations listed: Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, Turkey and its North Quarters.
WWIII: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Israel form the beginning and end of the
Karakoram Hw y to Megiddo "Mount of Slaughter". North Korea and South Korea are on w ar footing 60
years after the 1st Korean W ar w ith the Cheonan sinking. Ban ki-Moon, a Unification Church disciple of
Sun Myung Moon leads the UN. W ar w ill initiate the exodus w est. Iran is allied w ith Russia
(false Meshech/Moscow and Tubal/Tobolsk of Eze 38), China, Turkey and Brazil. Syria is aligned w ith
Venezuela. North Korea is allied w ith China. US is allied w ith geographic Israel "Spiritual Sodom and
Egypt", Britain "Covenant Men" and South Korea. Turkey (false Togarmah of Eze 38) sent the Mavi
Marmara "Encircle" through the Palestinian blockade and Israel (false House of Jacob) attacked;
Turkey is aligned w ith Iran and leads UN Security Council beginning June 2010. Yemen (false Sheba and
Dedan) w as attacked by US Cruise Missile in Dec 2009 using UN banned cluster munitions. Kyrgystan
sits at the north of the Karakoram Hw y; America's Afghansitan W ar depends on the Manas Airbase,
named after the Kyrgyz folk hero Manas, a W illiam W allace type clan leader on the Sunni Muslim side of
the Dialectic.
The goal is to bring the "Christian", "Jew ish", and "Muslim" religions into conflict and unite the w orld
under Luciferian rule in the "Covenant w ith Many" (Dan 9:27). Freedom from God w ill occur at Rev 6:14
and Dan 9:26, and the 42 W eek Great Tribulation w ill then begin.
Revelation is the testimony of God given to Man through the Holy Ghost; so w as Daniel 8 only then
it w as done in person. Revelation is divided into 3 groups of 7 for a total of 21 "Age of Accountability". 7
Seals end w ith Heaven departing as a scroll (Rev 6:14) and "Messiah being cutoff" (Dan 9:26).
An Alternative Messiah (Antichrist) is accepted "Covenant w ith Many" (Dan 9:27) and the Great
Tribulation begins w ith 7 Trumpets. Past this point (Rev 8), God w ill not hear prayers of "Earth
Dw ellers"; you must be in covenant w ith Jesus Christ by then. 42 months follow ; on the final day
"God's W rath", 7 vials w ill punish and cleanse evil from the w orld in preparation for the Millennium
(1000 year reign of Jesus Christ and King David); Simple enough?
Daniel 8 is the "Daily Sacrifice" of Man. Animal sacrifice ended w ith corruption of the Levitical
Priesthood and crucifixion of its Author "Melchisedek". This begins the final 2300 days leading up to
the 2nd Coming. The Glory of the LORD departed the 1st Temple in Ezekiel 8; God in flesh presented
Himself at the 2nd Temple 700 years later and w as "Hung upon a Tree", taking the exact same route
His flesh and Spirit departed. There w ill be no Millennial Temple; this 3rd Temple is a
Canaanite/Edomite/Ashkenazi man-made fake. Iran is the Persian Ram; America-Israel is the Grecian
Rough Goat (Esau). Iran's nuclear ambitions w ill be the excuse to start the w ar.
The Maccabean Rebellion during the Inter-testament Period could not fulfill this critical prophecy; it
w as betw een testimonies of God, and it w as God Himself w ho delivered it to Daniel (Dan 8:14). This
prophecy w as not fulfilled from 457 BC to 1844 AD as Millerites, 7th Day Adventists, Mormon, Jehovah
W itness claim. The W ord means exactly w hat it says.
There is no Rapture, 7 year Tribulation or Peace Treaty in Israel; Ashkenazi, Mizrahi and Sepharvites
are not Jew ish in any sense of the w ord nor is their Six Pointed Star, Kaballah and the Talmud.
The "Great Tribulation" is the last 1260 Days. The preceding 1040 days (8X130=1040) bring an end
to the Age of Grace; the 8th covenant betw een God and Man. "70 W eeks" means 490 days; Dan 9:2427 is very clear on this but Private Interpretation of scripture has added confusion. Amos 7:2-3 & 56KJV make perfectly clear God did not raise Jacob up; modern Israel is Man's Creation, not
God's. Interpreting "70 W eeks" as years began w ith the Aramaean version of scripture "Syriac
Peshitta" found at the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt at the St Catharine's Monastery (Catharine means Catharrelease of emotion; pretty simple eh?). The real Mt Sinai is in Arabia as Galatians 4 states plainly; Aram
w as Shem's 5th son; the Aramaean Antiochus sacrificed a pig on the altar of the 2nd Temple; Pharisees
crucified Jesus w hen He presented Himself at Herod's Temple and people considered Sw ine (unclean
animals) w ill soon be sacrificed; specifically about 6 Billion persons. Jesus states plainly that unless the
upcoming days w ere shortened, no flesh w ould remain; can you see w hy?
Dec 21, 2012 is the Age of the 5th Sun and date of the W orld Crucifixion; it has
governed the building of Sacred Architecture for 4250 years. That is how old the mountains and
canyons on earth are, but it's not w hat you are told is it? Occultists calculated the resulting Earth
precession w ith great accuracy but tell you in Universities the Earth is billions of years old. They are
lying and they know it. 13 references Gen 13:13 "Sodom and Gomorrah" and Rev 13 "Beast". It is the
most likely date I can find w hen "Messiah is cutoff' in Dan 9:26 and "Heaven departs as a scroll" in Rev
6:14. Man "Amalekites" sacrificed God and plan to sacrifice His follow ers.
In order (all overlapped): Daily Sacrifice, 4 Horsemen, 3rd Temple, Sol Invictus (Antichrist) accepted
"Covenant w ith many", Messiah "Jesus" Cutoff in the same w eek at mid-w eek (7 days), Great
Tribulation (7 Trumpets over 1260 days), 7 Vials of W rath poured out on the final day; 1 day after the
7th Trumpet (bodily Resurrection of believers from Age of Grace), 2nd Coming initiates the Millennium
(1000 year reign on earth by Jesus Christ and King David from Jerusalem).
4 Horseman (Horse stems from Mt Hor, home of the follow ers of Horus; Amorites and Edomites)
White Horse conquers w ith a bow . Archer is a w ord derived from Cow ard; victims of the long bow w ere
often unknow n to the archer; "enemy" as w ell as "friendly" casualties resulted then and are resulting
today "Cow -Herd" are people of the Blood Sacrifice ie Blood Libel; they w orship a goddess by a dozen
different names (Hathor, Asherat, Astarte, Ishtar, Atargatis, Maya) as Queen Bee; her Drones if you
w ill, Oath bound in Sacred Marriage. Phoenicians simply called her "Our Lady". Blasphemy of the Holy
Ghost occurs at the "Royal Arch" degree in Masonry; the Arch refers to the Rainbow , an escape from
God's W rath. Phoenicians w ere Canaanites w ho married into Ishmaelis, Edomites and Israel via
Solomon and Ahab. "W hite Horse Prophecy" (Myth) unites Mormons, Abraham and Mohammad w ith the
Phoenician/Carthaginian Gen Hamilcar "Punic W ars" and the Council on Foreign Relations "CFR". On
12/21/2012 the Sun w ill hang upon the Sacred Tree (Milky W ay is the W omb of the Goddess) and
the Earth w ill symbolically pass through the center w here Sagittarius the Archer aims the bow . Drones
(Global Haw k/Predator/Reaper/Raptor) are a big part of this Cow ardly form of w arfare. As of 4/26/2010
my guess as to the identity of the rider w ould be Obama as the US is the only nation I am aw are of
that uses them. I'm fairly certain they w ill be used against US citizens at some point. My Barack Hussein

Obama article has a dozen esoteric reasons w hy Obama, an Arab by birth and religion is the most
dangerous man to ever assume the office of President of the US; Barack means "Blessed" and
"Lightning"; his economic "Change" policy is the "Big Bang". He is likely an illegal immigrant using
multiple social security numbers not even in possession of a valid US Passport sw orn in by Jesuit w ho
botched the Oath of Office intentionally. Barak served Israel's 4th Judge Deborah (Dabar is Chaldean
for W ord ie Lie) Hillary Clinton (refer to Judges 4-5) has put Iran and North Korea on notice in addition
to Iraq, Pakistan and a summer offensive in Kandahar Afghanistan. W ith additional nations protection
pacts, add Russia, Brazil, Turkey and China to the list.
Red Horse takes peace from the w orld w ith a great sw ord; a "Rouge Coup" if you w ill. Rothschild=Red
Child/Shield; Esau=Red Child; Red Square in Moscow ; Red Tent=W itchcraft Ceremony; Red China, Red
Brigade; Red Communists; Cinncinati Reds (George W ashington considered the Order of Cinncinati the
most prestigious); Red Crescent; Red Cross; Rosicrucian "Order of Rosy Cross" Red Ink=Debt. The
American Revolution w as instigated by the Society of Red Men; Masons in Boston's Green Dragon
Tavern; Tea Party is identical. As America goes, so goes the w orld and the Freemason controlled Tea
Party movement publically led by Israel cheerleaders Sarah Palin and Rand Paul, Operation Garden
Plot, Rex-84, FEMA and USNORTCOM are big parts. Masonry crosses all National and Religious lines; as
America goes, the rest of the w orld follow s. "Rouge Cou" is Sarah Palin's Marketing Company in
Alaska but it means "Sudden decisive Communist/Edomite Revolution"; Going Rogue means "Scoundrel,
Scamp or Vicious solitary animal". America is to be declared "Babylon" in order to entice the w orld to
accept the Pale Horse Rider "Antichrist". America w as named after "Omme Rika" Norse "Last
Reich/Realm"; "Ultima Thule" for Last Spoken W ord, the Pirate Death's Head Cult phrase "Dead Men tell
no tales"; Amar=Canaanite god of the W est ie Setting Sun; Amurru=Edomite and Hittite Serpent god
and Shepherd god; Can=Priest of Cain. W e are the Mayan Eagle Bow l and w ill be sacrificed to the Sun
god Shamash. Sorry, but this w as America's Masonic founding goal from the start.
Black Horse "Control oil you control nations, control food, you control people"-Henry Kissinger.
"Permit me to issue a nation's money and I care not w ho makes its law s" Mayer Amschel
Bauer/Rothschild. brings w orld economic and physical slavery. Manna from Heaven and W ater from
Rocks happened once, I w ouldn't discount it happening again. Get right w ith Jesus Christ!
Economic collapse does not look very far off. FED charges interest to print money; CAFR's are the
hidden ledger of assets; the Capitalized name are the Flesh Debtors. W hy Black? Creditors are alw ays
in the Black; Debtors alw ays in the Red. W ho? Phoenicians and the familar Knights Templar and
Gnomes of Zurich. My guess as to the identity w ould be the 4th Baron of the W orld Banking
Dynasty (12/21/2012 is the age of the 4th-5th Sun) Lord Jacob Rothschild (Red Shield/Child is Esau,
Jacob's tw in brother). This freak has nothing to do w ith Jacob (nor did Revolutionary Scottish
Jacobites or British Jacobins), and everything to do w ith modern Israel (Fake Jew s) and if you can't see
his name is synonymous w ith Edom "Red", ask Jesus to w ake you up. W atch the progress through the
BIS (Bank of International Settlements) aka Reichsbank and IMF (International Monetary Fund) Greece
w ill be first to become dependent on IMF but others w ill fall like dominoes (Domino means both Mask,
Sun and Dominion and Esau is the Son prophesied to achieve Dominion not Jacob in Gen 27:40KJV)
Pale Horse "W e are the riders of the Pale Horse"-Barbara Marx Hubbard W ho is W e? (Ash is
Grey/Green; Chloro means Green; Chlorophyll uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen) The
Green Movement is the keystone of the Pale Horse; the justification for the slaughter of much of
humanity. Death and Hell follow this horse; Death meaning Spiritual Death, not necessarily physical
death. As of 4/26/2010 I can still only guess at Thomas Plantard, product of the Nazi 3rd Reich Tw ins
experiments; his name means "Tw in" and "Vine Cutting". W orld events are governed by the battle of
Esau and Jacob; as the KJV states plainly in Gen 27:40 Esau is the Red Tw in w ho achieves Dominion
first, so be careful! As Jacob impersonated Esau, Esau impersonates Jacob; w e may have trouble telling
them apart but I can assure you Jesus Christ does not; by the w ay, Obadiah is Jesus Christ; read His
book and see how Esau fares. Be aw are! God did not raise Jacob up as Amos 7:2 & 5KJV state plainly.
Modern Israel is the biggest deception in w orld history. The Iceland Volcano eruption coinciding
w ith NATO excercise "Brilliant Ardent" and the Deepw ater Horizon explosion/sabotage on
"Fordicidia" w ere likely not by accident. Folks, accepting the Pale Horse Rider no matter he looks or
sounds like w ill most certainly result in Damnation. Project Blue Beam w ill hand the w orld the Messiah
they expect from Mahdi to Krishna, to Maitreya, to Buddha or a fake Jesus. You see any of them, run
the other w ay; none are Jesus Christ. After the Pale Horse "Antichrist" is revealed, notice that Rev
6:14 "...heaven departed as a scroll w hen it is rolled together..." is next. Ever tried to add or subtract a
name from a scroll rolled together? Ever tried this w hen God has a hold of it? Me Neither; Get your
name in it w hile it is still open!!!
The diagram below (yes, I know I suck at w eb site design) is my attempt to put the last 2300 days in
proper perspective w ithout any sort of Private Interpretation. A clearer diagram is in my Dan 9:2427 article. Pretty simple, but so many have made it so complicated. Love God; Love your Neighbor has
never been very hard to understand but Priests have a knack for making it seem complicated and
mysterious. Jeremiah 17 says "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man...blessed is the man that
trusteth in the LORD". This is w hat He w rote, so I'll trust that it's the truth!!

The Real World in a Nutshell backed up with Authorized Scripture

"God said, Let there be light" Gen 1:3 This is 3 days before Stars or the Sun; Real "Light" is
the Holy Ghost.
"God called the dry land Earth" Gen 1:10 This is 1 day before the Sun is created; Gravity,
Orbits and Big Bang "Science" is pure fiction.
"Let us make man in our image" Gen 1:26 There are no Aliens. Period.
"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"-John 3:3 Flesh cannot inherit Heaven;
"Rapture" is pure myth.
"he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword"-Rev 13:10 Killing is not justified in the New
"God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant"-Gen
9:27 Most often, those claiming to be Jew s are not Jew s at all but descendants of Japheth. Ashkenazis
and Khazars are examples.
"Two nations are in thy womb" Gen 25:23 Nation comes from "Nasci" (To be born), it means people of
common customs or heritage. There are only 2 "Nations" on Earth, those w ho accept God and those
w ho do not. Jacob and Esau represent God and Mammon
"by whom shall Jacob arise?...The LORD repented for this: It shall not be..." Amos 7:2 Jeroboam built
Golden Bull altars at Dan and Beth-el; Israel w as scattered. The Rothschild/British gathering of 1948
and the Six Pointed Star are not the raising of Jacob, rather Esau's usurping of the covenant Esau sold
to Jacob.

Creation w as about 4004BC. The Edomite King, Herod the Great died Spring of 4 BC, Jesus w as
born on Tabernacles 6BC. The Earth is roughly 6000 years old; not billions as Science suggests or 7300
years as the Septuigint suggests. The "Christ" represented by BC-AD "Anno Domini" is Antichrist not
Jesus Christ.
"I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God...the rest of
the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished, This is the first resurrection...And when the
thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison" Rev 20:5-6 Amillennialism is Zionism,
it denies this thousand year period after the 2nd Coming. Creation w as made perfect in 7 days and w ill
be cleansed of Sin for eternity in 7000 years. The New W orld Order is the 3rd Beast; 1st Beast
Empire ended w ith the Flood; 2nd ended w ith the Crucifixion of God and the 3rd w ill end w ith
Fire at the 2nd Coming.
Luke 1:5;26;36 provide information to determine Jesus w as born on Feast of Tabernacles not
Christmas. Zechariah 14:1;16 describe the 2nd Coming "day of the LORD" and the commandment to
keep an annual celebration of the "Feast of Tabernacles". That day is the physical "New Birth" for
everyone in history w ho had a relationship w ith God through the Holy Ghost "Spiritual New Birth".
W hat if anything happens on Christmas "Sol Invictus", 3 days after Dec 21, 2012 "Solstice" is anyone's
guess, but likely this date w ill have nothing to do w ith Jesus Christ and everything to do w ith
Jonah w as in the belly of the fish 3 days and 3 nights (Jonah 1:17); Jesus w as in the sepulchre 3 days
and 3 nights (Mat 27:63); the Great Tribulation lasts 1260 days (3 1/2 Lunar years). No salvation is
offered after the "Covenant w ith Many" (Dan 9:27) during these last 3 1/2 years. The final 2300 days
begin w ith "Daily Sacrifice" (Dan 8:14) not a Peace Treaty in Jerusalem or Rapture. "Daily Sacrifice" is
not a resumption of the Old Covenant as Amos w as told by the LORD; it is the release of the W hite,
Red, Black and Pale Horsemen of Rev 6. Skip the Private Interpretations of theologians and Study Bible
notes and notice that Dan 8 describes the w ar w ith Persia (Iran). About 2160 years ago, the
Astrological House of Pisces began w hen Antiochus sacrificed a Sw ine on the altar of the 2nd Temple;
the Age of Aquarius is here. Economic Meltdow n is all but assured; Russia is backing Iran;
China controls most US ports and Treasury Notes. The Karakoram Highw ay runs from SW China to
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Jordan to Har Megiddo. It doesn't take a genius to see the last
2300 days may begin at any time. If you are w aiting for the Rapture or Peace Treaty in Jerusalem, you
are w aiting on Zionist myth rather than Scripture. If none of this makes sense it's likely you are
"W icked"; Daniel said "none of the w icked shall understand" (Dan 12:10). W icked means having the
desire to harm another person and every Church on Earth teaches this. Revenge formed the basis for
the first set of Man's Law s w ritten during the 130 years before Abram w as born in Babylon: Naram-Sin,
Lipit Ishtar and the Code of Hammurabi w hich forms the basis for the last set of Man's Law s Noahide
and Sharia Law . I suggest letting God exact Vengeance, after all that is His w ritten responsibility and
The date I believe fits the criteria for "Messiah being cutoff" in Dan 9:26 is "Sol Invictus" aka
Christmas 2012. The 1 w eek "Covenant w ith many" of Dan 9:27 w ould begin 12/21/2012, the date
know n for 4350 years w hen the Sun w ill hang upon the Sacred Tree. is the end of 12
Astrological Houses caused by Earth precession w hich w as set up by God during the Flood; the
symbolic rising of the Beast of Revelation 13 and the return of Sodom and Gomorrah described in Gen
13:13. Don't w ait to see if I'm right; establish your personal covenant w ith Jesus Christ now .

55,808 bytes

LXX: 70 is not 72. The

Septuigint w as w ritten by
70 men in Alexandria
Egypt listening to a False
Prophet and an
Antichrist. W hen Slime
Mortar hardens to a
Diamond the Adamant
Stone on the Throne w ill
measure the Temple w ith
a Plumb Line just before
he puts up an Idol of
himself. If you w ait until
then to make your
Covenant w ith Jesus
Christ, you w aited too
long. 2/9/2009

41,984 bytes

54,784 bytes

Revelation: The
Testimony of
Jesus Christ is
arguably the
most important
book in the
bible. It's often
the most
book. 4/18/2008
Bible: 7000 year
Blueprint w ritten
on the
stone. Typos

Rapture: Is not in the

bible! 10/11/2007

47,616 bytes

67,072 bytes

Nephilim is not in
the bible. Giant
means feller, bully
or tyrant, not
"Fallen Angels"
w ho mated w ith
human w omen.
God did not create
Aliens in His image
and likeness; He
created Man. Stars
do not produce
carbon either.
Better W ake Up.

166,912 bytes

47,616 bytes

185,856 bytes

Six Pointed
Star: It flys
over the
city Jesus
Sodom and
Egypt for a
Symbol and
added to

Chiliasm: Zionism
by another name;
placing a Man on
the Throne of
David is only
possible by
claiming Jesus
w as not God in
flesh. Jesus calls
this Blasphemy of
the Holy Ghost
and the doctrine
of Antichrist.

Outlaw : Everyone
outside of God's
protection under the
law . Love God Love
your Neighbor.
Beast: About as much
of an animal as a
serpent is a snake! It's

39,424 bytes

serpent is a snake! It's

an entire w orld w ho
reject the blood of
Jesus and are w aiting
their Man to rule in
Jerusalem. Oops, I
mean Spiritual Sodom
and Egypt! 4/5/2008

V: Sacred Feminine is not

sacred, its the end of the
Age of Grace. 4/3/2008

48,128 bytes

80,384 bytes

37,888 bytes

51,712 bytes

Mona Lisa: The

Assyrians made
an ivory mask
3000 years ago,
w hich w as later
called by this
name. W ho or
w hat does she
Birthright: Don't
sell it lightly; you
can't get it back
by impersonating
your brother.

Hitler and Bush: New

W orld Order dupes
financially and
spiritually joined at the
hip. 3/24/2008

47,616 bytes

90,112 bytes

2 W itnesses:
Enoch and
Elijah. The
catch is 2 w ill
precede them;
probably St
John "Divine"
and Moses.
Don't fall for
the w rong
W itnesses; the
first 2 lead to
bondage, the
second to the
Kingdom of
Jesus Christ.
Previous article
needed slight

Nimrod: A Cushite
w ho came to Babylon
from the w est.
Asshur, a son of
Shem (Semite.
Neither built the
Tow er of Babel;
Aryans built that and
are the current
architects of the New
W orld Order.
Highlanders from
Iran and Scotland,
they are god men in
the Aryan
Brotherhood and
their 4th Reich is
rising. It's also their
last Reich. 3/8/2008
Authority: God
(Father) gave
authority to

40,448 bytes

authority to
Jesus (God in
flesh)and He
gave authority to
His apostles.
W ho gave
authority to your
Priest or Pastor?

44,032 bytes

Urim and
The blood
of Jesus
makes us
perfect so
w e can
the W hite
Stone is
the goal.

Solomon's Key: Dan Brow n's 3rd book and

3rd horrendous lie. 2/3/2008

231,936 bytes

67,072 bytes

The Council of 9: Antichrist. False

Prophet and 10 Kings of w hich 3
are fallen. Oh, yeah, all of them are
controlled by demons. 2/23/2008
Previous posting w as the w rong

35,840 bytes

43,008 bytes

Baptism: The W ater

of Life
(Jesus)cleanses sin
and bestow s the
Holy Ghost. How
can a Priest or
Pastor give
something they
don't have the
authority to give?
Charity is not money:
It's helping people
find the Narrow Path
to Salvation through
Jesus Christ.

44,544 bytes

A Jew ish

America: Amraphel (Hammurabi) lived by man-made laws of revenge "Code of Hammurabi". He

worshipped a Goat Idol "Shamash" Esau's "Judge of Heaven and earth". Shamash became Marduk
and later, Adramellech (2 Kings 17:30). An Amorite (Canaanite) Hammurabi's (Shinar) land was
called Amurru or Amurri, the source of the name America. Amorites were fair skinned, light hair
and blue eyes.
Freemasons and Rosicrucians founded America's "Eastern Establishment"; Sepharvaim
(Conquistadores and Dominican Monks) murdered native inhabitants in order to create a New
Atlantis, essentially a New Jerusalem in order to compress 7000 years of biblical prophecy into
6000. New Jerusalem descends from Heaven after the Millennium! The one being created today is
Esau's counterfiet. America cannot be, nor ever has been a "Christian" Nation simply because
there aren't any Christian Nations; there are however Christians in every nation walking through
the valley of the shadow of death as Psalm 23 states. Encompased by enemies, America will fall
from treason as planned from the beginning. America will be declared, and cheered around the
world to be Babylon of Rev 18 so that a Jesus imposter can restore peace to the world taken for
over 400 years by America.
The Roman Catholic Church will fall (sabotaged by Jesuit Knights ie Hospitallers, Knights of
Coulumbus and Knights of Malta) with America, and falsely declared to be MY STERY ,
BABY LON THE GREAT. This will initiate 2300 days of "Daily Sacrifice" described in Daniel

8. Jacob's Twin Brother, Esau is Red; Red means Magick "DM" in Hebrew; Dom is Sun and Esau's
"Dominion" is certain. When it occurs, his "Domini" Masquerade Mask will come off to reveal a Red
Dragon. This is Witchraft and the "Goddess" religion of Antichrist, Esau's god. This is the true
MY STERY , BABY LON THE GREAT. America is simply the last "Domino" to be put in place and $11T
in debt is certainly doing that. BABY LON THE GREAT is on the way whether you are aware of it or
not; the MY STERY is that without the Holy Ghost, you part of it. Isaac prophesized Esau would one
day achieve dominion over Jacob. A Born Again relationship with Jesus is our only protection; the
next few articles will illustrate this "Great Work"; a WASP, Egyptian "Apis" Bull and Assyrian
"Bee" Sting inflicted by Satan worshippers posing as Jews and Christians. Jesus said "a m an's
foes shall be they of his own household" Mat 10:36 Esau was Jacob's Twin; God can tell them
apart and with His help, you can too.
Amar Cain's destiny w as set in stone by
Freemasons, it's just more obvious now .
Parsley and Hagee added to McCain's list of
advisors. 3/26/2008

70,656 bytes

66,048 bytes

204,800 bytes

The Secret:
Americans seem
to be the only
ones not in on it.

America's Double Cross:

NAFTA Superhighw ay and
Railroad. Pictures added
to previous article



37,888 bytes

40,448 bytes

72,192 bytes

American: How did

w e get this name,
and how old is it?
Article slightly
changed; updated

Horus: He didn't stay

in Egypt; he w ent to
Greece, Rome, Europe
and ended up on our
$1 bill. This is his story

36,352 bytes

W hy w orry
them? Their
eye is on
our $1 bill!

The Statue of Liberty

24,576 bytes

The Age of Aquarius is the Canaanite attempt to force 7000 years of biblical prophecy into 6000 so
that Antichrist (Esau's Alternative Messiah) will be accepted by the world. His symbol is the ChiRho. The Egyptian Pyramids are near Cairo and on the US $1 next to the Eagle for a reason. It's
Esau's symbol.


Chi Rho: The combining of secular and

religius authority under the Sun God. New
material added to previous article.

108,032 bytes
Druids are Bards
and both are
British royalty


30,720 bytes



1,828,864 bytes

The United States of


34,816 bytes

33,280 bytes

38,912 bytes

Reject God;
He gives
you a
mind w hich
you for

Reality exists in 4
dimensions: breadth,
length, depth and
height. Priests of
Baal like to control
the height dimension
and scientists try to
hide its existence.

Isaac told Esau he would live off the fatness of the earth and one day achieve "Dominion" over
Jacob. "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender" Prov 22:7 The
groups most responsible for the demise of America and implementation of the New World Order
are the Federal Reserve (Knight Templars who worshiped the Goat Idol Baphomet ie
Esau), Hospitalers (Knights of St John of Jerusalem) and Rosicrucians (Artemis "Goddess" worker
bees; the real infiltrators of Freemasonry; Roses were said to grow from the blood of Adonis ie
Esau) whose motto is "The Rose gives honey to the bees". Our demise was set in stone when
Woodrow Wilson allowed the Central Bankers the right to print our money.

51,712 bytes

Usury: Prohibited by
God, the reason Jesus
turned the tables and
the reason for the 2nd
Coming. Even Aristotle
called it despicable.
5/2/2008 Original
article updated

Metropolis: Hellenic Greece began the

global Police State, but America w ill
finish it. 11/10/2007

62,976 bytes


Horite, Edomite, Nabbatean hideout or

God's protective cave for Jew s during the
Great Tribulation? New material added

44,544 bytes

26,112 bytes

Horus and
Seth: Battle
of the
coming soon
to a theatre
all around

Egypt: 400 years of

bondage. America 400
years as slave ow ners


31,744 bytes


British Means
"Covenant Men": W ho
did they make it w ith?

56,832 bytes

Privates: The low est

of Satan's soldiers

29,696 bytes

Jerusalem is "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8); Jacob is not there and will not be restored
until after 2nd Coming. Operation Brimstone is retribution for Sodom and Gommorrah, the Red Sea
Crossing, Jericho, Elijah's killing 450 of Baal's Prophets, Nineveh's judgment etc by Edomites,
Moabites, Ammonites, Babylonians, Median "Magi". The Priesthood God set up under Moses and
Aaron "Levitical" was replaced by "confederates" listed in Obadiah; Medes, Samaritans,
Sepharvites and Ashkenazis. Israel is not Jewish; its Edomite. After the 2nd Coming there will not
be 1 Edomite left; they are very desperate. I suggest the "confederates" seek Jesus Christ while
they still can. Everyone written in the Lamb's "Book of Life" is a "Born Again Christian".

45,056 bytes

Korahites: The
Jew ish Priesthood
is not w hat it
used to be.

33,792 bytes

64,512 bytes

The "Seventy"
counterfeits of

Libertines: They
had their ow n
synagogue, but
w ere not Jew ish!

W elcome to the
Lion's Den

35,328 bytes

Chabad-Lubavitch: You think our Supreme

Court is corrupt, w ait until theirs is in
charge of the w orld. 11/15/2007

72,192 bytes

Palestine: Ham's descendants and

scapegoat Edomites w ritten Aug 20,2007

48,128 bytes


Seven: Perfection and

Antichrist deception
from the Great City on
the 7 hills.

33,280 bytes

70,144 bytes

Liberty is
liberty from
God; Calvin
said the
list of
salvation is
set in

70,144 bytes

think they
are the
latter day

Quacks: Frauds as
doctors and

44,032 bytes

Empires, Science, and Religion: All

controlled by Magi 9/4/2007

39,424 bytes

43,520 bytes

Ordo Ab Chao:
Chaos is
coming. W ho
do you serve?

Aryan means Iran. The Aryan 4th Reich is the culmination of forcing 7000 years of biblical
prophecy into 6000. Mede Priests inspired hatred of Persians in Greece and are doing it again.
Operation Brimstone (Naval blockade of Iran) began on Lugnash 2008 along with Russia's war on
Georgia (Togarmah's "North Quarters"). Gog and Magog is a gathering for battle against Jesus at
the end of the Millennium called "Jacob's Trouble", but a fake Gog and Magog gathering is
underway right now. Ahmadinejad is fully controlled by Mede "Magi" descendants "Grand
Ayatollah". His words are similar to the ones Xerxes used at Thermopylae only in Operation
Brimstone he will darken the sky over the Persian Gulf with missiles rather than arrows. That's
why America is putting 5 aircraft carrier task force groups there. Bozrah is Esau's Sheepfold; this
war will begin in Basra "Venice of the Middle East". HG Wells predicted WW3 would begin in Basra
in 1933. Basra is the only escape route available for US troops. "Black Nobility" families initiated
the Italian Renaissance and are now ready to initiate the Middle East Renaissance. Aryan's came
from the east to build the first Tower of Babel and this war will finish it.
Hellenists destroy the w orld as w e
w atch the game. 9/18/2007 One mistake
change Priam to Menelaus

36,864 bytes

Scythians: Red haired, w hite skinned

Black Sea Princes. 1/11/2008

33,280 bytes

52,224 bytes

40,960 bytes

The 300: Greeks w ere made to hate the

Persians, now America is supposed to do
the same. The sky w as darkened w ith
arrow s then and w ill be w ith missiles this
time. 2/1/2008

46,592 bytes

rise of the
4th Reich of
the Aryans.
This is the
part w here
the eagle
gets it's
w ings

Aryan: Iran means Aryan. Eze 38

describes Gog and Magog at the end
of the Millennium, but this coalition of
nations is gathering today. Read Gog
and Magog, Ahmadinejad and and
The 300 to understand w hy this is
happening now . 2/27/2008

Iran: The beginning of the Orw ellian

nightmare on Elm Street. 9/30/2007


44,544 bytes
Satan's plan is to coerce Edom to impersonate Jacob so that Antichrist can impersonte Jesus in
every respect; to become the Bread, Manna, Water, Light and Morning Star. Here is how he does

41,472 bytes

W hich is more
valuable, gold or
w ater? It's not a trick
question either. Now ,
guess w ho ow ns it?

46,080 bytes

46,592 bytes


but Chaos
added from
1st posting

Food: Manna from

Heaven or GM crops
laced w ith heavy metal?
Are you are w orthy to
take Communion? Is
your Priest w orthy to
give it to you? New
material added, but I
still don't celebrate
Samhein. 10/31/2007

Mere Christianity does not have

Satyrs, Fauns, Priests, or
Pastors; it is you and God.
science added 11/10/2007

35,840 bytes


Beasts of

36,352 bytes

Bees and Apis Bulls: Occult version of the

Living God. 11/29/2007

39,936 bytes

Abu: Alien guide to enlightenment or

demon guide to Hell? Material added to
previous article 12/08/2007


Jesus was made Priest forever after the order of Melchisedek. He changed Abram to Abraham and
Jacob to Israel. He is God in flesh; these guys are deceived men who think they can become a god.

34,816 bytes

Illuminati: Solar
Priests 4500
years in the

48,128 bytes

Crow n Royal:
Initiates of the

Neo-Cons: Priests of the New W orld Order

just like they alw ays have been.


46,592 bytes

43,008 bytes

65,024 bytes


of Satan:
Fake Jew s
living in
No I didn't
w rite it on
Beltane; I
noticed it
then I
posted it.

Kirkin O Tartan:
Blessing the
Sanhedrin for the
crucifixion and the 7
Noahide Law s w hich
provide the death
penalty for
Christians in the

Vril: Atlantean DNA or

Kabbalist hoax?
Paragraph added to
original article 1/30/2008

61,440 bytes

30,208 bytes

God rules
in the
of men;
this is

The Word of God means exactly what it says. Missionary and Sermon are not in the bible. An
elevated clergy and Man-made Churches are something Jesus Hates. The Christian Church is Holy
and Ekklesia which both mean separate.

32,768 bytes

42,496 bytes

Missionary: The
w ord is not in
the bible,
therefore there
is no further
necessary about
them doing
God's w ork.

Prison: You can be

forced into 3
dimensional prison,
but you put your spirit
in voluntarily.

Antichrist: Alternative Christ w hom most

people w ill accept as Jesus. 5/2/2008

49,664 bytes

Shem's Tents: Japeth snuk in w ith Canaan

as his servant. Support for Israel is support

for "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt". 5/4/2008


34,304 bytes

42,496 bytes


The Sting:
secretion of lying
Bees, Hornets and
W ASPs. 5/6/2008

Noah's Flood: A very real, provable event

soon to be repeated w ith fire. It's time to
make your Ark by becoming a Born Again
Christian. 5/18/2008

45,568 bytes

51,200 bytes

Arabs, Jew s and Christians all

claim the covenant Abraham
made w ith God. Ishmael and
Esau are lying. Yours can be
made today. 6/2/2008

39,424 bytes


46,080 bytes

AIPAC: The bible says

Esau is in Jerusalem
pretending to be
Jew ish. If so, AIPAC is
his lobby. They are not
Good Samaritans
either. 6/3/2008

Jew s: The Star of David is really the Star of

Molech, Jerusalem is Spiritual Sodom and
Egypt, Samaritans are their priests and
Esau's descendants are pretending to be
Jew s. God's restoration of Israel is just
over 1000 years aw ay. Any questions?

47,616 bytes

Tubal and
Bush is
not their
Tyrus is.

49,152 bytes

41,984 bytes

44,544 bytes

Semiramis: The real architect of the New

W orld Order faces east in NY Harbor
holding a torch for her Northern Dancer
(Lucifer)w ho sires 8 Belles (end of w atch
or Mutiny on the high seas) and breaks
both legs after being predicted by Hillary
(blueblood Mare)to w in over Big Brow n,
and she compares Obama to RFK. Other
than that; nothing unusual. 6/24/2008

Asherah: The w ord is not in the Authorized

Bible. The Catholic Church has nothing to
w ith Asherah and Mary is not the Mother
Goddess; Anamellech is. If you hear use of
this w ord it comes from a liar. W arning
about Roger Oakland added to previous
article. 6/28/2008
Optimism: Good

to God:
Dan is not
the 13th
Tribe of
are and
Ishmael is

35,840 bytes

w ill prevail over

evil, but Satan
has systematically
reversed the 2.
Like Rapture,
Optimism is not in
the bible.

The Great Tribulation lasts 1290 days, ending at the 2nd Coming. Jacob's Trouble (Jer 30:7)
lasts 1 day; Joel calls this gathering around Jacob and Jerusalem the "Great and terrible Day of
the LORD". Theses events and are separated by the Millennium (1000 year reign of Jesus Christ
on earth). Daniel 7 describes the 4 Kingdoms upon the earth; Kingdom means "Sovereign
Dominion", so the common interpretation of Babylon, Meda-Persia, Greece, Rome cannot be
accurate as none were truly Sovereign. Dan 7 describes the Pre-flood world, Noah's Flood to
Crucifixion, Crucifixion to 2nd Coming, and Millennium. The culmination of man's rebellion to God
is called Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39; Rev 20). This event will soon be faked, but the actual
fulfillment is just over 1000 years in the future. Jacob's Trouble (Jer 30:7), "Books" opened (Dan
7:10; Rev 20:12), "Judgment Seat", destruction of Satan for eternity (Rev 20:10), restoration of
Israel (Jacob) (Eze 48), New Jerusalem, New Earth, New Heaven (Rev 21), and the Temple of
God (Eze 40-47) descending from heaven are all events 1000 years in the future but the Satanic
duplication will likely begin with the Iran "Aryan" War and Russia filling the role of Tubal
(Tobolsk) and Meshech (Moscow). The upcoming Iran, Russia, Turkey, Israel war cannot fulfill
these biblical events. They are over 1000 years in the future!
God and His Word are not confusing, Dan 9:24-27 means exactly what it says "70 Weeks" is
490 days, not years. Likewise, nowhere in the bible is the Tribulation described as being 7
years. Research this for yourself; the beginning and end points rest on Man's interpretation of
history; not a good reason to change what the bible says! A "Peace Treaty" in Jerusalem is the
"Covenant with many" (Dan 9:27) you had better be in a one on one relationship with Jesus Christ
by that point. The "Daily Sacrifice" won't be animals; the height of the Aztec sacrifice will pale in
comparison to this bloodbath orchestrated by the Alternative Christ "Messiah the
Prince"; "Messiah" (Jesus) will be "cutoff" during the following week (7 days). The Crucifixion did
not "cutoff" Jesus from anyone!
The earth is coming up on 6000 years of age; the only protection from the "Strong Delusion" is
to read the Authorized bible and believe what it says; it is not subject to anyone's "Private
Interpretation". God is not the author of confusion; Satan is and worldwide "Chaos" is coming.
The next few articles will go against what many theologians and study bible notes teach; that's
fine, God didn't ordain any of them! He teaches through the Holy Ghost.

49,152 bytes

Denying the
Reign of Jesus
Christ is
Satanism plain
and simple. It
took 7 days
for Creation,
not 6. Gog
and Magog is
a gathering
against God
over 1000
years aw ay;
the Iran W ar
is a Satanic

37,888 bytes

Timing: God
made man
on day 6; at
6000 years,
a man w ill
lead the
w orld to
Gog and
happens at

37,888 bytes

7000 years.
The current
gathering is
a Satanic

49,152 bytes

54,272 bytes

44,544 bytes


39,936 bytes

of Israel: A
7000 year
process of
w ant to do
it in 6000

There is
Temple in
the bible.
There is a
w hich fails
up and
one that
dow n from
later, after
it is

4th Beast: 4th

Kingdom lead by a
false Sovereign
King. 1st ended at
the Flood w hen all
flesh had been
corrupted; 2nd
ended at the
Crucifixion of the
LORDS; 3rd w ill
end at the 2nd
Coming of the
LORDS; 4th w ill
end 1000 years
later at Gog and
Magog aka
"Jacob's Trouble".
The Spirit of God
w ill once again be
on a New Earth in
a New Temple in
New Jerusalem.

Jacob's Trouble: 1 day at the end of the

Millennium, not 3 1/2 years at the end of
the Tribulation. Jacob is not in Israel yet.
His tw in Esau is there impersonating Jew s.
Jacob is restored after Gog and Magog at
the end of the Millennium. 7/26/2008
The Bridge over
Troubled W ater
is the occult link
to the Pre-flood
w orld God

53,760 bytes

(Naval Blockade
of Iran) and the
Russian w ar on
north quarters
w hen
Grove 2008
ended and the
attention of the
w orld became
focused on the
8/1/2008 is
"Harvest of
Souls" and this
may ignite
W W 3, a
revenge of
God's use of
(Brimstone) on
Sodom &

"Kings of the East" are sinners wandering "East of Eden" (Nod) worshipping the Rising Sun rather
than God; they are not people living "East" of the Greenwich Meridian in England. Gog and Magog
is a worldwide gathering against Jesus Christ in Jerusalem over 1000 years from now.
Armageddon is a not a battle against Jesus; He created the Universe with His Word and destroys
200 million people with the same Word. Creation took 6 days and most of the world will accept the
leadership of a Man at the 6000 year point. God's plan of redeeming humanity will take 7000
years. Gog and Magog and Armageddon are 2 events of "Rebellion" separated by 1000 years; the
Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. Satan's followers hope to change the Word of God. Too bad for
them He wrote the ending nearly 6000 years ago.

60,928 bytes

94,720 bytes

Kings of the
East: God
show ed
Ezekiel they
w ere men
w ho turned
their backs
tow ard Him
and faced
east to
w orship the
rising sun.
W hy then
claim they
come to
from the
East across
Iran, Iraq
and Jordan?
Hint: East is
not a
added to

Cocatrice: Cross
betw een a
Rooster (Cock)
and a Dragon; one
army of them w ill
be sent by God
and another by
Satan; telling the
difference w ill
make the
difference of a
lifetime. 9/7/2008
Obadiah: Servant
of Jehovah.

59,904 bytes

Jehovah means
"Self Existent".
Jesus is "Alpha and
Omega". Obadiah is
the shortest and
arguably most
damming book on
Jacob's (Israel) tw in
brother Esau. Esau
does not like Jesus
and is getting very
desperate in his
attempt to assume
the covenant God
made w ith
Abraham. The
entire w orld w ill
soon be seeing
"Red" due to their
attempt to destroy
w hat God has
made. "Except
those days be
shortened, no flesh
w ould remain..."

Edom means Red; "Rouge Cou" means "Edom's Sudden decisive Political Action". McCain is
Scottish for "Son or Clan of Cain". Sarah Palin choose "Rouge Cou" for a business name. Michelle
Obama wore a Black Widow dress with the Red Hourglass to the acceptance speech. Obama is
Persian for "He is with us". Druze Bedouins claim Obama is related to Abraham thorugh Ishmael
and Esau. Esau was born Red, married 2 Hittite (Canaanite) daughters in rebellion to God and his
father Isaac and is prophesized to obtain "Dominion" over Jacob. Obama uses the Rising Sun Logo
ascending out of Red and White Stripe (Chaldean "Witness" vs Jacob's "Witness"). Did we really
have a choice in this election? What does "Change is Coming" refer to? I think it means Esau is
nearing "Dominion" over Jacob and is about set to kill him. What do you suppose will happen in
America if Barack Obama is declared inelligible to become President by the Neo-Con (New World
Order Priests) establishment? Civil War anyone? Jacob is not in Israel, that nation is a
British/Rothschild (Birthright/Red Child) creation; Jacob (Jews and Born Again Christians) are in
"Diaspora", scattered all over the world. When this Coup happens, hold on to your hat; or better
yet head for you Prayer Closet and tell Jesus Christ you want His protection.

50,176 bytes

Rouge Cou: Edom's attempted

destruction of Jacob and Satan's
impersonation of Jesus Christ. It's also
Sarah Palin's marketing business.
Paragraph added on Rio Tinto to
previous posting 9/31/2008

Cretians are self admitted liars, evil beasts and slow bellies. Cretians (Minoans) are likely of
Edomite origin and religion. They first came from Phoenicia to Egypt as foreign rulers "Hyksos"
(Semitic Shepherd Kings), then Minoans, Etruscans, Hasmonean Priests (Macabbees) in
Jerusalem and foreign rulers "Welsh" in Britain and the US. Cretians turned God into a
golden "Apis" Bull, coerced Jeroboam to set up this idol on Mt Hermon and brought it (Puritans and
their Nicolaitane Doctrine) to Wall St. Science is falsely so-called; it is the most aspotate
"Religion" on Earth by far. Ministers of God point the Narrow Path to Salvation to Jesus Christ so
He can Baptize, accept Tithing, offer Communion and consummate the Marriage of the Lamb with
the Holy Ghost. The Zeus myth, Bull Fighting/Leaping (human sacrifice), worship of the Mother
Goddess "Labrys", Masonry and Grove Rituals, all originated or made their way very early to
Crete. Now they lead most governments, religious and aid organizations on Earth. Do you suppose
it's coincidence that the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt for instigating wars with the Hittites 1
year before the Red Sea Crossing in 1492 BC; the year the Thera volcano erupted, sending a
tsunami to Minoan Crete and the year Christ-Taufr Columbus AD (Taufr means Red Magic/Ochre
and Columbia is the Roman goddess of Freedom) set sail to found New Jerusalem?

68,608 bytes

Cretians: Liars, Evil

Beasts, Slow
Bellies. The source
of the Cretian
Minotaur, Egyptian
Apis Bull, W all St
Bull. Foreign
"W hite" Rulers of
Egypt "Hyksos".
w orshippers of
Hubal (Human
Baal). Philistines,
Greek Merchants,
Druze Bedouins
and originators of
the Pillar Cult.
Material added on
Druze, Obama and
Mayan Calendar to
previous posting.
No w onder w e call
them Cretins!

51,712 bytes

Ministers: Agents ordained by a superior.

Jesus Baptizes, collects Tithes, ofers
Communion. His Ministers merely spread
the W ord. W ho do the Ministers Baptizing,
offering Confession, forgiving Sins, giving
Sermons, spending Tithing, sending
Missionaries, offering Communion and
building Churches w ork for? 9/1/2008

41,472 bytes

8 w ere saved in
Noah's Ark w hen God
flooded the earth;
NOAA w ould destroy
all flesh unless Jesus
returns. Both use the
earth to destroy.

35,328 bytes

47,104 bytes

Shekinah: Holy
Spirit or Flaming
Sw ord of the
Mother Goddess.
Better figure it
before it's too late.

Curse: Esau has it.

Blessing: Jacob has it.
Israel: Esau has it
now . Jacob gets it at
the 2nd Coming.
Blessing: You can ask
Jesus for it at any time,
but the offer w ill not
stay on the table
forever. 10/14/2008

Esau, Isaac's "Red Son" didn't value his birthright, a covenant with God or heed his father's
admonition to not marry Canaanite (Hittite) women. Esau's "Confederates" in the "Society of Red
Men" have started every war on the planet. Esau is the "Red Son Rising"; Obama uses his logo and
is likely related to Edom, Hittites, Ishmaelis (Hagar), and Abraham. Esau voluntarily sold his
birthright; an inheritance of Abraham's Promised Land and Saviour's genealogy to his twin brother
Jacob. Esau is the Goat; Knight Templars (World Bankers) called his idol "Baphomet". His father
Isaac told Esau he would live off the fatness of the land (rich), the dew from heaven (Esau
believes this is Rain and Holy Water rather than the Holy Ghost) by the sword (taking all he
wanted by force) and serve his brother, but when Dominion over Jacob was achieved, he would
throw off his yoke. Esau believed that gave him the right to kill Jacob. Anno Domini "Y ear of our
Lord" missed the birthdate of Jesus by 6 years; it's the wrong Lord.
Jesus made sure the angel Gabriel got this message clearly to Daniel: 2300 days of "Daily
Sacrifice" precede the cleansing of the sanctuary. It's not animal sacrifice people! It's time we
seek Divine Protection while the offer is still on the table.
Barack Obama changed his logo to the "Rising Sun"; Michelle Obama wore a Black Widow dress
at the acceptance speech means Edom's Red "Hourglass" is running short of sand. Barack has
sealed his birth records and the Druze (Ismaelis) claim he is related to Beduins of the Golan
Heights; this makes him a blood relative of the Canaanites (Hittites), Arabs (Ismaelis) and Esau
(Edomites). Whether you are ready for Edom's "Rouge Coup" or not; it's coming. Obama's
Economic Reform Package is called the Big Bang for a reason!
Chief Justice John Roberts had had one thing on Inauguration Day to get right; he failed to have
Barack swear to defend the Constitution against all ememies foreign and domestic. Very likely this
was not by accident.

47,616 bytes

Bozrah: Edomite
"Sheepfold". Basra:
Blocked exit for US
Military "Sheep Pen".
If you can't tell Esau
and Jacob apart, how
w ill you know w hich
"Sheepfold" to enter?
Edom's has the Six
Pointed Star; a
Beehive w here Bees
and W ASPS w ill
"Sting" you in the
"Rouge Coup".
Divine Strake:
Invisible band
of protection
at Bethel for
Born Again
Visible Red
and W hite

58,880 bytes

stripes in the
Almond Trees
of Luz for
Jacob's w ay
vs Esau and
Laban's w ay
of becoming
"W hite" in
essence is the
Blind squirels
have a harder
time than
those w ith
Eyes to See.
Bethel "House
of God" is not

63,488 bytes

44,544 bytes

AD: Anno Domini "Year of

our Lord". BC: Before
Christ. W hich Lord and
w hich Christ? Seems like
the "0" betw een them is
about 6 years off. Saved
by Zero anyone? How
about a Red Zero?

55,296 bytes

49,152 bytes

Goat from
the W est:
"Goat" from
the w est;
forces in
"Ram" of
the east.
of the
Tow er of
Babel came
from the
East, this
may finish

Red means
Magic: Esau
w as born Red;
DM in Hebrew
means Red;
His Dominion
is foretold;
Domini means
Anno Domini is
the year the
mask comes
off. Domingo is
Sunday so it
may be a

Tikkun Olam:
Perfecting the
W orld or Esau's

Con: Deception. Convict:

Guilty under the Law .
Law : Love God; Love

99,328 bytes

49,664 bytes

21 is the Age of
Accountability: Esau and his
W orkers of Iniquity think
Souls w eigh 21 Grams only
because they reject the
Holy Ghost. Jesus is the
Holy Ghost; you w ill be held
accountable for rejecting
w hat He did for you and
ignorance w ill be no excuse.

112,128 bytes


40,448 bytes

your Neighbor.
Unforgivable Sin:
Rejection of Holy Ghost.
W hy do so many people
fall for Cons? Rejecting
God as the Holy Ghost,
they turn to rituals called
the "Sacred Marriage".
They can seem like very
sincere Jew s and
Christians, but they are
not W edded to the Lamb;
they are W olves in
Sheep's Clothes. Jesus
called them the
"Synagogue of Satan"
and their "Dominion" is
certain. "Domini" is
Esau's Masquerade
Mask; DM is Magic; Magic
is Red; Dom is the Rising
Sun and the Masquerade
"Sting" is nearing its
conclusion. 11/17/2008

Esau: American Idol's

icon is a Red 19. Steeley
Dan said 19 w as the
Queen of Soul. Jesus
returns in Rev 19. The
US is $11T in Red Ink.
Esau w as born Red and
Hollyw ood is rolling out
the Red Carpet for him.
Material added to
previous article.

Isaac's Blessing: Esau's w ent to Jacob and

Jacob's to Esau; Isaac may or may not
have been fooled, but God w asn't and if
you ask Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost,
you w on't get fooled either. W ithout it you
are blind. 11/21/2008

58,880 bytes

Barack Obama is
being hailed as
a Bediun Arab
Messiah. That
means he is
related to
Hittites, Ismaelis
and Abraham.
People w ill
perish in the
gainsaying of
Core and he is
promising the
Moon. Original
"Korahites" is
still posted, this
one has
information on
Esau, Druze and
added. Hope it
helps figure out
w hat Esau's
"Dominion" w ill
be like because
time may be
getting short.


52,736 bytes

55,808 bytes

39,424 bytes

Mizpah: A
W atchtow er w as
placed betw een
Jacob and Laban
(Esau and Jacob's
Uncle). One is seen,
one is not. Esau
w orships Idols:
Heroes, Stone,
W ood, Metal. You
and I can't see God,
but He is w atching
and does not
appreciate Idol
W orship. This is the
Society of Red Men
and all of them w ill
die eternally; don't
join them.
Caste: Priests are
alw ays in the top
Caste. Ask Jesus for
the Holy Ghost and
Priests w ill be exposed
as the most dangerous
frauds on earth.

64,512 bytes

Church or
Church of
Satan? If
you have
the Holy
Ghost,w hy
take it to a
and listen
to an
Jesus said
w olves
w ould
enter the
flock. How
do you
think they
w ould do

Timeline: Copied
from 1750 Bible;
New material
added at the
bottom concerning
"Signs" occurring
on Passover and
Feast of
Tabernacles. I'm
not predicting
anything but the
timing of a Fake
Rapture, false
fulfillment of
Daniel's 70th W eek
and the false
fulfillment of Gog
and Magog are
looking likely to
occur soon. Daniel
8 says 2300 days
begin w ith Daily
Sacrifice and end
w ith the cleansing
of the Sanctuary;
that's for real and
it looks like Beltane
May 1st 2009 might
give birth to more
than just

Communism did in
1945. 1/8/2008

154,624 bytes

Eagle: The W ord of

God connects Esau
(Edom) to the Eagle,
not the Iraelite Tribe of
Dan. Isaac prophesized
Esau w ould achieve
Dominion over Jacob
and Jesus tells us
Eagles w ill gather over
the carcase. Born Again
Christians are part of
Jacob and likely w e are
the carcase. Material
added to previous
posting at the
beginning of the article.

161,280 bytes

Experience: The
w ord means;
Divination by
Augury or
Incantation ie
Magic Spell. I
don't need to
put my head in
the oven to
know it's a bad
idea and I don't
need to learn by

Old habits die hard; the next few articles count for a dozen Religious and Science concepts we
often take for granted. "Timeline" is a simple diagram illustrating Daniel's "70 Weeks" and "2300
Days" using words in scripture rather than Man's definition. "Dan 9:24-27" uses words of
scripture as they are writen rather than Private Interpretation or study bible notes.
"Gravity" illustrates the myriad of astronomy and physics theories that sprang from Newton's
proposal that Gravity is a "Force" of nature. The most basic physics axiom: "Energy can neither be
created, nor destroyed". Where does Gravity receive its energy? Race is an article proving there
is only 1 Race of Man on earth. If the foundation of faulty, there is no point building upon it. The
truth will set us free.
The list of Science Theories often taught as fact: Big Bang, Antimatter, Black Holes, Dark
Matter, Space-Time Fabric, Chaos Theory, Worm Holes, Star Gates, Time Travel, Gravity Waves,
Graviton Particles, Aliens, Geologic Time Scales, Gravitational Orbits, Solar carbon (life)
production, billion light-year size of Universe, Evolution.
List of bible theories based on "70 Weeks" being years rather than days: 7 year Tribulation,
Age of Grace ending with Peace Treaty in Jerusalem, resumption of God's dealing with Jews
independent of Christians, Rapture, Tribulation equated with Wrath and Judgment, 2300 Days fo
Daily Sacrifice being in the past, Messiah the Prince being equated with Messiah, "Amillennialism";
the denying of Jesus Christ His Millennium rule on earth, Six Pointed Star, Talmud, Kabbalah and
Rabbis being Jewish, Hannakuh and Christmas merging with Saturnalia.
List of errors stemming from "Race": Discrimination, Slavery, Genocide, War, Lying, Theft,
Elitism, Royalty, Genesis "Gap Theory", Nephilim, Demon/Cain Race, God's "Chosen" Race ie
Divine right to rule, Aliens.
The list of errors stemming from Gog and Magog happening before a literal 1000 Millennium
(Rev 20): Amillennialism, Templarism, Sanhedrin Judges, Lamb's Book of Life opened with Books
of Judgment, Tribe of Dan becomes Judge of Isreal before Jesus Christ has returned, Israel is
restored without Jesus Christ, Antichrist accepted as Jesus Christ, Law "Bondage" is reinstated,
Roman Catholic Church becomes only choice for Spiritual Sodom and Egypt, MY STERY , BABY LON
THE GREAT and the MOTHER OF HARLOTS, Perfection of Creation takes 6 days/6000 years ie no
"Sabbath" Day of Rest, Muslims become Godless rather than Edomites, the only Nation God truly
hates. WW3 becomes Armageddon, and Gog and Magog all rolled into one, East becomes a
geometric direction rather than Sin, New Earth and New Jerusalem become man-made, the Sun
becomes the source of power and life ie "Creation" rather than the Son.

115,200 bytes

Timeline Diagram: Daniel 9:24-27 says "70

W eeks". Believing this means 70 W eeks of
years gives credence to a 7 Year
Tribulation and Rapture. Believing w hat it
says means 434 days after the
commandment to rebuild Jerusalem is
given, Messiah w ill be cutoff. If you are
w aiting for the Peace Treaty in Jerusalem
to covenant w ith Jesus, it might be 49
days too late. Here is a Diagram w ithout
"Private Interpretation". 1/16/2009
Arab-Israeli Conflict: Arches
have 2 sides held together by
a "Key Stone". Barack Obama
claims to be Christian, w as

60,416 bytes

raised Muslim, his father's

birth certificate says Arab, is
likely not legal to be
President, Druze Bedouins
claim he is related to
Abraham, Ishmael and Esau,
he reportedly carries a Hindu
Idol, his mother w as Atheist,
the oath of office did not
include his promise to defend
the Constitution against
foreign and domestic enemies
and the repeated oath failed
to use a bible. Ever seen
w hat happens w hen the last
Ghenga block is removed?

262,144 bytes

Leaven: Leaven are

Sin, Lies and
Corruption of flesh.
Just a little Leaven
w ill eventually
Leaveneth the w hole
lump; in this case,
the entire earth w ill
become corrupted for
the 3rd time. W ill you
Passover? 2/5/2009

87,040 bytes

84,480 bytes

Gog and
Magog: An end
of Millennium
around Jesus
Christ and His
Saints in
W W 3: Iran,
Russia, Britain,
US, Israel have
nothing to do
w ith Gog and
Magog. Likely
this is the
Leaven (Lie)
there is; Read
the W ord
Bible) not
of W olves.
W hen this w ar
starts, and it
w ill, things w ill
be a lot more
difficult to
figure out.

King of Salem;
priest of the
most high God.
Is Melchisedec
God? Yes, you
are a Born
Christian. No,
you are a
member of the
Pillar Cult.
added to
beginning of

Vengeance is the
Lord's role. Esau
has other ideas.

96,768 bytes

Pretense: Phoenicians started the

greatest "Sting" on earth and w ill finish it
in Basra "Edom's Sheepfold". Judas Goats
escape, the rest of us get slaughtered;
"Daily Sacrifice" is not going to be animals.
Time to W ake Up! 4/4/2009

76,288 bytes

160,768 bytes

41,984 bytes

71,680 bytes

89,088 bytes

Book Download

Government led by
Sovereign Dictator.
Fasces: Bundle of
Rods held together
by a Red Cord,
surrounding an Axe.
From Egypt to the
Etruscans to Rome,
Europe, Russia and
the Americas the
Red Cord binds
Fascists like the
Holy Ghost binds
Born Again
Christians w ith one
big difference; a
License to Kill.

Elect: Your election of

God or God's election of
you? One has great
responsibility, the other
does not. One is in the
W ord, one is not. More
people have been killed
over this scripture than
any other. More people
lose Salvation over this
scripture than any
other. 4/21/2009



has other ideas.

W hen the Red
Kachina takes his
mask off it w ill be
too late choose
Jesus Christ as
your Lord. You
don't w ant to see
that Mask come off!

W icked: None of the

W icked shall
understand. Maybe
this is because most
of us don't know
w hat W icked really
means. 5/7/2009

Third W orld W ar: First W orld W ar

and the UN's 1st W ar "Korean
W ar" both ended in Armistice.
Planned in advance to have a
sequel; W W II ended w ith Atomic
W eapons in Japan; W W III may
have begun w ith a Nuclear
Disaster in Japan on the exact
same Longitude Korea fought
over, and UN in control over an
undeclared W ar using UN banned
Uranium munitions. Go figure!

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