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Computer Power User - 2009-09-September

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COMPUTER POVVER USER September 2009 • Vol 9 Issue 09


Memory Buyer's Guide

54 Find The RAM You Want

Frontside Heavy Gear

8 What's Happening 16 Dream Hardware 31 Apple iPhone 3GS
14 Digital Economy 18 The Mighty 4890 Eurocom Phantom X
15 TheSaint AMD's 4800 Series Flagship Version 1.1 32 Gelid Wing 12 Case Fan
Microsoft Lowers 24 FirePro-Quadro Showdown HP Z600 Workstation
The Bar With AMD & Nvidia Return For A 33 CyberPower PC Gamer Xtreme SI
Windows? Professional Graphics Cage Match 34 Zotac lonlTX-A-U & 10nlTX-B-E
28 Ruckus Wireless MediaFlex 7811 The HTPC You've Been Waiting For
Lian Li PC-B71 36 Anand's Corner
30 Corsair HX850W Professional Series The Palm Pre & The iPhone 3GS
Filco Majestouch Tactile Touch

Copyright 2009 by Sandhills Publishing Company. Computer Power User is a trademark of Sandhills Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction 01 material appearing in Computer
Power User is strictly prohibited without written permission. Printed in the USA GST # 123482788RTOOO\ (ISSN 1536-7568) CPU Computer Power User USPS 020-801 is published monthly for
$29 per year by Sandhills Publishing Company, 131 West Grand Drive, P.O. Box 82667, Lincoln, NE 6850 I. Subscriber Services: (800) 424-7900, Periodicals postage paid at Lincoln, NE, POSTlVlAS­
TER: Send address changes to Computer Power User, PO. Box 82667, Lincoln, NE 68501,

Did you find the hidden CPU logo on our cover? Turn the page for tile answer,
Hard Hat Area Loading Zone Digital Living
PC Modder 72 The Bleeding Edge Of Software 90 At Your Leisure
37 llps & Tutorials Inside The World Of Betas Games, Gear, Movies & Music
38 Double Vision 73 Up To Speed 95 The Cutting Edge
Use An Old Notebook As Upgrades That'll Keep DR-DOS
A Secondary Display You Humming Along
42 Mad Reader Mod 74 GPGPU Computing Gets Real
Dark Carbon Your GPU Is Ready To Move lips & Tricks
Beyond Gaming
44 Advanced Q&A Corner 96 Software llps & Projects
80 Balesio Fileminimizer Office 5.0
46 X-Ray Vision: Windows 7 Bits, Pieces & Surprises
Phoenix Technologies
Any Color, Any Pixel 100Warm Up To Penguins
UndeletePlus 3.0
Philips Introduces Step Into OpenOffice.org 3.0
82 OpenSore
Full-Color E-paper Concept Movings & Shakings In The
48 White Paper:
Intel Pine Trail & Moblin
Open-Source World What's Cooking
Atom Chipset To Drop 102 Shavings From The Rumour Mill
From Three To Two Chips Caught In The \Neb Intel Works Its Blue Crystal
Magic Again
84 Search Re-Engineered
103 Technically Speaking
Infinite Loop Wolfram Alpha, Google Squared
An Interview With Onvia CIO
& Bing Retool The Query Box
Eric Gillespie
Strange stats and other
88 The Department Of Stuff
106 Under Development
oddball items from
A Peek At What's Brewing
computing's periphery

In The Laboratory
Back Door
110 Q&A With Ryan Petersen
OCZ Boss Anticipates A
Solid (State) Future

read a Gizmodo post recently by

Contributing Editor John Herrman titled,
"So Long Desktop PC, You Suck."
In case you missed the post, how did you Sandhi115
fee! just now when you read that? If you're
anything like me, you probably immediate­ Customer Service
ly grew a little defensive. If you're a practic­ (For quescions about your subscription or
to place an order or change an address.)

ing skeptic, you may have scoffed a bit, but customer-service@cpumaUQill

I bet you tensed up a little on the inside like Toll Free: (800) 733-3809

Fax: (402) 479-2193

someone getting ready to take a punch.

Computer Power User
I should point out right away that the post r.o. Box 82667

didn't turn out to be as anti-desktop as the Lincoln, NE 68501-2667

title would suggest (gizmodo.com/S301401 150­ Hours

Mon. - Fri.: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (CST)

long-desktop-pc-you-suck), and that all avail­

Sat.: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CST)

able evidence indicates that Herrman is himself a Online (usromer Service & Subscription

longtime PC builder and tech enthusiast. In other words, Center

he's one of us.
Once I got past my initial reaction and the urge to challenge Web Services

(For questions about our Web site.)

Herrman to a duel subsided, I realized that he makes some pretty webhelp@cpumaUQ!TI

valid points. Let's face it, for most people, a notebook makes infi­ (800) 733-3809

nitely more sense than do the massive boxes of steel, plastic, acrylic, Authorization For Reprints

and in rare and excellent cases, carbon fiber, that we spend so much Toll Free: (800) 247-4880

Fax: (402) 479-2193

ti mea bsessi ng over.

Like many tech trends, the move from desktOps to notebooks has Editorial 5taff


taken some time, but at this point it is clearly more than just a pass­ Fax: (402) 479-2104

ing fad. Herrman talked to NPD analyst Stephen Baker in prepar­ 131 W. Grand Drive

Lincoln, NE 68521

ing his post, and Baker indicates rhat notebooks now make up 80%
of the computers sold at retail in the United States. Desktops aren't Subscription Renewals

(800) 382-4552

going away in the immediate future, but their relevance as tools for Fax: (402) 479-2193

work and play certainly seems to be waning. www cpumag£QQ}

What does this mean for those of us who are constantly looking at Advertising Staff

the horizon for the key to our next build or upgrade? Probably not Toll Free: (800) 2~7-4880

Fax: (402) 479-2193

much for the foreseeable future; after all, our often over-the-tOp affin­ 131 W. Grand Drive

ity for massive, powerful PCs has always set us somewhat apart from Lincoln, NE 68521

the average user, who sees computers as little more than a means to an
end. And those folks will continue to seek us out for he!p and advice,
even if the nature of their problems changes a little over time.
Inre!, AJvlD, Nvidia, Western Digital, and many other compa­
nies who manufacture rhe components that are our systems'
lifeblood will conrinue to build us shiny new toys, even as they
expand into newer form factOrs like MIDs, smartphones, and net­
books. (Speaking of which, be sure to note the announcemenr of
the upcoming Nvidia Ion Case Mod Contest, which we are proud
to be a part of, in this month's "Mad Reader Mod" on page 42.)
More than anything, this trend likely signifies the end of PC
enthusiasts as society's keepers of vital yet arcane knowledge-at
least where desktop PC hardware is concerned-and moves us a lit­
tle closer to the realm of another brand of diehards, the old-school
car tweakers. I'd say that puts us in some pretty good company.

Chris Trumble, Publication Editor, CPU

war e

HD Gaming On A Mobile Phone?

Yes, it's coming to a mobile device near you soon-provided gaming on a small screen interests
you. The proprietary OTOY (www.ocoy.com) server-side rendering technology promises the
potential to stream Crysis, WoW, and other intensive 3D games over Wi-Fi (preferable) or 3G
necworks (less preferable), with gameplay occurring on a mobile browser and
with no installation required.
Reportedly, after navigating a (/
browser to an OTOY server,
the server will do the gruntI Belkin Touts
work. TechCrunch, which
had a video posted show­ Gigabit Powerline Streaming
ing the technology in
action on a Samsung "Imagine reliably sending HD movies from the Internet directly
Omnia, wrote, "Once you to your home-theater system through just the wires already in your
have a phone that suppons home." OK, not exactly Earth-shattering, but Belkin says its new
OTOY, you shouldn't have to Powerline-based and Gigle Semiconductor mediaxtream-powered
worry about upgrading your hardware, Gigabit Powerline HD Starter Kit ($149.99, router not included;
as all game processing is being done remotely." A www.belkin.com) is the "fastest way to stream HD movies" over
video detailing the involvement of OTOY's main existing home electrical wires (up to 300 meters in wall power­
man Jules Urbach with AMD is available at lines). Rated at an ideal 1,000Mbps rate, including 128-bit AES
sites.amd.com/us/fusion/Pages/ocoy.as~x. •
encryption, and able to stream multiple HD movies, Belkin states,
the kit provides one adapter for a router and another for a PC,
gaming console, home theater, and so on. •

Intel CPUs Dominate

Top 500 Supercomputer
The 33rd version of Top 500 Supercomputer Sites'

bi-annual top 500 supercomputer rankings is out,

but things haven't changed at the top. Roadrunner,

a system IBM built in 2008 that operates in the De­

partment of Energy's Los Alamos National Lab­

otatory, is still king of the mountain based on its

1.105pps (petaflops per second) muscle. The second­

place Cray XT5 Jaguar (1.059pps) at the DOE's

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is also unchanged.

New to third place, however, is the IBM JUGENE I

(825.5 teraflops per second), a new rig housed at the I

Forschungszentrum Juelich research center in Ger- I

many. Interesting tidbits telated to the rankings ~
include 383 systems being quad-core-based, 102 dual- ---­
core, and four single-core; the use of six-core Shanghai AMD Opteron in cwo systems; 399 sys­
tems using Intel CPUs, 55 IBM Power CPUs; and 43 AMD Opteron processors. Finally, as evi­
del1Ce of how quickly supercomputers are advancing, the current list's No. 500 system (Financial
Services' BladeCenter HS21 Cluster) would have ranked No. 274 six months ago. •

8 September 2009 / www.computerpowerusercom

What's Happening· Hardware


Good News For PCs; Really Tiny Storage, Fastest Flash

Bad News For Netbooks Drive In Town & A Corsair Case

Worldwide PC shipments will continue to sink through 2009 and Among the new storage delights to recently emerge is
are expected to decline 6% from 2008 (274 miJlion vs. 292 million, Buffalo's RUF2 16GB USB Thumbkey, a mere 5mm
respectively), Gartner recently projected, though the drop is better thick but substantial
than a previous prediction from the firm. Gartner expects a strong $136 in price.
Q4 to help the market bounce upward in 2010, reaching 10.3% Kingston's Data
growth. Some of the optimism is related to ever-decreasing netbook Traveler 200, the
prices that are influencing mainstream notebook pricing, Gartner "world's first 128GB
reports. Separately, an NPD Group survey of 600 U.S. adults indi­ USB flash drive,"
cates that netbook buyers are more likely to be unsatisfied with their meanwhile, runs
purchases than buyers of costlier notebooks due to misguided expec­ a cool $546 with
tations. Nearly 60% of netbook buyers, for example, believed a Password Traveler
net book would give them notebook-like functionaliry. Among the software included to
coveted 18-to-24 age segment, just 27% reported netbook perfor­ establish a secure
mance exceeding expectations.... drive-based privacy
zone. Elsewhere,
beyond releasing a
new Performance
Olympus Goes Retro; Pentax Beefs Up Series P128GB
SSD (about $340;
To honor Kodak's recent announcement that it will cease pro­
200MBps write)
duction of Kodachrome
and Hydro Series
color film this year after
H50 CPU cooler
74 years of service, it
(about $80) with
seems fitting to discuss
120mm radiator
what's not obsolete digi­
and 120mm fqn
cam-wise. That includes
that's touted to out­
Olympus' new D-SLR
perform stock cool­
E-Pl ($799.99), "the
ers by more than
world's smallest 12.3MP
30%, Corsair
interchangeable lens system." Weighing 11.8 ounces and measuring
entered the chassis
just 2.75 x 4.75 x 1.43 inches [HxWxDJ, the HD video-recording
field in June with
E-Pl Sports a retro-sryle design that houses an M. ZUIKO Micro
the Obsidian Series
Four Thirds lens (14 to 42mm, 8.5/5.6) and pays tribute to Olym­
800D. The steel,
pus' first PEN model from 1959. Pemax, meanwhile, set aJuly re­
matte black-coated
lease for its handsome but rugged 12.1MP Optio W80 ($299.95),
full tower is a "true
a 5X wide-angle point-and-shooter that's cold- and dustproof and can
builder's case,"
withstand a 3.3-foot fall and a 16-foot, two-hour dip in water. Also
Corsair says, that
gaining recent online buzz due to the world's raging
will last through
case of "Transformers" fever is the Voltron Star
years of upgrades.
Shooter, a 1985 workable 110 (the SLR lens
The Obsidian has
is fake, though) that "starts out as a mild-
four hot-swappable 3.5-inch SATA, five 5.25-inch,
mannered SLR" but converts into
and two internal 3.5-inch bays; three 140mm fans with
"Voltron: Defender of the Uni­
suPPOrt for three more; three isolated cooling zones for
verse!" Voltron is an honorable
the PSU, main, and SATA compartments; and a roof­
member ofJohn Kratz's impressive
top hole [0 accommodate single, dual, and triple radi­
camera collection viewable at Flickr
ator configurations. ... .
(www.f1ickr.comlphotos/kratz) ....

CPU / September 2009 9


The Curious Case Of Facebook SIT E SEEING

Even the fiercest Facebook hater could have reason to temporarily put aside Weird AI Turns Out The Lights
his harred for all things social networking if reports are rrue that "Fight
Club" and "Se7en" director David Fincher is in Hey, we're not Weird Al honks-OK, "Eat It"
talks to helm the supposedly titled "The Social and "Another One Rides The Bus" were inspired
Network," an upcoming flick based on Mark ill ACCl~t~WI~'([iOi~ works-but his current spoof on Craigslist via The
Zuckerberg's controversial Web darling. Based ~llllOW~I~[~ i~~\~~· Doors' "When The Music's Over" is chuckle­
on Ben Mezrich's ("Bringing Down The
House," "Busting Vega$") unflattering nov­
el, "The Accidental Billionaires," the movie
fIiir ~'I /~
.......__.,: /1"

worthy. Spitting out such lyrics as "Got a trashcan

full of Styrofoam peanuts/You can have them for
freelYou can
reportedly will feature a scteenplay from "The ~ drop by on
West Wing" creator Aaron Sorkin and possi­
bly star "Superbad's" Michael Cera and Shia
,m ~[I~I(~ the weekend/
and pick
LeBeouf of the current 'Transformers: Revenge them up from
Of The Fallen." Fincher's involvement is what has us intrigued, however. me" it laJim
Will he go all "Project Mayhem" or drop some wrath-like vengeance it la Morrison, his
John Doe on Zuckerberg? £. Weirdness
Pl"'1!l... fl."
even got
Doors' key­
Baseball Manager boardist Ray Manzarek to play on the track. Ah,
The Lizard King must be so proud-or rolling
Strikes Out Twitter over in his Pere Lachaise Cemetery grave. But
what does Craig Newmark think? Reportedly,
St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa might be an ex-jock, but he
the Craigslist founder stated, "The thing's pretty
also happens to have a law degree and is considered a baseball genius. Twitter
funny." Check the video out at YouTube. •
found the former out the hard way recently after the World Series-winning
skipper filed a lawsuit when a user created a fake Twitter account in La Rus­
sa's name and posted several tasteless tweets, including "Lost 2 out of 3, but
we made it out of Chicago without one drunk driving incident or dead pitch­ The Way Of
er." La Russa, arrested for drunken driving in 2007 and former manager of A Samurai Director
Darryl Kile, who died in 2002 prior (0 a game with the Cubs, stated, "There
is a law against improperly using a person's name without authorization and
The late, great director Akira Kurosawa's cine­
it wasn't authorized." Twitter has since removed the account and
matic work speaks for itself-in and outside
will make a donation (0 La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation. £.
ofJapan. The warmth, humor, unique angles,
and storytelling on display in "Seven Samurai,"
"Rashomon," or "Ran" is evidence enough
1.2 Million & Counting of why Kurosawa was every bit the equal of

Internet-Related Jobs America's John Ford or John Huston. Now,

thanks to an online archive the Ryukoku Uni­
versiry and Kurosawa Production recently made
A recent study that two Harvard Business School professors and Hamilton
available containing roughly 20,000 photos,
Consultants conducted as commissioned by the Internet Advertising Bureau
scripts, drawings, storyboards, and other per­
states that "the advertising-supported Internet represents 2.1 % of the total
sonal effects, fans have more than Kurosawa's
U.S. gross domestic product" and "directly employs more than 1.2 million
films to appreciate. The archive (www.afc
Americans with above-average wages in jobs that did not exist two decades
ago." That's $300 billion in economic activity if you're keeping score at
.html) is predominantly in Japanese, but some
home. Further, another 1.9 million Americans "work to support those
Google-translation assistance makes the effort
with directly Internet-related jobs," meaning 3.1 million U.S. residents can
worth it. Further, an in-progress English guide
thank the "interactive ecosystem" for their livelihood. Elsewhere, 20,000­
is available at akirakurosawa.info/guide-to-the­
plus Internet-related small businesses (most with 10 or fewer employees)
akira-kurosawa-digital-archive. £.
now operate in America. £.

10 September 2009 I www.computerpoweruser.com

war e

Pirate Bay Denied; Britain Hires Ex-Hackers

In lare June, Sweden's Courr ofAppeals declared thar Judge Tomas Norstrom didn't show bias with his April guilry verdict
againsr four operarors of Pi rare Bay, despire his involvemenr in organizarions wirh pro-copyrighr srances. The unanimous rul­
ing means Fredrik Neij, Gorrfrid Svarrholm Warg, Perer Sunde, and Carl Lundsrrom won't get a retrial, though an appeal is
pending. Norstrom senrenced each man to a year in prison and ordered repayment of $3.9 million in damages for violating
copyrighrs. Elsewhere, Brirain's Securiry Minisrer Sir Alan Wesr announced in late June his coumry will enlisr rhe aid of for­
mer hackers in a new cyberspace-securiry unit. "You need youngsters who are actually deep inro this sruff-and they really ger
inro it," West srared. "If rhey've been slightly naughry, very often rhey really enjoy sropping others." ...

Windows 7
Pricing Details Emerge Microsoft Security Essentials Beta
Microsoft Se.curity
Essentials Bet<l

Microsofr announced in lare June it will give rhose who buy • lal,,~Updal"~

a new Vista Home Premium, Business, or Ulrimate PC before
• sec..ltybunll,ot<Bd.>

Windows 7's Ocr. 22 release a free upgrade. Upgrades will Expet!:siltoonh..n:lt<>1>e\>


run $119.99 ($199.99 for non-upgrades) for Win7 Home

Premium, $199.99 ($299.99) for Professional, and $219.99
($319.99) for Ulrimare. MS was also taking pre-orders
rhrough July 11 for Home Premium ($49.99) and Profes­
sional ($99.99). Microsoft will srop offering Win7 Release Alrlt!

\lohlt .. ~ ~ Ttri1'OU10IYOU'N:... d"~lb:~QStQ.rty~fIIt.. w••• l'd

Candidare code on Aug. 15, however, with the RC expiring (~ ~~I*:tXJr(:I~ltat-.e.I'ltM4d>ed<bIc:t

.• LK• • dltelll/PllS:II*

alrogether June 1,2010. Outside the OS realm, MS will dis­
continue MS Money on June 30 and is ending support in Jan-
uary 2011, rhough a deal with Inruir willier Money users migrare
their dara ro Quicken. Microsofr Security Essenrials, the new, free
antivirus efforr thar's replacing Windows Live OneCare, meanwhile,
proved so popular among curious beta tesrers in June, the download
limit was exhausted in a day's time....

Developers Grow Fond Of Ruby i'f1M§N;AIJi~

A recent srudy Evans Data conducted of 400 Norrh American software

developers measuring scripting language usage indicates developers are
rurning their attention more and more to the free Ruby. In rhe last year, DoS ntlllernbility in BigDeClUlal
usage of Ruby among North American developers has grown 40%, with A dQnlal of servICe (DoS) vvlr'lerab~lty W<1lS found on lhe 8lqDvcimal

14% of those surveyed indicaring they use Ruby some of the time (up
from 10% in 2008) and 20% expecring ro use it in rhe coming year.
stand..rd library of Ruby. Conversion from I!IlgDoeIfTl<l1 objaclS "'to
Float rwmber~ h~ • probl9m wh:ch enables "Hader:; tll effechvoly
cause segmentatIOn rilUlts.

Actrvmt!lconl ~Iitos on t~ method, so most Rails ~c<Jtions are

~:T4lkobotJtR"b1 ",,'"
toM Pf'OO"arnfT>e/f from"
Mound the "'OO'Id.

a«1!'Cted by It'lIS. Though thIS is not a Jta1Is-spocinc is~uc ~,Get",oontad.

Other survey findings point ro 75% of apps that developers are consid­ COO(fl)u.. lludng

ering for cloud computing will require audit trails, 60% of North Amer­ h"ppc""'\Jriahtntl ..

ican developers use agile-developmem merhods parr of rhe time, and rouoh.d(lngftIle14~<lJlubr·

Ruby 1.3.6 lll:lintell;\llCe lllo\'ed to Ellgme Yard ~:R~O/"he.p

'Ohc 1U.',lOCS in Rub,.
usage of commercial SQL darabases as a primary darabase is 2.5X more
likely rhan usage of open-source SQL darabases ....

CPU / September 2009 11

What's Happening·


"PC Users Need To Patch!"

Coinciding with irs recent release of the free Personal Software Inspector 1.5, which

"helps users plug

~ ""~lll~ •• - . -_._.. -- - - ~..

all the securicy holes

Secunia Personal Software Inspector
on their machine," ~
I ,om,'",,:a:o IHnRI""a:f<OOE>~

-~.;;;-rs;;;;;:~r;;~. ,~ba,1<

Secunia srated there Good mom!"",. Secunlll Demo Progntm OvervIew (r1glll (low)

are at least 2.7 bil­ Ccn~r"llll.,liens

... ~ I:f"OlIroms ore maMd os InSeQ,Ir. c'

Paul Allen lion vulnerable pro­

Gets Back grams installed on st<B1.c/P,cg,ami<I'1
U.S. computers ii 51 Pold>ec!

In The Game alone. "The fact that

U.S.-based PC users
Microsoft co-founder have more than 2.7
Paul Allen is back on the billion vulnerable HlstorlcOCvclopmcnt

Windows scene, sort of. programs installed is

I'"'"' . ..... ,....., !"""" . ..­
After recen tly establish­ shocking!" stated
ing Xiant, a subsidiary Mikkel Winther,
of Allen's Vulcan Tech­ PSI Partner Man­
nologies that's "dedicated
to producing tools that
ager. Secunia states
there are 227 million
... ...
make your time at the U.S. Internet users,
computer as productive as with the roughly
possible," Xiam released 400,000 U.S.-based users of Secunia PSI averaging four unpatched programs on their
Filer. Available as a free systems vs. 12 on non-PSI systems.....
beta, the Outlook add-on
"integrates seamlessly into
Outlook and starts making
filing recommendations Corel Puts The Shrink On
immediately after installa­
tion." "Xiant Filer started
Home Office Suite
as a personal project to
help Paul keep up with Add Corel's recently released Home Office

heavy email traffic," stated Suite ($69.99) to the bevy oHat-cutting,

Chris Purcell, Vulcan lightweight productivity suites aimed at

Technologies vice presi­ less-demanding home and mobile users.

dent. "It worked so well Described as "netbook-ready" and "de­

we all started using it, signed specifically to address the needs

which led us to take it to of consumers and home-based businesses,"

market." Xiant states that Home Office Suite is available on USB

other tools are now un­ memory drives for Windows XP and Vista - - - ~~

der development. .... users. The suite provides Write, Calculate,

and Show (each integrates a PDF maker);

Home Off.·ce
has Open XML capabilities; and is being
lauded Web-wide for closely resembling
Office 2007, including offering a ribbon
XIANT tool bar. Corel says the suite opens "the vast majoricy" of Office Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint files. A

12 September 2009 I www.computerpowerusercom

Job Of The Month
Reading books on a phone? Ayear ago we sniffed at the idea, but now copies of Stephanie Meyers' "Twilight,"
F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," and The Bible are topping the iPhone App Store
bestseller lists. One of the hottest developers in the space, ScroliMotion, is offering both developers and graphic
designers "The Ultimate iPhone Gig." The company behind the iPhone versions of "Twilight" "Curious George,"
and People magazine needs a software architect who can work in CocoajObjective-C and OpenGL. More than
simple text, ScroliMotion will be incorporating video and animation into future mobile books and mags. And the
company's upcoming Iceberg Reader app will offer more than a simple Kindle-like template for every book. The
company plans to create custom interfaces to accommodate different magazine and book experiences, and so
graphic and interaction designers are needed who "have a working knowledge of 'good design' principles and
chops creating and cutting up digital files." ScroliMotion is looking for what it calls "small-screen fanatics."


The Genres We Play

According to the NPD Group and the Entertainment Software Association, action games still rule
videogame sales but family titles and shooters are almost as popular.

Action 20%
Fami!y Entertainment 19.3%
Sports Games 15.30/0
Shooters 10.9%
Racing 8.4%
Strategy 6.2%
Role-Playing 5.4%
Adventure 5.3%
Fighting 5.1%
OtherjComyilations 2.2%
Children's Entertainment 0.9% Best Selling Video Genres by Units Sold, 2008

Flight 0.5% Source: NPD Group/Entertainment Software Association

Arcade 0.5%
by Alex St. .John

Microsoft Lowers The Bar With Windows 7

won't bore you with rhe derails, bur I had a classic problem a couple Microsoft had actually built an as rhat was lighter than its prede­
I weeks ago. The Windows XP environment on my primary develop­
ment machine was so horrendously corrupted that I had to face the
cessor? I switched back and forth between XP and Windows 7 and
found that Windows 7 definitely felt betrer. Windows snap open
daunting rask of doing a full sysrem rebuild. Of course, the machine and shur, and it seems to hang less easily on simple tasks. I tried a
is a few years old, the original XP disc is nowhere to be found, and simple but massive file copy over the network, which generally
Microsoft doesn't provide any elegant way for Windows XP to repair buries XP's responsiveness. I still gOt rhe annoying Vista litany of
itself wirhom rhe CD, so r was jusr screwed. Faced with the prospecr redundant questions abour copying idenrical documents to the same
ofwasting many hours of my life backing folder, but once i[ was rolling, the rest of
up my system, reinstalling an OS, and [he system seemed to remain responsive.
then trying to restore my applicarions, Interestingly, Microsoft claims thar
drivers, and sysrem configuration to rheir Windows 7 has the same minimum sys­
previously working state, r figured whar tem requiremenrs as Vista. Frankly, I
rhe hell, I mighr as well wasre a few more don't believe them. I suspect that Win­
hours rrying to upgrade to Vista while dows 7's system requirements may be
I'm ar it. Nor surprisingly, rhar experi­ lower than Vista's or even possibly XP's.
ence was a complete elisasrer, and I ended As such, I dug through my collection of
up demaneling a refund from Microsoft five- to eight-year-old dead laptops and
for Visra and ordering a new OEM XP tried to piece together a system with 1GB
insrall elisc insread. of RAM to tesr my theory. Annoyingly,
With my primary sysrem all backed the memory modules were incompatible,
up and having heard rhat the new Win­ and the best I could do was a 512MB
dows 7 RC was available, r thought to machine with a circa 2003 1.6GHz
myself, "How can it possibly be worse Pentium M processor. I got Windows 7
than Visra?" I downloaded the RC candi­ running on ir easily and was again sur­
date, which was just under 3GB in size, prised to find that all the hardware just
and insralled it. The whole experience worked; my overall impression was [hat
went increelibly smoothly. I still had to the computer was much faster and more
manually reinsrall all my applications, but responsive than it had been under XP. If
Windows 7 seemed to have drivers for Windows 7 really is lighter than Vista,
mosr of my hardware so thar it just worked. and maybe even XP, how many old com­
I have two 3D-inch Dell monitors side by side puters could i[ breathe new life into? Those of
on my desk rhat I use for development, and you who read my columns regularly may
damned if Windows 7 RC elidn't do a great recall that after seeing Vista, I predicted thar
job of supporting them ar full resolution. The Microsoft had completely lost it and might
only problem I encountered was a few applica­ never be able to ship another major as again.
tions refusing to install because they elidn'r rec­ Although I hare being wrong, ir happens so
ognize the version of Windows I was installing infrequently that it's a li[tle refreshing to be
them on. Windows 7 also elidn't recognize my surprised once in a while. My friends at the
Crearive Labs audio system immediarely, but empire tell me [har the new guard made driv­
the Hardware And Sound control panel quick­ er and application compatibility a huge focus
ly revealed that I elidn't have the proper driver rhis rime around, and I have to say they seem
and walked me down a smooth path to get­ to be doing a great job. I find myself vastly
ting the Windows 7 bera driver from Creative preferring to use Windows 7 RC as my pri­
Labs' support site. mary as vs. XP. I don't even care what the
Overall, the OS looks great; ir's very pol­ "new fearures" are; I'm just thrilled to have an
ished, and the new Taskbar works great, but OS that works reliably.....
what struck me most was that my computer
seemed noticeably more responsive. Could Send your feedback to [hesaim@cpumag.com
it be that for rhe first time in irs history,

CPU / September 2009 15

T hese beauties have all the qualities you've been look­
. ing fot: fidelity, resolution, and utter competence
with the lights down low. Why, yes; they do cost a lot.

by Marty Sems
-These Gizmos Don't

.)~ Sing It, They Bring It

At 25,600 x 8,000 resolution-read that again, won't
you?-the IP-based HIPerWall (Highly Interactive
Parallelized Display Wall; hiperwall.calit2.uci.edu) breathes
rare air. Still, it's only part of the story. Its creators from .~""."-... <"
Irvine's California Institute for Telecommunications and
Information Technology have developed various technolo­
gies to help others build/buy and use HIPerWails of their
own. TileViewer is the foundation that distributes a signal to
each LCD in the array. Two other apps feed video to
TileViewer in different ways. HIPerSender sends a com­
pressed version of a computer display, whereas Streamer
multicasts uncompressed video. Using 50 Apple Cinema
Displays with 30-inch screen sizes, the HIPerWall pictured
here boastS a 200MP resolution, or about 100 times that of a
single 1080p HDTV.

Leica Noctiiux-M 50mm f/O.95 ASFJH

Readers that know what this is probably know what all the
fuss is about. They also might not cough and stammer at
its $9,995 price tag. Leica (us.leica-camera.com) calls it the
world's fastest aspherical lens. That's fast in the photo­
graphical sense, by the way, and not fast as in screaming
around the globe on the space shuttle. Open this puppy up
to its huge flO.95 aperture size, and you've got a passive
lens that has better night vision than you do. If you're
shooting before dawn, after dusk, or by candlelight, this
Noctilux-M is big medicine. It's also perfect for bokeh
shots with out-of-focus backgrounds.

Evans & Sutherland ESLP 8K

"Fidelity that exceeds the limits of the human eye." With a
36-bit color gamut nearly twice as large as NTSC HDTVs,
this 33.6MP projector is ready to make your eyes pop out.
Figuratively. The ESLP 8K (www.es.com) uses cool-running
diode and fiber lasers instead of a hot bulb, which makes 8K
x 4K (8,192 x 4,096) digital cinema brighter and chromati­
cally truer with dramatically less maintenance. For those who
thought "Pineapple Express" was a documentary, it also
neatly bridges the philosophical gap between cutting-edge
planetarium presentacions and Pink Floyd laser-light shows.
Evans & Sutherland's nanopixel imaging engine, the compa­
ny's custom light valve, is a MEMS (micro elenw-mechani­
cal system) device similar in principle to a DLP micromirror
chip with more than 8,000 reHective "ribbons." The compa­
ny says that the liquid-cooled ESLP 8K makes a dazzling 4K
x 4K1120Hz 3D projecror, too-so dazzling you'll forget
that your bank account is $500,000 to $750,000 lighter. •
reviews I hardware

The Mighty 4890

rAMO's 4800 Series Flagship Version 1.1

here's always an element of risk in overclocked cards are worth the premium throughout testing. In the case of the
T building a new GPU architecture.
Designing how the chip addresses mem­
you'll pay. Gigabyte 4890, we used the ATI Overdrive
control panel to raise the core clock.
ory and processes shaders, textures, How We Tested
geometry, and the various and sundry We ran all five Radeon HD 4890s Gigabyte GV-R489-1 GH-B
trappings of 2D and 3D rendering is a through a series of synthetic and teal-world We had initially tested a single prepro­
painstaking process that often begins benchmarks that consists of 3DMark duction Gigabyte GV-R489-1GH-B that
two or more years before products ever Vantage and four Direct X10 games, had an overclocked 900MHz core. Later,
see the light of day. Without a doubt, including Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Far Cry Gigabyte sem us a retail version clocked at
the junior-sized RnO GPU, which 2, and World in Conflict. We ran 3DMark 850MHz. The single-card performance is
became the Radeon HD 4870, was, at
the time, a gamble for AMD's belea­
guered graphics division, especially as
Nvidia prepared the biggest and most
complicated GPU ever seen with its
GT200 series. But that gamble paid off
in spades; the R770 became ATI's
biggest hit since the 9700. The 4870 X2
even stole away Nvidia's performance
crown, though temporarily.
For a while now, the Radeon HD
4870 has been looking rather long in the GV-R489-1 GH-B
tooth. Add poor overclocking perfor­ $198.99
mance and a very rocky 40nm process Gigabyte
shrink that pushed back 40nm DirectX www.gigabyte.us
11 GPUs from AMD and Nvidia, the
Red Team decided that it's time for
a refresh. Specs: Core clock: 850MHz (900MHz); Memory clock: 975MHz; Memory: 1GB GDDR5
Say hello to the Radeon HD 4890. (256-bit; 3,900MHz)
The R790 GPU here is largely identical
to that of the 4870, but A1\1D re-engi­ Vantage at the default settings, at a resolu­ based on the 850MHz card you'll find in
neered the electrical traces in a bid to tion of 1,024 x 768. We ran the games retail, but we achieved our CrossFire
bump up clock speeds. The stock Radeon benchmarks at 1,280 x 1,024, 1,920 x numbers with both cards clocked at
HD 4890 features an 850MHz core clock 1,200, and 2,560 x 1,600. Our system con­ 900MHz. As such, two retail versions of
(compared to the 4870's 750MHz 4870 sisted of the 2.66GHz Phenom II X3 710, a the GV-R489-IGH-B won't perform
core) and 1GB of GDDR5 memory Cooler Master V8 CPU cooler, Biostar quite as well as you see here in CrossFire.
clocked at 975MHz (compared to TA790GX 128M (AMD 790GX + SB750) In real-world games, this minor core over­
900MHz for the 4870). The 4890 also motherboard, 2GB Corsair TWIN2X2048­ clock resulted in barely discernable frame
features 800 shader processors, 40 texture 6400C4 (2x 1GB, DDRl-800) SDRAM, rate increases. Given that some 4890s are
units, and 16 ROPs. At launch, the Corsair TX750W power supply, and capable of reaching 1,000MHz, the mea­
4890's MSRP was $249, but we've seen a I TB Western Digital Caviar Black ger 50MHz jump should be attainable
prices slide quite a bit since then, with WD I 00 1FALS hard drive. The Biostar with most 4890s.
some stock-clocked boards selling for motherboard's BIOS was version 2.61, and Gigabyte's version of the Radeon HD
closer to $200. Read on for the perfor­ Windows Vista Ultimate was our OS. We 4890 is the only one of those that we test­
mance breakdown to see if the various used AMD's Catalyst 8.592 graphics drivers ed that ships at the stock clock, which

18 September 2009 I www.computerpowerusercom
,'eviews I hardware

alone speaks volumes about the 4890's

stellar overclockability. The fan that this
is the least expensive card-by as much as
PCS+ H04890 1GB GOOR5
$100 in the case of Sapphire's Aromic
card-reAects quite favorably on Giga­
byte. A quick glance at the scores reveals
the performance hit you take for running
at srock speeds is minimal.
The card itself is a carbon copy of the ref­
erence design, from the red PCB to the red Specs: Core clock: 950MHz; Memory
fansink shroud that is only mostly obscured clock: 1,1 OOMHz; Memory: 1GB
by Gigabyte's gun-wielding fern sticker. A GDDR5 (256-bit; 4,400MHz)
pair of 6-pin PCI-E power connectors - - -- -

deliver the juice, and bundled accessories

include a drivers disc, DVI-ro-HDMI
adapter, DVI-to-VGA adapter, and twO
Molex-to-6-pin PCI-E adapters. The back
of the card has two DVI ports and a TV­
out port, which connects to the included
component and composite video adapters.
Although it had the lowest perfor­
mance numbers of the pack, the fact
that it could still run with the big dogs
at such a great price makes this one of
our favorites. game. In the box, you'll also find a only the sticker makeover. Luckily for Asus,
CrossFire bridge, composite video we're fans of AMD's shrouded fansink
PowerColor PCS+ HD4890 1GB adapter, DVI-to-HDMI adapter, DVI-to­ design. The retail box prominently exclaims
GDDR5 VGA adapter, and a driver CD.
that this card features Asus' exclusive Voltage
Pricewise, PowerColor's PCS+ HD4890
We have no trouble recommending Tweak technology, which apparently helps it
was about the middle of the pack, but in this card based on its performance, but if achieve the 900MHz core and 1,000MHz
raw performance, this card even gave you do a lot of gaming, expect your case memory overclock. Although somewhat
Sapphire's tricked-out Atomic card a run to run quite a bit warmer. modest overclocks, Asus did manage to get
for the money. This card is one of these numbers without upping the power
PowerColor's PCS+ (Professional Cooling Asus EAH4890/HTDI/1GD5 TOP demand significantly enough to require an
System Plus) cards, meaning that it fea­ Visually, the EAH4890 from Asus looks 8-pin PCI-E power connector. Despite the
tures a hearty overclock (up 100MHz on identical to the reference design, receiving "tweak" namesake, the component layout on
the core and 75MHz on the memory
clock). PowerColor made some board lay­
out and power phase changes that likely
helped with overclocking. PowerColor
also managed to maintain the impressive
overclock without resorting to replacing
one of the 6-pin PCI-E power connectors
with an 8-pin variety (like XFX and
Sapphire did). PowerColor also tossed the
1G05 TOP
reference fansink shroud and replaced it
with the Zerotherm cooling system, which
is a black nickel-plated fin and heatpipe
heatsink. The cooler looks quite nice, but
we prefer shrouded coolers that exhaust •••
GPU-produced heat outside the case.
Specs: Core clock: 900MHz; Memory
If you can do without the DXIO.l­ clock: 1,OOOMHz; Memory: 1GB GDDR5
capable BattleForge, grab the retail pack­ (256-bit; 4,OOOMHz)
age of this card without the bundled ~ ~,~. .

CPU I September 2009 19
reviews I hardware

the EAH4890's red PCB is the same as that Under the heatsink, the Atomic HD 4890 its signature XXX treatment. Here,
of the tefetence card, so the voltage tweak 4890 is actually rather unimpressive. The the color scheme is black and red, with
likely occurs at the BIOS level. The pelfor­ component layoll(, as far as we can tell, is the PCB colored the former and the DVI
mance numbets, particularly those in identical to the reference card. That's not pOtts and fansink shroud colored the lat­
the 4890's sweet spot 0,920 x 1,200), re­ necessarily a bad thing; after all, board ter. Again, XFX went with AMD's default
veal that this card competes well against layout changes may not have been justi­ component layout and fansink shroud.
the Sapphire card, but less so against fied to reach such an impressive clock. On Bll( despite the apparent adherence to the
PowerColor's similarly priced 4890. the other hand, Sapphire's new fansink reference design, this card features 6- and
The EAH4890 we tested was an early shroud suffers from the same shortcoming 8-pin power connectors, like the faster
factory ovetclocked model, designated by as the PowerColor card: It exhausts hot Atomic 4890 from Sapphire. No doubt
the TOP suffix, but these cards have been air inside the case. XFX is playing it safe, as this card features
phased out in favor of a new factory over­ The Atomic retail box includes loads of a 900MHz core clock, 975MHz memory
clocked model that will feature a new extras, including a CrossFire bridge, com­ clock, and a double lifetime warranty. As
fans ink. Asus assures us that this card will posite and component video adapters, we went to press, we could only find the
appear in retail soon and should sport the DVI-to-HDMI adapter, DVI-to-VGA HD-489A-ZDDC version we tested for
same core and memory clock as the card adapter, an HDMI cable, 8-pin PCI-E sale at Newegg, with other 4980s adver­
we tested. Performance between the adapter, 6-pin PCI-E adapter, a driver tised on XFX's Web site.
EAH4890 we tested and the card you'll be
able to buy should be roughly equivalent, Atomic HD 4890
but we can't comment on the quality or $299.99
function of the new fansink. The retail Sapphire
box includes a CrossFire bridge, compos­ www1.sapphiretech.com
ite and component video adapters, DVI­ •• 4
to-HDMI adapter, DVI-to-VGA adapter,
a faux leather mouse pad, a Molex-to-6­
pin PCI-E adapter, and a driver CD.
It's possible that a new fansink could
reduce' thermals and yield slightly better
performance, but regarding the card we
actually tested, the EAH4890 TOP just
isn't worth the extra $40 you'll pay com­
pared to the Gigabyre card.

Sapphire Atomic HD 4890

Sapphire was the only vendor able to Specs: Core clock: 1,OOOMHz; Memory
send us one of the much-hyped IGHz clock: 1,050MHz; Memory: 1GB GDDR5
4890s that AMD showed off recently. This (256-bit; 4,200MHz)
card certainly looks impressive: It features
blue PCB, a redesigned fansink and black
shroud, and Sapphire's exclusive Vapor-X CD, a copy of 3DMark Vantage, and Regarding performance, this card
technology. To cool the GPU, this tech­ OEM versions of CyberLink's DVD trailed the Asus card with a faster memory
nology utilizes what Sapphire calls vapor­ Suite 5.0 and PowerDVD 7.0. What, clock but beat the slower Gigabyte card
ization wicks, which heat the liquid no game? (as you'd expect). The retail package here
enclosed in the heatsink to a vapor, which Compared to a stock-clocked 4890, we includes a pair of 6-pin PCIcE power
travels to and condenses on the condensing did see a frame rate bump at most resolu­ adapters; a driver disc; CrossFire bridge;
wicks. Once cooled, the liquid circulates tions, but not enough of one to justify a DVI-to-HDMI adapter; DVI-to-VGA
back to the hottest part of the heatsink, $300 price tag. A 960MHz version of this adapter; and Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X., a
and the process repeats. As a result of the card went on sale for closer to $270 as we game that shows off the performance
redesigned heatsink shroud, the Atomic went to press, but that's still a little too increases and improved shader benefits
HD 4890 comes with a 1GHz core clock pricey, even for the plethora of extras. ofDXlO.1.
and a 1,050MHz memory clock. All that We give the HD Radeon 4890 XXX
horsepower comes at a cost though; XFX HD Radeon 4890 XXX Edition Edition the nod over the Asus card
Sapphire equipped this card with 6- and 8­ XFX, once an exclusive Nvidia graph­ because it includes a game that really
pin power connectors. ics card maker, has given the Radeon HD shines with this card.


20 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruseLcom


Everybody Wins HD Radeon 4890 XXX Edition

Although we managed to scrounge up $244.99
a range of cards sporting a variety of XFX
clocks and features, any of the cards above www.xfxforce.com
will deliver a great experience for your
money. With the ATI Overdrive control
panel, you can easily overclock your card
to get even more fun for your funds. And
because you're not fussing with voltages
and low-level settings, you don't have to
worry about permanently damaging your
card. So get our there and see how far you
can push the Radeon HD 4890 ....
Specs: Core clock: 900MHz; Memory clock: 975MHz; Memory: 1GB GDDR5 (256-bit;
by Andrew Leibman 3,900MHz)

Specs & Scores Gigabyte Gigabyte GV- PowerColor Asus Sapphire XFX HD
GV-R489-1GH-B GV-R489­ PCS+ EAH4890/ Atomic HD Radeon 4890
__ L9_~<?_~~_~i!~) J_QJ':I:_'? IjP'~?'~.9 jIP.!~J_Q!?_!? 1_~~Q ~~~_~!:!!!ig~ _
___g9.~~_g<?~~ _ __ ~Q9_ry1J':1_~ ?!?.9.t\1!~~ !J_!?Q!0_Ij? !J~Q!0_Ij? 1!~QQ!0_I:I.~ ~9.9.t\1!~~ _
___fy!~!'!1.<?_ry _g!9.~_~ _ __ ~1.!?_ry1J':1_~ ~?_!?.t\I!~~ 1!~~9_ry1_f:l_~ 1,QQ9_fy!J':I_~ 1!~~9.fy!_f:l_~ ~?_!?.t\I!t!~ _
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___Qx~!_~!! ____ _____ ____________ _________________ __f.'_1)_1.1_4 ~?~_!J_~ E~_?~~ -'='_!J_Q?1. ~~_~_~? ~ ?!]_!?1 _
___Qf.'_l,J__~_~g~~ <Xl 1~5_~~ ~?_~~ .1.Q~~~ 1~J_?_1 .1_Q?~? J.9.Q~? _
___Qf.'~.1 jfp.~)' ___ _____________ _______ ______ ~ .__ ~ J_:!?X ??/!? ~_Q: ~? ?~: ?1 .?_1:QJ ??:~~ _
___Qf.'_l,J_?_ Jfp.~)' _____ _________________ __________ ~x .__ ~~ -.? ?!J .?_1 :?~ ~~: 1.? ~_? :~1. ~9: _1 ~ _
___g~~_§~9.~~ ::­ .__ ~1.?_? ~n1. ?n~ ~~~? ?X~~ ~.??_1 _
___g~~_1.{f.'!~~_~M__________________________ .__ ???:_~~ ??_4:~~ ??~:?_1 ??1.:~_1 ??~:~!? ??_~:~~ _
___g~~:?_{!?!~p.~!~)__________________________ . 1Q}?. J.9:~~ 1_Q:~~ .1~:~1 1.9:~? J.9:~~ _
___f.~!__~ry_?_i~~~_~) ~ .__ ~1.:1_~ 1.!?:?~ 1_~:Q~ 4~:1.1 1_!?:~~ 1.!?:~ __
___W<?!!!:!_l~_gg!!f!i.~!_(1_~~~,_1_~~~) ~ __ ~~ ~? ~:? ~~ .?_? ~? _
---g~~!~- --­----­---------------_-------- - ~ _-~~ -.?!?_ ­-­ ~~:~~ ~_!?: ~ J ~~: ~? .?_!?:1J ~4:~~ _
___g ~~!~_ ~_~!_~~?_~_ L4'X~~), _____________ _,.: __ :?1.:1.~ ?!?:~ .??: ~~ ?~ :?1 ?_~:?? ?_!?:~~ __
___f_~!__~~y._?_i~~_~A) ~ .__ ~1.:?!J ~1:?? 4~:1_? -',,~:~~ 1_4:~~ ~?:?~ _
___W<?!!~_l~_gg_l'!ni_~!_(4)<.~~,_~~~~) ~--~~-----------------------~?---------------------~~------ ~~ .?_? ~1 _
___g ~y.~!~_ _______ _________ _______________________ ~ __ :??:!?_!? ?_?:_1. ?:'P? ?~:~ ,?_!?:~~ ?.?:_?) _
___g~~!~_ ~_~!~~?_~_ L4'X~_~)'_ ___ __ __ ______,.: .__ ~?:~_~ J.?:~ 1_~: ~? 1~: J.? 1_~:9.~ J.?:_~~ _

___f_~.r:_~~y._?J~~A~) § .__ ~?:?~ ?!J:~~ .?:?:? 3_1:?8 .?_?:~J ~9:_~~ _

___W<?!!~_l~_gg_I'!!~i_~!_(~~~~,_1.~~~) ~..__ ~~ ?? ?? ?? ?_~ ?? __
___g~~!~ ~ __ ~Q&~ J.?:~) 11:~? .1~:~ 1_!?:~~ J_4::?~ __
___g~~!~_~_~!~~?_~_.l4'X~N C\i 1J...?_~ ?__~_!? ?:?~ ~:Q? ~:~~ ?& _

--------------------------------------------------- __ ~;3n:~? ~1_~~:~~ $:?~~·_!J_~ $:?~~-_!J~ $_?~~:!J_!J J?_4~:~~ _
-------------._------._-------------------------._- --~!_~---------------------~-~-~-~-----------~-~--~-------------~-~-~-------------~-~-~--------------~-~-~--------------
Driver: Catalyst 8.592

Test system specs: 2.66GHz Phenom II X3 710; Biostar TA790GX 128M (AMD 790GX + SB750); 2GB DDR2-800 SDRAM; Corsair
TX750W PSU; 1TB Western Digital Caviar Black HDD


CPU / September 2009 21

reviews I hardware

FirePro-Quadro Showdown

AMD & Nvidia Return For A Professional Graphics Cage ~v1atch

nformed power users know that profes­ compute resources to different virtual FirePro V8700
I sional graphics cards center on the same machines running on a hardware platform $1,499
hardware architectures used to drive gam­ with multiple Quadro FX cards. Sadly, ATI
ing boards. That fact alone is enough to the feature is only enabled on certain HP
create skepticism about the value of buy­
ing an ATI FirePro- or Nvidia Quadro
workstations right now, puning it out of
reach of DIY power users. SLI FSAA com­
FX-branded product. However, as we bines the muscle of two Quadros, facilitat­
showed last year, there is substantially ing higher levels of antialiasing without a
more to a workstation graphics card than negative performance impact. SLI Mosaic FirePro V5700
its GPU. (See page 20 in the July 2008 mode is only available on Nvidia's Quadro $599
issue of CPU.) Plex 2200 02, which uses a pair ofGPUs ATI
As a quick recap, software is perhaps the to drive a quartet of displays as a single
most significant differentiator. When it
comes to running games, drivers for your
logical graphics device.
ATI's FirePro lineup uniquely offers • ••••
Radeon and GeForce boards are quickly DirectX 10.1 suppott-notable because !;
optimized to shore up image quality, sta­ an increasing number of professional titles
bility, and performance. But if you're look­ have actually shifted away from OpenGL
ing to do a little animation in 3ds Max, rendering in favor of DirectX. The com­
modeling in Maya, or mechanical CAD in pany's flagship FirePro V8700 is the only on Radeon-class desktop cards, it runs sub­
SolidWorks, a workstation graphics card board equipped with stereo 3D output; stantially quieter, even under heavy load.
with drivers written specifically for those additionally, it's the only model armed Despite the pair of CrossFireX connecrors
professional applications is a must-have. with HD component ompUL Compared on the board, however, AMD's not advertis­
If you're still not a believer, read On. The to Nvidia's lineup, which is loaded with ing its multi-GPU rendering technology as a
benchmarks speal< for themselves. unique capabilities depending on the card feature this time around; the complexities of
Contrary to popular thought, though, you choose, ATI is drilling down on per­ enabling CrossFire in windowed applica­
there are some significant hardware fea­ formance as its primary differentiator. tlons presen ts roo many issues.
tures available on workstation cards that Physical evidence that this card is de­
you can't get on their gaming equivalems. AMD ATI FirePro V8700 signed for a different audience is most
Display connectivity is one good example. Serving as the flagship of ATI's FirePro apparent on its rear I/O panel, which
Hopefully you've already discovered the workstation family, (he V8700 cenrers sports a single dual-link DVI output, two
improvement in picture quality moving on the same silicon used to manufacture DisplayPott ourPUts' and a stereo 3D con­
from analog VGA to the DVI outpm Radeon HD 4870 graphics cards. Irs nector (although only two of the digital
found on the vast majority of mainstream RV770 XT CPU is etched at 55nm and outpms can be active at a time).
cards. Although desktop boards still rely sports 800 shader processors, 40 texture
heavily on DVI technology, the profes­ units, and 16 Raps. Like the card's desk­ AMD ATI FirePro V5700
sional cards in this roundup overwhelm­ top variant, the FirePro V8700 is armed It's difficult not to draw parallels be­
ingly favor DisplayPort-an interface with 1CB of GDDR5 memory on a 256­ tween the FirePro V5700 and Radeon
designed to replace VGA and DVI. A bit bus. ATI sets the CPU clock speed at HD 4670, which sells for less than $100.
smaller, simpler connector and support for 750MHz (the same as the Radeon HD Both cards center on ATI's RV730
longer cables are only two of the reasons 4870) and the memory frequency to graphics processor, with its 320 stream
to use DisplayPott on your workstation. 850MHz-just 50MHz slower. processots, 24 texture units, and 12
There are also a number of value-adds The hardware similarities don't stop RO Ps. And both cards feature 512MB
in play. For example, Nvidia's latest gener­ there, as AT!'s FirePro V8700 populates of GDDR3 memory on a 128-bit bus.
ation of cards expounds on SLI by adding two expansion slots and requires a pair But many of the Radeon HD 4670s
three additional operating modes: SLI of six-pin PCI-E power connectors. Al­ we've seen include two dual-link DVI
Multi-OS, SLI FSAA, and SLI Mosaic though the fully enclosed blower-type ports and an S-Video TV output. The
mode. The first lets you assign hardwate cooler looks identical to what we've seen FirePro V5700 boasts a single dual-link

24 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com
reviews I hardware

FirePro V3750
AMD AT! FirePro V3750 AMD AT! FirePro V3700
$199 The FirePro V3750 is a particularly The least-expensive board in ATI's cur­
ATI noteworthy product in ATI's worksta­ rent stable of pro products is actually the
www.amd.com tion lineup because its price comes very only one not based on this generation's
•••• close to overlapping the Radeon HD
4890. Yet, from a hardware perspective,
graphics hardware. Its name makes it
sound very similar to the previously dis­
the FirePro V3750 is a substantially less­ cussed V3750, bur the V3700 is acrually
powerful offering. It centers on RV730, based on ATI's RV620, wielding just 40
the same 320 stream processor-equipped stream processors, eight texture units, and
FirePro V3700 CPU used on the aforementioned V5700. four Raps.
$99 By comparison, the Radeon HD 4890 The older architecture naturally translates
ATI boasts 800 stream processors. Neverthe­ to reduced performance. Bur because it does
www.amd.com less, the fact that our benchmark suite employ ATI's heavily optimized unified
•• results show this modest little board
blowing past Nvidia's CeForce CTX
driver package, the $99 card is able to com­
pete against more expensive desktop boards
295 gaming flagship should be a good repurposed for workstation tasks. ATI outfits
indicator of the impact driver optimiza­ the sub-$100 board with a pair of dual-link
tions can have in the professional graph­ DVI outputs and a super-quiet copper
ics market. heatsink. Both features are atypical of low­
If the FirePro V3750 employs the same cost graphics cards, so there is real value in
DVI output and two DisplayPort connec­ silicon as ATI's V5700, why is that latter stepping up to professional hardware, even
tors. It's a single-slot card that gets all the board $400 more expensive? For starters, an entry-level model such as the V3700.
power it needs from the PCI-E slot-no the V3750 hosts half as much memory­ Nevertheless, we'd be inclined to skip
need for an auxiliary connector. Although 256MB ofCDDR3 instead of 512MB. over this one; you could get the much
you'll find a pair of CrossFire connectors The V3750 also sacrifices the HD com­ better FirePro V3750 for $100 more. Our
on the top edge of the card, ATI's multi­ ponent video output. performance tests tell the real tale here.
CPU rendering technology isn't enabled But other than that, the sub-$200
on the FirePro V5700. board is a fairly strong card for value-ori­ Nvidia Quadro FX 3800
Like the FirePro V8700, this model's ented professionals who'd like to get into Sitting in the middle of Nvidia's work­
cooler runs significantly quieter than its workstation graphics at desktop prices. It station lineup (but stiU considered a high­
desktop equivalent. A side-by-side visu­ offers the same dual-link DVI output and end part), the Quadro FX 3800 is an
al inspection makes it easy to see why. DisplayPort connectors, the same single­ impressive adaptation of the company's
Whereas the reference Radeon HD 4670 slot design, and the same heatsink as the desktop hatdware. It's powered by a
employs an aluminum heatsink that does FirePro V5700. And because it also uses GT200 CPU loaded with 192 shader
not make contact with onboard memory the V5700's CPU, its performance attrib­ cores-identical to the CeForce CTX
ICs, the FirePro card fearures a beefier utes rum out to be fairly similar, so long 260-but the card gets away with a single­
copper sink able to keep temperatures as you aren't working on large, memory­ slot design that's remarkably quiet. Al­
lower. Thus, less is required from the fan. intensive datasets. though the resulting I/O backplate doesn't

CPU / September 2009 25
revievlis I hardware

Quadro FX 3800 the most affordable board from Nvidia Quadro FX 1800

$899 with SLI Multi-OS support (if you own a $599

Nvidia compatible HP workstation) and stereo­ Nvidia

www.nvidia.com scopic output. Additionally, Nvidia is in www.nvidia.com

• • • • 41 the process of equipping its Quadro FX • • • 41

3800 with functionaliry once reserved for
the pricey Quadro ex: GPU-accelerated
t ~!" video encoding via a software plugin for

Adobe's Premiere Pro eS4.

By giving its $899 card capabilities that
were once only availab1e on ultra high­ Beyond what you lose in speed, the
end workstation products, Nvidia makes Quadro FX 1800 also gives up support
leave much room for connectiviry, you still this one of the most arrractive offerings in for SLI and optional SDI connectiviry. It
get a pair of DisplayPort outputs and a its Quadro family. does enjoy the Premiere Pro eS4 driver
dual-link DVI connector. A 256-bit bus upgrade, though, making this $599 board
hosting 1GB ofGDDR3 would seem to set Nvidia Quadra FX 1800 your low-cost option for hardware-accel­
this card up againstATI's FirePro V8700, Stepping down to the Quadro FX erated video transcoding.
which is considerably more expensive. 1800 saves $300, but it also revens to In our opinion, the price difference
Bur more exciting than the graphics Nvidia's previous-generation architecture, between this board and its GT200-based
processor driving Nvidia's Quadro FX which only has 64 shader processors and big brother shouldn't be insurmountable
3800 is the feature and software packages FP32 precision (32-bit floating point pre­ for professionals vacillating between the
the company enables. To begin, this is the cision) vs. the Quadro FX 3800, which midrange and high-end workstation mar­
least expensive board with support for an offers FP64. A narrower 192-bit memory kets. If you can afford the step up, we'd
optional SOl (Serial Digital Interface) bus with 768MB of GDDR3 scales per­ recommend the more capable Quadro FX
card, used in video production. It's also formance back even further. 3800. Between this card and the similarly
priced FirePro V5700, consider the Fire­
Pro if video acceleration isn't at the top of

Pro Card Benchmarking

f course, testing worksta­ days instead of OpenGL. in order to shed some light on ATI's architecture (only the $99
O tion-class graphics cards
is nothing like running desktop
The same issue affects
Cinebench 10, because its in­
the development work now
being conducted using the
FirePro V3700 is beaten by any
of Nvidia's boards). The CATIA
boards through a handful of the tegrated graphics test runs Microsoft API. test is actually fairly even, as is
latest games. Creating a relevant through OpenGL. Fortunately, It's incredibly interesting the EnSight visualization work­
test suite requires a sample of
Cinebench is still representative to see how each vendor domi­ load. Maya, SolidWorks, and
. the apps used by professionals.
of real-world performance in nates depending on the UGS NX are all dominated by
So, we picked SPECviewperf,
Maxon's Cinema 4D animation basis for comparison. In ATI hardware. Nvidia turns in
SPECapc for 3ds Max, and the
software, so it's less of a syn­ SPECviewperf 10, for example, better Pro/Engineer numbers,
64-bit version of Cinebench 10
thetic metric. AMD seems to have the upper while the UGS Teamcenter
to do the job. Our SPECapc for 3ds Max hand. The same holds true for Visualization Mockup is fairly
SPECviewperf 10 is an benchmark is perhaps the most Cinebench. But when we move well-balanced.
OpenGL-based synthetic bench­ interesting test. The original to SPECapc for 3ds Max, Nvidia Bear in mind that those are
mark launched in mid-2007 by SPECapc package was de­ takes a commanding lead. Let's OpenGL-based scores. The
SPEC (Standard Performance signed for 3ds Max 9. Its work­ break the results down further, tables turn as soon as we switch
Evaluation Corporation). It con­ load included wireframe model­ though, to get a better idea over to 3ds Max 2009 and its
sists of eight viewsets, each ing, shading, texturing, lighting, of how performance varies DirectX-based workload.
intended as a predictor of appli­ animation, rerldering, and between $99 and $1,499 Whereas SPECviewperf yielded
cation performance in a corre­ more. But 3ds Max 9 is several hardware. comparison numbers in frames
sponding title. SPECviewperf is versions old, so this test was The SPECviewperf 10 results per second, our SPECapc result
widely used to compare mod­ updated to support 3ds Max are reported in frames per sec­ is actually a composite. It's gen­
ern workstation graphics cards. 2009 (x64, in this case). Al­ ond-easy enough to under­ erated using the weighted geo­
However, it faces a challenge in though the benchmark sup­ stand for any power user with a metric means of more than 50
that a lot more efTIphasis is ports both OpenGL and DirectX, penchant for gaming. SPEC's different test cases. And the
being placed on DirectX these we did our testing with DirectX 3ds Max viewset heavily favors suggestion here is that all of


26 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

reviews I hardware

your prioriry list and the Quadro FX Quadro FX 580 But if you can't afford to spend
1800 if you plan to do encoding work $149 any more on a workstation graph­
within Adobe's CS4 suite. Nvidia ics product than you would on a
www.nvidia.com desktop board, the FirePro V3750
Nvidia Quadro FX 580 •• 4 is perhaps the strongest offering
The Quadro FX 580 is another new from among our sub-$200 cards.
board based on an older graphics architec­ Stepping up to the $599 price
ture. However, because this one slides in range takes you past the most
under $150, we expect performance con­ for the power user on a budget. Again, we expensive desktop powerhouses. ATI's
cessions in the name of making workstation see proof that it's better to buy at the bot­ FirePro V5700 and Nvidia's Quadro FX
gtaphics available to as many professionals tom of the professional stack, if only for the 1800 duke it out, both offering unique
as possible. After all, this is the least expen­ highly optimized drivers. advantages. Most notable is the Premiere
sive card in our roundup with two Display­ Pro plugin accelerating video transcoding
POrt outputs and a dual-link DVl port. Our Recommendations on Nvidia's board.
Nvidia also gives the 580 512MB of Let's cover the most important guidance Finally, the high end is represented by
GDDR3 memory on a 128-bit bus. Un­ first: There's no such thing as substituting the Quadro FX 3800 and FirePro V8700.
der frame buffer-intensive workloads, that desktop graphics in a workstation world. The former is loaded with exciting features,
should give the entry-level Quadro FX The hardware might be eerily similar, but such as SLI, SDI support, and video accel­
an advantage over ATI's FirePro V3750, software drivers make all of the difference. eration that expand the card's potential.
which only comes with 256MB of memo­ ATI's FirePro and Nvidia's Quadro FX The latter lacks all of those extras, instead
ry. Othelwise, there's a good chance that lineup both feature optimizations that im­ zeroing in on maximizing performance. In
the FirePro V3750 is going to be faster. prove performance in professional apps. It the end, we're moS( impressed with the
Naturally, the Quadro FX 580 sacrifices might sound ludicrous to pay $599 for the additions Nvidia enables through the
a lot of the functionality found on the 3800 equivalent of a Radeon HD 4670, for ex­ Quadro FX 3800. That'd be the high-end
and 1800 boards. Bur it still makes a com­ ample. Rest assured, both vendors' entry­ board we'd choose....
pelling alternative to shoehorning desktop level boards are able to embarrass pricier
graphics into a workstation environment gaming cards in the professional arena. by Paul Cross

CPU / September 2009 27
reviews I hardware

Ruckus Wireless MediaFlex 7811

download a 2GB file on my open Cisco
W AP4400N 802.11n access point. In
fact, I had to turn off my Logitech wire­
his is the best wireless gear you've signal strength along that path, and ignore less speakers to initiate the transfer. The
T never heard of. Despite the hype everything else. It's a bit like using a bright Ruckus 7811 enabled the same transfer to
802.11 n has received, we all know that flashlight in a dark room rather than turning the same notebook (using an Intel 5350
dead spots and throughput issues remain on a dimmer omnidirectional bulb. Ruckus NIC) across the same path in 6:01 with the
common. Sometimes Draft N will sustain uses beamforrning at the access point and (if extra overhead ofWPA-AES encryption.
a high-def video stream, sometimes it you have one) client adapter ends, yielding I was able to watch a 19.2Mbps, nop
won't. This is particularly vexing for those up to a 9dB gain while rejecting up to -17dB MPEG-2 video on my notebook while
of us who want, for instance, to use our of interference, the Achilles' heel ofWi-Fi. simultaneously streaming 1080p WMV
wireless-equipped Xbox 360s as media At opposite ends of my 2,600 square­ video to my Xbox 360, which had the
extenders for streaming movies from a foot house, surrounded by seven to 12 Ruckus 7111 adapter ($] 39) attached.
home server. So what do you do? competing neighbor networks, it takes Both streams looked like flawless HDTV; I
Service carriers are increasingly turning to 16:04 (minures:seconds) to was stunned. Ruckus assures a "worst-case"
little-known Ruckus Wireless, which sustained throughput of 50Mbps to any
is the only vendor offering beam­ corner of a 4,000 square-foot building.
forming in its 802.11g1n gear lVIediaFlex 7811 Why not a perfect five CPUs? You can
today. Beamforming uses sensors Ruckus Wireless only buy Ruckus hardware through
and antenna arrays to isolate the $199 a few outlets, such as Expressnets
Wi-Fi signal of most interest, www.ruckuswireless.com (www.expressnets.com). and Ruckus has
focus transmission, and/or reception • • • • 41 yet to devise a consumer-friendly setup
app. The 7811 itself, though, is down­
Specs: Band: 5GHz; Port: 1 10/100 Ethernet; Antenna array: 6 high-gain elements, 63 right phenomenal. •
omni patters; IGMP snooping: up to 32 multicast groups and up to 48 receiving stations;
Security: WPA and WPA2 (AES); Channelization: 40MHz channel bonding supported by William Van WuUde

Lia.n Li PC-B71
hen you build high-quality cases, PC-B71 power supply
W there isn't much difference be­ $319 on padded rails
tween a standard gaming tower and a Lian Li near the case
tower billed as a "silenr" model, such as www.lian-li.com.tw floor, drawing
the PC-B71. Several features here, from • • • • 41 in filtered air
the tool-less expansion card clamps to the from the vent
rubberized watercooling holes, were also cables out to your moth­
right below it.
seen in our review ofLian Li's PC-P50R. erboard or SAS con­
Panel holes
(See page 38 in the August 2009 issue.) troller), then you slide a
and plastic grips
But the PC-B71 clearly leans more little plastic rab down to
rhroughout the
toward work than play, accommodaring lock the drive inw place.
case make cable
up to 10 inrernal3.5-inch drives. Of In a case otherwise replete
management a
these, seven sit in the forward cage behind with sturdy build quality, these
snap. A bar runs
a pair of 140mm, 1,200rpm fans bolted tabs felt oddly flimsy, like rhey
across the main
w a swinging, key-locked door. At the could snap off after only a few uses.
chamber for stabiliz­
back of this cage are three passive SAS/ (Ours didn't.)
ing graphics cards while
SATA backplanes for hot-swapping The only other oddity we observed is also making the whole tower sturdier.
drives. Once you screw the included rails rhat our unit only had sound-dampening The hidden I/O and eSATA ports on the
onto your drives, simply slide them back padding inside the side panels; Lian Li's top of the case along with the recessed
into the cage rails. They'll dock with the site notes that there should also be pad­ power and reset buttons are tastefully
drive side of the backplane (the other side ding on the top. But you still have the done. You have an odd mixture of enthu­
siast and professional qualities here, but
Specs: Form factors: ATX, microATX, E-ATX; Bays: 1 5.25-inch external, 1 3.S-lnch Lian Li pulls it off to near-perfection. •
external, 10 3.S-inch internal; Fans: 2 140mm (front), 2 120mm (rear); Dimensions: 23.4 x
8.66 x 23.2 inches (HxWxD) by WLlliam Van Winkle

28 September 2009 / wYVW.computerpoweruser.com
reviews I hardware

Corsair HX850W Professional Series Specs

R~.te~.~~m~~~o.I!?L~L __ .~?9.1!Y ..__ .
ver the past few years, Corsair has Internally, the Corsair HX850W Profes­
O slowly but surely expanded its pow­
er supply lineup, with products ranging
sional Series PSU sports solid capacirors
rated for operation at up to 105 degrees
B~.t.~g.Q~.'!~.{~l. __
J.?'!.. ~~J!?......................

00. __ • • • • • • • • • • •

:l:1~Y:.~o.rlt!l1.~9.~~.tf!:.)'__ __ .?Q~ .
from the affordable CX400W ro the Celsius and a single high-output 12V rail :l:W~gl1.~!!~g!J.~.{(\l ??~ _..
high-end HX1000W modular PSU. rated for an impressive 70A. And although :I:~}Y:.~~mll1.~9.~?tf!:.) __??~ __.. . ._.
Corsair's latest offering, the HX850W the unit is 80 Plus-certified, Corsair claims ~LJ.~~~r:\i.ti~_d .. . ._. _y~?.. .. ..__
Professional Series, isn't quite as powerful the HX850W is acrually up ro 90% effi­ ~~9.~?£l~~~~~_rtJE~Q .._... _~_~ _.. ._. __
as its 1kW cousin, but its fearures, ample cienr under certain conditions. NI.~~_Y'!_<!n~9.~_!~~t~9 . XfJ.?~ . _
850W ourput rating, and relarively long We rook the Corsair HX.850W ro task ~~.~~J~_I1'!P. !l.s_!~~te~ ~~_~. .. __
f.'9_~~f.f~_~W!_~.s.t~?.t~g ...Q,~~__.._. . _
seven-year warranry may make it even on the powerful 8-core, multi-CPU rig
~ffi~i_~~_~Y_f~.~_~.c!Y~r:\~~~.c!l. -:-~9_0(~ __... . .
more desirable ro many enrhusiasts. we've used to stress the power supplies fea­
Mo.c!~.I(l~ .~~.bl~? ..... __ .... _...Y~?.. __. ..
The Corsair HX850W Professional tured in our last few PSU roundups (see
~~_~!~_?JQ~ __._.__. 1Y.I9.t~!J.~g.q~!_q_?i.c!~ __.
Series spons a durable matte black finish page 19 in the April 2009 issue of CPU), f.~!l.(~) _!~_~~!!~_I1 __. . . _~.qn~_I1'! ..._.. . .
and a 140mm thermally controlled cool­ and it handled any load we threw at it f.~!l.~. __ .... _.. _._. __._.. _.. _. __ . .1~_HQ!'!1.Il) .. __
ing fan that's barely audible under all without issue. With a sustained load Miscellaneous ATX 12V v2.3,
but the most demanding load condi­ approaching the 760W mark, the unit . ._. .~qt!$,.~~$_1gY_yg·~1.
tions. The PSU is mostly modular and remained completely stable for hours on f.'c:.I.~~.~:P.i.~/?_-.P!I1_._ ... ._. _61<..~!_2.f.'i.~ __.._. __ ._._
includes flat, easily-bendable cables for end and never showed any signs of failure. Main 12V 20+4
-------_.----------_ .. --------- ... -------------------------­

easy cable managemenr. With its impressive list of fea­ !!:~~~_~r~~_?'!.. .._. ?.!g~_~_:f:_~L __
4-Pin 12V 4
-----. __ .----------_.------------- ------._-----------------­
rures, strong performance,
~~ TA.. . . .1g . . ....
HX850W Professional and competitive price tag, the
NI.~J~.~_4:ril1_Q~!!p_~~~~L __ .1g __
Series HX850W Professional Series
f.lgp.P.y_~~P.i.I1 .. _. .. ._...? __.. .._. . ..
$199 PSU is yet another winner f.i_l}l~h . 00 _1Y.I~_lJ~_~J~_~~ __
Corsair for Corsair. ... Length (including cable
www.corsairmicro.com ~e!1g,.ln~~~s). .. .. __ . X,5__. ._. .__..
•••• by Marco Chiappetta Warranty (years) 7

Filco Majestouch Tactile Touch

Cherry MX Brown switches require a light
touch and provide a slight but noticeable
tacrile bump. Its keys feel solid all che
he ovelwhelming majoriry of key­ Cherry MX Brown keyswitch. It is a way through cheir motion and don't feel
T boards sold at retail stores or included I sleek all-black board wirh blue indicator mushy when botcomed oue, like mem­
with built-ro-order PCs are cheap rubber LEDs and few frills. The keycaps fearure brane boards.
dome or membrane keyboards. This is a a matte, textured finish that provides At $] 04, the Majesrouch Tactile
disappointing situation, because, to put it good grip. And the board spons true n­ Touch isn't cheap by any means, but
mildly, most membrane keyboards are key rollover when connected via a PS/2 if you spend any significant amount of
lackluster at best. connection, which is ro say pressing any time in front of a compucer, do your­
Hardcore keyboard aficionados know key combination works without ghosting. self a favor and invest in a high-qual­
mechanical keyswitch keyboards are a sig­ Connecting the keyboard via USB pro­ icy keyboard ....
nificant step up over membrane boards. vides 6-key rollover, which is a limitation
These keyboards are built of higher-qual­ of the USB HID dtiver, not the key­ by Marco Chiappetta
iry materials. The switches used under board. N-key rollover is desirable for
each butron acruate consistently across gamel'S or programmers that have ro mash
every key, and they last for millions multiple burrons at once or use unusu­
of keystrokes. al key combinations.
The Fileo Majesrouch Tactile Touch, Typing on the Fileo Majestouch
for example, is a nonclicky but tactile Tactile Touch is an absolute pleasure; It
mechanical keyboard, based on the popular is the best keyboard I have ever used. Its
Majestouch Tactile Touch
Specs: Interface: USB, PS/2 (with adapter); 104-Key US ANSI Layout; Keyswitches: Filco
Cherry MX Brown (4mm travel, 50 million actuations); DimenSions: 1.5 x 17.3 x 5.4 wIJvw.elitekeyboards.com
inches (HxWxD); Cable length: 4.9 feet; Blue LEDs; one-year warranty
30 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com
reviews I hardware

iPhone 3GS
Apple iPhone 3GS $199 (16GB),
$299 (32GB)
Specs: Weight: 4.8 ounces;
Camera: 3MP; Video recording:
30fps @ 640 x 480;
Apple UMTS/HSDPA (850/19001
he "S" is for "speed," and the most
T noticeable thing about the rhird-gen­
eration iPhone from Apple is rhat almost
2100MHz); GSM/EDGE (8501
900/1800/1900MHz); 802.11 big

everything happens faster. The core pro­ the clips is as easy as dragging sliders power to spare. Battery life remains an
cessor now runs at 600MHz, wirh 256MB across an on-screen filmstrip. Brilliant. issue, but we no longer seem to be in a race
of RAM (vs. 412MHz/128MB RAM in The integrated still camera is now 3MP. against the end-of-day power red line.
the 3G) and an enhanced GPU. Apps Some rival phones have higher resolutions, Cosmetically, rhe iPhone is unchanged,
load more quickly; even Web page ren­ but rhe auto-focusing iPhone also lets you except for a new clisplay coating rhat resists
dering is much snappier in our side-by­ tap a screen zone to focus selectively, even body oils.
side tests with the 3G. This model also at very close range for macro shots. This The iPhone 3GS is a great phone and a
will exploit the upcoming AT&T 3G feature wasn't always responsive or very superb pocket computer, but existing 3G
upgrade to 7.2Mbps HSDPA. Look for fast, but rhe pies are clearly sharper and owners will find it merely an incremental
even more speed soon. richer than the previous iPhone produced. upgrade. But speed matters, and in respon­
Video recording is here (finally), and The iPhone's notoriously short bartery siveness and multimedia versatility, the
it's Apple's other most impressive addi­ life has been addressed. Apple claims 12 iPhone 3GS raises the bar for everyone....
tion. VGA resolution and color fidelity hours of2G and five hours oOG talk time.
are vety good. But the 30fps recordings In our subjective real-world tests of mixed by Steve Smith
make the 3GS a superior camcorder to 3G voice and data usage, rhe 3GS made
almost every other phone and on par with a dozen or so calls and at least as many
many flip-style standalones. Trimming shorr data snacks over the 3G network with

Eurocom 0901 C Phantom-X

consider myself in decent shape. Good 0901 CPhantom-X
I thing, because rhe D90lC Phantom-X $3,950 (as tested)
isn't for rhose slight of build. This "mobile Eurocom
server" desktop replacement is giant in ways www.eurocom.com
far beyond its shoulder-aching, nearly 12­
pound heft. From the "yikes" scores it
charted in our benches to its 1.5TB of con­ handling intensive apps
figurable storage (3Gbps SATA; RAID sans stalls and hiccups was
0/1/5) to being "the world's first super­ noticeably evident. Using
notebook wirh 1,333MHz FSB," this is Steinberg's Sequel audio mixer!editor!
one sexy beast. Just know you'll pay might­ recorder, for example, was a pleasure vs. the
ily to claim "the most powerful notebook rendering-waiting and waiting some more
on the market" as your own. experience I've labored rhrough on orher
The D901C isn't without some down­ systems. On-the-fly mixes, loop extensions,
sides, including its paltry 1.5-hour rated altering arrangements, adcling instrument
battery life (I2-cell Sman Li-Ion), a so-so and vocal effects, and other tasks flew by in
touchpad, and pedestrian aesthetics. a very much appreciated breeze.
Still, we're talking server-capable power Fact is, only a select few will even con­
here. Oust check the spees.) The rig's 17.1­ sider giving the D90 I C a serious sniff, for
inch ultrasharp screen (1,920 x 1,200) was obvious reasons (read: $). As obvious,
magnificent in my multimeclia use. Euro­ though, is that those who do wiJJ really
com also rhrew in a seven-in-one card read­ like what they smell ....
er; DVI and VGA outputs; above-average
sounding speakers, USB (four) and Fire­ by Blaine Flamig
Wire (one) portS, R.ealTek HD audio,
ExpressCard slot, GbE, and more. Specs: CPU: Intel Quad Core Xeon 3370 @ 3GHz (12MB L2 cache); Memory: 8GB DDR2­
Performance-wise, everything from 800; GraphiCS: Nvidia Quadro FX 3700; Networking: 802.11 b/g/n, Gigabit Ethernet; Win­
dows Ultimate; DimenSions: 2.4 x 15.9 x 11.9 inches (HxWxD); SPDIF. mlC, and headphone
smoking-fast installs/uninstalls to jacks; 220W power brick; 102-key full-sized keyboard


CPU I Septem ber 2009 31

reviews hardware

Gelid Wing 12
f you're looking for a 120mm case fan the fan blades for easy cleaning. (That is, if Wing 12
I ro cool your components, Gelid's Wing you ever let your case get that dusty.)
The Wing 12 also boasts near-silent
Gelid Solutions
series may be your perfeer fit. The fans are
available in green or blue, and each fan operation, with a noise-level range of 12 www.gelidsolutions.com
blade is UV-reactive. to 25dBA. With the fan controller set • • • 41
We took a look at the Wing 12 model, ro the lowest speed, the Wing 12
the 120mm version in the Wing series. was indeed nearly silent. Cranked Specs: Fan size: 120mm; Maximum fan speed:
1,500rpm; Noise level: 12 to 25dBA; Airflow:
The Wing 12 boasts a maximum speed up to fuJI speed, the Wing 12's
64.3cfm; Warranty: five years
of 1,500rpm and an airflow rating of noise level was audible but slightly

64.3cfm. Each fan comes with its own fan quieter than other 120mm fans.

controller, complete with two-sided tape Thanks to the rubber fan mounts, any

Benchmark ! HP Z600
to affIx the controller to your case. Also noise caused by rattling or vibration was
Results . Workstation
included in the package are tool-less rubber roo quiet to hear.
fan mounts, which are intended to decrease The Wing 12's price may seem a little

the amoum of noise caused by vibrations high at first glance, because many other

from typical screw-mounting. Using the fans sporring similar specs retail for less.

rubber mounts created an easy tool-less But the price tag reflects some of the extras

installation that we really appreciated. you won't get on other fans, such as the

One of the Wing 12's major features is tool-less rubber fan mounts and five-year

its Nanoflux Bearing. The NFB consists warranty. Overall, the Wing 12 looks to

of a magnetic, friction-free design, which be a quality, long-lasting purchase....

translates to less wear and a longer-lasting

fan. The design also enables users to detach by Kris Glaser

HP Z600 Z600
$7,856 (as tested) HP's workstations are
HP nearly completely config­
rom workstations urable, and the Z600 sent
F available for less
than $1,000 all the
••••• to us was designed with
video- and photo-editing

way up to the five-digit performance in mind. In SPECviewperf

range, HP's Z-Series 10's 3dsmax-04 (3ds Max Viewset; scenario

line is customizable to for light tracing) and SW-02 (SolidWork

your workstation needs. HP sent us its Viewset; testS model rendering), the Z600

Z600, a midrange option, which included excelled. In the fout-thread test, it pro­

dual Intel Xeon E5570 processors, 6GB duced respective SCOtes of 102.13 and

ofDDR3-1333 ECC memory, and an 191.55, while the two-thread test delivered

Nvidia Quadro FX1800. The Z600 can be 144.52 in 3dsmax-04 and 262.78 in SW­
configured with up to 24GB of memory 02. Its multithteaded time of27 seconds in

and dual Nvidia FX1800 graphics cards. Cine bench 10 was also impressive.

The Z600 components are housed in a If you're in the market for a worksta­

tall brushed-aluminum case yOLl can work tion, you'll definitely want to check out

on with absolutely no tools. For example, HP's Z-Series line. HP can build the sys­

the hard drives are hot-swappable; the add­ tem ro fit your specific processing tasks,

on cards lock into place via a single swing­ from entry-level CAD and video editing

ing aluminum arm; and the internal system to high-end digital content creation and

fans (one in the front panel, two in the rear computing-intensive financial tasks ....

panel, and one over the six memory mod­

ules) pop directly into power plugs on the by Nathan Lake
motherboard. The impressive design means
Specs: CPU: Intel E5570 @ 2.93MHz; RAM: 6GB DDR3-1333 ECC; HOD: 500GB (data
most of the hardware is cable-free, so it's
drive) and 250GB (OS drive) WD Caviar Blue; GPU: Nvidia Quadro FX1800; Windows Vista
easy to remove and replace components. Business (64-bit)

32 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com
I-eviews [ hardware

CyberPower PC Gamer Xtreme 81

LG's GGC-H20L BD reader and DVD
writer; a 12-in-l memory card reader; and
front-panel ports for eSATA, USB (three),
and audio. To deliver graphics power, the
build includes a Gigabyte GY-N285UD­
1GH (GeForce GTX 285), and Gigabyte's
GA-EX58-UP4P motherboard offers three
PCI-E x16 slots for SLl performance, so
you could upgrade the system in the future.
CyberPower's processor overclocks
help the Gamer Xtreme SI excel at our
CPU-intensive benchmarks. For example,
its 4014.33pps (pixels per second) score
Gamer Xtreme 81 was one of the highest we've seen from a
$1,729 (as tested) Nehalem processor. Its SiSoftware Sandra
CyberPower PC 2009 marks of77.7 Dhrystone ALU and
www.cyberpowerpc.com 66.8 Whetstone 155E3 results were also
•••• some of the highest we've seen. In terms
lthough not every boutique builder of the gaming, the Gamer Xu'eme 51 pro­
A offers under-warranry overclocking, duced the type of results we'd expect of
a single-GPU system, such as 15fps in
the service is one of the primary reasons
to go with a custom PC company over a Crysis and 1Ifps in Crysis Warhead at
traditional vendor or building it yourself. 2,560 x 1,600, Although it'd take more
CyberPower's Gamer Xtreme SI features cash, serious garners may want to invest
an Intel Core i7-950 running at 3.68GHz in a Two-Way SLI or dual-GPU card
(a 620MHz overclock) that ran stable Gamer Xtreme 51 configuration,
through all our gaming and Prime 95 We like to see overclocked systems that
stress tests. Additionally, this sub-$2,000 run stable through our benchmarking
system featured a GeForce GTX 285, process, which isn't too easy on hard­
1.5TB hard drive, and 6GB ofDDR3­ ware. And with thoughtful inrerior cool­
1600 memolY. ing, the Gamer Xtreme SI wi11 help keep
CyberPower installed Asetek's LCLC to your components from breaking down
achieve the stable 3.68GHz overclock, and prematurely. All in all, it's a well-designed
there are a total of five system fans co move system that stretches the value of the in­
system heat away from the components. At ternal hardware....
the front of the Gamer Xtreme 51, two
120mm fans (parallel co the long hard drive by Nathan Lake
cage) pull outside air into the case, while a
120mm fan at the bottom of the case and a
230mm side-panel fan push hot air out of
the system. The rear 120mm fan is con­
nected to Asetek's LCLC radiator. The five
fans made the system a little noisy, but the
interior was nearly as cool as our testing lab.
CyberPower added blue lights to the
front- and side-panel fans to add a little
panache to an otherwise plain-Jane case.
The builder did an excellent job of routing
cables behind the motherboard, so the inte­
rior hardware was accessible and easy to
view from the side-panel windows. The
Gamer Xtreme SI sent to us also includes

CPU / September 2009 33
I-eviews I hardware

case of the N230 in the IonITX-B-E, our

Zotac lonITX-A-U CPU resource monitor showed CPU uti­

lization between 60 and 80% on average
and up to 100% (though we detected

& lonITX-B-E smooth playback throughout). With the

more capable N330, however, CPU uti­
lization never spiked above 70%. Borh
boards were capable of MPEG encoding,
The HTPC You've Been Waiting For but the dual-core version didn't slow to a
crawl during the process. DVD playback
barely affected the CPU on both models.
f your average consumer's multimedia ap­ an HTPC builder's dream team: the Zotac Despite built-in PhysX and DirectX 10
I pecite is Goliarh and Intel's power-sipping
Atom processor is David, then consider
IonITX-A-U, IonITX-B-E, and IonITX-C
U rnini-ITX motherboards. The first board
support, no games that take advantage of
that eye candy will be playable with these
Nvidia's Ion a very large rock. There's not ships with all of the bells and whistles: a features enabled. In Far Cry 2, the dual­
much room for Zorac in that analogy, but dual-core Atom N330 (1.6GHz), a 90W core IonITX-A-U delivered a minor
the motherboard and graphics card manu­ external power supply, and built-in 802.11 frame rate boost, but even with all set­
facturer behind these two new Ion-based b/g/n Wi-Fi module. The IonITX-B-E tings at the minimum, gameplay was a
mini-ITX motherboards has assembled the and CU boards come with the single-core muddy-looking slideshow. With less­
most powerful integrated CPU/GPU plat­ Atom N230 (l.6GHz), and both lack the demanding DX9 games-Spore, The
form we've ever tinkered with. Wi-Fi module, bu.t the latter features the Sims, or World of Warcraft-this little
To be fair, the phrases "mini-ITX" and external PSu. The two Atom N230 models system might be able to perform, which is
"performance" rarely appear in the same also come with a Mini PCI-E slor, which more than Intel's Atom and 945GIGN40
sentence together-and for good reason. lets you install the mobile Wi-Fi adapter of platform can allege.
Prior to Ion (and likely even still), the vast your choice. Like other Ion-based products Nvidia likes to call Ion a disruptive
majority of the market for mini-ITX sys­ and GeForce 8, 9, and 200 series graph­ technology, but that's a bit of an over­
tems consists oflow-cost thin-clients; wire­ ics cards, these motherboards all support statement. Intel's Atom arguably helped
less networking devices; and single-purpose Nvidia's CUDA technology. spawn the netbook platform, and while
multimedia devices, such as set-top boxes. We got our hands on both the high­ the GeForce 9400M does expand the
Nvidia's Ion namesake actual1y refers end Zotac IonITX-A-U model and the capabilities of Atom-based devices in the
to the integrated GeForce 9400M GPU, stripped-down IonITX-B-E. We built areas ofHD playback and very light gam­
the same one you'll find on Nvidia desk­ systems using Windows Vista as our OS; ing, using these features will result in
top motherboards and several notebooks, benched them against one another; and meaningfully shorter battery life. For
including the MacBook Pro. The GPU performed a number of multimedia tasks, HTPC builders, however, Ion delivers
features 16 stream processors, and Zotac's including watching DVDs, streaming just enough ponies to handle all the
boards support DDR2 667/800 memory, videos from the Web, watching VC1­ playback you can consume, and it comes
5.1 surround sound, three SATA devices, encoded "The Corpse Bride" on Blu-ray in a small and cool package, thanks to
one eSATA, and up to 10 USB devices. Disc, and encoding an MPEG-2 video. Zotac. It isn't a computing revolution,
When we were first introduced to Ion at The platform also supports Windows 7, just a great platform....
CES 2009, the reference board(s) featured so we tested that, too (using RCI), and (Subscribers can go to www.cpuma~com
more I/O ports and display options than borh boards performed as expected. /cpusept09lzotacion for performance data.)
most ATX motherboards. Although Nvidia's PureVideo HD
Zotac took the best that Ion and the At­ engine is capable of decoding Blu-ray, it by Andrew Leibman
om have to offer and u'anslated them into doesn't fully offload the CPU, and in the

lonITX-A-U lonITX-B-E
$209.99 $149.99
Specs: Intel Atom 330; 533MHz FSB; Nvidia Ion GPU/chtpset; I Specs: Intel Atom 230; 533MHz FSB; NVldla Ion GPUlchipset;
667-800MHz DDR2; Ports: 3 SATA 3Gbps, 1 eSATA 3Gbps, 667-800MHz DDR2; Ports: 3 SATA 3Gbps, 1 eSATA 3Gbps, 10
10 USB, 8-channel audio, VGA, HDMI, DVI, 10/1 00/1,OOOMbps USB, 8-channel audio, VGA, HDMI, DVI, 10/100/1 ,000Mbps
Ethernet; 802.11 b/g/n; external 90W PSU Ethernet; 1 Mini PCI-E slot

34 September 2009 1 www.computerpoweruser.com
by Anand Lal Shimpi

The Palm Pre & The iPhone 3GS

've been using the Palm Pre and the iPhone 3GS for a while now, build quality isn't as good as the iPhone, and the Pre's performance
I and I love them both. Each is a considerable investment, though, so
I thought I'd provide a little intel for tllose of you who may be consid­
isn't quite up to par with Apple's new 3GS.

ering getting one of them in the near fUture. The iPhone 3GS
Take the iPhone 3G, give it the same CPU and GPU from the
The Palm Pre Palm Pre (as well as a compass, voice control, and video recording
Palm rook Apple's approach to smarrphone design and gave the capabilities), and you've got the new iPhone 3GS.
Pre a brand-new OS with a brand-new UI, both of which were The CPU improvements are huge, tremendous, awesome, or
highly optimized for a touchscreen whatever superlative you take to mean
interface and built around the idea of "worrh buying." If you have an original
using a lot of services in the cloud to iPhone, you'll want this one. Even if you
store your information. have a 3G and you feel like your phone
Unlike most smarrphones, the Pre
is slow at all, you'll want the 3GS.
doesn't want to sync to your desktop. It's
The GPU is a significant improve­
ideal for those of you who aren't possessive
ment, as well, but so far that's only man­
of your personal information and are
ifested in smoother frame rates in some
comforrable keeping it somewhere online,
games. I believe we'll have some games
be it Gmail or Facebook. Admittedly, a
that are more visually optimized for the
couple of years ago I would've scoffed at
3GS, but that may take some time. The
such an idea, bur today I see (and appreci­
GPU race in the smarrphone space is
ate) the value.
actually pretty exciting; it reminds me of
Take Palm's Facebook integration, for what we had in the PC space in the late
example: If you keep up with most of '90s. Ah, I remember the Voodo02 days.
your friends and contacts via Facebook, Despite all its improvements, there
then the Pre will work wonders for you. are still areas in which the 3GS falls
Give the Pre your Facebook login infor­ shorr. After all, this is no longer an
mation, and it will populate your address Apple-only world, and as I mentioned
book with whatever information your above, the Palm Pre does many things
Facebook friends allow you to have. That better than the iPhone. The 3GS can't
could be birthdays, addresses, phone mu]titask, it has no support for cloud-
numbers, 1M names ... anything they based contact syncing, and although the
share with you. Even better is the fact that OS supportS an impressive number of apps,
when your friends update their Facebook it is starting to feel a bit dated. Apple has
information, your phone automatically gets provided continuous, incremental updates,
the updated contact information. If more but I believe it's time for a real upgrade.
smartphones did this, we'd have far fewer con­
tact info update emails going around. In Short
The Pre supports more traditional smart­ Buy the Pre if you want a physical key­
phone features like multitasking, something board and a much more affordable service
aU iPhone users have had to give up for the plan (yay Sprint), if you care about multi­
. past couple years. Unlike other phones, how­ tasking, or want your friends to update their
ever, the Pre handles multitasking quite well. contact info for you (through Facebook).
You hit a burton (or perform a gesture) to step Buy the iPhone 3GS if you're hooked on
out of an app and then flip through them like app stote apps; want better build quality; or
you would photos on the touchscreen. need a faster, smoother UI. Apple is on its
In many ways, the Pre is a more fUnctional third OS revision with the iPhone, while
iPhone. It does have some drawbacks, howev­ Palm is on its first and is bound to have
er. It doesn't offer visual voicemail, you can't some catching up to do....
send or receive data during a phone caU, the
app store isn't mature and is quite barren, Talk back to Anand at anand@cpumag.com

36 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

hard hat area I pc madder

quick and easy to check the temperature

PC Modder
of any component with the simple pull of
a trigger. The MicroTemp MT-TQ1
professional-grade digital infrared ther­
mometer ($112.95; www.pctoys.com).
Tips & Tutorials offers a -76 to 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit
temperature range, which is more than
broad enough for any PC component, a
laser sight for pinpoint accuracy, and a
backlit LCD for easy reading. There is
Madding does the body good. A PC's body anyway, inside and out. Here you'll find
hardware, firmware, tools, tips, and tutorials for madding your rig's performance and A digital thermometer
appearance. Send us your own mod-related tips and ideas at modding@cpumag.com. makes it quick and
easy to check the
temperatures of PC
odding enchusiasts have a surface area, which equates to better cool­ components that

M penchant for the latest toys.

Fast processors, powerful
video cards, silent SFF enclosures, and rad­
ing performance.
The new fins, which are sold in packs of
three, include extended fan brackets to
don't report
thermal data
to the as
ically lit motherboards are all fair game maintain compatibility with Corsair's or BIOS.
when it comes to a madder's creative Airflow or Airflow 2 active memory coolers.
mind. Recognizing the appeal of uncon­ also a socket on the unit to add a thermo­
ventional customization, an entire industry Cooler Master R4 Series couple, although one is not included, and
has emerged to support the community. Madders looking to add a bit of bling temps can be displayed in either Celsius
to their rigs while enhancing cooling per­ or Fahrenhei t.
Mods & Ends formance may want to check our Cooler
Corsair Dominator Extended Cooling Fins Master's R4 series of lighted 120mm Fashionably Fresh Firmware
To enhance the cooling performance of cooling fans ($9.99; www.coolermaster­ D-Link DIR-8SS (vl.20)
its Dominator and Dominator GT lines of usa.com). The R4 series features long-last­ The latest firmware update for D­
high-performance system memory, Corsair ing sleeve bearings (50,000-hour MTBF) Link's DIR-855 wireless broadband router
recently released larger bolt-on cooling and have maximum airflow ratings of adds Advance DNS and CAPTCHA
fins, aptly named the Dominator Extended 90cfm when spinning at the maximum (Cryptographic Authentication) features
Cooling Fins ($19.99 [black], $24.99 2,000rpm speed. The R4 fans are also rel­ and removes a 3G feature not supported
[red]; www.corsair.com). Currently avail­ atively silent: According to their specifica­ by North American ISPs.
able only at Corsair's online store, the tions, they only generate 19dBA of noise. support.dlink.com
Dominator Extended Cooling Fins replace Cooler Master's R4 series of 120mm
the shorter fins that are standard on the fans are currently offered in LED-lighted OCZ Vertex Series (vB)
company's Dominator memory modules. red, green, and blue variants, as well as a A firmware update for the OCZ Vertex
Remove the old fins by disengaging a cou­ non-lighted, dark smoke-colored model. Series of 2.5-inch SATA SSDs fIxes a num­
ple of screws along the top edge of the Mounting screws and 3-to-4 pin power ber of S.M.A.R.T. and ATA security-relat­
modules and bolt on the new fins in their adapters are also included. ed bugs, resolves a Read Fail handling issue,
place. The new Dominator Extended Fins and implemems a new feature that calcu­
are about twice as long as the originals MicroTemp MT-TQI lates remaining life expectancy of the drive.
and feature multiple ridges to increase A digital thermometer is a great tool www.ocztechnology.com
for any modder's toolbox. It makes it
TrendnetTV-IP410W (vl.O.O.43)
Cooler Master's R4 An update for Trendnet's TV­
series of 120mm INlOW Wireless Pan/Tilt Internet
cooling fans come Camera Server gives users the abiliry to
in red, green, and manually set the SMTP POrt number and
Corsair recently introduced longer, blue LED-lighted resolves an FTP upload issue.
more aggressive cooling fins for its flavors and a www.trendnet.com
Dominator and Dominator GT lines of non-illuminated
high-performance memory. dark smoke color. by Marco Chiappetta

CPU / September 2009 37

c enthusiasts are an opinionated Letting a working notebook rot at the our dirty work: Zone OS' ZoneScreen

P bunch. Some are partial to In­

tel's processors, while others like
AMD's. The same is true in the CPU
bottom of a parts pile seems like such a
waste to us, so we decided to come up
with an interesting way to put all of those
ZoneScreen is i,ndependenrly devel­
oped by Vasily Tarasov and available as a
space, where fans of Nvidia's CeForce and old machines to good use. Did you know free download. It's an easy-to-use tool
AMD's ATI Radeon crus constantly that it's possible to use an old notebook as that requires installation on the host, or
lock horns and debate the merits of rheir a secondary display for a desktop PC, server, machine and on the client, or sec­
favorite producrs. And similar brand loy­ even if the norebook doesn't have a video ondary Pc. There are, however, a number
alty is common in regard to mother­ inpur? It's not only possible, but, believe of other things to consider to ensure
boards, RAM, input devices, etc. Finding it or not, it doesn't require any specialized proper operation of the program.
common ground among enthusiasts can equipment or cables. All you need is a In order for Zone5creen to work, there
often be a real chore. functional operating system and a work­ are a number of prerequisites that need to
Bur if there's one thing we have in com­ ing network connection. be mer. There are multiple versions of
mon, ir's that we've all amassed collec­ ZoneScreen available for Linux, Windows
tions-sometimes huge collections-of Mandatory Measures XP, Vista, and even PocketPC, so be sure
perfectly functional old hardware that's no There are a number of utilities avail­ to grab the right one for your operating
longer being pur to use. Ir's common to able that'll let you use a notebook as a system (s). The machines that wil I be
find stacks of old hard drives, video cards, secondary display for a desktop Pc. linked via ZoneScreen must also be net­
and/or other components crammed into an MaxiVista (www.maxivista.com) is a pop­ work-connected, and a wired connection
enthusiast's "junk pile." Heck, now that ular tool that has been around for a while, should be used for the best performance.
notebooks are so affordable, mere's even a and RealVNC (www.realvnc.com). the Finally, you must enable Network discov­
chance a couple of old notebooks may be remote control desktop utility, has the ery on Windows machines.
stashed away in a cabinet. abiliry to "recycle" your notebook's dis­
That's just not right. It's one thing to play, as well. But both cost money. As is Get Started
have a single component laying around, typically the case, we've used a madder's For the purpose of this article, we dug
but a full system is anomer story altogether. mentaliry and found a free utility to do out an old Asus 56 nOtebook to use as a

38 September 2009 / www.computerpowerusercom

hal-d Ilat area pc madder

secondary display to complement one of copy option is set to 5, every fifth frame ZoneScreen server application. A small
our deskrop test beds. Keep in mind, sent to the client will be a fresh, full icon will appear in the System Tray to
rhough, there's no rule saying a norebook image, not JUSt the portion of the screen show you that rhe program is running.
needs to be the secondary display. You that has changed. We left this value at 0 We should also note that when the server
could also use two norebooks or two because we didn't see any visual artifacts application is running, it may be neces­
desktop displays. at the default setting. If, however, you are sary to unblock it in Windows Firewall. If
Assuming you've downloaded Zone­ having image quality issues, rry changing Windows Firewall prompts you to
Screen and your computers are properly this option to 5 or 10 to fully refresh the unblock ZoneScreen, agree to rhe change
connected over the network, installing image every few seconds. before installing the client application, or
and configuring ZoneScreen is fairly With all of the server options set, we Windows Firewall will block the neces­
straightforward. With the File down­ clicked the Start button to launch the sary network transfers.
loaded and decompressed, run the
installer on the server, or host, machine, Configure The Client
IP lOl'leXfeen configuration wi::;,rd
first-on Vista machines, be sure to run file Qption~ tielp When the ZoneScreen server-side
the installation as an administrator. When installation is complete, you can move
the installation is complete, launch the Wliiforincorni'lg TCPconnection and,'ht\efl
to the client-side installation. The
accepted. start ~ vicleo S9'lal from local

desktop 10 dent 10 be sho....-e<t at remote mad'Wle.

application, and you'll be greeted by process is similar to what we outlined

a simple menu with two choices: earlier but does require a few more
r Act as a cienI.

Act As Server or Act As Client. For Comect to t'M1OIe W'lef /!.'ld !-f.,ow rec6ved Yldeo


pieces of information. With both

the first part of the installation on the machines connected to the network and
host machine, choose Acr As Server and the server (host) installation complete,
dick Next. This sets up the program to launch the ZoneScreen installer on the
monitor incoming connections from the system you'd like to act as a secondary
I N"', I
client machine.
On the next screen, it's necessary to ZoneS,reen configuration wizard 'C> • III ZoneScreen configuration wizard
file Qptions Help
designate a TCP port for ZoneScreen
and to configure the display sertings. r PdMa$tlVer.

12730 TCPpo:1
w~ forhcorni'l9 Tep coMedion and. when

The TCP port can be virtually any avail­ Port is uriQue IdentiIer used !(I ~oM sevem netwOlk appkations mice ae«p!ed.stll:t sendi\g video $igoalfro.1l local

silgle ~~. This me~ tha! actual network ~ddre$$ defined <1$ pa:r O'lost desktoylo den\ 10 be m~wed a! remote machil"le.

name. port), V&!.ue above l$ port runberfor servf:f~ appkanon.

able port address you desire. We used Chert part should specify the same va.'ue" order to connect to exact "s!<),"lCe
of servei'. NOIe that in case spec{led port i$ blocked byfwewar!l aw'catioo (e.g.
the program's default port option, 2730. -Vlneow$ F1"ewd~fromCQrt!Olp.aneQ.dmwlnot eb!etoconned.to set'Vet. r.l£.dasad'tnlJ
Ccnnect to ~o:e server I:.-:d s!':o..... recei'Ved vi::!eo
Then, we selected which monitor out­ I\\.\DISPLAYI ::::J ,*",.
to'.Qmor ....h ch OV:pU to be te<b"ected.

put to duplicate; in our case, it was li~ COI'lI&lS 00"1 montOC'l with checkbox

'&tend my Wmows desktop ~o tfls

Display 1. If, however, you're using the monit()(:enabl~(ln~prope:".les).

Wdh x He:ghI. x ()ep',h € frequency:

program on a system thar already has 125'''1600<32:~60 ::::J
multiple monitors connected, you'll <Bod< ~ c.n-"" I
need to selecr the particular display out­
put you'd like to see on the secondary II:l Zo~eScreen configuration wizard ZoneScreen configuration wiurd =I,@
f.i1e_ Qplions tielp
system. Finally, on the second screen,
you must choose a resolution and jlO 12733 TCPpo,;
refresh rate and click Next. T~er~e (Frames Per $e<;Qnd). Nt.mherol frames 10 send 10 den! i1 Of)e Port l$. uriqT.Je identl'ier u$eO to ~ several network ap¢calions m:de

second. Thesefmnes are ~.." dJfecenca f~$ (~ody a..Sf~ sr4e CQmPU!et. ll'Brnean that aduatnetwOlk address def.ned M¢ ~sl.

betweed l85t f~ and c::uren: one). oppos.'te to hI'COPY lrani¢$ contMli'lg at name.po.1}. VMabo... eisportrunberforserver-side~~.

On the final server configurarion image. Uenipart shofJd ~the same vaUeflordetto conned to eX<!dnstanoe

ofseNef. Notethatncau spediedpoltisblock.edbyfll"llW ~(e.g.

screen, you must set the transfer rate (in ''Wandows FlrewaJ" from control panel). den! wi! not ab!c to eomed 10 seNet'.

Fd coPyra:.e. For example. when l set to 10. each 1().th framei$ 5'el1t i'l$ hj
mage CO;1'/. opposite to '9 d.Sferenoefra.'nt$. To cF.s.ablefull'¢<)P'f~. $d ttU
frames per second) and the full rate copy. vamtoO(zel'Otlltel. !GRAPH1CS·1.PC SeNefho~ nama
The transfer rate option tells the program NetwOlk n&l'leol servcr(
oo.'lI3d }'OlI"nelwOl'k a~tcrto find ot.~ server name.
zon~S,com. etc). YOl.I ma)'

how many frames to send to the dient Press ·Stmf button to start $endng frames. and Reloacl' blt.to.1 to updc:e fPS
setmgs mterthe>' were changed.
machine per second. ZoneScreen defaulrs VISTAUlTiI

to 10fps, but if you have a gigabit net­ <&ck. J Ne:JlI>

work connection or fast wireless, you can

increase the frame rate as desired. Using ZoneScreen gives users the ability to use The same ZoneScreen application used on the
10fps seemed to work fine, however, so a secondary, network-attached PC's screen server needs to be installed on the client PC; it's
we left the default value in place. The full as an additional display for a host pc. The just configured in a different way. Once installed,
rate copy option tells ZoneScreen when application needs to be installed on the host users are required to designate the secondary PC
to send a full image copy of the screen to and client machines, which will then display as a client and then identify the server PC using
the client. For example, if the full rate video from the host. its IP address or computer name.

CPU / September 2009 39

hal-c:l ha.t area pc rnodder

display. When the installation is com­

plete on the client system, launch
ZoneScreen, choose Act As Client
option and click N exr. On the second
ZoneScteen configuration menu, you'll
need to input the TCP port number
used during the server side installation.
As we mentioned, we used the de­
fault port 2730, but you can use any
open port. JUSt make sure to input
matching port numbers on the server
and client machines.
While on the second configuration
screen on the client, you'll also need to
input the server, or host, machine's net­
work name or IP address. If you don't
know the server's netwotk name or IP
address, go back to your first system,
click the Start button, right-click
Computer, and select Properties from
the menu. On the system information
screen, look in the Computer Name, With ZoneScreen installed and configured properly on the host and client PCs, the secondary sys­
Domain, And Workgroup Settings sec­ tem (in this case an old notebook) is able to mirror the desktop image of the host with minimal
tion and you'll see your system's net­ impact on the host PC's performance, and all image data is transmitted over a network connection.
work name listed there. Conversely, you
could also open a command prompt, window that you can then expand to the secondary screen virtually anywhere
type ipconfig, and press ENTER, which full screen. as long as it's connected to the nerwork.
will list the system's IP address. The sys­ If you're a conscientious parent, the
tem's IP address will be printed next Double Take ZoneScreen server application could also
to the IPv4 Address line in the Ether­ With the ZoneScreen server and client­ be installed on your child's computer,
net Adapter and Local Area Connec­ side installations complete, you're basi­ which would give you the ability to
tion section. cally done. Position the second screen remotely connect to it to see what he is
Once all of the correct information is wherever you'd like and enjoy your up to. Other than an icon in the System
entered into ZoneScreen's second config­ pseudo-multimoniror goodness. Tray, the server-side program is unob­
uration menu, click the Next bunon, and In addition to being an easy way to trusive and consumes very few sys­
the program will attempt to connect to make use of an old notebook, Zone­ tem resources....
the server machine. If successful, you'll Screen presents a couple of interesting
see the contents of the server's screen in a possibilities. For example, you can place by Marco Chiappetta

40 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

Dark Carbon

an "Rendermandan" Coe functional. It opens automatically

D says he was looking to create when the power comes on to dissipate
something mysterious when he designed heat from the front of the system and closes
Dark Carbon, and we'd have to say he suc­ on its own when the power goes off
ceeded. Let'S face it, there aren't many Octago­ "To accomplish this, I used a separate G\T
nal PCs out there, and its shape combined with power supply to feed power to the custom servo
its carbon fiber construction and outward-facing controller," Cae says. "The motorized panel on the
windowed hard drives and prominent red LEOs top also has a temperature monitor to display the
make Dark Carbon a little hard to process at a glance. water coolant temperature." He and some friends from
Upon closer scrutiny, however, it's easy to see that work even designed their own custom Windows-based
Dark Carbon is a serious machine, with serious style. fan controller interface with multiple presets.
Coe spent about 300 hours on this build, beginning with Coe also built magnetic latches into the top panel of
the planning phase, which was a little easier thanks to his Dark Carbon, so you can lift it offwithout turning a single
day job in 3D modeling: Coe built a 3D computer model of screw. He cut and resoldered the PSU to fit his design and
Dark Carbon before he ever picked up a piece of Plexiglas or refinished his Logitech G 15 keyboard with carbon fiber and
a motherboard standoff. The computer model provided Cae swapped its orange key backlights for red LEDs. Cae had a
with precise measurements, which experienced builders number of the case's internal brackets and the back panel
know is crucial to a successful build and cuts down on anodized red and made liberal use of carbon fiber to
waste-especially nice when carbon fiber is involved. enclose his custom cooling system's radiator, both hard
Speaking of carbon fiber, Coe says he knew from the drives, and even his Evga GTX 280 SSC video card.
stan that his design required something unusual; he did In other words, Coe paid meticulous attention to
not want to settle for aluminum or steel. "I have always detail throughout the build, and it shows. Dark Car­
loved the look and feel of real carbon fiber," he says. bon runs an Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 on an Asus
Other nice aesthetic touches include the afore­ Rampage Extreme motherboard, supported by
mentioned windowed Western Digital Raptors; 4GB ofOCZ Platinum DDR3-2000 RAM.
rather than just stacking them in a drive bay, Coe intends to turn his attention to build­
Coe gave each drive its own display window ing an HTPC. In the meantime, he high­
on the case sides adjacent to the from. ly recommends carbon fiber: "I
And don't forget the motorized encourage everyone to find a
fan/exhaust port on the top of design that is unique and
the case, which also hap­ try something new and Do you have a big
pens to be highly different." .. idea for an ultra-small
Enter the NVIDIA ION Case Modding Contest!
CPU Magazine is partnering with NVIDIA,
Modders-Inc.com, and ZOTAC to help you bring
your idea to life. Visit www.nvidia.com/ion to
learn more and enter.
- - _.. ----------­ ---_ ..

Get informed answers to your advanced technical Each month we dig deep into the CPU mailbag in an effirt to answer
your mostpressing technical questions. Want some advice on your next
questions from CPU Send your questions along with a purchase or upgrade? Have aghost in your machine? Are BSODs mak­
ingyour life miserable? CPU 5 "Advanced Q&A Comer" is herefor you.
phone and/or fax number, so we can contact you if
Darrell asked: I hope you can shed some light on an upgrade issue
necessary, to q&a@cpumag.com. Please include all
I have. I bought an Asus G50V-A1laptop last October from Newegg.com.
pertinent system information The laptop came with an Nvidia GeForce 9700M GT GPU. A couple of
months later, Asusbegan selling anew model, the G50Vt, equipped with
a GeForce 9800M GS. I inquired about upgrading my G50V to the newer
video card and was told by Asus tech support that it was not possible.
I haven't popped open the laptop yet, but I thought that both of these
cards are the MXM [Mobile PO-Express Module) 3 format and could be
interchanged. Can you tell me if my G50V's video card can be upgraded?
If not, why? If yes, any idea where can I purchase a 9800M GS module?
I've looked all over the 'Net and couldn't find one.

A: This is a question we're sure many notebook enthusiasts/

garners have had since Nvidia's MXM notebook CPU module
standards were established years ago. If you consider the mechan­
ical aspects of MXM, its standard edge connecwr, and CPU
positioning on the PCB, you would think this would be a no­
" Today's brainer upgrade pam for many notebooks. Unfortunately, thar's
JUSt not the case. When you think about the tight constraints of
notebook designs, there are both mechanical and thermal issues
that manufacrurers run into with notebook designs, even going
from one revision w the next. Realistically, we think MXM exists

popular game as an attempt to give OEMs a more standardized method for

adding mCPU subsystems w their notebooks rather than offer
consumers a way to easily upgrade their notebooks.
At a bare minimum, you'd likely have w account for the addi­
tional thermal requirements of the CeForce 9800M CS, which

engines are has twice the number of stream processor cores (32 for the Ce­
Force 9700M, 64 for the CeForce 9800M) and will require more
cooling in addition w its significantly higher power draw.
In addition, not every manufacturer wiJI adhere strictly w the
MXM 3 specification. In many cases, a notebook OEM will have

hungry for GPU Nvidia's GeForce 9800M

MXM 3 module design sets the
mechanical and edge connector
standard for notebook graphics

horsepower, cards. However, not all

manufacturers follow this

44 September 2009 / www.computerpowerusercom

" standard to the letter.
to make changes to the design, again in an effort to accommodate lack of knowledge on the subject. But now, it's just getting frustrating. In
its own mechanical and thermal constraints. In your case, the short, I want to upgrade my GPU and CPU to something that can actually
Asus G50V-Al and its beefier brother, the G50Vt, use propri­ cut the mustard when it comes to cutting-edge games like Crysis and Far
etary graphics module designs where the GPU is actually inverted Cry 2, hopefully without having to change my motherboard.
on the PCB, with mounting and spacing holes for the module in Current specs:
different places vs. what the MXM 3 spec calls for. In short, the CPU: 2.6GHz AMD Phenom X4 9950 Black Edition &
GPU modules in these specific notebook designs are proprietary Thermalright Ultra-120 Heatsink
and, though mechanically similar to MXM 3, are not standard RAM: GCZ (2x 2GB) DDR2-1066 Reaper HPC Edition
MXM 3 modules. Case: Antec Twelve Hundred Full Tower Case
MXM Upgrade (www.mxm-upgrade.com) has tons of informa­ PSU: Corsair lOOOW HX
tion on MXM modules. Your only possible course of action would HOD: Samsung SpinPoint HDI03UJ ITB,
be to go back to Asus, and Asus isn't offering you an upgrade path Samsung SpinPoint HD5021J 500GB
for a reason. Sony, Darrell, it does appear that you are out of luck. Sound card: Creative Hi Platinum Fatallty Champion Series
Motherboard: Asus Crosshair II Formula Republic of
Jesse W. asked: Agood friend of mine gave me anice Canon HD Gamers Series nForce 780a
camcorder for agift afew weeks ago. I really like the camera, and it seems GPU: Evga 9800GX2 KG Edition
to take really good video. But I can't watch it on my computer, upload it to
sites like YouTube or Viddler, or burn it to aDVD to watch on my television. First, the CPU. I knew AMD has been behind Intel when I bought the
The camera saves AVCHD files, and I can't seem to find an easy way to con­ processor, but I've been with AMD for many years now and have never
vert them. I did alittle research on my own, and I think Adobe Premiere had any grief from them. So I chose to go with what I felt comfortable with.
Pro and Sony Vegas support AVCHD files, but I'm on avery tight budget But now, AMD has released the Phenom II X4 Black Edition, and while it
and can't afford an expensive video-editing program like that. I'm not very still doesn't trump Intel, it does 3.2GHz out of the box. I know the Intel fans
computer savvy either and don't think I could even figure out how to use out there will tell me to ditch AMD, but that means I'd definitely have to
those programs anyway. Do you know of any free or really cheap pro­ upgrade my motherboard, and that would just be the icing on the cake to
grams that may be able to help me out, that are also easy to use? have to spend yet another $250 or so. However, am I going to see asignifi­
cant gaming performance increase by purchasing the Phenom II?
A: There are a number of free and cheap utilities available that
should be able to solve your problems, Jesse. First of all, even if A: The processor you have, Husker, already has plenty of horse­
you're not running Windows Vista, do a search for "Vista Codec power for virtually all current leading-edge game engines. Upgrad­
Package." You'll find a number of sites offering a single down­ ing to a newer Phenom II processor will nor buy you much in
load package that contains a multitude of free video codecs for terms of upside performance in gaming situations. For sure, the
both x86 and x64 versions of Windows. Download and instal! Phenom II and a good socket AM3 board will be a faster combina­
the Vista Codec Package for your panicular operating system, tion in general desktop application performance, with DDR3 sys­
and you should immediately be able to play back the files from tem memory and a faster CPU core speed, but looking at your
your camcorder using Windows Media Player or Media Center; current specs, CPU throughput is not your primary bottleneck.
third-parry proprietary players should no longer be necessalY Today's popular game engines are hungry for GPU horsepower.
once the codec pack is installed. If your sole interest is better gaming performance, we'd recom­
Getting the files convened to a compatible format and burned to mend a significant GPU upgrade. For around $325 to $350, you
a DVD is another matter. You're going to diminish the qualiry of could pick up an Nvidia GeForce GTX 285, which would offer
the HD videos if you convert to DVD, which supports only stan­ better all-around performance and eliminate the CPU overhead
dard-definition video. That said, a utiliry such as VSO Software's in your system required for managing SLI transactions on that
ConverrXtoDVD ($49.99; www.vso-software.fr). which supports GeForce 9800GX2. Obviously, a pair of GeForce GTX 285s
AVCHD video, may be perfect for a less-savvy user like yourself. would offer even more performance, but it all depends on your
With ConverrXtoDVD, you'll be able to select the video files you'd budget. As it stands, your CPU has enough juice to power almost
like to burn to a DVD and click a few buttons within the program; any game engine, even something as inefficient as Crysis. You'd
the software takes care of the resc. When done, you should then be be better served as a gamer by adding a stronger GPU engine.
able to play the discs with your set-top DVD player. (On a side note, if you want to increase your level loading times
As an aside, once the videos are converted to DVD, they can in games, an SSD as your primary OS and game installation vol­
easily be ripped using anyone of a number of free rippers avail­ ume will improve your wait times significantly.) Good luck! •
able online and then uploaded to YouTube, etc. VSO Software
offers a free rrial of ConverrXtoDVD. by Dave Mtavilla and Marco Chiappetta,
the experts over at HotHardware.com
Husker asked: Back in September of last year, I built a new rig com­
pletely from scratch, and basically, it seems to me to be a lemon. At first, For bonus content, subscribers can go to
I thought it was because I hadn't set everything up properly due to my www.cpumag.com!cpusep09!Q&a

CPU / September 2009 45

lectronic paper is an old idea, fits[ _11Clhter Colors carry any color. In an LCD screen, four
discussed at Xerox in me 1970s, that The color e-paper research from Philips subpixels typically combine to create a
has only recently begun (0 appear in is working (Oward fulfilling four goals: pixel of a particular color, which lowers
commercially viable products. The most • First, the Philips e-paper would have resolution. For example, if only blue is
well-known current e-paper application is extremely bright colors, even significant­ needed on the screen, only the blue sub­
arguably me Amazon Kindle, which is an ly brighter than an LCD screen, because pixel would be used. The other three
e-reader containing an e-paper display. they would not need color filters. An subpixels would not contribute to the
Based on the progress Philips Research LCD screen employs filters, which nega­ screen's resolution.
has made in developing its color e-paper tively affect the brightness of the screen.
technology, however, it's possible mat our Second, the Philips e-paper offers a "Any pixel can have any color," Kars­
current idea of e-paper and displays could be I · method for having completely transpar­ MichieJ H. Lenssen, me director and prin­
flattened in fairly short order. ent pixels, allowing each pixel (0 match cipal scientist at Philips Research Europe,
Philips recently discussed its research, me the color of me reflective material at me says of his e-paper project. "You're not
ultimate goal of which is (0 provide a flexible back of the e-paper screen, usually white. wasting two-thirds or three-quarters of inci­
e-paper scteen in full color. Current e-paper • Third, the e-paper screen consumes a dental light. You have bright colors on a
products are monochrome only. The tech­ small amount of power. reflective panel."
nology Philips is discussing could provide • Finally, the technology's resolution Animals such as chameleons mar change
benefits beyond e-paper, as well. would be high because each pixel could colors (0 match meir environments served as

46 September 2009 / wwwcomputerpowerusercom

Ol"" ! P
inspiration for the Philips Research team. of about 100 micrometers in diameter. For
"Nature inspired us," Lenssen says. "Nature a billboard or other type of digiral sign, rhe Philips has shown a 1OO-by-l 00 pixel
can make any color, anywhere, and con­ technology mighr use millimeter-sized pix­ passive matrix glass display panel, offering
vinced us this was possible." els. The thickness of the layers of colored multicolor images.
Lenssen, who is the coordinator for the pigmem is 10 to 30 micrometers, although "We need to move ro plasric panels wirh
e-paper project at Philips, has worked wirh rhinner and thicker layers are possible. roll-ro-roll manufacturing, similar to print­
the color e-paper technology for the past five "We can have a very thin panel, which is ing on paper," Lenssen says. "A full-color
years. When the idea was initially discussed, good for the flexibility," Lenssen says. e-reader is still a few years away. Philips is
Lenssen says, it wasn't universally applauded. Several differenr rypes of panicles can looking ro partner with another company
"At that time, it was a controversial proj­ be used for the color. Pigments rhar are ro develop it."
ect," he says. "People asked, 'Is it needed? similar ro printing inks are possible, as The e-reader isn'r the only potential use
We already have LCDs.' But we have devel­ are dyed polymer particles. Chemical for Philips' e-paper, though. Digital signage
oped new applications, new possibilities." modification brings the electrical charge could be very bright and colorful, for exam­
Beyond the fuJi-color capabilities of the inro the panicles. ple. Philips is looking at items like elecuonic
pixels, Lenssen says the research team Lenssen says the research ream is using tarroos and skins for various devices, roo.
found that the pixels could create a strong ITO (indium rin oxide) electrodes, which "lE-paper] could lead to other inrerest­
number of levels of gray, roo, up ro 32 in are commonly found in display technolo­ ing technologies, and those could be on
the initial demonstrations. gies, but other types of elecuodes will work. the market earlier," Lenssen says. "We're
This rechnology's adaptability-such as exploring many applications."
Flexible Tech irs abiliry ro use a variety of marerials ar a
Pixel size varies by application. For an variety of sizes to achieve the display's color by Kyle Schurman
e-reader, the rechnology mighr use pixels output-is one of irs strengths.

CPU / September 2009 47

hard hat area I white paper

White Paper: Intel P~Fte Trail & Mc)sHn­ - o w . . _.

__ --1

oore's Law, which describes in each Intel processor has roughly doubled

M general terms the tendency for

computer hardware ro signifi­
cantly improve in operating power and
every twO years.
Because the desire ro follow Moore's
Law has been behind many of the success­
efficiency every couple of years, has long ful improvemenrs in processing power, With one of the hottest Inrel products
been a guiding principle ofInrel's proces­ applying the trend ro other aspects of tech­ going-the Atom processor used inside
sor developmenr. That's not surprising, nology makes sense. And, because Moore's netbooks and nettops-the application of
as Intel co-founder Gordon Moore ini­ Law is such a driving force at Intel, apply­ Moore's Law seems like a natural fit.
tially observed the trend in the mid­ ing the trend to all types of products that Intel expects that the recent changes it
1960s, and the number of transisrors on are being developed at Intel makes sense. has announced for the next generation of

Netbook Changes With Pine Trail

Intel hasn't revealed all of Pine Trail's specifications yet, but this and smaller components. Although fanless designs were possible
graphic highlights some of the changes expected to occur in net­ in the Atom 2008 platform, these changes probably will make fan­
books with the migration from the Atom 2008 platform to the less designs more common in the Pine Trail platform. (4)
Pine Trail platform. Changes already discussed are marked in red. Because of the changes in the Pine Trail chipset, OEMs could
(1) Pine Trail will integrate the memory controller and GPU choose to extend the battery life of netbooks and nettops beyond
onto the CPU, removing this need for this third chip. (2) The the average four hours found previously. (5) In addition to XP, the
Atom N processor was code-named Diamondville; the Atom Moblin version 2.0 operating system will be specifically designed
processor that will be used with Pine Trail is code-named to work with Pine Trail in netbooks. Moblin is based on Linux. A
Pineview. (3) With only two chips comes lower power demands Source: Intel

48 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

hard hat area I white paper

Pine Trail vs. 2008 Atom Platform

Although Intel announced Pine Trail in mid-May, the product will Finally, it appears the Pineview processor will carry similar
not ship to OEMs until the fourth quarter of 2009. The official technology and architecture to Lincroft, which is the successor to
launch of Pine Trail products will occur sometime after that. Silverthorne, a low-power 45nm manufacturing process chip.
The biggest change Intel brings to Pine Trail is the fact that it Tiger Point (1 and 2). Intel has code-named its Pine Trail
will consist of two chips, rather than the three chips in the 2008 input/output chip Tiger Point ... and that's all that Intel has
Atom platform. revealed about it for now. Tiger Point will perform the typical
Pine Trail (1 and 2). Pineview is the CPU for the Pine Trail work of an I/O chip, including handling Serial ATA, USB, PCI
platform. Pineview combines the memory controller and the GPU Express, and Intel HD Audio connections.
on the same die as the CPU. This combination is the key compo­ 2008 Atom platform (3). As you can see in this graphic, the
nent that allows Pine Trail to make use of only two chips. Pine Trail platform differs greatly from the 2008 Atom plat­
Intel hasn't announced a lot of information concerning specs form. With the combination of memory controller and GPU on
for Pineview. For example, Intel says the Pineview CPU will offer the Pineview CPU, a frontside bus is no longer needed, as it
"higher processor performance," but the company has not yet was with the 2008 Atom platform. The DMI (direct media inter­
released any specific benchmarks. face) serves as the point-to-point connection between
The Pineview processor will likely will be made on a 45nm Pineview and Tiger Point. ...
manufacturing process (4). As the graphic shows, the shrinking Source: Intel
of the manufacturing process in Intel chips over the years has
made it easier to squeeze more transistors into a smaller chip
than in past manufacturing processes. The memory controller 3
probably will support DDR2.

Intel" HO Audio


Pentium II at Coppermine Pentium 4 Pentium 4 Intel Core and Core Atom

333MHz family of Pentium Northwood and Prescott and 2, and Celeron 0 Diamondville
III chips Celeron Tualatin Celeron M Dothan Cedar Mill and Penryn

50 September 2009 I www.computerpoweruser.com

hard hat area I white paper

Atom, code-named Pine Trail, will deliver low-power architecture in this incredibly nettop users over current operating systems
the improvements in power and efficiency small package." available for nettops and netbooks.
that Moore's Law demands. Intel expects With Pine Trail, Intel is going from a "It's a visuaHy rich media experience
Pine Trail products to ship to OEMs in three-chip model co two chips in netbooks across all Atom processor devices," says
the fourth quarter of this year. and netCOps, which should allow Pine Trail Ram Peddibhotla, Intel's open-source
"There are going to be all-in-one designs to deliver smaller and thinner form,.. faccors, business director. "Moblin is a unifying
with innovative form factors, and we antici­ better battery life, more systems withom layer in LimlX."
pate a whole lot of innovation around fans, better graphics performance, and better Moblin development began in the second
Atom, both on nettops and netbooks," says overall processot performance. However, half of2007, primarily targeted at MIDs.
Intel spokesman Bill Calder. "It's Moore's Intel is not estimating specific numbers and "Arrer the fi rst version was released, the
Law for netbooks. " benchmarks for Pine Trail yet. development community began work on
By reducing the number ofchips in Atom version 2.0, expanding beyond mobile
Prepa(lng For Pine TraJI from three to twO, Intel will be able co sell devices to ... netbooks, nettops, and
In March 2008, Intel introduced low­ Atom platforms to OEMs for less. The sys­ more," Peddibhoda says.
power, single-core chips, code-named tem also will use less power. Those manufac­ As changes have been planned to the
Silverthorne and Diamondville. Silverthorne turers making Atom netbooks and nettops Atom platform through Pine Trail,
eventually became the Atom Z family aimed will have some interesting oprions. The Peddibhorla says the software developers
at MIDs (mobile Internet devices). Dia­ lower power draw could lead co future net­ working on Moblin have been parrnering
mondville eventually became the Atom N books that have greacly improved battery life with the Atom hardware developers to
processor family, aimed at netbooks. over raday's models, for example. Or, Intel ensure all of the features being included in
Netbooks are small, low-power laptops could choose to increase the clock speed of Pine Trail and Moblin will work together.
designed for simple computing tasks, such as its future Atom CPUs, providing more "[Moblin] basically goes hand in hand
Web browsing, Internet-based social net­ power but maintaining clle same battery life. with Pine Trail and the overaJl Atom
working, and email applications. Netbooks road map," Peddibhotla says. "Moblin
(a term that combines "Interner" and "note­ Pine Trail Works Wfi:h Moblin takes advantage of aJl of the things
books") rely on Web-based apps to perform At ,the same time of the May announce­ Atom's hardware map incorporares. It
computing tasks. Atom CPUs have helped ment of Pine Trail, Intel announced that takes advantage of all of the power fea­
create the classification of netbooks as well as Moblin v2.0 would enter beta testing. rures in Atom. We work closely with the
nettops, or small, low-cost desktop PCs. Moblin is an open-source operating system hardware teams."
"With the netbook, we felt we had ra based on Linux that will work specifically on
create a new name, a new class to distin­ netbooks and nenops. Those developing Grabbing Market Share
guish it from the traditional laptop," Calder Moblin hope version 2.0 will ptovide faster The problem for Moblin is that it hasn't
says. "There's been some blurring of those performance (especially with startup) and caughr on among early netbook users. Lioux
lines, but the beauty of it is we have this improved experiences for netbook and was the first and ooly operating system to

Desktops vs. Nettops

With some of the changes Pine Trail will bring to Atom's platform, Intel's Calder says he expects nettops to grow in popularity. Nettops
(small low-power, low-cost computers designed for the desktop) are to desktop computers as netbooks are to notebook computers.
"With Pine Trail, we're going to see cooler new form factors, particularly on the nettop side," Calder says...
Source: Intel

Photo & Video Photo & Video Viewing Editing in Windows

(Streaming) Photo Gallery
Video Playback SO Playback Capable of HD Playback
(Le. YouTube)
Legacy online games Basic online games

CPU I September 2009 51

hard hat area I white paper

appear with the first netbook versions.

Obviously, the price gap works in Intel's 20% of all laptops shipped. DisplaySearch
Microsoft made a version of Windows XP
advantage when it comes to offering the estimared abour 6 million nerbooks had
available for netbooks in the second half of
Atom platform ro manufacturers of net­ been shipped during the first quarter alone.
. 2008, though, and ir quickly dominated the
books versus the Ion platform in netbooks. "Arom is driving most of the netbooks
market, as WinXP provided compatibility out there," Calder says. "It's a pretty sig­
with Windows applications. Atom's Growth Potential nificant number of them, tens of millions
Market analysis firm IDC estimates that When it comes to the sudden growth and of units. There is a lot of momentum in
less than 5% of netbooks in 2009 will ship success for Atom and the nerbook market, this categoty."
with Moblin or another version of LimLX, Calder says "surprise" is too strong of a word Calder admits part of the netbook market
leaving the rest of the market for WinXP. to describe Intel's expectations for the mar­ growth probably has occurred because of
The effort to increase Moblin's reach ker vs. what has acrually happened. fortunate timing for netbook mal<ers-and
isn't the only marker share story unfold­ Saying that the popularity of Atom-pow­ an unforrunate worldwide economy. People
ing around Acorn. Nvidia has been ered netbooks has "exceeded expectations" wanting to save money on technology may
unhappy about Intel's decision to sell the wOlJd be much more accurate, though. turn to a netbook for their computing needs,
Atom processor alone for almosr double "Several years ago, we were working on a sacrificing some of the power of a traditional
the price of the 2008, three-chip Atom new [Atom] design in Austin, but it didn't notebook for a significant cost savings.
platform. (Nvidia uses Atom processors in come to the market until a year ago," "People are looking for 'good enough'
its Ion platform, which already is a rwo­ Calder says. "Has it exceeded our expecta­ technology at lower prices," he says.
chip system.) As Intel shifts to the rwo­ tions? Absolutely. But 1'd stop shon of say­ Netbooks and nettops obviously are
chip Pine Trail platform, it's expected ing it's been a surprise. We anticipated it, not Intel's core business, Calder says, but
that the gap between the price for the but it's happened faster and been bigger "we still see it as a significant pan of our
Atom platform and for the standalone than we anticipated." business. It's a growth strategy that's
Atom processor will grow, because Pine In the first quarter of 2009, Display­ going quite well." .A
T rail will be less expensive than the 2008 Search, an Austin, Texas, market research
Atom platform. firm, estimated netbooks accounted for by Kyle Schurman

Moblin v2.0 User Interface

My Zone, sometimes shortened to M-Zone, is the home screen and is one of the biggest changes in Moblin v2.0. It contains areas for
task and calendar items along the upper-left side, frequently used applications along the lower-left side, recently used documents and
Web sites in the middle of the screen, and social networking management along the right side.
"My Zone is intended to get you where you want to go and to do what you want to do with one click 90% of the time," says Ram
Peddibhotla, Intel's open source business director.
With the social networking
aspect of Moblin, users can
store their user names and
passwords within Moblin for
Recent activities
each type of social networking
they use. Any changes or new
postings then show up auto­
matically through the user Calendar appointments
and tasks
interface. Users also can
update their status on each of
the social networking sites
they use through the status
panel built into Moblin.
"It's very easy to see
where your social networking ~ ,
status is," Peddibhotla says. Favorite applications
"If something catches your "',
eye, it's easy to jump to it
with one click." ... A

Sources: Intel, Moblin.org

52 September 2009 / wV'l'N.compulerpowerusercom

more people adopt 64-bit OSes and developers that now support DDR3-2000 via overclocking. According to
create more 64-bit applications, the amount of John Beekly, VP of Applications at Corsair, "Core i7 has proven
memory our computers can actually use has to be a tremendous overclocking processor. Although the stOck
grown well beyond the 4GB limitation memory speed is 1,066MHz on the initially launched proces­
(which includes roughly IGB for system sors, with a little tweaking you can run at greatly elevated speeds
overhead) found in 32-bit software. Whether you're building a like 1,600MHz, 1,866MHz, or even 2,000MHz." Intel indicates
new system or thinking about upgrading your current PC, you'll that Core i7 processors and morherboards may have trouble with
want to take full advantage of the memory capabilities on your RAM modules running at voltages greater than 1.65V. Most
motherboard. In the laSt year, DDR3 has seen increased support triple-channel kits feature safe voltage settings, but if you want
in chipsets and processors from both AMD and Intel, and the to use your existing DDR3 or purchase single modules, check
subsequent increased DDR3 production has declined prices to a the memory's voltage before installation. It's still possible to
point where DDR3 will soon overtake DDR2. For example, overclock the triple-channel memory, and as of press time,
AMD added logic for DDR3 to its new AM3 processors, and 2,533MHz was the fastest (achieved by Corsair Labs using 6GB
the triple-channel memory mode on Intel's Nehalem platform of memory) memory frequency generated by the Nehalem plat­
requires the use of DDR3. Before you dip intO our buyer's guide, form. Most current triple-channel kits are sold with three 2GB
let's check out what's new in memory in 2009. modules, while there are some kits that offer a total of 3GB,
Near the end of OctOber 2008, many manufacturers launched 9GB, or 12GB.
triple-channel memory products to support Intel's X58 chip- In February, AMD released its AM3 processors that will work
set. The triple-channel mode is similar to dual-channel, but it with either DDR2 or DDR3 memory (but not both at the same
spreads the data among rhree modules in an alternating pattern. time). AMD indicates that the AM3 processors support up to
Intel's DX58S0 motherboard could handle up to 16GB ofDDR3­ DDR3-1333 modules, with the caveat that AM3 processors only
1600 memory, and rhere are a number ofX58 motherboards officially support one DIMM per channel at 1,333MHz. If you

54 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

have four DIMMs, you'll have to run the DDR3 modules at featuring latencies below CL7. For example, Kingston released
1,066MHz. Several AM3-based motherboards support DDR3­ DDR3-1066 SO-DIMMs with a latency ofCL5. To enhance
1600 via overclocking, and a few models let you overclock memory performance in notebooks, many manufacturers have
DDR3 modules up to 2,000MHz. In terms of DDR2, AM3 certified their DDR3 SO-DIMMs with Intel's X1\1P (Extreme
processors feature the same 1,066MHz limitation found in Memory Profiles), which let you bump up FSB speed. Because
AM2+ Phenom II and Phenom processors. some notebook vendors lock down the BIOS settings, XMP
With both Intel and AMD releases, memory vendors have compatibility could be a major boost to notebook perfor­
released "low-voltage" modules-typically rated at 1.65V or mance. Kingston, OCZ, and Patriot, among others, offer
below-that are optimized to handle the voltage restrictions of memory modules that can work with Intel's Cote 2 Extreme
the Core i7 and AM3 processors. And because memory fre­ mobile processors (via X1\1P).
quencies continue to increase, vendors have created new cool­ In the world of servets, there is also a focus on low-voltage
ing techniques that extend beyond traditional cramp-style heat memory. Many manufacturers offer modules that operate around
spreaders. For example, Corsair's new DHX+ (Dual-path 1.35V to deliver power savings. Vendors are also creating higher
Heat eXchange) heatsinks have removable fins to let you add density modules, such as 4GB RDIMMs to reduce power draw
Corsair's liquid or thermoelectric cooling gear for greater over­ and the amount of heat-emitting equipment. To help you quick­
clocking and reliability. Additionally, Kingston, OCZ, Crucial, ly find the memory you need, we've broken down the modules
A-Data, Patriot, and Mushkin have released new types of heat into Desktop, Notebook, and Server sections; under each section,
spreaders within the last year for DDR3 memory. we've covered both DDR2 and DDR3 options. And with memo­
In terms of notebooks, vendors have begun to overcome the ry prices consistently dropping, it's likely that you'll find online
power and heat issues that traditionally prevented using mod­ prices for the RAM covered here for less than our listed price. D.
ules with memory frequencies and latencies near desktop mod­
ules. A number of vendors now offer DDR3 SO-DIMMs by Nathan Lake

CPU / September 2009 55

Transcend Corsair A-Data
.JetRam .JM800QLU-2G TWIN2X4096-6400C4DHX XPG Gaming Series
$69.99 DDR2-1066+
www.corsair.com $70
"Why we dig it: You can find Transcend's "Why we dig it: You don't win best-selling
dual-channel 2GB DDR2-800 kit at an product awards, such as the E-tail PC "Why we dig it: A-Data's Plus Series fea­
affordable price, and with timings of 5-5­ RAM Best-Seller from RetailVision won by tures 64MB x8 Fine-Pitch Ball Grid Array
5-12, the DDR2-800 RAM featuredow the 4GB XMS2 DHX kit, without being a chips that must pass A-Data's burn-in and
latency. Transcend also offers a limited quality product. The DDR2-800 kit fea­ dual-channel tests. The 6-6-6-18 timings
lifetime warranty on the modules. tures CL4lateney and runs at 2.1V. For run with a working voltage from 2 to 2.1V.
heat dissipation, Corsair built on its DHX
."Who should apply: People looking to add heatsink that features two sets of tall fins. "Who should apply: A-Data designed the
some extra memory to an existing system DDR2 to work with Intel's Core 2 series
running DDR2-800. If you only have "Who should apply: People with mother­ and AMD's Athlon 64 processors, and
roam to add one module, Transcend offers boards that can't upgrade past DDR2­ the CL6 speed is good for garners that
a single 2GB chip with the same timings. 800 memory. With fast timings, the need affordable DDR2 memory.
4GB XMS2 DHX kit is perfect for en­
Capacity: 2GB (two 1GB modules) hancing motherboards that limit your Capacity: 4GB (two 2GB modules)
Speed: PC2-6400 memory choices. Speed: PC2-8500
Timings: 5-5-5-12 Timings: 6-6-6-18
Capacity: 4GB (two 2GB modules)
Speed: PC2-6400
Timings: 4-4-4-12

56 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

Kingston Corsair OCZ
KHX8500D2T1 K2/4G Twin2X4096-8500C5 PC2-9600 Low-Voltage
$75 $69.99 Blade Series
www.kingston.com www.corsair.com $79.99
Why we dig it: This 4GB DDR2-l066 Why we dig it: This matched pair of
kit includes Kingston's HyperX T1 DDR2-1066 memory operates at CL5, Why we dig it: OCZ's Blade Series fea­
Series heat spreaders that improve the with 5-5-5-18 timings at 800MHz and 5­ tures a heat spreader with several spreader
overclockability of the memory. The 5-5-15, 2.lV at 1,066MHz. Corsair tests channels to offer more stability and relia­
heat spreaders feature fins made of the memory in pairs and immediately bility than traditional heat spreaders. Ad­
heavy-duty aluminum, and the extruded packages the memory following the sys­ ditionally, this 4GB kit delivers 1,200MHz
metal diffuses heat greater than mosr tem test to ensure compatibility. speed while running 1.8V and CL5 tim­
low-profile heatsinks. ings. OCZ's EVP (Extend Voltage Pro­
Who should apply: If you're looking for tection) lets you bump performance up to
Who should apply: System builders who affordable (we've seen this set priced at 1.85V without voiding the memory's life­
want DDR2-1 066 memory with the abil­ around $45 to $50 online) 4GBG DDR2­ tlme warranty.
ity to remove heat, which can damage 1066 modules, the Twin2X4096-8500C5
memory when timings and frequencies is a good bet. Corsair's XMS2 module also Who should apply: If you're looking to
are overclocked. features a relatively low voltage require­ get the highest frame rates with DDR2
ment, so it's compatible with most any memory, OCZ's Blade Series memory
Capacity: 4GB (cwo 2GB modules) motherboard, and it offers you some over­ feature the cooling, timings, and voltage
Speed: PC2-8500 head when overclocking the memory. you need to push the modules beyond the
Timings: 5-5-5-15 1,200MHz setting.
Capacity: 4GB (cwo 2GB modules)
Speed: PC2-8500 Capacity: 4GB (cwo 2GB modules)
Timings: 5-5-5-15 Speed:PC2-9600
Timings: 5-5-5-18

58 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

Geil Kingston Crucial
GE312GB1333C6HC KHX12800D3K3/12GX BL3KIT25664TB1608
$),400 $189.99
www.kingston.com www.crucial.com

Why we dig it: Geil's Hexa-Channel (six Why we dig it: With three 4GB modules, Why we dig it: Crucial's Ballistix Trac­
2GB modules) kit runs at 1,333MHz photo- and video-editing enthusiasts and er memoty features an attractive heat
with 6-6-G-24 timings. And because all of professionals can take full advantage of spreader with two rows of "chasing" red
the modules are the same, you won't have the Core iTs triple-channel memory and green LEDs that circulate in a ran­
to worry about compatibility issues with mode. The DDR3-1600 memory is op­ dom pattern at the top of the module.
your triple-channel memory. Its Evo One timized for Intel's XMP and runs at the This 6GB triple-channel kit runs at
heatsink features a flat surface made of recommended 1.65V power. This kit DDR3-1600 with timings of 8-8-8-24.
thermally conductive aluminum and fins runs on Kingston's original, lower-profile
as well as a copper heatpipe. HyperX heat spreaders. The 1,600MHz Who should apply: Modders who want
kit also works fast and features aggressive to enhance the interior of their cases with
Who should apply: People who need CL9 timings for triple-channel memOlY. fast DDR3 memory. The 1.65V modules
12GB of memory and want triple-chan­ match Intel's Nehalem requirements. At
nel memory that wotks at CL6. The Who should apply: Graphics professionals less than $200, the.GGB kit is compara­
GE312GB 1333C6HC features a working and other power users who could use 12GB tively affordable.
voltage of 1.65V for compatibility with of system memoty. Power users will also
Core i7 processors. The Evo One Heat appreciate Kingston's lifetime warrancy. Capacity: GGB (three 2GB modules)
Sink is also attractive for those with cases Speed: PC2-12800
that feature clear side panels. Capacity: 12GB (three 4GB modules) Timings: 8-8-8-24
Speed: PC3-12800
Capacity: 12GB (six 2GB models) Timings: CL9-9-9-27
Speed: PC3-10GGO
'! Timings: G-6-6-24

CPU / September 2009 59

Corsair Kingston Crucial
$170 $222 $87.99
www.corsair.com www.kingston.com www.crucial.com

Why we dig it: Part of Corsair's Domi­ Why we dig it: This 6GB kit also features Why we dig it: This affordable DDR3­
nator family, the TR3X6G 1600C8D is Kingston's HyperX TI heat spreaders, bur 1800 dual-channel kit is perfect for
an affordable set ofDDR3-1600 triple­ it runs at 1,800MHz and at slightly slower those looking to upgrade their mother­
channel memory. The tall DHX heatsink timings, so it's more affordable than the board with an extra 2GB. The 1.9V
provides good cooling and helps you to newest HyperX modules. The triple-chan­ Ballistix memory is SLI-Ready and of­
overclock the kit, and Corsair included nel memory kit runs at 1.65V and, like all fers a CAS latency of 8, which is good
Intel's XiV1P 1.2 support to let you easily of Kingston's memory, is backed by a life­ for the price.
overclock the memory. time warranty and 24/7 technical support.
Who should apply: AMD power users
Who should apply: Power users on a Who should apply: If you're looking for looking to add 2GB to their existing
budget who want to push the speeds of powerful and affordable triple-channel DDR3-1800-based motherboard. This
rhe memory on their X58 motherboard. kits, the KHXI4400D3TIFK3/6GX kir dual-channel set also features a 1.9V
The TR3X6G 1600C8D operates at is an attractive option for motherboards working voltage that gives you a little
1.65V, so it supporrs the power limita­ that support I ,800MHz. There currently headroom when overclocking.
tions of Core i7 processors. The DHX aren't too many options at DDR3-1800,
heatsink is also compatible with Corsair's so this kit should cerrainly be on the top Capacity: 2GB (two 1GB modules)
Airflow fan, which helps remove heat of your list. Speed: PC3-14400
from rhe triple-channel modules. Timings: 8-8-8-24
Capacity: 6GB (three 2GB modules)
Capacity: 6GB (three 2GB modules) Speed: PC3-14400
Speed: PC2-12800 Timings: 9-9-9-27
Timings: 8-8-8-24

60 September 2009 1 www.computerpowerusercom

Corsair OCZ OCZ
TR3X6G2000C7GTF OCZ3B2000LV6GK Flex EX PC3-16600
$529.99 $429.99 $131
www.corsair.com www.ocztechnology.com www.ocztechnology.com

Why we dig it: Corsair's Dominaror GTs Why we dig it: With a low latency of Why we dig it: The Flex EX memory can
go through such a long screening and resr­ CL7, this triple-channel kit offers DDR3­ be liquid- and/or air-cooled. Each module
ing process that they are, currently, only 2000 speed and OCZ's Blade Series heat includes a liquid injection system thar fea­
available at Corsair's online GT Perfor­ spreader. Designed for the Intel Core i7 tures channels located directly over the
mance Shop. This 6GB triple-channel, processor, it runs at 1.65V, and the multi­ memory controllers. The thoughtfully
2,000MHz kit runs at 7-8-7-20 timings, ple channels on the heat spreader help to designed aluminum heat spreader gives
and it includes Corsair's Airflow fan ro efficiently cool the modules. you the flexibility to have active warer­
improve the kit's cooling performance. cooling, passive air cooling, or a combina­
Who should apply: People who want a tion of the two.
Who should apply: Power users who reliable, low-latency DDR3-2000 memo­
want ro overclock triple-channel memory ry. This triple-channel kit also features Who should apply: If you're thinking
on the Nehalem platform. The aggressive attractive heatsinks that add to the style about using liquid cooling, these Flex EX
7-8-7-20 timings should also help im­ of your case's interior. modules are ideal. You can air-cool the
prove performance over comparable modules until you get the liquid-cooling
2,000MHz memory. Capacity: 6GB (rhree 2GB modules) setup, and the 2,000MHz, CL8 modules
Speed: PC3-16000 are fast, too.
Capaciry: 6GB (three 2GB modules) Timings: 7-8-7-20
Speed: PC3-16000 Capacity: 4GB (two 2GB modules)
Timings: 7-8-7-20 Speed: PC3-16000
Timings: 8-8-8-30

62 September 2009 I www.computerpoweruser.com

Kingston Patriot Memory A-Data
KHX16000D3ULT1 K3/6GX PV236G2000LLK 6GB XPG X Series
$349 $269.99 DDR3-2133X v2.0
www.kingsron.com www.patriotmemory.com $500
Why we dig it: This 6GB kit features Why we dig it: Patriot's Viper II tri­
three 2GB modules with a CL8 latency. ple-channel kit features tall aluminum Why we dig it: A-Data's XPG X series
All of the modules in the triple-channel heatsinks with dual fins. The DDR3­ DDR3-2133X v2.0 triple-channel kit
kit run at 1.65V to comply with Intel's 2000 modules run at 1.65V with 8-8-8-24 includes a 3,500rpm add-on cooling unit
Core i7 and X58 platforms, and each timings-fast latency for DDR3-2000 with two blue LED fans to keep the triple­
module includes Kingston's tall HyperX memory. channel modules at low temperatures. The
T1 heat spreaders. Running at 2,000MHz, memory is SPD (Serial Presence Deteer) .
the 6GB kit gives you the ability to run Who should apply: If you're looking for programmed at the JEDEC standard
memoty at the highest speeds supported fast, low-latency, triple-channel memory, DDR3-1333 with 9-9-9-24 timings for
by X58 motherboards. Patriot's Viper II memory is worth a look. basic system booting. And the DDR3­
The Viper II heatsinks offer an attractive 2133 kit is backward-compatible with
Who should apply: Check out this 6GB design for cases with side-panel windows. 1,600MHz, l,333MHz, and l,066MHz,
kit if you want to get the most out of a so it could run on an older motherboard.
Nehalem build. A 3GB kit is also avail­ Capacity: 6GB (three 2GB modules)
able, if you're looking to add to your exisr­ Speed: PC3-16000 Who should apply: If you're in the process
Illg memory. Timings: 8-8-8-24 of building a new system but want to boost
the memory on your current motherboard,
Capacity: 6GB (three 2GB modules) this triple-channel A-Data kit is capable of
Speed: PC3-16000 working with both your new and old ma­
Timings: 8-8-8-24 chines. Speed demons will appreciate the
2, 13'3MHz triple-channel power.

Capacity: 6GB (three 2GB modules)

Seed: PC3-17066

CPU / September 2009 63

Corsair OCZ G.Skill
$224.99 $69.99 $29.99
www.corsair.com www.ocztechnology.com www.gskill.com

Why we dig it: If you've got a MacBook, Why we dig it: OCZ's 4GB dual-channel Why we dig it: This 2GB SO-DIMM
you want to make sure you invest in RAM kit is perfect if you're looking to upgrade a runs a 5-5-5-15 timings. G.SkiIl's heat
that matches the Apple's specifications. laptop. The kits runs at 1.8V to reduce the spreader helps keep rhe memory cool, and
Corsair tests the VSA4GSDS667D2 amount of power drained from the battery. it features a 1.8V working voltage. G.Skill
memory with the MacBook and the offers a lifetime warranty on the F2­
Intel-based versions of the iMac. The Who should apply: Notebook owners 6400CL5S-2G BSK.
4GB module runs at 667MHz. who want an affordable way to improve
performance that won't drain battery life. Who should apply: Laptop owners who
Who should apply: MacBook owners OCZ also offers a 2GB kit and single want to upgrade their memory with a
who want to invest in a large-capacity 1GB or 2GB modules. low-latency DDR2-800 module. If you
memory module when upgrading. If your only have room for 1GB, G.Skill offers
MacBook supports DDR2-1066 memo­ Capacity: 4GB (two 2GB modules) a 1GB module with the same specs.
ry, Corsair also offers the higher-speed Speed: PC2-6400
4GB module. Timings: 5-5-5-15 Capacity: 2GB (one 2GB module)
Speed: PC2-6400
Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module) Timings: 5-5-5-15
Speed: PC2-5300
Timings: 5-5-5-15

64 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

Corsair A-Data Crucial
VS4GSDS800D2 XPG G Series CT51264AC800
$189.99 DDR2-800G 2GB $209
www.corsair.com SO-DIMM www.crucial.com
Why we dig it: A 4GB SO-DIMM lets www.adata.com.tw Why we dig it: The 4GB module is ideal
you pump up the memory on your note­ for those who want to enhance the perfor­
book without taking up all the free slots. Why we dig it: Designed ro run at 1.65V mance of a notebook that runs a 64-bit
The DDR2-800 memory features a laten­ or 1.75V with a latency of 5-5-5-15, OS. The DDR2-800 memory features a
cy of 6-6-6-18. A-Data's XPG G Series DDR2-800G CAS latency of 6, and it runs at l.8V.
SO-DIMM modules are perfect to
Who should apply: People with a laprop
that supports 4GB or greater of DDR2­
improve computing performance in
notebooks and netbooks. The 2GB
Who should apply: People with a note­
book that supports more than 4GB of
800. Corsair also sells an 8GB kit that module is backward-compatible with memory, so they can pair the module with
includes two VS4GSDS800D2 modules. 667MHz and 533MHz speeds. an existing DDR2-800 module. The CL6
latency is also fast for a comparatively
Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module) Who should apply: Netbook and other affordable 4GB SO-DIMM.
Speed: PC2-6400 miniature PC owners who want low­
Timings: 6-6-6-18 power DDR2 memory. The CL5latency Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module)
should also improve application quickness, Speed: PC2-6400
ideal for people who edit phoros and video Timings: 6-6-6-18
clips on their laprop. A-Data also offers
this memory in a 2GB and 4GB kit. :1
Capacity: 2GB (one 2GB module)
Speed: PC2-6400
Timings: 5-5-5-15

66 September 2009 I www.computerpowerusercom

Corsair Kingston OCZ
$369.99 $124 $80
www.corsalr.com www.kingsron.com www.ocztechnology.com

Why we dig it: If you have a new note­ Why we dig it: Kingston's XMP-ready Why we dig it: Ir was one of the first SO­
book that supports DDR3 memory, this DDR3-1066 SO-DIMM features its DIMMs certified for the Intel Core 2
4GB DDR3-1066 module is an easy way HyperX heat spreader. The CL5 memory Extreme Mobile processor. The 4GB,
to increase the laptop's performance. The is one of the lowest latencies we've seen in 1,066MHz kit runs at 1.6V with tim­
high-density module runs a latency of?­ DDR3 SO-DIMMs. The 4GB kit has a ings of 6-6-6-16. Additionally, the
7-7-20. working voltage of 1.5Y. OCZ3M1066XM4GK supports Intel's
XMP plug-and-play overclocking tool.
Who should apply: New laptop owners Who should apply: People who want a OCZ backs the 4GB kit with its life­
and DIY builders who want to reduce low-voltage, speedy 4GB DDR3 kit to time warranty.
memory bottlenecks and keep a free slot speed up their laptop. And with timings of
for future memory upgrades. 5-5-5-15, this memory is ideal for people Who should apply: Notebook builders
who want the fastest memory available. looking to take fuJI advantage of Intel's
Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module) Core 2 Extreme mobile processor. The
Speed: PC3-8500 Capacity: 4GB (cwo 2GB modules) kit's 1.6V power requirement is also a
Timings: 7-7-7-20 Speed: PC3-8500 good selection if you want to maximize
Timings: 5-5-5-15 battery life.

Capacity: 4GB (cwo 2GB modules)

Speed: PC3-8500
Timings: 6-6-6-16

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CPU I September 2009 67

Patriot Crucial Corsair
PDC34G1066SLLK CT51264BC1067 VSA4GSDS1066C7
$64.99 $449.99 $479.99
www.patriotmemory.com www.crucial.com www.corsair.com

Why we dig it: The 4GB kit is compati­ Why we dig it: 4GB ofDDR3-1066 in Why we dig it: Compatible wirh Apple's
ble with Intel's XMP overclocking tool, a sin.gle SO-DIMM. Crucial backs its MacBook and MacBook Pro, the 4GB
and it offers a low CAS latency of 5. memory wirh its limited lifetime war­ Corsair VSA4GSDS1066C7 is a single
Additionally, the DDR3-1066 modules ranty with a 30-day money back com­ 4GB module and features a 1,066MHz
support the new Intel Core 2 Exrreme patibility guarantee. speed and a CAS latency of7. Corsair
Mobile processor. indicates that the upgrade offers a 28%
Who should apply: With a relatively low increase in system performance over stan­
Who should apply: Those who want to CAS latency of7, this 4GB SO-DlMM is dard Mac upgrade memory.
upgrade or build a new laptop that fea­ ideal for power users who want to pack
tures an Inrel Core 2 Extreme Mobile their DDR3-based notebook with fast, Who should apply: MacBook owners
processor. You may also appreciate the high-capacity memoty. who need to significantly increase the
kit's low larency timings and low running amount of memory and performance
voltage of 1.6V. Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module) of their system.
Speed: PC3-8500
Capacity: 4GB (two 2GB modules) Timings: 7-7-7-20 Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module)
Speed: PC3-8500 Speed: PC3-8500
Timings: 5-5-5-15 Timings: 7-7-7-20

68 September 2009 / www.computerpowerusercom

Corsair Crucial Crucial
CM72FB409S-800 CT51272AF80E CT51272AB80E
$189.99 $129.99 $119.99
www.corsair.com www.crucial.com www.crucial.com

Why we dig it: The fully buffered 4GB Why we dig it: Crucial's CT51272AF80E Why we dig it: A registered DDR2-800
DDR2-800 module includes CRC (Cy­ is a 4GB DIMM that's fully buffered and DIMM that features a CAS latency of 5.
clic Redundancy Code; allows for detec­ fearures ECC. The 4GB DDR2-800 mod­ As an added bonus, it runs at l.8V, and
tion for all I-bit errors and nearly any mul­ ule includes a full DIMM heat spreader it's offered at an affordable price.
tiple-bit errors) and ECC error detection and runs at a CAS latency of 5.
and correction as well as 4-bit prefetch Who should apply: People who must
architecture. Its JEDEC-compliant, six­ Who should apply: If you're looking for a have memory that delivers stable per­
layer, impedence-conrrolled PCB includes large-capacity, fully buffered ECC mod­ formance and reliable data transfer.
30 micro-inches of gold plating to ensure a ule, the CT51272AF80E is it. And the Additionally, you probably won't be con­
good connection with the socket. CL5 DIMM's performance is excellent cerned abom the slight performance drop
for the price. of registered memory.
Who should apply: It's ideal if you need
to upgrade or replace an existing DDR2­ Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module) Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module)
800 module with a high-capacity, error­ Speed: PC2-6400 Speed: PC2-6400
correcting DIMM. Timings: 5-5-5-15 Timings: 5-5-5-15

Capacity: 4GB (one 4GB module)

Speed: PC2-6400
Timings: 6-6-6-18

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CPU I September 2009 69

Kingston Crucial Corsair
KVR1066D3E7S/4G CT51272BB1339 CM72DD2G1333
$535 $169.99 $99.99
www.kingscon.com www.crucial.com www.corsair.com

Why we dig it: The 4GB DDR3-1066 Why we dig it: The 4GB DDR3-1333 Why we dig it: This 2GB DDR3-1333
DIMM feawres error correcrion and a module is regisrered, fearures ECC, and DIMM is an unbuffered ECC module
rhermal sensor co maintain reliabiliry. runs ar 1.5V. The memOlY is backed by chat provides an economical oprion for sup­
Kingscon's 1,333MHz and 1,066MHz Crucial's limired liferime warranry. porr on Imel's Nehalem server platform. It
server memory modules are validared by runs ar 1.5V co save on server power.
Intel for use on Xeon-based motherboards Who should apply: Individuals looking
and the rriple-channel architecwre of for the fasr server memory that's regis­ Who should apply: People who want an
Nehalem-based processors. rered and provides error correcrion. inexpensive way co add memory co rheir
nexr-generation Imel Xeon morherboard.
Who should apply: People who want Capaciry: 4GB (one 4GB module)
memory rhar'll be comparible wirh a Xeon­ Speed: PC3-1 0600 Capaciry: 2GB (one 2GB module)
based morherboard rhar requires DDR3 Timings: 9-9-9-24 Speed: PC3-10600
memory. The module's rhermal sensor is Timings: 9-9-9-24
ideal for people with servers rhar run hOL

Capaciry: 4GB (one 4GB module)

Speed: PC3-8500
Timings: 7-7-7-20

70 September 2009 / www.computerpowerusercom

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Extract To dialog

ith the latest versions of WinZip boxes (which have lots of options),

offering essentially trivial additions
and nonstandard comptession options,
Ot let a Wizard prompt you.
Given its techie roots, Win­


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$J1tr.W'J11:3, .•

I~~ ::: ~;::=:::i.::

UI'<"l fddt< $0'11/200911,)."
perhaps the time is right ro consider RAR has a lot of options you W~ fakle, W1lJZIXI')II'). ••
3~ (""""*'''''''''~
l,056 0 6£tAAC~S Sjn,o:.»l1:)...
tj"......"""'*_ o~
another archiverldecompression rool? don't always see in typical 200,10' S/I1!200911:). .. EIlI'IZ3ti()

~:a~.... 3,~ 0 cen?l""""'s.ttrqs 51"12IX'9 I I:).., loc:JSSoItl
.trt.ou;l.<M iN I)~Rlt"'~... S/11RW111:1... I~I

WinRAR has always been the dark horse archivers. It can make self­ "-bD4
......_ ~
~A1C7.ae S(llfZlXJlIll:)...

,j)~ ad",,~10l0,SSIl IJ oal~ 51"/200911'3...

in the archiver race, normally because its extracting archives that are actu­ ~~...
OlJC!NSl!.b:l 01~~
1I.:ilM Q
.!lmorotI9.<1 Q~C>IlorIlb'l5l11f2lmll:3. .. 16Uo1,ou
preferred compression format, RAR, is a ally mini-installers capable of .;:il~.<1 Q~~5111(2f.C911:3.
9,7Ze 6~ ..:.J •.
li~'r~ ._---"--.---~ -.. ~ .....:.~~"7s,~~--. -;,.
favorite among software pirates, but it's running a setup program or
still a great general-purpose utility that adding Windows shortcuts. It can WinRAR 3.90
only gets better with the latest beta. gracefully handle bad files in archives Publisher and URl: win.rar, www.win­
If you're used ro the WinZip interface, or the normal filesystem when making rar.com
then WinRAR is something of a shock at archives. And, of course, it can make ETA: 03 2009
first. WinRAR acts as if it's a file explorer RAR archives in addition ro industry­ Why You Should Care: The tech ie's
(rather like Windows Explorer), letting standard .ZIP. compression tool gets better and better.
you work with the files and folders on The latest beta is mostly a series of
your disk, even if the files are compressed. minor bug fixes (some relating ro right­ With a retail price that matches Win­
When it encounters a compressed file click options in Windows Explorer). You ZIP penny for penny, we think WinRAR
(ZIP, RAR, ISO, or one of 14 other could also see it as a push to "product-ize" is worth a look for anyone who is a techie
fOimats), the compressed file acts like a the 64-bit version, which we can report at heart."
folder, roo. Once the compressed file is now looks, feels, and acts just like the 32­
"open," you can drag and drop files and bit version. by Warren Ernst

Postbox 1,0 b2
OSt people aren't vety passionate
links. If you want to find all
messages with Attachments,
Images, Links, or specific Contacts,
?E=l'~ -

- .- ­
_­ .'

about their email program, and it click the corresponding button in the
• " <­


~;=:::: - r~ ~~~=-~
.. ";;5]-.~""""-"---_~~~
might be because they're all ptetty much tab bar and only messages with these
-:::- . a.
the same. Outlook Express/Mail, Thunder­ items appear-initially the first 30 or c.:::::. •
bird, and Outlook all follow a similar para­ so, but clicking the Load More Re­ ~::~=."=~, ..._'­
digm: Mail comes in your Inbox, where sults button loads more. From here,
=.. . . . ,_ ­
~~~:~: . . ..-:t-_ i_,
you either delete it or move it to a folder you can further filter attributes, such
for storage. They all have an address book as Sender, Date, and Subject, and the list is Postbox 1.0
where contact infotmation is stored. When reduced to just what you want, regardless of Publisher and URl: Postbox,
you send a message, it winds up in the Sent what folder you've stored the message in. www.postbox-inc.com i

Items folder. Most can search for messages

with a primitive Search function but rely
Because message contents are indexed,
too, an inspector pane summarizes the mes­
ETA: 042009
Why You Should Care: This is perhaps the t
on third-party programs to maintain an sage you're reading, automatically display­ most innovative email client yet.
"instant index search." Postbox, a new ing any hypertext links, addresses, attach­
email program based on Thunderbird, may ments, and photos; plus there're links to The most imptessive part, however, is
have what it takes to be a complete game other messages, attachments, images, or that Postbox looks polished and almost
changer in the world of email clients, since links you've received in the past from the Apple-like, and these new features all work
it integrates an indexed search and adds message's sender. The Compose Mail win­ together well. See if it changes your opinion
many innovative new features on top of it. dow has similar links to previously received of what an email progtam can do...
As you receive email, Postbox indexes images and attachments, Google Maps, reF­
your messages and establishes interesting erence material, and more. by Warren Ernst

72 September 2009 I www.compUlerpoweruser.com


QuickTime 7.6.2
The ubiquitous Apple media player soft­
ware boasts greater compatibility with
Apple ProRes media and better suPPOrt
for the new iTunes 8.2 software. On the
Upgrades That'll Keep You Humming Along
security front, this update adds new vali­
dation of certain movie files that could
carry malicious code.
Some of the biggest brands online step up this month with upgrades,
from Apple to Google, Opera to Skype. Even video portal Hulu gives us
something new to download. Skype Beta
The rp phone service adds a screen shar­
ing feature that lets you send an image
Software Updates controls, the player has an oversized inter­ of your screen to another user. A wider
face. It lets you personalize the experience range of input options are available for
AirPort Utility 5.4.2 with a media queue and subscriptions to the visually impaired. Contact manage­
The management software for Apple Air­ shows. Hulu claims you can navigate its ment has been improved with more
Port wireless base stations and its Time library of episodes "with just six bu[[ons." importers, and a new birthday alert sys­
Capsule boasts several fixes. Apple has www.hulu.com tem reminds you of a friend's big day.
addressed occasional problems regarding The ability to send contan information
discovery of AirPort units and reading iTunes 8.2 to others has been restored.
their configurations. Issues with down­ What's new about the latest upgrade to www.skype.com
loading firmware updates to devices have Apple's media library and player? We may
been solved, and now the Utility can need co wait until the release of the iPhone Driver Bay
show wireless passwords in the "Equiv­ OS 3.0 in the coming months to find our.
alent Network Password" sheer. In addition to some bug fixes, me main fea­ Android 1.5
ture of iTunes 8.2 is support for iPhones The open-source OS for mobile phones
Firefox Portable with the upcoming firmware overhaul. gets its first major upgrade. New features
True ra its name, the program lets you put www.apple.com/itunes include an on-screen soft keyboard, home
Firefox on a flash drive so that your book­ screen widgets, video recording and play­
marks, add-ons, and se[[ings are available Opera 10 Beta back, stereo Bluetooth support, a browser
from any machine. A new PonableApps.com You can test drive the upcoming major update (now with copy-and-paste func­
Installer improves aura-detection of an upgrade to the venerable alternative tionality), and new Coogle applications.
existing PortableApps installation and up­ browser. A Turbo feature promises to The ur has been polished, and users will
dates the progress meter. use compression technologies for faster see performance improvements co camera
portableapps.com browsing over slow connections. A Speed start-up, browser scrolling, and CPS loca­
Dial feature gives you more direct access tion acquisition. A number of new APIs
Coogle Chrome 2 to your favorite 25 sites. Opera 10 beta have been added to give developers wider
The latest update for Coogle's Web brows­ integra res with Web mail services. The access co phone functions.
er now lets users remove the thumbnails search field in the coolbar is easily expand­ developer.android.com
from the New Tabs page ra avoid any able for longer queries. Opera Software
embarrassing revelations abour rhe Web claims the underlying Presco 2.2 engine ATI Catalyst 9.5
sites you frequent. There is a fullscreen makes browsing 40% faster. The newest release for a range of Radeon
mode and form autofill. Benearh the hood, www.opera.com cards unifies Vista and Windows 7 drivers.
Coogle engineers promise greater stability HD4600/4800 cards can use the new ATI
and updates to the WebKit and JavaScripr PowerDVD 9 Ultra Build 1719 Stream video conversion tool for improved
engine mat improve speed. The popular DVD player software now transcoding speed. Performance in Com­
www.google.com/chrome supportS Windows 7 with High DPI pany of Heroes and BattleForge is im­
resolution. Vista 64-bit is supported. proved. Catalyst 9.5 also fixes an extensive
Hulu Desktop Beta CyberLink has added Nvidia CUDA list of minor Vista and Win7 bugs.
The wildly popular portal that repurposes optimization for PowerDVD's True­ ati.amd.com
television shows gets a downloadable Theater HD feature. This build now
player. Designed for PCs that are con­ supports Intel's CMA500 platform. by Steve Smith
nected to larger screens with remote www.cyberlink.com

CPU / September 2009 73


GPGPU Computing

Gets Real
Your GPU Is Ready To ~J1ove Beyond Gaming
or years, we've been hearing about the exposed ATI Stream GPGPU capabili­ paths since last winter. When the Catalyst
F promise of GPGPU (general purpose
GPU) computing, the process of having
ties through its Catalyst 8.12 driver up­
date in December and with it the ATI
8.12 launch bombed due ro fundamental
quality flaws in the transcoding process,
operations normally run by the CPU Avivo Video Converter. Nvidia moved ro push its fledgling lead.
crunched in the GPU. These are usually Imaging and video rendering fit well But with AMD's recent release of its Cat­
tasks that lend themselves particularly well with GPGPU's capabilities. This is why alyst 9.5 drivers, the promised cure for
ro floating point-intensive parallelization. nearly all of the GPGPU-optimized apps these past quality issues is here.
There needs ro be a large amount of arith­ you see in the consumer market are either Today, we have both vendors enabling
metic done per memory fetch to truly video transcoders Ot video edirots, which GPGPU-accelerated applications. We
harness GPU-based processing, and the can render effects and then transcode can't lie and tell you there are aisles filled
application needs ro perform such opera­ during output to a final video file. A with such apps. In fact, there are probably
tions on multiple pieces of data simulta­ CPU might be able to dedicate eight less than a dozen today. Still, it's a good
neously. Essentially, GPU shaders can threads to this task, but a modern GPU starr, and if you want to dip your hand
take on the role of floating point units can have practically every one of its pro­ into the rushing waters of GPGPU opti­
and perform these parallel compliCations grammable shaders crunching away on mization, consider the following titles the
simultaneously-dozens or hundreds of separate operations. Given that GPUs best places to begin.
mini-processors working in tandem. now have hundreds of such shaders, or
This idea rook root in the scientific and stream processors, the efficiency gains vs. ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 with
engineering fields, where high-end servers a traditional CPU in specific tasks can SimHD Plug-In
had memory bandwidth that could put be massive. Why tie your system up for TotalMedia Theatre 3 with SimHD Plug-In
GPGPU operations to fruitful use. Apps hours on a movie transcode job when it $89.99 (TMT3 Platinum); $19.95 (SimHD)
for geological modeling and molecular could take only minutes? ArcSoft
visualization, when coded to take advantage The GPGPU fortunes of AMD and www.arcsoft.com
of GPGPU functionality, started seeing
magnitudes of performance improvement.
Nvidia have traveled somewhat different
There was no reason that signal process­
ing couldn't also fill the bill, so research­
ers optimized the SETI@home and
Folding@home distributed computing
applications to make use of the GPGPU
potential in consumer-level systems.
Modeling proteins on your PC is a
worthy pursuit in the advancement of
health and science, but it doesn't really
let you use GPGPU technology in your
everyday life. Where was the promise of
lOX acceleration for everyday apps? Last
year, we started to get an answer, when
Nvidia pushed Elemental Technologies'
Badaboom video converter into the spot­
light in order to showcase CUDA for the
masses. AMD soon followed suit when it ORIGINAL



74 September 2009 / www.computerpowerusercom

L- . . . _ .. . .

reviews I software

TMT3 is a universal player, much in the same line, will yield better results. following menu. You can amass a long list
the vein ofWinDVD, PowerDVD, and a Today, though, SimHD merely shows of transcode jobs and launch them as a
host of others. The software supports just GPGPU's promise, not its rewards. batch. Espresso can crunch up ro four
about any SD or HD format you could jobs simultaneously.
ask, including Blu-ray Disc. For the sake CyberLink MediaShow Espresso In some ways, the true mark of a
of GPGPU discussion, the item of incer­ MediaShow Espresso great transcoder is that it can do whatev­
est here is ArcSoft's SimHD plug-in. This $39.95 er a power user asks but remain accessi­
is an upconversion roal designed ro take CyberLink ble to novices. MediaShow Espresso is
your standard-def content and upconven www.cyberlink.com exactly this. For newbies, the hardest
it ro nap or l080p-exactly what you
wanc for a home-theater system displaying
•••• part of using this program will be re­
membering to pick the
on a delicious flat-panel TV. Most Blu­ right folder for target files,
ray players now come with this capability, assuming they want some­
but you might expect a dedicated PC pro­ place besides CyberLink's
gram ro provide better results. default location. Experts
In this case, you would be wrong. We will find the profile cus­
tested SimHD with a DVD copy of "Ma­ romization tools for bit
trix Revolutions" as well as some MPEG­ rates and codecs more than
2 nap concent. The results were similar. sufficient. Given the agnos­
As you can see in [he capture of our stan­ tic adoption of Stream and
dard-def MPEG-2 concent to 1080p, CUDA, not to mencion
SimHD delivers a mixed bag. On one 8-way thread support for
hand, the plug-in boosts contrast and color We alteady reviewed CyberLink's Po­ Core i7 owners, this may be the best
richness. Colors pop more. Whites look werDirector 7 in our May 2009 issue transcoder app available today.
whiter, and darks look darker. Because of (see page 80), so we won't delve into
this, SimHD tends ro make detail in shad­ detail here other than to use PD7 as an Pande Group Folding@home
owy areas more pronounced. This is good illustration drat not all GPGPU capabilities Folding@home
stuff. In most instances, we didn't perceive are implemented uniformly by software Free
that SimHD was overprocessing the image developers. In this case, PD7 uses CUDA Pande Group
and leaving it looking artificially "boosted." ro accelerate both video encoding (produc­ folding.stanford .edu
However, although ArcSoft may be in­ ing final video output) as well as
creasing each frame's pixel count, SimHD's rendering effects/filters during
amialiasing appears to be non-existent, even editing. As of this writing, PD7
though we only selected the default medi­ only uses Stream to accelerare
um level of image sharpening. Jaggies encoding. The additional decode
become much more noticeable, and the and scaling capabilities that were
amount of artifact noise introduced into half of the point behind Stream's
scenes is jarring. This is a function of Catalyst 9.5 update in May have
ArcSoft, not the underlying Stream or not yet been implemented. So if
CUDA driver: We observed the same prob­ you're a PD7 fan, CUDA will
lems with and without GPU acceleration. currently get you a broader set of
Admittedly, running on the CPU, SimHD accelerated features.
yielded about 60% CPU utiliz.ation while Now, the encoding engine built into There are two distributed computing
hitting only 13% or so when GPU acceler­ PD7 is also the core of CyberLink's new apps with support for AT! Srream and
ation was selected. Clearly, Stream and transcoder app, MediaShow Espresso, CUDA: Folding@home and SETI@home.
CUDA are shouldering a significant which also supports both Stream and Folding@home will no doubt mike a
amount of work. The unfortunate thing is CUDA. While not quite as slick-looking deeper chord with those who've had loved
that the work they're being given looks ter­ as Badaboom, Espresso delivers more ones afflicced with diseases such as Alz­
rible. If that wasn't enough, we observed functionality. You can browse for files and heimer's, cystic fibrosis, or any malady
multiple playback glitches under SimHD, folders or simply drop your source content believed ro involve rhe misfolding of pro­
and the on-screen capture tool was inex­ straight into Espresso's main project area. teins. It's hoped that having a better un­
plicably disabled during SimHD playback. Then, select a general profile (Apple, Sony, derstanding of how proteins fold will help
We don't doubt that future versions of or Microsoft devices; YouTube; and Cus­ lead to treatments and possibly cures of
SimHD, as well as competing titles along tom) and a target resolution from the these afflictions.


76 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

-- --------------------------------------,

reviews I software

Because each new workload down­ We don't recommend LoiLoScope queue list for transcoding and can encode
loaded from the Folding@home server is because it does a better job leveraging up to four files simultaneously-definite­
different, ir's very difficult ro benchmark CUDA than, say, PowerDirecror 7. It ly one of its best features.
the application. However, we've seen doesn't. In fact, CyberLink uses CUDA As a cross-device media organizer,
GPU-accelerated improvements with for accelerating filter renders, and LoiLo Move it is a great application. We're not
SETI@home of roughly 6X to 9X vs. does not. We recommend LoiLoScope as in love with its interface, although you
CPU-only processing. Folding@home a style option. Not all creative people lean might be. Functionally, we have no com­
suppons both ATI Stream and CUDA, roward the workflow-oriented paradigm plaints. It would be cool if somehow
but make sure you download the High of traditional video editing. LoiLo takes a future versions could work on a ring or
Performance client version (folding. stan looser, more "right-brain" approach, if spoke/hub concept, so multiple devices
ford.edu/English/DownloadWinOther) you will. If that's your bag, then at least could cross-sync. We can't put our fingers
for your GPU. give the free trial a spin. ATI Stream sup­ on exactly what bugged us about the UI,
port is expected soon, perhaps even by the but somehow it felt cumbersome; the
Leila Super loiloScope HD time you read this. order of events didn't always flow smooth­
ly from point to point. Still, just having a
Nero Move it good transcoder with batch capabilities
Move it and CUDA acceleration for $39.99 as a
$39.99 direct download makes a lot of amends.
www.nero.com Real-World Results
••• 4 The burning question, of course, is
whether Strean1 and CUDA really
deliver substantial acceleration. To
find out, we ran a handful of tests
that sought to determine rwo
things. First, how much faster is
encoding with GPU acceleration
Super LoiLoScope HD vs. without? Second, how does
$69 Stream stack up against CUDA?
LoiLo On the surface, the first question
loilo.tv is much easier to address. You sim­
In terms of general approach and model,
ply need to take a source file and
transcode it into a different format.
if you've seen one video ediror, you've seen Any GPGPU-enabled transcoder or
them all. And then there's LoiLoScope. With Move it, Nero takes its own spin video ediror should do this. However, there
Sure, LoiLoScope does what other editors on the transcoder concept. The idea here are several variables to consider. If you ap­
do; you can easily trim clips, amass clips is that some people care more about syn­ ply effects to the video, such as sharpening,
into video projects, add effects, place items chronizing media among their devices rone changes, blurring, etc., these may be
on a timeline, add tides, and export ro a than they do about codecs, resolutions, accelerated under one platform and not
wide range of profiles, including YouTube and all the other minutia of transcoding. anod1er, as we see in PowerDirector 7.
HD. Like Badaboom, H.264 encoding can Nero gives you that level of comrol in its Next, the application may not offer a
be CUDA-accelerated. options menus, but the main UI uses a simple GPU acceleration on/off switch.
What makes Super LoiLoScope HD bisected design in which you have your Badaboom is a good example. A common
different is its imerface-not just that it source device on the left and your target test scenario with Badaboom is to trans­
looks like a game export from Konami or device on the right. The PC doesn't have code high-def content into a device-spe­
Nintendo but the way it conceptually rep­ to be the focus; you could transfer from a cific portable format, such as iPod video.
resents project space. The environment is digital camera to a PSP, for example. If But Badaboom won't let you turn off
essentially an infinite plane you can zoom you are synching the PC, you tell Move it GPU acceleration, so you have ro try to
into and out of. Imagine a cutting room which folders you want to moniror, and find a similar test for the same transcode
floor where you're actually working on thumbnails of the media files in these operation under a non-accelerated app.
the floor, onJy there are no walls. You can folders appear in the main area on the The usual choice here is iTunes.
throw clips, photos, and audio files into left. You can sync or transcode files indi­ We tried this comparison with a Ge­
loose piles, then use "magnets" to bind vidually or in groups, either batch select­ Force GTX 260 and an 11.5MB MP4
them inro more defined projects. ed or by folder. Move it will assemble a file pulled from YouTube with the

CPU / September 2009 77
reviews I softvvare

KEEPVID bookmark1et. iTunes reported Worse yet, if you check the "Use SVRT Next, we used Espresso ro look specif­
the H.264 (AVe) file as having a 124Kbps To Save Rendering Time" box, Stream ically at the benefits of GPGPU over
audio bit rate, low complexity, stereo, and support won't be utilized. Fortunately, CPU processing when upconvening our
a rotal bit rate of 624Kbps at 480 x 270. PD7 features a son of profile cloning func­ MPEG-2 camcorder foorage into 1,440
We then converted it ro iPod format in tion. If you pick a Video Preservation pro­ x 1,080 MPEG-4. Stream cuts the
iTunes. The resulting file had these stats: file and click the New button, it will keep encode time in half, but CUDA slices it
MP4, 25MB, 124Kbps audio, low com­ all of the settings contained in the current by two-thirds. Point for Nvidia. But
plexity, 1,371Kbps tOtal bit rate, and 480 profile and allow you to save them under a going the other direction, downconvert­
x 270 H.264, marking an actual upcon­ new name. This cloned profile wil1 appear ing from YouTube HD MPEG-4 ro the
version from the source file. Conversion when you swirch to CUDA. iPod Touch 480 x 270 profile, CUDA
time was 1: 16 (minutes:seconds). We used rhree source files, a 22MB shows about 30% improvement to the
We then used Badaboom 1.1.1 with YouTube HD video (MPEG-4, 1,280 x output time-less than we expected­
advanced senings ro set a target resolurion 720), the 115MB WMV HD "Termi· while Stream finished the task 2.7 times
of 480 x 272, audio mix of autO, and bit nator 2" rrailer, and a 48MB, 720 x 480 faster than our CPu.
rate to 1,370Kbps. The resulting file specs MPEG-2 clip. We outpur the first twO The answer likely lies in acceleration
show: MP4, 26.7MB, 124Kbps audio, low to our Video Preservarion standard and offered by Nvidia's PureVideo HD en­
complexiry, stereo, 1,474Kbps rotal bit high-def PD7 profiles and the third ro gine, not CUDA. AMD points out that
rate, and 480 x 270 H.264. Conversion an iPod profile, JUSt to have a differ- interpolating from lower resolution to a
took 26 seconds with GPU acceleration in ent profile in the mix. We ran these higher one is not a typical real-world sce­
Badaboom, compared to 1:16 using CPU· tests on an AMD Phenom II X4 955 nario, as there's no filtering happening to
only in iTunes. It's pretty clear that GPU platform with 2GB of RAM and, in improve the image quality, only an increase
acceleration pays big dividends, but ie's not turn, a Radeon HD 4890 or GeForce in pixels that wil1 result in a lower qualiry
an exact apples-ro-apples scenario. GTX280. output. Hence, AMD spent no effort in
For a bener comparison, we turned first Across these three tests, we see Srream trying to accelerate something no one
to PowerDirector 7, which supports en­ and CUDA performing very similarly would realistically want.
coding acceleration for both Stream and when encoding ro lower resolution tar­ Finally, we ran several tests through
CUDA. But even this turned our ro be gets. But when we move up ro the high­ Nero Move it, which only supports
problematic. It seems that the current ver­ def profile CUDA pulls away from CUDA at present. We were surprised at
sion only enables Stream acceleration Srream by a sizable margin of greater than how little Nero utilized GPU acceleration
under two profile modes called Video 30%. ATI and CyberLink both cautioned in our tests. This doesn't mesh witl1 results
Preservation - High Definition (AVe, us about using PD7, but as the encoding we've seen in other CUDA apps, and we
1080p, 14.8Mbps) and Video Preservation engine within the latest Stream drivers have to wonder if Nero needs to issue a
. Standard Definition (AVe, 720 x 480, remains unchanged from the December patch in order ro improve its utilization....
6Mbps). These modes don't appear when Stream launch, we're confident that this is
you're running an Nvidia-based card. a fair test of current capabilities. by William Van Winkle

GPGPU Performance Breakdown


T~~~~~,~~~~i!~_,_, _
---- . - -- ­-- --­ - - -.


ATI HD 4890 -.
. -_. - -- - .. _.- - -. - ­
-~ ~

Nvidia 280 GTX

, .

Nvidia 280 GTX

'All times in minutes:seconds


78 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

reviews Ill' W'H

Balesio Fileminimizer Office 5,0

ne of the benefirs of Office 2007 is you compress files individually, but there
O rhar the new file formars (DOCX,
XLSX, and PPTX) are considerably more
are several batching methods rhat can com­
press hundreds of files ar once. By default,
.4 PocJ._G>

~""'- --­ ...---._.

space-efficiem. Srill, rhere are other ways ro I Fileminimizer Office creares a new version t - _....... ~
ger more space-efficiem files without switch­ of rhe file with a slighdy different file name,
ing versions of Office, such as Filemini­ but various options are very flexible.
mizer Office, which promises up ro 98% Compression rares are dependent on
compression for Microsoft Office files source marerials; in our resring, files with :f:1:E­
while maintaining compatibility. Although lots of embedded graphics compressed best, Fileminimizer Office
we never encoumered compression rates though Office 2007 can help our here, A $44.95
rhis good, Office users who embed graphics sample 5MB PPTX file compressed to Balesio
in their files can expect very good results 1.5MB at standard compression with www.balesio.com
and significantly smaller files.
The secrer is thar the software "speaks"
almost no image quality degradation and ro
1.2MB at high compression, although JPG
DOC, XLS, PPT, DOCX, XLSX, and artifacts were quite visible throughout. On about half their size once the software was
PPTX natively, allowing it ro read, com­ the other hand, a 1.3MB DOC file (85 through with them.
press, and rewrite these files even if you pages, with many screen shots and logos) Today's large hard drives may make
don't have Office installed. Unlike making compressed to 6.9MB with Fileminimizer the idea of smaller Office files silly, but
a ZIP file, these files are still MS Office Office, yet Office 2007 converted it to a don't forget that emailing large files is still
files that open directly in Office (and other 2MB DOCX file. Of course, Fileminimizer problematic. In these cases, Fileminimizer
compatible office programs). If you like, Office compressed that to a mere 684KB works well and is easy to use, ..
you could safely delete the original version with no quality loss. Ordinary DOC and
after compressing it, An Office plug-in lets XLS files without graphics tended to be by Warren Ernst

Phoenix Technologies UndeletePlus 3,0

ho hasn't known the agony of acci­ Srill, the new interface is

W dentally delering a file you needed
later? If that file is still in the Recycle Bin,
srraightforward: Select the
drive you want to restore
getting it back is a snap. But once the deleted files to from the left
Recycle Bin is emptied, or if the file was pane and click the Srart Scan
deleted from a removable storage device bu tton; potentially restorable
such as a USB thumb drive, then things files (and their locations)
can get dicey. UndelerePlus has the power appear on the righe. You can
to restore deleted files from all sorts of filrer rhe results by file type or
media with just a few clicks, and it does directory and, once locared,
so amazingly fast (although testing shows restore files by clicking the
it works best with recently deleted "whole checkbox nexr ro each file and UndeletePlus
files" rather than partially corrupted files rhen rhe Srart Undelere bunon. $29.95
on damaged disks). UndelerePlus works fine for recently Phoenix Technologies
UndeletePlus 3,0 sports an attractive deleted files, but it does poorly wirh undeleteplus.com
imerface that looks and feels far more
modern than previous versions. Previous
reformaned drives (finding norhing in
our rests), logically damaged drives (i.e.,
versions, however, were free for noncom­ bad partition tables for FATs), and par­ Given the availability of a free trial, we
mercialuse; while the current version costs tially corrupted files, Given a well-used re~ommend giving it a whirl when you
$29.95, there aren't any significant new SD card from a digital camera, it found need to undelete recently deleted files, but
featutes, As an example, an older version lasr momh's photos deleted lasr week, don't give up all hope if it can't find rhe
residing on my "emergency rescue Bash but other utilities were able ro piece files you need. Orher products might still
drive" restored the same number of rogether many photos from lasr year's be able to do so.
deleted files from my resr media as vacation deleted last year, though some
version 3.0. images were partially blank. by Warren Ernst

80 September 2009 / www.compulerpoweruser.com
loading zone

Movings & Shakings In The Open-Source World
lright, Ids just cut to the chase:

A Most of us truly don't know

much about open-source any­
thing-especially Linux.
It's OK, you can admit if. We all per­
form the same dance when faced with
peers who seem to know more than we do
abour any topic: We seize upon the tid­
bits of information we do know abour the
subjecr ar hand and try ro make it seem as
though we, roo, are experts on it. (And if
you happen ro know enough ro make a
good joke, all the berter.)
Talking about cars is a perfect example.
Most of us really don't know much about
fixing cars, bur anytime the subject of may not be you; but if you
auto repair comes up in a conversation, think you're a Linux user because
we all fake it. Everybody has a few techni­ you installed Ubuntu and only play the
cal terms ro throw in, each one making preinstalled games, think again. Do you
the others in the conversation fearful that think a tarball is a type of candy or a home­
everyone else knows more than they do. made explosive device? Do you faint when Microsoft's sticky
And most of us have one or two good car confronted by a command line UI? If you fingers at bay, many of
repair stories ready ro go at all times. answered "yes" ro any of these questions, these came with a Linux operat­
I know little about fixing cars, bur my you're probably not a real Linux user. ing system preinstalled when they first
ace-in-the-hole srory is about when I had ro And I'll be honest-I don't know a lot hit the market.
replace the staner in my 1993 5ubaru abour Linux and open source, either. Look, Now, however, netbook manufactur­
Impreza, which I had ro do blind because even we power users must often sheepishly ers everywhere are balking at including
of the extremely cramped and difficult-ro­ admit ro knowing little about a com purer­ Linux distros, and suddenly, it seems as
work-in engine compartment. Then, I related ropic. So, Ids not pretend we know though every netbook comes with Win­
mention my 1978 Chevy Nova as a point everything abour this subjecr and get down dows XP. Of course, you can often con­
to the figure your own netbook online with
business of Linux and buy direcrly from the manu­
learning about it facturer (Dell and HP are rwo exam­
together. These pages ples), but XP has become the de facro
each month will be an explo­ operating system for netbooks.
of contrast. "Man, you could pretty much ration into this world of which most of us Linux was the top choice for netbook
climb inside the engine companment and know little. Who's with me? OK, good, a OSes until fairly recently, offering open­
stand there while working on that Nova, few of you. Let us proceed. source devotees a glimmer of hope for a
there was so much room under the hood," non-Microsoft future. Alas, that glimmer
I'll say. The car guys always nod in agree­ The Netbook Conundrum appears ro have been reduced to a minis­
ment, and I shut up before they realize they Unless you've been living in a technol­ cule glow. In fact, Asus, the original Linux­
JUSt heard the extent of my car knowledge. ogy-barren cave for the last year and a based netbook innovator, recently began a
We all do the same thing occasionally half, you know that netbooks are all the joint ad campaign with Microsoft to pro­
when it comes to computers-especially rage. You may have also noticed that, pre­ mote netbooks with Windows XP.
Linux and open-source technology. This sumably to keep costs ro a minimum and What gives?

82 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

loading zone

There are likely multiple factors involved, So, are Linux-based netbooks doomed? of anything branded by Google, they think
but one of them is surely the fact that peo­ Maybe, but probably not completely, as "for me." Thus, Android could be a back
ple are scared of Linux. Being power users, the 1% of all computer users who love door for Linux to find mainstream accep­
many of LIS scoff at these under-powered their Linux will no doubt rally to keep tance and widespread use. If an Android­
netbooks; but how many of us would have them alive. based computer costs $50 or so less than a
picked one up for the heck of it were it not However, let us be careful not to get Windows-based machine, and it's easy to
sucked into a Windows-or-Linux debate, use and works well, the sales pitch for the
as this is a false dichotomy. Such a notion former becomes a very easy one.
fails to consider Apple as well as Google's
Android platform. Why Power Users Should Care
Whether and when Apple will come up Look, none of us are looking to a net­
with a true netbook or ultralight is anyone's book ro replace, well, any of our comput­
guess. (The MacBookAir doesn't count, as ers. It's designed as a small, lightweight
it's less of an ultra lightweight notebook and extension of our computing universes,
more like $2,499 in unrealized potential.) capable of doing all the things we're wont
Despite the fact that Apple COO Tim to do for kicks, such as Web browsing
Cook recently professed disdain for even the and simple word processing. All of this
concept of the netbook, though, few would for about $200, if Google has its way. (To
put it past Jobs & Co. to surprise us all with put this in perspective, the iPod nano cOSt
a sensarional netbook-ish product sometime about $200 not too long ago.)
soon. Interesting scuff ro be sure, but Mac Your 10-pound gaming notebook is
isn't open-source either, and anything with superb for pwning noobs, but do you
that apple on it will cost a lot of money­
likely far more than the $200 target
most companies are aiming for.
This brings us to the
fascinating case of
Android. really want ro have that beast on your lap
for the Linux when you're relaxing on the couch,
OS? How many The Androids Take Over? watching TV, and checking your email?
of us would hesitate to Speculation about Android-powered If you can convince your spouse that
recommend the purchase of netbooks is a hot topic, but the fact is that you need to drop $250 on a second
such a Linux-y device to a friend several major computer manufacturers, graphics card so you can run SLI on your
or family member, knowing full well including Asus, HP, and Dell, are consider­ deskrop, surely you can do the same con­
that same person would inevitably be calling ing producing netbooks running Android. vincing for a $200 mobiliry machine.
us for tech suPPOrt? Mm hm. I'll raise my Further, at Compurex recently, a few com­ Bear in mind that this machine will be
hand on that one. panies showed offAndroid netbook proro­ similarly specced to your four-year-old
You've probably heard several argu­ types, and Acer announced plans to release laptop-a 2GHz CPU with 512MB of
ments for having open-source operating a netbook running both XP and Android. RAM, a 160GB hard drive, and a couple
systems on netbooks, from cost cutting ro Bottom line: Android is on its way. of USB ports. Sound familiar? A few years
hatred for the industry titan that is Micro­ But will it take with consumers? ago, a notebook with those features would
soft to philosophical waxings about a free Android is built on the Linux kernel, cost you around $1,000.
society. Depending on one's point of view, so it is essentially a Linux distribution. Even if you're completely satisfied with
each of these notions may be complelely However, Android has great capacity ro Windows, consider that if Android threat­
valid, but it's aJl moot jf evety netbook gain widespread adoption where other ens to tal<e a big bite out of Microsoft's
manufaccurer ditches Linux for XP and the open-source distros have failed, because market share, it'll force the latter ro push
masses buy them. not only does it have the cache of being a harder ro ma1<e its operating systems bet­
When Windows 7 arrives in force on Google product, but it will also have the ter. And the argument Microsoft currently
netbooks, it may well be a downright OS massive suPPOrt and resources of the uses against Macs, which essentially boils
coup for Windows. Of course, that's Google empire. down to lower prices, is turned on its head.
assuming that Windows 7 isn't as bloated In general, Linux has a slight image And, as you know, a little competi­
and embarrassingly under-developed as problem. When many people think of tion is great for all of us. ~
Vista. (So far so good, bur stay cuned as "Linux," they think "for nerds" (or worse,
that saga unfolds.) "for masochists"). When those people think by Seth Colaner

CPU / September 2009 83

caught in the web

Search Re-Engineered

WolframlAlpha, Google Squared & Bing Retool The Query Box

ven the simplest query made to June 20, 1958?" and it correctly intetprets

E the newly launched WolframlAl­

pha "computational knowledge
engine" tells you we're not in Googleland
the question, delivers temperature,
humidity, and wind speed for that day
and even produces a chan tracking tem­
anymore. Just try entering your own first perature ranges for the date in the follow­
name. In Google, you would get torrents ing five decades. If you enter two discrete
of near-random references to retail terms such as company names in the
vendors and celebrities who share your engine, it will assume you want ro com­
name. At WolframlAlpha, the engine pare their financials. Put two food items
interprets your query as a question about in the query box however, and it assumes
the name itself. you want to combine them and even cre­
More to the point, the service does not ates a nutrition label for the blend.
deliver the usual page "hits" and links, WolframlAlpha pulls off these neat com­
but instead constructs a set of tables and putational tricks because it has at its core
graphs that shows how many people share Stephen Wolfram's own computational
your name, when most of them were software, Mathematica. This program does
born, and even the current age distribu­ "integrated symbolic computation" on a
tion of people with that moniker. And by wide range of data sets and is able ro visu­
the way, the results understand that your alize the results in simple ways that are
query is likely about the United States (it most digestible to end users. The IlIinois­
considered your incoming IP address), based Wolfram team had to throw enor­
and the results page lets you tinker with mous amounts of hardware at the launch in
the graphs on-screen. order to handle both the volume of antici­
Yes, this certainly is search of a very pated queries (a planned peak of 2,000
different kind. And the much-hyped queries per second) and the massive compu­
WolframlAlpha launch was followed quick­ and algorithms that have been made in our tational power that 6 million lines of
ly by a similar Google Squared project civilization and making the computable." Mathematica code required. A 500-node
(www.google.com/squared) emerging in While Google "spiders" the Web for textual system running about 10,000 processor
the Google Labs as well as Microsoft's latest and visual information that matches specif­ cores tried to start the system up on May
foray inro search, Bing. This summer seems ic terms, WolframlAlpha "curates" factual 15, but weather problems in Illinois com­
ro have been the season for rethinking and data from a wide variery of fields and uses bined with technical glitches delayed the
rerooling search. But is this new front in subject matter experts to categorize the launch several hours. Within days, however,
the search engine wars a real response ro information into structured data that the the much-hyped WolframlAJpha site was up
users' needs or just researchers and corpo­ engine can rum into new combinations and running ... and fielding criticism.
rate entities vying for market share? and presentations. "It's all a lot of hype and has been
On the front end of the engine, "dy­ overblown," says veteran search consul­
. '( , e '( namic corn pu tation" and "language tant David Berkowitz, director of Emerg­
In the case of the well-publicized Wolf­ understanding" extract the most impor­ ing Media and Client Strategy at 360i
ramlAlpha project, this brainchild of famed tant details from a natural language (www.360i.com).adigital marketing
British physicist Stephen Wolfram claims question and interpret the most likely agency. "The impact of Wolfram is limit­
ro be the next great stage in the Internee. meaning. On the back end, it delivers the ed. Most consumers will be really con­
Unlike a search, Wolfram says in demos for results as tables and charts that visualize fused by ie."
the media, "The information is organized the information most efficiently for the To be sure, enrering a typical Google
so it actually can be computed with.... user. The end result is that you can ask Local search ("pizza + zip code") delivers no
[We are] taking all of the data and methods the engine "What was the weather on results, and a product-oriented search such

84 September 2009 I www.computerpoweruser.com

caught in the web

as "best routers" returns "WolframlAlpha data found on the Web. The creators argue sets in the years to come. The alpha launch
isn't sure what [Q do with your input." that existing search engines simply surface demonstrates what a structured approach
"This is not a general purpose search information that is already on the Web. to search can deliver when the data is
engine and won't work for most day-to-day Wolfram is designed ro compute informa­ robust. The Wolfram team's job now is to
queries and use cases," says Greg Sterling, tion and organize and visualize it in ways expand the available data. Wolfram started
CEO of search research firm Sterling Market that the searcher may not have anticipated. with 10 terabytes of informarion in its
Intelligence and columnist at Search Engine In fact, the company is so convinced that it databases, which is actually puny com­
Land (searchengineland.coml. "It is getting is creating new content for the Web that its pared to all the information available on
at and presenting data that may otherwise be Terms of Service go to great pains to assert Web pages to a more general Web spider.
the uniqueness of the data. The team is focusing on expanding the
Relative price history: l~_s!y~~r. __-_ Sepafi!lte plots According to the ToS, "If you data sets co include socioeconomic infor­
make resltltS from WolframlAl­ mation for a broader non-U.S. selection of
pha available to anyone else, or countries. It also will be incorporating
incorporate those results into some of the same types of real-world,
Ilil 00 .\pr
your own documents or presen­ actionable information Google and Yahoo!
- ,S" I -:.API. tations, you must include ami­ offer, such as flight tracking, local data
bution indicating that the (that pizza + zip, perhaps) as well as finan­
Performon('o! compi!lflsons: L!st year· results and/or the presentation cial and real estate info. It sounds like the
3\'~raie daih' allnual :1llnual of the results came from ambitions of a search engine.
d:llly ft:rurn \'obtiiiry vot:lrilit~·
WolframIAlpha." The Wolf­ Nevertheless, says Sterling, "In order for
IBM -O.032Qi. 2.50°" -7.72%
ramlAlpha team argues that WolframlAlpha to compete for ordinary
AAPL -0.110% 3.57% -25.3590 56.49%
this policy is no different consumers, it will need to broaden its index
SPSOO -Q.133Q"... 2.880'" -28.4{i% 45.58%
from the copyrighted maps substantially and provide information or
WolframlAlpha not only parses and interprets queries ("IBM Google creates our of raw navi­ answers for many more types of queries.
Apple" here) as a request for a comparison, but it visualizes gational data it licenses from "Even under those circumstances, it's
the results in charts it creates on the fly from raw data. third parties. probably not a general consumer engine.
Not all information in the There's zero chance of cracking the main­
WolframlAlpha system is stream right now."
unique or new, but some of it
is witty. Ask the engine "What
is the meaning of life?" and it Make no mistake, mighty Google is not
Assuming Dthe mellnlnQ of life" Is a qUi!lntlty [ Use as movie fnstelld
returns "42," as all fans of taking WolframlAlpha lightly. Also peeking
Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's our of the Google Labs this year is Google
Input lnterpretlltlon:
answer to li~, the uni~rst.', and e~l')"thing
Guide to the Galaxy know. Squared, an experiment in structured data
So is WolframlAlpha really searches that delivers data sets rather than
not search? Well, maybe. links. A query on "Newark, Delaware res­
,;'(COrdlflq I'" Dougla' t.a ms
G.. r.,),
t1um~rOlJ~ 5.(1,-ncef,r(lon no',
"'f'';''''. t·'~ G,-,,~:o moO "Wolfram has been adamant taurants" renders a spreadsheet-like grid
OO'.'lfllolld l!S: PDF Uve
that this isn't Google," says with restaurant names, addresses, cuisines,
Berkowitz, "but he has done a and house specialties as well as the option to
The WolframlAlpha team are certified tech sci-fi geeks with a lot to fuel this." Sneak previews add more column fields from a drop-down
sense of humor, as well. Here, they answer the "meaning of by select journalists seemed to menu. Unlike Wolfram, Google Squared is
life" with the famous Hitchhiker's Guide's "42." highlight the suggested searches nor working out of its own database but is
that performed especially well. instead trying to extract from its spidered
A live online Web cam via information structUred sets that can be
challenging co End on engines like Google. Justin.tv was supposed to broadcast the inserted into "squares." The project, like
It does a nice job with visualizing in­ launch from its command control, but it Wolfram's, is still in alpha and seems to
formation in many cases. But it's not for was glitchy, too. And a ton of Wolfram's struggle to make the unstructured data it
regular folks." own promotional material situated this culls from the Web seem more structured
Although many in the press run-up to innovation as a milestone in the histoty of than it is. For example, in its search of "U.S.
WolframlAlpha's mid-May launch heralded computing. "They overpromised and Presidents," the description field for Barack
this as the ultimate Google killer, Wolfram under-delivered," says Berkowitz. Obama simply pulls featured text from
himself often argued that his was not a But Wolfram insists this is only the BarackObama.com, which happened to be
"search engine." It was creating original beginning of a very long-term project that a quote on health care reform and a prompt
content on its pages, not merely linking to will involve incorporating many more data to register for the site.

86 September 2009 I www.computerpoweruser.com

caught in tile web

Although it certainly is not as sophisti­ research firm User Centric (www.user that if people try Bing then Microsoft
cated as WolframlAlpha, Coogle Squared centric.com) compared the ways in which could shave some share away from Coogle
has something that the former engine a test group of 21 users viewed compara­ with this credible alternative, "the ques­
doesn't-audience. "It's a niche tool that ble Coogle and Bing search results pages. tion right now is how much? And no, 1
is nominally useful," says Berkowitz. "But On the Bing pages, about 42% of users' don't believe that it's a 'Coogle killer.'"
it shows the potential for how it can moved their attention to the sponsor links But does anyone really want or need
organize information. It can be a great in the right-hand gutter, while only 25% a new search engine anyway? Wolf­
research tool for starters and what will of Coogle users did. ramlAlpha and Bing are just the latest
make it matter is if ir starts linking to solutions to a problem that most con­
standard queries." sumers may not even know they have.
Meanwhile, back at the labs in The idea of using the search resul ts "I t' s really amazing how much hunger
Redmond, Wash., where Microsoft has page itself to bring the searcher closer to there is for the proverbial 'Coogle killer,'"
been losing search market share for years, the final answer she wanted has been says Berkowitz. As they did with Wolf­
a new well-financed contender joined tried before, however, by also-rans like ramlAlpha, the press is always eager to
rhe fray. Although find some new Pepsi
the highly publicized to rival the Coogle
Bing.com does not Coke, because without
pretend to be a "com­ the corporate rivalry,
putational engine" like the tale of one search
WolframlAlpha or an engine's steadily in­
experiment with struc­ creasing matket share
turing the unstruc­ is, well, boring.
tured like Coogle ~~~
Even more to the
Squared, it promises a §.~ point, Berkowitz ar­
different user experi­ gues Coogle presents
ence. The search re­ both a challenge and a

sulrs from a Bing query ~~~..:: . =::=E::=::..-:--.. fan tasy to the tech
come in a layout that ~'$if1!$:....~_.-.
community that is hard
pulls more content -_._------
-- .. .... to ignore. The users
--­ -­ ....
from the various desti­ themselves may still be
nation sites into the dazzled by the sheer
search results. "Fly­ quantity of data the
out" windows next to Internet makes avail­
In this "eye gaze map" comparing how users view Google and Bing search results,
each result pull in text able to us now that we
Microsoft's new contender seems to be a credible alternative.
from that destination didn't have only five
so the user can better or six years ago. Us­
evaluate whether the result is what they Ask.com, for instance. As is Microsoft's er complaints about search results do
need. The video results pages are substan­ wont, the company is putting $100 mil­ not seem to be deafening. And yet
tially different from Coogle's in that parts lion in advertising behind the new engine "look at all the start-ups," says Berk­
of the video thumbnail actually play on in order to muscle its way into the market owitz. "Everyone wants that dream that
the results page. A list of related searches and steal some market share from a some kid in a basement or some Coo­
runs in the left-hand gutter as well as your Coogle behemoth that now accounts for gle alumnus or some uber geek comes
own search history. 70% of all searches (per StatCounter). up with this formula that finally
Many early reviewers have been pleas­ Some online metrics companies showed beats Coogle."
antly surprised with the quality of Bing, that in its first few weeks of operation, The search for a better search may be as
especially coming from a company whose Bing seemed to be attracting adventurers much a simple tech-geek fantasy as it is a
previous Live Search product seemed so looking for an alternative. response to a demonstrated market need.
unsuccessful. Sterling agrees. "The user But we have been down this "Coogle When a single company has such market
experience is much better, and Bing's rel­ killer" path before. Yahoo! mounted a dominance, the market starts looking like
evance seems much improved." major challenge to Coogle several years a contest of pride and intellect. "We like
The Bing engine may also prove more ago to no avail. Silicon Valley is filled to think there is someone who can out­
attractive to one of the core constituencies with start-ups like Powerset and Cuil that smart them," Berkowitz says. ~
on which Microsoft and Coogle rely: have made big promises of a better search
advertisers. An early "eye-gaze" test by experience. Although Sterling does believe by Steve Smith

CPU I September 2009 87

by Rob "CmdrTaco" Maida


ecenrly, I explained Moore's Law ro a family member. You've You see this in software from rhe bottom up. Any team main­
R probably heard of it: Intel's Gordon Moore coined a com­
mon-sense law of the computing industry that, when distilled
taining a block of code writes and rewrires, adding features along
the way that were unforeseen in the original design. New func­
down ro irs bare bones, means computers get twice as fast every tions and new variables, yer the old code is lefr in place. We call it
couple of years. Google founder Sergey Brin recently pur forth "legacy code," and its enduring legacy is that new code is much
Page's Law, which is basically Moore's Law's opposite. In a nut­ slower than it might be because ir is forced ro route around the
shell, Page says thar software gets half old code in order ro maintain old data
as fast every couple of years. structures. This is somewhat analogous
These two rules match up together , ro rhe way that gutting a building to
in so many ways. I rhink back to the remodel its innards is often much more
spreadsheets and word processors rhar I difficult than simply demolishing it
used ra do my homework on in the early and starting over from scratch.
'80s; Lotus 1-2-3 had its sweet "slash I don't know if there's a good solu­
menu." WordStar and WordPerfect tion ro this. We engineers get attached
required ridiculous user interfaces ra to our code. We look at a list of 10
accomplish simple tasks. Still, they let buller items that our code needs ro ful­
me type and print my stuff and add big fill, and we know that version 1.0 did
columns of numbers. seven of them, so we logically think
Here I am a decade later, and my that adding the thtee new bullet items
options are quite different. The rise should be less rhan half as much work.
of the GUI has caused myoid slash But that's not necessarily the case. For
menu ro become the stuff of legend, one thing, our rools are constantly
although I still memorize key bind­ changing; I look ar the modern tools
ings because removing my hand from available ro a Ruby engineer building a
a keyboard ro grab rhis newfangled Web site, and it makes me insanely
mouse-rhing is slower. jealous-the Perl and PHP we wrote
Today we mke things like WYSI­ just 10 years ago is a galaxy apart.
WYG page layout and 3D graphics for When an engineer gets to rewrite
granted. And my ancient software collec­ his code from scratch, hopefully he is
tion on S.2S-inch floppy disks (which I able to use the latesr technology. And if
wisely srored in a metal roolbox) has given he's smart, he'll be able to write rhat old
way ra sroring data wirh rools such as stuff much fastet this time around. Some
Google Docs in the mysterious cloud, using engineers embrace that challenge, bur oth­
wireless network adaprers, rourers, and miles ers regard all of that rewriting as busy
of fiber-opric cables. work that is benearh rhem.
Ir's rrue everywhere, from the GUIon In no place was rhis more evident than
top of your operating system ro rhe vastly Web browsers: Netscape replaced Mosaic.
complex graphics sining on rop of the latest Mozjlla replaced Nerscape. Firefox replaced
and greatesr video games. Is Windows 7 rhar that. And raday, Firefox is beginning ra rap­
much greater than the DOS thar existed so pie under irs own bloar. As rhe Web migrates
many decades ago' Is Microsoft Office, with ra HTMLS, the best browsers are the ones
all irs ribbons and animation, so much ber­ written over from scrarch, and they all live on
rer rhan WordS tar? cell phones thar in turn run operating sys­
The realiry is that Moore's Law and tems largely written from scratch. Moore's
Page's Law have effeCtively canceled each Law continues to be inevitable, but maybe
other out. As each new generation of CPU Page's Law doesn't have to be. •
proves the Intel guru's wisdom, Page's Law
eats up the gains. Contact me at malda@cpumag.com

88 September 2009 I www.computerpoweruser.com

Oi ital Livillq
The entertainment world, at least where it pertains to technology, morphs,
twists, turns, and fires so fast it's hard to keep up. But that's exactly why we
love it. For the lowdown on the latest and most interesting releases in PC
entertainment, consoles, DVDs, CDs, and just leisure and lifestyle stuff we (for
the most part) love and recommend, read on.

A 10 Vre:.J Corner by Blaine A Flamig


Dinosaur Jr.-"Farm" Byte

Decades passed between the breakup of Dinosaur Jr.'s original lineup and its subsequent reuniting
that resulted in 2007's excellent sonic death-bomb "Beyond." Perhaps still fueled by the infamous 9/1
animosity between songwriter/singer/master guitar shredder J Mascis and underappreciated Earth
bassist Lou Barlow (also of Sebadoh and Folk Implosion), "Beyond" was a welcome return from Heroes: Season
the 1980s alt-rockers but also a simply terrific haze-filled effort. "Farm" follows very much in the Three
$14.98 same footsteps with 12 distortion-riddled, bruising, brain-splitting gems. With Mascis in top form Outrage
Jagjaguwar and Barlow penning solid contributions, including the Foo Fighters-ish "Your Weather" and the
www.dinosaurjr.com thudding closer "Imagination Blind," Dinosaur Jr.'s second wind will blow your hair back.

Bob Marley-liB Is For Bob"

There's a reason Bob Marley is as vital today as when he died in 1981-his talent and aura
are nearly immeasurable. Still, even fanatical fans should think twice before spending on "B Is
For Bob," a set of well-known Marley singles that includes "Stir It Up," "Could You Be Loved,"
Crank 2: High Voltage
"Jamming," and "Redemption Song." For starters, even casual fans likely own most tracks here.
More importantly, Ziggy Marley, Bob's eldest son, "re-imagined" eight of the 12 tracks "for Parks & Recreation:
Season One
$13.98 kids and fans of all ages," meaning kid-friendly background vocals and arrangements and why
The Office: Season
Tuff Gong/Island Records "Exodus," "Burn in' and Lootin'," and "I Shot The Sheriff' are missing. Still, if the reggae-bounc­
www.bobmarley.com ing swaying from a certain 19-month-old daughter I dropped the record for is any indication,
Ziggy's aim is a success.
It's Always Sunny In
Inkheart Philadelphia: Season 4
Following a wonderful, fantasy-laced opening sequence both visually alluring and engrossing, King Kong vs.
"Inkheart" loses a bit of steam and doesn't quite live up to its initial potential. That isn't to say Godzilla
this tale of book collector Mo "Silvertongue" Folchart (Brendan Fraser), who can bring fiction­ My Name Is Earl:
Season 4
al characters to life by reading aloud, and his preteen daughter Meggie (a terrific Eliza Hope
Bennett), isn't entertaining; it certainly is. Based on Cornelia Funke's popular novel, "Inkheart" The Big Bang Theory:
$29.98 The Complete
is greatly aided by the performances that director lain Softley ("Hackers," "The Skeleton Key")
Second Season
New Line gets from Oscar winners Helen Mirren as Meggie's aunt Elinor and Jim Broadbent as novelist
www.inkheartmovie.com Fenoglio. Elsewhere, Andy Serkis of "The Lord Of The Rings" fame is deliciously captivating as
the evil Capricorn. Billed as a family Aick, put the wee ones to bed before pressing play.
30 Rock: Season 3
The Mentalist: The
The Code Complete First
As popcorn munchers go, you could do worse than Mimi Leder's ("Pay It Forward") 'The Code," Season
which finds Oscar winner Morgan Freeman ('The Dark Knight") as Keith Ripley, a legendary art
thief. When Ripley's partner Victor can't repay his debt to Nicky (Rade Serbedzija, "Snatch's" Boris 9/29
The Blade) and the Russian mob, Ripley inherits the debt. After recruiting fellow thief Gabriel Management
(Antonio Banderas), he sets out to steal two Faberge eggs worth $20 million each. Caught Life On Mars: The
$29.98 in the middle are Alexandra (Radha Mitchell), Victor's daughter, and Robert Forster ("Jackie Complete Series
FirstLook Studios Brown"), Ripley's longtime adversary Lt. Weber. A better script and direction could have made The Girlfriend
www.firstlookmedia.com "The Code" special. As is, it takes a nice ending twist to raise the Aick to respectability. Experience

90 September 2009 / www.computerpowerusercom

p . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ -------------------------------­ --

$49_99 (Wii) • ESRB: (E)veryone 10+

Nintendo • punchout.com

Reimagining A Classic
- by Dr: Malaprop
e first played the original Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! to unlock the challenging Title Defense
W on the NES console in 1987, along with updated
iterations along the way. Now, Nintendo brings the original
game, where those same boxers return with
all new face-busting moves to reclaim the title. A
into the modern era sans Tyson_ We have fond memories of new Exhibition mode introduces specific conditions
playing this classic, now reimagined for the Wii with updat­ required to win. The other new mode is the local
ed visuals and new modes. It has not morphed into a sports (not online) Head-To-Head multiplayer that sets
game. Instead, you will learn boxers' patterns and cues and Little Mac in split-screen against another Little Mac.
respond with bob, duck, block, and punch movements. As one of the Macs powers up, the view switches to a
As Little Mac, you're a diminutive boxer from the single screen that's like the single-player game. It works
Bronx, taking on a host of fighters from allover the and is fun, but it lacks depth.
world. Each boxer falls into a strong humorous stereo­ This Punch-Out!! remake manages to look like the
type with his own set of moves. The Career mode fea­ oversized cartoon in your rose-tinted memories, which is
tures 13 boxers that lead to the title round with a secret substantial praise. The nostalgia is optional, but this release
14th boxer (not Tyson). The path to victory is nearly holds up for all ages, and the new features will challenge
identical to the original game, which you'll complete both new and veteran Punch-Out!! players. A
by Barry Brenesal


hen people write and speak of DOS, they typically mean MS­ Stac Electronics at tllat point sued Microsoft for employing code
W DOS, the operating system that brought Microsoft to promi­
nence. But MS-DOS wasn't the only DOS, and what's more, it wasn't
taken from their Stacker compression software. (Microsoft had previ­
ously negotiated with Srac to lease their code, without success.) The
even on the cutting edge of DOS during a good part of its latter his­ matter was settled for over $80 million in investment and royalties.
tory. That honor belongs to DR-DOS. By this time, Microsoft and Digital Research were locked in what
Digital Research had a natural interest in any OS designed for IBM's both companies perceived as a batrle royal. Emails subsequently ob­
new line of personal computers in the early 1980s. DR's Galy Kildall tained through a lawsuit revealed that Microsoft executives and pro­
had created the CP/M operating system, and it had proved very lucra­ grammers discussed adding code to Windows 3.1 that would trigger an
tive for the company. When Microsoft's error message if it was running on top of
DOS hit the market, Digital Research ini­ DR-DOS. The idea, according to men­
tially threatened suit based on copycat Vice President Brad Silverberg's remarks,
functionality. IBM responded by offering was to make Windows users feel that
to sell the 8086 version of CP/M, CP/M­ "when he has bugs, suspect the problem is
86 as well as DOS to their PC buyers. DR-DOS and then go out and buy MS­
The deal was accepted, but with the new DOS." The error pop-up was implement­
operating system's far lower price and an ed in the product's beta version but left
increasing number of DOS-based applica­ inactive in the final commercial release.
tions, it didn't take long for CP/M-86 Wisely so. That would have backfired. A
to lose Ollt. DR countered by releasing more typical and legal (though publicly
DOS+ in 1985, offering compatibility disavowed by the company at the time)
with CP/M-86 and MS-DOS 2.11 pro­ philosophy was perhaps expressed best in
grams. This did poorly, as well, so in Microsoft's 1992 internal PR plan for sell­
1988, Digital Research issued DR-DOS. ing MS-DOS 6: "Objecrives: FUD [Fear,
The original release's version number, Uncertainty, and Doubt] DR-DOS with
3.41, was typically pugnacious of the every editorial contact made."
company; it implied that DR's first release What killed DR-DOS wasn't Micro­
was just beyond the reach of then-current soft, though, but its own success. Novell
MS-DOS 3.3. Digital Research's new OS bought rile OS, along with Unix System
had the benefit of excellent pricing and­ Laboratories, Quattro Pro, and WordPer­
perhaps more importantly-great timing. fect, in an attempt to corner a significant
Later that year, Microsoft released its MS­ portion of the PC software apps market, but
DOS 4.0, including disc compression, a graph­ collapsed from financial undertow. Caldera
ical shell, and XMS support. It was also ex­ Systems acquired the OS in 1996, but the fire
tremely buggy and couldn't be recognized as was gone. DR-DOS has since changed hands
an operating system by some programs that several times, with some recent improvements
worked perfectly well on earlier iterations. After being notable-if you're still inrerested in run­
a massive number of complaints, MS-DOS 4.0 ning a version of DOS, mat is.
was withdrawn, and 4.01 released the follow­ There's an ironic twist to all of this. IBM
ing year. Brand damage was done, however, originally approached Digital Research in 1981
and DR-DOS benefited from the fallout. to create me first DOS. Arguments over the
DR-DOS 5.0 appeared in 1990, sporting contract led IBM to go with the much smaller
sophisticated memory management features. Microsoft. Had DR a measure of foresight
Microsoft responded in 1991, and within a back then to see just how much they stood to
few months, Digital Research was back with gain from agreement in the long term, DR­
DR-DOS 6.0, which featured real-time disk DOS would have been the one to beat from
compression from SuperStor, excellent cach­ the start. It was me features leader in any case,
ing from Super PC-Kwik, and multitasking but that wasn't enough to win the race...
on PCs with 80286 chips or better. Again
Microsoft replied, this time with its own Wax nostaJgic with Barry
imbedded disk compression, DoubleSpace. at bany@cpumag.com

CPU / September 2009 95

tiPS &, tricks

Restore Points to derermine which exacdy

is the one you want. [n rhe borrom box of
that scan results window, you also will see
which programs and drivers may be
resrored rhar had been delered.

Less UAC, More UAC Control

In general, Win7 has cut down on the
pesky User Account Control warnings
that plagued Vista. And in Win7, you get
slighdy more control over rhe settings. In
the Start Search box, rype Change User,
Windows 7 Bits) Pieces & Surprises and the "Change User Account Control
Settings" item will float ro the top. In this
window, you'll find a slider with four ser­
ow that we have had a few User Configuration. Open Administrative tings and descriptions. If you're confident

N months of using Windows

7 RC (Release Candidate),
we've found more coollitde
features and tricks, With an official Oct.
22 release date, there won't be much
Templates and then Windows Com­
ponents. Double-click the item Turn
Off Display Of Recent Search Entries In
The Windows Explorer Search Box.
Select the "Enable" radio burron and
changing Windows settings, rhen you
might want to rry drawing back rhe noti­
fication level so that UAC alerts you to
changes programs make to your sysrem
but gives you free reign to make changes
longer ro wait before we are deluged wirh close rhe window. Now your search histo­ without the UAC pest. Use ir with care.
formal books and articles on Microsofr's ry remains secret.
next OS, For now, advanced tinkerers are By the way, you may notice rhat the area Fonts Revisited
enjoying that prerelease srage of discovering of rhe GPE where we Win7 gives us a much
rhe OS's talents and sharing our joys, , , found this toggle al­ more efficient view of
and warnings, so contains a wealth of fonts than we have had
other Explorer oprions.
Q:h<bumer. Iovo R Dlivt it) ·1 before in a Windows
Burning Bliss Double-clicking any of
product. Type Fonts in
As we mentioned in the last issue, rhe them brings up a detailed the Start Search box, and
I c:. - -­ _ _ - .,C-;,___ --
RC build adds an integrared ISO burner explanarion of irs func­ Win7 shows you all of
to Win7, Now we don't have ro scour rhe rion and the opportuniry the fonts installed on
freeware libraries online every time we ro enable or disable. your system, with sam­
need to burn an ISO image ro disc. We ples of each font on irs
discovered how easy this is by using our ASmarter Restore respective folder icon,
Win7 to download and burn another Win7 finally gives the An ISO burner is built into Windows
Icons thar seem ro have
7'5 disc copying toolset. Now you
copy of Win7 RC All you need ro do is user some visibility into mulriple pages can be
double-click the ISO file in Explorer, and the heretofore inscrutable just have to double-click an ISO file
double-clicked to reveal
Win7's Disc [mage Burner recognizes rhe System Restore. I n the to be prompted for the right target
the subset typefaces (ital­
file rype and offers to burn it to the pasr, Windows let you drive for burning a disc image.
ics, bold, etc.), You can
appropriate drive, choose from a calendar of use the More 0 prions
Restore Points but never told you precisely drop-down slider next to the Change Your
Guard Your Searches w~at was and wasn't being restored. At the View item on the tool bar to enlarge or
Unlike Vista, Win7 saves your system Start menu, type System Restore to launch reduce rhe size of the illustrated fonts, just
searches, In an Explorer window, double­ the rool. You will get a list of possi ble as you would in an image folder.
click on the Search box to see a drop­ Restore Points. Highlight the one you
down lisr of recent searches, You filter think you want and click rhe Scan For WordPad's New Chops
your searches according to date modified, Affected Programs button. The resulring Tired of telling Office 2007 users to
file type, erc. But you may nor want your window will rell you precisely which stop sending DOCX files thar require a
search history visible ro anyone who uses insralled programs and drivers will be elimi­ reader or converter? Salvarion is here. The
your Pc. nared from the current configuration if you WordPad word processor srill built into
The Group Policy Editor can change use d1e selecred Resrore Point. Windows can now handle the format. If
rhis setting. In the Run command win­ This new granulariry can help you dis­ Word 2007 is nor ins railed on your sys­
dow, type Gpedir.msc and double-click tinguish among a series of closely grouped tem, Windows makes WordPad rhe

96 September 2009 / www,computerpowerusercom

tips & tl'icks

default application for wi th the addi tion of browser window and double- or triple­
DOCX files. (But you """""'''''"-, the Math Input Panel, tap the URL to highlight it. A small

do receive a warning k1yprw_lho1two:fc<lCkltd.x:elllC!wlreltorepc*llv.tibedc:lele<!o/II'ldllllY which is the coun­ TIP icon appears beneath the address

that WordPad doesn't terpart for the TIP box, which then brings up a TIP that is
support all of the fea­ l>Mo"~b1 T\~ (Tablet PC Input Pan­ pre-filled with http://www. _ _.com.
•...x'.O.I.«ol.O ~&ll

tures of the file for­ !A.Do-.\~~S.O.O.25S

el) geared to equa­ Press the stylus to any of these elements
Moaos.:lft\·i'SfJ.O.lt....l1:rr. . i>rl>7_
mat.) You can also ThtSCns-)j.O.6,l1 ;>r~_ tions. Type MIP in and then release; the interface will bring
!4lJO$Oft(SYS1&l)06[2l/».V.6.1.703"'~O __ '"'"_··_ _~_1
save documents to the the Start Search box to up the likeliest alternatives Stich as .org,
new format or to the bring up the program. .edu, etc.
ODT (OpenDocu­ Apply your stylus ro Finally, the new Sticky Notes feature
ment Text) format. I a graph paper pane in Windows 7 is especially valuable for
You may also be J
and write numbers Tablet users, because now yOll can scrib­
pleased to see Word­ and funcrions, which ble notes to yourself much more quickly.
Pad's Ribbon now appear in text in the We recommend you righ t-click Sticky
lets you easily in­ The overly simplified System Restore preview pane above as Notes in your Start menu and pin it to
sert images and MS tool from past versions of Windows you wtite. We found the Taskbar. Tap it to toggle the current
Paint drawings. is more transparent in Win 7. Now that the handwriting notes onto or off the display. You can
users can see what specific changes recognition for func­ write directly on the screen to leave
Stylus Computing each Restore Point will make to their tions was not as strong yourself a note. Windows 7 may make
Emerges current configuration. as it now is for TIP's stylus computing palatable enough for
Most press accounts text recognition. But you convertible PC owners to flip your
have overlooked Microsoft's continued the MIP has a very cool COrtection func­ screen every once in a while and ride
commitment to evolving stylus-based tion. Just tap the Select And Correct lasso keyboard-less. .6.
computing, but there are some notable from the toolbar and circle the error. The
improvements in Windows 7 for Tablet OS pops up likely alternatives you can by Steve Smith
PC users. We loaded the OS onto a con­ select to replace the mistake.
vertible laptop and found a few hidden According to Microsoft, inputting
gems. For instance, math majors now URLs is about the most common use
have a reason to contemplate stylus input fOt the TIP, so this version has made
these functions more flexible. Open a

98 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruseLcom

tips & tricks

Microsoft side. 000 uses ODF (Open­

Document format) as its default file
formats for its applications. Office 2007
SP2 gives Office 2007 applications the
ability to read ODF files.
Mac users have a far easier time man­
aging competing office suite files. They
can simply use TextEdit 1.5 or neweL
The OS X-included text editor has the
ability to natively handle both Microsoft
Office and OpenOffice.org files.

Picking Up The Pieces

000 3.0 also introduces features that
Step Into OpenOffice, org 3,0
were almost certainly inspired by
Microsoft miscues. Two of its newest fea­
tures, are a solver for OOo's spreadsheet
ithout a doubt, the de files. This isn't unusual, because a large component and VBA (Visual Basic for

W facto office sui te is

MIcrosoft Office, but
it's not the only suite
around. And although there are many
other office suites around, all of mem have
number of legacy applications-includ­
ing Microsoft apps-are unable to open
Office 2007 documents natively.
000 3.0 addresses
the problem by provid­ fft
1:_ r..,...c
~'" \l>Utl

1_ 'JJfIAtNo
-:>":,. :to
Applications) support, seem to be directly
tied to features Microsoft initially omit­
ted in Office 2007. (At the time of this

~ •
ii'-·P&Alii:i'C.~ .

to interoperate wim Microson Office. One .:: '!!!'.. ._.....:... (~"-- _~'. rro:J A A A ...J :".!I ~~ r2 . ~ B if . A . ~ .•.
ing the ability ro open 1··. . .z ".'.l d."
.,.1.".$.' ." ,"

of the better known alternarives is these new file formats l1vs1~>:I"int.wcoUms l.ol'tmf'.,.d"';;;" lIISl.lIpotflUlWllllnh.Kh~U.Upb:~J,
~a: ~ClIT><eCI~~h}.1l .JIo:1Lm~C.. K,U~r . . ~~-=u
OpenOffice.org, which, aside from being without needing any spe­ ;y'~<.Il'lQ'lp"""..IT>It}l'~DulSlj~,
l ..~~~ . . t <:ur~ !d;t:W;JI.!.t;JI e.1Io,)
Vn:t.d.nl ul),l'IOOI!* l\I1lIS tid"""
la~"",.(; hl'~ldmfll.lSfln:olu"'qu;)r'l,I>e<;
S«~t.l,);In.W~tb.A.mp;nuoo,.,. ~dTl~Ofnl"~ C'lI:'>SltMlHIt/is

free, also runs on a lot of platforms (Linux, cial programs. However, ''''·-'..un_..... 1to2~'!J*1~ll! Q'~~~t • !"~!!!''!1-5!!'iiotI C

Solaris, Windows, Mac OS X). Under 000 3.0 doesn't have

development for more than three years, the ability ro save Of­
OpenOffice.org 3.0 comes wim a bunch of
new features mat'jj interest everybody.
fice 2007 file formats
natively. But don't wor­ LQld11"$Um<lO!;lI>..IiJTlol '.o::nV\.'Ho».f"';<~::r.'t"t ~4t:......:.""p:,j.'"'I»rm~!i'U Dua
,'6~~a1gllJl>G~~r« Cur.».turpl;tttr~ftl.l(odo ~~,~t LKlA~"~l'?Wtr.
1I1I!'f</o:.lm l1l$l~lk<rp!'lI;t:us <WI1orn¥t~~"<.(~t \""~M(;l~~p!~t~~d;':;!IlI<T\!>l
For those new to the Linux world, ry, there are acrually a ClJl;)o'I"'!e<r'(lt,:)U~,~;)KU V(";UVII'n"""';~ ll.I~~HdtWtn,r~~6ttl. _lln1tt\ls
'''':'4\>nl'7J~ nt-:ot-;'n~m",l.tOCf;Jfal>}Ulac''''''~ tr''''\O'UfI\J'' •• ",,,,,>,,,~~,,,''

000 is one of the leading office suites in couple of workarounds.

1M" Lor!'fl1'P'\u'1'lO:D'~~('X"O':If!ll,,);l~"Y'J~aP~\~<1l~qI.1'l'U':nn>~'!~""
Flh:~~~~""'..MIIo1"~'mlP<IC_"'1UJ1MO)'tl~ ~.'l.!""lerem '1<T.-jJ,:Il "'~~
I,):.... ~ ,f' , ..:A

the open-source community. 000 start­ One approach is to get a

ed life as StarOffice, an office suite devel­ converter to convert files 'N"• 'T~" t::OOG) e ~ 0
_, .t . rn .... fi
oped for different flavors of Unix and from 000 format to

acquired by Sun. Sun released the somce Office 2007. OpenOffice.org 3 can now natively open up Microsoft Office
code to the general public soon after, One of the most pop­ 2007 files.
naming the open-source version 000. ular converters is the odf­
Sun continued to maintain a version of converter-integrator (katana.ooon inia writing, Microsoft has reversed one and is
000 with proprietary components. .com/w/odf-converter-integrator) pack­ re-evaluating reversing the otheL) That
age. Released by Novell, this converter 000 now offers those capabilities will no
Improved Compatibility integrates into the OS and does the file doubt make it an attractive alternative to
As noted earlier, all other office suites conversion on the fly. It works with some Office users.
have to be interoperable with Microsoft any Linux or Windows version of VBA is a flavor of Microsoft Visual
Office if they hope to survive. At this OpenOffice.org. The integrator itself is Basic that can talk to Microsoft Office
point, if you have a word processing based on the OOXMLlODF translator applications and interact with them. This
program that can't read Microsoft (odf-converter.sourceforge.net) that gives a Visual Basic programmer the abil­
Word files, you're not going to use it. Microsoft is involved with, so the con­ ity to create custom applications with
With Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft verter itself is quite good. access to powerful features. Microsoft has
introduced the Office Open XML file Another way to achieve interoper­
format. Not surprisingly, because devel­ ability between the two suites is to

opment was largely frozen when Office
2007 was released, 000 2.0 was unable app roach i
to natively handle the new
--- ~ --=.

, ,,~'J, -, ....... \

100 September 2009 I wwwcomputerpowerusercom >:/if

tips & tricks

stated that it's planning to phase out Novell and a handful of smaller compa­ is a warning shot aimed directly at
VBA support for some future technology. nies. With 000 3, IBM has joined the Microsoft to watch its step.
Indeed, Office 2008 for Mac OS X drops OpenOffice.org development commu­ When 000 was first released more
VBA suppore. But there are lots of exist­ nity. IBM has essentially abandoned than eight years ago, it was generally dis­
ing YBA applications and macros that development of its Lotus SmartSuite, missed as a serious office suite. Since that
perform various automated tasks. There which included the infamous Lotus time, it has grown to be considered a vi­
are so many YBA applications on Mac 1-2-3 spreadsheet. In its place, it has able alternative to Microsoft Office.
that Microsoft announced its intention launched IBM Lotus Symphony, which Where it used to be forced to be able to
to bring VBA support back into the next is based on OpenOffice.org. handle Office file formats natively, now
version of Office for the Mac. The addition of such a well-known Microsoft Office can handle its files
The OpenOffice.org people decided name to OOo's list of developers can natively. 000 had to catch up on Mi­
to introduce supporr for VBA macros only help it gain respect and market crosoft Office's features; it's now starting
on a limited basis for 000 3.0. The share. Where 000 could once be dis­ to add important pieces that Microsoft
YBA interpreter is still a work in missed as a free alternative with an overlooks. Where 000 used to be a
progress and likely will be for a while. unknown future, having IBM support group of devoted developers, it now has a
But the OpenOffice.org people are it gives it validation. 000 is now a seri­ worldwide brand repackaging its produce.
positioning it for future releases when ous contender with a solid future. OpenOffice.org 3 may not be the
VBA support will improve. And the IBM name doesn't just give Microsoft Office fighter that its follow­
Microsoft initially dropped the Solver people the impression that 000 is a ers want it to be right now. But it's
from Excel in Office 2008 for Mac. A viable office suite. The fact is that IBM clearly the start of the much larger bat­
solver is an analysis tool that, when given has essentially retired its old Lotus office tle they've envisioned for a long time.
a set of constraints in a spreadsheet, tries suite and replaced it with 000, which
to find the optimal value that fits all of will help in countless ways. When IBM by JohnJung
the constraints. Microsoft Excel's solver sells Lotus Symphony to its customers,
depended heavily on VBA; it follows that those users will, knowingly or not, be
the Solver would follow VBA's demise.
Microsoft has addressed this by mak­
adopting 000. That increases its mar­
ket share not only in the corporate ~~

ing a new solver available as a free

download. However, the fact that it
workplace but also for anybody who
wants to work with those customers.

dropped such an important feature Incrementally

without gauging the customer base may looking Ahead Closer To

leave some people weary. Where users

might have been happy with Office for
Although the new 000 3 is a collec­
tion of upgrades and new features for an
Warp Speed

the Mac before this mistake, they may existing office suite, it represents much Traveling faster than the speed of
now be open to something else. That more. It represents the maturation of a light is something that every self­
000 3 happens to introduce this new product to the point that it's willing and respecting geek has dreamed of;
feature only makes it that much more able to take on the market leader. It no realizing that dream, of course, is
attractive as an Office replacement. longer appears content with just being a physics nightmare. Enter the
the free office suite for people who dis­ Alcubierre warp drive. Named after
Upping The Ante like Microsoft. It looks like 000 is now Mexcian physicist Michael Alcubierre,
Another important feature about targeting existing Microsoft Office users the warp drive would create a bubble
000 3 comes not from the program and trying to show them that a viable­ of dark energy around a spaceship
but from some behind-the-scenes and free-alternative exists. The addi­ that would move space around the
events. In earlier versions, 000 devel­ tion of features that Microsoft had to ship faster than the speed of light.
opment was largely from Sun and quickly reinstate or consider reinstating The catch? We would have to live in a
universe where 1 + 1 =3. Wrap your
geek brain around that one.
by Mike Magee

Intel Works Its Blue Crystal Magic Again

ntel said that it has abandoned irs "platfotm" approach fot micropro­ In some ways, however, Intel is showing that it's finally faced up to
I cessors, chipsets, and associated semiconductors and taken what on
the face of it seems a more logical approach to naming things.
the fact that actually your average Joe or Jane that strolls into a store
looking for a new PC doesn't much care what name or what logo is on
Don't for a minute be taken in by this. The chip giant starred the notebook he or she is going co buy. Generally speaking, whether it's
grouping irs chips together when it launched the rather successful a PC, a house, or a car, you ger what you pay for, and no notebook ven­
Centrino brand, a name it gave to Wi-Fi chips, mobile mio-oproces­ dor would ever charge $2,000 for a machine with an inferior chip in it.
sors, and associated chipsets. While the brand became associated with In the good old days, not so very long ago, Intel heavily advertised its
the complete package, it was really an attempt to hoodwink the public chips' clock speeds. That used to matter a lor. Who wanted a 500MHz
that the only machines that could connect Intel CPU when they could buy a 1GHz
to the Internet wirelessly were notebooks chip? But as Intel began co offer more and
with the ubiquitous Centrino logo. more families of CPUs, it was forced into
le drove the competition-that is to ever more cunning ways of not telling peo­
say, AMD-wild. AMD had perfecdy ple how fast irs chips were.

good processors, with perfeccly adequate

A senior huel architect, after leaving cl1e
chipsets and third-parcy Wi-Fi chips that company, described the process of naming
were as good as anyone else's. Bur Cen­ CPUs in a humorous way. He said that

trino was indelibly associated in the pub­

when soap powder started to make its

lic's head with a mobile "platform," no

appearance in washing machines in the

doubt helped by the fact thar Intel spent a

1950s, manufacturers were stumped at

huge amount of money in advertising the

how to differentiate cl1eir soap products

concept for all that it was worth..

from their competitors. They did this in
The success of Centrino went to Intel's the end by offering soap "wicl1 blue crys­
head, and before you could say "Robinson tals"-he claimed just adding those three
Crusoe and Man Friday," Intel decided to words made the magic difference between
apply the same technique to desktop bun­ successful and unsuccessful products.

dles and even server bundles.

And, in a way, he said, d1at's what Intel
And then there were two. The minute had done, too; it spiced up some logical

Intel starred shipping dual-core chips,

progressions in a product cycle by adding
we had the incredibly puzzling array of names that made them appear to do much
Solo, Dual Core 2, and another set of more than they actually did.

names and numbers.

Now, none of this is to den·act from the
Intel has now decided to starr rationalizing company, which brought us Moore's Law and
the naming of irs processors by sticking num­ a successiOn of faster and more efficient CPUs.
bers on the end of lowercase lener i, so in addi­ The company is chock-fuJI of brilJiant design­
tion to Core i7, we will have Core i5 and Core ers and engineers who really know their stuff.
i3. Perhaps you're not aware of this, but Intel But they're under thrall to the marketeers,

several years ago tried to trademark the lener i.

which led me to coin the word "marchitecture"
In a rare display of pure common sense, the some years back. In realicy, the most brilliant
U.S. Patent and Trademark office told the marketing Intel ever did was ro convince the
company to take a hike. general public that the CPU is the brain of a
So, what's the difference between an i7, an compurer, when in realicy it's a complex and

i5, and an i3? Remarkably, the lower the num­

very well-designed component, which coordi­
ber, the worse the chip is; Intel wouldn't put it nates the operation of an X86 computer. Be in
this way and maintains that i3 represents no doubr that the marketeers will strike again,
"good," i5 represents "bener," and i7 repre­ and that one day, the concepts of Core i3,

sents "best" If there ever is an i9, this presum­

Core i5, and Cote i7 wiJl be as redundant as

ably would represent even better or far better.

rhe Centrino brand now is. .6.

But the plan is just as likely to confuse people

buying machines as other cunning schemes

Send rumours to "Mad Mike" Magee
the chip company has come up with the past. at mike@cpumag.com

102 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com



An Interview With
Onvia CIa Eric Gillespie

E ric Gillespie is the chief information officer at Onvia, a Seatcle­

based information services firm. His views on technology, inno­
vation, and patents have been featured by leading media including
Fortune, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, USA Today,
and The Washington Post, among others.

by Barry Brenesal

CPU: Let's starr with some background the government's balance sheet as has always sometimes it is very difficult to supply,
before we get into a discussion of your existed on the revenue side given the tools mat are in place?
unique Web site, Recovery.org. The need
for improved government expenditure CPU: You pointed out in your testimony Gillespie: I certainly don't believe there's
tracking implies that current tracking before the House Subcommirree on anything nefarious or untoward going on
methods and implementation are insuffi­ Investigations and Oversight that language here. There's no intent to mislead cl1e pub­
cient. Is this the case, in your opinion? in the draft legislation for the American lic about how taxpayer dollars are spent. It's
Recovery and Reinvestment Act, ARRA, just an intractable problem on mis scale.
Gillespie: Historically we've had incredible would have tracked spending down ro the
certainty on the revenue side of government. subcontractor level. But then the key CPU: Most people are probably not
Think about the federal government's "bal­ accountability provisions were removed. aware of the complexities of funding that
ance sheet" and the IRS. They know how would come from ARRA-just how
much interest you've paid on your mortgage Gillespie: I cl1ink someone can1e to me many different entities are involved.
and your car, how much you wrote off in realization that me execution of this is com­
terms of your child, educational expenses­ plex. They were likely not going ro be able Gillespie: There are several misconcep­
right down to the dime. They have agents, to pull off tracking it that far. Whether it tions about how funds flow. There's a
programmers, software applications, and was on the Congressional side or within the pervasive assumption that it's a parenr­
infrasuucrure, all dedicated ro tracking and Office of Management and Budget, some­ child relationship between the federal
accountability. That has never really existed body said it's going to be really rough and government, the state governments, and
on the expense side of government. It's been not necessarily implementable. So they county and city governmenrs. The reality
acceptable over the years ro have very large dialed back mose expectations and language is that those relationships don't exist.
black holes into which money is sent, not when it was in conference committee, and There's no reporting requirement upward
only at the federal level, but at the state and mat ultimately was enacted into law. or downward.
local levels, roo. The advent of technology, There are more than 89,000 state and
and the visibility cllat the Internet provides CPU: So the populist view that elected local entities around the country. Those
into very large data sets, has changed the officials cover up spending in order to mis­ are everything from school districts, to
expectations of the public. I think people use tax dollars is at least in part incorrect, mosquito abatement districts, to tribal
now expect the same visibility, uansparency, and not the full picture. Sometimes rhey entities that govern Native American
and accountability on the "expense" side of simply don't want transparency because tribes: thousands of agencies within each

CPU / September 2009 103

What's Cooking ... Technically Speaking

of the states. If you do the math, the num­ cities coming to the site to figure our what CPU: Have you received strong govern­
bers get really big, really fast. Just manag­ the other counties and cities are doing, ment support and approval for what
ing the authentIcation process alone of the because they don't want an inequitable dis­ you've done on your site?
potential usus at each of those entities is tribution of that capital. They want to make
almost an intractable problem itself, much sure they are getting their fair share. Gillespie: I'm not sure I would go that
less tracking aJ I the data in a standardized far. We have a lor of stares, counties, and
format across all those entities. CPU: What will a first-time visitor see cities come to rhe site and want more
when they visit Recovery.org? information. We provide custom views of
CPU: Recovelyorg isn't looking to pro­ data to them, as they're figuring out how
vide any kind of a dashboard teflecting this Gillespie: The main page is a map of the the dollars are being spent in their juris­
level of complexity, is it? United States. You can click on a state and diction. Likewise, Congress has been very
drill down. This will pull up a map of alJ supportive of the overall transparency and
Gillespie: When we starred Recovery.org the counties in that state. Then you can job creation efforts, and we have provided
on March 31, it was targered very specifi­ view all the projects in the stare, or you can custom views to members, as well.
cally toward businesses. The business we're click on a specific county and see which The administration has been less recep­
in is providing visibility into government ones are happening there. Within the coun- tive to us. We've had a few meetings with

I think someone came to the realization that the execution of

this is COrTlplex.-Eric Gillespie

spending fot companies that do business ry you can even filter by city. The life cycle the Office of Management and Budget.
with the government. We pur the site up of those projects is also presented-so you We've met with the RecovelY Accounta­
with the intention of providing that level of may find an advance notice of a project biliry and Transparency Board. I would say
visibility inLO sllmulus funding, so that that is pending, or the bid document, or that the response has been lukewarm. It's
small and medium-sized businesses that are the MP, or it may be the award, if the con­ not our intent by any means, but our efforts
out there aLlt:lll[Jcing to bid on these pro­ tract has already been given to someone. have been mischaracterized and spun in the
jects had fast and edSY access to the RFPs­ You can actually access those documents. press as competing with the government's
requests for j.hojJosals----and bid documents There was an economic paper written in Web site, Recovery.gov. On the contrary,
the government was publishing. We Jan uary by Christina Romer and Jared our goal has always been to simply provide
believed then as we do now that making Bernstein-Romer is chair of Obama's visibiliry to businesses that want to secure
those docwnems available would accelerate Council of Economic Advisors; Bernstein is government contracts.
capital absofjJtion into local economies, the chief economic advisor to Biden. In it,
and the busillc"-'CS that wele aCtually creat­ they presented the expeued job creation CPU: Do you have further development
ing the jobs (which WdS the primary goal of impacts across the country, both with and in mind for Recovery.org?
the legislauon from the beginning) would without the stimulus package. I think one
sllrvive and g10w. of the things that we're seeing the site used Gillespie: Our plans are twofold. First,
That's suil our g0al, bur we've had two for is an actual comparison btrween what we update the site every day with new data
other user glOLlpS tiJltlge. One is the tax­ was expected in that economic paper and and projects. It's as close to real time as we
paying public If1 gmelal: people who want what happens on the ground, where reality can make it. We intend to continue doing
to know whats happening in their back­ meers the projections. that until there is no more stimulus spend­
yards. What I-'I\J)eLiS afe being funded in ing. Second, in terms of enhancing the site
their COnJIllUlllilcS. 'What jobs are being cre­ CPU: How much current usage is your itself, creating new user expetiences, we're
ated. The st~0jjd, vei y unexpected user sile gening? probably not going to add anything. We're
group has auually bccll rhe govt:fnment. Of going to create a set of APIs that allow
the 15 most fieqliem visitors to the Slie, 13 Gillespie: It's gtcting used tnough to people to build their own interfaces and do
are fedeial dbcuc;cs, So j0U have the fedtlal wheft yesrerday we actually udshed. We their own mash-ups. Then they can go off
government commg to the sne to try and have a 300-server data cemer, and the and figure out how the data should be
figure OUI what thc SidlCS ale doing With the W'eb StfVers that the sire lUns on are pret­ massaged to look at, say, campaign contri­
money, be':'du,e they don't have visibility. ty beefy. Hundreds of thousdnds of peo­ burions or census content, or job unem­
You also have the s,aiCS coming ro the site ple have registered and visired the site. ployment rates. CPU
to figure out ho,v C0UmleS and cities are
using the money, becduse they don't have Subscribers can read bonus content with Eric Gillespie
visibility. And you have the counties and \IV\NW.cpumag.com/cpusep09/giliespie

104 September 2u09 / V"Y'i.c0ii,pUtt,p0Wtlu,er.loITI

What's Cookin9-,-,-.-'---' _
by Anastasia Poland

Under Development
A Peek At What's Brevving In The Laboratory
Pollution-Detecting Fish Research Proceeds Swimmingly
Working in collaboration with their work, the fish are loaded
BMT Design & Technology and with chemical sensors that will
using SolidWorks design soft­ suss out sources of pollution (for
ware to create the 3D design of example, leaks or dumping from
the 13.94-foot-Iong prorotype, ships or factories) while they
the team sent "the design to the self-navigate around harbors.
manufacturer ro mal<e the com­ Elecrric morors give the fish
ponents using laser and resins," their ability to swim, and the
says Hu. Internally, "each robotic motors are powered by recharge­
fish has a few onboard computers able batteries that provide enough
(one Gumsticks PC, three PIC juice for eight hours of operation.
microcontrollers), over 10 sen­ When they need a recharge, the
sors, and four motors." fish will swim back to their charg­
The aforementioned sensors ing station and plug in. The sta­
are particularly important. tion will be connected to the har­

A new pollution-fighting
superhero is on the hori­
zon, yet it has been noted that
carp-shaped, pollution-detecting
robotic fish. He and his robotics
team at the University of Essex
Infrared sensors are used to
detect 0 bstacles so the fish avo id
crashing into anything, and
bor's control center via Wi-Fi,
which is also how the fish are able
to communicate with each other
there is something distinctly fishy School of Computer Science and a pressure sensor helps them and the station. The fish also use
about the superhero getup. In Electronic Engineering have determine if they need to adjust Wi-Pi to transmit pollution data
fact, this particular pollution managed to cran natural-looking their depth. H u adds that other back to the sciencists. Prom there,
buster is actually a fish. This, of robots that swim just like fish yet sensors measure acceleration, port authoricies can map out both
course, was Professor Huosheng pack a powerful punch of elec­ location, and posture of the the source and the scope of the
Hu's plan when designing his tronics under their shiny scales. robots. Most importantly, for contamination in the area. ..

Interactive 3D Technology Brings 1V Up Close & Personal

I magine flipping channels one lazy night

and landing on the news, where a story
is breaking and live feed is rolling. It's a
fed images from 64 video cameras, each of
which is equipped with HTTP servers.
In short, the cameras take live images
milliseconds per frame, into an autostereo­
scopic composite made of 60 image view­
points. Once processed, the multidimen­
car chase-woot! You settle in and use and send motion JPEGs to a Pc. Using sional image can be fed to a 3D TV display.
your remote to peruse the scene, zooming what's called "light field conversion," the Without fancy 3D glasses and by just mov­
in on the car's license plate, then panning PC transforms the slightly overlapping ing their heads, users can see a multitude of
around the shot. You scroll up to the cab images in real time, at several hundred viewpoints, both horizontally and vertically.
of the car and see it's your neighbor, Users can also sharpen the scene, control
Harry. Didn't know he had it in him. the depth and viewing angle, or zoom in to
And if University of Tokyo Ph.D. stu­ see a particular aspect of the scene, which is
dent Yuichi Taguchi and colleagues at the true breakthrough ofTaguchl's research.
Hitachi have it tight, in the not-too-distant The team is working on cleaning up
future, you'll actually be able to navigate some of the issues involved with reproduc­
around 3D TV feeds. They've created a live ing images with depth, mainly blur and pix­
3D TV system (called TransCAlP) that is elacion. With potencial advances in hardware
technology and high resolution images,
. I Taguch thinks TransCAIP could be com­
mercialized in the next five to 10 years.

106 September 2009 I www.computerpoweruser.com

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----"Wh-"-'--"a""'t...,'s"'--C~o""o"__'k"__"ing... Under Development

YinzCam Gives
Genetic Algorithms Could Help Guide
Fans New Angle
Space Probes
On Live Games

I n the decade since the appearance

of the first consumer DVRs in
S pace probes have historically relied
on planetary gravitational fields to
help conserve resources and prolong their
neurocontroller could save months of work
for scientists in calculating optimal paths of
flight. Deep Space 1, a mission launched by
1999, sportS fans watching their journeys into deep space. Unfortunately, NASA in 1998, relied on optical images to
favorite teams from home have grown
the method is only as reliable as the ability facilitate autonomous navigation. "The dif­
accustomed to having selective instant
to determine an accurate trajectory in the ference with the evolutionary neurocon­
replays at their fingertips.
face of variables such as unexpecred winds trollers is that in principle these are capable
Now, engineers at Carnegie Mel­
and problematic rockets. of optimizing themselves," Carnelli says.
lon University have created a mobile
Ian Carnelli of the European Space Hundreds of generations of GA would result
video service that will give fans
Agency in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, in a sort of virtual autopilot that can maxi­
unprecedented access to key plays at
has proposed, with colleagues Bernd mize energy potential.
courrside, ringside, or virtually any
Dachwald and Massimiliano Vasile, that "The approach I have used is not new,"
live sporting or entertainment event
GAs (genetic algorithms) called evolution­ he adds. "It's already been used in numer­
that uses the technology.
ary neuroconrrollers could grow and adapt ous fields, from mining to robotics. Bernd
Dubbed YinzCam, the free appli­
to such mission variables and could be and I applied it for the first time to the
cation lets fans attending an event
used in the future. space domain and trajectory optimization
select and view video feeds from mul­
"It is called neurocontroller because the (thanks to Bernd's work on the latter). I
tiple angles on their enabled cellular
structure of the control function mimics have further developed it to make it capa­
phones. The app also lets users create
the neurons' structure, and they are used ble of using 'slingshot' effect of planers on
instant replays using multiple angles
for controlling purposes," Carnelli the way to the target to save propellant
and instantly access data such as play­
explains. "The term evolutionary refers to mass or reduce the flight time.
er stats and game-time lineups. It sup­
the fact that you can use evolutionary algo­ "In practice, it is used in many domains
ports push and pull video delivery to
rithms (algorithms that mimic natural evo­ where finding an optimal solution among
aU fans in a particular venue, with a lution of the species, often used in AI) to many others, subject to a number of con­
touchscreen-based version of the sys­
'train' the neurons." straints, is very difficult. And where the
tem available on full-sized monitors
Although still in the theoretical stage, number of variables is so high, this
for luxury box suites.
Carnelli says that the use of evolutionary approach provides an automated way to
Originally conceived as part of a
algorithms to "self-evolve or train" a find a solution." .A
research project led by Professor Priya
Narasimhan, Director of Carnegie
Mellon's Mobility Research Center,
and Rajeev Gandhi, a systems faculty
researcher in the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department,
the idea for YinzCam came in the
wake of a recent rise in the demand
for mobility services. The project pro­
vided an opportunity for Carnegie
Mellon students to apply research in a
concrete way, according to Gandhi.
YinzCam was introduced as a
pilot program with the Pittsburgh
Penguins at Mellon Arena in Pitts­
burgh, Penn., where it was used in
home games throughout the 2008­
09 NHL season. The partnership
helped spur the system's unusual
name; "yinz" is a Pittsburgh deriva­
tion from the Scots-Irish term "you
ones" and commonly used as a plural
for "you." In time, it could be for all
of us. .A

CPU / September 2009 107

r-------------------------.-.­ ... _._.- -.-.

back door- I q&a

Q~ A/Vltr. Ryan Petersen

We don't often do repeat performances for Back Door. Ryan Petersen, CEO ofOCZ Tech­
nology, may be the same gu)' we met almostfour years ago, fitll ofd1J' humor and leeen vision,
but OCZ is no longer the same company. The product landscape has shifted considerably, and
there's much more ofPetersen 's story that needs to be told.

n. <
Stereotypically, a lot of CEOs are
suits, right? White-collar deal mak­
everything on the job. Before 2002, I just
invented products. AU r did was come up
ers. But you're a screwdriver geek at hean. with cool ideas and make sure they were
How do you find a balance between those implemented and ... made it to market.
two roles? Then I decided I was going to consistently
do that-make sure customers were happy
It's a challenge. I dedicate a with what they got, and that they got it at
certain amount of my time to the right price. It's a strategy that works.
the front-end responsibility of being the Business is about delivering what people
CEO. It's very rewarding being able to want. If you can deliver what they want
help develop our employees. I like to try cheaper than the other guy and it outper­
to model myself after some of the great forms the other guy, it's not hard to win. That seems crazy! An SSD in some­
CEOs in the industry who do play both
sides of the fence you mention-great n.....J.
SSD has to be a hard product
Q thing running an Atom processor?

engineer guys who develop awesome category to get up and running The No.1 consumption point
products and also do the CEO gig as their because the pricing is way off main­ for SSDs right now is net­
full-time job. R&D reports to me here, so stream, there have been some technical books. I have a huge factory, and I can't
I have the responsibility for managing issues with controllers, and so on. make enough.
R&D directly. I just work 24/7.
Well, I've seen the NPD data
Q A little bird told me you guys were

Q Does OCZ stand for something?

Overclock ...
for etailers, and we're in the No.
2 position. I guarantee that if I gave you
numbers, which I can't right now, your
using the repackaged Samsung dri­
ves for some of your SSDs. Do you build
your SSDs from the ground up now?
jaw would be left hanging open. And they
Overclockers, yeah. weren't controller issues. They're issues . We do. That was only the first
of the file systems of the operating sys­ drive we released. It started with

Q Just "Z" 'cause it sounds cool?

tems. You know, Windows 7 is going to
be wickedly faster with SSDs, just like
Windows XP is. SSD technology is mov­
us working with Samsung on develop­
ment and just getring a drive out; then we
developed our own stuff. I don't know
Yeah. Don't make fun of me. I ing past the early adoption stage and really that we were really happy with those first
was JUSt a kid when we came up going mainstream. drives. (And by the way, we have some
with that name. really cool 3.5-inch SSDs coming out,

Q You were an engineer and a musi­

cian. Where does all your business
You really think SSD is main­
stream? With consumers?
mainly because we can do amazing things
in terms of the board-level technology if
we go to that desktop drive size. We can
acumen come from? I did not believe that people put six or eight controllers on an SSD, do
would go and buy a 120GB SSD multiple layer interleaving, and other real­
(Laughs) You're going to quote for the same price that they could buy 2TB ly amazing things, just to speed them up.
me if I say something goofy, man! of hard drive space. But they do. They feel God knows why r want to speed every­
I don't have any business acumen. Look, if that the performance gap is significant thing up, but I do.)
you make the best product and sell it at the enough. For example, a Jot of customers
right price, how hard could it be, right? actually come to us and want to install a Subscribers can go to www.cpumag.com
Think about that. Seriously. I learned 250GB SSD drive in their $300 netbook. !cpusept09!petersen for bonus content.

110 September 2009 / www.computerpoweruser.com

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