Faa Te 006
Faa Te 006
Faa Te 006
Test Report
The Test Report documents the results of a test and the subsequent data analysis. It is
used to identify and evaluate discrepancies between expected and actual test results.
10.2.9 A description of the criteria used for the verification of each requirement tested,
including the range of data and parameter values tested. Reference may be made to
the applicable test plan or procedure sections.
10.2.10 A summary of test results. Include a test matrix identifying test plan and procedure
sections, the applicable raw and reduced results obtained from them, and the
applicable MTP- Attachment 1, Requirement Matrix success criteria to be met.
10.2.11 Relative to the test matrix of 10.2.10 above, provide a complete description of any
planned or actual regression test activities, which purpose is to address test result
deficiencies identified therein.
10.2.12 Identify any item remaining open after completion of test conduct and analysis from:
Log Book Entries; test TIM de-briefing minutes; test matrix deficiencies (above).
Generate trouble reports (SPRs) for each item, listing the number(s)/brief description
herein, and attach a copy of each SPR as an appendix to this report .
10.2.13 Detailed Test Results. List the results of the test based on the data collected during
the test. For each step of a test procedure where a discrepancy occurred, identify the
procedure step number, the expected impact of the discrepancy on the validity of
preceding or following steps of the test procedure. Amplifying information (e.g.,
diagrams) should be included. Reference may be made to the applicable trouble
report(s) listing the number and brief description. A copy of the trouble report (SPR)
shall be included as an appendix to this report.
10.2.14 Detail Data Analysis. Detailed data analysis results and a complete description of
post-test data analysis activities shall be provided and linked with the plan and
procedure sections which generated the raw data input, and the DR&A test
procedures which produced the resultant output.
10.2.15 Test Evaluation. An overall analysis of the functional performance of the article tested
shall be provided. This analysis shall describe the functional capability as it was
demonstrated in the test. Where applicable, this section shall include an assessment
of the manner in which the test environment is different from the operational
environment and its effect on the functional capability. Also, a general statement shall
be provided for each MTP requirement deficiency and (referencing the SPR) of the
impact on system design performance if the deficiency detected is retained, and the
impact on the system if the deficiency is corrected.
10.3 The test report shall contain a certification that the test results are authentic, accurate,
current, and in accordance with related requirements and test plans. Include names of
Contractor and Government personnel present during the test.