Chapter 8: Field Effect Transistors: A. Introduction To Fets
Chapter 8: Field Effect Transistors: A. Introduction To Fets
Chapter 8: Field Effect Transistors: A. Introduction To Fets
I. Field-Effect Transistors
A. Introduction to FETs
This weeks we introduce a new element
called a Field-Effect Transistor (FET). It is also a
three-terminal element. The three terminals are
similar to the transistors base, emitter and
collector, but they are called the gate, source and
drain. The initial FETs we will use (the 2N5485)
have identical packages to the transistors we used
in earlier in the semester. The schematic symbol
for the FETs we will use are shown in figure 8.1 Figure 8.1: An n-channel JFET
on the right.
(left) and a p-channel JFET (right).
A FET is produced from a single piece of
conducting silicon that connects to the source and the drain. This is called the channel.
The gate is then created by diffusing a third connection, the gate. A voltage applied to the
gate controls the conductivity of the channel.
The gate-channel junction looks like a diode that never conducts hence the gate draws
no current. This is the major difference between normal transistors and FETs.
Consequently FETs have extremely large gate input impedances (>1012). Thus, we will
be forced from the start into modeling the device with a transconductance model where
the drain current depends on the gate voltage and not the current. This is the major
difference between the bipolar diodes that we used previously and FETs.
FETs are extremely important as input stages to amplifiers. Since they have such a
large input impedances that they almost attain the ideal of measuring a voltage without
drawing any current from the source. This is great if you want to measure small charges
deposited on capacitors as you might want to do in a particle detector.
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ID = 0
Figure 8.2: A sketch of drain current
versus channel voltage.
B. Regions of Operation
For a fixed VGS, the basic behavior of the drain current as a function of the channel
voltage is shown in Figure 8.2 above. The behavior can be simply modeled in two
regions. For small values of VDS, ID is almost proportional to VDS just like a resistor. This
is called the linear region. For reasonably large values of VDS, ID has little dependence
on VDS. This is called the saturation region. The actual relationships and conditions can
be approximated as:
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Linear Region
ID = k (VGS VP)2
For small enough voltages the quadratic term is small. In this case, the current in the
linear region is proportional to VDS just like a resistor. This is true even for negative VDS.
Since ID is proportional to both VGS and VGS this gives us a way to make voltagecontrolled resistors. Moreover, since ID is proportional to both VDS and VGS, we can
generate a current corresponding to the product of two signals.
In the saturated region ID is nearly independent of VDS. We can use this to make
excellent currents sources and source followers. This is similar to our transistor-based
emitter follower but with a much larger input impedance. Note that in this region there is
still a small slope and this slope increases for larger gate voltages. We will discuss the
saturated region later in the chapter.
-15 V
Figure 8.3: Uncompensated voltage-divider.
-15 V
1/RDS = ID / VDS
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This saturation is useful, for example, for making current sources and followers. As
discussed earlier, there is still some dependence of ID on VDS even in the saturated region.
You can, however, reduce this effect with a few extra tricks.
A. Transconductance
The transconductance of a FET is denoted by gm and is defined as
gm = ID/VGS
gm 2k (VGS VP)
gm = 2(kID)
The transconductance will be useful in understanding the behavior of the FET amplifiers.
You can interpret it as the slope of ID vs VGS in the saturated region and depends on
your choice of ID. A curve of gm(VGS) and gm(ID) are usually shown in the data sheets and
they have complicated shapes. If you know the value for one set of conditions you can
use the above relationships to scale to other similar values.
The transconductance has units of -1 which is known as a mho (pronounced moe).
You often seed the units of mho (or umho pronounced micro-moe) for 10-6 mho and
mmho (milli-moe) for 10-3 mho in FET specifications. You might also see an inverted
capital omega or S to represent this unit.
The remainder of this section will cover some applications for FETs employing the
saturated region.
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= k ( RS I D V P )
= I DSS S D + 1
This can be solved for ID but it is rather ugly. In practice, one normally starts from a plot
of ID vs VGS on the devices data sheet to get a rough idea of the source resistor. Since the
saturation properties are not well determined in the fabrication process (up to factors of
10), use a potentiometer if you wish to sink a specific current.
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C. JFET Follower
The drain current in a JFET operating in the saturation region depends only on VGS.
Because of this, you can add a source resistor to a FET to provide at type of negative
feedback. This is called a source follower.
In the followers quiescent state there will be nominal
values for ID and VGS. An increase in the gate voltage will
increase the current into the source resistor. This will cause
an increased voltage drop and act to raise the source voltage.
It is conventional to use lower case letters to represent small
variations from the quiescent point.
id = gm(vg - vs).
The source voltage is tied to the drop across the source
vs = idRS.
Solving these two equations, we find that
vs =
RS g m
vg =
1 + RS g m
1 g m + RS
For RS much greater than 1/gm we see that vg vs (i.e. gain = 1) and therefore this is a
FET follower limitations
From Equation 9, we can see that the source follower acts like a voltage divider with
the FET behaving like a resistor of 1/gm. Since it is a voltage divider we can determine
its output impedance. Since the FET is the smaller resistor in the divider (or the output
will not be very close to the gate), the output impedance of the source follower is just
1/gm, which is typically a few hundred ohms at currents of a few milliamps.
So, our simple follower, however, does not behave too well:
1. As VGS varies, the nonlinear transconductance will distort the input.
2. It has quiescent output voltage that is specified by the pinch of voltage of the
device and hence is unpredictable.
3. The required VGS to produce a given quiescent current varies a lot from one
device to the next
4. The output impedance is relatively high.
On the good side, the input impedance is immense.
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+10 V
-10 V
Figure 8.7: A matched pair
Design Exercises
Design Exercise 8-1: Design a programmable current source with a design current of
1mA and a variable gate-source resistor. Pick a reasonable value based on the plot of ID
as a function of VGS from the datasheet of a 2N5485.
Design Exercise 8-2: Determine the quiescent voltages (i.e. VGS, VS, and VDD) and the
quiescent power consumption for a source follower with IDS(quiescent) = 1 mA and RS =
4.7 k. The N-JFET for the circuit has the following properties: VP = -2 V, IDSS = 3 mA,
and gm = 2.5 mmhos.
(hint: Start by assuming that the circuit is operating in the saturation region and then
choose VDD at the end of the calculation to ensure that the FET is well into the saturation
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V- or GND
Do lab exercise 2 or 3.
2. Voltage controlled JFET attenuators (1.5 hours)
a) Construct an uncompensated attenuator with RD = 10 K. Use a voltage divider
with your variable 15 V supply to generate the VGS control voltage in the
approximate range of -0.5 V to -5 V. Connect the output of the voltage divider to the
gate through a 1 M gate resistor. Try to attenuate your input by a factor of 10 using
this device when you drive the drain with a small signal (<1 V) around 1 kHz. Note
that this attenuator even works for the negative values of VDS function generator.
Check for distortion using the FFT feature on the oscilloscope.
b) Now compensate your attenuator using a second 1 M feedback resistor between
the drain and the gate. Use a ~0.1 F capacitor to block the DC drain voltage.
Measure the new attenuation and distortion. How do the new characteristics compare
to the uncompensated ones?
c) Connect the signal from another function generator to the voltage divider to form a
bias-T using another capacitor. Set this frequency to be roughly 10 times lower than
the frequency on the drain. Use small AC inputs for both signals (tenths of volts) and
describe the output. Describe the signal in the time domain and in frequency space.
Do your results agree with theory? What arithmetic operation does your circuit
implement on the two input signals?
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+10 V
-10 V
A matched-pair follower
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