Owls:: Shrieking" (From Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar")
Owls:: Shrieking" (From Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar")
Owls:: Shrieking" (From Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar")
As birds of the night and prey, the owl symbol has been associated with psychic powers, the
angel of death and the goddess of night. Owls represent spiritual influence, wisdom and
knowledge in Greece, Rome, and in Celtic mythology while in Africa the owl is associated with
witchcraft, wizards and sorcery. In Eastern Africa, the owl is seen to bring illness to children
while Zulus in southern Africa sees the owl as a bird of sorcerers. Others consider it a messenger
of wizards and witches and it always gathers witches and dances on the graves of the dead. As a
nocturnal creature this bird symbolizes inner-knowing, psychic ability, and intuition, it is
considered by many cultures as a messenger between earth and the heavenly spirit.
Throughout history and across many cultures, people have regarded Owls with fascination and
awe. Few other creatures have so many different and contradictory beliefs about them. Owls
have been both feared and venerated, despised and admired, considered wise and foolish, and
associated with witchcraft and medicine, the weather, birth and death. Speculation about Owls
began in earliest folklore, too long ago to date, but passed down by word of mouth over
generations. (Lewis, 2005)
Owls in different cultures:
Owls in Greek
In the mythology of ancient Greece, Athene, the Goddess of Wisdom, was so impressed by the
great eyes and solemn appearance of the Owl that, having banished the mischievous crow, she
honoured the night bird by making him her favourite among feathered creatures. Athene's bird
was a Little Owl, (Athene noctua). T
his Owl was protected and inhabited the Acropolis in great numbers. It was believed that a
magical "inner light" gave Owls night vision. As the symbol of Athene, the Owl was a protector,
accompanying Greek armies to war, and providing ornamental inspiration for their daily lives. If
an Owl flew over Greek Soldiers before a battle, they took it as a sign of victory. The Little Owl
also kept a watchful eye on Athenian trade and commerce from the reverse side of their coins.
(Lewis, 1999)
Roman Mythology In early Rome a dead Owl nailed to the door of a house averted all evil that
it supposedly had earlier caused. To hear the hoot of an Owl presaged imminent death. The
deaths of Julius Caesar, Augustus, Commodus Aurelius, and Agrippa were apparently all
predicted by an Owl.
"...yesterday, the bird of night did sit Even at noonday, upon the market place, Hooting and
shrieking" (from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar")
The Roman Army was warned of impending disaster by an Owl before its defeat at Charrhea, on
the plains between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
According to Artemidorus, a second Century soothsayer, to dream of an Owl meant that a
traveller would be shipwrecked or robbed.
Another Roman superstition was that witches transformed into Owls, and sucked the blood of
In Roman Mythology, Proserpine (Persephone) was transported to the underworld against her
will by Pluto (Hades), god of the underworld, and was to be allowed to return to her mother
Ceres (Demeter), goddess of agriculture, providing she ate nothing while in the underworld.
Ascalpus, however, saw her picking a pomegranate, and told what he had seen. He was turned
into an Owl for his trouble - "a sluggish Screech Owl, a loathsome bird." (Lewis, 1999)
Owls in English Folklore
Folklore surrounding the Barn Owl is better recorded than for most other Owls. In English
literature the Barn Owl had a sinister reputation probably because it was a bird of darkness, and
darkness was always associated with death. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the
poets Robert Blair and William Wordsworth used the Barn Owl as their favourite "bird of doom."
During that same period many people believed that the screech or call of an Owl flying past the
window of a sick person meant imminent death.
The Barn Owl has also been used to predict the weather by people in England. A screeching Owl
meant cold weather or a storm was coming. If heard during foul weather a change in the weather
was at hand.
The Custom of nailing an Owl to a barn door to ward off evil and lightning persisted into the
19th century.
Among early English folk cures, alcoholism was treated with Owl egg. The imbiber was
prescribed raw eggs and a child given this treatment was thought to gain lifetime protection
against drunkenness.
Owls' eggs, cooked until they turned into ashes, were also used as a potion to improve eyesight.
Owl Broth was given to children suffering from Whooping-cough.
Odo of Cheriton, a Kentish preacher the 12th Century has this explanation of why the Owl is
nocturnal: The Owl had stolen the rose, which was a prize awarded for beauty, and the other
birds punished it by allowing it to come out only at night.
In parts of northern England it is good luck to see an Owl. (Weinstein, 1989)
Owls in American Indian Culture
Among the different American Indian tribes, there are many diverse beliefs regarding the Owl.
Presented here are some of those beliefs.
According to an Indian legend, the 'Spedis Owl' carving was placed on a rock to serve as a
protector from the 'water devils' and monsters that could pull a person into the water. The owl on
a rock may have also indicated the ownership of that location for fishing. (Fleay, 1968)
To an Apache Indian, dreaming of an Owl signified approaching death.
Cherokee shamans valued Eastern Screech-Owls as consultants as the owls could bring on
sickness as punishment.
The Cree people believed Boreal Owl whistles were summons from the spirits. If a person
answered with a similar whistle and did not hear a response, then he would soon die.
The Dakota Hidatsa Indians saw the Burrowing Owl as a protective spirit for brave warriors.
The Inuit believed that the Short-eared Owl was once a young girl who was magically
transformed into an Owl with a long beak. But the Owl became frightened and flew into the side
of a house, flattening its face and beak.
They also named the Boreal Owl "the blind one", because of its tameness during daylight. Inuit
children make pets of Boreal Owls. (Fleay, 1968)
Owl in china:
Owl is depicted as a queer bird in Chinese culture. Its name mao tou ying literally means
cat-headed hawk; a name suitable for a mysterious fowl that rules the night with its glowing
pair of eyes.
Chinese people of old feared and disliked the bird much. Some farmers might be grateful for the
birds ability in decreasing the rat population. Some wished it never approached their homes.
The hooting sound of an owl sounds like digging in Chinese language (: hu). It was
considered a major bad luck if an owl visited a house where lived a gravely ill or wounded
person. When it made the hu sounds, it was as if it was telling the family to dig a grave-hole as a
preparation for a burial.
Most traditional Chinese folks would not harm the bird, for they feared the supernatural
consequences. They usually put a broom upside down by the door, window or wall from which
direction the hooting sounds came from. Some make some noises or burn dried straws to make
the bird leave immediately.
Some mothers and nannies hid their kids as soon as they saw an owl in their yards. Some
believed that young infants were spiritually weak. They were easy preys for evil creatures and
dark spirits. The owls being was a sign that there was a weak soul in the house.
Owl was also a symbol used to mention perfidious children who harmed their own parents. It
was believed that young owl blinded and ate their mothers once they were old enough to fly and
hunt on their owns.
The owl was also called as xiao in Chinese language. It means bravery. The word was used to
mention people who dared to do things in unusual places, at certain hours that most people
would not be brave enough to do.
Owl is called as burung hantu The phrase literally means ghostly bird. It is probably
because of its ability to move stealthily; causing people to think that the bird just appear out of
thin air, like a ghost does. (Qhuang, 2012)
The reason can be found in the Japanese name for owl, Fukuro (), which can be
written in different sets of characters: One with the meaning of luck ( fuku, luck; ku, to
come; ro suffix used in boys' names), and the other as protection from hardship ( fu, no,
kurou suffering/hardship).
The Changing Symbolism of the Owl in Japan
Owls don't only symbolize luck in Japan. In different parts of the country, they have historically
been given a variety of other attributions (as a guiding bird and a bird which can predict the
weather, for example), but original folktales ascribing these representations seem to have
gradually vanished.
Since the Meiji restoration in 1868 when Japan opened its doors to the West, the image of the
owl has also changed, and the view on owls as a symbol of wisdom and education became more
Today, the idea that owls represent lucky charms for fortune and protection and the alternate
view that they symbolize knowledge seem to coexist in an unusual and interesting mix, just like
the new and old Japan I guess, and this combination of meanings only increases the amount of
cute and happy owl designs on the market! (HubPages, 2015)
Pakistan, India and Bangladesh:
In Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, owl has a different meaning. Known as ullu in Urdu, its
usually considered as a bird of sorcerers. It is used in different magic casting spells and rituals. In
some parts it is considered as evil and something to avoid. The owl is a symbol of darkness and
foolishness. In some areas, it is considered a bad omen, if owl is found anywhere near someones
house. (The Dawn, 2011)
On the other hand for almost 74 years, owl was the emblem of Staff College. Since the Staff
College is concerned with inculcating professional wisdom in the students, the 'OWL' was
considered, at the time of its inception, to be the most appropriate symbol for the College. The
emblem of the College perched on crossed swords. The 'OWL', symbol of learning and wisdom,
and the swords, the Greek god of war, combined, thus, depict the character of this institution the seat of military knowledge and wisdom. (Government of Pakistan, n.d.)
India: Seizures in children could be treated with a broth made from Owl eyes. Rheumatism
pain was treated with a gel made from Owl meat. Owl meat could also be eaten as a natural
aphrodisiac. In northern India, if one ate the eyes of an Owl, they would be able to see in the
dark. In southern India, the cries of an Owl were interpreted by number: One hoot was an omen
of impending death; two meant success in anything that would be started soon after; three
represented a woman being married into the family; four indicated a disturbance; five denoted
coming travel; six meant guests were on the way; seven was a sign of mental distress; eight
foretold sudden death; and nine symbolized good fortune. In parts of the Indian sub-continent
people believed that the Owl was married to the bat. (Browne, Warren & Magnuson, 1995)
Africa, Central: the Owl is the familiar of wizards to the Bantu.
Africa, East: the Swahili believe the Owl brings illness to children.
Africa, Southern: Zulus know the Owl as the sorcerers' bird.
Africa, West: the messenger of wizards and witches, the Owl's cry presages evil. (Weinstein,