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RVM Tutorial

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Dimitris G. Tzikas 1 , Liyang Wei 2 , Aristidis Likas 1 , Yongyi Yang 2 , and Nikolas
P. Galatsanos 1

Department of Computer Science, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, 45110,


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Illinois Institute of

Technology, Chicago, IL 60616, USA.

Relevance vector machines (RVM) have recently attracted much interest in the
research community because they provide a number of advantages. They are based on
a Bayesian formulation of a linear model with an appropriate prior that results in a
sparse representation. As a consequence, they can generalize well and provide
inferences at low computational cost. In this tutorial we first present the basic theory
of RVM for regression and classification, followed by two examples illustrating the
application of RVM for object detection and classification. The first example is target
detection in images and RVM is used in a regression context. The second example is
detection and classification of microcalcifications from mammograms and RVM is
used in a classification framework. Both examples illustrate the application of the
RVM methodology and demonstrate its advantages.

Linear models are commonly used in a variety of regression problems, where the
value t* = y ( x* ) of a function y ( x) needs to be predicted at some arbitrary point x* ,
given a set of (typically noisy) measurements of the function t = {t1 ,..., t N } at some
training points X = {x1 ,..., xN } :

ti = y ( xi ) + i ,


where i is the noise component of the measurement.

Under a linear model assumption, the unknown function y ( x) is a linear
combination of some known basis functions i ( x) , i.e.,

y ( x) = wii ( x) ,


i =1

where w = ( w1 ,..., wM ) is a vector consisting of the linear combination weights.

Equation (1) can then be written in vector form as:

t = w + ,


where is an N M design matrix, whose i-th column is formed with the values of
basis function i ( x) at all the training points, and = (1 ,..., N ) is the noise vector.
Assuming independent, zero-mean, Gaussian distribution for the noise term,
i.e, i ~ N (0, 2 ) , the maximum likelihood estimate for w = ( w1 ,..., wM ) is given by:

wOLS = arg min( t w ) = (T ) 1 T t ,


which is also known as the ordinary least square (OLS) estimate. In many
applications, the matrix T is often ill-conditioned, and the OLS estimate suffers
from over-fitting, which is typical with maximum likelihood estimates. In order to
overcome this problem, constraints are commonly introduced on the parameters

w = ( w1 ,..., wM ) , which are used to imply specific desired properties of the estimated
function. The Bayesian methodology provides an elegant approach to define such
constraints by treating the parameters as random variables, to which suitable prior
distributions are introduced. For example, preference for smaller weight values, which
can lead to desirable smooth function estimates, can be specified by assigning a zeromean, Gaussian distribution to the weights:

p( w) = N ( w | 0, I ) .


Here, the variance parameter is adjusted according to the learning problem in order
to achieve good results.
Another desirable property of the unknown function, developed more recently,
is sparseness, in which the least number of basis functions are desired in the function
representation, while all the other basis functions are pruned by setting their
corresponding weight parameters to zero. Sparseness property is useful for several
reasons. First, sparse models can generalize well and are fast to compute. Second,
they also provide a feature selection mechanism which can be useful in some
There exist different methodologies for sparse linear regression, including
least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) [1],[2] and support vector
machines (SVM) [3]. In a Bayesian approach such as RVM, sparseness is achieved by
assuming a sparse distribution on the weights in a regression model. Specifically,
RVM is based on a hierarchical prior, where an independent Gaussian prior is defined
on the weight parameters in the first level, and an independent Gamma hyperprior is
used for the variance parameters in the second level. This results in an overall studentt prior on the weight parameters, which leads to model sparseness. A similar Bayesian
methodology to achieve sparseness is to use a Laplacian prior [5], which can also be
considered as a two-level hierarchical prior, consisting of an independent Gaussian
prior on the weights and an independent exponential hyperprior on their variances.
2.1. Multi-kernel Relevance Vector Machine
Relevance vector machine (RVM) is a special case of a sparse linear model, where the
basis functions are formed by a kernel function centred at the different training

y ( x) = wi ( x xi ) .


i =1

While this model is similar in form to the support vector machines (SVM), the kernel
function here does not need to satisfy the Mercers condition, which requires to be
a continuous symmetric kernel of a positive integral operator.

Multi-kernel RVM is an extension of the simple RVM model. It consists of

several different types of kernels m , given by:

y ( x) = wmim ( x xi ) .


m =1 i =1

The sparseness property enables automatic selection of the proper kernel at each
location by pruning all irrelevant kernels, though it is possible that two different
kernels remain on the same location.
2.2. Sparse Bayesian Prior
A sparse weight prior distribution can be obtained by modifying the commonly used
Gaussian prior in (5), such that a different variance parameter is assigned for each

p ( w | ) = N ( wi | 0, i1 ) .


i =1

where = (1 ,..., M ) is a vector consisting of M hyperparameters, which are treated

as independent random variables. A Gamma prior distribution is assigned on these
p ( i ) = Gamma ( a, b ) ,


where a and b are constants and are usually set to zero, which results in a flat
Gamma distribution. By integrating over the hyperparameters, we can obtain the
true weight prior p ( w ) = p ( w | a ) p ( a ) da . The above integral gives a student-t
prior, which is known to enforce sparse representations, owing to the fact that its mass
is mostly concentrated near the origin and the axes of definition.
2.3. Bayesian Inference
Assuming independent, zero-mean, Gaussian noise with variance 1 , i.e.,

~ N (0, 1) ,


we have the likelihood of the observed data as:

p (t | w, , ) = N (t | w, 1 I ) ,


where is either an N N or an N ( N * M ) design matrix for the single and

multikernel cases respectively. This matrix is formed by all the basis functions







= [ ( x1 ),..., ( xN )]T



( xi ) = [1 ( xi x1 ),..., 1 ( xi xN ),..., M ( xi xN )]T .

In order to make predictions using the Bayesian model, the parameter
posterior distribution p( w, | t ) needs to be computed. Unfortunately, it cannot be
computed analytically owing to its complexity, and approximations have to be made.
Following the procedure described in [4], we decompose the parameter posterior as:

p( w, , | t ) = p( w | t , , ) p( , | t ) .


Then, the posterior distribution of the weights can be computed as

p ( w | t, , ) =

p ( t | w, ) p ( w | )
p (t | , )

~ N ( w | , ) ,



= ( + A )

= t


and A = diag (1 ,..., M ) .

The posterior of the hyperparameters p ( , | t ) cannot be computed
analytically and is approximated by a delta function at its mode:
p ( , | t ) ( MP , MP ) .


We can find MP and MP by maximizing p ( , | t ) p ( t | , ) p ( ) p ( ) as:

MP = arg max ( p ( t | , ) p ( ) ) ,


MP = arg max ( p ( t | , ) p ( ) ) .



The term p ( t | , ) is known as the marginal likelihood or type-II likelihood [5] and
is computed by marginalizing the weights:

p ( t | , ) = p ( t | w ) p ( w | ) dw ,


p ( t | a, ) = N ( 0, + A1T ) .


which yields

An alternative approach is to follow the variational Bayesian methodology to

obtain an approximation to the posterior parameter distribution p( w, | t ) . This is

demonstrated in [5], but it is concluded that the method achieves only slightly
improved results at significant additional computations.
2.4. Marginal Likelihood Optimisation
The optimisation problem in (16) for MP cannot be solved analytically and an
iterative method has to be used. Instead of maximizing the hyperparameter posterior,
it is equivalent, and more convenient, to minimize its negative log likelihood [4]
which for the multikernel case is:
L( ) = log | C | +t T C 1t + (a log mi b mi ) + c log d ,
m =1 i =1


where C = + A1T . This equation when M = 1 gives the single kernel case.
Setting the derivative of L( ) to zero gives the following iterative formula:

minew =

1 + 2a
+ ( mi )( mi ) + 2b



where mi is the mi-th element of the posterior mean weight and ( mi )( mi ) is the mi-th
diagonal element of the posterior weight covariance. At each iteration, both mi and
( mi )( mi ) are evaluated from (14) using the current estimate of MP . Similarly, the

following formula can be obtained for the variance parameter:


N (1 mi ( mi )( mi ) ) + 2c
m =1 i =1

t + 2d


Computation of requires O(( NM ) ) computations, which can be very


demanding for models with many basis functions. During the training process, basis
functions whose corresponding weights are estimated to be zero may be pruned. This
will make matrix smaller after a few iterations, and its inversion will be easier.
However, there are M basis functions initially at each point, and computation of is
time consuming.
It is interesting to note that the iterative updates for the hyperparameters in
(21) and (22) can also be derived using an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm
by treating the weights w as hidden variables and the observations t and the
hyperparameters and as observed variables.

2.5. Incremental Optimization

A more efficient approach is the incremental algorithm proposed in [8]. The model is
initially assumed to contain only one basis function, and basis functions are
incrementally added or deleted subsequently. For the case of a flat prior on
hyperparameter a , maximization of the marginal likelihood is equivalent to

L( ) = log p (t | ) = N log 2 + log C + t T C 1t .

Given a single hyperparameter

we can decompose

L( )


into two


iT Ci1t )
T 1

L( ) = N log 2 + log Ci + t Ci t log i + log ( i + i C i i )

i + iT Ci1i

= L( i ) + l ( i ) ,
where L( i ) is independent of i and

l ( i ) =




i + si


with si = iT Ci1i , qi = iT Ci1t while Ci is matrix C with the contribution of basis

function i removed, i.e., C i = C i1iiT . Analysis of l ( i ) shows that L( ) has a
unique maximum with respect to i :

i =

qi2 si

i =

if qi2 > si


if q si

Thus, we can find aMP by iteratively:

adding a basis function i with qi2 > si ,

re-estimating hyperparameter i for a basis function already in the model, or

deleting a basis function i with qi2 si .

When adding a basis function or re-estimating the value of its hyperparameter,

we set i =

, which maximizes L( ) . Thus at each step the marginal
qi2 si

likelihood increases. Vectors s and q are calculated using an iterative algorithm that

utilizes their value from the previous iteration, details of these calculations can be
found in [8].
This incremental algorithm successfully overcomes the major difficulty of
inverting the full matrix . However, since at each iteration only one basis function
can be modified, significantly more iterations are required to reach convergence.
Convergence could be faster by choosing at each step to modify the basis function
that leads to the largest increase of the marginal likelihood. However, this requires
evaluating the marginal likelihood increase for all the basis functions at each step and
is computationally expensive. Overall, the incremental algorithm is a major
improvement over the initial non incremental algorithm. However, it is still
computationally demanding for very large datasets.
2.6. RVM for Classification
Similar to regression, RVM has also been used for classification. Consider a two-class
problem with training points

X = {x1 ,..., xN } and corresponding class labels

t = {t1 ,..., t N } with ti {0,1} . Based on the Bernoulli distribution, the likelihood (the

target conditional distribution) is expressed as:


p (t | w)= {( y ( xi ))}ti [1 {( y ( xi ))}]1ti ,


i =1

where ( y ) is the logistic sigmoid function:

1 + exp ( y (x) )
Unlike the regression case, however, the marginal likelihood p(t | ) can no longer be

( y (x)) =

obtained analytically by integrating the weights from (26), and an iterative procedure
has to be used.
Let i* denotes the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the hyperparameter i . The MAP estimate for the weights, denoted by w MAP , can be obtained
by maximizing the posterior distribution of the class labels given the input vectors.
This is equivalent to maximizing the following objective function:

i =1

i =1

J ( w1 , w2 ," , wN ) = log p (ti wi ) + log p ( wi i* ) ,


where the first summation term corresponds to the likelihood of the class labels, and
the second term corresponds to the prior on the parameters wi . In the resulting

solution, only those samples associated with nonzero coefficients wi (called relevance
vectors) will contribute to the decision function.
The gradient of the objective function J with respect to w is:
J = A w - T ( f - t )


f =[ (y ( x1 ))... (y ( xN ))]T , matrix has elements i , j = K ( x i , x j ) . The

Hessian of J is
H = 2 ( J ) = (T B + A )


where B = diag ( 1 ,..., N ) is a diagonal matrix with i = ( y ( xi ))[1 ( y ( xi ))] .

The posterior is approximated around w MAP by a Gaussian approximation with
= ( H |wMAP ) 1


= T Bt .


and mean
These results are identical to the regression case (14) and the hyperparameters i are
updated iteratively in the same manner as for the regression case.
2.7. Comparison to SVM Learning
SVM is another methodology for regression and classification that has attracted
considerable interest [3]. It is a constructive learning procedure rooted in statistical
learning theory [3], which is based on the principle of structural risk minimization. It
aims to minimizing the bound on the generalization error (i.e., the error made by the
learning machine on data unseen during training) rather than minimizing the empirical
error such as the mean square error over the data set [3]. This results in good
generalization capability and an SVM tends to perform well when applied to data
outside the training set.
In the context of classification, an SVM classifier in concept first maps an
input data vector x into a higher dimensional space H through an underlying
nonlinear mapping (x) , then applies linear classification in this mapped space.
Introducing a kernel function K (x, y ) (x)T (y ) , we can write an SVM classifier
f SVM (x) as follows:


f SVM (x) = i K (x, si ) + b


i =1

where si , i = 1, 2," , N s are a subset of the training samples {xi , i = 1, 2," , N } (called
support vectors). The SVM classifier in (33) resembles in form the RVM classifier in
(6), yet the two classifiers are derived from different principles. As will be
demonstrated later by the application results (Section 3.3), for SVM the support
vectors are typically formed by borderline, difficult-to-classify samples in the
training set, which are located near the decision boundary of the classifier; in contrast,
for RVM the relevance vectors are formed by samples appearing to be more
representative of the two classes, which are located away from the decision boundary
of the classifier.
Compared to SVM, RVM is found to be advantageous on several aspects
including: 1) The RVM decision function can be much sparser than the SVM
classifier, i.e., the number of relevance vectors can be much smaller than that of
support vectors; 2) RVM does not need the tuning of a regularization parameter ( C )
as in SVM during the training phase. As a drawback, however, the training phase of
RVM typically involves a highly nonlinear optimization process.
The relevance vector machine (RVM) technique has been applied in many
different areas of pattern recognition, including communication channel equalization
[22], head model retrieval [23], feature optimization [24], functional neuroimages
analysis [25] and facial expressions recognition [26]. In this paper we describe two
applications: the first concerns the application of large scale multikernel RVM for
object detection in large scale images, while the second deals with computer-aided
diagnosis of microcalcifications in digitized mammograms.
3.1. RVM for Images: Optimization in the Fourier Domain
As previously noted one of the main difficulties of RVM when applied to large data
sets (such as images) is that the computations required for the posterior statistics in
equation (14) can be prohibitive. In what follows we first introduce a methodology to
ameliorate this problem.

When the training points are uniform samples of a signal (e.g., the pixels of an
image) and the kernel is symmetric, the RVM for the single kernel case can be written
using a convolution as:

y = w ,


where = ( K ( x1 , x1 ), K ( x2 , x1 ),..., K ( x1 , xN )) is the kernel vector, containing the

kernel function centred at x1 , evaluated each training point. This convolution can be
expressed in matrix form as:

y = w ,


where is a circulant matrix whose first row is vector . Such convolution can be
easily computed using DFT as:

k = Wk k ,


where k is the k-th DFT coefficient of y, Wk is the k-th DFT coefficient of w, and

k is the k-th DFT coefficient of . This observation allows very efficient

computation of the output of an RVM model.
More importantly, the same idea can be utilized to compute the posterior
statistics of the weights and . Starting from (14), we can compute these
quantities by solving the following linear system:
( T + A) = T t .


The solution involves inversion of the matrix T Cn1 + A , which is computationally

expensive. Instead, we can employ an optimization method, such as conjugate
gradient, to solve this linear system by solving the following optimization problem:

= arg min( wT ( T + A) w ( T t )T w) ,


which is equivalent, since the derivative of the minimized quantity will be zero at the
minimum. The quantities wT ( T ) w and ( T t )T w can be efficiently computed in
the DFT domain, since the matrix is circulant, while computation of wT Aw is
straightforward since A is diagonal. Assuming we could perform arithmetic
operations with infinite precision, the conjugate gradient algorithm is guaranteed to
converge after a finite number of iterations. In practice, a very good estimate can be
obtained after only a few iterations.
However, in order to compute the posterior weight covariance we have to
invert the matrix T Cn1 + A , which is computationally demanding. Instead, observe

that we only need to compute the diagonal of , which can be approximated by

assuming T to be diagonal as:

ii = 1/( T + A)ii .


Although this approximation is not generally valid, it has been proven effective in
experiments, because the matrix A has commonly very large values and is the
dominant term in the expression T + A .
This approach can be extended easily for the multikernel case in such case

instead of equation (35) we have y = m wm where m and wm are the circulant

m =1

matrix and weights, respectively, that correspond to the m-th kernel. Thus we can

write in the DFT domain Yk = mk wkm where k is the k-th DFT coefficient of y,
m =1

Wkm is the k-th DFT coefficient of wm , and mk is the k-th DFT coefficient of m .
3.2. Object Detection
In an object detection problem, the goal is to determine the locations of a given
`target' image in an `observed' image in the presence of noise. The 'target' may appear
significantly different in the observed image, as a result of being scaled, rotated,
occluded by other objects, of different illumination conditions, etc.
A commonly used approach to object detection is matched filter and its
variants, such as the phase-only [9] and the symmetric phase-only [10] matched
filters. These are based on computing the correlation image between the observed
and target images, which is thresholded to determine the locations where the `target'
object is present. Alternatively, the problem can be formulated as image restoration,
where the image to be restored is considered as an impulse function at the location of
the target object. This technique allows explicit modeling of the background to be
incorporated in the detection process, such as autoregressive models, and has been
shown to be superior to the different versions of the matched filter [11].
Below we describe a methodology for object detection based on training a
multikernel DFT-RVM model on the observation image. This RVM model consists
of two sets of basis functions: basis functions that are used to model the `target' image
and basis functions that are used to model the background. After training the model,
each target basis function that survives in the model can be considered as a detected

target object. However, if the background basis functions are not flexible enough,
target functions may also be used to model areas of the background. Thus, we
should consider only target basis functions whose corresponding weight is larger
than a specified threshold.
Let t = (t1 ,..., t N ) be a vector consisting of the intensity values of the pixels of
the `observed' image. We model this image using the RVM model, as:

i =1

i =1

t = wtit ( x xi ) + wbib ( x xi ) + ,


where t is the `target' basis function which is a vector consisting of the intensity
values of the pixels of the `target' image, and b is the background basis function
which we choose to be a Gaussian function. After training the RVM model, we obtain
the vectors t and b which are the posterior mean weights for the kernel and
background, respectively. Ideally, `target' kernel functions would only be used to
model occurrences of the `target' object. However, because the background basis
functions are often not flexible enough to model the background accurately, some
`target' basis functions have been used to model the background as well. In order to
decide which `target' basis functions actually correspond to `target' occurrences, the
posterior `target' weight mean values are thresholded, and only those that exceed a
specified threshold are considered significant:
Target exists at location i |ti |>T .


Choosing a low threshold may generate false alarms, indicating that the object
is present in locations where it actually doesn't exist. On the other hand, choosing a
high threshold may result in failing to detect an existing object. There is no universal
optimal value for the threshold, but instead it should be chosen depending on the
characteristics of each application.
3.2.1. Numerical Experiments
In this section we present experiments that demonstrate the improved performance of
the DFT-RVM algorithm compared to autoregressive impulse restoration (ARIR),

Figure 1. Object detection example. The `target' image is a tank located at pixel (100,50). LEFT: The noisy `observed' image.
CENTER: Area around target of the result of the ARIR algorithm. RIGHT: Area around target of the result of the DFT-RVM

which is found to be superior to most existing object detection methods [11]. We first
demonstrate an example in which the `observed' image is constructed by adding the
`target' object to a background image and then adding white Gaussian noise. An
image consisting of the values of the target kernel weights computed with the DFTRVM algorithm is shown in Fig. 1. Note that because of the RVM sparseness
property, only few weights have non-zero values. The `target' object is the tank
located at pixel (100, 50), where the bright white spot on the kernel weight image
When evaluating a detection algorithm it is important to consider the detection
probability PD, which is the probability that an existing `target' is detected and the
probability of false alarm PFA, which is the probability that a `target' is incorrectly
detected. Any of these probabilities can be set to an arbitrary value by selecting an
appropriate value for the threshold T. A receiver operating characteristics (ROC)
curve is a plot of the probability of detection PD versus the probability of false alarm
PFA, which provides a comprehensive way to demonstrate the performance of a
detection algorithm. However, an ROC curve is not suitable for evaluating object
detection algorithms because it only considers if an algorithm has detected an object
or not; it does not consider if the object was detected in the correct location. Instead,
we can use the localized ROC (LROC) curve, which is a plot of the probability of
detection and correct localization PDL versus the probability of false alarm and
considers also the location where a `target' has been detected.
In order to evaluate the performance of the algorithm, we created 50
`observed' images by adding a `target' image to a random location of a background
image, and another 50 `observed' images without the `target' object. White Gaussian
noise was then added to each `observed' image. The DFT-RVM algorithm was then
used to estimate the parameters of an RVM model with a `target' kernel and a
Gaussian background kernel for each `observed' image, generating 100 kernel weight
images. These kernel weight images were then thresholded for many different
threshold values and estimates of the probabilities PDL and PFA were computed for
each threshold value. Similar experiments were performed for the ARIR algorithm
also. An LROC curve was then plotted for each algorithm, see Fig. 2. The area under
the LROC curve, which is a common measure of the performance of a detection
algorithm, is significantly larger for the DFT-RVM algorithm. It is important that the

LROC curve is high for small values of PFA, since usually the threshold is chosen so
that only a small fraction of false detections are allowed [11].

Figure 2. LROC curves for the ARIR (left) and DFT-RVM (right) algorithms.

3.3. Applications on Computer-aided Diagnosis

3.3.1. Background
Breast cancer is a common form of cancer diagnosed in women. One of the important
early signs of breast cancer in mammograms is the appearance of microcalcification
(MC) clusters, which appear in 30-50% of mammographically diagnosed cases [12].
MCs are calcium deposits of very small dimension and appear as a group of granular
bright spots in a mammogram. As an example, Fig. 3 shows a mammogram image
with a cluster of MCs. Individual MCs are sometimes difficult to detect because of the
surrounding breast tissue, their variation in shape and small dimension. Because of its
importance in breast cancer diagnosis, accurate detection and classification of MC
clusters are very important problems.



Figure 3. (a) Mammogram in craniocaudal view. (b) Expanded view showing MCs.

3.3.2. Automatic detection of microcalcification clusters

In recent years, there has been a great deal of research in development of
computerized methods for automatic and accurate detection of MC clusters, which
could potentially assist radiologists in diagnosis of breast cancer. A thorough review
of various methods for MC detection reported in the literature can be found in [13]. In
[14], we developed a support vector machine (SVM) approach for detection of
clustered MCs in mammograms, and demonstrated that such an approach could
outperform several well-known methods in the literature.
While the SVM approach achieves the best detection performance, the
computational complexity of the SVM classifier may prove to be burdensome in realtime or near real-time applications. In an SVM classifier, the decision function is
determined by a subset of training samples (called support vectors); the computational
complexity of the decision function is linearly proportional to the number of support
vectors. As a consequence, too many a support vector can lead to a classifier (SVM)
that is computationally expensive. This issue is especially important for MC
detection, as modern digital mammography scanners can produce images at high
resolutions, which may require significant computation time to process. To address
this issue, in [15] we proposed to improve the computational efficiency of our
previously developed SVM detection by using an alternative relevance vector
machine (RVM) for MC detection. The advantage is that the RVM classifier can
yield a decision function that is much sparser than the SVM while maintaining its
detection accuracy. This can lead to significant reduction in the computational
complexity of the decision function, thereby making it more suitable for real-time
Here MC detection is formulated as a binary classification problem.
Specifically, at each location of a mammogram image, we apply an RVM classifier to
determine whether an MC object is present or not. That is, for a given mammogram
image, the MC detection process consists of the following two steps: 1) at each pixel
location in the image, extract an input vector x to describe its surrounding image
feature; 2) apply the RVM classifier f RVM (x) to decide whether x belongs to MC
present class or MC absent class.

We define the input vector x to the RVM classifier to be formed by a small

window of M M pixels centered at the location of interest in a mammogram image.
The choice of M should be large enough to cover an MC and yet small enough to
avoid any interference from neighboring MCs. In the dataset used in this study, the
mammograms were digitized at 0.05 mm/pixel, and M =15 was chosen empirically in
our experiments.
To suppress the background and thereby restrict the intra-class variations
among the input samples, a high-pass filter with a narrow stop-band was applied to
each mammogram image. The high-pass filter was designed to be a finite impulse
response (FIR) filter with cutoff frequency wc=0.05 cycles/pixel and length 10. In
summary, the input vector x is obtained at each pixel location as follows:

x = W [ Hf ]
where f denotes the entire mammogram image, H denotes the filtering operator, and
W is the windowing operator. Note that for M = 15 , the dimension of x is 225.
The training of the RVM classifier function consists of the following two
steps: 1) collect training samples

{(xi , di ), i = 1, 2," , N }

from the existing

mammograms, 2) optimize the model parameters of the RVM classifier for best
To demonstrate the RVM classifier, we used a set of 141 mammograms from
66 clinical cases collected by the Department of Radiology at the University of
Chicago. Each mammogram had one or more clusters of MCs which were
histologically proven. These mammograms were digitized with a spatial resolution of
0.05 mm/pixel and 10-bit grayscale with a dimension of 3000 5000 pixels. The
MCs in each mammogram were manually identified by a group of experienced
radiologists. To save computation time, a section of 900 1000 pixels, containing all
the identified MCs, was cropped from each mammogram such that it was free of nontissue areas. These section images were used in our subsequent experiments.
In our study, we divided the dataset in a random fashion into two separate
subsets, each containing 33 cases. Subsequently, mammograms in one subset were
used for training the classifiers, and mammograms in the other subset were used
exclusively for testing the classifiers. Thus, mammograms from the same case were
used either for training or testing, but never for both.

The mammograms in the training subset were found to have a total of 1291
individual MCs. For each of these MCs, a window of M M image pixels centered at
its center was extracted; the vector formed by this window of pixels, denoted by xi ,
was then treated as an input pattern to the classifier for the MC present class
( d i = +1 ). This yielded a total of 1291 samples for the MC present class. Similarly,
nearly twice as many (2232, to be exact) MC absent samples were collected
( d i = 1 ), except that their locations were selected randomly from the set of all MC
absent locations in the training mammograms. In this procedure no sample window
was allowed to overlap with any other sample window. For demonstration purpose,
we show in Fig. 4 some examples of sample image windows for MC present and
MC absent classes in the resulting training data set.
To determine the fine-tuning parameters of the RVM classifier model for
optimal performance, we apply a ten-fold cross validation in the training set. The best
error level (4.89%) was obtained by an order-2 polynomial kernel. For the RVM
classifier, the number of relevance vectors (produced during training) was found to be
65 (1.85% of the number of training samples).
For comparison, we also trained an SVM classifier using the same data set.
The number of support vectors was found to be 521 (14.79% of the number of
training samples). Indeed, the RVM classifier is much sparser than the SVM.
To gain further insight on the RVM classifier, we show in Fig. 5 the
corresponding image windows for some relevance vectors from both MC present
and MC absent classes; for comparison, we show in Fig. 6 the image windows for
some support vectors of the SVM classifier. As can be seen, for the RVM the
relevance vectors from the two classes are distinctly different. The MC present
relevance vectors consist of MCs that are clearly visible, and the MC absent
relevance vectors consist of image windows that do not show MC-like features at all.
In a sense, the relevance vectors are formed by easy-to-classify samples from both
classes. In contrast, for the SVM the support vectors from the two classes do not seem
to be distinctly different, that is, the MC present support vectors could be mistaken
for MC absent image regions, and vice versa. These support vectors are samples
that appear to be borderline, difficult-to-classify. These results demonstrate that
the two classifiers are quite different from each other.

MC present samples

15 15

Figure 4. Examples of

MC absent samples

image windows of training samples from the MC present and MC absent classes. These

are randomly selected from the training set.

MC present relevance vectors

Figure 5. Examples of

15 15

MC absent relevance vectors

image windows of the relevance vectors (RVs) from the MC present and MC absent

classes. All the 19 MC present RVs are shown and only 25 of the 46 MC absent RVs are shown.

MC present support vectors

Figure 6. Examples of

15 15

MC absent support vectors

image windows of the support vectors (SVs) from the MC present and MC absent classes.

The performance of the RVM classifier for detection of clustered MCs is

summarized using free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) curves. An
FROC curve [16] plots the correct detection rate (i.e. true positive fraction (TPF))
versus the average number of false-positives (FPs) per image varied over the
continuum of the decision threshold. It provides a comprehensive summary of the
trade-off between detection sensitivity and specificity. The trained classifiers were
evaluated using all the mammograms in the test subset. The test results are
summarized using FROC curves in Fig. 7. In particular, the RVM achieved a
sensitivity of approximately 90% when the false positive rate is at one FP cluster on
average per image. Interestingly, this sensitivity level is also similar to that achieved
by the SVM. Compared to SVM, the RVM classifier has reduced the detection time
from nearly 250 s to about 30 s per image, nearly an order of magnitude reduction.
Experimental results showed that the RVM technique could greatly reduce the
computational complexity of the SVM while maintaining its detection accuracy. This
makes RVM more feasible for real-time processing of MC clusters in mammograms.

Figure 7. FROC curves of the different methods.

3.3.3. Classification of Microcalcification Clusters

Once MCs are detected, another issue is how to classify them. Since these lesions
appear in benign breast tissues as well as in malignant ones. They are often very
difficult to diagnose accurately. It is reported that among those with radiographically
suspicious, nonpalpable lesions who are sent for biopsy, only 15% to 34% are found
to actually have malignancies [17][18]. There has been a great deal of research in
recent years to develop computerized methods that potentially could assist
radiologists differentiate benign from malignant MCs. In particular, Jiang et al [19]
developed an automated computer scheme that was demonstrated to classify clustered

MCs more accurately than radiologists. This scheme made use of a feedforward
artificial neural network (FFNN), which was trained to predict the likelihood of
malignancy based on quantitative image features automatically extracted from the
clustered MCs. It was subsequently demonstrated in [20] that when used as a
diagnostic aid, this scheme could also lead to significant improvement in radiologists
performance in distinguishing between malignant and benign clustered MCs. In [21]
we investigated several state-of-the-art machine-learning methods including RVM,
SVM, and Kernel Fishers discriminant for automated classification of clustered
microcalcifications (MCs).
In our study, classification of malignant from benign clustered MCs is treated
as a two-class pattern classification problem, i.e., a microcalcification cluster (MCC)
under consideration is either malignant or benign. The different classifier models were
developed and tested using a data set collected by the Department of Radiology at the
University of Chicago. This data set consisted of 697 mammograms from 386 clinical
cases, of which all had lesions containing clustered microcalcifications which were
histologically proven. Among them 75 were malignant, and the rest (311) were
benign. Furthermore, most of these cases have two standard-view mammograms:
mediolateral oblique (ML) and craniocaudal (CC) views. The clustered MCs were
identified by a group of experienced researchers. For computer analysis, all the
mammograms in the data set were digitized with a spatial resolution of 0.1 mm/pixel
and 10-bit grayscale. The data set includes a wide spectrum of cases that are judged to
be difficult to classify by radiologists.
For automated classification, the following eight features [19][20], all
computed from the mammogram images, were used to characterize an MCC: 1) the
number of MCs in the cluster, 2) the mean effective volume (area times effective
thickness) of individual MCs, 3) the area of the cluster, 4) the circularity of the
cluster, 5) the relative standard deviation of the effective thickness, 6) the relative
standard deviation of the effective volume, 7) the mean area of MCs, and 8) the
second highest microcalcification-shape-irregularity measure. The numerical values
of all these features were normalized to be within the range between 0 and 1. These
features were selected to have intuitive meanings that correlate qualitatively to
features used by radiologists [19]. This provides an important common ground for the
computer scheme to achieve high classification performance and for radiologists to
interpret the computer results.

For preparation of training and testing samples for the classifier models, the
eight features are extracted for each MCC in the mammogram data set; the vector
formed by the eight feature values, denoted by xi , is then treated as an input pattern,
and is labeled as yi = +1 for a malignant case, and yi = 1 otherwise. Together,

( xi , yi ) forms an input-output pair. There are in total 697 such pairs obtained from the
whole mammogram data set. These pairs are subsequently used for training and
testing of the classifier models.
To determine the fine-tuning parameters for each classifier model, we apply a
leave-one-out cross validation procedure. To evaluate the performance of a classifier,
we use the so-called receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, which is now
used routinely for many classification tasks. We list in Table I the estimate of Az and
its standard deviation, obtained using the ROCKIT program [27], and the parametric
settings resulted from the training procedure for the different classifier models. These
results demonstrate that the kernel methods (RVM, SVM, and KFD) are similar in
performance (in terms of Az ), significantly outperforming a well-established,
clinically-proven CADx approach that is based on neural network.






0. 8545




Std. Dev.









3 layers,




6 hidden






100 seeds

The relevance vector machine (RVM) constitutes a powerful methodology for
regression and classification tasks. It achieves very good generalization performance
and yields sparse models that provide inference at moderate computational cost.
However, during the training phase the inversion of a large matrix is required. This
makes this methodology inappropriate for large datasets. This problem can be

partially overcome by a modified learning algorithm, based on building the desired

model incrementally. For image data where a periodically sampled training set is
available a methodology based on computations in the DFT domain has been
described which can bypass these difficulties. Since RVM can be also used for
classification tasks we present a successful example of RVM for microcalcification
detection and classification. This example clearly demonstrates the advantages of
RVM and illustrates its differences from SVM.

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