BMW Case Study
BMW Case Study
BMW Case Study
The cockpit which contains over ninety seven parts was both critical and
Supplier can face problem in the production process and with parts which
they miss. We should tape their expertise earlier. They should also have
them make prototype parts so that they can learn about the parts before
they have to make it in volume.
Between January and June of 1991 the 7series cockpit module team
formulated a proposal to alter the process for prototyping the next and final
batch of 7series prototype. This final batch which would be assembled in six
months was to consist of 25 prototype vehicles.
Cause 1:
using different tools and materials in the prototyping process as compared to the
production models
Current results obtained from materials used in prototype testing may not conform
with desired results in final production models
Cause 2:
used part designers drawings and clay models rather than pre-production tools in
the first prototyping stage for all parts
Masked many design and manufacturing problems
Lowers their opportunity to discover and fix quality problems
Require more highly skilled craftsmen to take care of the hand-built prototype =>
labour cost and more time taken
Cause 3:
mixed-model ramp up strategy: produces the new series on the same production
line as the old models
Greater confusion among workers and made the logistics more complex
Not all problems were discovered or solved in the pilot production phase
People spent a lot of their time identifying and solving the big problems => less
time for minor problems and fine tuning
High customer complaints despite of intensive/extra resrouces for quality
assurance, inspection and rework
==> Affected the quality of new models being produced
Cause 4:
let suppliers involve in final engineering drawings and commercial production
process late
If suppliers come across problems during the commercial production => take time
for adjustment in design
Unable to supply the materials or tools that BMW wants to procure
Cause 1:
Minimizing the gap between prototype and production process in terms of tools and
materials used.
Cause 2:
Using sudden changeover approach (Exhibit 7)
Giving cross-training for labours to improve the ability and flexibility in switching the
design and production of different models.
Cause 3:
Using pre-production tools to build most of prototype parts in early prototyping
(expensive investment : DM 50 for entire car)
Cause 4:
Involving the most reliable suppliers in the industry earlier in the development
process and use their experience and skill to improve efficiency in trouble shooting
Helping the supplier get a more detailed understanding of what they are looking
for exactly
Creating strong, close supplier relationships
Question 2
2 a. Recommendations concerning the 7-Series prototypes
2b. Recommendation Regarding Future Development Projects
Strategic Objective Enhancement
SO 1: considering and applying lean production/manufacturing
S0 2: decreasing the development lead time
S0 3: competitive benchmarking (lower customers complaints per car)
Adopt concurrent engineering
Expanding the relationship with the third party logistic.
Promoting the interaction, communication among departments and suppliers
Having specialists and experts participate in the production process.
Manufacturing capacity extension
Corporating with potential vendors, suppliers and universities.
New pre-production tools should be applied at the early prototype stage. Learning
from the prototypes.
Employees in the factory should be well-trained
With new construction of prototypes: esemble techniques used to build in highvolume production vehicles
=> Reducing problems associated with bringing new models into production.
=> Maintaining high-quality image
=> Increasing market share
=> Reduce customer complaints
=> Be more customer-friendly
Expected Improvements:
Case Problems
Low quality launch as compared to competitors => customer complaints
Decisions over the Cockpit Design (i.e.: Hand Crafted vs. Automated Production)
Ways to improve operation objectives (quality, flexibility)
Make sure: Performance >/= Customers expectations in such of critical dimensions:
Durability (life-span)
Defects per unit
Scrap level
Question 4
Point 2: Market extension
Limitations for recommendations
Limitation for question 2a
The initial investments: high, costly
Constrain companys flexibility and creativity to introduce a completely new design
Leak of innovative ideas and trade secretes
2b. Objective 1: limitation (for individual customization strategy)
Costs and wastes can increase if lean manufacturing is not successful
Productivity would be lower
Possibly losing their position and customer
Objective 2: limitation (Decrease the development lead-time)
Hard to keep the quality of product perfectly right
Difficult to make bold and attractive changes in design
Limitation for question 3a:
Using specified production tools => higher cost
Taking longer procurement time to purchase the right materials to do prototypes
and production.
Increasing in companys expenditure for other materials.
Delayed time to- market is possible.