Thermonuclear Weapon
Thermonuclear Weapon
Thermonuclear Weapon
most of the worlds nuclear weapons.[2] The modern design of all thermonuclear weapons in the United States is
known as the Teller-Ulam conguration for its two chief
contributors, Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, who developed it in 1951[3] for the United States, with certain
concepts developed with the contribution of John von
Neumann. The rst test of a hydrogen bomb prototype
was the "Ivy Mike" nuclear test in 1952, conducted by
the United States. The rst ready-to-use thermonuclear
bomb "RDS-6s" (Joe 4) was tested on August 12, 1953,
in the Soviet Union. Similar devices were developed by
the United Kingdom, China, and France.
As thermonuclear weapons represent the most ecient
design for weapon energy yield in weapons with yields
above 50 kilotons, virtually all the nuclear weapons deployed by the ve nuclear-weapon states under the NPT
today are thermonuclear weapons using the TellerUlam
The essential features of the mature thermonuclear
weapon design, which ocially remained secret for
nearly three decades, are:
1. Separation of stages into a triggering primary explosive and a much more powerful secondary explosive.
2. Compression of the secondary by X-rays coming
from nuclear ssion in the primary, a process called
the "radiation implosion" of the secondary.
The basics of the TellerUlam design for a thermonuclear
weapon. Radiation from a primary ssion bomb compresses a
secondary section containing both ssion and fusion fuel. The
compressed secondary is heated from within by a second ssion
2 Basic principle
Surrounding the other components is a hohlraum or radiation case, a container which traps the rst stage or primarys energy inside temporarily. The outside of this radiation case, which is also normally the outside casing of
the bomb, is the only direct visual evidence publicly available of any thermonuclear bomb components conguration. Numerous photographs of various thermonuclear
bomb exteriors have been declassied.[7]
inducing additional ssion. Generally, a research program with the capacity to create a thermonuclear bomb
has already mastered the ability to engineer boosted ssion. When red, the plutonium-239 (Pu-239) and/or
uranium-235 (U-235) core would be compressed to a
smaller sphere by special layers of conventional high explosives arranged around it in an explosive lens pattern,
initiating the nuclear chain reaction that powers the conventional atomic bomb.
The secondary is usually shown as a column of fusion fuel and other components wrapped in many layers.
Around the column is rst a pusher-tamper, a heavy
layer of uranium-238 (U-238) or lead which serves to
help compress the fusion fuel (and, in the case of uranium, may eventually undergo ssion itself). Inside this
is the fusion fuel itself, usually a form of lithium deuteride, which is used because it is easier to weaponize
than liquied tritium/deuterium gas (compare the success of the cryogenic deuterium-based Ivy Mike experiment to the (over)success of the lithium deuteride-based
Castle Bravo experiment). This dry fuel, when bombarded by neutrons, produces tritium, a heavy isotope of
hydrogen which can undergo nuclear fusion, along with
the deuterium present in the mixture. (See the article on
nuclear fusion for a more detailed technical discussion of
fusion reactions.) Inside the layer of fuel is the spark
plug, a hollow column of ssile material (plutonium-239
or uranium-235) which, when compressed, can itself undergo nuclear ssion (because of the shape, it is not a
critical mass without compression). The tertiary, if one is
present, would be set below the secondary and probably
be made up of the same materials.[8][9]
Separating the secondary from the primary is the
interstage. The ssioning primary produces four types
of energy: 1) expanding hot gases from high explosive charges which implode the primary; 2) superheated
plasma that was originally the bombs ssile material and
its tamper; 3) the electromagnetic radiation; and 4) the
neutrons from the primarys nuclear detonation. The
interstage is responsible for accurately modulating the
transfer of energy from the primary to the secondary.
It must direct the hot gases, plasma, electromagnetic radiation and neutrons toward the right place at the right
time. Less than optimal interstage designs have resulted
in the secondary failing to work entirely on multiple shots,
known as a ssile zzle. The Koon shot of Operation
Castle is a good example; a small aw allowed the neutron ux from the primary to prematurely begin heating
the secondary, weakening the compression enough to prevent any fusion.
the previous reector. There are about six neutron guns
(seen here from Sandia National Laboratories[12] ) each
poking through the outer edge of the reector with one
end in each section; all are clamped to the carriage and
arranged more or less evenly around the casings circumference. The neutron guns are tilted so the neutron emitting end of each gun end is pointed towards the central
axis of the bomb. Neutrons from each neutron gun pass
through and are focused by the neutron focus lens towards
the centre of primary in order to boost the initial ssioning of the plutonium. A "Polystyrene Polarizer/Plasma
Source is also shown (see below).
The rst U.S. government document to mention the interstage was only recently released to the public promoting the 2004 initiation of the Reliable Replacement Warhead Program. A graphic includes blurbs describing the
potential advantage of a RRW on a part by part level,
with the interstage blurb saying a new design would replace toxic, brittle material and expensive 'special' material... [which require] unique facilities.[13] The toxic,
brittle material is widely assumed to be beryllium, which
ts that description and would also moderate the neutron
ux from the primary. Some material to absorb and re- Thermonuclear weapons may or may not use a boosted
radiate the X-rays in a particular manner may also be primary stage, use dierent types of fusion fuel, and
may surround the fusion fuel with beryllium (or another
The special material is thought to be a substance called neutron reecting material) instead of depleted uranium
"FOGBANK", an unclassied codename, though it is of- to prevent early premature ssion from occurring before
ten referred to as "THE fogbank (or "A Fogbank) as the secondary is optimally compressed.
if it were a subassembly instead of a material. Its composition is classied, though aerogel has been suggested
as a possibility. Manufacture stopped for many years;
3 Compression of the secondary
however, the Life Extension Program required it to start
up again Y-12 currently being the sole producer (the
unique facility referenced). The manufacturing process The basic idea of the TellerUlam conguration is that
used acetonitrile as a solvent, which led to at least three each stage would undergo ssion or fusion (or both)
evacuations in 2006. Acetonitrile is widely used in the and release energy, much of which would be transferred
petroleum and pharmaceutical industries. Like most sol- to another stage to trigger it. How exactly the energy is
transported from the primary to the secondary has been
vents, it is ammable and can be toxic.[15]
the subject of some disagreement in the open press, but
is thought to be transmitted through the X-rays which are
2.1 Summary
emitted from the ssioning primary. This energy is then
used to compress the secondary. The crucial detail of
A simplied summary of the above explanation is:
how the X-rays create the pressure is the main remaining
disputed point in the unclassied press. There are three
1. An implosion assembly type of ssion bomb is ex- proposed theories:
ploded. This is the primary stage. If a small amount
of deuterium/tritium gas is placed inside the pri Radiation pressure exerted by the X-rays. This was
marys core, it will be compressed during the explothe rst idea put forth by Howard Morland in the
sion and a nuclear fusion reaction will occur; the rearticle in The Progressive.
leased neutrons from this fusion reaction will induce
further ssion in the plutonium-239 or uranium-235
X-rays creating a plasma in the radiation cases ller
used in the primary stage. The use of fusion fuel
(a polystyrene or "FOGBANK" plastic foam). This
to enhance the eciency of a ssion reaction is
was a second idea put forward by Chuck Hansen and
called boosting. Without boosting, a large portion of
later by Howard Morland.
the ssile material will remain unreacted; the Little
Boy and Fat Man bombs had an eciency of only
Tamper/Pusher ablation. This is the concept best
1.4% and 17%, respectively, because they were unsupported by physical analysis.
Tamper-pusher ablation
Radiation pressure
The radiation pressure exerted by the large quantity of Xray photons inside the closed casing might be enough to
compress the secondary. Electromagnetic radiation such
as X-rays or light carries momentum and exerts a force
on any surface it strikes. The pressure of radiation at the
intensities seen in everyday life, such as sunlight striking
a surface, is usually imperceptible, but at the extreme intensities found in a thermonuclear bomb the pressure is
For two thermonuclear bombs for which the general size
and primary characteristics are well understood, the Ivy
Mike test bomb and the modern W-80 cruise missile warhead variant of the W-61 design, the radiation pressure
was calculated to be 73 million bar (atmospheres) (7.3 T
Pa) for the Ivy Mike design and 1,400 million bar (140
TPa) for the W-80.[16]
This would complete the ssion-fusion-ssion sequence.
Fusion, unlike ssion, is relatively cleanit releases energy but no harmful radioactive products or large amounts
of nuclear fallout. The ssion reactions though, especially
the last ssion reaction, release a tremendous amount of
ssion products and fallout. If the last ssion stage is
omitted, by replacing the uranium tamper with one made
of lead, for example, the overall explosive force is reduced by approximately half but the amount of fallout
is relatively low. The neutron bomb is a hydrogen bomb
with an intentionally thin tamper, allowing as much radiation as possible to escape.
2. The ssioning primary emits X-rays, which reect along the inside of the casing, irradiating the
polystyrene foam.
Current technical criticisms of the idea of foam plasma
pressure focus on unclassied analysis from similar high
3. The irradiated foam becomes a hot plasma, pushing energy physics elds which indicate that the pressure proagainst the tamper of the secondary, compressing duced by such a plasma would only be a small multiplier
it tightly, and beginning the ssion reaction in the of the basic photon pressure within the radiation case,
spark plug.
and also that the known foam materials intrinsically have
4. Pushed from both sides (from the primary and the a very low absorption eciency of the gamma ray and
spark plug), the lithium deuteride fuel is highly X-ray radiation from the primary. Most of the energy
compressed and heated to thermonuclear temper- produced would be absorbed by either the walls of the
atures. Also, by being bombarded with neutrons, radiation case and/or the tamper around the secondary.
each lithium6 atom splits into one tritium atom Analyzing the eects of that absorbed energy led to the
and one alpha particle. Then begins a fusion reac- third mechanism: ablation.
tion between the tritium and the deuterium, releasing even more neutrons, and a huge amount of en3.3
5. The fuel undergoing the fusion reaction emits a large
ux of neutrons, which irradiates the U-238 tamper
(or the U-238 bomb casing), causing it to undergo
a ssion reaction, providing about half of the total
Tamper-pusher ablation
mary that they ablate away, exploding outwards at such billion bar (6.4 PPa) in the W-80 device.[16]
high speed that the rest of the tamper recoils inwards at
a tremendous velocity, crushing the fusion fuel and the
spark plug.
3.4 Comparing the implosion mechanisms
Comparing the three mechanisms proposed, it can be
seen that:
The calculated ablation pressure is one order of magnitude greater than the higher proposed plasma pressures
and nearly two orders of magnitude greater than calculated radiation pressure. No mechanism to avoid the absorption of energy into the radiation case wall and the
secondary tamper has been suggested, making ablation
apparently unavoidable. The other mechanisms appear
to be unneeded.
United States Department of Defense ocial declassication reports indicate that foamed plastic materials are
or may be used in radiation case liners, and despite the
low direct plasma pressure they may be of use in delaying the ablation until energy has distributed evenly
and a sucient fraction has reached the secondarys
exist to protect the secondary from receiving exces- apparently as many fusion stages as desired),[19][20] posive neutrons from the primary.
tentially to the level of a "doomsday device. However,
usually such weapons were not more than a dozen mega The inside of the casing may or may not be specially tons, which was generally considered enough to destroy
machined to reect the X-rays. X-ray reection even most hardened practical targets (for example, a conis not like light reecting o of a mirror, but rather trol facility such as the Cheyenne Mountain Complex).
the reector material is heated by the X-rays, caus- Even such large bombs have been replaced by smallering the material itself to emit X-rays, which then yield bunker buster type nuclear bombs, see also nuclear
travel to the secondary.
bunker buster.
As discussed above, for destruction of cities and nonhardened targets, breaking the mass of a single missile
payload down into smaller MIRV bombs, in order to
spread the energy of the explosions into a pancake area,
is far more ecient in terms of area-destruction per unit
of bomb energy. This also applies to single bombs deliverable by cruise missile or other system, such as a bomber,
Most bombs do not apparently have tertiary stages resulting in most operational warheads in the U.S. prothat is, third compression stage(s), which are additional gram having yields of less than 500 kilotons.
fusion stages compressed by a previous fusion stage (the
ssioning of the last blanket of uranium, which provides
about half the yield in large bombs, does not count as a 5 History
stage in this terminology).
The U.S. tested three-stage bombs in several explosions Main article: History of the TellerUlam design
(see Operation Redwing) but is only thought to have
elded one such tertiary model, i.e., a bomb in which a ssion stage, followed by a fusion stage, nally compresses
yet another fusion stage. This U.S. design was the heavy 5.1 United States
but highly ecient (i.e., nuclear weapon yield per unit
bomb weight) 25 Mt B41 nuclear bomb.[18] The Soviet Main articles: Ivy Mike and Operation Castle
Union is thought to have used multiple stages (including
more than one tertiary fusion stages) in their 50 megaton The idea of a thermonuclear fusion bomb ignited by a
(100 Mt in intended use) Tsar Bomba (however, as with smaller ssion bomb was rst proposed by Enrico Fermi
other bombs, the ssionable jacket could be replaced with to his colleague Edward Teller in 1941 at the start of
lead in such a bomb, and in this one, for demonstration, what would become the Manhattan Project.[3] Teller spent
it was). If any hydrogen bombs have been made from most of the Manhattan Project attempting to gure out
congurations other than those based on the TellerUlam how to make the design work, to some degree neglectdesign, the fact of it is not publicly known. (A possible ing his assigned work on the Manhattan Project ssion
exception to this is the Soviet early Sloika design).
bomb program. His dicult and devils advocate attitude
In essence, the TellerUlam conguration relies on at in discussions led Robert Oppenheimer to sidetrack him
least two instances of implosion occurring: rst, the and other problem physicists into the super program to
conventional (chemical) explosives in the primary would smooth his way.
Two special variations exist which will be discussed in a
further section: the cryogenically cooled liquid deuterium
device used for the Ivy Mike test, and the putative design
of the W88 nuclear warheada small, MIRVed version
of the TellerUlam conguration with a prolate (egg or
watermelon shaped) primary and an elliptical secondary.
Eorts in the United States soon shifted towards developing miniaturized TellerUlam weapons which could easily outt intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarinelaunched ballistic missiles. By 1960, with the W47
warhead[22] deployed on Polaris ballistic missile sub- The Soviets demonstrated the power of the staging conmarines, megaton-class warheads were as small as 18 cept in October 1961, when they detonated the massive
inches (0.5 m) in diameter and 720 pounds (320 kg) in and unwieldy Tsar Bomba, a 50 megaton hydrogen bomb
that derived almost 97% of its energy from fusion. It was almost everyone (including the pilots of the plane that
the largest nuclear weapon developed and tested by any dropped it) thought that this was a fusion bomb. This
bomb was put into service in 1958. A second prototype
fusion bomb Purple Granite was used in the third test, but
only produced approximately 150 kilotons.
United Kingdom
A second set of tests was scheduled, with testing recommencing in September 1957. The rst test was based on
a " new simpler design. A two stage thermonuclear
bomb which had a much more powerful trigger. This test
Grapple X Round C was exploded on November 8 and
yielded approximately 1.8 megatons. On April 28, 1958
a bomb was dropped that yielded 3 megatonsBritains
most powerful test. Two nal air burst tests on September 2 and September 11, 1958, dropped smaller bombs
that yielded around 1 megaton each.
American observers had been invited to these kinds of
tests. After their successful detonation of a megatonrange device (and thus demonstrating their practical understanding of the TellerUlam design secret), the
United States agreed to exchange some of their nuclear
designs with the United Kingdom, leading to the 1958
USUK Mutual Defence Agreement. Instead of continuing with their own design, the British were given access
to the design of the smaller American Mk 28 warhead
and were able to manufacture copies.
5.4 China
Main article: Test No. 6
Operation Grapple on Christmas Island was the rst British hydrogen bomb test.
The Peoples Republic of China detonated its rst hydrogen bomb on June 17, 1967, 32 months after detonating
its rst ssion weapon, with a yield of 3.31 Mt. It took
In 1954 work began at Aldermaston to develop the British
place in the Lop Nor Test Site, in northwest China.[24]
fusion bomb, with Sir William Penney in charge of the
project. British knowledge on how to make a thermonuclear fusion bomb was rudimentary, and at the time the
5.5 France
United States was not exchanging any nuclear knowledge
because of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. However,
Very little is known about Frances development of the
the British were allowed to observe the American Castle
TellerUlam design beyond the fact that France detonated
tests and used sampling aircraft in the mushroom clouds,
a 2.6 Mt device in the "Canopus" test in August 1968.
providing them with clear, direct evidence of the compression produced in the secondary stages by radiation
5.6 Other countries
Because of these diculties, in 1955 British prime minister Anthony Eden agreed to a secret plan, whereby if 5.6.1 India
the Aldermaston scientists failed or were greatly delayed
in developing the fusion bomb, it would be replaced by Main article: India and weapons of mass destruction
an extremely large ssion bomb.
In 1957 the Operation Grapple tests were carried out.
The rst test, Green Granite was a prototype fusion
bomb, but failed to produce equivalent yields compared
to the Americans and Soviets, only achieving approximately 300 kilotons. The second test Orange Herald was
the modied ssion bomb and produced 720 kilotons
making it the largest ssion explosion ever. At the time
On May 11, 1998, India reportedly detonated a thermonuclear bomb in its Operation Shakti tests ("Shakti1", specically).[26] Dr. Samar Mubarakmand asserted
that Shakti-1 was a successful test, but if it was a thermonuclear device as claimed, then it failed to produce
certain results that were to be expected of a thermonuclear device.[26] The yield of Indias hydrogen bomb re-
5.6.3 Pakistan
mains highly debatable among the Indian science community and the international scholars.[27] The question of
politicisation and disputes between Indian scientists further complicated the matter.[28]
Director for the 1998 test site preparations, Dr. K. Santhanam, reported the yield of the thermonuclear explosion was lower than expected, although his statement
has been disputed by other Indian scientists involved in
the test.[29] Indian sources, using local data and citing a
United States Geological Survey report compiling seismic
data from 125 IRIS stations across the world, argue that
the magnitudes suggested a combined yield of up to 60
kilotonnes, consistent with the Indian announced total
yield of 56 kilotonnes.[30][31] However, several independent experts have reported lower yields for the nuclear
test and remained skeptical about the claims,[26] and others have argued that even the claimed 50 kiloton yield was
low for conrmation of a thermonuclear design.[26][32]
Public knowledge
models presented above is up for interpretation, and ofcial U.S. government releases about the technical details of nuclear weapons have been purposely equivocating in the past (see, e.g., Smyth Report). Other information, such as the types of fuel used in some of the early
weapons, has been declassied, though of course precise
technical information has not been.
Aside from images of the warhead casing, most information in the public domain about this design is relegated to
a few terse statements by the DOE and the work of a few
individual investigators.
DOE statements
In 1972 the United States government declassied a statement that The fact that in thermonuclear (TN) weapons,
a ssion 'primary' is used to trigger a TN reaction in thermonuclear fuel referred to as a 'secondary'", and in 1979
added, The fact that, in thermonuclear weapons, radiation from a ssion explosive can be contained and used to
transfer energy to compress and ignite a physically separate component containing thermonuclear fuel. To this
latter sentence they specied that "Any elaboration of this
statement will be classied.[40] The only statement which
may pertain to the spark plug was declassied in 1991:
Fact that ssile and/or ssionable materials are present
in some secondaries, material unidentied, location unspecied, use unspecied, and weapons undesignated. In
1998 the DOE declassied the statement that The fact
that materials may be present in channels and the term
'channel ller,' with no elaboration, which may refer to
the polystyrene foam (or an analogous substance).[41]
There have been a few variations of the TellerUlam design suggested by sources claiming to have information
from inside of the fence of classication. Whether these
are simply dierent versions of the TellerUlam design,
or should be understood as contradicting the above descriptions, is up for interpretation.
it inwards, compressing the primary and causing the fusion reaction; the general applicability of this principle is
In his 1995 book Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, author Richard Rhodes describes in detail the
internal components of the "Ivy Mike" Sausage device,
based on information obtained from extensive interviews
with the scientists and engineers who assembled it. According to Rhodes, the actual mechanism for the compression of the secondary was a combination of the radiation pressure, foam plasma pressure, and tamper-pusher
ablation theories described above; the radiation from the
primary heated the polyethylene foam lining the casing to
a plasma, which then re-radiated radiation into the secondarys pusher, causing its surface to ablate and driving
In 1999 a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News reported that the U.S. W88 nuclear warhead, a small
MIRVed warhead used on the Trident II SLBM, had a
prolate (egg or watermelon shaped) primary (code-named
Komodo) and a spherical secondary (code-named Cursa)
inside a specially shaped radiation case (known as the
peanut for its shape).[45] A story four months later
in The New York Times by William Broad[46] reported
that in 1995, a supposed double agent from the Peoples
Republic of China delivered information indicating that
China knew these details about the W88 warhead, supposedly through espionage.[47] (This line of investigation
eventually resulted in the abortive trial of Wen Ho Lee.)
warhead produced by the United States, thus comes at a
price of higher warhead weight and higher workplace hazard. The W88 also contains tritium, which has a half life
of only 12.32 years and must be repeatedly replaced.[49]
8 See also
Pure fusion weapon
9 References
[1] The misleading term hydrogen bomb was already in
wide public use before ssion product fallout from the
Castle Bravo test in 1954 revealed the extent to which the
design relies on ssion.
[2] From National Public Radio Talk of the Nation, November 8, 2005, Siegfried Hecker of Los Alamos, the hydrogen bomb that is, a two-stage thermonuclear device, as
we referred to it is indeed the principal part of the U.S.
arsenal, as it is of the Russian arsenal.
[3] Teller, Edward; Ulam, Stanislaw (March 9, 1951). On
Heterocatalytic Detonations I. Hydrodynamic Lenses and
Radiation Mirrors (PDF). LAMS-1225. Los Alamos
Scientic Laboratory. Retrieved September 26, 2014. on
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Institute website. This is
the original classied paper by Teller and Ulam proposing staged implosion. This declassied version is heavily
redacted, leaving only a few paragraphs.
In the W87 warhead, the heavier secondary (top) is placed forward of the lighter primary (bottom) to promote aerodynamic
stability during reentry.
To make the primary small enough to t into the narrow part of the cone, its bulky insensitive high explo- [10] Figure 5 Thermonuclear Warhead Components. Resive charges must be replaced with more compact nontrieved 27 August 2010. A cleaned up version: British
insensitive high explosives which are more hazardous to
H-bomb posted on the Internet by Greenpeace. Federahandle. The higher yield of the W88, which is the last new
tion of American Scientists. Retrieved 27 August 2010.
[28] Carey Sublette, et. al. What are the real yield of Indias
Test?". What Are the Real Yields of Indias Test?. Retrieved 18 January 2013.
[32] Arms Control Today May 1998, pp. 713; Terry C. Wallace, The May 1998 India and Pakistan Nuclear Tests
[17] Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions 4.4.4 Implosion Systems. 2.04. 20 February 1999. Retrieved
[18] The B-41 (Mk-41) Bomb High yield strategic thermonuclear bomb. 21 October 1997. Retrieved 200603-13.
[19] Winterberg, Friedwardt (2010). The Release of Thermonuclear Energy by Inertial Connement: Ways Towards Ignition. World Scientic. pp. 192193. ISBN
[20] Croddy, Eric A.; Wirtz, James J.; Larsen, Jerey, Eds.
(2005). Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Encyclopedia of Worldwide Policy, Technology, and History. ABCCLIO, Inc. p. 376. ISBN 1851094903.
[21] The George shot, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation website
[22] Photograph of a W47 warhead (JPG). Retrieved 200603-13.
[23] Holloway, David (1994). Stalin and the bomb: The Soviet
Union and atomic energy, 19391956. New Haven, CT:
Yale University Press. p. 299. ISBN 0-300-06056-4.
[25] Forces gung-ho on N-arsenal. Times of India. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
[26] Khan, Kamran (30 May 1998). Tit-for-Tat: Pakistan
tested 6 nuclear devices in response to Indians tests.. The
News International. Retrieved 10 August 2011. None
of these explosions were thermonuclear, we are doing research and can do a fusion test if asked, said by Abdul
Qadeer Khan. These boosted devices are like a half way
stage towards a thermonuclear bomb. They use elements
of the thermonuclear process, and are eectively stronger
Atom bombs, quoted by Munir Ahmad Khan.
[27] PTI, Press Trust of India (September 25, 2009). AEC
ex-chief backs Santhanam on Pokhran-II. The Hindu,
2009. Retrieved 18 January 2013.
[35] Cohen, Avner (October 15, 1999). The Battle over the
NPT: America Learns the Truth. Israel and the bomb.
(google Book). New York: Columbia University Press.
pp. 297300. ISBN 978-0231104838.
[36] Karpin, Michael (2005). The Bomb in the Basement. New
York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. pp. 289293.
ISBN 0-7432-6595-5.
[37] Gbor Pall (2000). The Hungarian Phenomenon in Israeli Science (PDF). Hungarian Academy of Science 25
(1). Retrieved 11 December 2012.
[38] Kim Kyu-won (February 7, 2013). North Korea could be
developing a hydrogen bomb. The Hankyoreh. Retrieved
February 8, 2013.
[39] Kang Seung-woo, Chung Min-uck (February 4, 2013).
North Korea may detonate H-bomb. Korea Times. Retrieved February 8, 2013.
[40] emphasis in original
[41] Restricted Data Declassication Decisions, 1946 to the
present, Volume 7. United States Department of Energy.
January 2001.
[42] Morland, Howard (1981). The secret that exploded. New
York: Random House. ISBN 0-394-51297-9.
[43] The H-Bomb Secret: How we got it and why were telling
it. The Progressive 43 (11). November 1979.
[44] Alexander De Volpi, Jerry Marsh, Ted Postol, and George
Stanford (1981). Born secret: the H-bomb, the Progressive
case and national security. New York: Pergamon Press.
ISBN 0-08-025995-2.
[45] Dan Stober and Ian Homan (2001). A convenient spy:
Wen Ho Lee and the politics of nuclear espionage. New
York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-7432-2378-0.
[46] Spies versus sweat, the debate over Chinas nuclear advance. The New York Times. 7 September 1999. Retrieved 2011-04-18.
Basic principles
Engineering and Design of Nuclear Weapons from
Carey Sublettes Nuclear Weapons FAQ.
Hansen, Chuck, U.S. nuclear weapons: The secret
history (Arlington, TX: Aerofax, 1988). ISBN 0517-56740-7
Hansen, Chuck (2007). Swords of Armageddon: U.S. Nuclear Weapons Development Since
1945 (PDF) (CD-ROM & download available) (2
ed.). Sunnyvale, California: Chukelea Publications.
ISBN 978-0-9791915-0-3. 2,600 pages.
Dalton E. G. Barroso, The physics of nuclear explosives, in Portuguese. (So Paulo, Brazil: Editora
Livraria da Fsica, 2009). ISBN 978-85-7861-0166
DeGroot, Gerard, The Bomb: A History of Hell
on Earth, London: Pimlico, 2005. ISBN 0-71267748-8
10 External links
Hydrogen bomb / Fusion weapons at (see also links on right)
Basic Principles of Staged Radiation Implosion
(TellerUlam)" from Carey Sublettes
Matter, Energy, and Radiation Hydrodynamics
from Carey Sublettes Nuclear Weapons FAQ.
Engineering and Design of Nuclear Weapons from
Carey Sublettes Nuclear Weapons FAQ.
Elements of Thermonuclear Weapon Design from
Carey Sublettes Nuclear Weapons FAQ.
Annotated bibliography for nuclear weapons design
from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues
Peter Kurans Trinity and Beyond documentary
lm on the history of nuclear weapon testing.
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Detonations_-_Secret_of_hydrogen_bomb_-_p_1.png License: Public domain Contributors: Retrieved October 6, 2014 from <a
data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href=''>Edward Teller, Stanislaw Ulam,
On Heterocatalytic Detonations I: Hydrodynamic Lenses and Radiation Mirrors, Report LAMS-1225, Los Alamos Scientic Laboratory,
March 9, 1951, declassied version, p. 1</a> on Nuclear Nonproliferation Institute website Original artist: Edward Teller and Stanislaw
M. Ulam
Detonations_-_Secret_of_hydrogen_bomb_-_p_3.png License: Public domain Contributors: Retrieved October 6, 2014 from <a
data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href=''>Edward Teller, Stanislaw Ulam,
On Heterocatalytic Detonations I: Hydrodynamic Lenses and Radiation Mirrors, Report LAMS-1225, Los Alamos Scientic Laboratory,
March 9, 1951, declassied version, p. 3</a> on Nuclear Nonproliferation Institute website Original artist: Edward Teller and Stanislaw
M. Ulam
File:Edward_Teller_(1958)-LLNL.jpg Source:
29-LLNL.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
OperationGrappleXmasIslandHbomb.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
Original artist: Royal Air Force
File:Operation_Castle_-_Romeo_001.jpg Source:
Romeo_001.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: This image is available from the National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada
Site Oce Photo Library under number XX-33. Original artist: United States Department of Energy
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
File:ShaktiBomb.jpg Source: License: ? Contributors:
Government of India (note higher resolution versions on Original artist: ?
File:Teller-Ulam_device.png Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Teller-Ulam_device_3D.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:TellerUlamAblation.png Source: License: CC
BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Text_document_with_red_question_mark.svg Source:
with_red_question_mark.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Created by bdesham with Inkscape; based upon Text-x-generic.svg
from the Tango project. Original artist: Benjamin D. Esham (bdesham)
File:W-87_warhead_diagram.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fastssion, HowardMorland
File:W-88_warhead_diagram.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:W80_nuclear_warhead.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Wiki_letter_w_cropped.svg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: This le was derived from Wiki letter w.svg: <a href='//
Wiki_letter_w.svg' class='image'><img alt='Wiki letter w.svg' src='
letter_w.svg/50px-Wiki_letter_w.svg.png' width='50' height='50' srcset='
Wiki_letter_w.svg/75px-Wiki_letter_w.svg.png 1.5x,
100px-Wiki_letter_w.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='44' data-le-height='44' /></a>
Original artist: Derivative work by Thumperward from:
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