Memorandum Cast
Memorandum Cast
Memorandum Cast
(Registered Under Act, XXI of 1860)
The first registered office of the Organization will be situated at ===, Faisalabad subject to
change by the members of the organization at any other place or places they think fit from time
to time.
The Aims and Objects of the Organization shall be enumerated as below:
The Names of the office bearers of the Organization to which the rule and bye-laws of the
management affairs is entrusted are:Sr.No.
Executive Secretary
Finance Secretary
Executive Member
Executive Member
Executive Member
Executive Member
A.C.T. E.D
a. An application to become a member shall be made to the Executive Secretary on
prescribed form duly recommended by at least two existing regular members. And it shall
be accompanied by non-refundable admission free with one months subscription.
b. The Executive Secretary shall place the application before the Executive Committee
which shall duly consider the same on its merits before accepting or rejecting it. In case
of rejection,. The remedy of the application shall be to move the application to the
general body.
a. Promises to abide by the rules and bye-laws and all the decisions taken by the
Organization in respect of the amendments of the rules and bye-laws.
b. Subscribed in writing to carry out to the best of this capacity to the objects of the
c. Every member will deposit membership fee as well as annually subscription fee as
prescribed from time to time.
d. He is sane and bears a good moral character.
Every Pakistani, adult male or female is qualified to be the member of
f. The persons having been declared the criminals or the social offender by any Court of
Law will not be eligible for the membership.
a. In case membership is suspended temporarily for non-payments of subscription and
failure to comply with show cause notice by the Government Body. It will be
automatically reinstated with the payment of subscription.
b. In case of permanent cancellation, the member will be required to become a member
c. The member will have a right to appeal before the general meeting for reinstatement of
membership and the decision of general meeting will final and binding on all.
d. Any Ex-Member, whose membership was terminated under Article 6, may apply for readmission to membership by paying prescribe fee as re-admission fee in addition to the
arrears outstanding against him.
By warning.
By censure.
By asking the guilty member to resign from his membership of the Organization.
The office bearers and the members of executive Committee shall be bound to secrecy over
matter relating to Article 8 or any other matter which are under consideration by the Executive
Committee as the general meeting.
A register containing the names and addresses of all members of the organization shall be kept at
the registered office of the Organization. All changes in addresses of the members should
immediately be communicated in writing to the Executive Secretary at the Head Office of the
Organization as the case may be.
Two administrative bodies i.e. General Body and Governing Body of the Organization and
Committee formed by the bodies from time to time for some special purposes will control the
administration of the Organization.
The General Body will be consisted all members of the Organization.
The General Body will meet at least once in a year but in special case this may be called
whenever necessary with the permission of Chairperson.
A fortnights notice will be essential for General Body meeting. Under emergent
circumstances meeting may be called bye the Executives Secretary with the approval of the
Chairperson weeks notice.
Two fifths of the total membership will be quorum of the meeting. In case of the adjourned
meeting, there will be no quorum.
Annual meeting will be held in the first week of January.
a. i) The Governing Body shall against consist of not less than seven not more than eleven
ii) The Management, control and all affairs like its income and Property(both movable &
immovable) of the COMMUNITY
TRANSFORMATION, (CAST), Faisalabad, shall be entrusted to the
governing body.
iii) The Term of the Governing Body shall be three years, a member whose term expires
shall be eligible for re-election.
iv) The General Body will elect/nominate Governing body of the Organization in its
general meeting after every three years. The Following shall be the Office bearers of the
first governing body of the Organization who shall hold office until first election of
Governing Body in the first annual general meeting of the Organization.
v) The first members of the Governing Body are as under:Chairperson
Executive Secretary
Finance Secretary
Executive Member
Executive Member
Executive Member
Executive Member
Finance Secretary
Executive Member
Executive Secretary
Executive Member
Executive Member
Executive Member
Vi) All the office bearers of Governing Body will be elected through general election
unless appointed to fill any casual vacancy occurred during the tenure of Governing Body
elected or appointed.
vii) The General Body will Fix remuneration of the Governing Body in its general
viii) No person shall be eligible for election/appointment as an office bearer of the
Governing Body, unless he is regular member of the Organization in the vicinity of the
The Governing Body shall ordinary meet once in every three months, provided that the
Chairperson may where he thanks or on written request of not less than two members may
call a special meeting of the Governing Body.
The notice of the meetings shall be given at least 7 days ahead but in special circumstances
the Executive Secretary with the consent of the Chairperson, will have power to call meeting
giving three notices.
No decision of the General Meeting will be considered within a period of six months after it
is made, except on a requisition signed by at least one-third of the members for this purpose.
The previous decision can only be raised if more than one-half of the total members vote
against it.
The Governing Body will be competent to raise funds and purchase property
(movable & immovable) as decided by it.
The Governing Body shall have full charge of all immovable property(s) belonging to
or vested in the Organization in such a manner as it thinks fit and these will be
handled through the Executive Secretary or as decided by the Governing body.
The Governing Body shall be competent to invest the funds in the manner it likes and
it shall be competent to borrow or mortgage or hypothecate the property (s) on behalf
of the organization and these too shall be handled through the Executive Secretary or
as decided by the Governing Body.
All office bearers shall be honorary as full time workers. If they are full time workers,
they will be entitled to an appropriate amount or salary as decided by the Governing
To act in accordance with policies by the General Body of the Organization for
achievement of objects of the Organization.
Will be responsible and authorized to control all internal and external financial and
other matters of the Organization and make arrangements for this purpose.
Will be authorized to fill any casual vacancy occurring during the year and get it
approved from General Body in its General Meeting.
Will prepare annual report and annual budget for approval of General Body it its
General Meetings.
The following will be perform and duties of the Chairperson.
1. To preside over all the meetings of the Executive Body.
2. To exercise all powers of the Executive Body in the absence of the body.
3. She will sign the important papers & accounts books.
4. She can exercise special opinion/power in case of equal votes.
5. She can call or adjourn any meeting according to the situation.
6. To keep order at the meeting of the Organization.
7. To give his Ruling on the disputed interpretation of any clause of the Articles of the
8. All stipendiary officers and employees of the Organization shall be under his control and
9. To approve all affiliations and other similar arrangements through which institutions or
individuals may become associated with Organization.
10. To act as the Chief Executive of the Organization.
11. To ask the Executive Secretary to convene meetings of the Executive Committee, SubCommittee, General Body as such other meetings of the Organization as he thinks
12. To give priority to any item on the agenda of any meeting of the Organization.
13. To delegate his powers to any other office bearers as and when necessary.
14. To look after all the activities of the Organization.
15. To try for the Implementation of aims and objectives of the Organization.
16. She shall be entitled to check accounts of the Organization any time.
17. To implement the decisions of the Executive Committee the General Meetings of the
Organization in consultation with Chairperson.
Subject to the supervision, control and orders other Chairperson, the Executive Secretary shall
perform the following duties.
1. To call meeting of General Body/Governing Body with the consent of the Chairperson.
2. To keep minutes of the meetings of General Body/Governing Body.
3. To keep and preserve the records of the Organization/Governing Body.
4. To carry on correspondence on behalf of the Organization/Governing Body
5. To prepare agenda of meetings and to circulate the same and arrange the meetings of the
6. To perform all legal formalities to run the Organization.
7. To act as the immediate Executive Officer of the Organization.
8. To carry out the decisions of the Executive Committee and convey the same to the
members of the Organization.
9. To have the charge of the office, register, books of accounts, effect and documents
belonging to the Organization under the supervision of Chairperson.
10. To keep and maintain, as cause to be kept as maintained up to date all register kept as
required to be kept by the Executive Committee.
11. To prepare the annual report of the working of the organization in consultation with the
Executive Committee and to submit it for acceptance by the members at he annual
General Meeting of the Organization.
12. To keep separate minutes books of the general meetings of the Executive Committee and
other Committees as such committees and record the proceedings of such meetings in the
respective books and get them certified and signed by the Chairperson.
13. To receive decision on applications for memberships and submit them to the Executive
Committee for approval.
14. To incur expenditure within the limits prescribed by the Executive Committee in
consultation with Chairperson.
15. To keep register of members of the Organization and members of the Executive
Committee with such details as the Executive Committee may, from time to time,
16. To get the sanction of the Executive Committee if the expenditure to be incurred is more
than the limit set by the Executive Committee.
17. To take step to ensure that elections of the Organization are held in accordance with
18. To assign work to the staff of the Organization.
1. To keep accounts of all financial transaction of the Organization and of all the sums of
money received and spent by the Organization and maintain records of receipts and
expenses relating to such matters, and of assets, credits and liabilities. Providing that the
accounts shall be kept
2. To get the accounts audited bye the Chartered Accountant appointed by the Governing
Body at he close of accounting year every year.
3. To submit the Governing Body the annual accounts and budgets of the Organization.
4. To receive admission fees, subscription, penalties, monetary gifts, donations and other
amounts in cash or kind through central office on behalf of the Organization and to issue
receipts for the same.
5. To deposit the funds of the Organization in the Bank or Banks and to keep only such
amount in cash in his possession as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee for
defraying the daily expenditure.
1. They will help the Chairperson in all legal matters and on issues of the Organization.
2. They will perform any responsibility assigned by the Chairperson in consultation with
Executive Secretary and Finance Secretary.
1) The annual election of the Organization shall be held under the supervision of the
Election Board, so as to conclude by 31 st of January, after three years. However the date
can be extended by the general house, if need be. All office holders by the members of
the Organization who had been declared Eligible Voter bye the Executive Committee.
2) The Executive Committee shall constitute an Election Board consisting of Chairperson
and two others members, seven days before the schedule for annual election announced
by the Executive Committee. The Election Board shall consist of three senior members of
the Organization to conduct the annual election and to decide all election issues. It shall
remain in force for three months.
3) In case of re-election under the Election procedures, the Election Board constituted shall
continue to function till the final results of the election.
4) All the issues shall be decided by majority and all proceedings shall be in writing and
open to inspection by any member of the Organization after the final decision of the
Election Board.
5) The Election Board shall maintain secrecy of ballot and shall assure its free and voluntary
exercise of the right of vote.
6) The Election Board shall follow the schedule of the annual election announced bye the
Executive Body
7) The contesting candidate for an office shall be proposed and seconded in writing bye an
eligible voter and accepted, in writing by the candidate and signed and dated.
8) Each Nomination paper for the office of Chairperson shall be accompanied by an election
fee of Rs. 500/- and for Executive Secretary such fee shall be Rs. 200/- candidate. All
such election fees will be non refundable even in case of withdrawal or retirement.
9) A proposal shall relate only to one candidate for each post and shall be invalid if it relates
to more than one.
10) The contesting candidate himself or his proposer or secondary shall submit the
nomination paper or papers to the Election Board. The election heard or any other person
specifically authorized by him in this behalf shall note on each proposal as soon as it is
11) The Election Board, after the expiry of time fixed for submission of the nomination
papers shall pasted on the notice board complete list of nomination papers received for
each office, the name of the contesting candidates, their proposers and secondary and the
time of receipt of every such nomination.
12) On the date and time fixed in the schedule, the Election Board shall scrutinize and
examine all the nomination papers for all the office holders in the presence of the
contesting candidates or their proposers and secondary or the candidates duly appointed
13) The Election Board shall accept the nomination papers if those were found to be in order.
The Election Board shall paste on the Notice Board, the list of valid nomination papers.
14) A candidate may withdraw his candidature before three days from the poll is held.
However, he may retire before polls.
15) The candidate for the office for which there is no other contesting candidate and his
nomination had been accepted as valid nomination, the candidate shall be declared as
elected for that office by the Election Board.
16) The Election Board shall arrange for the ballot papers and the ballot box for each office
in the manner deemed fit and proper to the board.
17) On the date and time fixed for in the election schedule, the Election Board shall give to
each eligible voter his ballot paper signed by Chairperson Election Board on by one and
obtain his signatures on the voter list. Each such voter shall get ballot paper indicating the
names of each contesting candidates for each office and the eligible voter shall be
required to cross mark (x) or tick mark for his choice of candidate for each office.
18) The eligible voter shall cast his vote for each contested office secretly and with full sense
of responsibility to the prestige, honor and independence of his profession.
19) At the close of the election, the Election Board shall separately count voter for each
contested office in the presence of the candidate or his authorized agent.
20) After counting voter for each office, the Election Board shall immediately report in
writing the results to the Chairperson who shall immediately announce it.