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Case Tata Toc

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Case : TOC


Starting 1868, Tata Group is now over 142 years old. In the year
2008, it has reported over US$62.5 billion revenue. Under its
umbrella, there are 98 companies, which are supported by over
350,000 committed employees worldwide. It is undoubtedly the
most global of Indian business groups and one of the best known
Indian corporate brands across the globe. Its flagship company,
Tata Steel has ranked 231 amongst the Fortune 500 companies. It
is the sixth largest steel producing companies of the world. Tata
Steel (India) recorded a turnover (sales and other operating
income excise duty) of Rs.147,329 core in financial year 200809. It has loyal workforce of about 35,000 employees,; many of
them are associated for the last few generations.
In the year 2001, mainly due to a slowdown in Indian economy,
Tata Steel witnessed one of the toughest business environments
in its history of over 100 years. It was being called as the sunset
industry, Indian steel companies were apparently at a brink of
bankruptcy and Tata Steel was no exception.
1. EVA Positive Company: EVA stands for Economic-ValueAdded, which is the difference between return on invested
capital and weighted average cost of capital. This part of
new vision involved:
Value creating partnerships with customers
Moving from commodities to brands, and
Developing EVA positive-core business


The challenge to become EVA-positive, despite offering

average steel prices, was very difficult and no steel company
has ever achieved it in the past. Tata Steel launched a new

program, called ASPIRE to help it in making an EVApostiive growth.

2. Improve the Quality of Life: The second important aspect
of the new vision was to improve the quality of life of its
employees and the communities that are being served.
Broadly, this involved:
Enthused and happy employees, and
Sustainable growth.
The three major weaknesses in the operating practices of
organizations, pursuing continuous improvement path are:


inwards continuous
improvement is generally inwardlooking and relatively lesser
attention is paid on distinctly
differentiating the offerings to the
The objectives may not be
aspirational (challenging).
There is not much effort on testing the situations of
improvement, i.e. the means are not checked for
necessary and sufficiency conditions to meet the
desired objective. Failure to test interventions against
appropriate causality leads to making the one size fits
all approach to target setting as well as the choice of
tools and techniques.

To overcome these weaknesses, the recently adopted ASPIRE

Program of Tata Steel is designed to first set goals and then

choose the appropriate tools for delivering these goals.

Certain parts of the planned improvements are checked for
causality, explored for means (causes) and then the
implementations are carried out using differentiated tools
and techniques. For the remaining parts of the aspirational
goals, the means are innovated during the implementation
In November 2006, Tata Steel come out with ASPIRE T3
initiative, which aimed at motivating the employees in
dedicating themselves to 3Ts, i.e. TOC (Theory of
Constraints), TQM (Total Quality Management), and
Technology for making the company a world leaderin steel
business. TQM and Technology helped in achieving superior
product quality through process consistency, process
capability, and technological capability. Similarly, TOC
implementation helped it in improving the service quality. To
performance in operations, ASPIRE-T3 is playing a major role.
The focus on TOC, TQM and Technology has
been captured at Aspire with T3 (Teen se jeet).
The synergy and integration in the efforts of the
employees through TOC, TQM and Technology
initiatives will help TATA Steel in becoming one of
the top steel companies in the world not only in
size but in any other ways like corporate
governance, human resources, product and

The ASPIRE T3 evolves round the philosophy of setting

aspirations (which may be beyond the current capability),
then getting determined about reaching these aspirations,
mastering required resources, which lead to achievement,
and thus the self-confidence to aspire for more. It was
launched in the presence of Dr. Eliyahu M Goldratt, who

explained the fundamentals of TOC to Tata Steel and

explained that the TOC approach looks at business problems
from a system level, in contrast to some other methods that
are focused on specific processes. Focusing on visible vision
implementations, using TOC, industrial organizations could
achieve unprecedented improvements in their bottom-line
performances. He emphasized the needs to identify and
capitalize on those few elements that govern an
organizational system and are constraining in the goal of the
organizations performance indicators.
TOC approach has helped Tata Steel in its major
restructuring of supply chain and replenishment process.
Due to very high dependency on the demands from
industrial clusters and other major institutional clients, its
goal of making profit is adversely affected due to high
inventory and stock-outs. In the language of TOC, a major
constrain for supply chain management (SCM) performance
is demand uncertainty. To deal with this constraint,
marketing and sales teams of Tata Steel are using
replenishment offers to distributors while vendor managed
inventory (VMI) offers to original equipment (OEM)
customers, and rapid-response-offers to some other selected
customers. Backed by a product portfolio covered under
these offers, reliable replenishments, warehousing, inventory
management, and end-to-end communications for better
planning and decision making, Tata Steel has started making
considerable achievements through ASPIRE T3. It has helped
in bring down the average distributor inventory of cold rolled
sheets and galvanized sheets by as much as 20% (2,3). The
ASPIRE program is thus successful in supporting an
accelerated pace of growth and helping Tata Steel to move
towards EVA positive indicators on a sustainable basis.

1. Explain the role of TOC in manufacturing environment.
What was the motivation of Tata Steel to adopt TOC for its
2. Explore the latest status of TOC applications in India.
3. How are TOC, TQM and Technology Management related?

1. http://www.tatasteel.com/investors/annual-report-200809/html/financial_highlights.html (accessed on 09 May
2. http://www.tatasteel.com/investors/annual-report-200809/html/continuous_improvement.html (accessed on 09 May
3. http://www.tata.com/article.aspx?artid=cIIfRf+toMc=
(ACESSES ON 09 May, 2010)
4. http://www.idiaprwire.com/pressrelease/miningmatals/20061102908.htm (accessed on 09 May 2010)
5. Business Line Article on Tata Steel Revamping Supply Chain
Management by SantanuSanyal, 22nd Jul 2006, available on
0700 .htm (accessed on 12 May 2010).
6. Http://www.tat.com company Articles inside aspx?
artid=7VXdehaSOFY = (accessed o 12 May 2010).
Source :

Operations and Supply Management,

Aqulano: McGraw Hill




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