17 Petrik
17 Petrik
17 Petrik
the relative importance of pre- and postsettlement processes is critical to understanding the population dynamics of
marine fishes. Our goals in this study
were 1) to examine habitat preference
and habitat use of newly settled Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus,
and 2) to determine if postsettlement
growth or predation varied with habitat type. Field surveys showed no difference in croaker abundance among
three estuarine habitats: marsh edge,
seagrass, and sand. Behavioral experiments in laboratory mesocosms suggested that the pattern of similar use
of habitats in the field results from a
lack of preference among habitats. In a
field experiment, croaker recruitment
was greater to artificial seagrass than
to sand habitats, but there was no difference in fish density in habitats with
or without food supplementation. Moreover, growth rates were similar in both
sand and artificial seagrass habitats
and in habitats with or without food
supplementation. In a second experiment, we were unable to detect a difference in the density of newly settled
croaker between sand and artificial
seagrass habitats, or between habitats
with predator access limited by cages and
cage controls. Our results demonstrate
that newly settled croaker use different
estuarine habitats similarly, and there
does not appear to be a fitness consequence of using many habitats. We suggest that for habitat generalists, such as
the Atlantic croaker, variability in larval
supply will be a stronger predictor of
population dynamics than will variability of habitat attributes.
Gregory W. Stunz
Department of Marine Biology
Texas A&M University, Galveston, Texas 77553
John Malone
Department of Biology
University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095
Habitat use by newly recruited croaker
To determine what habitats newly recruited Atlantic croaker use, we conducted a field survey during
November 1996 at Christmas Bay (2903'N, 9510'W),
near Galveston, TX. Christmas Bay is a shallow estuary and contains the most easterly well-developed
Figure 1
Atlantic croaker densities (mean +1
SE) sampled from three estuarine habitats: marsh edge (edge), seagrass bed
(grass), and barren sand (sand). P values from two-way analysis of variance.
Habitat preference and use by newly recruited
The density of newly settled croaker (mean TL=14.48,
SE=0.15) did not differ among sand, seagrass, or
marsh edge habitats (F2,18=0.86, =0.44, =0.13)
(Fig. 1). The density of croaker recruits also did not
vary between sites (F1,18=0.09, =0.77) and the interaction between habitat and site was not significant (F2,12=1.07, =0.37).
Our observation on the behavior of croaker recruits
in mesocosms did not reveal a preference between
sand and seagrass habitats (one way t-test, t=1.64,
df=11, =0.13). An average of 36% (SE=16) of the time
was spent in seagrass, and 64% (SE=16) in sand.
Effects of food supply on croaker recruitment and
growth in varying habitats
The abundance of newly settled croaker differed between experimental habitats (F1,11=5.98, =0.03) with
greater recruitment in sand ( X =31.6/m2, SE=6.5)
than in seagrass habitats ( X =13.7/m 2, SE=5.9)
(Fig. 2). Conversely, we did not detect a difference
(F1,11=0.13, =0.73) in the number of croaker in foodsupplemented plots ( X =23.2/ m2, SE=8.3), compared
Figure 2
Atlantic croaker density (mean +1
SE) in 1-m2 artificial seagrass (grass)
and sand habitats, with (food addition) and without (control) food supplementation. P values from a blocked
two-factor analysis of variance.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Recruitment of fishes with open populations is affected by variability in larval supply (Jenkins et al.,
1996; Hamer and Jenkins, 1997), habitat selection
by settling larvae (Bell et al., 1987) and postsettlement mortality (Orth et al., 1984), growth (Levin et
al., 1997), and migration (Sogard, 1989). Understanding how these processes interact with each other to
determine population size has been a major focus of
researchers on tropical and temperate reefs (Doherty
and Williams, 1988; Caley et al., 1996) and recently
in seagrass meadows (Bell et al., 1987; Jenkins et
al., 1996; Hamer and Jenkins, 1997). There has also
able habitat encountered regardless of specific attributes of that habitat (Bell and Westoby, 1986).
Additionally, current patterns may exclude delivery
of competent larvae to some habitats (Morgan et al.,
1996); therefore, even ideal habitats may seldom receive recruits. In such cases, larvae do not select
against a habitat, instead that habitat is never an
available choice. By experimentally providing habitats, and by using a blocked sampling design such
that all habitats were available in a particular location, we eliminated the possibility that settling
croaker would not have the opportunity to choose a
habitat. In our field sampling and experiments,
croaker had the opportunity to choose between vegetated and unvegetated habitats, but they did not
consistently choose one habitat over another. By contrast, in an identical experiment performed at the
same time and in the same study site, pinfish
(Lagodon rhomboides) showed strong responses to
habitat, food supply, and predators (Levin et al.,
1997). Pinfish occurred in much higher densities in
vegetated than in unvegetated habitats and also grew
faster in grass habitats supplemented with food than
in unsupplemented or unvegetated habitats. In addition, the presence of predators reduced pinfish
numbers by 50%. The pinfish and croaker occupying
experimental plots were similar in size (1525 mm
SL), and at this size the diets of the two species are
similar (Darcy, 1985; Soto et al., 1998). Thus, it is
likely that the lack of response by croaker to the habitat attributes we investigated is the result of characteristics of the species rather than an artifact of
sampling or experimental design.
Selection for specific habitats at settlement may
overwhelm variation in larval supply, thus producing variability in recruitment that is associated with
the preferred habitat. This appears to be the case
for pinfish (Levin et al., 1997). Although croaker often form part of fish assemblages within seagrass
(Rooker et al., 1998), they appear to have broad microhabitat preferences, and our results suggest that
there is no strong fitness consequences for croaker
using vegetated versus unvegetated habitats. As a
result, resources associated with the benthic habitat seem unlikely to determine population size of
newly recruiting croaker. Rather, where and when
larvae that are competent to settle are delivered
should determine population size in croaker. The
contrasting results for croaker and pinfish may reflect a more general difference in the processes determining population sizes of fish. For fishes, such
as pinfish, where settling larvae select specific habitats and postsettlement processes reinforce initial
settlement patterns, spatial and temporal variability in habitat should be a strong predictor of future
We greatly appreciate the assistance in the field provided by T. P. Good and comments on the manuscript
by B. Finley and J. Rooker. Support for this project
was provided by Texas SeaGrant NA56RG0388
project R/F-67 with supplemental support from a
MARFIN grant from NOAA and NSF grant DEB9610353.
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