Degradation of Surfactants and Polymers in Drug Delivery
Degradation of Surfactants and Polymers in Drug Delivery
Degradation of Surfactants and Polymers in Drug Delivery
Degradation of Surfactants
and Polymers in Drug Delivery
Chapter 10
Hydrolysis rate*
0.1 hours
3 hours
4 hours
0.8 years
3.3 years
33 years
42,000 years
42,000 years
83,000 years
FIGURE 10.2 Effect of the composition on the hydrolytic degradation rate of poly
(lactide)-poly(glycolide) copolymers. (Redrawn from Asano et al., J. Controlled Release 1989, 9, 111.)
Chapter 10
FIGURE 10.4 Crystallinity evolution during degradation of poly(lactide)-poly(glycolide) (75/25) block copolymer. (Data from Li et al., J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med. 1990,
1, 131.)
FIGURE 10.5 Effect of polymer substituent (size of ester group in half esters) on
the hydrolytic degradation rate. (Redrawn from Heller et al., J. Appl. Polym. Sci.
1978, 22, 1991.)
Chapter 10
1. Polymer architecture and crystallinity. (Generally, the degradation increases with decreasing crystallinity.)
2. Polymer architecture and structure formation. (Structures and architectures precluding contact between the labile group and water generally
display slower hydrolysis.)
3. Temperature. (Generally, the degradation increases with increasing
4. pH. (Generally, the hydrolysis rate increases at low and at high pH.)
5. Presence of a drug. (May both promote and preclude polymer hydrolysis.)
The issue of the effects of polymer self-assembly on the hydrolytic degradation rate is relevant in relation to the use of surface active polymers for drug
delivery. An example of this is given by PEO-poly(lactide) (E m L n ) block copolymers, which form micelles with the poly(lactide) residues constituting the hydrophobic micellar core if the poly(lactide) chains are sufciently long. If the
latter are short, on the other hand, they are unable to induce micelle formation
(in analogy to other hydrophobic groups). When in the micellar core, the ester
groups in the poly(lactide) residues are shielded from contact with water, and
hence at least partly protected from hydrolysis. One would therefore expect PEOpoly(lactide) copolymers forming micelles to be characterized by a slower hydrolytic degradation of the poly(lactide) residue than that of block copolymers
not forming micelles. Indeed, Figure 10.6 shows that the hydrolysis of E 39 L 5
(which does not form micelles) is considerably faster than that of E 39 L 20 (which
form micelles). Thus, for E 39 L 5 , the ester bonds are constantly exposed to the
aqueous environment, and hydrolysis proceeds relatively rapidly. For E 39 L 20 , on
the other hand, the labile bonds are partially protected from hydrolysis and the
degradation is slower.
Apart from the polymer structure and composition, the most interesting
parameter for varying the hydrolysis of biodegradable polyesters in drug delivery
is probably pH. This is due to pH gradients in the gastrointestinal tract (Figure
10.7 and Table 10.2), which may be used together with biodegradable polymers
for a directed delivery to a specic region in the gastrointestinal tract.
As with low molecular weight esters, polyester hydrolysis is catalyzed by
both acid and base, which means that degradation and degradation-induced drug
release is enhanced at high and at low pH, whereas the hydrolytic degradation
at neutral pH is generally limited (Figure 10.8). This pH-dependent degradation
may allow efcient encapsulation of a drug at storage conditions (often dry or
at close to neutral pH), partial or complete acid-catalyzed polymer degradation
in the stomach or the small intestine, and drug release either in the stomach or
in the intestine, depending on the polymer degradation stability and the drug
physicochemical properties.
Chapter 10
pH (fasted)
pH (fed)
Electrolyte concentration
Presence of enzyme inhibitors
Presence of surfactants, other organic compounds (e.g., urea), cations
(certain systems), and other cosolutes
6. Presence of hydrophobic interfaces (lipases)
As a rule of thumb, enzymes are most efcient at or close to the conditions
(e.g., salt concentration, pH, and cation concentration) where they perform their
biological function. Departing from these conditions, on the other hand, often
results in a decreased enzymatic activity, and therefore also in a decreased enzymatic degradation rate of polymers.
In particular, biodegradable polymer systems are used in drug delivery
since they allow a way to control the drug release rate. In many cases, there is
a close correlation between the polymer matrix degradation on the one hand, and
the drug release rate, on the other (Figure 10.9). Since the degradation rate may
be controlled over orders of magnitude through the choice of copolymer composi-
FIGURE 10.8 (a) Effect of pH on the hydrolysis rate constant k obs for ethyl acetate.
(b) Inuence of pH on the degradation rate, as monitored by a relative viscosity
/ 0 decrease, of a random multiblock polyester-amide. (Redrawn from Bamford
et al., eds., Chemical Kinetics, vol. 10, Elsevier, 1972 (a), and de Simone et al.,
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 1992, 46, 1813 (b).)
tion and structure and through a number of external parameters, the drug release
rate may be widely controlled with some accuracy. Furthermore, a drug release
sustained over extremely long times may be reached using this approach. The
latter is interesting, e.g., in relation to sustained release of drugs from drug-loaded
Chapter 10
Poly(ether urethane)
Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Poly(glycolic acid)
Poly(lactic acid)
Leucine aminopeptidase
Leucine aminopeptidase
Carboxypeptidase A
Clostridiopeptidase A
Leucine aminopeptidase
Proteinase K
Carboxypeptidase B
Source: From Park et al., Biodegradable Hydrogels for Drug Delivery, Technomic, 1993.
FIGURE 10.9 In vitro release of p-nitroaniline (circles) from a poly(carbophenoxyvaleric acid) matrix, as well as the fractional degradation of the matrix (triangles).
(Redrawn from Dombs et al., Makromol. Chem. Macromol. Symp. 1988, 19, 189.)
and hence also the release rate. On the other hand, basic drugs may also neutralize
the polymer terminal carboxyl residues of polyesters, thereby reducing the autocatalysis due to the acidic end groups, and therefore also the degradation rate
and the release rate.
The degradation of polymers may have also a range of other effects, e.g.,
relating to gel strength, bioadhesion, responsiveness, etc. For example, when biodegradable polymers are used as steric stabilizers for colloidal drug carriers, such
as liposomes, emulsions, or polymer particles, the colloidal stability of such systems at physiological conditions may depend on the state of degradation. As an
illustration of this, Figure 10.10 shows the stability toward salt-induced occulation of polystyrene particles coated by PEO-poly(lactide) copolymers. In an aqueous solution, these copolymers adsorb at the hydrophobic polystyrene particles
with the hydrophobic poly(lactide) block as the anchor. At sufciently high copolymer concentration, saturation adsorption is achieved, and an efcient steric
stabilization of the polystyrene dispersion is obtained also at high salt concentration (Chapter 9).
As degradation of the anchoring poly(lactide) block progresses, the anchoring of the copolymer at the polystyrene particle surface deteriorates. This, in turn,
results in a weaker adsorption, and in a decreased amount copolymer adsorbed,
which causes the steric protective capacity by the copolymer layer to decrease,
Chapter 10
and eventually the polystyrene particles to occulate. The longer the anchoring
poly(lactide) block, the more extensive degradation is required in order to weaken
and reduce the copolymer adsorption sufciently to induce occulation.
In some cases, such a degradation-induced destabilization of colloidal drug
carriers may be advantageous. For example, when a good storage stability of a
colloidal drug carrier system is required and release to either the stomach or the
intestine desired, degradation-induced occulation through acid-catalyzed hydrolysis (stomach) or enzymatic action (intestine) may be used to localize the colloidal drug carriers at the site of action, thereby improving the drug bioavailability.
On the other hand, if colloidal drug carriers stabilized by such polymers are
administered intravenously, the degradation-induced occulation may cause seri-
ous side effects relating to emboli formation. In the latter case, therefore, care
must be taken to avoid such effects.
As discussed in relation to liposomes (Chapter 4), sterically stabilized and
particularly PEO-modied colloidal drug carriers are quite interesting due to prolonged bloodstream circulation time, a comparably even tissue distribution, reduced toxicity effects, etc. The origin of the advantageous effects of PEO-containing coatings of colloidal drug carriers in intravenous drug delivery is the low
serum protein adsorption caused by the PEO chains. On biodegradation of the
anchoring block of a PEO-containing copolymer, on the other hand, the PEO
chains are released and the serum proteins can adsorb. For the PEO-poly(lactide)
block copolymers discussed above, the polymer is strongly anchored at hydrophobic particle surfaces when the poly(lactide) moiety is intact, which efciently
prevents serum proteins from adsorbing. On degradation of the poly(lactide)
block, however, the polymer does no longer adsorb as extensively and strongly
at the surface, and hence is not capable of reducing the protein adsorption (Figure
10.11). Hence, opsonization and RES uptake of colloidal drug carriers stabilized
by such polymers will result from this degradation.
Since the circulation time of intravenously administered colloidal drug carriers is rather critically dependent on PEO-chains present on the surface, triggering colloidal drug carriers with such detachable polymer coatings may be
Chapter 10
FIGURE 10.12 Particle size (squares) and scattering intensity (circles) of solutions
of E 39 L 5 (open) and E 39 L 20 (lled) as a function of the degree of degradation of the
poly(lactide) block. (Redrawn from Muller et al., J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2001, 236,
block. For the intact copolymer, small micelles are formed, while for extensively
degraded copolymers, only the PEO homopolymer and lactic acid residues are
present. At intermediate degradation of the poly(lactide) block, on the other hand,
large particles are formed by long blocks of poorly soluble poly(lactide). In comparison, the E 39 L 5 copolymer does not generate as long insoluble poly(lactide)
blocks on degradation, and hence less such particle formation occurs. Again, care
should be employed when using biodegradable polymers in intravenous drug
Biodegradable polymer gels are useful, e.g., for oral, buccal, topical, ocular,
nasal, and vaginal drug delivery. Gel systems are frequently preferred in these
applications due to suitable rheological properties and bioadhesion. Biodegradation of such systems, in turn, offers advantages related to ease of removal or
lack of need of removal, and sustained release. Considering the advantageous
properties of PEO and PEO-containing copolymers in many drug delivery applications, as well as the general advantages with biodegradable systems, biodegradable gels from functional PEOs offer particularly interesting possibilities (Figure
By varying both the nature of the labile link and the architecture of the
PEO, different gel dissolution times may be obtained (Table 10.4).
An area where biodegradable gels, and notably biodegradable polysaccharide gels, are useful is colon drug delivery. The main reason for this is that the
fermentation of polysaccharide carriers caused by microbial enzymes in the large
intestine may be used to obtain efcient controlled release formulations. Examples where such formulations are of interest include, e.g., the treatment of Crohns
Chapter 10
t 1/2 (days)
4-arm PEO
8-arm PEO
Source: Data from Zao et al., in Harris et al., eds., Poly(ethylene glycol)Chemistry
and Biological Applications, ACS Symp. Ser. 680, 1998.
disease, ulcerative colitis, spastic colon, constipation, and colon cancer. Moreover, colon administration is also promising for systemic absorption of, e.g., peptides and proteins, which are extensively degraded in the gastrointestinal tract
(Table 10.5).
A number of polymer systems are relevant in this context, e.g., coatings
by amylose, cyclodextrins, galactomannan or pectin, as well as matrices formed
by, e.g., chondroitin sulfate, dextran, pectin, or galactomannan. Just to provide
one example, Figure 10.14 shows results on degradation of dextran and degradation-induced drug release for this system.
Another way to control the enzymatic degradation rate and drug release
rate is addition of an enzyme inhibitor to the drug formulation. In particular, an
approach here is to chemically modify the polymer with an inhibitor, and to
control the degradation rate by the concentration and type of inhibitor on the
polymer chain (Figure 10.15).
Anti-inammatory agents
Anti-inammatory agents
Chemotherapeutic agents
Peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides
Source: From Hovgaard et al., Crit. Rev. Ther. Drug Carrier Syst. 1996,
13, 185.
FIGURE 10.14 (a) Degradation, as indicated by loss in dry weight, of dextran hydrogels in a human colonic fermentation model. Results are shown in the form of
remaining dry weight (open symbols) and the production of short chain fatty acids
(SCFA) (lled symbols) at a dextran gel cross-linking concentration of 4.0% (triangles) and 5.9% (circles). (b) Enzyme-triggered release of hydrocortisone from
swollen dextran hydrogels at pH 5.4 and 37C after addition of enzyme at 80 min
(lled symbols) compared with the release in the presence of enzyme at 0 min
(open symbols). (Redrawn from Simonsen et al., Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 1995, 3, 329
(a), and Brnsted et al., STP Pharma Sci. 1995, 5, 65 (b).)
Chapter 10
FIGURE 10.16 Release of naltrexone from biodegradable polymer particles of different size. (Redrawn from Yolles et al., in Juliano, ed., Drug Delivery Systems
Characteristics and Biomedical Applications, Oxford University Press, 1980.)
Chapter 10
Biodegradable polymers for drug delivery are generally chosen such that
the degradation products are essentially harmless, and ideally naturally occuring
in the human metabolism. Sometimes, however, biodegradation may result also
in negative effects. One such example is the oxidative cleavage which may occur
for PEO in the presence of light and oxygen. Although carboxyl groups tend to
be the end product after oxidative cleavage, sometimes aldehydes are generated,
which may have irritating or even toxic side effects. In pharmaceutical development work, this must be considered by following the metabolic fate of both the
drug and the drug carrier.
Chapter 10
The presence of cholesterol in phospholipid layers reduces the enzymecatalyzed hydrolysis of gel phase phospholipids. With an increasing concentration of cholesterol, the degradation rate is successively reduced, and at high cholesterol concentrations it is virtually absent (Figure 10.19). The origin of this
effect is unclear at present, but may be related to a reduced adsorption capacity
of the lipase at the lipid surface in analogy to the decreased adsorption observed
for serum lipoproteins (Figure 4.8).
The effects of pH on the enzymatic degradation of lipids and phospholipids
is a somewhat complicated issue, notably depending rather strongly on the nature
of the enzyme system. All enzymes display a pH-dependent activity, however,
and at very high and very low pH, the activity is generally low due to destruction
of the protein native conformation and other factors. As an illustration of this,
Figure 10.20 shows the pH-dependent hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine vesicles
by phospholipase D.
Phospholipids also display a pH-dependent chemical hydrolysis. In particular, phospholipids display a similar pH-dependent hydrolysis as many esters, i.e.,
increased degradation at low and high pH due to acid-and base-catalyzed hydrolysis (Figure 10.21). Also, hydrolysis is enhanced at elevated temperature.
Although the examples on the effects of hydrolysis of lipids and phospholipids in the present discussion have been taken from liposome systems, analogous effects occur also in liquid crystalline phases, lipid nanoparticles, and
other lipid/phospholipid structures, causing system-dependent effects, e.g., re-
FIGURE 10.20 Effect of pH on the activity of phospholipase D on phosphatidylcholine large unilamellar vesicles. (Redrawn from Kim et al., Bull. Korean Chem. Soc.
1992, 13, 381.)
FIGURE 10.21 Effect of pH on the hydrolysis rate K obs of phosphatidylcholine liposomes at 40C (open symbols) and 70C (lled symbols). (Redrawn from Grit et
al., J. Pharm. Sci. 1993, 82, 362.)
Chapter 10
Space group
Ia3d (bicontinuous cubic)
Ia3d (bicontinuous cubic)
Hexagonal Fd3m (reversed micellar cubic)
Fd3m (reversed micellar cubic)
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