Sureme 75 Finalxcbcvbvcb
Sureme 75 Finalxcbcvbvcb
Sureme 75 Finalxcbcvbvcb
Aseem Trivedis
Other Topics under
Advanced Auditing
Enough for Exams
SHORT NOTES { 4 Marks}
Q.1 What is Premium Deficiency?
The Regulations require that premium deficiency should be recognized if the sum
of expected claim costs, related expenses and maintenance costs exceeds related
unearned premium. After ascertainment of total unearned premium one is
required to estimate the expected claim costs, related expenses and maintenance
costs. These estimates are based on the information available on the balance
sheet date and the company's knowledge about the trend. If the unearned
premium exceeds the expected claim costs, related expenses and maintenance
costs, the excess of unearned premium is ignored. IF the total of expected claim,
costs related expenses and maintenance costs exceeds the related unearned
premiums, a provision for premium deficiency is created in the financial
statements. In the case of insurance contracts exceeding four years, estimation of
claims is required to be done on actuarial basis subject to regulations that may
be prescribed by the Authority. A certificate from a recognized actuary is required
to be obtained. It may be noted that the Regulations require that for contracts
exceeding four years, once a premium deficiency has occurred, future changes in
liabilities, that might arise, should be based on actuarial or technical evaluation.
The actuarial assumptions used for estimation of liabilities or claims are required
to be disclosed in the financial statements.
Q.2 Solvency margin in case of an insurer carrying on general insurance
business ( Nov. 06, May 12}
Solvency margin in case of an insurer carrying on general insurance
business: In case of an insurer carrying on general insurance business, the
solvency margin should be the highest of the following amounts :
@ 100% for Marine Hull.
It may be mentioned that the provisions of section 44 of the Income Tax Act,
1961, govern Insurance companies. The Income Tax Rules also provide for
creation of a reserve for un-expired risks. The deduction of these reserves is also
allowed under the Income Tax Act.
DESCRIBE The Concept { 6 marks}
Q.6 State the procedure for verification of Agents Balances in the
course of audit of a General Insurance Company.
( Nov.04, May 09,Nov.10,Nov.11,)
General Insurance Company Verification of Agents Balances: The
following are the audit procedures for verification of outstanding agents
Insurance Act, 1938 read with Rule 17E lays down the provisions regarding
limit on expenses of management in general insurance business.
revenue account a certificate signed by the Chairman and two directors and
by the principal offi cer of the insurer, and by an auditor certifying that all
expenses of management wherever incurred, whether directly or indirectly,
in respect of the business referred to in this section, have been fully debited
in the revenue account as expenses.
4. At leat 10%
5. Up to 55%
Part C
Describe in Details { 8 Marks}
Q.9 Describe the audit procedures to be followed for verification of
premiums by a statutory auditor of a general insurance company.{ May
Verification of Premiums: In the audit of a general insurance company,
verification of premium is one of the most important aspects for the
statutory auditor. The following procedure should normally be applied for
verification of premium:
Q.10 What are the specific areas to which you will give your attention
while examining Claims Paid by a General Insurance Company.
( May 04,May 2010}
Q.12 As at 31st March 2013 while auditing Safe Insurance Ltd you observed
that a policy has been issued on 25th March 2013 for fire risk favouring one
of the leading corporate houses in the country without the actual receipt of
premium and it was reflected as premium receivable. The company
maintained that it is a usual practice in respect of big customers and the
money was collected on 5th April, 2013. You further noticed that there was
a fire accident in the premises of the insured on 31st March 2013 and a
claim was lodged for the same. The insurance company also made a
provision for claim. Please respond.
According to section 64VB of the Insurance Act no risk can be assumed by the
insurer unless the premium is received. No insurer should assume any risk in
India in respect of any insurance business on which premium is ordinarily
outstanding in India unless and until the premium payable is paid or is guaranteed
to be paid by such person in such manner and within such time, as may be
prescribed, or unless and until deposit of such amount, as may be prescribed, is
made in advance in the prescribed manner. In view of the above, the insurance
company is not liable to pay the claim and hence no provision for claim is required.
SHORT NOTES {4 Marks} Generally not asked
Describe a Concept { 4 to 6 Marks }
Q.13. What is cash reserve?
Every banking company, except a scheduled bank, shall maintain in India by
way of cash reserve with itself, or by way of balance in a current account with the
Reserve Bank, or by way of net balance in current accounts, or in one or more of
the aforesaid ways, a sum equivalent to at least three per cent of the total of its
demand and time liabilities in India as on the last Friday of the second preceding
Every scheduled bank is required to maintain with the Reserve Bank an average
daily balance the amount of which shall not be less than three per cent of the
total of its demand and time liabilities in India. The said rate may, however, be
increased by the Reserve Bank by notification up to 15% of the total of demand and
time liabilities in India. The average daily balance and the additional balance
required by such a notification are generally referred to as Statutory Deposit and
Additional Statutory Deposit respectively.
Q.14 What is Statutory Liquidity Ratio {May 02,Nov.03}
Every banking company shall maintain in India in cash, gold or unencumbered
approved securities an amount equivalent to, at the close of business on any day,
twenty-five per cent, or such other percentage not exceeding forty, as the Reserve
Bank of India may from time to time specify, of the total of its demand and time
liabilities in India as on the last Friday of the second preceding fortnight. This is
known as `statutory liquidity ratio' (SLR). All banks are required to advise their
statutory central auditors to verify the compliance of statutory liquidity ratio on
twelve odd dates in different months not being Fridays.
d. Transfer from one to other category has to done at cost / book value /market
value whichevr is least on the date of transfer.
Q.16 How investments are valued in case of Bank?
Following are the valuations rules in a Bank?
1. Held to Maturity: Investment should be carried at acquistion cost except
where the acquistion cost is more than face value. In that case the amount above
the face value should be amortised over the period of maturity. Any permanent
decline in the value of investment in subsidiaries and joint ventures under this
category should provided.
2.Available for Sale: All the scrip in this category should be marked to market at
the interval of a quarter or less. Net depreciation in any category should be
provided for in the profit and loss account and net appreciation should be
ignored. The amount of provision made in the profit and loss account, net of taxes
and net of consequent reduction in the transfer to Statutory Reserve, should be
credited back to profit and loss account from Investment Fluctuation Reserve. In
case of subsequent reversal of this amount credit for the same to be given to
Investment Fluctuation Reserve.
3.Held for Trading: Should be marked to market in a interval of a month or less.
Q.17 What do you mean by Investment Fluctuation Reserve?
The banks are required to create Investment Fluctuation Reserve (IFR) with a
minimum of 5% of the Investment portfolio . In calculating the portfolio the
investment in "Held for Maturity" should not be included. The requirement of 5% is
the minimum requirement and banks can create the reserve to the extent of 10%.
The bank should try to credit this account with the maximun amount of gains on
sale of investment and the portion of realised gains on two categories except "Held
for Maturity" .This transfer will be an appropriation to profit and loss account.
Q.18 What is a Non performing Assets { May 2000,Nov. 2000, May 05, May 06,
May 11,}
Non performing assets are such advances which are not performing to realise the
income from interest. Following are the norms how the advance facilities are treated
by banks as NPA
(a)Term Loans: A term loan is treated as a non-performing asset (NPA) if interest
and/or instalment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 90 days.
(b) Cash Credits and Overdrafts: A cash credit or overdraft account is treated as
NPA if it remains out of order as indicated above. An account should be treated as
Banks are required to classify nonperforming assets further into the following three
ategories based on the period for which the asset has remained nonperforming and
realisability of the dues:
i. Substandard Assets
ii. Doubtful Assets
iii. Loss Assets
Substandard Assets
With effect from 31 March 2005, a substandard asset would be one, which has
remained NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months. In such cases, the
current net worth of the borrower/ guarantor or the current market value of the
security charged is not enough to ensure recovery of the dues to the banks in full.
In other words, such an asset will have well defined credit weaknesses that
jeopardise the liquidation of the debt and are characterised by the distinct
possibility that the banks will sustain some loss, if deficiencies are not corrected.
Doubtful Assets
With effect from March 31, 2005, an asset would be classified as doubtful if it has
remained in the substandard category for a period of 12 months. A loan classified
as doubtful has all the weaknesses inherent in assets that were classified as
substandard, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or
liquidation in full, on the basis of currently known facts, conditions and values
highly questionable and improbable.
Loss Assets
A loss asset is one where loss has been identified by the bank or internal or
external auditors or the RBI inspection but the amount has not been written off
wholly. In other words, such an asset is considered uncollectible and of such little
value that its continuance as a bankable asset is not warranted although there
may be some
salvage or recovery value.
(i) While verifying the closing balance, special attention should be paid to the
origin and validity of old outstanding unmatched entries, particularly debit entries.
The auditor may also seek confirmation of transactions relating to outstanding in
appropriate cases.
(ii) Whether there are any reversal entries indicating the possibility of irregular
payments or frauds.
(iii) Whether the balances include any items in the nature of cash in transit
included in
this head which remain pending for more than a reasonable period. This is because
such items are not expected to remain outstanding beyond a very small period
during which they are in transit.
(v) Whether transactions other than those relating to inter branch transactions
have been included in inter branch accounts. Any unusual items put
through inter branch accounts as well as old or large entries outstanding in
Inter branch accounts should be carefully looked into. The auditor should
also seek explanations from the Management in this regard in appropriate
Q.27What are the significant features of audit of co operative society?
1. Qualification of the auditor: Apart from a chartered Accountant following
can be appointed as an auditor provided the State Co-operative Acts specify so.
(a) Person holding a Government diploma in co-operative accounts
(b) Person holding a Government diploma in co-operation and accountancy
(c) Person who has served as an auditor in co-operative department of a
2. Appointment of auditors: Registrar of co-operative societies appoints the
auditor of a co-operative society and the auditor reports to the Registrar as well as
the society. But the audit fees are paid by the societies as may be prescribed by the
Registrar on the basis of scale of the co-operative society as may be prescribed. For
example fees of co-operative credit societies are determined on the basis of Working
3. Books, accounts and other records maintained by the co-operative
societies: Central co-operative society Act nowhere provides for maintenance of
books of accounts but the respective state Acts do provide provisions for
maintenance of books of accounts. At least followings books of accounts should be
(a) Detailed Cash Book along with proper narration
(b) Sales ledger
(c) Purchase ledger
(d) Stock register
(e) Accounts relating to all the assets of the society
(f) Accounts relating to all the liability of the society
However it should be noted that it is not necessary that all the above listed books
have to be maintained even if there is no such transactions in the society. It should
be appreciated that the statutory rules only provides a direction to maintain books
of account and the society is free to maintain any additional books of accounts for
better disclosure and transparency. Following details books can also be maintained:
1) Daily cash sales summary register
2) A register of collection from debtors if any
3) Register of recoveries of loans from salaries
4) Loan disbursement register in case of credit society
5) Any others detailed register depending on nature and volume of transactions.
4. Restrictions on Share holdings: A person cannot become a member and hold
shares of limited liabilities societies to the following extent unless it is a registered
i. 20% of the total number of shares;
ii. Shares of the value of Rs. 1000, whichever is higher.
5. Restrictions on loans: A registered society shall not make loans to persons
other than its members. However, with a special sanction of Registrar loans can be
given to another registered society.
6. Restriction on borrowings: The auditor should verify that borrowings of a
registered society are with in the limits and as per the policy in laid down in
byelaws of the society.
7. Investment of funds: A co-operative society can invest in one or more of the
(1) Central or state co-operative bank
(2) Securities specified in the Indian Trust Act, 1882
(3) In the shares, securities, bonds or debentures of any other society with limited
(4) In co-operative banks other than those mentioned in (i) above, as approved by
the registrar.
(5) In any other moneys as permitted by Central or State Government.
8. Appropriation of profits: A co-operative society has to transfer at least 25% of
its profit to reserve funds, before distribution of dividends or bonus to members. In
case the financial position of the society does not permit such transfer, the
Registrar can reduce the transfer to the extent of 10%.
9. Investment of Reserve fund outside the business or utilization as working
capital: The co-operative society may use its reserve fund as follows:
(1) In the regular business of the society itself
(2) Investing in the securities as per norms discussed in Point 7 above.
(3) May be used for some public purpose likely to promote the object of the society.
10. Contribution to Education Fund: Some state Acts require that every society
should contribute annually towards the Education Fund of the State Federal
Society. The amount of contribution will as may be prescribed depending on the
class of society. Further the amount of contribution will be a charge against profit
and not an appropriation. The auditor should ensure compliance of these
Place of keeping the books are to be intimated to the Board and the records should
be preserved for a period of 5 years. The SEBI can investigate the affairs of
following persons:
1. A depository
2. A participant
3. A beneficial owner
4. An issuer
5. An agent of the issuer
The SEBI can investigate the accounts and records of the above persons for the
following reasons:
1. To ensure that books of accounts are being maintained as per the regulation
2. To investigate the complaints received from depository, participant, beneficial
owner, issuer, agent of the issuer or any other person
3. To ascertain the compliance by all the acts and regulation by depository,
participant, beneficial owner, issuer, agent of the issuer
4. To ascertain the adequacy of the systems, procedure and safeguards being
followed by a depository, participants, beneficial owners, issuer or its agent
5. Suo motu to ensure that the affairs of depository, participant, beneficial owner,
issuer, agent of the issuer are being conducted in the best interest of the investor.
The SEBI has power to appoint the auditor to inspect or investigate, into the books
of account, records, documents, infrastructure, systems and procedure or affairs of
a depository, participant, beneficial owner, issuer, agent of the issuer.
a. Ascertain whether proposals for Leasing are accepted only after adequate
b. The auditor should verify whether there is an adequate system in place for
ensuring installation of assets and their periodical physical verification.
c. The system for ensuring that the asset is adequately insured and properly
maintained should be in place.
d. The auditor should ensure that leasing transactions are classified and accounted
as per AS- 19 Leases.
e. Ensure that the provisions relating to asset classification, provisioning and
income recognition laid down for lease financing by NBFCs are observed.
b. Verify whether investments made by the NBFC are within limits laid down under
the NBFC prudential norms.
c. Check that no loans have been advanced on the security of its own share.
d. Verify that income in the form of interest, dividend and capital gains is properly
e. Test Check the contract notes received from brokers with the prices in the stock
market on the respective dates.
f. Ensure that there is a proper system of authorization for purchase and sale of
g. Check whether investments have been valued as per NBFC Prudential Norms
and AS 13 Accounting for Investments.
h. Check the investments made in subsidiary / group companies for basis for price
paid, quantum of investment made etc.
i. Check whether investments in unquoted debentures and bonds have not been
classified as investments but as term loans for the purpose of asset classification,
provisioning and income recognition.
j. In case of securities lent / borrowed under securities lending scheme of SEBI,
verify the terms and conditions of the agreement.
k. In respect of shares/securities held through a depository, obtain a confirmation
from the depository regarding the shares/securities held by it on behalf of the
l. Verify charges received or paid in respect of securities, lend/borrowed;
Q.35 Who can conduct business at stock exchanges and how SEBI controls the
Business at Stock Exchange can be transacted only by its members. They enter
into transaction either on their own behalf or their clients or sub-brokers Every
active member shall get his accounts audited by a chartered accountant.
Company can also become a member of stock exchange..
SEBI may levy monetary fine & penalties on any person in following cases:
Q.37 What do you mean by MARGIN and how many type of Margin stock
exchanges accept from members?
Due to wide fluctuations in prices of securities over a period of time, the exchange
levies margin on its members. This certain deposit is to be kept with exchange by
its members. This mechanism is adopted, in order to restrict excessive speculations
and safeguard the interest of the investors. The members are required to collect
margins from their clients and deposit it with the clearing house of exchange. The
three types of margins are
1. Volatility Margin :
The volatility margin is imposed to curb excessive volatility in the securities.It is
also used to prevent building up of excessive outstanding positions. This margin is
calculated at the discretion of stock exchange to charge margin on any particular
security because of its volatile nature, on specific percentage.
2. Gross Exposure Margin :
It is the percentage of net cumulative outstanding position in each security that the
member should keep with the exchange at all times. This margin is calculated on
continuous basis. This margin is to be kept with stock exchange in advance. Gross
exposure is calculated on all securities unlike volatility margin which is on any
specific security.
3. Mark to Market Margin :
This margin is imposed to cover a loss that a member may incur in case the
transaction is closed out at the closing price of the trading day, which is different
from the price at which the transaction has been entered into. It is the notional loss
if net cumulative outstanding position in all the securities were closed out at
closing price of relevant transaction date, for a specific member.
Q.38 How one can classify the markets in stock exchange on the basis of
There are four types of market.
Normal Market All orders which are of the regular lot size or multiples thereof
are traded in the Normal Market. For D-mat shares, lot size is 1 share.
Odd lot Market An order is called an odd lot order if the order size is less
than the regular lot size, such orders are traded in the odd lot market. But for
order matching both price & quantity should tally with each other.
Spot Market in all respects spot orders are similar to the normal market
orders except that spot orders have different settlement periods vis--vis normal
orders. Pay in pay out takes place on the same day.
Circuit filters are price bands imposed by the Securities Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) to restrict the movement of stock prices (up or down), of listed securities.
This is to curb manipulation done in share prices by operators.
Stock exchanges introduced circuit filters, as per SEBI guidelines to prevent a steep
fall/rise in stock prices and to safe guard interest of investors from volatility in
How do they work?
When the stock price breaches a stipulated price band as decided by stock
exchanges, trading in that particular stock is suspended. For example, if you have a
share price of Rs 100, and there is a circuit breaker of 5%, it will stop trading if the
share price goes above Rs 105. Similarly. if the stock drops below Rs 95, the lower
end circuit filter is applied and trading is suspended.
Circuits limit for stock exchanges
There are three circuit filters for indices - 10%, 15%, and 20%. These filters are
applied to Sensex or Nifty whichever crosses the limit first. The trigger also depends
on the time at which it occurs.
Q.40 what is rolling settlement?
Rolling settlement is a system to settle share transactions in predefined number or
days. It is a mechanism of settling trades done on a stock exchange on the Day Day
of Trade (T) plus "X" trading days. "X" trading days could be any number of days
like 1,2,3,4 or 5 days. So, if we say the rolling settlement for a transaction is T+3
then it means that the transaction will be settled in TODAY + Next 3 Days. In other
words, in T+3 environment, a trade done on T day is settled on the 3rd working day
excluding the T day.
In Rolling Settlements, share trading done on each single day are settled separately
from the trades done on earlier or subsequent trading days.
In India, after April 1, 2002, all trades done on stock exchange are settled on T+3
basis. There could be some deviations because of Bank Closing or National
At NSE and BSE, trades in rolling settlement are settled on a T+2 basis i.e. on the
2nd working day. Saturdays and Sundays are excluded because the stock
exchanges remain closed on weekends.
The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands and
that every official exercises the same degree of vigilance as in respect of his own
ii. No authority in the exercise of its powers of sanctioning expenditure should pass an
order, which will be directly or indirectly to its own advantage.
iii. The funds should not be utilized for the benefit of a particular person or group of
iv. Apart from the agreed remuneration or reward there should not be left open any
other avenue to indirectly benefit the management, personnel, employees and
Allowances and other payments, other than those covered in the agreed
remuneration should not be allowed to be a source of profit for the recipient (e.g., daily
allowance for outstation work)
Maintenance of a price.
thereupon the company shall furnish the same within the time as may be specified
by the Government. The Central Government may take any steps as deemed
necessary based on the report. It may be directed that the report should be
circulated among the members of the company, along with the notice of General
meeting held first time after submission of report. The Government may specify to
circulate the whole of the report or any part of that.
Frequency of audit
Every year
Below 50 Lakhs
Process of auditing
1. Preliminary review about assessee
2. Gathering information through records and documents
3. Physical verification of plant
4. Evaluation of Internal control and risk assessment
5. Verification
6. Conclusion and reporting
Frequency of audit
Every year
Up to 25 Lakhs
a. The tax auditor has to report on profit distributed during the FY and therefore
the amount of tax paid on such distributed profit at the prescribed rate plus
surcharge at the applicable rate on tax and education cess thereon, the dates of
payment with amount, has to be reported.
b. The manner of reporting:
Assessment Year
Nature of loss/allowance (in rupees)
Amount as returned (in rupees)
Amount as assessed (in rupees)
For giving the above information, the auditors should verify the assessment records
i.e., Income tax return filed. Assessment orders Appellate orders
Rectification/revision orders of the earlier years and ascertain if the figures given in
the above clause are correct.
Q.52 Mr. X, who conducts the tax audit u/s 44AB of the IT Act, 1961 of M/s
ABC, a partnership firm has received the entire audit fees of Rs. 25,000 in
April, 2010 in respect of the tax audit for the year ended 31.3.2010. The
audit report was however signed in September, 2010. Comment.
Ans: A person is disqualified from being an auditor if he is indebted to the company
for more than Rs. 1,000. This provision for disqualification would apply only in case
of an auditor appointed under the Companies Act, 1956. When a CA is appointed to
conduct a tax audit u/s 44AB of the Income -tax Act, 1961, his appointment is not
under the Companies Act, 1956 but under the Income-tax Act, 1961. In the
Income-tax Act, 1961 there is no such provision. Mr. X would still be able to carry
out audit and he would not be disqualified.
Q.53 A leading jewellery merchant used to value his inventory at cost on LIFO
basis. However, for the current year, in view of requirements of AS 2, he
changed over to FIFO method of valuation. The difference in value of stock
amounted to Rs. 55 lakhs which is higher than that under the previous
method. In such a situation, what are the reportingresponsibilities of a Tax
Audit under Section 44AB of Income-tax Act, 1961.
Ans: The change in the method of valuation of stock is not a change in method of
accounting, as it is only a change in accounting policy. However in the Income-tax
Act, 1961this is considered under method of accounting. Under the Income-tax Act,
1961, if the change in method of valuation is bonafide, and is regularly and
consistently adopted in the subsequent years as well, such change would be
permitted to be made for tax purposes. In the instant case, the change in the
valuation of stock from LIFO basis to FIFO basis is pursuant to mandatory
requirements of the AS 2 Valuation of Inventories and therefore should be viewed
as bonafide change. This apart, the tax auditor in his report has to specifically refer
to the method of valuation of stock under Clause 12 in Form 3CD.
Q.54 Mr. Ram, the Tax Auditor finds that some payments inadmissible u/s
40A(3) were
made, and advised the client to report the same in form 3CD. The client
contends that cash
payments were made since the other parties insisted upon the same and did
not have Bank
Accounts. Comment.
Ans: The audit under section 44 AB of the Income Tax Act 1961 requires that the
tax auditor should report whether in his opinion the particulars in respect of Form
3CD are true and correct. It is the primary responsibility of the assessee to prepare
the information in form 3CD. The auditor has to examine whether the information
given is true and correct. The form 3CD is not a report of Tax Auditor. The report is
in the form of 3CA or 3CB depending on the nature of the organization of the entity.
If the tax auditor is satisfied that the information contained in form 3CD is true
and correct then he can give unqualified report in form 3CA or 3CB. But in the
given case the tax auditor has found that the form
3CD contains the incomplete, misleading and false information. Disallowance
under section 40A(3) is attracted if the assessee incurs any expenses in respect of
which payment of aggregate of payments made to a person in a day, otherwise than
by an account payee cheque drawn on bank or account payee draft exceeds Rs.
20,000/-. However, exemption is provided in respect of certain expenditure in Rule
6DD. In such cases, disallowance under section 40A(3) would not be attracted.
Under clause 17(h) of Form 3CD, amounts inadmissible under section 40A(3), read
with Rule 6DD, have to be reported. Cash payment made on insistence of other
parties on the contention that they do not have bank accounts is not covered under
the list of exceptions provided under Rule 6DD. Mr. Ram has to report
the payments inadmissible under section 40A(3) under clause 17(h) of Form 3CD.
.Q.55. Mr. V carries on the business of dealing and export of diamonds. For the
year ended 31st March 2012, you as the tax auditor, find that the entire exports are
to another firm in U.S.A. which is owned by Mr. Vs brother.
Hint Ans: Clause 18 of form 3CD, annexed to tax audit report in Form 3CA/3CB,
requires the tax auditor to specify particulars of payments made to person specified
u/s 40(A)(2)(b) of the IT Act 1961. Persons specified in the said section are relatives
of an assessee and sister concerns, etc. Mr. V has not made any payments to his
brother. On the contrary, he must have received payments from him against exports
made and, thus, this clause would be required to verify whether the exports are
genuine, i.e. , whether the diamonds have been delivered by verifying the necessary
delivery documents, relevant invoices, etc., the reasonableness of the price and
whether the export realization have been received
Q.56 TUI Ltd. an Indian company, subject to IT Act, 1961, discloses advance
paid (Current tax asset) and provision for Income-tax (Current tax liability),
separately in
B/S for the year ended 31.3.2011, i.e., it does not offset the amount.
: As per AS 22 Accounting for Taxes on Income, an enterprise should offset assets
and liabilities representing current tax if the enterprise: (i) Has a legally enforceable
right to set off the recognized amounts and (ii) Intends to settle asset & liability on
a net basis. An enterprise will normally have a legally enforceable right to set off an
asset and liability representing current tax when they relate to income taxes levied
under the same governing taxation laws and the taxation laws permit the
enterprise to make or receive a single net payment. Since TUI Ltd is an Indian
Company, and as per IT Act, 1961, such set off is allowed which is legally
enforceable. In view of Provisions of AS 22 and IT Laws, TUI Ltd. should offset
advance tax paid against provision for IT & show only the net amount in B/S.
Q57. ABC Printing Press, a proprietary concern, made a turnover of above Rs.
63 lacs for the year ended 31.03.2011. The Management explained its auditor
Mr. Z that it undertakes different job work orders from customers. The raw
materials required for every job are dissimilar. It purchases the raw materials
as per specification/requirements of each customer, and there is hardly any
balance of raw materials remaining in the stock, except pending work-inprogress at the year end. Because of variety and complexity of materials, it is
rather impossible to maintain a stock-register. Give your comments.
Hint Ans: The explanation of the entity for the use of varieties of raw materials for
different jobs undertaken may be valid. But the auditor needs to verify the specified
job-orders received and the different raw materials purchased for each job
separately. The use of different papers (quality, quantity and size) ink, color etc.
may be examined. If possible, the auditor may also enquire with the other similar
printers in the locality to ensure the prevailing custom. At the same time, he has to
report and certify under the Para 28(b) and Para 9(b) of Form 3CD read with the
Rule 6G (2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, about the details of stock and account
books (including stock register) maintained. He (or his deputy) must verify the
closing stock of raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods of the concern,
at least on the date of its balance sheet. In case the said details are not properly
maintained, he has to specifically mention the same with reasons for nonmaintenance of stock register by the entity.
Quality of reporting.
Systems and procedures for carrying out assurance services.
Training programmes for staff (including articled and audit assistants)
concerned with assurance functions, including availability of
appropriate infrastructure.
Compliance with directions and / or guidelines issued by the Council
to the Members, including Fees to be charged, Number of audits
undertaken, register for Assurance Engagements conducted during
the year and such other related records.
Compliance with directions and / or guidelines issued by the Council
in relating to article assistants and / or audit assistants, including
attendance register, work diaries, stipend payments, and such other
related records.
Q.68 What is utility to apply CAAT? What considerations required to apply it?
In determining whether to use CAATs, the following factors should be considered: 1. Computer Knowledge, Expertise And Experience of the Auditor: -
which focuses on financial results of the past year and thus is backward-looking, a management
audit represents a more positive, forward-looking approach that evaluates how well management
accomplishes its stated organizational objectives, In a management audit, the auditor will look to
see whether management is getting information relevant to the decisions and actions. Hence
management audit is an intensive analysis of information needs and the efficiency of the existing
system in meeting them. Management Audit is a tool to improve management performance by
recognizing facts and information about management presented after appropriate examination,
verification and evaluation, by professionally qualified and competent people. To assess how
effective management is in planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the organizations
activities, and how appropriate management's decisions are for reaching stated organization
objectives. This evaluation of managerial performance is achieved with the aid of management
audit questionnaire.
Q.71 What is Operational Audit and What are its objective?
Operational audit has been defined as a systematic process of evaluating an organizations
effectiveness, efficiency and economy of the operations under managements control and
reporting to appropriate persons the results of the evaluation along with recommendations
for payment. Since operational auditing is a newly emerged term, there is lack of consensus
in the definition of this. However there is not many opposition of the view that operational
audit is a review and appraisal of the operations of the organization carried out by a
competent independent person and also in understanding operational auditing as an
extension of internal auditing with a definite work content which stretches beyond the
traditional field of internal auditors, i.e. financial accounting The independent status is
important to maintain its objectivity and usefulness.
The concept of operational audit is a logical extension of internal audit. Operational audit
is the audit for management. Traditionally, the emphasis of internal auditing was on
accounting and financial operations only. But nowadays the audits of functional areas likes
production, marketing etc. are in demand. Thus, operational auditing is merely an
extension of traditional internal auditing into operational areas. Operational auditing
concentrate on effectiveness, efficiency and economy of operations and therefore it is future
oriented. The work of operational auditor doesnt end with the reporting of the deficiencies
but also he has to suggest the measure to be taken to meet overcome those. As
management Audit is an audit of the management, the same way operational audit is the
audit for the management. Followings are the objective of operational Audit:1. Appraisal of control Operational auditing deals with the administrative controls
and its purpose is to determine whether the controls are adequate.
2. Evaluation of performance During performance evaluation, an operational
auditor is heavily dependent upon availability of acceptable standards.
3. Appraisal of objectives and plans Though controversial, one school of thought
holds that operational auditing can be stretched to evaluate management objectives
and plans. If the management policy favours installation of controls, controls would
have to stay within the policy frame. Therefore, the basic things that should be
evaluated is management policies, plans and objectives.
4. Appraisal of organization structure Organisational structure provides the line of
relationship and delegation of authority and tasks. This is also another important
area for appraisal by the operational auditor.
Q.72 What is Investigation and How it differs from Audit?
The term investigation implies a systematic and in-depth examination or enquiry to
establish a fact or to evaluate a specific situation. The specific purpose may be
evaluation of state of affairs or establishing of a fact. Auditing, on the other hand,
is independent examination of books of accounts and records of a business
enterprise with a view to express an opinion on the truth and fairness of such
accounts. The objective of auditing is very general in nature and is well
documented , while
Q.73 Define the steps involved in Investigation on Behalf of Incoming Partner
Objective :- to know whether (i)
The terms offered to incoming partner are reasonable
His capital contribution would not be unreasonable and safe.
The investigator should take care of the following (i)
First of all the investigator should ascertain the history from the
inception and growth of the firm.
The investigator should Study the provisions of the partnership deed to
know the advantages and disadvantages to the incoming partner.
The Investigator should analyse the profitability and the rate of return of
the firms business over a period of time.
The investigator should also verify the assets and liability of the firm..
He should also observe that what is position of orders on hand the range
and quality of customers should be thoroughly examined.
He should evaluate the competency of key personnels employed.
He should study the important contractual and legal obligations.
He should evaluate why admission of partner is offered
He should evaluate that what shall be the manner of computation of good
will of admission and retirement of a partner should be ascertained.
Q.74 Define the steps involved in Investigation on Behalf of Bank Proposing
to Advance Loan to a Company.
: To
purpose for which a loan is required,
sources from which it would be repaid and
security that would be available to it.
Procedure :The investigator should (1) Evaluate the purpose for which the loan is required .
(2) Evaluate the repayment schedule offered by the buyer.
(3) Evaluate the financial standing and reputation of entity.
(4) Study the Memorandum or the Articles of Association to borrow money for
the purpose for which the loan will be used.
(5) Study the history of growth and development of the entity for at least the
past 5 years.
To investigate the profitability of the business, the investigating accountant
should take the under-mentioned steps
(a) Prepare a condensed income statement from the Profit and Loss Accounts for
the previous five years, showing various items of income and expenses, gross
and net profits earned and taxes paid annually during each of the five years.
(b) Compute the under-mentioned ratios
Compute the under-mentioned ratios
Sales to Average Stocks held
Sales to fixed assets.
Equity to fixed assets.
Current Assets to current liabilities.
Quick assets (the current assets that are readily realizable) to quick
Equity to long term loans.
Sales to Book debts.
(viii) Return on Capital Employed.
(c) Break-up of annual sales product-wise.
Q. 75 Define the steps involved in investigation of frauds of following
Investigation of Fraud under Cash
Receipts The probability of cash being diverted before being entered in
the books is very high and hence
(iv) Income received from different sources should be scrutinized.
(v) Carbon copies of receipts marked duplicate should be scrutinized.
(vi) The record of small or negligible sources of income such as sales of
scrap or sale of waste paper.
(vii) Recoveries from customers and sundry parties along with deductions
on account of cash discounts should be reviewed and checked
1) Acknowledgement for payments has to be carefully scrutinized
2) Care is required where a figure appears to have been erased on altered
on such acknowledgement.
3) Payment by bearer Cheques should be checked.
4) Payment as regards wages should be examined for possible over
totaling of wage sheets and entries regarding dummy workmen.
5) Check whether payment has been made in respect of supplies which
have not been received.
6) Petty Cash Book itself should be vouched and totaled.
Investigation of Frauds Under Ledger
Balances in customers ledger The first steps is to find out
Whether the customers are
properly debited in respect of goods received.
Test the entries in the order
book with those in the sales daybook.
Amounts adjusted on account
of goods returned or difference in price as well as amounts written off
as bad debts should be checked.
Balance confirmations from
Balances in Suppliers ledger
(1) The Bought Journal should be vouched by reference of Goods Inward
(2) Amounts have been correctly credited in respect of goods duly received
or not.
(3) Request the supplier to furnish statements of their accounts to find
out whether or not any balance is outstanding or due and
(4) Confirm that allowances and rebates given by them is correctly
Investigation of Fraud of stock
(5) The defalcation of trading stock, etc. is usually possible through a
collusion among a number of persons.
(6) Check whether there is
(a) A system of stock control, and existence of detailed record of the
movement of stock, or
(b) Availability of sufficient data from which such a record can be
(7) Physically check the quantities in stock and those shown by the
stock book.
To ascertain
employees of target company are efficient.