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Patch Notes

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Table of Content

I. DESPERADOS 2 - COOPER'S REVENGE PATCH 1.01 (Build 1.48) Readme Information

II. DESPERADOS 2 - COOPER'S REVENGE 1.00 (BUILD 1.13/1.23) Readme Information
I. DESPERADOS 2 - COOPER'S REVENGE PATCH 1.01 (Build 1.48) Readme Information
Readme file - May 10th, 2006

Thank you for downloading the DESPERADOS 2

and Atari hope you will enjoy the
features and changes provided by patch 1.01.
This Readme file contains useful information that could help you to solve proble
ms with the game and its patch.




Installation problems with Asian Operating Systems.

New Features
Changes and Bug Fixes
Known Issues

Patch 1.01: Installation problems with Asian Operating Systems.

-----------------------------------------------------------------Important notice for installations of Desperados 2 on Windows using Asian langua
ges or Codepages.
If the installation of Desperados 2 fails and your System is running Windows wit
h an Asian language or the Codepage is set to a non Unicode setting (Chinese, Ja
panese, Korean, etc...) please follow the steps below to install Desperados vers
ion 1.01 to your hard disc drive.
Step 1: Please insert the original CD1 or DVD in your drive.
Step 2: If the installation of Desperados 2 should start or your have any other
autostart popup, you should close these now.
Step 3: Start the Patch 1.01 'Desperados2_update_v101.exe'.
Step 4: Please select the Language you wish to install.
Step 5: Click on Browse when prompted for your CD or DVD.
Step 6: Select the drive into which you inserted the Desperados 2 CD or DVD.
Step 7: After reviewing the installation options some files from the Desperados
2 disc will be copied to your temporary folder. After this process the Desperado
s 2 Installer will start.
Step 8: Once the copying process has started from the Desperados 2 Installer you

will be prompted once for the location of the CAB files, please select here aga
in the drive where your Desperados 2 disc is inserted.
This should complete the installation.
Patch 1.01: New Features
-----------------------------------------------------------------a) Quick action planner
a quick action

Graphical display of waypoints and actions when plotting

b) Sacred Mountain : Added sound effect for Hawkeye s special war cry
c) Improved moving through doors in 3rd person View
d) Difficulty Level now accessible from main menu
e) Various performance optimizations
Patch 1.01: Changes and Bug Fixes
-----------------------------------------------------------------a) All save games created with the 1.01 version are not compatible to any previo
us game versions.
Consequence: Save games created with 1.01 (Build 1.48) can not be loaded by vers
ion 1.00 (Build 1.13/1.23)
b) NPCs executing tasks and NPCs walking patrols now react immediately in all ca
ses if stimulated by PC player's actions (audible, visible stimuli)
c) Players can now heal friendly NPCs in Canyon Mission 3: Protect the Settlers
(not possible in 1.00 after creating a Save Game)
d) After installing the game, French Version or English/German/Italian/Spanish v
ersion may fail to start under
Windows XP (64Bit-Version). After installing Patch 1.01 - problem should be solv
e) During Execution of Quick Actions, deleting the quick action will not make th
e game unstable
f) PCs now should not walk through each other any more
g) Sniper screen is now restored after loading of a save game
h) Identical Save game Names in different missions now are stored with different
Save game Names. Overwriting
existing Save games with similar names in other missions of same level not possi
ble without confirmation any more.
i) A couple of sound files with additional fx / speeches were added.
j) Santa F by Night: Shooting the Sheriff now correctly toggles mission lost scre
k) NPCs now carry Tequila in correct positions.
l) Unconscious or dead NPC lying on the ground do not vibrate any more.

m) NPCs leaning into a wall are now able to shoot PCs correctly.
n) Riding with a weapon should now allow shooting and turning correctly at the s
ame time.
o) Players may now shoot even if not aiming for valid targets (NPCs).
p) Santa Fe By Day: View cone now appears for the civilian NPC behind the saloon
q) NPCs should not bunch up as much in one place any more while chasing a PC aro
und a corner
r) Kate is not able to run any more while seducing in action view
s) Makeup effect has no effect through walls any more
t) NPCs on horses can now be seduced
u) After changing detail settings within option menu, particle effects from othe
r missions in same level do not appear any more
v) If PCs carrying NPCs/PCs are shot, the carried bodies fall to the ground and
do not hang in the air any more
w) Dismounting a horse not possible during movement of horse
x) Dismounting too close to a wall is not possible any more
y) Programming a quick action, where a PC should run when spotting an NPC is now
z) Animation glitch with NPC waking up is corrected
aa) NPC blinded by Kate's powder do now fall to the ground when they are knocked
ab) NPC should not clip through walls anymore where they could be shot
ac) Auto save points now should be located in more convenient positions
ad) Fixed the option setting PC Responses . In some cases the Voices still could be
heard when Option was switched off
ae) In Santa Fe by day Mission 2 Kate is now able to pick up the Derringer weapo
n in the Sheriff s Office
af) In third person, Kate's powder now correctly spreads towards the target NPC
ag) Fixed small bug were Hawkeye's arrow got stuck in the air after saving in Fo
rt Mission 3
ah) In Option Menu, a shortcut may now be applied to the noise tool indicating t
he PC player's noise range
ai) In Eagle's Nest, Sam can not be shot by friendly fire even if in jail
aj) 3rd person Context actions were harmonized amongst all PCs
ak) NPCs should not be shooting through walls any more

al) Carried Actors should not get teleported away from doors any more.
am) Eagle's Nest: Killing NPCs on ladder in barn should not result in NPCs getti
ng stuck any more.
an) Delays or frame rate drops in Levels with many characters when character is
shown first time should be heavily reduced.
ao) Music should now restart always after loading a save game
ap) The marker that indicates where to place TNT barrels is now always displayed
whenever Sam has some TNT.
Patch 1.01: Know Issues
-----------------------------------------------------------------1) Generally, use of the highest quality setting for textures can cause dark spo
ts or "stains" to appear on the textures.
2) Nvidia: On Geforce 4 graphic cards, NPC and or PC characters may appear very
dark or black.
3) ATI: On ATI graphic cards, severe problems may be occurring, See Readme Secti
COOPER S REVENGE 1.00 (Build v1.13/1.23)
Please check ATI website for the latest Catalyst drivers (Catalyst 6.4. does not
provide major fixes yet).
ATI assumes that with Catalyst driver 6.5, to be released in May 2006, particles
should be visible on most or all ATI cards.

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