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CV Karina - Baru

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Name (first/middle/last) : Karina Niken Pratiwi

2. Nickname

: Karina

3. Sex/gender

: Female

4. Place, Date off Birth

: Jakarta, February 19th, 1990

5. Age

: 24

6. Blood

: O+

7. Mobile

: 081210365930

8. Religion

: Muslim

9. Language

: Bahasa, English

10. E-mail

: karina.niken@yahoo.com

11. Address

: Jl Cempaka putih tengah XVIII no 7, Jakarta Pusat

DKI Jakarta

a. Elementary School

: SD Regina Pacis Bogor, 1996 2000

St Joseph Institute, 2000 2002

b. Junior High School

: St Joseph Institute, 2002 2005

c. Senior High School

: SMAN 1 Bogor, 2005 2008

d. University

: Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, 2008


13. Organizational experience

a. Supervising Council of CIMSA UI (2011-2012)
b. Local officer for Research Exchange (SCORE) CIMSA University of Indonesia
c. Head of student development EASY (English Association for SMANSA Youth)
(2006 2007)
d. Member of EASY (English Association for SMANSA Youth) (2005 2006)
14. Non Formal Educational Background
2008 : Attending, October Meeting CIMSA (Centre for Indonesian Medical Student
Association), Jogja
2009 : Attending, APRM (Asian Pacific Regional Meeting) of I IFMSA (International
Federation), Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand
2009 : Attending, October Meeting CIMSA (Centre for Indonesian Medical Student
Association), University of Brawijaya Malang

2010 : Attending, May Meeting CIMSA (Centre for Indonesian Medical Student
Association), Semarang
2010 : Delegate for IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Student Association)
Research Exchange in General Assembly August Meeting, Montreal - Canada
of Medical Student Association
2011 : Attending, PIPKRA (Pertemuan Ilmiah Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran
Respirasi), Hotel Borobudur Jakarta
2013 : Attending, Seminar Hipertensi dalam pelayanan primer, Rumah Sakit hermina
Sukabumi Jawa Barat
2013 : Attending, Sosialisasi BPJS dan SJSN untuk tingkat klinik (pengenalan dan
sistem kapitasi), Sukabumi Jawa Barat
2014 : Attending, 22nd APCMFM (Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine)
Conference, Singapura
2015 : Attending, Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Fetomaternal POGI XVI Manado. 6
11 March 2015. Manado. Oral Presentation (First Winner)
15. Job Experience
2009 : Head of SEX FAIR (Student Exchange Fair), Faculty of Medicine
University of Indonesia Jakarta
2010 : Speaker on Sex Education for Junior High School, Panti Asuhan, Kramat
- Jakarta
2010 : Speaker on pre GA (General Assembly) of IFMSA (International Federation
of Medical Student Association), Depok
2011 : Medical team on Breast cancer awareness marching day, Bundaran HI
2011 : Organizing Committee (Fundraising Member) for IFMSA (International
Federation) March Meeting, Hotel Mercure Ancol Jakarta
2011 : Publication Team for IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Student
Association) March Meeting, Hotel Mercure Ancol Jakarta
2013 2014 : Internship Doctor in RSUD Kab Lebong Bengkulu
2014 : Doctor in Mass circumtition for Klinik Bebita Annual Charity, Sukabumi
Jawa Barat
2015 : Research Assistant of INA-REPROMED, FKUI/RSCM

16. Research and Publication

a. Pratiwi KN, Kusuma KB, Yustisia FI, Hanifah R. 2009. Prevalence of Scabies in
Pesantren Cendot. 2009
b. Susilo SA, Pratiwi KN, Al-Fattah AN, Irwinda R, Wibowo N. Determinants of Low
Apgar Score Among Preeclamptic Deliveries in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
2015. Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Fetomaternal POGI XVI Manado. 6 11 March
2015. Manado. Oral Presentation (First Winner)
c. Al-Fattah AN, Susilo SA, Pratiwi KN, Irwinda R, Wibowo N, Santoso BI.
Determinants of SGA among preeclamptic deliveries. 2015. The 8th International DIP
Symposium Berlin. 15 -18 April 2015. Poster Presentation
d. Susilo SA, Pratiwi KN, Al-Fattah AN, Irwinda R, Wibowo N. Does Preeclampsia
Give beneficial Effect on Neonatal Outcomes of Preterm Infants?. XXI FIGO World
Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics Canada, 4 -9 October 2015. Oral Presentation
e. Al Fattah AN, Susilo SA, Pratiwi KN, Irwinda R, WIbowo N, Santoso BI, Zhang
J. Indonesian Local Fetal - Weight Standard : A Better Predictive Ability for Low
Apgar Score. 2015. 1st ISUOG Outreach & 6th COGS Scientific Congress 2105
Singapore 3 5 may. Poster Presentation
f. Pratiwi KN, Susilo SA, Al Fattah AN, Irwinda R, Wibowo N. The Prevalence and
Risk Factors of Pre eclampsia in a Tertiary Hospital in Indonesia. 2015. 24 th Asian
&Oceanic Congress of Obstetric & Gynaecology Serawak, Malaysia 3 6 June. Oral

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