Plan Report On Cyber Security
Plan Report On Cyber Security
Plan Report On Cyber Security
1.0 Background
Over the years, Information Technology has transformed the global economy and connected
people and markets in ways beyond imagination. With the Information Technology gaining
the centre stage, nations across the world are experimenting with innovative ideas for
economic development and inclusive growth. It has also created new vulnerabilities and
opportunities for disruption. The cyber security threats emanate from a wide variety of
sources and manifest themselves in disruptive activities that target individuals, businesses,
national infrastructure and Governments alike. Their effects carry significant risk for public
safety, security of nation and the stability of the globally linked economy as a whole. The
origin of a disruption, the identity of the perpetrator or the motivation for it can be difficult to
ascertain and the act can take place from virtually anywhere. These attributes facilitate the
use of Information Technology for disruptive activities. As such, cyber security threats pose
one of the most serious economic and national security challenges.
2.0 XI Plan Objectives, targets and achievements
The following primary objectives had been identified in XI Plan in cyber security:
Capacity building
As such, the cyber security initiatives in the XI plan period had the following focus:
Security R&D
Security training
o International
o National
A number of activities have been performed in each of the above focus areas. Major
achievements are summarised below:
Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 has been enacted and rules of important
sections have been notified. The provisions of the Information Technology Act deal with
evidentiary value of electronic transactions, digital signatures, cyber-crimes, cyber security
and data protection.
Computer Security Guidelines have been circulated to all Departments and Ministries. Cyber
security drills are being conducted to assess preparedness of critical organisations. 54
Auditors have been empanelled for audit of IT infrastructure from cyber security point of
Crisis Management Plan for countering cyber attacks and cyber terrorism has been released
and is being updated annually. Enabling workshops are being conducted in different sectors
and states/UTs. Common Criteria (CC) product testing facility has been set up which caters
up to level 4 CC certification.
Draft `National Cyber Security Policy has been prepared and posted on DIT website for
public comments.
Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA) has licensed 7 Certifying Authorities (CA). More
than 22 lakhs Digital Signature Certificates have been issued. Major Applications using
Digital Signatures include e-Procurement for Central and State Govt., e-Tendering, e-Filing
of returns (MCA-21), Income Tax filing for corporate and individuals, Inter bank
transactions (RTGS and SFMS), E-Filling of Patent Application and NSDL Applications.
2.2.3 Security Incident Early Warning and Response
A Computer Emergency Response Team India (CERT-In) has been set up and is
operational as the national agency for cyber incidents. It operates a 24x7 Incident Response
Help Desk to help users in responding to cyber security incidents. It has been issuing regular
alerts on cyber security threats and advises countermeasures to prevent attacks. CERT-In has
established linkages with international CERTs and security agencies to facilitate exchange of
information on latest cyber security threats and international best practices. CERT-In, in
collaboration with CII, NASSCOM and Microsoft, has created a portal to
educate consumers on cyber security issues.
A number of R&D projects have been supported at premier academic and R&D institutions
in the identified Thrust Areas, viz., (a)
Steganography, (c)
Cyber Forensics and (f)Capacity Development in the area of cyber security. A host of Cyber
Forensic tools have been developed in the country.
Training Centres have been set up at CBI, Ghaziabad and Kerala Police to facilitate advanced
training in cyber crime investigation. Computer forensic labs and training facilities are being
set up in J&K state, North Eastern states. Forensic Centres have been set up with the help of
NASSCOM at Mumbai, Bangalore, Bhopal and Kolkata. Virtual training environment based
training modules have been prepared. Training has been conducted for Orissa, Delhi, Andhra
Pradesh and Karnataka Judicial Officers on Cyber Crime Investigation. 94 training
2.2.6 Collaboration
As part of National level Cooperation, Cyber security awareness programmes were organised
in cooperation with industry associations CII, NASSCOM-DSCI. MoUs were signed with
product and security vendors for vulnerability remediation.
Several activities were undertaken under International Cooperation. International level Cyber
security drills were held with Asia Pacific CERTs. Specific cyber security cooperation
agreements were signed with US, Japan and South Korea. India participated in cyber security
drills of US (Cyber Storm III). CERT-In experts helped in establishment of CERT-Mauritius.
India is participating in Internet traffic scanning in Asia-pacific region. India is a member of
UN Committee of Group of Experts as well as in the Council of Security Cooperation in
Asia-Pacific (CSCAP) for enhancing cooperation in the area of Cyber Security.
The initiatives taken by the Government so far have focused on the issues such as cyber
security threat perceptions, threats to critical information infrastructure and national Security,
protection of critical information infrastructure, adoption of relevant security technologies,
enabling legal processes, mechanisms for security compliance and enforcement, Information
Security awareness, training and research. These actions have significantly contributed to the
creation of a platform that is capable of supporting and sustaining the efforts to securing the
cyber space. However, due to the dynamic nature of cyber threat scenario, these actions need
to be continued, refined and strengthened from time to time.
Salient features of the results of actions and the level of cyber security preparedness include:
(a) Information Technology (Amendment) Act 2008 has been enacted to cater to the
needs of National Cyber Security by addressing host of issues such as technology
related cyber crimes, critical information infrastructure protection, data security and
privacy protection.
(b) Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has been operational as a
national agency for cyber security incident response. It has established operational
linkages with overseas CERTs, and cyber security professional organisations to
enhance its ability to respond to the cyber security incidents and take steps to prevent
recurrence of the same.
(c) PKI infrastructure, set up to support implementation of Information Technology Act
and promote use of Digital Signatures, has enabled the growth and application of
digital signature certificates in a number of areas.
(d) National Crisis Management Plan for countering cyber attacks and cyber terrorism
A Common
Criteria based IT product security testing facility has been set up at Kolkata, which
can test IT products up to EAL4.
(f) A mechanism for audit and assessment of security posture of Govt. and critical sector
organisations has been put in place. Security Auditors have been empanelled for
conducting security audits including vulnerability assessment, penetration testing of
computer systems and networks of various organizations of the government, critical
infrastructure organizations and those in other sectors of the Indian economy. Cyber
security drills are being conducted regularly to assess the preparedness of
organisations to resist and mitigate cyber attacks.
(g) R&D activities have been supported through premier Academic and R&D Institutions
in the country facilitating creation of R&D infrastructure, development skills and
solution oriented development.
(h) Nation-wide Information Security Education and Awareness Programme have been in
progress to create necessary cyber security awareness through formal and informal
programmes. Cyber security training facilities have been set up to provide training to
law enforcement agencies and facilitating cyber crime investigation.
4.0 Cyber security Challenges
The Cyber space is borderless and actions in the cyber space can be anonymous. These
features are being exploited by adversaries for perpetration of crime in the cyber space. The
scale and sophistication of the crimes committed in the cyber space is continually increasing
thereby affecting the citizens, business and Government. As the quantity and value of
electronic information have increased, so to have the business models and efforts of criminals
and other adversaries who have embraced the cyber space as a more convenient and
profitable way of carrying out their activities anonymously.
Today adversaries are producing, selling and distributing malicious code with ease,
maximizing their gains and exploiting the fact that attribution is a challenge. Malware is
getting stealthier, more targeted, multi-faceted and extremely difficult to analyze and defeat
even by the experts in the security field. Organized crime is fast growing and targeting the
exponential growth of on line identities and financial transactions. There is increasing
evidence of espionage, targeted attacks and lack of traceability in the cyber world as state and
non-state actors are compromising, stealing, changing or destroying information and
therefore potentially causing risk to national security, economic growth, public safety and
Cyber Security requirements are quite dynamic that change with the threat environment.
Threat landscape needs to be updated regularly to prevent emerging attacks. Collaboration
among various agencies is needed to share information regarding emerging threats and
vulnerabilities, which would help in effective protection and prevention of cyber attacks.
It is necessary to take a holistic approach to secure Indian Cyber Space. While the cyber
security initiatives of the XI plan period will be continued and strengthened, new initiatives
will be put in place consistent with emerging threats and evolving technology scenario. The
following Cyber Security strategies are proposed to be adopted during the XII Five Year
Improving interaction and engagement with various key stakeholders such as Govt.
and critical sector organizations, sectoral CERTs, International CERTs, service
providers including ISPs, product and security vendors, security and law enforcement
agencies, academia, and media, NGOs and cyber user community.
Carrying out periodic cyber security mock drills to assess the preparedness of critical
sector organizations to resist cyber attacks and improve the security posture.
The cyber security initiatives will be implemented with the following six focus areas during
the XII plan period:
The proposed key priorities for implementation and target deliverables in respect of each of
the focus areas are given below:
Key Priority
The key priority of this initiative will be up gradation /development of a robust and
dynamic legal framework to enable cyber security and address newer cyber crimes.
Target deliverables
It is important to undertake research projects on the theme of cyber laws and related
components like, e-commerce, encryption, IPR issues, privacy etc. Further, it is necessary
that a data bank/repository of legal cases be created having details of cyber law cases
decided in India. Such research projects would help in creating better legal framework and
understanding about the issues related to cyber laws including cyber security.
There is a need to devise policy and procedure for obtaining authentic data stored and
hosted by Indian companies on servers abroad for lawful access purpose. An
encryption/decryption framework is also required keeping in view the concerns of both
industry and Law Enforcement Agencies.
As the digital world is much more complex, there is a need to train judiciary, law
enforcement agencies and legal practitioners about the cyber crimes, collection of digital
evidences and cyber forensics.
With the ever-growing reliance on technology and spurt in newer forms of cyber crimes, it
becomes imperative to introduce courses on cyber law.
Capacity building for judiciary, law enforcement agencies, legal practitioners and
Key priority
Cyber security policy compliance and assurance initiative needs to focus on creating an
enabling mechanism for achieving conformance with provisions of IT Act, statutes and
other policy initiatives of the Government and regulatory bodies.
Target deliverables
With the growing use of IT, there is an increasing need to generate and sustain users
confidence in the IT systems and transactions. Accordingly, simultaneous efforts are needed on
the part of Govt., business and industry in terms of enabling frameworks, mechanisms for
compliance and assurance. On its part, the Government is making efforts to identify the core
services that need to be protected from cyber attacks and is seeking to work with organizations
responsible for these systems so that their services are secured in a way that is proportional to
the threat perception. Industry and critical infrastructure organizations have started to focus on
their ability to gain users confidence through improved software development, security
engineering practices and the adoption of strengthened security models and best practices.
Most often, users of IT products depend on inputs from others to know about the security of the
product. There is a need to have a mechanism to certify IT products to provide assurance from
security point of view. This in turn requires creation of standards for conformance,
establishment of acceptable evaluation method and process to certify products and at the same
time ensure that privacy is maintained as per the prevailing regulations. This is required both for
proprietary and open source products.
With India emerging as a leading outsourcing partner, there is a need to address compliance
requirements to international standards and best practices on security and privacy. As such,
there is a requirement for a comprehensive assurance framework that enables compliance
within the country and provides assurance on compliance to out sourcing organizations and
rest of the world.
Annual cyber security studies and surveys related to compliance and assurance
Mechanism for generating a national cyber security index leading to national risk
management framework
Key priority
The key priority of this initiative will be to carry out innovative R&D with focus on basic
research, technology development and demonstration, setting up test-beds, transition,
diffusion and commercialisation leading to widespread deployment.
Target deliverables
Indigenous R&D efforts are essential for facilitating the creation of a sound S&T
environment. Resources like skilled manpower and infrastructure created through precompetitive public funded projects provide much needed inputs to entrepreneurs to be
globally competitive through further R&D. Indigenous R&D efforts will contribute to
creation of knowledge and expertise to face new and emerging security challenges and to
produce cost-effective, tailor-made indigenous security solutions. Indigenous efforts are
also required to develop products which are not available from outside sources due to
export restrictions.
help in harnessing the technical skills and capabilities of institutions and organisations in
public and private sector.
Key priority
The key priority is strengthening National Cyber Alert System for rapid identification and
response to security incidents and information exchange to all desired elements that are
critical for cyber security, to reduce the risk of cyber threat and resultant effects.
Target deliverables
Information systems must be able to operate while under attack and also have the resilience
to restore full operations in their wake. Towards this end, rapid identification, information
exchange, and remediation are necessary to contain a security incident and mitigate the
damage caused by malicious cyberspace activity. With the active involvement of critical
infrastructure organizations, public and private institutions, a National Cyber Alert System
can perform requisite analysis, conduct watch and warning activities, enable information
exchange, and facilitate restoration efforts.
CERT-In is operational and is catering to the security needs of Indian Cyber community. In
line with the emerging requirements, there is a need to further augment the facilities at
CERT-In in terms of manpower, communication systems, tools, etc. for vulnerability
prediction, analysis and mitigation, cyber forensics analysis, cyber space monitoring/
interception and critical information infrastructure security. For an effective National Cyber
Security Alert System, there is a need to create/upgrade sectorial CERTs to cater to the very
specific domain needs of different sectors.
Key priority
The key priority is to establish cyber security capacity building and training mechanisms
for developing a strong and dynamic cyber security skilled work force and a cyber vigilant
Target deliverables
Mass awareness campaign is important to create cyber security awareness among citizens.
The promotion and publicity campaign could include (a) Seminars, exhibitions, contests
etc., (b) Radio and TV programmes, (c) Videos on specific topics, (d) Web casts,
Podcasts, (e) Leaflets and Posters and (f) Suggestion and Award Schemes.
The local law enforcement agencies at the operational level as well as central law
enforcement agencies are required to be equipped to deal with cyber crimes. There is a
need for creating awareness and impart training to law enforcement agencies and judiciary
regarding IT Act provisions, cyber security aspects, cyber crime investigation procedures
and cyber forensics. A separate Centre of Excellence may need to be created for this
6.6 Collaboration
Key priority
The key priority is to promote shared understanding and leverage relationships for furthering
the cause of security of cyber space.
Target Deliverables
The cyber threat sources and attacks span across countries. As such there is a need to
enhance global cooperation among security agencies, CERTs and Law Enforcement agencies
of various countries to effectively mitigate cyber threats. Accordingly, it is vital to have welldeveloped Cyber Security collaborative framework established through different government
agencies in broad collaboration with private sector, partners and stakeholders in academia,
national and international agencies. In this context, DIT should coordinate and be a focal
point for all cyber security matters including critical sector in the civilian sector for effective
collaboration and interface for cyber security aspects.
Focused and sustained engagement program for law enforcement agencies and
Establishment of a think tank for cyber security policy inputs, discussion and
procedures will have to be framed based on appropriate public inputs and debates. An
enabling legal framework will require:
Legal framework for encryption in the backdrop of cyber security, privacy and
national security
Framework for lawful access in India with defined checks and balances and redressal
Activities to create awareness about the role of CERT-In, Adjudicating Officers & Cyber
Appellate Tribunal as an Authority under the Information Technology Act, 2000 will need to
be undertaken. Efforts will have to be made to set standards for forensic tools and procedures
in India.
7.2 Security Policy, Compliance and Assurance
The activities needed to be pursued include
Carrying out periodic cyber security mock drills to assess the preparedness of critical
sector organizations to resist cyber attacks,
Publishing guidelines and mandate for secure development and deployment of ICT
Creating a mechanism for interface between the government and public on policy
compliance and assurance like interactive portal, website, etc., and
Device security
System-on-chip security
Video analytics
Mandating Certification for security roles including CISO/CSO and those involved
with critical information infrastructure,
7.6 Collaboration
The activities necessary under this initiative will include
Developing bilateral and multi-lateral relationships in the area of cyber security with
other countries,
Creating models for collaborations and engagement with all relevant stakeholders,
Collaborating for bot-net takedowns and increasing consumer trust in ICT, and
Establishing Security Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs) across the
regions and sectors for government-to-private and private-to-private information
Strengthening National Cyber Alert System for rapid identification and response to
security incidents and information exchange.
Setting up Cyber Security Help Desks at regional levels for general users to provide
first level of guidance and support.
Some of the major targets/deliverables in the identified focus areas of the XII Plan are as