Light and Life 2014 HKDSE High Flyers
Light and Life 2014 HKDSE High Flyers
Light and Life 2014 HKDSE High Flyers
Munsang College
5** x 5
5* x 2
High Flyers
Munsang College
Lo Kai-fung (2014)
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, HKU
5** x 5
5* x 2
High Flyers
Munsang College
Time flies and the days of being a secondary student and wandering around Munsang
seem like yesterday. I am already a university student now and I am grateful to be given
the precious chance to study the HKU MBBS program that I have always aspired to. I must
thank our principal and teachers for their guidance all these years that have made me who
I am today. There are also a few words to share with my fellow schoolmates.
Enjoy your secondary school life and leave no regret. You are going to miss your friends
when the DSE comes. So, be thankful and treasure every moment, as secondary life will not
happen twice. The second thing is dare to dream. Doubtless, I am a successful example of
transforming a dream into reality. Entering the University of HK School of Medicine seems
too far to reach for many secondary students. Somehow it turns out to be a miracle. Try
imagining, what would happen if I did not dare to put JS 6456 into my Jupas list? We have
to display gumption in chasing dreams. As my medical preceptor says: Always aim for the
moon, even if you miss, youll land among the stars. Try and leave no regret.
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Academic excellence and a heart willing to serve are two important qualities to
become a good doctor. The academic knowledge that the teachers in Munsang
College have i mpa rted me wit h a nd my exposu re i n St. Joh n Cadets wi ll
doubtless continue to help me in my medical studies and career path.
High Flyers
5** x 1
5* x 4
5 x1
What pops up in your mind when you think of your dream? Frankly, I was
confused about my future until I was F.5. That was the first time I tried debating.
I started making plans about getting into HKU to study LLB since then. I worked
Munsang College
be a lawyer in the future, bear in mind that diligence is the one and only friend
a shortcut in studying law. Those who still lack a clear mind about their future
shouldnt panic. Try more activities and I believe that you can discover your
so hard in preparation for my HKDSE and here I am now. For those who want to
of law students. It didnt take me long to realize that there is no such thing as
High Flyers
The DSE journey was long and bumpy. Hardship and failures constantly baffled
me and shook my confidence. However, repeated trials told me that hard work
does pay off. Therefore, bearing in mind that there must be light at the end of
the tunnel, I kept struggling by trying my very best. Ultimately, I achieved my
goal. Though the challenges were at times overwhelming and daunting, it was
an invaluable experience which has transformed me into be a stronger and more
hard-working person. I have also learnt that without tasting the bitterness of
hard work, I will not be able to enjoy the sweet fruit of success. I am glad that I
have finally reached my destination with inspirations and new thoughts.
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5* x 5
Munsang College
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b y g i v i n g f i r s t . By p u r s u i n g a n
High Flyers
5** x 3
5* x 3
After I received my HKDSE results on July 14, I
knew that I could choose many good subjects,
such as medicine and actuarial science. However, I
still chose to study Natural Science, a subject that
is not endeared to many.
B e c au s e o f t h e h ig h ly c omp e t it ive n at u r e o f
u n iversit y places i n Hong Kong, st udent s not
performing well in the examination are usually
limited to choices with lower admission scores.
What bothers me is that when a student performs
well in a public examination, sometimes he will
also limit his choices by only considering universit y programmes with high
admission scores. If that is the case, what is the point of performing well in the
examination if we are to limit our choices anyway? Is it only to get better-paid
jobs? Does money really take such an important role in ones life? In my opinion,
personal interest should take first priority in considering my study path as long as
I believe I have the ability to succeed in that field, no matter how success is defined.
I believe that all fields have their career paths and personal interest, instead of
money, should guide our way. I do not want to be rich but regret my choice of
career. I chose Science because I like Science. That is it.
Munsang College
Chan Zhao-cong (2014)
International Research Enrichment, HKUST
5** x 3
5* x 3
5 x1
High Flyers
t he f ut u re? A b egga r? T h i s i s
on ly a me a n s for u s to pu r sue
t h e y we r e j u s t t r y i n g t o t e a s e
me a nd t herefore exaggerat i ng
com me nt r e f le c t s a p r eva i l i ng
5** x 2
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