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The Food Fight

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Preparing the Adventure

Adventure Overview

Adventure Villains

Catch Phrases

Urin Dedish

The Legacy of Laduguer

The Cradle of Laduguer

Construct of Laduguer

The Wandering Sun

AI Patron - Geoff


Adventure Allies
Kormi Kellerson

Catch Phrases


Catch Phrases

Chapter 1 A Perfect
Acquisitions Incorporated is offering select adventuring
parties the ability to become an affiliated subsidiary of
Acquisitions Incorporated! What do you get from this deal
you may ask? Well apart from the fame, power and money
that comes from being affiliated with Acquisitions
Incorporated, you will gain access to our most lucrative
adventuring opportunities, and fantastic supply chain,
guaranteed to keep you geared up and in the fight! Is that
something you would be interested in?

You navigate the twisting streets of Waterdeep and arrive at

the Acquisitions Incorporated regional office.
A large modern building with a stone roof, the solid oaken
door with iron banding gives a touch of prestige to it.
Imbedded into the door is a large bronze knocker.
You [characters on time], give the knocker a good thud, and a
few moments later you hear a shuffling and the door opens
up. Standing there is a Halfling male, dressed in some
trousers and a rather flashy coat, emblazoned with buttons
and other bits of flair.
Hello! Welcomthe to Acquithitionhs Incorporathed. I am
Geoffth and I will be your host. Please, come in
You follow Geoff into a small meeting room. A while later,
some late comers arrive and have to take a standing position
at the back of the room.
As the last of you enter, he launches into his spiel.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Do we have a great opportunity for
you! Have you ever wanted to be rich? Do you love fame and
fortune? Well do we have a deal for you! Acquisitions
Incorporated is offering excited self-motivated young
adventurers the deal of a lifetime! Nowhere else in this city
can you earn the renown, prestige and notoriety only
experienced by the Lords of Waterdeep themselves! With this
limited time deal, the world is your oyster, and you are the
pearl. So what do you say are you interested?

What do you know about adventuring rations? I bet you have

never really wondered where they come from or where they are
Well here at Acquisitions incorporated we have recently created a
new collaboration with a well-known food producer, and brought
to the market Rations Incorporated! Leveraging the unique
supply chains of Acquisitions Incorporated and synergizing with
the fabulous food brought to us by Celebrity Chef Kormi
Kellerson, Rations Incorporated has been the number one
selling adventurers ration pack for over a year.
That was, until about a month ago.
Shipments from our supplier have been slowing, and recently
have come to a complete stop. As such, our market share is
tanking, and investors are super doper not happy at all no sir-ee.
If you guys can investigate what exactly is going on, and fix the
situation, we will welcome your party into the AI family with your
own franchised subsidiary! Is that something you would be
interested in?






What the players can ascertain

The contract is pretty simple, there seems to be a

huge amount of money for the players!
Everything in the contract looks pretty good
nothing out of the ordinary.
The contract is difficult to read in places. Clause 6.5
Subsection A refers to the players as a contracted
party, and therefore do not receive any compensation
nor their next of kin in the event of death or
dismemberment. On the plus side, free rations,
torches and access to lucrative employment
Clause 10.7 Subsection B Acquisitions Incorporated
(AI) reserves the right to disband without warning
any party/s that are no longer financially or physically
viable and reclaim any and or all salvageable
materials that may/may not have been supplied
to/by or acquired by the adventuring party while
under the AI affiliation.
In possibly the worst section Clause 66.6
Subsection D A party upon signing the contract
and becoming an affiliated subsidiary will be required
to pay yearly franchise fees of no less than 75% of all
acquired goods during that calendar year.

Chapter 2 Amphail City Limits

Amphail General Rumours

Location Amphail Town Proper

DC 10

1 Hour

DC 15

2 Hours

DC 20

3 Hours

DC 25

4 Hours

Amphail is a tight knit community, with

many farmers having grown and owned land
for generations.
Rumour has it that the ghost of the towns
founder Amphail the Just roams the
streets at night.
Historians say that a region of the
underdark sits close below Amphail.
Ancient texts describe a renegade cult of
duergar who worshipped Laguduer who
lived in the area of Dedish Downs.

Urin Dedish

DC 10

1 Hour

DC 15

2 Hours

DC 20

3 Hours

DC 25

4 Hours

Kormi Kellerson
DC 10

1 Hour

DC 15

2 Hours

DC 20

3 Hours

DC 25

4 Hours

Although Kormi has a vile temper

sometimes, he is generous with
good employees.
The Kellerson project started out as
a great community initiative but
changed and workers have
complained that it is damaging
Many people believe Kormi
deliberately poached staff from Urin,
in an attempt to destroy his
Some disgruntled workers have
admitted to spitting and doing other
unsavoury activities in the
adventurers ration production line.

Urin was a weak, pathetic excuse for a

dwarf, then almost overnight he changed!
More confident, stronger and walking like he
owned the world.
After his change, Urin tore down his old
processing shed, and rebuilt it almost
Employees of the Dedish Downs are
noticeably withdrawn from their families, all
they want to do is work and many of them
stay at the shed.
People have heard that alongside the nondisclosure waiver, there is some sort of
initiation right when you become an
employee of Dedish downs. But the benefits
are enough to keep people wanting to join

Location The Kellerson


Your party travels down the mile long dirt road to the
Kellerson Project, a series of boutique organic pastures
belonging to the renowned chef Kormi Kellerson.
Following the path to the top of a slight hill you come to
the door of the shed. The architecture is minimalistic,
made from stone and timber, with metal only where
necessary. A small wooden sign pinned to the door says
Office hours 8 bells to 17 bells.


Location The Dedish Downs

Level 2 Urins Office

The once dirt road up to the Dedish Downs work shed is
now paved with stone, as workers add the finishing
touches to it. Newly planted hedges adorn the sides, and
the sun reflecting from the shiny new metal building
throws a glare into your eyes. The smell of horse manure
is overpowering, and as you come to the door to the shed,
you can see hordes of workers working tirelessly in the
fields, slopping buckets of what looks like manure and
water over the planting plots. A cast iron sign on the door
says Please Knock


Level 1 The Packing Floor

Urin stands up from behind his desk and looks you squarely in
the eye.
I am sorry lads, but I just cant let ye leave now. You see, Ive
got plans and ye all might just get in the way of that.
Without another word he jumps backwards out of the window,
shattering it completely. As you rush to the window you see him
land gracefully, on both feet and without stumbling. The staff
below are shocked as he turns to them.
If you want to keep your jobs, kill them.
The staff below look up at you with the hunger of desperation in
their eyes. They mean business. Urin rushes over to an
impressive sized iron barrel in the corner of the room and with a
great heave pushes it over, uncovering a trap door into which he


Oh great fortune! For the longest time I was sure my

familys legacy would be lost, and if it was not for that
fateful day it would have. I must admit, I was terrified,
walking those tunnels alone, but when the voice came to
me as I slumbered in its throne, I knew everything was
about to change.
This strength and vigor I have never known! With every
person that joins my employ and takes the gift of the chair
my business profits like none I could ever imagine.
But it must stay secret. It must stay mine.
Adventurers from that pompous organization Acquisitions
Incorporated came the other day. They must not be allowed
to leave

Clause 13 Subsection A
The employee agrees to all terms herein the contract and
agrees to non-disclosure of any and all information
regarding Dedish Downs including medical benefits,
physiology changes, work practices, comings and goings of
personnel and recruitment of workers.
The employee also agrees to serve under these rules for
the term of their natural life, notwithstanding the
punishment of death.

Chapter 3 - The Dedish

Dungeon Threat
As the players explore the dungeon they may perform
actions that increase the dungeon threat level. The threat
level is used to increase the difficulty of the final boss fight
and other encounters.
The threat level increases by 1 every time the players take a
short rest. A long rest increases the threat level to the
maximum, 10.
Every time the threat level increases, the players hear a
giant Bell Toll. Make it ominous.

Area 0 The Entrance

Area 1 A Voice in the Dark

Light: Darkness
Sound: Slight dripping noise, dust falling
Smell: Stuffy, dusty, stale
Treasure: Spell Scroll (Melfs Acid Arrow)

Area 2 The Torture Chamber

Area 4 Follow the leader

Light: Darkness
Sound: Slow almost electric hum.
Smell: Dust, Mold, Rot
Decorations: None
Encounter: Threat > 1 = 5-6 Skeletons 50 EXP each.
Reward: Spell Scroll (Comprehend Languages), 2 x Potion
of Healing


Area 3 The Waiting Room

Light: Darkness
Sound: Slow almost electric hum.
Smell: Ozone, dust
Decorations: None
Reward: 300 EXP minus 50 every activation of the trap.

Area 5 The First Cog

Area 7 The Second Cog

Light: Darkness except pedestal.

Sound: Dust falling faintly, creaking
Smell: Dust, stale
Decorations: None, plain stone walls
Reward: The 4 Spoke Cog.

Light: Darkness except pedestal.

Sound: Whirling, hissing,
Smell: Burnt flesh, charcoal.
Decorations: None, plain stone walls
Reward: The 5 Spoke Cog.

Area 6 Dont Wake the Baby!

Light: Darkness
Sound: Absolute Silence
Smell: Stale Air
Decorations: Immaculately clean stone walls
Encounter: Gelatinous Cube CR 2
Threat >2 Cube at point 6A
Threat 1 Cube at Point 6B
Reward: 450EXP, Javelin of Lightning DMG Pg178


Area 8 The Library


Suddenly you hear a loud noise and crash as a bookshelf

tips over and from the hole behind it comes a small
gnomish looking creature with dark features. Ooh, look
what we have here boys, lots of them books! Load it up,
and lets roll out! The leader turns and sees your party.
On the other hand, they look like they might have
something shiny on them!

Regular: 3 x Svirfneblin (mm 164, cr 1/2)
Threat: 1 extra for every point of threat.
Reward: 400 xp,
Treasure: 600 sp, 40 gp, Small Vial of Perfume (25 gp),
Pewter Hairpin (25 gp), Iron Necklace (25 gp), Pewter
Chalice (25 gp), Spell Scroll (Grease), Spell Scroll (Lesser
Restoration), 3 x Potion of Healing

Area 9 The Reflecting God

Light: Darkness, until forge is lit.
Sound: Silence, slight falling of dust.
Smell: Stale and musty.
Temperature: Cool
Rewards: The six spoke cog.

The Statue
Dragging the shawl off this mirror reveals the reflection of
the rooms statue, a tall, gaunt and stony faced duergar
standing approximately 6ft tall. In his right hand he carries
a Warhammer, and in his left an ornate shield with a
hammer embossed on it.

The Forge

Carefully removing the covering on this mirror, you see

that it is angled towards the small lit forge in the far side of
the room, its glow giving the room back wall an flickering
orange tinge from the coals.

The Table
Pulling back the cloth you reveal a tall mirror,
approximately 6 ft. tall and two feet wide. From its
reflection you can perfectly see the ornate table and chair
in the corner of the room, covered with all of its papers and

Area 10 The Cradle of



Phase 1 The Wandering Sun

Phase 2 The Throne Awakens

3000 cp, 1600 sp, 40 gp, 2 x Chalcedony (50 gp), 2 x

Chrysoprase (50 gp), Citrine (50 gp), Moonstone (50 gp),
Onyx (50 gp), 2 x Sardonyx (50 gp), Star rose quartz (50
gp), Zircon (50 gp)
Spell Scroll (Shocking Grasp), Spell Scroll (Charm Person),
4 x Potion of Healing
1 x packet of Dedishs Delightful Rations

Area 11 The Escape Hatch

Prologue - Return to
Amphail and Waterdeep

Appendix A
The Dedish Dungeon Map

Appendix B
Dedish Downs Farmhouse

Appendix C
Monster Statistics














IMM Charm/Read Mind/Frightened







IMM Charm/Read Mind/Frightened







IMM Charm/Read Mind/Frightened







HP = 16
IMM Charm/Read Mind/Frightened







HP = 18
IMM Charm/Read Mind/Frightened

Urin Dedish






IMM Charm/Read Mind/Frightened












Casts Thunderwave (PHB 282)

DC 13 to save
IMM Charm/Read Mind/Frightened






Appendix D Credits

Appendix E Disclaimer

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