Volunteered Geographic Information
Volunteered Geographic Information
Volunteered Geographic Information
I hope this specialist meeting will provide some more illuminating answers to these questions.
Here Id like to share some of my preliminary thoughts. Obviously, VGI will intensify and
enhance public participation in both GIS data production and application at new level. But
obviously, not all domains of GIS applications benefit equally from this kind of practices. I dont
think VGI will automatically obsolete many of the conventional GIS practices by government or
industry, but how to interface VGI with the data collected by conventional means will be worth
With more data created via VGI at the local and personal level, VGI will retrieve time-geography
to the fullest extent as Hgerstrand advocated 40 years ago. We will witness another round of
explosion of available data at much better spatial and temporal resolution. This will renew
research efforts for better data representation models, data mining and visualization techniques
that are scalable and interoperable across multiple computing platforms.
Without proper protocols and standards established, VGI can also reverse itself into disasters that
could pose serious threats to community and society at multiple scales, especially in areas related
to public health and homeland security (Sui, 2007). Privacy and liability are obviously two
primary concerns, but I see equity is another important issue that can potentially crush the whole
paradigm of crowd-souring as a business model. Is the altruistic wikification process a passing
fad or a sustainable way of running a business? What are the motivations and incentives for
people to engage in producing VGI? Is the wikification process enlarging disparities in society
by allowing the favored few exploiting the mediocre many?
References cited:
Keen, A. 2007. The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture. Publisher:
Tapscott, D. and A. D. Williams, 2006. Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes
Everything. Publisher: Portofolio.
Ball, M., 2005. Google verifies that GIS is media. GeoWorld, December Issue, page 5.
Sui, D.Z., 2007. Is GIS a liability in the war against terrorism? GeoWorld, March Issue, 22-25.
Sui, D.Z., 2005a. G for Google? What can we learn from Googles success so far? GeoWorld
(formerly GIS World). March, 18-22.
Sui, D.Z. 2005b. The media and message of location-based services: A tetradic analysis. Journal
of Geographic Information Science 10(2): 166-174.
Sui, D.Z. and M.F. Goodchild, 2003. A tetradic analysis of GIS and Society using McLuhan's
law of media. Canadian Geographers 47(1): 5-17.
Sui, D.Z. and M.F. Goodchild, 2001. Are GIS Becoming New Media? International Journal of
Geographical Information Science, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 387-390.