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Aldo Bayong Personal Project Report Print

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Aldo Bayong Tridahana

Recycling Like There is No Tomorrow
Global Jaya School

Link to Evernote: Aldobayong

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Table of Contents

Part A: Investigation

Goal and Global Context

What I already know about this
Research, Evaluation of sources

Part B: Planning

Criteria for Product/outcome

Timeline for completion
Demonstrate self Management

Part C: Taking action


Evidence of the product

Thinking Skills. Analysis of how it relates to the goal
Communication and Social Skills: Analysis of interactions during investigation

Part D: Reflecting

Evaluation of the quality against the criteria

Reflection on knowledge and global context
Reflection on IB learner and Learner Profiles and ATLS

Appendix A: Evidence of product
Appendix B: Journal Extracts


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Part A: Investigation

Goal and Global Context

What I already know about this
Research, Evaluation of sources

Goal and Global Context
The goal of this project is to advise people how they can be more sensible about the
environment and make them aware that many of the items they have used up can still be made
useful for daily needs. The project could give insights to people how they can contribute
positively in saving the environment rather than they contribute in polluting the environment
whether directly or indirectly. This should help people realize with simple yet creative thinking
boosted with the spirit of saving our ecosystem, we can create something useful for our lives.
The global context that I choose is Globalization and Sustainability because the project is
related to recycle that has been the global concerns affecting our nature. This project will help
people to be aware that the items they are using can be meaningful to be re-used or re-cycled
to make our environment more sustained and more balanced.
The subject of this project is Personal and Society since it is based on my personal idea
through research and observations. The product resulted from this project will give impact to
the society because it is something useful for the community and environment. It will also be
the source of inspirations for the community and it can be easily taught to others to create
more products to wider societies.
What I Already Know About This
I know that people around the globe are talking about saving the earth from the pollution and
wastes that human being themselves has created. Although many campaigns have been rolled
out on this topic, I see the progress on the actual realization in Indonesia is still far behind from
other countries like in Singapore. It is probably because there is lack of penalty being imposed
by the government to people in doing littering that make no push factor in changing the
behavior. So, many Indonesians are still neglecting the needs of recycle.
The wastes like can, plastic, cigarettes box, glass bottled can be found in the rivers and streets.
This waste is not only making our environment looks dirty but also can damage it. It can cause
flood because this waste is blocking the flow of the river. It can also be the source of many
diseases. Furthermore, this waste cannot be decomposed in water or soil so it can damage our
environment both short-term and longer-term.


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Research, Evaluation of sources

I have done research about the topic of my project by browsing in the internet and found
several websites. The main source for my project is the website www.recycling-guide.org.uk
that is very resourceful. It contains comprehensive information about recycle such as why we
need to do recycle, the facts about recycle, and how to do recycle.
I learned a lot about the recycle from this website. I was amazed to learn some facts in United
Kingdom such as up to 60% of the rubbish in the dustbin can be recycled, 9 out of 10 people
would recycle more if it is made easier. The website also explained about types of materials
that can be recycled. These facts indeed motivate me and make me more ready in doing my
OPVL of this Website:

This website is
based on the
United Kingdom

This website
provides guide
on the topic of
recycle and
targeted for

It is
website, very
useful, easy to
understand, and

I cannot think of
any limitation of
this website.


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Part B: Planning

Criteria for Product/outcome

Timeline for completion
Demonstrate Self-Management

Criteria for Product/Outcome

First, I try to relate my project to my surroundings. As my project is about recycle, I need to ensure I can
collect the materials to be recycled and come up with the best product I can think of that can be useful
and relevant for many people. I want my product can be seen and displayed in public area so it can
attract people attention and people can be reminded about the need of doing recycle in their daily
activities. So, I come out with the following criteria of the product I want to develop:

Easy to collect the recycle materials

Product that is visible
Product that can attract attention
Product that is useful
Product that can help remind people on the need of doing the recycle

I finally come up with idea to make trash bin from plastic bottles or cans. I believe my trash bin
concept fulfill the above criteria. I can collect drinking bottles or soda cans from many sources such as
home, offices, restaurants, events, etc. They can be found everywhere that people usually just throw
them away. The trash bin can be put in many public areas so it will be visible. The design that I have in
mind is unique, so it will attract attention. It is definitely useful and relevant to be used by many people.
Since it is from recycled materials, I believe it will encourage people to do the recycle themselves.
I was so excited about the product and looking forward the Global Jaya School can utilize my product
upon the completion of the project. I also have plans to share my ideas with others to help the
communities have better and cleaner environment.


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Timeline for completion

I have prepared the timeline as shown below to help me stay on track on the progress of my

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15

Prepare final
PP proposal
Criterion A
Meeting with
Criterion B
product criteria
Criterion C
product design
Making the
Final Touch Up
process journal
& report

Demonstrate Self-Management
Week 1
I was in a process in making a proposal for my personal project, however, my supervisor has not been
appointed. I was told during this week who would my supervisor be.
Week 2
I finalized my proposal and my supervisor approved it. I had also started to generate some ideas about
the invention I would be making while thinking what sort of possible things I could do to ensure I can
create it.
Week 3
I met my supervisor and discussed criteria A. I learned that I needed to do research at least using 3
sources. I also have begun doing research via Internet.


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Week 4
I started to collect some materials for my project while continued doing my research. Another thing I
did was to make sure that I put notes that I have made to the evernote but unfortunately I have not
learned how to do it. So, I sent my notes to my supervisor, Ibu Ingrid.
While doing research on recycle, my mother kept motivating me on the topic. We discussed and shared
various ideas.
I managed to come up with an idea on the product I wanted to create. This idea came out after I
managed to list down the criteria I wanted to have on my product. I changed my mind from my earlier
I got busy schedule on the week so I could not interact with my supervisor and my project. However, I
continue collecting the materials.
Week 8
I started to be ahead thinking on Criteria C for the designing of my product. I informed my supervisor
that I had changed my mind of my product from vase to trash bin concept.
Week 9
I finalized my design. My design required me to make frame construction. My mother introduced me to
a man who can help me making the skeleton or the frame for my recycle trash bin.
Week 10
The man has completed the frame for my trash bin. I was really surprised that he could create a perfect
skeleton for my trash bin. I was really excited on how the final product would look like.
Week 11
I started to construct my trash bin using the materials I have collected. My first trash bin was using
pristine recycled bottles that my mother brought from her office everyday.
Week 12
I completed my first trash bin made of pristine recycled bottled. I was very happy with the product. I
started to construct my second trash bin made from Sprite recycled bottles. I created different variation
design. I was having fun with my project and thinking to create more creative design, a new way to
make other people attractive.


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Week 13
I completed my second product, a rectangular trash bin made from Sprite recycled bottles. I had also
gathered enough material for my third product, so this week would be the end of my activity of finding
collecting the materials. It looked like my product were almost done and it seemed like I can a little bit
Week 14
I have finished all my 3 trash bin products. I could now conclude my criteria C. However, I still wanted to
make my products more perfect. So I finalized the label design to encourage people to do recycle that I
placed on my trash bins.
Week 15
I finally completed my products with the final touch adding the label. I created a PowerPoint to show
my progression and evidence of my products to my supervisor. I was ready that my product looked
attractive enough for the exhibition. What I needed to do next was to finalize my report and finished up
Criteria D.

Part C: Taking action


Evidence of the product

Thinking Skills. Analysis of how it relates to the goal
Communication and Social Skills: Analysis of interactions during investigation

Evidence of the Product
By following my planning as specified in the timetable, I was able to create my first trash bin
made out of recycled drinking bottles. My first step was originally started by collecting the
recycled materials. The event Clean Up Jakarta Day in Ciputat held by Global Jaya School as
part of the Community and Service activity was my first interaction of the project in performing
the collection process. I was able to collect different types of recycled materials.
However, when I started to think about the design, I realized that I should have started with the
design first so that I can focus on selecting what type of recycled materials I need to use for my
trash bin project. I then changed my process and do the following steps in creating my first
trash bin:

Develop the initial design of the product

Decide which bottles to be collected


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Collect the recycled materials, wash and dry

Finalize the design (measurement)
Construct the frame
Arrange the bottles onto the frame
Design the recycle reminder label
Print the label and put onto the spot provided

My first design was a round shape trash bin aimed to use pristine drinking bottles. The reason
I choose one shape bottle only instead of multiple shape bottles in order to make the design
look neat and attractive. This brand is also easy to collect as it is used as the drinking water at
my mothers office. So, I collected the bottles from her office. I then washed and dried these
bottles so they looked clean.
I finalized the design in a piece of paper ensuring the diameter is large enough and fit to put the
bottles that I have collected. My design requires a frame so its construction become firm and
strong. I interacted with my fellow partner that has a role to construct the frame. He managed
to help me creating the skeleton of the trash bin that was made out of metal. I made him easy
to understand my requirement by showing the design I have made, so all he needed was to
follow it.
Once the frame was ready, I arranged the bottles onto the frame. I also put on glue so the
bottles can stick stronger.
Below is the design of my first recycle bin that I have converted into digital version. I could
simply say it would take a lot longer time to finish this product if I did not do the final design


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I decided to add a placeholder on the trash bin to put a label as a reminder for doing recycle for
people who see it. I designed the label in my computer, printed and placed it on the spot
provided. When I first designed the label, I had several ideas on how to create a gorgeous label
to attract people attention. I was thinking to undo my label since I put too many icons that were
too specifics, but in the end, it looked perfect.


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(First label for the first product)

When I have completed my first trash bin, I was thinking to create more with different shape of
bottles and different design. So, I created two more trash bins, from Sprite recycled bottles
and Coke recycled cans. I got the materials from events and restaurants. I follow the same
steps as I have made my first trash bin.
I made 3 trash bins of recycled materials by December 2015, so I was in time in submitting the
product evidence to my supervisor. I was not rushing and feel confident in submitting the

(The Pristine design product)

(The Sprite design product)


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(The coca cola can design Product)

At the end I made 3 recycle trash bins. I could have made another one from aqua recycled
bottles since I have collected the materials. I might continue doing it at later stage.
I was also thinking that I should donate my products to the school because I found them
attractive and useful that can be placed at school public areas.
Thinking Skills. Analysis of how it relates to the goal
My trash bin products created from recycled materials are in line with the goal of my project.
As mentioned in Part A, my project goal is to advise people how they can be more sensible
about the environment and make them aware that many of the items they have used up can
still be made useful for daily needs. The project could give insights to people how they can
contribute positively in saving the environment rather than they contribute in polluting the
environment whether directly or indirectly. This should help people realize with simple yet


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creative thinking boosted with the spirit of saving our ecosystem, we can create something
useful for our lives.
With the above, I can conclude that I have achieved my goal. I have created masterpiece of 3
trash bin products that linked to the main objective. I succeeded on making the products from
my personal idea and took responsibility of my actions. I created the products that can make
people understand or realize that they can recycle the wastes of their daily usage to be reused
for further useful products.
With these products, I also managed to create connection to the environment. It will help
increase people awareness on the need to do the recycle. The label I have put on my trash bin
contained information to remind people to do recycle. With that I expect I can support the
global movement on saving the environment.
My products are attractive and definitely will catch the attention of the crowds when place in
public area because they are unusual types of trash bin. I believe, this will give the inspiration to
many people to follow to develop similar products from recycle materials that can be useful for
the society.

Communication and Social Skills: Analysis of interactions during investigation
During my project I have interacted with many individuals and I could not have done it without
them. Therefore, I would like to thank all of them who have provided me their support:

My mother for her helps and continuous support on the discussion during my initial
project stage until the end of the project
My mothers friends and her office colleagues who have supplied the recycled pristine
Om Sigit for his contributions on the recycled Sprite bottles that he used in his catering
All my family and my house members who have helped collected the Coke cans
Pak Iwan as my fellow partner that has helped me construct the frame
My friends who have provided me with motivation and encouragement on the project

My special thanks also to my supervisor Ibu Ingrid that I have got most of the helps on
guiding me throughout this project. She has helped me understand the steps, given me
encouragement as well as made me put hard and quality work on what I did


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Part D : Reflecting

Evaluation of the quality against the criteria

Reflection on knowledge and global context
Reflection on IB Learner and Learner Profiles and ATLS

Evaluation of the quality against the criteria:
I think I have accomplished my project in excellent quality that I can expect to get score of
minimum 6. I even aim to get a score of 8. The reasons because my project is in line with the
goal I have originally made (Criteria A). I have made it well organized so I can finish it in time
(Criteria B). The products I have created are of excellent quality and to me they are my
masterpiece of works. My report also is quite informative and details on the steps I have taken
(Criteria C). I am also able to reflect the overall projects versus my learning (Criteria D).

Reflection on knowledge and global context:
By conducting this project I gained further knowledge from what I knew earlier. I was aware
about the global campaign on saving the environment and the needs for recycle. With this
project, however, I can make further realization thru a real action on how I can help the society
in doing the recycle. By utilizing what they are using in daily activities I actually can create
something useful and unique for the use of the societies themselves such as my trash bins of
the recycled materials. I get the understanding of the essence of the recycle i.e., to re-use the
materials for the benefit of ourselves. There are a lot more we can do on the recycle materials.
My project also contained a connection between the society and the environment in the global
context. By helping the societies to re-use the materials, I can expect I can influence the
thinking of the societies to reduce using these materials in the future. This would help us reach
sustainability or balance environment in longer term.

Reflection on IB Learner and Learner Profiles and ATLS:
The learner profiles I most exhibits in this project are inquirer, knowledgeable, thinker, caring
and reflective.

Inquirer: I learn by myself about the global context of saving the environment through
recycling. I did observations and research via the internet to get deeper understanding


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Knowledgeable: during my investigation, planning and taking actions, I prove myself

having knowledge on what I am doing. I define my goals, fine-tune my project concept,
define the steps and complete my products. In the process, I use my math and science
knowledge on the design of my products that include the measurement and the frame
Thinker: I demonstrated myself to be the thinker when I came out with the idea of my
trash bin products. The thinking is the results of me connecting the goals and the
context combined it with my creativity.
Caring: The topic of my project is about Recycle that shows I am a caring individual
who has concerns about the environment. My goal is to advise people how they can be
more sensible about the environment and make them aware that many of the items
they have used up can still be made useful for daily needs.
Reflective: I have made reflection during my project especially at the early stage when I
first collected the recycle materials. I was made aware that I need collect the same type
of bottles to make the design neat and attractive. So, I made revision of my process.

As for ATLS, I have demonstrated all of ATLS categories including communication, social, self-
management, research, and thinking,

Communication: I complete my final report and conduct on-going communication with

my supervisors on the progress of my project
Social: I interact with many individuals that support my project
Self-management: I organize my project with good planning so that my project is
completed in time. I also did self-reflection during the project especially at the early
stage that made me revised my process
Research: I did research through internet and observations on the recycle and how to
collect the recycle materials
Thinking: My product concept and my final products are the prove of my thinking from
concept to realization


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Sources Cited
"Recycling Benefits: The Many Reasons Why." Recycling Benefits. Web. 20 Jan.
Sturgis, Sam. "Mapping the World's Migrating Ocean Pollution." Web. 20 Jan.
"Jakarta Sets Out Waste Recycling Policy | Jakarta Globe." Jakarta Globe. Web. 20
Jan. 2016.
"Jakarta's Rubbish Nightmare - Inside Indonesia." Inside Indonesia. Web. 20 Jan.
"Trash in Our World." Trash in Our World. Web. 20 Jan. 2016.
"Recycling Guide." Recycling Guide. Web. 20 Jan. 2016.
Appendix A: Evidence of Product
Notes: The evidence of the product is in another file which should be attached with this report.

(My action on gathering the materials)


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(Combination of all product)

(Materials for Product)


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Appendix B: ATL Extract from Journal

I complete my final report and conduct on-going communication with my supervisors on the
progress of my project

I organize my project with good planning so that my project is completed in time. I also did
self-reflection during the project especially at the early stage that made me revised my process

I did research through internet and observations on the recycle and how to collect the recycle

My product concept and my final products are the prove of my thinking from concept to

I interact with many individuals that support my project

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