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EZ Space Maintainer White Paper

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EZ Space Maintainer

Dr. Enis Gray*

Ortho Technology, Inc. White Paper Report

1 7 4 0 1 C o m m e r c e P a r k B l v d , T a m p a , F L 3 3 6 4 7 U S A


Dr. Enis Gray is a published author, inventor, professor, orthodontist, and

member of the Turkish Orthodontic Society, Socit Franaise dOrthopedie
Dento-faciale, European Orthodontic Society, and the World Federation of
Born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1958, Dr. Gray attended Saint Joseph French
College from 1970-1977, then the University of Hacetepe, Faculty of
Dentistry, Ankara (5 year curriculum) from 1977 1982. He was a DDS,
Instructor from 1982-1986 at the Department of Orthodontics, University of
Hacettepe (4 year program) then went on to obtain his PhD in 1986 for
University of Hacettepe Thesis: The Effects of Nasal Obstruction to Dento-facial Structures. Dr.
Gray has held a private practice while at the same time being a clinical instructor and lecturer at
the University of Seluk, Department of Orthodontics, Konya and later the University of ukurova,
Department of Orthodontics, Adana. He is the inventor of the Gray Instant Bite Raiser, EZ
Space Maintainer, and EZ Slider.
Dr. Enis Gray

What are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are used to maintain the spaces of lost teeth. Fixed or removable maintainers
have been used since the beginning of the 20th century in the fields of orthodontics and pediatric
dentistry (1).
Whether fixed or removable, there are certain prerequisites for all space maintainers:
1. They should maintain the mesio-distal dimension of the lost tooth.
2. They should be as simple and strong as possible.
3. They must be easily cleaned and not serve as traps for debris, which might enhance
dental caries and soft tissue pathology.
4. Their construction must not prevent or restrict normal growth and developmental
processes or interfere with such functions as mastication, speech, or deglutition.

Removable and Fixed Space Maintainers

A removable space maintainer known as Hawley Plates/Hawley Retainer requires good patient
cooperation besides having application difficulties. The patient can lose them easily and they tend
to break easily. It is difficult for the patient to adapt to the appliance in the beginning, and when
not cleaned properly on a regular basis, it causes deterioration of the oral hygiene. They are
expensive and difficult to manufacture. These appliances also have negative effects on speech
and deglutition functions (2, 3, 4).
On the other hand, the fixed type space maintainers are commonly fixed to the molar bands and
different diameters of wires are welded to these bands. They maintain the space by leaning
against the adjacent tooth of the extraction sites. Their construction and application is relatively
more difficult and more expensive than removable maintainers (5, 6). There are several fixed type
space maintainers in the field. The fixed maintainer developed by Dr. Graber is the most widely
known and preferred. The disadvantages of these appliances are the same as other fixed and
removable maintainersnamely relatively long chair time and an impression followed by
laboratory work (7).

Copyright Ortho Technology, Inc. 2012

However since they are becoming more frequently used by dentists, all kinds of maintainers
should be fabricated more simply and easier to place in the space maintained area.
Different fixed and bonded space maintainers have been created using round wires, stainless
steel strips and light polymerizing composites. (8,9,11-13).

An example of one of these appliances is the EZ Space

Maintainer** developed by Dr. Enis Gray (Picture 1).

Picture 1: Dr. Gurays EZ Space Maintainer

Application and Case Example

1. Choose the proper EZ Space Maintainer by
its color mark and remove the coil spring.
Green - Upper Right
Yellow - Upper Left
Red - Lower Right
White - Lower Left
(Picture 2)

Picture 2: Inside the box, the EZ Space

Maintainer has color marks indicating
the different quadrants.
2. Adjust the length of the EZ Space
Maintainer by squeezing one of the tubes with
pliers (Picture 3).

Picture 3: Adjusting the length of the EZ

Space Maintainer, by squeezing one of
the tubes with a heavy cutter plier.

Ortho Technology, Inc. 2012

3. Check occlusally to ensure the bases adapt

perfectly to the tooth surfaces. If necessary,
additional adaptation could be performed with
a three prong plier (Picture 4).

Picture 4: Both bases must adapt

perfectly to the tooth surfaces. If
necessary, adapt with a three prong plier.
4. Etch each tooth surface for one minute.
Rinse and dry thoroughly. Bond the maintainer with a light cure adhesive (Pictures 5-7).

Picture 5: Etch each tooth

surface for one minute. Rinse
and dry thoroughly.

Picture 6: Bond the maintainer

with a light cure adhesive.

Picture 7: Occlusal view.

5. The space is maintained during necessary time (Pictures 8, 9).

Picture 8: After 6 months, end of treatment.

Second premolar erupting.

Copyright Ortho Technology, Inc. 2012

Picture 9: Occlusal view.

Clinical Evaluation
A few studies about direct bonded space maintainers were done in past years. But standardized
and repeatable type direct bonded space maintainers were not used in these studies. For this
reason a new direct bonded space maintainer was studied and evaluated clinically by Gulec S.
(14). Conventional space maintainers were evaluated by Baroni et all. (15) and Rajab (16). They
have reported median survival time for space maintainers as 20 and 18 months, respectively. The
reported survival time for space maintainers were ranging between 5 months to 27 months (9,1 3,
16, 17). In the study done by Gulec S., space maintainers were followed-up for 20 months and
EZ Space Maintainer had presented 220 days (approximately 7 months) mean survival time.
This result shows that the EZ Space Maintainer has a satisfactory survival time. The failure rate
of the EZ Space Maintainer at the end of the six months was clearly low (4.8%) when compared
with the results of direct bonded space maintainers studies that performed by Swaine and Wright
(9) (30%), by Artun and Marstrander (8) (19%) and by Santos et al. (13) (8.3%). Age was found to
be a risk factor for the EZ Space Maintainer. None of the maintainers failed in children over age
8. All failures were observed in children under age 8 and this result can be contributed to the
moisture contamination which was not easy to prevent for children in this group (14).
Improvements in adhesive systems affected the orthodontic appliances and the space
maintainers. Adhesives are the backbone of direct bonded space maintainer studies. However,
adhesives are not the only factor in determining the success of the direct bonded space
maintainers. The design of the space maintainers is important for toleration of occlusal forces and
retention of the abutment teeth. Previous direct bonded space maintainers were designed with
plain wires that had loops or grooves for bonding. EZ Space Maintainer was designed for
loading minimal occlusal forces independent of the appliance length. The pads could facilitate
bonding with resin cement. This property was a critical factor for the success rate. In the study
conducted by Gulec (14) of the adhesive failures, five of five occurred between enamel and
adhesive resin. No adhesive resin loss was seen. In other words, failures did not occur between
the appliance and the adhesive. This result proves that the mesh bonding bases of the appliance
provide sufficient retention against the occlusal forces (14).
In the same study, following the SOHI norms, all patients showed acceptable oral hygiene
practices. The first 7 days after the bonding of the appliance were the most important time
intervals for the patients adaptation and oral hygiene education.
Space analyses were also made by the same group, according to the method presented by
Swaine and Wright (9). They also found that the extraction spaces were maintained successfully
by the EZ Space Maintainer. As a result, they declared that the main advantages of the EZ
Space Maintainer are saving time and ease of use.

We can conclude that Dr. Grays EZ Space Maintainer is more cost-effective and less timeconsuming than traditional space maintainer appliances. This simple, reliable, and practical space
maintainer requires no impressions, no laboratory construction, and can be directly bonded
during one in-office visit. The EZ Space Maintainer is more aesthetic and hygienic than
traditional space maintainer appliances. Simple and easy to use, the EZ Space Maintainer can
be preferred as a fixed appliance providing easy maintenance of the mesio-distal dimension of
any lost deciduous teeth.


Ortho Technology, Inc. 2012

1. Rock WP. UK National Clinical Guidelines in Paediatric Dentistry. Extraction of primary

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2. Hoffding J, Kisling E. Premature loss of primary teeth: part I, its overall effect on
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3. Hoffding J, Kisling E. Premature loss of primary teeth: part II, the specific effects on
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5. Olsen NH. Space maintenance for children. J Am Dent Assoc 1952;46:386-92.
6. Laing E, Ashley P, Naini FB, Gill DS. Space maintenance. Int J Paediatr Dent
7. Moyers RE. Handbook of Orthodontics. Year Book Medical Publishers Incorporated,
Third edition, Chicago, 1983.
8. Artun J, Marstrander PB. Clinical efficiency of two different types of direct bonded space
maintainers. ASDC J Dent Child 1983;50:197-204.
9. Swaine TJ, Wright GZ. Direct bonding applied to space maintenance. ASDC J Dent Child
10. Buonocore MG. A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling materials to
enamel surfaces. J Dent Res 1955;34:849-53.
11. Simonsen RJ. Space maintenance utilizing acid etch bonding. Dent Surv 1978;54(3):2733.
12. Kochavi D, Stern N, Grajower R. A temporary space maintainer using acrylic resin teeth
and a composite resin. J Prosthet Dent 1977;37:522-6.
13. Santos VL, Almeida MA, Mello HS, Keith O. Direct bonded space maintainers. J Clin
Pediatr Dent 1993;17:221-5.
14. Gle S. Evaluation of Clinical Success of New Type Fixed Space Maintainer.
Unpublished Docorate Thesis, Adana, 2011.
15. Baroni C, Franchini A, Rimondini L. Survival of different types of space maintainers.
Pediatr Dent 1994;16:360-1.
16. Rajab LD. Clinical performance and survival of space maintainers: evaluation over a
period of 5 years. ASDC J Dent Child 2002;69:156-60, 24.
17. Tulunoglu O, Ulusu T, Genc Y. An evaluation of survival of space maintainers: a six-year
follow-up study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005;6:74-84.
*Dr. Gray is a lecturer and clinical instructor at the Department of Orthodontics, Ercites
University, Kayseri and in the private practice at Cinnah Str. 37/3 Cankaya Ankara Turkey.
**Ortho Technology, Inc., Tampa, Florida, USA.
US Patent No. 6,726,473 B1 and EP 1 217 965 B1
2012 Ortho Technology, Inc. EZ Space Maintainer is a registered trademark of Ortho Technology.

Copyright Ortho Technology, Inc. 2012

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