Essay Ocs
Essay Ocs
Essay Ocs
could get to pursue my studies abroad. Although military had never came
across my mind as a career that I would pick but as soon as I started the
three months of induction program under the scholarship unit, more
exposures and experiences on learning further about the organization,
military life, future plans and its vision, I started to develop my interest and it
changed my perspective and the way I see MINDEF and particularly military
as a whole. I realized that it did feel good to have achieved my dream but it
was not good enough in order to serve as military personnel for a certain
period of time. Therefore passion and goals for my future in the armed forces
are very much required.
Though I had less exposure about working life in the armed forces before but
I continued to choose this path in the first place was because of job security
and the benefits which the government provides for its personnel. But later, I
personally discovered that working environment in the RBAF is very flexible
and complex. Therefore, to fit in I need to become flexible myself. It teaches
me to prepare myself for the unexpected, accept the tasks assigned to us, be
more open and flexible to make changes but at the same time, adapt and
excel. It requires anyone in this circle to manage time efficiently, build up our
self-esteem, confidence level and enhance our leadership skills. It really was
a challenge for me at first with my background in religious studies to cope in
the RBAF but I do not see that as a barrier, instead it is a stepping stone for
me to perform better in my field just like any other experts.
I am well aware of how the RBAF would not be able to implement the Syariah
Law, particularly the Islamic criminal law within the ministry because the Law
can only be carried out and referred to the authorities of the Syariah Court.
Nevertheless, in conjunction with the titah of His Majesty on this matter, this
may be a gateway for the RBAF to promote more discipline and decent
lifestyle by exposing our military personnel about theLaw. We may not have
the power to fully carry out the Syariah Law but having necessary exposures
will slowly help to prevent more of our military personnel from committing
the crimes. Although, the RBAF has already been handling a small fragment
of Islamic family law on administrative matters which later handing over the
cases to be referred to the Syariah Court for trials and further investigations
but I still believe that the RBAF needs to have its own personnel who are
experts and have related background on this matter. Therefore, this is what I
want to do; the RBAF surely can also have its own Syariah legal
representatives, advisors, research officers or even lawyers. The liaison
between Syariah lawyers and authorized authorities from both RBAF and the
Syariah Court will benefit us through interactions, discussions and
exchanging thoughts on the current issues will also help us to overcome the
rising problems.
In five years time, I personally wish to excel further in this field and get
myself certified as a Syariah lawyer to present the RBAF. Unlike civil lawyers,
it only requires me to take normally a two-year diploma course to be
qualified as a lawyer. I am hoping to see Syariah Law to be widely exposed
particularly within RBAF and our personnel to be well educated about the
Law. I would hope to see myself contributing to the RBAF by together
developing a more progressive legal unit which not only based in Bolkiah
Garrison but will also be based at each unit of the RBAF. By doing so meaning
more posts can be offered to other units as well instead of only among the
land force personnel. In that way, we can achieve a more balance and
efficient working environment in this field.