Lecture - 18 Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards (Contd.)
Lecture - 18 Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards (Contd.)
Lecture - 18 Evaluation, Feedback and Rewards (Contd.)
given according to the status that, you are in the organization, and its mainly given to executives,
its like company car. Then you have club membership, paid holidays, then furnished house, stock
options etcetera, and these we can call to be, like indirect like the indirect things that we receive
from the organization. And in non financial, we have like, the job context, like challenging job,
then your recognition responsibility, then supervision, working condition, job sharing etcetera.
So, like if you can see from here, like what is the difference between, like when you are talking of
a financial incentive, and a non financial incentive is, that in the non financial. This part in that, if
you are now trying to classify what you find over there, this working condition, job sharing, then
this recognition. These are along with these whole things, given over here. These are parts of
extrinsic rewards, like job sharing, and may be you talk of promotions and all these things. These
are parts of extrinsic rewards given, as a part of the job that you are doing, and these come from
outside, and it is outside the individual and outside the job that you are doing.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:47)
Now when we talk of intrinsic rewards; intrinsic rewards are self administered by the person. It
provides a like a sense of satisfaction to the individual or a gratification, and it is often a sense of
pride for doing a job well. So, it see like it is a classification, all the four things like completion, it
is a like, it is a ability to like, if you will, it is a happy feeling that you get from inside, like when
you are able to start and finish your a project or job. So, you as, achievement is when you give a
reward to yourself, may be a one day off, when you have achieved a certain target. So, that is
what you set for yourself, its not the organization is what is providing to you.
Then maybe youll you go for autonomy, like when you are talking of your as a responsibility and
when its a challenging job. All these things are like you are able to face a challenging job; you
are taking responsibility of certain aspects of the job. And you are able to decide on yourself
about important decisions about the job. So, this amounts to the autonomy present in the job, and
you are able to do it without very close supervision. And also like when you are talking of
personal growth, you are expanding your capabilities via the job. So, in one sense job sharing is
also a part of intrinsic motivation that you are giving to you, that you are getting from the job, or
the capabilities that are being expanded as a part of the job that you are doing.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:48)
So, while we are talking of the theories, the approaches behind, like how you decide about, when
a reward is actually rewarding. So, three theories are guiding it mainly, and there are three
approaches to it, the main is that of reinforcement theory. So, it is based on apprehend condition
in learning, where what happens. Like if you perform behavior, if you perform certain task and
you get a reinforcement or reward for it. There is a tendency to repeat that particular task with the
same intensity that you have done it earlier, and that behavior of yours get reinforced. So, what
you can try to do over here, is to make a person repeat a positive behavior, by giving a positive
reward, and not to repeat a behavior which is not wanted by the organization, by giving some
punishment as a consequence. And in reinforcement, the apprehends are behaviors than can be
like controlled, by manipulating the consequence of that action, following it.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:14)
So, you can see like there are four types of reinforcements happening. Like a positive reinforcer
is a stimulus, which when added to the situation strengthens the probability of a desired
behavioral response. A negative reinforcer is which when removed after a response, increases the
frequency of that response. Punishment is which giving a very undesirable or uncomfortable
consequence for a particular behavior; like demotion termination etcetera. So, but it is a very
controversial topic, like whether it should used without any caution, and because it may have long
term consequences, unintended consequences. Extinction is reduces unwanted behavior by
withholding positive reinforcement from a learned response. So, these are the four ways like how
reinforcement works in an organization.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:25)
What happens by scheduling the timings of rewards or punishment, we are able to motivate
people. So, in continuous reinforcement what happens, it is reinforcing a behavior each time it
occurs. In intermittent reinforcement what we do, reinforcing after some expression of behavior,
but not after every situations or not every behavior. So, what happens that surprise factor is there,
and you remain. So, if it actually accesses a reward, because you do not know, like when
reinforcement is going to come, and as a result there is no lag in performance, you always try to
perform at a desired level. So, that like you do not know when the reinforcement is going to
come. And so if you are you are always ready to perform, and there is no lag in performance,
which happens in when its a continuous reinforcement scheduled, because you know like
whether you perform or not to perform, after a certain point of time the reward is going to come.
So, that is a difference between, when you are talking of continuous and intermittent
So, in intermittent reinforcements again, like we can have. It is like fixed interval, like reinforcing
my desired behavior, it could be of again intermittent and behavioral, it would be like four
different types; fixed interval reinforcing a desired behavior after a certain period of time. Then
variable is reinforcing at some variable time interval. Fixed ratio is reinforcing after a fixed
number of desired behavior, and variable ratio reinforcing after a number of desired responses,
with the number varying around an average. So, all these factors have its, pros and cons;
obviously, like when the ratio is too much, or the interval is variable in nature. Though it
maintains, like it keeps you on your toes like to perform. But again, because it you do not like
when it is coming. It mainly be leading to some stress, and insecurity feelings also, because you
cannot plan your things, because you do not know when you are going to get your rewards, and
like if this reward is, like if you do not have any fixed part of your income and everything is
variable in nature.
Then you cannot plan for yourself, your budgeting cannot be done, like where how to expend,
where to expend, when you get your rewards and all these things. So, it should be a mixed match
of these four approaches, to design a desirable reinforcement for a particular person. It has
something has to be fixed in nature, something could be variable in nature to maintain the
motivational aspect of the reward system, but something has to be given as a basic thing, which is
based on a continuous nature. So, we have to think on like, what portion of continuous, and what
portion of variable and intermittent in nature. So, that there is a sense of security, and maybe it is
not like over secured feeling you are getting, but again you are able to perform and be motivated.
So, you have to be like more prudent, while we are trying to do a mix and match of these four
ways of reinforcing and giving rewards.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:27)
So, another important part of rewards, is like how people get rewards, is by. And what they value
as rewards is employees they acquire desired behaviors, by observational learning or imitation
from others. So, what generally it is like the society gives you the feedback as what is rewarding
to you, so then those things you start valuing as a reward. Next is of course, like which is called
the expectancy theory, in which there, what you do is in expectancy, which is based on the V I
theory of room and Porter and Lawler who extended it. It is like you take an effort for certain
things, and you know like your effort will lead to a certain performance, and your performance
will be leading to certain rewards from the organization, and that reward will give you a feedback
about whether you are a good performer or not, whether your efforts have led to your
performance and not.
So, with that expectancy, like if you are working very hard, if you are performing well, then you
get a reward from the organization. So, you have to make people realize the connection between
the performance and the reward. And very important point about this expectancy theory, is that
like we have to identify the desired rewards for the people, because all rewards do not really, are
not excepted in the same way by every people, or to said in terms, clear terms. Like every reward
that you get is actually not rewarding for everyone, because they have their own perception,
based on their own needs and aspirations, and backgrounds and may be societal feedback. Like
what is actually rewarding for them, and may be that other roles that they play in the
organization, help them to value one thing more than the other as a particular reward. And then
what we have to do, is we have to make things these thing available for people, like what they
value as reward.
And also what we can do is, like as we cannot always provide, like the particular thing a person
desires as a reward, maybe it is not possible for all managers to provide it. Then we may try to
increase the number of desirable. Like increase the desirability of a particular reward to the
individual, so that if we are not able to give reward a, may be reward b is what that person can
expect from the organization, and we have to increase the desirability of the reward b to a
particular person. So, the managers job, is to like identify the reward make it available, and to
increase the horizon of what the person will love to get as a reward. So, we have to make a study
and find out, what all is what that person expects and what we can provide. So, we have to make
a combination of those things from the organization.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:19)
Next, another of the theory is of course, like the agency theory, on which this principle is based,
where we take like the. There are diverse interest of the stack holders, and the way that the
employee is remunerated, like can be of can be used can be aligned with the interest of the stack
holders. So, here employees or the agents and of the principle who is the employer, and their
relationship is that of the agency relationship. And the cause that is there for maintaining that
employees is called the agency cost, and we have to see like how to, like through what way we
can best reward an employee, through different plans present in the organization, through
variable, like reward management techniques, so that the employee functions best as the agency
of the principle, who is the employer of the organization. So, what we have to decide over here, is
like while rewarding employees is four aspects of it, like what to be, like whether there is internal
verses external equity. Now, when you are talking of external verses internal equity, is when the
employee is perceiving the fairness of payment based on the different jobs, present in the same
When we are talking of external equity, it is like the person is looking outside the organization,
and trying to find out, how far that person is fairly paid based on how other organizations are
paying that particular job. And there is another aspect of this equity, which is individual equity
where we try to compare with others in the same organization, who are doing the same type of
job that I am doing, and we then try to find out, whether we have been fairly treated and equitably
paid or not. Though, in this the perception of equity as if already discussed earlier, depends on the
equity sensitivity of the particular person, who is trying to view this equity. And it depends on
whether if he is benevolent or equity sensitive, or he is the entitled in nature. The way he
interprets this, like what to pay and how much to pay, will be somewhere dependent on his ways
of interpreting, what is paid to the employee, but these are like. Generally people compare based
on the internal equity, external equity, and the individual equity as per what is organization is
going on.
And when this equity is considered then organization may have a plan to pay above the market
rate, below the market rate, or at par the market rate, which may have different consequences for
the organization, and different strategic decisions have to be taken by the organization, if it
decides to pay above the market, below the market, or at par with the market rate. So, some
organizations which are paying above the market rate, may be able to attract best talents, and
based on emergency situations they do pay above market rate to get best talent pool from the
market. Some organizations, like they purposefully pay below the market rate, and they outsource
certain types of jobs as a part of their H R policies. So, it depends on the strategic decisions taken
by the organization.
Like whether they will maintain the equity, like internal and external equity, and to what extent
they are going to do it. Internal equities again, like we get to know from related concepts to it, is
of course, the pay secrecy that you maintain, whether you maintain a transparency and we get to
know. Like when you talking of individual equity and internal equity, what others get paid for
doing the same type of job, or can we compare with the other hierarchies what they are getting
and what I am getting, means whether there is a transparency or whether there is a secrecy, where
we do not get to know, like what others are getting. And what you get to know is only the average
figure, so we do not get to know the exact figure what others are getting. So, it depends entirely
on the policy of the organization, how they are going to do decide a put all these things, and like
what do they pay to their employees.
Next when we are talking of, how to pay, and there are different examples of it, which will be
discussing like, fees rate, merit based bonuses, profit sharing, gain sharing, employees top
ownership plans, skill based. These are some of the examples given, then what benefits to offer in
terms of flexible benefits, then how to recognize employees. Then these are four aspects which
are which are concern for people, while they are thinking of how to reward their employees. And
types of rewards in the organization are based on certain aspects, like membership and seniority
in the organization, the job status that one holds in the organization, or it is based on the
competencies that you have, and the performance that you show in the job. So, these are four
ways of designing your rewards, and each having its own positives and negatives. And what you
can do you can have a mix and match of these techniques, to design something which is more
motivating for the employees.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:17)
So, we see like the types of rewards in the workplace are based on these four main factors,
membership and seniority, job status, competencies, and performance. And if you see, like there
is a when, why we have to be more concerned about these factors, because these may like if
somewhere. If you are having a type of reward in your organization which is not matching with
the needs of the people in the organization; that is how do they want the reward to be. Then it
may lead to certain dissatisfactions in terms of, like satisfaction is the reward, and it may lead to
certain negative organizational behaviours. Like absenteeism strike, lower productivity, lesser
commitment, and all these factors is very crucial, for designing a proper reward system for the
people within the organization.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:32)
So, different ways of rewarding employees are; like one is the variable pay programs, where a
portion of the employees pay is based on some individual, and like or some organizational
measure of performance. So, the variety of it could be, like piece rate plans, where workers are
paid a fixed sum for each unit of production completed. So, after you produce certain amount,
then you are going to get a certain amount, you are going to get a fixed sum. And the thing over,
this thing. One of the negatives of this would be like while you are paying for the piece rate pay
plans. So, it is to some extent motivating, and rewarding, because it is connected with a number
of pieces that you like produce, but again we have to check on the quality like in the hurry, that
no wastage is done, and we have to be concerned about, like the waste produced also. So, like in a
hurry to produce more, within a short span of time, and get more waste on the number of pieces
that we are producing, we have o take into consideration, the production in the waste also.
So, that is one of the issues, where we need to be really careful about. Next is when you are
talking of profit sharing plans. So, this is an organization wide program; that distributes
compensation based on some established formula, designed around a companys profitability.
And the positive of this is that, this plan is that it is connecting employees performance with the
organizations performance. And if the organization performs better, and it earns a profit, then that
gets distributed towards to all employees, who have contributed towards gaining that profit. So,
its good in one sense, its making a connection between employees performance, and
organizations performance, but again it is somewhat uncertainty, factor of uncertainty is there,
and variable the degree of variableness may be too high in the sense. Like if your compensation is
depending on the companys profitability. Then what happens, if the profit goes up you get more
as a reward, but if its profit comes down, then your reward is (( )) and that leads to certain sort of
stress on the part of the employee, because he cannot really know, like what he is getting as an
actual figure every time. And it can be fluctuating based on organizations profitability, which may
be of some sort of stress for the employee.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:25)
When we are talking of flexible benefits, so here flexible benefit means, employees tailor their
benefit programs to meet their personal needs, by picking and choosing from a menu of benefit
options. So, it is again of two types, two three types, like where is the core plus plans, where a
core of, where you get a core of essential benefits and a menu like selection, of other benefit
options. And b is, when we are talking of modular plans, it is predesigned benefit packages for a
specific group of employees. And c when you are talking of flexible spending plans, means allow
employees to use their tax free benefit, dollars to purchase benefits, and pay service premiums.
So, what you see over here like, while we are talking of flexible benefits. Its advantages in one
sense, like I can its a tailor made for meeting employee needs, and employee can choose their
own benefits, and which is more motivating for them, which is more rewarding for them, because
I choose the benefit, which suits my purpose. But again then it is a very in depth task and a very
challenging task for the organization to have so many benefits in place, and to provide for so
many benefits, which may differ from employee to employee. And its a really a challenging task
for an organization, to provides different benefits, and a combination of different benefits, which
is going to suit a particular persons need. So, an organization must be working very hard on that
(Refer Slide Time: 37:55)
When we are talking of innovative rewards system, you are talking of something which is called,
like the skill based pay plans, where the sorry where a pay levels are based on, how many skills
employees have, or how many jobs they can do. Clear demonstration of the job, clear
demonstration of the skill acquired in that particular job, may result in pay increase. So, some of
the important advantages of this are like, it provides your staffing flexibility, because you are
getting more multi skilled, you are getting providing staff flexibility to assign workers to different
jobs. So, it requires fewer job classifications, requires fewer employees, then facilitates
communication across organization. So, it lessens like the protection of charity, like this is my
job, and I will not allow others to learn sort of attitude on the part of the employees. So, it again
meets the need of their employees for advancement, and leads to performance improvements, and
may reduce turn over, and absenteeism. These are the positives that we have about skill based pay
(Refer Slide Time: 39:37)
But it has several drawbacks also which are important; like what may happen if it gets established
the skill based pay plan. So, you may lack in additional learning opportunities that will increase
pay later on. And then we may continue to pay employees for skills that have become absolute in
nature. We may be paying for skills that are of no immediate use for the organization, and what
you are actually doing, is we are paying for a skill, but we are not very sure, like whether even if
the skill is acquired by the employee. It will lead to a particular level of performance, which will
be rewarding for the organization, and improve organizations performance. So, what you are
actually doing, is we are paying for the skill itself, but not for the demonstration of the skill, as far
as performance is concerned. So, this could be the drawbacks of a skill based pay.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:56)
Other, innovative things could be broad banding, which involves reducing numerous pay grades,
to a relatively few broad band grades, which gives you an, like gives you about knowledge, about
the different aspects of the job, and you can learn many skills out of it, and in that sense it
becomes satisfying for you. Then you get like concierge services, a variety of benefits from
tracking down tickets to an event, to massages, and other lavish services. So, these are only very
few companies have the services for their employees, and its very costly also for the
organization, to maintain all these things.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:01)
Now, when we are moving to jobs which are performed in a group, and we are trying to focus on
team based rewards. So, what is done is, paying all members of a team equally based on the
outcome performance of the entire teams work. Now see, this can lead to certain problems, like
when we are talking, we will be paying equally all the team members for the outcome of the
performance of the entire team. So, if all are performing at the same level, then it could be
rewarding or, but if it is that some employees are some team members are performing and others
are not, and then what happens, it may lead to a feeling of decent amongst the team members.
Like someone who is working hard to get the team performances is getting the same as someone,
who is taking the advantage of the team situation, which we call is social loafing, but still when it
comes to be recognized and getting the reward, is getting the same thing, as that of the per person
who is performing for the team.
So, paying them all equally could be sometime demotivating for the actual performer in the team.
Part time benefits, so what happens in the part time benefits, due to the shortage of talent, more
employers are now relying on part time employees, and they are now provided with many
benefits, let which are lead only if full time employees used to get; like sick leave and paid
vacations and all these things. So, when you are again when you are talking of gain sharing, it
provides employees with a share of the financial benefits; that the organization accrues from
improved operational efficiencies and effectiveness. So, it is based on the group productivity, and
then it determines, like how the total amount of money is to be allocated. So, the difference
between this gain sharing, and this, the difference between this gain sharing, and your profit
sharing plans over here. If you can see it in profit sharing, it depends on the profitability, and then
it gets distributed. While gain sharing it is the product, group productivity, and then you get
benefits according to that productivity.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:19)
Another is employees stock ownership plans, in which the companies contribute stock or cash to
purchase stock to the employees. So, employees stock ownership plans is a company established
benefit plan, in which employees acquire stock as the part of the benefits. It is typical allocation,
which is based on seniority. So, more senior you are in the organization, you get an opportunity to
buy companies stock and to (( )) like lower price, and which you can then sell later on and get
you reward out of that.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:13)
So, what happens over here, again like if you see this picture, this we can classify this rewards
into individual level rewards, team rewards, and organizational rewards. And what we see when
important part, which is mentioned in team rewards and individual reward, is bonuses that we get.
Now bonus is generally given for your based on your performance, and based on the profitability
of the organization, but sometimes what it happens, like if the bonus is given very regularly at a
certain point of time, may be before puja you get a bonus and all these factors.
So, what happens is, you take it to be a granted sort of thing, that you are entitled to get. People
take it as bonus, no longer bonus acts, no longer as a bonus, but mentally it gets added to their
pay structure, and it really does not remain as the rewarding aspect of it, the motivational aspect
of it, is somewhat lost, and it becomes a part of their entitlement. And sometimes what happens,
in terms of bonuses, specifically in terms of executive bonuses, like a huge amount of the
organizations money goes, like while paying, bonuses for the executive level. So, we have to take
into consideration, whether to pay bonuses, whom to pay bonuses for, and of what percentage and
what amount.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:46)
So, these are certain of your aspects of your rewards given in the organization. And some other
ways of rewarding employees, which is more intrinsic in nature, which really does not cost you
much, is like employee recognition program. So, in a employee recognition program, it is
intrinsic reward which stimulates intrinsic motivation. So, here personal attention is given to an
employee. Then appreciation for approval, and appreciation is given for doing a job well then. So,
it can be done in many ways, so you can have a company formal recognized, recognition
program, where you are declare the best employee of the particular period. Then there is your
name gets, your name and your photograph you see it on the company, like specific place where
you find your photograph has been given, and you find like you are recognized for it.
You give get like encouraging mails from your boss, telling like you have done your job well, and
your performance really matters for the organization. So, this can be done in a very formal way of
doing it, or it could be one to one like. So, you get like some sealed envelope in your table, which
speaks of how the boss values your performance. So, there are various ways of recognizing an
employees performance, and like the benefits of this recognition programs are to fulfill
employees desire for recognition. So, it is inexpensive in its way to implement, and it encourages
repetition of a desired behavior so. But the drawback of this program, again the drawbacks are
that it could be susceptible to manipulation by the management. So, what it can, because I want to
utilize you for a particular job, and I cannot pay you much, I cannot reward you much.
For the time being, I just recognize you and so that, because it will act as a Pygmalion effect. I
will like somewhere like that recognition makes you to perform well, and I get the better
performance for the organization. And then I do not like take care of your quality of work life and
all these factors. In that case it is somewhat unethical, because I am using the employee, and the
recognition given as a means to a particular end of getting better organizational performance. And
I am not recognizing the employee, because I feel like the employee is worth recognizing. So, we
have to be very cautious about these. The intentions with which we use this recognitions program
in the organization, so and like this could be again related the reward management.
(Refer Slide Time: 53:09)
If it is not done properly in the organization, it may lead to different, like behaviors in the
organization, as we already told, it may give rise to delay in performance strikes, grievances, and
your dissatisfaction absenteeism, and all these factors. So, we have to be very careful about how
we give rewards to employees, and how it is well managed in the organization. So, the questions
following it, is like describe evaluation of performance. Explain with suitable examples, the
methods of performance evaluation. Also describe performance evaluation feedback. State the
three approaches of administering rewards in the organization. What are the four aspects of
rewarding employees. Describe the relationship of type of rewards in the workplace, with
membership and seniority of employees, job status, competencies, performance. Describe a
model of individual rewards, state with examples the different ways of rewarding employees in
the organization. State the innovative reward system in the organization. Rewards affect
organizational concerns explain.
So, with this we come to the end of this particular lecture, where we have
tried to explain what is the linkage of evaluations; performance evaluation.
The feedback that you get for the performance that you are doing, and the
important role that reward may have in motivating a particular employee. So,
that when all these things are done properly, what you get is, a motivated
employee who may be due to extrinsic or intrinsic reasons, who will love to
be within the organization, and who will perform, because it leads to both his
development, and ultimately the organizations development.