Unilever Financial Analysis
Unilever Financial Analysis
Unilever Financial Analysis
The Paid Up Capital of Ordinary Shareholders of 2015 have not changed as compared to last 2 year.
However, the total shareholders equity increased by 8.18 percent from Rs.3291 million to Rs.3560
million during 2015 due to increase in reserves. Reserves are increasing annually from 2013, it increased
by 10.27 percent in 2015 from Rs.2621 million to Rs.2891 million which is a positive sign but after
compared the increased percentage in 2014 with the increased percentage in 2015, it seemed that the
reserves decreased by 85 percent from 69.5 percent to 10.27 percent during 2015.
The total Fixed Liabilities decreased by 6.4 percent from Rs.1020 million to Rs. 955 million during 2015.
It seemed that company have paid or cleared some Fixed Liabilities during 2015 which is a good step to
maintain debt ratio, but still companys Fixed Liabilities are too high.
The analysis indicated that the position of liquid assets (Cash & Investment) of a company is still good.
After analyzing three years data it indicated that liquid assets (Cash & investment) in 2015 increased by
633 percent from Rs. 240 million to Rs.1758 million as compared to 2014 which showed that company
able to recover the major cash from customers. It is a good sign because company can utilize this cash in
various areas to make its operation smooth.
The inventory decreased by 9 percent from Rs.4262 million to Rs.3881 million during 2014 and 2015. It
is a good sign because it showed that company able to sell much inventory during last 2 years due to
which inventory decreased. Prepayments also decreased during 2015 but overall Current Assets indicated
that it increased by 25.6 percent from Rs.7102 million to Rs.8974 million which is due to the increase in
cash in 2015. The Current Assets showed a positive sign in 2015 but after analyzed further it seemed that
the position of Working Capital was worst which indicated that the current assets was not so good that
they can make working capital positive. The Working Capital of a company showed that it decreased by
31 percent from Rs.-1189 million to Rs.-1547 million during 2015 which is not a good sign and its
negativity showed that company cant cover its Current Liabilities and the reason for Working Capitals
negativity is increase in Current Liabilities. Current liabilities increased by 26.4 percent from Rs.7102
million to Rs.8974 million during 2015 and it is due to the increase in trade and other payables. Therefore
it analyzed that over all liquidity position of a company is worst and it cant cover its current liabilities
The position of Tangible Fixed assets showed that the company didnt add new assets too much in 2015
as compare to 2014. In 2014 company added new tangible fixed assets of Rs. 1143 million but in 2015
company just added Rs.586 million. It seems that company didnt try to expand too much and majority
relied on existing assets. The book value didnt change a lot it just increased by 0.6 percent from Rs.4563
million to Rs.4588 million during 2015 but the total Non-Current assets increased by 10 percent from
Rs.5513 million to Rs.6074 million during 2015 and this change is due to the major change in Intangible
fixed assets. It showed that company gave some amount on the implementation of SAP (ERP) system.
Therefore it analyzed that the overall change in Non Current assets was 10 percent.
The net sales during 2015 were Rs.44672 million which was increased by 17 percent as compared to the
amount of Rs.38187 million in 2014. But if we compared the increase percentage of 2014-2015 over the
increased percentage of 2013-2014 then it seems that it decrease by 27 percent from 23.3 percent to 17
percent. The major factor involves in increasing sale in 2015 as compare to 2014 was strong innovation,
improved visibility and promotional campaigns, by this factor company able to attract more customers in
manufacturing products because the way inflation increased, it made customer to think about the price
before buying and it seems that company totally relied on their own products. Due to increase in sales, the
cost of sales also increased by 21 percent from Rs.24853 million to Rs.30094 million but according to
vertical analysis it is a bad sign because cost of sales should be Rs.29036 million or 65.1 percent to sales
but it was 67.4 percent to sales or increased by 3.5 percent as compare to 2014.
The Gross profit also increased by 9.3 percent during 2015 from Rs.14577 million to Rs.13335 million
but according to vertical analysis it decreased by 6.5 percent from 35 percent to 32.6 percent to sales.
The net operating expense also increased by 14.5 percent from Rs.8391 million to Rs.9607 during 2015
and after analyzed vertically it seem that the operating expenses bit decreased by 2.2 percent from 22
percent to 21.5 percent to sales. However the operating profit not changed very much due to the increase
in cost of sales, t just increased by 0.5 percent and according to vertical analysis it indicated that the
operating profit percentage is same as compared to 2013 but according to 2014 it decreased by 14 percent
from 13 percent to 11 percent to sales. Further analyzed and it indicated that the financial cost decreased
by 56 percent from Rs.428 million to Rs.189 million which was a good sign for a company to have bit
more net profit but the vertical analysis of net profit showed that it decreased by 9.5 percent from 11.8
percent to 10.7 percent. However, the net profit increased by 6 percent during 2015 from Rs.4516 million
to Rs.4780 million.
Vertical Anaysis
1- Net Sales
2- Cost of sales
3- Gross profit
4- Commission earned
5-Net Operating expenses
6- Operating profit
7- Net Financial cost
8- Net profit before tax
The analysis showed that the Preference dividend didnt change during last three years which indicated
that company didnt need to take finance from outsource. The ordinary shares dividend indicated that it
increased by 52 percent from Rs.1973 million to Rs.2990 million during 2015 and after compared with
the increased percentage in 2014 (i.e. 15.5 percent), it showed that the company paid very handsome
dividend during 2015 which is a good sign. It seems that company really cared about their shareholder.
After analyzing the data of cash flows, it showed that the net cash flow decreased by 2.9 percent from
Rs.2327 million to Rs.2259 million during 2015, but its Positivity showed that the cash flows positions
are very good. Net cash flows were down till 2013 and then in 2014 it changed with big numbers and gets
positive which was a very good sign. It changed from Rs.-2891 million in 2013 to Rs.2327 million in
2014. This change is due to the major increase in cash flow from operating activities. Till 2013 it was
down but after 2013 it got positive because in 2014 and 2015 the receipts were very much as compared to
payments due to this cash flow statement showed positive value.
Liquidity Ratio:
The current ratio didnt change during 2015 as compared to 2014, it was 0.83 times and as compared to
2013 it increased by 17.4 percent from 0.71 times to 0.83 times. Companys current ration should be
around 1.5 times or at least more than 1 time but Unilevers current ratio is below 1 time which indicated
that the companies liquidity position is very poor, it seems that company cant cover its current liabilities
in short period of time.
Liquidity Ratio
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Further analysis indicated that the companys quick ratio was also very poor. It should be at least 1 time
but Unilevers quick ratio is 0.37 times in 2015 which improved in 2015 with 65 percent from 0.22 times
to 0.37 times. It indicated that Unilever didnt have enough liquid assets to cover its current liabilities.
Activity Ratio:
Activity ratios measure the effectiveness of the firms use of resources. After analyzed it seems that the
receivable conversion period of 2015 was same as compared to 2014 which was 4 days, it indicated a
good sign because the lower receivable conversion periods mean that the company recovered its cash
within a week. After analyzed payable conversion period it indicated that it was also almost same during
2015 as compared to 2014 which was 12-13 days. It seems that company cant hold cash for too long
which is not good. After analyzed further it seems that company inventory conversion period was high as
compare to receivable conversion period which means that the companys stock management was not too
good because if your sales are increasing then your stock should be convert quickly in to cash. However
the inventory conversion period decreased by 21.3 percent from 58 days to 46 days which was a good
sign for a company and it seems that it continuously decreased during last three years.
Chart Title
Receivable Conversion
(In Days)
Inventory Conversion
The overall Cash conversion cycle indicated that the company has improved in last three periods and was
able to reduce that conversion period up to 37 (2015). In 2013 it was 60 days but in 2014 it reduced to 50
days and in 2015 it reduced by 27 percent from 50 days to 37 days which was a good achievement for a
company because company just took a month to convert its assets in to cash.
Asset turn over indicated that it almost same during 2015 as compared to 2014 which was 3.31-3.34
times. But after compared with 2013, it indicated that it increased by 22 percent from 2.72 times to 3.31
times which was a good sign that the company utilized its assets to generate more revenue during last 2
Financial leverage ratio:
Capital gearing ratio measures that how much company is financed to operate or expand from outsources.
So, Capital gearing ratio of Unilever of 2015 indicated a good sign because it is very much low and it
decreased by 73 percent from 33.5 percent to 9 percent as compared to 2014 and the companys last three
years data indicated that the companys gearing ratio continuously decreased. It means that the company
has cleared its majority debt in last two years and didnt need finance from outsources. The debt ratio of
Unilever indicated very good sign because it is very low in last three years. As compared to 2013 it
decreased by 11.2 percent in 2014 and then increased by just 3.5 percent in 2015 from 0.71 times to 0.74
times during 2015. It seems that Unilever debt ratio is very positive they can pay their all debts very
easily in a long run. After further analyzed it seems that Unilevers debt to equity ratio increased by 13
percent from 2.47 times to 2.79 times during 2015. But in last three years it indicated that Unilever has
able to reduced its debt to equity ratio from 4.14 times to 2.79 times which was a good sign. Overall
analysis of Financial leverage showed that Unilevers solvency position is very good.
Profitability Ratio:
Profitability is the net result of policies and decisions. The ratios examined thus far provide useful clues
as to the effectiveness of a firm's operations, but the profitability ratios go on to show the combined
effects of liquidity, asset management, and debt on operating results.
The profit margin ratio indicated that in 2015 the company has unable to maintain its net profit as
compared to 2014. It is decreased by 9.5% percent from 11.82 percent (2014) to 10.70 percent (2015)
during 2015 but after analyzing three years it seems that company's profit margin ratio increased in 2014
but decreased in 2015. It decreased in 2015 due to the increase in cost of sales; it seems that companys
operation efficiency was not too good thats why they unable to control the cost.
Profitability Ratio
Return on Equity
Return On Assets
Profit Margin Before Tax
Return on assets decreased by 10.41 percent from 39.52 percent to 35.41 percent during 2015. After
further analyzed it seem that return on assets increased by 53.86 percent from 25.69 percent to 39.52
percent during 2014. The major change in return on assets during 2015 is due to the decrease in profit and
purchase of new assets, so it indicated that the assets didnt utilize efficiently to make a handsome return.
After further analyzed it seem that the return on equity also decreased by just 3 percent from 137.41
percent to 134.44 percent during 2015 but in last three years it seem that Unilever has maintained its
return on equity ratio around 131 percent to 138 percent which is a positive sign.
However, the profit declined but still the return on capital employed increased which was a good sign.
The return on capital employed increased by 1.07 percent from 104.74 percent to 105.87 percent during