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microbial contaminants, contamination routes,
pathogens, food industry, process hygiene,
quality, molecular biological methods,
packaging, antimicrobial effects
Food Safety and Hygiene Networking within New EU Member States and
Associated Candidate Countries (SAFOODNET FP6-022808) is a specific
support action EU-project building-up a sustainable network in food safety. It
aims at knowledge sharing to prevent risks related to microbial hazards, to find
future RTD needs and apply for RTD funding in food processing and packaging
safety. The action focuses towards Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
Hungary, Latvia, Slovenia and Turkey in the pilot actions, seminars, and
workshops on process hygiene and end product safety. Interested researchers and
SME representatives from other new EU countries and ACCs are encouraged to
participate in the activities. The objectives of SAFOODNET are to:
1) disseminate knowledge from national and international food safety projects in
open seminars, workshops, practical exercises, RTD activities and pilot actions
resulting in new research projects for food industry especially SMEs;
2) establish an expert group (EG) in which authorities, scientists, industrial
representatives build-up or strengthen existing networks and identify specific
needs for future RTD activities in food safety and 3) bridge networks within the
new EU, fostering scientific co-operation and knowledge transfer in food safety.
The first seminar arranged by SAFOODNET to a targeted audience of industrial,
research and authority people is titled Microbial contaminants and
contamination routes in food industry and it is dealing with characteristics of
important contaminants, contamination routes and factors enhancing microbial
contamination of process line. The forthcoming activities in SAFOODNETproject are 2 open seminars in risk assessment and management to disseminate
safety issues; 2 workshops incl. practical exercises in microbial risk assessment
and management to disseminate methodologies and methods; networking
through project web-site (http://safoodnet.vtt.fi); establishment of an EG to
suggest and evaluate pilot actions for future needs in RTD activities;
performance of pilot actions in food safety suggested by the EG in food industry
especially in SMEs as a base for future RTD activities and building-up a new
channel for scientific co-operation within the new EU.
PREFACE ....................................................................................................... 3
LECTURES .................................................................................................. 9
BIOFILM FORMATION IN FOOD PROCESSES................................................... 10
PACKAGING MATERIALS FOR USE IN FOOD INDUSTRY .................................. 16
IN FOOD HYGIENE ........................................................................................ 20
MICROBIOTA ON FOODBORNE INFECTIONS ................................................... 24
USING DNA BASED TECHNIQUES ................................................................. 28
ON PRODUCTION HYGIENE ........................................................................... 36
HYGIENICALLY INTEGRATED SYSTEMS.......................................................... 39
METHODS FOR EVALUATION OF PROCESS HYGIENE ..................................... 42
DETECTION AND TYPING............................................................................... 46
LEGAL ASPECTS OF FOOD SAFETY ............................................................... 51
ENVIRONMENTS ........................................................................................... 56
ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTS...................................................................... 65
ISOLATED FROM BROILER CHICKENS IN ESTONIA .......................................... 66
limiting the growth of microbes are good production hygiene, the sensible
running of the process line, and the well-designed use of cleaning and
decontamination processes. Common foodborne pathogens such as Bacillus
cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, L. monocytogenes, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella
Typhimurium, Campylobacter jejuni, and Yersinia enterocolitica have readily
been found to produce biofilms on surfaces. This presentation deals with biofilm
formation of common foodborne pathogens.
Salmonella is a non-spore-forming rod-shaped, mostly motile Gram-negative
bacterium belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae, in which approximately
2,200 serotypes are recognised. Foods commonly associated with the disease
include raw meats, poultry, eggs, milk and dairy products. Milk-borne
salmonellosis is common in parts of the world where milk is neither boiled nor
pasteurised. It occurs, but much less frequently, in developed countries where
the main products implicated are pasteurised milk, powdered milk and certain
cheeses. Several groups have reported that Salmonella has formed biofilm on
various types of surfaces used in the food processing industry. These studies
have shown that Salmonella spp. can form biofilms on food contact surfaces and
that the cells in biofilms are much more resistant to sanitizers compared with
planktonic cells.
E. coli is a Gram negative, rod-shaped bacterium. Because many microbes from
faeces are pathogenic in animals and humans, the presence of the intestinal
bacterium E. coli in water and foods indicates a potential hygiene hazard. Most
strains of E. coli are harmless. However, a few strains with well-characterised
traits are known to be associated with pathogenicity. Those causing the greatest
concern in water and foods are the five major groups of intestinal pathogens i.e.
the enterohaemorrhagic, the enterotoxigenic, the enteroinvasive, the enteropathogenic and the enteroaggregative E. coli. E. coli has been isolated from a
large number of foods and drinks e.g. dairy products, fresh soft cheeses,
Camembert and Brie cheeses, vegetables, meat, fermented meat sausage, poultry
and fish products, water and apple cider. These agents can cause outbreaks of
diarrhoea. However, food-poisoning outbreaks caused by dairy products
contaminated with E. coli have been rare. E. coli O157:H7 has been isolated from
raw milk and bulk tank milk samples in the range of 0 to 10%. E. coli O157:H7 is
often transmitted to humans via unpasteurised milk. E. coli can also survive for
extended periods of time in several types of acidic foods e.g. cheese and yogurt.
Acid-adapted E. coli O157:H7 has shown enhanced survival and prevalence in
biofilms on stainless steel surfaces.
Campylobacter spp. are microaerophilic, very small, curved and thin Gram
negative rods. Ingesting milk with as few as 500800 cells can cause illness.
Since the infective dose is quite low and the food may in many cases contain
only a few cells, liquid enrichment methods are normally required before plating
on a selective medium in order to detect contamination with C. jejuni or C. coli.
Successful detection of these organisms requires incubation at 42 C under
microaerophilic conditions. Laboratory tests have shown that in optimum
circumstances campylobacter is able to form a biofilm on stainless steel and
glass in 2 days. The number of viable C. jejuni determined by using a direct
viable count was greater than by using culturing techniques, which indicates that
C. jejuni cells can form a viable but nonculturable state within the biofilm. Both
determination methods showed that biofilms enhance the survival of C. jejuni
during a 7-day period at 12 C and 23 C. Food residues or moisture improve the
chances of survival by campylobacter on surfaces. It also survived very well on
wooden surfaces because the pores in the wood protect the cells from oxygen.
L. monocytogenes is a facultatively anaerobic Gram-positive, non-spore-forming
short rod that is widely distributed in nature. It is a non-host specific pathogen.
Listeriosis may occur sporadically or epidemically. The organism has been
isolated from raw milk, mastitic milk and pasteurised milk. Foodstuffs
associated with listeriosis outbreaks also include cold-smoked and gravad
rainbow trout products, sliced cold cuts, soft cheese, butter, ice-cream and
coleslaw. Examples of epidemic sources are: coleslaw in Canada 1981,
unpasteurised milk in the USA 1983, Mexican-style soft cheese in USA 1985, a
pork product in France 1992, chocolate milk in the USA 1994, soft cheese in
Switzerland 1995, rainbow trout in Sweden 1997, corn in Italy 1997, hot dogs in
the USA 199899 and butter in Finland 1999. Of the 13 different
L. monocytogenes serotypes, only three (1/2a, 1/2b and 4b) have been
predominantly implicated in human diseases. It has been reported that healthy
people can be carriers of L. monocytogenes. L. monocytogenes is able to grow in
many environments: it can grow at low oxygen tensions, in high salt
concentrations and over a wide range of pH and temperatures. The bacterium
can survive for a limited time in up to 25% salt at 4 C. Hygiene monitoring in
and the migration of micro-organisms from packaging materials into food is very
unlikely. However competence in microbiology is required to perform reliable
risk assessment and to focus the risk assessment measures efficiently and costeffectively. Furthermore microbiological risk assessment and risk management
activities at industry level require significant amount of microbiological analysis
performed by using sufficiently sensitive and rapid detection methods. While
traditional cultivation methods are far too slow compared to the turnover of
fibre-based products and in many cases not sensitive enough to detect pathogens
that may cause illness at very low concentration there has been a clear need for
novel rapid and sensitive detection as well identification methods.
Indigenous IMF specific competitive exclusion of infectious agents (antiadhesion factors, competition for nutrients, antimicrobial metabolites,
bacteriocins, suppression of toxin production, altogether sustaining the
balance of composition of micro-flora). Still, a few is known about the
stability of metabolism exceptional in some diseases.
The normal state of host microbial ecology (relations between IMF and host
characteristics) in different body locations is described as eubiosis. In eubiosis
(good life) the particular MF of different body regions is expressing several well
balanced functional characteristics that are controlling the morphology, several
mucosal functions, the natural and adapted immune mechanisms, altogether
resulting in general welfare of healthy persons. In opposite, the imbalance of
microflora, resulting in impaired microbial ecology and disturbance or loss of
general welfare, was in Europe called dysbiosis (formerly dysbacteriosis by
Nissle in Germany). In Anglo-American literature the imbalance in the normal
relationships between various groups of resident and transient microorganisms
are characterized by clinical syndromes or disease entities (malnutrition,
antibiotic associated diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease etc.). The IMF
associated infectious pathologies can be induced either by:
The deprivation of colonisation resistance (CR) by IMF is the real basis for
increased susceptibility to different infectous agents, incl food-borne pathogens.
Metschnikov (1907) has proposed that re-establishing the disturbed composition
or metabolism of micro-biota might prevent disease and restore health. A
century later the concept of microbial interference therapy (MIT) has well
survived: maintenance of health or restoration of diseased functions of host by
introducing living microbes. During centuries people have consumed different
fermented milkproducts. It is now known that several bioactive peptides against
high blood pressure, blood coagulation, depression are available in fermented by
lactobacilli milk. Probiotics are one category of functional food. Probiotics
(meaning for life) can be defined as live bacteria of the normal human
microbiota that beneficially affect the host health by improving the microbial
balance. The main aims are: a) to enrich the composition of human microbiota
with non-harmful biologically active bacteria; b) maintain sound intestinal health
by fighting against infectious microbes; c) restore the imbalance of microflora
after infections and antibiotic therapy. Antagonistic activity of probiotic bacteria
against intestinal pathogens helps to prevent intestinal infections. Correction of
imbalance of microflora by probiotics reduces the number of infections with
facultative pathogens accidentally colonising host after antibiotic therapy or due
to viral infection. Probiotic bacteria are applied in food and pharmaceutical
industry. In food industry they provide additional healthy value to different
milk-based products. Pharmaceutical biotherapeutic preparations (food
additives) of probiotic bacteria can be consumed alone or in combination with
prebiotics (fructo-oligosaccharides). The latter non-absorbable carbohydrates
reach the colon and provide a good substrate for probiotics. These combinations
are called synbiotics. Probiotics can be used also with different medicines or
other substances if they did not distrub their influence yet provide some additive
value for usual treatment schemes. Probiotics as adjunct to antimicrobial therapy
have been applied in many infectious diseases, including travellersdiarrhea,
antibiotic-associated colitis, Clostridium difficile related infections, rotavirus
enteritis, urinary tract infections, vaginosis and many other diseases of infectious
In different clinical trials the efficacy of probiotic therapy varies largely.
Reviewing 46 double blind, randomized, prospective clinical studies with
probiotics the successful clinical outcome was found only in 56% of trials. In the
lecture the putative reasons of some failures are discussed which are seemingly
mainly associated with different pathogenesis of enteric, incl. food-borne
infections. Different enteric pathogens can cause gastroenteritis, diarrhea or
intoxication either by adhering or secreting the enterotoxines and disturbing the
absorptive function (viruses to intestinal villi of small intestine, ETEC, EPEC,
Salmonella), or causing the denudation of mucosal villi by cytotoxins (EIEC,
campylobacters, shigellas, salmonellas), intruding into cells, causing
inflammation and generalisation of infection (yersinias, Salmonella typhi,
EHEC) or causing haemolytic toxemia or neurological symptoms (Shigella
dysenteriae, EHEC). Considering the variability of the main attack to host it is
understandable that interference therapy by probiotics has its chance for effect
only in some types of GI infections. Some possibilities for reduction of the
intestinal infections by probiotic lactic acid bacteria are described. Problems to
be solved include the selection of probiotics with specific antimicrobial
properties, for particular target bacteria/infections and for action in defined
ecological niches. This has to stimulate the investigators for more profound
understanding of microbial ecology, pathogenesis of infections and immune
The elaboration of the antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic Lactobacillus
fermentum ME-3 (DSM 14241) ME-3 has been performed under the regulations
of WHO/FAO (2002), following the strain identification and molecular typing,
assessment of the functional characteristics and safety by laboratory tests,
experimental animals and volunteers, conducting several clinical trials in
volunteers and diseased persons (urinary tract infection, allergy, brain stroke),
development of the necessary technology for industrial incorporation into
products and their control and at last, participating in market campaigns and
surveillance of consumers interests. The health claims of ME-3 contain
reduction of risk for salmonellosis, shigellosis and E. coli derived infections
from one hand and the enhanced anti-oxidative function of intestinal mucosa and
blood sera of host, comprising antiatherogenicity, on the other hand.
The first one is based on sequencing of multiple house keeping genes and
comparison of obtained DNA sequences. Advantage of this approach is ultimate
information which can be shared by any laboratory. This approach has been used
for example for the description of recent evolution of Salmonella sp.
Another alternative is based on PCR detection of mobile DNA sequences. These
can be different plasmids, insertion sequences or integrated prophages. Indeed,
when we compared complete chromosomal sequences of 2 strains of Salmonella
Typhimurium, we observed that with a single exception, the remaining
differences observed by the macrorestriction analysis can be explained by the
acquisition or loss of prophages. When we performed multiple PCRs specific for
prophage sequences, we observed nearly the same discriminatory power as for
the macrorestriction analysis while the results were expressed by a digital code
easily comparable by any laboratory.
The last technique which can be used for strain characterization is the
microarray genomotyping. Great advantage of this method is that the whole
genome of a bacterial strain under investigation is analysed in one time. During
this procedure, labeled DNA from a strain under investigation is let to hybridise
with a DNA chip containing a whole genome of Salmonella. Disadvantage at the
moment is a rather high cost of the analysis and also the fact, that only the genes
present on the DNA chip but absent in the genome of investigated strain can be
detected. If the strain under investigation posses additional genes which are not
present on the chip, these will remain unrecognised.
In a summary, the most widespread method used in DNA typing of Salmonella
as well as many other pathogenic bacteria is the macrorestriction analysis.
Occasionally, plasmid profile analysis and/or ribotyping are being used in some
laboratories. Besides these, several other protocols of interest are tested but have
not reached that wide application so far.
Foodborne disease, e.g. infection (FBD) is a major cause of illness and death
worldwide. FBD is caused by pathogenic microorganisms if consuming
contaminated food or drink. FBD outbreak means infection where two or more
different persons get infected after consuming contaminated food. Outbreaks
reported as food-borne, involve a single vehicle of infection and should be
identified by the epidemiological or microbiologic investigations. However,
most frequently they appear in form of sporadic cases that are not registered at
all (under-diagnostics). The FBD can emerge as noninfectious food poisoning
(hard metals), infections with live bacteria or intoxication with preformed toxins
(botulotoxin) or some toxic metabolites (putrescine, tyramine) produced by
contaminating bacteria.
Surveillance: The greatest challenge to protect population from food-borne
infection is to spread information and knowledge about the sources and routes of
transmission of pathogens into food products. The exclusion and control of these
well-estimated risk factors helps to develop safe food all over the world and to
reduce the socio-economic burden of diseases. WHO suggests applying the
effective control of food-borne disease by using the evaluated information
about food-borne hazards and the incidence of food-borne disease. Really, there
are available the estimates of the contribution of specific pathogens to the
overall extent of food-borne infection also at the national level in Estonia,
Sweden and Finland.
Socioeconomic impact: FBD figure mainly gastroenteritis, rarely food
intoxication. The typical cost of gastroenteritis is measured by disability adjusted
life years (DALY). In the Dutch population for instance the costs are 343 million
EUR, 77 EUR per case in 1999. The recent developments are associated with
EU programs highlighting all stages of the food chain to assure food safety. To
understand this relationship from farm to fork the epidemiological and clinical
studies are welcome, taking into account the national differences.
Incidence of FBD: In European Northern countries and Baltic States the main
food-borne pathogenic bacteria belong to the microbial family
Enterobacteriaceae, including Salmonella sp., Campylobacterium sp., Shigella
sp. and Yersinia enterocolitica. Altogether these bacteria are classified as gramnegative enteric bacteria. These bacteria are the emerging or remerging
pathogens worldwide whose significance is on the rise. The application of
molecular tools for their detection has received great attention. Of importance is
also the life threatening Gram-positive food-borne pathogen of Listeria sp.
However, the incidence of the listeria-derived infections is fortunately quite rare
in Northern countries and Estonia.
The pathogenesis of food-borne infection starts from consuming contaminated
food where the content of pathogenic bacteria is crucial for development of
disease. The Salmonella sp. needs very high population level of bacteria in food
(more than 105 microbial cells/ml) to achieve the proper infectious dose >107
bacteria by consumption of 100200 ml of the food. In contrast, the infectious
dose of Shigella species is quite low, figuring only 1000 microbial cells. The
infectious dose of Campylobacterium, Yersinia and Listeria largely depend on
the virulence factors of particular food contaminant pathogens and the food
environment, also the contact time and conditions for germinating bacteria. In
food industry the conditions are usually well described for safe food production.
Foods and risk of FBD: There are a few studies where the risk of different
foodborne diseases from different kinds of foods is evaluated (Adak et al.,
2005). In England and Wales, at 19962000 the most frequent etiologic agents
of FBD were campylobacteria, followed by twice lower incidence of
Clostridium perfringens and Yersinia spp. infections, the Salmonella sp. together
with different E. coli infections (ETEC, EPEC, EIEC, EagEC) figuring the 4th
and 5th in the list. However, it should be mentioned that in nearly 50% of cases
the infectious agent was left unknown though the microbiological diagnostics is
very highly evaluated in UK. The similar data are provided also in textbooks.
The Listeria monocytogenes driven infections were quite rare (221 cases), yet
the mortality rate was 30%! In this paper the foods were classified into broad
food groups, such as poultry, and more specific food types, e.g. chicken, and the
percentage of outbreaks due to each type of food for each pathogen was
calculated. This offers a good overview about disease impact according to food:
out of 1,724,315 studied cases for the 5y period there were only 4% of cases
where the food handlers were the source of infections; in the cases left, most
illness was attributed to eating poultry (30%), complex foods (27%) and red
meat (17%). These studies show mainly the national/ethnic habits in food
consumption. Therefore it is not astonishing that chicken consumption
accounted for more disease, deaths and healthcare usage than any other food
type in UK. Only 5% of patients were infected by eating plant-based foods e.g.
vegetables, fruit and rice and it seems that the consumption of milk products is
not very high as only 6% of FBD were associated with dairy products. In
Estonia, quite specific food was incriminated to cause outbreaks: the combined
food as puddings, creams, sweets, potato salads.
Reviewing the literature of the recent food outbreaks worldwide, there were
found very similar data to the common textbooks, concerning the association of
specific pathogens with particular food. Campylobacter sp. caused FBD is found
after consuming poultry, in US annually >1 million people are infected,
developing a long duration diarrhea; poultry has been the main source also in
Denmark (2004); in Sweden the campylobacter gastroenteritis is clearly linked
with water supply and livestock (2004). For Salmonella enteritidis the main
contaminated foods listed are hens eggs (Denmark, 2004), complex food, e.g.
school-lunch dessert (Japan, 2001), eggs-salad (US, 2003) but also as a quite
unusual foodstuff the imported peanuts from Australia, causing the spread of
FBD in Canada, England and Scotland (2001). The problem of antibiotic
resistance of salmonellas and failure of treatment, development of carriage is the
serious problem bound to FBD. Quite unexpectedly the FBD was caused by
Halva from Sesame seeds produced in Turkey and afterwards the contaminated
Halva food product had been imported to Germany, Sweden, Norway and
Australia. Though Listeria sp. infections do emerge rarely but the threat for
pregnant women, neonates and elderly persons with immunodeficiency can
become a growing problem. In Japan, a nationwide survey of human Listeria
monocytogenes infection revealed 83 cases of listeriosis per year with an
incidence of 0.65 cases per million of the population (2002). Shigella sp.
infections are usually associated with food handlers: in US it was described a
multi-state outbreak in 2000 by commercially prepared food, a dip with cheese
Contamination of foods by food handlers has been identified as one of the most
important cause of foodborne outbreaks. The regulation on food hygiene (EU)
No 852/2004, Annex II states, that food-handlers must be supervised and
instructed in food hygiene matters commensurate with their work activity.
Contamination from personnel can be direct or indirect. Direct contamination
can happen by contact between the body and the food product. In indirect
contamination, people act as vectors and transfer contamination from one area or
surface to another .Maintenance personnel do not actually touch the raw
materials or food products, but they presumably touch a multitude of surfaces in
contact with unpacked products. Maintenance personnel dismantle machinery
for cleaning procedures and reassemble it after cleaning in addition to
maintaining the operation of machinery during production.
L. monocytogenes is a pathogenic bacterium that survives in low temperatures
and is problematic for food industry. It attaches to and grows on different
surfaces even at low temperatures, tolerates anaerobic conditions and a wide pH
range and may persist in food processing equipment. L. monocytogenes can be
transferred from processing surfaces to foods. In the presentation, results from
two projects Hygienic equipment in food industry and Food industry, safety
and hygiene management, co-ordinated by VTT, are presented.
A study was made on the hygienic working practices of maintenance personnel
in Finnish food industry. The aim of this work was to study the level of hygiene
knowledge and the hygienic practices of maintenance personnel in the food
industry in order to identify aspects that could have a negative effect on
equipment hygiene and that should be improved. A mail survey was sent in
spring 2002 to maintenance personnel, food-handlers, quality managers and
cleaning personnel in 106 Finnish food companies. Answers were obtained from
23.6% of the plants. Most of the maintenance personnel (n=59) work in the
production area continuously (61%) or at least 5 times (23.7%) during a work
shift. Of the maintenance personnel, 42.4% reported having touched surfaces
with contact in food often or always and while working in the production area
55.9% of them usually wore gloves. However, only 13.6% washed their hands
after smoking and 23.7% before starting to work without gloves. 33.9% of
maintenance personnel found they had not received enough information about
hygiene commensurate with their work. Studies about food hygiene were not
included in their basic education (89.9%). Most (63.6%, n=55) of the
maintenance personnel knew where they could find the hygiene rules. One third
(32.2%) of the respondents answered that they washed their tools once a day or
always after work. The others answered that they washed their tools more
seldom and 32.2% only once a year or never. Almost all (89.8%) of the
maintenance personnel had personal tools which they themselves cleaned. For
tools that are in common use, no persons were in charge of the cleaning in
71.9% of all the cases reported. The quality managers were asked if they had
ever received consumer complaints, which could be linked directly to the work
of maintenance personnel. Such complaints were rarely or seldom reported by
62.5% of them (n=16).
Based on the results, hygienic working practices of maintenance personnel
should be improved and more hygiene education is needed. Clear hygiene rules
targeted to maintenance personnel should be available for all maintenance
personnel. Maintenance personnel are a potential source of contamination of
food products due to the nature of their work. They move a lot between the
production area and their workshop and they have to touch a lot production
surfaces. The proper use of protective clothing, washing of hands and tools as
well as avoiding foreign bodies left on the production lines should be targeted
when the hygienic working practices are developed for maintenance personnel.
In addition to the questionnaires, the working practices of maintenance
personnel were studied at four food companies and microbial samples of the
tools, protective clothing, hands and working environment were analysed for
total aerobic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and L. monocytogenes. The amount of
aerobic bacteria on maintenance personnels clothes, work environment and
tools, was, on average high (514 cfu/cm2). Enterobacteriaceae were not found
in samples except high numbers on one of the gloves (100 cfu/cm2).
L. monocytogenes was found from a tool, a screwdriver, which was in common
use by maintenance personnel which emphasizes need for regular cleaning and
disinfecting of the tools. Listeria spp. was found from another tool and
protective clothing of personnel as well indicting, that maintenance personnel
have possibility to transfer Listeria in the food plant.
Another study was made on survival and growth of L. monocytogenes in
lubricants used in the food industry. Lubricants in food-processing are needed in
maintenance of the equipment to e.g. decrease friction and wear and to increase
the efficiency of systems. The survival and growth of three L. monocytogenes
strains in 10 lubricants (synthetic and mineral-oil based) used in the food
industry, and rapeseed oil, was investigated at room temperature (20 C) and
refrigerated (5 C). Additionally, the transfer of L. monocytogenes from
lubricants to stainless steel surfaces and vice versa was investigated. Though the
amount of L. monocytogenes in most lubricants, both pure and soiled, decreased
significantly (p < 0.05) during the 14-d test period, lubricants may act as sources
of contamination on the basis of the results obtained on the survival of
L. monocytogenes. In general, temperature had significant effect (p < 0.05) on
listericidal effect of lubricants contrary to soiling (p > 0.05), however the effect
of both factors was dependent on lubricant (p < 0.05). The results clearly showed
that L. monocytogenes survived in synthetic conveyer belt lubricant diluted in
water. In addition, L. monocytogenes was transferred significantly (p < 0.05)
from stainless steel surfaces into conveyer-belt lubricants and into mineral-oil
based hydraulic oil and was transferred from lubricants to stainless steel surfaces
as well. The results emphasize need for careful use of lubricants during
maintenance work and need for regular change of lubricants and cleaning and
disinfecting of surfaces between the change. Further as conclusion of the studies
made, improvements in hygienic working practices of maintenance personnel are
required with respect to minimizing the occurrence of L. monocytogenes, as well.
References to this extended abstract can be found in the articles:
Aarnisalo, K., Tallavaara, K., Wirtanen, G., Maijala, R. & Raaska, L. 2006. The
hygienic working practices of maintenance personnel and equipment hygiene in
the Finnish food industry. Food Control, 17, 10011011 & Aarnisalo, K.,
Raaska, L. & Wirtanen, G. 2007. Survival and growth of Listeria monocytogenes
in lubricants used in the food industry. Food Control, 18, 10191025.
The demands that are placed on product and process within the food production
industry are interconnected. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use a mainly
sequential approach to designing a production facility, where you first address
the primary function of the product, i.e. product quality, and then consider other
issues like safety, hygienic design, cleaning, flexibility, and traceability. There is
a need for integration of these issues, in order to make the best decisions and to
balance the different needs.
Frequently during the sequence of designing, fabricating, installing, contracting,
making design changes, or maintaining a production assembly, a line, or a
facility, poor decisions are made because the sequential approach to problemsolving is used. In that case, we may unintentionally create hazards in the
process line, like leaving a valve on a branch closed, thus creating a dead end, or
just placing equipment incorrectly, making cleaning very difficult.
Another important issue in obtaining an optimally running line is to make sure
that it is operated in a systematic way. One way to ensure high performance is to
carry out implementation of HACCP and GMP, which deals primarily with
hygiene, cleaning and critical control point monitoring. Furthermore, high
performance is ensured by employing change management, by establishing and
maintaining documentation with regard to installation, automation, operation,
maintenance and cleaning and by proving the operation and performance of the
equipment before routine use.
In order to deal with these issues a guideline was developed by a subgroup of the
European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG). Part of the scope of
the guideline is to a) describe integration of entities, up to and including the
manufacture and supply of goods, in order to produce safe food or related
products cost effectively; and b) describe integration topics that can affect
intake information and the outcome from this analysis. For example, if the user
in the conceptual design forgot to take some legislation issues into consideration,
the user should be able to notice this before going on to specify the design. The
flow chart also prompts a record of data produced during the decision process
and also a record of the decision itself.
When the verification of the hygienic performance is done (this is the last action
point in the integration step), the entity has successfully been integrated. It can
then be implemented in the specific process it was assigned for, or handed over
to the user. If the entity has not been assigned to a particular product or process,
then it can just be added to the library of hygienically verified entities.
The intention of the guideline recommendations is to avoid hazards that might
otherwise be produced, which can be of microbiological, chemical or particulate
nature in the consumable product. Hereby, the risks of recalls, lawsuits, and
damage to reputation are also minimized. By supporting the integrated approach
the guideline is also intended to reduce other non-safety problems, for example,
environmental impact, costs, and excessive use of resources like water,
chemicals or energy. The overall outcome of a successful implementation of this
approach is optimal cost efficiency of both the construction phase and the
finished design.
The control of quality is essential in order to provide wholesome and safe food
products to consumers. The intention of food companies is to minimize the risk
of epidemics and spoiled food stuffs caused by pathogens and other harmful
microbes. The requirements for better hygiene has raised via development of
food industry which includes prolonged self life, centred production and long
transportation, automated cleaning systems, reduced cleaning time, demands for
environment safe cleaning agents.
Hygiene can be defined with different aspects such as the amount of dirt,
protein, polysaccharide and organic residuals, biofilm, dead and/or live microbes
generally or specific pathogens and other harmful microbes. Also, hygiene can
be detected from different sources; from final product, raw materials, process
equipment, environment surfaces, air and personnel. This variation means that
sample to be diagnosed can be in gas, liquid or solid form or the sample can be a
surface of equipment. Sampling from surfaces is very challenging; either the
measuring has to be done direct from surface quickly and without harming the
surface or the dirt has to be detached from the surface as properly as possible
without harming surface or microbes to be detected.
Hygiene detection of the food processing equipment and surfaces is one
important part of the quality control. By sampling the surfaces it can be possible
to prevent bad quality, it is a big help in tracing the contamination sources and in
optimizing cleaning systems. For choosing a suitable method for detection it is
important to know what kind of information is needed. Also it is important to
figure out the wideness of sampling (the amount of samples and the frequency of
sampling) when choosing the method. Quantification of micro-organisms from
surfaces is difficult because of strong microbial adherence and because the cells
grow in layers, forming biofilms. By collecting data it is possible to notice the
changes in trendlines. Also the setting of limit values is depending on the sample
the method is rather unreliable in situations in which even very low numbers of
residual micro-organisms after cleaning are to be monitored.
An obstacle to the use of both the contact plate technique and ATP
measurements directly from surfaces is that both methods require a flat, even
surface of a certain dimension. Unfortunately, critical points in the hygienic
aspect are often poorly accessible, typically located in confined spaces in the
Microorganisms in the food industry are mostly harmless but some may be
harmful to the process and/or safety of the product. Therefore, the control of
harmful microorganisms is essential. Industrial processes that deal with any
biological material provide nutrients and conditions for microorganisms to grow
either as plankton cells in the circulating process waters or as sessile in the
shelter of biofilm on surfaces. Due to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of
industrial samples and technical problems related to sampling in the industrial
environment, obtaining a representative sample from certain foods and foodrelated industry is a demanding task. In addition, microbes are often tightly
attached to the surfaces and the process equipment may contain parts that are
difficult to access.
Fluorescence microscopy is widely used in microbial ecology studies. There are
several advantages in the use of fluorescence microscopy. It is fast and rather
easy to use, it allows the visualization of spatial distribution of cells in the
sample, and with suitable combination of fluorescent stains, the differentiation
between viable and dead cells is possible. However, direct identification of
microbes is not possible with conventional fluorescent stains. Distinguishing
cells on the basis of morphology is therefore important, because fluorochromes
are not specific for bacterial species or genera. Numerous fluorescent stains are
used for detection of both biofilm and plankton cell samples to study the
viability and/or the total number of microorganisms. The most commonly used
stains for the detection of total number of bacteria are acridine orange (AO) and
4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). There are several stains that target either
viable bacteria or non-viable bacteria. The most commonly used viabilitystaining system for industrial samples is LIVE/DEAD BacLight Viability Kit
(Molecular Probes, USA).
The emergence of new detection and real-time methods is linked to the need for a
better assessment of the microbiological quality of products. This objective can be
reached through an increase in detection specificity and a reduction in analysis
time. In particular, the in situ techniques should enable progress in the
understanding of the ecology of complex microbial communities in minimally
disturbed samples. The most important weakness of culture-independent methods is
that the taxonomic interpretation of data appears problematic. Although various
new detection methods are applied to detect microorganisms from the industrial
environment, the use of culture techniques will persist since the international
standard methods for detection and enumeration of pathogens are based on
cultivation. In addition, in many industrial quality control laboratories resources
for the use of new molecular methods are inadequate.
In routine food control PCR-assays may shorten the time needed to identify e.g.
L. monocytogenes, although enrichment may be necessary prior to the detection.
By using virulence-associated genes as primers or probes, the presence of
pathogenic species can be rapidly determined. However, dead bacterial cells
may constitute a problem in basic-PCR-detection in hygiene control. For
example, heat-treated samples may contain dead or damaged cells with no
relevance to the product safety, however, the dead bacteria may still create
positive signals due to the stability of the DNA molecules. In some
circumstances (when the RNAse activity of the bacterial population is not
destroyed in the sample prior to analysis) RT-PCR can be applicable in assessing
the viable and active populations in samples. DNA-based detection methods,
especially PCR, may gradually replace traditional methods for assaying
microorganisms in food. When applicable (e.g. when no enrichment step is
required) real-time PCR, which enables the quantification of target sequences, can
prove highly useful for the rapid analysis of food pathogens. However, PCRdetection of pathogens, in food samples is still time-consuming, particularly in the
case of large-scale testing. High throughput methods, such as dot blot
hybridization using microarrays, have promising future potential for the routine
diagnostic and quality control procedures in industrial settings.
One of the challenges for microbial ecology is to gain more information below the
bacterial community, genera, and even species level. Subspecies level identification
is especially important when a source of contamination is traced in an industrial
environment. DNA fingerprinting techniques provide effective molecular tools to
identify and type microorganisms to subspecies level. While typing of the microbial
isolates is performed, e.g. to trace a contamination source, the importance of
including sufficient numbers of isolates from each sample site should be
remembered. Once efficiently integrated, the typing techniques provide precise
information on the heterogeneity of target bacterial population at a given time/space
combination. However, fingerprinting methods are laborious and time consuming
since isolation and cultivation of a large number of bacterial isolates cannot be
avoided. Another limitation is that the unculturable strains present in natural
ecosystems cannot be reached with typing methods.
In conclusion, bacterial detection, identification, and typing from industrial samples
remains a laborious task, mainly due to the fact that frequently large numbers of
samples need to be analyzed. Development of automated techniques that allow high
throughput analysis of large numbers of samples will greatly facilitate the studies
on industrial microbial ecology in the future.
References to the methods described in this abstract can be found in the review
article of Maukonen, J., Mtt, J., Wirtanen, G., Raaska, L., Mattila-Sandholm,
T. & Saarela, M. 2003. Methodologies for the characterization of microbes in
industrial environments: a review. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and
Biotechnology, 30, 327356.
The aim of this paper is to share the Estonian experience in implementation and
enforcement of the veterinary and food safety acquis. In addition, a broad
overview about the EU food safety legislation is given. The paper consists of
three parts. The first part describes the existing EU food safety legislation and
food control system. The second part describes the creation of food safety
legislation and supervision system in Estonia. The third part concentrates on
analysing the level of compliance with the EU production and processing
requirements in Estonian dairy and meat industry. The amount of investments
needed to achieve the fulfilment of the requirements is also evaluated. In
addition, the impact of food safety measures on trade is looked at.
In recent years food safety and food quality have been the issues increasingly
dominating public and political debate. A major reason for this is the tremendous
development that the entire food sector has gone through both in terms of
technology and production. At the same time the debate has also questioned
whether the consumers demands and expectations are being met. Food safety
and quality are of the greatest importance for the consumers and their sensitivity
in that respect is very high. Food safety, nutrition and health considerations,
consumer information and environmental policies lead to regular review and
amendment of Community legislation with respect to food products, the related
production methods and enforcement mechanisms.
The EU food law aims at ensuring a high level of protection of human life and
health, taking into account the protection of animal health and welfare, plant
health and the environment. This integrated farm to fork approach is now
considered a general principle for EU food safety policy. Food law, both at
national and EU level, establishes the rights of consumers to safe food and to
accurate and honest information. The EU food law aims at harmonising existing
national requirements in order to ensure the free movement of food and feed in
the EU. The food law recognises the EUs commitment to its international
obligations and will be developed and adapted taking international standards into
consideration, except where this might undermine the high level of consumer
protection pursued by the EU.
There is no doubt that the safety of foodstuffs has the absolutely highest priority
for every government but food safety issues are also crucial in trade.
International trade in high-value food products has expanded enormously over
the last decades, fueled by changing consumer tastes and advances in
production, transport, and other supply-chain technologies. The cost of
complying with food safety standards has been a major source of concern in the
international development and among the countries in transition.
Achieving a standard of food safety is necessary for the development of internal
and external markets. The respective Legal framework and appropriate
supervising system must be created. Harmonisation of the acquis
communautaire and particularly meeting the technical requirements demand
substantial investments, but as a result the opening of EU internal market is
possible. Many aspects of standards compliance do not require large investments
or sophisticated technical or administrative capacities. The most significant
challenge is often building broad awareness about the need for proper food
safety measures and facilitating the broad adoption of good agricultural and
manufacturing practices. A coherent regulatory framework and a system to
assess compliance and conformity are also needed.
The EU food law aims at ensuring a high level of protection of human life and
health, taking into account the protection of animal health and welfare, plant
health and the environment. This integrated farm to fork approach is now
considered a general principle for EU food safety policy. Food law, both at
national and EU level, establishes the rights of consumers to safe food and to
accurate and honest information. The EU food law aims at harmonising existing
national requirements in order to ensure the free movement of food and feed in
the EU. The food law recognises the EUs commitment to its international
obligations and will be developed and adapted taking international standards into
consideration, except where this might undermine the high level of consumer
protection applied by the EU.
occurred. On one hand, food safety is the main priority of the government and of
the food processing enterprises as well. All food operators have to take care of
that and make necessary investments. On the other hand, the role of the
government is to realize institutional reform and apply the legal framework in
the field of food safety. Obligation of compliance with the food safety
requirements directly influences the number of operating enterprises. As a matter
of fact it is not easy to specify the appropriate period and measures for
implementing the requirements in the transition economies.
Today our lifestyles are different from those of the past. There is an increasing
number of single-person households, one-parent families and working women
that have changed the food preparation and consumption habits. A positive
outcome of this has been the development in food technology, processing and
packaging techniques to help ensure the safety and wholesomeness of the food
supply. The quality and safety of food depends on the efforts of everyone
involved in the comlpex chain of agriculture production, processing, transport,
food production and consumption. As the EU and World Health Organisation
(WHO) formulated it food safety is a shared responsibility from farm to fork.
Maintaining the quality and safety of food throughout the food chain requires
both operating procedures to ensure the wholesomeness of food and monitoring
procedures to ensure operations are carried out as intended.
1. The Impact of Food Safety and Agricultural Health Standards on
Developing Country Exports, Summary of Report No 31302, Poverty
Reduction and Economic Management Trade Unit, and Agriculture and
Rural Development Department, World Bank, 2005. 13 pages.
2. http://europa.eu/scadplus/prinversion/en/s84000.html
3. http://europa.eu/scadplus/prinversion/en/lvb/f84006.html
4. http://europa.eu/scadplus/printversion/en/lvb/f84003.html
5. http://europa.eu/scadplus/printversion/en/lvb/f84001.html
6. http://europa.eu/scadplus/printversion/en/lvb/f84002.html
7. http://europa.eu/scadplus/printversion/en/lvb/f84004.html
8. White Paper on Food Safety, Commission of the European Communities,
Brussels, 2002.
9. Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and
requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety
Authority and laying down procedures of food safety, OJ L.
10. www.agri.vet.ee
11. Saron, T. The Impact of Technical Measures to Estonian meat and dairy
industry, MBA thesis, 2002, Tartu.
In cleanrooms the main source of biocontamination is people. The concentration
of airborne biocontamination depends upon the number of people present, their
level of activity, and the clothing system used. Usually, the processes carried out
in cleanrooms and clean zones are well controlled and do not contribute to the
airborne biocontamination in the areas. The microbiological monitoring methods are
challenged by the task to measure low concentrations of airborne biocontamination.
In controlled areas the supply air may be of the same cleanliness as in the critical
areas but processes and people are not controlled in the same rigid way.
Microbiological methods used for monitoring air in controlled areas e.g., during
operational or dynamic state should be able to measure both higher and lower
concentrations of airborne biocontamination
Monitoring of airborne viable particles can be considered as a specific form of
aerosol measurement. The term aerosol means an assembly of liquid or solid
particles in a gaseous medium (e.g., air) stabile enough to enable observation
and measurement. Generally, the size of aerosol particles is in the range 0.001
100 micron. The measuring devices collect particles from the air and give the
collected viable microorganisms a possibility to multiply and be detected as
Colony Forming Units (CFUs).
Particle size, shape and density determine the behavior of particles in air. A
commonly used term in aerosol science and technology is the aerodynamic
particle diameter, which is the diameter of a unit-density sphere (1 g/cm3) having
the same settling velocity as the irregularly shaped particle being studied. The
particle diameter is in the literature also called equivalent diameter. Reference to
the aerodynamic diameter is useful for describing settling and inertial behavior.
Large particles e.g., skin flakes, might have an inertial behavior similar to that of
a particle with smaller equivalent diameter. The motion of a particle is of
concern for impaction devices (e.g., slit-to-agar samplers, sieve-samplers,
centrifugal samplers) and for settling plates.
The physical sampling efficiency of an aerosol sampler is influenced by inlet or
extraction efficiency and by separation efficiency.
The physical sampling efficiency is the same whether the particles consist of
single microorganisms, carry microorganisms, or are nonviable (inanimate). The
d 50 =
9 D h Stk50
d 50 =
40 Dh
For a round opening the hydraulic diameter Dh is the hole diameter. For a
rectangular long slit (length much larger than the width) the hydraulic diameter
will approximately be twice the slit width.
Calculate the d50-value for an impaction sampler (Sieve Sampler) with a
sampling air volume flow of 100 liters per minute and a lid with 200 holes of a
diameter of 1 mm. The ratio between the airflow and the total area of the holes
gives the impaction velocity to 10.6 m/s. With the aid of Equation (2) the
d50-value will be estimated to 1.94 m.
d 50 =
40 1
Calculate the d50-value for an impaction sampler (Slit Sampler) with a sampling
air volume flow of 50 liters per minute and a rectangular inlet slit 1 mm wide
and 25 mm long. The ratio between the airflow and the total area of the slit gives
the impaction velocity to 33.3 m/s. With the aid of Equation (2) the d50-value will
be estimated to 1.55 m.
d 50 =
40 2
Calculate the d50-value for an impaction sampler (Sieve Sampler) with a
sampling air volume flow of 100 liters per minute and a lid with 12 holes of a
diameter of 10 mm. The ratio between the airflow and the total area of the holes
gives the impaction velocity to 1.8 m/s. With the aid of Equation (2) the d50-value
will be estimated to 14.9 m.
d 50 =
40 10
1 .8
Percent %
0.65 - 2.1
2.1 - 4.7
Particle size
The biological sampling efficiency, mostly below the physical sampling
efficiency, is the ability to maintain the viability of the microorganisms during
separation and collection in combination with the ability of the collection
medium to support growth.
Guidance on the evaluation of biological efficiency is presented in the ISO
14698-1 (ISO 14698-1. 2003. Cleanroom and associated controlled environments
Biocontamination control Part 1: General Principles and methods. Geneva:
International Organization for Standardization) in the informative annex B. The
method described is based on a method by Clark, Lach and Lidwell (The
performance of the Biotest RCS centrifugal sampler. J. Hosp. Infect., 1981, 2,
181186) and can not be carried out in common or general microbiological
laboratory. The test should preferably be performed in an independent test
laboratory specialized for this kind of tests. The results of the tests are expected
to be provided by the manufacturer of the air sampler.
The method makes use of airborne particles of different sizes containing spores
of Bacillus subtilis var. niger NCTC 10073 which survives the sampling
conditions. To obtain the concentration of spores in the test chamber a
membrane filter method is used. The concentration obtained from the tested
sampler is compared to the concentration from the membrane filter method at
five particle sizes in the range between 0.8 and 15 m. For each test at least 10
experiments should be carried out. The efficiency of the tested sampler is
calculated using the following equation:
Efficiency of sampler (%) =
There are three main methods for collecting particles that are used for
microbiological air monitoring: Impaction, filtration and sedimentation.
Impaction and filtration are considered active sampling techniques and require
collection of a known volume of air. Sedimentation is the passive collection of
particles by fall out or settling into an open Petri dish with suitable medium.
The purpose of active air sampling procedure is to collect particles at a
representative location, separate the particles from the sampled air, and trap the
particles onto a suitable medium without affecting the viability of the
microorganisms, and without altering the air flow pattern in the sampling region.
The selection of the most appropriate sampling device for a particular
application depends upon the following factors:
ISO 14698-1 considers air samplers that collect viable particles by direct
impact of particles on nutrient media and filtration samplers that collect particles
on special filters suitable for active sampling in clean zones with low
The impaction velocity should be high enough to separate particles down to
approximately 1 micron and low enough to avoid mechanical damage to the
cells. For cleanroom applications, 1 cubic meter should be sampled in a
reasonable time without drying the collection medium.
To interpret the results from viable air sampling, the user should understand the
dynamics of sampling and collection of particles on the collection medium.
Results of 0 CFU per cubic meter in manned cleanrooms could indicate that the
sampling process, sampling location or the collection media, incubation
temperature and time have not been optimized.
It is important to be aware of the limitations of each sampling method. Results
from one sampling method must not be compared with results obtained by
another method without careful investigation. To improve the evaluation of
controlled environments based on achieved results, the air sampler used has to
be specified. An air sampler should be selected based upon a thorough
evaluation of the characteristics of the sampler, the sampling conditions and
sampling requirements.
to the medium and the test tubes were incubated at 26 C/24 h. To observe the effect
of antimicrobial system at different conditions, varying thiocyanate (14 mM) or
H2O2 (0.20.8 mM) concentrations were applied in different sets of experiments.
P. fluorescens counts were monitored at 0, 6 and 24 h using Nutrient agar and
plates were incubated at 26 C/48 h. The results of the experiments showed that
at constant H2O2 concentrations an increase in thiocyanate concentration did not
correlated well with growth inhibitory effect. In contrast, at constant thiocyanate
concentration, increase of H2O2 concentration increased the inhibitory effect on
P. fluorescens. In the first 6 h of the incubation, at constant thiocyanate
concentrations levels the P. fluorescens inhibition changed between 0.5 and 1.7
log reduction. After 24 h of incubation, counts were increased by 3.05.0 log
compared to 0 h. At extended periods of incubation of reaction mixtures,
inhibitory effect of lactoperoxidase was generally ended due to H2O2 and
reactive thiocyanate products exhaustion. It is likely that at the studied
concentrations, H2O2 component of lactoperoxidase system is a critical limiting
factor for the obtained antimicrobial effect. These results revealed that
lactoperoxidase system could have a potential to be incorporated into alginate
films for several food applications. However, further studies are needed to
increase antimicrobial activity for longer time.
In this study, effectiveness of ozonated (1.5 mg/l) and chlorinated (30 mg/l)
washing water as antimicrobial agent for killing some harmful microorganisms
on broiler carcass, equipment surfaces and personnel hands at pre-determined
control points were investigated. On broiler carcass the total aerobic mesophilic
bacteria (TAB), Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and Micrococcus spp. and
Salmonella spp. were analyzed at fourteen different control points. On
equipment surfaces the occurrence of the same bacteria except for Salmonella
spp. were analysed at forty-two different control points. The hands of fifteen
persons from three different production sections were also examined.
Furthermore, TAB, E. coli and yeast/mould as air contamination source were
enumerated in the rooms for hanging living broilers, for evisceration and for
portioning and packaging. All microbiological analyses were performed using
four replicates. In the broiler carcass treated with ozone and chlorine; the TAB
counts were reduced by 81% and 61%, E. coli by 98% and 56% and
Staphylococcus and Micrococcus spp. by 85% and 60%, respectively. No viable
cells of Salmonella were recovered in the samples treated with ozone and
chlorine after washing. The following microbial counts were determined on the
equipment surfaces in evisceration, chilling and portioning/ packaging during
processing: TAB 414482 colony forming units (cfu)/cm2, Staphylococcus and
Micrococcus spp. 2888 cfu/cm2 and E. coli 5134 cfu/cm2. The microbial loads
on personnel hands from evisceration, portioning and grading/packaging
sections were determined 175-306 cfu/cm2 for TAB, <10 cfu/cm2 for E. coli and
1580 cfu/cm2 for Staphylococcus and Micrococcus spp. TAB, E. coli and
yeast/mould as of air contamination indicator were determined 800, 588 and <10
cfu/plate on alive chicken hanged, while the same microorganisms were
determined 223, 11 and 19 cfu/plate in the broiler eviscerated, respectively.
TAB, E. coli and yeast/mould in packaging and portioning were also determined
as 30, <10 and <10 cfu/plate. As a conclusion the raw material was determined
as the primary contamination source based on the results obtained from the
control points examined and the hands of the personnel hands as well as the
equipment surfaces were determined as secondary contamination sources. Our
study demonstrated that ozonated water was very effective in reducing the
populations of TAB, E. coli, Staphylococcus and Micrococcus spp. and
Salmonella on chicken. It was also a good measure in preventing crosscontamination of process environments.
The foodborne illnesses are the most widespread health problems. The most
common bacteria that cause foodborne infections are Campylobacter,
Salmonella and Listeria spp. There are studies showing inhibition of these
enteric pathogens by human origin indigenous lactobacilli and probiotic
Lactobacillus strains. The aim was to investigate the antagonistic activity of
eight Lactobacillus plantarum strains and one commercial probiotic strain
against different enteropathogens. The antagonistic activity of 8 human
L. plantarum strains and one commercial probiotic strain (L. plantarum 299v)
was assessed against Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 13932, L. monocytogenes
ATCC 51774, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ATCC 13076, and 3
reference strains of Campylobacter jejuni. The antagonistic activity of
lactobacilli against selected bacteria was assessed using a streak line method.
The media used were: modified MRS medium (MRS medium without
triammonium-citrate and sodium-acetate; pH 7.2) for testing Listeria and
Salmonella, Columbia Agar Base supplemented with 7% horse blood and 1%
Vitox for C. jejuni. Lactobacilli were seeded on agar plates and incubated under
microaerobic environment at 37 C for 48 h; the growth was inactivated with
chloroform gas for 2 h. The following target bacteria L. monocytogenes and
S. enterica grown in peptone water for 18 h (turbidity 109 cfu/ml), C. jejuni
suspension in Brucella broth adjusted to McFarland density of 34. The target
bacteria were seeded in duplicate perpendicular to the streak line of lactobacilli
on the respective media. The plates cultivated with L. monocytogenes and S.
enterica were incubated in aerobic environment at 37 C for 18 h. C. jejuni was
grown in micro-aerobic environment at 37 C for 48 h. The antagonistic activity
of lactobacilli against pathogens was measured in millimetres the width of the
inhibition zone extending from the culture line of lactobacilli. L. plantarum 299v
and 4/8 putative probiotic L. plantarum strains expressed strong inhibition (mean
24.9 versus 19.2 mm; p<0.001) against Listeria and Salmonella strains. The
antagonistic activity of all tested lactobacilli against C. jejuni was low (mean 3.5
to 14.0 mm). The inhibition activity of the four stronger putative probiotic L.
plantarum stains was similar to the commercial L. plantarum 299v ones. The
inhibition of lactobacilli is strain specific. Due to the antagonistic ability against
enteric pathogens the four tested L. plantarum strains could be applied as
promising probiotic candidates to avoid food-borne illnesses.
The objective of this study was to determine the antibiotic susceptibility profile
of the Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium perfringens
isolated from brisket, leg and minced turkey meat samples obtained from 3
different producers marketed in Ankara, from June 2005 to January 2006. In this
study 55 Salmonella spp., 24 L. monocytogenes and 78 C. perfringens isolates
from 180 turkey meat samples were used for antibiotic susceptibility by disc
diffusion technique (NCCLS-National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
Standards). As a result Salmonella spp. isolates were most often found to be
resistant to tetracycline (50.9%), nalidixic acid (41.8%), streptomycin and
ampicillin (40.0%) and gentamicin (5.45%). Intermediate sensitivity was found
in 48 isolates to kanamycin. Multiple antibiotic resistance were observed as
followed: 5 isolates were resistant to 2 antibiotics, 17 isolates to 3 antibiotics and
6 isolates to 4 antibiotics. Twenty isolates of L. monocytogenes showed
resistance against penicillin (83.3%) and 18 isolates to ampicillin (75%). Nine
isolates were found intermediate sensitive to erythromycin (37.5%) and 8 isolates
to streptomycin (33.3%). All of the L. monocytogenes isolates were found
susceptible to chloramphenicol, gentamicin, tetracycline and vancomycin. In
addition to that 17 isolates were multiple resistant to 2 antibiotics. C. perfringens
isolates were most often found to be resistant to trimethoprim (100%) and
gentamicin (85.8%). Relatively lesser resistance was observed against
tetracycline (10.2%) and ciprofloxacin (6.4%). Three isolates were intermediate
sensitive to gentamicin (3.8%) and 24 isolates to tetracycline (30.7%). Multiple
antibiotic resistance were observed as followed: 58 isolates were resistant to 2
antibiotics and 11 isolates to 3 antibiotics. In conclusion, public health risk of
antimicrobial resistance in bacteria as a result of the use of antibiotics in animals
for prophylactic and growth promoter agent. Antibiotic resistance associated with
animal origin food has been a global concern. Therefore the Turkish regulation
which is in compliance with the EU prohibition regulation for the use of
antibiotics in animals for prophylactic and growth promoter agent should apply
in national area.
Sylva Karpkov
Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
operon was detected in 9 isolates and the phenotypical ability to produce biofilm
was determined in 10 isolates. Different results between the phenotypical and
genotypical method were detected in 5 isolates). Resistance to antimicrobial
agents was observed in 41 isolates of S. epidermidis. The most common
resistance was to penicillin. Multiresistant isolates (resistance to 3 and more
agents) were detected in 5 cases; one of them was resistant to 8 antimicrobial
agents (penicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin-sulbactam, tetracycline, trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, erythromycin, clindamycin, and gentamicin). We found
virulent strains of S. epidermidis with the ability to form biofilm in many food
processing environments. It is possible for the microorganisms released from
biofilm to carry resistance genes and could represent potential source of food
contamination. This may lead to food spoilage or to the transmission of diseases.
In Turkey approximately 45 million tons (40%) of raw milk are used for cheese
production. The production rate of white cheese is 13%, kasar cheese is 3%, and
other cheese types are 3% of milk production. The classical white cheese and
kakaval cheese are the first groups among the other cheese types on export.
Milk used in traditional cheese production is not pasteurised in Turkey;
however, pasteurized milk is used for industrial scale production. On that point,
starter culture is not used in white and kakaval cheese producing generally.
There are problems in dairy sector with regard to processing and marketing.
Producing plants having different capacities of production from the small family
plants to modern plants which has European standards and HACCP system, are
showing activity together. Most of cheese production is realised in small scale
dairies and approximately 10% of cheese is manufactured in modern plants. This
research was undertaken to carry out microbiological and chemical analyses in
the 316 white and kakaval cheese samples produced by 16 different large scale
companies having HACCP system in Marmara Region. All cheese samples are
produced with pasteurised milk. In these samples, the microbial counts were
found as follows: coliform bacteria, 4.3 x 102 cfu/g; yeast, 8.2 x 104 cfu/g; E. coli
3.9 x 102 cfu/g. Salmonella and mould were not detected in any of the samples.
Mean moisture, salt content, acidity and pH of white cheese samples were 58.7,
7.4, 1.37 and 4.63; and of kakaval cheese samples 43.5, 4.12, 3.05, 5.30. When
the results were analysed according to the Turkish Food Codex Alimentarius
limits for coliform bacteria, E. coli and yeasts, 46%, 58% and 22% of samples of
the 166 white cheese samples and 4%, 9%, 45% of the 150 kakaval cheese
samples examined were out of standards, respectively.
samples covered without butter varied from 1.82 0.05 log cfu/g to 2.74 0.49
log cfu/g. The amount of moulds in to samples covered with butter and stored in
room temperature ranged, when analysed at the 6th month, between 3.26 0.24
cfu/g and 4.32 0.24 log cfu/g and in samples covered without butter in the 8th
week varied from 4.88 0.66 log cfu/g to 5.70 0.20 log cfu/g. The statistical
analysis indicates that straining and type of milk did not statistically affect the
results of mould contamination in the salted yoghurt stored in refrigerator and
room temperature. In addition the amount of mould in the samples stored in
refrigerator temperature on the 6th month were not affected significantly if
covered with or without butter, but there was statistical difference in the mould
amount between samples covered with butter and without butter. Besides that
the storage temperature did not make any statistical difference on the amount of
mould in the salted yoghurt covered with butter, but according to samples stored
at different temperatures there was a statistical difference on the amount of
moulds in samples covered without butter. In this study, Aspergillus sp. and
Penicillum sp., were commonly identified. This study showed that if salted
yoghurt is stored in the refrigerated temperature it need not be covered with
butter. But, if the salted yoghurt is stored in the room temperature, it must be
covered with butter, because otherwise, moulds in the salted yoghurt will cause
approximately 1 log cycle when compared to the control sample. It was also
found that pomegranate sauce had little antibacterial effect in raw meat-ball.
In the study, the Campylobacter isolates from retail poultry meat in Estonia were
sero- and genotyped, and the antimicrobial susceptibility was determined.
Campylobacter were detected using the NCFA method. The DNA was digested
with SmaI and KpnI (New England Biolabs, Beverly, Mass.) (20 U per sample),
and the restriction fragments were separated with ramped pulses of 1 to 30 s and
1 to 25 s for 19 h, respectively. All Campylobacter isolates were tested by disc
diffusion method against ampicillin (25 g), ciprofloxacin (5 g), erythromycin
(15 g), gentamicin (10 g), nalidixic acid (30 g), and tetracycline (10 g)
(Oxoid), and by the E-test (AB Biodisk, Solna, Sweden) against ampicillin,
ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, and tetracycline. A total of 54 C. jejuni isolates
were serotyped using commercial Campylobacter antisera according to the
manufacturer instructions (Denka Seiken, Tokyo, Japan). Before the serotyping
test the isolates were cultured on Brucella blood agar (Oxoid) plates at 37 C for
48 h in microaerobic conditions. We studied 48 chicken (36 Estonian, 12
imported) and 22 turkey (imported) Campylobacter isolates from 580 raw
broiler chicken (396 Estonian, 184 imported) and 30 turkey (imported) meat
samples. Of the isolates, 64 were C. jejuni, 4 C. coli, and 2 Campylobacter spp.
Penner serotyping of 54 C. jejuni isolates revealed 11 different serotypes, and
22% of the isolates were nontypeable by the commercial antisera. The most
common serotypes O:1,44; O:21, and O:55 accounted for 28%, 13%, and 13%
of the isolates, respectively. Differences in serotype distribution were seen for
chicken and turkey isolates. Genotypic characterization of all Campylobacter
isolates (n = 70) was performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE).
SmaI and KpnI yielded 29 and 34 PFGE types, respectively, revealing high
diversity among isolates. The serotype distribution did not show an association
with the origin of the sample, but the majority of the isolates sharing a similar
The aim of this study, which was supported by the project of Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic No. MSM6215712402
Veterinary aspects of food safety and quality and project NAZV 1B53018, was
the application of the species-specific PCR method based on the detection of
sodA genes encoding enzyme mangan-dependent superoxiddismutas for the
rapid identification of bacteria Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium. It was
studied 599 samples isolated from cattle farms in south and north Moravia,
human, milk foods as milk, butter and yoghurt. It was identified 247 samples of
Enterococcus spp. by the help of phenotypic characteristics as production of
pyrolidonyl arylamidase (PYRAtest, PlivaLachema, a.s., Brno, CZ) and growth
and appearance of colonies on blood agar (Blood Agar Base No.2, HiMedia; and
sheep blood, Bioveta, a.s., Ivanovice na Han, CZ), S-B agar and Bile Aesculin
agar (Oxoid, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England). To isolate bacterial DNA a 24h culture from the blood agar incubated aerobically at 37 C was used. Bacterial
DNA was isolated by 20% Chelex 100 (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules,
CA, USA). The supernatant was used as template DNA. The species
identification of bacteria E. faecalis and E. faecium was also performed as
multiplex-PCR when apart from the species-specific sodA genes detection, the
internal control (16S rRNA segment) was also included. A product was detected
by the gel electrophoresis in 2% agarose (Serva Electrophoresis GmbH,
Heidelberg, Germany) with the following visualisation at UV on transilluminator
after the staining by ethidium bromide. Among 247 isolated strains the presence
of the species-specific sodA genes was detected 102 strains E. faecalis, 22
E. faecium, 51 strains were identified as other kinds Enterococcus spp. and 72
The goal of our study is the development of DNA microarray-based tool for
rapid molecular characterization and typing of multidrug resistant and virulent
Salmonella isolates. DNA microarray contains short oligonucleotide probes (33
35 mers) designed from conservative domains according to thorough sequence
alignments. The ResistoPathoChip for Salmonella spp. includes probes for
detection of pathogenicity markers localized on the chromosomal (including
Salmonella Pathogenicity Islands PAIs) and plasmid DNA, phage-associated
genes, fimbriae, integrons and various antimicrobial resistance genetic markers.
The chip also contains Salmonella species- and serotype-specific probes and a
range of external controls for chip analysis. The HPLC-purified oligonucleotide
probes were spotted on the surface of Superepoxy slides. The preparation of
target DNA, adjustment of suitable hybridization and post-hybridization
conditions were properly optimized. The ResistoPathoChip was tested on the 24
samples of multidrug resistant clinical Salmonella isolates covering the most
prevalent serotypes in Slovakia (Typhimurium, Enteritidis and Kentucky). The
results of DNA microarray approach were validated only for antimicrobial
resistance markers by PCR as development of multidrug resistant bacteria
especially via horizontal gene transfer (HGT) causes some infections untreatable
now and antimicrobial resistance represents a major health concern. The
majority of PCR results were consistent with the microarray data and also
phenotypic susceptibility testing. Moreover, we made a substantial effort in
localization of monitored genetic markers either they are fixed on chromosome
or localized on transferable elements such as plasmids or integrons. Purified
plasmids without any traces of contaminating chromosomal DNA were
fluorescently labeled and hybridized to the oligochip. We found that genetic
determinant of resistance against cefotaxime (CTX) and ceftriaxone (CRO) as
The objective of this study was to determine the contamination of retail poultry
meat in Erzurum (Turkey) by Listeria monocytogenes and to evaluate its
relationship with indicator bacteria using logistic regression. The incidence of
L. monocytogenes was 32.76%, found in 38 of 116 samples. The application of
logistic regression showed that Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., and
B. thermosphacta populations have positive and yeast and mould have negative
relationship with L. monocytogenes presence. The results of this study
demonstrate that there is a serious risk in raw poultry meat for consumer health
in Erzurum, because of the high incidence of L. monocytogenes in the samples of
the present study. Hygienic conditions described in HACCP program should still
be enforced in order to minimize L. monocytogenes in poultry meat during the
Hygiene survey was performed in three Estonian dairies. Samples were collected
from process environment, equipment, packaging material. Liquid and solid
samples were taken from raw material, product from the process, final product,
wastewater and water. Samples for detecting Bacillus cereus, Listeria
monocytogenes, mycobacterial count, total bacterial count, Enterobacteriaceae
spp., coliforms, -glucuronidase positive bacteria, yeast and mould were
collected from all dairies and analyzed. Gauze tests, Rida Count and Hygicult
tests were used for detecting bacteria from surfaces. Traditional cultivation
techniques and DryCult test were used for liquid samples. Results were
compared with each other. Equipment samples were both food and non-contact,
results showed that food contact samples were less contaminated than noncontact, therefore dairies pay more attention to cleaning process of food contact
equipment. Two L. monocytogenes positive samples were found from two
dairies, both were from raw milk samples, one L. seeligeri/ivanovii was found
from food-contact equipment sample and 13 mycobacteria were found from all
dairies, two of them were identified with DNA sequence method. One was either
Mycobacterium porcinum or Mycobacterium fortuitum (both risk group 2), it
was found from wastewater. Other was Mycobacterium phlei (risk group 1) and it
was found from final product. One final product was very contaminated with
aerobic bacteria and two raw material samples were contaminated according to
Finnish law. Amounts of clean, contaminated and very contaminated
samples for each dairy were similar. As contamination from non-contact places
(environmental and equipment) may be carried to food contact places and from
there to the process line, dairies should pay more attention to cleaning processes of
these places. Carriers can be for example employees hands. Biofilms are
problematic in the food industry, because they are protective barrier for
microorganisms against sanitizers, and due to it cleaning can be more complicated.
The aim of the study was to investigate the Campylobacter spp. contamination at
the farm and retail level. A total of 102 faecal samples of poultry origin were
collected in 2004. A total of 610 raw poultry meat samples were purchased from
retail outlets in Estonia. Campylobacter spp. was detected using a modification
of the NMKL Method no 119, 2nd ed. 1990, which includes the enrichment in
Preston or in Bolton broth. Enrichment media was plated out on selective
mCCDA (modified Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate agar, Oxoid). Typical
colonies were streaked on Brucella agar, and verified by the Gram-reaction,
motility-test, oxidase and catalase test, and hippurate hydrolysis. Fifty-two
samples were collected from the farm A and of those 29 (55.8%) were positive.
All samples of farm B origin were negative. Farm A samples were collected at
the beginning of October and samples from farm B were collected at the
beginning of November in order to investigate the presence of seasonal variation.
There was a seasonal variation in flock colonization with Campylobacter spp.
The overall prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in raw poultry products was 12%.
Of the isolates, 77% were identified as C. jejuni. In conclusion, raw poultry
products of Estonian origin are contaminated by Campylobacter species. The
problem appears to be more severe in small-scale operations. The Campylobacter
contamination observed in present study may indicate that the prevalence of
human campylobacteriosis in Estonia is greater than the 124 cases reported by
the Estonian Health Protection Inspectorate. An Estonian Campylobacter control
programme is currently under development, and additional studies of different
foods, at farms and processing plants are needed.
The aim of the study was the consolidation of the contamination levels of poultry
carcasses, procured from the marketplace, with Campylobacter bacteria. In 2005
in the Microbiology Laboratory at National Food and Nutrition Institute prepared
the monitoring plan to determine the levels of the Campylobacter bacteria in
poultry carcasses. The monitoring tests were carried out in selected provinces by
the laboratories of Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations, pursuant to
the procedure described in the standard PN ISO 10 272:2002 Food and feed
microbiology. Horizontal method for detection of thermotolerant Campylobacter
spp.. The monitoring tests covered 240 poultry carcasses in 2005. The number
of contaminated carcasses ranged from 0% to 100%. The results of monitoring
tests in 2005 with 75.4% of all tested samples contaminated with Campylobacter
spp., are very close to the results obtained in the previous year. The monitoring
tests performed in 2005 allowed to estimate the scale of contamination of poultry
carcasses with Campylobacter spp. in Poland. Unfortunately the obtained result
is much higher than the analogical data collected in most EU countries (2.2
62.2%). Numerous epidemiological data from the Western Europe and the United
States confirm the gravity of the foodborne infections caused by thermotolerant
Campylobacter spp. Unfortunately still the source of contamination remains food
of animal origin, primarily poultry carcasses. Therefore, it is legitimate to
continue monitoring of the contamination rate of poultry carcasses with
Campylobacter bacteria. However, it is not necessary to eliminate the
contaminated poultry carcasses from the market. Special attention should be paid
to educating the society about the ways of Campylobacter infection spreading
e.g. consumption of raw or undercooked meat and/or improper hygienic habits.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of nitrate levels (0, 200
and 400 ppm) and the starter culture (Staphylococcus carnosus and Pediococcus
pentosaceus) on the reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (initial level of 106
CFU/g) in sucuk (Turkish dry fermented sausage). Enterobacteriacea, E. coli
O157:H7, lactic acid bacteria, Staphylococcus/Micrococcus counts, moisture,
pH, residual nitrite, nitrite/nitrate, salt analysis were also recorded.
Microbiological analysis showed that, the number of E. coli O157:H7 decreased
during the ripening period at a rate of 1.6 log unit in 14th day and a total of 3.3
log units in 21st day. The number of E. coli O157:H7 was below the detection
limit in all samples at 28th day. But the bacteria were recovered with IMS
method in all samples except control. In addition, Verotoxin was found to be
positive using PCR. There was no statistically significant difference in the
number of E. coli O157:H7 between the samples with or without starter culture
and nitrate. The effect of starter culture on the pH decrease was very significant;
the effect of the nitrate levels x ripening-storage period interaction was
significant on E. coli O157:H7 counts.
The aim of the auditing is to develop basic facilities and to evaluate food safety
system of the private label producers for supermarket chains in Turkey. For this
purpose, food safety providing system auditing has been performed in 272 food
producers in the meat, milk, seasoning and tea sectors. Audits have been made in
three phases in different producers and cities in Turkey. First phase is on
documentation control systems, pest and cleaning files. The system files have
more questions about HACCP preliminary necessity conditions. In the auditor
controls the files where recorded and found. The second phase is field audit e.g.
personal application, engineering, design and cleaning. The auditor looks
especially at personal applications and food process surfaces in direct contact
with the products produced. The last phase is on hygiene control of personnel
and food contact surfaces. The auditor uses swabs for sampling from hands and
surfaces. The analyses are performed in the Food Institute laboratories. The
micro-organisms examined are Staphylococcus aureus and fecal coliforms on
hands of the personnel and total aerobic mesophilic bacteria and fecal coliforms
on food contact surfaces. All these parameters are evaluated by one or more
auditors to finalize the report. According to this evaluation, the report is graded
as 1000901 Excellent, 900750 Satisfactory, 750650 Acceptable and
<650 Insufficient. According to the result of 2005 in which the personal
hygiene results were included, 23% were found to be dirty whereas rest of them
met the good practices. As a result, 228 of the 272 producers got at least the
grade sufficient.
After, third part audits performed by auditors for supermarket chains in Turkey,
the topic which got most attention was microbiological contamination and
contamination routes. The microbiological results have been evaluated looking
at crucial parameters. Most of the audits have been performed mostly in the
Marmara Region in Turkey. Cold chain factors were taken into consideration
through samples, which have been taken from the different private label
producers, promptly sent to our institute. Furthermore, we separate samples into
different groups e.g. dairy, meat and meat products, seasoning and tea groups.
The analyses have been performed according to product groups e.g. for dairy
products coliforms, E. coli, yeast, mould, S. aureus and Salmonella. For spices
the total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, E. coli, mould and yeast, E. coli O157:H7,
Salmonella, Bacillus cereus and aflatoxin analyses are carried out. For meat and
meat products E. coli, S. aureus, mould and yeast, Salmonella, C. perfringens,
E. coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes and for tea total aerobic mesophilic
bacteria, coliforms, E. coli, yeast and Salmonella are analysed In evaluating
these parameters limits given in the Turkish Food Codex Alimentarius have been
used. Methods published by FDA, Bacteriological Analytical Manual, AOAC
International and ISO were applied during the course of study.
In this study sensory and microbiological parameters of sea bass meat on ice
were monitored during a 12-day storage period to obtain information about
quality and hygiene of stored fish meat. Twenty five sea bass of approximately
300 g were caught for this purpose. The sea bass had been farmed in a Adriatic
Sea fish farm. The fish were immediately ice stored in a mobile fridge at the
temperature of about 3 C. On the storage day 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12, five fishes were
subjected to sensor and bacteriological analysis. The sensor quality evaluation
was made using the Quality Index Method test (QIM) for sea bass (Icelandic
Fisheries Laboratories). The QIM includes sensor indicators of fish freshness
and their assessment using the numerical score system. Fresh fish has the
minimum (0), while the maximum number of points (20) indicates spoilt fish. In
the bacteriological analysis the fish samples were analysed for total viable count
(TVC), psychrotrophic count and number of Pseudomonas spp. In the
microbiological analysis 25 g was diluted in 225 ml of peptone saline and
homogenised in the stomacher. After serial dilution, appropriate dilution samples
(1 or 0.1 ml) were poured or spread on agar plates. TVC was determined on
Plate Count Agar (PCA) at 30 C for 72 h, psychrotrophic bacteria on PCA at
6.5 C for 10 d, and Pseudomonas spp. on Pseudomonas agar F at 25 C for 2 d.
After the completion of sensor analysis the results showed that all fish samples
taken on the second day of storage were rated first class (QIM 02 points).
Changes in the shape and clarity of eye, colour and odour of gills and
appearance of gill mucus had occurred already at day 4 of storage (mean value
of QIM 3.5 points). However, during the entire 12 d of storage, the fish
showed no substantial sensor changes indicative of spoilage, and on the day 12
they were scored 10-14 points. The TVC at 30 C did not increase considerably
during the storage of sea bass on ice (from 5.5 log10 cfu/g at day 2 to 6.2 log10
cfu/g at day 12). The psychrotrophic bacterial count increased from 4.3 log10
cfu/g (day 2) to 7.3 log10 cfu/g (day 12). At the same time, an increase in the
number of Pseudomonas was recorded i.e. from 3.9 log10 cfu/g (day 2) to 5.5
log10 cfu/g (day) 12 in fish meat. As conclusion the increased deviation in
characteristic appearance and odour of fresh sea bass was simultaneous with the
increase of recorded psychrotrophic bacteria and Pseudomonas spp. The
obtained results are in conformity with the literature data according to which the
principal spoilage organisms of the Mediterranean Sea fish belong to bacteria of
the genus Pseudomonas.
A high level of protection of public health is one of the fundamental objectives
of food law as laid down in regulations (EC) No 178/2002 and 852/2004.
Throughout the European Union (EU) consumers are requiring the food industry
to provide them with an increasing range of safe, nutritious and healthy foods of
high sensory quality and increased shelf life. To meet the demand for healthier
food of high sensory quality, the use of additives and preservatives is being
reduced or eliminated and minimal processing techniques introduced. To
increase food safety and quality considerable amount of time, effort and money
has been spent to food safety control and management (ISO 22000:2005)
systems including better packaging methods and improved new pathogen
detection methods. Nevertheless there is still little sign within official statistics
of significant reductions in the incidence of foodborne illnesses within EU
countries. Todd (1997) reported that in the beginning of this decade 73 to 100%
of all European outbreaks with known aetiology were caused by bacteria.
Particular priority areas are species such as Listeria monocytogenes,
Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Biofilm
formation and other problems in production environment have been in focus
lately. Wirtanen et al. (2003) reported that pathogens such as Listeria
Associated foods: L. monocytogenes has been associated with food sources such
as raw milk, supposedly pasteurised fluid milk, cheeses (particularly soft-ripened
varieties), ice cream, raw vegetables, fermented raw-meat sausages, raw and
cooked poultry, raw meats (all types), and raw and smoked fish (Farber and
Peterkin, 1991). Its ability to grow at temperatures as low as 3 C permits
multiplication in refrigerated foods (Roasto, 2004). It can survive or even grow
at pH values as low as 4.4 and at salt concentrations of up to 14%.
In the study of Praakle et al. (2007) a total of 240 raw broiler legs (120 of
Estonian and 120 of foreign origin) from 12 retail stores in two biggest cities
(Tallinn and Tartu) of Estonia were investigated from January to December
2002. Of the raw broiler legs, 70% were positive for L. monocytogenes. The
prevalence of L. monocytogenes in broiler legs of Estonian origin (88%) was
significantly higher than in broiler legs of foreign origin (53%) (P < 0.001).
Praakle et al. concluded the high prevalence of L. monocytogenes showing
various PFGE types in the broiler legs could be caused by cross-contamination
at retail level.
Ready-to-eat meat products with a long shelf life are associated with risk of
transmission of L. monocytogenes (Farber and Peterkin, 1991). Prevalence of
L. monocytogenes in cold smoked, sliced, vacuum packaged pork products
during 15-month period from 2003 until 2004 was studied by Brzi et al.
Samples originated from 8 Latvian and 7 Lithuanian manufacturers. The
prevalences of L. monocytogenes in cold-smoked pork varied from 0 to 67% in
Latvian products and 10 to 73% in Lithuanian products (Brzi et al., 2007). In
order to identify the main risk factors associated with L. monocytogenes
contamination, all production steps were studied separately in each meat
processing plant. Brzi et al. suggested that brining by injection was a
significant (P < 0.05) factor in contamination. Moreover, long cold-smoking
times (12 h) had a significant (P < 0.014) predictive value for a sample to test
positive for L. monocytogenes. The cold-smoking temperatures between 24 and
30 C can provide an inhibitory effect on presence of L. monocytogenes. Low
number of L. monocytogenes at the end of shell-life (< 100 cfu/g) can be
explained by use of starter cultures during processing, which have an antilisterial
effect, and affect multiplying of L. monocytogenes in pork products.
from traditional market halls of Tartu town. All chicken meat samples from
market halls were sold fresh and unpacked. Of the raw chicken products of
Estonian origin, 15.8% were positive for Campylobacter. The prevalence of
Campylobacter in the products (breasts, carcasses, thighs and wings) of the
small-scale poultry meat plant (35.6%) was significantly higher than in those
originated from the large-scale company (6.3%) (P<0.001). In order to reduce
the incidence of campylobacteriosis in humans a number of preventive measures
are needed throughout the way from farm to table.
Salmonella spp. are facultatively anaerobic, Gram-negative, straight, non-sporeforming small rods, which are usually motile with peritrichous flagella. Salmonella
is a genus within the family Enterobacteriaceae in which approximately 2200
serotypes are recognised. Some of these strains are specifically adapted to hosts
and largely restricted to them, e.g. S. Typhi in man and S. Dublin in cattle. The
growth range for salmonellae is 547 C at pH 4.09.0, with optimum growth at
3537 C and pH 6.57.5. Salmonellae are not particularly salt-tolerant, although
growth can occur in the presence of 4% sodium chloride. The lower limit of
water activity (aw) permitting growth is 0.93 (Mead, 1993).
Associated foods: A wide variety of foods have been implicated in outbreaks of
illness caused by many different serotypes of Salmonella: raw meats, poultry,
eggs, milk and dairy products, fish, shrimp, frog legs, yeast, coconut, sauces and
salad dressing, cake mixes, cream-filled desserts and toppings, dried gelatine,
peanut butter, cocoa, and chocolate. Various Salmonella serotypes have long
been isolated from the outside of eggshells. The present situation with
S. Enteritidis is complicated by the presence of the organism inside the egg, in
the yolk. This and other information strongly suggest vertical transmission, i.e.,
deposition of the organism in the yolk by an infected layer hen prior to shell
deposition. Foods other than eggs have also caused outbreaks of S. Enteritidis
disease. Salmonella still is the most frequently recorded pathogen in the
production chain of food of animal origin. At present the predominant serotypes
are S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium. This is true especially considering the
most important meats from pig and poultry. In areas such as Scandinavia
measures against this pathogen have been traditionally more thoroughly
endeavoured, finally resulting in a lower prevalence of Salmonella in these
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on
microbiological criteria for foodstuffs constitutes that foodstuffs should not
contain micro-organisms or their toxins or metabolites in quantities that present
an unacceptable risk for human health. Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 lays down
general food safety requirements, according to which food must not be placed on
the market if it is unsafe. The use of microbiological criteria should form an
integral part of the implementation of HACCP (hazard analysis and critical
control points) based procedures and other hygiene control measures. According
to Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004, food business operators are to
comply with microbiological criteria. This should include testing against the
values set for the criteria through the taking of samples, the conduct of analyses
and the implementation of corrective actions, in accordance with food law and
the instructions given by the competent authority. Article 5 of Regulation (EC)
No 2073/2005 is laying down specific rules for testing and sampling, according
to which the ISO standard 18593 shall be used as a reference method. Food
business operators manufacturing ready-to-eat foods, which may pose a L.
monocytogenes risk for public health, shall sample the processing areas and
equipment for L. monocytogenes as part of their sampling scheme. Food safety
and process hygiene criteria are given in chapter 1 and 2 of the Commission
Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 for microbiological criteria for foodstuff.
There is research need for more sensitive, reliable, and cost-effective tools,
particularly sampling methodologies, for analysing food and environmental
samples (e.g., high priority commodities include produce, eggs, and seafood) for
microbial pathogens, where frequency and extent of contamination are expected
to be low, for identification and evaluation of relevant characteristics of different
forms of product packing and handling on the safety of a variety of foods.
Developing modelling techniques to assess microbial behaviour in various
foods, human exposure and dose-response relations to certain foodborne
pathogens (e.g., enumerative detection methods for pathogens), potential risk of
those pathogens causing human illness, and the setting of safety performance
standards to regulate microbial content of food, determining the population
trends with respect to food safety knowledge, attitudes, and practices, especially
behaviours that may be significant risk factors for foodborne illness (e.g., food
consumption, in-home food preparation and handling) are the other aspects
needed research. The microbiological safety of food has been advanced
substantially by the introduction and implementation of HACCP. HACCP
provides a systematic conceptual framework for identifying hazards and
focusing efforts on the proper functioning of key food production, processing,
and marketing steps. HACCP cannot be expected to control unknown hazards,
such as emerging foodborne pathogens. There is a need to re-examine how food
is produced, processed, marketed, and prepared to identify conditions that
contribute to emergence. For example, organic acids are used extensively
throughout the food industry to control spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms
(Baysal and Unluturk, in press).
The changing epidemiology of foodborne disease calls for improved surveillance
including rapid sub-typing methods, cluster identification, and collaborative
epidemiological investigation (including case-control studies). Also examined
was the need for better integrated, coordinated, and standardized animal disease
surveillance and health monitoring programs. The new problems of foodborne
disease require new control and prevention strategies to ensure that food in both
domestic and international trade is safe. Topics included a need for
multidisciplinary teams that can provide just in time research; for basic
research to explain factors associated with food production and processing that
contribute to new foodborne microbial threats; for prompt evaluation and
implementation of innovative preservation methods (e.g., food irradiation) to
meet consumer demand for fresh foods; for the use of emerging molecular
methods (e.g., DNA hybridisation and polymerase chain reaction) to examine
emerging foodborne disease organisms; and for models to predict the probability
of a particular microbial event (e.g., growth and death), which may be useful in
the design of HACCP programs and in defining processes, formulations, and
storage conditions to yield foods with acceptable shelf life and safety
It is a long way from the new borne food animal to the consumers table. On one
hand, there exist several stages independent from each other, where the persons
involved do not always contact. On the other hand, there are a lot of
circumstances and hazards, which may or may not constitute a risk to humans.
As a consequence, measures should be taken especially, where the prevalence of
pathogens has been high, i.e. hygiene in the primary production, immunisation,
logistic slaughter or measures in cleaning and disinfection the site. The
horizontal and vertical transfer of pathogens must become under tighter control:
the routes of the agent via transport to the abattoir are not at all safe. There is not
point, where Salmonella or other pathogens would be safely prohibited to invade
the human food chain. It is obvious, that the inspection service by the authorities
cannot afford the total of surveillance in every production process. The hygienic
status of intermediate products and end products is particularly dependent on the
circumstances of previous stages of production. In consequence hygiene is an
issue of day-to-day practice and checks must be carried out frequently. As a
consequence the authorities have to rely more in the responsibility of the plant.
So the role of the authorities is presently in reconsideration in order to focus the
available resources on the essentials of surveillance. This is true also with
respect to future additional tasks of surveillance in husbandry, which possibly
demands more personnel in the future. It should be emphasized that the producer
is responsible for the product and should do everything to guarantee it.
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4. Bhaduri, S. & Cottrell, B. 2004. Survival of Cold-Stressed Campylobacter
jejuni on Ground Chicken and Chicken Skin during Frozen Storage. Appl.
Environ. Microbiol., 70, 71037109.
5. Catteau, M. 1995. The genus Listeria. Chapter 23. In: Bourgenois, C.M. &
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agricultural products. VCH Publishers, Inc., New York, USA. Pp. 373382.
6. Commission Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and
requirements of food law, establishing the Euoropean Food Safety Authority
and laying down procedures in matters of food safety. Off. J. Eur. Union.
7. Commission Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Off. J. Eur.
8. Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on
microbiological criteria for foodstuffs. Off. J. Eur. Union.
9. Domingues, C., Gomez, I. & Zumalacarregui, J. 2002. Prevalence of
Salmonella and Campylobacter in retail chicken meat in Spain. Int. J. Food
Microbiol., 72, 165168.
10. Duffy, E.A., Belk, K.E., Sofos, J.N., Bellinger, G.R., Pape, A. & Smith, G.C.
2001. Extent of microbial contamination in United States pork retail products.
J. Food Prot., 64, 172178.
11. Duffy, G. 2006. Emerging pathogenic E. coli. In: Motarjemi, Y. & Adams, M.
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23. Praakle, K., Roasto, M., Korkeala, H. & Hnninen, M.-L. 2007. PFGE
genotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility of Campylobacter in retail
poultry meat in Estonia. Int. J. Food Microbiol., in press.
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25. Roasto, M., Praakle, K., Korkeala, H., Elias, P. & Hnninen, M.-L. 2005.
Prevalence of Campylobacter in raw chicken meat of Estonian origin.
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26. Rrvik, L.M., Aase, B., Alvestad, T. & Caugant, D.A. 2003. Molecular
epidemiological survey of Listeria monocytogenes in broilers and products.
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29. Stern, N.J. & Robach, M.C. 2003. Enumeration of Campylobacter spp. in
broiler feces and in corresponding processed carcasses. J. Food Prot., 66,
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Caballero, B., Trugo, L. & Finglas, P. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Food Science
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Understanding the term food safety along the food chain has various aspects.
One can start with technology integrating regulation and continuing with
nutrition and finishing with consumer. In the food safety program we should be
able to identify all hazards, analyze them, evaluate the likelihood of their
occurrence and identify measures for their control. A hazard is a biological,
chemical, physical agent or condition with the potential to cause an adverse
health effect or spoilage. Today one can manage food safety based on HACCP
through good agriculture, good manufacturing practice, good hygiene practice,
good transport practice, good storage practice, good catering practice and good
laboratory practice. The objective of this group work is to review the different
approaches to assure good hygiene and consequently the safety of the food.
Handling foods after visiting the toilet without properly hand washing.
Touching raw meats and then preparing vegetables without washing
hands between tasks.
Contamination can also be passed from kitchen equipment and utensils to food.
This type of contamination occurs because the equipment or utensils were not
properly cleaned and sanitized between each use. Some examples are:
Using a cutting board and the same knife, when cutting different types
of foods, such as cutting raw chicken followed by salad preparation.
Wash and sanitize all equipment and utensils that come in contact with
Avoid touching your face, skin, and hair, or wiping your hands on
cleaning cloths.
Try preparing each type of food at different times, and then clean and
sanitize food contact surfaces between each task.
Bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and viruses float in air currents. The microbial
flora of air is not constant and is highly variable or transient. The numbers of
microorganisms in the air range from 10 to 10,000 per cubic meter.
Microorganisms do not multiply in the air; their reproduction is uncommon in
air because of lack of moisture and nutrients. The presence of micro-organisms
in air is almost entirely accidental. Indoor air is generally dry and contains no
available microbial nutrients; microorganisms cannot grow in air but can survive
in association with dust particles. Dust particles in air come from clothing,
bedding and similar textiles human and animal skin scales and hair dried soil and
similar contaminating sources. Dust particles are dry and highly charged on the
outside but may be moist in the centre. The different types of micro-organisms
that are normally detected in air include bacteria, fungal spores and some yeast:
Virtually all micro-organisms can be transmitted from air to food surface due to
their bioaerosols form. The pathogens are extremely sensitive to the environment
and cannot be outside of the host for any length of time. Only a few pathogens
may be transmitted by air. Some airborne pathogenic bacteria, such as
Staphylococcus aureus, spore form the antrax-causing bacterium Bacillus
anthraci are well known to exist. But, no data are available to contaminated food
by air-borne pathogens. But there is a potential risk for foods produced in
livestock farms. Contamination from airborne yeasts, moulds and other
microorganisms can result in shortened shelf life of food. A few researches
about air micro flora in different food production are as follow:
another, but can be anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes for a
9099% killing of viruses or contagious bacteria. Spores, and some
environmental bacteria, tend to be resistant and can survive much longer
contact e.g. handling sliced pineapple, tomato or ice cubes has been shown to
initiate outbreaks. Also extremely hazardous activities have been documented
e.g. plunging hands into milk containers to change malfunctioning spigot,
repeated and repeated tasting food with fingers, using bare hands to remove meat
from bones or mixing salad by hand. Such hand contact should not be tolerated
and alternatives should be sought e.g. gloves, food handling utensils, tongs or
bakery papers.
In food industry the efficient cleaning is very important part of the whole
production. The whole point of cleaning is to remove all dirt (residues of food,
Cleaning-in-place (CIP) is a method for cleaning equipment quickly and
efficiently without needing to dismantle the equipment. The cleaning solution
are taken from a storage tank, circulated in the process tanks and pipelines, and
returned to the storage tank (www.worldpumps.com). Typically a CIP system
would include a solution reservoir, a supply pump, and a return circuit in the
case of a tank or other similar vessel, a spray device and some type of return
pump may also be included. Any closed vessel (tanker, tank, vat, chamber,
hopper, or bin) can be CIP cleaned using one of the following spray devices:
disc, stick, ball, ring or tanker spray. Also, any closed circuit, including piping,
pumps, valves, and plate heat exchangers can be cleaned in place. The success in
cleaning any vessel or pipeline circuit in place depends on five considerations:
time, temperature, concentration and mechanics.
Considering the disinfection technology you have to distinguish between
appropriate procedures of closed piping systems (CIP cleaning in place) and
containers with large quantities of circulated solutions and good turbulence,
good microbial suspension, simple temperature application between cold (4 to
10 C) to heated (4060 C) and generally good pre-rinsing. In closed cleaning
systems pre-rinsing with cold water is carried out to remove loose soil, and the
CIP treatment in normally performed using a hot cleaning solution, but a cold
solution can also be used in handling fat-free product. In dairy CIP cleaning the
warm alkaline cleaning solutions, normally of 11,5% sodium hydroxide
(NaOH), is heated to 7580 C and the cleaning time is 1520 min. Cleaning step
before disinfection in CIP program must be effective enough to affect biofilm.
The separate disinfection, carried out after the cleaning operation, deals with less
soiling, but is an additional step. If the extent of soiling is not too excessive one
would therefore normally carry out a combined cleaning and disinfection agents.
In this context, the choice of cleaning and disinfecting agents must depend
among other parameters on the type and intensity of soiling and contamination
considering also the material quality of the process equipment. The CIP
disinfection technology can be generally applied with low concentration of
active ingredients. Disinfectants used in the food processing industry include
oxidizing agents, hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, ozone and peracetic acid,
1. Aarnisalo, K., Tallavaara, K., Wirtanen, G., Maijala, R. & Raaska, L. 2005.
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2. Adhkari, A., Sen, M.M., Gupta-Bhattacharya, S. & Chanda, S. 2004.
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2004. Approaches to controlling Escherichia coli O157:H7, a foodborne
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9. Jablonski, L.M. & Bohach, G.A. 1997. Staphylococcus aureus. In: Doyle,
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Salmonella typhimurium infection traced to contaminated chocolate and
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Brisabois, A. & De Buyser, M.L. 2007. Characterization of Stahyloccocus
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2004. Airborne Microorganisms in Commercial Shell Egg Processing
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2005. Epidemiology of Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreaks, United States,
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16. Rezende, C.L.E., Mallinson, E.T., Gupte, A. & Joseph, S.W. 2001.
Salmonella spp. Are affected by different levels of water activity in closed
microcosms. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 26, 222225.
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18. Salo, S. 2006. Evaluating hygiene and cleaning efficiency of food process
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19. Salustano, V.C., Andrade, N.J., Brando, S.C.C., Azeredo, R.M.C. & Lma,
S.A.K. 2003. Microbiological air quality of processing areas in a dairy plant
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acid bacteria from the air of cheese factories. Int. J. Dairy Technol., 59,
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A Potential Occupational Health Hazard. Ann. Occup. Hyg., 30, 455460.
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Microbiological methods for testing disinfectants efficiency on
Pseudomonas biofilm. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 20, 3750.
Any unprocessed (raw) ingredients may be expected to contain pathogens or
spoilage microbes, e.g. milk, vegetables, meat, dried herbs, etc. For certain
ingredients, e.g. which will receive no kill step during processing,
microbiological monitoring of becoming incoming batches may be carried out
more regularly than those undertaken thermal processing to conform that they
conform to the specification for that ingredient. So it is very important to obtain
high quality raw materials and establish quick methods to determine raw
material quality. It depends on the further processing but in many cases
microbiological parameters should not only be according to regulation
guidelines but many times below them. It is to emphasize that ingredients must
be segregated from finished products. Ingredients must be stored so that
microbiological growth is either prevented or minimized. Chilling or freezing is
a stage which inhibits growth of microbes. It must be strictly controlled as
germination and outgrowth of surviving spores should be prevented. For
example, for chill ingredients, storage should be at no more than 5 C and
preferably less than 3 C and the storage time needs to be limited.
When we discuss about HACCP programmes which determine safe food
processing from farm to fork, we may not forget about on farm hygiene
programmes, when the animals becoming a food are reared. The new legislation
(Regulation EC 852/2004) has not declared the principles of HACCP approach
into the primary production, but the producers have to establish very closed rules
to those that HACCP are, especially from the part of hygienic preprogrammes.
Disease challenge by viruses, bacteria and fungi presents a mayor threat to
profitable production for instance in poultry production. Biosecurity, in other
words reducing the number of infectious organisms in the environment, is the
Since so many processing methods may be applied to foods it would be
impractical to detail each in this abstract. The objective during manufacture is to
maintain the safety of a food by preventing microbial contamination during
packaging. All equipment must be of suitable design and construction and
thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before use, which means rigorous application
of cleaning schedules as part of GMP. Some food processing requires a manual
process. To minimize contamination good personnel hygienic practices must be
enforced, but environmental contamination must not be forgotten and these
operations should be take place in a high care area.
Each process used must have its appropriate controls applied during
manufacture. It means that through risk assessment potential hazards are
identified and suitable preventive measures undertaken and any critical control
point (CCP) taken into control. For example, drying of salami will need the
temperature and time of drying to be specified, and the allowed tolerances for
that process stage. Pasteurization of liquids will be regulated in the usual way by
specified temperature being achieved, correct flow-rate insuring that the liquid is
held for the specific time and a flow rate diversion valve fitted to reject underprocessed liquid. Pasteurization (cooking) of meat, preserves, etc. requires
temperature monitoring of the slowest heating portion of the product batch to
insure that the pasteurization temperature is reached. Both cooking and cooling
of products must be monitored for temperature and time. Whatever control is
applied, instruments used for measurement must be accurately calibrated.
Process parameters must be recorded and verified.
Todays customers have become more and more aware of quality in foods and
have an increased expectation of consistency in all quality parameters. With the
large scale of modern food industry and nationwide distribution of products, a
small number of viable organisms have a potential to contaminate large volumes
of products, resulting in severe financial losses for the producers affected.
Fruit juices were until recently considered to only be susceptible to spoilage by
yeasts, moulds and lactic bacteria. Spoilage by these organisms was prevented
by the acidic pH of fruit juices and heat treatment applied during the hot-fillhold process. Despite these control measures an increasing number of spoilage
causes of fruit juices and fruit juices products due to contamination by
thermophilic acidophilic bacteria have been reported.
The thermophilic and acidophilic characteristics of Alicyclobacillus spp. allow
resistence to current pasteurization process and the ability to produce off flavors
unacceptable in juices. The first Alicyclobacillus spp. was isolated in 1982 from
spoiled apple juice and was implied as the causative agent for spoilage. It is
currently one of the microorganisms of concern in the fruit juice industry. The
most likely source of contamination of fruit juices is from fruit contaminated by
soil during harvest or introduced into the manufacturing process by unwashed or
poorly washed raw fruit. Water and sugar can also be a source of contamination.
Till now acidophilic spore formers were isolated from various environmental
sources including garden soil, forest soil, apple, pear and orange juices. The
major off-flavors associated with the spoilage caused by Alicyclobacillus spp. is
guaiacol which is generally accepted as the predominant metabolite associated
with the smoky taints in fruit juice. Spores of Alicyclobacillus survive
pasteurization conditions of 95 C for 2 min and grow within a pH range of 2.5
to 6.0. During the heat treatment of foods pathogens and most non-spore
forming microorganisms are killed but a heat process sufficient to destroy all the
microbial spores will have a harmful effect on the organoleptic quality of the
product. Procedures that requires attention is the optimization of the membrane
filtration which can assist in recovering low numbers of Alicyclobacillus spp.
spores and many fruit juice manufactures are currently utilizing this method. The
quality of membrane filters differ greatly among different manufactures and this
should be carefully assessed for their ability to retain Alicyclobacillus spores.
Packaging materials are of many types, but they serve as a major defence against
external hazards. However undesirable interactions between packaging material
and food can give rise to potential problems e.g. migration of packaging
components or penetration of micro-organism through packages. The importance
of hygiene and suitable packaging material and method is very important.
One of the safest methods of packaging is aseptically filling. In aseptic
packaging, a product is sterilized, cooled and transported under sterile conditions
to a container which has also been sterilized. The product is filled and sealed
under sterile conditions into the container. The end product is hermetically
sealed for prolonged periods of time at ambient conditions. Depending upon the
material, packaging sterilization may be accomplished by heating, use of
chemical or radiation. The sterility of filling can be maintained by air filters,
positive pressure, vaporized H2O2, nitrogen and heat.
The other very used method for liquid product is hot filling. The product is
pasteurized, kept hot in holding tank, filled hot into the container or other kind
of packaging and sealed/closed. Hot filling of products must be monitored for
It is important to emphasize that once processed and packed food must be
avoided to any cross-contamination which might lead to spoilage or health risk.
Finished products must be undertaken to some monitoring to verify the
appropriate processing and to determine their quality and complying with
regulation. It is important that methods should be quick and reliable.
Despite all activities for food protections the industry meets many problems
connected with lack of knowledge in complex food matrix as well as in the
cooperation with stakeholders. Based on our discussion we found that there are
some very interesting research topics for industry e.g. Alicyclobacillus detections
in soft drinks, better detection of Campylobacter in drinking water in broiler
houses and improving microbiological quality of water, biofilms in processing,
comparison detections methods for catechins in tea, which can be used to inhibit
spoilage bacteria and pathogens, improving safety and shelf-life of egg products
in different packaging materials and spore formers e.g. Bacillus cereus in
complex matrix such as liquid chocolate syrup.
The industry needs better communication with research and scientific
institutions to get better knowledge on e.g. unknown or less known
microorganisms, package materials and improved risk assessment. Furthermore,
the industry needs also better cooperation with food chain stakeholders
especially in the primary production to improve trust and reduce costs in
controlling materials entering the process plants. The big challenge in the
controlling area are quick tests results using reliable method of checking the
hygiene and therefore money and knowledge should be put into development of
quick detection methods e.g. biochemical methods.
Detection and identification of pathogens on live food animals and plants as well
as in processed food and water is essential for ensuring the safety of food
products for human consumption. Foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases,
usually either infectious or toxic in nature, resulting from the consumption of
food contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites or their toxins.
Such contamination usually arises from improper handling, preparation or food
storage. Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can
reduce the chances of contracting an illness. The action of monitoring food to
ensure that it will not cause foodborne illness is known as food safety. Recently,
reductions in the incidence of some foodborne infections in the USA and
European countries have occurred, in part caused by implementation of Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program aimed at improving food
safety through the improved science-based regulation of food production and
quality control. HACCP programs are designed to identify and prevent
biological (i.e. pathogenic bacteria), chemical (i.e. toxins) or physical (i.e.
metals) risks posed by contaminated food.
Gamma Proteobacteria
bacteria normally found in the healthy bowel, primary isolation requires the use
of a selective medium, so use of a relatively non-selective medium such as
CLED agar is not often practiced. Numbers of Salmonella may be so low in
clinical samples that stools are routinely also subjected to enrichment culture
where a small volume of stool is incubated in a selective broth medium, such as
selenite broth or Rappaprt Vassiliadis soya peptone broth overnight. These
media are inhibitory to the growth of the microbes normally found in the healthy
human bowel, while allowing salmonellae to become enriched in numbers.
Salmonella may then be recovered by inoculating the enrichment broth on one or
more of the primary selective media. On blood agar, they form moist colonies
about 2 to 3 mm in diameter. They usually do not ferment lactose.
Traditional methods, though reliable and efficient, require several days to weeks
before results are obtained. Furthermore, phenotypic properties by which the
bacteria are identified may not always be expressed; and when expressed, they
may be difficult to interpret and classify. Another disadvantage of traditional
methods is that cells which are viable, but otherwise non-culturable cannot be
detected, e.g. some stressed Campylobacter spp. These methods therefore do not
meet requirements of making rapid assessments of microbiological safety
Classical methods of isolation and identification of Salmonella in foodstuffs
samples are chosen in accordance with ISO 6579 standard and can require up to
7 and at least 4 d. Method includes primary and secondary selective enrichment
of foodstuffs, isolation and identification of isolates with morphological,
biochemical and serological tests. Types of Salmonella tests available:
Meanwhile since the conventional methods are time consuming and results can
be obtained in 4 to 7, studies are conducted on the development of new and
quicker methods. PCR-based methods offer theoretically many advantages over
traditional microbiological methods but they should be evaluated prior
implementation in routine testing. Appropriate procedure of PCR method is
faster than standard microbiological methods, it has the same relative accuracy,
relative sensitivity and relative specificity and means good basis for further
inter-laboratory validation.
The most commonly recognized food-borne infections are caused by
Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella spp. In the past 25 years, Listeria
monocytogenes has become increasingly important as a food-associated
pathogen. Though, an annual incidence of human listeriosis is between two and
ten reported cases per million in EU countries. Because of its high case fatality
rate, listeriosis ranks among the most frequent causes of death due to food-borne
illness. L. monocytogenes and C. jejuni has been shown to adapt to different
environmental stress factors, including disinfectants. Salmonella enteritidis, C.
jejuni and L. monocytogenes may also form a biolfim which helps to survive in the
environment. For that reason, the food industrial hygiene has become important to
avoid contamination of raw food and food products with these pathogens.
The aims of the present report are to describe and discuss different antimicrobial
methods that prevent the contamination and transmission of food-borne
pathogens. The antimicrobial methods could be divided such as physical
activities (agents) and chemical agents (e.g. sanitizers, antibiotics).
Ultrasound is energy generated by sound waves of 20,000 or more vibrations per
second. Presently, most developments of ultrasonic (sonication) for food
applications are nonmicrobial in nature. High frequencies in the range of 0.1 to
20 MHz, pulsed operation and low power levels (100 mW) are used for nondestructive testing. Industrial applications include texture, viscosity and
concentration measurements of many solid or fluid foods; composition
determination of eggs, meats, fruits and vegetables, dairy and other products;
thickness, flow level and temperature measurements for monitoring and control
of several processes; and non-destructive inspection of egg shells and food
packages. Researchers also listed direct process improvements such as cleaning
surfaces, enhancement of dewatering, drying and filtration, inactivation of
microorganisms and enzymes, disruption of cells, degassing of liquids,
acceleration of heat transfer and extraction processes and enhancement of any
process dependent upon diffusion. It is evident that ultrasound technology has a
wide range of current and future applications in the food industry.
The bactericidal effect of ultrasound is generally attributed to intracellular
cavitation. It is proposed that micro-mechanical shocks are created by making
and breaking microscopic bubbles induced by fluctuating pressures under the
ultrasonication process. These shocks disrupt cellular structural and functional
components up to the point of cell lysis.
Pulsed electric field (PEF) processing is a non-thermal method of food
preservation that uses short bursts of electricity for microbial inactivation and
causes minimal or no detrimental effect on food quality. PEF can be used for
processing liquid and semi-liquid food products. PEF processing offers high
quality fresh-like liquid foods with excellent flavour, nutritional value, and
shelf-life. Since it preserves foods without using heat, foods treated this way
retain their fresh aroma, taste, and appearance. PEF processing involves treating
foods placed between electrodes by high voltage pulses in the order of 2080 kV
(usually for a couple of microseconds). The applied high voltage results in an
electric field that causes microbial inactivation.
This method is used to transform a wide variety of microorganisms and requires
a brief exposure to a high-voltage electric field to introduce genetic material into
a microorganism. Electroporation is the most popular technique for introducing
genetic material in microorganisms because of its simplicity, efficacy and
versatility. Electroporation is the phenomenon in which a cell exposed to high
voltage electric field pulses temporarily destabilizes the lipid bilayer and
proteins of cell membranes. The plasma membranes of cells become permeable
to small molecules after being exposed to an electric field, and permeation then
causes swelling and eventual rupture of the cell membrane. The main effect of
an electric field on a microorganism cell is to increase membrane permeability
due to membrane compression and poration.
Ohmic heating is an advanced thermal processing method wherein the food material,
which serves as an electrical resistor, is heated by passing electricity through it.
Electrical energy is dissipated into heat, which results in rapid and uniform heating.
Ohmic heating is also called electrical resistance heating, Joule heating, or electroheating, and may be used for a variety of applications in the food industry. Like
thermal processing, ohmic heating inactivates microorganisms by heat. Additional
non-thermal electroporation type effects have been reported at low-frequency (50
60 Hz), when electrical charges can build up and form pores across microbial cells
however, it is not necessary to claim such effects since heating is the main
mechanism. The shelf life of ohmically processed foods is comparable to that of
canned and sterile, aseptically processed products. In various countries, including
Italy, Greece, France, ohmic heating has been used to produce a low-acid particulate
product in a can, as well as pasteurized liquid egg.
The selection of a sanitizer depends on the type of equipment to be sanitized, the
hardness of the water, the application equipment available, the effectiveness of
the sanitizer under site conditions, and cost. Sanitizing compounds which
contain phenols impart strong undesirable odors and flavors to foods and should
not be used. Thorough cleaning is essential before using a sanitizer. Sanitizers
are less effective when food particles or dirt are present on equipment surfaces.
Typical disinfecting agents used in the food industry include quaternary
ammonium compounds (QACs), chlorine, alcohols, hydrogen peroxide,
peracetic acid and iodofors.
Legislation concerning disinfectants include Directive 98/8/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council on the placing on the market of biocidal products.
Member States had to transpose the rules before 14 May 2000 into national law.
The Biocidal Product Directive aims to harmonise the European market for
biocidal products and their active substances and to protect humans, animals and
the environment (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/biocides/index.htm).The new
REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the
Council and Directive 2006/121/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council were published in the Official Journal on 30 December 2006. The aims
of the proposed new Regulation are to improve the protection of human health
and the environment while maintaining the competitiveness and enhancing the
innovative capability of the EU chemicals industry. REACH will also give
greater responsibility to industry to manage the risks from chemicals and to
provide safety information on the substances. REACH will enter into force on 1
June 2007 (http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/reach/index_en.htm).
Many commonly used disinfectants have been shown to be effective against
L. monocytogenes in suspension. Other factors affecting on efficacy of
disinfectants against L. monocytogenes include e.g. the concentration and effect
time as well as temperature and pH of the use solution. L. monocytogenes strains
can vary in resistance against disinfectants. L. monocytogenes has been shown to
adapt to different environmental stress factors, including disinfectants. The
adaptation may occur especially when the disinfectant is present in the
environment in sub lethal amounts. Differences in the susceptibility and adaptive
response of strains to disinfectants have been observed, and it has been
suggested that such differences could influence the survival of the strains in the
food processing plants. Generally, the recommendations of use-concentration of
disinfectants should be followed. However, these may not always be sufficient
against L. monocytogenes.
New technologies are needed for surveillance of food-borne disease and food
monitoring. These include typing pathogens, different in vitro, animal and
clinical testing. New research and development are required in food industry
such as application of antimicrobial surface materials and green technologies
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25. Glah Pekdemir, Abalolu Feed Soybean and Textile Company, zmir, Turkey
26. Barbara Pellis, Pivovarna Union d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia
27. Metin Petek, University of Uludag, Bursa, Turkey
28. Julijana Polanc, Fructal, Ajdovina, Slovenia
29. Marketa Pospilov, National Institute of Public Health, Brno, Czech Republic
30. Mati Roasto, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
31. Merle Rtsep, Bio-competence Centre of Healthy Dairy Products, Tartu, Estonia
32. Ajda alej, Tina d.o.o., Komenda, Slovenia
33. Jaroslav imek, Institute of Public Health in Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
34. Valerija irovnik, Ljubljanske mlekarne, Ljublijana, Slovenia
35. Epp Songisepp, Bio-competence Centre of Healthy Dairy Products, Tartu, Estonia
36. Terje Tamme, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
37. Margarita Terentjeva, Latvian University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia
38. Veronika Turkov, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Brno, Brno, Czech Republic
39. Il Var, School of Agriculture, University of ukurova, Adana, Turkey
40. Martina Weiss, Zito Group, Ljubljana, Slovenia
41. Kaarina Aarnisalo, VTT, Espoo, Finland
42. Marika Mikelsaar, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
43. Johanna Maukonen, VTT, Espoo, Finland
44. Laura Raaska, VTT, Espoo, Finland
45. Jana Ramus, CCIS, Ljubljana, Slovenia
46. Berit Reinmller, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
47. Ivan Rychlik, VRI, Czech Republic
48. Satu Salo, VTT, Espoo, Finland
49. Tiina Saron, Estonian Dairy Association, Viimsi, Estonia
50. Lotte Dock Steenstrup, BioCentrum-DTU, Lyngby, Denmark
51. Tiina Veskus, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
52. Elina Vihavainen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
53. Raivo Vokk, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
54. Gun Wirtanen, VTT, Espoo, Finland
Air microbiology;
Berit Reinmller, KTH, Sweden
Concluding remarks
Microbes able to establish and develop in the processing environment and on food
products pose a potential problem in terms of food safety and quality. Initially it is the
capability to adhere to a surface that gives an advantage towards the majority of microbes
being present. Other important capabilities are competitive growth and long survival.
Although pathogenic microbes rarely cause the spoilage of foodstuffs (due to their slow
or non-existent growth in foods at low temperatures) they and their toxic secondary
metabolites naturally form a health risk to the consumer. To guarantee the safety of
foodstuffs microbial contamination must be detected and traced as early as possible and
also at low levels. In addition, the safety risks related to the microbial contamination must
be evaluated as accurately as possible. To establish corrective (and for the future also
preventive) actions exact knowledge on the process hygiene level of the production plant
is needed. Characteristics of important contaminants, contamination routes and factors
enhancing microbial contamination of process line are important items covered in this
Microbial contaminants and contamination routes in food industry -seminar by international
lecturers and participants who have provided research studies and group work material
published in this seminar proceedings.
Project number
VTT Symposium
0357-9387 (soft back ed.)
1455-0873 (URL: http://www.vtt.fi/publications/index.jsp)
May 2007
170 p. + app. 4 p.
Name of project
Commissioned by
SAFOODNET; FP6-022808-2006
ESPOO 2007
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