MV Matters Community Workshop #2: Residential Rezoning Date: Jan 12, 2015, 7:00 PM Where: Watkins Mill High School
MV Matters Community Workshop #2: Residential Rezoning Date: Jan 12, 2015, 7:00 PM Where: Watkins Mill High School
MV Matters Community Workshop #2: Residential Rezoning Date: Jan 12, 2015, 7:00 PM Where: Watkins Mill High School
The 2030 Vision is 4-5 years old: people change, situations change. Why is the County being
guided by it? That is, what legal authority? Can the 2030 Vision be revisited? Can it be set
Vision 2030 was a charrette process that engaged the residents and property owners of
Montgomery Village and is a process similar to those used by planning staff when engaging
citizen input. As stated, it is a good point to start in terms of identifying where residents feel
Can the Town Sector Zone be readopted for another 50 years? If not, why?
The Town Sector Zone is not an option for rezoning or reconfirming within this master plan.
Planning Board and County Council made a decision during the zoning code rewrite process to
discontinue certain zones in the future. The future for this zone within 59-D-8 of the
Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance is for it to be phased out as master plans are reviewed.
In other words, staff is not able to reconfirm the zone and needs to recommend other zones to
replace the T-S Zone.
Reference to Area 67 (Fairway Islands): No road directly off Montgomery Village Ave. (Click here
for map.)
Area 67 is inclusive of the Fairway Islands subdivision, and does not include the former golf
course areas that surround this community. As such, access to and from Area 67 is via Duffer
Way. As staff studies the former golf courses redevelopment potential, circulation in and out of
those areas will be considered.
Reference to Area 67 (Fairway Islands): Access should be off Arrowhead and Rockberry (as
written, think reference is Rothbury) for new development. (Click here for map.)
Staff will forward this suggestion to development review staff regarding DPA 15-01. We will
work closely with our colleagues and discuss circulation of any newly proposed roadways within
this application.
Reference to Area 114 (The Mews): Confirm the zoning translation matches densities today.
(Click here for map.)
Area 114 has a tract area of approximately 6.39 acres and contains 45 dwelling units or 7.04
dwelling units per acre. This corresponds to the Townhouse Low Density (TLD) Zone, which has a
maximum density of 9.07 dwelling units per acre. Staff is evaluating the use of an overlay zone
and is considering how to best address community concerns regarding open space preservation.
What is being done to make sure traffic is moving safely and slowly through Montgomery
Master plans cannot address roadway operational issues, such as the timing of stop lights.
However, master plans can suggest certain roadway cross sections at certain areas that would
enhance the pedestrian or bike safety, (e.g., by reducing the lane widths) while still meeting the
intended vehicle capacity.
What are the current height restrictions in the Town Sector Zone?
Currently, there are no height restrictions in the Town Sector Zone; heights are restricted by the
site plan the community was developed under. Please refer to 59-8.3.3.C of the Montgomery
County Zoning Ordinance.
What aspects of the Town Sector Zone will be covered by the overlay district? At a
neighborhood/zone level? Not just large open space areas?
Staff is currently looking at opportunities to preserve much of the unique building types,
development standards and open space that make the Village identifiable. The overlay district
can preserve open spaces (like the current Garrett Park Overlay Zone), encourage certain mix of
non-residential uses (Burtonsville Employment Area Overlay Zone), modify development
standards, eliminate certain uses, and provide design criteria (Fenton Village Overlay Zone) and
exemptions. All of these items are items could be covered in a Montgomery Village Overlay
What will happen to the open space along the edges of PEPCO right-of-way?
It is the responsibility of the HOA and/or MVF to maintain of open space parcels along the edges
of the PEPCO property that are within the ownership of either entity.
Clarify the extent of Montgomery Village Foundation-owned recreation property within various
We will prepare a map showing both the MVF-owned recreation property as well as the
proposed zoning district.
R-200 central park place an overlay/preservation to that central park. Do not build
(make/designate open space).
Staff is currently looking at opportunities to preserve much of the unique building types,
development standards and open space that make the Village identifiable. The overlay district
can preserve open spaces (like the current Garrett Park Overlay Zone), encourage certain mix of
non-residential uses (Burtonsville Employment Area Overlay Zone), modify development
standards, eliminate certain uses, and provide design criteria (Fenton Village Overlay Zone) and
exemptions. All of these items are items could be covered in a Montgomery Village Overlay
Proposal to offer garden lots; use in open green space; perhaps by golf course area.
Staff will take this suggestion under consideration as we develop the open space and
environmental goals of master plan recommendations.
How can we make sure that the homes built by Monument have to be part of the Village
Foundation? We want the covenant to control recommendations for development.
Please contact Montgomery Village Foundation regarding covenants and inclusion to the
Foundation. Master Plans cannot recommend such restrictions on private developers; however,
the master plan can suggest maximum densities and urban design standards for any new
development or redevelopment of land.
How much will the County consider the Foundations transportation policy?
We have reviewed the Foundations transportation policy. Many, but not all of MVFs policies
align with current practices of the Planning Department in that we carefully consider walkability,
connectivity, and safety when recommending transportation goals for an area. However, a
master plan cannot address operational issues (such as traffic signage and signalization, etc.),
but can suggest additional bike, pedestrian or vehicle connections.
Reference to Area 42 (Thomas Choice West): Current density is 24.41 units/ac. We are assigned
R-10, which would allow up to 43 units/ac. How can MV residents be sure they wont end up
with more density? Click here for map.)
Thomas Choice West is built at a density of 24.41 units per acre, which is greater than the
maximum density permitted in the R-20 zone (21.7 units/ac), which is why staff proposed
converting this area to R-10. However, increased density is unlikely because Thomas Choice West
currently contains at least 240 individual property owners, plus common open space owned by
the Middle Village Homes, Inc. In order for redevelopment or more density to occur, a developer
would have to buy each and every property to assemble. Additionally, staff is currently looking
at opportunities to preserve much of the unique building types, development standards and open
space that make the Village identifiable. An overlay district could contain preservation of open
spaces (like the current Garrett Park Overlay Zone). These items could be covered in a
Montgomery Village Overlay Zone and therefore allow some protections to those areas currently
used as open space and recreation for the Village.
Can we put swimming pools, playgrounds, green space or other amenities within our
development into the open space overlay so they cannot go away and be development with
more units?
Staff is currently looking at opportunities to preserve much of the unique building types,
development standards and open space that make the Village identifiable. The overlay district
can contain preservation of open spaces (like the current Garrett Park Overlay Zone), encourage
certain mix of non-residential uses (Burtonsville Employment Area Overlay Zone), modify
development standards, eliminate certain uses, and provide design criteria (Fenton Village
Overlay Zone) and exemptions. All of these items are items could be covered in a Montgomery
Village Overlay Zone.
Reference to Area 42 (Thomas Point West): While the current density is too high for R-20, could
they be zoned for R-20? (Click here for map.)
Area 42 currently contains at least 240 individual property owners, plus common open space
owned by the Middle Village Homes, Inc. In order for redevelopment or more density to occur, a
developer would have to buy each and every property to assemble the land. Additionally, staff is
currently looking at opportunities to preserve much of the unique building types, development
standards and open space that make the Village identifiable. The overlay district can contain
preservation of open spaces (like the current Garrett Park Overlay Zone). These items could be
covered in a Montgomery Village Overlay Zone and therefore allow some protections to those
areas currently used as open space and recreation for the Village. Staff could rezone this area to
a lower density, but it may cause unforeseen issues in the future .
Does the application (DPA 15-01) from Monument go down to Stewartown Road?
DPA 15-01 is considered Area 4 of the Monument Plan. The site is described as the
northeastern portion of the former Montgomery Village Golf Course (17.3 acre portion) between
Montgomery Village Avenue and Arrowhead Road. You can find more details at our
Development Activity Information Center.
Did Monument need approval for the fences that have gone up around the golf course?
Contact the Montgomery Village Foundation at 301.948.0110 for more information about
whether they required approval for the fences.