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ECE - 1001 : Basic Electronics



Part - I : Analog Electronics

Chapter 1 : Diodes and Applications
Module-1 : PN Junction Diodes
1.1.1 Introduction 5
1.1.2 Concept of PN junction
1.1.3 PN junction under bias
1.1.4 V-I Characteristics of diode 9
1.1.5 Static and dynamic Resistance of Diode
1.1.6 Ideal and Practical diodes
1.1.7 Equivalent circuit of diode 15
1.1.8 Break down phenomenon in diodes 18
1.1.9 Zener diode characteristics 19
1.1.10 Diode as a capacitor 20
Module-2 : Applications of Diodes
1.2.1 Introduction 23
1.2.2 Basic Block diagram of DC power supply
1.2.3 Half wave rectifier 28
1.2.4 Full Wave Rectifier 31
1.2.5 Full wave bridge rectifier
1.2.6 Comparison of Rectifiers
1.2.7 Rectifier with filter 38
Module-3 : Voltage Regulators
1.3.1 Zener Voltage Regulator
1.3.2 IC Voltage Regulators
Module-4 : Special purpose diodes
1.4.1 Light Emitting Diodes
1.4.2 Photo diodes and applications
1.4.3 Optocoupler 54
1.4.4 Solar Cell



Chapter 2 : BJT and Applications

Module-1 : BJT Characteristics
2.1.1 BJT construction and operation
2.1.2 BJT configurations 61


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2.1.3 BJT current components

2.1.4 BJT characteristics 64
Module-2 : BJT Biasing
2.2.1 DC load line and Ned for Biasing
2.2.2 Fixed biasing 69
2.2.3 Voltage divider biasing or self biasing
Module-3 : Transistor as an amplifier
2.3.1 RC coupled Amplifier
2.3.2 Frequency Response of an Amplifier
2.3.3 Multistage amplifier 78
Module-4 : Transistor as a Switch
2.4.1 Introduction 79
2.4.2 Transistor as LED driver
2.4.3 Transistor as Inverter



Chapter 3 : Operational amplifier and applications:

Module-1 : Operational Amplifier
3.1.1 Introduction 82
3.1.2 Internal Block diagram of Op-amp 83
3.1.3 Op-Amp Characteristics
Module-2 : Linear applications of Operational Amplifier
3.2.1 Inverting amplifier 89
3.2.2 Non-inverting Amplifier
3.2.3 Voltage follower
3.2.4 Inverting Summing Amplifier
3.2.5 Difference amplifier 91
3.2.6 Integrator
3.2.7 Differentiator 93
Module-3 : Non-linear applications of Operational Amplifier
3.3.1 Voltage Comparator
3.3.2 Square wave generator

Part - II : Digital Electronics

Chapter 4 : Number systems & Codes
Module-1 : Number Systems
4.1.1 Decimal number system
4.1.2 Binary number system
4.1.3 Octal number system
4.1.4 Hexadecimal number systems


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4.1.5 Number system Arithmetic

4.1.6 Complementation of Numbers
Module-2 : Codes
4.2.1 Weighted binary codes
4.2.2 Non-Weighted codes
4.2.3 Self-complimenting codes 107
4.2.4 Error detecting and correcting codes


Chapter 5 : Boolean Algebra & Logic gates

Module-1 : Introduction to Boolean Algebra
5.1.1 Boolean algebraic theorems
5.1.2 Simplification of Boolean algebraic expressions
Module-2 : Logic gates
5.2.1 Logic gates and operation
5.2.2 Concept of Universal Logic 123
5.2.3 Classification of digital circuits
5.2.4 Implementation of Combinational Circuits 126
Module-3 : Simplification of Boolean functions using K - map
5.3.1 Standard form of Boolean expression s
5.3.2 Introduction to K-map
5.3.3 Simplification of Boolean expressions using K-map


Chapter 6 : Sequential circuits

Module-1 Flip-flops and applications
6.1.1 Introduction to Flip Flops
6.1.2 Counters
6.1.3 Shift Registers


Part - III : Principles of Electronic Communication

Chapter 7 : Fundamentals of Analog communication
Module-1 : Amplitude Modulation
7.1.1 Principle of Electronic Communication
7.1.2 Need for modulation
7.1.3 Amplitude modulation
7.1.4 Time domain analysis
7.1.5 Spectrum of AM signal
7.1.6 Power content of AM
7.1.7 Different types of AM signals
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7.1.8 Detection of AM signal

7.1.9 Super heterodyne principle of AM reception
Module-2 : Frequency Modulation
7.2.1 Frequency Modulation
7.2.2 Time domain analysis of FM signal
7.2.3 Comparison of AM and FM


Chapter 8 : Introduction to digital communication

Module-1 : Digitization of Analog signals
8.1.1 Basic principle of Sampling
8.1.2 Pulse Amplitude Modulation
8.1.3 Pulse Width Modulation
8.1.4 Pulse Position Modulation 178
8.1.5 Digital communication system
8.1.6 Digital Modulation Techniques



Chapter 9 : Communication Networks

Module-1 : Introduction to Communication networks
9.1.1 Introduction to Data communication
9.1.2 Introduction to communication networks
9.1.3 Types of communication networks
9.1.4 Communication Network topology
9.1.5 Network protocols and Reference models


Chapter 10 : Introduction to Mobile Communication

Module-1 : Introduction to Mobile Communication
10.1.1 Principle of Cellular communication
10.1.2 Multiple access Technology
10.1.3 Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

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Part I
Chapter -1: Diodes and Applications
The term diode is used to represent a device or element which has two elecrodes.
These divices are characterized by the fact that they allow electric current to flow in one
direction, and block flow of current in the opposite direction. This unilateral behaviour is
predominantly used in swithching and rectification. Diode is in fact, the very first electronic
device invented. Initially, for several years vacuum tube version was in use, and were bulky
in size, required higher power for operation, and were slow. Today, we have semiconductor
diodes, which are very small in size, requires relatively low power and operates at higher
speeds. Semiconductor diodes are available in various forms and are used in wide variety of
applications. In this unit, we shall look at the operating behavior and charecteristics of
semiconductor diodes along with their typical applications such as rectifiers, voltage
regulators and some special purpouse applications.
Module 1 : Diodes
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Explain the operation of PN junction diode under different biasing conditions.
2. Plot the I-V characteristics of the diode.
3. Define static and dynamic resistance of the diode.
4. Explain the breakdown phenomenon observed in diodes.
5. Describe the working of Zener diode and plot its I-V characteristics.
6. Explain the operation of diode as a capacitor.
1.1.1 Introduction
Materials are broadly classified as metals, insulators and semiconductors. A
semiconductor like Germanium or Silicon has electrical conductivity lying between
conductor and insulator. Semiconductors are the basic materials used in modern electronics.
For example, Diodes, Transistors, Solar cells, Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and integrated
Self Reading:

Crystal structure of Germanium and Silicon

Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
N-type and P-type semiconductors and concept of minority and majority cariiers
Diffussion and drift currents

1.1.2 Concept of PN Junction

As you know, P-type semiconductor has large number of holes while, N-type
semiconductor has large number of free electrons. When P-type and N-type materials are
joined together, a gradient of charge carriers densities is created at the junction. This will
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cause the electrons to move from N-type material to the P-type material and holes to move
from N-type material to the P-type material. This process of movement of charge carriers
form the region of higher concentration to a lower concentration in the absence of external
electric field is called diffusion. Diffusion of charge carriers across the junction will continue
until the equilibrium condition is established. Also at the junction, N-type material will have
positively charged immobile ions and P-type material have negatively charged immobile
ions. Thus the regions on either sides of pn interface lose their charge neutrality and become
charged. For this reason it is caleld space charge region. As the region is devoid or depleted
of mobile charge carriers it is also called depletion region and is as shown in Figure. 1.1.1.

Figure 1.1.1. Schematic of PN junction

The space charge on either sides of the junction causes a potential difference accross
the P-N junction and it is called the barrier potential. This is the minimum amount of voltage
required to initiate flow of charge carriers across the junction. Doped germanium has a
barrier potential of about 0.3 volts where as, doped silicon has a barrier voltage of about 0.7
1.1.3 P-N junction under bias
Application of external voltage across the diode is called biasing. Depending upon
the polarity and magnitude of voltage applied, we can have three biasing conditions, as listed
a) No bias or Zero bias
b) Forward bias
c) Reverse bias

Figure 1.1.2. Circuit symbol of a diode

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a) Zero Bias: In the absence of any bias voltage, the net flow of charge carriers in any
one direction for a semiconductor diode is zero. This occurs because minority
carriers (holes) in the N-type material will encounter barrier in the depletion region
to cross the junction and move to the P-type region. Same is the case for electrons
in P-type material. This results in depletion region with high impedance, and hence
no current flows through the diode. The built-in potential varies from 0.3 to 0.7 eV
depending upon the type of semiconductor material. A diode operated without any
biasing is shown in Figure 1.1.3.

Figure. 1.1.3. P-N diode with zero biase.

b) Forward Bias: When a negative voltage is applied to the N-type material and a
positive voltage is applied to the P-type material, the diode is said to be in a Forward
Bias condition. Figure 1.1.4. shows the diode with forward biase. If the external
voltage applied is greater than the value of the barrier potential, the carriers start
crossing eth junction and hence there will be a forward current. The diode is said to
be in the ON condition.

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Figure.1.1.4. Forward biasing of P-N junction diode.

c) Reverse Bias: When a positive voltage is applied to the N-type material and a
negative voltage is applied to the P-type material , the diode is said to be in a reverse
biased condition, as shown in Figure. 1.1.5. The positive voltage applied to the N-type
semiconductor attracts electrons towards the positive electrode and hence away from
the junction. At the same time, the holes in the P-type semiconductor are attracted
towards the negative electrode. This results in widening of depletion layer due to a
lack of electrons and holes near the junction and presents a high impedance path for
the majority carriers. The height of potential barrier is increased, which prevents the
flow of forward current through the diode. However, the applied potential favors the
movement of minority carriers across the junction causing flow of current in the
reverse direction. This current is called reverse saturation current and is represented
by I0 or IS.

Figure. 1.1.5. Reverse biasing of P-N junction diode.


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Self test:
1. The arrow direction in the diode symbol indicates
a. Direction of electron flow.
b. Direction of hole flow (Direction of conventional current)
c. Opposite to the direction of hole flow
d. None of the above
2. When the diode is forward biased, it is equivalent to
a. An OFF switch
b. An On switch
c. A high resistance
d. None of the above
3. The barrier potential voltage of Si diode is
a. 0.2 V
b. 0.7 V
c. 0.8 V

d. 1.0 V

4. What are the conditions under which a p-n junction diode can be destroyed ?
a. Overheating
b. A large reverse voltage
c. High forward current
d. All the above
1.1.4 I-V characteristics of diode
I-V characteristics of practical diode is shown in Figure 1.1.6. When the forward
biased voltage is applied to diode, current is initially zero and then increases sharply after
crossing the cut-in voltage.In this case,the diode behaves like a closed switch. Similarly, in
reversed biased condition, the diode behaves like an open switch and very small current flows
due to minority charge carriers, which is known as reverse saturation current. In the reverse
biased condition, beyond a particular reverse voltage, a sudden rise of current will be
observed and this voltage is called breakdown voltage.

Figure. 1.1.6. I-V characteristics of practical diode

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a) Forward biased Characteristic:

The application of a forward bias voltage to the junction diode results in the
depletion layer becoming very thin and narrow which represents a low resistance
path through the junction thereby aiding flow of current through the diode. The
point at which this sudden increase in current takes place is called knee point and
is represented on the static I-V characteristics as shown in Figure 1.1.7.

Figure 1.1.7. I-V characteristics of P-N junction diode under forward biased condition.
b) Reverse biased Characteristic:
In this case, PN junction offers high resistance value and practically zero current
flows through the junction diode with an increase in bias voltage. However, a very
small leakage current flows through the junction which is in the order of
microamperes (A ) for ordinary rectifier diodes.

Figure. 1.1.8. I-V characteristics of P-N junction diode under reversed biased condition.
[ http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/diode/diode_3.html]

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If the reverse bias voltage VR applied to the diode is increased beyond certain limits
there will a large current due to avalanche effect and cause breakdown. This is shown
in figure 1.1.8.
c) The Diode Current:
The current flowing through the diode is given by the following equation.

I D I 0 eVT 1


ID= Diode current

I0 = Reverse saturation current.
VD= Applied bias voltage (Positive for forward and negative for reverse bias)
11600 Volt equivalent of temperature (T is in degree Kelvin)
for Germanium =1 and for Silicon =2
For large forward bias, equation 1.1.1 approximates to

I D I0 (e



For large reverse bias, equation 1.1.1 approximates to

I D I0


d) Effect of Temperature on the Reverse current:

The reverse saturation current is a temperature dependent parameter. It doubles for
every 10o C rise in temperature. Let I01 be the reverse saturation current at
temperature T1 and I02 be the reverse saturation current at temperature T2, where T2 >
T1. Thus the rise in reverse saturation current can be modelled as

I02 I01 2(T2 T1 )/10

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Exercise Problem 1:
1. Sketch I versus V to scale for each of the circuits shown below. Assume that the
diodes are ideal and allow V to range from -10 V to +10 V.



Solution: Diode is ON for v > 0 ;


i (mA)




v (V)

2. Sketch I versus V to scale for each of the circuits shown below. Assume that the
diodes are ideal and allow V to range from -10 V to +10 V.

Solution: Diode B is ON for v > 0 and R=1k. Diode A is on for v < 0 and R=2k.

i (mA)




v (V)
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1.1.5 Static and Dynamic Resistance of Diode

There are two types of diode resistance namely, DC and AC resistance.
a) DC or Static Resistance
The application of a dc voltage to a circuit containing a semiconductor diode will
result in an operating point on the characteristic curve that will not change with time.
The resistance of the diode at the operating point can be found by the
corresponding values of VD and ID as shown in Figure 1.1.9. The equation for the
DC resistance can then be written as,
Note that the DC or static resistance of a diode does not depend on the curve shape, it
depends only on the operating point or the values of diode voltage and current.

Figure. 1.1.9. Static resistance of a diode [http://www.freewebs.com]

b) AC or Dynamic Resistance:
To determine the dynamic resistance of a diode, a a tangent is drawn to the curve
through the operating point as shown in Figure 1.1.10.

The dynamic resistance of the diode is found using the following equation:



slope I d

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Figure 1.1.10. Dynamic resistance [http://www.freewebs.com]

Also, dynamic resistance is found by the derivative of the diode equation; where:
I D I s exp D

1 ,

dI D
d V D

I s exp
dV D

dV D

dI D


I s






dI D


Since ID>> Is, then

For Ge , =1 ; VT


And at room temperature, T=300 K, rd


dV D

dI D 11600 xI D


1.1.6 Ideal and Practical diode

In an ideal diode, current flows freely through the device when forward biased,
offering no resistance. An ideal diode is simply a P-N junction where the change from P-type
to N-type material is assumed to occur instantaneously, also referred to as an abrupt junction.
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The simplified diode model ignores the effect of diode resistance in comparison with values
of other elements of the circuit. The voltage drop across the diode is zero.
A practical diode does offer some resistance to current flow when forward biased. Since there
is some resistance (built-in potential) , there will be some power dissipated when current
flows through a forward biased diode. Therefore, there is a practical limit to the amount of
current a diode can conduct without damage. A reverse biased diode has very high resistance
and excessive reverse bias can cause the diode to damage.
1.1.7 Equivalent circuit of diode:
Diode is often replaced by its equivalent circuit during circuit analysis and design. For
DC diode model, characteristics of an ideal diode and the modifications that were required
due to practical considerations has been considered for following cases:
(i) Ideal Diode
(ii) Second approximation of diode
(iii) Practical diode
(i) For an Ideal diode V = 0, RR = and RF = 0 as shown in Figure 1.1.14. In other words,
the ideal diode is a short in the forward bias region and an open in the reverse bias region.

RF = 0

Forward bias

RR =
V = 0
Figure 1.1.14 Equivalent circuit of Ideal diode. Reverse bias
(ii) In second approximation: V 0, RR = and RF = 0 as shown in Figure 1.1.11.

RF = 0
RR =

Forward bias

Reverse bias


Figure 1.1.11 Equivalent circuit of diode for second approximation.

(iii) In Practical diode (silicon) V = 0.7 V, RR < (typically several M), RF rd (typically
< 50 ) as shown in Figure 1.1.12.
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Figure 1.1.12 Equivalent circuit of practical diode.

Exercise Problem 1:
1. A Silicon diode has a saturation current of 1pA at 200C. Determine (a) Diode bias
voltage when diode current is 3mA (b) Diode bias current when the temperature changes
to 1000C, for the same bias voltage.
Ans. Given: The diode current ID=3mA,
Reverse saturation current I0=1x10-12 A, Temperature T=20C = 273+20 = 293K
The diode is silicon =2
The equation for the diode current ID is given by

I D I 0 eVT 1 and VT

25.25 mV

(a) The diode
bias voltage

VD VT ln 1 D 1.103V

(b) The diode current when the temperature is 1000 oC


32.15 mV
11600 11600
The temperature is raised to 100C
(So the reverse saturation current I0 changes)

I 02 I 01 2

T2 T1 /10

I D 256 x10

256 pA
10 2



( 2 x 32.15 x10 3 1)

7.21 mA

2. Find the static and dynamic resistance of a P-N junction germanium diode if
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the temperature is 27C and I0=1A for an applied forward bias of 0.2V.
Given: Applied forward voltage= 0.2 V.
Reverse saturation current I0=1x10-6 A.
Temperature T=27C = 273+27 = 300K.
The diode is Ge, =1.

25.86 mV
11600 11600


6 (1x 25.86 x10 3 1)

I D 1x10 e

2.28 mA

0.087 K
1x25.86 x10 3
Dynamic resistance

I D I 0 2.28 x10 3 1x10 6
Static Resistance:

3. Determine the dc resistance levels for the diode at

(a) ID= 2 mA, (b) ID = 20mA, (c) VD = -10V

Solution: From the graph, find corresponding voltage for the mentioned current values.
RD= VD/ID= 0.5V/2mA= 250 .
RD= VD/ID= 0.8V/20mA= 40 .
At VD= -10V, ID= -Is= -1A (from the curve) and
RD= VD/ID= 10V/1A= 40

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1.1.8 Break down phenomenon in diodes

Breakdown voltage is the largest reverse voltage that can be applied without causing an
exponential increase in the current in the diode. As long as the current is limited, exceeding
the breakdown voltage of a diode does no harm to the diode.
Two breakdown mechanisms exist in diode.They are
a) Zener breakdown
b) Avalanche breakdown
a) Zener breakdown:
In Zener breakdown , the electric field established due to the reverse voltage capapble of
getting the electrons out of their covalent bonds and away from their parent atoms as
shown in Figure 1.1.13. Electrons are transferred from the valence to the conduction
band. In this situation, the current can still be limited by the limited number of free
electrons produced by the applied voltage so it is possible to cause Zener breakdown
without damaging the semiconductor.

Figure. 1.1.13 Schematic of the zener breakdown mechanisms

b) Avalanche Breakdown:
Avalanche breakdown occurs when the applied voltage is so large that electrons achieve
kinetic energy sufficiently high and collide with the silicon atoms and knock off more
electrons. These electrons are then also accelerated and subsequently collide with other
atoms. Each collision produces more electrons which leads to more collisions etc as
shown in Figure. 1.1.14. The current in the semiconductor rapidly increases and the
material can quickly be destroyed.

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Figure. 1.1.14. Avalanche breakdown phenomenon

1.1.9 Zener diode characteristics:
Zener diode (also referred as regulated diode) is a two terminal device that is widely used in
voltage regulators. When the reverse bias, applied to the semiconductor, has reached to zener
voltage Vz , the current will be dramatically increased while the voltage keeps constant.
Circuit symbol of Zener diode is shown in Figure 1.1.15.It is special kind of diode that is
heavily doped during manfacturing. This results in a high number of free carriers. These
additional current carriers permit reverse current flow when a specific reverse bias voltage is
reached. This voltage level is referred to as the avalanche point or Zener point. When forward
biased, the Zener diode acts like a regular diode. Zener diodes are rated according to the
voltage at which they will "turn ON", or begin to conduct reverse bias current. The regulated
values of the zener diode are thus distributed in the range from 3V to several hundreds of
volts, whereas the power range is distributed from 200mW to 100W.

Figure. 1.1.15. Circuit symbol of Zener diode.

Zener Diodes are used in the "REVERSE" bias mode, i.e. the anode is connected to
the negative supply. From its I-V characteristics curve as shown in Figure. 1.1.16, it can be
said that Zener diode has a region in its reverse bias characteristics of almost a constant
voltage regardless of the current flowing through the diode. This voltage across the diode
(Zener Voltage, Vz) remains nearly constant even with large changes in current through the
diode caused by variations in the supply voltage or load. This ability to control itself can be
used to great effect to regulate or stabilise a voltage source against supply or load variations.
The diode will continue to regulate until the diode current falls below the minimum Iz value
in the reverse breakdown region.
When the Zener diode is forward biased it behaves like ordinary diode. In the reverse
biased condition, as the reverse voltage is increased beyond the break down voltage of the
diode, the current rises sharply with the applied voltage but the voltage across the diode
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remains constant. This behavior of Zener diode is used to provide a constant reference
voltage such as in the case of voltage regulation.

Figure 1.1.16. I-V characteristic of Zener diode

IZK or IZmin Minimum current necessary to maintain breakdown.
IZM or IZMax Maximum current that can be safely passed through the zener diode
PZM or PZMax Maximum power dissipation across zener diode
Equivalent circuit of zener diode in different conditions is shown in Figure 1.1.17.






Figure. 1.1.17 (a) Zener diode symbol (b) equivalent circuit in forward biased condition
(c) equivalent circuit in reversed biased condition (d) equivalent circuit in breakdown
1.1.10 Diode as a capacitor
Varactor diode is a special purpose diode that acts as a capacitor and always operates
in reverse-bias. It is doped to maximize the inherent capacitance of the depletion region. The

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depletion region acts as a capacitor dielectric because of its nonconductive characteristic. The
p and n regions are conductive and acts as the capacitor plates, as shown in Figure 1.1.18.

Figure. 1.1.18. Schematic of varactor diode

Capacitance is determined by the parameters of plate area (A), dielectric constant () ,
and plate separation (d) and is given by
As the reverse-bias voltage increases the depletion region widens, effectively increasing the
plate separation, thus decreasing the capacitance.
Major application of varactors is in tuning circuits. For example very high frequency
(VHF), ultra high frequency (UHF), and satellite receivers employ varactors. When used in a
parallel resonant circuit, the varactor acts as a variable capacitor. Thus, allowing the resonant
frequency to be adjusted by a variable voltage level. They are also used in Frequency
Modulation circuits.
1. PN junction diode in forward biased condition behaves like a closed switch and in
reversed biased condition behaves like an open switch.
2. The reverse saturation current of a diode doubles for every 100 rise in temperature.
3. There are two breakdown mechanisms in a zener diode: avalanche breakdown and
zener breakdown.
4. The zener diode is generally used in reverse breakdown region.
5. A zener diode maintains a nearly constant voltage across its terminals over a specified
range of zener currents.
6. Varactor diode operates in reverse biased condition and acts as a variable capacitance.

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Exercise Problems:
1. In each diode circuit shown below, find whether the diodes are forward or reverse

2. Determine the state of diode for the circuit shown below and find ID and
VD. Assume practical model for the diode.

3. Calculate the dynamic forward and reverse resistance of a PN junction diode, when
the applied voltage is 0.25V for Germanium Diode. I0 = lA and T = 300 K.
(Ans: rf=1.734; rr=390M)
4. A germanium diode has reverse saturation current of 0.19A. Assuming =1, find
the current in the diode when it is forward biased with 0.3 V at 27oC.
(Ans: 19.5mA)
5. The forward current in a Si diode is 15 mA at 27oC. If reverse saturation current is
0.24nA, what is the forward bias voltage?
(Ans: 0.93V)
6. A germanium diode carries a current of 10mA when it is forward biased with 0.2V
at 27oC. (a) Find reverse saturation current. (b) Find the bias voltage required to get a
current of 100mA.
(Ans: 4.42A, 0.259V)

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Module 2: Application of Diodes

In the previous module we have discussed the behaviour and V-I characeteristics of PN
junction diode. Diode conducts when it is forward biased and behaves like a closed switch.
Whereas, during the reverse bias, it goes off and behaves like an open switch. This unilateral
behaviour depending on the polarity of external voltage applied to the diode is used in many
circuit applications. One such application is conversion of AC voltage to DC, called
rectification. In this module we will study various forms of rectifier circuits and their
analysis in detail.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:

Explain the need for AC to DC conversion

Draw and explain the block diagram of a basic dc power supply unit.
Discuss the importance of the various components used in the rectifier circuits.
Discuss the working of a half wave and full wave rectifier circuits.
Analyse the performance of rectifier circuits and compare them.
Explain the working of rectifier circuits with capacitor filter.

1.2.1. Introduction
Today, we cannot imagine life without electronic products like cell phones, computers,
laptops, music systems etc., in our daily lives. Some of these electronic systems work on a
constant DC voltage derived from the AC mains, while others use internal batteries, which
requires regular charging. In any case, some device which at one end receives AC voltage,
which is 230V sinusoidal signal of 50Hz as input and produces a constant DC voltage at its
output is required. This module aims at providing an insight into some of the basic circuits
which converts AC mains in to a constant DC voltage. Such circuits or devices are called
regulated power supplies.
A signal obtained from main AC power supply is purely sinusoidal that can be defined in
terms of Peak amplitude and Frequency.
Peak amplitude: The maximum amplitude of an alternating signal on either sides
measured from its zero value.
Frequency: Number of cycles that passes a given point per second. It is equal to
reciprocal of time taken to complete one full cycle.
It is mathematically expressed as V (t ) A sin(t ) and plotted as shown in Figure 1.2.1,
where Peak amplitude A= 230 2 V, = 2f radians/sec, frequency(f) =50Hz = 1/20ms.

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Figure 1.2.1: AC sinusoidal signal with amplitude A= 230 2 V, f=50 Hz signal

Average or DC value: The dc value of a signal
mathematically evaluated as:
Vav Vdc
Vav Vdc

V (t )

V (t ) d (t )
Time Period 0


V (t ) d ( wt)


The root mean square(RMS) value of the signal


is the average value of that signal. It is

T 2

V (t ) d ( t )
Time Period 0

V (t )

mathematically evaluated as:

1 2

or Vrms
V 2 (t ) d (t )
2 0


Note 1 : A pure sinusoidal signal has an average value equal to zero. It means the dc
value of this signal is zero.
1.2.2. Basic Block Diagram of DC power supply
The DC power supply converts the AC sinusoidal signal to a DC signal. The block diagram
of a basic DC power supply unit is as shown in Figure 1.2.2.
A DC regulated power supply unit consists of the following key components.
a) Step down transformer
b) Rectifier circuits
c) Filter circuit
d) Regulator

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AC sinusoidal signal with

reduced amplitude in both
+ and - directions



DC signal
across load



Input AC

Step down

Signal with varying amplitude in

one direction, i.e. only + or
only -values

Figure 1.2.2: Basic block diagram of DC power supply

a) Step down Transformer:
A transformer is used to bring voltage up or down in an AC electrical circuit. A step down
transformer consists of two coils of wire called primary and secondary winding placed such
that they are not in contact with each other as shown in Figure 1.2.3a. The symbolic
representation of the transformer is shown in Figure 1.2.3b.

Figure 1.2.3: (a) Transformer core with primary and secondary windings (b)
circuit representation of a step down transformer.
A step down transformer converts a high voltage low current power to a low voltage high
current power. A step down transformer has large number of turns in primary coil compared
to the number of turns in the secondary coil. Hence in this case the secondary voltage is less
than the primary voltage and equivalently there is rise in secondary current. The ratio of
primary voltage to secondary voltage is proportional to the ratio of number of turns in the
primary to the number of turns in the secondary. The 155V AC mains applied at the primary
of a step down transformer is stepped down by ten times at the secondary as shown in Figure
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Figure 1.2.4: (a) Primary voltage waveform with peak amplitude of 220V
(b) Stepped down version is available at the secondary with peak amplitude of 22V
Transformer used in the DC power supply units plays two important roles. First role is, as
discussed earlier, it steps down AC voltage to a suitable value and secondly it provides
electrical isolation to the low voltage low power components on the other side of the
transformer. The second equally important role is to provide electrical isolation to the low
voltage low power components on the other side of the transformer. This also provides some
amount of safety to the equipments using such DC supplies.
Note 2: The frequency of the primary voltage is equal to the frequency of the secondary
b) Rectifier circuit:
A rectifier circuit is the heart of a DC power supply. It converts an AC sinusoidal signal that
is bidirectional (with both positive and negative amplitudes) into a signal which is
unidirectional (either only positive or only negative). Thus rectifier circuit forces the current
through the load to flow in only one direction. The rectified output is ussually a pulsating DC
voltage. Thus in general the process of converting an AC signal into pulsating DC signal is
called rectification and the circuit is called rectifier. Rectification is commonly performed
using semiconductor diodes because of its inherent unidirectional conduction property.

Figure 1.2.5: Secondary and rectified voltage waveform

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The rectified output voltage with respect to the input voltage using a single diode is as shown
in Figure 1.2.5. The rectifier passes positive half cycle to the output and blocks the negative
half cycle. In the case of a full wave rectifier both half cycles will be rectified and availabe as
unidirectional puses at the output.
Note 3: The AC component of a rectified output signal is not equal to zero. That is the
rectified pulsating DC signal has both DC and AC components.

c) Filter circuit:
The pulsating DC signal is not suitable for appliances that require pure DC voltage. Filters
can be used to minimize (smooth out) the pulsations or eliminate the AC content from the
rectified signal to achieve approximately constant valued (or a DC) signal. A filter contains a
capacitor, an energy storing component that can hold the voltage to the peak value of the
rectified pulsating DC and then dissipate energy to load when the pulsating DC drops as
shown in Figure 1.2.6. Essentially, the filter minimises the ac component present at the
output of the rectifier. This increases the DC value at the output.

Figure 1.2.6: Illustration of filtering function

Note 4: The output of filter circuit is a DC signal with small AC component called ripples
d) Regulator
Regulation is defined as the ability of a system to provide near constant supply over a wide
range of load and power line fluctuating conditions. A circuit that can provide constant DC
voltage despite of variations in the mains AC power supply or load variations is called
voltage regulator.
Self test:
1. List out the appliances or electronic products used in daily life which require
DC power supply for their operation. Mention the DC values recemoneded for
their operation.
2. List and classify the appliances or electronic products which use DC and AC
power supply.
3. Explain the block diagram of a DC power supply.

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1.2.3 Half Wave Rectifier

The half wave rectifier consists of a single semiconductor diode. The secondary voltage of
transformer is fed as an input to the rectifier circuit. The output is measured across the load
resistance RL.
a) Working of an HWR circuit
For simplicity it is assumed that the diodes are ideal, and is represented as an open circuit
when reversed biased and short circuit when forward biased. The circuit diagram of half
wave rectifier and rectified output waveform with respect to secondary voltage waveform is
as shown in Figure 1.2.7(a) and (b) respectively.

During the positive half cycle of the input waveform, voltage at node A is positive with
respect to voltage at node B, which forces the diode to be forward biased and acts as a short.
The equivalent circuit for the positive half cycle is as shown in Figure 1.2.8.This results in
current flow through the load resistance RL. Hence output voltage is approximately equal to
the secondary voltage.

Similarly during the negative half cycle, the voltage at node A is negative with respect to
node B that forces the diode to be reverse biased and acts as open circuit. The equivalent
circuit is as shown in Figure 1.2.9. This results in no current flow through the load.

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Thus the diode conducts only during positive half cycle and hence the circuit is referred as
Half Wave Rectifier. The rectified voltage is pulsating DC, which can be smoothened using
filter circuits.
Analysis of a HWR circuit
Filter performance is measured using certain standard parameters. Few of them will be
defined and analyzed for each of the filter circuits.

A. Dc voltage Vdc : The average value of the output voltage measured across the load
B. Ripple Factor: Ripple factor is defined as the ratio of rms value of AC component to
DC component of the signal.
where Vrrms is the rms value of the ripple (AC component in the pulsating DC) and is given
Vrrms Vrms


Ripple factor actually measures the amount of AC content present as compared to the DC (or
average) content in the pulsating dc.
Using 1.2.3 in 1.2.4, we can write



C. Efficiency: Efficiency () is the ratio of the DC output power to AC input power

supplied by the secondary of the transformer.
dc output power Pdc

ac input power
Efficiency signifies the outcome of the rectifier circuit to output DC power in comparison to
AC input power. Thus

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D. Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV): It is defined as the peak value of input voltage across the
reverse biased diode before the diode breaks down. It is essential that the diode used in
rectifier circuit should be able to withstand the voltage available across it when it is
reversed biased so that it acts as open circuit and does not enter into a breakdown state.
Computation of DC Voltage and current for HWR
Consider input signal VS Vm Sin ( t ) as the secondary voltage signal applied to the half
wave rectifier. Then Vav the average or the DC component of the voltage across the load is
can be computed using equation (1.2.1).
Vav Vdc
Vm sin (t ) d (t ) 0 d (t )

cos (t )0 Vm

dc m m



I dc


Computation of ripple factor for HWR

RMS voltage at the load resistance can be calculated using 1.2.2


(Vm Sin t ) 2 d (t )

Vm2 1 cos 2 t
) d (t ) m

2 0
Using 1.2.10, and 1.2.7 in 1.2.5, the ripple factor is




1 1.21


Computation of efficiency for HWR

Consider VS Vm Sin ( t ) as the secondary voltage signal applied to the half wave rectifier
and using equation 1.2.7 and 1.2.10 in 1.2.6,


2 L



4 0.406 or 40.6%

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Computation of PIV for HWR

For the HWR, during the negative half cycle the diode is reverse biased. The maximum
voltage across the reverse biased diode will be equal to the secondary peak voltage. If the
secondary voltage is VS Vm Sin ( t ) , the PIV of the diode should be greater than Vm , peak
of secondary voltage.
Self test 2:
1. Input AC signal of 17.67V, 50 Hz is to be rectifed using HWR. For proper working it
is essential to choose the diodes whose PIV rating is
(a) 5V

(b) 15V

(c) 30V

(d) both a and b

2. The average value of the half wave rectified voltage is _____% of the peak value.
(a) 63.66

(b) 31.8

(c) 3

(d) 81.2

Solved Example
RMS secondary voltage of 7.07V is applied to half wave rectifier.
resistance is 800. calculate average load current.

If the load

Given: peak voltage Vm = Vm * 2 =10V, f =50Hz, RL=800

Solution: Vdc m 3.18309 V

I dc dc



Full Wave Rectifier

Figure 1.2.11: Circuit diagram of a

center tapped FWR
Figure 1.2.12: waveform at different nodes
of a center tapped Full wave rectifier

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The circuit of full wave rectifier is shown in Figure 1.2.11 with the center tap of transformer
grounded. The center tapped transformer consists of two input terminals (nodes) and three
output nodes. The extreme nodes are labelled as node A and node B. The center node is
usually used as a common reference voltage terminal relative to which all the voltages are
measured. Hence the center output node of center tapped transformer is considered to be a
common ground.
The secondary voltage observed between the extreme end nodes i.e. between node A and
node B is a stepped down voltage as shown in Figure 1.2.12(a). The voltages measured at
between node A and center node (ground) or node B and center node is half in magnitude in
comparison to the voltage measured between node A and node B. Also voltage at node A is
180 out of phase with the voltage at node B when measured relative to the center node
(ground). All these secondary waveforms are shown in Figure 1.2.12(b) and (c).
Working of Center tapped Full wave rectifier circuit
During the first half cycle, as shown in Figure 1.2.11, the voltage at node A is positive and
voltage at node B is negative measured with respect to ground. Diode D1 gets forward biased
and acts as a short whereas diode D2 is reverse biased and acts as open. Load resistor is
connected at the junction of cathodes of the two diodes D1 and D2 with respect to ground.
Considering ideal diodes, the equivalent circuit of a center tapped full wave rectifier for half
cycle when voltage at node A with respect to node B is positive is as shown in Figure 1.2.13
This results in a current flow through upper half secondary windings of transformer, diode
D1 and the load RL as shown in Figure 1.2.13. Direction of the current through the load is
towards the ground from node C. Hence the output voltage measured at node C with respect

Figure 1.2.13: Equivalent circuit of a center

tapped FWR when node A positive

Figure 1.2.14: Equivalent circuit of a

center tapped FWR when node B positive

to ground is equal to voltage at node A measured with respect to ground.

Similarly, during the second half cycle, as shown in Figure 1.2.12, the voltage at node A is
negative and voltage at node B is positive measured with respect to ground. Diode D1 gets
reverse biased and acts as a open whereas diode D2 is forward biased and acts as short. The
equivalent circuit of a center tapped full wave rectifier for half cycle when voltage at node A
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with respect to node B is negative is as shown in Figure 1.2.14. This results in a current flow
through lower half secondary windings of transformer, diode D2 and the load RL as shown in
Figure 1.2.14. Again note that the direction of the current through the load is towards the
ground from node C. Hence the output voltage measured at node C with respect to ground is
equal to voltage at node B measured with respect to ground.
The output waveform observed across load resistor along with voltage waveforms at node A
and node B with respect to ground is shown in Figure 1.2.15.

Figure 1.2.15: Secondary and output waveforms of center tapped

Analysis of Center tap FWR circuit:
Computation of PIV for center-tapped FWR
Consider Figures 1.2.15 and 1.2.16, the maximum voltage across the reverse biased diode
will be twice the peak voltage measured between either of extreme ends and center node of
secondary winding of a center tapped transformer. Hence PIV of the full wave rectifier is
Computation of Ripple Factor for center-tapped FWR
The average or the DC component of the voltage across the load using 1.2.1 is given by

V av Vdc Vm sin (t ) d (t ) m cos (t )0 m


I dc dc m m

RMS value of the voltage across the load using 1.2.2 is


(Vm sin t ) 2 d (t )


and I rms



Using equation 1.2.13 and 1.2.15 in 1.2.5, the ripple factor is

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2 1 1 0.483


Computation of Efficiency for center-tapped full wave rectifier

From equation 1.2.6, the efficiency is calculated as


2 L




2 0.812 or 81.2%



Solved Example:
1. For the FWR using center tapped transformer, the primary voltage is 140sin314t volts
and the turns ratio is 10:1. Plot the waveform across each half secondary windings
and across the load resistance RL.
Self-test :
1. The average value of the signal shown in figure 1.2.15(c) is
(a) 23/2
b) 23/2
c) 23/

d) 46/

2. Choose the correct answer: (T is the time period of the input signal)
(i) In center tapped FWR, each diode is forward biased for what duration of the time
(a) T/2
b) T/4
c) 3T/4
d) T
(ii)In center tapped FWR, current through the load flows for what duration of the time
(a) T/2
b) T/4
c) 3T/4
d) T
3. Input AC signal of 25V peak value is to be rectifed using center tapped FWR. For
proper working it is essential to choose the diodes whose PIV rating is
(a) 5V
(b) 15V
(c) 30V
(d) both a and b


Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

The bridge rectifier consists of four diodes in the form of a bridge. two parallel paths can be
represented with each path having two diodes and all diodes are directed in the same
direction as shown in Figure 1.2.16. The top path consists of diodes D3 and D1 whereas
bottom path consists of diodes D2 and D4 respectively. Load resistor is connected between
the ends of two parallel paths (i.e. node C and ground).

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Figure 1.2.16: Bridge rectifier represented in two ways

If the secondary signal given to the bridge is as shown in Figure 1.2.17(a), the output voltage
measured across load is expected to be as shown in Figure 1.2.17(b) assuming ideal diodes.

Figure 1.2.19: Input output waveforms of a bridge rectifier

Figure 1.2.17: input and output waveforms of bridge

Working of Bridge FWR circuit

During positve half cycle, node A is positive with respect to B, D1 and D2 are forward biased
whereas D3 and D4 are reverse biased as shown in Figure 1.2.18. This results in current flow
taking a closed path from node A, through D1, R-Load and D2 and from node B through the
secondary coil as indicated in Figure 1.2.18. Note that current through the load resistor flows
from node C to ground.

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Figure 1.2.18: Equivalent circuit of a

bridge rectifier when node A is positive

Figure 1.2.19: Equivalent circuit of a

bridge rectifier when node B is positive

During negative half cycle, node B is positive with respect to A, D3 and D4 are forward
biased whereas D1 and D2 are reverse biased as shown in Figure 1.2.19. This results in
current flow taking a closed path from node B, through D4, R-Load and D3 and from node A
through the secondary coil as indicated in Figure 1.2.19. Note that again current through the
load resistor flows from node C to ground. Thus output voltage is unidirectional for both the
half cycles.
Analysis of Bridge FWR circuit
Consider Figures 1.2.18 and 1.2.19, maximum voltage across the reverse biased diode will be
secondary peak voltage. Hence PIV rating of the diode should be greater than Vm. The Idc, Vdc,
Irms, Vrms, Ripple factor, Efficiency are same as center tapped full wave rectifier.
Self-test :
1. The average value of the full wave rectified voltage is _____% of the peak value of
secondary voltage measured at one end w.r.t. center node.
(a) 63.66
(b) 31.8
(c) 3
(d) 81.2
2. In Bridge rectifier, each diode is forward biased for what duration of the time period?
(a) T/2
b) T/4
c) 3T/4
d) T
3. In Bridge rectifier, current through the load flows for what duration of the time period?
(a) T/2
b) T/4
c) 3T/4
d) T
4. Input AC signal with 14.14V rms voltage is applied to a bridge FWR. What is the required
PIV rating of the diodes for proper working of the FWR.
(a) 5V
(b) 15V
(c) 20V
(d) both a and b

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Solved Example
Find the PIV rating of the diode used for proper working of the bridge rectifier when it
is supplied with 230V, 50 Hz AC mains through a step down transformer with turns ratio
equal to 10.
Given: Input AC mains peak voltage =230V, turns ratio=10,
Solution: Secondary peak voltage Vm =230/10=23V
therefore PIV rating of diode >= Vm=23V

Comparison of Rectifiers
Advantages of HWR over FWR
Simple circuit
Single diode
PIV rating is V

Disadvantages of HWR
High ripple factor
Low efficiency
Advantages of Center tapped FWR rectifier over HWR
High Efficiency
Low ripple factor
Advantages of bridge rectifier over to centre-tap full wave rectifier:
PIV rating is Vm
Centre-tap transformer is not required
Disadvantage of bridge rectifier over to centre-tap full wave rectifier:
Need for four diodes
Comparison of rectifier circuits based on the performance parametrs is listed in Table 1.2.1,
considering the input signal Vi (t ) Vm sin(2 fi t )
Table 1.2.1: Comparison of Rectifiers
Parameters of
rectified signal


Center-tapped FWR

Bridge FWR











Ripple factor








Frequency fo


2 fi

2 fi



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Rectifier with Filter
A capacitor filter with HWR and FWR is as shown Figure 1.2.20. The capacitor allows AC
component and blocks DC component. The capacitor filter minimizes the ripple and
increases the average value of output voltage.
In each of the positive half cycle, the capacitor charges up to the peak value of the
transformer secondary voltage, Vin. Capacitor tries to maintain this maximum value when
the input drops to zero. The capacitor will discharge through the load resistance slowly until
the input voltage again increases to a value greater than the capacitor voltage. The filtered
output waveform for both HWR and FWR is as shown in figure 1.2.21.

Figure 1.2.20: Filter circuit for (a) half wave rectifier and (b) full wave rectifier

Large value of the product CRL results in a small ripple factor. Thus increasing C or RL
(both) an approximate perfect DC voltage can be obtained.

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Figure 1.2.21: Filtered waveform (a) half wave rectifier and (b) full wave rectifier
[floyd] (c) filtered and rectified wave (d) approximation of filtered wave

The performance of the filter circuits is measured by ripple factor. The approximate filtered
waveform shown in Figure 1.2.21(d). The ripple factor for Capacitor filter for the HWR and
FWR is given by equation (1.2.18) and (1.2.19) respectively.


2 3 fCRL

4 3 fCR L


The corresponding dc value for HWR and FWR is given by equation (1.2.20) and (1.2.21)

2 f CRL
1 2 f CRL



4 f CRL
1 4 f CRL


Note 5: Here f in equation (1.2.18) to (1.2.21) is the frequency of the input signal

Comparison of ripple factor and the output dc voltage achieved from the input
secondary Vi (t ) Vm sin(2ft) is listed in Table 1.2.2

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Table 1.2.2: Comparison of C-filter with HWR and FWR

Parameters of
rectified signal




2 f CRL
1 2 f CRL

4 f CRL
1 4 f CRL

Ripple factor

2 3 fCRL

4 3 fCRL

Solved Exercise:
1. A sinusoidal voltage of peak value Vi 50 sin(2 50t ) V is applied to FWR. If the
load resistance is 1000. calculate the average and RMS value of load current,
efficiency and ripple factor. Find the frequency of the output signal.
Vm = 50V, f=50Hz, RL = 1000 , Rf=10

I m


I dc


31.83 mA ,

I rms

35.35 mA


Efficiency 2

Ripple factor =

I dc
I ac

FWR output signal frequency =2 x frequency of the input signal =100Hz.

2. A particular load has to be supplied with 10 mA average current at 5 V dc voltage,
with ripple factor not more than 10%. Calculate the value of the filter capacitor that
needs to be connected to the output of full wave bridge rectifier.
Idc = 10 mA, Vdc = 5 V, r = 0.1,
Note: Input is not given but can be assumed appropriately. For example in INDIA, AC
mains has Vi(rms) = 230 2 V, f = 50 Hz
RL = Vdc / Idc = 5 V / 10 mA = 500
. Hence, C
= 57.74 F
4 3 frRL
4 3 fCRL

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3. Find the transformer turns ratio required in India for the data given in excercise 5.
Using equation (1.2.21), the peak value of the secondary is
V (1 4 f CRL )
Vm dc
4 f CRL

By assumption AC mains Vi(rms) = 230 2 to get secondary peak voltage 5.866V a

step down transformer. The turns ratio =

230 2

1. A pure sinusoidal signal has an average value equal to zero. It means the dc value of
this signal is zero.
2. A DC power supply unit consists of : Step down transformer, Rectifier circuits, Filter
circuit and Regulator.
3. In a HWR the diode conducts only during positive half cycle and hence the circuit is
referred as Half Wave Rectifier. The rectified voltage is pulsating DC, which can be
smoothened using filter circuits.
4. In a FWR the diodes conduct in both half cycles and hence the name Full Wave
5. In a bridge rectifier there are four diodes.
6. A capacitor filter is used in rectifier circuits to remove DC components called as

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1.Primary voltage is 240V, 60Hz. Turns ratio is 10:1. This transformer
supplies to bridge rectifier employing 4 identical ideal diodes. The load
resistance is 1k. Calculate average and rms load voltage, efficiency, ripple
factor, PIV rating and the frequency of output waveform.
(Ans.: 108V, 120V, 81%, 0.484, 169.7V,120HZ)
2.Repeat this problem for center tapped FWR. Comment on the results
comparing it with results of problem 1.
3.A half wave rectifier with capacitor filter is supplied from a transformer
having peak secondary voltage 20V and frequency 50Hz. The load resistance
is 560 and capacitor used is 1000F. Calculate ripple factor and dc output
voltage. Draw the filtered output and label peak and dc value.
(Ans. 0.0103, 19.65V, waveform shown in figure Ex. 3)

Figure Ex. 3
4. Repeat excercise 3 for a full wave rectifier
5. Calculate the secondary peak voltage and value of capacitor needed to
get ripple factor of 0.05, dc voltage of 30V arcoss 900 load assuming f
= 50Hz with capacitor filter HWR.
6. Repeat excercise 5 for a full wave rectifier.

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Module 3: Voltage Regulators

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1.Describe the working of Zener as voltage regulator
2.Understand the IC based voltage regulator.

1.3.1 Zener Voltage Regulator

Zener diodes are widely used to regulate the voltage. When connected in parallel with a
variable voltage source in sucha way that it is reverse biased, zener diode acts as an open
circuit until teh voltage reaches the diode's reverse breakdown voltage and the voltage at the
output is equal to the voltage applied. Once the voltage goes beyond the breakdown voltage,
the voltage across the diode remains constant at the value equal to the breakdown voltage.
This behavior of the Zener diode make it a good reference voltage source and one of its major
application is in voltage regulators. Figure 1.3.1 is a simple voltage control circuit using a
Zener diode.

Figure. 1.3.1. Zener Voltage Regulator Circuit [http://rsandas.com/P2_Session_4-4.html].

In Figure 1.3.1, there is a power supply that outputs unregulated voltage of 12-volts.
A load, represented by resistor RL , requires a regulated 5-volt source. Using a 5-volt Zener
diode as illustrated, this requirement can be met. In the circuits, load drops a portion of the
source voltage. Since the Zener Diode is in series with resistor R, Zener diode will drop 5volts (VZ) and series resistor R will drop the remaining 7 Volts. With the load, R L, connected
across the Zener Diode, it will provide a constant 5-volts; regardless of any variation of the
power supply.

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If the power supply voltage drops to 10-volts from initial 12 volts as mentioned
above. The Zener diode still drops 5-volts (designed voltage) and the series resistor R will
drop 5 volts. Again, because the load is connected across the Zener diode, it will produce 5volts. Therefore, irrespective of change in line voltage, output voltage remains constant of
Self test:
1. If the series resistance increases in an unloaded Zener regulator, the Zener current
a. Decreases
b. Stays the same
c. Increases
d. Equals the voltage divided by the resistance
2. In a loaded Zener regulator, which is the largest current?
a. Series current
b. Zener current
c. Load current
d. None of these
3. If the load resistance increases in a Zener regulator, the Zener current
a. Decreases
b. Stays the same
c. Increases
d. Equals the source voltage divided by series resistance
4. A voltage regulator is a circuit which
a. Converts the ac voltage to dc voltage
b. Smoothens the ac variation in dc output voltage
c. Maintains a constant dc output voltage inspite of the fluctuations in ac input voltage or
load current
d. None of the above

Zener diode used for line and load regulation

A zener diode can be used as a shunt voltage regulator (shunt meaning connected in
parallel), and voltage regulator being a class of circuit that produces a stable voltage across
varying load and input voltages.
Consier the circuit for the voltage regulator as shown in Figure 1.3.2.
The circuit has to mainatin constant voltage across a load resisitor RL. The circuit holds the
voltage across the load RL almost equal to the voltage across zener VZ even after the input Vin
and load resistor RL undergo changes. If the unregulated DC voltage Vin rises, the current
through R increases. This extra current is directed to the zener diode instead of flowing
through the load. The zener diode voltage is virtually unaffected by the increase in this
current and load voltage which is same as the diode voltage Vz remains constant. If the load
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requires more current when RL is decreased, the zener diode can supply the extra current
without affecting the load voltage.

Figure 1.3.2. Zener voltage regulator

Let I be the current through the resister R , and it can be written as


Vin Vz

The power dessipated in the diode is Pz = IZ Vz



The selection of R can be done by using the equation,


Vin VZ


After substituting the value if I ,

Vin VZ


(i) For Line regulation RL is constant and IL R is also constant and Vin varies between

Vin(min) to Vin(max)

(ii) For Load Regulation, Vin is constant and RL varies between RLmin and RLmax and load
current is given by I Lmin

and I Lmax
R Lmax
R Lmin

When Vin=Vin(min),and IL is constant then

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Vin(min) Vz

I min


I min I z(min) I L
Similarly when Vin=Vin(max) I max


Vin (max) VZ

I max I Z ( nax) I L


The selected R must be small enough to permit minimum zener current to ensure that
the diode is in its breakdown region. That is R must be small enough to ensure that minimum
current IZ(min ) flows under worst condition. This is when Vin falls to its smallest possible
value Vin(min) and IL is its largest possible value ILmax (Load Regulation). At the same time R
must be selected large enough to ensure that the current through the zener diode should not
exceed the maximum zener current Iz(max) so that power desipation in the diode will not
exceed Pz. That is the condition when Vin rises to the value of Vin(max) and load current IL to
its minimum ILmin

Vin(min) VZ
I zmin I Lmax


Vin(max) VZ
I zmax I Lmin



As Voltage regulators
As Voltage Limiters
Wave shaping
Protection diode
Fixed reference voltage

Example of Zener Regulation with varying input voltage (Line regulation)

A Zener diode can be used as a voltage regulator. To illustrate this, lets use a Zener diode
1N4740A in the circuit as shown in Figure 1.3.3.

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Figure 1.3.3 Zener diode as regulator for line regulation.

As VIN changes IZ changes, the limitations on the input voltage variation (VIN(.min) and
VIN(.max) ) are set by the minimum and maximum current levels (IZK and IZM ) with which the
Zener diode can operate.
The minimum current value IZK = 0.25 mA (from the 1N4740A Zener diode datasheet).
Maximum current can be calculated from the power specification ratings, PD(.max) = 1 Watt as
IZM = PD(.max) / VZ = 1W/10V=100 mA
For the minimum Zener current, the voltage across the 220 resistor is:
VR = IZK x R = 0.25 mA x 220 = 55 mV
Since VIN = VR + VZ, then
VIN(.min) = VR + VZ = 55 mV + 10 V = 10.055 V
For the maximum Zener current, the voltage across the 220 resistor is:
VR = IZM x R = 100 mA x 220 = 22 V
Therefore VIN(.max) = VR + VZ = 22 V + 10 V = 32 V
This shows that the Zener diode 1N4740A can ideally regulate voltage from 10.055 V to 32
V, and maintain an approximate 10 V output.
Example of Zener Regulation with a variable load (load regulation)
Figure 1.3.4 shows a Zener voltage regulator with a variable load resistor across its terminal:

Figure 1.3.4 Zener diode as regulator for load regulation.

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To understand the Zener Regulation with a variable load (load regulation), consider the
following example.
Design a zener regulator circuit to meet the following specifications:
Load voltage=8V, input voltage=30 V, Load current=0-50 mA, Izmin= 5 mA, Pz= 1W
Vin(min) = Vin(max)= 30 V. ILmin= 0A, ILmax= 50 mA

I Z max

PZ 1
125mA , RL min o
Vo 8
I L max 50mA

To find current limiting series resistance,


Vin min Vo
I L max I Z min


Vin max Vo
I L min I Z max

30 8
0.05 0.005

30 8
0 0.125



Example Problem 1:
1. An 1N756 zener diode is used as a 12 V regulator in the circuit shown below:
What is the smallest load resistor that can be used before losing regulation? Assume the ideal
model for the zener diode?

The no load zener current
INL = (VIN VZ) / R = (24 V-12 V) / 470 = 25.5 mA
This is the maximum load current in regulation, therefore the minimum value of load
resistance RL(min)= VZ / INL = 12 V/ 25.5 mA = 470 .

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Note that if RL is less than 470 it will draw more of the total current away from the
zener diode and IZ will be reduced below IZK. This will cause the zener diode to come out
of break down and hence output will not be regulated.

2. A certain zener diode has a V z = 7.5 V and an Rz = 5 at a certain current. Draw the
equivalent circuit.
Solutions: The equivalent circuit is shown below.

3. When the reverse current in a particular zener diode increases from 20 mA to 30 mA,
the zener voltage changes from 5.6 V to 5.65 V. What is the resistance of this device?


5.65 5.6

I Z 30mA 20mA

4. Determine the minimum input voltage required for regulation to be established in the
figure shown below. Assume an ideal zener diode with minimum zener current = 1.5 mA
and Vz = 14 V.

VIN (min) VZ I ZK R 14 (1.5mA)(560) 14.8V

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1.3.2 IC Voltage Regulators

IC voltage regulators are versatile, relatively inexpensive and are available with
features such as programmable output, current / voltage boosting IC voltage regulators are
available as
Fixed voltage regulator
Adjustable voltage regulators
Fixed voltage regulators:
78XX series are three terminal positive voltage regulators. In 78XX, XX indicates the
output voltage. They are available as 7805, 7806, 7808, 7815, 7818, and 7819. 79XX series
are negative fixed voltage regulators which are complements to the 78XX series devices.
MC7805 is a 3-terminal positive voltage regulator. It is designed for a wide range of
applications. An example is shown in Figure 1.3.5.

Figure 1.3.5: IC voltage regulators

The internal limiting and thermal shutdown features of this regulator makes it
essentially immune to overload. When used as a replacement for a Zener diode-resistor
combination, an effective improvement in output impedance can be obtained together with
lower-bias current. For output current up to 1A, no external components are required. The
input capacitor is used to cancel the inductive effects due to long distributive leads and the
output capacitor to improve the transient response.
IC regulator like LM117, LM317, LM338 are adjustable voltage regulators. The
LM117 series of adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulators is capable of supplying in
excess of 1.5A over a 1.2V to 37V output range. They are exceptionally easy to use and
require only two external resistors to set the output voltage. Further, both line and load
regulations are better than standard fixed regulators. Normally, no capacitors are needed
unless the device is situated more than 6 inches from the input filter capacitors in which case
an input bypass is needed. An optional output capacitor can be added to improve transient

Zener diodes are used as voltage references, regulators, and limiters.

Zener diodes are available in many voltage ratings ranging from 1.8 V to 200 V.
IC regulators are available for Voltage regulation.

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Exercise problems

1. Define Rectification, filtering and regulation.

2. List the applications of Varactor diode.
3. (a) Consider the circuit shown below.
The Zener Diode regulates at 50V over a range of diode current from 5 mA to
40 mA. Supply voltage V = 200V. Calculate the value of R to allow voltage regulation
from a load current IL = 0 upto I max; the maximum possible value of IL. What is
(Ans: Imax=35 mA)
(b) If R is set as in part (a) and IL = 25mA, what are the limits between which V may
vary without loss of regulation in.the circuit?

(Ans: Vmin=162.5 V, Vmax=293.8 V )

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Module 4: Special purpose diodes

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Explain the working of LEDs, photo-diode and opto-coupler.
2. List the applications of LEDs, photo-diode and opto-coupler.
3. Explain the working of the opto-coupler and applications
4. Explain the working of the solar cells and applications
9. Understand the basic components of complete regulated power supply.
1.4.1 Light Emitting Diode
Light emitting diode (LED) is a diode that emits light when it i forward biased. In any
P-N junction there is a recombination of holes and electrons. During this process energy
possessed by the free electron is transferred to another state, .Some of this energy is
transferred as heat and some in the form of photons. In silicon and germanium greater
percentage is converted into heat and the emitted light is insignificant. However in materials
like Gallium Arsenide(GaAs) the light emission dominates and hence used in LEDs.
By using elements like Gallium, Arsenic and Phosphorous, LEDs produce red, green,
yellow, blue, orange or infrared (visible) light. LEDs have replaced incandescent lamps in
many applications because of their low voltage, long life, and fast on-off switching.
Diodes emitting light in the infrared region find applications in security systems, industrial
processing, optical coupling etc. Figure 1.4.1 shows the circuit symbol and structure of a
typical LED.



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Figure 1.4.1 (a) Circuit symbol of LED (b) Different color LEDs (c) Structure of a typical
One of the common applications of the LED is in seven segment display. A common
anode seven segment display arrangement is shown in Figure 1.4.2. It can be used to display
any alphanumeric character.
LEDs are also used in burglar alarm system, digital meters, electronic display panels,
optical communication system etc. LED's are much cheaper, last nearly indefinitely, and
consume less energy. The biggest disadvantage is the cost of replacement to the consumer.
For example, in the past, if a single instrument cluster bulb went out, it could be easily
replaced. Today, if a single LED goes out on the instrument cluster, it is not replaceable. The
entire instrument cluster must be replaced.

Figure 1.4.2. Seven segment display

1.4.2 Photo Diodes and applications:
A photodiode consists of an active P-N junction which is operated in reverse bias as shown in
Figure 1.4.3. When light falls on the junction, reverse current flows which is proportional to

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the illuminance. The linear response to light makes it useful photodetectors for some
applications. It is also used as the active element in light-activated switches.




Figure 1.4.3. (a) Symbol of photo diode (b) Circuit using photodiode (c) Characteristic of
photodiode. [http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electronic/photdet.html]
Photo diodes are used as/in light detectors, demodulators, encoders, high speed counting,
switching circuits etc.
1.4.3 Optocoupler:
An optocoupler, also called opto-isolator, is an electronic component that transfers an
electrical signal or voltage from one part of a circuit to another or from one circuit to another,
while electrically isolating the two circuits from each other as shown in Figure 1.4.4. It
consists of an infrared emitting LED chip that is optically in-line with a light-sensitive silicon
semiconductor chip, all enclosed in the same package. The silicon chip could be in the form
of a photo diode, photo transistor, photo Darlington, or photo SCR(silicon controlled
The optocoupler application or function in the circuit is to:

Monitor high voltage

Output voltage sampling for regulation
System control micro for power on/off
Ground isolation

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Figure 1.4.4. Schematic diagram of an opto-isolator


Self Test
1. A LED is a diode that gives off ...........when .........biased.
2.LED is manufactured using gallium arsenide gives ........... light.
3. How photo diode differs from rectifier diode?
4. The output voltage of Optoisolator depends upon.........
5.What is dark resistance of photo-diode ?
6. To display the digit 0 in a common anode seven segment display
(i) A must be ON
(ii) F must be OFF
(iii) G must be ON
(iv) all segments except G should be ON

1.4.4 Solar cell:

A solar cell (also called a photovoltaic(PV) cell) is an electrical device that converts the
energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. It is a form of photoelectric
cell when exposed to light, can generate and support an electric current without being
attached to any external voltage source, but do require an external load for power
Structure of a Solar Cell
A typical solar cell is a multi-layered unit as shown in Figure 1.4.5, consisting of a:
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Cover - a clear glass or plastic layer that provides protection to external elements.
Transparent Adhesive - holds the glass to the rest of the solar cell.
Anti-reflective Coating - this substance is designed to prevent the light that strikes the cell
from bouncing off so that the maximum energy is absorbed into the cell.
Front Contact - Transmits the electric current.
N-Type Semiconductor Layer - This is a thin layer of silicon which has been mixed with
phosphorous to make it a better conductor.
P-Type Semiconductor Layer - This is a thin layer of silicon which has been mixed or
doped with boron to make it a better conductor.
Back Contact - Transmits the electric current.
Figure 1.4.5. Structure of solar cell

N-Layer- is often formed from silicon and a small amount of Phosphorus. Phosphorus gives
the layer of excess of electrons and therefore has a negative character. The N-layer is not a
charged layer but it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Also some of the electrons
are not held tightly to the atoms and are free to move.
P-Layer- is formed from Silicon and Boron and gives the layer a positive character because
it has a tendency to attract electrons. The P-layer is not a charged layer and it has an equal
number of protons and electrons.
P-N Junction - when the two layers are placed together, the free electrons from the N-layer
are attracted to the P-layer. At the moment of contact between the two wafers, free electrons
from the N-layer flow into the P-layer, then form a barrier to prevent more electrons from
moving from one layer to the other. This contact point and barrier is called the P-N junction.
Once the layers have been joined, there is a negative charge in the P-layer and a
positive charge in the n-layer section of the junction. This imbalance in the charge of the two
layers at the P-N junction produces an electric field between the p-layer and the N-layer. If
the PV cell is placed in the sun, radiant energy strikes the electrons in the P-N junction and
energizes them, knocking them free of their atoms. These electrons are attracted to the
positive charge in the N-layer and are repelled by the negative charge in the P-layer. A wire
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can be attached from the P-layer to the N-layer to form a circuit. As the free electrons are
pushed into the N-layer by the radiant energy, they repel each other. The wire provides a path
for the electrons to flow away from each other. This flow of electrons constitutes electric
current. The electron flow provides the current, and the cells electric field causes a voltage.
With both current and voltage, power is obtained, which is the product of the two. Solar array
is shown in Figure 1.4.6.

Figure 1.4.6 Schematic of solar arrays.

Equivalent circuit of a solar cell:

Figure 1.4.7 Circuit symbol of solar cell.

Figure 1.4.7 shows equivalent circuit of a solar cell. Solar cells are used to generate
electricity. Incident sunlight can be converted into electricity by photovoltaic conversion
using a solar panel.A solar panel consists of individual cells that are large-area semiconductor
diodes, constructed so that light can penetrate into the region of the p-n junction. The junction
formed between the n-type silicon wafer and the p-type surface layer governs the diode
characteristics as well as the photovoltaic effect. Light is absorbed in the silicon, generating
both excess holes and electrons.These excess charges can flow through an external circuit to
produce power.

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Figure 1.4.8. Equivalent circuit and I-V characteristic of a solar cell.

Figure 1.4.8. shows the equivalent circuit to describe a solar cell. The diode current
comes from the standard I-V equation for a diode. It is clear
I D I o (eV V 1)
that the current I that flows to the external circuit is I = Isc - ID , where ISC is short circuit
current. If the solar cell is open circuited, then all of the ISC flows through the diode and
produces an open circuit voltage Voc of about 0.5-0.6V. If the solar cell is short circuited,
then no current flows through the diode, and all of the short-circuit current ISC flows through
the short circuit.

Since the Voc for one solar cell is approximately 0.5-0.6V, then individual cells are
connected in series as a solar panel to produce more usable voltage and power output
levels. Most solar panels are made to charge 12 V batteries and consist of 36 individual cells
(or units) in series to yield panel Voc 18-20 V. The voltage for maximum panel power
output is usually about 16-17 V.


An LED emits light when forward-biased.

High-intensity LEDs are used in large-screen displays, traffic lights, automotive
lighting, and home lighting.
LEDs are available for either infrared or visible light.
The photodiode exhibits an increase in reverse current with light intensity.
An optical coupler, also called opto-isolator, optocoupler, photocoupler or
optical isolator, is a passive optical component that can combine or split
transmission data (optical power) from optical fibers.
A solar cell is form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical
characteristics e.g. current, voltage, or resistance vary when exposed to light.

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Exercise Problems:
1. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) is used in fancy electronic devices such as toys emit
A. X-rays B. Ultraviolet light C. visible light D. radio waves
2.The maximum wave length of photons that can be detected by a photo diode made of
a semiconductor of band gap 2 eV is about
3. List the applications of optocouplers and LEDs
4. What value of series resistor is required to limit the current through a LED to
10 mA with a forward voltage drop of 1.6 V when connected to a 10V supply?

(Ans: 840 )
5. Define sensitivity of the photo-diode.
6. How reverse biased voltage effects the capacitance of the varactor diode ? Explain
with the help of the curve.

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Chapter 2
BJT and Applications
The first Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) was demonstrated by a team of scientists at Bell
laboratories in 1947. BJT has attractive features like, small in size, light weight, low power
consumption and low operating voltages. These devices are used in applications such as
signal conditioners, amplifiers, electronic switches, oscillators, etc.
Module 1: BJT Characteristics
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

7. Explain the operation of BJT.
8. Draw CB and CE configurations of transistor.
9. Explain input and output characteristics of transistor in CB Configuration.
10. Explain input and output characteristics of transistor in CE Configuration.
11. Derive expressions for current gains in transistor.

2.1.1 BJT Construction and Operation

a. BJT Structure
It is a three terminal, three-layered, two junction semiconductor device.
Two types:
Thin layer of n-type material is placed between two p-type materials (called PNP
Thin layer of p-type material is placed between two n-type materials (called NPN

Figure 2.1.1: Transistor structure

Emitter is heavily doped, it supplies the charge carriers. Base is lightly doped, allows most of
the charge carriers to pass through it. Collector is moderately doped, collects the charge
carriers. The width of the collector region is less than the emitter region but more than that of
the base region.

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Two junctions of the BJT are:

Emitter-base junction (or E-B diode)
Collector-base junction (or C-B diode)
For normal operation, E-B junction is forward biased and C-B junction is reverse biased.
b. BJT Operation
Working of NPN transistor is discussed here. Working of PNP transistor is similar (roles of
free electrons and holes are interchanged and current directions are reversed).
As shown in Figure 2.1.2(a), EB junction is forward biased. The depletion region at EB
junction is narrow. Similarly CB junction is reverse biased. The depletion region at CB
junction is wide. The free electrons from emitter region cross the junction and reach base
region. (Repelled by the negative potential at the emitter terminal).Some of these free
electrons combine with the holes in the base region. They move towards the base terminal
and form the base current. There are less number of holes available in base. Therefore, most
electrons (about 99%) that comes out of emitter do not combine with holes, they enter the
collector region(Attracted by the positive potential at the collector terminal). Hence the
emitter emits electrons and the collector collects these electrons. Directions of three currents
are indicated in Figure 2.1.2(a).

Figure 2.1.2(a): Transistor operation

Figure 2.1.2(b): Transistor symbols

Current directions are opposite to the flow of electrons. IE is the emitter current, IB is the base
current and IC is the collector current. Arrow head represents the direction of current flow
through emitter in the transistor symbols shown in Fig 2.1.2(b).
2.1.2 BJT Configurations
Transistor is a three terminal device. For amplifier circuit, four terminals are required,
two for input and two for output. Hence, one of the three terminals of transistor is made
common to both input and output. Accordingly, there are 3 configurations:
Common base (CB) configuration
Common emitter (CE) configuration
Common collector (CC) configuration

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a. Common base configuration

Figure 2.1.4: Common Base (CB) configuration

As shown in Figure.2.1.4, base is common to both emitter and collector. The emitter is the
input terminal and the collector is the output terminal.
b. Common emitter configuration
In this emitter is common to both base and collector terminals. The base is input terminal and
the collector is output terminal

Figure 2.1.5: Common Emitter (CE) configuration

Note: Common collector configuration is not discussed here.
Self test:
1. Draw the circuit diagrams of transistor in CB and CE Configurations.
2.1.3 BJT Current Components
The emitter current relation with collector and base currents is given by


When the emitter circuit is opened, there is no supply of free electrons from emitter to
collector. Even then, there will be small amount of collector current called reverse saturation
collector current I CBO .This is due to thermally generated electron-hole pairs.
Even during normal operation, I CBO is present. So,the total collector current is:

I C dc I E I CBO
Where, dc is fraction of emitter current that flows to the collector. From (2.1.2)
dc C CBO


( 2.1.3)

Since ICBO is very small,

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a. Relation between Current Gains dc and dc

From equation 2.1.1
Dividing throughout by IC,
1 B


From equations (2.1.4) and (2.1.5),




Rearranging the terms,



( 2.1.8)

dc 1



1 dc

(2.1.9) Relation between ICBO and ICEO

From equation 2.1.2,
I C dc I E I CBO
Using equation 2.1.1,
I C dc ( I C I B ) I CBO


Rearranging the terms,

I C (1 dc ) dc I B I CBO


Hence the collector current IC,

I C dc I B CBO
(1 dc )
1 dc
When IB = 0, IC = ICEO and is given by,

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(1 dc )


Self test:
1. Obtain the relation between dc and dc .
2. Obtain the relation between ICBO and ICEO.
2.1.43.BJT Characteristics
a. Common Base Input and Output characteristics:
Input Characteristics of Common Base configuration is a plot of input current IE versus input
voltage VEB, for various constant values of output voltage VCB. As VEB is increased, IE
increases. The characteristics curve is similar to diode characteristics. If VCB is increased,
then IE shoots up early. This is due to the increase in electric field aiding the flow of
electrons from emitter. The variation is shown in Figure 2.1.6 for various values of VCB.

Figure 2.1.6: CB Configuration Input and Output characteristics

Figure 2.1.6 CB input and Output Characteristics

Figure 2.1.6: Input and Output Characteristics of Common Base Configuration
Output Characteristics is a plot of output current IC versus output voltage VCB for various
constant values of input current IE. The characteristics can be divided into three regions
namely, Active, Saturation and Cut off regions.
a. Active region: This is the region to the right of y-axis above IE=0 curve (Figure
2.1.6), where the curves are linear. IE is positive non zero (i.e., E-B diode is forward
biased) and VCB is positive (i.e., C-B diode is reverse biased), When VCB is increased,
IC increases slightly. This is because, when VCB is increased, depletion region width at
C-B junction increases, effectively base width decreases and hence IB decreases. Due
to this collector current IC increases. This effect is known as Early effect (also called
base width modulation). If IE is increased to higher constant value, IC also increases.
When IE=0, IC=ICBO (reverse saturation collector current in common base with emitter
open). ICBO doubles for every ten degree rise in temperature.
b. Saturation region: This is the region to the left of y-axis, above IE=0 curve (Figure
2.1.6). In this IE is positive nonzero (E-B diode forward biased) and VCB is negative
(C-B diode is forward biased). IC decreases exponentially in this region.

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c. Cut-off region: This is the region below IE=0 curve (Figure 2.1.6). In this emitter
current IE is less than zero (E-B diode is reverse biased) and collector to base voltage
VCB is positive (C-B diode is reverse biased).Transistor is said to be in OFF state
since IC is zero. Common Emitter Input and Output Characteristics
Input Characteristics of Common Emitter configuration is a plot of input current IB versus
input voltage VBE for various values of output voltage VCE. As VBE is increased, IB increases.
The characteristics curve is similar to diode characteristics. If VCE is increased to higher
constant value, then IB decreases slightly as shown in Figure 2.1.7. This is due to Early
Output Characteristics of Common Emitter configuration is a plot of output current IC versus
output voltage VCE for various values of input current IB. The characteristics can be divided
into three regions namely, Active, Saturation and Cut off regions.

Figure 2.1.7: CE Configuration Input and Output characteristics.

a. Active region: The region to the right of VCE Sat above IB=0 curve (Figure 2.1.7),
where the curves are linear. Note that, VCE = VCB + VBE. If VCE > VCE Sat, then VCB
becomes positive (i.e., C-B diode is reverse biased). VCE Sat is around 0.3V for silicon
transistor. If IB > 0, then it means E-B diode is forward biased. When VCE is
increased, IC increases slightly due to Early effect. Note that slope of curve is more
than that of CB output characteristics. If IB is increased, IC also increases. When IB=0,
b. Saturation region: The region to the left of VCE Sat and right of y-axis (Figure 2.1.7).
In this region E-B diode and C-B diode are both forward biased.
c. Cut-off region: The region below IB=0 curve (Figure 2.1.7). In this E-B diode and CB diode are both reverse biased Transistor is said to be in OFF state since IC is almost

Self test:
1. Define input and output characteristics of CB and CE configuration transistor.
2. List the different regions in the output characteristics of a transistor?
3. Give the biasing conditions required for the different regions of transistor operation.
4. Define Early effect.
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Example Problem 1:
1. A BJT has alpha (dc) 0.996 and collector-to-base reverse sat current 1A. If Emitter
current is 10mA. Calculate <i> Collector current <ii> Base current.
Ans: <i> I C dc I E I CBO
= 0.996*10*10-3+ 10-6
= 9.96 mA.
<ii> IB = IE - IC
= 10mA 9.96mA = 40 A.

In this module we have learnt

1. The operation of a transistor and the relevant current components.
2. To plot the input and output characteristics of CB and CE Configuration transistor.
3. To find current gains in different configurations of transistor.

1. A germanium transistor with 100 has collector to base leakage current of 5A. If
the transistor is connected in common emitter configuration, find the collector
current for base currents of 0A and 40A.
(Ans: 505A, 4.505mA)
2. The reverse leakage current of transistor when connected in common base mode
is 0.1A, while in common emitter mode its 16A. Find dc and dc
(Ans: 0.993, 159)
3. Find dc for dc=100.

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(Ans: 0.99)

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Module 2: BJT Biasing

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:

Explain the need for biasing of BJT.

Analyse fixed bias circuit by plotting load line and fixing operating point.
Design a fixed bias circuit for given operating point.
Analyse and design Self bias circuit

Biasing means application of external voltage to the device so as to make it to operate in the
required region. For transistor to work as an amplifier, it is biased in active region. Similarly
if it has to work as a switch, it must be biased either in saturation or cut-off region.
2.2.1 DC Load line and need for Biasing

Figure 2.1.1(a): Transistor in CE configuration

Applying KVL to the collector loop, which consists of VCC, RC, collector, emitter and ground,
we get:
The output characteristics of the transistor also relate the same two variables IC and VCE. The
characteristics of the BJT are superimposed on a plot of the network equation defined by the
same axis parameters.
The most direct method of plotting the network equation on the output characteristics is to
use the fact that a straight line is defined by two points. If we choose IC to be 0 mA, we are
specifying the horizontal axis as the line on which one point is located. By substituting IC = 0
mA we find that
If we now choose VCE to be 0V, which establishes the vertical axis as the line on which the
second point will be defined, we find that IC is determined by the following equation:

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By joining these two points defined by 2.2.9 and 2.2.10, the straight line can be drawn on the
output characteristics as shown in Figure.2.2.3. The resulting line on the graph is called the
load line since it is defined by the load resistor RC. The intersection of load line with the base
current results in operating point or Q point.

Figure 2.1.1(b): Load line and operating point

The variation of the Q-point up or down the load line with varying values of IB, RC and VCC
are shown in Figure 2.2.4. With IB variation Q point moves along the load line (Figure
2.2.1(a)). If RC of the circuit is varied, the slope of the load line changes (Figure 2.2.1(b). VCC
will shift the load line keeping the slope constant (Figure 2.2.1(c)).

Figure 2.1.1(c): Movement of the Q-point with increasing value of IB.

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Figure 2.1.1(d): Effect of an increasing value of RC on the load line and the Q-point

Figure 2.1.1(e): Effect of lower values of VCC on the load line and the Q-point
Self test:
1. Why baising is required when BJT is connected in a circuit?
2. Mention the significance of DC load line.
2.2.2 Fixed Bias
3. State the parameters which are affecting the Q point.
2.2.2 Fixed Biasing
One of the simple way of biasing the transistor is by using fixed biasing technique.

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Figure 2.2.2: Fixed-bias circuit

The circuit diagram of a fixed bias transistor is as shown in Figure.2.2.2. Compared with CE
configuration in Figure 2.1.1(a), here base resistor RB is connected to Vcc (Instead of VBB).
Negative terminal of Vcc is not shown. It is assumed to be at ground.
Applying KVL to the input side, (base emitter loop) which consists of VCC, RB, base, emitter
and ground, we get:
Vcc I B RB VBE 0
Rearranging, we get



Vcc is constant, VBE is almost constant (0.7V for silicon). So by selecting proper RB, we can
fix IB as required. Applying KVL to the collector loop, which consists of VCC, RC, collector,
emitter and ground, we get:
IC is related to IB by .
So, VCE can be fixed by selecting proper RC.
VCE can also be written as
using single subscript notations, where
ground, respectively. In the case of fixed bias,

are voltages from collector and emitter to

since emitter is grounded directly.

In a similar way,
and since

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Example Problem 1:
1. For a fixed bias circuit using Si transistor, RB = 240 k, RC = 2.2 k, VCC = 12 V
and = 50. Find the collector current IC and VCE. Take VBE as 0.7 V.
From the input loop expression,

Substituting the given values,


IB= 47A

From the output loop expression,


1. A Si transistor is biased for a constant base current. If = 70, VCEQ = 11 V, RC =
2 k and VCC = 15 V, find ICQ and the value of RB required.
( Ans: 2mA,
2. Find RB and RC for a fixed bais circuit given VCC=10V with operating point
(5V,3mA). Assume = 100, VBE = 0.3V. ( Ans: 323K, 1.66K) Advantages of fixed bias

Simple to design
Requires less circuit components Disadvantages of fixed bias
Q-point is not stable. i.e., if temperature varies, will vary, hence IC will vary.
If transistor is replaced by another transistor having different then Q-point will shift
Self test:
1. Mention the extreme end points of the load line for a fixed biased circuit.
2. What is the effect of replacing the transistor with another with a different value in a
fixed bais circuit.

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2.2.3 Voltage divider bias or Self bias

In voltage divider bias, as shown in Figure. 2.2.5, two resistors R1 and R2 are used instead of
RB as compared with the fixed bias circuit. These two resistors together will provide the
required base supply for the circuit. There is another register RE is connected between emitter
and ground.

Figure 2.2.5: Self bias circuit.

Figure. 2.2.5. Voltage Divider Bias circuit

Input side of the above circuit called as voltage divider circuit, is redrawn below in Figure

Figure 2.2.6. Equivalent circuit

Figure 2.2.6. a is replaced by equivalent circuit as shown in Figure 2.2.6.b. VTH is the open
circuit voltage between points A & B of Figure. 2.2.6. a which is given by:
R1 R2

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Figure. 2.2.7: Equivalent circuit

RTH is the resistance seen between the same points A & B with VCC replaced by short circuit.
RTH R1 || R2 1 2
R1 R2
Self-bias circuit with its input loop replaced by equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.2.7.
Applying KVL to the input loop we get:
Substituting I E ( 1) I B and rearranging, we get


RTH ( 1) RE

Applying KVL to the output loop, we get




Rearranging, we get



Also using single subscript notation,

where, VC is voltage from collector to ground and,


where, VE is voltage from emitter to ground.

To show IC is independent of :
Since >> 1, we have ( +1)

. If

RE >> RTH, then equation for IB reduces to:





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Since equation for IC does not contain , we say that IC is independent of temperature
variation and transistor replacement.

1. For a self-bias circuit using silicon transistor, RE = 200 , R1 = 10K, R2 = 1K,
RC = 2K, VCC = 15 V and = 100. Find the operating point.

(Ans: IB=30.79 A,

Ic= 3.08mA, VCE = 8.218 V)

2. For a self-bias circuit with Si transistor given, Ic= 0.8mA, VCC = 10 V, VCE = VCC/2,
VB = VCC/10, = 80, VBE = 0.6 V and R2 = 2.2K . Determine R1. (Ans: 19.4K) Advantages of voltage divider bias

Collector current and Q-point is independent of

. Hence Q-point is stable against

variation in temperature and replacement of transistor. Disadvantages of voltage divider bias
Design is relatively complex.
More circuit components are required.
Self test:
1. How a fixed bias circuit is transformed to self bias circuit?
2. Explain the advantages of self bais circuit over a fixed bais circuit

In this module we have learnt:
1. Importance of biasing in transistors
2. Concept of load line, operating point and their significance
3. Operating point dependent on the circuit parameters such as supply voltage and
resistor values as well as operating temperatures.
4. To analyse fixed bias circuit to obtain the operating point and plot the load line.
5. Finding the equivalent circuit for self bias circuit and analyse it to obtain the Q

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Module 3: Transistor Amplifier

Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module students will be able to:
1. Explain the need of amplifier circuits.
2. Draw the circuit diagram of an RC coupled amplifier and explain its
3. Define gain of the amplifier.
4. Plot the frequency response of an amplifier and define the bandwidth.
5. Identify feedback signal and its effect on the circuit operation.
6. Describe the requirement of multistage amplifiers.
Amplifier is a circuit which increases the magnitude of input signal applied. Bipolar junction
transistor basically amplifies current. In CE configuration, base current is the input current
and the collector current will be the output current. As collector current is beta times more
than the input current ( ib ), it is an amplified version of the input. This is the effect of
By suitably designing transistor circuit, we can get voltage amplification and power
amplification also. To work as amplifier, transistor should be in active region throughout the
input signal cycle. This is achieved by proper use of biasing circuit. Consider the working of
the circuit shown in Figure 2.3.1: Batteries VBB and VCC ensure that transistor is operating in
the active region. It causes direct currents IB, IC and IE to flow in the circuit. Vin is a weak
input signal to be amplified. This causes an alternating current ib to flow through input
circuit. Total base current into the base terminal iB is sum of IB and ib, which is a shifted
sinusoidal signal. During positive quarter cycle of input waveform, as input voltage increases,
ib and hence iB increases. Due to transistor action, iC also increases. We have iC iB , where
is current amplification factor. Since is very large, even for small increase in i B, there is a
large increase in iC. Hence large alternating voltage iCRC develops across resistor RC. Vout
=VCC- iCRC will decrease. During second quarter cycle of input waveform, as input voltage
decreases, iB decreases, and also iC decreases. During negative half cycle of input waveform,
E-B junction still remains forward biased because, VBB is so chosen that it is greater than
peak value of Vin. So, during negative half cycle when iB decreases, iC also decreases, and
hence iCRC decreases. Thus output voltage Vout increases. Hence Vout is exact replica of input
voltage Vin, but magnified many times with 180o out of phase with input.

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Figure 2.3.1: Common emitter amplifier

Self test:
1. Transistor must operate in which region when it is used an an amplifier?
2. Mention the configuration of the transistor usually used for amplifier circuits.

2.3.1 RC coupled amplifier

A practical common-emitter transistor amplifier using voltage divider bias is shown Figure
2.3.2. The use of bias eliminates the need for two separate batteries VBB and VCC. Resistors
R1, R2, RC, RE and voltage source VCC will fix the operating point in active region. This is a
voltage divider bias circuit, which is already discussed. CC is called as coupling capacitor. At
input side, it blocks dc component of input voltage (or output of previous stage) from
reaching the base of transistor. If dc is not blocked, then it will shift the operating point. At
output side, it blocks dc component from entering into the load (or next stage).

Figure 2.3.2: RC coupled amplifier

Feedback means application of a portion of the output signal fed back to the input. The signal
fed back will be either added to or subtracted by the input signal applied to the circuit.
Depending on whether the feedback signal increases or decreases the input signal applied to
the transistor it is termed as positive or negative feedback respectively. Negative feedback
will reduce the gain but increase the stability of the circuit and the available bandwidth. It is
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generally used in amplifier circuits. Positive feedback will increase the gain but decrease the
stability and bandwidth. It will be used in oscillator circuits (negative and positive feedback
CE is called emitter by-pass capacitor. It is used to provide a negative feedback signal to the
amplifier. The negative feedback in amplifiers will improve the performance such as stability,
frequency response of the amplifier. CE offers low reactance path for ac component, thus
preventing ac component from passing through RE. With this ac voltage drop across the
resistor RE is zero. The circuit is named as RC coupled amplifier without feedback as there is
no feedback signal available to the input. On the other hand if the capacitor C E is removed
from the circuit, then ac signal passes through RE, there will be ac voltage drop across it. As it
is a negative feedback, this will decrease VBE, bringing down output voltage. Hence circuit is
named as RC coupled amplifier with feedback. RL is the equivalent resistance of the load
connected at output of amplifier. As explained earlier, when input voltage varies, iB varies,
this varies the iC proportionally. Thus the output voltage is a amplified version of the input
voltage, but with a phase shift of 1800.
2.3.2 Frequency response of an amplifier
Plot of amplifier gain versus frequency of input signal is called frequency response.
Frequency of input signal is increased in steps. At each frequency, voltage gain is determined
and then plotted. It is found that gain is very small at lower frequencies and at higher
frequencies. Gain remains constant at mid frequencies. For audio amplifier, it is required that
gain should be constant over the audio frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Bandwidth of
amplifier is defined as range of frequencies over which gain is either equal or greater than
0.707 (or 1/2) times the maximum gain. Since 20 log10(0.707) = 3, bandwidth is also
defined as range of frequencies over which gain is within 3 dB of maximum gain (in dB).
Figure 2.3.3 shows the frequency responses of RC coupled amplifier with and without
feedback. It can be observed that without feedback circuit has a larger gain but smaller
bandwidth as compared with the circuit with feedback.

Figure 2.3.3: Frequency response of amplifier with and without feedback.

Here, fl is called lower cut-off frequency; fh is called upper cut-off frequency. These are also
called 3 dB frequencies
Bandwidth is defined as
BW = fh fl

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ECE - 1001 : Basic Electronics Analysis of frequency response curve of RC coupled amplifier

At low frequencies, reactance of coupling capacitors is high. Hence a part of input does not
reach the transistor, gain reduces. Also at low frequencies reactance of emitter bypass
capacitors is high. Hence ac component of emitter current is not fully bypassed that results in
ac voltage drop across RE, reducing the gain.
At high frequencies, reactance of shunt capacitances due to wiring and reactance of junction
capacitances will become low. This offers low reactance path for signal to ground, thus
reducing voltage gain.
At mid frequencies, reactance of coupling and emitter bypass capacitors is low, reactance of
shunt capacitances is high. Hence there is no loss of signal, gain remains constant.
2.3.3 Multistage amplifier
If high gain is required, then amplifier stages are cascaded as shown in Figure. 2.3.4. Overall
gain AV is product of individual gains:
AV AV 1 . AV 2 ....... AVN
In decibels, overall gain is sum of individual gains:
( AV ) dB ( AV 1 ) dB ( AV 2 ) dB ....... ( AVN ) dB


However, practically the gain will be less than calculated AV due to loading effects..

Figure 2.3.4: Multistage amplifier

Self test:
1. Mention the significance of frequency response of an amplifier.
2. How the gain of an amplifier in dB is calculated?
3. Why it is required to have a constant gain for an amplifier over a certain range of
4. How to calculate the overall gain of multistage amplifiers?
5. Mention the significance of coupling capacitors in an amplifier circuit?
In this dmoule we have learnt:

Amplifier circuits are used for increasing the strength of week signal.
The working of an RC coupled amplifier with and without feedback.
The Gain of the amplifier defined as ratio of output signal to input signal.
The frequency response is a plot of frequency v/s gain of the amplifier and defines the
5. Gain of multistage amplifiers will be obtained by multiplying gain of each individual stage.
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1. An amplifier has a bandwidth of 500KHz. If the lower cut-off frequency is
500Hz, what is the upper cut-off frequency? (Ans: 500.5KHz)
2. What is the voltage gain at the lower cut-off frequency, if the mid band gain of
the amplifier is 120? (Ans: 84.84V)
3. In a three-stage amplifier, the voltage gain of first stage is 150, gain of second
stage is 300 and that of third stage is 10. Find the overall gain of the amplifier
in dB. (Ans: 113.1dB)

Module 4: Transistor as switch

Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Explain how the transistor can be used as switch.
2. Application of transistor switch as LED driver and inverter.

In the previous section we have explored the use of transistor as an amplifier, where it was
configured in active region. In this module we will study the use of transistor configured in
other regions of operation.
2.4.1 Introduction
Transistor can be made to operate as ON/OFF solid state switches. Transistor switches can
be used for controlling high power devices such as motors, solenoids or lamps, as well as
they can be used in low power digital electronics and logic gate circuits. To be specific the
transistor must operate in the extreme ends of the load line curve: i.e. in cut-off and saturation
regions. To review, in cut-off region both junctions of the transistor are reverse biased, (VBE
< 0.7V and IC = 0) whereas, in saturation region both junctions were forward biased, ( VBE >
0.7V and IC = Maximum). The operating conditions of the transistor in the cut off region and
saturation regions are listed in the table given below. Therefore transistor in cut off region

Cut off Region


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Saturation region
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acts as a Fully-OFF switch. In saturation region the transistor acts as a Fully-ON switch.

Figure 2.4.1 Transistor as switch. (a) circuit diagram (b) and (c) are equivalent circuits when
the switch is OFF and ON respectively.
The circuit diagram of the transistor switch is as shown in Figure 2.4.1 with the equivalent
circuits. With a zero Vin signal applied to the Base of the transistor it turns OFF acting like
an open switch and zero collector current flows. With a positive Vin signal applied to the
Base of the transistor, it turns ON acting like a closed switch and maximum circuit current
flows through the device, provided the base current is large enough to drive the transistor in
to saturation.
2.4.2 Transistor as LED driver:

Figure. 2.4.2: LED driver circuit
The circuit of an LED driver is as shown in Figure. 2.4.2 The series resistor R is used to
provide the required base current of the transistor. With the input voltage Vin =0V, no current
flows through the base of the transistor, and hence the transistor is in cut-off region.
Therefore, with the collector current zero, the LED does not turn on. When Vin VCC, the
flow of base current through the transistor drives it to saturation and behaves like a closed
switch. The amplified collector current turns the LED on. If the Vin is directly connected to
LED through the resistor R, without any transistor, the current through the LED would be
I=Vin/R, which is not sufficient to drive the LED.
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2.4.3 Transistor as Inverter.

Figure 2.4.3: Transistor inverter circuit

Inverter operates with the condition that input voltage A can take only two possible values
i.e. high (logic 1/ 5V DC) or low (logic 0/ 0V). Correspondingly output voltage Q can take
two possible values either low or high. With input voltage high, transistor is in saturation
condition and output voltage is low (logic 0/ 0V). With input voltage low, transistor is in cutoff condition and output voltage is high (logic 1 / 5V DC).
Self test:
1.Specify the operating regions when transistor is used as a switch.
2. Mention the need of driver circuits.
3. State the output voltage obtained when the transistor switch is closed or
opened respectively

In this module we have learnt:
1. The transistor can be used as switch by operating it in either saturation
region (when the switch is said to be ON) or in cut off region (when the
switch is said to be OFF).
2. The applications of transistor switch as LED driver and inverter.

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Chapter: 3
Operational Amplifier and Applications
Module-1: Operational Amplifier
Operational Amplifiers, or Op-amps as they are usually called, are one of the basic building
blocks of Electronic Circuits. Op-Amps are one of the widely used ICs (Integrated Circuits)
in electronics. The very name Operational Amplifier comes from the fact that they are used to
build circuits to perform variety of mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction,
integration, differentiation etc., Operational amplifiers exhibit properties of nearly ideal DC
amplifier and are therefore employed in a wide range of applications.
The integrated operational amplifier has gained wide acceptance as a versatile, predictable,
and economic system building block because of its small size, high reliability, and reduced
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, students will be able to:


Draw the internal block diagram of an OP-AMP and briefly describe the functions
List and define key parameters of an OP-AMP.
Discuss OP-AMP based amplifier topologies.
Design OP-AMP based circuits for simple mathematical operations.

3.1.1 Introduction
An operational amplifier is a high gain direct coupled amplifier which can amplify signals
over a wide range of frequencies. The circuit symbol of op-amp is shown in Fig. 3.1.1, which
has two inputs and a single output. The input terminal that is marked as positive is called noninverting terminal and that marked as negative is known as inverting terminal. The output
signal of an Operational Amplifier is the amplified version of the difference between the two
signals being applied to the two inputs. One of the common IC versions of op-amp is A741.

Fig 3.1.1 op-amp symbol

Figure 3.1.2 shows the pin diagrams of different op-amp ICS.

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Figure 3.1.2 A: LF353N, B: LF351N, C: CA5130E, C-2: NE531N, D:

[source: http://www.talkingelectronics.com/ChipDataEbook-1d/html/OpAmpList.html#C]

3.1.2 Internal Block Diagram of op-amp:

The internal block schematic of op-amp is shown in Figure.3.1.3

Figure.3.1.3 Internal block diagram of op-amp

Input stage: It is a dual input, dual output differential amplifier. Its function is to amplify the
difference between the two input signals. It provides high differential gain, high input
impedance and low output impedance. The differential amplifier mainly helps to minimize
the effect of noise.
Intermediate stage: The overall gain requirement of an op-amp is very high. Since the input
stage alone cannot provide such a high gain, an intermediate stage is used to provide the
required additional voltage gain.
Buffer and Level shifting stage: The dc quiescent voltage level of previous stages may get
amplified and applied to the next stage causing distortion at the output. Hence the level
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shifting stage is used to eliminate the dc level. Buffer is a unity voltage gain amplifier usually
used for impedance matching.
Output stage: This stage contributes to the overall gain of the op-amp and also provides low
output impedance.
The pin diagram for a typical A741 op-amp with 8 pin DIP (Dual In-line Package) is shown
in Figure. 3.1.4.
Offset null

No connection

Inverting i/p


Non inverting i/p



Offset null

Figure. 3.1.4 Pin diagram of a typical A741 op-amp

Differential Amplifier
The circuit shown in Figure 3.15 shows a generalized form of a differential amplifier with
two inputs marked V1 and V2. The two identical transistors TR1 and TR2 are both biased at
the same operating point with their emitters connected together and returned to the common
rail, -VEE by way of resistor RE.

Figure 3.1.5 Differential amplifier circuit diagram

The circuit operates from a dual supply +Vcc and -VEE which ensures a constant supply. The
voltage that appears at the output, VOUT of the amplifier is the difference between the two
input signals as the two base inputs are anti-phase with each other.

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When the forward bias voltage of transistor, TR1 is increased, the forward bias voltage of
transistor TR2 is reduced and vice versa. Then if the two transistors are perfectly matched,
the current flowing through the common emitter resistor, Re will remain constant.
Like the input signal, the output signal is also balanced and since the collector voltages either
swings in opposite directions (anti-phase) or in the same direction (in-phase) the output
voltage signal, taken between the two collectors is, (assuming a perfectly balanced circuit)
the zero difference between the two collector voltages.
This is known as the Common Mode of Operation with the common mode gain of the
amplifier being the output gain when the input is zero.
Ideal Operational Amplifiers also have one output (although there are ones with an additional
differential output) of low impedance that is referenced to a common ground terminal. The
op-amp rejects any common mode signals that are appearing at the inputs. That means, if an
identical signal is applied to both the inverting and non-inverting inputs then the voltage at
the output terminals due to such inputs should be zero. This is measuered by a parameter
called Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR).
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) is the ratio of the differential gain to the common
mode gain of Op-Amp.
An operational amplifier only responds to the difference between the voltages applied at its
two input terminals, known commonly as the Differential Input Voltage. If the same
voltage is applied to both the input terminals the resultant output will be zero. An Operational
Amplifiers gain is commonly known as the Open Loop Differential Gain, and is represented
as (Ao).
Op-amp specifications:
Output offset voltage (Voo): The output voltage, when both the inputs are zero is called the
output offset voltage. It is due to input offset voltage and input bias current.
Input bias current (Ib): It is the average of the current that flows into the inverting and noninverting input terminals when both of the two inputs are grounded.
Input offset current (Iio): It is the algebraic difference between the currents flowing into noninverting and inverting terminals of balanced op-amp.
Input resistance (Ri): It is the equivalent resistance that can be measured at either the
inverting or non-inverting terminal with the other terminal connected to ground.
Slew Rate(SR): It is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage per unit time.
i.e: SR =


Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio (SVRR): The change in op-amp input offset voltage caused by
variations in one of the power supply voltage is called SVRR.

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Output resistance (Ro): The equivalent resistance observed between the output terminal and
the ground.
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR): This is a figure of merit for an op-amp. It is defined
as the ratio of the magnitude of differential gain to the common mode gain.
The CMRR in deciBels is given by


Where, Ad is the differential gain,

Ac is the common-mode gain,

. Where A1(A2) is the voltage amplification

from input 1(2) to the output under the condition that input 2(1) is grounded. This is an
important specification, as it indicates how much of the common-mode signal Vc gets
rejected from the input. A high CMRR is desirable.
The output of a differential amplifier is given by
Vo = Ad Vd + Ac Vc.
Where, Vd = (V1 V2) and Vc = (V1 + V2) / 2 are differential and common mode inputs
respectively. Note: V1 and V2 are the non-inverting and inverting input voltages respectively.

3.1.3 Op-Amp characteristics

The characteristics of an ideal op-amp are given in the Table 3.1.1. However, it cannot be
realised in practice. As an example, an op-amp IC, A 741 has typical values of the
parameters as given in the table.
Table 3.1.1 Values of an ideal and practical op-amp.
Sl. No. Characteristics

Ideal Practical

Open loop voltage gain, Avo


Unity gain BW


Input resistance, Ri


Output resistance. Ro





Slew rate


0.5 V/s




Input offset voltage

6mv (max)

Input offset current

200 nA (max)


Differential mode output voltage gain Ad



Common mode output voltage gain Ac


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For ideal op-amp, the characteristic do not change with temperature. Ideally, the op-amp is
perfectly balanced, if Vo = 0, when V1 = V2
Concept of Virtual ground:
The input impedance of an ideal op-amp is infinite (Ri =), that means there is no current
flowing into the op-amp. As the differential voltage gain of an ideal op-amp is infinite, V1-V2
tends to zero. This is equivalent to virtual short between two input terminals and hence if one
of the terminals is grounded the other terminal also experiences the same potential even
though they are not electrically connected. Therefore, it is called virtual ground.
Transfer Characteristics of a typical op-amp:
The transfer characteristics of op-amp is as shown in Figure 3.1.6. In the linear region, any
change in the input difference voltage, Vid produces a proportional output voltage. The
range of input difference voltage to operate the op-amp in linear region is approximately
equal to 100 mV. Beyond 100mV of Vid, the output becomes Vsat because of very high
gain offered by the op-amp. The output will be at +Vsat if it is used in non- inverting mode or
-Vsat if it is configured in inverting mode.

Fig.3.1.6 Transfer Characteristics of a typical op-amp

In linear applications, the op-amp is operated as a closed loop amplifier in the active region.
The difference between the input voltages is maintained around 100mV so as to produce a
linear output voltage. In nonlinear applications, the op-amp is driven to saturation either in
open loop or closed loop configuration by applying a difference input voltage exceeding

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Self test:
1.A linear integrated circuit responds to
a) Analog signal

b) Digital signal

c) Neither a) nor b)

d) Both a) and b)

2. An op-amp can amplify

a) only ac signals

b) only dc signal

c) Neither (a) nor (b)

d) Both (a) and (b)

3. The figure of merit of an op-amp is termed as

a) common mode gain

b) differential mode gain

c) offset voltage


4. The CMRR of an op-amp is usually expressed in

a) volts

b) decibels (dB)

c) volts/sec d) volts/mS
5. An ideal OP-AMP has
a) infinite input impedance

b) zero output impedance

c) infinite voltage gain

d) all of the above

1. An operational amplifier is a high gain direct coupled amplifier which can



amplify signals over a wide range of frequencies.

The amplified output signal of an Operational Amplifier is the difference
between the two signals being applied to the two inputs. Hence it is termed as
differential amplifier.
The ratio of the change to the output voltage with respect to the change in the
common mode input voltage is called the Common Mode Rejection Ratio or
The input impedance of an ideal op-amp is infinite (Ri =), that means there is
no current flowing into the op-amp.
In linear applications, the op-amp is operated as a closed loop amplifier in the
active region.
In nonlinear applications, the op-amp is driven to saturation either in open loop
or closed loop configuration by applying a difference input voltage exceeding

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Module-2: Linear Applications of op-amp

Linear applications of op-amps include mathematical operations such as inversion, addition,
subtraction, integration, differentiation and multiplication etc., some of them will be
discussed here.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Discuss OP-AMP based amplifier topologies.
2. Analyze basic OP-AMP circuits.
3. Design OP-AMP based circuits for implementing simple mathematical
3.2.1 Inverting amplifier: The circuit diagram for an inverting amplifier is as shown in
Figure 3.2.1.

Figure 3.2.1 Inverting amplifier

By applying KCL to the inverting input node,

The inverting input terminal is at virtual ground, i.e. Vg = 0. Substituting in the above

The closed loop voltage gain

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The negative sign indicates that there is 180 phase difference between input and output
signals. The voltage gain depends only on the resistor values as long as the op-amp is in
linear region.
3.2.2 Non-inverting amplifier:
The circuit diagram for a non-inverting amplifier is shown in Figure 3.2.2

Figure. 3.2.2: Non-inverting amplifier

Since there is virtual short between inverting and non-inverting input terminals, Vin appears
across R1.
Applying KCL, Vin / R1 + (Vin - Vout )/Rf = 0
Solving for Vout,


Vout Vin 1


The closed loop voltage gain for non-inverting amplifier is given by,
Av = (1+ Rf /R1)


3.2.3 Voltage follower

Voltage follower is a special case of non-inverting amplifier with unity gain as shown in
Figure 3.2.3 It has high input impedance and very low output impedance and hence it is used
as a buffer amplifier to achieve impedance matching.

Figure.3.2.3: Voltage follower

Substituting Rf = 0 and R1 = in Eqn. (3.2.6),
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Vout = Vin


3.2.4 Inverting summing amplifier

The circuit diagram for an inverting summing amplifier is shown in Figure 3.2.4

Figure.3.2.4: Inverting summing amplifier

By applying KCL to the inverting input node and making use of the virtual ground concept,
the output voltage is,

Thus, summing amplifier produces an output voltage which is an inverted (in sign), weighted
sum of all inputs.
If R1 = R2 =.= Rn , then,
If R1 = R2 =.= Rn = Rf then
The circuit is therefore acts as an adder or summer. Strictly speaking, this circuit is acting as
an inverting adder.
3.2.5 Difference amplifier
The circuit configuration for a difference amplifier is shown in Figure.3.2.5 It produces an
output voltage which is proportional to the difference between the two inputs.

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Figure 3.2.5: Difference Amplifier

Using Superposition theorem
When V2=0, Vout1 V1



When V1=0, Vout2 V 1 2 V2
R3 R4

Then, Vout Vout2 Vout1 V2

R 3 R4

If R2 / R1 = R4 / R3 then,. Vout



V1 2

(V2 V1 )




The circuit is called a difference amplifier and if, R1 = R2 = R3 = R4, the above equation
simplifies to Vout V2 V1 and the circuit acts as a subtractor.
3.2.6 Integrator
The circuit for an integrator is shown in Figure. 3.2.6. It produces an output voltage which is
proportional to the integral of input voltage.

Figure. 3.2.6: Integrator

Applying KCL at inverting terminal, i1 = i2
d (0 Vo ut )
Vi n 0


Integrating on both sides

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Vin dt
RC 0


3.2.7 Differentiator
The differentiator circuit is shown in Figure 3.2.7. It produces an output voltage which is
proportional to the differential of input voltage.

Fig.3.2.7: Differentiator
Applying KCL at inverting terminal

d (Vin 0) 0 Vout


i1 = i2
Vout RC



1.Realize the following equations using single op.amp..
(i)Vo = -10V1 (ii) Vo = +5V1 (iii) Vo = - (2V1 + 4V2) (iv) Vo = (V1 - V2)
2.Realize the following equation using op.amp.
V0= 2V1- 0.8V2 + 0.5V3
3.Design an op-amp. inverting integrator which obtains -5V at 5ms when input
signal applied is 2V dc. Assume C=0.1 F.
4.A 100mV peak to peak sine wave form voltage is applied to an op.amp.
inverting amplifier with Rf/R1 =10. Sketch the output waveform.

1. The closed loop voltage gain Av = -(Rf/Ri). The negative sign indicates that
there is 180 phase difference between input and output signals.
2. Voltage follower is a special case of non-inverting amplifier with unity gain.
3. Summing amplifier produces an output voltage which is an inverted (in sign),
weighted sum of all inputs.
4. The circuit of an integrator produces an output voltage which is proportional
to the integral of input voltage.
5. The differentiator circuit produces an output voltage which is proportional to
the differential of input voltage.
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Module-3: Non Linear Application

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to :
1. Discuss different types of OP-AMP based Comparators.
2. Draw the circuit of square wave generator using op-amp.

3.3.1 Voltage Comparator:

The op-amp in an open loop configuration is shown in Figure 3.3.1

Figure 3.3.1: Voltage comparator

The output voltage of the circuit / topology is given by,
Vout = +Vsat if Vin > Vref


Vout = -Vsat if Vin < Vref


3.3.2 Square wave generator

Fig.3.3.2a: Circuit of Square wave generator

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Fig.3.3.2b: Waveform across capacitor and output

The output of the op-amp will be at either positive or negative saturation voltages (Vsat)
depending on V1 and V2 i.e.

Vout VSat

V1 V2


V1 V2

Here V1 is the voltage across the capacitor

V2 Vout

R1 R2

where is feedback factor given by


R1 R2


When Vout = +Vsat, capacitor will charge towards +Vsat. When the voltage across capacitor V1
exceeds Vsat , output makes a transition to Vsat and capacitor will start discharging towards
Vsat. When the voltage across capacitor V1 becomes slightly less than (Vsat ) , output makes
a transition to +Vsat and this action repeats.
The time period of the square wave generated is

T= 2RC ln


R1 R2



Frequency of the square wave generated f = 1/T Hz

Peak to peak amplitude of the square wave generated is

Vo( p p ) 2VSat
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1. Design a square wave generator using OP-AMP for the following specifications:
Frequency of oscillation = 2KHz, V0 (p-p) = 11.2V. Assume C=0.1F.
2. Name some applications of comparator.
3. Draw the output waveforms of inverting and non-inverting comparator if
Vin =5sin (21000t) volts and Vref = 2 volts.


An operational amplifier (op-amp) has a well-balanced difference input and a very

high gain. This parallels the characteristics of comparators.


The output of the op-amp in a square wave circuit will be at either positive or negative
saturation voltages (Vsat) depending on V1 and V2

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Part II
Chapter - 4 : Number systems and codes
Electronic circuits and systems can be broadly classified into analog and digital. Analog
circuits are those in which voltages and currents show continuous variations with respect to
time and can take any arbitrary value of magnitude within a specified range. A digital circuit
is one in which the voltage levels assume a finite number of distinct values. In all modern
digital circuits, normally there are two discrete voltage levels, called logic 0 and logic 1.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:

Describe different types of number system.

Represent data in the respective number system.
Convert the number from one system to another system.
Perform binary arithmetic using ones and twos complement

Module 1- Number systems:

We discuss binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal number systems in this module. A radix
or base is an important part of any number system. The total number of symbols in every
number system is equal to its base or radix. In fact the name of the number system is derived
from its base.
Numeral System

b - numeral system base

dn - the nth digit
n - can start from negative number if the number has a fraction part.
N+1 - the number of digits

Decimal Number system:

This system has 10 symbols, namely 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. The decimal number system is
also called the base 10 system as it has 10 digits. Example: (781)10, (82.901)10
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Binary Number system:

A number system that uses only two symbols 0and1 is called binary number system or
base 2 system or radix-2 system. The symbols are called bits. Example: (100010)2, (0.1011)2.
Octal Number System: A number system that uses 8 symbols (0-7) is called an octal number
system. The radix or base of octal number system is 8. Example: (723)8, (6.76)8.
Hexadecimal Number System:
The hexadecimal number system has base 16. It has 16 distinct symbols. It uses the digits 09 in addition to alphabets A,B,C,D, E and F as 16 symbols to represent the numbers.

Self test:
1.The number of bits required to assign binary roll umbers to a class of 60
2. The highest decimal number that can be represented with 10 binary digit i ___
3. The bases of the binary and decimal numbering systems are multiples of 2. (T/F)
4. Binary word length are multiples of _______________

4.1 Conversion of numbers: The decimal system is a more familiar system than the other
systems. So it is essential to understand the conversion of a number from any base to decimal
and vice versa. The computer systems accept the data in decimal form, whereas they store
and process the data in binary form. Therefore, it becomes necessary to convert the numbers
represented in one system into the numbers represented in another system.
4.1.1: Decimal Number System
Decimal to Binary: The given decimal number is repeatedly divided by 2, which is the base
number of binary system till quotient becomes 0 and the remainder is collected from bottom
to top. To convert the fractional part into binary, fraction part is multiplied by 2 repeatedly
and any carry in integer place is recorded. The string of integer obtained from top to bottom
gives the equivalent fraction in binary number system.
Ex1: (42)10 = (101010)2
divided by
divided by
divided by
divided by
Note the way the bits are read to form the binary number.
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Decimal to Octal: The given decimal number is repeatedly divided by 8, which is the base
number of octal system till quotient becomes 0 and the remainder is collected from bottom
to top. To convert the fractional part into octal, fraction part is multiplied by 8 repeatedly and
any carry in integer place is recorded. The string of integer obtained from top to bottom gives
the equivalent fraction in the octal number system.

Example - 1: (97)10 = (141)8


divided by
divided by




Decimal to Hexadecimal: The given decimal number is repeatedly divided by 16, which is
the base number of hexadecimal system till quotient becomes 0 and the remainder is
collected from bottom to top. To convert the fractional part into hexadecimal, fraction part is
multiplied by 16 repeatedly and any carry in integer place is recorded. The string of integer
obtained from top to bottom gives the equivalent fraction in the hexadecimal number system.

Ex1: (546)10 =(222)16


divided by
divided by




4.1.2: Binary Number System

Binary to decimal: Multiply the number by its equivalent binary weights. Add the products
to get the decimal number.
Ex1: 1102 = 1 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 0 x 20 = 4 +2+0 = 6
Ex2: 0.1012 = 1 x 2-1 + 0 x 2 -2 + 1 x 2-3 = 0.5 + 0 + 0.125 = 0.625
Ex3: 110.1012 = 1 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 0 x 20 + 1 x 2-1 + 0 x 2 -2 + 1 x 2-3 = 4 +2+0 + 0.5 + 0 +
0.125 = 6.625
Binary to Octal: Each octal digit is represented by three bits of binary.
Ex1: (110101010)2 = (652)8 110 101 010
Ex2: (0.1011010)2 = (550)8 101 101 0




Ex3: (110101010. 1011010)2 = (652.550)8

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Binary to Hexadecimal: Each group of 4 binary bits is equal to 1 hexadecimal digit.

Ex1: (111110110010)2 = (FB2)16 1111 1011 0010
Ex2: (0.010101111011)2 = (0.57B)16


0101 0111 1011;



11 ; 5


4.1.3: Octal Number system:

Octal to Binary: Each octal digit is represented by three binary bits.

Ex1: (347)8 = (011100111)2

Ex2: (0.245)8 = (0.010100101)2
Ex3: 347.2458 = (011100111.010100101)2

Octal to decimal: Multiply the number by its equivalent octal weights. Add the products to
get the decimal number.
Ex1: (457)8 = 4 x 82 + 5 x 81 + 7 x 80 = 4 x 64 + 5 x 8 + 7 x 1 = 256+40+7 = (303)10
Ex2: (0.246)8 = 2 x 8-1 + 4 x 8-2 + 6 x 8-3= 2 x 0.125 + 4 x 0.015625 + 6 x 0.001953125
= (0.267969)10
Ex3: (457.246)8 = (303.267969)10

Octal to Hexadecimal: To convert an octal number to hexadecimal number, the octal

number is first converted into binary. The binary bits are grouped such that each group
consists of 4 bits and a group starts from the LSB. The 4 bits group is represented by its
equivalent hexadecimal number.

Ex1: (235)8 = (09D)16

(235)8 = (0 1001 1101)2 = (09D)16
4.1.4 Hexadecimal Number Systems:
Hexadecimal to Binary: Each group of 4 binary bits is equal to one hexadecimal digit.
Ex1: (A7D)16 = (1010 0111 1110)2

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Hexadecimal to Octal: To convert an hexadecimal number to octal number, the hexadecimal

number is first converted into binary. They are grouped into 3 bits each starting from the
LSB. The 3 bits group is represented by its equivalent octal number.
Ex1: (C4)16 = (11 000 100)2= (304)8
Ex2: (0.26A)16 = (0.001 001 101 010)2 =(0.1152)8
Ex3: (C4.26A)16 = (11 000 100.001 001 101 010)2 = (304.1152)8

Hexadecimal to Decimal: Multiply the number by its equivalent hexadecimal weights. Add
the products to get the decimal number.
Ex1: (B40)16 = 11 x 162 + 4 x 161 + 0 x 160 = 11 x 256 + 4 x 16 + 0 x 1=(2880)10
Ex2: (0.237)16 = 2 x 16-1 + 3 x 16-2 + 7 x 16-3 = (0.138427)10
Ex3: (B40.237)16 = (2880.138427)10

Self test:

The binary digit is called ________.

Let (A2C) 16 = ( X ) 8. Then X is given by___________
The BCD equivalent of 99 is ________________
The decimal equivalent of binary number 110101 is ________.
The hexadecimal equivalent of binary number 1001 is ________.
(983.95)10 = (?)BCD = (?)2 = (?)8 = (?)16

4.1.5 Number System - Arithmetic:

Addition in Binary system: It is a simple task to add two binary numbers and it is very
similar to addition of decimal numbers.
Ex1: 1010 + 0111 = 10001
1010 = 10
+ 0111 = 7
10001 = 17



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Addition in Octal system: Add the digit in each column in decimal and convert this sum into
octal. Write the sum in that column and carry the carry term to the next higher significant

Ex1: Add ( 334.65)8 to (671.14) 8 = (1226.01)8



1 (5+4=9 8)
0 (6+1+1=8 8)
6 (4+1+1)
2(3+7=10 8)
2(3+6+1=10 8)

1(8 is subtracted once)
1(8 is subtracted once)
0(since sum <8)
1(8 is subtracted once)
1(8 is subtracted once)

Addition in Hexadecimal system: Add the digit in each column in decimal and convert this
sum into hexadecimal number. Write the sum in that column and carry term to the next
higher significant column.
Ex1: Add (7AB.67)16 to (15C.71) 16 = (907. D8)16


6+7 = 13 (D)
11+12=23 16= 7


10+5+1 = 16 16=0

7+1+1 = 9

0(since sum<16)
0(since sum <16)
0(since sum <16)

Self test:

(303.32421875)10 = (________) 8.
(11111011001.010101111011)2 = (
The result of 6010 + F116 - 10010012 is ________ (in decimal).
The result of 112 + 278 + 9310 - B16 is ________ (in decimal).

4.1.6 Complementation of numbers:

The subtraction operation and logical manipulations become easy in digital computers by
using the concept of complements. For a given number N in base-r, two types of
complements are defined, namely, rs complement and (r-1)s complement.

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The main advantage of performing subtraction by complement is that it requires less

hardware to implement.
Subtraction using complements in Binary system:
The following rules are used in performing complement subtraction in binary system.

Identify the minuend and the subtrahend.

Find the 2s complement or the 1s complement of the subtrahend.
Add the complemented subtrahend to the minuend.
Check if there is a carry. If there is no carry in either of the form (1s or 2s
complement) then find the corresponding complement of the result.
5. In case of 2s complement if there is a carry then neglect it. In case of 1s complement
if there is a carry then add it to the LSB of the result.
Note: To find 1s complement of a binary number we need to invert each bit.
To find 2s complement of a binary number find 1s complement and add 1 to the result.

Ex1: Subtract 97.A16 from B2.316.

Minuend : 97.316 = 10010111.10102
Subtraenc : B2.316 = 10110010.00112
2s complment of subtrahend : 01001101.1101
Addition : 10010111.1010 + 01001101.1101 = 11100101.0111.
No carry generated: MSB is 1. Take 2s complement of the result. : 00011010.1001.
Ex2: Subtract (0011)2 from (0101)2 using 1s complement.
Step1: 0101 is minuend and 0011 is subtrahend.
Step2: 1s complement of 0011 is 1100.
Step3: 0101 + 1100 = 1 0001(there is a carry)
Step4: 0001 + 1 = 0010 (5 3 =2)

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1. (1BC)16 = ---------(8)

2. Perform the following conversion.

(9442.25)10 to hexadecimal.
(7411.2)8 to decimal.
3. Perform 37(10) 21(10) using 1s complement.
4. Determine the base b of the number system such that 225 (b) = 89 (10)
5. Convert each of the following hexadecimal number into its equivalent
in the binary number system
6. If (66)10 = (102)b, the value of b is _______

7. Perform the following:

i) Perform (1110110)2 (1010100)2 using 2s complement method.
Show all the steps.
ii) (13.25)10 (26.37)10 using Binary 1s complement arithmetic

1. A numeral system (or system of numeration) is a writing system for
expressing numbers, that is, a mathematical notation for representing
numbers of a given set, using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner.
2. The computer systems accept the data in decimal form, whereas they store
and process the data in binary form. Therefore, it becomes necessary to
convert the numbers represented in one system into the numbers represented
in another system.
3. The advantage of performing subtraction by complement is reduction in the
hardware. Instead of having separate digital circuits for addition and
subtraction, only adding circuits are needed.

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Module 2 - Codes
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Discuss different types of binary codes.
2. Explain error detection using parity bit.
3. Describe error correction using hamming code.

When numbers, letters or words are represented as a specific group of symbols based on
certain rules, it is said to be encoded. The group of symbols is called a code. Codes are
represented, stored and transmitted in the form of binary bits. The codes may also use alpha
numeric characters.
Advantages of Binary Code:
Suitable for computer applications.
Used in digital communications.
Ease of circuit implementation.
Classification of binary codes
Generally codes are classified into following categories.

Weighted Codes

Non-Weighted Codes

Alphanumeric Codes

Error Detecting Codes

Error Correcting Codes

4.2.1 Weighted binary codes:

Weighted binary codes are those binary codes which obey the positional weight
principle. Each position of the bit or digit in the code has a specific weight. Decimal
digits 0-9 can be represented using 4 bit binary code. One such example is 8421
BCD (Binary coded Decimal), where each group of 4 bits is a weighted code as
shown in Figure 4.2.1.

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Figure 4.2.1: 8421 BCD code Illustration

Value of the number given by the code can be obtained using the following equation.
N d3w3 d2 w2 d1w1 d0 w0


w3, w2, w1 and w0 are the weights selected for a given BCD code:





Figure 4.2.2 weights of a BCD code.

For example the decimal number 9 would be represented by 1001 where 9 = 1x8 + 0x 4 + 0x
2 + 1x1. The most commonly used binary coded decimal (BCD) is shown in Table 4.2.1
Table 4.2.1 Decimal to Other BCD forms













































4.2.2 Non-Weighted Codes:

Non-weighted code is one in which the positions in the code do not have a specific weight.

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The Excess-3 code is also called XS-3 code. It is non-weighted code used to express decimal
numbers. The Excess-3 code words are derived from the 8421 BCD code words by adding
(0011)2 or (3)10 to each code word in 8421.
The Gray code is neither a decimal code, nor is it an arithmetic code. The essential feature of
a Gray code is that there is only a single bit difference between successive code words.
Table 4.2.2 BCD, Excess-3 and Gray code equivalent for decimal numbers

BCD = 8421

































4.2.3 Self complementing code:

When arithmetic operations are performed, it is often required to take the complement of a
given number. If the logical complement of a coded number is also its arithmetic
complement, it will be convenient from hardware point of view. Self-complementing codes
are applicable in such scenario. A code is said to be self-complementing, if the code word of
the 9s complement of N can be obtained from the code word of N by converting all the 0s
into 1s and all 1s into 0s.

Example: Consider the 2421 code.

The 2421 code of (4)10 is 0100.
Its complement is 1011 which is 2421 code for (5)10 = (9 - 4)10.
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4.2.4 Error detection and correction codes:

When data is transmitted in digital form from one place to another place through a
transmission channel some data bits may be lost or modified. As there are needs to transmit
millions of bits per second, the data integrity should be very high. The error rate cannot be
reduced to zero. A simple process of adding a special code bit to a data word can improve its
integrity. This extra bit will allow detection of a single error in a given code word in which it
is used, and is called the Parity Bit.
a) Parity (Error detection code)
The simplest technique for error detection is that of adding an extra bit known as parity bit, to
each word being transmitted. There are two types of parity odd parity and even parity.

Odd parity: the parity bit is set to 0 or 1 at the transmitter such that the total number
of 1 bit in the word including the parity bit is an odd number.
Even parity: the parity bit is set to 0 or 1 at the transmitter such that the total number
of 1 bit in the word including the parity bit is an even number.
Table 4.2.3 BCD with Odd and Even parity

8 4 2 1 BCD

Odd Parity

Even Parity











Self test:
1. What is the simplest technique for detecting error in the codes?
2. What is a parity bit?
3. What is a self -complementing code? Give an example.

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1. Example: In an even parity scheme, which of the following words contain an error?
a. 10101111
Ans: No
b. 1111111
Ans: Error
c. 10100001
Ans: Error
2. Example: In an odd parity scheme, which of the following words contain an error?
a) 10110100 Ans: Error
b) 11011011 Ans: Error
c) 10101000 Ans: No

b) Hamming Codes (Error correction code)

A code is said to be an error-correcting code, if there is a built in capability to correct errors
occurred in the code word by some means, and thereby the correct code word can always be
recovered from an erroneous word. For a code to be a single bit error correcting code, the
minimum distance of that code must be three. The minimum distance of a code is the smallest
number of bits by which any two code words must differ. A code with minimum distance of
three cannot only correct single bit errors, but also detect two bit errors. One type of error
correcting code is hamming code.
In this code, to each group of m information, k parity checking bits denoted by P 1.to Pk
located at position 2(k-1) from left are added to form an (m+k) bit code word. To correct the
error, k parity checks are performed on selected bits of each code word, and the position of
the error bit is located by forming an error word and the error bit is then complemented. The
k bit error word is generated by putting a 0 or a 1 in the 2(k-1)th position depending upon
whether the check for parity involving the parity bit Pk is satisfied or not.
7 Bit Hamming code
To transmit 4 data bits, 3 parity bits located at positions 20 21 and 22 from left are added to
make a 7 bit code word which is then transmitted. The word format
P1 P2 D3 P4 D5 D6 D7
Where the D bits are data bits and P bits are parity bits.
P1 is to be set to 0 or 1 so that it establishes even parity over bits 1,3,5 and 7.
P2 is to be set to 0 or 1 so that it establishes even parity over bits 2,3,6 and 7.
P4 is to be set to 0 or 1 so that it establishes even parity over bits 4,5,6 and 7.

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Figure 4.2.3 Coding and Decoding of Hamming

7 bit hamming code for the decimal digit coded in BCD and EXCESS 3 codes is shown in
Table 4.2.4. The minimum distance of the 7 bit hamming code for the BCD code is 3 as
observed Table 4.2.4.
Table 4.2.4 Hamming code for BCD and Excess-3
Decimal Digit


Hamming Code bits



P1 P2 D3 P4 D5 D6 D7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 1

P1 P2 D3 P4 D5 D6 D7
1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 0 0

At the receiving end, the message received in the hamming code is decoded to see if any
errors have occurred. Bits 1,3,5, 7 and bits 2,3,6,7 and 4,5,6,7 are all checked for even parity.
If they all check out, there is no error. If there is an error, the error bit can be located by
forming a 3 bit binary number C3 C2 C1

C3 D4 D5 D6 D7
C 2 P2 D3 D6 D7
C1 P1 D3 D5 D7
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After 3 parity checks , the error bit is corrected by complementing it.

Example: Encode data bits 1101 into 7 bit even parity hamming code.







Bits 1,3,5,7 (i.e. P1 1 1 1) must be even parity. So P1 must be 1.

Bits 2,3,6,7 (i.e. P2 1 0 1) must be even parity. So P2 must be 0.
Bits 4,5,6,7 (i.e. P4 1 0 1) must be even parity. So P4 must be 0.
Therefore , the final code is 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

1. If Hamming code received is 0110001, the correct data transmitted is ----(Assume even parity scheme)
2. Consider the sequence of digits 10001001010110000011. Determine the
number being represented in each of the following BCD coding schemes:
a. 8421 code
b. Excess-3 code
c. 2 4 2 1 code
3. 7 bit even parity Hamming code for the 4 bit 1011 is __________

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Chapter -5: Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates

Module 1 : Introduction to Boolean Algebra
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

1. State the laws of Boolean algebra.
2. Simplify Boolean expressions using Boolean algebraic theorems.

5.1.1 Boolean Algebraic Theorems

George Boole in 1854 invented a new kind of algebra known as Boolean algebra. It is
sometimes called switching algebra. Boolean algebra is the mathematical frame work on
which logic design is based. It is used in synthesis and analysis of binary logical function.

The algebraic system known as Boolean algebra named after the mathematician George Boole.
George Boole Invented multi-valued discrete algebra (1854) and E. V. Huntington developed
its postulates and theorems (1904). Historically, the theory of switching networks (or systems)
is credited to Claude Shannon, who applied mathematical logic to describe relay circuits
(1938). Relays are controlled electromechanical switches and they have been replaced by
electronic controlled switches called logic gates. A special case of Boolean Algebra known as
Switching Algebra is a useful mathematical model for describing the combinational circuits.
a. Boolean Algebraic theorems:
These have been derived by using Boolean postulates. These laws are used to design and
analyze logic circuit mathematically. Table 5.1.1 summarizes the Boolean theorems.

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Table 5.1.1: Boolean theorems

Laws of union
Law1: A + 0 = A
Law2: A + 1 = 1
Laws of intersection
Law3: A . 1 = A
Law4: A . 0 = 0
Laws of tautology
Law5: A + A = A
Law6: A.A = A
Laws of complements
Law7: A + A = 1
Law8: A.A = 0
Law of double complement
Law9: A = A
Laws of commutation
Law10: A + B = B + A
Law11: A.B = B.A
Laws of association
Law12: A + ( B + C ) = ( A + B) + C
Law 13: A. ( B . C ) = ( A . B ) . C
Laws of distribution
Law14: A ( B + C ) = AB + AC
Law15: ( A+B ) ( C+D ) = AC + AD + BC + BD
Laws of absorption
Law16: A ( A+B ) = A
Law17: A + AB =A
Law18: A ( A+B ) = AB
Law19: AB + B = A+B
Law20: AB + B = A+B

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Self test:
1. Prove laws of absorption using appropriate Boolean laws

b) Principle of Duality: One more important property of Boolean algebra is called Duality
principle. The Dual of any expression can be obtained easily by the following rules.
1. Change all 0s to 1s
2. Change all 1s to 0s
3. ANDs (dots) are replaced by ORs (plus)
4. ORs (plus) are replaced by ANDs (dots)
Example 1:

Boolean Expression

Dual of the expression







c) De Morgons Theorems: It is one of the important properties of Boolean algebra. It is

extensively useful in simplifying complex Boolean expression.
De Morgons First Theorem: It states that the complement of product of variables is equal
to sum of the complements of individual variable.


A+B .

The proof is given below.




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De Morgons Second Theorem: It states that the complement of sum of variables is equal
to product of complement of two individual variables.
i.e. A B =

A.B .

The proof is shown using a truth table given below.




5.1.2 Simplification of Boolean algebraic expressions

It will be always desirable to simplify any Boolean Expression to its simplest form before
converting to a logic circuit so that the circuit is constructed with minimum number of logic
gates. It makes cost effective and more reliable due to lesser number of interconnections.
Example 2: Simplify

F = XYZ + XYZ ii) F = X ( X + Y ) iii) F = B ( A+C ) + C




= XZ (Y +Y)
= XZ


F = X ( X + Y )
= X.X + XY
= XY

(X.X = 0)

F = B ( A +C ) +C
= BA + BC +C
= BA + C ( 1+B )

(1+B = 1)

= BA + C

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Example 3:

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Prove that Y ( WZ + WZ ) + XY = Y(W+X)


Prove that ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC = AB + BC + CA

L.H.S. = Y ( WZ + WZ ) +XY


= Y ( WZ + WZ ) +XY
= YW ( Z+Z ) + XY


= YW + XY
= Y ( X+W )



= BC ( A+A) + ABC +ABC

= BC + ABC + ABC
= C (B + AB ) + ABC

(B+BA = B+A)

= C ( B+A ) + ABC
= BC + AC + ABC
= BC + A ( C+CB)
= BC + A ( C+B)
= BC + AC + AB


1. Simplify the following





(Ans : XY+YZ)
(Ans: Y)

2. Prove that (A+B) (A+C) = A+BC

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In this module we have learnt to:
1. List the Boolean algebraic theorems
2. Simplify the given Boolean expressions by applying Boolean Algebra theorems
3. The need for simplification of Boolean Expression.
4. The Dual of any expression can be obtained easily by the following rules - 1. Change
all 0s to 1s, 2. Change all 1s to 0s, 3. ANDs (dots) are replaced by ORs (plus)
and 4. ORs (plus) are replaced by ANDs (dots).
5. De Morgons First Theorem: It states that the complement of product of variables is
equal to sum of the complements of individual variable.
6. De Morgons Second Theorem: It states that the complement of sum of variables is
equal to product of complement of two individual variables.
7. Simplification of Boolean algebraic expressions makes cost effective and more
reliable logic circuits due to lesser number of interconnections.

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Module 2: Logic Gates

Logic gate is a physical device or hardware used to implement a Boolean function. It
performs the Boolean operation as per the design. Logic gates are primarily implemented
using diodes or transistors operating as electronic switches. In this module, we will discuss
basic logic functions, corresponding Gates and implementation of combinational circuits
using logic gates.
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, students will be able to:


Describe basic logic gates and the concept of universal logic.

Build a logic circuit for the given Boolean expressions.
Write Boolean expressions for the given logic circuit.
Differentiate combinational and sequential circuits.

5.2.1 Logic gates and operation

Logic gate is an electronic circuit, which makes logic decisions. It is a digital circuit with one
or more input signal and only one output signal. It produces one output level when some
combinations of input levels are present and a different output level when other combinations
of input levels are present. All input or output signals are either low voltage or high voltage.
A digital circuit is referred to as logic gate for simple reason that, it can be analyzed based on
Boolean algebra. To make logical decisions, three basic gates are used. They are OR, AND
and NOT gate. These logic gates are building blocks, which are available in the form of an
Integrated circuit (IC). The input and output of the binary variables for each gate can be
represented in a tabular column called as truth table.
a) Basic gates
i) OR Gate: The OR gate performs logical additions commonly known as OR function. The
OR gate has two or more inputs and only one output. The operation of OR gate is such that a
HIGH (logic 1) on the output is produced when any of the input or both the inputs are HIGH.
The output is LOW(logic 0) only when all the inputs are LOW. If A and B are the input
variables of an OR gate and Y is its output, then Y=A+B. Similarly for more than two
variables, the OR function can be expressed as Y=A+B+C.

Figure 5.2.1: Logical Symbol: Two Input OR gate

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Table 5.2.1: Truth table for two input OR gate:



Y= A+B

Realization of OR gate using diodes: Two input OR gate using "diode-resistor" logic is
shown in Figure 5.2.2, where X, Y are the inputs and F is the output.



Figure 5.2.2: OR gate using Diode Resistor Logic

If X = 0 and Y = 0, then both the diodes D1 and D2 are reverse biased and thus both
the diodes are in cut-off and thus F is LOW.
If X = 0 and Y = 1, D1 is reverse biased, thus does not conduct. But D2 is forward
biased, thus conducts and thus pulling F to HIGH
If X = 1 and Y = 0, D2 is reverse biased, thus does not conduct. But D1 is forward
biased, thus conducts and thus pulling F to HIGH.
If X = 1 and Y = 1, then both the diodes D1 and D2 are forward biased and thus both
the diodes conduct and thus F is HIGH.

ii) AND Gate: The AND gate performs logical multiplication, and commonly known as
AND function. The AND gate has two or more inputs and a single output. The output of an
AND gate is HIGH only when all the inputs are HIGH. Even if any one of the input is LOW,
the output will be LOW. If A and B are input variables of an AND gate and Y is its output,
then Y=A.B

Figure 5.2.3. Logical Symbol: Two input AND gate

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Table 5.2.2: Truth table for two input AND gate



Realization of AND gate using diodes: Two input AND gate using "diode-resistor" logic is
shown in Figure 5.2.4, where X, Y are inputs and F is the output.




Figure 5.2.4 AND gate using Diode Resistor Logic

If X = 0 and Y = 0, then both the diodes D1 and D2 are forward biased and thus both
the diodes conduct and pulls F to LOW.
If X = 0 and Y = 1, D1 is reverse biased, thus does not conduct. But D2 is forward
biased, thus conducts and pulls F to LOW.
If X = 1 and Y = 0, D2 is reverse biased, thus does not conduct. But D1 is forward
biased, thus conducts and pulls F to LOW.
If X = 1 and Y = 1, then both the diodes D1 and D2 are reverse biased and thus both
the diodes are in cut-off and there is no drop in voltage at F. Thus F is HIGH.

iii) NOT Gate (Inverter): The NOT gate performs the basic logical function called
inversion or complementation. The purpose of his gate is to convert one logic level into the
opposite logic level. It has one input and one output. When a HIGH level is applied to an
inverter, a LOW level appears at the output and vice-versa.

Figure 5.2.5: Logic symbol of NOT gate

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Table 5.2.3: Truth table for NOT gate



Y= A

Realization of NOT gate using Transistors: A NOT gate using a transistor is shown in Figure
5.2.6. A represents the input and F represents the output.

Figure 5.2.6: Realization of NOT gate using transistor.

If A = 0, then the transistor is OFF thus pulling F to HIGH.

If A = 1, then the transistor is ON thus driving F to HIGH.

b) Other type of gates

i) NAND Gate: The output of a NAND gate is LOW only when all inputs are HIGH and
output of the NAND is HIGH if one or both inputs are LOW.

Figure 5.2.7: Logical Symbol: Two input NAND gate

Table 5.2.4 : Truth table of NAND gate


Y = AB

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ii) NOR Gate: The output of the NOR gate is HIGH only when all the inputs are LOW.

Figure 5.2.8: Logical Symbol: Two input NOR Gate

Table 5.2.5: Truth table for NOR gate



Y = A B

iii) XOR Gate or Exclusive OR gate: In this gate output is HIGH only when any one of the
input is HIGH. The circuit is also called as inequality comparator, because it produces output
when two inputs are different.
Y= A B =A B + A B

Figure 5.2.9: Logical Symbol: Two input XOR Gate

Table 5.2.6: Truth table for an XOR gate


Y = A B

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iv) XNOR Gate or Exclusive NOR Gate: XNOR gate is a gate with two or more inputs and
one output. XNOR operation is complementary of XOR operation. i.e. The output of XNOR
gate is High, when all the inputs are identical; otherwise it is low.

Figure 5.2.10: Logical Symbol of Two input XNOR Gate

Table 5.2.7 Truth table for XNOR gate


Y = A B +AB

Self test:
1.How many two input AND and OR gates are required to realize the following expressions in addition
to inverters?
2.How to realize an inverter using XNOR gate?
3.List two typical applications of XOR lgate

5.2.2. Concept of Universal Logic

NAND and NOR gates are called Universal gates or Universal building blocks, because both
can be used to implement any gate like AND, OR and NOT gates or any combination of these
basic gates.

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a) NAND gate as Universal gate:

1. NOT operation:

2. AND operation:



3. OR operation:






4. NOR operation:



b )NOR gate as Universal gate:

1. NOT operation:

2. AND operation:



3. OR operation:




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4. NAND operation:





1. Draw the logic circuit for the Boolean expression. Y= BC+AC+ABC using
two input basic gates.
2. Show that AB+(A+B) is equivalent to AB. Also construct the corresponding
logic diagrams.
3. The most suitable gate to check whether the number of 1s in a digital word is
even or odd is
a) X-OR b) NAND c) NOR d) AND
4. Realize NOR and NAND gate using discrete components.
5. Construct an XOR gate using NAND gates only.


5.2.3 Classification of digital circuits

Digital circuits are circuits constructed using digital gates and operate as per digital logic.
Basically digital circuits can be classified into two types.

Combinational Circuits
Sequential Circuits

a) Combinational Digital Circuits:

Logic circuits whose output at any instant of time is entirely dependent upon the input signals
present at that time are known as combinational digital circuits as shown in Figure 5.2.11. In
particular, the output of the combinational circuit doesnt depend upon any past input or
output. The circuit doesnt possess any memory. The output signals of combinational circuits
are not fed back to any other part of the circuit.

Figure 5.2.11 Combinational Circuit

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Combinational circuits are generally faster, since the operation need not have to be performed
in sequences. Combinational circuits can be constructed using Sum of Products (SOP) or
Product of Sums (POS). Sum is logically OR operation of different literals or signals. Product
is logically AND operation of different literals or signals.
a) Sequential Digital Circuits
Sequential switching circuits are those whose output levels at any instant of time are
dependent not only on the levels present at the inputs at that time, but also on the state of the
circuit, i.e on the history of the circuit. It means that sequential switching circuits have
memory. In addition to this, sequential circuits are also characterized by the presence of
feedback. Sequential circuits are therefore made of combinational circuits and memory
elements with feedback. Figure 5.2.12. represents a typical sequential circuit.

Figure 5.2.12: Block diagram of a sequential circuit

The word Sequential means that events or states take place in a sequence, one after
another. A sequential circuit will therefore remember a sequence. In Synchronous
Sequential circuits, there will be a clock, which takes the circuit from one state to the other as
per the input combination. A memory element is a device which can store information in
terms of 1 or 0 and its state can be modified by clock signal and data inputs.
Self test:
1. Compare combinational and sequential circuits.
2. Give two examples each for combinational and sequential circuits.

5.2.4 Implementation of Combinational Circuits

a) Elements of combinational logic :
1. Literal: It is a Boolean variable. It will be either in uncomplemented state or its
complemented state in the logic expression. For example X and X are both literals.
Similarly ABCD consists of 4 literals A,B,C and D.
2. Product term: A product term is the logical product (AND) of literals. For example X,
XY, XYZ are the product terms where X,Y,Z are Boolean variables.

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3. Sum term: A sum term is the logical sum (OR) of literals. For example X+Y, X+Y+Z
are the sum terms where X,Y,Z are Boolean variables.
4. Sum of products (SOP): Sum of product is the logical expression in which OR of
multiple product terms are present. Each product term is the logical AND of literals.
Y+XY+XYZ is an example of SOP.
5. Product of Sums (POS): Product of sums is the logical expression in which AND of
multiple sum terms are present. Each sum term is the logical OR of literals.
(X+Y)((XY+Z)(X+Y+Z) is an example of POS.
6. Minterm: It is a special type of product (AND) term. It is a product term which
contains all the input variables that make up a Boolean expression.
7. Maxterm: It is a special type of sum (OR) term. A maxterm is a sum term that
contains all the input variables that make up a Boolean expression.
8. Canonical form: Canonical is defined as conforming to a general rule. The rule for
Boolean logic is that each term used in a boolean expression must contain all the
9. Canonical Sum of Products: A canonical SOP is a complete set of minterms that
defines when an output variable is a logical 1. Each minterm corresponds to the row
in the truth table when the output function is 1.
10. Canonical Product of Sums: A canonical POS is a complete set of maxterms that
defines when an output variable is a logical 0. Each maxterm corresponds to the row
in the truth table when the output function is 0.
Boolean algebra is used to simplify the Boolean expressions, thus reducing redundancy and
designing low cost logic circuits. Any logic expression can be implemented by logic gates.
b) Examples of combinational circuits:
i) Half Adder: An electronic combinational circuit which performs the arithmetic addition of
two binary bits is called Half Adder. In the half adder circuit, there are two inputs, addend
and augend and two outputs are Sum and Carry. The logic symbol of half adder is shown in
Figure 5.2.13 and the truth table of half adder is given in table 5.2.8.

Half Adder

Figure 5.2.13: Half Adder Logic Symbol.

Table 5.2.8: Truth table of half adder.



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The expression for sum and carry is given in expressions 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 respectively.
Sum= A B+A B =A B


Carry= A.B


The circuit for Half Adder using Basic Gates is shown in Figure 5.2.14

Sum= AB+AB =A B

Carry = A.B

Figure 5.2.14 Half adder using basic gates.

The circuit for Half Adder using XOR gate is shown in Figure 5.2.15.

Sum= AB+AB =A B

Carry = A.B

Figure 5.2.15: Half adder using XOR gate.

ii) Full Adder: Full adder is a combinational circuit that performs the arithmetic sum of three
input bits. It consists of three inputs and two outputs. Two of the inputs are variables, denoted
by A and B, which represent the two significant bit to be added. The third input Cin
represents carry from the previous lower significant position. The logical symbol of full adder
is shown in Figure 5.2.16 and the truth table is given in table 5.2.9.

Full Adder

Figure 5.2.16: Full Adder logic symbol.

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Table 5.2.9: Truth table for Full Adder





The expression for sum and carry of full adder is given in expressions 5.2.3 and 5.2.4
Sum= A B Cin+ A B Cin +A B Cin +ABCin
= A [ B Cin+ B Cin ]+A[ B Cin +BCin]
= A [B Cin]+A[ B Cin ]
= A B Cin


Carry = A BCin+A B Cin+AB Cin +ABCin = A BCin+A B Cin+AB( Cin +Cin)

= A BCin+A B Cin+AB = A BCin+A( B Cin+B) = A BCin+AB+ACin
= B( A Cin+A)+Acin




The logic circuit of full adder is shown in Figure 5.2.17.

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A B Cin




Figure 5.2.17: Full Adder circuit

Ex1: Draw the logic circuit for the Boolean expression. Y= A BC+A B C+ABC


1. Logic gates are fundamental building blocks of digital systems

2. The basic set of logic gates are AND, OR and NOT and this set is called
Universal set.
3. NAND and NOR are called Universal gates.
4. Inputs and outputs of logic gates can occur in two levels. These two levels are
termed as HIGH and LOW, or TRUE and FALSE, or ON and OFF, or simply 1
or 0.
5. Logic circuits whose output at any instant of time is entirely dependent upon the
input signals present at that time are known as combinational digital circuits.
6. Logic circuits whose output at any instant of time depend, not only on the present
input but also on the past outputs are called Sequential Circuits.

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1. Implement Full Adder using Basic gates.
2. Implement Full Adder using two half adders and an OR gate.
3. Simplify and realize using only NAND gates
4. F = XYZ+XYZ+YZ+ Z .
5. F = (A+ B +C) ( A +B+ C )(A+ B )
6. Simplify and realize using only NOR gates:
Y=A B C + A B C + B C +A C

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Module 3: Simplification of Boolean functions using K-map

Maurice Karnaugh, a telecommunications engineer, developed the Karnaugh map at Bell
Labs in 1953 while designing digital logic based telephone switching circuits. The Karnaugh
map, also known as the K-map, is a graphical method to simplify Boolean algebraic
expressions. Karnaugh maps reduce a logic function more quickly and easily compared to
Boolean algebra and thus reduces cost of the circuit in terms of inputs and gates.
The required Boolean results are transferred from a truth table onto a two-dimensional grid.
The cells are addressed by Gray code, and each cell represents one combination of input
conditions ( Minterm or Maxterm), while each cell value represents the corresponding output
of the function. Optimal groups of 1s or 0s are identified, which represent the terms of a
canonical form of the logic in the original truth table. These terms can be used to write a
minimal Boolean expression representing the required logic.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Describe standard form of Boolean expressions.
2. Apply K-map method for simplification of Boolean expressions.

5.3.1 Standard forms of Boolean expressions

Sum of product (SOP) is the logical expression in which OR of multiple product terms are
present. Each product term is the logical AND of literals. Y+XY+XYZ is an example of
SOP. In SOP all the individual terms do not involve all literals. If each term in SOP
expression contains all the literals then that SOP is known as standard or canonical SOP.
Every individual term in the standard SOP is a Minterm.
Product of sums (POS) is the logical expression in which AND of multiple sum terms are
present. Each sum term is the logical OR of literals. (X+Y)((XY+Z)(X+Y+Z) is an example
of POS. In POS all the individual terms do not involve all literals. If each term in POS
expression contains all the literals then that POS is known as standard or canonical POS.
Every individual term in the standard POS is a Maxterm.
a) Steps to convert SOP to canonical SOP:
1. Find the missing literal in each product term.
2. AND each product term having missing literals with terms by OR ing the literal and
its complement.
3. Expand the terms and reduce the expression by removing repeated terms.

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Ex1: F(A,B,C) = AC+AB+BC

In first term B is missing literal, in second term C is missing literal and in third term A
is missing literal.
F = AC (B+B) + AB (C+C) + BC (A+A)
b) Steps to convert POS to canonical POS:
1. Find the missing literal in each sum term.
2. OR each sum term having missing literals with terms by AND ing the literal and its
3. Expand the terms and reduce the expression by removing repeated terms.

Ex2: F (A, B, C) = (A+B)(B+C)(C+A)

In first term C is missing literal, second term A is missing literal and third term B is
missing literal.
F = (A+B+C.C)(B+C+A.A)(C+A+B.B)
F= (A+B+C)(A+B+C)(A+B+C)(A+B+C)(A+B+C)(A+B+C)
[A+BC=(A+B)(A+C).distributive property & X.X =X]
F = (A+B+C)(A+B+C)(A+B+C)(A+B+C)

The canonical SOP and Canonical POS representation of a Boolean function are
complementary. The variables which exists in SOP representation do not appear in POS
representation. Similarly all the variables which exist in POS representation do not appear in
SOP representation. To convert from one canonical form to other canonical form, the
symbols and will be interchanged and the list of variables will be present in new form
which is actually missing from original form.

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Ex3: Determine the Boolean function from the truth table in terms of minterms. Also
give canonical POS form of the expression.



5.3.2 Introduction to Karnaugh Map (K-map)
Y = m(0,1,4,5)
K- map is a matrix of squares and each square represents a minterm or maxterm of a Boolean
expression. It is used to simplify the Boolean expression. Each map lists 2n product terms that
Y = M(2,3,6,7).
can be formed from n variables, each in a different square. A product term in n variables
is called a minterm.

Figure 5.3.1: Variable sized K Maps.

Size of K-map: The size of K- map with n Boolean variables is determined by 2n. The size of
the group within a K-map with n Boolean variables and k number of terms in the resulting
Boolean expression is determined by 2nk. Common sized maps are of 2 variables which is a
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22 map, 3 variables which is a 24 map and 4 variables which is a 44 map. These maps are
shown in Figure 5.3.1.
5.3.3 Simplification of Boolean expressions using K-map
The K-Map method may theoretically be applied for the simplification of any Boolean
expression regardless of its number of variables, but is most often used when there are fewer
than six variables because K-Maps of expressions with more than six variables are complex
and tedious to simplify. Each variable contributes two possibilities: the complemented and
un-complemented forms. It therefore organizes all possibilities of the system. The variables
are arranged in Gray code in which only one variable changes between two adjacent grid
a) Two variable K-map

0 0

b) Three variable K-map
Simplify the following Boolean expression using K Map.
F (A,B,C) = m(0,1,3,7)





F = AB + BC

c) Four variable K-map

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Ex: For the following truth table construct the K Map


10 of the
1 given truth
0 table is1as follows:0






K-map generally becomes more cluttered and hard to interpret when the number of variables
increase. For expressions with larger numbers of variables, we have other algorithms. One
such algorithm is called Quine McCluskey algorithm and is suitable for automation.

When moving horizontally or vertically, only one variable changes between
adjacent squares. This property of K-map is unique and accounts for its
unusual numbering system.
In all K-maps, left and right edges are a common edge, while top and bottom
edges are also common. Thus top and bottom rows are adjacent, as are the left
and right columns.

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d) Dont care combinations

So far, the expressions considered have been completely specified for every combination of
the input variables, that is, each minterm (maxterm) has been specified as a 1 or a 0. For
certain input combinations, the value of the output is unspecified either because the input
combinations are invalid or because the precise value of the output is of no consequence. The
combinations for which the values of the expression are not specified are called dont care
combinations. The dont care terms are denoted by d or X. During the process of design
using SOP map, each dont care is treated as a 1 if it is helpful in map reduction; otherwise it
is treated as a 0 and left out. During the process of design using a POS map, each dont care
is treated as 0 if it is useful in reduction, otherwise it is treated as a 1 and left out.
Ex1: Simplify the following Boolean expression using K Map.
F(A,B,C) = m(3, 4) + d(2,5,6)





F = AB + AB


1. Any Boolean expression can be expressed in a standard or canonical or expanded

sum (OR) of products (AND) form SOP form or in a standard or canonical or
expanded product (AND) of sums (OR) form POS form.
2. The K-map is a chart or a graph, composed of an arrangement of adjacent cells,
each representing a particular combination of variables in sum of product form.
3. The K-map is useful in Boolean expression simplification and hence further
reduces the cost for logic realization.
4. It is a means of showing the relationship between the logic inputs and desired
5. K-map is limited to 6 variables.
6. Dont care terms are useful in K-map reduction.

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1. Consider the truth table of a function. Transfer the outputs to the K map and
write the Boolean expression.



2. Simplify the following Boolean expressions using K maps.

(a) F = m(0,2,4,6)
(b) F = m(3,4,5) + d( 6,7).
3. Write the truth table and kmap for the following 2 input logic gates.
(a) AND ,OR & NOT (b) NAND & NOR

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Sequential circuits are digital circuits whose output at a given time is dependent on the input
at that time and also on the earlier inputs. Thus sequential circuits always have a memory
associated with them. The operation of sequential circuits is expressed in terms of their states.
The basic memory element in sequential circuits is the flip-flop. A flip-flop can store a 1 or a
0 and hence is called one bit memory.
Module 1 : Flip-Flops and its Applications
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Differentiate latches and Flip flops.
2. Draw the circuit of SR, D, JK and D flip-flop using NAND gates and explain
its working principle with its truth table.
3. Design ripple up/down counter using flip flop
4. Explain the working principle of SISO, SIPO shift registers.
6.1.1 Introduction to Flip-Flops
It is an electronic circuit or device which is used to store data in binary form. A flip-flop is a
sequential circuit used as a one bit memory element. A flip-flop circuit can be constructed
from NAND gates or NOR gates. It has two stable outputs Q and Q and hence it is also
known as Bi-stable circuit.
History of Flip-Flop
The first electronic flip-flop was invented in 1918 by William Eccles and F. W. Jordan. It was initially
called the EcclesJordan trigger circuit and consisted of two active elements (vacuum tubes) now it
is realized using transistors.

a) Clock Signal
A clock is derived using a special circuit that sends electrical pulses, called clock in the
context of digital applications as shown in Figure 6.1.1. Each pulse has a precise width and
there is a precise interval between pulses known as clock cycle time. Figure 6.1.2 shows
various parts of the clock signal for which the circuit will respond.

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Figure 6.1.1 Clock Signal

Figure 6.1.2 Edges and levels of a Clock Signal

b) Flip-Flop and Latch
The word latch is mainly used for storage elements, while clocked devices are described
as flip-flops. A latch is level-sensitive, whereas a flip-flop is edge-sensitive. Based on the
triggering condition, Flip flops are divided into positive edge-triggered ( active when
transition of clock is 0 to 1) and negative edge-triggered (active when transition of clock is 1
to 0).
c) SR Flip-Flop:
The SR flip-flop can be considered as one of the most basic sequential logic circuit possible.
This simple flip-flop is basically a one-bit memory bi-stable device that has two inputs, one
which will SET the device (output Q = 1), and is labeled S and another which will
RESET the device (output Q = 0), labeled R.

Figure 6.1.3 (a): Logic diagram of Clocked SR Flip flop (b) Logical Symbol
A basic NAND gate SR flip-flop circuit provides feedback from both of its outputs back to its
opposing inputs and is commonly used in memory circuits to store a single data bit as shown
in Figure 6.1.3 (a). The SR flip-flop actually has three inputs, Set, Reset and its current
output Q relating to its current state or history. The term Flip-flop relates to the actual
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operation of the device, as it can be flipped into one logic state (SET) or flopped back
into the opposing logic state (RESET). Figure 6.1.3 (b) shows symbolic representation of SR
Flip-Flop. The operation of S-R Flip Flop can be described as follows:
When Clock is High:
When S input is made 1 and R input is made 0, the Q output takes the state 1.
This is known as SET condition.
When S input is made 0 and R input is made 1, the Q output takes the state 0.
This is known as RESET condition.
When S = R = 0, the SR flip flop exhibits the memory. i.e. Qn+1 = Qn ; Holds the
S = R = 1 is the Not allowed in S-R Flip flop.
When Clock is Low:
Irrespective of S and R inputs, the SR flip flop exhibits the memory. i.e. Qn+1 = Qn :
No change in the state.
The function of the circuit is described by the table 6.1.1. This table is called Truth Table.
Q(n+1) represents the next state of the output and Qn corresponds to the previous state.
Table 6.1.1: Truth Table of SR Flip-Flop




Previous Output






Previous Output

Note: Practical available Flip flops are edge triggered, that means flip flop responds for clock edges
either positive edge or negative edge. Following are the symbolic representation of positive edge and
negative edge triggered flip flops. Observe the not (bubble) symbol at the clock of negative edge
triggered flip flop.

a) Positive edge triggered Flip flop

b) Negative edge triggered Flip flop

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d) D Flip-Flop:
The D flip-flop shown in Figure 6.1.4 (a) is a modification of the clocked SR flip-flop. The D
input goes directly into the S input and the complement of the D input goes to the R input.
The D input is sampled during the occurrence of a clock pulse. If it is 1, the flip-flop is
switched to the set state (unless it was already set). If it is 0, the flip-flop switches to the clear
state. The R and S inputs will be always in complimentary form, thus preventing R = S = 1
condition from occurring. When the clock (CLK) is low, previous data is stored, i.e, it
exhibits memory as shown in table 6.1.2.



Figure 6.1.4: (a) Logic diagram of D Flip flop (b) Logic Symbol
Table 6.1.2: Truth Table






Previous Output

e) JK Flip-Flop:
A JK flip-flop is a refinement of the SR flip-flop, in which the indeterminate state of the SR
type is defined in the JK type as shown in figure 6.1.5 (a). Inputs J and K behave like inputs S
and R to set and clear the flip-flop (note that in a JK flip-flop, the letter J is for set and the
letter K is for clear). When logic 1 inputs are applied to both J and K simultaneously, the flipflop switches to its complement state, ie., if Q=1, it switches to Q=0 and vice versa.



Figure 6.1.5: (a) Logic Diagram of JK Flip-flop (b) Logic symbol

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JK flip flop is one of the most versatile flip flop. The operation of JK flip flop can be
explained as follows:
When Clock is High:
J = K = 0 causes memory condition.
J = 0 & K = 1 causes reset condition.
J = 1 & K = 0 causes set condition.
J = K = 1 causes output to toggle. i.e. Qn+1 = Qn
When Clock is Low:
Irrespective of J & K inputs, the J-K flip flop exhibits the memory condition.
All these characteristics are summarized in Table 6.1.3
Table 6.1.3 Truth Table of JK flip-flop




Previous Output






Previous Output

f) T Flip-flop:
Figure 6.1.6 shows the logic circuit of T flip-flop in which J and K inputs of a JK flip flop are
combined and taken as a single input T. When T = 0, output of T flip-flop will remain as it
was previously. When T = 1, output of T flip-flop will be complement of its previous output
and hence this circuit is known as toggle circuit. The excitation table is as shown in Table



Figure 6.1.6: (a) Logic Diagram of T Flip-flop (b) Logic symbol of T Flip-flop

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Table 6.1.4: Truth table of T flip-flop





No change




Previous Output

Self test:

1. How do you build a SR and JK flip flop using universal gates.

2. Convert D flip flop in to i) JK flip flop ii) T flip flop
3. How does a JK flip-flop differ from an SR flip flop in its operation ? what is its advantage
over an SR flip flop.
4. Draw the timing diagram for a) D Flip flop and b) JK Flip flop

6.1.2 Counters:
A digital counter is a set of flip flops whose states change in response to pulses applied at the
input to the counter. In binary counter, the flip flops are interconnected such that their
combined state at any time is the binary equivalent of the total number of pulses that have
occurred up to that time. Thus a counter is used to count pulses. Each of the counts of the
counter is called state of the counter. The number of states through which the counter passes
before returning to the starting state is called modulus of the counter. In general an n-bit
counter will have n flip flops and 2n states and divides the input frequency by 2n. Hence it is
a divide by 2n counter.
a) Classification of counters
i) Synchronous and Asynchronous counters :
Counters may be synchronous or asynchronous counters as shown in Figure 6.1.7. In
Asynchronous counters, flip flops are not triggered simultaneously. Synchronous counters are
clocked such that each flip flop in the counter is triggered at the same time. This is
accomplished by connecting the same clock line to each stage of the counter. Synchronous
counters are faster than asynchronous counters because the propagation delay involved is

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ii) Up counter or Down Counter:

A counter may be an up counter or a down counter. An up counter is a counter which counts
in the upward direction i.e 0, 1, 2, 3,, N. A down counter is a counter which counts in the
downward direction i.e N, N-1, N-2,,1, 0.
Practical available Flip flops are edge triggered, so counters can be realized using positive edge
triggered or negative edge triggered flip flops.
We can realize other than 2n counter by appropriately setting the asynchronous inputs of flip flop
using logic gates. For example Decade counter counts 10 states of a counter which is not a 2n

b) Applications of counter:
Counters are used

As Frequency divider,
To perform the timing function as in digital watches
To create time delays
To produce non-sequential binary counts
To generate pulse trains
To act as frequency counters.

c) Ripple Counters:
Asynchronous counters are also called as ripple counters. In ripple counters the flip flops
within the counter are not made to change the states at exactly the same time. In this counter,
JK flip flops or T flip flops are used with J and K inputs or T input of the flip flops connected
to 1. This makes the flip flop output to toggle when a clock pulse is applied. It is also called
as serial or series counters.

Example 3:
Design Two bit ripple up counter using negative edge triggered JK flip flops:
1. Select 2 JK flip flops (number of flip flops depends upon number of bits to count).
2. Connect JK inputs to high
3. Apply the ve edge clock pulse to first JK flip flop
4. Write the truth table of 2 bit up counter as shown where Q1 and Q2 are the outputs
of 2 JK flip flops.
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Clk pulse



5. Observe when higher bit (Q2) is changing. In this case, Q2 is changing when Q1 is
changing from logic 1 to logic 0 (At clock pulse 3). Since we require ve edge counter which
responses when clock is changing from 1 to 0 is required, connect Q1 as the clock for the
next flip flop as shown in Figure 6.1.7 (a)

Figure 6.1.7 (a) Asynchronous 2 bit up counter using -ve edge triggered flip flops (b) Timing
Working principle: For the clock pulse applied to FF1, the output of FF1 toggles. For the Q1
pulse applied to FF2, the output of FF2 toggles. Thus the 2 bit up counter counts in the order
0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, .Figure 6.1.7 shows a 2 bit ripple up counter using negative edge triggered
JK flip flops and its timing diagram.

Example 4:
Design Two bit ripple up counter using positive edge triggered JK flip flops:
Steps 1and 2 are same as example 3
3 Apply the +ve edge clock pulse to first JK flip flop (Observe the Clk signal in Figure 6.1.7
4 Write the truth table of 2 bit up counter as in example 6.3
5 Observe when higher bit (Q2) is changing. In this case, Q2 is changing when Q1 is
changing from logic 1 to logic 0. Since we require +ve edge counter which responses when
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clock is changing from 0 to 1 is required, connect Q1 (Q1 complement) as the clock for the
next flip flop (because when Q1 is changing 1 to 0 Q1 will change 0 to 1 which is the
positive edge of the clock) as shown in Figure 6.1.8

Figure 6.1.8 (a) Asynchronous 2 bit up counter using +ve edge triggered flip flops. (b)
Timing diagram.
Working principle: The output Q1 of FF1 is connected to the clock input of FF2. For the
clock pulse applied to FF1, the output of FF1 toggles. For the Q1 pulse applied to FF2, the
output of FF2 toggles. Thus the 2 bit up counter counts in the order 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1,
Example 5:
Design Two bit ripple down counter using negative edge triggered JK flip flops:

Steps 1, 2 and 3 are same as example 3

4 Write the truth table of 2 bit down counter as shown

Clk pulse



5 Observe when higher bit (Q2) is changing. In this case, Q2 is changing when Q1 is
changing from logic 0 to logic 1. Since we require ve edge counter which responses when
clock is changing from 1 to 0, connect Q1 (which changes 1 to 0 at clock pulse 3) as the
clock for the next flip flop as shown in Figure 6.1.9



Figure 6.1.9 (a) Asynchronous 2 bit down counter using -ve edge triggered flip flops. (b)
Timing diagram.
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Working principle: The output Q1 of FF1 is connected to the clock input of FF2. For the
clock pulse applied to FF1, the output of FF1 toggles. For the Q1 pulse applied to FF2, the
output of FF2 toggles. Thus the 2 bit down counter counts in the order 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3
Figure 6.1.8 shows a 2 bit ripple down counter using negative edge triggered JK flip flops
and its timing diagram.

Self test:

What are the two basic types of counters?

Whqt is the other name of asynchrounous counter and Why?
Realize 2 bit +ve edge triggered up counter using T flip flop.

6.1.3 Shift Register

Registers are digital circuits which are used to store n bits information in the same time.
Generally registers are built with D flip flops. Each flip flop can store a one bit, so a register
composed of n flip flops can store n bit number. All these flip flops are driven by a
common clock and they are set or reset simultaneously. Therefore, the data processing
happens sequentially. The output of one flip flop is fed as input to the next flip flop.

Figure 6.1.10 Data transmission in shift register

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In a register data can be entered in serial form or data can also be output in serial form. Then
this register is called as shift register since data bits are shifted in the flip flops with each
clock pulse. Data can be shifted either towards right or left or even in both the directions.
When the data is shifted from left to right, it is known as right shift register. If data is shifted
right to left, it is called as left shift register. In bidirectional shift register, data can be shifted
either left to right or right to left, depending upon the mode control signal. Data transmission
in shift register is shown in Figure 6.1.10.
There are four basic types of shift registers namely, Serial in Serial out (SISO), Serial in
Parallel out (SIPO), Parallel in Parallel out (PIPO) and Parallel in Serial out (PISO) shift

Serial In Serial Out Shift Register (SISO) :

In SISO shift register, data input is in serial form and clock pulses are applied to each
flipflop. After each clock pulse, data moves by one position. The output can be obtained in
serial form. In this type of shift register data moves either in left or right direction.
The logic diagram of a 4 bit SISO shift right shift register is shown in Figure 6.1.11 with four
flip flops, the register can store up to four bits of data. Serial data is applied at the D input of
the FF1. The Q output of FF1 is connected to the D input of FF2, the Q output of FF2 is
connected to the D input of FF3 and the Q output of FF3 is connected to D input of FF4.
When serial data is transferred into a register, each new bit is clocked into the first flip flop
FF1 at the positive going of each clock pulse. The bit that was previously stored by FF1 is
transferred to FF2. The bit that was stored by FF2 is transferred to FF3 and so on. The bit that
was stored by the last FF4 is shifted out.

Figure 6.1.11 SISO Shift Register

Table 6.1.5 shows the operation of 4 bit SISO shift register to store 1010(2). The LSB bit is
entered first in the register D1 and 4 clock pulse required to store 4 bit data and 5th clock
pulse Data present in D4 will be taken out. So SISO requires (2n-1) clock pulses to take out
n bit data i.e in above example MSB bit 1 is taken out from Q4 at 7th clock pulse.

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Table 6.1.5 Data shifting in 4 bit SISO sh load the data seriallyift register for data 1010
Note: Load the data serially from LSB to MSB. i.e. 0, 1, 0, 1

Note: # indicates any random data

b) Serial In Parallel Out Shift Register (SIPO):
SIPO shift register is shown in Figure 6.1.12. In this type of register, the data bits are entered
into the register serially, but the data stored in the register is shifted out in parallel form. Once
the data bits are stored, each bit appears on its respective output line and all bits are available
simultaneously, rather than on a bit-by-bit basis as with the serial output. The serial-in
parallel-out shift register can be used as a serial-in serial-out shift register if the output is
taken from the Q terminal of the last FF.

Figure 6.1.12: SIPO Shift Register

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Table 6.1.6 Data shifting in 4 bit SIPO shift register for data 1010

c) Applications of shift Registers:

Shift registers are commonly used
1. To store digital data during arithmetic and logical operations.
2. To build Shift register counters.
3. To generate timing and control waveforms.

Latch is a level triggered bi-stable multi-vibrator circuit while a flip flop is an edge triggered.

Flipflop is an electronic circuit or device which is used to store data in binary form. . Latch is a
class of flip-flops whose output responds immediately to appropriate changes in the input.

We have studied the working principle of SR, D, JK and T flip flops using NAND gates.

In binary counter, the flip flops are interconnected such that their combined state at any time
is the binary equivalent of the total number of pulses that have occurred up to that time.

Asynchronous counters are also called as ripple counters

Registers are digital circuits which are used to store n bit information in the same time.

Shift registers are commonly used to store digital data during arithmetic and logical operations.

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1. Complete the timing diagram of D flip-flop


Design mod 4 down counter using +ve edge triggered T flip flop.
Design 4 bit up counter using ve edge triggered JK flip flop with the neat
timing diagram
Compare SISO and SIPO.
How many flip flops are required for storing n bits of information.

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Part III


Chapter -7: Fundamentals of Analog Communication
Communication is the process of transferring information from one point to another. Based
on the type of the signal transmitted, communication can be analog or digital. The analog
communication involves transmitting of an analog signal such as music, video etc. from
source to destination. In electronic communication, some kind of modulation of a known
signal called carrier with the information or message signal before transmission is performed.
In modulation one of the parameters of carrier such as amplitude, frequency or phase is
varied in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the message signal. Depending on
the parameter that is varied, there are three basic types of modulation called amplitude,
frequency and phase modulation.
Module 1: Amplitude Modulation
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Explain the principle of electronic communication using a block diagram.
2. Define modulation and discuss the need for modulation.
3. Explain amplitude modulation using suitable waveforms and define modulation
4. Draw the spectrum of AM DSB signal, identify sidebands and estimate
5. Derive expression for power content of AM signal.
6. List and describe different types of AM signal and compare them.
7. Explain the principle of AM demodulation process.
8. Explain with suitable block diagram the principle of Super- heterodyne receiver.

7.1.1 Principles of Electronic Communication

In a broad sense, the term electronic communication refers to the sending, receiving and
processing of information by electronic means. It can also be defined as the process of
transmitting the information or signal from one point known as the source to another point
known as the destination. Information can be continuous such as speech, music, image,
picture etc. or discrete signals like data from computer etc.
The block diagram of basic communication system is shown in Figure 7.1.1.
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Figure 7.1.1: Block Diagram of Electronic Communication System

a. Information Source: The first stage of communication system is the information source
because a communication system transmits information from an information source to the
destination. The physical form of information is represented by a message that is originated
by an information source. The examples of message are voice, live scenes, music, image,
written text and e-mail etc.
b. Input/output transducer: The input transducer converts physical quantity (non-electrical)
to an electrical signal. This electrical signal is called as baseband signal/ message signal. For
example, voice is converted to electrical signal using microphone. Similarly at the
destination, output transducer is used to convert electrical signal back to physical quantity.
For example a loudspeaker is used to convert electrical signal back to voice. Likewise for
video, the input transducer can be camera and output transducer can be any picture display
unit such as Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) or Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
c. Transmitter: The baseband signal generated by the transducer may not be in the form
suitable for the transmission. Hence some kind of processing and signal conditioning is
required to make it suitable for transmission. The transmitter section processes the signal
before transmission, which mainly consists of filters, amplifiers, modulator and transmitting
antenna (for wireless transmission). The filter is used to eliminate the unwanted component
of signal generated by the transducer. The desired signal is further amplified to the required
level using amplifier. The baseband signal is applied to the modulator, which translates the
baseband signal from its low frequency to high frequency, makes it suitable for the
transmission in the chosen environment. The modulated signal is then transmitted through a
transmission channel.
d. Transmission channel: It is a medium over which the electronic signal is transmitted from
one point to another. The type and characteristics of the channel along with the noise power
decides the transmitter and receiver selection and design and hence the cost of the
communication system. The communication medium can be either wired or wireless. An
example for wired communication is telephony, where a pair of physical wires is running
parallel between transmitter and receiver. Now-a-days optical fibers are used in between
transmitter and receiver in which light carries the information. Similarly an example for
wireless communication is radio communication, where free space is used as a transmission
channel. Antennas are used to couple the signal to and from the channel to the
communication system.
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e. Noise: It is a random, undesirable electrical energy that interferes with the transmitted
signal. Noise is a highly undesirable part of the communication system which must be
minimized. The noise introduced in the transmission medium is called external noise and the
noise introduced in the transmission and reception equipment is called as internal noise. The
main cause of internal noise is the thermal agitation of atoms and electrons of the electronic
components used in the equipment.
f. Receiver: The receiver block mainly consists of receiving antenna, filter, demodulator and
amplifier. The signal received from receiving antenna is filtered and desired signal is
amplified. It is further demodulated to get back the information signal. Finally an output
transducer is employed to convert back the information in electrical form to physical form.
7.1.2 Need for Modulation
In wireless communication, the free space is the transmission medium through which
electromagnetic waves carrying information propagates. A transmitting antenna at the
transmitter radiates energy into the free space and it is received at the receiver using receiving
antenna. The original signal which is called base band signal is not suitable for direct
transmission/radiation over a long distance and hence modulation is usually performed.
Modulation is a process of varying some of the characteristics of high frequency carrier wave
in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of base band signal. After modulation the
baseband signal of low frequency is transferred to the high frequency carrier, which carries
information in the form of some variations. The three parameters of a sinusoidal carrier that
can be varied are: amplitude, phase and frequency. A given modulation scheme can result in
the variation of one or more of these parameters.

Modulation for long distance communication: According to electromagnetic theory, the

amount of radiation emitted from an antenna depends on the frequency of the signal
current supplied to it. For message signals of low frequency, radiation is poor and they
get highly attenuated when transmitted over a longer distance. Therefore modulation is
necessary to effectively increase the frequency of the signal to be radiated and thus
increases the distance over which signal can be transmitted faithfully.
Modulation to reduce the height of the antenna: The height of the antenna required to
transmit and receive radio waves is a function of wavelength of the signal. Since
is inversely proportional to frequency
for message signal
having low frequency, is high and hence the height of the antenna required for
transmission is very large and impractical. Therefore high frequency carrier is used to
transmit the information which requires antenna of lesser height.
Modulation for multiplexing: Multiplexing is a method of transmitting more than one
information signal simultaneously over a single channel. This allows several users to use
the same channel if they are assigned with different carrier frequencies. Therefore it
allows the maximum possible utilization of the available bandwidth of the system.

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Self- test:
1. List the key components required for electronic communication.
2. List the basic functions of radio transmitter and the corresponding functions
of the receiver.
3. Signals travel in air as -------------4. ---------- is another name for simplex communication and ----- is another
name for duplex communication.
5. Signals travel over copper cable as----6. Signals travel over fiber optic cable as----7. What frequency band is used by the AM radio broadcasting station
8. State 2 practical benefits of modulation in Communication system?

7.1.3 Amplitude Modulation (AM)

AM is defined as the process of varying the amplitude of the carrier wave proportional to the
instantaneous amplitude of modulating signal. In practice, the carrier may be higher
frequency while modulating signal may be lower frequency. Figure 7.1.2 shows the
modulating, carrier and amplitude modulated wave. Here the modulating signal considered is
multi-tone in nature.


A multi-tone signal is the superposition of several sine waves or tones or frequency

components, whereas single-tone signal has only one frequency component in it.

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Figure 7.1.2: Waveforms of amplitude modulation

7.1.4 Time domain analysis
The Figure 7.1.3 shows the time domain representation of the AM wave.

Figure 7.1.3: Time domain representation of AM wave

Let the equation of carrier signal be
carrier signal is and

, where

is the peak amplitude of

is the frequency of the carrier signal.

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Let the equation of modulating signal be

amplitude of modulating signal is and


is the peak

is the frequency of the modulating signal.

Then by the definition of AM:



is the modulation index of AM signal which is defined as ratio of the amplitude of

modulating signal to that of carrier signal i.e.

. The significance of modulation index is, it

decides the depth of modulation. If it is less than one, then AM signal is known as under
modulated signal. If it is more than one, then AM signal is known as over modulated signal.
If it is equal to one, then AM signal is known as perfect modulated signal. To obtain the
original information, modulation index should always be less than or equal to one. The effect
of modulation index on AM wave is illustrated in Figure 7.1.4




Figure 7.1.4: Effect of modulation index on AM waveform

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7.1.5 Spectrum of AM signal

Another way of representing the AM signal is in the frequency domain known as frequency
spectrum, which shows all the frequency components present in a signal. It is the plot of
frequency versus their respective amplitudes. Spectrum of AM signal is shown in Figure

Figure 7.1.5: Frequency Spectrum of AM signal

As shown in Figure 7.1.5, the spectrum of AM consists of three frequency components, one
and other two at
respectively. The frequencies
are known as sideband frequencies i.e.

is Upper Side Band (USB) and

is the Lower Side Band (LSB). For this reason this is called AM DSB (Amplitude
Modulation with Double Side Band) system. The difference between the two side band
frequencies is defined as bandwidth of AM signal. Therefore the bandwidth of AM signal is

Self -test:
1. What is a spectrum? What are all the information obtained from the spectrum of AM
2. Imagine that there is a signal with two frequency components,
they modulate a carrier with frequency



. If

Plot the frequency spectrum of the modulated signal.

What is the bandwidth required for such a signal?

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7.1.6 Power Content of AM

The total power (PT) of AM signal is given by


is the carrier power,


are the side band signal powers.

Where R is the load resistance.


For 100% modulation,

i.e. 66.67% of total power is carried by the carrier and only 33.33% of total power is
available in the sidebands. As the information is available only in the sidebands, and carrier
does not in any way contribute to the information, 66.67 % of power is wasted if AM DSB
with full carrier is used.
Modulation by several sine waves:
When the modulating signal consists of several sine waves,

The overall modulation index will be ,


Therefore, the total power is,

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Example Problem 1:
1. An audio signal of

volts amplitude modulates a carrier of

volts. Find

Modulation index
Sideband frequencies
Total power delivered if RL = 1k
Amplitude of each side band components

i. Modulation index: m =

= 0.25

ii. Sideband frequencies :

Upper side band = fC + fm = 3000Hz
Lower side band = fC - fm = 1000Hz
iii. Bandwidth = 2fm = 2kHz
iv. Total power delivered:

) =
) = 0.825 Watts
v. Amplitude of each sideband = m C =0.25 *
= 5V.
Example Problem 2:
Certain AM transmitter radiates 9 kW of power with carrier unmodulated and 10.125kW of
power when carrier is sinusoidally modulated. Calculate the modulation index. If another sine
wave corresponding to 40% modulation is transmitted simultaneously, determine the total
power radiated.
i. Given: PC = 9kW
PT= 10.125kW

PT = PC { 1 +

m = 2 T 1 =0.5.

ii. m1 = 0.5, m2 = 0.4 , PC = 9kW.

mt =

m12 m22 = 0.64.


PT = PC { 1 +

} = 10.84kW

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1. Show that modulation index =




, where VMAX and VMIN are maximum

minimum voltage values of the envelope of AM signal.
A 360W carrier is simultaneously modulated by two audio waves with percentage
modulation of 55 and 65 respectively. Find the modulation index, total power radiated
and power in each sideband. Assume RL=1. [Ans: mt = 0.85, PT =490W, PUSB =
PLSB = 65W].
A broadcast AM transmitter radiates 10kW when the modulation percentage is 60.
How much of this is the carrier power?
[Ans: Pc=8.47 kW]
The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8A when only carrier is transmitted, but
increases to 8.93A when carrier is modulated by a single sine wave. Find the
percentage modulation. Determine the antenna current when the depth of modulation
changes to 0.8A.
[Ans: mc=70.1%, I 9.19A]
A sinusoidal carrier of frequency 10MHz and amplitude 20V is amplitude modulated
by another sinusoidal signal of frequency 10 kHz producing 40% modulation.
Calculate the frequency of upper and lower sidebands.
[Ans: 4V, USB freq =
10.01kHz, LSB freq = 99.99kHz

7.1.7 Different Types of AM Signals

The basic form of AM signal is called Double Side Band with Carrier (AM-DSB), where it
contains two side bands namely, LSB, USB and the carrier signal in its unmodulated form.
The transmission efficiency of the AM-DSB transmitter is very poor because the maximum
efficiency that can be achieved is only 33.33%. The remaining 66.67% power is lost in the
unmodulated carrier signal, which does not carry any useful information. The two side bands
carry similar information and together they carry 33.33% of the transmitted power.
Significant amount of transmitting power can be saved if the AM signal is modified before its
transmission, accordingly several forms of AM signals have been developed which are
explained below.
Double Side Band- Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) Signal:
It is the first modified version of AM-DSB signal. In a AM-DSB signal carrier does not
contain any useful information. Therefore, the two side bands are transmitted by suppressing
the carrier signal leading to a savings of 66.67% of the total transmitting power. This
modified AM signal is called as Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) signal.
Single Side Band (SSB) Signal:
The two side bands transmitted in DSB-SC signal are identical and carry similar information.
If only one side band is transmitted, even then the information will be satisfactorily
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communicated. This gives rise to another form of AM known as Single Side Band (SSB)
modulation. Thus in SSB, only one side band is transmitted by suppressing the other side
band and the carrier signal. This also results in reduced transmitter power compared to DSBSC. The main disadvantage of AM-SSB is, it requires complex receiver.
Vestigial Sideband (VSB) Signal:
It is another form of AM modulation, where one sideband is completely present, and a part
(vestige) of other sideband is retained. If the carrier signal is transmitted along with the side
bands, then the recovery of the baseband signal becomes easier. This also reduces the
complexity of the receiver circuit and which in turn reduces its cost.

Comparison and Applications of various forms of AM signals:

AM-DSB signal is also referred as DSB with full carrier (DSB-FC) and the AM

without carrier is called DSB with suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) signal.

of differentoutput
types with
of AM
Watch this Video forTable
amplitude modulated
modulation indices (DSB): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wUjLWNgqMs

Table 7.1.1 Comparision of different types of AM for m=1

Carrier power

Side band

% of power
saving as
compared to





AM radio










Carrier telephony
systems, military

AM Scheme




1. Compare different types of Modulation techniques based on a) bandwidth required

b) power content of the signal?
2. Calculate the percentage of power saving when the carrier and one of the side bands
are suppressed in an AM wave modulated to a depth of (a) 100% (b) 50%
3. Explain why AM-DSB is preferred for commercial radio broadcasting?
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7.1.8 Detection of AM Signal

Amplitude modulation or AM is one of the most straight forward ways of modulating a radio
signal or carrier. In the process of demodulation (detection), the audio signal is removed from
the radio carrier in the receiver. Demodulation is a process of recovering the original base
band signal (information) from the modulated signal. The simple and highly effective method
for demodulation is by using envelope detector.
Envelope detector produces an output signal that follows the input signal waveform exactly.
Figure 7.1.6 shows the circuit diagram of an envelope detector that consists of a diode and a
resistor-capacitor filter.
This is essentially a half wave rectifier with filter circuit, which allows only half of the
alternating waveform through. The capacitor bypasses the high frequency carrier component
and allows low frequency message signal to go to the output. This demodulator is applicable
only for AM-DSB and the main advantage of this form of AM demodulator is that it is very
simple and cost effective.

Figure 7.1.6: Envelope Detector

7.1.9 Super-heterodyne principle of AM Detection

There are a great variety of receivers in communication systems based on the requirements
such as the modulation scheme, the operating frequency and its range. One of them is superheterodyne type, which uses frequency mixing or heterodyning to convert a received signal to
get a fixed intermediate frequency (IF). This allows the processing of signal easier as the
circuits after IF needs to be designed for narrow band of frequency. The functional block
diagram is shown in Figure 7.1.7.

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Figure 7.1.7: Block diagram of AM Super-heterodyne Receiver

The received signal from the antenna is amplified by the RF amplifier and is fed to the mixer
stage, which performs the heterodyning of the incoming signal with the local oscillator signal
to produce the sum and the difference of those two frequencies. The IF amplifier will be
tuned to the difference frequency as it is smaller among the two, and is known as the
intermediate frequency (IF). A typical value of IF for an AM communication receivers is 455
KHz. The difference frequency is at a lower frequency than either the RF input or oscillator
Once the IF stage/stages have amplified the intermediate frequency to a sufficient level, it is
fed to the detector. The detector is used to demodulate the signal and to get back the message.
The detector stage consists of a rectifying device and filter, which respond only to the
amplitude variations of the IF signal. This develops an output voltage varying at an audiofrequency rate. The output from the detector is further amplified in the audio amplifier and is
used to drive a speaker or earphones.

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1. Basic principle of electronic communication, which has essentially three components:
a) Transmitter, b) Receiver and c) Channel
2. Definition of modulation, which is nothing but varying some parameter of a known signal called
carrier in accordance with the amplitude of the message signal called modulating signal.
3. Modulation is necessary for the following reasons:
a) Ease of radiation b) efficient transmission and c) supporting multiplexing
4. To draw the waveforms for amplitude modulated signal with respect to the chosen modulating
and carrier signals.
5. Modulation index gives the depth of modulation or the extent to which the carrier is modulated
by the signal and is given by
6. Draw the spectrum of AM-DSB signal for a single tone modulation and identify two sidebands
and the carrier. The bandwidth of AM DSB is given by 2fm, where fm is the maximum frequency
component of the modulating signal.
7. The power content of AM DSB is given by

8. The different types of AM signal are AM DSB with carrier, DSB SC, SSB SC, SSB with carrier and
9. AM DSB can be demodulated by relatively simple process of envelope detection.
10. One of the popular AM reception method is called super heterodyne principle, where in the
input RF signal is translated to an IF signal by mixing or beating it with the output of local
oscillator. Since the local oscillator frequency is maintained above the incoming signal
frequency it is called Super- heterodyning.

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Module 2: Frequency Modulation

In the previous module, we have learnt amplitude modulation for transmission of analog
signals. Here, we will discuss about another type of analog modulation called Frequency
Modulation (FM) where the frequency of the carrier is varied in accordance with the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Define Frequency Modulation(FM)
2. Explain frequency modulation using suitable waveforms and define modulation
3. Illustrate the concept of FM graphically
4. Write the time domain equation for FM and determine the bandwidth of FM
using Carson rule
5. Distinguish between AM &FM.

7.2.1 Frequency Modulation

Frequency Modulation is defined as a process of altering the frequency of the carrier
the principleamplitude
of electronic
a block
signal with respect9.to Explain
the instantaneous
of communication
the modulatingusing
It is diagram.
illustrated in
Figure 7.2.1.
11. Explain amplitude modulation using suitable waveforms and define
modulation index.
12. Draw the spectrum of AM DSB FC signal, identify sidebands and estimate
13. Derive expression for power content of AM signal.
14. List and describe different types of AM signal and compare them.
15. Explain the principle of AM demodulation process.
16. Explain with suitable block diagram the principle of super heterodyne

Fig.7.2.1: Frequency Modulation waveforms

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7.2.2 Time domain analysis of FM signal

Time domain analysis of FM signal
From definition, the frequency of the FM modulated signal is,

is the frequency sensitivity,

is the carrier frequency and

signal or modulating signal.

Let the message signal
modulating signal and


is the message

is the peak amplitude of the

is the modulating signal frequency. Substituting for


equation (7.2.1), the equation for the FM signal is,


is the frequency deviation. It signifies the amount by which the carrier frequency

gets deviated.
Multiplying by

on both sides of equation (7.2.2)


, integrating both sides of equation (7.2.3)

Therefore, the equation of FM Signal is given by,

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is defined as modulation index of FM. Unlike AM modulation index,

is not restricted to one. It can be more than unity.

Spectrum of FM
Figure 7.2.2 shows the spectrum of FM for different values of
modulation index,
with large

. It is seen that as the

increases, more number of sidebands appear. Therefore any FM signal

will have a large number of sidebands and hence larger bandwidth. Ideally, FM

signal has infinite bandwidth. However, for practical purpose, Carsons rule is followed,
which says that for good reception of FM, it is enough if those many side bands which
constitutes 98% of power is taken. This acts as the basis for estimation of bandwidth for FM.
The bandwidth for FM as per Carsons rule is given by,

Self -test:

Define frequency modulation.

of FM for frequency
different modulation
Write Fig.7.2.2
the time domain
modulation and
Define modulation index and write the expression for the same.
List the factors that affect the bandwidth of FM signal?

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Example Problems:
1 Given a FM equation VFM (t) = 10 cos [2 108t +

)], calculate carrier

frequency, modulating frequency, frequency deviation and bandwidth.

Carrier frequency: fc = 108Hz
Modulating frequency: fm = 15 kHz
Frequency deviation: f = fm = 5 * 15 = 75 kHz
Bandwidth = 2(f + fm) = 2(75 + 15) = 180 kHz

2 In an FM system when the audio frequency is 500Hz , modulating voltage is 2.5V

, the deviation produced is 5kHz. If the modulating voltage is now increased to 7.5V,
calculate the new value of frequency deviation. If the AF voltage is raised to 10V
while the modulating frequency is dropped to 250Hz, what is the frequency deviation
produced. Also calculate modulation index in each case.
Given: fm = 500Hz, Am = 2.5V, f = 5 103Hz.
i) Modulation index: =
If Am = 7.5V, f = ?
Kf =

5 10 3


f = Kf Am = 2

= 2 kHz /V

7.5 = 15 kHz

Modulation index: =


f = Kf Am = 2 10 = 20 kHz
Modulation index: = 80

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1 A carrier of amplitude 5V and frequency 90MHz is frequency modulated by a
sinusoidal voltage of amplitude 5V and frequency 15 KHz. The frequency sensitivity is
1Hz/V. Calculate the frequency deviation and modulation index.
(Ans: f = 5Hz,
2 The carrier frequency in an FM modulator is 1000 KHz. If the modulating frequency is
15 KHz, what are the first three upper sideband and lower sideband frequencies?
(Ans: 955kHz, 970kHz, 985kHz, 1015kHz,1030kHz,1045kHz)
. 3. What is the modulation index of an FM carrier of frequency 120kHz and a modulating
signal of 10 kHz?
(Ans: = 60kHz, m= 6)

7.2.3 Comparison of AM and FM





Amplitude of the
modulated wave


Frequency of the
modulated wave

instantaneously with
the modulating signal
Contains Carrier and
sideband frequency

Modulation Index


Noise immunity
Adjacent channel
Circuit complexity
Coverage area


Less due to guard bands




Contains carrier and

infinite sideband
frequency components

Self -test:

Noise interference in AM is greater than in FM (True/False)

AM systems require more bandwidth than FM(True/False)
FM signals reach longer distances than AM (True/False)
AM systems are more complex to build than FM (True/False)

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1 Explain why FM waves cover shorter distances as compared to AM?
2 What is guard band? Explain.

Watch this Video for animation of amplitude modulation:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5JyiFWLn-w

Watch this Video for animation of frequency modulation:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmW4z76KgNQ

In this module we have learnt:
1. The definition of Frequency Modulation is a process of altering the frequency
of the carrier signal with respect to the instantaneous amplitude of the
modulating signal.
2. To draw the waveforms for frequency modulated signal with respect to the
chosen modulating and carrier signals.
3. Modulation index gives the depth of modulation and is given by
4. The bandwidth is estimated approximately by Carlson Rule given by
Bandwidth = 2(f + fm)

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Introduction to digital communication
In analog communication, the message signals are continuous in nature and can take infinite
amplitude levels. When these signals are transmitted over long distances, even a small
disturbance (noise) can cause distortion in the signal. Once the signal is distorted, the noise
cannot be removed and as a result the original signal cannot be recovered perfectly at the
receiver. With digital techniques, these disturbances can be removed by detecting and
correcting the errors. Hence digital communication has more benefits as compared to analog
communication. In digital communication, the message signal is in discrete form with finite
amplitude levels. If the message signal is analog, it must be converted to digital form by the
process of Analog-to-Digital Conversion.
Module-1: Digitization of Analog signals
For any analog information to be transmitted using digital communication system, the signal
must be converted to digital form. The Analog-to-Digital conversion process comprises of
sampling, quantizing and encoding the analog signal. The digitized signal is then modulated
using digital modulation techniques.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. State Nyquist Sampling Theorem and explain.
2. Explain qualitatively pulse amplitude modulation technique with the help of suitable
3. Draw and explain the general block diagram of Digital Communication system.
4. Explain qualitatively different types of digital modulation techniques with the help of
suitable waveforms.

8.1.1 Basic principle of Sampling

The basic principles of Analog to Digital Conversion are as shown in Fig 8.1.1.Sampling of
analog signals is the first step used to digitize analog information. Sampling can be observed
in numerous real life applications. For example, music CDs (Compact Discs) are produced by
sampling music signal at frequent intervals followed by quantizing and encoding each
sample. Even in digital photography, periodic snapshots (samples) are taken
to capture continuous phenomena. If the sampling rate is fast enough, the human sensory
organs cannot discern the gaps between each snapshot when they are played back. This is the
principle behind motion pictures. If the sampling rate is not fast enough, there will be
distortion in the reconstructed picture obtained from the digitized samples. Therefore, while
sampling an analog signal, there is a minimum sampling rate requirement, called the Nyquist
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Sampling rate that avoids distortion in the reconstructed signal. Harry Nyquist proved the
sampling theorem which states that It is possible to reconstruct a band-limited analog signal
from periodic samples, as long as the sampling rate ( fs)is at least twice the highest frequency
component (fm)of the signal.
Mmathematicaly it can be expressed as
fs 2fm


Where fs is the sampling frequency and fm is highest frequency component in the signal. This
theorem is also commonly called the Nyquist criteria for sampling or Sampling theorm.
This means that , for example if a voice signal has frequencies ranging from 0 to 4kHz (Low
pass signal), then according to the Nyquist Sampling Theorem, in order to sample this signal
without distortion, the minimum required sampling rate is equal to 8kHz. If an analog signal
has frequency components ranging from 2 kHz to 5 kHz (Band pass signal), then according to
the sampling theorem, the Nyquist sampling rate is equal to twice that of the bandwidth of the
signal.ie. 2*(5-2) kHz = 6 kHz and not 10 kHz.

Fig 8.1.1 Steps involved in Analog-to Digital Conversion

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Illustration of Sampling:

Example Problem:
1A.Consider the analog signal x (t) =3cos100 t. Determine the minimum sampling
rate required to avoid aliasing .
The frequency of the analog signal can be calculated as 2fc=100.
Therefore fc=50Hz.According to the Nyquist sampling rate, the minimum sampling
rate required to avoid aliasing is fs = 100 Hz.
1B. Consider the analog signal x (t) as in problem 1A.
a) Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate of Fs = 200 Hz, draw the signal
obtained after sampling?
b) Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate of Fs = 75 Hz, what is the signal
obtained after sampling?
c) What is the frequency of a sinusoid that yields samples identical to those obtained
in part (b)?

Self -test:
1 If a signal is composed of frequency components up to 10 kHz., what is the minimum
frequency at which the signal should be sampled as per Nyquiest criteria?
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6 kHz
12 kHz
14.4 kHz

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1 Consider the analog signal x (t) = 3cos50t+10sin300t-cos100t. What is the
Nyquist rate of sampling for this signal?
(Ans: 300Hz)

Note: The effect of incorrect sampling rate can be seen when the rotation of a helicopter
blade is observed. As the speed of the blade increases, our eyes are under sampling the true
speed of the blade with a rate which is limited by the human brain. Similarly, in movies, when
the motion of car wheels with increasing speed is observed, the movie camera is under
sampling the motion of car wheels by sampling at a rate equal to the fixed frames per second
of the camera. In both the examples it is observed that as the speed increases, it creates an
illusion of backward rotation. This is because in both cases the actual speed is under sampled.

For Analogy of sampling to Wagon wheel effect, visit the following link:
Introduction to pulse modulation techniques
Pulse modulation involves communication of information using a train of pulses as
carrier. It may be used to transmit either analog information such as continuous speech or
digital data. If the modulating signal is in analog form, it is called analog pulse
modulation technique. Some of analog pulse modulation techniques are: Pulse Amplitude
Modulation (PAM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Pulse Position Modulation
(PPM). If digital data is used to modulate a train of pulses, then it is called digital pulse
modulation technique. Some of the digital pulse modulation techniques are: Pulse Code
Modulation (PCM) and Delta Modulation (DM).
Analog Pulse modulation is a process in which continuous waveforms are sampled at
regular intervals using a train of recurrent pulses. Information regarding the signal is
transmitted only at the time of sampling along with any synchronizing pulses that may be
required. At the receiving end, the original waveforms can be reconstructed from such
samples, if the samples are taken as per the sampling theorem or Nyquist criteria . In
analog pulse modulation, the sample amplitude may be infinitely variable while in digital
pulse modulation such as PCM and DM, a code which indicates the sample amplitude
that is assigned the nearest predetermined discrete amplitude level is sent.
A pulse train has three parameters, namely, Pulse Amplitude, Pulse Width and the instant
of occurrence of the pulse Pulse Position. The information to be transmitted can be
used to vary any of these parameters according to the instantaneous amplitude of the
modulating signal. This leads to three different types of pulse modulation and they are
Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation and Pulse Position Modulation as
shown in Fig 8.1.2.
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Fig 8.1.2: Different types of pulse modulation signals

8.1.2 Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is the simplest form of pulse modulation as shown in
Fig 8.1.3. Here the signal is sampled at regular intervals and each sample is made
proportional to the amplitude of the message signal at the instant of sampling.

Fig 8.1.3: PAM signal

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8.1.3 Pulse Width Modulation

The Pulse Width Modulation is also called Pulse Duration Modulation (PDM). Here the
amplitude and starting time of each pulse is fixed but the width of each pulse is made
proportional to the amplitude of the modulating analog signal at that instant (Refer Fig
8.1.2). PWM has lot of real world applications. For example, the transmission of voice or
music can be performed by using PWM. Pulse Width Modulatio is also used in dimmer
circuits to control the intensity of light. PWM is also used in many control applications
such as control of speed and torque of DC motors etc.,
8.1.4 Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)
In this method, both the amplitude and the duration are kept constant while the position of
each pulse in relation to the position of a recurrent reference pulse is varied by each
instantaneous sampled value of the modulating signal (Refer Fig 8.1.2). PPM is used in
both analog and digital data transmission. It is commonly used in optical fibre
communication, remote controls for TV, toys etc.
8.1.5 Digital Communication System
The pulse modulation techniques discussed in the previous section are used to transmit
message signals over short distances. They are also called baseband modulation
techniques. If message signals have to be transmitted over longer distances, then the
pulse modulation technique is not suitable because the modulated signal is in digital
form (information is contained in either the amplitude or width or position of the train of
pulses). For this reason, digital modulation techniques is used, also called band pass
modulation techniques. Here a continuous signal such as a high frequency sinusoidal
signal acts as carrier. Digital modulation is achieved by varying either the amplitude or
frequency or phase of the carrier in accordance with the digital data to be transmitted.

Fig 8.1.4 Block Diagram of a Digital Communication System

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Fig 8.1.4 shows the functional elements of a digital communication system. The function
of each block is explained as follows:

Information Source and Input transducer

Many of the real world signals are physical in nature. The device used to convert these
physical parameters to corresponding electrical signals is called input transducer.
Examples of physical parameters are voice, speech, image etc. The input transducer used
to convert voice, speech or music signal or image to an electrical signal. Examples of
input transducers are microphone, camera etc. Usually, the output signal from the
transducer will be analog in nature. This analog signal is converted into digital form by
using analog to-digital converter. The analog- to-digital conversion consists of sampling,
quantizing and encoding. In the case of the output data of a computer, the signal is
available in digital form directly.
b. Source Encoder / Decoder
The aim of the source coding is to represent the digital signal efficiently with as much
less number of bits as possible. This will reduce the bandwidth required for transmission.
Ex: Huffman coding. The source decoder performs the inverse operation of source
encoder. ie. It is used to get back the data in its original representation.

Channel Encoder / Decoder

Channel coding consists of systematically adding extra bits in a known manner to the
digital data to be transmitted. These extra bits do not convey any information but help the
receiver to detect and / or correct some of the errors in the received data. Channel
encoding is done by using either Block Coding or Convolution Coding methods. The
channel decoder performs the inverse operation of channel encoder. ie. It is used to
extract the digital data from its encoded form with minimum possible error. The decoder
helps in detecting and/or correcting the errors in the received data that gets introduced
during transmission.

d. Modulator/ Demodulator
The Modulator converts the input digital information into an electrical waveform suitable
for transmission over the communication channel. Mainly there are three types of Digital
modulation techniques viz., Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying
(FSK) and Phase Shift Keying (PSK).The extraction of the digital data from the received
signal is accomplished by the demodulator.

The channels are either wired such as pair of wires, coaxial cable and optical fiber or
wireless (free space) such as radio channel, satellite channel or combination of any of

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these. The communication channels have only finite bandwidth and the signal often
suffers amplitude and phase distortion as it travels over the channel in addition to
attenuation of signal. It may also get corrupted by unwanted, unpredictable electrical
signals referred to as noise. The two important parameters used to measure the channel
characteristics are Signal to Noise power Ratio (SNR) and usable bandwidth.

Advantages of Digital Communication

1. The effect of distortion, noise and interference is less in a digital communication

system. This is because the disturbance must be large enough to change the pulse
from logic 0 to logic 1 or vice versa.
2. Regenerative repeaters can be used at fixed distance along the link, to identify and
regenerate a pulse before it is degraded to an ambiguous state.
3. Digital circuits are more reliable and cheaper compared to analog circuits.
4. The Hardware implementation is more flexible than analog hardware because of the
use of microprocessors, VLSI chips etc.
5. Signal processing functions like encryption, compression can be employed to
maintain the secrecy of the information.
6. Error detecting and Error correcting codes improve the system performance by
reducing the probability of error.

Disadvantages of Digital Communication

1. Large System Bandwidth: - Digital transmission requires a large system bandwidth to
communicate the same information in a digital format as compared to analog format.
2. System Synchronization: - Digital detection requires system synchronization whereas
the analog signals generally have no such requirement.

8.1.6 Digital Modulation Techniques

There are three basic types of digital modulation techniques. They are:
i. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
ii. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
iii. Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
In all these techniques, amplitude, frequency or phase of a sinusoidal carrier is varied to
represent the information which is to be sent. Here the digitized information is mapped
into any one of the above three aspects of sine wave and then transmitted. The sine wave
at the receiver is remapped back to the information. The digital modulation techniques are
widely used in MODEMs ( MOdulator DEModulator) , mobile communication etc.
Usually, FSK and PSK modulations are more frequently used than ASK.

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i. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

Here the amplitude of the carrier is changed in accordance with the binary information to
be transmitted while the frequency and phase of the carrier are kept fixed. Bit 1 is
transmitted by a carrier of one particular amplitude. Bit 0 is transmitted by changing the
amplitude to 0 Volt or no signal in this case. The ASK also called On-Off keying (OOK)
is as shown in Fig 8.1.5.

Fig 8.1.5 Binary ASK signal

ii. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Here the frequency of the carrier is changed in accordance with the binary information. ie.
one frequency for bit 1 and another frequency for bit 0. FSK signal is as shown in

Fig 8.1.6 Binary FSK signal

iii. Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
Here the phase of the sinusoidal carrier is changed in accordance with the binary
information. Phase in this context is the starting angle at which the sinusoid starts. To
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transmit bit 0, the phase of the sinusoid is shifted by 180o whereas to transmit bit 1, the
phase of the sinusoidal carrier is shifted by another 180o. Thus the carrier phase shift
represents the change in the state of the information. Fig 8.1.7 shows the binary PSK

Fig 8.1.7 Binary PSK Signal

Draw the waveforms for the following binary data using ASK, FSK and PSK
modulation techniques: 1001100110101

1. Sampling theorem states that It is possible to reconstruct a band-limited analog
signal from periodic samples, as long as the sampling rate is at least twice the
highest frequency component of the signal.
2. Pulse modulation involves communication of information using a train of pulses
as carrier.
3. Some of analog pulse modulation techniques are: Pulse Amplitude Modulation
(PAM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Pulse Position Modulation (PPM).
4. Digital modulation is achieved by varying either the amplitude or frequency or
phase of the carrier in accordance with the digital data to be transmitted.
5. There are three basic types of digital modulation techniques. They are:
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

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Chapter- 9: Communication Networks

Data communication is the exchange of data between two or more devices via some form of
transmission medium. For data communication to occur, the communicating devices must be
part of a communication system, which is made up of a combination of hardware and
software, and works based on a set of rules called protocol.
A network is a set of devices interconnected by a communication medium. Each device is
referred as a node. A node can be a computer, a printer or any other computing device.
Networking is a process by which people or group of people share information or services.
Module 1: Introduction to Communication Networks:
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Describe the functions performed by communication networks.
2. Explain different types of data communication and network switching
3. Explain various networks used in data communication.
4. Draw and explain different topology used in communication networks.
5. Describe the need for layered approach and protocol standards.
6. Draw and explain the seven layer architecture of ISO-OSI reference model.
9.1.1 Introduction to Data communication: The objective of any data communication
system is to facilitate communication between devices (e.g. computers) which may be located
in adjacent rooms or located in different corners of the world. The information they may
exchange can be in different forms like text, graphics, voice, or video.
The various functions to be carried out in a data communication system are multiplexing,
multiple access, error detection and correction, source coding, switching and signaling.

Multiplexer: Combines the signals from different sources to transmit on the channel.
At the receiving end, a demultiplexer is used to separate the signals.
Multiple access: When two or more users share the same channel, each user has to
transmit the signal only at a specified time or using a specific frequency band.
Source coding: If the channel has a lower bandwidth than the input signal bandwidth,
the input signal has to be processed to reduce its bandwidth so that it can be
accommodated on the channel.
Error detection and correction: If the channel is noisy, the received data will have
errors. Detection, and if possible correction, of the errors has to be done at the
receiving end. This is done through a mechanism called channel coding.

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Switching: If a large number of users have to be provided with communication

facilities, as in a telephone network, the users are to be connected based on the
numbers dialed. This is done through a mechanism called switching.
Signaling: In a telephone network, dialing a particular telephone number implies that
the network is informed about the destined user. This is called signaling information.
The telephone switch (or exchange) will process the signaling information to carry out
the necessary operations for connecting to the called party.

9.1.2 Introduction to Communication Networks: A communication network is the

infrastructure that allows two or more computers to communicate with each other.
Based on the requirements, communications can be of different types:
a. Point-to-point communication: In this type, communication takes place between two
end points. For instance, in the case of voice communication using telephones, there is
one calling party and one called party. Hence the communication is point-to-point.
b. Point-to-multipoint communication: In this type of communication, there is one
sender and multiple recipients. For example, in voice conferencing, one person will be
talking but many others can listen. The message from the sender has to be multicasted
to many others.
c. Broadcasting: In a broadcasting system, there is a central location from which
information is sent to many recipients, as in the case of audio or video broadcasting.
In a broadcasting system, the listeners are passive, and there is no reverse
communication path.

Three types of switching are generally used in communication networks.

a. Circuit switching
b. Message switching
c. Packet Switching
a. Circuit switching: In circuit switching, to transfer the data, circuit must be established so
that the data transfer can take place. Applications which use circuit switching may have to go
through three phases:
Establish a circuit
Transfer the data
Disconnect the circuit
Example : Telephone networks
b. Message switching: In message switching data is routed in its entirety from source to the
destination, one hop at a time.
Example: Telegraph, Military applications
c. Packet switching: In packet switching the entire message is broken down into smaller
chunks called packets. The switching information is added in the header of each packet and
transmitted independently. The main advantage of packet switching is that each packet can
take a different route to reach the destination, and it is not necessary that all packets follow
the same route. If one communication link fails, packets can take a different route. If one
communication link has too much traffic, the packets can take a route with less traffic.
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Different packets may take different amounts of time to reach the destination and the order of
arrival of packets may be different from the one that has been sent. The packets are collected
at the destination and reordered before it is delivered.
Example: Internet
9.1.3 Types of Communication Networks:
Different networks can be used for communication purposes.
a. Local Area Network(LAN)
A local area network is a network of computers in a localized area, such as in an
office or a school. All the computers are connected to each other through the LAN via
a hub or a switch.
b. Wide Area Network(WAN)
A wide-area network covers a large geographical area and usually consists of multiple
computer networks. The Internet is a WAN which relies on a large global network of
service providers who use routers, switches, modems and servers to provide
connectivity to people and organizations around the world. It is a network of
interconnected computers that carry data, media and web pages.
c. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
A metropolitan area network is a larger network that usually spans several buildings
in the same city or town. It is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. A MAN is
typically owned and operated by a single entity such as a government body or large
d. Public Switched Network
The public switched network is essentially the telephones' version of the Internet. It is
a network of public circuit-switched telephones. The network today is largely digital
and includes services for both cellular and landline phones.
e. Wireless Networks
Wireless networks provide information transmission and network connectivity to
devices without cables or wires. Some examples of a wireless network include
broadcast radio, which sends data over long geographical distances and is available to
anyone with a radio who knows the frequency. Wi-Fi is a wireless network for
computers, which can access the network remotely. Bluetooth, which connects with a
nearby mobile phone, is a shorter-range version of a wireless network, which supports
transmission of voice and data but only at a distance of a few feet from the
communication device with which it works.
f. Satellite Networks
Satellite networks come in a number of different varieties. Phone companies use
satellites for data and voice transmission to mobile phones on the ground. Some
satellite networks provide navigation information (e.g.: GPS-Global Positioning
System), military surveillance or weather data. Still others provide television
programming, radio broadcasts and even broadband Internet service.

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9.1.4 Communication Network topology: In communication networks, a topology is a

usually a schematic description of the arrangement of a network, including its nodes
and connecting lines. There are two ways of defining network geometry: the physical
topology and the logical (or signal) topology.
The physical topology of a network is the actual geometric layout of workstations.
There are several common physical topologies, as shown in figure 9.1.1.

Figure 9.1.1: Network Topology

In the bus network topology, every workstation is connected to a main cable called the bus.
Therefore, in effect, each workstation is directly connected to every other workstation in the
In the star network topology, there is a central computer or server to which all the
workstations are directly connected. Every workstation is indirectly connected to every other
through the central computer.
In the ring network topology, the workstations are connected in a closed loop configuration.
Adjacent pairs of workstations are directly connected. Other pairs of workstations are
ndirectly connected, with the data passing through one or more intermediate nodes.
If a Token Ring protocol is used in a star or ring topology, the signal travels in only one
direction, carried by a so-called token from node to node.

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The mesh network topology employs either of two schemes, called full mesh and partial
mesh. In the full mesh topology, each workstation is connected directly to each of the others.
In the partial mesh topology, some workstations are connected to all the others, and some are
connected only to those other nodes with which they exchange the most data.
The tree network topology uses two or more star networks connected together. The central
computers of the star networks are connected to a main bus. Thus, a tree network is a bus
network of star networks.
Logical (or signal) topology refers to the nature of the paths the signals follow from node to
node. In many instances, the logical topology is the same as the physical topology. But this is
not always the case.
9.1.5 Network protocols and Reference models: A protocol is a set of rules that governs
how two communicating parties are to interact. In the Web browsing example, the
HTTP(Hypertext transfer protocol) protocol specifies how the Web client and server are to
interact. Many protocols are required in computer communication to tackle different issues.
Few examples for protocols are
DNS Domain Name System
FTP File Transfer Protocol
HTTP- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
TCP and UDP- Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram Protocol
SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
IP and Ipv6- Internet Protocol and Internet Protocol version 6
Network protocols like HTTP, TCP/IP, and SMTP provide a foundation on which the
Internet is built on.
Self -test:

List the different networks used for communication.

Draw the various topology used in communication networks.
Define protocol and explain the need for network protocols.
For N devices in a network, what is the number of cable links necessary for mesh,
ring, bus and star networks.

a. Need for layered approach and protocol standards:

One way of achieving computer communication is to write monolithic software for all the
protocols to be implemented. This approach, being not modular, leads to lots of problems in
debugging while developing the software and also in maintenance. On the other hand, a
"layered approach" leads to modularity of the software. In a layered approach, each layer is
used only for some specific protocols. Layered approach has many advantages:
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Every layer will perform well-defined, specific functions.

Due to changes in the standards or technology, if there are modifications in one layer's
functionality or implementation, the other layers are not affected and hence changes
are easier to handle.
If necessary, a layer can be divided into sub-layers for handling different functions
If necessary, a layer can be eliminated or by-passed.
If the protocols for different layers are based on international standards, software or
hardware can be procured from different vendors. This multi-vendor approach has a
major advantage because of the competition among the vendors, the prices will be
competitive and in the bargain, the end user will be benefited.
For computer communication, the ISO/OSI protocol suite and the TCP/IP protocol suite
follow the layered approach. The ISO/OSI protocol suite is a seven-layer architecture,
whereas TCP/IP is a five-layer architecture.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) protocol architecture, which is a seven-layer architecture for computer
communications. This model is considered as the reference model for computer
communications. The ISO-OSI model is shown in figure 9.1.2.

Figure 9.1.2 : Seven-layer architecture of ISO OSI

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The seven layers are as follows:


Physical layer
Data link layer
Network layer
Transport layer
Session layer
Presentation layer
Application layer

Each layer performs a specific set of functions. Each protocol layer adds a header and passes
the packet to the layer below. Because the header is interpreted only by the corresponding
layer in the receiving system, the communication is called peer-to-peer communication. Peer
means a layer at the same level.
1. Physical layer: The physical layer specifies the physical interface between devices.
This layer describes the mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural
characteristics of the interface.
An example of the physical layer is Electronic Industries Association (EIA) RS232,
which specifies the serial communication interface. A modem is connected to the PC
through the RS232 interface.
2. Data link layer: The data link layer's job is to activate the link, maintain the link for
data transfer and deactivate the link after the data transfer is complete. Error detection
and control, and flow control are also done by the data link layer.
3. Network Layer: The important function of the network layer is to relieve the higher
layers of the need to know anything about the underlying transmission and switching
technologies. The functions of the network layer are:
Switching and routing of packets
Management of multiple data links
Negotiating with the network for priority and destination address
4. Transport Layer: The transport layer can provide two types of services namely,
connection-oriented and connectionless. In connection-oriented service, a connection
is established between the two end systems before the transfer of data. The transport
layer functionality is to ensure that data is received error-free, packets are received in
sequence, and that there is no duplication of packets. The transport layer also has to
ensure that the required quality of service is maintained. Quality of service can be
specified in terms of bit error rate or delay. In connectionless service, the packets are
transported without any guarantee of their receipt at the other end
5. Session Layer: The session layer specifies the mechanism for controlling the
dialogue in the end systems. Session layer functionality is as follows:
Dialogue discipline: whether the communication should be full duplex or half
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Grouping: to group data into logical units.

Recovery: a mechanism for recovery in case of intermittent failures of the

6. Presentation Layer: The functions of the presentation layer are:

Provide selection of data formats to be exchanged between applications
Data compression
7. Application Layer: The application layer provides management functions to support
distributed applications such as e-mail, file transfer, remote login, and the World
Wide Web.
The ISO/OSI reference model is fundamental to computer communication because it serves
as a reference model for all protocol suites.
1. Compare circuit switching and message switching with packet switching.
2. Give an advantage for each type of network topology.
3. What is LAN, WAN and MAN? .Give one example for each.

1. A communication network is the infrastructure that allows two or more computers to
communicate with each other.
2. Three types of switching are generally used in communication networks namely:
Circuit switching, Message switching and Packet Switching.
3. Some of the types of communication networks are LAN, WAN, MAN, satellite
networks, wireless networks etc.
4. The physical topology of a network is the actual geometric layout of workstations.
5. A protocol is a set of rules that governs how two communicating parties are to
6. Network protocols like HTTP, TCP/IP, and SMTP provide a foundation h of on which
the Internet is built on.
7. The ISO/OSI reference model is fundamental to computer communication because it
serves as a reference model for all protocol suites.

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Chapter-10: Introduction to Mobile Communication

Module-1: Introduction to Mobile Communication:
Mobile radio communication generally refers to any radio communication link between two
terminals, of which one or both are in motion or stationary in unspecified location. That
means, the system is able to establish communication even when the terminal is on the transit
or situated in a new location. The very objective of electronic communication is to enable
communication with a person, at any time, at any place and in any form. In general, Mobile
communication meets this objective and enhances personal communication. Mobile
communication allows the user to be able to establish communication even when he is on the
transit by providing mobility to the terminal or device. Terminal or device mobility is enabled
by wireless access. Personal mobility can be supported by providing unique number to the
user and creating dynamic connection with the terminal. Additional facility such as service
portability can also be provided by making use of intelligent network (IN) capabilities. In
short, Mobile communication provides unlimited reachability, accessibility and rich services
to the user.
With the increase in the number of users, accommodating them within the limited available
frequency spectrum became a major problem. To resolve this problem, the concept of cellular
communication was developed. In cellular communication a basic geographical area of a
particular dimension called cell is defined. Each cell is in the form of a hexagon and consists
of base station acting as a transceiver located at the center. To accommodate multiple users
various multiple access technology is employed.
In the recent years, mobile communication has revolutionized the communication by
opening up innovative applications that are limited only to one's imagination. Today, mobile
communication has become the backbone of the society and various features available in
mobile communication technology have changed the way of living.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Explain the concept of basic cellular mobile communication.
2. Explain the multiple access techniques for cellular system.
3. Draw and explain the architecture of GSM system.
4. Explain the role of base station subsystem (BSS) and mobile switching center

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10.1.1 Principle of Cellular communication:

A cellular radio system provides a wireless connection to the public telephone network for
any user location within the radio range of the system. Cellular systems accommodate a large
number of mobile units over a large area within a limited frequency spectrum. Figure 10.1.1
shows a basic cellular structure used in mobile communication system. These are
conceptualised by hexagonal seven cell structures. The cell number 1 in the Figure10.1.1
(shaded) has six additional neighbouring cells surrounding it. This concept is extremely
important to understand the frequency reuse is concerned. The basic seven cells use 7
frequencies for communication and the next set of seven cells can reuse the same set of
frequencies to communicate as there will be sufficient distance between the cells.

Figure 10.1.1: An illustration of a cellular system
Mobile phone networks are divided into thousands of overlapping, individual geographic
areas or cells each with a base station. Each mobile communicates via radio with one or more
base stations. An illustration of mobile to mobile communication is as shown in the Figure

Figure 10.1.2: Illustrtion of Mobile to Mobile Communication

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Each mobile contains a transceiver (transmitter and receiver), an antenna, and control
circuitry. The base stations consist of several transmitters and receivers, which
simultaneously handle full duplex communications and generally have towers that support
several transmitting and receiving antennas. The base station connects the simultaneous
mobile calls via telephone lines, microwave links, or fiber-optic cables to the switching
center. The switching center coordinates the activity of all of the base stations and connects
the entire cellular system to the public telephone network.
The channels used for transmission from the base station to the mobiles are called forward or
downlink channels, and the channels used for transmission from the mobiles to the base
station are called reverse or uplink channels. The two channels responsible for call initiation
and service request are the forward control channel and reverse control channel.
Once a call is in progress, the switching center adjusts the transmitted power of the mobile
(this process is called power control) and changes the channel of the mobile and base station
(handoff) to maintain call quality as the mobile moves in and out of range of a given base
station. A call from a user can be transferred from one base station to another during the call.
This process of transferring a call from one base station frequency to another is called
When roaming users enter an area outside their home region, special procedures are required
to provide the cellular phone service. To automatically provide roaming service, a series of
interaction is required between the home network and the visited network, using the
telephone signaling system. When the roamer enters a new area, the roamer registers in the
area by using the setup channels.
10.1.2. Multiple Access Technology:
Generally a fixed amount of frequency spectrum is allocated to a cellular system by national
regulator (In India, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) conducts auctions of
licenses for electromagnetic spectrum). Multiple access techniques are then deployed so that
many users can share the available spectrum in an efficient manner.

In 2010, 3G and 4G telecom spectrum were auctioned in a highly competitive bidding. The winners
were awarded spectrum in September, and Tata Docomo was the first private operator to launch 3G
services in India. The Government earned 677 billion from the 3G spectrum auction. While the
broad band wireless spectrum auction generated a revenue of 385 billion. The Government earned
total revenue of over 1062 billion from both auctions. The auction took place over 34 days and
consisted of 183 rounds of bidding. The five most expensive circles were Delhi, Mumbai,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. They accounted for 65.56% of the total bids. So the
spectrum is very scarce and valuable resource.

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The three basic multiple access methods are :

Frequency division multiple access (FDMA)

Time division multiple access (TDMA)
Code division multiple access (CDMA)

Figure 10.1.3: Basic multiple access techniques

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Figure 10.1.3 illustrates the three basic multiple access methods used in mobile
In case of FDMA, users share the available spectrum in the frequency domain and each user
is allocated a part of the frequency band, on a demand basis.
In TDMA available spectrum is partitioned into narrow frequency bands (as in FDMA),
which in turn are divided into a number of time slots. An individual user is assigned a time
slot that permits access to the frequency channel for the duration of the time slot.
The CDMA system utilizes the spread spectrum technique, whereby a spreading code (called
a Pseudo-random Noise or PN code) is used to allow multiple users to share a block of
frequency spectrum.
Self- test:
1. How call set up takes place between two mobile subscribers?
2. Explain the need for cellular concept in mobile communication.
3. Explain frequency reuse concept in cellular systems.

10.1.3. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM):

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), is a standard developed by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for second generation
digital cellular networks used by mobile phones.
Higher digital voice quality.
Low cost alternatives to making calls such as SMS
Ability to deploy equipment from different vendors
GSM allows network operators to offer roaming services
GSM Architecture: Figure 10.1.4 illustrates the architecture of GSM system.
Mobile Station (MS): The Mobile Station is made up of two entities:
1. Mobile Equipment (ME):
The Mobile Equipment is the hardware used by the subscriber to access the
network .
Uniquely identified by an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
2. Subscriber Identity Module (SIM):
Smart card containing the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)
Allows user to send and receive calls and receive other subscribed services
Protected by a password or personal identification number (PIN)

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Figure 10.1.4:GSM architecture

Base Station Subsystem (BSS): Base Station Subsystem is composed of two parts:
Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
Base Station Controller (BSC)
Base Transceiver Station (BTS): Houses the radio transceivers that define a cell and
handles radio-link protocols with the Mobile Station
Base Station Controller (BSC): The tasks performed by BSC are
Manages Resources for BTS
Handles call set up
Location update
Handover for each MS
Network subsystem (NSS): The NSS provides the link between the cellular network and the
public switched telephone network (PSTN). The NSS controls handoffs between cells in
different BSSs, authenticates users and validates their accounts, and includes functions for
enabling worldwide roaming of mobile users.
Mobile Switching Center (MSC):
The central component of the Network Subsystem
Handles billing activities
Handover management
Communication with HLR,VLR,MSCS
Controlling of connected BSCS
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Home Location Registers (HLR): The HLR stores information, both permanent and
temporary, about each of the subscribers that belongs to it. It is the most important database
Visitor Location Registers (VLR): The VLR maintains information about subscribers that are
currently physically in the region covered by the switching center.
Authentication Center (AuC): This database is used for authentication activities of the
system; for example, it holds the authentication and encryption keys for all the subscribers in
both the home and visitor location registers.
Equipment Identity Register (EIR): The EIR keeps track of the type of equipment that exits
at the mobile station. It also plays a role in security e.g., blocking calls from stolen mobile
stations and preventing use of the network by stations that have not been approved.
1. A cellular radio system provides a wireless connection to the public telephone
network for any user location within the radio range of the system.
2. Mobile phone networks are divided into thousands of overlapping, individual
geographic areas or cells each with a base station.
3. The channels used for transmission from the base station to the mobiles are called
forward or downlink channels, and the channels used for transmission from the
mobiles to the base station are called reverse or uplink channels.
4. A call from a user can be transferred from one base station to another during the
call. The process of transferring is called handoff.
5. The three basic multiple access methods are: Frequency division multiple access
(FDMA), Time division multiple access (TDMA), Code division multiple access
6. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), is a standard developed by the
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for
second generation digital cellular networks used by mobile phones.


Compare different generations of cellular mobile communication in terms

of underlying modulation schemes, data rate, and applications offered etc.


Compare CDMA with that of GSM system.


Explain the process of how a call is established and routed in GSM


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