Assignment - Research Paper Analysis
Assignment - Research Paper Analysis
Assignment - Research Paper Analysis
Cherkin, D.C., Sherman, K.J., Deyo, R.A., & Shekelle, P.G. (2003). A review of the evidence for the effectiveness,
safety, and cost of acupuncture, massage therapy, and spinal manipulation for back pain. Annals of Internal
Medicine, 138(11), 898-906. Retrieved March 31, 2010, from ProQuestDirect. (Document ID: 351188371).
Your Paper:
What is the overall purpose of the research?
How does the research fit into the context of its field? Is it, for example,
attempting to settle a controversy? Show the validity of a new technique?
Open up a new field of inquiry? Provide additional data to support
previous research?
Do you agree with the author's rationale for studying the question in this
Were the measurements appropriate for the questions the researcher was
Often, researchers need to use "indicators" because they cannot measure
something directly--for example, using babies' birth weight to indicate
nutritional status. Were the measures in this research clearly related to the
variables in which the researchers (or you) were interested?
If human subjects were studied, do they fairly represent the populations
under study?
What is the one major finding?
Were enough of the data presented so that you feel you can judge for
yourself how the experiment turned out?
Did you see patterns or trends in the data that the author did not mention?
Were there problems that were not addressed?
Do you agree with the conclusions drawn from the data?
Are these conclusions over-generalized or appropriately careful?
Are there other factors that could have influenced, or accounted for, the
What further experiments would you think of, to continue the research or
to answer remaining questions?