Computerized Tomography For Scientists and Engineers: Abstracts
Computerized Tomography For Scientists and Engineers: Abstracts
Computerized Tomography For Scientists and Engineers: Abstracts
CT 2004
Computerized Tomography
Scientists and Engineers
February 13-15, 2004
Organised by
Process Tomography: Development and Application of Non-intrusive Measuring
Techniques for Multiphase Flows
M. Behling, D. Mewes
University of Hannover (Germany)
Impedance Technique for the Measurement of Two Phase Flow Parameters:
Possibilities and Challenges
D. Datta
Bengal Engineering College, Howrah
X-Ray Computed Tomography for Solid Objects
P. Lasaygues1, P. Laugier2
P. Laugier
Laboratoire d'Imagerie Paramtrique, Paris, France
Computerized Tomography in Blast Furnace
S.K. Mandal
National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur
Electrical tomography for two-phase flows: Seeing without eyes inside stirred
R. Mann
Chemical Engineering, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Digital Radiography: Imaging And Visualization For Industrial Applications
S. Punjabi
Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain
Tomography in Fusion Plasma Research
C.V.S. Rao
Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar
Tomographic Reconstructive Techniques for Void-fraction distribution in Heavy
Density Liquid Metal Two-phase Flows
S. Vathsal
DRDL, Hyderabad
Determination of 3-D Concentration Field around a Growing Crystal Using Laser
Shadowgraphic Tomography
Process Tomography: Development and Application of Nonintrusive Measuring Techniques for Multiphase Flows
M. Behling, D. Mewes
University of Hannover (Germany), Institute of Process Engineering, IfV
The variety of ready to use measuring techniques available on the market is ever
growing. But nevertheless in multiphase flows the non-intrusive acquisition of local
measurements of process parameters like temperature, concentration or volume
fractions often is still a challenge. In many cases instead of the desired local
measurements only integral measurements, for instance along lines, can be obtained.
This is the point when process tomography comes into play. In general, in
tomography the desired local values of the respective property are reconstructed
mathematically from a certain number of integral measurements. Depending on the
measurement task, a variety of optical, electrical conductance, electrical capacitance,
X-ray, and some other can be used. The various techniques differ significantly in their
suitability for different measurement objects, spatial and temporal resolution, and
availability on the market, cost, and many more parameters. In process engineering
research the desired tomographic systems often are still not offered commercially. The
Institute of Process Engineering of the University of Hannover, Germany, looks back
on many years of developing, building and using its own tomographic systems,
covering all the above mentioned techniques. This presentation gives an overview of
the tomographic measuring systems built and used at the Institute of Process
Engineering and the research work they are applied for.
In annular flow, stratified flow, film flow, the gas and liquid phases are separated by a
well defined interface and generally the liquid phase does not contain any gas bubble
in dispersed condition. In such situation, impedance probe gives a good estimate of
the liquid film thickness. From electrostatics one gets,
2V 0
From Ohms Law,
R 2V1 I
Where is the electrical potential, J the current density, E the electrical field, I the
current, the conductivity of the liquid and R the resistance.
Finally, the current I can be expressed as
0 / 2
E r ( R1 d )
From the above relationships, one can calculate the resistance for a given liquid height
and liquid conductivity.
R Vin / V0 R f
Using the above relationships one can determine the void fraction for different
separated flow conditions.
3. Homogeneous mixed flow of gas and liquid:
Impedance probes can also be used when the phases are well mixed (bubbly flow or
drop flow). When the phases are well mixed from Maxwells theory, one gets
A Ac G 2 L
A 2 Ac G L
Where Ac is the admittance of the gauge when immersed in the liquid phase alone.
G and L are the conductivities of the gas and liquid phases if conductivity is
dominating. On the other hand, one should use the dielectric constants if capacity is
important. The above equation is suitable for bubbly flow.
For liquid droplet flow through a gas, one gets
( A L Ac G ) (L 2 G )
( A L 2 Ac G ) (L G )
4. Types of probes:
Depending on the requirement of measurement probe, different geometries have been
developed. Probes based on resistance or conductance principle generally have the
electrode in direct contact of the conducting phase. They can either be inserted in the
flow cross-section or may be flush mounted on the inside wall of the conduit.
For probing into an area or a volume an arc type, ring type, parallel wire and parallel
plate electrodes are commonly used. Conductivity or resistivity probes can be
designed to probing into a very small area idealized as a point. This is done by a
needle contact probe. With the help of traversing mechanism it can give the void age
profile. Increasing the number of the needle contacts (2 to 4) determination of the
bubble size and bubble velocity is possible. Capacitance probes on the other hand are
mounted on the outer surface of the conduit and have limited options as far an as
geometry in concerned. They are made of arc and spiral shape.
5. Challenges in the impedance based measurement
i) Estimation of void fraction: As the probes operate neither purely in the
capacitance mode nor in the resistance mode theoretical modeling becomes difficult.
ii) Fringing effect: This results in three-dimensional effects in area probes and
induces error. In conductivity probes and induces error. In conductivity probes this
can be reduced by guard electrodes. The size of the capacitance probes needs to be
determined to reduce the fringing effect.
iii) Stray capacitance effect: As the change of capacitance due to the change of phase
fraction is less the circuit has to be designed properly to reduce the stray capacitance
iv) Property variation: The change of conductivity and dielectric constants due to
impurity, temperature change is also another concern.
v) Double layer effect: This is one of the least understood phenomena, which plays a
very important role in the performance of the impedance probe. With the existing
information it is extremely difficult to model the effect of double layer. However by
suitable design of the probe and adoption of experimental technique this effect can be
reduced. In the full-length paper it will be discussed in detail.
R. Mann with M. Wang and F.J. Dickin "Electrical Resistance Tomography Sensing
Systems for Industrial Applications", Chem. Eng. Commun.,
175, 49, 1999
R. Mann with M. Wang, A.E. Forrest, P.J. Holden, F.J. Dickin, T. Dyakowski and R.B.
Edwards, "Gas-Liquid and Miscible Liquid Mixing in a Plant-Scale Vessel Monitored
Using Electrical Resistance Tomography, Chem. Eng. Commun., 175, 39, 1999
R. Mann with D.S. Vlaev, M. Wang, T. Dyakowski and B.D. Grieve, "Detecting FilterCake Pathologies in Solid-Liquid Filtration: Semi-Tech Scale Demonstrations using
Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT)", Chem.Eng.Jl, 77, 87, 2000
R. Mann with M. Wang, A. Dorward and D.S. Vlaev, "Measurements of Gas-Liquid
Mixing in a Stirred Vessel using Electrical Resistance Tomography", Chem.Eng.Jl.,
77, 93, 2000
R. Mann with T. Dyakowski, M. Mikos, D.S. Vlaev, G.W. Follows, A. Boxman and
M.P.W. Wilson, "Imaging Nylon Polymerisation Processes by Applying Electrical
Tomography", Chem.Eng.Jl., 77, 105, 2000
R. Mann with E. Yuen, S.D. Vlaev, T. Dyakowski, B.D. Grieve and T.A. York,
"Applying Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) to Solid-Fluid Filtration", Proc of
8th World Congress on Filtration, 165, 2000
R. Mann with M. Rahimi, M. Buchmann and D. Mewes, "Interpretation of macro- and
micro-mixing measured by dual-wavelength photometric tomography", Proc. 10th
Europ. Conf. on Mixing, Delft, 377, 2000
R. Mann with S. Stanley D. Vlaev, E. Wabo and K. Primrose, Augmented-reality
visualisation of fluid mixing in stirred chemical reactors using electrical resistance
tomography (ERT), Jl Electronic Imaging, 10(3), 620, 2001
R. Mann with K. Salem and K. Kling, Application of Electrical Resistance
Tomography (ERT) to Monitor a Flow-Follower in a Stirred Vessel Proc. 2 nd World
Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Hannover, 159, 2001
R. Mann, with S.J. Stanley, E. Wabo and K. Primrose, Dual-Validation of Miscible
Liquid Mixing in a Stirred Vessel Imaged by Electrical Resistance Tomography
(ERT), Proc. 2nd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Hannover, 151,
R. Mann with E.L. Yuen, T.A. York and B.D. Grieve, Electrical Resistance
Tomography (ERT) Imaging of a Metal-Walled Solid-Liquid Filter, Proc. 2 nd World
Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Hannover, 183, 2001
R. Mann with S.J. Stanley and K. Primrose, Tomographic imaging of fluid mixing in
3-D for single-feed semi-batch operations of a Stirred Vessel, Trans.I.Chem.E., 80(A),
903, 2002
with fluid layers of equal thickness. The reference chamber is however thermally
inactive. When a thermal disturbance is introduced in the path of the test beam,
fringes appear in the field-of-view. The fringes represent contours on which the path
integral of the temperature field along the direction of the light beam is a constant.
Results on two-layer convection in the cavity containing air-water layers are presented
in the following discussion. The heights of fluid layers in the experiments were
maintained equal at 25 mm. Experiments were conducted with four temperature
differences namely 6.5, 8.5, 13, and 18 K in a thermally destabilizing configuration.
View angles of 0, 45, 90, and 135o have been considered. The experimental data has
been interpreted to understand the influence of increasing Rayleigh number on
transition to three dimensionality and unsteadiness.
For the temperature difference of 6.5 K across the cavity, the individual Rayleigh
numbers on the air and waterside can be calculated to be 9,530 and 48,474
respectively. The fringe patterns at different view angles appeared similar in terms of
orientation, number of fringes and the fringe spacing. Owing to similarity of fringe
patterns obtained with respect to the view angle, the thermal field is expected to be
axisymmetric. With an increase in the temperature difference to 8.5 K, the thermal
field in the cavity was found to be two dimensional in air and three dimensional in
The transient evolution patterns at 0o and 90o view angles for the temperature
difference of 13 K has been studied. The corresponding Rayleigh numbers in air and
water are 18,870 and 1.16E+05 respectively. The flow field in the cavity was found to
reach a dynamic steady state after around 2.5 hours.
Tomograhic reconstruction shows the loss of symmetry in the thermal field, in
particular in water at higher Rayleigh numbers. The reconstruction also shows a
plume structure near the axis of the cavity.
(1) Zeren, R.W., and Reynolds, W.C., 1972, Thermal instabilities in two-fluid
horizontal layers, J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 305-327.
(2) Andereck, D.C., Colovas, M.M., and Peter, W.D., 1996, Observation of timedependent behaviour in the two-layer Rayleigh-Benard system, Proceedings of the
third Microgravity Fluid Physics Conference, pp. 313-318.
(3) Prakash, A., and Koster, J.N., 1997, Steady natural convection in a Two-Layer
system of Immiscible liquids, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 40, No. 12, pp.
(4) Johnson, D., Narayanan, R., and Dauby, P.C., 1999, The effect of air height on
the pattern formation in liquid-air bilayer convection, Fluid Dynamics at Interfaces,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 15-30.
(5) Mishra, D., Muralidhar, K., and Munshi, P., 1999, Interferometric study of
Rayleigh-Benard convection at intermediate Rayleigh numbers, Fluid Dynamics
Research, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp 231-255.
(6) Gebhart B., Jaluria Y., Mahajan R.L., and Sammakia B., 1988, Buoyancy-Induced
Flows and Transport, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York.
(7) Herman, G. T., 1980, Image Reconstruction from projections, Academic Press,
New York
(8) Munshi, P.,1997, Application of Computerized Tomography for measurements in
Heat and Mass Transfer, Proceedings of the 3 rd ISHMT/ASME HMT conference, IIT
(9) Punjabi, Sunil, 2002, Experimental study of convection in differentially heated
fluid layers using laser interferometry, Ph.D thesis, IIT Kanpur, India.
C.V.S. Rao
X-ray Diagnostics Group, Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat,
Gandhinagar 382 428
Tomography has demonstrated its usefulness to diagnose fusion plasmas. Its noninvasive character has made it attractive in plasma physics. It is essentially a
technique to recover the three dimensional distribution from the measured line
integral projections through a mathematical integral transform like Abel transform.
Many plasma diagnostics are made capable of measuring line integrals of plasma
parameters for tomographic purpose. Some commonly used techniques are
Microwave interferometer, Faraday rotation, electron cyclotron emission, visible,
ultraviolet, and x-ray emission etc. These diagnostics are used to study plasma
properties, like equilibrium, stability, plasma-wall interaction and impurity content,
MHD phenomenology, particle and energy transport and turbulence in the plasma
core. In fact, tomography has revolutionized the field of plasma diagnostics and has
lots of promise for the future fusion experiments.
[1]. W. R. Wilcox, Transport phenomena in crystal growth from solution, Prog. Cryst.
Growth and Charact., 26 (1993) 153-194.
[2]. Sunil Verma, K. Muralidhar and V. K. Wadhawan, Flow visualization and
modeling of convection during growth of KDP crystals, Proceedings of the 4th Asian
Meeting on Ferroelectric (AMF-4), Dec. 2003, I. I. Sc., Bangalore, India, p. 242.
[3]. G. T. Herman, Image reconstruction from projections: The fundamentals of
computerised tomography, Academic Press, New York, 1980.
[4]. P. Munshi, Error analysis of tomographic filters Part I: Theory, NDT & E
Internat., 25 (1992) 191-194.
[5]. P. Munshi, M. Maisl and H. Reiter, Experimental aspects of the approximate error
formula for tomographic reconstruction, Materials Evaluation, 55(2) (1997) 188-191.
[6]. Debasish Mishra, Experimental study of Rayleigh-Benard convection using
interferometric tomography, Ph.D. Thesis, IIT Kanpur, India, 1998.