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Guiding Question Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation How does the

media influence what we do? TV logs (H)

Survey Coke/Pepsi (M) Analyze media coverage of HIV research(S)

Who controls the media? Research who owns the media outlets (H) Health influences in society (S)

Was life different before mass media?

Explore lifestyles & buying patterns before mass media (H)
Compare time in front of TV with other activities (M)

How does media (commercials) affect our daily life? Nutrition information (S) Review what we buy &
why (H) Find the ratio of shows to commercials (M)
Create a personal food log (S) Write an alien's perspective on a new colonization of Earth (H) Why do we
watch what we watch on TV? Take internet VALS categorization for self evaluation (M)
Sex Ed., HIV, AIDS -How much is correctly reported? (S) Using VALS information to see how statistics are
used by the media (M) Stage a debate on the censorship of TV violence (H)

New Study from Harvard Researchers at the

Center for Media and Child Health Report
Connect with Kids Improves Student
Behavior & Parent/Child Communication

Harvard research scientists from The Center on Media and Child Health (CMCH) report that
when adults and children watch Connect with Kids videos together, communication and behavior

After conducting a nine-month study involving parents, teachers, and children in Fairfax County
Public Schools and District of Columbia Charter Schools, teachers reported that students
involved in the program were more respectful, more responsible and less physically and verbally
aggressive than students not involved in the program. Harvard researchers also report that
communication between adults and children also improved.  

The CMCH study is an extension of an earlier independent research study which demonstrated
that the Connect with Kids classroom program improves student behavior in significant ways,
including decreases in bullying, fighting, lying and cheating, and increases in respect, tolerance
and academic perseverance. Based on this research, Connect with Kids has been selected by the
U.S. Department of Education’s coveted What Works Clearinghouse as an evidence-based

This latest CMCH study revealed the Connect with Kids comprehensive model works to improve
youth behavior and communication between parents, children and teachers in a community wide
context. The study revealed the following compelling results:

 The Connect with Kids model, which includes classroom and community outreach
strategies, significantly improves youth behavior and communication between parents
and their children.
 Connect with Kids television programs serve as powerful teaching tools and help to
facilitate conversations between parents and children around important topics.
 Parents see the Connect with Kids programs as providing a valuable viewing experience
and covering topics that are often difficult to discuss with their children.
 Many parents reported that viewing the video with their child opened lines of
communication that would not have otherwise been available.
 Parents believed that the videos allowed for in-depth discussions and processing that
would not have been possible in an unaided dialogue.
 After watching a Connect with Kids program, 75% of parents in the DC Metro area study
reported, “I feel better equipped to discuss sex with my child.”
 91% of parent respondents in the DC Metro area study reported that “This program,
Silent Witness, encouraged me and my child to discuss the topics addressed in the show.”
 99% of respondents in the DC Metro area study reported that they enjoyed watching
Silent Witness.
 91% of parents reported in the DC Metro Area study that they had a useful discussion
with their child after watching Silent Witness.
 82% of respondents in the DC Metro area study reported that “Watching Silent Witness
with my child increased my ability to discuss this issue with him/her.”
 75% of respondents in the DC Metro area study reported that “After watching Silent
Witness, my child and I are more likely to discuss important issues together in the

Students who participated in the study and were exposed to the comprehensive model exhibited
the following significant outcomes:

 Increases in teacher reported respectful behaviors.

 Increases in teacher reported responsible behaviors.
 Decreases in their selection of physical aggression as a behavior choice while students in
the control group actually exhibited an increase in this behavior.
 Decreases in their selection of verbal aggression as a behavioral choice while students in
the control group actually exhibited an increase in this behavior.

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