Nakshatras ARDRA 140410
Nakshatras ARDRA 140410
Nakshatras ARDRA 140410
Barbara Pijan Lama:
Ardra – Raudra
Arudra - Aardhra - Aridra - Raudrapadaa - Raudrarksha - Zaamkara -
ZamkararkshaThiruvaathirai - Thiruvaathira - Lak (Tibetan) "Vutavabya
• wet , moist , damp; dampness , moisture
• fresh , not dry , succulent , green (as a plant) , living; fresh , new
• soft , tender , full of feeling , warm ; loose , flaccid
• the fourth or sixth Nakshatra or lunar mansion
• fresh ginger
"Rudra desired, "May I become the lord of the animals." One who makes the appropriate
offering to Rudra, to Ardra, becomes the lord of the animals.
Rudra is the lord of the wild animals and all things wild, strange or disturbing. These come
through Ardra, which therefore needs to seek control over them."
Ardra is ruled by Rudra, the fierce form of Lord Shiva who represents thunder. This is the sixth
nakshatra of the zodiac, having a spread from 6°-40' to 20°-00' in Mithuna or Gemini and is ruled
by the node Rahu. Ardra means wet or surcharged with water, that is fat. When the Sun enters
Ardra the earth is said to be starting its menstrual course that is "Ambobachi” Ardra is called a
tikshna Nakshatra with a gift from Brahma of “undefeatable power”. Rudra is the lord of wild
animals and storms. Hence knowledge and power becomes a double-edge sword unsed for
Arudra means wet or surcharged with water, that is fat. Because the earth is running her
menstrual course there are teardrops falling one after another. From Rudra comes all suffering,
persecutions and oppressions, anger, ferocity of countenance or hideousness of noise. Rudra is
another name of Shiva, the "five-faced" [Panchaanana]. In knowledge, asceticism, renunciation, as
also in enjoyment, he is the supreme consummation of all desires. He is the blue-throated one, the
wielder of the most tremendous powers, what could not be attempted, far less achieved by other
Gods, when the churned Ocean at the time of 'Samudra Manthan' exhaled poison Siva achieved
quite simply by holding the poison in his throat [turning it blue]. On one side he is the symbol of the
most perfect placidity and serenity, on the other hand he is the symbol of all that is terrible. He
holds the great serpent on his head and on his forehead crescent Moon with his sweet-soft light. He
is at the same time the most peaceful and also the most terrible. And in all these are to be traced the
intrinsic characteristics of Arudra. On the surface of it Arudra stands for suffering, hardness,
cruelty, murder, prison, theft, adultery, etc. The root characteristic is oppression - in order to
Those born in the Ardra star are soft, stable minded, strong, earning by sacrifice, afflicted by
sickness, fear and angry. They are bereft of money and corns. Ardra born people can behave very
cooly during the times of extreme hardship and plan their actions accordingly and they get
employed in professions that are related with travel and foreign places.
One born under this nakshatra is thrifty, insincere , ungrateful and sinful and at times they will
spend foolishly.They are flexible and open to change, and often make attempts to change their
negative traits. Those born under this nakshatra will suffer from heart trouble, paralysis, and stress
related ailments..
Ascendant in Ardra: Intelligent, brilliant mind, writing and communication skills, craft speech,
good dexterity, ungrateful, deceitful.
The Moon in Ardra: Thirst for knowledge, curious mind, difficult marital karma, delays in
marriage, great communicator, orator, ungrateful, mischievous, anti-social.
The moon in Ardra indicates a person with sadness and destructive impulses, but also who is skilled
at creating new things out of destruction and renovating old things. They are cold, calculating,
stubborn and controlling, with a violent temperament, but can also be strong, stable and
sympathetic personalities
They are religiousness, of responsible positions, artistic, brave, prone to litigations, have laziness, is
a leader and passionate
The Sun in Ardra:Social skills, politically minded, mental instability, fickle, critical, dishonest,
cunning, fierce activity, restless mind.
Career interests: Writers, teachers, hospice work, social services, sales, public relations, politics,
humanitarian projects, athletes, butchers, drug sellers, helping professions of alleviating pain and
suffering to others,
Related activities: Fighting, tying or binding with rope, controlling enemies, dealing with
poison, things relating to fire, exorcising spirits, having first lessons.
.Health issues:Nervous system disorders, skin sensitivity, allergies, mental disordrs, lung problems.
Shadowy side: Potential abuse of power, lusting after material attainments, causing torment and
pain to others, critical and complaining attitude, haughty and ungrateful, hunting and animal