Post Method Pedagogy of Secondary Education in Bangladesh: An Insinuation
Post Method Pedagogy of Secondary Education in Bangladesh: An Insinuation
Post Method Pedagogy of Secondary Education in Bangladesh: An Insinuation
An Insinuation
Mohammad Ehsanul Islam Khan*
Lecturer in English, Manikarchar Bangabandhu (Degree) College
Meghna, Comilla, Bangladesh
S. K. Obaidullah
Lecturer in English, Stamford University Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
learners. Ultimately our students could not be efficient in English for having new methods and rules in
the last two decades.
2. Statement of the problem
CLT techniques and activities were adopted in a developing country like Bangladesh
for several reasons bearing in mind it to be supportive for the ELT condition of Bangladesh. CLT
attempts to make the students communicate in the target language with the integration of four
fundamental language skills. (Alam et al., 2014) The CLT text book is supposed to contain not only
different literary genres, but also authentic, factual and realistic samples of Target Language (TL)
discourse with the context-based exercises of relevant inductive grammar and various. CLT approach
is working to fulfill communication with comprehensive pronunciations among the nations of the
world. But it failed to complete its mission in Bangladesh for some unavoidable reasons with no
prospect to be revived. So, the new method that is post method pedagogy should be introduced soon
to cope up with the modern world.
3. Objectives
The primary objective is to find out the prevailing problems encountered by the
teachers and learners in Bangladesh. The study also suggests some probable solutions to improve ELT
through post method pedagogy in the secondary level education in Bangladesh.
4. Literature Review
Post-method pedagogy is inclusive by considering the reality of the lives of English
as Second Language (ESL) students and those of lecturers as a significant tool that results in positive
outcomes of teaching and learning. It is primarily concerned with the real life communication in the
SL classroom that lead to more engaged students with optimal opportunities to enhance their fluency
in achieving their fullest potential beyond the classroom (Motlhaka & Wadesango, 2014).
Post method pedagogy is the construction of classroom procedures and principles by the teacher
himself/herself based on his/her prior and experiential knowledge and/or certain strategies. In other
words, the concept of method involves theorizers constructing knowledge-oriented theories of
pedagogy and post-method involves practitioners constructing classroom-oriented theories of
practice (Kumaravadivelu, 1994, p. 29).
Alam et al. (2014) considers that contemporary condition of ELT situation of
Bangladesh is dominated by the CLT method. In the academic years of 2001 and 2002 ELTIP
produced new English textbooks for the secondary levels English for Today of class six, seven, eight
and nine-ten). Generally Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach starts from a theory of
language as communication. Here language is considered as a system for the expression of meaning
and serves its primary functions: interaction and communication (Hasan, 2004). In a word according
to Hymes it is communicative competence and through communication meaningful task can be
performed which has the ability to promote learning (Richards and Rodgers, 2002). In this approach
theory of learning includes activities related with real communication, carrying out meaningful tasks
and promotes learning considering learners level of comprehensiveness (Alam, 2008; Numan, 1989).
Secondary level is generally considered from class six to ten. In terms of tenure and administration of
secondary schools, there are two major types; government schools and non-government schools
including Dakhil madrashahs. BANBEIS reported in 2006 that nearly 98% of the secondary and
higher secondary institutions are owned and managed by private sectors. However, these
organizations are private only in name because 100% of their remuneration and wages, and the
expenditures of their physical infrastructure expansion, sturdy educational supplies and equipment are
provided by the government. The secondary level education has become a part of basic education in
the present world of globalization and hard competition. As a result, secondary schools are vested
with the accountability of imparting knowledge, skills and stances indispensable for individuals to fit
into society and be able to contribute prolifically to its development. (Khan, 2015) So, whether CLT
or Post Method is applied in the secondary education, the quality is a must.
5. Methodology
The researcher collects and studies different literary articles, critical compositions,
and websites to find related study materials, in order to be acknowledged in the related topics through
keen observational method. The researcher also goes through several critical journals from different
libraries to have specialized information on the essayist and compose the work in a more credible
way. The study first considers the fundamentals of the post method pedagogic approach and tries to
assess the ELT situation of the country. The study also evaluates different works on ELT, CLT and
relevant issues. Considering the outcomes of the GTM and CLT approaches, recommendations are
suggested to bring positive results in the field of English language teaching and learning in
6. Discussion
6.1. Secondary Education in Bangladesh: Bona fide Picture
Khan (2015) depicts a bona fide picture of present condition of the secondary level
education in Bangladesh. He thinks that though secondary level education is a must to make out the
attitude and behavior of the students, many of the secondary schools cannot provide quality education
to the students. In most of the cases, the government schools along with a few private schools run by
well-organized foundation are maintaining their quality. But there are lots of schools in our country
where the impediments are the daily events such as shortage of teachers, substandard classroom
environment, deficiency of the teachers and shortage of the monitoring or corrupted governing bodies
etc. Again the rate of female enrollment at the secondary level is still significantly lower than that of
male enrollment. This is due to low achievement rates for girls at the primary level which put them at
a disadvantage when entering secondary school. According to UNICEF, girls are more probable than
boys to quit from secondary school, and their attainment scores tend to be considerably subordinate,
especially in rural areas and among the urban poor.
6.2. Cul-de-sac of CLT
Alam et al. (2014) considers that ultimately, even after shifting from the years-long
practice of the traditional and age-old GTM to the most modern and advanced method CLT has made
the same or to some extent more devastating result in producing scholastic generations in English, the
all-excepted medium for international communication. Whereas the GTM once produced some
scholars of English in Bangladesh, the CLT has been found to be a failure to do so in the recent days
being the newest method of teaching and learning. The primary reasons may be considered as the lack
of teachers efficiency, lack of motivations and motivational orientations. The other reasons may be
the lack of proper classroom environment, lack of effective teachers training programs, trepidation of
EFL, fastest developing modern world etc.
6.3. Efficacy of Post Method in Secondary Level in Bangladesh
Post method pedagogic approach can be used all-inclusively to instruct the English
language in an EFL context. In a developing country like Bangladesh the CLT approach was adopted
excluding the worlds oldest and traditional GTM with lots of expectation and hope to improve the
contemporary status of ELT situation. In a monolingual context like Bangladesh, a developing country
in the EFL context, just adopting a communicative syllabus and textbooks is not certainly ensuring an
effective teaching and learning environment. (Alam et al. 2014) If the teachers fail to use this in a
proper way, everything will dismiss. So, the teacher development programs with the support of post
method pedagogy should be arranged at each school and Dakhil Madrasah, that may continue for a
certain period. Some development programs can be taken at upazilla (sub-district) level and experts
from a higher authority can monitor these programs.
7. Findings
Now, for flaxen reasons, observations can realistically be made on the fact that the
techniques and methods of the post method pedagogic approach are appropriate to teach a foreign
language in terms of applying it in an EFL context like ours we may find it easier to learn and teach
English in a more credible way.
7.1. Endeavor of SEQAEP
The Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement Project (SEQAEP) put
into operation since 2008, intends to progress the worth of secondary education and to enhance
admittance and fairness among poor students, together with those living in remote locale. All
SEQAEP schools have parents-teachers associations (PTAs). Teachers are being trained in English
and Mathematics, institutions are now offering additional classes to improve English and Math skills
of their students, and financial rewards are also being given to those teachers who achieve pass targets
of over 70% of the class and to institutions that constantly increase the number of students appearing
in and passing the SSC examination. (Khan, 2015) This project works with a post method pedagogic
approach but not in focus. It is subconsciously being done.
7.2. Effectiveness of Post Method in Secondary Education
The communicative approach offers learners the opportunity to practice the four
basic language skills in a well-balanced way. It promotes learners' interest of learning. It also
promotes learners' ability of using English from their real life situation. The variety of contexts and
tasks with interaction between students and students, students and teachers, allows learners to use the
language creatively and accurately, learners themselves learn by discussing in group and pair and the
whole process is a spontaneous participation of the learners themselves which is based on learning by
doing. So, the classroom is learners centered, learners themselves are directly involved in the
learning process. English for Today provides learners every opportunity to learn from their own real
contest, almost every textbook from class six to class ten having a TG (Teacher's Guide) for the
teachers to help and guide in order to make a lesson plan for the lesson, to know the aim of the lesson,
how to teach vocabulary, how to use and where to get visual aids, how to deal with a large class and
so on. So, teachers who have been teaching the old book need to change their behavior in teaching as
per requirements.
7.3. Quality
Post Method Pedagogy can improve the quality of secondary education. Quality
education includes quality learners, quality learning environments, quality content, quality process,
quality teachers, and quality outcomes. When we will be able to bring all above things together, then
we can ensure quality education for all. As the post method pedagogy involves the easier and effective
parts of other methods, it may have some influence upon the all other methods and approaches. As a
result it can bring improvement what it brings to the other world. Strong community participation in
school improvement, teachers active participation in mentoring the learners, leadership quality of the
school heads, healthy teaching learning atmosphere in the class rooms, putting students in the centre
of educational setting and learning achievement of the students can be ensured to bring out the quality
through using post method pedagogic approach.
8. Suggestions and Recommendations
Along with the technical and technological facilities the post method pedagogic
approach, the teachers also needs some other benefits such as classroom environment, attentive
learners and economical support. The cooperative language learning may be applied with interesting
ideas. For this, group discussions and peer works will be more fruitful. The secondary level education
should be the framework of the overall study life of a learner. So, there should be more research
works on the function of post method pedagogic approach. Complete structural knowledge of a
language which was the theory of language of GTM can be reintroduced along with its translation
parts according to the learners need. (Alam et al, 2014). Alam et al. (2014) also suggests qualified and
economically solvent teacher along with the limited number of students taking into consideration the
ability of the teachers control over the class, content, time to ensure the best effort from the teachers
part should also be an important point to consider. The government should also take some steps to
apply the post method pedagogic approach in the secondary level education to enhance its quality.
9. Concluding Remarks
To sum up, it can be said that the focal aspire of the post method pedagogic approach
replicates the essentials of the pupils and comprises serviceable skill as well as linguistic goals with a
more plausible way. Post method pedagogy can improve the motivational orientations among the
teachers. And the students can also be motivated through this approach. Effective teaching fuels
social, emotional and professional success of the teachers. So, we should develop the teaching
methodology by mindfully overcoming the obstacles in the way of achieving it. We must admit that
learning a language depends undeniably on the application of an effective method. The language
trainers may introduce the learners to make them conscious both verbally and cognitively in a post
method pedagogic approach for learning a language.
10. Definition of terms
ELT=English Language Teaching
ELTIP= English Language Teaching Improvement Project
ESL= English as a Second Language;
EFL= English as a Foreign Language;
GTM= Grammar Translation Method;
CLT= Communicative Language Teaching
SEQAEP= Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement Project
TG= Teachers Guide
PTA=Parents Teachers Association
SL= Second Language
TL= Target Language
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