Water Hammer: The Magnitude of The Pulse
Water Hammer: The Magnitude of The Pulse
Water Hammer: The Magnitude of The Pulse
Water hammer can be analyzed by two different approaches, rigid column theory which ignores
compressibility of the fluid and elasticity of the walls of the pipe, or by a full analysis including
elasticity. When the time it takes a valve to close is long compared to the propagation time for a
pressure wave to travel the length of the pipe, then rigid column theory is appropriate; otherwise
considering elasticity may be necessary[1]. Below are two approximations for the peak pressure,
one that considers elasticity, but assumes the valve closes instantaneously, and a second that
neglects elasticity but includes a finite time for the valve to close.
The maximum magnitude of the water hammer pulse, assuming a valve that closes instaneously,
can be estimated from the Joukowsky equation P = aC, where P is the magnitude of the
pressure wave (Pa), is the density of the fluid (kgm3), a is the speed of sound in the fluid (ms1),
and C is the change in the fluid's velocity (ms1). The pulse comes about due to Newton's laws of
motion and the continuity equation applied to the deceleration of a fluid element.
As the speed of sound in a fluid is the , the peak pressure will depend on the fluid compressibility
if the valve is closed abruptly. When the valve is closed slowly compared to the transit time for a
pressure wave to travel the length of the pipe, the elasticity can be neglected, and the phenomenon
can be described in terms of intertance or rigid column theory. For this case, one approximation to
the maximum pressure (using Imperial units), P, produced in a water filled line is : P = 0.07VL / t + P1
where P1 is the inlet pressure, V is the flow velocity in ft/sec, t is the valve closing time in seconds
and L is the upstream pipe length in feet. To keep water hammer low, pipe-sizing charts for some
applications recommend flow velocity at or below 5 ft/s (1.5 m/s).
If the pipe is suddenly closed at the outlet (downstream), the mass of water before the closure is still
moving forward with some velocity, building up a high pressure and shock waves. In plumbing this
is experienced as a loud bang resembling a hammering noise. Water hammer can cause pipelines or
equipment such as filter housing to break if the pressure is high enough. Air traps or stand pipes
(open at the top) are sometimes added as dampers to water systems to provide a cushion to absorb
the force of moving water in order to prevent damage to the system. (At some hydroelectric
generating stations what appears to be a water tower is actually one of these devices.)
On the other hand, when a valve in a pipe is closed, the water downstream of the valve will attempt
to continue flowing, creating a vacuum that may cause the pipe to collapse or implode. This problem
can be particularly acute if the pipe is on a downhill slope. To prevent this, air and vacuum relief
valves, or air vents, are installed just downstream of the valve to allow air to enter the line and
prevent this vacuum from occurring[citation needed].
Dynamic Equations
The water hammer effect can be simulated by solving the following partial differential equations
where V is the fluid velocity inside pipe, is the fluid density and Bm is the equivalent bulk modulus,
f is the friction factor.
Possible causes
Most water hammer software packages use the method of characteristics to solve the differential
equations involved. This method works well if the wave speed does not vary in time due to either air
or gas entrainment in a pipeline. Many commercial and non commercial packages exist today.
Software packages vary in complexity, dependent on the processes modeled. The more sophisticated
packages may have any of the following features:
Multiphase ow capabilities
An algorithm for cavitation growth and collapse
Unsteady friction - the pressure waves will dampen as turbulence is generated and due to variations
in the ow velocity distribution
Varying bulk modulus for higher pressures (water will become less compressible)
Fluid structure interaction - the pipeline will react on the varying pressures and will cause pressure
waves itself
Mitigating measures
Water hammer has caused accidents and fatalities, but is usually less threatening. In many cases
damage is limited to breakage of pipes or appendages. An engineer should always assess (at least
qualitatively) risk of a pipeline burst. Pipelines with hazardous goods should always receive special
attention and should be thoroughly investigated.
The following characteristics may reduce or eliminate water hammer:
Low uid velocities.
Slowly closing valves. Toilet ush valves are available in a quiet ush type that closes quietly.
High pipeline pressure rating (expensive).
Good pipeline control (start-up and shut-down procedures).
Water towers (used in many drinking water systems) help maintain steady ow rates and trap large
pressure uctuations.
Air vessels work in much the same way as water towers, but are pressurized. They typically have an
air cushion above the uid level in the vessel, which may be regulated or separated by a bladder.
Sizes of air vessels may be up to hundreds of cubic meters on large pipelines. They come in many
shapes, sizes and configurations. Such vessels often are called accumulators.
Air valves are often used to remediate low pressures at high points in the pipeline. Though effective,
sometimes large numbers of air valves need be installed. These valves also allow air into the system,
which is often unwanted.
Shorter branch pipe lengths.
Shorter lengths of straight pipe, i.e. add elbows, expansion loops. Water hammer is related to the
speed of sound in the uid, and elbows reduce the inuences of pressure waves.
Arranging the larger piping in loops that supply shorter smaller run-out pipe branches. With looped
piping, lower velocity ows from both sides of a loop can serve a branch.
UPS (uninterruptible power supply) is sometimes installed to dampen the initial pressure wave by
keeping the system running for some time after a power trip.[citation needed]
Flywheel on pump.
Pumping station bypass.