Twists and Turns of The Egyptian Revolution1
Twists and Turns of The Egyptian Revolution1
Twists and Turns of The Egyptian Revolution1
2011 2014
This book does not carry opinions as much as it narrates facts
reminding us of the main stages of the Egyptian revolution
that erupted on 25 January 2011.
The large amount of political events and crimes that Egypt has
witnessed since the eruption of the massive popular protests in
January 2011, nearly made us forget these stages, Some of
them need to be documented further and others need
investigations and fair trials for the restitution of rights and to
dignify the martyrs. These stages also confirm the noble
purpose of citizens whose first demands were social justice
and human dignity.
The Friday of rage and hundreds of martyrs; prison breaks; the
battle of the camels; virginity tests and their victims; sectarian
violence; the Balloon Theatre battle; Maspero massacre;
Mohamed Mahmoud and Cabinet battles; Portsaid Stadium
massacre; the National Guard; the Rab'a dispersal massacre; etc.
These are examples of the stages we should not forget. We
should not even allow those who are seeking to cover them up
or erase them from the memory of Egyptians to succeed.
At the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information we
were seeking to published legal book documenting these
stages and twists and turns, to be a the starting point of the
thread and the key for when the time comes for transitional
justice and rule of law. Each of these points needs a legal,
judicial, and human rights committee to re-investigate the facts
and publish the truth, for the criminals to be punished and for
restitution for the innocent and for these facts to be positioned
in the right place in the memory of this people. However, the
researcher who wrote the book, preferred to present these fats,
or some of them, in their political contexts, linked to what had
preceded it and related to what came later as a result or the
introduction to another new event that is still not over.
The truth has many faces. This book presents one of these
faces expressing the vision of one of the witnesses to the
We could agree or disagree on the events and the crimes
committed and the size of their impact. However, they
occurred. When we talk about hundreds of martyrs on Friday
of Rage, on 28 January 2011, the most the skeptics can do is
talk about the causes of the killing of so many people; or argue
who opened the gates of prisons; or claim that the Muslim
Brotherhood attacked police stations. This is the most they can
do. However, the most skeptic people of the revolution and its
events can never question whether an event actually took place
or not or the necessity of a serious judicial investigation into
these events.
This is what this book seeks. It seeks to remind the reader of
the events and their details, even if they are narrated in the
eyes of the researcher of this book.
At the end, this book, which is similar to a documentary or a
narration of four years of the life of the Egyptian people, does
not claim that it owns the absolution truth. It only seeks to
remind the reader and re-activate our memories, hoping to
fight forging and manipulating our consciousness.
It is an attempt to give credit to events that the Egyptian
people as usual were the victims.
This book remains, despite its shortfalls, and despite that it
expresses the characteristics of the twists and turns of the
revolution from the opinion of the writer, is a book that wide
opens the door for seekers of the truth and justice, for them too
to tell their story and their vision of the events of the
revolution from another angle; another window looking onto
the squares of protests.
Gamal Eid
We are standing before the most important event of Egypt's
modern history, as Egypt challenges one of the most
oppressive regimes in Africa and the East. It is the regime of
Hosni Mubarak, who remained in power for thirty years using
all imaginable tools: lies; prison; suspension from posts; direct
oppression; liquidation of opposition; unchecked powers to
security services; and suffocating political parties by not
allowing them to communicate with the masses, perform any
activity amongst the public, or hold popular conferences, thus
transforming them into impotent administrative offices. The
Mubarak era is infamous for corruption, forgery, confiscation
of freedoms, and the continuous state of emergency. He was
doing all he can do to bequeath power to his son. This ignited
anger amongst several sectors and most of the political elite.
The birth of a new and different opposition had started to
appear. This was stimulated by new possibilities of
communication, through the digital space, outside the control
and monitoring of the state. Bloggers appeared. Then, the
Kefaya (Enough) movement appeared. It clearly announced
that thirty years were enough. Out of Kefaya came derivatives
of student unions, workers, professionals, intellectuals and
politicians. All raised the slogan "For Change".
On the other side, a social movement, of workers and poor in
popular districts and rural areas, began to rise in the form of
waves of large and consecutive protests against the regime's
policies, demanding work, housing, medical care, agricultural
inputs, land, etc. All of this was against the regime's neoliberal policies.
Concurrently, another case was enlarging day after day and
getting ready to explode. It was the case of systematic and
organized torture and killing in police stations by the police.
This case was vigorously adopted by the new youth
Chapter 1: 2011
The critical 18 Days
Chapter 1: 2011
The critical 18 Days
through the metal barriers that the army have placed to protect
the protesters. They beat the protesters, causing injuries and
some deaths. The pro-regime supporters continued to attack by
throwing heavy material, rocks and granite on the protesters.
In order to protect themselves, the protesters started breaking
the pavements and throwing the stones on the attackers. The
situation continued like this until the early mornings of
The report stated that the protesters were able to detain some
of the attackers and infiltrators. When they inspected their
identification cards, it was discovered that they were
policemen in civil clothes or NDP members. They were
handed to the armed forces to take all necessary legal
procedures against them. The report added, "The committee
requested from the armed forces information on their
identification and the procedures that were taken, and the
committee did not get any response".
According to the report, the committee heard a number of
witnesses that confirm that some symbols of the NDP,
Members of Parliament and Shura Council from the NDP,
police officers especially from the criminal investigations
and local administration officials have masterminded the proMubarak protests on 2/2/2011 which were launched from
Cairo and Giza districts and directed to Tahrir Square. These
protests were armed with sticks, stones, inflammatory
material, and white weapons. A number of NDP members and
civil clothed police officers have participated with hired thugs
and horse and camel riders in the attack on the protesters in
Tahrir Square in the manner described above.2
Omar Suleiman called upon political forces to negotiate
conditions for withdrawal from Tahrir. When the attempts to
break into Tahrir square on 2 February failed, Omar Suleiman
actually started to hold official meetings with the Muslim
Brotherhood and others. It was an attempt to win some time by
giving promises. The most important issues raised during this
Geographical distribution:
Cairo: 382; Alexandria: 130; Giza and Qalubiya: 51
each; Suez: 23; North Sinai: 27; Gharbia and Beni
Suef: 20; Ismailia: 19; Beheira: 15; Portsaid: 14;
Dakahliya: 10; Sharqiya: 9; Wadi Al Gadid: 6; Kafr
Al Sheikh and Fayoum: 5 each; Damietta, Assiut: 3
each; Aswan: 2; Sohag, Qena; Monoufia: 1 each; and
there 58 cases unknown.
On 15 March:
The Ministry of Interior issued a decision to cancel the State
Security Investigation Services and all its administrations,
branches and offices in all governorates across the country.
Instead, he will establish a new security service named
National Security Sector that will be specialized to protect the
national security and combat terrorism.
On 19 March 2011, the first constitutional referendum was
held, after that a referendum on amendments to a number of
articles in the constitution. These are article 75 regarding the
conditions for running for presidential elections; article 76
regarding how one can nominate for presidential elections;
article 77 regarding the term of office and the number of
renewals allowed; article 88 regarding the supervision of
parliamentary elections; article 93 regarding decisions related
to the validity of the membership of MPs; article 139
regarding the appointment of a vice president; article 148
which is concerned with the announcement of a state of
emergency; in addition to cancelling article 179 that deals with
combating terrorism and adding another clause to article 189
with regards to general and transition rulings. Also, two
articles were added to the constitution.
The results of the referendum according to the Higher
Elections Committee (HEC), which were announced on 20
March 2011, were:
1. The voter turnout on the constitutional amendments
was: 18,537,954, which is 41.2%
2. The number of those who voted Yes: 14,192,577
3. Number of those who voted No: 4,174,187 (22.8%)
4. Annulled votes: 171,190
On 22 March:
Al Adly and 6 of his assistants were put on trial before the
criminal court as they were charged with killing the protesters
during the revolution.
SCAF issued the constitutional declaration on 30 March 2011
and suspended the 1971 constitution completely. The
constitutional declaration was composed of 11 articles, which
the people voted for in the referendum (however the final
version had amendments). It also included many other articles
that identified the state of Egypt and guaranteed public and
personal liberties and human rights. In addition, there were
adjustments to the powers of SCAF, reduction in the powers of
the president and the elected parliament. For example, the
constitutional declaration took away the power of the president
to dissolve the parliament, and the ability of the parliament to
withdraw confidence from the government.
This declaration was controversial but was ratified after people
voted for it.
Sharaf's government
In the beginning of March, SCAF started meetings to contain
and calm youth coalitions and groups. However, nothing really
changed. SCAF was slow in implementing its pledges.
Protests and sectarian conflicts were erupting every now and
then. To contain the anger, Shafik's government was removed
and the Revolution's government was formed, headed by
Bloody April
There was intentional slowdown in the trial of Mubarak and
his men for the crimes they committed against the revolution,
especially the killing. For this, calls and mobilization were
made to go out on Friday 8 April for a one million man protest
named the "Friday of Prosecution and Purging". On that day
21 army officers joined the protests and announced their
support to the demands announced, which were:
the statement of one of the protesters in the square in the dawn of 9 April
The statement:
The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church,
headed by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, and in the
presence of 70 of the Church pontiffs, on Monday
morning, 10th of October, 2011.
The Holy Synod had been appalled by what happened
yesterday in Maspero, where more than 24 of our
beloved sons were martyred, in addition to over 200
who were wounded during their peaceful
The elections
Elections 2011 2012
Under the administration of SCAF, a strong controversy took
place around the steps of handover of power. Should the
constitution come first or the presidential elections? When and
how? The controversy increased with SCAF elongating the
period of transition, which was 6 months. The weak liberal
forces were afraid of the Islamists' domination of the
parliament if the elections took place quickly. Each actor was
trying to force suitable conditions for themselves before
setting a date for the elections. SCAF was keen on protecting
its privileges and that its budget not to be monitored. It
maneuvered between all parties; sometimes with the Islamists,
sometimes with the liberals, and sometimes with the youth
coalitions. Islamists were fighting to protect the fact that Islam
is the reference of the constitution and that the state is not
secular, and that it has an official religion, Islam. They were
promoting for election campaigning purposes their support and
protection of Islam and that the state is not secular and that the
official religion is Islam and that others are seeking to destroy
religion, and that liberalism and secularism promote
debauchery, indecency and immorality. Liberals wanted to get
rid of the constitutional heritage of Nasser that didn't serve
their interests, such as public funds, or the 50% quota of
farmers and workers in the parliament. Businessmen were
looking for guarantees in laws that would preserve their
employment of their money without any harassments or
obstacles. Others were looking for the dream of public
liberties and for them to be guaranteed in the constitution.
Al Selmi's document was only a rehearsal for the conflict
between these forces around their conflicting goals. Under the
pressure of most of the political forces and trends that rejected
This was the first legitimate political party for the Muslim
Brotherhood. It was established in July 2011 to be the
political wing of the organization. It entered the election in
lists and for the independent seats. Their lists included
Nasserists from the Karama Party, such as Amir Iskandar
and Kamal Abu Eita.
The most important goal of the Salafi Bloc and the
Muslim Brotherhood was to fight against the civil or
secular state or the concept of separating religion from the
state, holding onto the Islamic Shari'a as a reference for
legislation and that the official religion of the state is
Islam, and the only legitimate religions are Islam,
Christianity and Judaism.
The Islamists besides there huge financial abilities
used mosques and religious slogans in their campaigns.
They raised concerns that the Islamic identity of Egypt
will be lost and that there is a conspiracy against Islam by
the Liberals and Seculars.
Final Results:
Number of voters: 50.4 million
Number of valid votes: 27.3 million (54.2%)
The Muslim Brotherhood (Freedom and Justice) won the
absolute majority in the lists and the relative majority in the
individual seats. They were followed by the Salafi Nour party,
then the Wafd Party.
Al Sharq Al Awsat Newspaper published a report with the
final results on 21 January 2012 entitled the 2011 Egyptian
Legislative Elections MB win 235 seats in the People's
Assembly. The report said: The "Freedom and Justice Party"
of the Muslim brotherhood won 127 seats of the People's
Assembly and thus the total seats become 235 seats which is
47.18%, according to the announced made by Abdel Moez
Chapter 2: 2012
Bloody beginning and end
Chapter 2: 2012
Bloody beginning and end
It seems that Egypt's date with revolution usually is in
January. This has been the case since the famous uprising
against Sadat's economic decisions in January 1977. To this,
the poet Ahmed Negm sang, "Good news always comes in
January". This uprising forced Sadat to retract from his
decision. The people made it again 34 years later. This January
was different. The people were not ready to accept any
compromises, only the ousting of the regime, Mubarak's
regime, as a whole. This is why they stayed forcefully in the
squares of the country despite all the oppression they have
faced until Mubarak was ousted and his party dissolved.
However, people's aspirations went beyond that. They really
wanted justice and freedom. Their aspirations clashed with
massive obstacles, military rule, infinite maneuvering, and
blood spilling. They were not ready to withdraw despite all
these obstacles. So they sought to oust the military rule in
search for a civilian rule that can provide freedom and justice.
The struggle was culminated with forcing the army to open the
door for parliamentary elections, paving the way for
presidential elections and the transfer of power to a civilian
authority. However, what seemed to be hope transformed into
a nightmare. The good news of civilian rule was embodied in
conservative groups.
of the protest and other stages. They put on Quran and national
songs. This enraged the protesters who surrounded the Muslim
Brotherhood stage and forced them to switch off their large
speakers. They chanted against them and demanded them to be
evacuated from the square. Anti-Muslim Brotherhood slogans
were chanted highly for the first time. Such chants included:
"Badie sell sell sell the revolution", "Badie oh Badie, Egypt's
revolution is not for sale", and "No freedom and no justice, oh
men dress in black". Limited clashes took place. Because the
number of enraged protesters was large in comparison to the
Muslim Brotherhood, they accepted to switch the speakers off
and avoid any conflict. Similar incidents occurred on the same
day in other governorates, such as in the Sa'aa square in
Damietta, Arbein Square in Suez, and Luxor.
Following this, Islamists started accusing the opposition of
having thugs and infiltrators amongst them. They added that
those people are hired to destroy the transition process, or that
they are anti-Islam and want to implement secularism. Some
of their symbols announced their intent to implement Shari'a
and religious rule in Egypt.
On the same day, Field Marshal Tantawi announced that the
end of the state of emergency and limited its use only on cases
of thuggery. This partial cancellation has resulted in discontent
and reservations, especially that the thuggery is a vague word
that can be used against protesters.
Muslim Brotherhood attempts to give that day a celebratory
feel failed. Common sense, which is that this day is a day of
protest and that the demands of the revolution have still to be
fulfilled, won. The revolutionaries called for a million man
protest on 28 January in the name of "The Friday of Rage" in a
clear reference to the First Friday of Rage during the 18 days
of the revolution that ousted Mubarak.
planes. This was after military forces intervened but after the
massacre occurred and the attackers have withdrawn.
Two killed by live bullets, 212 injured in clashes at the Suez Security
Directorate, AlMasry Al Youm, 3 February 2012, (Source in Arabic)
In Suez
In Suez, angry protests erupted the following day to the
massacre. The protests headed to the building of the security
directorate. Security met the protest with cartouche and smoke
bombs, killing nearly 3 protesters with gunshots and injuring
more than 200 protesters.
In Cairo the following day, protesters headed to Tahrir square.
Groups of revolutionary trends, ultras, and their supporters,
Chapter 3: 2013
The flood of the revolution and
its contradictions
Chapter 3: 2013
The flood of the revolution and its
We enter the year 2013. The revolution awakens from the
dream of liberation from the heritage of military rule and the
remains of the Mubarak regime to enjoy what it erupted for:
"Freedom, Bread, Dignity". It finds itself entering a new twist
that is not less dangerous than what ignited it before: hordes of
bearded men who announced their rejection to democracy and
their adherence to religious rule, not caring for the concepts of
citizenship or the question of justice. The president is seeking
to impose the domination of his brotherhood and consolidation
of the tyrannical presidential system that has powers superior
to the constitution and to legislation. The freedom that was
snatched with a hefty price of blood is once again being beaten
with batons and shot by guns. This time, it is at the hands of
supporters of the president. The MB and their supporters have
become an obvious obstacle to the path of the revolution. They
were in the way of fulfilling the dream. Thus, the people
decided to struggle against this obstacle, in order to continue
their path to fulfill the dream of freedom and justice. The year
2013 is the year of contradictions and struggles. It is also a
year of conspiracies. The Revolution's flood flows but doesnt
know where it will end.
This month starts with the memory of three bearded men from
an authority that called its self "the Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice" stopping a student in the Faculty of
Engineering, Ahmed Hussein Eid who was his fianc in July
2012. When he opposed their intervention, they killed him.
The promotion of virtue orders the hand of an Egyptian to be cut and his
brother's tongue cut: 30 bearded men attack them for being disrespectful to
one them, they tied him and beat him, Al, 31 October 2012, (In Arabic)
Ultras cut of the Metro line from Saad Zaghloul, Watan News, 23 January
The ruling was harsh for the people who gathered and tried to
break into the prison were the sentenced were detained in
order to liberate them. Security confronted the people using all
forms of weapons, starting with teargas and ending with live
bullets. These clashes ended with a large number of killed and
injured people. Near four of five were killed and more than
900 injured from the people of Portsaid throughout three days
of clashes. The enraged people destroyed the front of the
railway station and surrounded the Sharq Police Station. They
forced the police men to escape and used the station as a base
for the protesters. They tried to destroy the prison gates, but
the security was strong enough in their response. The army
brought down armored vehicles and soldiers to secure the port
and important facilities. On the day of the funeral of those who
were killed on the first day, clashes were renewed and more
victims fell. A curfew was announced starting the evening and
general emergency in all of the cities of the Canal for 30 days.
The people broke the curfew and protested and held
celebrations and festivals in the streets, clearly challenging the
Noticeably, all police officers accused in the Portsaid events
were found innocent. A large number of people from Portsaid
were injured, most from gunshots. The wounded and families
of victims formed a coalition to demand that they be
considered revolution victims, in order to be covered
medically and supported, especially that many of them were
randomly shot by the security.
Wagdy Ghoneim calls Morsi to kill those who "burn the country" and to
attack the Black Bloc, CNN Arabic, 4 February 2013,
A video after two year: who is responsible for the attack on the
Cathedral?, Dot Masr, 8 April 2015,
In April, a group of youth, originially from the "Kefaya"
movement, were holding a meeting. They were inspired by the
word "Tamarud" (insurgency) that was written from a Syrian
opposition magazine. The aim of the meeting was to start a
campaign, independent of "Kefaya" that rejected their idea,
against Morsi's rule. Their goals:
3 July:
On the third day, the military held a meeting with the Azhar,
the church, opposition forces, and the Salafi Nour Party to
study the coming "roadmap" that will be announced and
implemented. There was an invitation for the Freedom and
Justice Party to participate in the meeting but it refused. The
army delivered its second statement ousting the President
without actually mentioning it. But it announced the
1- Suspending the constitution.
2-Holding early presidential elections. The High
Constitutional Court head will be in charge of the country until
3-Forming a national coalition government.
Recording of Sisi: Morsi was inside the National Guards during the
events, 26 October 2013, Moheet,
C%D9%8A%D9%84-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AE%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD.html#.VjEC3XwrJxA (In Arabic)
Qaed Ibrahim Mosque that was transformed into a torture area, 26 July
2013, YouTube,
by it. There were rumors that the Nahda protest had weapons
and that torture was committed there. Firearms were used
during clashes between the people of the area and the
protesters. 49 MB marches also took place into nearby areas,
such as Manial or the Giza square. Clashes erupted there and
MB used firearms against the people. A number of people
were killed. 50
Also elements attacked Tahrir. It was said that they are coming
from the Nahda protest.51
We have to remember very well that we are looking at the
dispersal of Rab'a and Nahda and trying to understand why
many people welcomed the bloody dispersals. It was because
the period prior to the dispersal witnessed MB rampage
against the security and military services but also against
citizens who did not welcome them. Also, in Sidi Gaber,
Alexandria a horrendous crime was committed as MB
supporters went up on the roof of a building where young boys
were standing. They brutally attacked them and threw them off
the building in front of everyone .this is a scene that was aired
and increased hatred and animosity against the MB.
Undoubtedly, the official media consolidated hatred of Rab'a
saying that bodies are being hidden underneath the stage and
that it had rockets ready to be fired on military establishments.
They also said that the sit-in had a large amount of weapons
and that women are being brought for sexual jihad. Also, that
At around 6 AM, security forces advanced to disperse the sitin with armored vehicles and trucks and bulldozers. They
surrounded all the roads leading to the sit-in blocking them
despite that they have announced to safe passages for those
who want to exit safely. They called out warnings in
loudspeakers near the first entrance to the sit-in despite the
strike having 5 entrances. It is impossible for the alls to
actually reach the heart of the sit-in. clashes started to erupt.
The security forces attack was from all directions, which in
All According to Plan: The Rab'a Massacre and the Mass Killings of
Protesters in Egypt,
reality blocked all exits and entrances to the sit-in and thus not
giving any free passage for those who want to leave safely.
The sit-in guards starting signaling warnings to the rest of the
demonstration and would not allow the bulldozers to remove
the barriers. The security forces shot smoke bombs first at the
barriers to force open the gates. A plane was hovering all over
the place. Instead of withdrawing, the protesters started
chanting and throwing stones.55 From here, the attack with
bulldozers was covered with pellet and live bullets attacking
the sit-in guards from five directions at the same time. A
number of snipers were stationed on top of military buildings
surrounding the sit-in. they hunted protesters while security
indiscriminately. Every now and then, the forces would
announce in loudspeakers that they will disperse while the
gunshots are clashes are continuing. At beginning the forces
advanced slowly until 10 AM. In the middle of the day, there
was relative calmness. After that security forces decide to
disperse at whatever cost. It attacked hailing bullets, pellets,
and smoke bombs on the protesters. A large number of people
were killed during this part of the day. At around 530 PM,
security had completely taken over the area and its
surroundings. The MB used cartouche and Molotov and some
firearms, but the number of arms was very modest compared
to the attacking forces. The strikers burnt some bulldozers and
police cars by throwing Molotov. A large number of the
"prevention squad" took a building under establishment as a
base for a sit-in. the building was strategic as it looks over
three directions. During clashes, they used this building to
which if they had done they would have avoided huge losses.
To them it was all or nothing. If new martyrs fall, then no
problem, we can profit from that too.
Kerdasa is a small town with a large number of MB and
supporters. It saw battles with the interior ministry prior to the
dispersal. Residents were participating in the sit-in. when they
saw the news of the dispersal, they were enraged and so they
gathered in a protest in front of the police station. The police
shot at them with pellet and live bullets. The people responded
and they had firearms on them. Suddenly a large number of
The moment a bomb was thrown at the Giza deputy security director
The army and the police arrive at the ministry of finance after it was
broken into by supporters of the ousted president, 14 august 2013, Al Ahram
newspaper (in Arabic)
149, a documentation
of the attacks on churches and Coptic properties on 14 August (in Arabic)
Chapter 4 : 2014
Blood, trials and protests
Chapter 4 : 2014
Blood, trials and protests
Egypt enters year 2014 in a different environment. The
revolution that was aiming to change the regime has been
divided. A large sector of the society is now supportive of the
regime against terrorism. The revolutionary forces have been
weakened to a large extent compared to 2011 and 2012. The
space for freedoms that the people had snatched is now
restricted. Terrorism, explosions and fears generated from
them is now dominating the thoughts of the people. A large
part of the opposition has taken the side of the regime fearing
the collapse of the state. Protests are easily described as MB.
Most democrats and Leftist decided to not participate in any
activity the MB is part of. The MB in their turn was fighting
their battle against what they described as the "Coup power".
Their battle was widespread and deep in the form of protests
and clashes on nearly a daily basis. They considered anyone
supporting them enemies. The noise of protests and the smoke
of explosions were everywhere. These were the most
important characteristics and reasons that pushed the people to
support the regime further.
This year will not be like the ones before. This is a year of the
battle between the strongest poles the army and the MB. It is
the battle of two presidents, one was ousted and the other
stayed in his place. In other words the military oppression took
the place of the civil/religious oppression.
The Universities:
On 8 January, a student was shot by security in clashes
between MB students and the security in Al Azhar University
in Assiut. Around 75 students were arrested.
On 12 January, another student was killed in Ain Shams
University during clashes.
The committee that was selected with the participation of the
Salvation Front had finished drafting the new constitution.
This draft that had some of its clauses amended by the army in
the absence of those who wrote it as was admitted by some of
the drafter, such as Dr Abul Ghar. On 14 and 15 January, the
constitution was put in a referendum to the people. This was
the consolidation of a new power headed by the interim
president who is only a front to SCAF's power.
January 2014
One day did not pass in this month without clashes, without
victims. As we approach 25 January that year, more blood has
been spilt. The MB has been widening their movement and
action. Concurrently to their action also there has been a lot of
explosion. The day before the anniversary of the revolution,
while SCAF and the government are preparing for the
celebrations in Tahrir Square, a bomb exploded close to one of
the important security services in the heart of the city (Cairo
Security Directorate). A Car bomb driven by a suicidal was
able to be parked near the building for a few minutes then it
exploded.71 This occurred despite the checkpoints and
protections. The explosion killed 4 and injured 76 individuals.
Interestingly, a similar explosion took place on the same day a
month ago, 24 December 2013 in the Dakahliya Security
Directorate using the same tools, a car bomb. In that attack, 14
people were killed and more than a hundred were injured. The
two bombs were acclaimed by Ansar Beit Al Makdes.
Wiki thawra document with numbers of victims of the events of the third
People celebrating the arrival of the army and the police to disperse the
MB protest in Matariya
AFTE: the violations of yesterday did not occur since 25 January 2011, Al
Badil Newspaper, 26 January 2014,
monthly report
Torture again
On 12 February, 16 human rights NGO claimed that there was
brutal torture and sexual assaults in prisons and police stations.
Those who have been arrested in the third anniversary of the
revolution have been victims of such torture. The NGOs
claimed that this torture has been continuous since the ousting
of Morsi. This was based on complaints and statements made
by several victims, not to mention those who out of fear did
not make any complaints. They added that the prosecutions
have been ignoring marks of torture on their bodies. They
demanded that an immediate investigation be opened,
especially that NGOs are not allowed to visit prisons or places
Pensions on 8 May
Al Badry Farghaly (union of pensioners) called for a protest
in Talaat Harb Square on 8 May to protest the delay in issuing
the pensions and the continuation of the state controlling the
pensions and not the pensioners. The pensions are estimated to
be around 640 billion pounds. They demanded legislative
amendments, saying that we will make it a black day in the
face of corruption. In response, Farouk Al Ashry - head of the
Pensioners' syndication said that the syndicate will not
protest against the government of Mehleb. On 8 May a few
hundred people gathered in Talaat Harb Square in response to
Farghaly's call. They carried banners and were chanting.
On Friday, 9 May, the pro-legitimacy alliance launched a
series of protests after Friday prayers in several districts and
governorates. The protests were titled "the invalid should not
rule". In Giza marches went out in Faisal, Haram,
Mohandessin, Nahya, and Saf. In Cairo they went out in
Helwan, Ain Shams, and Matariya. Security confronted these
marches with teargas and cartouche. Clashes erupted and tens
were arrested. Security forces stormed into the hostel of Al
Azhar University in Madinet Nasr after students demonstrated
after Friday prayers, and arrested a number of them.82
Moreover, some explosions took place. One of them targeted a
military checkpoint in Sinai; the other was in front of the court
in Masr Al Gadida. In addition terrorist attacks took place
against military position or soldiers in Sinai. 83
Teargas to disperse the Friday Protests "The invalid should not rule" in
Egypt, 9 May, BBC Arabic,
n (in Arabic)
May was not the month of calm elections, despite the calmness
of elections itself. Protests and demonstrations erupted on the
margins, particularly in Universities and in governorates. Most
of them were for the pro-legitimacy and MB supporters. In
addition, the smoke of bombs did not stop.
On 3 June, Sisi announced president of the country. He was
inaugurated on 8 June in a large ceremony. Tahrir saw huge
The attack on freedoms and attempt to restrict them continued
in July 2014. The Ministry of Social Solidarity warned human
rights organizations to adjust their registrations, which means
that they fall under more restrictions. Also the arrest and
accusation of journalists continued.
The month of July also witnessed a relative increase in social
protests, this included labour strikes. The most important one
was that of the Egyptian Maritime Company in Suez, and the
workers of the localities in Khosos in Qalubiya, and the
Egyptian Warehouse Company of the Land and Sea Transport
Sector in the Alexandria Port, The Alexandria Oils Company.
They all protested for delays in receiving their salaries to
improve working conditions. The decision of Mehleb to
increase petrol and solar prices led to tensions and protests
amongst drivers and citizens. Eighteen protests took place.
The textile industry saw 10 protests. In addition there were
strikes and protest by the workers in Greenland Company,
Sugar Factories, and the Nasr Company for Pipes.85
In the second half of the month, armed groups attacked the
border guards' station in Farafra in Wadi Al Gadeed killing 21
and injuring 4.
The court ruling said "to devolve its property and its liquid
money and have it transferred to the State". In this way, the
MB was stripped off its legitimate cover after they have been
considered a terrorist group and have been banned. Just
joining them now is considered crime of "joining a banned
Rab'a 2014
On the same day as the ruling to dissolve the Freedom and
Justice party (9 August), the MB and its supporters started a
mobilization campaign on social networks (twitter and
facebook and others) calling for a large commemoration of the
dispersal of Rab'a on 14 August. The name of the day will be
called "Rab'a the Revolution and Revenge". This is more of a
Jihadi threatening slogan. On 13 August, the Alliance
Supporting Legitimacy re-iterated its invitation but with a
threatening tone describing that day to be the "uprising for
retribution" and that reaching Rab'a is left to the evaluation of
the field leadership.86
In the same context, the pro-MB movements "Invalid" (Batel)
and the "Critical Days" (Al Ayam Al Hasema) called for
mobilization with a similar discourse, saying "the time has
come for youths' enthusiasm to transform into volcanoes of
rage that will uproot justice. Revolutionaries from all
Al Watan publishes the Salafi Front's letter of withdrawal from the proMB Alliance, Al Watan, 5 December 2013,
October universities
The beginnings of October coincided with the end of
festivities and the beginning of the school year. The state had
resorted to a private security company (Falcon) to secure
universities, after the university guards were cancelled. This
security squad was provoking for students who have gotten rid
from the nightmare of the university guard. In addition a large
number of students were in prison for one reason or the other.
Some sentenced and others detained pending trial while others
have disappeared.
The beginning of the second day of education, student protests
started and kept expanding to include the universities of Cairo,
Al Azhar, British University, Ain Shams, Helwan, Minya,
Alexandria, and Mansoura.
Armored vehicles entered Al Azhar University to confront the
students. Security shot smoke bombs inside the campus of the
universities of Al Azhar and Cairo and others. In the Faculty
of Engineering in Alexandra, security forces were excessively
violent. They used cartouche. Students were injured. Students
damaged the gates to the Falcon Security Company which was
The Martyrs of Journalism in Egypt since the 25th of Jan Revolution &
Impunity, September 2014, ANHRI,
Violence escalates:
On the level of explosions, several bombs have exploded,
including one in Nahda square in front of Cairo University on
22 October injuring 11 persons including 6 police officers and
5 citizens. Ajnad Masr claimed responsibility for the attack. 96
Ahram, 13 October 2014,
(in Arabic)
(in Arabic)
which means that its decision will be final and will bring down
the curtains on what has been known as the Century's Trial.
The court sentence saw that it is inadmissible to look into the
appeals of the plaintiffs' civil rights (families of the martyrs)
into the verdicts of acquittal from criminal courts. In addition,
it is inadmissible to look into the public prosecution's appeal in
the acquittal verdict of Hussein Salem.
In this way, Mubarak was finally found innocent of the blood
of martyrs. This was a stab in the heart of all the
revolutionaries and of each family of a martyr and each
wounded person. It was unimaginable that such a sentence
would pass during SCAF's rule, not even during Morsi's rule.
But the new reality post 30 June in which the revolution's
forces are isolated, weak and dismantled, gives way to such a
stab into the demands of retribution for all those who
sacrificed for the revolution. Ironically, this came at the same
time as the Month of Mohamed Mahmoud's anniversary and
after 10 days of its third anniversary.
Tens of angry youths headed to Tahrir square after the ruling.
Security was already surrounding the square with armored
vehicles. At first, youth chanted angry slogans without
clashing with the security.
In the evening, large numbers started arriving at Abdel
Moneim Riyad Square. Families of the martyrs also joined to
protest this acquittal. Large numbers of revolutionary youth
and others. The Security decided to disperse the protests that
kept growing stronger even though it hadnt reached Tahrir
square. Security forces attacked the protesters with military
vehicles and used a variety of weapons. Two were killed and
tens injured. The protesters under attack dispersed in side
roads but the security chased them and arrested around 100
protesters. A presidential spokesperson announced that Sisi
had ordered the Prime Minister, Ibrahim Mehleb, to take all
Angry December
The following day angry protests erupted in universities.101
Sixteen universities across the country witnessed angry
protests simultaneously. This ruling gave an opportunity for
the activities of MB and their supporters in Universities and
governorates. However, the circle of anger from this verdict
extended to most political forces and a large section of the
society. Even Hamdeen Sabahi's campaign that is supportive
of the new regime called for protests which enraged the
remaining members of the pro-Sisi 30 June Front. Mustafa
Bakri attacked Sabahi and accused him of falling in the eyes of
the street and transforming to becoming an anarchist and that
his call for protest falls into the MB camp and serves their