New Glycosidic Constituents From Fruits of Lycium Chinense and Their Antioxidant Activities
New Glycosidic Constituents From Fruits of Lycium Chinense and Their Antioxidant Activities
New Glycosidic Constituents From Fruits of Lycium Chinense and Their Antioxidant Activities
Department of Applied Life Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, South Korea
Faculty of Pharmacy, Hamdard University, New Delhi 110062, India
Lycium chinense;
New constituents;
Antioxidant activities
Abstract Potential biologically active new constituents labd-3b, 9b-diol-3a-D-glucopyranosyl(2a 1b)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-(2b 1c)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-(2c 1d)-a-D-arabinofuranosyl-2dp-hydroxybenzoate (1) and a-D-glucuronopyranosyl (2 10 )-a-D-glucuronopyranosyl (20 100 )-a00
D-glucopyranosyl-2 -n-octadec-9 -enoate (2) along with b-sitosterol-b-D-glucoside were isolated
from the fruits of Lycium chinense. Their chemical structures were elucidated using detailed spectroscopic studies. The structure assignments are based on two-dimensional (2D)-NMR techniques
including COSY, HSQC, HMBC and NOESY experiments. Compounds 1 and 2 were evaluated
for antioxidant activities with three assay protocols such as diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical
scavenging activity, reducing power and the phosphomolybdenum activity, compound 2 showed
more potential as compared with 1.
2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
1. Introduction
Lycium chinense Miller fruits (Fructus Lycii) known as
Gou-Qi-Zi in Chinese have long history of application as a
valuable tonic and health food supplement for improving
vision and maintaining good health. It is reputed to have
properties like nourishing the blood, enriching the yin,
tonifying the kidney and the liver, and moistening the lungs
(Peng et al., 2005). Fruits of L. chinense (Solanaceae),
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 450 3730; fax: +82 2 446 7856.
E-mail address: (A. Ahmad).
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
1878-5352 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
et al., 2013). As part of our ongoing investigations on the biologically active compounds from L. chinense fruits, we report here
the isolation and identication of two new compounds (12) together with known compound from the methanolic extract of
fruits of L. chinense. New compounds 1 and 2 were evaluated
for antioxidant activities with three assay protocols such as
diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity,
reducing power and the phosphomolybdenum activity. The approach developed has proved useful in the study of the active
constituents in traditional Chinese medicines like L. chinense.
2. Experimental
2.1. General information
All chemicals used were of analytical grade. Hexane, ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol, ethanol, water, sulphuric acid and
vanillin were purchased from Daejung Chemicals and Metals
Co. Ltd, Korea. Pre-coated TLC plates (layer thickness
0.25 mm), silica gel for column chromatography (70230 mesh
ASTM) and LiChroprep RP-18 (4063 lm) were from Merck
(Darmstadt, Germany). Previously isolated authentic standard
of b-sitosterol-b-D-glucoside is available. Optical rotation was
measured on an AA-10 model polarimeter (Instruments Ltd,
Seoul, South Korea). Both 1H and 13C NMR spectra were obtained on a Bruker Avance 600 high resolution spectrometer
operating at 600 and 150 MHz, respectively. This NMR machine
was available at the Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul,
South Korea and all NMR spectra were recorded at SNU.
NMR spectra were obtained in deuterated methanol using tetramethylsilane (TMS) as an internal standard, with chemical shifts
expressed in ppm (d) and coupling constants (J) in Hz. FAB MS
data were recorded on a JMS-700 (Jeol, Japan) spectrometer
instrument which was available at SNU, Seoul, South Korea.
IR spectra were recorded on an Innity Gold FT-IR (Thermo
Mattson, USA) spectrophotometer, which was available at Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea. The
sugars were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Waters Milfords, MA, USA) with a universal
evaporative lights scattering detector, column Eurospher 100
NH2, detector differential refractometer R401, mobile phase acetonitrile:water (4:1), ow rate of 1.0 ml/min, ambient temperature and 2 Mpa pressure standard samples of sugars were
obtained from Merck (Germany). The sugar solutions injected
into the column calibration lines for each sugars were made,
which were later used for assessing the concentrations corresponding to the different peaks in the chromatograms.
2.2. Preparation of the extracts
The fruits of L. chinense (3.1 kg) were immersed in methanol
(8 L) for three days at room temperature and then the
supernatant was concentrated under vacuum to yield 230 g
of the extract, which was suspended in water and extracted
with hexane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol successively to
produce 20.0 g, 10.1 g and 40 g of the extracts respectively.
2.3. Isolation of the compounds from n-butanol extract
The entire butanol extract was subjected to normal phase
column chromatography over silica gel (600 g) to yield 24
New glycosidic constituents from fruits of Lycium chinense and their antioxidant activities
11.5 (C-15), 23.8 (C-16), 24.1 (C-17), 14.5 (C-18), 25.1 (C-19),
14.5 (C-20), 105.3 (C-1a), 84.8 (C-2a), 71.6 (C-3a), 64.5 (C-4a),
74.0 (C-5a), 60.6 (C-6a), 101.3 (C-1b), 83.6 (C-2b), 66.9 (C-3b),
64.6 (C-4b), 78.0 (C-5b), 61.6 (C-6b), 101.1 (C-1c), 82.7 (C-2c),
66.8 (C-3c), 64.8 (C-4c), 77.1 (C-5c), 62.9 (C-6c), 109.3 (C-1d),
87.5 (C-2d), 65.4 (C-3d), 89.4 (C-4d), 64.4 (C-5d), 133.7 (C-10 ),
132.5 (C-20 ), 124.9 (C-30 ), 150.0 (C-40 ), 123.4 (C-50 ), 130.1 (C60 ), 169.4 (C-70 ); IR (KBr) mmax: 3510, 3420, 3395, 2922,
2852, 1738, 1625, 1556, 1430, 1380, 1246, 1072, 1028 cm1;
FAB-MS (positive ion mode) m/z 1049 [M + H]+
(C50H81O23) (1.5), 366 (10.5), 269 (15.7), 366 (10.5), 269
(15.7), 253 (11.3), 137 (23.1), 121 (82.6); HR-FABMS (positive
mode) m/z 1049.5159 [M + H] (calculated for C50H81O23,
1049.5169); ESI Mass (positive mode) m/z 413 (M + H -3
glucose + 1furanose).
3.2. a-D-glucuronopyranosyl (2 1)-a-D-glucuronopyranosyl
(2 1)-a-D-glucopyranosyl -200 -n-octadec-9000 -enoate (2)
Dark yellow semi-solid; [a]D20 + 33.1 (c 0.23, MeOH); 1H
NMR (MeOD, 600 MHz) d: 4.49 (d, J = 6.6 Hz , 1H, H-1),
4.09 (dd, J = 6.1, 6.6 Hz, 1H, H-2), 3.71 (m, 1H, H-3), 3.64
(m, 1H, H-4), 3.96 (d, J = 7.2 Hz, 1H, H-5), 4.83 (d,
J = 6.8 Hz, H-10 ), 4.01 (dd, J = 5.8, 6.6 Hz, H-20 ), 3.69 (m,
1H, H-30 ), 3.57 (m, 1H, H-40 ), 3.75 (d, J = 6.6 Hz, 1H, H50 ), 5.01 (d, J = 6.9 Hz, 1H, H-100 ), 4.35 (dd, J = 6.6, 6.9 Hz,
1H, H-200 ), 3.66 (m, 1H, H-300 ), 3.49 (m, 1H, H-400 ), 3.78 (m,
1H, H-500 ), 3.27 (br s, 2H, H-600 ), 2.80 (d, J = 4.2 Hz, 2.77,
J = 4.1 Hz, 2H, H-2000 ), 2.42 (m, 2H, H-3000 ), 2.20 (m, 2H, H4000 ), 1.98 (m, 2H, H-5000 ), 1.96 (m, 4H, H-6000 & 7000 ), 2.62 (m,
2H, H-8000 ), 5.02 (m, 2H, H-9000 & 10000 ), 2.58 (m, 2H, H-11000 ),
2.30 (m, 2H, H-12000 ), 2.01 (m, 2H, H-13000 ), 1.96 (m, 2H, H14000 ), 1.49 (m, 2H, H-15000 ), 1.33 (m, 2H, H-16000 ), 1.25 (br s,
2H, H-17000 ), 0.89 (t, J = 7.2 Hz, H-18000 ); 13C NMR (MeOD,
150 MHz) d: 97.8 (C-1), 74.9 (C-2), 73.2 (C-3), 72.3 (C-4),
78.1 (C-5), 179.4 (C-6), 98.3 (C-10 ), 74.3 (C-20 ), 73.0 (C-30 ),
71.9 (C-40 ), 77.7 (C-50 ), 176.3 (C-60 ), 99.4 (C-100 ), 83.3 (C-200 ),
71.2 (C-300 ), 69.6 (C-400 ), 76.4 (C-500 ), 62.8 (C-600 ), 169.0 (C1000 ), 54.0 (C-2000 ), 39.1 (C-3000 ), 32.4 (C-4000 ), 32.0 (C-5000 ), 27.5
(C-6000 & C-7000 ), 41.5 (C-8000 ), 120.9 (C-9000 ), 116.9 (C-10000 ),
40.7 (C-11000 ), 27.5 (C-12000 ), 26.7 (C-13000 & C-14000 ), 27.0 (C15000 & C-16000 ), 22.6 (C-17000 ), 15.0 (C-18000 ); IR mmax: (KBr):
3410, 3375, 3265, 2930, 2843, 1737, 1709, 1628, 1477, 1395,
1334, 1081, 980, 895 cm1; FAB-MS (positive mode) m/z
(rel. int.) 797 [M + H]+ (C36H61O19 (2.1), 427 (11.3), 370
(6.8), 281 915.8), 265 (9.7), 193 (9.8); HRFAB MS (positive
mode) m/z 797.3798 [M + H]+ (calculated for C36H61O19,
797.3807); ESI Mass (positive mode) m/z 426 [M-2 glucoronic
acid]+ and 829 [M-H + H2O2]+.
3.3. Acid hydrolysis of compound 1
Compound 1 (10 mg) was reuxed with 2 mL of 1 mol/L
hydrochloric acid:dioxane (1:1, V:V) in a water bath for 4 h.
The reaction mixture was evaporated to dryness and partitioned with chloroform and water four times, and each extract
was concentrated. The chloroform extract contained the aglycone portion, while the water extract possessed glycone portion (co-chromatographed on TLC (CHCl3:CH3OH:H2O:
AcOH at 16:9:2:2) with authentic sample determined by
of sample solution (100 lg/ml) was combined with 1 ml of reagent solution (0.6 M sulphuric acid, 28 mM sodium phosphate and 4 mM ammonium molybdate). The tubes were
capped and incubated in a boiling water bath at 95 C for
90 min. After the samples had cooled to room temperature,
the absorbance of the aqueous solution of each was measured
at 695 nm against blank. A typical blank solution contained
1 ml of reagent solution and the appropriate volume of the
same solvent used for the sample and it was incubated under
same conditions as rest of the sample. The results are expressed
as equivalents of a-tocopherol (mg/g of compound).
5. Results and discussion
Compound 1, was obtained as a light yellow viscous mass from
chloroformmethanol (8.8:1.2, V:V) eluants. Its IR spectrum
showed characteristic absorption bands for hydroxyl groups
(3510, 3420, 3395 cm1), ester function (1738 cm1), and aromatic ring (1625, 1556, 1028 cm1). The FAB mass and 13C
17 16
HO 1c
4d OH
OH 1b
m/z 121
OH 1'
m/z 193
m/z 281
m/z 265
Figure 1
m/z 177
HO 1''
m/z 253
m/z 137
OH 1
m/z 269
HO 1''
OH 1'
OH 3'' 2''
Figure 2
New glycosidic constituents from fruits of Lycium chinense and their antioxidant activities
Three broad signals at d 1.25, 1.29 and 1.27 and two doublets
at d 0.92 (J = 7.2 Hz) and 0.95 (J = 7.8 Hz), all integrated for
three protons each were ascribed to tertiary methyl Me-16,
Me-17 and Me-19 and secondary methyl Me-18 and Me-20
respectively. A three proton triplet at 0.90 (J = 6.6 Hz), was
due to primary methyl Me-15 proton. The remaining methylene and methine resonated from d 2.27 to 1.33.
The 13C NMR spectrum of 1 and its one-dimensional
modications (ATP) showed that the compound was a glycoside with four sugar residues. The 13C NMR spectrum displayed signals for aromatic carbons from d 150.03 to 123.40,
ester carbon at d 169.49 (C-70 ), anomeric carbon at d 105.37
(C-1a), 101.35 (C-1b), 101.16 (C-1c), and 109.36 (C-1d), the
other sugar carbons between d 89.42 and 60.68, oxygenated
methine carbon at d 79.08 (C-3), hydroxyl-substituted quaternary carbon at d 78.84 (C-9), and other labdane carbons from
d 56.55 to 11.55. The presence of two sugar signals in the
deshielded region at d 109.36 (C-1d), and 89.42 (C-4d)
suggested a-furanoarabinose moiety in the sugar chain. The
presence of C-2a at d 84.81, C-2b at d 83.65, C-2c at d 82.72
and C-2d at d 87.75 supported C21 linkages of the sugar units.
Analysis of the spinspin coupling constants of the anomeric
carbon atoms to anomeric protons established that the sugars
adopted the furanose form with an axial anomeric proton.
The 1H1H COSY spectrum of 1 showed correlations of H3 with H2-2, H3-16 and H-1a; H-2a with H-1a, H-3a and H-1b;
H-2c with H-1c, H-3c and H-1d; H-20 with H-30 and H-60 ; H-5
with Me-16 and H2-6; and Me-20 with H-13, Me-15 and
Figure 3
Antioxidant activity of compound 1 at different concentration levels as measured by DPPH radical scavenging activity.
Figure 4
(J = 6.6 Hz), 4.83 (J = 6.8 Hz) and d 5.10 (J = 6.9 Hz) were
ascribed to a-oriented H-1, H-10 and H-100 anomeric protons
respectively. The other sugar protons appeared from d 4.35
to 3.27. The presence of H-2, H-20 and H-200 signals as double
doublets in the deshielded region at d 4.09 (J = 6.6, 6.1 Hz),
4.01 (J = 6.6, 5.8 Hz), 4.35 (J = 6.6, 6.9 Hz) respectively indicated (2 1) linkage of the sugar units and location of ester
function at C-200 . A three-proton triplet at d 0.89
(J = 7.2 Hz) was accounted to terminal primary C-18000 methyl
protons. The remaining methylene protons resonated between
d 2.80 and 1.25.
The 13C NMR spectrum showed important signals for carboxylic carbons at d 179.40 (C-6) and 176.35 (C-60 ), anomeric
carbons at d 97.83 (C-1), d 98.38 (C-10 ), d 99.45 (C-100 ), and
other sugar carbons from d 83.33 to 62.89. The presence of
C-200 in the deshielded region at d 83.33 supported the existence
of the function at this carbon. The signals for fatty acids chain
resonated for unsaturated carbons at d 120.93 (C-9000 ) and
116.80 (C-10000 ), methylene carbons from d 54.01 to 22.63
and methyl carbon at d 15.06 (C-18000 ).
The 1H1HCOSYspectrum of 2 showed interactions of H-10
with H-20 , H-30 and H-2; H-100 with H-200 and H-20 ; H-9000 with
H-8000 and H2-11000 ; and H2-600 with H-500 . The HMBC spectrum
of 2 exhibited correlations of C-6 with H-5 and H-4; C-10 with
H-2, H-20 , H-30 ; C-100 with H-20 and H-200 ; C-1000 with H-200 ; and
Antioxidant activity of compound 2 at different concentration levels as measured by DPPH radical scavenging activity.
New glycosidic constituents from fruits of Lycium chinense and their antioxidant activities
C-9000 with H-10000 , H2-8000 and H-11000 . The HSQC spectrum of 2
showed important correlations of anomeric H-1, H-10 and
H-100 with C-1, C-10 and C-100 ; H-2 at d 4.09 with C-2 at d
74.93; H-200 at d 4.35 with C-200 at d 83.33; and vinylic protons
at d 5.02 with C-9000 and C-10000 . The ROESY spectrum of 2
showed correlation signals for axial anomeric protons H-1
with pyranose protons H-2, H-3, H-5 and H-10 ; H-20 with H10 , H-30 , H-40 and H-100 ; and H-200 with H-100 , H-300 and H22000 . This enables the sequence of sugar units and site of attachment of the trisaccharide to the aglycone.
Acid hydrolysis of 2 yielded oleic acid, glucoronic acid and
glucose. On the basis of above evidences, the structure of 2 has
been elucidated as a-D-glucuronopyranosyl (2 1)-a-D-glucuronopyranosyl
(2 1)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-200 -n-octadec9000 -enoate. This is a new glycosidic ester.
6. Biological activity
6.1. Free radical scavenging activity
Figs. 3 and 4 show the concentration dependent antioxidant
activity of compounds 1 and 2 at different concentration levels
as measured by the DPPH-radical scavenging assay. Compounds 1 and 2 were able to reduce the stable radical DPPH
to the yellow-coloured diphenylpicrylhydrazine. The IC50 value of compounds 1 and 2 were 3.94 mg/ml and 53.31 lg/ml
respectively. The DPPH activity of BHT showed a higher degree of free radical-scavenging activity than that of the compound at very low concentration points. The DPPH activity
of BHT exhibited 92.04% at 50 lg/ml concentration with an
Figure 5
Figure 6
7. Conclusion
The new compounds 1 and 2 were isolated from the butanol
fraction of methanolic extract of L. chinense fruits along with
known compound. Compounds 1 and 2 were evaluated for
antioxidant activities with three assay protocols as radical
scavenging activity, reducing power and phosphomolybdenum
activity, compound 2 showed more potential as a natural
antioxidant as compared with 1. The approach developed
has proved useful in the study of the active constituents in
traditional Chinese medicines.
Financial support for this research was provided by the Korea
Institute of Planning & Evaluation for Technology (IPET)
[111047-05-2-SB020] in Food, agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea.
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