Patho Baby
Patho Baby
Patho Baby
Maternal History
PNCU OSMAK 10/02/15
G2P1 (1001)
LMP: Feb 20, 2015 (sure)
32 weeks by LMP
32 3/7 weeks by EUTZ
CC: PNCU x 1
PT positive last May 2015. 1st PNCU at 3 months AOG (May 28) c/o Healthway Market! Market! with
regular visits (x2 visits). Patient denies exposure to radiation nor viral exanthems. No UTI and BP
elevation. Regular intake of Folic Acid.
Quickening at 6 mos AOG. No PNCU done. No UTI and BP elevation. Regular intake of Folic acid OD.
No PNCU done. No UTI and BP elevation. Regular intake of folic acid OD. This is the 1st PNCU of the
patient at our institution.
Good fetal movement
No watery/bloody discharge
No regular contractions
Past Medical History:
(-) DM
(-) HPN
(-) Asthma
No previous operation
No allergy to food and drugs
Family History:
(-) DM
(-) HPN
(-) Asthma
(-) Thyroid disease
Personal/ Social History:
Occasional alcoholic beverage drinker (stopped during pregnancy)
College undergraduate (2nd year college)
Call center agent
Lives with partner
Menstrual History:
M 15 y/o
I irregular, every 28-30 days, became irregular when the patient started to use injectable
contraceptives (2013)
D 5-7 days
A 2-3 ppd, moderately soaked
S (-) dysmenorrhea
Contraceptive Hx:
(-) IUD
(-) OCP
(+) Injectables (2013)
Sexual History:
1st coitus: 18 y/o
Sexual partner/s: 2
1) student
2) front desk officer, currently monogamous
(-) Pap smear
OB History:
G1 2013, NSD, live term baby boy, OsMak, EFW 7 lbs, no complications
G2 Current pregnancy
36 weeks by LMP
36 weeks by EUTZ ( May 30 2015 14 1/7)
Good fetal movement
No watery/bloody discharge
No regular contractions
Conscious, coherent
Vitals BP 100/70
Wt. 73.9 kg
Anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctivae
Symmetric chest expansion, clear breath sounds
Adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmurs
Globular abdomen
FH: 30 cm FHT: 140 bpm
Full and equal pulses
G2P1(1001) 36 weeks cephalic not in labor
noted Hfb of 8.3
Hct of .31
referred case to dr canaveral for iron sucrose 2 ampules tiv now then 2 ampules after 3 days for 3
doses then repeat cbc after 1 week of the last dose
cont multivitamins, 1 tab OD
cont FeSO4, 1 tab OD
Drink 1 glass of milk BID
To OB ER anytime if with regular uterine contractions, decreased fetal movements, watery/bloody
vaginal discharge
For OB OPD follow-up on nov 2 2015 9am at OB OPD
Advised family planning
Daily perineal hygiene
Well advised
Nov 2
G2P1 (1001)
LMP: Feb 20, 2015 (sure)
36 3/7 weeks by LMP
36 3/7 weeks by EUTZ (May 30 2015 14 1/7)
CC: PNCU x 3
Good fetal movement
No watery/bloody discharge
No regular contractions
no subjective complaints
no dysuria
no dizziness
Noted Hgb of 8.3 and Hct of .31 last Oct 30, 2015
1st dose of iron sucrose 2 ampules TIV administered last Oct. 30, 2015
Conscious, coherent
BP 110/80 Wt. 75.8 kg
Anicteric sclerae, Pink palpebral conjunctivae
Symmetric chest expansion, clear breath sounds
Adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmurs
Globular abdomen
FH: 33 cm FHT: 140 bpm, RLQ
SE/IE: not done
Full and equal pulses
No pallor
G2P1 (1001) 36 weeks, cephalic, not in labor
For 2nd dose of iron sucrose, 2 ampules TIV now
For 3rd dose of iron sucrose, 2 ampules TIV on Nov. 5, 2015 (2 doses completed)
For repeat CBC after 1 week of 3rd dose
Continue multivitamins, 1 tab OD
Continue FeSO4, 1 tab BID
Drink 1 glass of milk BID
To OB ER anytime if with regular uterine contractions, decreased fetal movements, watery/bloody
vaginal discharge
For OB OPD follow-up on Nov. 5, 2015, 9am
Advised family planning
Daily perineal hygiene
Well advised
Nov 5
G2P1 (1001)
LMP: Feb 20, 2015 (sure)
36 4/7 weeks by LMP
36 4/7 weeks by EUTZ (May 30 2015 14 1/7)
CC: PNCU x 3
Good fetal movement
No watery/bloody discharge
No regular contractions
no subjective complaints
no dysuria
no dizziness
Noted Hgb of 8.3 and Hct of .31 last Oct 30, 2015
2nd dose of iron sucrose 2 ampules TIV administered last Nov 2, 2015
Conscious, coherent
BP 110/80 Wt. 75.8 kg
Anicteric sclerae, Pink palpebral conjunctivae
Symmetric chest expansion, clear breath sounds
Adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmurs
Globular abdomen
FH: 33 cm FHT: 140 bpm, RLQ
SE/IE: not done
Full and equal pulses
No pallor
G2P1 (1001) 36 4/7 weeks, cephalic, not in labor
Anemia probably nutritional
referred case to dr canaveral for iron sucrose 2 ampules tiv now then 2 ampules after 3 days for 3
doses (3rd dose given)then repeat cbc after 1 week of the last dose
cont multivitamins, 1 tab OD
cont FeSO4, 1 tab OD
Drink 1 glass of milk BID
To OB ER anytime if with regular uterine contractions, decreased fetal movements, watery/bloody
vaginal discharge
For OB OPD follow-up on nov 24 2015 9am at OB OPD
Advised family planning
Daily perineal hygiene
Well advised
Nov 24
G2P1 (1001)
LMP: Feb 20, 2015 (sure)
AOG: 39 weeks 4 days
conscious, coherent ambulatory not in distress
anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjuctivae
symmetric chest expansion, clear breath sounds
adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmurs
globular FH: 31 cm FHT: 150 bpm
SE:cervix violaceous, no mass, no erosions, no bleeding per os
IE: normal looking external genitalia, parous introitus, vagina admits 2 fingers with ease, cervix 1 cm
dilated, beginning effacement, (+) BOW, cephalic, floating
full and equal pulses, (-) cyanosis, (-) edema
G1PO PU 39 weeks
cephalic in beginning labor
for NST
continue multivitamins tab 1 tab once daily
continue ferrous sulfate tab 1 tab once daily