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Ashtekar Formulation of 2+1 Gravity On A Torus

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arXiv:hep-th/9204022v1 9 Apr 1992

April 1992

Ashtekar Formulation of 2+1 Gravity

on a Torus
Nenad Manojlovic
The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College,
Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ, U. K.
Aleksandar Mikovic
Department of Physics, Queen Mary and Westfield College,
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, U. K.

Pure (2+1)-dimensional Einstein gravity is analysed in the Ashtekar formulation,
when the spatial manifold is a torus. We have found a set of globally defined observables, forming a closed algebra. This allowed us to solve the quantum constraints, and
to show that the reduced phase space of the Ashtekar formulation is greater then the
corresponding space of the Witten formulation. Furthermore, we have found a globally
defined time variable which satisfies all the requiriments of an extrinsic time variable
in quantum gravity.

1. Introduction
(2 + 1)-dimensional Einstein gravity [1] is an example of a toy model useful for
studying some of the conceptual problems of (3 + 1)-dimensional quantum gravity.
The (2+1)-dimensional theory is a tractable model, since it has finitely many physical
degrees of freedom, while on the other hand it retains some basic features of the full
The Ashtekar formulation of 3 + 1 Einstein gravity has brought significant simplifications of the constraints [2], and a large class of solutions of all the quantum
constraints has been found [3]. However, since the basic object in the theory is a connection, it is not clear how to interpret the results in terms of more familiar objects
like metrics. Therefore a study of 2 + 1 gravity in the Ashtekar formulation may give
some insights into these problems.
The connection formulation of 2 + 1 gravity was first analysed by Witten [4],
who also showed that the theory can be written as a Chern-Simons gauge theory,
based on the three-dimensional Poincare group ISO(1, 2). The Witten formulation
was inspired by the Ashtekar formulation of 3 + 1 gravity, but it was Bengtsson who
showed that the theory can be formulated in terms of the (2+1)-dimensional analogs of
the Ashtekar constraints [5]. He also showed that the two formulations are equivalent
for the non-degenerate spatial metrics, and he argued that Wittens formulation is
more restrictive than the Ashtekar formulation in the case of the degenerate metrics.
Although the reduced phase space and quantization of the Witten theory was studied
by many authors [4,6,7,8], this cannot be said for the Ashtekar theory.
In this paper we study the reduced phase space and quantization of the Ashtekar
formulation of 2+1 gravity in the case when the spatial manifold is a torus. The advantage of the torus case is that one can explicitely write down the global variables which
can be used to define the global physical degrees of freedom. Our choice of the global
variables is motivated by the variables used in the Ashtekar formulation of Bianchi
cosmologies in 3 + 1 dimensions [9]. Consequently, the theory becomes equivalent to
a pair of particles propagating in a three-dimensional Minkovski space, subjected to
constraints. By constructing an algebra of observables we solve the quantum theory
and find the reduced phase space (RPS), and consequently show that the RPS of the

Ashtekar theory is larger than the RPS of the Witten theory. Furthermore, we construct a time variable out of the elements of the algebra of observables, and write down
the corresponding Schrodinger equation, which is equivalent to a (2 + 1)-dimensional
massless Klein-Gordon equation.
In section 2 we discuss the canonical formalism for the Palatini form of the
Einstein-Hilbert action. We derive the Ashtekar form of the constraints from the
Palatini action by a judicious choice of the normal vector of the foliation. In section
3 we specialize to the case when the spatial manifold is a torus, and introduce global
variables by using the cohomology basis forms. We then derive the corresponding effective finite-dimensional theories describing the Witten and the Ashtekar formulations,
and then rederive the reduced configuration space for the Witten theory. In section 4
we study the Ashtekar constraints in terms of our variables. We use the Dirac method
to solve the gauge constraint, and from the form of the solution we deduce the gauge
invariant coordinates. Then we solve the scalar constraint by constructing an algebra
of observables, which turns out to be isomorphic to the three-dimensional Poincare
algebra. The scalar constraint then becomes the masslessness condition. This gives
only two inequivalent irreducible representations, a scalar and a spinor, which correspond to two inequivalent quantizations of the theory. The corresponding massless
Klein-Gordon equation can be then used to define a time variable. In section five we
present our conclussions.
2. Canonical Formalisam
We start from the Palatini action
S(e, ) =

d3 x ea F


where , , = 0, 1, 2 are the coordinate indices on a three dimensional space-time

manifold M, while a, b, c = (0), (1), (2) are the Lie algebra L(SO(2, 1)) indices.
is the Minkowski metric on L(SO(2, 1)) and is the metric independent totally
anti-symmetric tensor density of weight one, with 012 = 1. e a is a triad, a one-form
on M which takes its values in the Lie algebra L(SO(2, 1)). F
is the curvature

for a spin connection a on M. In order to obtain the canonical formulation of

the theory we have to assume that M is topologicaly equivalent to IR, where

is a two-dimensional manifold. We take to be a compact manifold. Let X be a

diffeomorphism X : IR M, such that it defines a foliation. We then choose a
Lorentzian metric g on M such that each leaf t Xt () is a space-like submanifold
of M with respect to the metric g . Next we introduce the deformation vector of the
foliation t X , and decompose it into two components, one of which lies along the
surface t and the other is normal to t
t X = N g n + N i i X .


i = 1, 2 is the coordinate index on , N is the lapse function, N i is the shift vector and
nt is the normal to the foliation, defined to be the unique one-form nt on M which
satisfies the equations
n i X = 0 ,


g n n = 1 .


Equation (2.3a) means that nt (x) is normal to the hypersurface t , while the equation
(2.3b) is the normalization condition for nt . The induced metric on is given by
gij = i X j X g


and the spatial components of and e are defined as

A i a = i X a

eia = i X ea


The action (2.1) can be now rewritten as


S = dt
d2 x E i a A ai N n a Ga N i ( eai jk Fjk
Aai Ga )N n ea ij Fija , (2.6)

where ij is the Levi-Civita tensor density on , E i a = ij eja and

Ga = i E i a + ab c Ai b E i c


are the generators of the local Lorentz transformations. By taking X to be the

trivial foliation X 0 = t, X i = xi , one recovers from (2.6) the Witten formulation of
2 + 1 gravity [4], since then N i = 0 and the constraints are
Ga = i E i a + ab c Ai b E i c 0 ,


C a = ij Fija 0 .


However, one does not have to choose the foliation X explicitely. By choosing the
normal n to be
1 1
n = |g| 2 abc jk ea ejb ekc ,


where |g| is the determinant of the spatial metric gij and ab c are the structure constants of the Lie algebra L(SO(2, 1)), satisfying
ab c cd e = (ad be bd ae ) ,


the equations (2.3) will be satisfied identicaly. The action (2.1) then takes the following


d2 x E i a A ai N a Ga N i Gi N G0 ,


where N a = N n a and
Ga = i E i a + ab c Ai b E i c 0 ,


Gi = Fija E j a Ai a Ga 0 ,


G0 = a bc Fija E i b E j c 0 .


The (E, A) variables together with the constraints (2.12) are the three-dimensional
analogs of the Ashtekar formulation of general relativity [5]. An important difference
between the 3 + 1 and the 2 + 1 case is that in the 2 + 1 case the (E, A) variables are
real. Note that the Ashtekar constraints (2.12) are equivalent to the Witten constraints
(2.8) if |g| =
6 0, since (2.12b) and (2.12c) imply (2.8b) if det(Eai E ja ) 6= 0 [5]. This can
be also seen from the equation (2.9), which is defined for |g| =
6 0, since classically any
two foliations give equivalent theories. However, in the region of the phase space where
|g| = 0, these theories are different, as the subsequent analysis will show.
Pure three-dimensional Einstein gravity has no propagating degrees of freedom.
In the covariant approach this fact follows from the identity R = G ,
where R is the curvature tensor and G is the Einstein tensor, so that the Einstein
equations in empty space imply vanishing of the curvature tensor [1]. In the canonical
approach, this is a consequence of the constraints (2.8) or (2.12). Namely, there are six
constraints per space point and there is the same number of the configuration space

variables. This means that there are no local physical degrees of freedom. However,
certain global degrees of freedom survive, which make the theory non-trivial.
3. Classical Theory on a Torus
In order to see how the global physical degrees of freedom arise, it is instructive
to study the case when is a torus. Torus is a globally homogenous space, and
therefore one can find globally defined one-forms (x), = 1, 2 which satisfy the
Maurer-Cartan equations
d = 0 .


The corresponding vector fields L (x), = 1, 2, satisfy

Li i =

[L , L ] = 0 .


A gauge connection on the torus can be always written as a linear combination of the
s, with coordinate independent coeficients, up to a gauge transformation, since there
is enough gauge symmetry in the theory. Consequently we can write
Ai a (x, t) = Aa (t) i (x) ,


E i a (x, t) = || Ea (t)Li (x) ,



and =

d2 x || Aia Li ,

d2 x E i a i ,


d2 x||. The (A, E) variables are global and coordinate indipendent, and

can be used to define the global physical degrees of freedom. Note that in the case of
(3 + 1) gravity the choice (3.3) is a genuine reduction of the degrees of freedom [10],
while in the 2 + 1 case (3.3) can be thought of as a partial gauge choice.
By inserting the expressions (3.3) into the action (2.11), we obtain the effective
finite-dimensional theory, defined by the action
S =



dt Ea A a ma Ga nS ,


where the Lagrange multipliers {ma , n} impose the first class constraints
Ga = ab c Ab Ec ,
S = Aa Ea Aa Eb Ab Ea .


The constraint (3.6a) is the global remnant of the gauge constraint Ga , while (3.6b)
is the global remnant of the scalar constraint G0 . The global remnant of the diffeomorphism constraint Gi is proportional to G and therefore not indipendent. The
constraints (3.6) are irreducible and first class, and form the following Poisson bracket
{Ga , Gb } = ab c Gc ,
{Ga , S} = 0 ,


which can be derived by using the basic canonical brackets

{Aa , Eb } = ba


There are four constraints and six degrees of freedom in the action (3.5), so that
leaves only two physical degrees of freedom. One can obtain the same result in the
Witten formulation. By inserting the expressions (3.3) into the Witten constraints
(2.8), one gets the action


dt Ea A a ma Ga na C a ,


Ga = ab c Ab Ec 0 ,


C a = a bc Ab Ac 0 .


The constraints (3.10) are first class and their Poissson bracket algebra is
{Ga , Gb } = ab c Gc ,


{C a , Gb } = a bc C c .


However, the constraints (3.10) are not independent, since they satisfy
Aa Ga Ea C a = 0 .


This means that there are 3 + 3 2 = 4 indipendent constraints, which gives 6 4 = 2

physical degrees of freedom. This agrees with the result obtained in [8], where the
reduced phase space was analysed through the Wilson loop variables (trace of the
holonomies), as well as with the dimension of the space of flat gauge-inequivalent
connections on the torus.
In order to show that the reduced configuration space defined by the constraints
(3.10) is the same as the moduli space of flat connections on a torus, one can use the
same method as the one employed in [8], i.e. analyse the holonomy variables
Tr U (A) = Tr P exp Aai a dxi ,


where a are matrices representing the LSO(1, 2) algebra, and is a loop on the torus.
By chosing a homology basis of loops { } such that
= ,


and by using (3.3a), we get

T Tr U = Tr exp(Aa a )


T have vanishing Poisson brackets with the constraints (3.10) and therefore represent
observables in the Witten formulation. A connection A = Aa a = is flat if
belongs to an Abelian subalgebra of LSO(1, 2). Consequently, there will be three
sectors, depending on whether A~ is space-like, time-like or null. In terms of the U
these sectors correspond to SO(2), SO(1, 1) and GL(1) subgroups, respectively. This
gives for the reduced configuration space


= S S



In order to obtain the reduced configuration space CA

for the theory defined by

the Ashtekar constraints (3.6), we will also use the method of finding the algebra of

4. Dirac Analysis
~ ~r and E~ p~ , so that the system defined
Let us introduce a notation A
by the action (3.5) is equivalent to a system of two particles in the three dimensional
Minkowski space, with the constraints
G~ =


~r ~p 0 ,




~r ~r ~p p~ = 2 ~r1 ~r2 p~1 p~2 0 .



The constraint (4.1a) can be interpreted as the total angular momentum, and it generates the SO(1, 2) rotations. The quantum theory can be defined by promoting (r, p)
variables into operators satisfying the Heisenberg algebra
[xa , pb ] = i ab


Next we choose the normal ordering for the constraints (4.1) such that
b~ X b
~r b
p~ ,

Sb =

[a| |b]
b1 x
b2 pb1a pb2b



The constraint algebra is preserved under this ordering. As a next step in the Dirac
procedure, we impose the constrains (4.3) on the physical states in the coordinate
representation. The gauge constraint gives

iG(~r1 , ~r2 ) =
=0 .


The general solution of the system (4.4) is

= (a1 , a2 , a3 )


where a1 = ~r1 ~r1 , a2 = ~r2 ~r2 and a3 = ~r1 ~r2 . The ai variables can be defined
classically, and they represent an irreducible set of rotationally invariant observables.
Since ai form an Abelian algebra, they can be used as coordinates on the reduced phase
space obtained by solving the rotational constraint (4.1a). The scalar constraint (4.1b)

is rotationally invariant, and therefore can be expressed as a function of ai and their

canonically conjugate momenta. This implies that the action of the scalar constraint
operator on the states (4.5) will be a function of ai an their derivatives, which can be
checked directly
1 , a2 , a3 ) = a1 a2 (a3 )


=0 .
a1 a2 (a3 )2


It is convenient to perform a coordinate transformation (a1 , a2 , a3 ) (0 , 1 , 2 )

(a1 + a2 ) ,
1 = (a1 a2 ) ,
2 = a3 .
0 =


Then (4.6) can be rewritten as

0 , 1 , 2 ) = (0 ) (1 ) (2 )

02 12 22 2 = 0 .


Note that the transformation (4.7) defines a canonical transformation on the reduced
phase space (a, Pa) (, P ) such that S = 2 P2 .
In order to find the algebra of observables, note that (4.8) is almost a massless
Klein-Gordon equation (KGE). Besides the Poincare symmetry, the massless KGE has
a larger group of symmetries, generated by the conformal group. Let us consider the
b i, L
bi , K
b i,
b of the conformal algebra, which in our case is the L(SO(3, 2))
Lie algebra, defined by

b i i ,


b i i jk j k ,
b i 1 2 i + i j j + d i ,
i i + d ,


b i are the Lorentz generators, K

b i are
where d is a normal ordering constant [11,12]. L
b is the dilaton generator. A straightforward calculation
the conformal boosts and
b i and
b commute with the scalar constraint Sb
shows that L
bi] = 0 ,

b ]
b =0 .


b Ki ] is not equal to zero identically

The commutator [S,
b i]

(d )i ,


b However, if we set d = 1
where means equality up to terms proportional to S.
than the right hand side of (4.10) is weakly equal to zero. Therefore Li , Ki and

are observables for 2 + 1 gravity on a torus, and they form a closed subalgebra of the
conformal algebra
bi, L
b j ] = iij k L
bk ,

bi , K
b j ] = iij k K
bk ,

b i, K
bj] = 0 ,

b i , ]
b =0 ,

b i , ]
b = iK
bi ,


which is known as the Weil algebra. Note that K, L and can be defined as classical
observables, by dropping the i from the expressions (4.9), and by replacing the i with
Pi . The constant d is then zero, while in the quantum case it takes the value 21 , in
order for the Weil symmetry not to be anomalous.
Note that the scalar constraint can be written as
b2 1 ,
Sb = L


which means that the elements of the Weil algebra are not independent on the constraint surface. Relation (4.13) implies that a smaller set of observables is more appropriate, which is the Poincare subalgebra {Ki , Li }. Furthermore, the following relation
is satisfied
b 2 = 1 2 Sb ,


so that only the massless representations of the Poincare algebra are relevant.
In the quantum theory only the unitary irreducible representations (UIR) are
relevant, which for the case of the three-dimensional Poincare group were classified
in [13]. Since the relevant UIR are characterized by K 2 = 0 and K0 > 0, we set
K0 = + K1 2 + K2 2 . There are only two inequivalent massless UIR, the scalar and

the spinor UIR. The wavefunctions belonging the scalar UIR are scalars (K1 , K2 ).
b i are multiplicative operators and L
b i act as
In this representation K
b 0 = i(K1 2 K2 1 ) ,


b 2 = iK0 1 ,


b 1 = iK0 2 ,

where 1 =



and similarly for 2 . The wavefunctions that belong to the spinor

b i are the same
UIR are almost scalars in the sense that the infintesimal operators L

as in (4.15). However, under a finite rotation the wavefunction (K1 , K2 ) may change

its sign, depending on the value of the rotational parameter [13]. The reason for this
pecuilar behaviour of massless spinors in three dimensions can be atributed to the fact
that the little group SO(D 2) is not defined in D = 3, but instead becomes a finite
group Z2 [14].
Note that the physical state condition K 2 = 0 becomes a Klein-Gordon equation in

the coordinate representation Ki = i X
i , where X are canonically conjugate variables

to Ki . Consequently X 0 can be interpreted as a time variable of 2 + 1 gravity on a

torus. It is not difficult to see that X 0 satisfies all the requirements of an extrinsic
time variable, according to Kuchar [15]. One can write a Schrodinger type equation
governing the evolution of the wavefunction of the toroidal universe

b (T, X ) = 0 ,
b is hermitian with respect to the scalar
where T = X 0 and H = K0 = K12 + K22 . H


< | >=

d2 X (X, T )(X, T ) ,


which is consequently indipendent of the time T . The states (X, T ) can be expressed
as linear combinations of the states (K1 , K2 ) as

(X, T ) = d2 K ei(K0 T K X ) (K ) .


Note that in the standard treatment of the KG equation [16], there is an additional

factor of K0

in the integrand of (4.18), which comes from the manifestly Poincare

invariant form of (4.18). However, this factor is only important for displaying the

manifest Poincare invariance, and can be removed by rescaling the (K). Then X

, which is hermitian with respect to the scalar product

can be represented as i K

< | >=

d2 K (K)(K) .


The so called Newton-Wigner operators [16] correspond to representing the X as

hermitian operators with respect to the scalar product
< | >= d2 K K01 (K)(K) ,


but according to the Stone-von Neumann theorem any such two representations are
unitary equivalent.
5. Conclusions
Our analysis has shown that when is a torus, the reduced phase space of the
Ashtekar formulation of 2 + 1 gravity is not the same as the RPS of the Witten
formulation, something to be expected on general grounds [5], but never demonstrated
before. In the Ashtekar theory the reduced configuration space is just IR2 , which is
bigger but simpler space than (3.15).
This result can be understood from the point of view of the loop variables approach
of [8]. Note that in [8] it was the Witten formulation of 2+1 gravity which was analysed.
This simplifies the loop variables analysis, since then the trace of the holonomy (3.13)
is an observable, while in the Ashtekar formulation (3.13) is not an observable (it
transforms under the diffeomorphisms). One can still use the same methods to analyse
the theory, but now the similarity with the 3 + 1 case is even greater, and one can use
exactly the same reasoning as in the 3 + 1 case. Namely, in analogy with the 3 + 1
case [3], a solution of all the quantum constraints is a wavefunction with a support
on the smooth link classes of the spatial manifold. The analogs of the link classes
for two-dimensional manifolds are the homotopy classes. The homotopy classes of
are directly related to the space of gauge inequivalent flat connections on [8], and
therefore it seems that the Ashtekar formulation has the same reduced phase space as
the Witten formulation. However, it is known that in the 3 + 1 case the wavefunctions
with supports on the smooth link classes are not the most general solutions of the
quantum constraints (one can have wavefunctions with supports on the generalized

link classes, which include intersecting loops) [17]. This means that more general

solutions also exist in the 2 + 1 case, which agrees with our result that CW
, so

that the wavefunctions with supports on the smooth homotopy classes do not exhaust
the whole space of solutions for the Ashtekar constraints.
Note that X 0 represents a time variable in the Ashtekar formulation on a torus.
Obtaining the form of X 0 in terms of the loop variables may give a hint about the
time variable in the 3 + 1 case. Another important point is that we were able to find
the usual quantum mechanical interpretation of an abstract scalar product which had
been obtained from the UIR of the algebra of observables. However, in order to achieve
this, the knowledge of a time variable was essential.
Existence of the spinorial wavefunctions can be interpreted as an inequivalent
quantization of the theory, since there are no physical observables which mix the
two UIR. Note that Carlip has found a spinorial wavefunction in the Chern-Simmons
formulation of the theory on a torus [18]. Since the Chern-Simmons formulation is

canonically equivalent to the Witten formulation, and CW

is a subset of CA
, then it

is not surprising that a spinorial wavefunction appears in the Witten theory.

Generalizing our method to the higher genus case does not appear to be straightforward, although a natural candidate for the role of the forms is the cohomology
basis on , consisting of 2g forms, where g is the genus of .
We would like to thank A. Ashtekar, K. Kuchar and C. Isham for the discussions.
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