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VSP Overview

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An Overview of the Vertical Seismic

Profiling (VSP) Technique

Philip J. Brown II
GPGN 432
Term Project
April 1999

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 4
Method ................................................................................................................................ 6
Check Shots...................................................................................................................... 6
Zero-Offset and Offset VSP ............................................................................................. 6
Offset VSP use to image complex structures. ................................................................ 11
Alternative Applications ................................................................................................... 12
Evaluation.......................................................................................................................... 13
Discussion......................................................................................................................... 14
Conclusions and Recommendations.................................................................................. 17
References ......................................................................................................................... 18

Brown, page 2 of 18

Vertical seismic profiling (VSP) is a seismic technique that measures acoustic
waves between a well bore and the surface. It differs from surface seismic by being both
higher in resolution and by giving the geoscientist the ability to analyze wavefields insitu. VSP provides a direct correlation between subsurface stratigraphy and seismic
reflections measured at the surface. This provides the seismic data processor with a
means by which to calibrate seismic data in the time domain with depth. Additionally,
due to its high resolution, VSP can image objects within the vicinity of a well bore that
could not otherwise be defined by surface seismic techniques. Even with so many
advantages, VSP surveys are far from being a routine geophysical practice. This is due to
both the time and huge costs involved with data acquisition.
The focus of this paper is to give an overview of VSP as applied to oil and coal
exploration. Classical acquisition practices are discussed from an oil field standpoint.
These practices, however, could easily be scaled down and applied to engineering and
environmental problems. This paper will tend to shy away from in-depth discussions on
VSP data processing, mainly providing information on the value of the technique as well
as the field procedures involved.

Brown, page 3 of 18

Perhaps the most utilized of all geophysical methods is surface recorded seismic
reflection. Computer technology has advanced to such a degree that very sophisticated
images of the subsurface can be obtained by means of surface seismic reflection
techniques. However, even by using advanced seismic processing, surface seismic is
limited by the spherical spreading, adsorption and multiples of the down going and
received wave forms (IPIMS web site, movie on VSP Survey Fundamentals). Vertical
seismic profiling allows a way to correct this surface seismic problem by giving the
geophysicist a means of examining the acoustic wave field in situ. Current applications of
VSP to surface seismic data include:

Precise correlation of surface seismic data with depth.

Vertical Seismic profiling has an advantage over other means of
determining reflectivity coefficients (such as by synthetic seismograms
derived from sonic logs) because the frequency content is similar to that of
surface seismic data (Dobrin and Savit, 1988). Additionally, VSP data
usually are not as sensitive to borehole conditions such as washout when
compared with other borehole methods (Yilmaz, 1987).

Separation of Primary Seismic Reflectors from Interbed Multiples

Zero Offset VSP data gives the seismic interpreter a means of accurately
distinguishing multiple reflections from primary reflection events.

Brown, page 4 of 18

Calibrate Seismic Reflectivity Coefficients Derived from Well Log Data

VSP surveys may be used to correct or validate nearby offset well log
derived synthetic seismograms for use in surface seismic time-depth
conversion. Supplementing VSP data and synthetic seismograms
processed from wireline data acquired in offset wells is a more costeffective means of surface seismic depth control when compared to using
only VSP.

Provides Seismic Data Processing Parameters

VSP data can provide to the seismic data processor important parameters
such as amplitude decay functions and deconvolution operators (Yilmaz,
1987). This is particularly important for more advanced seismic analysis
techniques such as Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO) studies.

Besides being a means of calibrating surface seismic reflection data, Offset VSP
three-component measurements of the down going and up going wave fields in a
borehole allow for high resolution imaging of the subsurface outside the well bore. This
is possible either though ray-trace mapping of reflections from the offset VSP format to a
common depth point (CDP) section, or by ray traced Kirchhoff migration (Halliburton
Web Site, VSP Services).
VSP images are higher in resolution than surface seismic images because the
received wave-fields are direct arrivals from the surface. In a surface seismic survey, the
higher frequency data that is recorded in a VSP survey is attenuated by the two way
Brown, page 5 of 18

travel paths of the signal. This allows VSP surveys to image structures too small to be
resolved by surface seismic. Additionally, through shear wave analysis, rock property
estimation and fracture mapping are possible using VSP. Other applications include,
prediction ahead of the bit, bed dip measurements, salt and volcanic proximity surveys, as
well as "4D" reservoir characterization.

Check Shots
The most basic form of a VSP survey, known as a check shot, is used to determine
interval velocities to geologic marker horizons. The typical check shot survey involves
lowering a geophone/hydophone into a well to a selected position and measuring the time
it takes for an acoustic pulse generated at or near the well head to travel to the receiver.
Most often an airgun or explosive source is used. Unlike its VSP cousin, the receiver
locations are often placed hundreds or thousands of feet apart and the recording windows
are only long enough to record the directly arriving signals (Dobrin and Savit, 1988).

Zero-Offset and Offset VSP

A typical vertical seismic profiling array employs a surface seismic source and a
downhole receiver consisting of a specialized geophone or hydrophone. This is illustrated
by a typical marine survey in Figure 1 and a typical land based survey in Figure 2. Note
that in the marine situation, the drilling or production platform is always present and in
the land situation, the hole may be cased and drilling rig moved away. Land based
Brown, page 6 of 18

surveys also allow for the use of more sophisticated sources such as shear wave vibroseis
(IPIMS web site, VSP Survey Fundamentals).

Figure 1. Marine VSP Data Acquisition (From IPIMS web site, VSP Survey

Brown, page 7 of 18

Figure 2. Land VSP Data Acquisition (From IPIMS web site, VSP Survey

The VSP array can be broken into two categories. Zero offset VSP and offset
VSP. Data acquisition is similar in both cases. In the zero offset case, a seismic source
such as explosives, vibroseis or other mechanical device (air gun, hammer, etc.) is
activated at or near the head of the borehole and a receiver records the signal at fixed
depths in the borehole. Several shots are recorded (and stacked) at the same depth
interval, the source is moved uphole a fixed amount, and the process is repeated. Unlike
check shot data, receiver spacing is typically 50 to 100 feet and record lengths are long
enough to include reflections from far below the total depth (TD) of the well (Dobrin and
Brown, page 8 of 18

Savit, 1988). Service companies use the latter to "see" in front of the drilling bit
increasing the efficiency of drilling programs. Figure 3 illustrates a Baker Hughes ZeroOffset VSP data set.

Figure 3. Baker Hughes Zero Offset VSP Survey Data (From Baker Hughes web site,
Zero-Offset Vertical Seismic Profile).
Brown, page 9 of 18

Once all receiver locations have been recorded, the surface source may be moved
a fixed amount away from the borehole and the same receiver locations recorded again.
This is known as Offset VSP. Offset VSP allows for the imaging of the subsurface away
from the well. The acquisition of Offset VSP data should always include some type of
presurvey modeling to determine the proper source location(s) needed to achieve the
desired objective(s). Three component (triaxial) geophones are most often used to help
separate out, and record the maximum amplitude component of, the many acoustic wave
types. It should also be noted that Offset type VSP imaging is possible using a Zerooffset VSP array in a deviated well bore. Figure 4 illustrates a Baker Hughes Offset VSP
data set.

Figure 4. Baker Hughes Offset VSP Survey Data (From Baker Hughes web site, Offset
Vertical Seismic Profile).
Brown, page 10 of 18

Offset VSP use to image complex structures.

The most classical use of VSP to image complex structures is the salt-proximity survey.
First used in the 1940s, it involves transmission or refraction of energy from a surface
source, through the salt, to receiver locations in a borehole (Dobrin and Savit, 1988).
More distance between the salt and well results in more low-velocity sediments between
the salt and the well, increasing the overall travel time (Figure 5). A newer type of saltproximity survey uses the reflected energy resulting from the salt face (Figure 6). Either
method is most useful when overhanging structures such as salt or volcanics mask the
underlying structure on surface seismic data records. Quite often these techniques may be
the only reliable method of revealing potential targets and guiding drilling operations in
such a geological setting. An example of Baker Hughes salt-proximity survey results can
be seen in Figure 7.



Figures 5 and 6. Diagrams of salt proximity surveys. (5) is a transmission or refraction

type and (6) is a reflection type (From Dobrin and Savit, 1988).

Brown, page 11 of 18




Figure7. Baker Hughes salt proximity survey results.

This image shows higher

resolution VSP data to the right of the well bore and to the left of the salt dome integrated
into a surface seismic data set (From Baker Hughes web site, Salt-Proximity Survey).

Alternative Applications
Although the above may appear oil field specific, miniaturized versions of the
arrays and instrumentation described are used in environmental, engineering, and mining
exploration geophysical applications. These techniques almost always translate directly
from their larger oil field counterparts. For example, in the case of coal exploration, a
Brown, page 12 of 18

scaled down version of the zero-offset VSP survey has been used with much success.
Since the receiver is in a borehole below the weathered layer during a VSP survey, the
VSP data has a broader frequency spectrum than conventional seismic data. This
translates to a much more accurate representation of the depth and thickness of the coal
seams, which can later be used to calibrate surface seismic data (Gochioco 1998).

More often than not, companies judge the cost of geophysical surveys to out
weigh the gains. The VSP technique is no different. For this reason, it is important for the
designer or sponsor of a VSP survey to be aware of the objectives involved and what type
of VSP survey (if any at all) will satisfy those objectives in a cost-effective manor. There
are many instances when VSP surveys should be seriously considered. These include
when it is necessary to:

overcome surface seismic no data areas or improve poor data areas such as in
subsalt imaging.
resolve subtle structural and statigraphic features, such as faulting and traps,
which are smaller than what can be defined with the bandwidth of surface
seismic data.
establish an absolute depth tie between surface seismic data and subsurface
geological markers or predict the distance to reflectors below the current TD
of a well
have as much reservoir information as possible, perhaps for use in lease
assessment studies or enhanced oil recovery.
to tie compressional and shear wave seismic reflectors by measuring in-situ
wave propagation and attenuation.
to accurately identify multiple reflections present in surface seismic data
to calibrate sonic log derived synthetic seismograms to a check shot type
response and bandwidths or convert well log data into the time domain

Brown, page 13 of 18

Given all the situations above that list when VSP should be considered, it is amazing
that it is not a routine geophysical practice. The reason for this is the tremendous time
and cost involved with the method. Consider the first ever combined 3D surface seismic
and 3D VSP survey conducted onshore in Europe by the French company CGG. Its
purpose was to better illuminate the seismic response both below and along the flanks of
a salt structure. The survey required almost 3,000 shots of dynamite and over two weeks
to complete! (CGG Web Site, First Combined 3D surface seismic and 3D VSP) Given
the current situation with the pricing of oil, many companies could not justify the cost of
such an undertaking without remarkable rewards.
So what is it that makes VSP data so slow to acquire? Besides the time involved in
wiring many explosive shot points, the triaxial geophone(s) must be positioned and
locked to the borehole wall at each receiver location. Unlike surface seismic, the operator
cant throw out many receivers and simple "roll-along". In fact, it is not uncommon to
use only one receiver to record an entire VSP survey due to the trouble involved in
positioning and locking many triaxial receivers downhole at one time. This leaves much
room for the improvement of VSP field technique.

It should be clear that the one major problem with the VSP method is the
inefficiency involved with data collection. The main cause of this inefficacy is the need
for the downhole receiver to be coupled to the borehole wall at each receiver location.

Brown, page 14 of 18

Potential ways around this problem include the use of Reverse VSP (RVSP),
hydrophones, and drill noise as the source.
RVSP is a logical alternative to VSP. Reverse VSP is performed exactly how the
name suggests. The receivers are planted on the surface and the source triggered
downhole. Such an approach takes advantage of the easy placement of many triaxial
geophones on the surface and a source that doesnt have to be coupled downhole.
Comparing the two techniques, it has been found that RVSP stacked sections produce
higher frequency images at shallower depths than do VSP stacked sections. The lower
frequency VSP stacked section, however, produced an interpretable image at much
greater depths (Zimmerman et all, 1993). The main cause for this is that the strength of
the downhole source in the RVSP survey was weaker than the surface source used in the
VSP survey. Secondly, tube waves (wave multiples traveling up and down the borehole)
amplified by the source being down hole where difficult to strip from the RVSP data set
(Zimmerman et all, 1993). A stronger non-destructive downhole source (such as some
form of airgun) and a better means of removing the intensified tube wave multiples
resulting from such a source would literally give the more cumbersome VSP method a
run for its money.
Another logical approach to expedite VSP data acquisition is to run VSP surveys
using hydrophones instead of geophones. Hydrophone strings have the distinct advantage
of not having to be coupled to the borehole. They are a proven technology and many
sensors (hence many receiver locations) can be hung down the hole at one time. When
comparing Geophone VSP data to Hydrophone VSP data the problems are similar to
RVSP. The hydophone data, although higher frequency, does not image as deep as the
Brown, page 15 of 18

conventional VSP data. This can once again be attributed to tube waves. Hydrophones
are much more sensitive to the tube waves produced in a borehole than the coupled
geophones, hence making it difficult to interpret deeper events (Zimmerman et all, 1993).
Another misfortune with hydrophones is that they are simple pressure transducers. They
are incapable of detecting the polarity and amplitude of a waveform in three dimensions.
This means that three-component data processing techniques used to discern the different
wave arrivals (such as P, SV, SH etc.) can not be applied to hydrophone data.
Currently one of the most exciting technologies in the geophysical community is
drill noise RVSP. Drill noise RVSP involves placing receivers on the surface and using
drill noise as the source. A drill noise VSP study was conducted to a depth of 4000 m in
Germany. The authors reported a signal bandwidth comparable to surface seismic data
but inferior to conventional VSP data ( Haldorson et all, 1995). Results aside, combining
acoustic logging while drilling, drillnoise RVSP, and almost real time processing would
be very a powerful tool. Identifying and positioning marker beds, determining their
interval velocities, and imaging both around and ahead of the bit would be possible
without the driller even pulling out of the hole. The benefits of such data combined with
the relative low cost of acquisition may be what are required to indeed make the Vertical
Seismic Profiling technique routine.

Brown, page 16 of 18

Conclusions and Recommendations

Despite the cost involved with vertical seismic profiling, it will always remain an
indispensable tool. The information that VSP is capable of providing can currently be
equaled by no other geophysical survey method. With the advent of new measurement
while drilling techniques such as drill noise reverse VSP combined with more advanced
instrumentation and processing, it will not be long before VSP surveys will be as
common as surface seismic and wireline data acquisition. Until that day, however, it
would be wise to clearly define exploration objectives before considering VSP as a costeffective geophysical solution.

Brown, page 17 of 18

Baker Hughes, Baker Atlas, Services and Products, Offset Vertical Profile
<www.bakerhughes.com>, Published by BakerHughes
Baker Hughes, Baker Atlas, Services and Products, Salt-Proximity Survey
<www.bakerhughes.com>, Published by BakerHughes
Baker Hughes, Baker Atlas, Services and Products, Zero offset Vertical Seismic Profile
<www.bakerhughes.com>, Published by BakerHughes
Compagnie Gnrale de Gophysique Copyright, 1997-1998-1999, First Combined 3D
surface seismic and 3 D VSP < www.cgg.com > Compagnie Gnrale de Gophysique 1
rue Lon Migaux 91340 Massy, France.
Dobrin, M. B. and Savit, C. H., 1988, Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting: New
York, McGraw-Hill Book Company 300-303
Gochioco, L. M. , 1998, Shallow VSP work in the U.S. Appalachian coal basin:
Geophysics 63(3) 795-799
Haldorsen, J.B.U., Miller, D.E. and Walsh, J. J., 1995, Walk-away VSP using drill noise
as a source: Geophysics 60(4) 978-997.
IPIMS Web VSP Survey Fundamentals
Halliburton Company, Halliburton VSP Services <www.halliburton.com>, Published by
Halliburton Company, Corporate Office, 3600 Lincoln Plaza 500, North Akard Dallas,
TX 75201-3391 USA, http://www.hartpub.com/media/show/hal/logperf/el-1008.htm
Yilmaz, Seismic Data Processing
Zimmerman, L. J. and Chen, S. T. , 1993, Comparison of vertical seismic profiling
techniques: Geophysics 58(1) 134-140

Brown, page 18 of 18

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