To be the first player to score 500 points. Points are scored by ridding yourself of all the cards in your hand before your opponent(s). You
score points for cards left in your opponent's hands.
Each player is dealt 7 cards with the remaining ones placed face down to form a DRAW pile. The top card of the DRAW pile is turned over to
begin a DISCARD pile.
The first player has to match the card in the DISCARD pile either by number, color or word. For example, if the card is a red 7, player must
throw down a red card or any color 7. Or the player can throw down a Wild Card. If the player doesn't have anything to match, he must pick a
card from the DRAW pile. If he can play what is drawn, great. Otherwise play moves to the next person.
When you have one card left, you must yell "UNO" (meaning one). Failure to do this results in you having to pick two cards from the DRAW
pile. That is, of course if you get caught by the other players.
Once a player has no cards left, the hand is over. Points are scored (see scoring section) and you start over again.
A player who forgets to say UNO before his card touches the discard pile, but "catches" himself before any other player catches him, is safe
and is not subject to the penalty. You may not catch a player for failure to say UNO until his second to last card touches the DISCARD pile.
Also, you may not catch a player for failure to say UNO after the next player begins his turn. "Beginning a turn is defines as either drawing a
card from the DRAW pile or drawing a card from your hand to play.
If the last card played in a hand is a Draw Two or Wild Draw Four card, the next player must draw the two or four cards. These cards are
counted when points are totaled. If no one is out of cards by the time the DRAW pile is depleted, reshuffle and continue play.
When a player is out of cards, he gets points for cards left in the opponent's hands as follows:
All cards through 9 Face value
Draw 2 = 20 points
Reverse = 20 points
Skip = 20 points
Wild = 50 points
Wild Draw 4 = 50 points
The WINNER is the first player to reach 500 points. However, the game may be scored by keeping a running total of points of each player is
caught with at the end of each hand. When one player reaches 500 points, the player with the lowest points is the winner.
Challenge UNO - This game is scored by keeping a running total of what each player is caught with in his hand. As each player reaches a
designated amount, we suggest 500, he is eliminated from the game. When only two players are left in the game, they play head to head.
When a player reaches or exceeds the amount designated, he loses. The winner of that final hand is declared the winning player of the
Card Types
- Numbered cards: Match either the number or the color of the card in
the Discard pile to play
- Action cards (Reverse, Skip, Draw Two): Match the color of the card in
the Discard pile to play.
- Wild cards (Wild, Wild Draw Four): Can be played on any color. Player
decides what color will be played next.
- The player to the dealers left goes first, and play continues clockwise.
- Players play cards that match either the color or number on the top
card on the Discard pile.
- If a player doesnt have any matching cards, they must draw until they
can play.
- If someone plays a Draw card, the next player must draw and forfeits
their turn without playing.
- If a Wild card is played, the person who played it chooses the next
- When a player has one card left, they must shout UNO. If a player
doesnt say UNO and another person notices, they can shout No UNO
and force the player with 1 card to draw 2 or 4 more cards.