Project Team Contract
Project Team Contract
Project Team Contract
Team Members
1. Title and type of project
2. Goals
2.1 Problem Statement
2.2 Research Questions
2.3 Purpose
2.4 Scope
3. Learning Resources
4. Timeline and Responsibilities
5. Project Deliverables
6. Evaluation
Nikhilreddy Gudur
2. Goals:
2.1 Problem statement:
Cloud computing has become a powerful solution for computing problems. Many organizations
are moving towards cloud computing by implementing cloud-computing applications like SaaS,
IaaS, and PaaS etc. for cutting down the costs of computation. A startup company called Edu kart
is planning to implement infrastructure as a service (IaaS) as they are growing up in the market
and wants to expand their services. This helps the company to reduce the costs and also to
increase the efficiency of services provided and also usage of the infrastructure available.
2.3 Purpose:
The purpose of this research is to study the benefits and problems of implementing cloud
applications in startup companies.
To find out the security issues underlying the implementation of cloud based
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
Studying the benefits of implementing this in startup company in both organization and
employee perspective.
2.4 Scope:
The scope of our project is to study the implementation of cloud based infrastructure as a
service in a startup company and the advantages of implementing this infrastructure over
traditional infrastructure. The main focus might be to examine the drawbacks of
implementing cloud computing in technical and security aspects.
3. Learning Resources:
We would use the following resources to achieve the goals of our project:
Books and articles on Cloud computing. We would follow books that relate to Cloud Computing
partial implementation.
Since Cloud computing is a practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet
to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer we use most
of the database technologies.
Week 10
Milestone 3:
After completing week 8 deliverables, we will be going for in house feedback from technical team
and other employees who will be involved in this project. Later we would be focusing on the
problems going to be arising while pushing data from own servers to cloud. The data collected will
be documented for reference of the team and also future reference for other members.
Week 14
The work done considering milestones 1 and 2 will be submitted to the instructor for literature
review and changes to the project documentation will be done after feedback.
Week 15
Milestone 4:
The outcomes of the project will be observed considering pre-defined project goals and also
feedback from other professionals on the project work. If any appropriate statistical technique is
required to analyze feedback from professionals then
Milestone 5:
Conclusion that includes the summary of the project and contributions made to the university.
6. Evaluation:
Coordination and participation:
The entire group in the group discussion board maintains active participation. Encouragement in
maintained among the team members to put their effort and devotes to complete the project
together. New ideas are encouraged. Everybody in the group helps the leader by taking
coordinate activities, initiative step and suggesting how to plan it. The work, which is allocated
to an individual, is done within time and will return to the leader without creating any sort of
disturbance in the team. Paragraphs and sessions are maintained with smooth transitions.
Clear methodology in maintained and followed to document in our project. Every section within
project will be clearly able to be demonstrated. All the technical terms that are used in the
paragraphs are clearly defined. The status that is used should be clear enough and should follow
all the rules like format, size etc.
As per the guidelines suggested which are suggested the using of the templates and instructions
are followed. Each and every required section is included. The stepwise procedure of the project
is well organized.
PEER REVIEWED MIS or Business journals are considered as references and at least 8 of them
are take and provides not less than 12 references. All the references are sited properly as the way
they should be and also follows the format guide. All the direct quotes that are used in the
paragraphs should be with the quotation marks. More than 3 sentences inside the long quotes are
to be in a single-spaced. Single paragraph inside an overlong quote are to be avoided.
We should prepare a PowerPoint slide in creative and clear manner. All the slides would be clear,
well documented and organized. The questions that were to be raised from the audience should
be answered properly.