Penitenciarul Rahova - Prezentare
Penitenciarul Rahova - Prezentare
Penitenciarul Rahova - Prezentare
General information
The detainees are minors (up to 18 years old) in transit, young detainees (18-21
years old) and adults (over 21 years old).
- classrooms and educational spaces
- sports facilities - two football fields, fitness rooms and exercise yards
- a carpentry workshop intended to train and qualify detainees
- a central Club for cultural activities
- a shop for detainees
- a church
- an Infirmary - for the aged /disabled detainees
- rooms for marital visits
Detention Regimes
Preventive arrest
The Liaison Judge
His activity consists mainly in solving the detainees’ complaints against the
various disciplinary sanctions they receive, solving complaints against the
infringement of their rights and against ill treatment; hearing detainees who
intend to go on hunger strike etc.
A range of activities and opportunities are offered to prisoners while they are in
custody. These can include:
- activities for an active life including painting and modelling workshops, quiz
contests on basic knowledge themes, various shows, music and dance
performance, detainees’ magazines, sport (including a range of individual and
team-based activities and competitions), library (books provided by the National
Library of Bucharest, Romania)
- work for the penitentiary such as cleaning, serving food etc. and for different
providers outside the penitentiary ( thus shortening the length of the imposed
sentence by the number of days worked)
Medical care is available to detainees from the doctors employed here. Drug
addicts who are substituted by methadone are looked after by the medical staff of
the Penitentiary Hospital.