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Tir Programme Value Details

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Results automatically improve when people begin to think.


Hailed as the most effective leadership program in the world, which is a result of over 50
years of research and practice in development of human potential, Thinking Into Results
is a group or individual leadership development coaching programme, delivered in 12
sessions. It is more than an ordinary coaching programme, because it serves the high
corporate goals and commitments of the top executives of the company. It takes people
from where they are to where they want to be in an easy, enjoyable, productive and
efficient way. It teaches and helps them to start doing what they already know how to do
but are not doing.
The focus of the programme is on results both for the company and the people. It is
totally integrated in any environment. During the programme the people are not only
learning but they are executing the goals and delivering the results. And this is what
This programme takes a holistic approach, starting from the individual their personal life,
relationships at home, their attitude and mindset, which the person then integrates it into
their work life and results.
The Thinking Into Results programme for leaders unlocking the true potential of
executives and their employees is designed as a three-, six- or twelve-month programme
that can easily be condensed or expanded based on the businesses needs. Thinking
Into Results is a powerful new economy type of paradigm shifting, educational
programme of DVDs, worksheets, and much more, that reveals how to master the mind
and gain abundant professional and personal success. Its interactive and proven
curriculum includes modules like:

Defining and achieving goals if you know how to reach the goal, then it probably
isnt the right goal
Understanding the difference between what you know and what you do just
knowing something doesnt get results; you must change the behaviour to change
How to understand and adapt to the unprecedented rapid changes taking place in
the corporate world
Identify and avoid toxic landmines that sabotage your thinking
The magic of attitude you must give energy to get energy back. It starts with you.
How to stop those around you from controlling what you think with tools to
reprogram participants to think great thoughts about themselves, their family, their
job and the company they work for.

The Thinking Into Results facilitated programme includes:

W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

Results automatically improve when people begin to think.

Access to highly skilled and experienced Thinking Into Results Facilitators

A well-thought-out curriculum proven to work on companies and teams of all sizes
12 highly motivating DVD lessons for leaders and their teams
A comprehensive guide and instruction manual for each team leader
A detailed participants guide with thought-provoking worksheets that drive results
Your Thinking Into Results Facilitator also offers private seminars, workshops,
coaching and keynote speeches. These are in very high demand get yours on the
calendar today!


Thinking Into Results is a powerful 12 session Coaching and Transformation Process that
helps companies go from where they are to where they want to be, not just once, but over
and over again.
Here is an over view of each of
the lessons and their benefits to
the company, the employee, or
the individual coaching client:
Lesson One: Worthy Ideal
Business Principle: Goal setting
and achieving
Advantages: Importance of
having growth goals that inspire
people in the organization.
Other programs teach goal
setting but dont explain how to
make goals that promote quantum leaps. Most organizations choose goals that they
think they can do, which means they go sideways. These goals dont inspire people.
Employees usually dont usually buy into company goals but the process of setting and
achieving goals as taught in this lesson will allow them to align more easily with company
Employees are encouraged to think big and set both personal and professional goals so
that they are more able to set big team goals.
Benefits: When employees have big goals that inspire them it helps move business
forward. Because businesses are more successful the effects flows down: sales people
sell more, employees feel more secure because they are working with companies that are

W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

Results automatically improve when people begin to think.

growing. There is less turnover and employees are motivated because they now see
themselves as a part of something bigger.

Lesson Two: Knowing/Doing Gap

Business Principle: Return on Investment
Advantages: Most trainings gives information about how to do their job. Our program helps
you implement what you already know and changes behaviour to close the gap between
what employees know and what they actually do.
Benefits: Return on Investment from past, present and future trainings. When people
understand cause of non-productive behaviours and how to change them, they become
more productive so profits increase. The company wont have to spend as much time on
training because employees will do what they know to do. Because they are more
productive they are happier, so there is a measurable reduction in turnover.
Also theres less friction between management and employees because employees are
doing what management wants them to do.
Lesson Three: Infinite Mind
Business Principle: Productivity and Efficiency
Advantage: Other programs cause a temporary improvement in behaviour because they
dont change the root cause of behaviour, which are paradigms (beliefs and a multitude of
behavioural habits and patterns). We teach how to change habits, and get teams to work
together to replace negative habits with positive ones. A company culture of productivity is
Benefit: Employees will be turning their non-productive habits into productive habits. They
will be more efficient and productive in their job, which leads to an increase bottom line for
the company and reduction in turnover and an increase in retention and performance.
Lesson Four: The Secret Genie
Business Principle: Peak performance of employees, return on individuals
Advantages: other programmes do not teach the root cause of success so any changes
that result from these programmes are temporary. Without the knowledge of how the
mind works, behaviour changes of employees are temporary. Employees take a close
look at their daily habitual actions to see where they can become more productive.

W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

Results automatically improve when people begin to think.

Benefits: Team performance improved through increased productivity of each individual.

Employees and teams can break free from past results and habitual behaviours.
Productivity and efficiency increases as employees and teams work better together.
Lesson Five: Thinking into Results
Business Principle: Innovation and proactive thinking, problem-solving from the inside out.
Advantages: teaches people how to think and how to analyze their thinking. Helps them
realize past results are a reflection of past thinking and to change what they are getting
they have to change their thinking. Helps employees take responsibility for their
behaviour and their Results.
Benefits: helps teams to come up with creative, innovative solutions to problems.
Employees see problems as opportunities to strengthen the team, the company, and
create the desired results which can be measured in the increase of success. Helps move
negative situations that are stuck that have persisted for a while into resources and
measurable desired results.
Lesson Six: Environment is but our Looking Glass
Business Principle: Creating powerful teams, building an organisation that everybody
believes in and strives to improve
Advantage: Employees will understand that to be more productive they have to change
their image of themselves. Teams are strengthened through the emphasis of cooperation
rather than competition as each individual makes a commitment to improve the functioning
of the team.
Benefits: Teams become more productive as they improve their team image. Teams focus
less on what the competition is doing and more on what they are capable of achieving as a
team. Competition within the team is transformed to cooperation and working in harmony.

Lesson Seven: Trample the Terror Barrier

Business Principle: Overcoming barriers to success
Advantage: Employees and teams usually dont voice their fears and doubts so these
issues dont get addressed. This program creates an open environment for people to talk
about fears so they can replace them with positive thoughts and get support from other
team members. Teams also explore their collective thinking so they can see how they
are limiting themselves. Employees will understand the source of their fear so they can
move forward in spite of their fear.
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

Results automatically improve when people begin to think.

Benefits: As employees overcome personal fears they can create effective teams. As they
overcome personal fears they can help other members of the team overcome their fears
so that all team members are more productive and forward thinking, more able to think of
creative solutions to problems. This way teams are moving forward into bigger actions and
the individual performance of each person is boosted.
Lesson 8: The Power of Praxis
Business Principle: Aligning actions and results with company vision
Advantage: Employees can see the connection between their beliefs and behaviour. When
they change from non-productive to productive actions, their results can then match
company mission and goals. Underlying beliefs are brought out in the open so that
employees can change. Other programs may not give this chance for growth because
they focus on teaching different behaviour but if employees are not made aware of the
congruency of their beliefs with their behaviour, they still may not practice the new
Benefits: Employees are responsible for helping create a vision of a perfectly
functioning team that is reaching its potential. That means they will feel ownership for
results of the team and will be catalysts for moving the team and company goals forward in
a powerful way. They create the results that they are capable of creating together.
Lesson Nine: The Magic Word- the magic of attitude
Business Principle: The attitude and mindset of high performing teams
Advantages: In comparison with other program, Thinking Into Results gives a very
complete definition of attitude. Other programs may talk about the importance of having a
good attitude, but this lesson really explains what it is and how to change it. This lesson
teaches employees how to be focused and to change their thoughts and feelings about
situations in the company that arent going well. When people learn that process they will
be able to have control over any situation.
Benefits: Focused teams that have their thoughts, beliefs, and actions aligned will be much
more productive and efficient. They learn the importance and the way to create a positive
attitude regardless of the situation. They will accomplish more in a shorter period of time
so they will be more efficient.
Lesson Ten: The Most Valuable Person
Business Principle: Effective leadership
Advantages: Helps employees develop qualities of leadership in addition to being able to
also be a good follower. Emphasizes the creation of a positive environment where
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

Results automatically improve when people begin to think.

employees are appreciated for the work they do. There is an emphasis on teamwork up
and down the line. This lesson gives opportunities for team members and team leaders to
share what they need from each other in order to move towards their goal.
Benefits: Creates cooperation among team members and a positive work environment.
Allows team members to emerge in leadership roles which strengthens the team overall.
Strengthens and develops leadership and improves communication between teams and
leaders. Leaders guide their employees to achieving great results consistently in a
measurable way.
Lesson Eleven: Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase
Business Principle: Profit through service, effective internal and external communications,
customer loyalty and expansion
Advantages: emphasizes giving with no expectation of return, service to others. Promotes
a high standard of performance for all levels in the company - leaders and employees are
encouraged to do more and give more than they are paid for. Creates a culture of giving
more than expected. Promotes positive relations within teams and between teams
because team members start looking for what other people do well and bring it to their
attention. Increases the depth and quality of service for your client who will seek you out
for always leaving them with the impression of increase.
Benefits: As a result of this lesson, teams will look for ways to make customers and other
team members feel valued and appreciated. This results in satisfied customers that
continue doing business with company, smoothly running internal departments, and great
company morale.
Lesson Twelve: Magnifying the Mind
Business Principle: Team problem solving, ability to create harmonious environment and
cooperation with everyone
Advantages: Other programs show how to make incremental changes. This program lays
out the steps for a quantum leap leading to dramatic results in performance. It introduces
guidelines to create teams of people who work with understanding and in harmony towards
achieving a unified goal. This process helps you create results in a magnified way free
from struggle and confusion.
Benefits: Employees are shown ways to sustain success so they keep getting better and
better at what they are doing. Magnifying the Mind results in employees and teams that are
focused and empowered with unprecedented increases in performance, which you will be
able to measure.

W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

Results automatically improve when people begin to think.

About Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher:

Bob Proctor is widely regarded as one of the pioneer masters and teachers of The Law of
Attraction; Bob Proctor has brilliantly unleashed the true potential of peoples minds for
over 40 years. Founder of Life Success Productions, Proctor authored the best-selling
book You Were Born Rich and is a direct protg of Earl Nightingale, the undisputed
master of changing lives by changing how you think. When it comes to systematizing life,
no one else can touch him. He is simply the best. Bob Proctor is one of the worlds
leading experts in teaching individuals to push past their comfort zone towards
unimaginable success.
Sandy Gallagher is a practicing corporate attorney with over 20 years of expertise handling
billions of dollars in mergers/acquisitions and capital- raising transactions, Sandy
Gallagher regularly advises corporate boards and high-ranking executives.
She joined forces with Bob Proctor to create the most powerful business transformational
program of its kind. As President and CEO of Life Success Productions, Gallagher brings
the impact of Proctors strategies into both large and small business leadership training
programs and is dedicated to teaching organizations how to unleash the full potential of
their people.
Building on principles established by legendary founder Bob Proctor, Life Success offers a
variety of training programs and products to assist companies with achieving extraordinary
performance and sales growth ranging from speaking at company events, leading onsite training sessions, to providing businesses with company-wide training products and inhouse trainer certifications. Life Success programs are tailored to the specific needs of
individual companies, large and small. Life Success Corporate has been widely recognized
for its exemplary work with executives and sales teams from Fortune 500 companies such
as General Foods, Re/Max Real Estate, Prudential, IBM, AT&T, General Motors, Merrill
Lynch, Verizon, American Express, Lockheed Martin, Anheuser- Busch and Malaysia
Thanks to Bob, my team went from ranking 163rd company- wide in commissions to #11
within the first year, and to #1 by the fifth year. This program is great because you can
have Bob Proctor in your office every week any time you want to just turn it on.
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

Results automatically improve when people begin to think.

Paul Hutsey, Former VP of Sales, Prudential Life

It was very overwhelming to learn that your thoughts have been holding you back from the
corporate growth youve been trying to experience. Bob helped us change the mindset to
make a smooth transition from one plateau to the next. One equation was able to take us
from just over one million to just under 17 million in a matter of three years.
Christopher Guerriero, CEO and Founder of the National Metabolic & Longevity
Research Center; CEO and Founder of Wisdom Book Publishing LLC

W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com

E: info@visioninsuccess.com Tel: +44(0)330 330 3064

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