Tir Programme Value Details
Tir Programme Value Details
Tir Programme Value Details
Defining and achieving goals if you know how to reach the goal, then it probably
isnt the right goal
Understanding the difference between what you know and what you do just
knowing something doesnt get results; you must change the behaviour to change
How to understand and adapt to the unprecedented rapid changes taking place in
the corporate world
Identify and avoid toxic landmines that sabotage your thinking
The magic of attitude you must give energy to get energy back. It starts with you.
How to stop those around you from controlling what you think with tools to
reprogram participants to think great thoughts about themselves, their family, their
job and the company they work for.
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com
growing. There is less turnover and employees are motivated because they now see
themselves as a part of something bigger.
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com
Benefits: As employees overcome personal fears they can create effective teams. As they
overcome personal fears they can help other members of the team overcome their fears
so that all team members are more productive and forward thinking, more able to think of
creative solutions to problems. This way teams are moving forward into bigger actions and
the individual performance of each person is boosted.
Lesson 8: The Power of Praxis
Business Principle: Aligning actions and results with company vision
Advantage: Employees can see the connection between their beliefs and behaviour. When
they change from non-productive to productive actions, their results can then match
company mission and goals. Underlying beliefs are brought out in the open so that
employees can change. Other programs may not give this chance for growth because
they focus on teaching different behaviour but if employees are not made aware of the
congruency of their beliefs with their behaviour, they still may not practice the new
Benefits: Employees are responsible for helping create a vision of a perfectly
functioning team that is reaching its potential. That means they will feel ownership for
results of the team and will be catalysts for moving the team and company goals forward in
a powerful way. They create the results that they are capable of creating together.
Lesson Nine: The Magic Word- the magic of attitude
Business Principle: The attitude and mindset of high performing teams
Advantages: In comparison with other program, Thinking Into Results gives a very
complete definition of attitude. Other programs may talk about the importance of having a
good attitude, but this lesson really explains what it is and how to change it. This lesson
teaches employees how to be focused and to change their thoughts and feelings about
situations in the company that arent going well. When people learn that process they will
be able to have control over any situation.
Benefits: Focused teams that have their thoughts, beliefs, and actions aligned will be much
more productive and efficient. They learn the importance and the way to create a positive
attitude regardless of the situation. They will accomplish more in a shorter period of time
so they will be more efficient.
Lesson Ten: The Most Valuable Person
Business Principle: Effective leadership
Advantages: Helps employees develop qualities of leadership in addition to being able to
also be a good follower. Emphasizes the creation of a positive environment where
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com
employees are appreciated for the work they do. There is an emphasis on teamwork up
and down the line. This lesson gives opportunities for team members and team leaders to
share what they need from each other in order to move towards their goal.
Benefits: Creates cooperation among team members and a positive work environment.
Allows team members to emerge in leadership roles which strengthens the team overall.
Strengthens and develops leadership and improves communication between teams and
leaders. Leaders guide their employees to achieving great results consistently in a
measurable way.
Lesson Eleven: Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase
Business Principle: Profit through service, effective internal and external communications,
customer loyalty and expansion
Advantages: emphasizes giving with no expectation of return, service to others. Promotes
a high standard of performance for all levels in the company - leaders and employees are
encouraged to do more and give more than they are paid for. Creates a culture of giving
more than expected. Promotes positive relations within teams and between teams
because team members start looking for what other people do well and bring it to their
attention. Increases the depth and quality of service for your client who will seek you out
for always leaving them with the impression of increase.
Benefits: As a result of this lesson, teams will look for ways to make customers and other
team members feel valued and appreciated. This results in satisfied customers that
continue doing business with company, smoothly running internal departments, and great
company morale.
Lesson Twelve: Magnifying the Mind
Business Principle: Team problem solving, ability to create harmonious environment and
cooperation with everyone
Advantages: Other programs show how to make incremental changes. This program lays
out the steps for a quantum leap leading to dramatic results in performance. It introduces
guidelines to create teams of people who work with understanding and in harmony towards
achieving a unified goal. This process helps you create results in a magnified way free
from struggle and confusion.
Benefits: Employees are shown ways to sustain success so they keep getting better and
better at what they are doing. Magnifying the Mind results in employees and teams that are
focused and empowered with unprecedented increases in performance, which you will be
able to measure.
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com
W: http://www.visioninsuccess.com