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Anatomy 3. Semester Tests

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Posterior brain vesicle are formed all except:

Medulla oblongata
Crus cerebri
2. Mesencephalon are formed all except:
Crus cerebri
Tectal lamina
Brachium colliculi
3. Prosencephalon are formed all except:
4. External inspection of medulla oblongata all except one can be different:
Anterior surface
Posterior surface
Lateral funiculus
Cerebral peduncles
5. Ventral surface of medulla oblongata all except one can be different :
fissura mediana
nucleus gracilis
6. Ventral surface of medulla oblongata all except one can be different:
Fasciculusu gracilis
Sulcus medianus posterior

Fasciculus cunealus
7. Nuclei of gray matter of medulla oblongata are all except :
Olivari nucleus
Nucleus olivari accesorius medialis et dorsalis
Nucleus tractus spinalis n. trigemini
Nucleus leminisci lateralis
8. Nuclei of gray matter of medulla oblongata are all except :
Nucleus ambigus
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus corporis trapezoidei
Nucleus n. hypoglossi
9. Nuclei of gray matter of medulla oblongata are all except:
n. n. abducens
nucleus motorius n. trigemini
nucleus n. accesorius
nucleus cohlearis ventralis
10. What kind of fibers formes on the ventral side of medulla decusatio pyramids:
Leminiscus medialis
Decusatio leminiscorum
Descending motor pyramidal fiberes
Leminiscus lateralis
11. Dosral surface of pons formes:
Inferior triangle of rhomboid fossa
Fossa interpuduncularis of rhomboid fossa
Superior traiangle
Floor of cerebral aquaduct
12. What connect pons with cerebellum :
Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior
Crus cerebri

Pedinculus cerebellaris medius

Peduculus cerebellaris superior
13. Border between ventral and dorsal parts of pons is :
Pedunculus cerebellaris superior
Corpus trapezoideum
Nucleus motorius n. trigemini
Nucleus n. abducens
14. Nucleus of dorsal part of pons is not :
Nucleus motorius n. trigemini
Nucleus n. abducens
Nucleus n. facialis
Nucleus n. hypoglossi
15. Nucleus of dorsal part of pons is not :
Nucleus sensorius superior n. trigemini
Nuclei cochlearis dorsales et ventrales
Nucleus olivaris superior
n. dorsalis n. vagi
16. Nucleus of dorsal part of pons is not :
Nuclei corpori trapezoidei
Nucleus salivatorius superior
Nucleus n. accesorius
Nucleus n. facialis
17. Parts of cerebellum are :
Vermis and hemisferes
Gyruses of precuneus
Gyrus cinguli
18. Cerebellum is not connected with other parts of brain by :
Peduncle cerebellaris superiores

Peduncle cerebellaris medii

Crus cerebri
Peduncle cerebellaris inferiores
19. Peduncle cerebellaris inferior contain fiberes coming from:
Nuclei of pons
Tectal lamina
Vestibular and olivari nuclei of medulla oblongata
20. Middle cerebellar peduncles connects cerebellum with :
Medula oblongata
Tecta lamina
21. Superior cerebellar peduncles connects cerebellum with:
Tectal lemina
Habenullar comissure
22. Nuclei of cerebellum are all except :
Nucleus globossus
Nucleus fastigii
Nucleus olivaris
nucleus emboliformis
23. Nucleus of cerebellum is :
Nucleus olivaris
Nucleus corpori mamillaria
Nucleus dentatus
Corpus amigdaloideum
24. Which nucleis of medulla oblongata and cerebellum are connected anatomically
and fuctionally:

Nucleus fastigi-nucleus olivaris

Nucleus olivaris-nucleus dentatus
Nucleus dentatus-n.n. hypoglossi
Nucleus emboliformis-nucleus olivaris
25. The rhomboid fossa is located ;
On ventral side of medulla oblongata
On ventral side of pons
On dorsal sides of medulla oblongata and pons
On the floor of the cerebral aquaduct
26. Posterior wall of ventriculi quarti is formed:
Vellum medullare superior et inferior
Medulla oblongata
27. By which foramen are 4.ventriculi and subarachnoid space connected:
Apertura lateralis et apertura mediana ventriculi quarti
Foramen interventriculare
Aquaductus cerebri
Canalis centralis
28. Midbrain consits of all except :
Crus cerebri
Aquaductus cerebri
Tectum mesencephale
29. Cerebral peduncles is:
ventral part of the mesencephalon
dorsal part of the mesencephalon
part of the hypothalamus
part of the diencephalon

30. On a transverse section of mesencephalon are distinguished all except:

Tectum mesencephali
Substatia qrisea centralis
Substantia perforata posterior
Tegmentum et and crus cerebri
31. border between the tegmentum and crus of the cerebrum is:
Substantia nigra
Nucleus n. accesoius
Nucleus caudatus centralis
32. Cerebral aquaduct connects:
1 and 2 ventricles
4 ventricle with central canal of spinal cord
3 and 4 venticles
3 ventricle with lateral ventricles
33. At the lateral edge of central grey matter of midbrain is located:
Nucleus tractus mesencephali n. trigemini
Nucleus sensorius superior n. trigemini
Nucleus motorius n. trigemini
Nucleus n. abducens
34. According to the function and development the parts of diencephalon are :
Pyramids and olives
Hypothalamus and thalamencephalon
Tectal lamina and cerebral peduncles
Superior colliculi and inferior colliculi of tectal lamina
35. Hypothalamus consists of all axcept :
Corpora mamillaria
Tuber cinereum
Corpus pineale
Chiasma opticum

36. Nuclei of tuber cinereum are all except :

Nucleus supraopticus
Nucleus paraventrricularis
Neucelus ventromedialis
Tuberculum anterius thalami
37. Nuclei of tuber cinereum are all except :
Nucleus dorsomedialis
Nucleus posterior
Nucleus tuberalis
Nucleus colliculi superioris
38. Topografically and fuctionally the parts of thalamencephalon are all except:
39. Parts of the thalamus are all except :
Tuberculus anterius thalami
Adhesio interthalamica
Nucleus supraopticus
40. Metathalamus consists of all except:
Corpus geniculatum laterale
Corpus geniculatum mediale
Fibers of the lateral lemniscus
Habenular comissure
41. Epithalamus consists of all except ;
Trigonum habenularum
Comissura habenularum

Corpus pineale
42. Between the thalami located:
4. ventricle
3. ventricle
1. ventricle
2. ventricle
43. Wall of the third ventricle are all except :
Superior and inferior colliculi
Superior telo chorioidea
Lateral medial surfaces of the thalami
44. Foramen interventriculare connects with :
3. ventrricle and lateral ventricles
3. and 4. Venricles
4.and central cavel of spinal cord
4.-5. Ventricles
45. Telencephalon consists of all parts except ;
Hemisferia cerebri
Corpus callosum
Habenular comissure
46. Each hemisfere have all surfaces axcept :
Facies superolateralis
Facies medialis
Facies anterolateralis
Facies inferior
47. The lobes of the hemisfere are all except :
Lobus frontalis
Lobus parietalis

Lobus temporalis
48. Primary sulci that divides hemisphares by lobes are all except :
Sulcus lateralis
Sulcus centralis
Sulcus occipitalis transversus
Sulcus precentralis
49. Sulci and gyri of the frontal lobe are all except :
Gyrus precentralis
Sulcus precentralis
Sulcus postcentralis
Gyrus frontalis superior,medius et inferior
50. Sulci and gyri of the parietal lobe are all except :
Sulcus postcentralis
Gyrus postcentralis
Gyrus rectus
Lobus parietalis superior et inferior
51. Sulci and gyri of the occipital lobe are all except :
Sulcus occipitalis transversus
Calcarine sulci
52. Sulci and gyri of the temporal lobe are all except :
Sulcus temporalis superior et inferior
Gyri temporalis superior medius et inferior
Gyppocampal gyrus
gyrus lingualis
53. Cortex of the cerebral hemispheres consists of all layers except:
Molecular layer
External and internal granular layer

External and internal pyramidal layer

Endothelial layer
54. Primary auditory area located in :
Gyrus occipit temporalis medialis
Middle temporal gyrus
Superior temporal gyrus
Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis
55. primary visual area located In:
Gyrus ocipitotemporalis medialis
Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis
Sulcus calcarinus
Gyrus supramarginalis
56. Primary olfactory area located in ;
postcentral gyrus
Inferior temporal gyrus
Hypocampal gyrus and uncus
57. Primari gustatory area located in :
Hypocampal gyrus and uncus
Superior temporal gyrus
postcentral gyrus
gyrus fornicatus
58. Primary motor area located in :
Precentral gyrus
Postcentral gyrus
Occipitotemporal gyrus
Hyppocampal gyrus
59. Motor speech are located in:
Superior parietal lobule

Broca,s area inferior frontal gyrus

Orbital gyrus
60. The basal ganglia of the hemispheres are all except:
Corpus striatum
Corpus amigdaloideum
Tuber cinereum
61. Cerebral comissures are all except :
Corpus callosum post cerebral comissure
Anterior cerebral comissure
Comissure anterior alba
Adhezio interthalamica
62. The meninges of the spinal cord are all except :
Dura mater
Tunica archnoidea
Pia mater
Tunica fibrosa
63. The occulomotor nerve supplies all muscles except :
Superior rectus and levator pelbebral sup. Muscle
Medial and inferior rectus muscles
Superior oblique muscles
Inferior oblique muscles
64. Talky about nerve olfactorius , each answer is right except :
1. neiron starts from olfactory region of tu nasal cavity
2. neiron creates from olfactory region of nasal cavity
3. neiron ends in postcentral gyrus
3. neiron ends in parahypocampal gyrus and uncus
65. Nucleus trochealis supplies :
Inferior oblique muscle

Superior rectus muscle

Superior oblique muscle
Medial rectus muscle
66. Nucleus abducens supplies :
Superior rectus m.
Inferior oblique m.
Lateralis rectus m.
Medial rectus m.
67. Nuclei of the trigeminal nerve are all except :
Nucleus sensorus principalis et tractus spinalis n. trigemini
Nucleus tractus mesencepahalici n. trigemini
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus motorius trigemini
68. Basic braches of trigeminal nerve are all,except :
N. ophthalmicus
n. intermedius
n. maxillaris
n. mandibularis
69. The branches of opthalmic nerve are :
n. lacrimalis
n. nasicilares
n. infraorbitalis
n. frontalis
70. The maxillari nerve emerges from the cranial cavity through the :
Fissura orbitalis superior
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale
Foramen lacerum
71. branches of the maxillary nerve are all, except :

n.n.alveolaris superiores
72. Branches of the mandibulary nerve are all except :
n.n.alveolaris superiores
n.alveolaris inferior
73. Branches of the mandibulary nerve are all , except :
Ramus meningeus
n. auriculotemporalis
n. lingualis
74. Nuclei of the facial nerve are all, except :
Nucleus motorius n. facialis
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus salivatorius superior
Nucleus salivatorius inferior
75. Muscular branches of facial n. are all except :
Posterior auricuar nerve
Temporal branches
r.r. buccales
pterygoideus lateralis et medialis
76. Nuclei of the glossopharyngeal n. are all, except :
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus salivatorius inferior
Nucleus salivatorius superior
Nucleus ambigus

77. Branches of the glossopharyngeal n. are all except :

n. tympanius
r.r. pharyngei
n. petrosus major
r. sinus carotici
78. Branches of the glossopharyngeal n. are all except :
n. musculi sylopharyngei
r.r. tonsillares
r.r. linguales
chorda tymphani
79. Nuclei of the vagus n. are all except :
Nucleus tractus solitarii
nucleus ambigus
nucleus salivatorius inferior
nucleus dorsalis n. vagi
80. Branches of the vagus n. are all except :
r. meningeus
r. auricularis
n. laryngeus superior
n. tymphanicus
81. Branches of the vagus n. are , except :
n. laryngeus reccurens
rami cradiaci cervicales superiores
n. laryngeus superior
n. petrosus major
82. During external inspection of spinal cord all except one can be different :
Intumescentia cervicales
Conus medullaris
Intummescentia thoracica

Intumescentia lumbosacralis
83. Which sulci and fissura does not have spinal cord:
Fissura mediana anterior
Sulcus intermedius anterior
Sulcus medianus posterior
Sulcus anterolateralis et posterolateralis
84. Spinal cord divides :
Into 28 segments
Into 25 segments
Into 31 segments
Into 29 segments
85. What kind of nerve fibers consists of radix ventralis of the spinal cord:
Fibers of the visual tract
Gustatory fibers
86. What kind of nerve fibers consists of radix dorsalis of the spinal cord :
Fibers of visual tract
Gustatory fibers
87. Integration of dorsal and ventral roots of spinal cord creates :
Mixed spinal nerve
Sensory nerve
Motor nerve
Symphatetic nerve
88. Sensory branches of cervical plexus are all except :
n. auricularis magnus
n. occipitalis minor

n. occipitalis major
n. transversus colli et n.n supraclavicularis
89. Choose one incorrect answer branch of cervical plexus n. frenucus is :
Mixed nerve
Motor nerve
Sensory nerve
Parasymphatetic nerve
90. Short branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. thoracicus longus
n. suprascpularis
n. subscapularis
n. musculo-cutaneus
91. Short branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. dorsalis scapulae
n.n.pectorales mediales et lateralis
n.n. supraclavicularis
n. subclavicus
92. Long branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. musculocutaneous
n. axillaris
n. medianus
n. ulnaris
93. Long branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. medianus
n. cutaneus bracii medialis
n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis
n. pectoralis medialis et lateralis
94. Long branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. ulnaris

n. radialis
n. phrenicus
n. musculocutaneus
95. Skin of the neck supplied by all , except :
n. occipitalis minor
n. tranversus colli
n.n. supraclavicularies
n. suprascapularis
96. Diaphragm is supplied :
n. thoracicus longus
n. n. pectorales mediales et lateralis
n. subscapularis
n. phrenicus
97. The white matter of hemispheres consists of all systems of nerve fibres except :
Association fibers
Commisural fibers
Projection fibers
Collagener fibers
98. The parasymphatetic fibers of the oculomottor nerve passes to the :
Ciliari ganglion
Submandiibular ganglion
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Otic ganglion
99. Subcortical visual centers are all , except :
Superior quadrigeminal bodies
Thalamus pulvinar
Lateral geniculate bodies
Inferior quadrugeminal bodies
100. Accesory nerve emerges from the cranial cavity through the :

Porus acusticus internus

Foramen ovale
Superior orbital fissure
Jugular foramen
101. The hypoglassal nerve innervates all muscles except :
Muscles of the tongue
Sternohyoid muscle
Sternothyroid muscle
Digastric muscle
102.Short branches of lumbar plexus are all except :
n. iliohypogastricus
n. ilioinguinalis
n. gluteus superior
n. genitofemoralis
103. Long branches of lumbar plexus are all except :
n. cutaneus
n. femoralis
n. ischiadicus
n. obturatorius
104. Short branches of sacral plexus are all , except :
n. gluteus superior
n. gluteus inferior
n. ilioinguinalis
n. pudendus
105. Long branches of sacral plexus are all except :
n. ischiadicus
n. genitofemoralis
n. femoralis
n. pudendus

106. Biceps , coracobrachial and brachial muscles are innervated by :

n. axillaris
n. musculocutaneus
n. medianus
107. Triceps muscle is innervated by :
n. radialis
n. ulnaris
n. musculocutaneus
n. axillaris
108. Shoulder joint is supplied :
n. axxilaris et n. suprascapularis
n. musculocutaneus
n. radialis et n. ulnaris
n. medianus
109. Hip joint is supplied by all except :
n. obturatorius
n. femoralis
n. gluteus superior
n. ischiadicus

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