Anatomy 3. Semester Tests
Anatomy 3. Semester Tests
Anatomy 3. Semester Tests
Fasciculus cunealus
7. Nuclei of gray matter of medulla oblongata are all except :
Olivari nucleus
Nucleus olivari accesorius medialis et dorsalis
Nucleus tractus spinalis n. trigemini
Nucleus leminisci lateralis
8. Nuclei of gray matter of medulla oblongata are all except :
Nucleus ambigus
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus corporis trapezoidei
Nucleus n. hypoglossi
9. Nuclei of gray matter of medulla oblongata are all except:
n. n. abducens
nucleus motorius n. trigemini
nucleus n. accesorius
nucleus cohlearis ventralis
10. What kind of fibers formes on the ventral side of medulla decusatio pyramids:
Leminiscus medialis
Decusatio leminiscorum
Descending motor pyramidal fiberes
Leminiscus lateralis
11. Dosral surface of pons formes:
Inferior triangle of rhomboid fossa
Fossa interpuduncularis of rhomboid fossa
Superior traiangle
Floor of cerebral aquaduct
12. What connect pons with cerebellum :
Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior
Crus cerebri
Corpus pineale
42. Between the thalami located:
4. ventricle
3. ventricle
1. ventricle
2. ventricle
43. Wall of the third ventricle are all except :
Superior and inferior colliculi
Superior telo chorioidea
Lateral medial surfaces of the thalami
44. Foramen interventriculare connects with :
3. ventrricle and lateral ventricles
3. and 4. Venricles
4.and central cavel of spinal cord
4.-5. Ventricles
45. Telencephalon consists of all parts except ;
Hemisferia cerebri
Corpus callosum
Habenular comissure
46. Each hemisfere have all surfaces axcept :
Facies superolateralis
Facies medialis
Facies anterolateralis
Facies inferior
47. The lobes of the hemisfere are all except :
Lobus frontalis
Lobus parietalis
Lobus temporalis
48. Primary sulci that divides hemisphares by lobes are all except :
Sulcus lateralis
Sulcus centralis
Sulcus occipitalis transversus
Sulcus precentralis
49. Sulci and gyri of the frontal lobe are all except :
Gyrus precentralis
Sulcus precentralis
Sulcus postcentralis
Gyrus frontalis superior,medius et inferior
50. Sulci and gyri of the parietal lobe are all except :
Sulcus postcentralis
Gyrus postcentralis
Gyrus rectus
Lobus parietalis superior et inferior
51. Sulci and gyri of the occipital lobe are all except :
Sulcus occipitalis transversus
Calcarine sulci
52. Sulci and gyri of the temporal lobe are all except :
Sulcus temporalis superior et inferior
Gyri temporalis superior medius et inferior
Gyppocampal gyrus
gyrus lingualis
53. Cortex of the cerebral hemispheres consists of all layers except:
Molecular layer
External and internal granular layer
n.n.alveolaris superiores
72. Branches of the mandibulary nerve are all except :
n.n.alveolaris superiores
n.alveolaris inferior
73. Branches of the mandibulary nerve are all , except :
Ramus meningeus
n. auriculotemporalis
n. lingualis
74. Nuclei of the facial nerve are all, except :
Nucleus motorius n. facialis
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus salivatorius superior
Nucleus salivatorius inferior
75. Muscular branches of facial n. are all except :
Posterior auricuar nerve
Temporal branches
r.r. buccales
pterygoideus lateralis et medialis
76. Nuclei of the glossopharyngeal n. are all, except :
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus salivatorius inferior
Nucleus salivatorius superior
Nucleus ambigus
Intumescentia lumbosacralis
83. Which sulci and fissura does not have spinal cord:
Fissura mediana anterior
Sulcus intermedius anterior
Sulcus medianus posterior
Sulcus anterolateralis et posterolateralis
84. Spinal cord divides :
Into 28 segments
Into 25 segments
Into 31 segments
Into 29 segments
85. What kind of nerve fibers consists of radix ventralis of the spinal cord:
Fibers of the visual tract
Gustatory fibers
86. What kind of nerve fibers consists of radix dorsalis of the spinal cord :
Fibers of visual tract
Gustatory fibers
87. Integration of dorsal and ventral roots of spinal cord creates :
Mixed spinal nerve
Sensory nerve
Motor nerve
Symphatetic nerve
88. Sensory branches of cervical plexus are all except :
n. auricularis magnus
n. occipitalis minor
n. occipitalis major
n. transversus colli et n.n supraclavicularis
89. Choose one incorrect answer branch of cervical plexus n. frenucus is :
Mixed nerve
Motor nerve
Sensory nerve
Parasymphatetic nerve
90. Short branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. thoracicus longus
n. suprascpularis
n. subscapularis
n. musculo-cutaneus
91. Short branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. dorsalis scapulae
n.n.pectorales mediales et lateralis
n.n. supraclavicularis
n. subclavicus
92. Long branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. musculocutaneous
n. axillaris
n. medianus
n. ulnaris
93. Long branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. medianus
n. cutaneus bracii medialis
n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis
n. pectoralis medialis et lateralis
94. Long branches of brachial plexus are all except :
n. ulnaris
n. radialis
n. phrenicus
n. musculocutaneus
95. Skin of the neck supplied by all , except :
n. occipitalis minor
n. tranversus colli
n.n. supraclavicularies
n. suprascapularis
96. Diaphragm is supplied :
n. thoracicus longus
n. n. pectorales mediales et lateralis
n. subscapularis
n. phrenicus
97. The white matter of hemispheres consists of all systems of nerve fibres except :
Association fibers
Commisural fibers
Projection fibers
Collagener fibers
98. The parasymphatetic fibers of the oculomottor nerve passes to the :
Ciliari ganglion
Submandiibular ganglion
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Otic ganglion
99. Subcortical visual centers are all , except :
Superior quadrigeminal bodies
Thalamus pulvinar
Lateral geniculate bodies
Inferior quadrugeminal bodies
100. Accesory nerve emerges from the cranial cavity through the :