Competitor Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis
Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is an
assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential
competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive
strategic context through which to identify opportunities and threats.
Competitor profiling coalesces all of the relevant sources of competitor
analysis into one framework in the support of efficient and effective
strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and adjustment.
Competitors array
Determine who your customers are and what benefits they expect
Rank the key success factors by giving each one a weighting - The
sum of all the weightings must add up to one.
Competitor Competitor
Industry Weighti Competitor Competitor
#1 #2
Success ng # 1 rating #2 rating
weighted weighted
1 -
Extensive .4 6 2.4 3 1.2
2 -
Customer .3 4 1.2 5 1.5
3 -
Economies .2 3 .6 3 .6
of scale
4 - Product
.1 7 .7 4 .4
Two additional columns can be added. In one column you can rate your
own company on each of the key success factors (try to be objective and
honest). In another column you can list benchmarks. They are the ideal
standards of comparisons on each of the factors. They reflect the
workings of a company using all the industry's best practices.
Competitor profiling:
Reverse engineering:
Number of employees, key employees, and skill sets
Marketing strategies
Media scanning:
New competitors
Firms is feasible
No business is an island. For success, the business will need to deal with
customers, suppliers, employees, and others. In almost all cases there will
also be other organizations offering similar products to similar customers.
These other organizations are competitors. Moreover, their objective is
the same - to grow, make money and succeed. Effectively, the businesses
are at war - fighting to gain the same resource and territory: the
customer. And like in war, it is necessary to understand the enemy:
How he thinks;
Where he is vulnerable;
And so on. In addition, like in war, the competitor will have secrets that
can be the difference between profit and loss, expansion or bankruptcy for
the business. Identifying these secrets is thus crucial for business survival.
But all this is not new.
If you are ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, then you are a fool
and certain to be defeated in every battle if you know yourself, but not
your enemy, for every battle won, you will suffer a loss. If you know your
enemy and yourself, you will win every battle.
Information can also be found on the Internet itself - most companies are
now advertising their services and some specialize in offering information
that can be used for competitor research. Among the best are D&B (Dun &
Bradstreet) with a database of over 30 million companies’ worldwide. If
you need to know about both private and quoted companies this is one of
the best sources. Few other companies offer the same global scope -
although some local companies will give D&B a run for its money for
single country information. For public companies, there is also the D&B
subsidiary, Hoovers, which holds considerable information - much of it
free. Patent information can be obtained from companies such as
Thomson Scientifics patent service (formerly known, as dare not
Information) or from local patent offices. Moreover, global press
information is available from databases made available by companies
such as Dialog (also from the Thomson group), Lexis-Nexis and Factiva.
There are numerous other web-sources - discussion forums, web-logs
(blogs), pod casts, protest groups, customer and governmental sites and
so on. We include some of the web-sources we use to search for
competitor information on our CI Sources links pages. You can also find
information at trade shows and conferences, and by interviewing industry
experts, your competitors' customers and suppliers, ex-competitor
employees - or even the competitor although there are ethical issues
involved when obtaining information from some of these sources.