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2014 - Lectures Notes On Game Theory - WIlliam H Sandholm

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Lecture Notes on Game Theory

William H. Sandholm
October 21, 2014


Basic Decision Theory

0.1 Ordinal Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.2 Expected Utility and the von Neumann-Morgenstern Theorem . . . . . . . .
0.3 Bayesian Rationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Normal Form Games

1.1 Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.2 Randomized strategies and beliefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Dominance and Iterated Dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.1 Strictly dominant strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.2 Strictly dominated strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.3 Iterated strict dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.4 Weak dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Rationalizability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 Definition and examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.2 The separating hyperplane theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.3 A positive characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Nash Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4.2 Computing Nash equilibria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4.3 Interpretations of Nash equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4.4 Existence of Nash equilibrium and structure of the equilibrium set
1.5 Correlated Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Many thanks to Katsuhiko Aiba, Emin Dokumac, Danqing Hu, Rui Li, Allen Long, Ignacio Monzon,

Michael Rapp, and Ryoji Sawa for creating the initial draft of this document from my handwritten notes
and various other primitive sources.

Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA.
e-mail: whs@ssc.wisc.edu; website: http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/whs.


1.5.1 Definition and examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

1.5.2 Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
The Minmax Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Extensive Form Games

2.1 Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.1.1 Defining extensive form games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.1.2 Pure strategies in extensive form games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.1.3 Randomized strategies in extensive form games . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.1.4 Reduced normal form games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.2 The Principle of Sequential Rationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.3 Games of Perfect Information and Backward Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.3.1 Subgame perfect equilibrium, sequential rationality, and backward
induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.3.2 Epistemic foundations for backward induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.3.3 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.3.4 Subgame perfect equilibrium in more general classes of games . . . 80
Interlude: Asymmetric Information, Economics, and Game Theory . . . . . . . . 80
2.4 Games of Imperfect Information and Sequential Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . 82
2.4.1 Subgames and subgame perfection in games of imperfect information 82
2.4.2 Beliefs and sequential rationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.4.3 Definition of sequential equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
2.4.4 Computing sequential equilibria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
2.4.5 Existence of sequential equilibrium and structure of the equilibrium
set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.5 Invariance and Proper Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.6 Forward Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
2.6.1 Motivation and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
2.6.2 Forward induction in signaling games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
2.7 Full Invariance and Kohlberg-Mertens Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
2.7.1 Fully reduced normal forms and full invariance . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
2.7.2 KM stability and set-valued solution concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Bayesian Games
3.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Repeated Games
4.1 The Repeated Prisoners Dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 The Folk Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Computing the Set of Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Payoffs
4.4.1 Dynamic programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .












4.4.2 Dynamic programs vs. repeated games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

4.4.3 Factorization and self-generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Simple and Optimal Penal Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

0. Basic Decision Theory

0.1 Ordinal Utility
We consider a decision maker (or agent) who chooses among alternatives (or outcomes) in
some set Z. To begin we assume that Z is finite.
The primitive description of preferences is in terms of a preference relation . For any
ordered pair of alternatives (x, y) Z Z, the agent can tell us whether or not he weakly
prefers x to y. If yes, we write x  y. If no, we write x  y.
We can use these to define
strict preference: a  b means [a  b and b  a].
indifference a b means [a  b and b  a].
We say that the preference relation  is a weak order if it satisfies the two weak order axioms:
Completeness: For all a, b Z, either a  b or b  a (or both).
Transitivity: For all a, b, c Z, if a  b and b  c, then a  c.
Completeness says that there are no alternatives that the agent is unwilling or unable to
compare. (Consider Z = {do nothing, save five lives by murdering a person chosen at
Transitivity rules out preference cycles. (Consider Z = {a scoop of ice-cream, an enormous
hunk of chocolate cake, a small plain salad}.)
The function u : Z R is an ordinal utility function that represents  if
u(a) u(b) if and only if a  b.
Theorem 0.1. Let Z be finite and let  be a preference relation. Then there is an ordinal utility
function u : Z R that represents  if and only if  is complete and transitive.
Moreover, the function u is unique up to increasing transformations: v : Z R also represents 
if and only if v = f u for some increasing function f : R R.

In the first part of the theorem, the only if direction follows immediately from the
fact that the real numbers are ordered. For the if direction, assign the elements of Z
utility values sequentially; the weak order axioms ensure that this can be done without
Ordinal refers to the fact that only the order of the values of the utility function have
meaning. Neither the values nor differences between them convey information about
intensity of preferences. This is captured by the second part of the theorem, which says
that utility functions are only unique up to increasing transformations.
If Z is (uncountably) infinite, weak order is not enough to ensure that there is an ordinal
utility representation:
Example 0.2. Lexicographic preferences. Let Z = R2 , and suppose that a  b a1 > b1 or
[a1 = b1 and a2 b2 ]. In other words, the agents first priority is the first component of
the prize; he only uses the second component to break ties. While  satisfies the weak
order axioms, it can be shown that there is no ordinal utility function that represents .
In essence, there are too many levels of preference to fit them all into the real line.
There are various additional assumptions that rule out such examples. One is
Continuity: Z Rn , and for every a Z, the sets {b : b  a} and {b : a  b} are closed.
Notice that Example 0.2 violates this axiom.
Theorem 0.3. Let Z Rn and let  be a preference relation. Then there is a continuous
ordinal utility function u : Z Rn that represents  if and only if  is complete, transitive, and
In the next section we consider preferences over lotteriesprobability distributions over
a finite set of prizes. Theorem 0.3 ensures that if preferences satisfy the weak order and
continuity axioms, then they can be represented by a continuous ordinal utility function.
By introducing an additional axiom, one can obtain a more discriminating representation.

0.2 Expected Utility and the von Neumann-Morgenstern Theorem

Now we consider preferences in settings with uncertainty: an agent chooses among
lotteries in which different alternatives in Z have different probabilities of being realized.
Example 0.4. Suppose you are offered a choice between

lottery 1:
lottery 2:

$1M for sure

$2M with probability 2 ,

$0 with probability 12 .

One tempting possibility is to look at expected values: the weighted averages of the
possible values, with weights given by probabilities.
lottery 1: $1M 1 = $1M
lottery 2: $2M 12 + $0M


= $1M

But most people strictly prefer lottery 1.

The lesson: if outcomes are in dollars, ranking outcomes in terms of expected numbers of
dollars may not capture preferences.
If Z is a finite set, then we let Z represent the set of probability distributions over Z:
Z = {p : Z R+ | aZ p(a) = 1}.
The objects a player must evaluate, p Z, are distributions over an outcome set Z.
We can imagine he has preferences , where p  q means that he likes p at least as much
as q. When can these preferences be represented using numerical assessments of each p?
When can these assessments take the form of expected utilities?
Let Z be a finite set of alternatives, so that Z is the set of lotteries over alternatives.
Example 0.5. Z = {$0, $10, $100},

Z = p = (p($0), p($10), p($100))


p = (.2, .8, 0)




q = (.9, 0, .1)


r = (0, 0, 1)

Let  be a preference relation on Z, where p  q means that lottery p Z is weakly

preferred to lottery q Z.
If p and q are lotteries and [0, 1] is a scalar, then the compound lottery c = p + (1 )q
is the lottery defined by c(z) = p(z) + (1 )q(z) for all z Z.

Example 0.6. c = .7p + .3q = .7(.2, .8, 0) + .3(.9, 0, .1) = (.41, .56, .03)








.41 $0

.56 $10


Preference axioms:
(NM1) Weak order:  is complete and transitive.
(NM2) Continuity: For all p, q, and r such that p  q  r, there exist , (0, 1) such that
(1 )p + r  q  (1 )r + p.
Example 0.7. p = win Nobel prize, q = nothing, r = get hit by a bus. (Since p, q and r are
supposed to be lotteries, we should really write p = win Nobel prize with probability 1,
(NM3) Independence: For all p, q, and r and all (0, 1),
p  q p + (1 )r  q + (1 )r.
Example 0.8. p = (.2, .8, 0), q = (.9, 0, .1), r = (0, 0, 1)






p = .5p + .5r = (.1, .4, .5)



q = .5q + .5r = (.45, 0, .55)

We say that u : Z R provides an expected utility representation for the preference relation
 on Z if



u(z) p(z)

u(z) q(z).


The function u is then called a von Neumann-Morgenstern (or NM) utility function.

Theorem 0.9 (von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944)).

Let Z be a finite set, and let  be a preference relation on Z. Then there is an NM utility function
u : Z R that provides an expected utility representation for  if and only if  satisfies (NM1),
(NM2), and (NM3).
Moreover, the function u is unique up to positive affine transformations. That is, v also satisfies
(1) if and only if v au + b for some a > 0 and b R.
If outcomes are money, ui (x) need not equal x. If it is, we say that utility is linear in money
or that the player is risk neutral.
Discussion of Theorem 0.9

The theorem tells us that as long as (NM1)(NM3) hold, there is some way of
assigning numbers to the alternatives such that taking expected values of these
numbers is the right way to evaluate lotteries over alternatives.
(ii) The values of an NM utility function are sometimes called cardinal utilities (as
opposed to ordinal utilities). What more-than-ordinal information do cardinal
utilities provide?
The nature of this information can be deduced from the fact that a NM utility
function is unique up to positive affine transformations.
Example 0.10. Let a, b, c Z, and suppose that ua > uc > ub . Let = uuac u
. This quantity is
not affected by positive affine transformations. Indeed, if v = u + , then

vc vb (uc + ) (ub + ) (uc ub )

= .
va vb (ua + ) (ub + ) (ua ub )
To interpret , rearrange its definition to obtain
uc = ua + (1 )ub .
This says that is the probability on a in a lottery over a and b that makes this lottery
exactly as good as getting c for sure.

0.3 Bayesian Rationality

In settings with uncertainty, where all relevant probabilities are objective and known, we
call an agent NM rational if he acts as if he is maximizing a NM expected utility function.

What if the probabilities are not given? We call an agent Bayesian rational (or say that he
has subjective expected utility preferences) if

In settings with uncertainty, he forms beliefs describing the probabilities of all

relevant events.
(ii) When making decisions, he acts to maximize his expected utility given his beliefs.
(iii) After receiving new information, he updates his beliefs by taking conditional probabilities whenever possible.
In game theory, it is standard to begin analyses with the assumption that players are
Bayesian rational.
Foundations for subjective expected utility preferences are obtained from state-space models
of uncertainty. These models begin with a set of possible states whose probabilities are
not given, and consider preferences over maps from states to outcomes. Savage (1954)
provides an axiomatization of subjective expected utility preferences in this framework.
Both the utility function and the assignment of probabilities to states are determined as
part of the representation. Anscombe and Aumann (1963) consider a state-space model in
which preferences are not over state-contingent alternatives, but over maps from states to
lotteries a` la von Neumann-Morgenstern. This formulation allows for a much a simpler
derivation of subjective expected utility preferences, and fits very naturally into gametheoretic models. See Gilboa (2009) for a textbook treatment of these and more general
models of decision under uncertainty.

1. Normal Form Games

Game theory models situations in which multiple players make strategically interdependent decisions. Strategic interdependence means that your outcomes depend both on what
you do and on what others do.
This course focuses on noncooperative game theory, which works from the hypothesis that
agents act independently, each in his own self interest. Cooperative game theory studies
situations in which subsets of the agents can make binding agreements.
We study some basic varieties of games and the connections among them:

Normal form games: moves are simultaneous

Extensive form games: moves take place over time
Bayesian games: players receive private information before play begins
Repeated games: a normal form game is played repeatedly, with all previous moves
being observed before each round of play

1.1 Basic Concepts

Example 1.1. Prisoners Dilemma.
Story 1: Two bankers are each asked to report on excessive risk taking by the other. If
neither reports such activity, both get a $2M bonus. If only one reports such activity, he
gets a $3M bonus and the other gets nothing. If both report such activity, then each gets a
$1M bonus.
Story 2: There are two players and a pile of money. Each player can either let the opponent
take $2, or take $1 for himself.
C 2, 2
D 3, 0

0, 3
1, 1

(i) Players: P = {1, 2}

(ii) Pure strategy sets S1 = {C, D}, S2 = {c, d}
Set of pure strategy profiles: S = S1 S2 . For example: (C, d) S
(iii) Utility functions ui : S R. For example: u1 (C, d) = 0, u2 (C, d) = 3.
1.1.1 Definition
A normal form game G = {P , {Si }iP , {ui }iP } consists of:
(i) a finite set of players P = {1, ..., n},
(ii) a finite set of pure strategies Si for each player,
(iii) a von Neumann-Morgenstern (NM) utility function ui : S R for each player, where
S = iP Si is the set of pure strategy profiles (lists of strategies, one for each player).
If each player chooses some si Si , the strategy profile is s = (s1 , . . . , sn ) and player js
payoff is u j (s).
1.1.2 Randomized strategies and beliefs
In our description of a game above, players each choose a particular pure strategy si Si .
But it is often worth considering the possibility that each player makes a randomized

Mixed strategies and mixed strategy profiles

If A is a finite set, then we let A represent the set of probability distributions over A: that
is, A = {p : A R+ | aA p(a) = 1}.
Then i Si is a mixed strategy for i, while = (1 , . . . , n ) iP Si is a mixed strategy
Under a mixed strategy profile, players are assumed to randomize independently: for
instance, learning that 1 played C provides no information about what 2 did.
In other words, the distribution on the set S of pure strategy profiles created by is a
product distribution.
Example 1.2. Battle of the Sexes.


3, 1 0, 0
0, 0 1, 3

Suppose that 1 plays A with probability 34 , and 2 plays a with probability 14 . Then

= (1 , 2 ) = (1 (A), 1 (B)), (2 (a), 2 (b)) = ( 43 , 14 ), ( 41 , 34 )
The pure strategy profile (A, a) is played with probability 1 (A) 2 (a) =
complete product distribution is presented in the matrix below.
a ( 4 ) b ( 34 )
A ( 34 )
B ( 14 )






When player i has two strategies, his set of mixed strategies Si is the simplex in R2 , which
is an interval.


When player i has three strategies, his set of mixed strategies Si is the simplex in R3 ,
which is a triangle.

When player i has four strategies, his set of mixed strategies Si is the simplex in R4 ,
which is a pyramid.


(use imagination here)

Correlated strategies
In some circumstances we need to consider the possibility that players all have access to
the same randomizing device, and so are able to correlate their behavior. This is not as
strange as it may seem, since any uncertain event that is commonly observed can serve to
correlate behavior.
Example 1.3. Battle of the Sexes revisited.
Suppose that the players observe a toss of a fair coin. If the outcome is Heads, they play
(A, a); if it is Tails, they play (B, b).
A formal description of their behavior specifies the probability of each pure strategy
profile: = ((A, a), (A, b), (B, a), (B, b)) = ( 12 , 0, 0, 12 ).






This behavior cannot be achieved using a mixed strategy profile, since it requires correlation: any mixed strategy profile putting weight on (A, a) and (B, b) would also put weight
on (A, b) and (B, a):
(1 y) > 0
x(1 y)
(1 x) > 0
B (1 x)y (1 x)(1 y)
all marginal probabilities > 0 all joint probabilities > 0

We call iP Si = S a correlated strategy. It is an arbitrary joint distribution on
iP Si .
Example 1.4. Suppose that P = {1, 2, 3} and Si = {1, . . . , ki }. Then a mixed strategy profile
= (1 , 2 , 3 ) iP Si consists
Qof three
 probability vectors of lengths k1 , k2 , and k3 ,
while a correlated strategy iP Si is a single probability vector of length k1 k2 k3 .

Because players randomize independently in mixed strategy profiles, mixed strategy

profiles generate the product distributions on iP Si . Thus:
mixed strategy profiles =


Si = correlated strategies.

We write because the items on each side are not the same kinds of mathematical
objects (i.e., they live in different spaces).
Example 1.5. If S1 = {A, B} and S2 = {a, b}, then the set of mixed strategies {A, B} {a, b}
is the product of two intervals, and hence a square. The set of correlated strategies
({A, B} {a, b}) is a pyramid.






The set of correlated strategies that correspond to mixed strategy profilesin other words,
the product distributions on {A, B} {a, b}form a surface in the pyramid.

One can divide traditional game-theoretic analyses into two classes: equilibrium and
non-equilibrium. In equilibrium analyses (e.g., using Nash equilibrium), one assumes
that players correctly anticipate how opponents will act. In this case, Bayesian rational
players will maximize their expected utility with respect to correct predictions about how
opponents will act. In nonequilibrium analyses (e.g., dominance arguments) this is not
assumed. Instead, Bayesian rationality requires players to form beliefs about how their
opponents will act, and to maximize their expected payoffs given their beliefs. In some
cases knowledge of opponents rationality leads to restrictions on plausible beliefs, and
hence on our predictions of play.
Let us consider beliefs in a two-player game. Suppose for now first that player i expects
his opponent to play a pure strategy, but that i may not be certain of which strategy j will
play. Then player i should form beliefs i S j about what his opponent will do. Note
that in this case, player is beliefs about player j are the same sort of object as a mixed
strategy of player j.

If player i thinks that player j might randomize, then is beliefs j would need to be
a probability measure on S j (so that loosely speaking, j (S j ).) Such beliefs
can be reduced to a probability measure on S j by taking expectations. Specifically,
let i = Ei j be the mean of a random variable that takes values in S j and whose
distribution is j . Then i S j , and i (s j ) represents the probability that i assigns
to the realization of js mixed strategy being the pure strategy s j . In the end, these
probabilities are all that matter for player is expected utility calculations. Thus in
nonequilibrium analyses, there is no loss in restricting attention to beliefs that only
put weight on opponents pure strategies. We do just this in Sections 1.2 and 1.3.

On the other hand, if player j plays mixed strategy j , then player is beliefs are only
correct if i ( j ) = 1. But when we consider solution concepts that require correct
beliefs (especially Nash equilibriumsee Section 1.4), there will be no need to refer
to beliefs explicitly in the formal definitions, since the definitions will implicitly
assume that beliefs are correct.
(ii) When player is beliefs i assigns probability 1 to player j choosing a pure strategy
but put weight on multiple pure strategies, these beliefs are formally identical to
a mixed strategy j of player j. Therefore, the optimization problem player i faces
when he is uncertain and holds beliefs i is equivalent to the the optimization
problem he faces when he knows player j will play the mixed strategy j (see
below). The implications of this point will be explored in Section 1.3.
Now we consider beliefs in games with many players. Suppose again that each player
expects his opponents to play pure strategies, although he is not sure which pure strategies
they will choose. In this case, player is beliefs i are an element of j,i S j , and so are
equivalent to a correlated strategy among player is opponents. Remark (i) above applies
here as well: in nonequilibrium analyses, defining beliefs as just described is without loss
of generality.
(It may be preferable in some applications to restrict a players beliefs about different
opponents choices to be independent, in which case beliefs are described by elements
of j,i S j , the set of opponents mixed strategy profiles. We do not do so here, but we
discuss this point further in Section 1.3.)
In all cases, we assume that if a player chooses a mixed strategy, learning which of his
pure strategies is realized does not alter his beliefs about his opponents.
Expected utility
To compute a numerical assessment of a correlated strategy or mixed strategy profile, a
player takes the weighted average of the utility of each pure strategy profile, with the
weights given by the probabilities that each pure strategy profile occurs. This is called the
expected utility associated with . See Section 0.2.
Example 1.6. Battle of the Sexes once more.


3, 1
0, 0

0, 0
1, 3


A ( 34 )
B ( 41 )

a ( 14 )

b ( 34 )




Suppose = (1 , 2 ) = (1 (A), 1 (B)), (2 (a), 2 (b)) = ( 34 , 14 ), ( 14 , 34 ) is played. Then
u1 () = 3
u2 () = 1








= 34 ,
= 34 .

In general, player is expected utility from correlated strategy is


ui () =

ui (s) (s).


Player is expected utility from mixed strategy profile = (1 , . . . , n ) is


ui () =

ui (s)


j (s j ) .



In (3), the term in parentheses is the probability that s = (s1 , . . . , sn ) is played.

We can also write down an agents expected utility in a setting in which he is uncertain
about his opponents strategies. If player i plays mixed strategy i Si and his beliefs
about his opponents behavior are given by i j,i S j , his expected utility is

ui (i , i ) =

ui (s) i (si ) i (si ).


There is a standard
abuse of notation here. In (2) ui acts on correlated strategies (so that

ui :
S R),
jP S j R), in (3) ui acts on mixed strategy profiles (so that ui :
QjP  j
and in (4) ui acts on mixed strategy/beliefs pairs (so that ui : Si
j,i S j R).
Sometimes we even combine mixed strategies with pure strategies, as in ui (si , i ). In the
end we are always taking the expectation of ui (s) over the relevant distribution on pure
strategy profiles s, so there is really no room for confusion.

1.2 Dominance and Iterated Dominance

Suppose we are given some normal form game G. How should we expect Bayesian rational
players (i.e., players who form beliefs about opponents strategies and choose optimally
given their beliefs) playing G to behave? We consider a sequence of increasingly restrictive
methods for analyzing normal form games. We start by considering the implications of
Bayesian rationality and of common knowledge of rationality. After this, we introduce


equilibrium assumptions.
We always assume that the structure and payoffs of the game are common knowledge: that
everyone knows these things, that everyone knows that everyone knows them, and so on.
G = {P , {Si }iP , {ui }iP } a normal form game
a profile of pure strategies for is opponents
si Si = j,i S j
is beliefs about his opponents strategies
i j,i S j
(formally equivalent to a correlated strategy for is opponents)
Remember that (i) in a two-player game, player is beliefs i are the same kind of object
as player js mixed strategy j , and (ii) in a game with more than two players, player is
beliefs i can emulate any mixed strategy profile i of is opponents, but in addition can
allow for correlation.
1.2.1 Strictly dominant strategies
Dominance concerns strategies whose performance is good (or bad) regardless of how
opponents behave.
Pure strategy si Si is strictly dominant if

ui (si , si ) > ui (s0i , si ) for all s0i , si and si Si .

In words: player i prefers si to any alternative s0i regardless of the pure strategy profile
played by his opponents.
Example 1.7. Prisoners Dilemma revisited.

C 2, 2
D 3, 0

0, 3
1, 1

Joint payoffs are maximized if both players cooperate. But regardless of what player 2
does, player 1 is better off defecting. The same is true for player 2. In other words, D and
d are strictly dominant strategies.
The entries in the payoff bimatrix are the players NM utilities. If the game is supposed to
represent the banker story from Example 1.1, then having these entries correspond to the
dollar amounts in the story is tantamount to assuming that (i) each player is risk neutral,

and (ii) each player cares only about his own dollar payoffs. If other considerations are
importantfor instance, if the two bankers are friends and care about each others fates
then the payoff matrix would need to be changed to reflect this, and the analysis would
differ correspondingly. Put differently, the analysis above tells us only that if each banker
is rational and cares only about his dollar payoffs, then we should expect to see (D, d).
The next observation shows that a Bayesian rational player must play a strictly dominant
strategy whenever one is available.
Observation 1.8. Strategy si is strictly dominant if and only if

ui (si , i ) > ui (s0i , i ) for all s0i , si and i Si .

Thus, if strategy si is strictly dominant, then it earns the highest expected utility regardless of
player is beliefs.
While condition (6) directly addresses Bayesian rationality, condition (5) is easier to check.
Why are the conditions equivalent? () is immediate. () follows from the fact that the
inequality in (6) is a weighted average of those in (5).
Considering player is mixed strategies would not allow anything new here: First, a pure
strategy that strictly dominates all other pure strategies also dominates all other mixed
strategies. Second, a mixed strategy that puts positive probability on more than one pure
strategy cannot be strictly dominant (since it cannot be the unique best response to any
si ; see Observation 1.14).
1.2.2 Strictly dominated strategies
Most games do not have strictly dominant strategies. How can we get more mileage the
notion of dominance?
A strategy i Si is strictly dominated if there exists a 0i Si such that
ui (0i , si ) > ui (i , si ) for all si Si
Remarks on strictly dominated strategies:

i is strictly dominated if and only if

ui (0i , i ) > ui (i , i ) for all i



S j.

Thus, Bayesian rational players never choose strictly dominated strategies.

(ii) A strategy that is not dominated by any pure strategy may be dominated by a
mixed strategy:
T 3, 0,
1 M 0, 3,
B 1, 1,
B is not dominated by T or M but it is dominated by 12 T + 12 M. Note how this
conclusion depends on taking expected utility seriously: the payoff of 1.5 generated
by playing 21 T + 12 M against L is just as real as the payoffs of 3 and 0 obtained by
playing T and M against L.
(iii) If a pure strategy si is strictly dominated, then so is any mixed strategy i with si in
its support (i.e., that uses si with positive probability). This is because any weight
placed on a strictly dominated strategy can instead be placed on the dominating
strategy, which raises player is payoffs regardless of how his opponents act.
For instance, in the example from part (ii), 23 M + 31 B is strictly dominated by

+ 31 ( 12 T + 12 M) = 16 T + 65 M.

(iv) But even if a group of pure strategies are not dominated, mixed strategies that
combine them may be:


not dominated

3, 0,
0, 3,
2, 2,

T, M, and B are all best responses to some 2 S2 , and so are not strictly dominated.
But 12 T + 21 M (guarantees 23 ) is strictly dominated by B (guarantees 2). In fact, any
mixed strategy with both T and M in its support is strictly dominated.
1.2.3 Iterated strict dominance
Some games without a strictly dominant strategy can still be solved using the idea of

Example 1.9. In the game below, 2 does not have a dominated pure strategy.


2, 2 6, 1
1, 3 5, 5
0, 0 4, 2

1, 1
9, 2
8, 8

B is dominated for 1 (by M), so if 1 is rational he will not play B.

If 2 knows that 1 is rational, she knows that he will not play B.
So if 2 is rational, she wont play R, which is strictly dominated by L once B is removed.
Now if 1 knows:
(i) that 2 knows that 1 is rational
(ii) that 2 is rational
then 1 knows that 2 will not play R. Hence, since 1 is rational he will not play M.
Continuing in a similar vein: 2 will not play C.
Therefore, (T, L) solves G by iterated strict dominance.
Iterated strict dominance is driven by common knowledge of rationalityby the assumption
that all statements of the form i knows that j knows that . . . k is rational are trueas
well as by common knowledge of the game itself.
To see which strategies survive iterated strict dominance it is enough to
(i) Iteratively remove all dominated pure strategies.
(ii) When no further pure strategies can be removed, check all remaining mixed strategies. (We do not have to do this earlier because in the early rounds, we are only
going to check performance versus pure strategies anyway.)
A basic fact about iterated strict dominance is:
Proposition 1.10. The set of strategies that remains after iteratively removing strictly dominated
strategies does not depend on the order in which the dominated strategies are removed.
See Dufwenberg and Stegeman (2002) or Ritzberger (2002) for a proof.
Often, iterated strict dominance will eliminate a few strategies but not completely solve
the game.


1.2.4 Weak dominance

Strategy i Si is weakly dominated by 0i if
ui (0i , si ) ui (i , si )

for all si Si , and

ui (0i , s0i ) > ui (i , s0i )

for some s0i Si

Strategy si Si is weakly dominant if it weakly dominates all other strategies.

Example 1.11. Weakly dominated strategies are not ruled out by Bayesian rationality alone.


1, 0,
0, 0,

While the use of weakly dominated strategies is not ruled out by Bayesian rationality
alone, the avoidance of such strategies is often taken as a first principle. In decision
theory, this principle is referred to as admissibility; see Kohlberg and Mertens (1986) for
discussion and historical comments. In game theory, admissibility is sometimes deduced
from the principle of cautiousness, which requires that players not view any opponents
behavior as impossible; see Asheim (2006) for discussion.
It is natural to contemplate iteratively removing weakly dominated strategies. However,
iterated removal and cautiousness conflict with one another: removing a strategy means
viewing it as impossible, which contradicts cautiousness. See Samuelson (1992) for discussion and analysis. One consequence is that the order of removal of weakly dominated
strategies can mattersee Example 1.12 below. (For results on when order of removal
does not matter, see Marx and Swinkels (1997) and sterdal (2005).) But versions of
iterated weak dominance can be placed on a secure epistemic footing (see Brandenburger
et al. (2008)), and moreover, iterated weak dominance is a powerful tool for analyzing
extensive form games (see Section 2.6.1).
Example 1.12. Order of removal matters under IWD.


5, 1 4, 0
6, 0 3, 1
6, 4 4, 4


In the game above, removing weakly dominated stategy U first leads to prediction (D, R),
while removing the weakly dominated strategy M first leads to the prediction (D, L).
An intermediate solution concept between ISD and IWD is introduced by Dekel and Fudenberg (1990), who suggest one round of elimination of all weakly dominated strategies,
followed by iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Since weak dominance
is not applied iteratively, the tensions described above do not arise. Strategies that survive
this Dekel-Fudenberg procedure are sometimes called permissible. See Section 2.5 for further

1.3 Rationalizability
1.3.1 Definition and examples
Q: What is the tightest prediction that we can make assuming only common knowledge
of rationality?
A: Bayesian rational players not only avoid dominated strategies; they also avoid strategies that are never a best response. If we apply this idea iteratively, we obtain the
sets of rationalizable strategies.
Strategy i is a best response to beliefs i (denoted i Bi (i )) if
ui (i , i ) ui (0i , i )

for all 0i Si

(In contrast with dominance, there is no for all i .)

The set-valued map Bi is called player is best response correspondence. As with the notation
ui (), we will abuse the notation Bi () as necessary, writing both Bi (i ) and Bi (i ).
Informally, the rationalizable strategies (Bernheim (1984), Pearce (1984)) are those that remain after we iteratively remove all strategies that are cannot be a best response, accounting for each players uncertainty about his opponents behavior. We provide a definition
below, and an alternate characterization in Theorem 1.23.
Because it only requires CKR, rationalizability is a relatively weak solution concept. Still,
when rationalizability leads to many rounds of removal, it can result in stark predictions.
Example 1.13. Guessing


of the average.

There are n players. Each players strategy set is Si = {0, 1, . . . , 100}.


The target integer is defined to be


of the average strategy chosen, rounding down.

All players choosing the target integer split a prize worth V > 0 (or, alternatively, each is
given the prize with equal probability). If no one chooses the target integer, the prize is
not awarded.
Which pure strategies are rationalizable in this game?
To start, we claim that for any pure strategy profile si of his opponents, player i has a
response ri Si such that the target integer generated by (ri , si ) is ri . (You are asked to
prove this on the problem set.) Thus for any beliefs i about his opponents, player i can
obtain a positive expected payoff (for instance, by playing a best response to some si in
the support of i ).
So: Since Si = {0, 1, . . . , 100},

The highest possible average is 100.

The highest possible target is b 34 100c = 75.
Strategies in {76, 77, . . . , 100} yield a payoff of 0.
Since player i has a strategy that earns a positive expected payoff given his beliefs,
strategies in {76, 77, . . . , 100} are not best responses.

Thus if players are rational, no player chooses a strategy above 75.

The highest possible average is 75.

The highest possible target is b 34 75c = b56 14 c = 56.
Strategies in {57, . . . , 100} yield a payoff of 0.
Since player i has a strategy that earns a positive expected payoff given his beliefs,
strategies in {57, . . . , 100} are not best responses.

Thus if players are rational and know that others are rational, no player chooses a strategy
above 56.
Proceeding through the rounds of eliminating strategies that cannot be best responses, we
find that no player will choose a strategy higher than
75 . . . 56 . . . 42 . . . 31 . . . 23 . . . 17 . . . 12 . . . 9 . . . 6 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . 0.
Thus, after 14 rounds of iteratively removing strategies that cannot be best responses, we
conclude that each players unique rationalizable strategy is 0.
When applying rationalizability, we may reach a point in our analysis at which a player
has multiple pure strategies, none of which can be removed (meaning that for each such
strategy, there are beliefs against which that strategy is optimal). In this case, we should

consider whether any mixtures of these pure strategies can be removed.

The following observation provides an easy way of checking whether a mixed strategy is
a best response.
Observation 1.14. Strategy i is a best response to i if and only if every pure strategy si in the
support of i is a best response to i .
This follows immediately from the fact that the payoff to a mixed strategy is the appropriate
weighted average of the payoffs to the pure strategies in its support.
Example 1.15. Determining the rationalizable strategies in a normal form game.

To find B1 : S2 S1
u1 (T, 1 ) u1 (M, 1 )

u1 (T, 1 ) u1 (B, 1 )

3l 3c
3l 2
l 23


3, 3 0, 0
0, 0 3, 3
2, 2 2, 2

0, 2
0, 2
2, 0

To find B2 : S1 S2
u2 (2 , L) u2 (2 , C)

u2 (2 , L) u2 (2 , R)


3t + 2b 3m + 2b
3t + 2b 2t + 2m
t + 2b 2m

C + L

L + R

C + L

M + T

C + L


M + T

C + R

B + T

B1: S2 S1

M + T + B

M + T

M + B

B2: S1 S2

Best responses
for player 1

Everything is a best response

for player 2.

Q: No mixtures of T and M are a best response for 1. Since 2 knows this, can it be a best
response for her to play R?
A: R is not a best response to any point on the dark lines TB and BM, which represent
mixtures between strategies T and B and between B and M.
Since player 2 is uncertain about which best response player 1 will play, Bayesian rationality requires her to form beliefs about this. These beliefs 2 are a probability measure
on the set of player 1s best responses.
If 2s beliefs about 1s behavior are 2 (T) = 2 (M) = 12 , then it is as if 2 knows that 1 will
play 12 T + 12 M, and R is a best response to these beliefs.
In fact, if 2 (T) = 2 (M) = 25 and 2 (B) = 15 , then it is as if 2 knows that 1 will play
T + 25 M + 15 B, so all of 2s mixed strategies are possible best responses.
Thus, the player 1s set of rationalizable strategies is R 1 = {1 S1 : [1 (T) = 0 or 1 (M) =
0]}, and player 2s set of rationalizable strategies is simply R = S .

When we compute the rationalizable strategies, we must account for each players uncertainty about his opponents strategies. Thus, during each iteration we must leave in
all of his best responses to any mixture of the opponents surviving pure strategies, even
mixtures that are never a best response. Put differently, strategic uncertainty leads us to

include the convex hull of the surviving mixed strategies at each intermediate stage of the
elimination process.
Iterative definition of (and procedure to compute) rationalizable strategies:
(i) Iteratively remove pure strategies that are never a best response (to any allowable
(ii) When no further pure strategies can be removed, remove mixed strategies that are
never a best response.
The mixed strategies that remain are the rationalizable strategies.
There are refinements of rationalizability based on assumptions beyond CKR that generate
tighter predictions in some games, while still avoiding the use of equilibrium knowledge
assumptionssee Section 2.5.
Rationalizability and iterated strict dominance in two-player games
It is obvious that
Observation 1.16. If i is strictly dominated, then i is never a best response.
In two-player games, the converse statement is not obvious, but is nevertheless true:
Proposition 1.17. In a two-player game, any strategy that is never a BR is strictly dominated.
The proof is based on the separating hyperplane theorem: see Section 1.3.2.
So never a best response and strictly dominated are equivalent in two-player games.
Iterating yields
Theorem 1.18. In a two-player game, a strategy is rationalizable if and only if it satisfies iterated
strict dominance.
Rationalizability and iterated strict dominance in games with three or more players
For games with three or more players, there are two definitions of rationalizability in use.
The original one (sometimes called independent rationalizability) computes best responses
under the assumption that a players beliefs about different opponents choices are independent, so that these beliefs are formally equivalent to an opponents mixed strategy
profile. The alternative (sometimes called correlated rationalizability) allows correlation in
a players beliefs about different opponents choices. This agrees with the way we defined
beliefs in Section 1.1.2. In either case, [i strictly dominated] [i never a best response],
so all rationalizable strategies survive iterated strict dominance. But the analogues of
Proposition 1.17 and Theorem 1.18 are only true under correlated rationalizability.

While opinion is not completely uniform, most game theorists would choose correlated
rationalizability as the more basic of the two concepts. See Hillas and Kohlberg (2002) for
a compelling defense of this point of view. We take rationalizability to mean correlated
rationalizability unless otherwise noted.
Example 1.19. Consider the following three-player game in which only player 3s payoffs
are shown.



, , 5 , , 2
, , 2 , , 1


, , 4
, , 0

, , 0
, , 4



, , 1
, , 2

, , 2
, , 5

Strategy B is not strictly dominated, since a dominating mixture of A and C would need
to put at least probability 43 on both A (in case 1 and 2 play (T, L)) and C (in case 1 and
2 play (B, R)). If player 3s beliefs about player 1s choices and player 2s choices are
independent, B is not a best response: Independence implies that for some t, l [0, 1], we
can write 3 (T, L) = tl, 3 (T, R) = t(1 l), 3 (B, L) = (1 t)l, and 3 (B, R) = (1 t)(1 l).
u3 (C, 3 ) > u3 (B, 3 )
tl + 2t(1 l) + 2(1 t)l + 5(1 t)(1 l) > 4tl + 4(1 t)(1 l)
1 + t + l > 6tl,
which is true whenever t + l 1 (why?); symmetrically, u3 (A, 3 ) > u3 (B, 3 ) whenever
t + l 1. But B is a best response to the correlated beliefs 3 (T, L) = 3 (B, R) = 21 .
1.3.2 The separating hyperplane theorem
A hyperplane is a set of points in Rn that satisfy a scalar linear equality. More specifically,
the hyperplane Hp,c = {x Rn : p x = c} is identified by some normal vector p Rn {0}
and intercept c R. Since the hyperplane is an n 1 dimensional affine subset of Rn , its
normal vector is unique up to a multiplicative constant.
A half space is a set {x Rn : p x c}.
Example 1.20. In R2 , a hyperplane is a line. x2 = ax1 + b (a, 1) x = b, so p = (a, 1).
The figure below displays cases in which a = 12 , so that p = ( 12 , 1).


p.x = 0

p.x = 4

p.x = 2

Interpreting the figure:

Hp,0 = {x : p x = 0} is the hyperplane through the origin containing all vectors orthogonal
to p.
Hp,c is a hyperplane parallel to Hp,0 . (Why? If y, y Hp,c = {x : p x = c}, then the tangent
vector y y is orthogonal to p: that is, p ( y y) = 0, or equivalently, y y Hp,0 .)
The normal vector p points towards Hp,c with c > 0. (Why? Because x y = |x||y| cos > 0
when the angle formed by x and y is acute.)
Theorem 1.21 (The Separating Hyperplane Theorem).
Let A, B Rn be closed convex sets such that A B bd(A) bd(B). Then there exists a
p Rn {0} such that p x p y for all x A and y B.
p. x = p . z = c
p .x < c

p. x > c


In cases where B consists of a single point on the boundary of A, the hyperplane whose
existence is guaranteed by the theorem is often called a supporting hyperplane.
For proofs, discussion, examples, etc. see Hiriart-Urruty and Lemarechal (2001).
Application: Best responses and dominance in two-player games
Observation 1.16. If i is strictly dominated, then i is never a best response.

Proposition 1.17. Let G be a two-player game. Then i Si is strictly dominated if and only if
i is not a best response to any i Si
Theorem 1.18. In a two-player game, a strategy is rationalizable if and only if it satisfies iterated
strict dominance.
We illustrate the idea of the proof of Proposition 1.17 with an example.
Example 1.22. Our goal is to show that in the two-player game below, [i Si is not
strictly dominated] implies that [i is a best response to some i Si ].

A 2,
B 6,
C 7,
D 3,


Let v1 (1 ) = (u1 (1 , L), u1 (1 , R)) be the vector payoff induced by 1 . Note that u1 (1 , 1 ) =
1 v1 (1 ).
Let V1 = {v1 (1 ) : 1 S1 } be the set of such vector payoffs. Equivalently, V1 is the convex
hull of the vector payoffs to player 1s pure strategies. It is closed and convex.
Now 1 S1 is not strictly dominated if and only if v1 (1 ) lies on the northeast boundary
of V1 . For example, 1 = 12 A + 21 B is not strictly dominated, with v1 ( 1 ) = (4, 4). We want
to show that 1 is a best response to some 1 S2 .
v1(A) = (2, 5)

~ 1 = ( 13 , 23 )
v (
) = v ( 12 A + 12 B) = (4, 4)

v (B) = (6, 3)


~ 1 w1= 4

v (D) = (3, 2)

v1(C) = (7, 1)


~ 1 w1< 4

A general principle: when you are given point on the boundary of a convex set, the normal
vector at that point often reveals something interesting.
The point v1 ( 1 ) lies on the hyperplane 1 w1 = 4, where 1 = ( 13 , 32 ).
This hyperplane separates the point v1 ( 1 ) from the set V1 , on which 1 w1 4.
Put differently,
1 w1 1 v1 ( 1 )

for all w1 V1

1 v1 (1 ) 1 v1 ( 1 )

for all 1 S1 (by the definiton of V1 )

u1 (1 , 1 ) u1 ( 1 , 1 )

for all 1 S1

Therefore, 1 is a best response to 1 .

The same argument shows that every mixture of A and B is a best response to 1 .
We can repeat this argument for all mixed strategies of player 1 corresponding to points on
the northeast frontier of V1 , as in the figure below at left. The figure below at right presents
player 1s best response correspondence, drawn beneath graphs of his pure strategy payoff
functions. Both figures link player 1s beliefs and best responses: in the left figure, player
1s beliefs are the normal vectors, while in the right figure, player 1s beliefs correspond
to different horizontal coordinates.

~ = (1/3, 2/3)





1 = (2/3, 1/3)






L+ 13 R


L+ 23 R

1.3.3 A positive characterization

The procedure introduced earlier defines rationalizability in a negative fashion, by
iteratively removing strategies that are not rationalizable. It is good to have a positive

characterization, describing rationalizability in terms of what it requires rather than what

it rules out.
One informal way to state a positive characterization says that each rationalizable strategy
is a best response to beliefs that only put weight on best responses . . . to beliefs that only
put weight on best responses . . . to beliefs that only put weight on best responses . . .
In this way, the choice of the strategy is justified by a chain of expectations of rational
best responses
justified by


placed on

best responses

justified by


placed on

best responses

It is possible to eliminate this infinite regress by introducing a fixed point.

best responses
justified by

placed on


The precise version of this fixed point idea is provided by part (i) of Theorem 1.23, which
later will allow us to relate rationalizability to Nash equilibrium. Part (ii) of the theorem
provides the new characterization of rationalizability. We state the characterization for
pure strategies. (To obtain the version for mixed strategies, take i Si as the candidate
set and let Ri = i i support(i ).)
Theorem 1.23. Let Ri Si for all i P , and let Ri = j,i R j

Suppose that for each i P and each si Ri , there is a i Si such that

(a) si is a best response to i , and
(b) the support of i is contained in Ri .

Then for each player i, all strategies in Ri are rationalizable.

(ii) There is a largest product set jS Rj such that the collection R1 , . . . , Rn satisfies (i).
Moreover, for each i P , Ri is player is set of rationalizable pure strategies.

Osborne (2004, p. 380382) provides a clear discussion of these ideas.

Example 1.24. Which pure strategies are rationalizable in the following game?

A 7, 0 2, 5
B 5, 2 3, 3
C 0, 7 2, 5
D 0, 0 0, 2

0, 7
5, 2
7, 0
0, 0

0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
9, 1

Notice that d is strictly dominated by 12 a + 21 c. Once d is removed, D is strictly dominated

in the game that remains.
To show that all remaining pure strategies are rationalizable, we apply Theorem 1.23.
Let (R , R ) = ({A, B, C}, {a, b, c}).

B is optimal for 1 when 1 = b R2 , and
b is optimal for 2 when = B R .

A is optimal for 1 when 1 = a R2 ,
a is optimal for 2 when = C R .

C is optimal for 1 when 1 = c R2 , and

c is optimal for 2 when = A R .

Thus the strategies in (R1 , R2 ) are rationalizable.

We can gain further insight by focusing on the collections of smaller sets that satisfy the
conditions of Theorem 1.23.
(R1 , R2 ) = ({B}, {b}) satisfies these conditions. When each Ri is a singleton, as in this case,
there is no flexibility in choosing the beliefs i : the beliefs must be correct. Indeed, the
strategy profile generated by the Ri is a pure strategy Nash equilibrium.
(R1 , R2 ) = ({A, C}, {a, c}) also satisfies the conditions of Theorem 1.23(i). The strategies in
these sets form a best response cycle. In this case, each strategy si Ri is justified using
different beliefs i . Thus, the fact that rationalizability does not assume that players
beliefs are correct plays a crucial role here.

1.4 Nash Equilibrium

Rationalizability only relies on common knowledge of rationality. Unfortunately, it often
fails to provide tight predictions of play. To obtain tighter predictions, we need to impose
stronger restrictions on players beliefs about their opponents behavior. Doing so will
lead to the central solution concept of noncooperative game theory.
1.4.1 Definition
To reduce the amount of notation, let i = Si denote player is set of mixed strategies.
Similarly, let = jP S j and i = j,i S j .
Define player is best response correspondence Bi : i i by
Bi (i ) = argmax ui (i , i )
i i

Strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium (Nash (1950)) if

i Bi (i ) for all i P .
In words: each player plays a best response to the strategies of his opponents.
Underlying assumptions:
Each player has correct beliefs about what opponents will do (vs. rationalizability:
reasonable beliefs).
(ii) Each behaves rationally given these beliefs.

Example 1.25. Good Restaurant, Bad Restaurant.



2, 2 0, 0
0, 0 1, 1

Everything is rationalizable.
The Nash equilibria are: (G, g), (B, b), ( 13 G + 23 B, 31 g + 32 b).
Checking the mixed equilibrium:
u2 ( 13 G + 23 B, g) =


2 + 23 0 =



u2 ( 13 G + 23 B, b) =


0 + 23 1 =


All strategies in 2 are best responses.

In the mixed equilibrium each player is indifferent between his mixed strategies.
Each chooses the mixture that makes his opponent indifferent.
We can refine our prediction applying the notion of strict equilibrium. s is a strict
equilibrium if for each i, si is the unique best response to si . That is, Bi (si ) = {si } for all i.
Strict equilibria seem especially compelling.
But strict equilibria do not exist in all games (unlike Nash equilibria: see Section 1.4.4).
In the previous example, the Nash equilibrium (G, g) maximizes both players payoffs.
One might be tempted to say that a Nash equilibrium with this property is always the one
to focus on. But this criterion is not always compelling:
Example 1.26. Joint investment.
Each player can make a safe investment that pays 8 for sure, or a risky investment that
pays 9 if the other player joins in the investment and 0 otherwise.

S 8, 8
R 0, 8

8, 0
9, 9

The Nash equilibria here are (S, s), (R, r), and ( 19 S + 98 R, 19 s + 89 r). Although (R, r) yields both
players the highest payoff, each player might be tempted by the sure payoff of 8 that the
safe investment guarantees.
1.4.2 Computing Nash equilibria
The next proposition provides links between Nash equilibrium and rationalizability.
Proposition 1.27. (i) Any pure strategy used with positive probability in a Nash equilibrium
is rationalizable.
(ii) If each player has a unique rationalizable strategy, the profile of these strategies is a Nash
Proof. Theorem 1.23 provided conditions under which strategies in the sets Ri Si are
rationalizable: for each i P and each si Ri , there is a i Si such that

(a) si is a best response to i , and

(b) the support of i is contained in Ri .
To prove part (i) of the proposition, let (1 , . . . , n ) be a mixed equilibrium, and let Ri
be the support of i . Observation 1.14 tells us that each si Ri is a best response to i .
Thus (a) and (b) hold with i determined by i .
To prove part (ii) of the proposition, suppose that s = (si , . . . , sn ) is the unique rationalizable
strategy profile. Then (a) and (b) say that si is a best response to si , and so s is a Nash
See Osborne (p. 383384) for further discussion.
Proposition 1.27 provides guidelines for computing the Nash equilibria of a game. First
eliminate all non-rationalizable strategies. If this leaves only one pure strategy profile,
this profile is a Nash equilibrium.
Guidelines for computing all Nash equilibria:
(i) Eliminate pure strategies that are not rationalizable.
(ii) For each profile of supports, find all equilibria.
Once the profile of supports is fixed, one identifies all equilibria with this profile of
supports by introducing the optimality conditions implied by the supports: namely, that
the pure strategies in the support of a players equilibrium strategy receive the same
payoff, which is at least as high as payoffs for strategies outside the support. In this way,
each players optimality conditions restrict what the other players strategies may be.
This approach is simply a convenient way of evaluating every strategy profile. In effect,
one finds all equilibria by ruling out all non-equilibria and keeping what remains.
Inevitably, this approach is computationally intensive: if player i has ki strategies, there
are iP (2ki 1) possible profiles of supports, and each can have multiple equilibria. (In
practice, one fixes the supports of only n1 players strategies, and determines the support
for the nth players strategy using the optimality conditionssee the examples below.)


Example 1.28. (Example 1.15 revisited).


C + L

L + R

C + L

M + T

C + L


3, 3
0, 0
2, 2

0, 0
3, 3
2, 2

0, 2
0, 2
2, 0

M + T

C + R

B1: S2 S1

M + T + B

M + T

B + T


M + B

B2: S1 S2

Best responses
for player 1

Everything is a best response

for player 2.

R 1

R 2

R is rationalizable since it is a best response to some probability distributions over R1 , as

such distributions can replicate every point in S1 .
But since R is not a best response to any R , R is never played in a Nash equilibrium.

The key point here is that in Nash equilibrium, player 2s beliefs are correct (i.e., place
probability on player 1s actual strategy).)
Thus, we need not consider any support for 2 that includes R. Three possible supports
for 2 remain:

1s BR is T 2s BR is L
1s BR is M 2s BR is C

(T, L) is Nash
(M, C) is Nash


{L, C} u2 (1 , L) = u2 (1 , C) u2 (1 , R):
(i) 3t + 2b = 3m + 2b

look at B2 , or compute as follows:

(ii) 3m + 2b 2t + 2m (use t = m, b = 1 m t = 1 2t)

3t + 2(1 2t) 4t


Looking at B1 (or R 1 ), we see that this is only possible if player 1 plays B for sure. Player
1 is willing to do this if
u1 (B, 2 ) u1 (T, 2 ) l 23 , and

u1 (B, 2 ) u1 (M, 2 ) c


Since we know that R is not used in any Nash equilibrium, we conclude that (B, L+(1)C)
is a Nash equilibrium for [ 31 , 32 ].
Since we have checked all possible supports for 2 , we are done.
Example 1.29. Zeemans (1980) game.


0, 0
3, 6
1, 4

6, 3
0, 0
3, 5

4, 1
5, 3
0, 0

Since the game is symmetric, both players have the same incentives as a function of the
opponents behavior.
A  B 6b 4c 3a + 5c a + 2b 3c;
A  C 6b 4c a + 3b a + 3b 4c;
B  C 3a + 5c a + 3b 5c 2a + 3b.




Now consider each possible support of player 1s equilibrium strategy.

A, B
A, C

B, C

Implies that 2 plays A, and hence that 1 plays A. Equilibrium.

Implies that 2 plays A, and hence that 1 plays A.
Implies that 2 plays B, and hence that 1 plays A.
Implies that 2 plays A, and hence that 1 plays A.
This allows many best responses for player 2, but the only one that
makes both A and C a best response for 1 is 54 A + 15 C, which is only
a best response for 2 if 1 plays 45 A + 15 C himself. Equilibrium.
Implies that 2 plays A, B or a mixture of the two, and hence that 1
plays A.
This is only optimal for 1 if 2 plays 13 A + 13 B + 13 C, which 2 is only
willing to do if 1 plays 31 A + 13 B + 31 C. Equilibrium.

There are three Nash equilibria: (A, A)

( 54 A + 15 C, 45 A + 51 C)
( 13 A + 13 B + 13 C, 31 A + 13 B + 13 C)
Example 1.30. Seltens (1975) horse.







a 2
A 2, 2, 22 0, 0, 1
D 0, 0, 3 0, 0, 3

A 2, 2, 2
D 1, 0, 2

0, 3, 3
1, 0, 2

Consider all possible mixed strategy supports for players 1 and 2:

(D, d)

Implies that 3 plays L. Since 1 and 2 are also playing best responses,
this is a Nash equilibrium.
(D, a)
Implies that 3 plays L, which implies that 1 prefers to deviate to A.
(D, mix)
Implies that 3 plays L, which with 2 mixing implies that 1 prefers
to deviate to A.
(A, d)
Implies that 3 plays R, which implies that 1 prefers to deviate to D.
(A, a)
1 and 2 are willing to do this if 3 (L) 13 . Since 3 cannot affect his
payoffs given the behavior of 1 and 2, these are Nash equilibria.
(A, mix)
2 only mixes if 3 (L) = 13 ; but if 1 plays A and 2 mixes, 3 strictly
prefers R a contradiction.
(mix, a)
Implies that 3 plays L, which implies that 1 strictly prefers A.
(mix, d)
If 2 plays d, then for 1 to be willing to mix, 3 must play L; this leads
2 to deviate to a.
(mix, mix) Notice that 2 can only affect her own payoffs when 1 plays A.
Hence, for 2 to be indifferent, 3 (L) = 13 . Given this, 1 is willing to
mix if 2 (d) = 23 . Then for 3 to be indifferent, 1 (D) = 74 . This is a
Nash equilibrium.
There are three components of Nash equilibria: (D, d, L)
(A, a, 3 (L) 13 )
( 37 A + 74 D, 13 a + 23 d, 13 L + 23 R)


1.4.3 Interpretations of Nash equilibrium

Example 1.31. (The Good Restaurant, Bad Restaurant game (Example 1.25))

G 2, 2
B 0, 0

0, 0
1, 1

Example 1.32. Matching Pennies.

H 1, 1 1, 1
T 1, 1 1, 1

NE: (G, g)
(B, b)
( 13 G + 23 B, 13 g + 32 b).

unique NE: ( 12 H + 21 T, 12 h + 12 t).

Nash equilibrium is a minimal condition for self enforcing behavior.

This explains why we should not expect players to behave in a way that is not Nash, but
not why we should expect players to coordinate on a Nash equilibrium.
Justifications of equilibrium knowledge: why expect correct beliefs?
There is no general justification for assuming equilibrium knowledge. But justifications can be
found in certain specific instances:

Coordination of play by a mediator.

If a mediator proposes a Nash equilibrium, no player can benefit from deviating.
Of course, this only helps if there actually is a mediator.

(ii) Pre-play agreement.

But it may be more appropriate to include the pre-play communication explicitly
in the game. (The result is a model of cheap talk: see Crawford and Sobel (1982)
and a large subsequent literature.) This raises two new issues: (i) one now needs
equilibrium knowledge in a larger game, and (ii) the expanded game typically has
a babbling equilibrium in which all communication is ignored.
(iii) Focal points (Schelling (1960)). Something about the game makes some Nash
equilibrium the obvious choice about how to behave.
ex: meeting in NYC at the information booth at Grand Central Station at noon.
ex: coordinating on the good restaurant.


Focal points can also be determined abstractly, using (a)symmetry to single out
certain distinct strategies: see Alos-Ferrer
and Kuzmics (2013).

(iv) Learning/Evolution: If players repeatedly face the same game, they may find their
way from arbitrary initial behavior to Nash equilibrium.
Heuristic learning: Small groups of players, typically employing rules that
condition on the empirical distribution of past play (Young (2004))
Evolutionary game theory: Large populations of agents using myopic updating rules (Sandholm (2010))
In some classes of games (that include the two examples above), many learning
and evolutionary processes do converge to Nash equilibrium.
But there is no general guarantee of convergence:
Many games lead to cycling or chaotic behavior, and in some games any reasonable dynamic process fails to converge to equilibrium (Shapley (1964), Hofbauer
and Swinkels (1996), Hart and Mas-Colell (2003)).
Some games introduced in applications are known to have poor convergence properties (Hopkins and Seymour (2002), Lahkar (2011)).
In fact, evolutionary game theory models do not even support the elimination of
strictly dominated strategies in all games (Hofbauer and Sandholm (2011)).
Interpretation of mixed strategy Nash equilibrium: why mix in precisely the way that
makes your opponents indifferent?
In the unique equilibrium of Matching Pennies, player 1 is indifferent among all of his
mixed strategies. He chooses ( 12 , 12 ) because this makes player 2 indifferent. Why should
we expect player 1 to behave in this way?

Deliberate randomization

Sometimes it makes sense to expect players to deliberately randomize (ex.: poker).

In zero-sum games (Section 1.6), randomization can be used to ensure that you obtain
at least the equilibrium payoff regardless of how opponents behave:
In a mixed equilibrium, you randomize to make your opponent indifferent between
her strategies. In a zero-sum game, this implies that you are indifferent between
your opponents strategies. This implies that you do not care if your opponent
finds out your randomization probabilities in advance, as this does not enable her
to take advantage of you.
(ii) Mixed equilibrium as equilibrium in beliefs

We can interpret i as describing the beliefs that player is opponents have about
player is behavior. The fact that i is a mixed strategy then reflects the opponents
uncertainty about how i will behave, even if i is not actually planning to randomize.
But as Rubinstein (1991) observes, this interpretation
. . . implies that an equilibrium does not lead to a prediction (statistical or otherwise) of the players behavior. Any player is action which is a best response given
his expectation about the other players behavior (the other n 1 strategies) is consistent as a prediction for is action (this might include actions which are outside the
support of the mixed strategy). This renders meaningless any comparative statics
or welfare analysis of the mixed strategy equilibrium and brings into question the
enormous economic literature which utilizes mixed strategy equilibrium.
(iii) Mixed equilibria as time averages of play: fictitious play (Brown (1951))
Suppose that the game is played repeatedly, and that in each period, each player
chooses a best response to the time average of past play.
Then in certain classes of games, the time average of each players behavior converges to his part in some Nash equilibrium strategy profile.
(iv) Mixed equilibria as population equilibria (Nash (1950))
Suppose that there is one population for the player 1 role and another for the player
2 role, and that players are randomly matched to play the game.
If half of the players in each population play Heads, no one has a reason to deviate.
Hence, the mixed equilibrium describes stationary distributions of pure strategies in
each population.
(v) Purification: mixed equilibria as pure equilibria of games with payoff uncertainty
(Harsanyi (1973))
Example 1.33. Purification in Matching Pennies. Suppose that while the Matching Pennies
payoff bimatrix gives players approximate payoffs, players actual payoffs also contain
small terms H , h representing a bias toward playing heads, and that each player only
knows his own bias. (The formal framework for modeling this situation is called a Bayesian
gamesee Section 3.)


1 + H , 1 + h
1, 1 + h

1 + H , 1
1, 1

Specifically, suppose that H and h are independent random variables with P(H > 0) =
P(H < 0) = 12 and P(h > 0) = P(h < 0) = 12 . Then it is a strict Nash equilibrium for each

player to follow his bias. From the ex ante point of view, the distribution over actions that
this equilibrium generates in the original normal form game is ( 12 H + 12 T, 12 h + 21 t).
Harsanyi (1973) shows that any mixed equilibrium can be purified in this way. This
includes not only reasonable mixed equilibria like that in Matching Pennies, but also
unreasonable ones like those in coordination games.
1.4.4 Existence of Nash equilibrium and structure of the equilibrium set
Existence and structure theorems for finite normal form games
When does Nash equilibrium provide us with at least one prediction of play? Always, at
least in the context of finite normal form games.
Let G = {P , {Si }iP , {ui }iP } be a finite normal form game.
Theorem 1.34 (Nash (1950)).
G has at least one (possibly mixed) Nash equilibrium.
One can also say more about the structure of the set of Nash equilibria.
Theorem 1.35 (Kohlberg and Mertens (1986)).
The set of Nash equilibria of G consists of finitely many connected components.
Below, a statement is true for generic choices of payoffs if the set of payoff assignments for
which the statement is false has measure zero.
Theorem 1.36 (Wilson (1971), Gul et al. (1993)).
For generic choices of payoffs in G,
(i) the number of Nash equilibria of G is finite and odd;
(ii) if G has 2k + 1 Nash equilibria, at least k of them are (nondegenerate) mixed equilibria.
Equilibrium existence results are usually proved by means of fixed point theorems.
Theorem 1.37 (Brouwer (1912)). Let X Rn be nonempty, compact, and convex. Let the
function f : X X be continuous. Then there exists an x X such that x = f (x).
Theorem 1.38 (Kakutani (1941)). Let X Rn be nonempty, compact, and convex. Let the
correspondence f : X X be nonempty, upper hemicontinuous, and convex valued. Then there
exists an x X such that x f (x).

The first published proof of Theorem 1.34 is from Nash (1950):

Let Bi : i i be player is best response correspondence.
Define B : by B() = (B1 (1 ), . . . , Bn (n )).
Then is a Nash equilibrium B().
Show that B is nonempty, upperhemicontinuous, and convex-valued.
Kakutanis fixed point theorem then implies that a Nash equilibrium exists.
A slicker proof of Theorem 1.34, presented in Nash (1951), builds on Brown and von
Neumann (1950):
Define C : by
Ci,si () =

i,si + [ui (si , i ) ui (i , i )]+

[ui (s0i , i ) ui (i , i )]+
s0i Si

Then is a Nash equilibrium = C().

Since C : is continuous, Brouwers fixed point theorem implies that a Nash
equilibrium exists.
Existence theorems for infinite games
What about games G = {P , {Si }iP , {ui }iP } with infinite strategy sets Si (but P still finite)?
Suppose that
(i) each Si is a compact, convex subset of Rk ;
(ii) each ui is continuous in s .
Theorem 1.39. Suppose that each ui is quasiconcave in si . Then the game G has at least one pure
strategy Nash equilibrium.
Theorem 1.40 (Fan (1952), Glicksberg (1952)). The game G has at least one (possibly mixed)
Nash equilibrium.
Note that mixed strategies of G are probability measures on Si .
There are also existence results for certain classes of infinite games with discontinuous
payoffs. For the most general results of this kind, see Reny (1999), Jackson et al. (2002),
and McLennan et al. (2011).

1.5 Correlated Equilibrium

1.5.1 Definition and examples
Example 1.41. Consider the following normal form game:



5, 5 2, 6
6, 2 1, 1

Nash equilibria/payoffs: (T, R) (2, 6), (B, L) (6, 2), ( 21 T + 12 B, 12 L + 12 R) (3 21 , 3 21 )

If the players can observe a toss of a fair coin before play, they can obtain equilibrium
payoffs of (4, 4) using the correlated strategy 21 TR + 21 BL. More generally, any point in
the convex hull of {(2, 6), (6, 2), (3 12 , 3 12 )} can be achieved in equilibrium using some threeoutcome randomization device.
We can imagine a mediator using such a device to determine which equilibrium he tells
the players to play. If a player expects his opponent to obey the announcement, then the
fact that the announced strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium implies that it is optimal
for the player to obey the announcement himself.





Q: Can a mediator use a randomizing device to generate expected payoffs greater than 8
in equilibrium?
A: Yes, by only telling each player what he is supposed to play, not what the opponent is
supposed to play.
Suppose the device specifies TL, TR, and BL each with probability 13 , so that = 31 TL +
TR + 13 BL.





However, Al is only told whether his component is T or B, and Betty is only told if her
component is L or R:
The correlated strategy generates payoffs of (4 31 , 4 31 ).
Moreover, we claim that both players obeying constitutes an equilibrium:
Suppose that Betty plays as prescribed and consider Als incentives.
If Al sees B, he knows that Betty will play L, so his best response is B (since 6 > 5).
If Al sees T, he believes that Betty is equally likely to play L or R, and so Al is willing to
play T (since 3 12 = 3 12 ).
By symmetry, this is an equilibrium.
Let G = {P , {Si }iP , {ui }iP } be a normal form game.
For any correlated strategy ( S j ) with (si ) =
(si , si ) > 0, let (si |si ) =

si Si

(si ,si )
(si )

We call a correlated equilibrium (Aumann (1974)) if


(si |si )ui (si , si )

si Si

si Si

(si |si )ui (s0i , si )

for all si Si with (si ) > 0, s0i Si , and i P

si Si

(si , si )ui (si , si )

(si , si )ui (s0i , si ) for all si , s0i Si , and i P

si Si

In words, the first condition says that if i receives signal si and opponents obey their signals,
i cannot benefit from disobeying his signal. The second condition is mathematically
simplersee below.
Observation 1.42. Correlated strategy is equivalent to a Nash equilibrium if and only if is a
correlated equilibrium and is a product measure (i.e., the players signals are independent).
Example 1.43. (Describing the set of correlated equilibria)


3, 3
0, 5
5, 0 4, 4


The Nash equilibria are (G, b), (B, g), and ( 32 G + 13 B, 23 g + 31 b).
The set of correlated equilibria of any game is an intersection of a finite number of half
spaces. It is therefore a polytope: that is, the convex hull of a finite number of points.
The constraint ensuring that player 1 plays G when told is 3Gg + 0Gb 5Gg 4Gb , or,
equivalently, 2Gb Gg . We compute the constraints for strategies B, g, and b similarly,
and list them along with the nonnegativity constraints:

2Gb Gg ;
Bg 2Bb ;
2Bg Gg ;
Gb 2Bb ;

(5) Gg
(6) Gb
(7) Bg
(8) Bb


A correlated equilibrium is a correlated strategy which satisfies these eight inequalities

along with the equality Gg + Gb + Bg + Bb = 1.
The equality constraint means that we are essentially working in three dimensions, since
the value of Bb is determined by the value of the other three coordinates. We can therefore
sketch the polytope defined by these inequalities in the pyramid-shaped simplex (see the
figure on the next page). The polytope has 5 vertices, 9 edges, and 6 faces (and so satisfies
Eulers formula: F E + V = 2). Vertices, faces, and edges are defined by (at least) one
inequality, two inequalities, and three inequalities, respectively. The 6 faces are defined
by inequalities (1)-(5) and (8) (since (1) and (4) (along with the equality) imply (6), and
(2) and (3) imply (7)). The 9 edges are defined by the pairs of inequalities (8) and (3), (3)
and (2), (2) and (5), (3), and (1), (2) and (4), (5) and (8), (8) and (1), (1) and (4), and (4) and
(5). The five vertices of the polytope are at points where the following combinations of
inequalities bind:

= (Gg , Gb , Bg , Bb ) binding inequalities

(0, 1, 0, 0)
(2),(3),(5),(7), and (8)
(0, 0, 1, 0)
(1),(4),(5),(6), and (8)
(1),(3), and (8)
( 21 , 14 , 14 , 0)
2 2 1
(0, 5 , 5 , 5 )
(2),(4), and (5)
4 2 2 1
(9, 9, 9, 9)
(1),(2),(3), and (4)

The set of correlated equilibria is drawn below. Notice that vertices and are the
pure Nash equilibria, and that vertex is the mixed Nash equilibrium, at which all four
incentive constraints bind.








1.5.2 Interpretation
Some game theorists feel that correlated equilibrium is the fundamental solution concept
for normal form games:

Mathematical simplicity
The set of correlated equilibria is defined by a finite number of linear inequalities.
It is therefore a polytope (the convex hull of a finite number of points).
Existence of correlated equilibrium can be proved using results from the theory of
linear inequalities (Hart and Schmeidler (1989)).
(The basic results from the theory of linear inequalities are much easier to prove than
fixed point theorems, and each can be derived from the others without too much
difficulty. These results include the Minmax Theorem (Section 1.6), the Separating
Hyperplane Theorem for polytopes (Section 1.3.2), Linear Programming Duality,
Farkass Lemma, . . . )
(ii) Learnability
There are procedures which enable players to learn to play correlated equilibria
regardless of the game they are playing, at least in the sense of time-averaged play
(Foster and Vohra (1997), Hart and Mas-Colell (2000), Young (2004)).

This is not the case for Nash equilibrium.

(iii) Applicability
In some applications players may have the opportunity to design a correlated
signal structure. Moreover, the world offers a multitude of correlated signals, and
different individuals focus on different ones.
The revelation principle for normal form games says that equilibria arising from any
correlated signal structure can be expressed as correlated equilibria.
Thus, correlated equilibrium provides a way of implicitly including all signaling
devices (or all forms of mediation) directly in the solution concept.
More on mediation and revelation principles
In information economics, extensions of the observations in item (iii) above provide foundations for the field of mechanism design (see Myerson (1982, 1985)). Consider an environment in which (a) agents have private information, (b) either the agents or a planner
needs to decide upon an outcome, and (c) everyones preferences about the outcome
may depend on the private information in some way. (There is no game in the description
of this environment.) Such an environment is called a mechanism design problem or Bayesian
collective choice problem.
One goal in this context is to describe what information agents are willing to reveal in
equilibrium under some form of mediation, as this determines what social choice functions
(maps from private information to outcomes) can be implemented in equilibrium. The
revelation principle in mechanism design says that any social choice function that can be
implemented through any sort of mediation (i.e., any mechanism) can be implemented
using a particular form of mediation called a revelation mechanism. Compared to the
setting from item (iii) above, the analogue of a signaling device is called a mechanism, and
the analogue of the notion of correlated equilibrium is the notion of an incentive-compatible
revelation mechanism.
One can combine the two previous settings by including hidden information in the context
of a given game environment. This combination is called a Bayesian game. A revelation
principle holds here as well; the analogues of the concepts mentioned above are called
mediation plans (or just mechanisms) and incentive compatible mechanisms.
See Myerson (1991, Chapter 6) for an excellent discussion of these ideas.

1.6 The Minmax Theorem

Worst-case analysis
The analyses so far have assumed that players are Bayesian rational: they form beliefs
about opponents choices of strategies and then maximize expected utility given those


beliefs. We start our analysis of zero-sum games by considering an alternative decision

criterion based on worst-case analysis: each player chooses a mixed strategy that maximizes
his minimal expected utility, where the minimum is taken over the possible strategies of
the opponents. In general, worst-case analysis can be understood as representing a strong
form of pessimism.
Under Bayesian rationality a player optimizes against a fixed belief about the opponents
behavior. In contrast, under worst-case analysis a players anticipation about the opponents behavior depends on the agents own choice. Stoye (2011), building on Milnor
(1954), and using an Anscombe-Aumann decision-theoretic framework (see Section 0.3),
provides an axiomatization of this maxmin expected utility criterion, as well as other classical
criteria from statistical decision theory.
Zero-sum games
Let G = {P , {Si }iP , {ui }iP }, P = {1, 2} be a two-player game. We call G a zero-sum game if
u2 (s) = u1 (s) for all s S. In a zero-sum game, the two players interests are diametrically
opposed: whatever is good for one player is bad for the other, and to the same degree.
Since cardinal utilities are only unique up to a positive affine transformation of payoffs
(vi (s) = a + bui (s) for all s S), games that are not zero-sum may be strategically equivalent
to a zero-sum game.
In economics, zero-sum games are somewhat exceptional, since typical economic situations involve a combination of competitive and cooperative elements. Nevertheless,
zero-sum games are important in economics because they describe the polar case of completely opposing interests.
When discussing zero-sum games, it is simplest to always speak in terms of player 1s
payoffs. This way, player 1 is always the maximizer, and player 2 becomes the minimizer.
(This choice is completely arbitrary, and has no bearing on any of the conclusions we
reach. In other words, we could just as easily speak in terms of player 2s payoffs. This
would change who we call the maximizer and who the minimizer, but would not alter our
conclusions about any given gamesee the comment just before Example 1.44 below.)
It is convenient to present worst-case analysis in the context of zero-sum games. In this
context, player 2 really does want to minimize player 1s payoffs, since by doing so she
maximizes her own payoffs. But the ideas introduced next are useful beyond the context of
zero-sum games. For instance, in repeated games, a player (or group of players) may use
a minmax strategy to punish an opponent for deviations from equilibrium behaviorsee
Section 4.3.


Maxmin and minmax

Let G be a zero-sum game. We first consider a worst-case analysis by player 1. Player 1
supposes that whatever mixed strategy he chooses, player 2 will anticipate it and choose a
strategy that punishes player 1 as much as possible. It is as if player 1 chooses his strategy
first, and player 2 observes this choice and responds with a corresponding punishment.
Let 2 (1 ) be a punishment strategy used by player 2 to punish player 1 when 1 plays 1 :
2 (1 ) argmin u1 (1 , 2 ).
2 S2

(Stated terms of player 2s payoffs, 2 (1 ) is a best response to 1 , since

2 (1 ) argmin u1 (1 , 2 ) = argmin(u2 (1 , 2 )) = argmax u2 (1 , 2 ).
2 S2

2 S2

2 S2

But we will henceforth call 2 (1 ) a punishment strategy to keep our nomenclature in

terms of player 1s payoffs.)
We say that 1 S1 is a maxmin strategy for player 1 if
1 argmax min u1 (1 , 2 ) = argmax u1 (1 , 2 (1 )).
1 S1

2 S2

1 S1

The resulting payoff vmaxmin

is called player 1s maxmin value:
= u1 ( 1 , 2 ( 1 )).
In words: 1 maximizes player 1s payoffs given that player 2 correctly anticipates 1s
choice and punishes him. By definition, strategy 1 is optimal for a player with maxmin
expected utility preferences. As we will see, such a player may strictly prefer to play a
mixed strategy; this is not possible for a Bayesian rational player. (Why?)
Now we consider a worst-case analysis by player 2. Suppose that player 2 anticipates that
whatever she does, player 1 will punish her. Since we are considering a zero-sum game,
player 1 punishes player 2 by playing a best response.
Let 1 (2 ) be a best response of player 1 against 2 :
1 (2 ) argmax u1 (1 , 2 ).
1 S1


We say that 2 S2 is a minmax strategy for player 2 if

2 argmin max u1 (1 , 2 ) = argmin u1 (1 (2 ), 2 ).
2 S2

1 S1

2 S2

In words: 2 minimizes player 1s payoffs given that player 1 correctly anticipates 2s

choice and best responds. The resulting payoff vminmax
is player 1s minmax value:
= u1 (1 (2 ), 2 ).
and vminmax
mean, look at whose operation appears first. With
To keep clear what vmaxmin
, it is player 1 (the maximizer) who choses a mixed strategy first, and player 2 (the
minimizer) who anticipates this choice and punishes. With vminmax
, it is player 2 who
choses a mixed strategy first, and player 1 who anticipates this choice and best responds.
(To check your understanding, imagine describing this analysis in terms of player 2s
payoffs u2 = u1 . Then player 2 becomes the maximizer and player 1 the minimizer. You
can confirm for yourself that player 2s maxmin value vmaxmin
is equal to vminmax
, and
player 2s minmax value v2
is equal to v1
. Nothing substantial has changed;
only the point of view is different.)
Example 1.44. Maxmin and minmax with pure strategies.
Consider the following zero-sum game:


4, 4 2, 2
0, 0 1, 1

1, 1
3, 3

Suppose that the players are only allowed to play pure strategies. In this case
max min u1 (s1 , s2 ) = max{1, 0} = 1;
s1 S1 s2 S2

min max u1 (s1 , s2 ) = min{4, 2, 3} = 2.

s2 S2 s1 S1

It is easy to check that whether players are restricted to pure strategies or are allowed
play mixed strategies, max min min max: going last (and getting to react what your
opponent did) is at least as good as going first. (The proof is straightforward: see Proof
of the Minmax Theorem below.) The previous example shows that when players are
restricted to pure strategies, we can have max min < min max. Can this happen if mixed
strategies are allowed?

Example 1.45. Computing maxmin and minmax strategies and payoffs.

Consider the payoffs from the previous example. To compute 1 and vmaxmin
, we first
find the graph of u1 (1 , 2 (1 )) as a function of 1 . This is the lower envelope function
pictured in the diagram below. Its maximizer is 1 . Evidently, u1 ( 1 , C) = u1 ( 1 , R), and
so 1 = 23 T + 13 B: if player 1 has maxmin expected utility preferences, he strictly prefers to
randomize. 1s maxmin payoff is vmaxmin
= u1 ( 1 , C) = 35 .








Notice that we can divide S1 into three punishment regions: writing 1 = T + (1 )B,
the regions are [0, 31 ] (where the punishment is L), [ 13 , 23 ] (where it is C), and [ 23 , 1] (where
it is R). Because the lower envelope is a minimum of linear functions, player 1s maxmin
strategy must occur at a vertex of one of the punishment regions: that is, at T, 23 T + 31 B,
T + 23 B, or B. An analogous statement is true in the case of player 2s minmax strategy, as
we will see next.
We can find player 2s minmax strategy in a similar fashion. In this case, we are looking
for the strategy of player 2 that minimizes an upper envelope function. This calculation
uses player 1s best response correspondence. The upper envelope of the payoff functions
pictured below is u1 (1 (2 ), 2 ). Because this upper envelope is the maximum of linear
functions, it is minimized at a vertex of one of the best response regions shown at bottom.
By computing u1 (1 (2 ), 2 ) at each vertex, we find that 2 = 32 C + 13 R, where u1 (1 ( 23 C +
R), 32 C + 13 R) = 53 = vminmax
Notice that vmaxmin
= vminmax
: the payoff that player 1 is able to guarantee himself is equal
to the payoff that player 2 can hold him to. This is a consequence of the Minmax Theorem,
which we state next.




C [2]


L [4]




We can also use a version of the first picture to compute 2 and vminmax
. We do so by
finding the convex combination of the graphs of u1 (1 , L), u1 (1 , C), and u1 (1 , R) whose
highest point is as low as possible. This is the horizontal line shown in the diagram
below at right. (It is clear that no line can have a lower highest point, because no lower
payoff for player 1 is feasible when 1 = 32 T + 31 B = 1 .) Since this horizontal line is
the graph of 23 u1 (1 , C) + 13 u1 (1 , R) = u1 (1 , 23 C + 13 R) (check the endpoints), we conclude
that 2 = 23 C + 13 R. 1s minmax payoff is the constant value of u1 (1 , 23 C + 13 R), which is
= 53 .
In similar fashion, one can determine 1 and vmaxmin
using the second picture by finding
the convex combination of the two planes that whose lowest point is as high as possible.
This convex combination corresponds to the mixed strategy 1 = 23 T + 13 B. (Sketch this
plane in to see for yourself.)






The Minmax Theorem

Theorem 1.46 (The Minmax Theorem (von Neumann (1928)).
Let G be a two-player zero-sum game. Then
(i) vmaxmin
= vminmax

(ii) (1 , 2 ) is a Nash equilibrium of G if and only if 1 is a maxmin strategy for player 1 and
2 is a minmax strategy for player 2. (This implies that a Nash equilibrium of G exists.)
(iii) Every Nash equilibrium of G yields payoff vmaxmin
= vminmax
for player 1.
The common value of vmaxmin = vminmax is known as the value of the game, and is denoted v .

The Minmax Theorem tells us that in a zero-sum game G, player 1 can guarantee that
he gets at least v(G), and player 2 can guarantee that player 1 gets no more than v(G);
moreover, in such a game, worst-case analysis and Bayesian-rational equilibrium analysis
generate the same predictions of play.
For more on the structure of the equilibrium set in zero-sum games, see Shapley and Snow
(1950); see Gonzalez-Daz et al. (2010) for a textbook treatment. For minmax theorems for
games with infinite strategy sets, see Sion (1958).
Example 1.47. In the zero-sum game G with player 1s payoffs defined in Example 1.45,
the unique Nash equilibrium is ( 23 T + 13 B, 23 C + 31 R), and the games value is v(G) = 53 .
Example 1.48. What are the Nash equilibria of this normal form game?


A 10, 0 1, 11
B 9, 1
1, 9
C 2, 8
8, 2
D 2, 8
2, 8
E 4, 6
5, 5

1, 11
1, 9
1, 9
7, 3
6, 4

This game is a constant-sum game, and so creates the same incentives as a zero-sum game
(for instance, the game in which each players payoffs are always 5 units lower). Therefore,
by the Minmax Theorem, player 2s Nash equilibrium strategies are her minmax strategies.
To find these, we draw player 1s best response correspondence (see below). The numbers
in brackets are player 1s best response payoffs against the given strategies of player 2.
= 4 117 , which player 2 can enforce using her
Evidently, player 1s minmax payoff is v1 = 51
unique minmax strategy, 2 = 11
X + 115 Y + 111 Z.
Now let 1 be an equilibrium strategy of player 1. Since player 2 uses her minmax strategy
2 = 11
X + 11
Y + 111 Z in any equilibrium, it must be a best response to 1 ; in particular, X,
Y, and Z must yield her the same payoff against . But , being a best response to ,

can only put weight on pure strategies B, C, and E. The only mixture of these strategies
B + 778 C + 56
E. We therefore
that makes player 2 indifferent among X, Y, and Z is 1 = 77
conclude that ( 77 B + 77 C + 77 E, 11 X + 11 Y + 11 Z) is the unique Nash equilibrium of G.

X [10]


[5] 1/2X+1/2Y





1/2X+1/2Z [5]







Proof of the Minmax Theorem

We assume below that G is zero-sum. Part (i) of the theorem can be proved without this
assumption by slightly modifying the derivation of ().
To prove statement (i) of the theorem, we first show that vmaxmin

= ui ( i , j ( i )) ui ( i , j ) ui (i ( j ), j ) = vminmax

(The pure-strategy version of this argument is valid too.)

is also straightforward if one takes as given that Nash
Proving that vmaxmin

equilibria exist. Letting (1 , 2 ) be a Nash equilibrium of G, we have that

() vmaxmin
= ui ( i , j ( i )) ui (i , j (i )) = ui (i , j ) = ui (i (j ), j ) ui (i ( j ), j ) = vminmax
(One can also prove that vmaxmin
directly using the Separating Hyperplane
Theorem, without having to (indirectly) call upon a fixed point theoremsee Example
The argument above shows that all of the inequalities in () and () are equalities. We now
use this fact to prove statements (ii) and (iii) of the theorem. First, the two new equalities
in () tell us that in any pair of maxmin strategies forms a Nash equilibrium. (The second
new equality shows that is maxmin strategy i is a best response to js minmax strategy
j ; the first new equality shows the reverse.) Second, the two new equalities in () tell us
that a Nash equilibrium strategy for a given player is a maxmin strategy for that player.
(The first new equality shows that the Nash equilibrium strategy i is maxmin strategy
for i; the second new equality shows that j is a minmax strategy for j.) And third, the
equalities in () also show that all Nash equilibria of G yield payoff vmaxmin
= vminmax
player i. This completes the proof of the theorem. 

Example 1.49. Consider the two player normal form game G below, in which player 1 is
the row player and player 2 is the column player. (Only player 1s payoffs are shown.)


5, 3, 1,
1, 0, 4,


Define the following sets:

J = {v R2 : v = (u1 (T, s2 ), u1 (B, s2 )) for some s2 S2 };
K = the convex hull of J;
L(c) = {w R2 : w1 c and w2 c}.

Explain in game theoretic terms what it means for a vector to be an element of the
set K.
(ii) Let c be the smallest number such that the point (c , c ) is contained in K. What is
the value of c ? Relate this number to player 1s minmax payoff in G, explaining
the reason for the relationship you describe.

(iii) Specify the normal vector p R2 and the intercept d of the hyperplane H = {v
R2 : p v = d } that separates the set L(c ) from the set K, choosing the vector p to
have components that are nonnegative and sum to one.
(iv) Interpret the fact that p v d for all v K in game theoretic terms. What
conclusions can we draw about player 1s maxmin payoff in G?
(v) Let Gn be a two player normal form game in which player 1 has n 2 strategies.
Sketch a proof of the fact that player 1s minmax payoff in Gn and his maxmin
payoff in Gn are equal. (When Gn is zero-sum, this fact is the Minmax Theorem.)
(i) v K if and only if v = (u1 (T, 2 ), u1 (B, 2 )) for some 2 S2 .
(ii) c = 2. This is player 1s minmax value: by playing 12 b + 12 c, the strategy that
generates (2, 2), player 2 ensures that player 1 cannot obtain a payoff higher than
2. If you draw a picture of K, you will see that player 2 cannot restrict 1 to a lower
(iii) p = ( 23 , 13 ) and d = 2.
(iv) Let 1 = p . Then (p v 2 for all v K) is equivalent to (u1 (1 , 2 ) 2 for all
2 S2 ). Thus, player 1s maxmin payoff is at least 2; by part (ii), it must be
exactly 2.
(v) Define n-strategy analogues of the sets J, K, and L(c). Let c be the largest value of
c such that int(L(c)) and int(K) do not intersect. (Notice that if, for example, player
1 has a dominated strategy, L(c ) K may not include (c , . . ., c ); this is why we
need the set L(c ).) If player 2 chooses a 2 that generates a point in L(c ) K, then
player 1 cannot obtain a payoff higher than c . Hence, player 1s minmax value is
less than or equal to c . (In fact, the way we chose c tells us that it is exactly equal
to c .)
Let p and d define a hyperplane that separates L(c ) and K; we know that such a
hyperplane exists by the separating hyperplane theorem. Given the form of L(c ),
we can choose p to lie in S1 ; therefore, since the hyperplane passes through the
point (c , . . ., c ), the d corresponding to any p chosen from S1 (in particular, to
any p whose components sum to one) is in fact c . Thus, as in (iv) above, player
1s maxmin value is at least c . Since player 1s maxmin value cannot exceed his
minmax value, we conclude that both of these values equal c .

2. Extensive Form Games

2.1 Basic Concepts
2.1.1 Defining extensive form games
Extensive form games describe strategic interactions in which moves may occur sequentially. The two main classes of extensive form games are games of perfect information and

games of imperfect information. The key distinction here is that in the former class of games,
a players choices are always immediately observed by his opponents.
Simultaneous moves are modeled by incorporating unobserved moves (see Example 2.2),
and so lead to imperfect information games (but see Section 2.3.4).
Extensive form games may also include chance events, modeled as moves by Nature. For
our categorization, it is most convenient to understand game of perfect information to
refer only to games without moves by Nature.
The definition of extensive form games here follows Selten (1975). Osborne and Rubinstein
(1994) define extensive form games without explicitly introducing game trees. Instead,
what we call nodes are identified with the sequences of actions that lead to them. This
approach, which is equivalent to Seltens, requires somewhat less notation, but at the cost
of being somewhat more abstract.
Example 2.1. Sequential Battle of the Sexes.








Example 2.2. (Simultaneous) Battle of the Sexes. Here player 2 does not observe player 1s
choice before she moves herself. We represent the fact that player 2 cannot tell which of
her decision nodes has been reached by enclosing them in an oval. The decision nodes
are said to be in the same information set.









Example 2.3. A simple card game. Players 1 and 2 each bet $1. Player 1 is given a card which
is high or low; each is equally likely. Player 1 sees the card, player 2 doesnt. Player 1 can
raise the bet to $2 or fold. If player 1 raises, player 2 can call or fold. If player 2 calls, then
player 1 wins if and only if his card is high.
The random assignment of a card is represented as move by Nature, marked in the game
tree as player 0. Since player 2 cannot tell whether player 1 has raised with a high card
or a low card, her two decision nodes are in a single information set.











Games of perfect information

Let X be a set of nodes, and E X X a set of (directed) edges. The edge leading from
node x to node y is written as e = (x, y). We call the pair (X, E) a tree with root r if r has
no incoming edge, and if for each y , r there is a unique path (i.e., sequence of edges
{(x0 , x1 ), (x1 , x2 ), ..., (xn1 , xn )}) from r = x0 to y = xn using only edges in E. Nodes with
outgoing edges are called decision nodes; those without are called terminal nodes. The sets
of these are denoted D and Z, respectively.

Terminal nodes


All edges are labeled with actions:

: E A

set of actions
assigns each edge an action, assigning different actions to distinct edges
, e (e) , (e))
leaving the same node (e = (x, y), e = (x, y)

We let Ax = {(e) : e Ex } denote the set actions available at decision node x.

Finally, we introduce a set of players, assign each decision node to a player, and specify
each players utility at each terminal node.

P = {1, . . . , n}
Di D
ui : Z R

set of players
set of player is decision nodes: each x D is in exactly one Di
(in other words, D1 , . . . , Dn form a partition of D)
player is von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function







This completes the definition of an extensive form game of perfect information. Extensive
form games, perfect information or not, are typically denoted by .
Example 2.4. Sequential Battle of the Sexes: notation. In Example 2.1, we have:
Assignments of decision nodes: D1 = {x}, D2 = {y, z}.

Action sets: Ax = {F, B}, A y = { f, b}, Az = { f, b}

Example of utility: (u1 (1 ), u2 (1 )) = (2, 1).
Moves by Nature
Chance events that occur during the course of play are represented by decision nodes
assigned to an artificial player 0, often called Nature, whose choice probabilities are
specified as part of the definition of the game.

To be more precise, the set of decision nodes D is now partitioned into D0 , D1 , . . . , Dn , with
D0 being the set of nodes assigned to Nature. Let x be such a node, so that Ax is the set
of actions available at x. Then the definition of the game includes a probability vector
px Ax , which for each action a Ax specifies the probability px (a) that Nature chooses
Although we sometimes refer to Nature as player 0, Nature is really just a device for
representing chance events, and should not be regarded as a player. That is, the set of
players is still P = {1, . . . n}.
Games of imperfect information
In games of imperfect information, certain action choices of one or more players or of
Nature may not be observed before other players make their own action choices.
To represent unobserved moves, we form a partition Ii of each player is set of decision
nodes Di into information sets I Di . When play reaches player is information set I, i
knows that some node in I has been reached, but he cannot tell which.
For an information set I to make sense, its owner must have the same set of actions AI
available at each node in I. Were this not true, the owner could figure out where he is
in I by seeing what actions he has available. (Formally, we require that if x, y I, then
Ax = A y , and we define AI to be this common action set.)
When an information set is a singleton (like {x}), we sometimes abuse notation and refer
to the information set itself as x.
Observe that is a game of perfect information if every information set is a singleton and
there are no moves by Nature.
Example 2.5. A simple card game: notation. In Example 2.3, we have:
Assignments of decision nodes: D0 = {v}, D1 = {w, x}, D2 = {y, z}.
Action sets: Av = {H, L}, Aw = {R, F}, Ax = {r, f }, A y = Az = {C, F}.
The probability assignments at Natures node are pv (H) = pv (L) = 12 .
Only player 2 has a nontrivial information set: I2 = {I}, where I = {y, z}. Notice that
A y = Az as required; thus AI = A y = Az = {C, F}.
Perfect recall
One nearly always restricts attention to games satisfying perfect recall: each player remembers everything he once knew, including his own past moves.
To express this requirement formally, write e y when e precedes y in the game tree (i.e.,

when the path from the root node to y includes e). Then perfect recall is defined as follows
(with x = x permitted):
If x I Ii , e Ex , y, y I0 Ii , and e y,

then there exist x I and e Ex such that (e) = (e) and e y.

Example 2.6. Here are two games in which perfect recall is violated. The game at right is
known as the absent-minded drivers problem; see Piccione and Rubinstein (1997).












2.1.2 Pure strategies in extensive form games

A pure strategy si Si
sets I Ii .


AI specifies an action si (I) for player i at each of his information

Example 2.7. Sequential Battle of the Sexes: strategies. In Example 2.1, S1 = Ax = {F, B} and
b f, bb}.
Note that even if player 1 chooses F, we still must specify
S2 = A y Az = { f f, f b,
what player 2 would have done at z, so that 1 can evaluate his choices at x.
A pure strategy for an extensive form game must provide a complete description of how a
player intends to play the game, regardless of what the other players do. In other words,
one role of a strategy is to specify a plan of action for playing the game.
However, in games where a player may be called upon to move more than once during the
course of play (that is, in games that do not have the single-move property), a pure strategy
contains information that a plan of action does not: it specifies how the player would act at
information sets that are unreachable given his strategy, meaning that the actions specified
by his strategy earlier in the game ensure that the information set is not reached.

Example 2.8. Mini Centipede.








Assignments of decision nodes: D1 = {x, z}, D2 = {y}.

Action sets: Ax = {A, B}, A y = {C, D}, Az = {E, F}.
Strategy sets: S1 = Ax Az = {AE, AF, BE, BF} and S2 = A y = {C, D}.
Note that when player 1 chooses B at node x, node z is not reached. Nevertheless, 1s
strategy still specifies what he would do at z.
One interpretation of a pure strategy is that a player specifies what he would do at
unreachable information sets in order to be prepared in the event that he fails to implement
his choices at early nodes correctly. The possibility of such failures is the basis for many
analyses of extensive form games via their normal form versionssee Section 2.5.
An alternate interpretation is that the specification of a players strategy at unreachable
information sets describes opponents beliefs about what that player would do theresee
Rubinstein (1991).
Either way, this notion of strategy for extensive form games is essential for capturing
the principle of sequential rationality (Section 2.2), which is the basis for most analyses of
extensive form games. The awkwardness in the notion of strategy for games without the
single-move property will resurface as difficulties with the notion of sequential rationality
in these gamessee Section 2.3.2.
We will see that the distinction between strategies and plans of action disappears in the
usual normal form representation of an extensive form game (Section 2.1.4), and that this
distinction is irrelevant to the notion of Nash equilibrium.
2.1.3 Randomized strategies in extensive form games
A mixed strategy i ( IIi AI ) randomizes over pure strategies.
Example 2.9. For the game tree below,
Pure strategies: S2 = {L, R} {l, r} = {Ll, Lr, Rl, RR};

Mixed strategies: 2 = (2 (Ll), 2 (Lr), 2 (Rl), 2 (RR)) with

2 (s2 ) = 1.

s2 S2











Another way to specify random behavior is to suppose that each time a player reaches
an information set I, he randomizes over the actions in AI . (These randomizations are
assumed to be independent of each other and of all other randomizations in the game.)
This way of specifying behavior is called a behavior strategy: i IIi AI .
Example 2.10. For the game from Example 2.9,

2 = (x2 , 2 ), where x2 (L) + x2 (R) = 1 and 2 (l) + 2 (r) = 1.


Note that mixed strategies are joint distributions, while behavior strategies are collections
of marginal distributions from which draws are assumed to be independent. (Their
relationship is thus the same as that between correlated strategies and mixed strategy
profiles in normal form games.)
It follows immediately that every distribution over pure strategies generated by a behavior
strategy can also be generated by a mixed strategy. However, the converse statement is
false in general, since behavior strategies cannot generate correlation in choices at different
information sets.

Example 2.11. In the game from Example 2.9, consider the behavior strategy 2 = ((x2 (L), x2 (R)),
(2 (l), 2 (r))) = (( 12 , 21 ), ( 13 , 32 )). Since the randomizations at the two nodes are independent,
2 generates the same distribution over pure strategies as the mixed strategy
2 = (2 (Ll), 2 (Lr), 2 (Rl), 2 (Rr))
= ( 12 13 , 12 23 , 12 31 , 12 23 )
= ( 16 , 13 , 16 , 13 ).
Example 2.12. The mixed strategy 2 = ( 31 , 16 , 0, 12 ) entails correlation between the randomizations at player 2s two decision nodes. In behavior strategies, such correlation is
forbidden. But in this case the correlation is strategically irrelevant, since during a given
play of the game, only one of player 2s decision nodes will be reached. In fact, 2 is also
strategically equivalent to 2 . We make this idea precise next.
Correlation in a players choices at different information sets is strategically irrelevant
in any game with perfect recall. Thus in such games, mixed strategies and behavior
strategies provide exactly the same strategic possibilities.
To formalize this point, we say that player is behavior strategy bi and mixed strategy i
are outcome equivalent if for any mixed strategy profile i of player is opponents, (bi , i )
and (i , i ) generate the same distribution over terminal nodes.
It is immediate from the foregoing that every behavior strategy is outcome equivalent to
a mixed strategy. For the converse, we have
Theorem 2.13 (Kuhns (1953) Theorem). Suppose that has perfect recall. Then every mixed
strategy i is outcome equivalent to some behavior strategy i .
For a proof, see Gonzalez-Daz et al. (2010).
Suppose one is given a mixed strategy i . How can one find an equivalent behavior
strategy i ? Specifically, how do we define Ii (a), the probability placed on action a at
player is information set I?
Intuitively, Ii (a) should be the probability that a is chosen at I, conditional on i and his
opponents acting in such a way that I is reached.
Formally, Ii (a) can be defined as follows:
(i) Let i (I) be the probability that i places on pure strategies that do not preclude Is
being reached.
(ii.a) If i (I) > 0, let i (I, a) be the probability that i places on pure strategies that do not
preclude Is being reached and that specify action a at I. Then let Ii (a) = i (I, a)/i (I).

(ii.b) If i (I) = 0, specify Ii AI arbitrarily.

In games with the single-move property, a player cannot prevent any of his own information sets from being reached, so i (I) = 1. Thus case (ii.a) always applies, so the procedure
above specifies a unique i , and in fact this i is the only behavior strategy that is outcome
equivalent to i .
Example 2.14. Consider the game from Example 2.9, which has the single-move property.
1 1
, 4 ). The equivalent
Consider mixed strategy 2 = (2 (Ll), 2 (Lr), 2 (Rl), 2 (RR)) = ( 13 , 31 , 12
behavior strategy is
x2 (L) = 2 (Ll) + 2 (Lr) =


2 (l) = 2 (Ll) + 2 (Rl) =


= 23 ;
= 125 .

Example 2.15. Again let 2 = ( 13 , 13 , 121 , 14 ) as above, but consider the game below:







Then x2 (L) = 2 (Ll) + 2 (Lr) = 23 as before. This game does not have the single move
property, and player 2s second node can only be reached if L is played. Thus
2 (l)

2 (Ll)
2 (Ll) + 2 (Lr)



= .

Example 2.16. In the game from the Example 2.15, if 2 = (0, 0, 0, 1), then x2 (L) = 0, but
2 (l) is unrestricted, since if 2 plays 2 her second node is not reached.
When studying extensive form games directly, it is generally easier to work with behavior
strategies than with mixed strategies. Except when the two are being compared, the
notation i is used to denote both.

2.1.4 Reduced normal form games

Mixed strategies appear when we consider a normal form game G() derived from an
extensive form game .
To motivate normal form representations, imagine that before play begins, the players
specify complete contingent plans for playing . Each reports his plan to a moderator,
who then implements the plan. Since in this scenario strategies are chosen beforehand,
there is no loss in describing the interaction as a simultaneous move game.

Example 2.17.


G(1 )






Ll Lr
U 3, 3 3, 3
D 1, 2 4, 4

2, 1
1, 2

2, 1
4, 4

2, 1
4, 4


Example 2.18.


G(2 )






U 3, 3
D 1, 2


Example 2.19.




U 4, 1
D 3, 0






2, 2
3, 0

Rl Rr
3, 1 3, 1
3, 1 3, 1

We are not done: the (purely) reduced normal form consolidates redundant pure strategies:
G(3 )


Ll Lr
4, 1 2, 2
3, 0 3, 0

3, 1
3, 1

In the previous example, the two pure strategies that were consolidated correspond to the
same plan of action (see Section 2.1.2). This is true in generic extensive form games.
Many extensive form games can have the same reduced normal form. For example,
switching the order of moves in Example 2.18 does not change the reduced normal form.
Thompson (1952) and Elmes and Reny (1994) show that two extensive form games with
perfect recall have the same reduced normal form if it is possible to convert one game to
the other by applying three basic transformations: interchange of simultaneous moves,
addition of superfluous moves, and coalescing of information sets.

2.2 The Principle of Sequential Rationality

Equilibrium concepts for normal form games can be applied to a finite extensive form
game by way of the reduced normal form. For instance, strategy profile is a Nash
equilibrium of if it is equivalent to a Nash equilibrium of the reduced normal form of .
However, the solution concepts we have seen so far do not address questions of credibility
of commitment that arise in dynamic contexts.
Example 2.20. Entry deterrence. The players are firms, an entrant (1) and an incumbent (2).
The entrant moves first, deciding to stay Out or to Enter the market. If the entrant stays
Out, he gets a payoff of 0, while the Incumbent gets the monopoly profit of 3. If the entrant
Enters, the incumbent must choose between Fighting (so that both players obtain 1)) or
Accommodating (so that both players obtain the duopoly profit of 1).






0, 3
E 1, 1

0, 3
1, 1

Nash equilibria: (E, A) and (O, 2 (F) 12 ).

If player 1 chooses E, player 2s only reasonable response is A. Thus F is an empty threat.
But Nash equilibrium does not rule F out.
Suppose we require player 2 to make credible commitments: if she specifies an action, she
must be willing to carry out that action if her decision node is reached. This requirement
would force her to play A, which in turn would lead player 1 to play E.
Once we specify a strategy profile in an extensive form game, certain information sets
cannot be reached. They are said to be off-path.
While all choices at unreached information sets are optimal, these choices can determine
which choices are optimal at information sets that are reached.
To make sure that off-path behavior is reasonablein particular, that only credible threats
are madewe introduce the principle of sequential rationality: Predictions of play in extensive form games should require optimal behavior starting from every information set, not
just those on the equilibrium path.
We will consider a number of methods of formalizing this principle. In the simplest
setting, namely generic games of perfect information, this can be done without the use of
equilibrium assumptions, but with strong assumptions about players belief in opponents
rationalitysee Examples 2.28 and 2.29 and the surrounding discussion. Beyond this
setting, equilibrium knowledge assumptions will be necessary.

2.3 Games of Perfect Information and Backward Induction

2.3.1 Subgame perfect equilibrium, sequential rationality, and backward induction
Recall that extensive form game has perfect information if every information set of is a
singleton, and if contains no moves by Nature.
We now formalize the principle of sequential rationality in the the context of perfect information games by defining three solution concepts. While each definition will seem less
demanding than the previous ones, Theorem 2.21 will show that all three are equivalent.
The first two definitions make use of the notion of a subgame. The subgame of starting
from x, denoted x , is the game defined by the portion of that starts from decision node
x D and includes all subsequent nodes. Intuitively, a subgame is a portion of the game
that one can consider analyzing without reference to the rest of the game. (In games of
imperfect information, not every decision node is the beginning of a subgame: see Section

If is a strategy profile in , then |x denotes the strategy profile that induces in subgame
x .
Definition (i). Strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium of (Selten (1965)) if it
induces a Nash equilibrium in each subgame x of .
Definition (ii). Strategy i is sequentially rational given i if for each decision node x of
player i, (|x )i is a best response to (|x )i in x . If this is true for every player i, we say that
strategy profile itself is sequentially rational.
The third definition concerns the outcomes of an explicit procedure for selecting strategy
profiles. This backward induction procedure goes as follows: Find a decision node x that is
only followed by terminal nodes. Specify an action at that node that leads to the terminal
node z following x that yields the highest payoff for the owner of node x. Then replace
decision node x with terminal node z and repeat the procedure.
If indifferences occur, the output of the procedure branches into multiple strategy profiles,
with each specifying a different optimal choice at the point of indifference. Different
strategy profiles that survive may have different outcomes, since while the player making
the decision is indifferent between his actions, other players generally are not (see Example
Definition (iii). Any strategy profile that can be obtained by following the process described
above is said to survive the backward induction procedure.
Theorem 2.21. Let be a finite perfect information game. Then the following are equivalent:
(i) Strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium.
(ii) Strategy profile is sequentially rational.
(iii) Strategy profile survives the backward induction procedure.

We typically use the term subgame perfect equilibrium to refer to the equivalent
solution concepts from Theorem 2.21.
(ii) Since the backward induction procedure always generates at least one strategy
profile, existence of subgame perfect equilibrium is guaranteed. In fact, since it
is always possible to specify a pure action at every point of indifference, a pure
strategy subgame perfect equilibrium always exists.
(iii) If the backward induction procedure never leads to an indifference, it generates
a unique subgame perfect equilibrium, sometimes called the backward induction
solution. This is the case in generic finite perfect information games (specifically,

finite perfect information games in which no player is indifferent between any pair
of terminal nodes).
In this case subgame perfect equilibrium is something of a misnomer. This
term suggests that equilibrium knowledge assumptions are needed to justify the
prediction. In Section 2.3.2 we explain why this is not true, but also why the
assumptions that are needed are still rather strong in many cases.
(iv) When an indifference occurs during the backward induction procedure in a game
with finite action sets, each choice of action at the point of indifference leads to
a distinct subgame perfect equilibrium. In games with infinite action sets this
need not be true: some ways of breaking indifferences may be inconsistent with
equilibrium play (see Example 2.32).
Example 2.22. Entry Deterrence: solution. In the Entry Deterrence game (Example 2.20), the
backward induction procedure selects A for player 2, and hence E for player 1. Thus the
unique subgame perfect equilibrium is (E, A).
Example 2.23. Multiple entrants. There are two entrants and an incumbent. The entrants
decide sequentially whether to stay out of the market or enter the market. Entrants who
stay out get 0. If both entrants stay out, the incumbent gets 5. If there is entry, the
incumbent can fight or accommodate. If the incumbent accommodates, per firm profits
are 2 for duopolists and 1 for triopolists. On top of this, fighting costs the incumbent 1
and the entrants who enter 3.










The unique subgame perfect equilibrium of this game is (E, (e, o0 ), (a, a0 , a00 )), generating
outcome (2, 0, 2). This is an instance of first mover advantage.

Note that Nash equilibrium does not restrict possible predictions very much in this game:
if the 64 pure strategy profiles, 20 are Nash equilibria of the reduced normal form; (0, 0, 5),
(0, 2, 2), and (2, 0, 2) are Nash equilibrium outcomes. Thus, requiring credibility of commitments refines the set of predictions substantially.

f f 0 f 00
f f 0 a00
f a0 f 00
f a0 a00
a f 0 f 00
a f 0 a00
aa0 f 00
aa0 a00



0 -1 1
0 -1 1
0 -1 1
0 -1 1

0 -1 1
0 -1 1
0 -1 1
0 -1 1

f f 0 f 00
f f 0 a00
f a0 f 00
f a0 a00
a f 0 f 00
a f 0 a00
aa0 f 00
aa0 a00

-1 0 1
-1 0 1
-1 0 1
-1 0 1

-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1
-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1
-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1
-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1

-1 0 1
-1 0 1
-1 0 1
-1 0 1

-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1
-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1
-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1
-4 -4 2
-1 -1 -1

Discussion and proof of Theorem 2.21

To explain the point of Theorem 2.21, we first explain why the implications (i) (ii) and
(ii) (iii) are immediate from the definitions. For the first implication, consider what
Definitions (i) and (ii) require in each subgame x : in Definition (i), every players strategy
must be optimal given the strategies of the others; in Definition (ii), only the strategy of
the owner of node x is required to be optimal.
For the second implication, consider the optimization problems the players are required
to solve in Definitions (ii) and (iii). In Definition (ii), when we evaluate the strategy (|x )i
of the owner i of node x in subgame x , we must compare the performance of (|x )i to that
of each other strategy for the subgame, including ones that specify different actions than
(|x )i at multiple decision nodes. Under Definition (iii), the only changes in strategies in
strategy that are ever considered consist of a change in action at a single decision node.
Thus, the content of Theorem 2.21 is in the reverse implications, (ii) (i) and (iii) (ii).
Roughly speaking, (ii) implies (i) because in a sequentially rational strategy profile , the
optimality in subgame x of a strategy (|x ) j of a player j who does not own node x can be
deduced from the the optimality of js strategies in subgames y of x whose initial nodes
are owned by j. The proof to follow makes this argument explicit.
Proof of Theorem 2.21, (ii) (i). We give the proof for pure strategy profiles s; the proof for

mixed strategy profiles is similar.

Suppose that s is a sequentially rational strategy profile, and let x be a decision node of
player i. We need to show that s|x is a Nash equilibrium of x . First, note that by definition,
(s|x )i is a best response to (s|x )i . Second, if a decision node belonging to player j , i is on
the play path under s|x , then let y be the first such node. Since y is the first node of js that
is reached, js choices outside of y do not affect his payoff in x when his opponents play
s|x , and sequential rationality implies that (s| y ) j is a best response to (s| y )j . Together, these
facts imply that (s|x ) j is a best response to (s|x )j . Third, if no node of player k is reached on
the play path under s|x , then any behavior for k is a best response to (s|x )k . We therefore
conclude that s|x is a Nash equilibrium of x . 
The implication (iii) (ii) is a consequence of a fundamental result about single-agent
decision problems called the one-shot deviation theorem, which we discuss next.
The one-shot deviation theorem
To understand the decision-theoretic aspect of backward induction, it is easiest to focus
on perfect information games with one player, which we call sequential decision problems.
Example 2.24. A sequential decision problem.











Let and be pure strategies of the lone player in sequential decision problem .
x generates a higher payoff
We say that is a profitable deviation from in subgame x if |
than |x in subgame x . In this definition, it is essential that payoffs be evaluated from the
vantage of node x, not from the vantage of the initial node of (see Example 2.27).
By definition, is sequentially rational in if it does not admit a profitable deviation

in any subgame. Put differently, is sequentially rational if for any decision node x, |x
yields the lone player the highest payoff available in x .
Example 2.25. Sequential decision problem revisited. In the sequential decision problem from
Example 2.24, the sequentially rational strategy is (B, C, F, G, I, K, N).
We call strategy a one-shot deviation from strategy if it only differs from at a single
This one-shot deviation is profitable if it generates a higher payoff
decision node, say x.
than in subgame x .
The backward induction procedure can be viewed a systematic method of constructing a
strategy from which there is no profitable one-shot deviation: it first ensures this at nodes
followed only by terminal nodes, and then at the nodes before these, and so on.
Theorem 2.26 (The one-shot deviation theorem).
Let be a finite sequential decision problem. Then the following are equivalent:
Strategy does not admit a profitable deviation in any subgame. (That is, is sequentially
(ii) Strategy does not admit a profitable one-shot deviation at any decision node. (That is,
survives the backward induction procedure.)

Thus to construct a strategy that does not admit profitable deviations of any kind, even
ones requiring changes in action at multiple nodes at once, it is enough to apply the
backward induction procedure, which never considers such deviations explicitly.
In the context of finite sequential decision problems, the one-shot deviation theorem is
simple, but it is not trivialit requires a proof. (One way to see that the theorem has some
content is to note that it does not extend to infinite sequential decision problems unless
additional assumptions are imposedsee Example 4.8 and Theorem 4.7.)
Proof of Theorem 2.26. It is immediate that (i) implies (ii). To prove the converse, suppose
that does not admit a profitable one-shot deviation, but that it does admit a profitable
deviation that requires changes in action over T periods of play. By hypothesis, the last
stage of this deviation is not profitable when it is undertaken. Therefore, only following
the first T 1 periods of the deviation must yield at least as good a payoff from the vantage
of the initial stage of the deviation. By the same logic, it is at least as good to only follow
the first T 2 periods of the deviation, and hence the first T 3 periods of the deviation
. . . and hence the first period of the deviation. But since a one-shot deviation cannot be
profitable, we have reached a contradiction. 


In applying the one-shot deviation theorem, it is essential that the profitability of a deviation be evaluated from the vantage of the node where the deviation occurs.
Example 2.27. Illustration of the one-shot deviation theorem.







If deviations are always evaluated from the point of view of the initial node x, then there
is no way to improve upon strategy (O, L) by only changing the action played at a single
node. But (O, L) clearly is not sequentially rational. Does this contradict the one-shot
deviation theorem?
No. When we consider changing the action at node y from L to R, we should view the
effect of this deviation from the vantage of node y, where it is indeed profitable. The
choice of R at y in turn creates a profitable deviation at x from O to I.
We are now in a position to complete the proof of Theorem 2.21.
Proof of Theorem 2.21, (iii) (ii). Suppose that strategy profile survives the backward
induction procedure in the finite perfect information game . We wish to show that is
sequentially rational in .
Suppose that we view the strategy profile i of player is opponents as exogenous. Then
player i is left with a collection sequential decision problems. In fact, player is strategy i
was obtained by applying the backward induction procedure in these decision problems,
so Theorem 2.26 implies that i is sequentially rational in these decision problems. As this
is true for all players, is sequentially rational in . 
When we stated Theorem 2.21, it may have seemed that the rationale for the backward
induction procedure was entirely game-theoretic, in that it provided a way of enforcing
credibility of commitments. But having examined its use in one-player sequential decision
problems, we now see that it has a second, decision-theoretic rationale.


2.3.2 Epistemic foundations for backward induction

Games with and without the single move property
To begin our discussion of foundations, we introduce the game-theoretic setting in which
backward induction is easiest to justify.
A play path of is a sequence of nodes reached in under some pure strategy profile.
Perfect information game has the single move property if there is no play path on which
a single player has multiple decision nodes. Thus, the Entry Deterrence game (Example
2.20) and the Multiple Entrants game (Example 2.23) have the single move property.
Under the single-move property, there is no way that a players behavior early in the
game can provide information about his behavior later in the game, since a player
who has already moved will not be called upon to move again. For this reason, in
generic games with this property the backward induction solution can be justified using
mild assumptions. When there are just two players, common certainty of rationality is
sufficient. (Why common certainty of rationality? Knowledge refers to beliefs that
are both certain and correct. In extensive form contexts, using certainty rather than
knowledge allows for the possibility that a player discovers that his beliefs are incorrect
during the course of play.)
In games with more than two players, one also needs an assumption of epistemic independence: obtaining information about one opponent (by observing his move) does not lead a
player to update his beliefs about other opponents (see Stalnaker (1998) and Battigalli and
Siniscalchi (1999)).
In games where the single-move property is not satisfied, so that some player may have
to move more than once during the course of play, common certainty of rationality and
epistemic independence are not enough to justify backward induction. In addition, one
needs to impose an assumption that regardless of what has happened in the past, there
continues to be common certainty that behavior will be rational in the future. See Halpern
(2001) and Asheim (2002) for formalizations of this idea. This assumption of undying
common belief in future rational play is sufficient to justify backward induction so long
as indifferences never arise during the backward induction procedure. This assumption is
strong, and sometimes leads to counterintuitive conclusionssee Example 2.29. But the
assumption is of a different nature than the equilibrium knowledge assumption needed to
justify Nash equilibrium play, as coordination of different players beliefs is not assumed.
Example 2.28. Mini Centipede.





The unique subgame perfect equilibrium is ((B, F), D). For player 1 to prefer to play B, he
must expect player 2 to play D if her node is reached. Is it possible for a rational player 2
to do this?
To answer this question, we have to consider what player 2 might think if her decision
node is reached: specifically, what she would conclude about player 1s rationality, and
about what player 1 will do at the final decision node. One possibility is that player 2
thinks that a rational player 1 would play B, and that a player 1 who plays A is irrational,
and in particular would play E at the final node if given the opportunity. If this is what
player 2 would think if her node were reached, then she would play C there.
If player 1 is rational and anticipates such a reaction by player 2, he will play A, resulting
in the play of ((A, F), C). Indeed, this prediction is consistent with the assumption of
common certainty of rationality at the start of playsee Ben-Porath (1997). Therefore,
stronger assumptions of the sort described before this example are needed to ensure the
backward induction solution.
Example 2.29. Centipede (Rosenthal (1981)).
Two players, alternating moves. Each player begins with $1 in his pile. When moving,
a player can stop the game or continue. If a player continues, his pile is reduced by $1,
while his opponents pile is increased by $2. The game ends when a player stops or both
piles have $100; players take home the money in their piles.





... 1





In the backward induction solution, everyone always stops, yielding payoffs of (1, 1).
Remarks on the Centipede Game:

This example raises a general critique of backward induction logic: Suppose you
are player 2, and you get to go. Since 1 deviated once, why not expect him to
deviate again?

(ii) The outcome (1, 1) is not only the backward induction solution; it is also the unique
Nash equilibrium outcome.
(iii) There are augmented versions of the game in which some continuing occurs in
equilibrium: see Kreps et al. (1982) and Example 2.43 below.
(iv) In experiments, most people do better (McKelvey and Palfrey (1992)).
At the same time, in experiments with high-level chess players, subgame perfection
predicts play quite well (see Palacios-Huerta and Volij (2009), but also see Levitt
et al. (2011)).
Backward induction with indifferences
When indifferences arise during the backward induction procedure, the procedure branches,
with each branch leading to a distinct subgame perfect equilibrium. To justify subgame
perfect equilibrium predictions in such cases, one must resort to equilibrium knowledge
assumptions to coordinate beliefs about what indifferent players will do.
Example 2.30. Discipline by an indifferent parent. Player 1 is a child and player 2 the parent.
The child chooses to Behave or to Misbehave. If the child Misbehaves, the parent chooses
to Punish or Not to punish; she is indifferent between these options, but the child is not.






If node y is reached, player 2 is indifferent, so any choice is allowed in this subgame. We

therefore must split the computation of subgame perfect equilibrium into cases. Every
specification of 2s behavior leads to a subgame perfect equilibrium:
(B, P + (1 )N) with >


(B + (1 )M, 12 P + 12 N) with [0, 1],

(M, P + (1 )N) with < 12 .
One can argue that the parent should be able to credibly commit to punishingsee Trans


2.3.3 Applications
Example 2.31. Chess and checkers.
In chess, moves and payoffs are well-defined. The game is zero-sum, and termination
rules ensure that it is finite (at least in some variationssee Ewerhart (2002)).
The minmax theorem thus implies that there is a unique Nash equilibrium outcome,
and that it can be ensured by maxmin play. Moreover, since a pure subgame perfect
equilibrium (and hence a pure Nash equilibrium) exists, the equilibrium outcome must
be nonrandom.
It follows that one of these three statements must be true: (i) Black can guarantee a win,
(ii) White can guarantee a win, (iii) both players can guarantee a draw.
In fact, it can be shown that after two rounds of removing weakly dominated strategies,
all of the strategy profiles that remain yield the equilibrium outcome (Ewerhart (2000)).
But even writing down the game tree for chess is impossible! In big enough games,
backward induction is not computationally feasible.
But Checkers (aka Draughts), which has roughly 5 1020 positions, has been solved:
perfect play leads to a draw! (Schaeffer et al. (2007))
Example 2.32. Alternating Offer Bargaining (Sthl (1972), Rubinstein (1982)).
Two players bargain over $1 for T + 1 periods, starting with period 0. In even periods: (i)
player 1 offers (ot , 1 ot ) as the split, where ot [0, 1]; (ii) if 2 accepts, the dollar is split;
(iii) if not, next round. In odd periods, roles are reversed. If no offers are ever accepted,
both players get nothing. Discounting: dollars received in period t are discounted by t ,
where (0, 1).
This game has perfect information, but also infinite strategy sets and many tied outcomes.
Proposition 2.33.
(i) There is a unique subgame perfect equilibrium. In it, the initial offer is accepted.

(ii) As T , equilibrium payoffs converge to ( 1+
, 1+
Part (ii) tells us that in a long game, there is a first mover advantage.
Proof: Suppose T is even (i.e., the number of periods is odd).
In period T, player 2 should accept any positive offer. If she receives an offer of 0, she is
indifferent, so we must consider the possibility that she accepts such an offer, rejects such
an offer, or randomizes after such an offer.
But it is convenient to consider player 1s period T offer first. It cannot be a best response
for player 1 to offer a positive amount to player 2. If he were going to offer her x, he

improve his payoffs by offering her x2 instead, since that offer will also be accepted. Thus
in any subgame perfect equilibrium, player 1 must offer 0 to player 2.
Now suppose that player 2 rejects an offer of 0 with probability y > 0. Then player 1s
expected dollar return from this offer is 1 y, and so he could do better by offering 2 ,
which ensures a dollar return of 1 2 .
Thus in any subgame perfect equilibrium, player 2 must accept an offer of 0. If player
2 does so, then offering 0 is optimal for player 1. This is the unique subgame perfect
equilibrium of the period T subgame.
We repeatedly (but implicitly) use this argument in the remainder of the analysis. (See
the remark below for further discussion.)
By backward induction:
In period T (even): 2 accepts any offer.

1 offers (1, 0) (T , 0) payoffs if this offer is accepted.

In period T 1 (odd): 1 accepts any offer which yields him T .

2 offers (, 1 ) (T , T1 T ) payoffs if this offer is accepted.

In period T 2 (even): 2 accepts any offer which yields him T1 T .

1 offers (1 + 2 , 2 ) (T2 T1 + T , T1 T ) payoffs if accepted.

. . . In period 0: 1s offer = payoffs =
(u1 , u2 ) = (1 + 2 ... + T , 1 u1 ) =
(u , u ) =
The same limit result holds for odd T:

1+T+1 T+1
, 1+

1T+1 +T+1
, 1+

1+ 1+

1+ 1+

as T .

as T .

(Why? We saw that if T is even, 1 offers last, and his period 0 offer is ( 1+
) (*).

If T = T + 1 is odd, then 2 offers last; since when she makes her period 1 offer there are
T 1+T
T+1 1+T+1
T periods to go, this offer is obtained by reversing (*): (
, 1+ ) = (
). Thus,
1+ 1+


in period 0, 1 s offer to 2 is u2 = 1+ = 1+ , and he keeps u1 = 1 1+ = 1+ for



Remark: The argument above shows that the unique subgame perfect equilibrium has
each player making offers that cause the opponent to be indifferent, and has the opponent
accepting such offers. The fact that the opponent always accepts when indifferent may
seem strange, but with a continuum of possible offers, it is necessary for equilibrium to
exist. It is comforting to know that this equilibrium can be viewed as the limit of equilibria

of games with finer and finer discrete strategy sets, equilibria in which the opponent rejects
offers that leave her indifferent.
The infinite horizon version of this model is known as the Rubinstein (1982) bargaining model. The analysis is trickier since there is no last period. It turns out that the
model has a unique
 subgame perfect equilibrium, and that payoffs in this equilibrium are

(u1 , u2 ) = 1+ , 1+ . Thus, subgame equilibrium payoffs in alternating offer bargaining are

continuous as the time horizon approaches infinity. This sort of continuity at infinity is
not true in generalsee Section 4.1.
2.3.4 Subgame perfect equilibrium in more general classes of games
Subgame perfect equilibrium is completely adequate for analyzing games of perfect information. It is also completely adequate in games of stagewise perfect information (also called
multistage games with observable actions), which generalize perfect information games by
allowing multiple players to move at once at any point in play, with all actions being
observed immediately afterward (see Example 2.40). The key point is that in these games,
once one fixes the behavior of a players opponents, the player himself faces a collection
of sequential decision problems, implying that we can determine whether the players behavior is sequentially rational using backward induction. But once simultaneous moves
are possible, equilibrium knowledge assumptions are needed to coordinate beliefs about
how play will proceed.
Repeated games (Section 4) are the simplest infinite-horizon version of games of stagewise
perfect information. As long as players discount future payoffs, a one-shot deviation
theorem holds in this context as wellsee Theorem 4.7and subgame perfect equilibrium
is also the appropriate solution concept for this context. However, since these games have
no last period, backward induction cannot be used to solve them.
We will see next that in general games of imperfect information, subgame perfect equilibrium is no longer sufficient to capture sequential rationality.

Interlude: Asymmetric Information, Economics, and Game Theory

To this point we have analyzed two basic sorts of games:
(i) normal form games: moves are simultaneous
(ii) extensive form games with perfect information: moves are sequential and commonly observed

In both of these settings, all players have the same information at every point in play.
But there are many economic environments in which the key forces at work are asymmetries in information among the participants.
There are two main sorts of informational asymmetries:
unobserved actions: during the course of play some players actions may not be
observed by others
(ii) private information about primitives: players may have information about their preferences, the environment, others information, or others beliefs that is not known
to others

Corresponding to these are two basic models that capture each sort of asymmetry in
Unobserved actions are modeled using extensive form games with imperfect information.
(ii) Bayesian games provide the basic framework for modeling settings with private
information about primitives at the start of play and simultaneous action choices.

More complicated asymmetries can be captured using extensive form games with imperfect
information and moves by Nature.
Examples of environments with asymmetric information:
colluding firms
risk-taking by the insured (moral hazard)
markets for insurance contracts (adverse selection) (Rothchild-Stiglitz)
markets for used cars (Akerlof)
labor contracting with unobservable skill levels and/or effort choices (Spence)
firm/union negotiations and strikes
public good provision
The incorporation of asymmetric information into economic modeling is perhaps the
most important innovation in microeconomic modeling in recent decades. In the late
1970s/early 1980s, game theory replaced general equilibrium theory as the leading tool
for microeconomic modeling. In large part, this happened because informational asymmetries are not easily handled in general equilibrium models, but are simple to include in
game theory models.

2.4 Games of Imperfect Information and Sequential Equilibrium

2.4.1 Subgames and subgame perfection in games of imperfect information
A subgame 0 of an extensive form game is a subset of which
(i) Contains a decision node, all succeeding edges and nodes, and no others.
(ii) Does not tear information sets: if x 0 , x I, and y I, then y 0 .
Example 2.34. Below, a, b, and i are the initial nodes of subgames; the other nodes are not.









Strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium of if it induces a Nash equilibrium in

every subgame of .
In games of imperfect information, subgame perfection is generally inadequate to capture
the principle of sequential rationality.
Example 2.35. Entry deterrence II.







0, 2
1, 1
3, 1

0, 2
2, 1
4, 0

The entrant can choose stay out (O), enter meekly (M), or enter boldly (B). The incumbent
cannot observe which sort of entry has occurred, but is better off accommodating either
This game has two components of Nash equilibria, (B, A) and (O, 2 (F) 23 ).

Since the whole game is the only subgame, all of these Nash equilibria are also subgame
perfect equilibria.
To heed the principle of sequential rationality in this example, we need to ensure that
player 2 behaves rationally if her information set is reached.
To accomplish this, we will require players to form beliefs about where they are in an
information set, regardless of whether the information set is reached in equilibrium. We
then will require optimal behavior at each information set given these beliefs.
By introducing appropriate restrictions on allowable beliefs, we ultimately will define
the notion of sequential equilibrium, the fundamental equilibrium concept for general
extensive form games.
Remark on information sets and evaluation of deviations:
In Example 2.35, in any Nash equilibrium in which player 2s information set is reached
with positive probability, equilibrium knowledge ensures that player 2 has correct beliefs
about where she is in the information set. (This sort of equilibrium knowledge is precisely
the sort occurring in normal form games.)
Nevertheless, the information set plays a role when we evaluate the consequences of a
deviation by player 1.
For instance, consider evaluating the strategy profile (B, A). When we consider a deviation
by player 1 from B to M, player 2s strategy remains fixed at A.
If instead each of player 2s nodes were in its own information set, player 2s equilibrium
strategy could specify different behavior at each. In this case, if we considered a deviation
by player 1 from B to M, player 2s behavior on the path of play would change if her choices
at her two nodes differed.
2.4.2 Beliefs and sequential rationality
Fix an extensive form game .
Player is beliefs are a map i : Di [0, 1] satisfying


i (x) = 1 for all I Ii .

If x I, i (x) represents the probability that player i assigns to being at node x given that
his information set I has been reached.
Note: the player subscript on i is often omitted when no confusion will result.
Let = (1 , . . . , n ) denote the profile of all players beliefs.

Given a strategy profile , we can compute the probability P (x) that each node x X is
reached. Let P (I) = xI P (x).
The beliefs are Bayesian given profile if i (x) =

P (x)
P (I)

whenever P (I) > 0.

Example 2.36. Entry deterrence II revisited: Bayesian beliefs.




Suppose 1 plays 14 O + 14 M + 21 B. Then P (x) = 14 , P (y) = 21 , and P (I) = 34 , so 2 (x) =

and 2 (y) = 23 .



At information sets I on the path of play, Bayesian beliefs describe the conditional probabilities of nodes being reached.
But beliefs are most important at unreached information sets. In this case, they represent
conditional probabilities after a probability zero event has occurred.
In Section 2.4.3 we impose a key restriction on allowable beliefs in just this circumstance.
Sequential rationality
Given a node x, let ui (|x) denote player is expected utility under strategy profile
conditional on node x being reached.
We call strategy i rational starting from information set I Ii given i and i if


i (x)ui (i , i |x)

i (x)ui ( i , i |x) for all i .


(Remark: The definition only depends on choices under i and i from information set I
onward, and on beliefs i at information set I.)
If (7) holds for every information set I Ii , we call strategy i sequentially rational given i
and i . If for a given and this is true for all players, we call strategy profile sequentially
rational given .
A pair (, ) consisting of a strategy profile and beliefs is called an assessment.
The assessment (, ) is a weak sequential equilibrium if

(i) is Bayesian given .

(ii) is sequentially rational given .
1. One can verify that is a Nash equilibrium if and only if (i) there are beliefs that
are Bayesian given and (ii) for each player i and each information set I Ii on
the path of play (i.e., with P (I) > 0), i is rational at information set I Ii given i
and i . (For instance, in Example 2.35, if player 1 plays O, player 2 need not play
a best response given his beliefs, so (O, F) is Nash.) It follows that weak sequential
equilibrium is a refinement of Nash equilibrium.
2. The concept we call weak sequential equilibrium is called different names by
different authors: perfect Bayesian equilibrium, weak perfect Bayesian equilibrium. . . Moreover, these names are also used by different authors to mean
slightly different things. But fortunately, everyone agrees about the meaning of
sequential equilibrium, and this is the important concept.
Example 2.37. Entry deterrence II once more. Now player 2 must play a best response to
some beliefs 2 . Since A is dominant at this information set, 2 must play it. Thus 1 must
play B, and so ((B, A), 2 (y) = 1) is the unique weak sequential equilibrium.
Here weak sequential equilibrium was sufficiently restrictive. In general it is not.
Example 2.38. Entry deterrence III.






In this game the entrant moves in two stages. First, he chooses between staying out (O)
and entering (E); if he enters, he then chooses between entering foolishly (F) and entering
cleverly (C). Entering foolishly (i.e., choosing (E, F)) is strictly dominated.

If the entrant enters, the incumbent cannot observe which kind of entry has occurred.
Fighting ( f ) is optimal against foolish entry, but accommodating (a) is optimal against
clever entry.
The unique subgame perfect equilibrium is ((E, C), a): player 1 plays the dominant strategy
C in the subgame, so 2 plays a, and so 1 plays E. This corresponds to a weak sequential
equilibrium (with beliefs 2 (y) = 1 determined by taking conditional probabilities).
In addition, ((O, ), 2 ( f ) 12 ) are Nash equilibria.
These Nash equilibria correspond to a component of weak sequential equilibria (that are
not subgame perfect!):
((O, C), f ) with 2 (x) 23 ;
((O, C), 2 ( f ) 12 ) with 2 (x) = 23 .
Why are these weak sequential equilibria? If 1 plays O, condition (ii) places no restriction
on beliefs at 2s information set. Therefore, player 2 can put all weight on x, despite the
fact F is a dominated strategy.
Thus, to obtain an appealing solution concept for games of imperfect information, we
need a stronger restriction than Bayesian beliefs.
2.4.3 Definition of sequential equilibrium
An assessment (, ) is a sequential equilibrium (Kreps and Wilson (1982)) if

is (KW)-consistent given : There exists a sequence of completely mixed strategy

profiles {k }
such that
(1) lim k = , and

(2) if k are the unique Bayesian beliefs for k , then lim k = .


(ii) is sequentially rational given .

Consistency requires that be close to beliefs that could arise if players had small probabilities of making mistakes at each information set.

The there exists in the definition of consistency is important. In general, one

can support more than one consistent beliefs for a given strategy profile by

considering different perturbed strategy profiles k . Later we consider perfect and

proper equilibrium, which also use a there exists definitions (see the discussion
before Example 2.50). We will also consider KM stability, which instead uses a for
all definition, and so imposes a more demanding sort of robustness.
(ii) Battigalli (1996) and Kohlberg and Reny (1997) offer characterizations of consistency
that clarify what this requirement entails.
Example 2.38 revisited. Profile ((E, C), a) is subgame perfect equilibrium and a weak sequential equilibrium (with 2 (y) = 1). To see whether it is a sequential equilibrium, we
must check that 2 (y) = 1 satisfies (ii). To do this, we must construct an appropriate sequence of perturbed strategy profiles, compute the implied beliefs by taking conditional
probabilities, and show that we get 2 (y) = 1 in the limit.
k1 (O) = kO

k1 (E) = 1 kO

k1 (F) = kF

k1 (C) = 1 kF

= k2 (y) =

(1 kO )(1 kF )
Pk (y)
Pk (y) + Pk (x)
1 kO

The assessments (((O, C), f ), (x) 32 ) are weak sequential equilibria (but not subgame
perfect equilibria).
k1 (O) = 1 kE
k1 (F)


k1 (E) = kE

k1 (C)



= k2 (y) =

kE (1 kF )

= 1 kF 1 l

Therefore, (((E, A), a), (y) = 1) is the unique sequential equilibrium.

Checking consistency of beliefs
It can be shown that for any strategy profile , there exists a corresponding profile of
consistent beliefs . So if one can rule out all but one profile of beliefs as candidates for
consistency, this surviving profile must be consistent. This ruling out can be accomplished
using the following implications of consistency: if is consistent given , then
is Bayesian given . In fact, if all information sets are reached under , then is
consistent if and only if it is Bayesian (cf the previous example).
(ii) Parsimony: Let Dx be the set of deviations from required to reach x. If x, y I Ii
and D y is a strict subset of Dx , then i (x) = 0.
(This rules out the beliefs in the bad weak sequential equilibria from Example 2.38.)
(iii) Preconsistency: If player is information set I0 follows his information set I, and
if i has a deviation i such that play under ( i , i ) starting from I reaches I0 with
positive probability, then is beliefs at I0 are determined by conditional probabilities
at I under ( i , i ). (One can show that the beliefs at I0 so defined are independent


of the deviation i specified.)

Example 2.39. Below, preconsistency requires 1 (x) = 12 = 1 (y). The same would be true
if the tree shown here were an unreached portion of a larger game.




(iv) Stagewise consistency: Let x be a subgame of that begins with a simultaneous

move game among some subset Q P of the players. (x thus begins with
one information set for each player in Q. These information sets must occur in
some order, but each players information set will contain a distinct node for each
combination of actions that could be played at the earlier information sets in x .)
Then at information sets in this simultaneous move game, each players beliefs are
determined by the other players strategies in the simultaneous move game.
(This also rules out the beliefs in the bad weak sequential equilibria from Example
Example 2.40. In games of stagewise perfect information (also known as multistage games with
observed actions), the players play a sequence of simultaneous move games during stages
t = 0, 1, . . . , T, with the choices made in each stage being observed before the next stage
begins, and where the game that is played in stage t may depend on the choices made in
previous stages. (Moves by Nature can also be introduced at the start of each stage.)
Let be such a game. Each history describing all actions played through stage t 1 < T
in determines a stage t subgame of . In every stage T subgame, stagewise consistency
ensures that each players beliefs about the other players choices in the subgame are
given by their strategies. Therefore, each players behavior in the subgame is sequentially
rational if and only if the players joint behavior in the subgame is a Nash equilibrium.
Applying backward induction then shows that in any game with stagewise perfect information, the set of subgame perfect equilibria and the set of sequential equilibrium strategy
profiles are identical.
(v) Cross-player consistency: Players with the same information must have the same
beliefs about opponents deviations.

Example 2.41. In the game tree below, if player 1 chooses A, consistency requires that

2 (y) = 3 ( y).




3 y


One can regard cross-player consistency as an extension of the usual equilibrium assumption: In a Nash equilibrium, players agree about opponents behavior off the equilibrium
path. Cross-player consistency requires them to agree about the relative likelihoods of
opponents deviations from equilibrium play.
A one-shot deviation theorem for games of imperfect information
When determining whether a strategy profile is sequentially rational given beliefs , do
we need to explicitly consider multiperiod deviations? The following theorem says that
we need not, so long as beliefs are preconsistent.
Theorem 2.42 (Hendon et al. (1996)). Let be a finite extensive form game with perfect recall,
let be a strategy profile for , and suppose that beliefs are preconsistent given . Then is
sequentially rational given if and only if no player i has a profitable one-shot deviation from i
given i and i .
2.4.4 Computing sequential equilibria
To compute all sequential equilibria of a game:
(i) First take care of easy parts of and .
(ii) Then try all combinations of remaining pieces, working backward through each
players information sets.

One carries out (ii) by dividing the analysis into cases, using the implications of sequential
rationality to eliminate assessments. By the one-shot deviation theorem (Theorem 2.42),
we may focus on behavior at one information set at a time.
This approach is simply a convenient way of evaluating every assessment.
Remark: Although sequential equilibrium does not allow the play of strictly dominated
strategies, the set of sequential equilibria of a game may differ from that of a game 0 that
is obtained from by removing a strictly dominated strategy: see Section 2.6, especially
Examples 2.59 and 2.61.
Example 2.43. Centipede with a possibly generous player (Myerson (1991), based on Kreps et al.
Start with a Centipede game (Example 2.29) in which continuing costs you 1 but benefits
your opponent 5. (If this was it, always stop would be the unique subgame perfect
But assume that Player 2 has a 201 chance of being a generous type who always continues.
Player 2s type is not observed by player 1. (This is an example of a Bayesian extensive
form game (Section 3).)



















The easy parts: 1 (w) =


(since beliefs must be Bayesian);

2 (s2 ) = 1 (by sequential rationality).

Also from Bayesian beliefs: If 1 (C1 ) > 0, then

P (y)
1 (y) =
P (y) + P (z)

(C1 )2 (c1 )
20 1
(C1 )2 (c1 ) + 201 1 (C1 )
20 1

192 (c1 )
192 (c1 ) + 1

And if 1 (C1 ) = 0, preconsistency implies that () still describes the only consistent beliefs.
At his second information set, 1 can choose S2 , C2 , or a mixed strategy.
Suppose first that 1 plays S2 . For this to be optimal for player 1, his payoff to S2 is at
least as big as his payoff to C2 . His beliefs thus must satisfy 4 31 (y) + 8(1 1 (y)), or,
equivalently, 1 (y) 45 . But if 1 plays S2 , it is optimal for player 2 to play s1 , which by
equation () implies that 1 (y) = 0, a contradiction.
Now suppose that 1 plays C2 . For this to be optimal for player 1, it must be that 1 (y) 54 .
But if 1 plays C2 , it is optimal for player 2 to play c1 , so equation () implies that 1 (y) = 19
another contradiction.
So player 1 mixes at his second information set. For this to be optimal, it must be that
1 (y) = 45 .
Thus equation () implies that
2 (c1 ) =

192 (c1 )
192 (c1 )+1

= 45 , and hence that


For 2 to be willing to mix, she must be indifferent between s1 and c1 .

5 = (1 1 (C2 )) 4 + 1 (C2 ) 9
1 (C2 ) =


At his information set, 1 gets 0 for playing S1 versus



(1) +



4 + 15 3 +



4 + 51 8 =


for playing C1 . Therefore, player 1 continues, and the unique sequential equilibrium is

15 1
((C1 , 45 S2 + 15 C2 ), ( 19
s +

4 1 2
c , s )), (1 (w)


, 1 (y)

= 45 ) .

The point of the example: By making 1 uncertain about 2s type, we make him willing to
continue. But this also makes 2 willing to continue, since by doing so she can keep player
1 uncertain and thereby prolong the game.
Kreps et al. (1982) introduced this idea to show that introducing a small amount of
uncertainty about one players preferences can lead to long initial runs of cooperation in
finitely repeated Prisoners Dilemmas (Example 4.1).
Example 2.44. Ace-King-Queen Poker is a two-player card game that is played using a
deck consisting of three cards: an Ace (the high card), a King (the middle card), and a
Queen (the low card). Play proceeds as follows:
Each player puts $1 in a pot in the center of the table.
The deck is shuffled, and each player is dealt one card. Each player only sees the
card he is dealt.
Player 1 chooses to Raise (R) or Fold (F). A choice of R means that player 1 puts an
additional $1 in the pot. Choosing F means that player 1 ends the game, allowing
player 2 to have the money already in the pot.
If player 1 raises, then player 2 chooses to Call (c) or Fold ( f ). A choice of f means
that player 2 ends the game, allowing player 1 to have the money already in the pot.
A choice of c means that player 2 also puts an additional $1 in the pot; in this case,
the players reveal their cards and the player with the higher card wins the money in
the pot.
(i) Draw the extensive form of this game.
(ii) Find all sequential equilibria of this game.
(iii) If you could choose whether to be player 1 or player 2 in this game, which player
would you choose to be?
(iv) Suppose we modify the game as follows: Instead of choosing between Raise and
Fold, player 1 chooses between Raise and Laydown (L). A choice of L means that
the game ends, the players show their cards, and the player with the higher card
wins the pot. Answer parts (ii) and (iii) for this modified game.
(i) See below. (The probabilities of Natures moves (which are


each) are not shown.)

(ii) The unique sequential equilibrium is

1 (R|A) = 1, 1 (R|K) = 1, 1 (R|Q) = 31 ; 2 (c|a) = 1, 2 (c|k) = 13 , 2 (c|q) = 0,
with the corresponding Bayesian beliefs. (Here, 2 (c|a) is the probability that a player 2 of
type a chooses c in the event that player 1 raises. Below, 2 (A|k) will represent the probability
that player 2 assigns to player 1 being of type A when player 2 is of type k and player 1
The proof is as follows: To begin, notice that R is dominant for (player 1 of) type A, c is
dominant for type a, and f is dominant for type q. Given these choices of player 2, R is

the unique best response for type K. (In detail: Suppose 1 has a King and raises. If 2 has
an Ace, she will call a raise, so 1s payoff is 2; if 2 has a Queen, she will fold to a raise,
so 1s payoff is 1. When 1 has a King he finds these events equally likely, so his expected
payoff from a raise is 12 (2) + 21 (1) = 21 . Since his payoff from folding is 1, it is optimal
for player 1 to raise with a King.)
All that remains is to determine 1 (R|Q) and 2 (c|k).
Suppose 2 (c|k) = 1. Then 1 (F|Q) = 1, which implies that 2 (A|k) = 1, in which case 2
should choose f given k, a contradiction.
Suppose 2 (c|k) = 0. Then 1 (F|Q) = 0, which implies that 2 (A|k) = 12 , in which case 2
should choose c given k, a contradiction.
It follows that player 2 must be mixing when she is of type k. For this to be true, it must
be that when she is of type k, her expected payoffs to calling and folding are equal; this is
true when 2 (A|k) (2) + (1 2 (A|k)) 2 = 1, and hence when 2 (A|k) = 34 . For this to be
her belief, it must be that 1 (R|Q) = 13 .
For player 1 to mix when he is of type Q, his expected payoffs to R and to F must be equal.
This is true when
1 = 2

1 + 2 (c|k)
1 2 (c|k)

and hence when 2 (c|k) = 31 .

(iii) Considering type profiles Ak, Aq, Ka, Kq, Qa, and Qk in that order, we find that player
1s expected payoff is








= 91 .
Therefore, since this is a zero-sum game, player 2s expected payoff is 19 , and so it is better
to be player 2.
(iv) The unique sequential equilibrium is now
1 (R|A) = 1, 1 (R|K) = 0, 1 (R|Q) = 13 ; 2 (c|a) = 1, 2 (c|k) = 13 , 2 (c|q) = 0,
with the corresponding Bayesian beliefs. That is, the only change from part (ii) (apart
from replacing F with L) is that player 1 now chooses L when he receives a King.
To see why, note that compared to the original game, the payoffs in this game are only
different when 1 chooses L after Ak, Aq, and Kq: in these cases he now gets 1 instead of
1. As before, c is dominant for type a, and f is dominant for type q. Given these choices
of player 2, the unique best response for type K is now L. (The reason is that player 1s
expected payoff from choosing L when he has a King is 21 (1) + 12 (1) = 0, which exceeds
his expected payoff from R of 12 (2) + 21 (1) = 12 .)
Unlike before, R is now only weakly dominant for A: since 2 ( f |q) = 1, L is a best response
for type A when 2 ( f |k) = 1. But if 2 ( f |k) = 1, then 1 (R|Q) = 1, which implies that



2, 2

1, 1


1, 1

2, 2

1, 1

1, 1

2, 2 1, 1

1, 1

2, 2 1, 1



1, 1



1, 1


1, 1


2, 2 1, 1


2, 2

1, 1

2 (A|k) 12 , which implies that 2 should choose c given k, a contradiction. Therefore,

2 ( f |k) < 1, which implies that 1 (R|A) = 1. Thus, all that is left is to determine 1 (R|Q)
and 2 (c|k), and this is done exactly as before.
In computing player 1s equilibrium payoff, the only change is that when the type profile
is Ka, player 1 gets a payoff of 1 rather 2. This changes the expected payoff in the game
. Therefore, the change in the rules makes it preferable to be player
from 91 to 91 + 16 = 18
Example 2.45. Consider the following game played between two unions and a firm. First,
union 1 decides either to make a concession to the firm or not to make a concession. Union
2 observes union 1s action, and then itself decides whether or not to make a concession
to the firm. The firm then chooses between production plan a and production plan b. The
firm has two information sets: it either observes that both firms have made concessions,
or it observes that at least one firm did not make a concession.
Each union obtains $4 if the firm chooses plan a and $0 if the firm chooses plan b. In
addition, each union loses $2 for making a concession. If the firm chooses plan a, it
obtains $2 for each union that makes a concession. If the firm chooses plan b, it obtains
$1 for certain, and receives an additional $1 if both unions make concessions. Utilities are
linear in dollars.

Draw an extensive form representation of this game, and find all of its sequential

(ii) Now suppose that union 2 cannot observe union 1s decision. Draw an appropriate
extensive form for this new game, and compute all of its sequential equilibria.
(iii) The games in part (i) and (ii) each have a unique sequential equilibrium outcome,
but the choices made on these equilibrium paths are quite different. Explain in
words why the choices made on the equilibrium path in (i) cannot be made on the
equilibrium path in (ii), and vice versa. Evidently, the differences here must hinge
on whether or not player 2 can observe a deviation by player 1.

The extensive form game is below.














In any sequential equilibrium, 3 chooses A and 2 chooses d. To proceed, we split the

analysis into cases according to 3s behavior at her right information set, which we call
I. Notice that b is a best response for player 3 if and only if 1 2(1 3 (z)), which is
equivalent to 3 (z) 12 .
If 3 plays a, then 2 plays d, so 1 plays D. But then 3 prefers b. Contradiction.
If 3 plays b, then 2 plays c and 1 plays C, and so I is unreached. For b to be a best response
for 3, it must be that 3 (z) 21 . Since 2 chooses d, parsimony implies that 3 (y) = 0. Given
our freedom in choosing kD and kd , it is not difficult to verify that any beliefs satisfying
(A, b)) with 3 (z) 1 and 3 (y) = 0
3 (z) 12 and 3 (y) = 0 are consistent. Thus (C, (c, d),
are sequential equilibria.
Now suppose that 3 plays a mixed strategy. Then 3 (z) = 12 . We divide the analysis into
First, suppose that I is off the equilibrium path: that is, 2 plays c and 1 plays C. We noted
above that the belief 3 (z) = 12 and 3 (y) = 0 is consistent in this case. Choosing c is
optimal for 2 if 43 (a) 2, or equivalently if 3 (a) 12 ; the same condition describes when
(A, 3 (b) 1 )) with 3 (z) = 1 and 3 (y) = 0 are
choosing C is optimal for 1. Thus, (C, (c, d),
sequential equilibria.
Second, suppose that I is on the equilibrium path. In this case, since beliefs are Bayesian


and 2 plays d, we have that

3 (z) =

1 (D)
(1 1 (D)) 2 (d) + 1 (D)

Since 3 (z) = 12 , it follows that


2 (d) =

1 (D)
1 1 (D)

We split again into subcases:

If 2 plays c, then () implies that 1 plays C, in which case I is off the equilibrium path.
If 2 plays d, then () implies that 1 plays 12 C + 12 D, but 1s best response is D. Contradiction.
If 2 mixes, then she is indifferent, which implies that 3 (a) = 12 . Taking this into account,
we find that C is optimal for 1 if and only if 22 (c) 2. Since 2 is mixing (2 (c) < 1), it
follows that 1 chooses D. But this contradicts ().
To sum up, there is a single component of sequential equilibria:
(A, b)) with 3 (z) 1 and 3 (y) = 0;
(C, (c, d),

(C, (c, d), (A, 3 (b) )) with 3 (z) = 1 and 3 (y) = 0.


These equilibria generate payoffs (2, 2, 4).


The extensive form game is below.

In any sequential equilibrium, 3 chooses A. We again split the analysis into cases according
to 3s behavior at her right information set I; as before, b is a best response for 3 if and
only if 3 (z) 21 .
If 3 plays a, then 2 plays d, so 1 plays D. But then 3 prefers b. Contradiction.
Suppose that 3 plays b. We split the analysis into subcases:
Suppose that 2 plays c. Then 1 plays C. Then parsimony implies that 3 (z) = 0, and so 3
prefers a. Contradiction.
Suppose that 2 plays d. Then 1 plays D, and 2 and 3s choices are optimal. Thus (D, d, (A, b))
(with 2 (w) = 1 and 3 (z) = 1) is a sequential equilibrium.
Suppose that 2 mixes. Then she must be indifferent, implying that 21 (C)2(11 (C)) = 0,
or equivalently that 1 (C) = 12 . Thus 1 must be indifferent, and a similar calculation shows
that this implies that 2 (c) = 21 . But these choices of 1 and 2 imply that 3 (z) = 13 , and so 3
prefers a. Contradiction.
Now suppose that 3 mixes. Then 3 (z) = 21 . We again split the analysis into subcases.
First suppose that I is off the equilibrium path, which is the case if 1 plays C and 2 plays
c. Then parsimony implies that 3 (z) = 0, and so 3 prefers a. Contradiction.
Now suppose that I is on the equilibrium path. Then since beliefs are Bayesian, we have















3 (z) =

1 (D)2 (d)
(1 1 (D)) 2 (d) + 1 (D)

Since 3 (z) = 12 , it follows that


31 (D)2 (d) = 1 (D) + 2 (d).

This equation defines a hyperbola in the plane. One point of intersection with the unit
square (where legitimate mixed strategies live) is the point (1 (D), 2 (d)) = (0, 0), but
these choices prevent I from being unreached, a contradiction. The remaining points of
intersection have positive components, allowing us to rewrite () as


1 (D) 2 (d)

Along this curve 2 (d) increases as 1 (D) decreases, and the curve includes points (1 (D), 2 (d))
= (1, 12 ), ( 23 , 23 ), and ( 21 , 1). A calculation shows that for player 1 to prefer D and player 2 to
prefer d, we must have

23 (a)(1 2 (d)) 1 and

23 (a)(1 1 (D)) 1,

respectively. Now, the position of curve () implies that at least one of players 1 and 2
must be indifferent. Suppose without loss of generality that player 1 is indifferent. Then
(a) must bind, so this and (b) imply that 2 (d) 1 (D). Then equation () implies in turn
that 2 (d) 23 , and hence that player 2 is also indifferent. Thus (a) also binds, from which
it follows that 2 (d) = 1 (D), and hence, from (), that 2 (d) = 1 (D) = 32 . But then the
equality in (a) implies that 3 (a) = 32 , a contradiction.
Thus, the unique sequential equilibrium is (D, d, (A, b)) (with 2 (w) = 1 and 3 (z) = 1),

which generates payoffs (0, 0, 1). Evidently, if player 2 cannot observe player 1s choice,
all three players are worse off.
(iii) Why cant (D, d, b) be chosen on the equilibrium path in part (i)? If player 3 plays
(A, b), then player 2 will play c at her left node, while d is always a best response at her
right node. If player 1 is planning to play D, he knows that when he switches to C, player
2 will observe this and play c rather than d, which makes this deviation profitable.
Why cant (C, c, A) be chosen on the equilibrium path in part (ii)? If 1 and 2 are playing
(C, c), player 3s information set I is unreached. If a deviation causes I to be reached, then
since 2 cannot observe 1s choice, it follows from parsimony that 3 may not believe that
this is the result of a double deviation leading to z. Thus 3 must play a at I. Since 2
anticipates that 3 will play a at I, 2 is better off deviating to d. (The same logic shows that
1 is also better off deviating to D.)
2.4.5 Existence of sequential equilibrium and structure of the equilibrium set
Let be a finite extensive form game with perfect recall. Kreps and Wilson (1982) prove
Theorem 2.46. has at least one sequential equilibrium.
Theorem 2.47. Every sequential equilibrium strategy profile of is a subgame perfect equilibrium.
Relationships among refinements:

subgame perfect equilibrium

weak sequential equilibrium

sequential equilibrium

Nash equilibrium

Theorem 2.48 (Kreps and Wilson (1982), Kohlberg and Mertens (1986)).
(i) The set of sequential equilibria of consists of a finite number of connected components.
(ii) For generic choices of payoffs in , payoffs are constant on each connected component of
sequential equilibria.
Remark: Theorem 2.48(ii) is also true if we replace sequential equilibrium with Nash
equilibrium. The restriction to generic choices of payoffs in rather than in G is important:
reduced normal forms of most extensive form games have payoff ties, and thus are
nongeneric in the space of normal form games.

2.5 Invariance and Proper Equilibrium

So far we have:

defined Nash equilibrium for normal form games.

used this definition (and the notion of the reduced normal from game) to define
Nash equilibrium for extensive form games.
considered refinements of Nash equilibrium for extensive form games to capture
the principle of sequential rationality.
In the coming sections, we supplement equilibrium and sequential rationality by introducing additional principles for analyzing behavior in games.
Backward induction, invariance, and normal form refinements
The principle of invariance requires predictions of play in extensive form games with the
same reduced normal form to be the same.
The idea is that games with the same normal form differ only in terms of how they are
presented, so a theory of rational play should not treat them differently.
Example 2.49. Entry deterrence III rerevisited.














0, 2
F 5, 3
C 2, 1

0, 2
5, 2
2, 1


We saw earlier that in game , ((E, C), a) is the unique subgame perfect equilibrium and
the unique sequential equilibrium (with 2 (y) = 1). There are additional weak sequential
equilibria in which player 1 plays O: namely, ((O, C), f ) with 2 (x) 23 , and ((O, C), 2 ( f )
) with 2 (x) = 23 .
Notice that and 0 only differ in the how player 1s choices are presented. In particular,
both of these games have the same reduced normal form: G() = G(0 ).
In 0 , consistency places no restrictions on beliefs. Therefore, all weak sequential equilibria
of above correspond to sequential equilibria in 0 !
What is going on? When F and C are by themselves at a decision node, consistency
forces player 2 to discriminate between them. But in 0 , F and C appear as choices at the

same decision node as O, so when player 1 chooses O, consistency does not discriminate
between F and C.
One way to respect invariance is to perform analyses directly on reduced normal forms, so
that invariance holds by default. This also has the advantage of mathematical simplicity,
since normal form games are simpler objects than extensive form games.
Shifting the analysis to the reduced normal form may seem illegitimate. First, normal
form and extensive form games differ in a fundamental way, since only in the latter is it
possible to learn something about ones opponent during the course of play (see Example
2.28). Second, working directly with the normal form appears to conflict with the use of
backward induction, whose logic seems tied to the extensive form.
Both of these criticisms can be addressed. First, the differences between extensive and
normal form games are much smaller if we only consider equilibrium play: when players
adhere to equilibrium strategies, nothing important is learned during the course of play.
Second, the fact that a strategy for an extensive form game specifies a players complete
plan for playing a game suggests that the temporal structure provided by the extensive
form may not be essential as it might seem. In fact, since an extensive form game creates
a telltale pattern of ties in its reduced normal form, one can reverse engineer a reduced
normal form to determine the canonical extensive form that generates itsee Mailath
et al. (1993).
To implement the normal form approach, we require robustness of equilibrium to low
probability mistakes, sometimes called trembles. Trembles ensure that all information sets
of the corresponding extensive form game are reached.
Perfect equilibrium
Throughout this section, we let G be a finite normal form game and a finite extensive
form game (with perfect recall).
Strategy profile is an -perfect equilibrium of G if it is completely mixed and if si < Bi (i )
implies that i (si ) .
Strategy profile is a perfect equilibrium of G if and only if it is the limit of a sequence
of -perfect equilibria with 0.

For to be a perfect equilibrium, it is only necessary that there exist a sequence of

-perfect equilibria converging to . It need not be the case that every sequence
of strategy profiles converging to consists of -perfect equilibria. An analogous

point arose in the definition of consistency for sequential equilibrium (Section 2.4.3).
The analogous point holds for proper equilibrium, but not for KM stable setssee
(ii) The formulation of perfect equilibrium above is due to Myerson (1978). The original
definition, due to Selten (1975), is stated in terms of Nash equilibria of perturbed
games Gp , p : iP Si (0, 1), in which player is mixed strategy must put at least
probability psi on strategy si .
Example 2.50. Entry deterrence revisited.




0, 3
E 1, 1

0, 3
1, 1


Nash equilibria: (E, A) and (O, 2 (F) 12 ). Only (E, A) is subgame perfect.
What are the perfect equilibria of the normal form G()? Since F is weakly dominated, 2s
best response to any completely mixed strategy of 1 is A, so in any -perfect equilibrium,
2 (F) . It follows that if is small, 1s best response is E, so in any -perfect equilibrium,
1 (O) . Therefore, any sequence of -perfect equilibria with 0 converges to (E, A),
which is thus the unique perfect equilibrium of G().
Selten (1975) establishes the following properties of perfect equilibrium:
Theorem 2.51. G has at least one perfect equilibrium.
Theorem 2.52. Every perfect equilibrium of G is a Nash equilibrium which does not use weakly
dominated strategies. In two-player games, the converse statement is also true.
These results imply
Corollary 2.53. G has at least one Nash equilibrium in which no player uses a weakly dominated
Let be a generic extensive form game of perfect information, so that has a unique
subgame perfect equilibrium. Will applying perfection to G() rule out Nash equilibria of
that are not subgame perfect?

If has the single move property (i.e., if no player has more than one decision node on any
play path), then the perfect equilibrium of G() is unique, and it is outcome equivalent to
the unique subgame perfect equilibrium of .
But beyond games with the single move property, perfect equilibrium is not adequate to
capture backward induction.
Example 2.54. In the game below, ((B, D), R) is the unique subgame perfect equilibrium.
((A, ), L) are Nash equilibria. (Actually A with 2 (L) 12 are Nash too.)





2, 4 2, 4
BC 1, 1 0, 0
BD 1, 1 3, 3


Both (BD, R) and (A, L) are perfect.

Why (A, L)? If in the -perfect equilibria, the weight on BC is at least double that on BD,
then L is player 2s best response.
Implicitly, we are assuming that if 1s second node is reached, he is more likely to be dumb
than smart. Sequential rationality forbids this, but perfect equilibrium does not.
To handle this example, we need to force players to behave rationally at all information
sets, even those which occur after he himself deviates.
Proper equilibrium
To capture subgame perfection directly in the reduced normal form, we introduce a
refinement that requires that more costly trembles be less likely to occur.
Strategy profile is -proper if it is completely mixed and if ui (si , i ) < ui (s0i , i ) implies
that i (si ) i (s0i ).
Strategy profile is a proper equilibrium (Myerson (1978)) if it is the limit of a sequence of
-proper equilibria with 0.
Example 2.54 rerevisited. Recall that in , ((A, ), L) is Nash but not subgame perfect. Now
we show that (A, L) is not proper.



2, 4 2, 4
1, 1 0, 0
1, 1 3, 3


Why? If 2 (R) is small but positive, then u1 (A) > u1 (BD) > u1 (BC), so in any -proper
equilibrium we have 1 (BD) 1 (A) and 1 (BC) 1 (BD).
Therefore, player 2 puts most of her weight on R in any -proper equilibrium, and so L is
not played in any proper equilibrium.
Properties of proper equilibrium.
Theorem 2.55 (Myerson (1978)).
(i) G has at least one proper equilibrium.
(ii) Every proper equilibrium of G is a perfect equilibrium of G.
It can be shown that if is a game of perfect information, then every proper equilibrium
of G() is outcome equivalent (i.e., induces the same distribution over terminal nodes) to
some subgame perfect equilibrium of .
Remarkably, proper equilibrium also captures sequential rationality in games of imperfect
Theorem 2.56 (van Damme (1984), Kohlberg and Mertens (1986)).
Suppose that is a proper equilibrium of G(). Then there is an outcome equivalent
behavior strategy profile of that is a sequential equilibrium strategy profile of .
(ii) Let { } be a sequence of -proper equilibria of G() that converge to proper equilibrium .
Let behavior strategy be outcome equivalent to , and let behavior strategy be a limit
point of the sequence { }. Then is a sequential equilibrium strategy profile of .

What is the difference between parts (i) and (ii) of the theorem? In part (i), is outcome
equivalent to some sequential equilibrium strategy profile . But outcome equivalent
strategy profiles may specify different behavior off the equilibrium path; moreover, the
strategy i for the reduced normal form does not specify how player i would behave at
unreachable information sets (i.e., at information sets that i itself prevents from being
reached). In part (ii), the -proper equilibria are used to explicitly construct the behavior
strategy profile . Thus, part (ii) shows that the construction of proper equilibrium does

not only lead to outcomes that agree with sequential equilibrium; by identifying choices
off the equilibrium path, it captures the full force of the principle of sequential rationality.
Theorem 2.56 shows that proper equilibrium achieves our goals of respecting the principle
of sequential rationality while ensuring invariance of predictions across games with the
same purely reduced normal form.
Nevertheless, we argue in the next sections that even proper equilibrium is subject to
Extensive form perfect equilibrium and quasi-perfect equilibrium
The agent normal form A() of an extensive form is the reduced normal form we obtain
if we assume that each information set is controlled by a distinct player. In particular,
whenever the original game has players with more than one information set, we create
new players to inhabit the information sets.
Profile is an extensive form perfect equilibrium of (Selten (1975)) if it corresponds to a
(normal form) perfect equilibrium of A().
Example 2.54 revisited: Direct computation of extensive form perfect equilibrium.
The agent normal form of the game above is



A 2, 4, 2
B 1, 1, 1

2, 4, 2
0, 0, 0


2, 4, 2
1, 1, 1

2, 4, 2
3, 3, 3

Only (B, R, D) is perfect in A(), and so only ((B, D), R) is extensive form perfect in .
Why isnt (A, L, ) perfect in A()? C is weakly dominated for player 3, so he plays D in
any perfect equilibrium. Facing C + (1 )D, 2 prefers R. Therefore, L is not played in
any perfect equilibrium.
Extensive form perfect equilibrium is the original equilibrium refinement used to capture
backward induction in extensive form games with imperfect information, but it is not an
easy concept to use. Kreps and Wilson (1982) introduced sequential equilibrium to retain
most of the force of extensive form perfect equilibrium, but in a simpler and more intuitive
way, using beliefs and sequential rationality.
The following result shows that extensive form perfect equilibrium and sequential equilibrium are nearly equivalent, with the former being a just slightly stronger refinement.
Theorem 2.57 (Kreps and Wilson (1982), Blume and Zame (1994), Hendon et al. (1996)).

Every extensive form perfect equilibrium is a sequential equilibrium strategy profile.


(ii) In generic extensive form games, every sequential equilibrium strategy profile is an extensive
form perfect equilibrium.
In rough terms, the distinction between the concepts is as follows: Extensive form perfect
equilibrium and sequential equilibrium require reasonable behavior at all information
sets. But extensive form perfect equilibrium requires best responses to the perturbed
strategies themselves, while sequential equilibrium only requires best responses in the
To make further connections, Kreps and Wilson (1982) define weak extensive form perfect
equilibrium, which generalizes Seltens (1975) definition by allowing slight perturbations
to the games payoffs. They show that this concept is equivalent to sequential equilibrium.
Notice that extensive form perfect equilibrium retains the problem of making different
predictions in games with the same reduced normal form, since such games can have
different agent normal forms (cf Example 2.49).)
Surprisingly, extensive form perfect equilibria can use weakly dominated strategies:
Example 2.58. In the game below, A is weakly dominated by BD.








0, 0
0, 0
1, 1

1, 1
0, 0
1, 1


But ((A, D), R) is extensive form perfect: there are -perfect equilibria of the agent normal
form in which agent 1b is more likely to tremble to C than player 2 is to tremble L, leading
agent 1a to play A.
In fact, Mertens (1995) (see also Hillas and Kohlberg (2002)) provides an example of a game
in which all extensive form perfect equilibria use weakly dominated strategies! Again, the
difficulty is that some player believes that he is more likely to tremble than his opponents.
In extensive form game , one defines quasi-perfect equilibrium (van Damme (1984)) in
essentially the same way as extensive-form perfect equilibrium, except that when considering player is best response at a given information set against perturbed strategy
profiles, one only perturbs the strategies of is opponents; one does not perturb player is
own choices at his other information sets. Put differently, we do not have player i consider
the possibility that he himself may tremble later in the game.
Neither of extensive form perfection or quasi-perfection implies the other. But unlike extensive form perfect equilibria, quasi-perfect equilibria never employ weakly dominated

van Damme (1984) proves Theorem 2.56 by showing that proper equilibria must correspond to quasi-perfect equilibria, which in turn correspond to sequential equilibria.
Mailath et al. (1997) show that proper equilibrium in a given normal form game G is
equivalent to what one might call uniform quasi-perfection across all extensive forms
with reduced normal form G.
Sequential rationality without equilibrium in imperfect information games
In this section and the last, our analyses of extensive form games and their reduced normal
forms have used equilibrium concepts designed to capture the principle of sequential
rationality. But one can also aim to capture sequential rationality through non-equilibrium
solution concepts. This requires combining the logic of rationalizability with the undying
common belief in future rational play used to justify the backward induction solution
in generic perfect information games (see Section 2.3.2.) The resulting solution concepts
yield the backward induction solution in generic perfect information games, but can be
applied to imperfect information games as well.
The basic solution concept obtained in this manner, sequential rationalizability, was suggested by Bernheim (1984) (under the name subgame rationalizability), defined formally
by Dekel et al. (1999, 2002), and provided with epistemic foundations in the two-player
case by Asheim and Perea (2005). By adding a requirement of common certainty of cautiousness, the last paper also defines and provides epistemic foundations for quasi-perfect
rationalizability for two-player games, which differs from sequential rationalizability only
in nongeneric extensive form games.
Similar motivations lead to the notion of proper rationalizability for normal form games
(Schuhmacher (1999), Asheim (2001), Perea (2011)). The epistemic foundations for this
solution concept require common knowledge of (i) cautiousness and (ii) opponents being
infinitely more likely to play strategies with higher payoffs. (We note that cautiousness allows the ruling out of weakly dominated strategies, but not of iteratively weakly
dominated strategies, because the weakly dominated strategies are never viewed as completely impossiblesee Asheim (2006, Sec. 5.3).)
As discussed in Section 2.3.2, the assumption of undying common belief in future rational play may be viewed as too strong in games without the single-move property. One
weakening of this assumption requires that a player need only expect an opponent to
choose rationally at reachable information sets, meaning those that are not precluded by the
opponents own choice of strategy. (For instance, in the Mini Centipede game (Example
2.28), player 1s second decision node is not reachable if he chooses B at his first decision
node.) Foundations for the resulting rationalizability concept, sometimes called weakly
sequential rationalizability, are provided by Ben-Porath (1997); for the equilibrium analogue
of this concept, sometimes called weakly sequential equilibrium, see Reny (1992). Adding
common certainty of cautiousness yields the permissible strategies, which are the strategies
that survive the Dekel-Fudenberg procedure; see Dekel and Fudenberg (1990), Brandenburger (1992), and Borgers
(1994), as well as Section 1.2.4. The equilibrium analogue

of permissibility is normal form perfect equilibrium. See Asheim (2006) for a complete

treatment of these solution concepts and their epistemic foundations.

Finally, one can look at solution concepts that require correct expectations about opponents behavior on the equilibrium path, but allow for differences in beliefs about choices
off the equilibrium path. Such solution concepts, which are weaker than Nash equilibrium, include self-confirming equilibrium (Fudenberg and Levine (1993)) and rationalizable
self-confirming equilibrium (Dekel et al. (1999, 2002)); the latter concept uses rationalizability requirements to restrict beliefs about opponents play at reachable nodes off the
equilibrium path.

2.6 Forward Induction

2.6.1 Motivation and discussion

Does proper equilibrium rule out all unreasonable predictions?

Example 2.59. Battle of the Sexes with an outside option. Consider the following game and
its reduced normal form G():

2, 2



3, 1

0, 0

0, 0

1, 3

O 2, 2
T 3, 1
B 0, 0

2, 2
0, 0
1, 3

Nash equilibria of the subgame of : (T, L), (B, R), ( 34 T + 14 B, 14 L + 43 R).

subgame perfect equilibria of : ((I, T), L), ((O, B), R), and ((O, 34 T + 14 B), 41 L + 34 R).
All three subgame perfect equilibria of are sequential equilibria when combined with
appropriate beliefs.
(Why? ((I, T), L) has (x) = 1 (since x is reached), ((O, B), R) has (y) = 1 (by parsimony),
and ((O, 43 T + 14 B), 14 L + 34 R) has (x) = 34 (which is easy to compute directly).)
Moreover, all three subgame perfect equilibria correspond to proper equilibria of the
reduced normal form.
(Why? For ((I, T), L), an -proper equilibrium is ( 2 O + (1 2 2 )T + 2 B, (1 2 )L + 2 R), for
((O, B), R), an -proper equilibrium is ((1 2 2 )O + 2 T + 2 B, 1 2 L + (1 2 )R), and for
((O, 34 T + 14 B), 14 L + 43 R), an -proper equilibrium is ((1 )O + 34 T + 4 B, 14 L + 34 R).)


Nevertheless, only one of the three equilibria seems reasonable: If player 1 enters the
subgame, he is giving up a certain payoff of 2. Realizing this, player 2 should expect him
to play T, and then play L herself. We therefore should expect ((I, T), L) to be played.
Kohlberg and Mertens (1986) use this example to introduce the idea of forward induction:
Essentially what is involved here is an argument of forward induction: a subgame
should not be treated as a separate game, because it was preceded by a very specific form
of preplay communicationthe play leading to the subgame. In the above example, it is
common knowledge that, when player 2 has to play in the subgame, preplay communication (for the subgame) has effectively ended with the following message from player 1
to player 2: Look, I had the opportunity to get 2 for sure, and nevertheless I decided to
play in this subgame, and my move is already made. And we both know that you can no
longer talk to me, because we are in the game, and my move is made. So think now well,
and make your decision.
Speeches of this sort are often used to motivate forward induction arguments.
In the example above, forward induction can be captured by requiring that an equilibrium
persist after a strictly dominated strategy is removed. Notice that strategy (I, B) is strictly
dominated for player 1. If we remove this strategy, the unique subgame perfect equilibrium (and hence sequential and proper equilibrium) is ((I, T), L). This example shows that
none of these solution concepts is robust to the removal of strictly dominated strategies,
and hence to a weak form of forward induction.
In general, capturing forward induction requires more than persistence after the removal
of dominated strategies.
A somewhat stronger form of forward induction is captured by equilibrium dominance: an
equilibrium should persist after a strategy that is suboptimal at the equilibrium outcome
is removed (see Sections 2.7.2 and 2.6.2).
A general definition of forward induction for all extensive form games has been provided
by Govindan and Wilson (2009).
For intuition, GW say:
Forward induction should ensure that a players belief assigns positive probability only
to a restricted set of strategies of other players. In each case, the restricted set comprises
strategies that satisfy minimal criteria for rational play.
GWs formal definition is along these lines:
A players pure strategy is called relevant for an outcome of a game in extensive form
with perfect recall if there exists a weakly sequential equilibrium with that outcome for
which the strategy is an optimal reply at every information set it does not exclude. The

outcome satisfies forward induction if it results from a weakly sequential equilibrium

in which players beliefs assign positive probability only to relevant strategies at each
information set reached by a profile of relevant strategies.
Iterated weak dominance and extensive form games
One can capture forward induction in Example 2.59 by applying iterated removal of
weakly dominated strategies to the normal form G(): B is strictly dominated for player
1; once B is removed, R is weakly dominated for player 2; once this is removed, O is
strictly dominated for player 1, yielding the prediction (T, L). Furthermore, iterated weak
dominance is also powerful in the context of generic perfect information games, where
applying it to the reduced normal form yields the backward induction outcome, though
not necessarily the games backward induction solution: see Osborne and Rubinstein
(1994), Marx and Swinkels (1997), and sterdal (2005). But as we noted in Section 1.2.4,
iterated removal of strategies and cautiousness conflict with one another. A resolution to
this conflict is provided by Brandenburger et al. (2008), who provide epistemic foundations
for the iterated removal of weakly dominated strategies.
Closely related to iterated weak dominance is extensive form rationalizability (Pearce (1984);
Battigalli (1997)), which is based on there being common knowledge that players hold
a hierarchy of hypotheses about how opponents will act, and that observing behavior
inconsistent with the current hypothesis leads a player to proceed to the next unfalsified
hypothesis in his hierarchy. Extensive form rationalizability generates the backward
induction outcome (though not necessarily the backward induction solution) in generic
perfect information games, and leads to the forward induction outcome in Example 2.59.
Epistemic foundations for extensive form rationalizability are provided by Battigalli and
Siniscalchi (2002).
2.6.2 Forward induction in signaling games
In a signaling game,
Player 1 (the sender) receives a private signal (his type) and then chooses an action
(a message).
(ii) Player 2 (the receiver), observing only the message, chooses an action herself (a

These games have many applications (to labor, IO, bargaining problems, etc.)
In signaling games, sequential equilibrium fails to adequately restrict predictions of play.
We therefore introduce new refinements that capture forward induction, and that take the
form of additional restrictions on out-of-equilibrium beliefs.













Notation for signaling games

P = {1, 2}

the players (1 = the sender, 2 = the receiver)

finite set of player 1s types
prior distributions; (t) > 0 for all t T

A1 = M = {. . . , m, . . .}
S1 = {s1 : T M}
1a (m)
u1a (m, r)

player 1s finite set of actions (messages)

set of pure strategies for the sender
probability that a type ta sender chooses message m
a type ta senders utility function

A2 = R = {. . . , r, . . .}
Rm R
S2 = {s2 : M R | s2 (m) Rm }

player 2s finite set of actions (responses)

responses available after message m
player 2s set of pure strategies
probability that a receiver observing m responds with r
the receivers beliefs after observing message m.

u2 (t, m, r)

the receivers utility function

A type ta senders expected utility from message m given receiver strategy 2 is


u1a (m, r) m
2 (r).


If message m is sent, the receivers expected utility from response r given beliefs m is

u2 (t, m, r) m
2 (t).



(, ) is a weak sequential equilibrium of if

(i) For each ta T, 1a (m) > 0 m is optimal for player 1 of type ta given 2 .
(r) > 0 r is optimal for player 2 after m given m
(ii) For each m M, m
(iii) 2 is Bayesian given .
Proposition 2.60. In a signaling game, any Bayesian beliefs are consistent, and so every weak
sequential equilibrium is a sequential equilibrium.
This proposition says that any beliefs after an unsent message can be justified by introducing an appropriate sequence of perturbed strategies for player 1. See the problem set
for details.
From this point forward, we focus on games such that payoffs are constant on each of
the (finite number of) components of sequential equilibria. (By Theorem 2.48, this is true
for generic choices of payoffs in .)
Below we attempt to eliminate entire components of equilibria with unused messages as
inconsistent with forward induction. (Surviving components may become smaller too.)
Refinements for signaling games based on belief restrictions
A weak form of forward induction rules out equilibria that vanish after a dominated
strategy is removed.
Example 2.61.








There are two components of sequential equilibria (computed below):

Good sequential equilibrium: (s1a = O, s1b = I, s2 = D)
Bad sequential equilibria:

(s1a = O, s1b = O, s2 = U, 2 (a) 21 )

(s1a = O, s1b = O, 2 (U) 21 , 2 (a) = 21 )

Suppose I is played. This message is strictly dominated for ta , so the receiver really ought
to believe she is facing tb (i.e., 2 (b) = 1), breaking the bad equilibria.
Story: Suppose you are tb . If you deviate, you tell the receiver: ta would never want to
deviate. If you see a deviation it must be me, so you should play D.
If we introduce the requirement that equilibria be robust to the removal of dominated
strategies, the bad equilibria are eliminated: If we eliminate action I for type ta , then
player 2 must play D, and so type tb plays I.
Computation of equilibria:
We can treat each type of player 1 as a separate player.
Strategy O is strictly dominant for type ta , so he plays this in any sequential equilibrium.
Now consider type tb . If 1b (I) > 0, then 2 (tb ) = 1, so player 2 must play D, implying that
type tb plays I. Equilibrium.
If type tb plays O, then player 2s information set is unreached, so her beliefs are unrestricted. Also, for O to be type tb s best response, it must be that 0 2 (U) + (1 2 (U)),
or equivalently that 2 (U) 12 . 2 (U) = 1 is justified for player 2 whenever 2 (a) 21 ,
while 2 (U) [ 12 , 1) is justified whenever 2 (a) = 12 . These combinations are sequential
Stronger forms of forward induction are based on equilibrium dominance: they rule out
components of equilibria that vanish after a strategy that is not a best response at any
equilibrium in the component is removed.
Example 2.62. The Beer-Quiche Game (Cho and Kreps (1987)).














Senders can be wimpy or surly. Surly types like beer for breakfast; wimpy types like
quiche. Getting ones preferred breakfast is worth 1. Receivers like to fight with wimpy
players but walk away from surly players. Avoiding fights is worth 2 to all senders.

Components of sequential equilibria (the computation is below):


1w (B)
B2 (W)
2 (tw )

= 1 = 1s (B)
= 1
= 1 ( 12 )
12 (= 21 )


1w (Q)
2 (F)
B2 (tw )

= 1 = 1s (Q)
= 1
= 1 ( 12 )
12 (= 21 )

Are the equilibria in component (2) reasonable? The wimpy type is getting his highest
possible payoff by choosing quichehe can only be hurt by switching to beer. Therefore,
if the receiver sees beer, he should expect a surly type, and so walk away. Expecting this,
surly players should deviate to beer.
In Example 2.61, certain beliefs were deemed unreasonable because they were based on
expecting a particular sender type to play a dominated strategy. This is not the case
here: B is not dominated by Q for tw . Instead, we fixed the component of equilibria
under consideration, and then concluded that certain beliefs are unreasonable given the
anticipation of equilibrium payoffs: the possible payoffs to B for tw (which are 0 and 2) are
all smaller than this types equilibrium payoff to Q (which is 3), so a receiver who sees B
should not think he is facing tw .
Computation of equilibria:
We divide the analysis into cases according to the choices of types tw and ts .
(Q or mix, B). This implies that B2 (s) .9 and hence that sB2 = W, and that Q
(w) = 1 and
hence that s2 = F. Thus type tw obtains 1 for playing Q and 2 for playing W, implying that
he plays W. l
(B, B). In this case B2 (ts ) = .9 and hence sB2 = W. Q
is unrestricted. Playing B gives ts his
best payoff. Type tw weakly prefers B iff 2 2 (F) + 3(1 Q
(F), and hence iff Q
(F) 21 .
(F) = 1 is justified if Q
(s) 12 , while Q
(F) [ 21 , 1) is justified if Q
(s) = 21 . These
combinations form a component of sequential equilibria.
(B or mix, Q). This implies that Q
(s) .9 and hence that sQ
= W, and that B2 (w) = 1 and
hence that sB2 = F. Thus type tw obtains 0 for playing B and 3 for playing Q, implying that
he plays Q. l
(Q, Q). In this case Q
(t ) = .9 and hence sQ
= W. B2 is unrestricted. Playing Q gives tw
2 s
his best payoff. Type ts weakly prefers Q if and only if 2 B2 (F) + 3(1 B2 (F)), and hence
if and only if B2 (F) 12 . B2 (F) = 1 is justified if B2 (s) 21 , while B2 (F) [ 12 , 1) is justified if
B2 (s) = 12 . These combinations form another component of sequential equilibria.
(B, mix). In this case Q
(t ) = 1 and hence sQ
= W, implying that tw prefers Q. l
2 s
(Q, mix). In this case B2 (ts ) = 1 and hence sB2 = W, implying that ts prefers B. l

(W), and
(mix, mix). For ts to be indifferent, it must be that (1 B2 (W)) + 3B2 (W) = 2Q
hence that B2 (W) = 2 (W) 12 . But for tw to be indifferent, it must be that 2B2 (W) =
(W) + 12 . l
(1 Q
(W)) + 3Q
(W), and hence that B2 (W) = Q
We now consider refinements that formalize the notion of equilibrium dominance in
signaling games. Cho and Kreps (1987), using results of Kohlberg and Mertens (1986),
prove that at least one equilibrium outcome survives after any one of these refinements is
(I) Rm be the set of responses to message m that are optimal
For set of types I T, let BRm
for the receiver under some beliefs that put probability 1 on the senders type being in I.
2 (2 )

2 (I)

= argmax

u2 (t, m, r) m
2 (t),

2 (2 ).

: m

Fix a component of sequential equilibria of signaling game , and let u1a be the payoff
received by type ta on this component. (Recall that we are restricting attention to games
in which payoffs are constant on every equilibrium component.)
(I) For each unused message m, let
Dm = ta T : u1a > max
rBR2 (T)

Dm is the set of types for whom message m is dominated by the equilibrium, given
that the receiver behaves reasonably.
(II) If for some unused message m with Dm , T and some type tb , we have
u1b <


(TDm )

u1b (m, r)

then component of equilibria fails the Cho-Kreps criterion (a.k.a. the intuitive criterion).
Type tb would exceed his equilibrium payoffs by playing message m if the receiver
played a best response to some beliefs that exclude types in Dm .
Example 2.62 revisited. Applying the Cho-Kreps criterion in the Beer-Quiche game.
Component (2): B is unused.

BRB2 ({tw , ts }) = {F, W}

u1w = 3 > 2 = u1w (B, W)
> 0 = u1w (B, F)

But u1s = 2 < 3 = u1s (B, W) (*)

DB = {tw }
T DB = {ts }
BRB2 ({ts }) = {W}

tw cannot benefit from deviating

ts might deviate
only ts might play B
by (*), these equilibria fail the Cho-Kreps criterion.

Component (1): Q is unused.

DQ = {ts }
T DQ = {tw }
({tw }) = {F}

u1w = 2 > 1 = u1w (Q, F)

ts should never deviate

only tw might play Q
these equilibria satisfy the Cho-Kreps criterion

Further refinements
We can eliminate more equilibria by replacing (II) with a weaker requirement.
For set of types I T, let MBRm
(I) Rm be the set of responses to message m that are
optimal for the receiver under some beliefs that put probability 1 on the senders type
being in I. Formally:
m m
{ m
2 R : support(
2 ) BR2 (2 )}.
: m

(II) If for somePunused message m and each m

(T Dm ), there is a type tb such

that u1b < rRm u1b (m, r) 2 (r), then (, ) fails the strong Cho-Kreps criterion (a.k.a.
the equilibrium domination test).
Whats the difference between (II) and (II)?

Under (II), there is a single type who wants to deviate regardless of the BR the
receiver chooses.
(ii) Under (II), the type can vary with the BR the receiver chooses. This sometimes
allows us to rule out more equilibria.
Iterated versions of these concepts can be obtained by applying (I) repeatedly...
(Dm )0 = ta T : u1a > max
rB2 (TD )

...before applying (II) or (II).

The idea: Once some types have been ruled out as senders of message m, the set of possible
best responses to m can become smaller, which can in turn cause m to become dominated
for more types, allowing us to rule them out as well.

There are additional refinements that are stronger than equilibrium dominance. Banks
and Sobel (1987) introduce refinements that are based on the following idea (called D2
in Cho and Kreps (1987)): instead of following step (II) above, we exclude type ta from
for which ta
having deviated to unused message m if for any mixed best response m
weakly prefers m to getting the equilibrium payoff, there is another type tb that strictly
prefers m. Iterated versions of this sort of requirement are called (universal) divinity by
Banks and Sobel (1987). Under the never a weak best response criterion, we exclude type ta
for which ta
from having deviated to unused message m if for any mixed best response m
is indifferent between playing m and getting the equilibrium payoff, there is another type
tb that strictly prefers m. All of these refinements are implied by KM stability (see the
next section); guaranteeing that components satisfying the refinements exist. For further
discussion, see Cho and Kreps (1987) and Banks and Sobel (1987).
It may not be surprising that this profusion of different solution concepts has led to
substantial criticism of the signaling game refinements literature.

2.7 Full Invariance and Kohlberg-Mertens Stability

2.7.1 Fully reduced normal forms and full invariance
The fully reduced normal form G () of the extensive form game eliminates pure strategies
of G() that are equivalent to a mixed strategy.
Example 2.63. Battle of the Sexes with an outside option revisited. Here is the game from
Example 2.59, along with its reduced normal form G():

2, 2



3, 1

0, 0

0, 0

1, 3

Now consider 0 and its reduced normal from G(0 ):


O 2, 2
T 3, 1
B 0, 0

2, 2
0, 0
1, 3

2, 2

G(0 )



2, 2






2, 2
2 14 , 1 34
3, 1
0, 0

2, 2
1 21 , 1 12
0, 0
1, 3

3, 1 0, 0 3, 1 0, 0 0, 0 1, 3

But M is equivalent to 43 O + 14 T, so the fully reduced normal form is G (0 ) = G().

Kohlberg and Mertens (1986) propose the principle of full invariance (which they just
call invariance): one should make identical predictions in games with the same fully
reduced normal form.
Example 2.64. Battle of the Sexes with an outside option rerevisited. We saw in Example 2.59 that
G() has three subgame perfect equilibria, ((I, T), L), ((O, B), R), and ((O, 43 T + 14 B), 41 L + 34 R).
These correspond to three proper equilibria, (T, L), (B, R), and ( 34 T + 14 B, 14 L + 34 R).
0 has a unique subgame perfect equilibrium, ((I, D, T), L). (In the subgame, player 1s
strategy DB, which yields him at most 1, is strictly dominated by his strategy M, which
yields him at least 1 12 . Knowing this, player 2 will play L, so player 1 will play (D, T) in
the subgame and I initially.) It then follows from Theorem 2.56 that (T, L) is the unique
proper equilibrium of G(0 ) .
However, while and 0 have different purely reduced normal forms, they share the same
fully reduced normal form: G (0 ) = G () = G().
If one accepts full invariance as a desirable property, then this example displays a number
of difficulties with proper equilibrium:

Adding or deleting a pure strategy that is equivalent to a mixture of other pure

strategies can alter the set of proper equilibria. (One can show that adding or
deleting duplicates of pure strategies does not affect proper equilibrium.)
(ii) A proper equilibrium of a fully reduced normal form G (0 ) need not even correspond to a subgame perfect equilibrium of 0 . (Contrast this with Theorem 2.56, a
positive result for the purely reduced normal form.)


(iii) If we find solutions for games by applying proper equilibrium to their purely
reduced normal forms, then we may obtain different solutions to games with the
same fully reduced normal form.
Hillas (1998) suggests a different interpretation of Example 2.63: by requiring solutions to
respect backward induction (sequential equilibrium) and full invariance, one can obtain
forward induction for free!
Example 2.63 rerevisited. As we have seen, has three subgame perfect (and sequential)
equilibria. But 0 has the same fully reduced normal form as , but its only subgame
perfect equilibrium is ((I, D, T), L). Therefore, our unique prediction of play in should
be the corresponding subgame perfect equilibrium ((I, T), L). As we saw earlier, this is the
only equilibrium of that respects forward induction.
Building on this insight, Govindan and Wilson (2009) argue that together, backward
induction and full invariance imply forward induction, at least in generic two-player
2.7.2 KM stability and set-valued solution concepts
With the foregoing examples as motivation, Kohlberg and Mertens (1986) list desirable
properties (or desiderata) for refinements of Nash equilibrium.
(D1) Full invariance: Solutions to games with the same fully reduced normal form are
(D2) Backward induction: The solution contains a sequential equilibrium.
(D3) Iterated dominance: The solution to G contains a solution to G0 , where G0 is obtained
from G by removing a weakly dominated strategy.
(D4) Admissibility: Solutions do not include weakly dominated strategies.
Iterated dominance (D3) embodies a limited form of forward inductionsee Section 2.6.1.
KM argue that admissibility (D4) is a basic decision-theoretic postulate that should be
respected, and appeal to various authorities (Wald, Arrow, . . . ) in support of this point of
In addition, KM require existence: a solution concept should offer at least one solution for
every game.
For a solution concept to satisfy invariance (D1), backward induction (D2), and existence
in all games, the solutions must be set-valued: see Example 2.65 below.

Similarly, set-valued solutions are required for the solution concept to satisfy (D1), (D3),
and existence (see KM, Section 2.7.B), or and existence (see Example 1.12).
Set-valued solutions are natural: Extensive form games possess connected components
of Nash equilibria, elements of which differ only in terms of behavior at unreached
information sets. Each such component should be considered as a unit.
Once one moves to set-valued solutions, one must consider restrictions on the structure
of solution sets. KM argue that solution sets should be connected sets.
As build-up, KM introduce two set-valued solution concepts that satisfy (D1)(D3) and
existence, but that fail admissibility (D4) and connectedness.
They then introduce their preferred solution concept: A closed set E of Nash equilibria
(of game G = G ()) is KM stable if it is minimal with respect to the following property:
for any > 0 there exists some 0 > 0 such that for any completely mixed strategy vector
(1 , . . . , n ) and for any 1 , . . . , n (0 < i < 0 ), the perturbed game where every strategy s
of player i is replaced by (1 i )s + i i has an equilibrium -close to E.
Remark: If in the above one replaces for any (1 , . . . , n ) and 1 , . . . , n with for some
(1 , . . . , n ) and 1 , . . . , n , the resulting requirement is equivalent to perfect equilibrium.
Thus, a key novelty in the definition of KM stability is the requirement that equilibria be
robust to all sequences of perturbations.
KM stability satisfies (D1), (D3), (D4), and existence. In fact, it even satisfies a stronger
forward induction requirement than (D3) called equilibrium dominance: A KM stable set E
contains a KM stable set of any game obtained by deletion of a strategy that is not a best
response to any equilibrium in E (see Section 2.6.2 for further discussion).
However, KM stability fails connectedness and backward induction (D2): KM provide
examples in which a KM stable set (of G ()) contains no strategy profile corresponding
to a sequential equilibrium (of ).
A variety of other definitions of strategic stability have been proposed since Kohlberg
and Mertens (1986). Mertens (1989, 1991) proposes a definition of strategic stability that
satisfies (D1)(D4), existence, connectedness, and much besides, but that is couched in
terms of ideas from algebraic topology. Govindan and Wilson (2006) obtain (D1)(D4) and
existence (but not connectedness) using a relatively basic definition of strategic stability.
Example 2.65. Why backward induction and full invariance require a set-valued solution





1 T


-2, 2

-2, 2




1 p





2,-2 -2,2 2,-2 -2,2 -2,2 2,-2

Analysis of G: By drawing the payoffs to each of player 1s pure strategies as a function

of player 2s mixed strategy, one can see that player 1s unique maxmin strategy is O, and
that player 2s maxmin strategies are L + (1 )R with [ 41 , 34 ]. Since G is zero-sum, its
Nash equilibria are thus the profiles (O, L + (1 )R) with [ 41 , 34 ].
Analysis of (p): For each p (0, 1), this game has a unique sequential equilibrium, namely
((O, 2p
M + 2p B), 84p L + 84p R). To see this, first notice that there cannot be an equilibrium
in which player 2 plays a pure strategy. (For instance, if 2 plays L, then 1s best response
in the subgame would be T, in which case 2 would switch to R.) Thus, player 2 is mixing.
For this to be optimal, her beliefs must satisfy (z) = 12 . To have an equilibrium in the
subgame in which player 2 has these beliefs, player 1s strategy must satisfy

1 (B) = (1 p)1 (M) + 1 (T).

In particular, player 1 must place positive probability on B and on at least one of M and T.
For player 1 to place positive probability on T, he would have to be indifferent between B
and T, implying that 2 plays 12 L + 21 R. But in this case player 1 would be strictly better off
playing M in the subgame, a contradiction. Thus 1 (T) = 0, and so (*) implies that player
1 plays 2p
M + 2p B in the subgame.
For player 1 to be willing to randomize between M and B, it must be that
p + (1 p)(22 (L) 2(1 2 (L))) = 22 (L) + 2(1 2 (L)),
implying that 2 (L) =


and that 2 (R) =


Finally, with these strategies chosen in the subgame, player 1s expected payoff from
choosing I at his initial node is
22 (L) + 22 (R) =



Since p < 1, this payoff is less than 1, and so player 1 strictly prefers O at his initial node.

Each choice of p (0, 1) leads to a unique and distinct sequential equilibrium of (p).
These equilibria correspond to distinct Nash equilibria of G, which itself is the reduced
normal form of each (p). Therefore, if we accept backward induction and invariance, no
one Nash equilibrium of G constitutes an acceptable prediction of play. Thus, requiring
invariance and backward induction leads us to set-valued solution concepts.
(If in (p) we had made the strategy M a randomization between O and B, the weight on
2 (L) would have gone from 43 to 12 , giving us the other half of the component of equilibria.
This does not give us 2 (L) = 21 , but this is the unique subgame perfect equilibrium of the
game where 1 does not have strategy M.)

3. Bayesian Games
How can we model settings in which different players have different information at
the onset of play? We now introduce Bayesian games, which provide a simple way of
modeling settings in which agents choose strategies simultaneously after obtaining their
private information.
(One can also model information differences at the start of play using extensive form games
that begin with moves by Nature, as we have in Example 2.3 (simple card game), Example
2.43 (Centipede with a possibly generous player), Example 2.44 (Ace-King-Queen Poker),
and Section 2.6.2 (signaling games). Indeed, any Bayesian game satisfying the common
prior assumption can be represented in this way (see the Remark below). The extensive
form also allows for sequential moves and further information asymmetries during the
course of play, but at the cost of having a considerably more complicated model.)

3.1 Definition
A Bayesian game (Harsanyi (19671968)) is a collection BG = {P , {Ai }iP , {Ti }iP , {pi }iP , {ui }iP }.

P = {1, . . . , n}
ai Ai
ti Ti
pi : Ti Ti

ui : A T R

the set of players

a pure action for player i
a type of player i. Only i knows ti when play begins.
the first-order belief function of player i
pi ( | ti ) describes the first-order beliefs of type ti
pi (ti | ti ) is the probability that player i of type ti
assigns to the other players being of types ti
the utility function of player i
is utility can depend on all players types and actions

All of the above is common knowledge among the players.

The games defined above are sometimes called Bayesian normal form games, since the
drawing of types is followed by a simultaneous move game. One can also define Bayesian
extensive form games, where the drawing of types is followed by an extensive form game.
These are more common in applications. Examples 2.3, 2.43, and 2.44 are of this form, as
are all signaling games (Section 2.6.2).
(Sometimes Bayesian games are referred to as games of incomplete information. However,
doing so is imprecise. The latter term originally referred to models of environments of
a more ambiguous nature than those described by Bayesian games, but which can be
reformulated as Bayesian games to make equilibrium analysis possible. See Harsanyi
(19671968) and Ritzberger (2002).)
The common prior assumption
We say that the common prior assumption (CPA) holds if there exists a common prior distribution p T such that
p(ti , ti )
pi (ti | ti ) = p(ti | ti ) P
p(ti , ti )
ti Ti

That is, the pi are conditional probabilities generated from the common prior p.
When the CPA holds, the Bayesian game BG is equivalent to the following extensive form
game BG :
Stage 0:
Stage 1:

Nature draws t according to the commonly known distribution p T.

Player i learns ti only.
Each player i chooses an action from Ai .

Bayesian strategies
si : Ti Ai
i : Ti Ai

a Bayesian pure strategy

si (ti ) Ai is the action chosen by type ti
a Bayesian behavior (or, loosely, mixed) strategy
i (ai | ti ) [0, 1] is the probability that a player i of type ti plays action ai


Nash equilibrium
If player i of type ti chooses action ai , and each opponent j , i plays some Bayesian strategy
s j , then type ti s expected payoff is

Ui (ai , si |ti ) =

pi (ti |ti ) ui ((ai , si (ti )), (ti , ti )).

ti Ti

Why si (ti )? Other players types determine their actions.

Why (ti , ti )? All players types may directly affect payoffs.
Pure Bayesian strategy profile s is a Nash equilibrium if
Ui (si (ti ), si |ti ) Ui (ai , si |ti )

for all ai Ai , ti Ti , and i P .

In words: player i of type ti chooses an action that maximizes his expected utility given
his beliefs about opponents types and given the opponents Bayesian strategies.
Example 3.1. Consider a card game in which (i) each player is dealt a hand of cards from
a single shuffled deck, and observes only his own hand, and then (ii) each player simultaneously chooses an action. We can identify a players type with his hand. According to
definition (8), when a player with hand ti is deciding what to do, he should account for all
of the possible profiles of hands ti of the other players, weighting these profiles by how
likely he thinks they are. His beliefs pi ( |ti ), which describe the probabilities he assigns to
his opponents having various profiles of hands, depend on his own handfor instance,
if he has all the aces, then he knows that no one else has any.
Now suppose that player i correctly anticipates his opponents strategies, and hence the
action s j (t j ) that opponent j would play if she had hand t j . Definition (8) indicates that
player i0 s payoffs are affected by his opponents hands in two distinct ways: there is a
direct effect (in some circumstances, he will win because he has better cards), as well as an
indirect effect, since an opponents cards determine the action she chooses (for instance,
an opponent with bad cards may choose a passive action).
Strategy profile = (1 , . . . , n ) is a (mixed) Nash equilibrium of BG if
i (ai | ti ) > 0 ai argmax
ai Ai

ti Ti


pi (ti | ti )
j (a j | t j ) ui ((ai , ai ),(ti , ti ))

for all ti Ti and i P .


ai Ai j,i

Sometimes Nash equilibria of Bayesian games are called Bayesian equilibria, or Bayes-Nash
equilibria, or other similar sounding things.
Remark: A Bayesian game BG as defined above is equivalent to a normal form game G
with players (i, ti ) (and hence iP #Ti players in total) and payoffs Ui ( |ti ).
Example 3.2. In the two-player Bayesian game BG, player is type ti , representing his level
of productivity, takes values in the finite set Ti {1, 2, . . .}. Types are drawn according to
the prior distribution p on T = T1 T2 . After types are drawn, each player chooses to be
In or Out of a certain project. If player i chooses Out, his payoff is 0. If player i chooses In
and player j chooses Out, player is payoff is c, where c > 0 is the cost of participating
in the project. Finally, if both players choose In, then player is payoff is ti t j c. Thus,
a player who chooses In must pay a cost, but the project only succeeds if both players
choose In; in the latter case, the per-player benefit of the project is the product of the
players productivity levels.
Now suppose that the type sets are T1 = {3, 4, 5}
distribution p is given by the table below.
4 5
3 .2 .1
t1 4 .1 .1
5 0 .1

and T2 = {4, 5, 6}, and that the prior


What are the Nash equilibria of BG when c = 15?

Use ti i to denote the probability with which a player i of type ti chooses In.
When c = 15, there are three Nash equilibria. In all three, types t1 = 3, t1 = 4, t2 = 4, and
t2 = 5 choose Out. The possible behaviors of the remaining two types are
51 = 62 = 1 (both types choose In),
51 = 62 = 0 (both types choose Out),
51 = 62 =


(both types mix).

This is shown as follows: The highest benefit that type t1 = 3 could obtain from playing
In is 32 12 + 31 5 = 13. Since this is less than c = 15, this type stays out in any equilibrium.
Proceeding sequentially, we argue that types t2 = 4, t1 = 4, and t2 = 5 play Out. The
highest benefit type t2 = 4 could obtain from playing In is 31 16 = 5 13 < 15, so this
type plays Out; thus, the highest benefit type t1 = 4 could obtain from playing In is

20 + 13 24 = 44
= 14 23 < 15, so this type plays Out; and thus, finally, the highest benefit
type t2 = 5 could obtain from playing In is 31 25 = 8 13 < 15, so this type plays Out.

Conditional on this behavior for the low and middle productivity types, the remaining
types, t1 = 5 and t2 = 6, are playing a 2 2 coordination game, namely

t1 = 5

t2 = 6
In 7 2 , 7 2 15, 0
Out 0, 15
0, 0

where 7.5 = 43 30 15. It is an equilibrium for both to be In, and also for both to be Out.
For type t1 = 5 to be willing to randomize, his expected benefit to being in must equal
c = 15; thus 34 62 30 = 15, implying that 62 = 23 . Virtually the same calculation shows that
51 = 23 as well.

3.2 Interpretation
Interpreting types and equilibria
1. In environments where agents receive informative private signals (e.g., card games;
exploratory drilling before a mineral rights auction) one can take the drawing of
types described by the extensive form game BG literally.
2. In other settings (e.g., auctions with independent private values), it may be
unreasonable to suppose that players suddenly learn their preferences as play
begins. In such cases, a players nonrealized types are there in order to describe
opponents uncertainty about this players preferences.
3. When different players types are independent (e.g., auctions with independent
private values; games in which only one player has private information), one can
imagine that each player i is drawn from a population in which the distribution of
types is described by the marginal distribution of p T on Ti .
4. If player 1 knows his type is t1 = 4, and player 2 knows her type is t2 = 6, why do
we need to determine the equilibrium behaviors of the other types?
We do this to close the model. For example, since player 1 doesnt know player 2s
type, he must form conjectures about the behavior of t2 = 4, t2 = 5, and t2 = 6.
We could specify 2 ( | t2 = 4) and 2 ( | t2 = 5) exogenously, but this wouldnt make
much sense if we didnt select best responses: that would amount to requiring
player 1 to believe that t2 = 6 behaves rationally but that types t2 = 4 and t2 = 5 do

A model of rational behavior must require all types to behave optimally, even if
the modeler knows which types were realized.
Understanding types when multiple players have multiple types
1. A players type is all private information he has at the onset of play.
There are two aspects to a players type:
(i) Basic uncertainty: information that affects preferences (own or others),
or information about the environment.
This is reflected in the fact that each ui can depend on ti and t j .
(ii) Beliefs about opponents types.
This is reflected in the fact that pi conditions on ti .
In most applications, the name we assign to a type reflects (i), but (ii) is still a part
of the type.
2. Beliefs refers not only to first-order beliefs (about the opponents types) but also
higher-order beliefs (i.e., beliefs about beliefs). For instance,
p(player 2 assigns probability


to t1 = 3 | t1 = 3) = p(t2 = 5 | t1 = 3) = 13 .

Higher-order beliefs can be important in economic modelssee Section 3.3.

3. In applied work, one typically names types ti according to what they say about
basic uncertainties (e.g., preferences: t1 = 0 or t1 = 23 ), and then specifies the firstorder beliefs about t1 , . . . , tn . (Higher-order beliefs are then specified implicitly, as
in the previous item.)
In doing so, one often assumes implicitly that there is a one-to-one correspondence
between a players preferences and his beliefs about his opponents (as in the
previous item).
The implicit assumption can have dramatic and insidious consequences (see Cremer
and McLean (1988), Neeman (2004)).
These issues do not arise in the commonly used case of independent types, since
in this case each type of a given player has the same beliefs about his opponents.
4. Beliefs about beliefs . . . about basic uncertainty, regardless of the degree of complexity, can always be described using an appropriate type space, in particular the
universal type space of Mertens and Zamir (1985) (see also Brandenburger and
Dekel (1993), Myerson (1991, p. 76)).
Understanding the common prior assumption
1. In settings like card games, the CPA is natural.

2. More generally, the rationale for the CPA is less obvious. This is especially so when
the drawing of types is not to be taken literally.
The CPA is generally imposed for modeling discipline. Under the CPA, it is as if
the game began at an ex ante stage at which all information was commonly known.
In this way, the CPA ensures that all differences in players beliefs have explicitly
modeled sources.
3. While the CPA is a good baseline assumption, it may not be appropriate in settings
where irreconcilable differences in agents beliefs are importantfor instance, in
models of speculative trade. See Morris (1994, 1995).

3.3 Examples
The next two examples illustrate the idea of contagion, which refers to iterated dominance
arguments that arise in certain Bayesian games with chains of correlation in the common
prior distribution. These examples illustrate the important role that higher-order beliefs
can play in equilibrium analysis. Less stylized versions of these examples have been used
to model bank runs and currency crisessee Morris and Shin (2003).
Example 3.3. The Electronic Mail Game (Rubinstein (1989)).
In this game, there is probability 23 that the payoff matrix is GL , and probability 13 that the
payoff matrix is GR . In GL , A is a strictly dominant strategy. GR is a coordination game in
which the players want to coordinate on action B. If they coordinate on the wrong action,
both get 0; if they miscoordinate, the player who chose B gets punished.
GL :

GR :


2, 2
3, 0

0, 3
1, 1


0, 0
3, 0

0, 3
2, 2

Only player 1 observes whether the payoff matrix is GL or GR . If it is GR , player 1s

computer automatically sends a message to player 2s computer, a message that arrives
with probability 1 , where (0, 1). If player 2s computer receives this message, it
automatically sends a confirmation to player 1s computer, a confirmation that arrives with
probability 1 . If player 1s computer receives this confirmation, then it automatically
sends another confirmation. . . Each player knows how many messages his own computer
Let the m {0, 1, 2, . . .} be the total number of messages sent.

Then the probability that no messages are sent is 0 = 23 , and the probability that m > 0
messages are sent is m = 13 (1 )m1 .
The type sets are T1 = { {0} , {1, 2} , {3, 4} , . . .} and T2 = { {0, 1} , {2, 3} , {4, 5} , . . .}.
|{z} |{z} |{z}
|{z} |{z} |{z}
sends 0 sends 1 sends 2

sends 0 sends 1 sends 2

The common prior on T = T1 T2 is determined by :


sends 1 {1, 2}
sends 2 {3, 4}
sends 3 {5, 6}
sends 0


sends 0

sends 1

sends 2

sends 3

{0, 1}

{2, 3}
(1 )
(1 )2

{4, 5}
(1 )3
(1 )4

{6, 7}
(1 )5




Proposition 3.4. If > 0, the unique Nash equilibrium has both players play A regardless of type.
If > 0 is small, and the payoff matrix turns out to be GR , it is very likely that both players
know that the payoff matrix is GR . But the players still play A, even though (B, B) is a strict
equilibrium in GR .
Proof. If the payoff matrix is GL , player 1 knows this, and plays A, which is dominant for
him in this matrix.
Suppose that player 2s type is t2 = {0, 1}.
Then her posterior probability that no messages were sent is
0 + 1


+ 13

> .
2+ 3

Since player 1 plays A when no messages are sent, player 2s expected payoff to playing A is
more than 23 2 = 43 , while her expected payoff to choosing B is less than 23 (3)+ 31 2 = 43 .
Therefore, when her type is t2 = {0, 1}, player 2 should choose A.
Now suppose that player 1s type is t1 = {1, 2}.
In this case, player 1 knows that the payoff matrix is GR , and so that his payoff from
playing A is 0.


His posterior probability that exactly 1 message was sent is


= 1
> .
1 + 2
+ 3 (1 3 ) 1 + (1 ) 2

Therefore, player 1s expected payoff to playing B is less than


(3) + 12 2 = 12 .

Therefore, when his type is t1 = {1, 2}, player 1 should play A.

Continuing, suppose that player 2 is of type {2, 3}. In this case, both players know that
the payoff matrix is GR . But player 2 will assign probability greater than 12 to 2 messages
having been sent, and so, knowing that player 1 plays A in this case, will play A herself.
And so on. 
Example 3.5. A global game (Carlsson and van Damme (1993)).
Consider the following normal form game G(r):


r, r
r 1, 0
0, r 1
0, 0

In this game, strategy I represents investing, and strategy N represents not investing.
Investing yields a payoff of r or r 1 according to whether the players opponent invests
or not. Not investing yields a certain payoff of 0. If r < 0, then the unique NE is
(N, N); if r = 0, the NE are (N, N) and (I, I); if r (0, 1), the NE are (N, N), (I, I), and
((1 r)I + rN, (1 r)I + rN); if r = 1, the NE are (N, N) and (I, I); and if r > 1, then the unique
NE is (I, I).
Now consider a Bayesian game BG in which payoffs are given by the above payoff matrix,
but in which the value of r is the realization of a random variable that is uniformly
distributed on [2, 3]. In addition, each player i only observes a noisy signal ti about the
value of r. Specifically, ti is defined by ti = r + i , where i is uniformly distributed on
1 1
, 10 ], and r, 1 , and 2 are independent of one another. This construction is known as
[ 10
a global game; see Carlsson and van Damme (1993) and Morris and Shin (2003).
Pure strategies for player i are of the form si : [ 21
, 31 ] {I, N}. To define a pure Nash
10 10
equilibrium, let ui (a, r) be player is payoff under action profile a under payoff parameter
r (which we can read from the payoff matrix). Then define the payoff to a player i of type
ti for playing action ai against an opponent playing strategy s j as

Ui (ai , s j , ti ) =
ui (ai , s j (t j )), r di (t j , r | ti ),
tj, r


where i (|ti ) represents is beliefs about (t j , r) when he is of type ti . Then for s to be a pure
Nash equilibrium, it must be that
si (ti ) argmax U(ai , s j , ti )

for all ti and i {1, 2}.

Surprisingly, equilibrium behavior in BG is essentially unique.
Proposition 3.6. In any Nash equilibrium of BG, player i strictly prefers not to invest when his
signal is less than 12 , and strictly prefers to invest when his signal is above 12 .
Even though the underlying normal form game has multiple strict equilibria when r
(0, 1), the possibility that ones opponent may have a dominant strategy, combined with
uncertainty about others preferences and beliefs, lead almost every type to have a unique
equilibrium action. The choice of = 101 is not important here; any positive would lead
to the same result.
Proof. Observe that if ti [ 19
, 29 ], then player i0 s posterior belief about r conditional on
10 10
ti is uniform on [ti 101 , ti + 10
], and his posterior belief about t j conditional on ti is the
triangular distribution with support [ti 15 , ti + 15 ] (that is, the conditional density equals
0 at t j = ti 51 , 5 at t j = ti , and 0 at t j = ti + 15 , and is linear on [ti 51 , ti ] and on [ti , ti + 15 ]).
In any Nash equilibrium, if the value of player is signal ti is less than 0, then player i
strictly prefers not to invest. Indeed, notice that E(r | ti ) = ti when ti [ 19
, 0] and that
E(r | ti ) < 20 when ti < 20 . It follows that if ti < 0, the expected to payoff to I is negative,
and so that N is a strict best response for a player i.
Next, we show that the value of player is signal is less than 201 , then player i strictly prefers
not to invest. We have just seen that if t2 < 0, then player 2 will play N. Now focus on
the most demanding case, in which t1 = 201 . In this case, player 1s posterior beliefs about
player 2s type are described by a triangular distribution with support [ 203 , 14 ]. Since the
density of this distribution reaches its maximum of 5 at t2 = 201 , the probability that player
1 assigns to player 2 having a type below 0 is the area of a triangle with base 203 and height
5. This area is 329 ; by the previous paragraph, it is a lower bound on the probability that
player 1 assigns to player 2 playing N. Therefore, player 1s expected payoff to playing I
U1 (I, s2 , 20


1 (s2 (t2 ) = N | t1 =




< 0.

It is thus a strict best response for player 1 to play N when t1 =

t1 < 201 .


and a fortiori when

In a similar fashion, we can show show that in any Nash equilibrium, if the value of player
is signal is less than 10
, then player i strictly prefers not to invest. Again we focus on
the most demanding case, in which t = 10
. In this case player 1s beliefs about player 2s
type are centered at 10 , and so have support [ 101 , 10
]. But we know from the previous

paragraph that player 2 will play N whenever t2 < 201 , so essentially the same calculation
as before shows that player 1 again must assign a probability of at least 329 to player 1
playing N. Thus, since U1 (I, s2 , 10
) 201 329 < 0, player 1s strict best response when t1 101
is to play N.
Rather than iterate this argument further, let be the supremum of the set of types that
can be shown by such an iterative argument to play N in any equilibrium. If were less
than 12 , then since a player whose type is less than will play N, a player whose type is
obtains an expected payoff of 21 < 0 from playing N. By continuity, this is also true of a
player whose type is slightly larger than , contradicting the definition of . We therefore
conclude that is at least 21 . This establishes that player i strictly prefers not to invest
when his signal is less than 12 . A symmetric argument shows that player i strictly prefers
to invest when his signal is above 21 . 
In these examples, the introduction of a small amount of higher-order uncertainty to
a baseline game with multiple equilibria leads to the selection of a unique equilibrium.
This approach can be used as the basis for selecting among multiple equilibria. But it is
important to be aware that which equilibrium is selected is sensitive to the exact form
that the higher-order uncertainty takes. Indeed, Weinstein and Yildiz (2007) show that
every rationalizable strategy profile in a baseline game is the unique rationalizable strategy
profile in some nearby game with higher-order uncertainty.

4. Repeated Games
In many applications, players face the same interaction repeatedly. How does this affect
our predictions of play?
Repeated games provide a general framework for studying long run relationships.
While we will focus on the basic theory, this subject becomes even more interesting when
informational asymmetries are added: hidden information reputation models (Kreps
et al. (1982)); hidden actions imperfect monitoring models (Abreu et al. (1990)). An
excellent general reference for this material is Mailath and Samuelson (2006).

4.1 The Repeated Prisoners Dilemma

One-shot prisoners dilemma: G = {1, 2}, {Ai }i{1,2} , {ui }i{1,2} , A = A1 A2 .


C 1, 1
D 2, 1

1, 2
0, 0

If G is played once, then each player has a dominant strategy of defecting.

Example 4.1. The finitely repeated Prisoners Dilemma GT , T < .
Players play T + 1 times, starting with period zero (so last period is T.)
Before playing period t, the results of all previous periods are observed.
Payoffs are the discounted sum of stage game payoffs
ht Ht = (a0 , a1 , . . . , at1 ) : as A

histories of the beginning of period t 1

H = {h }
H = Tt=0 Ht
si : H Ai
i : H Ai
(0, 1]
i : HT+1 R

the null history

active histories
pure strategies
behavior strategies
terminal histories
discount rate
payoff function

i (hT+1 ) =


t ui (at )

Proposition 4.2. In the unique subgame perfect equilibrium of GT , both players always defect.
Proof. By backward induction:
Once the final period T is reached, D is dominant for both players, and so is played
regardless of the previous history.
Therefore, choices in period T 1 cannot influence payoffs in period T.
Hence, backward induction implies that both players defect in period T 1.
Repeat through period 0. 
Proposition 4.3. In any Nash equilibrium of GT , players always defect on the equilibrium path.
Proof. Fix a Nash equilibrium .
Clearly, both players play D in period T at any node which is reached with positive

Therefore, since it cannot affect behavior in period T, the unique best response at any
positive probability period T 1 history is to play D.
Thus, since is a Nash equilibrium, players must also play D in period T 1.
Repeat through period 0. 
Example 4.4. The infinitely repeated Prisoners Dilemma G .
H = n
t=0 H
H = (a0 , a1 , . . .) : at A

finite histories
infinite histories (note: H H = )

si : H Ai
i : H Ai
(0, 1)
i : H R

pure strategies
behavior strategies
discount rate
payoff function (defined on infinite histories)

i (h ) = (1 )


t ui (at )

The discount rate can be interpreted as the probability that the game ends in any given
period. But we dont need to be too literal about their being the possibility of infinite
repetition: what is important is that the players view the interaction as one with no clear
endsee Rubinstein (1991) for a discussion.
P t
Why the (1 )? Recall that
t=0 c = (1 ) 1 c = c.
t=0 = 1 (1 )
In G , (c, c, c, . . .) is worth c;
(0, c, c, . . .) is worth c;
(c, 0, 0, 0, . . .) is worth (1 )c.
Proposition 4.5. (i) Always defect is a subgame perfect equilibrium of G for all (0, 1).
(ii) If 1/2, the following defines a subgame perfect equilibrium of G : i = Cooperate so
long as no one has ever defected; otherwise defect, (the grim trigger strategy).
(There are many other equilibriasee Section 4.3.)
Q: How do we determine whether is a subgame perfect equilibrium of the infinitely
repeated game? There are a few obvious difficulties: there are no last subgames; after
each history there are an infinite number of possible deviations to consider; and there are
an infinite number of histories to consider.
The one-shot deviation theorem for infinite-horizon sequential choice problems with discounting (Theorem 4.7) states that a player has no profitable deviation in any subgame

of G if and only if he has no profitable one-shot deviation. Thus, to determine whether

a players behavior is optimal after every history ht H, it is enough to check that the
player cannot benefit from deviating only in the period immediately following each history ht H. We accomplish this by dividing the finite histories into cases according to the
nature of continuation play under .
Proof. We begin by considering part (ii). Since the equilibrium is symmetric, we need only
check player 1s behavior. There are two sorts of histories to consider:
Case 1: No one has defected.
We argue in terms of continuation payoffs: without loss of generality, we can assume that
the defection is occurring in period zero.




Equilibrium: (C, C), (C, C), (C, C), . . . . . . 1 = 1

Deviation: (D, C), (D, D), (D, D), . . . . . . 1 = (1 ) 2 +

t 0 = (1 )2





Therefore, the equilibrium behavior is optimal if 1 (1 )2, or 1/2.

Case 2: Someone has defected.
Equilibrium: (D, D), (D, D), . . . 0


Deviation: (C, D), (D, D), (D, D), . . . (1 ) 1 +
0 = 1 < 0




Therefore, the equilibrium behavior is strictly better in this case.

Note: The analysis of Case 2 proves part (i) of the proposition. 
1. The analysis of infinitely repeated games is greatly simplified by their recursive
structure: the continuation game starting from any history ht is formally identical
to the game starting at the null history h0 .
(Dynamic programs have a related (but distinct) recursive structure.)
2. Since the strategies are contingent rules for behavior, a change in player is strategy
in one period can change the actions he and his opponents choose in future periods.
For instance, if both players are supposed to play the grim trigger strategy, then
changing player 1s strategy in the initial period causes the sequence of actions that

player 1 chooses to change from (C, C, C, . . .) to (D, D, D, . . .).














2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2

The (partial) game tree above is that of the repeated Prisoners Dilemma. The bold
edges represent the grim trigger strategy profile. If this strategy profile is played,
then play proceeds down the leftmost branch of the tree, and both players cooperate
in every period. If we modify one players strategy so that after a single cooperative
history he plays D rather than C, then play enters a subgame in which both players
defect in every period. Thus a deviation from the strategys prescription after a
single history can alter what actions are played in all subsequent periods.
This figure also shows the partition of histories into the two cases above. The
decision nodes of player 1 are the initial nodes of subgames. The leftmost subgames
follow histories in which no one has defected (including the null history). All other
subgames follow histories in which someone has defected.
3. The difference between the equilibrium outcomes of the finitely repeated and infinitely repeated Prisoners Dilemmas is quite stark. With many other stage games,
this difference is not so stark. If the stage game G has multiple Nash equilibrium
outcomes, one can often sustain the play of non-Nash action profiles of G in early
periodsfor instance, by rewarding cooperative play in early periods with the
play of good Nash outcomes of G in later periods, and by punishing deviations in
early periods with bad Nash outcomes in later periods. For general analyses of the
finitely repeated games, see Benot and Krishna (1985) and Friedman (1985).


4.2 Basic Concepts

The stage game G = {P , {Ai }iP , {ui }iP }
ai Ai
i Ai
iP Ai

a pure action
a mixed action
a mixed action profile

The repeated game G = {P , {Si }iP , {i }iP , }

H0 = {h0 }
Ht = {(a0 , a1 , . . . , at1 ) : as A}

H = Ht

the null history

histories as of periods t 1

H = {(a0 , a1 , . . .) : at A}
Si = {si : H Ai }
i = {i : H Ai }
(0, 1)
i : H R

i (h ) = (1 ) t ui (at )

infinite histories (uncountable)

pure strategies
behavior strategies
discount rate
payoff function

finite histories (countable)



Sequential rationality and subgame perfect equilibrium

Strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium of G if no player has a profitable unilateral
deviation from .
To capture the principle of sequential rationality, we need to introduce subgame perfect
equilibrium. As in Section 2.3.1, we present three equivalent definitions. But the third
definitions differ: because infinitely repeated games have no last period, they cannot be
solved by backward induction. Fortunately, we can take advantage of the fact that the
infinitely repeated game G has a recursive structure: the continuation game that follows
any history ht H is identical to G itself.
Let |ht denote the continuation strategy profile generated by after history ht .
Strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium of G if for every history ht H, |ht is a
Nash equilibrium of G .
Strategy i is sequentially rational given i if player i does not have a profitable deviation
from i after any history ht H. If this is true for every player i, we say that strategy
profile itself is sequentially rational.

We call i a one-shot deviation from i if it only differs from i in the period immediately
following a single history, say ht . The one-shot deviation i is profitable if it generates a
higher payoff than i in the subgame starting with history ht .
Theorem 4.6. Let G be a repeated game. Then the following are equivalent:
(i) Strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium.
(ii) Strategy profile is sequentially rational.
(iii) No player has a profitable one-shot deviation from .
Given the structure of repeated games, the equivalence of statements (i) and (ii) is immediate. The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) follows from the one-shot deviation theorem for
infinite-horizon sequential decision problems with discounting, which we present next.
The one-shot deviation theorem
As in the case of simple sequential decision problems (Theorem 2.26) we have
Theorem 4.7 (The one-shot deviation theorem). In the repeated game G , i is sequentially
rational given i if and only if there is no profitable one-shot deviation from i .
Idea of the proof : We know from Theorem 2.26 that the absence of profitable finite-period
deviations implies the absence of profitable one-shot deviations. Moreover, in a repeated
game with discounting, the total payoff impact of choices from period T onward is at most
(1 )
t=T K = K , which approaches 0 as T grows large. Thus, if there is a profitable
infinite period deviation, then some of the benefit must have been obtained in some
finite number of periods, which in turn implies the existence of a profitable one-period
Example 4.8. Without discounting, or more generally, without some notion of continuity
of payoffs at infinity (see Definition 4.1 of Fudenberg and Tirole (1991)), the one-shot deviation theorem does not hold. For example, suppose that an agent must choose an infinite
sequence of Ls and Rs; his payoff is 1 if he always chooses R and is 0 otherwise. Consider
the strategy always choose L. While there is no profitable finite-period deviation from
this strategy, there is obviously a profitable infinite-period deviation.
Example 4.9. Suppose that two players repeatedly play the following normal form game:


3, 3
1, 2
4, 2

2, 1
1, 1
3, 1


2, 4
1, 3
0, 0

Suppose that strategy i for player i is described as follows:

Begin play in stage I.
(I) If T has always been played, play T. Otherwise, begin stage II.
(II) If M has always been played since stage II began, play M; otherwise, begin stage
(III) Play B.
For what values of is strategy profile = (1 , 2 ) a subgame perfect equilibrium?
By the one-shot deviation theorem, it is enough to check that there is no profitable one-shot
deviation in any subgame. There are three classes of subgames corresponding to the three
stages specified in i .
In stage I, the equilibrium payoff sequence is (3, 3, 3, ... ); the most profitable one-shot
deviation from T is to B, which generates the payoff sequence (4, 1, 1, 1, ... ). Thus, the
deviation is not profitable if 3 (1 ) 4 + 1, and hence if 13 .
In stage II, the equilibrium payoff sequence is (1, 1, 1, ... ); the most profitable one-shot
deviation from T is to B, which generates the payoff sequence (3, 0, 0, 0, ... ). Thus, the
deviation is not profitable if 1 (1 ) 3, and hence if 23 .
In stage III, there is no profitable one-shot deviation.
Thus, strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium whenever 23 .

4.3 The Folk Theorem

The folk theorem tells us that if players are sufficiently patient, all feasible, strictly individually rational payoff vectors can be achieved in equilibria of G . Thus, in repeated
games, restricting attention to equilibria does little to restrict our predictions of payoffs.
We first define the set of feasible, individually rational payoff vectors.
Let V = {u(a) Rn : a A} be the payoff vectors generated by pure strategy profiles.
Then define the set of feasible repeated game payoffs as F = conv(V), the convex hull of V.
By alternating among stage game action profiles over time (and for the moment ignoring
questions of incentives), players can obtain any payoff in F as their repeated game payoff
if the discount rate is sufficiently highsee Remark 2 below.
To introduce individual rationality, define player is minmax value by
vi =

i j,i A j i Ai

ui (i , i ).

Thus vi is the payoff obtained when his opponents minmax him and he, anticipating what
they will do, plays a best response (see Section 1.6). This leads to a lower bound on what

player i obtains in any equilibrium of the repeated game.

Observation 4.10. Player i obtains at least vi in any Nash equilibrium of G .
Proof. Given any i , i can always play his myopic best response in each period, and this
will yield him a payoff of at least vi . 
The set of feasible, strictly individually rational payoff vectors is
F = {v F : vi > vi for all i P }.
Note the requirement of strict individual rationality: vi = vi sometimes is attainable as an
equilibrium payoff (for instance, in the repeated Prisoners Dilemma), but often it is not.
See Mailath and Samuelson (2006, Remark 3.3.1) for details.
Theorem 4.11 (The Folk Theorem (Fudenberg and Maskin (1986, 1991), Abreu et al.
(1994))). Let v F , and suppose that:
(i) there are exactly two players; or
(ii) no two players have identical preferences.
(i.e., there do not exist i, j P , a, b > 0 such that ui () a + bu j ()).
Then for all close enough to 1, there is a subgame perfect equilibrium of G () with payoffs v.
Condition (ii) is known as nonequivalent utilities, or NEU.
The next two examples prove special cases of this theorem in order to illustrate two of
the basic constructions of subgame perfect equilibria of repeated games. Later we will
discuss what more must be done to obtain the full result.
Example 4.12. Nash reversion (Friedman (1971)).
We first prove the folk theorem under the assumptions that
can be obtained from some pure action profile a A.
(1) The payoff vector v = u(a)
(2) For each player i, there is a Nash equilibrium i A of the stage game such that
vi > ui ( ).
Let vi = max ui (a) be player is maximal stage game payoff.

Consider this Nash reversion strategy:

i : Play ai if there has never been a period in which exactly one player deviated.
Otherwise, if j was the first to unilaterally deviate, play i .


Clearly, generates payoff vector v in G () for any (0, 1). To verify that is a subgame
perfect equilibrium of for large enough, we check that no player has a profitable one-shot
There are 1 + n cases to consider. On the equilibrium path (i.e., if there has never been a
unilateral deviation), i does not benefit from deviating if
vi (1 )vi + ui (i ).
Since vi > ui (i ), this is true if is large enough.
After a history in which player i was the first to unilaterally deviate, the continuation
strategy profile is always play the Nash equilibrium i . Clearly, no player has a profitable
one-shot deviation here.
Example 4.13. Stick and carrot strategies (Fudenberg and Maskin (1986)).
We now prove the folk theorem under the assumptions that
can be obtained from some pure action profile a A.
(1) The payoff vector v = u(a)
(2) There are exactly two players.
(3) For each player i, vi is greater than player is pure strategy minmax value,

vi = min max ui (ai , a j ).

a j A j ai Ai

Let am
be player is minmaxing pure action, and consider the following stick and carrot
i : (I) Play ai initially, or if a was played last period.
(II) If there is a deviation from (I), play am
L times and then restart (I).
(III) If there is a deviation from (II), begin (II) again.
The value of the punishment length L 1 will be determined below; often L = 1 is enough.
Again, generates payoff vector v in G () for any (0, 1). To verify that is a subgame
perfect equilibrium of for large enough, we check that no player has a profitable one-shot
Let vi = maxa ui (a), and let vm
= ui (am ), where am = (am
, am
) is the joint minmaxing pure
action profile. Then

i .
i vi < vi v


We can therefore choose a positive integer L such that for i {1, 2},
i vi ,
L (vi vm
i ) > v

or equivalently,

(L + 1) vi > vi + Lvm
i .


(In words: if player i were perfectly patient, he would prefer getting vi for L + 1 periods
to getting his maximum payoff vi once followed by his joint minmax payoff vm
L times.)
There is no profitable one-shot deviation from the equilibrium phase (I) if
vi = (1 )



t vm

t vi (1 ) vi +


t vi vi +




t vm
i .


Equation (10) implies that this inequality holds when is close enough to 1.
In the punishment phase (II), deviating is most tempting in the initial period, when all L
rounds of punishment still remain. Deviating in this period is not profitable if


p X

(1 )
t vm
t vi (1 ) vi +
t vm
t vi
i +
i +



+ vi


L vi + (1 L )vm

vi +
vi .


L vm

Equation (9) implies that this inequality holds when is close enough to 1.
Why is i called a stick and carrot strategy? The punishment phase (II) is the stick (i.e.,
the threat) that keeps players from deviating from the equilibrium path phase (I). The
equilibrium path phase (I) is the carrot (i.e., the reward) offered to players for carrying out
the punishment phase (II).

Why should one care about being able to support low equilibrium payoffs?

In a subgame perfect equilibrium, behavior in every subgame, including subgames corresponding to punishments, must constitute an equilibrium. Therefore, in order to support
high equilibrium payoffs at a fixed discount rate (0, 1) (a question that the folk theorem does not address, but that we consider in Sections 4.4 and 4.5), we need to have
punishments that are as severe as possible. The next example illustrates this point.

Example 4.14. Using stick and carrot strategies. Consider this stage game G:
A 1, 2 5, 1 1, 0
1 B 2, 1 4, 4 0, 0
C 0, 1 0, 0 0, 0
The unique Nash equilibrium of G is ( 34 A + 41 B, 12 a + 12 b), which yields payoffs of (3, 47 ).
For what discount rates can we support a play path of (B, B), (B, B), . . . in a subgame
perfect equilibrium of G ()?
With Nash reversion: There is no profitable deviation from the off-equilibrium path. On
the equilibrium path, player 2 gets optimal payoffs at (B, b) and will not deviate. For
player 1, we need
4 (1 )5 + 3
4 5 2
12 .
What about with stick and carrot strategies? Consider
: (I) Play (B, b) so long as no one has deviated.
(II) If someone deviates, play (C, c), (B, b), (B, b), . . .
(III) If someone deviates from (II), begin (II) again.
When is this a subgame perfect equilibrium? Check using the one-shot deviation theorem.
Case (I):

The current path is (B, b), (B, b), . . .

Player 2 cannot benefit from deviating.

Player 1 does not benefit from deviating if
4 (1 )5 + ((1 ) 0 + 4)
0 42 5 + 1
41 .
Case (II):

The current path is (C, c), (B, b), (B, b), . . .

Neither player benefits from deviating if

(1 ) 0 + 4 (1 ) 1 + ((1 ) 0 + 4)
0 42 5 + 1
41 .
Thus, the payoff of (4, 4) can be achieved when 41 .
Under Nash reversion, the punishment profile yields expected payoffs of (3, 47 ) in each
period, and thus expected payoffs of (3, 47 ) in the repeated game. Under the stick and

carrot strategy, the punishment profile (stage (II)) yields payoffs of (4, 4). Thus when
= 41 , the punishment profile of the stick and carrot strategy is considerably worse for
both players than the punishment profile under Nash reversion. This low payoff on the
punishment path allows us to support high subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs at a low
discount rate.

How can one support payoff vectors that do not correspond to pure action profiles?

If we do not modify the repeated game, payoff vectors that do not correspond to pure
strategy profiles can only be achieved if players alternate among pure action profiles
over time. Sorin (1986) shows that any feasible payoff vector can be achieved through
alternation if players are sufficiently patient. However, the need to alternate complicates
the construction of equilibrium, since we must ensure that no player has a profitable
deviation at any point during the alternation. Fudenberg and Maskin (1991) show that
this can be accomplished so long as players are sufficiently patient.
To avoid alternation and the complications it brings, it is common to augment the repeated
game by introducing public randomization: at the beginning of each period, all players view
the realization of a uniform(0, 1) random variable, enabling them to play a correlated action
in every period. If on the equilibrium path players always play a correlated action whose
expected payoff is v, then each players continuation payoff is always exactly v. Since in
addition the benefit obtained in a the current period from a one shot deviation is bounded
(by maxa ui (a) mina ui (a)), the equilibrium constructions and analyses from Examples
4.12 and 4.13 go through with very minor changes.
It is natural to ask whether public randomization introduces equilibrium outcomes that
would otherwise be impossible. Since the folk theorem holds without public randomization, we know that for each payoff vector v F , there is a (v) such that v can be achieved
in a subgame perfect equilibrium of G () whenever > (v). Furthermore, Fudenberg
et al. (1994) show that any given convex, compact set in the interior of F contains only
subgame perfect equilibrium payoff vectors of G () once is large enough. However,
Yamamoto (2010) constructs an example in which the set of subgame perfect equilibrium
payoff vectors of G () is not convex (and in particular excludes certain points just inside
the Pareto frontier) for any < 1; thus, allowing public randomization is not entirely
without loss of generality even for discount factors arbitrarily close to 1.
Having discussed how one obtains payoff vectors that do not correspond to pure strategy
profiles, we now present an example that highlights the differences between the sets of
payoff vectors that the various equilibrium constructions can sustain.
Example 4.15. Consider the symmetric normal form game G:


0, 0
2, 4
0, 1

4, 2
0, 0
0, 0


1, 0
0, 0
0, 0

The Nash equilibria are (A, b), (B, a), and ( 32 A + 13 B, 23 a + 13 b), and yield payoffs of (4, 2),
(2, 4), and ( 43 , 43 ). The strategies C and c are strictly dominated, but are the pure minmax
p p
strategies; they generate the pure minmax payoffs (v1 , v2 ) = (1, 1). The mixed minmax
strategies are 31 A + 23 C and 31 a + 32 b; they generate the mixed minmax payoffs (v1 , v2 ) = ( 32 , 32 ).
(The latter two calculations are illustrated below at left.)




B [4]

(2/3)A+(1/3)B [4/3]

A [2]




Here the stick and carrot strategies using pure minmax punishments from Example 4.13
support more equilibrium payoff vectors than the Nash reversion strategies from Example
4.12, but do not support all of the payoff vectors guaranteed by the folk theorem.

How can one obtain payoffs close to the players mixed minmax values?

The the stick and carrot equilibrium from Example 4.13 relied on pure minmax actions
as punishments. As Example 4.15 illustrates, such punishments are not always strong
enough to sustain all vectors in F as subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs.
The difficulty with using mixed action punishments is that when a player chooses a mixed
action, his opponents cannot observe his randomization probabilities, but only his realized
pure action. Suppose we modified the stick and carrot strategy profile from Example 4.13
by specifying that player i play his mixed minmax action i in the punishment phase.
Then during this punishment phase, unless player i expects to get the same stage game
payoff from each action in the support of i , he will have a profitable and undetectable
deviation from i to his favorite action in the support of i .
To address this problem, we need to modify the repeated game strategies so that when
player i plays one of his less preferred actions in the support of i , he is rewarded with a

higher continuation payoff. More precisely, by carefully balancing player is stage game
payoffs and continuation payoffs, one can make player i indifferent among playing any
of the actions in the support of i , and therefore willing to randomize among them in the
way his mixed minmax action specifies. See Mailath and Samuelson (2006, Sec. 3.8) for a
textbook treatment.

What new issues arise when there are three or more players?

) in which players 1 and 2

With two players, we can always find an action profile (m
, m
simultaneously minmax each other. This possibility was the basis for the stick and carrot
equilibrium from Example 4.13.
Once there are three players, simultaneous minmaxing may no longer be possible: if
(1 , 2 ) minmaxes player 3, there may be no 3 such that (1 , 3 ) minmaxes player 2.
In such cases, there is no analogue of the two-player stick and carrot equilibrium, and
indeed, it is not always possible to achieve payoffs close to the players minmax values in
a subgame perfect equilibrium.
Example 4.16. Fudenberg and Maskin (1986). Consider this three-player game G:


1, 1, 1
0, 0, 0

0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0


0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0 1, 1, 1

3: A3

3: B3

Each players minmax value is 0, so F = {(, , ) : (0, 1]}

Let = min{ : (, , ) is an subgame perfect equilibrium payoff of G ()}. (It can be
shown quite generally that this worst payoff existssee Section 4.4.)
We claim that for all (0, 1), 41 :
Why? Consider the subgame perfect equilibrium that generates payoffs of (, , ). For
any mixed strategy (1 , 2 , 3 ) of G, there is a player who can guarantee himself 41 . Both
the equilibrium path and the worst punishment path give each player payoffs of . Hence,
for no player to have an incentive to deviate, we must have that (1 ) 14 + , or
equivalently, that 14 .
The problem in the previous example is that the players payoff functions are identical,
so that no one player can be rewarded or punished independently of the others. In order
to obtain a folk theorem for games with three or more players, we must restrict attention
to stage games in which such independent provision of incentives is possible. Fudenberg
and Maskin (1986) accomplish this under the assumption that the set F is full dimensional,
meaning that it has the same dimension as the number of players. Abreu et al. (1994)
do so under the weaker restriction that the stage game satisfy the nonequivalent utility
condition stated in Theorem 4.11, and show that this condition is essentially necessary for
the conclusion of the folk theorem to obtain.

To obtain a pure minmax folk theorem for games with three or more players satisfying the
NEU condition using an analogue of the stick and carrot strategy profile from Example
4.13, one first replaces the single punishment stage with distinct punishments for each
player (as in Example 4.12). To provide incentives to player is opponents to carry out a
punishment of player i, one must reward the punishers once the punishment is over. See
Mailath and Samuelson (2006, Sec. 3.4.2) for a textbook treatment.

4.4 Computing the Set of Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Payoffs

Q: Is there a simple characterization of the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs
of G () when the value of is fixed?
Subgame perfect equilibria of G () have the following recursive characterization:
(i) In period 0, no player has a profitable one-shot deviation.
(ii) Every continuation strategy profile is a SPE of G ().
This decomposition is reminiscent of that of optimal policies for dynamic programs (Bellman (1957), Howard (1960)). Can we exploit this connection?
4.4.1 Dynamic programming
A good reference on this material is Stokey and Lucas (1989, Sec. 4.14.2).
X Rn
: X X
(0, 1)

state space
feasibility correspondence
(x) = states feasible tomorrow if todays state is x
feasibility correspondence for sequences
(x) = {{xt }
t=0 : x0 = x, xt+1 (xt ) t 0}
payoff function. F(x, y) = agents payoff today if
todays state is x and tomorrows state is y
discount rate.

Example 4.17. If xt = capital at time t and ct = f (xt ) xt+1 = consumption at time t, then the
payoff at time t is u(ct ) = u( f (xt ) xt+1 ) = F(xt , xt+1 ).
(i) X is convex or finite.
(ii) is non-empty, compact valued, and continuous.

(iii) F is bounded and continuous.

Define the dynamic program

v(x) = max (1 )
{xt }(x)

t F(xt , xt+1 ).


We call v : X R the value function for (D).

Theorem 4.18 (The Principle of Optimality (Bellman (1957))).
Consider the functional equation
(F) v(x) = max (1 )F(x, y) + v(y).

Then: (i) If v satisfies (D), then it satisfies (F);

(ii) If v satisfies (F) and is bounded, then it satisfies (D).
Theorem 4.18 is a direct analogue of the one-shot deviation theorem (Theorem 4.7). But its
statement focuses on the value function (payoffs) rather than the policy function (strategies).
Part (ii) of the theorem tells us that in order to solve the dynamic program (D), it is enough
to find a bounded solution to the functional equation (F).
Solving (F) via the Method of Successive Approximations
Let B(X) = {w : X R, w bounded}.
Let C(X) = {w : X R, w bounded and continuous}.
Introduce the supremum norm: k w k = sup | w | .

Define the Bellman operator T: C(X) B(X) by

Tw(x) = max (1 )F(x, y) + w(y).

If w: X R describes the continuation values tomorrow, then Tw(x) is the (optimal) value
of being at x today. Notice that Tw B(X).
Observation 4.19. v is a fixed point of T (v(x) = Tv(x) for all x) if and only if v solves (F).
Theorem 4.20 (The Method of Successive Approximations).
(i) T(C(X)) C(X).
k w w k.
(ii) kTw Twk

(T maps C(X) into itself.)

(T is a contraction.)

(iii) T admits a unique fixed point v, and lim Tk w = v for all w C(X).

Part (iii) of the theorem provides an iterative method of solving the functional equation
(F). Once parts (i) and (ii) are established, part (iii) follows from the Banach (Contraction
Mapping) Fixed Point Theorem.
4.4.2 Dynamic programs vs. repeated games
Repeated games differ from dynamic programs in two basic respects:

There is no state variable (available choices and their consequences do not depend
on past choices).
(ii) There are multiple agents.
The analogue of the value function is a subgame perfect equilibrium payoff vector.
But unlike the value function for (D), the subgame perfect equilibrium payoff vector for
G () is typically not unique.
Nevertheless, Abreu et al. (1990) show that there is an analogous iterative method of
determining the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoff vectors of G ():
Introduce an operator B on {sets of payoff vectors}= {W Rn }
(compare to the Bellman operator T, which acts on {value functions}={w : X R}.)
(ii) Observe that the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs V is a fixed point of B.
(iii) Establish properties of B (self-generation, monotonicity, compactness) which imply
that iteration of B from a well-chosen initial condition W0 leads to V.

4.4.3 Factorization and self-generation

Introduce the finite stage game G = {P , {Ai }iP , {ui }iP };
its infinite repetition G () = {P , {Si }iP , {i }iP , }, (0, 1) fixed.
Write: u(a) = (u1 (a), . . . , un (a)) for all a A = iP Ai ;
(s) = (1 (s), . . . , n (s)) for all s S = iP Si .
Our goal is to characterize the equilibrium value set
V = {(s) : s is a (pure strategy) subgame perfect equilibrium of G ()} Rn .
We assume that a pure strategy subgame perfect equilibrium of G exists, so that the set
V is nonempty. For instance, this is true if the stage game G has a pure equilibrium.


We want to factor elements of V using pairs (a, c), where a A is the initial action profile
and c : A Rn is a continuation value function.
The value of pair (a, c) is the vector v(a, c) = (1 )u(a) + c(a) Rn .
Which pairs which satisfy period 0 incentive constraints?
We say that action a is enforceable by continuation value function c if
vi (a, c) vi ((a0i , ai ), c)

for all a0i Ai and i P

(1 )ui (a) + ci (a) (1 )ui (a0i , ai ) + ci (a0i , ai )

for all a0i Ai and i P .

We say that w Rn is enforceably factored by (a, c) into W Rn if

(i) v(a, c) = w
(ii) a is enforceable by c
(iii) c(A) W

(the pair (a, c) generates value w)

(the period 0 choices a are incentive compatible)
(continuation payoffs are drawn from W)

Define the operator B : 2R 2R by

B(W) = {w Rn : w can be enforceably factored into W}.
(mnemonic: B describes values that can come before continuation values in W).
We say that W is self-generating if W B(W). This means that one can enforceably factor
any payoff vector in W into an action profile today and continuation values in W tomorrow,
so that the problem of obtaining a value in W can be put off until tomorrow. But when
tomorrow comes, we can put off obtaining the value in W until the following day. . . If
we repeat this indefinitely, then in the end we will have constructed a subgame perfect
equilibrium. (W must be bounded for this to work for certain: see Example 4.26 below.)
Theorem 4.21. If W is self-generating and bounded, then W V.
Theorem 4.22 is the recursive characterization of subgame perfect equilibrium payoff
vectors: v is a subgame perfect equilibrium payoff vector if and only if it can be enforceably
factored into an action profile today and subgame perfect continuation values tomorrow.
Theorem 4.22. V = B(V).
Theorem 4.23 provides an algorithm for computing the set of subgame perfect equilibrium
payoff vectors. To state it, we define W0 = {w conv(u(A)) : wi vi for all i P } to be the
set of feasible, weakly individually rational payoff vectors, and define {Wk }
by Wk+1 = B(Wk ). Obviously W1 = B(W0 ) W0 , and in fact, the sequence {Wk }
monotone. Since V is a fixed point of B, it is a plausible candidate to be the limit of the
sequence. Theorem 4.23 confirms that this is the case.

Theorem 4.23.


Wk exists and equals V.

In this theorem, Wk is the set of equilibrium payoff vectors of games of the following
form: k rounds of the stage game G, followed by (history-dependent) continuation values
drawn from W0 (mnemonic: Wk = Bk (W0 ) comes k periods before W0 ). As k grows larger,
the time before the continuation payoffs from W0 appear is put off further and further into
the future.
1. All of these results can be generalized to repeated games with imperfect public
monitoringsee Abreu et al. (1990).
2. Using these results, one can prove that the set V of (normalized) subgame perfect
equilibrium payoffs is monotone in the discount factor (0, 1). In other words,
increasing players patience increases the set of equilibrium outcomes.
Example 4.24. Consider an infinite repetition of the Prisoners Dilemma below. What is
the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs when = 43 ?
C 1, 1
D 2, 1

1, 2
0, 0

Let W0 be the set of feasible, weakly individually rational payoff vectors:






To begin, we compute the set W1 = B(W0 ). For each action profile a, we determine the set
W1a of payoff vectors that can be enforceably factored by some pair (a, c) into W0 (meaning
that c : A W0 ). Then W1 is the union of these sets.

First consider a = (D, D). For this action profile to be enforceable, neither player can prefer
to deviate to C. Player 1 does not prefer to deviate if
(1 )u1 (D, D) + c1 (D, D) (1 )u1 (C, D) + c1 (C, D)
14 0 + 34 c1 (D, D) 14 (1) + 34 c1 (C, D)
c1 (D, D) 13 + c1 (C, D).
Similarly, player 2 prefers not to deviate if
c2 (D, D) 13 + c2 (D, C).
These inequalities show that if c(D, D) = c(C, D) = c(D, C), the pair (a, c) will be enforceable.
(This makes sense: one does not need to promise future rewards to make players choose
a dominant action.) Thus, for any w W0 , we can enforce action profile (D, D) using a
continuation value function c with c(D, D) = w.
The value for the pair ((D, D), c) with c(D, D) = w is
(1 )u(D, D) + c(D, D) =


(0, 0) + 43 w.

In the figure below, the full shaded area is W0 ; the smaller shaded area is W1DD = 14 (0, 0) +
W0 , the set of payoff vectors that can be enforceably factored by some pair ((D, D), c)
into W0 .




Now consider a = (C, C). In this case, the enforceability constraints are
(1 )u1 (C, C) + c1 (C, C) (1 )u1 (D, C) + c1 (D, C)

14 1 + 34 c1 (C, C) 14 2 + 34 c1 (D, C)
c1 (C, C) 13 + c1 (D, C), and, symmetrically,
c2 (C, C) 13 + c2 (C, D).
These calculations show that for c(C, C) W0 to be part of an enforceable factoring of
((C, C), c) into W0 , there must be a point in W0 that is 13 units to the left of c(C, C) (to punish
player 1 if he deviates) as well as a point in W0 that is 31 units below c(C, C) (to punish player
2 if she deviates). Since (0, 0) is both the leftmost and the lowest point in W0 , it follows
that for any w {w W0 : w1 , w2 13 }, we can enforce (C, C) using a c with c(C, C) = w. The
value for the pair ((C, C), c) with c(C, C) = w is
(1 )u(C, C) + c(C, C) =


(1, 1) + 43 w.

In the figure below, the full shaded area is {w W0 : w1 , w2 13 }, the set of allowable values
for c(C, C); the smaller shaded area is the set W1CC = 14 (1, 1) + 43 {w W0 : w1 , w2 13 }.





Next consider a = (C, D). In this case the enforceability constraints are
c1 (C, D)


+ c1 (D, D) and c2 (C, D) 13 + c2 (C, C).

That is, we only need to provide incentives for player 1. Reasoning as above, we find that
for any w {w W0 : w1 31 }, we can enforce (C, D) using a c with c(C, D) = w. The value
for the pair ((C, D), c) with c(C, D) = w is
(1 )u(C, D) + c(C, D) =


(1, 2) + 34 w.

In the figure below at left, the larger shaded area is {w W0 : w1 13 }; the smaller shaded

area is the set W1CD = 14 (1, 1) + 34 {w W0 : w1 31 }. The figure below at right shows the
construction of W1DC , which is entirely symmetric.








Below we draw W1 = W1DD W1CC W1CD W1DC . Evidently, W1 = W0 .


W1 = W0




Repeating the argument above shows that Wk+1 = Wk = . . . = W0 for all k, implying that
V = W0 . In other words, all feasible, weakly individually rational payoffs are achievable
in subgame perfect equilibrium when = 43 .
This example was especially simple. In general, each iteration W0 7 W1 7 . . . 7 Wk 7 . . .
eliminates additional payoff vectors, and V is only obtained in the limit.
Example 4.25. Consider the same Prisoners Dilemma stage game as in the previous example, but suppose that = 12 . The sets W0 , . . . , W5 are shown below.




























Taking the limit, we find that the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs is

[ n
V =
( 21k , 21k ), ( 21k , 0), (0, 21k ) {(0, 0)}.


W* = V





The payoff (1, 1) is obtained in a subgame perfect equilibrium from the grim trigger
strategy profile with equilibrium path (C, C), (C, C), . . . . The payoff (1, 0) is obtained from
the one with equilibrium path (D, C), (C, D), (D, C), (C, D), . . . ; payoff (0, 1) is obtained by
reversing roles. Payoff ( 21k , 21k ) is obtained by playing (D, D) for k periods before beginning
the cooperative phase; similarly for ( 21k , 0) and (0, 21k ). Finally the always defect strategy
profile yields payoff (0, 0).
Proofs of the theorems
Once one understands why Theorems 4.21 and 4.22 are true, the proofs are basically
bookkeeping. The proof of Theorem 4.23, which calls on the previous two theorems,
requires more work, but it can be explained quickly if the technicalities are omitted. This
is what we do below.
Proof of Theorem 4.21: W bounded, W B(W) W V.
Example 4.26. That W is bounded ensures that we cant put off actually receiving our
payoffs forever. To see this, suppose that W = R+ and = 1/2. Then we can decompose
1 W as 1 = 0 + 2. And we can decompose 2 W as 2 = 0 + 4. And we can decompose
4 W as 4 = 0 + 8 . . . And the payoff 1 is never obtained.
The proof: Let w0 W. We want to construct a SPE with payoffs w0 .
Since w0 W B(W), it is enforceably factored by some (a0 , c0 ) into W.

a0 is the period 0 action profile in our SPE.

for each a A, c0 (a) W is the payoff vector to be obtained from period 1 on after
h1 = {a}.
Now consider the period 1 history h1 = {a}.
Let w1 = c0 (a). Then w1 W B(W).
That is, w1 is enforceably factored by some (a1a , c1a ) into W.
a1a is the period 1 action profile occurring after h1 = {a} in our SPE.
W is the payoff vector to be obtained from period 2 on after
for each a A, c1a (a)
h = {a, a}

By the one-shot deviation theorem, the strategy profile so constructed is a SPE.

Since W is bounded, this strategy profile achieves the payoff of w0 . 
Proof of Theorem 4.22: V = B(V).

Proof that V B(V).

Let w V. Then w = (s) for some SPE s.

Let a0 = s(h0 ) be the initial strategy profile under s.

For each a A, let c(a) = (s|a ), where s|a is the strategy profile starting in period 1 if action
profile a is played in period 0. Then:

w = (s) = v(a0 , c).

(In words: the pair (a0 , c) generates the value w.)

(ii) Since s is a SPE, enforceability in period 0 requires that

(1 )ui (a0 ) + i (s|a0 ) (1 )ui (ai , a0i ) + i (s|(ai ,a0 ) ) for all ai Ai , i P .

vi (a , c)

and so a0 is enforceable by c.

vi ((ai , a0i ), c)

for all ai Ai , i P .

(In words: period 0 choices are incentive compatible.)

(iii) Since s is a SPE, so is s|a for every action profile a, and thus c(a) V for all a A.
(In words: continuation values are in V.)
In conclusion, w is enforceably factored by (a0 , c) into V.

Proof that B(V) V.

Let w B(V). Then w is enforceably factored by some (a0 , c) into V.

Define strategy profile s by (i) s(h0 ) = a0 , and (ii) for each a A, s|a = sa , where sa is an SPE
with payoffs c(a). (Such an sa exists because c(a) V.)
Since a0 is enforceable by c and each s|a is an SPE, s is also an SPE.
Therefore, w = (s) V. 
Proof of Theorem 4.23: W0 compact, W0 B(W0 ) V, Wk+1 = B(Wk )


Wk = V.

(Note: Our choice of W0 = {w conv(u(A)) : wi vi for all i P } satisfies the requirements

above, which are all that are needed for the theorem to hold.)
The map B is clearly monotone: W 0 W B(W 0 ) B(W).
One can show that B preserves compactness.
Thus, the Cantor Intersection Theorem implies that W
k=0 Wk is nonempty and
compact. A continuity argument allows one to conclude that B(W ) = W .
We now show that W = V. Since W B(W ), Theorem 4.21 implies that W V.
But since V W0 (by assumption) and since V = B(V) (by Theorem 4.22), monotonicity
implies that
V = B(V) B(W0 ) = W1 , and so that
V = B(V) B(W1 ) = W2 . . .
Continuing, we find that V W . We therefore conclude that V = W . 


4.5 Simple and Optimal Penal Codes

Subgame perfect equilibria can be very complicated strategy profiles, with intricate punishments of deviations, punishments of deviations from punishments, etc.
But Abreu (1988) shows that every subgame perfect equilibrium path be generated by a
simple strategy profile that can be represented by an n + 1 state automaton.
Consider the finite stage game G = {P , {Ai }iP , {ui }iP };
its infinite repetition G () = {P , {Si }iP , {i }iP , }, (0, 1) fixed.
Let S S be the set of pure strategy subgame perfect equilibria of G (). We assume that
S is nonempty.
Vectors of histories:
H = (H )n = h = {h1 , h2 , . . . , hn } : hi H

H0 = H H

vectors of n infinite histories

vectors of 1 + n infinite histories

For each (h0 , h ) H0 , define the simple strategy profile s(h0 , h ) S S as follows:
(i) Play h0 until a unilateral deviation occurs;
(ii) Play hi if player i unilaterally deviated from the most recently specified history.
Example 4.27. Representing simple strategy profiles as automatons.




Here, h0 is the initial path and h1 and h2 are punishment paths. Labels on the arrows
represent unilateral deviators.
A vector s = (s1 , . . . , sn ) Sn of n strategy profiles is called a penal code.
A penal code s = s (h ) is simple if there is a vector of histories h H such that si = s(hi , h )
for all i P . (In words: each strategy profile si from s is generated by initial path hi and
punishment paths from h .)

s 1:




s 2:





A penal code s is optimal if si S and i (si ) = minsS i (s) for all i P . (In words:
Each strategy profile si from s is a subgame perfect equilibrium that generates is worst
subgame perfect equilibrium payoff.)
Theorem 4.28.
(i) There exists a vector of histories h H such that the simple penal code s (h ) is optimal.
(ii) Let s S be a subgame perfect equilibrium of G () with equilibrium path h H .
Then the simple strategy profile s(h , h ) is a subgame perfect equilibrium with the same
equilibrium path as s .
The theorem tells us that

There is a simple penal code that simultaneously defines a worst case subgame
perfect equilibrium for every player.
(ii) Replacing off-path behavior in any subgame perfect equilibrium with the simple
optimal penal code from (i) yields a new subgame perfect equilibrium with the
same path of play.
Proof of the theorem
For any history h = (a0 , a1 , . . .) H , let ht = (at , at+1 , . . .) H denote the continuation
history starting at time t.
Let s S be a subgame perfect equilibrium with play path h = (a0 , a1 , . . .) H .
Fix j P , a j A j , and t 0, and let h be the continuation path that would start in period
t + 1 if player j were to deviate to a j in period t.
One can show that

j = min
j (s) is attained at some swj S .


This is a key lemma, since it ensures that there is a worst SPE punishment for j.
Since s is a SPE and by the definition of j ,

(1 )u j (a j , at ) + .
(1 )u j (at ) + j (h t+1 ) (1 )u j (a j , atj ) + j (h)
} |
equilibrium payoff

deviation payoff

The last inequality follows by replacing the continuation payoff with worst SPE payoff.
(i) Define h = (h1 , . . . , hn ) by letting hi be the play path of swi , and write hi = (a0i , a1i , . . .)
H . (Recall that hi is the path from a worst SPE for player i.)
We want to show that the simple penal code s = s (h ) is optimal.

By (11), si gives i his worst payoff. So it is enough to show that each si = s(hi , h ) is a SPE.
Were this not the case, a profitable one-shot deviation would exist from some hi at some
time t for some player j:
) < (1 )u j (a j , (ati )j ) + j .
(1 )u j (ati ) + j (ht+1
But this contradicts (12), since hi = (a0i , a1i , . . .) is the play path of a SPE.
Let s S be a SPE with play path h , and consider the strategy profile s(h , h ).
Since s is a SPE, (12) holds along the path h , so no one-shot deviations from s(h , h ) on
the equilibrium path h are profitable. (Remember that s differs from s(h , h ) in that the

original punishments have been replaced with optimal punishments.)

Moreover, part (i) implies that no deviations are profitable on any deviation path h1 , . . . , hn .
Thus, the one-shot deviation theorem implies that s(h , h ) is a SPE. 

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