Cbse 12 Business Studies 2011 Answer Paper Delhi Set1 PDF
Cbse 12 Business Studies 2011 Answer Paper Delhi Set1 PDF
Cbse 12 Business Studies 2011 Answer Paper Delhi Set1 PDF
Exam Year
S tudy. Assig nments. Free Forever. CBSE Question and A nswers.
General instructions:
I) Answers to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.
II) Answers to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words.
III) Answers to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words.
IV) Answers to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.
V) Attempt all parts of a question together.
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drawn on the basis of new requirements and future conditions. Hence, planning is a
continuous process.
Q 17: "If we delegate the authority, we multiply it by two, if we decentralize it, we multiply
it by many." In the light of this statement explain any four points of importance of
Delegation refers to the downward transfer of authority from a superior to a subordinate.
However decentralization refers to delegation of authority throughout all the levels of the
organization. Decision making authority is shared with lower levels and is consequently placed
nearest to the points of action. Importance of decentralization is wider than delegation of
authority which is mere transfer of authority from a superior to a subordinate.
Decentralization is a fundamental step and its importance are as follows:
i) It develops initiative among subordinates: Decentralisation helps to promote self-reliance
and confidence amongst the subordinates. A decentralisation policy helps to identify those
executives who have the necessary potential to become dynamic leaders.
ii) Develops managerial talent for the future: Decentralisation gives employees a chance to
prove their abilities and creates a reservoir of qualified manpower who can be considered to
fill up more challenging positions through promotions.
iii) Quick decision making: In a decentralised organisation, as decisions are taken at levels
which are nearest to the points of action, there is no requirement for approval from many
levels, the process is much faster.
iv) Relief to top management: Decentralisation diminishes the amount of direct supervision
exercised by a superior over the activities of a subordinate because they are given the
freedom to act and decide within the limits set by the superior.
Q 18: What is meant by 'Budgetary Control' as a technique of controlling? State any three
advantages of it.
Budgetary control is defined as a technique of managerial control in which budgets relating
to the responsibilities of executives are established and continuous comparison of actual with
standards is made. This comparison reveals the necessary actions to be taken so that
organisational objectives are accomplished.
Advantages of budgetary control includes:
1) Budgeting focuses on specific and time-bound targets and thus, helps in attainment of
organisational objectives.
2) Budgeting is a source of motivation to the employees who know the standards against
which their performance will be appraised and thus, enables them to perform better.
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Taylor used stopwatches and various symbols and colours to identify different motions.
Through motion studies, Taylor was able to design suitable equipment and tools to educate
workers on their use. It helps in saving in time and cost apart from reducing fatigue.
Q 23: "Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources of recruitment."
Explain any five reasons in support of this statement.
Internal sources of recruitment are the means of getting or recruiting the workers from the
existing staff of the organization. In many cases, recruitment from within the organization or
through internal transfers is always better than external sources. The reasons are as follows:
i) Employees are motivated to improve their performance: A promotion at a higher level may
lead to a chain of promotion at lower levels in the organisation. This motivates the employees
to improve their performance through learning and practice. Employees work with
commitment and loyalty and remain satisfied with their jobs. Also peace prevails in the
enterprise because of promotional avenues.
ii) Internal recruitment simplifies the process of selection and placement: The candidates that
are already working in the enterprise can be evaluated more accurately and economically.
This is a more reliable way of recruitment since the candidates are already known to the
iii) Transfer is a tool of training the employees to prepare them for higher jobs. Also people
recruited from within the organisation do not need induction training
iv) Transfer has the benefit of shifting workforce from the surplus departments to those
where there is shortage of staff.
v) Filling of jobs internally is cheaper as compared to getting candidates from external
Q 24: 'Determining the relative proportion of various types of funds depends upon various
factors.' Explain any five such factors.
Capital structure refers to the proportion of a companys capital, financed through owners and
borrowed funds. Determining the relative proportion of various types of funds depends upon
various factors, and they are:
1) Cost of debt: A firms ability to borrow at a lower rate increases its capacity to employ
higher debt. Thus, more debt can be used if debt can be raised at a lower rate
2) Tax Rate: Since interest is a deductible expense, cost of debt is affected by the tax rate.
A higher tax rate, makes debt relatively cheaper and increases its attraction vis--vis equity.
3) Cost of Equity: Stock owners expect a rate of return from the equity which comes with the
risk they are assuming. When a company increases debt, the financial risk faced by the equity
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holders, increases. Consequently, their desired rate of return may increase. It is for this
reason that a company cannot use debt beyond a point.
4) Floatation Costs: Process of raising resources also involves some cost. Public issue of
shares and debentures requires considerable expenditure. Getting a loan from a financial
institution may not cost so much. These considerations may also affect the choice between
debt and equity and hence the capital structure.
5). Control: Debt normally does not cause a dilution of control. A public issue of equity may
reduce the managements holding in the company and make it vulnerable to takeover. This
factor also influences the choice between debt and equity especially in companies in which
the current holding of management is on a lower side
Q 25: What is meant by 'Brand Name? State any four characteristics of a good 'Brand Name'.
Brand Name is a part of a brand consisting of words, letters and group of words or letters
comprising a name which is intended to identify the goods or services of a seller or a group
of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Example, Promise tooth paste,
Safola, Maggie, Lifebuoy, Dunlop, and Rexona are the brand names.
Characteristics of Good Brand Name:
Following are the characteristics of a good brand name.
i) The brand name should be short, easy to pronounce, spell, recognise and remember e.g.,
lux, VIP, Rin, Vim, etc.
ii) A brand should suggest the products benefits and qualities. It should be appropriate to the
products function. e.g. Trustme, Promise, Fair and lovely and Boost.
iii) A brand name should be distinctive e.g., Liril, Sprit, Zodiac.
iv) The brand name should be adaptable to packing or labelling requirements, to different
advertising media and to different languages.
v) The brand name should be sufficiently versatile to accommodate new products, which are
added to the product line e.g., Maggie, Colgate.
Vi) It should be capable of being registered and protected legally.
(6 Mark Questions Q26 to Q30)
Q 26: What is meant by 'Functional Structure' of an organisation? State any five advantages
of this form of organizational structure.
Functional structure comprises of grouping of jobs of similar nature under functional and
organizing these major functions as separate. In this, the whole activities of the enterprise
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are divided into different functions like marketing, finance, personnel etc. Functional
specialists are appointed at different functional levels. They can give orders and directions to
all subordinates in connection with their function. All departments report to a coordinating
Advantages of a functional structure of organisation are:
1) Specialization: A functional structure leads to occupational specialisation since emphasis is
placed on specific functions. This promotes efficiency in utilisation of manpower as employees
perform similar tasks within a department and are able to improve performance.
2) Better control and coordination: It promotes control and coordination within a department
because of similarity in the tasks being performed.
3) Maintenance of higher efficiency: It helps in increasing managerial and operational
efficiency and this results in increased profit.
4) Economies of scale: It leads to minimal duplication of effort which results in economies of
scale and this lowers cost.
5) No overload of work: The entire work is divided into various functions and is assigned to
different functional experts. So managers are not overloaded with work.
What is meant by 'Formal Organisation'? State any five advantages of this form of
Formal organisation refers to the organisation structure which is designed by the management
to accomplish a particular task. It specifies clearly the boundaries of authority and
responsibility and there is a systematic coordination among the various activities to achieve
organisational goals. The structure in a formal organisation can be functional or divisional. It
is usually developed for a continuous purpose involving activities of repetitive nature and long
term operations.
Advantages of a Formal organisation are the following.
1) It is easier to fix responsibility since mutual relationships are clearly defined.
2) There is no ambiguity in the role that each member has to play as duties are specified.
This also helps in avoiding duplication of effort.
3) Unity of command is maintained through an established chain of command.
4) It leads to effective accomplishment of goals by providing a framework for the operations
to be performed and ensuring that each employee knows the role he has to play.
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(iii) Supervisor plays a key role in maintaining group unity among workers placed under his
control. He sorts out internal differences and maintains harmony among workers.
(iv) Supervisor ensures performance of work according to the targets set. He takes
responsibility for task achievement and motivates his workers effectively.
(v) Supervisor provides good onthe-job training to the workers and employees. A skilled and
knowledgeable supervisor can build efficient team of workers.
(vi) Supervisory leadership plays a key role in influencing the workers in the organisation. A
supervisor with good leadership qualities can build up high morale among workers.
(vii) A good supervisor analyses the work performed and gives feedback to the workers. He
suggests ways and means of developing work skills.
Q 28: "Sound Financial Planning is essential for the success of any business enterprise."
Explain this statement by giving any six reasons.
A sound financial planning is an important part for the success of any business enterprise. It
aims at enabling the company to tackle the uncertainty in respect of the availability and timing
of the funds and helps in smooth functioning of an organisation.
The importance of financial planning are:
(i) It helps in forecasting what may happen in future under different business situations. By
doing so, it helps the firms to face the eventual situation in a better way. By preparing a
blueprint of these three situations the management may decide what must be done different
(ii) It helps in avoiding business shocks and surprises and helps the company in preparing for
the future.
(iii) If helps in co-ordinating various business functions, e.g., sales and production functions,
by providing clear policies and procedures.
(iv) Detailed plans of action prepared under financial planning reduce waste, duplication of
efforts, and gaps in planning.
(v) It tries to link the present with the future.
(vi) It provides a link between investment and financing decisions on a continuous basis.
You are the Financial Manager of a newly established company. The Directors have asked
you to determine the amount of working capital requirement for the company. Explain any
four factors that you will consider while determining the working capital requirement for the
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Determination of amount of fixed capital is to be done very cautiously as it involves large
amount of fund, impact is for long term, existence of high risk, and decision is irreversible.
Factors to be considered are:
1) Nature of Business: The type of business has a bearing upon the fixed capital requirements.
For example, a trading concern needs lower investment in fixed assets compared with a
manufacturing organisation; since it does not require to purchase plant and machinery, etc
2) Scale of Operations: A larger organisation operating at a higher scale needs bigger plant,
more space etc. and therefore, requires higher investment in fixed assets when compared
with the small organisation.
3) Choice of Technique: Some organisations are capital intensive whereas others are labour
intensive. A capital-intensive organisation requires higher investment in plant and machinery
as it relies less on manual labour. The requirement of fixed capital for such organisations
would be higher. Labour intensive organisations on the other hand require less investment in
fixed assets. Hence, their fixed capital requirement is lower.
4) Growth Prospects: Higher growth of an organisation generally requires higher investment
in fixed assets. Even when such growth is expected, a company may choose to create higher
capacity in order to meet the anticipated higher demand quicker. This entails larger
investment in fixed assets and consequently larger fixed capital.
Q 29: Name the element of Marketing-mix in which a set of firms and individuals creates
possession, place and time utility and helps in market offering. Also explain any five important
functions performed by this element.
The element of marketing mix that creates possession, place and time utility is Place or
Physical Distribution mix. It include activities that make firms products available to the target
customers. Important decision areas in this respect include selection of dealers or
intermediaries to reach the customers, providing support to the intermediaries.
Important functions performed by physical distribution mix are:
1. Sorting: Middlemen procure supplies of goods from a variety of sources, which is often not
of the same quality, nature, and size. So he sort the product into homogenous groups on the
basis of the size or quality.
2. Accumulation: This function involves accumulation of goods into larger homogeneous
stocks, which help in maintaining continuous flow of supply.
3. Allocation: Allocation involves breaking homogenous stock into smaller, marketable lots.
4. Assorting: Middlemen build assortment of products for resale. There is usually a difference
between the product lines made by manufacturers and the assortment or combinations
desired by the users.. Middlemen procure variety of goods from different sources and deliver
them in combinations desired by customers.
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5. Product Promotion: Mostly advertising and other sales promotion activities are organised
by manufacturers. Middlemen also participate in certain activities such as demonstrations,
special displays, contests, etc., to increase the sale of products
Identify and explain the promotional tool of Marketing-mix which plays a persuasive, service
and informative role and thereby link a business firm to its customers. Also explain by giving
any four reasons how this tool helps in increasing the sales of businessmen.
The promotional tool of marketing mix which plays a persuasive, service and informative role
and links a business firm to its customers is personal selling. Personal selling involves oral
presentation of message in the form of conversation with one or more prospective customers
for the purpose of making sales.
Personal selling is a powerful tool which helps to increase the sales of businessmen. The
importance of personal selling to a business organisation may be described as follows:
(i) Effective Promotional Tool: Personal selling is very effective promotional tool, which helps
in influencing the prospects about the merits of a product and thereby increasing its sale.
(ii) Flexible Tool: Personal selling is more flexible than other tools of promotion such as
advertising and sales promotion.
(iii) Minimizes Wastage of Efforts: Compared with other tools of promotion, the possibility of
wastage of efforts in personal selling is minimum. This helps the business persons in bringing
economy in their efforts.
(iv) Consumer Attention: There is an opportunity to detect the loss of consumer attention and
interest in a personal selling situation. This helps a business person in successfully completing
the sale.
Q 30: Reena purchased one litre of pure Deshi Ghee from a shopkeeper. After using it she
had a doubt that it is adulterated. She sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed that the
Ghee is adulterated. State any six reliefs available to Reena, if she complaints and the
consumer court is satisfied about the genuineness of the complaint.
If Reena complains about the adulteration and could satisfy the consumer court its
genuineness, the following reliefs are available.
(i) To replace the defective Deshi Ghee with a new one, free from any defect.
(ii) To refund the price paid for the product, or the charges paid for the service.
(iii) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation to Reena for any loss or injury/sickness
suffered by the due to the consumption of adulterated ghee.
(iv) To discontinue the unfair/ restrictive trade practice and not to repeat it in the future.
(v)To pay adequate cost to Reena.
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