Elder Edda Selections
Elder Edda Selections
Elder Edda Selections
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lava-dweller giant;
here Egil?
Eldir said:
Loki said:
Eldir said:
Loki said:
Then Loki walked into the hall. And when those inside saw
who had come in, everyone fell silent. Loki said:
Bragi said:
8. 'To find you a seat and a place at the feast
is something the JEsir won't wish;
for the JEsir know the kind of person for whom
they ought to pour at fine feasts.'
Loki said:
Odin said:
wolf's fa th er Loki
Then Vidar stood up and poured a drink for Loki. But before
he drank, he toasted the JEsir:
I I.
Bragi said:
Loki said:
13. 'As for horses and arm-rings,
Bragi, you'll always lack both:
of the JEsir and elves who are gathered herein,
you are the wariest of war,
ever the most shy of shooting.'
Bragi said:
14. 'I know, if only I were outside,
instead of inside JEgir's hall,
I'd have your head held in my hand:
I'll take that payback for your lie.'
Loki said:
15. 'You're a soldier in your seat, but you can't deliver,
Idunn said:
16. 'Bragi, I beg you: do a favour to our family
Loki said:
17. 'Shut your mouth, Idunn, I declare that you are
Idunn said:
18. 'I'm not speaking to Loki with reproach
Gefjon said:
Loki said:
Odin said:
Loki said:
Odin said:
Loki said:
24. 'It's said you played the witch on Samsey,
Prigg said:
Loki said:
26. 'Shut your mouth, Frigg, you're Fjorgyn's daughter,
Prigg said:
2 7.
Loki said:
28. 'Frigg, do you still want me to say more
Freyja said:
29. 'You're quite mad, Loki, when you make mention
Loki said:
30. 'Shut your mouth, Freyja, I know you full well;
you're scarcely free from flaws.
As for each of the .!Esir and elves here inside:
at one time you've been their bitch.'
Freyja said:
3 r. 'Your tongue is treacherous: I think one day
it'll gabble you into grief;
the gods and goddesses are all angry with you,
you'll go home unhappy.'
Loki said:
3 2. 'Shut your mouth, Freyja, you're a witch,
brother Frey
Njord said:
3 3. 'It matters little, if a wife takes a lover
instead of or as well as her man;
but strange that a cock-craving god can come here
when he has borne babies himself.'
Loki said:
34. 'Shut your mouth, Njord, East from here
you were sent as a hostage to the gods;
Hymir's daughters took you for a toilet
which is why they pissed in your mouth.'
Njord said:
3 5. 'That is my comfort, when far from here
I was sent as a hostage to the gods:
that I sired a son, whom no one hates
and is deemed the JEsir's defence.'
son Frey
Loki said:
3 6. 'Stop now, Njord, hold yourself back a bit;
I won't keep it quiet any more:
on your own sister you sired that son,
though that's no worse than we expected.'
Tyr said:
3 7. 'Frey is the best of all bold riders
within the JEsir's courts:
he makes no girl cry, nor any man's wife,
and frees each one from chains.'
Loki said:
38. 'Shut your mouth, Tyr, you never know how
to be even-handed among folk:
I must just mention that right hand of yours
that Fenrir ripped away.'
Tyr said:
39. 'I miss my hand, you miss Famed Wolf:
both suffer bitter loss;
nor is the wolf well, but must in chains
await the powers' fate.'
Loki said:
40. 'Shut your mouth, Tyr, your wife just happened
to have a son by me;
no cloth nor cash did you ever have
in recompense, you wretch.'
Frey said:
Byggvir said:
43. 'Itell you, ifI had the fine lineage of Yngvi-Frey,
and such an splendid estate,
smaller than marrow I'd pound this spite-crow,
and break every bone that he has.'
Loki said:
44. 'What's that little thing I see, wagging like a dog,
snapping and yapping away?
You're always whispering in Frey's ear,
twittering under the grindstone.'
Byggvir said:
45. 'My name is Byggvir, and I'm called brisk
by every god and man;
I'm honoured to be here, where all Hropt's kin
Hropt Odin
are drinking ale together.'
Loki said:
46. 'Shut your mouth, Byggvir, you never know how
to hand out meals among men;
you can't be found in the platform-straw
when warriors set to war.'
Heimdall said:
47. 'You're drunk, Loki, and out of your mind,
why won't you leave off, Loki?
Too much to drink makes every man
not mind how much he speaks.'
Loki said:
48. 'Shut your mouth, Heimdall, iffancient days
for you was a grim life laid down;
with muddy back you must ever be
and watch as the guard of the gods.'
Skadi said:
49. 'You're light-minded, Loki, but not for long
will you go with your tail playing free;
since on a sword-point, with the guts of your son,
ice-cold, the gods shall bind you.'
Loki said:
50. 'I tell you, if on a sword-point with the guts of my son,
ice-cold, the gods shall bind me:
first and most final I was at the killing
when we thrust hands on Thjazi.'
Thjazi Skadi's father
Skadi said:
5 I. 'I tell you, if first and most final you were at the killing
when you laid hands on Thjazi:
from my shrines and plains shall always come
cold counsels as far as you go.'
Loki said:
5 2. Your words were lighter to Laufey's son,
Laufey's son Loki
when you gave me a bidding to your bed;
one must mention such things, if we're keeping clear count
of each thing of which we're ashamed.'
Hl6rridi Thor
Bey/a said:
Bey/a 'Cow-girl'
Loki said:
56. 'Shut your mouth, Beyla, you're Byggvir's wife,
Loki said:
58. 'Look! The Son of Earth has now entered in: Son of Earth Thor
why, Thor, do you thrash about so?
You won't be so brave when you must battle the wolf,
and he swallows Victory-father whole.'
Victory-father Odin
Thor said:
59. 'Shut your mouth, you cock-craving creature:
Loki said:
60. 'As for your trips East: those you never
Thor said:
6I. 'Shut your mouth, you cock-craving creature:
Loki said:
62. 'I intend to keep living for a long time yet,
Thor said:
63. 'Shut your mouth, you cock-craving creature:
Loki said:
64. 'I spoke before the JEsir,
I spoke before the JEsir's sons,
what my heart spurred me to say;
but before you alone will I walk out,
since I know you do throw blows.
6 5. 'Ale you made, JEgir, but never again
be Loki
Freyja spoke:
Thrym spoke:
[Loki spoke:]
'It's bad for the JEsir, [it's bad for the elves;]
have you hidden Hl6rridi's hammer?'
Hl6rridi Thor
[Thrym spoke:]
he Thor
[Loki spoke:]
I I.
he Thor
2 7.