Abet Self-Study Questionnaire: Template For A Self-Study Report
Abet Self-Study Questionnaire: Template For A Self-Study Report
Abet Self-Study Questionnaire: Template For A Self-Study Report
2013-2014 Review Cycle
E003 12/5/2012
Table of Contents
Requirements and Preparation.............................................................................................3
Preparing a Self-Study Report for a Joint Commission Review.............................4
Supplemental Materials.......................................................................................................4
Submission and Distribution of Self-Study Report.............................................................4
BACKGROUND INFORMATION.........................................................................7
CRITERION 1. STUDENTS..................................................................................9
CRITERION 3. STUDENT OUTCOMES...........................................................11
CRITERION 4. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT............................................12
CRITERION 5. CURRICULUM.........................................................................13
CRITERION 6. FACULTY...................................................................................15
CRITERION 7. FACILITIES...............................................................................18
CRITERION 8. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT...................................................20
PROGRAM CRITERIA........................................................................................21
Appendix A Course Syllabi................................................................................23
Appendix B Faculty Vitae...................................................................................24
Appendix C Equipment......................................................................................25
Appendix D Institutional Summary....................................................................26
Signature Attesting to Compliance....................................................................................29
The Self-Study Report is expected to be a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the
strengths and limitations of the program being submitted for review.
The Self-Study Report will provide information critical to a thorough on-site review of
the program. Therefore, the Report will address the extent to which the program meets
applicable ABET Criteria and policies. In so doing, it is necessary that the Report
address all methods of instructional delivery used for the program, all possible paths that
students may take to completion of the degree, and all remote offerings available to
students in the program.
Each Commission of ABET provides a Self-Study Questionnaire to assist the program in
completing the Self-Study Report.
program is being reviewed, the educational unit is the administrative unit responsible for
the collective group of programs being reviewed by that Commission.
Preparing a Self-Study Report for a Joint Commission Review
A joint commission review occurs when a single program is reviewed for accreditation by
more than one Commission of ABET. The program must meet all applicable Criteria and
policies for every commission involved.
The following Criteria are interpreted and applied similarly by all Commissions and the
Self-Study Report for a joint review of a given program does not require separate
responses for each Commission.
Criterion 1: Students
Criterion 2: Program Educational Objectives
Criterion 4: Continuous Improvement
Criterion 7: Facilities
Criterion 8: Institutional Support
The following Criteria differ for each of the four Commissions and the Self-Study Report
for a joint review of a given program will require Commission-specific responses.
Criterion 3: Student Outcomes
Criterion 5: Curriculum
Criterion 6: Faculty
Supplemental Materials
The following materials are to be supplied in addition to the Self-Study Report:
The general institution catalog covering course details and other institutional
information applicable at the time of the review.
Promotional brochures or literature describing program offerings of the
Official academic transcripts of recent graduates. The official academic
transcript contains a listing of all the courses taken by a graduate, year/semester
courses were taken, the grades earned, and degree(s) earned. The team chair will
request a specific sampling of academic transcripts for each program and will
provide a timeframe in which they should be provided to program evaluators.
Each academic transcript is to be accompanied by the program requirements for
the graduate and accompanied by worksheets that the program uses to show how
the graduate has fulfilled program requirements.
NOTE: Please confirm the submission method for the Self-Study Report and
address preference with the team chair prior to submission.
The team chair will provide instructions and addresses for the institution to provide the
Self-Study Report and Supplemental Material directly to each program evaluator and
approved observer. Please do not send the Self-Study Report to the Program Evaluator
until instructed to do so by the Team Chair.
When new or updated material becomes available between the submission of the SelfStudy Report and the date of the on-site review, the program should provide it to the team
members as far in advance as possible or upon the teams arrival for the on-site review.
All such materials should also be sent to ABET Headquarters.
All information supplied is for the confidential use of ABET and its authorized agents. It
will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned, except for
summary data not identifiable to a specific institution or documents in the public domain.
The template for the Self-Study Report begins on the next page.
Self-Study Report
for the
<Program Name>
<University Name>
The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its
authorized agents, and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned,
except for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution.
A. Contact Information
List name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address for the
primary pre-visit contact person for the program.
B. Program History
Include the year implemented and the date of the last general review. Summarize major
program changes with an emphasis on changes occurring since the last general review.
C. Options
List and describe any options, tracks, concentrations, etc. included in the program.
D. Organizational Structure
Using text and/or organizational charts, describe the administrative structure of the program
(from the program to the department, college, and upper administration of your institution, as
E. Program Delivery Modes
Describe the delivery modes used by this program, e.g., days, evenings, weekends,
cooperative education, traditional lecture/laboratory, off-campus, distance education, webbased, etc.
F. Program Locations
Include all locations where the program or a portion of the program is regularly offered (this
would also include dual degrees, international partnerships, etc.).
G. Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s) and the Actions
Taken to Address Them
Summarize the Deficiencies, Weaknesses, and/or Concerns remaining from the most recent
ABET Final Statement. Describe the actions taken to address them, including effective dates
of actions, if applicable. If this is an initial accreditation, it should be so indicated.
H. Joint Accreditation
Indicate whether the program is jointly accredited or is seeking joint accreditation by more
than one commission.
For the sections below, attach any written policies that apply.
A. Student Admissions
Summarize the requirements and process for accepting new students into the program.
B. Evaluating Student Performance
Summarize the process by which student performance is evaluated and student progress is
monitored. Include information on how the program ensures and documents that students are
meeting prerequisites and how it handles the situation when a prerequisite has not been met.
C. Transfer Students and Transfer Courses
Summarize the requirements and process for accepting transfer students and transfer credit.
Include any state-mandated articulation requirements that impact the program.
D. Advising and Career Guidance
Summarize the process for advising and providing career guidance to students. Include
information on how often students are advised, who provides the advising (program faculty,
departmental, college or university advisor).
E. Work in Lieu of Courses
Summarize the requirements and process for awarding credit for work in lieu of courses.
This could include such things as life experience, Advanced Placement, dual enrollment, test
out, military experience, etc.
F. Graduation Requirements
Summarize the graduation requirements for the program and the process for ensuring and
documenting that each graduate completes all graduation requirements for the program.
State the name of the degree awarded (Master of Science in Safety Sciences, Bachelor of
Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Engineering, etc.)
G. Transcripts of Recent Graduates
The program will provide transcripts from some of the most recent graduates to the visiting
team along with any needed explanation of how the transcripts are to be interpreted. These
transcripts will be requested separately by the team chair. State how the program and
any program options are designated on the transcript. (See 2013-2014 APPM, Section
Student Outcomes
It is recommended that this section include (a table may be used to present this information):
1. A listing and description of the assessment processes used to gather the data upon
which the evaluation of each student outcome is based. Examples of data collection
processes may include, but are not limited to, specific exam questions, student
portfolios, internally developed assessment exams, senior project presentations,
nationally-normed exams, oral exams, focus groups, industrial advisory committee
meetings, or other processes that are relevant and appropriate to the program.
2. The frequency with which these assessment processes are carried out
3. The expected level of attainment for each of the student outcomes
4. Summaries of the results of the evaluation process and an analysis illustrating the
extent to which each of the student outcomes is being attained
5. How the results are documented and maintained
B. Continuous Improvement
Describe how the results of evaluation processes for the student outcomes and any other
available information have been systematically used as input in the continuous
improvement of the program. Describe the results of any changes (whether or not
effective) in those cases where re-assessment of the results has been completed. Indicate
any significant future program improvement plans based upon recent evaluations.
Provide a brief rationale for each of these planned changes.
C. Additional Information
Copies of any of the assessment instruments or materials referenced in 4.A and 4.B must
be available for review at the time of the visit. Other information such as minutes from
meetings where the assessment results were evaluated and where recommendations for
action were made could also be included.
A. Program Curriculum
1. Complete Table 5-1 that describes the plan of study for students in this program including
information on course offerings in the required curriculum in the form of a recommended
schedule by year and term along with maximum section enrollments for all courses in the
program over the last two terms the course was offered. If there is more than one
curricular path, Table 5-1 should be provided for each path. State whether you are on
quarters or semesters and complete a separate table for each option in the program.
2. Describe how the curriculum aligns with the program educational objectives.
3. Describe how the curriculum and its associated prerequisite structure support the
attainment of the student outcomes.
4. Attach a flowchart or worksheet that illustrates the prerequisite structure of the programs
required courses.
5. Describe how your program meets the requirements in terms of hours and depth of study
for each subject area (Math & Basic Sciences, Engineering Topics, and General
Education) specifically addressed by either the general criteria or the program criteria.
6. Describe the major design experience that prepares students for engineering practice.
Describe how this experience is based upon the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier
coursework and incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple design
7. If your program allows cooperative education to satisfy curricular requirements
specifically addressed by either the general or program criteria, describe the academic
component of this experience and how it is evaluated by the faculty.
8. Describe the materials (course syllabi, textbooks, sample student work, etc.), that will be
available for review during the visit to demonstrate achievement related to this criterion.
(See the 2013-2014 APPM Section II.G.6.b.(2) regarding display materials.)
B. Course Syllabi
In Appendix A, include a syllabus for each course used to satisfy the mathematics, science,
and discipline-specific requirements required by Criterion 5 or any applicable program
(Department, Number, Title)
List all courses in the program by term starting with the first term of the first year and
ending with the last term of the final year.
Indicate Whether
Course is
Elective or a
Selected Elective
by an R, an E or
an SE.1
Check if
Math &
Significant General
Sciences Design () Education
Last Two Terms
the Course was
for the Last Two
Year and,
Terms the
Semester, or
Course was
32 Hours
48 Hours
37.5 %
1. Required courses are required of all students in the program, elective courses (often referred to as open or free electives) are optional for
students, and selected elective courses are those for which students must take one or more courses from a specified group.
2. For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation, etc.), indicate the maximum enrollment in each element. For selected
elective courses, indicate the maximum enrollment for each option.
Instructional materials and student work verifying compliance with ABET criteria for the categories indicated above will be required during the campus visit.
A. Faculty Qualifications
Describe the qualifications of the faculty and how they are adequate to cover all the
curricular areas of the program. This description should include the composition, size,
credentials, and experience of the faculty. Complete Table 6-1. Include faculty resumes in
Appendix B.
B. Faculty Workload
Complete Table 6-2, Faculty Workload Summary, and describe this information in terms of
workload expectations or requirements.
C. Faculty Size
Discuss the adequacy of the size of the faculty and describe the extent and quality of faculty
involvement in interactions with students, student advising and counseling, university service
activities, professional development, and interactions with industrial and professional
practitioners including employers of students.
D. Professional Development
Describe the professional development activities that are available to faculty members.
E. Authority and Responsibility of Faculty
Describe the role played by the faculty with respect to their guidance of the program, and in
the development and implementation of the processes for the assessment, evaluation, and
continuing improvement of the program, including its program educational objectives and
student outcomes. Describe the roles of others on campus, e.g., dean or provost, with respect
to these areas.
Level of Activity4
Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if
necessary. Updated information is to be provided at the time of the visit.
Professional Development
H, M, or L
Professional Organizations
This Institution
Years of
Govt./Ind. Practice
Faculty Name
Highest Degree
Earned- Field and
Name of Program
1. Code: P = Professor ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor I = Instructor A = Adjunct O = Other
2. Code: T = Tenured TT = Tenure Track
NTT = Non Tenure Track
3. Code: FT = Full-time PT = Part-time
Appointment at the institution.
4. The level of activity (high, medium or low) should reflect an average over the year prior to the visit plus the two previous years.
Faculty Member
PT or FT1
Research or
% of Time Devoted
to the Program5
A. Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories
Summarize each of the programs facilities in terms of their ability to support the attainment
of the student outcomes and to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning.
1. Offices (such as administrative, faculty, clerical, and teaching assistants) and any
associated equipment that is typically available there.
2. Classrooms and associated equipment that is typically available where the program
courses are taught.
3. Laboratory facilities including those containing computers (describe available hardware
and software) and the associated tools and equipment that support instruction. Include
those facilities used by students in the program even if they are not dedicated to the
program and state the times they are available to students. Complete Appendix C
containing a listing of the major pieces of equipment used by the program in support of
B. Computing Resources
Describe any computing resources (workstations, servers, storage, networks including
software) in addition to those described in the laboratories in Part A, which are used by the
students in the program. Include a discussion of the accessibility of university-wide
computing resources available to all students via various locations such as student housing,
library, student union, off-campus, etc. State the hours the various computing facilities are
open to students. Assess the adequacy of these facilities to support the scholarly and
professional activities of the students and faculty in the program.
C. Guidance
Describe how students in the program are provided appropriate guidance regarding the use of
the tools, equipment, computing resources, and laboratories.
D. Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities
Describe the policies and procedures for maintaining and upgrading the tools, equipment,
computing resources, and laboratories used by students and faculty in the program.
E. Library Services
Describe and evaluate the capability of the library (or libraries) to serve the program
including the adequacy of the librarys technical collection relative to the needs of the
program and the faculty, the adequacy of the process by which faculty may request the
library to order books or subscriptions, the librarys systems for locating and obtaining
electronic information, and any other library services relevant to the needs of the program.
Include information concerning facilities at all sites where program courses are delivered.
Describe how the program satisfies any applicable program criteria. If already covered
elsewhere in the self-study report, provide appropriate references.
Appendix C Equipment
Please list the major pieces of equipment used by the program in support of instruction.
Type of Control
Description of the type of managerial control of the institution, e.g., private-non-profit,
private-other, denominational, state, federal, public-other, etc
3. Educational Unit
Describe the educational unit in which the program is located including the administrative
chain of responsibility from the individual responsible for the program to the chief executive
officer of the institution. Include names and titles. An organization chart may be included.
4. Academic Support Units
List the names and titles of the individuals responsible for each of the units that teach courses
required by the program being evaluated, e.g., mathematics, physics, etc.
5. Non-academic Support Units
List the names and titles of the individuals responsible for each of the units that provide nonacademic support to the program being evaluated, e.g., library, computing facilities,
placement, tutoring, etc.
6. Credit Unit
It is assumed that one semester or quarter credit normally represents one class hour or three
laboratory hours per week. One academic year normally represents at least 28 weeks of
classes, exclusive of final examinations. If other standards are used for this program, the
differences should be indicated.
7. Tables
Complete the following tables for the program undergoing evaluation.
Academic Year
Enrollment Year
Degrees Awarded
Give official fall term enrollment figures (head count) for the current and preceding four academic years and undergraduate
and graduate degrees conferred during each of those years. The "current" year means the academic year preceding the fall
FT--full time
PT--part time
Faculty (tenure-track)3
Other Faculty (excluding student
Student Teaching Assistants4
Office/Clerical Employees
Report data for the program being evaluated.
Data on this table should be for the fall term immediately preceding the visit.
Updated tables for the fall term when the ABET team is visiting are to be prepared
and presented to the team when they arrive.
For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what your institution defines as a full-time
For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or
service). For undergraduate and graduate students, 1 FTE equals 15 semester
credit-hours (or 24 quarter credit-hours) per term of institutional course work,
meaning all courses science, humanities and social sciences, etc.