Mechanism and Machine Theory: Roland Mathis, Yves Remond
Mechanism and Machine Theory: Roland Mathis, Yves Remond
Mechanism and Machine Theory: Roland Mathis, Yves Remond
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 11 November 2007
Received in revised form 27 February 2008
Accepted 9 March 2008
Available online 22 April 2008
a b s t r a c t
We propose hereafter a unied model of epicyclic gear trains, based on a primitive parametric kernel, which contains all usual gear train formulations of any compound gear train.
We show that the nested and the Ravigneaux gear train derive from a unied model, which
permits to obtain the formulation of ratio and efciency. Therefore the conception of a gear
train if the kinematics or dynamics are xed can be solved with an analytical resolution.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Epicyclic gear train
Nested gear train
Inverse problem
0. Introduction
In recent decades, gears and gear trains have had important improvements due to Merrit [1], Terplan [2], Mller [3], Boudet and Siestrunk [4], Henriot [5], Dudley [6], Litvin and Fuentes [7], Looman [8] and Winter and Hhn [9], Mathis [1014],
both in the geometric and strength calculation areas and in manufacturing, lubrication and noise reduction. All these
improvements have been consolidated by the experts Henriot and Winter at the International Standards level.
The development of automatic transmissions, whose functioning remains based on a gear train, can be explained partly
by the following improvements: Tsai [15], Foucher [16], Arqus [17]. Important other contributions in this eld can be
founded in [1833].
The inverse problems are the ones with which engineers are mostly confronted: it is a question of dening a system of
epicyclic trains which is as yet unknown, and should satisfy a global functioning (efciency) or an inputoutput law (kinematic ratio), imposed by external constraints [3439].
In a recent publication, Mathis and Rmond [24] have proposed a new approach to solve this problem for the gear train
with rigid connection (nested gear train). The purpose of this work is therefore to give a parametric analytical form of the
kinematics and dynamics of any compound gear train (nested or [40]) thus allowing further the resolution of any kind of
inverse problem.
By using the same methodology as in the last publication (introduction of a new kinematical equation, use of Boolean
parameters and classication of the connection into a special law), it was possible to nd unied formulations, which are
enclosed, into a primitive parametric kernel, which is a homographic function of all the gear parameters.
number of teeth of the sun front the rear
a1, a2
efciency coefcient (Appendix IV)
Ai, Bi
external torque acting on the node j
CE, CS, CR input, output, reaction torque
number of teeth of front and rear gear
d1, d2
Boolean parameters of the input node
E, Ei
index of the input node
F(x, y)
function dened in (24)
package dened in Fig. 4
heaviside function
parameter of the gear train
M1, M2 number of planets between node N1 (or N2) and the long pinion
N1, N2, N3, N4 index of the liaison between the two sets
NS1, NS2 number of satellites between the sun and the ring gear (front of rear set, see Fig. 1)
number of teeth of the long pinion
p1, p2
kinematic ratio
index of the output node
Boolean parameter of the output node
S, Si
Boolean parameter of the reaction node
T, Ti
see Appendix IV
t1, t2
efciency coefcient, see (24)
U j ; U 0j
number of satellites in contact with three gears V1, V2 2 {0,1}, see (22)
V1, V2
kinematic parameters, see (8)
Xi, Yi
efciency parameters, see Appendix IV
Z1, Z2
Y(jK 1j), see (24)
power transfer coefcient, see (20) and (21)
b1, b2
rotation speed of the node j
/(x, y)
function dened in (3)
xe, xs, x0 rotation speed of the input, output and reaction
see (13)
basic efciency of each set, see Appendix IV
q1, q2
gear train efciency
gear mesh efciency
primitive kernel, see (10)
efciency parameter, see (17)
long pinion efciency coefcient, see (15) and (22)
cj ; c0j
When dening an input e and an output s, a ratio R = xe/xs can be obtained if we impose the speed of the third node, called
In a recent publication, Mathis and Rmond [24] have developed a new approach of epicyclic gear train by replacing Eq.
(1) by the new kinematical formulation:
/k; jxj /k; kxk /k; ixi 0
in which xj, xi, xk are, respectively, the rotation speed of the parts j, i, k 2 (1, 2, 3) and /(k, x) a function only dened at
x = 1, 2, 3 and given by
/k; 1 1; /k; 2 k 1; /k; 3 k:
If j, m, n are, respectively, the index of any part of the elementary gear train set, we obtain from relations (2) and (3):
xm xn =xj xn /k; j=/k; m
with (m, n, j) 2 1, 2, 3 and m n j.
If Ci is an external torque acting on the node i (positive if acting on the gear train), we deduce from (2) and (4), the unied
torque and kinematical ratio formulation:
C i =/k; i constant
where s and e are the index of the output and the input node.
2. The compound gear train
The association of two elementary gear trains whose number of teeth of the sun and ring gear are, respectively, a1, a2, d1,
d2, can only be done by
connecting together the sun, carrier, or ring gear of one set to a similar part of the second set. Thus we obtain the nested
gear train.
connecting together two satellites in order to obtain, between the two sets, a pinion (p1, p2). This is supposing that the
carriers of the two sets are also connected (common axis). So we obtain the gear train called Ravigneaux [40].
a2 15 N 2 N 4 :
Fig. 3. Ravigneaux gear train, type (I) (with NS1 = 2, NS2 = 1).
Fig. 4. Ravigneaux gear train, type (II) (with NS1 = 1, NS2 = 1).
M2 Sat
M1 Sat
connection (N1, N2) in which the rotation speeds of N1 and N2 are different. N1 or N2 can be dened by different ways, but the
denitive result of all formulations must be the same (see further).
Let us introduce the two Ravigneaux gear train connections (N1, N2), (2, 5) to be classied with N1 < N2, N3 < N4 and N1 < N3.
There are also only two numerical possibilities: (1, 4), (2, 5) or (1, 6), (2, 5) (see Appendix I). The index of the node, placed in
opposition with N1 and N2 in the same set, will be called symbolically free node and affected with index a1 (rst set) and a2
(second set) with a1 = 6 N1 N3, and a2 = 15 N2 N4 like in Eq. (6).
2.2.4. Transverse equation (Fig. 5)
Let us call M1 and M2 the number of satellites placed, respectively, between N1 and p1 and N2 and p2, and x2 (=x5) the
rotation speed of the carrier. If X1 and X2 are, respectively, the rotation speeds of p1 and p2 relative to the carrier, we obtain
X1 = (1)1+M1 (xN1 x2)WN1/p1, and X2 = (1)1+M2 (xN2 x2) WN2/p2, where WN1 and WN2 are the number of teeth of the
nodes N1 and N2 (Wj is positive if j is a sun gear, negative for a ring gear). The Ravigneaux gear train is obtained by connecting
together p1 and p2, and so we have X1 = X2 equivalent to
xN1 K 1x2 KxN2 0
Relation (7) is therefore a transverse relation between set 1 and set 2, along connection (N1, N2).
2.3. Compound gear train system
By applying the new kinematical formulation (2) to the gear sets 1 and 2 and along the connection (N1, N2), and adding the
input, output and reaction equations, we obtain the system:
xN1 K 1xN3 KxN2 0 : transverse equation along N 1 N 2 ;
connection N 3 N 4 ;
xN3 xN4 :
kinematical set 1;
kinematical set 2;
X 2 xN2 Y 2 xN4 xa2 0 :
EN1 xN1 EN2 xN2 EN3 xN3 EN4 xN4 Ea1 xa1 Ea2 xa2 xe input speed;
T N1 xN1 T N2 xN2 T N3 xN3 T N4 xN4 T a1 xa1 T a2 xa2 xo reaction speed;
SN1 xN1 SN2 xN2 SN3 xN3 SN4 xN4 Sa1 xa1 Sa2 xa2 xs output speed
X 1 /k1 ; N 1 =/k1 ; a1 ;
X 2 /k2 ; N 2 3=/k2 ; a2 3;
k1 d1 =a1 1NS1 ;
Y 1 /k1 ; N 3 =/k1 ; a1 ;
Y 2 /k2 ; N 4 3=/k2 ; a2 3;
k2 d2 =a2 1NS2 :
It is then possible to calculate the ratio R = xe/xs, function of all the parameters of the concept
If K = 1 (xN1 = xN2 in the transverse equation) the system (8) is generating the nested gear train. If K 1 and N3 = 2, N4 = 5, it
is generating this of the Ravigneaux gear train (type (I) or (II)). Because of the relation between the Boolean factors (9), the
index N3 and N4 are not present into the formulation of the ratio.
Elementary gear train: If no torque is acting on a2 and N2, the formulation (10) is generating the ratio R = / (k1, s)//(k1, e)
of a elementary gear train.
Additional relation:
From formulation 10; we verify :
1=R WX 1 ; X 2 ; K; S; T; EE and S are permutated and R 1 WX 1 ; X 2 ; K; E; S; T:
Note: An other linear system, similar to (8), can be obtained by using the Willis equation and by writing the connection
equation in the form l1x1 + l2x2 + + l6x6 = 0 with li 2 { 1, 0, 1}. Unfortunately, this system cannot be solved without
restriction on the connection. The new kinematical formulation (2) and the classication of the connection as seen in
Appendix I are the only way to get a very easy and unied analytical formulation (10).
2.4. Rotation speed
In addition to the ratio value, it is possible, by solving the system (8), to obtain the individual rotation speed xj of all the
nodes. For each node (j) the speed formulation can be represented by the unied symbolic expression with
j 2 (N1, N2, N3, N4, a1, a2):
xj xe =WX 1 ; X 2 ; K; E; T; S
equivalent to the unied formulation xj = xe/W (X1, X2, K, Ei, Tk, djl), djl: Kronecker symbol, i, k, l 2 (N1, N2, a1, a2).
It can be useful, for the future calculation, to determine the speed, relative to N3, of all the nodes, using formulation (12),
we obtain so
xN1 xN3 Kxe =D xN2 xN3 xe =D
xa1 xN3 KX 1 xe =D xa2 xN3 X 2 xe =D
with D = K(TN1 EN1) + (TN2 EN2) + KX1(Ea1 Ta1) + X2(Ea2 Ta2). D: numerator of R.
2.5. Inverse equation (kinematic)
By inverting the ratio formulation and setting /j = Tj(1 R) Ej + RSj we obtain a relation between the ratio R (which is an
input data of the problem) and all other unknown parameters of the concept.
If the unknown parameters are N1, N2, a1, a2, E, T, S, k1, k2, the inverse equation is
K/N1 /N2 KX 1 /a1 X 2 /a2 equivalent to WX 1 ; X 2 ; K; 0; /; S 0:
More information is given in [24].
2.6. Internal equilibrium
If Cj is, respectively, the external torque (input, reaction or output (CE, CR, CS)) acting on the node (j) of any compound gear
train, we have the well known torque and power equations:
C N1 C N2 C N3 C N4 C a1 C a2 I dx=dt 0
zero losses;
xN3 xN4 :
If we eliminate the torque: CN3 and CN4 acting on N3 or N4, we obtain
KC N1 C N2 KX 1 C a1 X 2 C a2 0 equivalent to
WX 1 ; X 2 ; K; 0; C; S 0:
For the gear train type (I), this relation is nothing else than the torque equilibrium of the pinion (p1, p2), under the various
torques acting on p1 and p2, and coming from N1, N2, a1, a2. For the gear train type (II), it is the torque equilibrium of the
satellite having three gear mesh contacts.
2.7. Efciency
2.7.1. Gear train, type (I), (Fig. 5)
If CE, CS, CR are, respectively, the input, output and reaction torque acting on the gear train, the efciency qT = jCs/RCEj can
be deduced from the following system:
C N1 T N1 C R EN1 C E SN1 C S ;
C N2 T N2 C R EN2 C E SN2 C S ;
C a1 T a1 C R Ea1 C E Sa1 C S ;
C a2 T a2 C R Ea2 C E Sa2 C S ;
This last equation is obtained by calculating the power relative to the carrier, therefore torques CN3 and CN4 are not present in
this equation. By introducing the value of CN1, CN2, . . . , Cj into the efciency equation, and eliminating CR, we obtain the value
of CS/CE by
cj Ej T j
cj Sj T j ; j 2 N 1 ; N 2 ; a1 ; a2 :
C S =C E
j Values of cj. The sign of the power, entering into the node j, in the relative movement to the common carrier of the 2
sets is Pj = Cj(xj xN3): for each value of j, the relative speed can be expressed function of K, X1, X2 see (13) and Cj values,
respectively, are: 0 (if (j) is a free node), CE (if (j) is input), CE(R 1) (if (j) is reaction) and RCE (if (j) is output), therefore
PN1 C N1 xN1 xN3 Kxe C N1 =D;
Pa1 C a1 xa1 xN3 KX 1 xe C a1 =D;
The sign of the power PN1 does not depend on the losses and so is given by the sign of the parameter hN1: hN1 = KCN1/
D = K(EN1 + (R 1)TN1 RSN1)/D(xe > 0).
For PN2, Pa1, Pa2 we have similar parameters:
hN2 C N2 =D;
ha1 KX 1 Ca1 =D
if the power is
The algebraic power inside the long pinion, and coming from the node N1 for example, is multiplied by q
positive, or divided by q1+M1 if the power is going out of the long pinion (negative power), q being the gear mesh efciency
and 1 + M1 the number of gear contact between the long pinion and the node N1 (see Fig. 5).
Let us introduce the function F(x, y) dened by F(x, y) = x if y P 0 and F(x, y) = 1/x if y < 0, (F(x, y) = x H(y) + H(y)/x, H(y)
being the Heaviside function and F(1, y) = 1).
The algebraic power inside the long pinion, and going through N1 is therefore
C N1 xN1 xN3 Fq1M1 ; KC N1 =D Kxe C N1 Fq1M1 ; hN1 :
In the relative movement to the carrier, the sum of the algebraic power, going inside or outside of the long pinion (p1, p2) and
coming from all nodes N1, N2, a1, a2, is equal to zero, therefore
Kxe C N1 Fq1M1 ; hN1 xe C N2 Fq1M2 ; hN2 xe KX 1 C a1 FqNS1M1 ; ha1 xe X 2 C a2 FqNS2M2 ; ha2 0
(Between a1 and p1 (or a2 and p2) we have NS1 M1 1 (or NS2 M2 1) satellites, therefore the number of contact and the
exponent of q is NS1 M1 or NS2 M2).
By identication with the efciency equation j C j cj 0, j 2 (N1, N2, a1, a2), we obtain
cN1 KFq1M1 ; hN1 ;
ca1 KX 1 Fq
; ha1 ;
Replacing (xN1 x2) and (xa1 x2) by their value (see (13)), we obtain:
Q K=Dxe C N1 FqM1 ; hN1 KX 1 =DC a1 xe FqNS1M11 ; ha1 0;
the sign of Q can be obtained by setting the efciency to 1, and is given by
b1 KC N1 X 1 C a1 =D:
If b1 > 0 the power Q is entering into (q), its value after (M) is Q and Q/q before (M) (inside p1)
If b1 = 0, it can be veried that Q = 0 and the gear train is an elementary gear set.
The sum of the power entering into the pinion (p1, p2) in the relative movement to the carrier is equal to zero, so
QFq; b1 PN2 Fq1M2 ; hN2 Pa2 FqNS2M2 ; ha2 0:
By replacing Q by this value in the above equation, we obtain the efciency equation of the pinion (p1, p2), which can be identied with the equation:
c0N1 C N1 c0N2 C N2 c0a1 C a1 c0a2 C a2 0
c0N1 KFq; b1 FqM1 ; hN1 ;
c0a2 X 2 FqNS2M2 ; ha2 ;
and so
These formulations are similar to those obtained with the gear train type (I), cN1, ca1 multiplied by F(q, b1), because of the
presence of the additive gear mesh contact at point (M). Gear train with package (H) on set 2 Fig. 7. The sum of the power on satellite (q) in the relative movement to the
carrier is
Q C N2 xN2 x2 FqM2 ; hN2 C a2 xa2 x2 FqNS2M21 ; ha2 0:
The sign of Q is given by the above relation, if the efciency is equal to 1 and by
b2 C N2 X 2 C a2 =D > 0
if Q is entering into q:
Fq; b2 Fq
420 Gear train with two packages (H). Using similar method as seen before, we obtain the following efciency
c0N1 KFq; b1 FqM1 ; hN1 ;
c0N2 Fq; b2 FqM2 ; hN2 ;
1M2V 2
Fq ; b2 Fq
; hN2 ;
U 3 Z 2 FqV2 ; b2 :
D is dened in (13), b1, b2 in (20), (21), Z1, Z2 in Appendix IV.
Using the kernel W, qT can be written in the form:
W UU20 ; UU31 ; KU
; E; T; S
WX 1 ; X 2 ; K; E; T; S
Nested gear train, connection (N1, N2), (N3, N4): Take K = 1, and so a = 0, V1 = V2 = 0 (No satellite with 3 contacts)
U0 = U1 = 1, U2 = Z1, U3 = Z2, Z1 and Z2 are given in Appendix IV.
Ravigneaux gear train (connection (N1, N2), (2, 5)): K, M1, M2 take their real value (see (7)) a = 1, and Z1, Z2 are dened in
Appendix IV.
Elementary gear train: The gear train must be transformed into a nested gear train with Ea2 = Ta2 =
Sa2 = EN2 = SN2 = TN2 = 0. Use formulation (23).
2.7.5. Equivalence gear train type (II) and type (I)
The Ravigneaux gear train type (II), having one package (H), and one unloaded sun or ring gear is every time equivalent to
a gear train type (I). If the sun and the ring gear of the same set are loaded with external torque, and if p1 = p2, an equivalence
with a gear train type (I) is also possible.
3. Conclusion: unied analytic simulation for ratio and efciency
All gear trains are different from each other, in the position of the input, output, reaction, the various connections and the
number of satellites and gear teeth on each set. Despite that, it was possible to dene a new unied formulation for the kinematic ratio, for the efciency and the torque calculations. An analytical study for the concept becomes possible through solving the inverse equation.
Each basic formulation can be integrated into a primitive kernel W(X1, X2, K, E, T, S). The kinematic ratio, the rotation speed
of any node, the efciency, the internal torque equilibrium, the inverse equation can be expressed directly from the kernel W
with K = 1 for the nested gear train and K 1 for the gears train having a long pinion. This can be represented by the
Ratio: R = W(X1, X2, K, E, T, S).
Rotation speed of node j: xj = xe/W(X1, X2, K, E, T, d).
Internal torque equilibrium: W(X1, X2, K, 0, C, S) = 0.
W UU20 ; UU31 ; KU
; E; T; S
Efficiency : qT
WX 1 ; X 2 ; K; E; T; S
Inverse equation (kinematic): W(X1, X2, K, 0, /, S) = 0.
We know that the optimization and invention of any gear train, in relation to the criteria of ratios, efciency, stress, noise,
weight, cost and delay is an imperative objective for the success of any design concerning this kind of mechanism. Each of
these criteria can now be simulated by a mathematical unied model and therefore optimized on the computer.
The integration of all these formulations into a primitive kernel W is adding an unforeseen touch to new simulation and
can open some new perspective in many mechanic and physic studies. There is no reason to suppose that the association of
three gear trains should not follow a similar theory.
(2, 5);
(2, 4);
(2, 4);
(3, 5);
(3, 4);
(1, 4)
(1, 5)
(1, 6)
(2, 4)
(2, 6)
(2, 6);
(2, 6);
(2, 5);
(3, 6);
(3, 5);
(1, 4)
(1, 5)
(1, 6)
(2, 5)
(3, 5);
(3, 4);
(3, 4);
(3, 4);
Fig. 8. Nested gear train.
(1, 4)
(1, 5)
(1, 6)
(2, 5)
B. Ratio
R = (K X2)/(X2) = 1 + K/X2 = 1 ka2/a1,
D = K X2.
Let us now suppose that ka2/a1 = p1a2/p2a1 > 1 in this case D > 0, R < 0 and (R 1) < 0.
C. Efciency
RqT = 1 + KU0/U3,
U0 = F(q,KCE/D) = q, U3 = Z2 = B2,
B2 = X2F[q,X2(R 1)/D1] = X2/q = d2/(q a2) and so
qT = (1 + (R 1)q2)/R.
We obtain the same formulation as described in Zahnradgetriebe by Loomann [8, p. 49]. It is important to see how easy
it is now to calculate the efciency with the unied formulations (23) and (24).
Appendix IV. Value of Z1, Z2
The value of Z1 and Z2 (efciency coefcient) of the nested gear train with connections (N1, N2) and (N3, N4) can be obtained by the formulations [24]:
Z1 = A2(1 jN3 N1j + jN1 2j) (jN3 N1j 1)/(1 + A0) (1 + A1)(1 jN1 2j),
Z2 = B2(1 jN4 N2j + jN2 5j) (jN4 N2j 1)/(1 + B0) (1 + B1)(1 jN2 5j),
A0 = Y1F(q1,X1Y1Ca1/D)/X1, B0 = Y2F(q2,X2Y2Ca2/D)/X2,
A1 = Y1F(q1,Y1Ca1/D), B1 = Y2 F(q2,Y2Ca2/D),
A2 = Y1F(q1,KX1Ca1/D), B2 = Y2 F(q2,KX2Ca2/D),q1,q2, basic efciency of the gear set 1 and 2 are function of the gear mesh efciency q (supposed the same for all gears) by
q1 = qt1, t1 = 1 + NS1 a(1 + M1 V1),
q2 = qt2, t2 = 1 + NS2 a(1 + M2 V2),
F(x, y) being the function dened in (18):
F(x, y) = x if y > 0 and F(x, y) = 1/x if y < 0, and F(1, y) = 1.
K = 1 for the nested gear train.
a = Y(jK 1j) (a = 0 for the nested gear train and a = 1 for the Ravigneaux concept).
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