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A General Model of Software Architecture Design Derived From Five Industrial Approaches

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The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126


A general model of software architecture design derived

from ve industrial approaches
Christine Hofmeister a, Philippe Kruchten b,*, Robert L. Nord c, Henk Obbink d,
Alexander Ran e, Pierre America d

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
University of British Columbia, 2332 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Nokia Research Center, Cambridge, MA, USA

Received 1 January 2006; received in revised form 8 May 2006; accepted 12 May 2006
Available online 5 July 2006

We compare ve industrial software architecture design methods and we extract from their commonalities a general software architecture design approach. Using this general approach, we compare across the ve methods the artifacts and activities they use or recommend, and we pinpoint similarities and dierences. Once we get beyond the great variance in terminology and description, we nd that
the ve approaches have a lot in common and match more or less the ideal pattern we introduced. From the ideal pattern we derive an
evaluation grid that can be used for further method comparisons.
 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Software architecture; Software architecture design; Software architecture analysis; Architectural method

1. Introduction
Over the last 15 years a number of organizations and individual researchers have developed and documented techniques, processes, guidelines, and best practices for
software architecture design (Bass et al., 2003; Bosch,
2000; Clements et al., 2002a; Clements and Northrop,
2002; Dikel et al., 2001; Garland and Anthony, 2002;
Gomaa, 2000). Some of these were cast and published as
architecture design methods or systems of concepts, processes and techniques for architecture design (Hofmeister
et al., 1999; Kruchten, 2003; Obbink et al., 2000; Ran, 2000).

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 604 827 5654.

E-mail addresses: crh@eecs.lehigh.edu (C. Hofmeister), pbk@ece.ubc.ca (P. Kruchten), rn@sei.cmu.edu (R.L. Nord), henk.obbink@philips.com
(H. Obbink), alexander.ran@nokia.com (A. Ran), pierre.america@philips.com (P. America).
0164-1212/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Since many of the design methods were developed independently, their descriptions use dierent vocabulary and
appear quite dierent from each other. Some of the dierences are essential. Architecture design methods that were
developed in dierent domains naturally exhibit domain
characteristics and emphasize dierent goals. For example
architectural design of information systems emphasizes
data modeling, and architecture design of telecommunication software emphasizes continuous operation, live upgrade,
and interoperability. Other essential dierences may include
methods designed for large organizations vs. methods suitable for a team of a dozen software developers, methods
with explicit support for product families vs. methods for
one of a kind systems, etc.
On the other hand, all software architecture design methods must have much in common as they deal with the same
basic problem: maintaining intellectual control over the
design of software systems that: require involvement of

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

and negotiation among multiple stakeholders; are often

developed by large, distributed teams over extended periods
of time; must address multiple possibly conicting goals
and concerns; and must be maintained for a long period
of time. It is thus of signicant interest to understand the
commonalities that exist between dierent methods and to
develop a general model of architecture design. Such a
model would help us better understand the strengths and
weaknesses of dierent existing methods as well as provide
a framework for developing new methods better suited to
specic application domains.
With this goal in mind, we selected ve dierent methods: Attribute-Driven Design (ADD) Method (Bass
et al., 2003), developed at the SEI; Siemens 4 Views
(S4V) method (Hofmeister et al., 1999), developed at Siemens Corporate Research; the Rational Unied Process
4 + 1 views (RUP 4 + 1) (Kruchten, 1995, 2003) developed
and commercialized by Rational Software, now IBM;
Business Architecture Process and Organization (BAPO)
developed primarily at Philips Research (America et al.,
2003; Obbink et al., 2000), and Architectural Separation of
Concerns (ASC) (Ran, 2000) developed at Nokia Research.
We also assembled a team of people who have made significant contributions to developing and documenting at least
one of the methods. Through extensive discussions focused
on how typical architecture design tasks are accomplished
by dierent methods, we have arrived at a joint understanding of a general software architecture design model
that underlies the ve methods. In this paper we document
our understanding of what seems to be fundamental about
architecture design.1
This paper is organized as follows. We introduce the ve
contributing methods in Section 2. Then in Section 3 we
present a general model of architecture design. Section 4
describes the ve contributing methods using terms and
concepts of the general model, and discusses the commonalities and dierences between the contributing methods.
Section 5 describes how other software architecture methods can be compared against the general model using a
grid, and applies the grid to another published method.
Section 6 discusses related work, Section 7 proposes future
work, and Section 8 concludes the paper.
2. Five industrial software architecture design methods
2.1. Attribute-Driven Design
The Attribute-Driven Design (ADD) method (Bass
et al., 2003), developed at the SEI, is an approach to dening software architectures by basing the design process on
the architectures quality attribute requirements.
In ADD, architectural design follows a recursive decomposition process where, at each stage in the decomposition,
A shorter version of this work was presented at WICSA (Hofmeister
et al., 2005a).


architectural tactics and patterns are chosen to satisfy a set

of quality attribute scenarios (see Fig. 1). The architecture
designed using the ADD method represents the high-level
design choices documented as containers for functionality
and interactions among the containers using views. The
nature of the project determines the views; most commonly
one or more of the following are used: a module decomposition view, a concurrency view, and a deployment view.
The architecture is critical for achieving desired quality
and business goals, and providing the framework for
achieving functionality.
Architects use the following steps when designing an
architecture using the ADD method:
1. Choose the module to decompose. The module to start
with is usually the whole system. All required inputs
for this module should be available (constraints, functional requirements, quality requirements)
2. Rene the modules according to these steps:
a. Choose the architectural drivers from the set of concrete quality scenarios and functional requirements.
This step determines what is important for this
b. Choose an architectural pattern that satises the drivers. Create (or select) the pattern based on the tactics
that can be used to achieve the drivers. Identify child
modules required to implement the tactics.
c. Instantiate modules and allocate functionality from
use cases, and represent the results using multiple
d. Dene interfaces of the child modules. The decomposition provides modules and constraints on the types
of module interactions. Document this information
in the interface document of each module.
e. Verify and rene the use cases and quality scenarios
and make them constraints for the child modules.
This step veries that nothing important was forgotten and prepares the child modules for further decomposition or implementation.
3. Repeat the steps above for every module that needs further
Fig. 2 shows how the ADD method ts together with the
other SEI architectural design activities. The Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW) (Barbacci et al., 2003) helps in
understanding the problem by eliciting quality attribute
requirements in the form of quality attribute scenarios.
The Views and Beyond (VaB) approach (Clements et al.,
2002a) documents a software architecture using a number
of views based on stakeholders needs. The Architecture
Tradeo Analysis Method (ATAM) (Clements et al.,
2002b) provides detailed guidance on analyzing the design
and getting early feedback on risks. The gure does not
show how these methods are used in the context of an organizations own architecture process (see (Kazman et al.,
2004; Nord et al., 2004) for examples of relating ADD to
the Rational Unied Process and Agile methods).


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

Fig. 1. Recursively designing the architecture using ADD.

Fig. 2. ADD in relation with other SEI architectural design activities.

2.2. Siemens 4 views

The Siemens Four-Views (S4V) method (Hofmeister
et al., 1999; Soni et al., 1995), developed at Siemens Corporate Research, is based on best architecture practices for
industrial systems. The four views (conceptual, execution,
module and code architecture view), separate dierent engineering concerns, thus reducing the complexity of the
architecture design task.
In the conceptual view, the products functionality is
mapped to a set of decomposable, interconnected components and connectors. Components are independently
executing peers, as are connectors. The primary engineering concerns in this view are to address how the system
fullls the requirements. The functional requirements
are a central concern, including both the current require-

ments and anticipated future enhancements. Global

properties such as performance and dependability are
addressed here as well as in the execution view. The
systems relationship to a product family, the use of COTS,
and the use of domain-specic hardware and/or software
are all addressed in the conceptual view as well as in the
module view.
For the module view, modules are organized into two
orthogonal structures: decomposition and layers. The
decomposition structure captures how the system is logically decomposed into subsystems and modules. A module
can be assigned to a layer, which then constrains its dependencies on other modules. The primary concerns of this
view are to minimize dependencies between modules, maximize reuse of modules, and support testing. Another key
concern is to minimize the impact of future changes in

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

COTS software, the software platform, domain-specic

hardware and software, and standards.
The execution architecture view describes the systems
structure in terms of its runtime platform elements (e.g.,
OS tasks, processes, threads). The task for this view is
to assign the systems functionality to these platform
elements, determine how the resulting runtime instances
communicate, and how physical resources are allocated
to them. Other considerations are the location, migration,
and replication of these runtime instances. Runtime properties of the system, such as performance, safety, and
replication must be addressed here.
The last view, the code architecture view, is concerned
with the organization of the software artifacts. Source components implement elements in the module view, and
deployment components instantiate runtime entities in
the execution view. The engineering concerns of this view
are to make support product versions and releases, minimize eort for product upgrades, minimize build time,
and support integration and testing.
These views are developed in the context of a recurring
Global Analysis activity (Hofmeister et al., 2005b). For
Global Analysis, the architect identies and analyzes factors, explores the key architectural issues or challenges,
then develops design strategies for solving these issues.
The factors that inuence the architecture are organized
into three categories: organizational, technological, and
product factors. The purpose of the categories is to help
the architect identify all inuencing factors, including not
just requirements but also desired system qualities, organizational constraints, existing technology, etc. These factors
are analyzed in order to determine which factors conict,
what are their relative priorities, how exible and stable
is each factor, what is the impact of a change in the factor,
and what are strategies for reducing that impact.
From these factors the key architectural issues or challenges are identied; typically they arise from a set of factors
that, taken together, will be dicult to fulll. Issues can arise
when factors conict, or when certain factors have little exibility, a high degree of changeability, or a global impact on
the system. The architect need not necessarily identify and
analyze all factors before identifying the key issues. Sometimes it is more fruitful to let an issue give rise to a number
of factors, or to alternate between these two approaches.
The next step is to propose design strategies to solve the
issues, and to apply the design strategies to one or more of
the views. Strategies often involve applying software engineering principles, heuristics, and architectural patterns
or styles to solve the problem. When a strategy is applied
to a particular part of a view, we call it a design decision.
During design, the design decisions must be evaluated,
particularly for conicts and unexpected interactions. This
evaluation is ongoing. Thus Global Analysis activities are
interleaved with view design activities, and the design activities of each view are also interleaved (see Fig. 3).
In contrast to the ongoing evaluation that is part of the
design process, periodic architecture evaluation is done in

Organizational Factors
Technological Factors
Product Factors

new factors,
issues, or




Design of other
Architecture Views

Architecture View Design

Design and
Evaluation Tasks

Fig. 3. Workow between Global Analysis and Architecture View Design.

order to answer a specic question, such as cost prediction,

risk assessment, or some specic comparison or tradeo.
This typically involves other stakeholders in addition to
the architect. Global Analysis provides inputs to this kind
of architecture evaluation, for example: business drivers,
quality attributes, architectural approaches, risks, tradeos, and architectural approaches.
2.3. RUPs 4 + 1 Views
The Rational Unied Process (RUP) is a software
development process developed and commercialized by
Rational Software, now IBM (Kruchten, 2003). For RUP
software architecture encompasses the set of signicant
decisions about the organization of a software system:
selection of the structural elements and their interfaces
by which a system is composed,
behavior as specied in collaborations among those
composition of these structural and behavioral elements
into larger subsystem,
architectural style that guides this organization.
Software architecture also involves: usage, functionality,
performance, resilience, reuse, comprehensibility, economic
and technology constraints and tradeos, and aesthetic
concerns. RUP denes an architectural design method,
using the concept of 4 + 1 views (RUP 4 + 1) (Kruchten,
1995): four views to describe the design: logical view, process view, implementation view and deployment view, and
using a use-case view (+1) to relate the design to the
context and goals (see Fig. 4).
In RUP, architectural design is spread over several
iterations in an elaboration phase, iteratively populating
the 4 views, driven by architecturally signicant use cases,
non-functional requirements in the supplementary specication, and risks (see Fig. 5). Each iteration results in an
executable architectural prototype, which is used to validate
the architectural design.
Architectural design activities in RUP start with the following artifacts, which may not be nalized and still evolve


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

Software management

End-user, designers


Logical View

Use Case


And the RUP also provides activities related to the documentation of the architecture in each of the 5 views shown
in Fig. 4.
More recently (Rozanski and Woods, 2005) have added
perspectives to RUPs views and viewpoints, to more eectively capture certain quality properties, in a way similar to
architectural aspects or SEIs tactics (Bass et al., 2003).


2.4. Business architecture process and organization

System Integrators

System Engineering
System topology
Delivery, installation

Fig. 4. RUPs 4 + 1 views.

Business Use Cases

High Level

Use-case view


System Use Cases



Logical view



Implementation Sources
or code view


Process view

Processors Deployment view

Low Level

Fig. 5. Iteratively populating the ve views.

during the architectural design: a vision document, a usecase model (functional requirements) and supplementary
specication (non-functional requirements, quality attributes). The three main groups of activities are:
(1) Dene a Candidate Architecture
This usually starts with a use-case analysis, focusing
on the use cases that are deemed architecturally signicant, and with any reference architecture the organization may reuse.
This activities leads to a rst candidate architecture
that can be prototyped and used to further reason
with the architectural design, integrating more elements later on.
(2) Perform Architectural Synthesis
Build an architectural proof-of-concept, and assess its
viability, relative to functionality and to non-functional requirements.
(3) Rene the Architecture
Identify design elements (classes, processes, etc.) and
integrate them in the architectural prototype
Identify design mechanisms (e.g., architectural patterns and services), particular those that deal with
concurrency, persistency, distribution.
Review the architecture.

The BAPO/CAFCR approach (America et al., 2003;

Muller, 2005; Obbink et al., 2000; van der Linden et al.,
2004), developed primarily by Philips Research, aims at
developing an architecture (the A in BAPO) for softwareintensive systems that ts optimally in the context of business (B), (development) process (P), and organization (O).
Ideally the entities at the right side of the BAPO acronym
should be driven by and support the entities at their left
(see Fig. 6), even though this does not always work in practice, so that the architecture must t into a given context of
business, process, and organization.
For the architecture, the ve CAFCR views are dened:
Customer, Application, Functional, Conceptual, and Realization. These views bridge the gap between customer
needs, wishes, and objectives on the one hand and technological realization on the other hand.
In BAPO/CAFCR, the architect iteratively: (1) lls in
information in one of the CAFCR views, possibly in the
form of one of the suggested artifacts; (2) analyzes a particular quality attribute across the views to establish a link
between the views and with the surrounding business,
processes and organization (see Fig. 7). To counteract the
tendency towards unfounded abstraction, specic details
are often explored by story telling. The reasoning links
valuable insights across the dierent views to each other.
The architecture is complete when there is sucient information to realize the system and the quality attribute
analysis shows no discrepancies.
At a larger scale, the processes described in the BAPO/
CAFCR approach deal with the development of a product
family in the context of other processes in a business.
2.5. Architectural separation of concerns
Architectural separation of concerns (ASC) or ARES
System of Concepts (Ran, 2000), developed primarily by
Nokia, is a conceptual framework based on separation of
concerns to manage complexity of architecture design.
Fig. 8 illustrates the ASC model of architecture-centered
development. Development goals aect architectural decisions. Architectural decisions are represented by architecture descriptions. Architecture descriptions are used to
verify architectural decisions. Architecture description
and implementation must be consistent. A validation process exists to determine consistency of architecture and
implementation. Information regarding achievement of

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126






Policy and

commercial views
reusable assets






Conceptual Realization

family architecture




and People

technical views

Fig. 6. The BAPO/CAFCR framework.

method outline

method visualization



+ key drivers
+ value chain
+ business models
+ supplier map


+ stakeholders
and concerns
+ context diagram
+ entity relationship
+ dynamic models

and artifacts

+ use case
+ commercial, logistics
+ mapping technical
and several more


+ budget
+ benchmarking
+ performance
+ safety analysis
and many more


a priori solution know-how










+ construction
+ functional
+ information model
and many more



via qualities

specific details



IQ spec



profit margin
standard workstation


memory budget





Fig. 7. Elements of the CAFCR method.

development goals is obtained once the implementation is

Stakeholder goals need to be analyzed and if determined
to have an eect on software architecture, the goals need to
be rened into architecturally signicant requirements
(ASR) that state how to measure the achievement of the

goal and indicate how the goal constrains software

Software goes through a transformation cycle that consists of separate segments. During the design or development segment, the software is source code. During the
build segment the software is object les and library


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126









Fig. 8. A model of architecture-centered software development.

archives. During the upgrade segment the software consists

of executable les. During the start-up segment the software is system state and groups of executable entities with
their dependency structure. During the operation segment
software is threads and objects.
Architecturally signicant requirements must be grouped
so that requirements in dierent groups may be satised
independently, while requirements within each group may
interact and even conict. This can be achieved if we group
the requirements by the segment of software transformation
cycle. Architectural concerns that are related to dierent
segments of the software transformation cycle can be
addressed independently, while concerns that are related
to the same segment cannot be addressed independently
and must be a subject of trade-o decisions.
Fig. 9 illustrates the separation of architectural concerns
based on dierent segments of software transformation
In addition to design of architectural structures for
each segment, ASC pays special attention to design of texture. Certain design decisions that are only visible within
relatively ne-grained components are nevertheless extre-

Grouped by


Associated with




Organized by


Fig. 9. Segmentation of concerns.


mely expensive to revise. Consequently such decisions

are architecturally signicant even though they are concerned with ne-grained elements. This happens when
the implementation of the decision cannot be localized,
but must be replicated creating recurring uniform microstructure or texture.
In ASC, the architect analyses design inputs, such as
preferred technology platforms, road maps, functional
and quality requirements for the product family and the
product, and using a palette of techniques, produces and
prioritizes ASR (architecturally signicant requirements),
groups ASR by segments of the software transformation
cycle that they address. Implementation (write-time) design
addresses the ASR concerned with the write-time segment.
Design decisions make implementation technology choices,
partition functional requirements between dierent
architectural scopes of product portfolio, product family,
or single product, establish portability layers for multiplatform products, allocate classes of functional requirements
to dierent subsystems, and develop description of the API
facilitating work division and outsourcing. Performance
(run-time) design deals with run-time ASR addressing
concurrency and protection, develops performance models
and makes decisions regarding task and process partitions,
scheduling policies, resource sharing and allocation.
Finally, delivery/installation/upgrade design decisions
address the ASR of the corresponding segments. Typical
decisions address partitions into separately loadable/executable units, installation support, conguration data,
upgrade/downgrade policies and mechanisms, management of shared components, external dependencies and
compatibility requirements.
3. A general model for software architecture design
The general model for software architecture design we
developed rst classies the kinds of activities performed
during design. Architectural analysis articulates architecturally signicant requirements (ASRs) based on the architectural concerns and context. Architectural synthesis
results in candidate architectural solutions that address
these requirements. Architectural evaluation ensures that
the architectural decisions used are the right ones (see
Fig. 10).
Because of the complexity of the design task, these activities are not executed sequentially. Instead they are used
repeatedly, at multiple levels of granularity, in no predictable sequence, until the architecture is complete and validated. Thus the second part of the general model is a
characterization of its workow.
The key requirement of our model was that it be general
enough to t our ve architecture design methods, and provide a useful framework for comparing them. One strong
inuence on the activities in our model was Geros FunctionBehaviorStructure framework for engineering design
(Gero, 1990; Gero and Kannengiesser, 2004), which
Kruchten applies to software design in Kruchten (2005).

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126


Fig. 10. Architectural design activities.

3.1. Architectural design activities and artifacts

First we describe the main activities of the model, and
their related artifacts.
Architectural concerns: The IEEE 1471 standard denes
architectural concerns as those interests which pertain to the systems development, its operation or any
other aspects that are critical or otherwise important
to one or more stakeholders. Concerns include system
considerations such as performance, reliability, security,
distribution, and evolvability (IEEE, 2000). Most
architectural concerns are expressed as requirements
on the system, but they can also include mandated
design decisions (e.g., use of existing standards). Regulatory requirements may also introduce architectural
Context: According to IEEE 1471, a systems . . . environment, or context, determines the setting and circumstances of developmental, operational, political, and
other inuences upon that system (IEEE, 2000). This
includes things like business goals (e.g., buy vs. build),
characteristics of the organization (e.g., skills of developers, development tools available), and the state of
technology. Note that sometimes the only distinction
between a concern and a context is whether it is specifically desired for this system (a concern) or is instead a
general characteristic or goal of the organization or a
stakeholder (context). For example, a business goal of
the architecture is a concern, whereas a business goal
of the enterprise is context.
Architecturally signicant requirements: An ASR is a
requirement upon a software system which inuences
its architecture (Obbink et al., 2002). Not all of the systems requirements will be relevant to the architecture.
Conversely, not all ASRs will have originally been
expressed as requirements: they may arise from other
architectural concerns or from the system context.
Architectural analysis: Architectural analysis serves to
dene the problems the architecture must solve. This
activity examines, lters, and/or reformulates architectural concerns and context in order to come up with a
set of ASRs.

Candidate architectural solutions: Candidate architectural solutions may present alternative solutions, and/
or may be partial solutions (i.e., fragments of an architecture). They reect design decisions about the structure of software. The architectural solutions include
information about the design rationale, that is, commentary on why decisions where made, what decisions were
considered and rejected, and traceability of decisions to
Architectural synthesis: Architectural synthesis is the
core of architecture design. This activity proposes architecture solutions to a set of ASRs, thus it moves from
the problem to the solution space.
Validated architecture: The validated architecture consists of those candidate architectural solutions that are
consistent with the ASRs. These solutions must also
be mutually consistent. Only one of a set of alternative
solutions can be present in the validated architecture.
The validated architecture, like the candidate architectural solutions, includes information about the design
Architectural evaluation: Architectural evaluation
ensures that the architectural design decisions made
are the right ones. The candidate architectural solutions
are measured against the ASRs. Although repeated evaluations of dierent architectural solutions are expected,
the eventual result of architectural evaluation is the
validated architecture. Intermediate results would be
the validation or invalidation of candidate architectural
In addition to the above-described artifacts used in the
design activities, there are some less explicit inputs that
are critical to the design process:
Design knowledge comes from the architect, from organizational memory, or from the architecture community. It can take the form of styles, patterns,
frameworks, reference architectures, ADLs, productline technologies, etc.
Analysis knowledge is needed to dene the problem and
evaluate the solution. Some work exists in analysis patterns (Fowler, 1997) and analytic models associated with


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

design fragments (Bachmann et al., 2002). Knowledge of

the evaluation process itself (e.g., workow, methods
and techniques) (Obbink et al., 2002) can also be an
important input.
Realization knowledge (e.g., technologies, components,
project management) is critical. In many cases analysis
knowledge is not sucient to evaluate the architecture.
One example is when a partial implementation is needed
upon which to do experimentation. In general the design
must be evaluated using realization knowledge, in order
to ensure that the system can be built.

3.2. Workow and the concept of backlog

In all ve of the architectural methods on which our model
is based, the three main activities in Fig. 9 (architectural analysis, architectural synthesis, and architectural evaluation) do
not proceed sequentially, but rather proceed in small leaps
and bounds as architects move constantly from one to
another, growing the architecture progressively over time.
This is primarily because it is not possible to analyze, resolve,
nd solutions and evaluate the architecture for all architectural concerns simultaneously: the range and number of
interrelated issues is just too overwhelming for the human
mind, and moreover the inputs (goals, constraints, etc) are
usually ill-dened, initially, and only get discovered or better
understood as the architecture starts to emerge.
To drive this apparently haphazard process, architects
maintain, implicitly or explicitly, a backlog of smaller
needs, issues, problems they need to tackle, as well as ideas
they might want to use. The backlog drives the workow,
helping the architects determine what to do next. It is not

an externally visible, persistent artifact; on small projects

it may only be a list in the architects notebook, while for
larger projects it might be an electronic, shared spreadsheet. See Fig. 11. It is therefore rarely explicitly described
in software architectural methods, but we have found it to
be actually present in all the methods we have studied,
under some name or another, e.g., worry list in BAPO,
issue list in RUP.
The backlog is constantly fed by
(a) selecting some architectural concern and/or ASR
from architectural analysis,
(b) negative feedback in the form of issues or problems
arising from architectural evaluation, and to a lesser
(c) ideas from the architects experience, discussions,
readings, etc.
A backlog item can be thought of as a statement of the
We need to make a decision about X.
or We should look at Y in order to address Z.
This backlog is constantly prioritized, bringing to the
front the items that seem most urgent. The tactics for prioritization will vary, mostly based on external forces. These
forces include risks to mitigate, upcoming milestones, team
pressure to start work on a part of the system, or simply
perception of greater diculty. Very often it is simply the
need to relieve pressure from a stakeholder that drives an
item to the top of the backlog (the squeaky wheel

Fig. 11. Maintaining an architectural backlog.

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

Once a backlog item (or a small set of backlog items) is

picked by the architects, they will proceed to incrementally
perform architectural synthesis, making some design decisions and integrating them with the existing set of design
decisions. Thus the front of the backlog serves to set the
objectives for a particular iteration of architectural synthesis. Less frequently, backlog items will drive architectural
analysis or architectural evaluation. Once resolved in any
way (issues resolved, idea explored, requirement satised,
risk removed, etc.), the item is removed from the backlog,
and the architects proceed to the next one. If they encounter some diculty or some input is missing, the item is
returned to the backlog.
Thus the backlog is constantly changing. The cycle of
adding to the backlog, reprioritizing, resolving an item,
and removing an item is happening at various periods:
from a few hours, to a few days, or more.
This backlog is similar to what some Agile methods use
for driving projects, in particular Scrum (Schwaber and
Beedle, 2002), and this is where the name came from.
The backlog guides the architectural design workow
through the three main kinds of activities and provides
the objectives for each iteration through the synthesis activity. The kind of tools architects may use for the backlog
range from informal lists, to shared spreadsheets, to wikibased tracking tools such as Trac.
4. Method comparison using the general model
The ve architectural methods have been developed
independently but there are many commonalities among
4.1. Side-by-side comparison
See Tables 1 and 2 for a comparison of activities and
artifacts. Putting the methods side by side, helps to identify
and understand this commonality as well as the important
dierences. The rows of the table are based on the activities
and artifacts identied in the general model of the previous
This comparison has been an iterative process of producing a common model of design activities and artifacts,
seeing how well they relate to the methods, and adjusting
the model. Rather than focusing just on the creation
of the architectural solution, which is the synthesis activity,
the model takes a broad view of architectural design by
addressing the interrelated activities of analysis, synthesis,
and evaluation.
The steps of ADD follow the sequence of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation activities. Subsequent iterations of
the activities follow the decomposition of the architecture
the order of which will vary (e.g., depth-rst, breadthrst) based on the business context, domain knowledge,
or technology.
Global Analysis from S4V plays a large role in analysis
and in driving iterations through the activities. Thus it


spans architectural analysis, architectural synthesis, the

backlog, and describes how architectural concerns, context,
ASRs, and some backlog items should be recorded. The
Global Analysis artifacts, design decision table, and tables
that record the relationships among views support traceability from requirements to the code (at the le and module level).
4.2. Commonalities
Elements the methods have in common include:
an emphasis on quality requirements and the need to aid
the architect in focusing on the important requirements
that impact the architecture during analysis,
design elements organized into multiple views during
and an iterative ne-grained evaluation activity (performed internally after each synthesis result by the
architect) as distinct from course-grained evaluation
(architectural reviews performed at key stages in the
software development lifecycle).

4.2.1. Common theme: dealing with quality requirements

Architecture design is often driven by quality or nonfunctional requirements. Since most operations of the system involve multiple components, the quality of operations
cannot be guaranteed by the design of a single or a small
group of components. Therefore architecture is in practice
the only means to systematically address quality requirements. In this respect it is interesting to review how the
ve methods we discuss in this paper address quality
In RUP non-functional requirements are captured in
supplementary specications. These specications are
taken into consideration during each of the iterations.
However the most important stage is often during the initial iteration when the major architectural structure is
established. Non-functional requirements play an important role at this stage because the selection of the main
architectural structure is mainly driven by non-functional
requirements. Once an executable prototype becomes available, the capability of the system to address the non-functional requirements is assessed and when improvement is
necessary further iterations are planned. Perspectives are
a recent addition to RUP that help the architect address
non-functional requirements (Rozanski and Woods,
2005). Perspectives are views that bring together dierent
elements of design that aect a particular domain of concerns. Common domains of concerns are security, data
integrity, availability, etc.
ADD uses quality requirements or quality attributes as
the driving force for architecture design. ADD relies on a
repository of architectural patterns and tactics to address
the non-functional requirements. ADD follows a recursive
process of hierarchical decomposition of the system. At


Table 1
Comparing methods: activities


RUP 4 + 1




Choose the module to decompose (Step 1)

determines the context and architectural
concerns that will be addressed
Choose the architectural drivers
(Step 2a) looks for the
combination of functional
and quality requirements
that shape the architecture.
The QAW and quality attribute
models help elicit and structure
the requirements
as needed

Global Analysis involves

(1) identifying inuencing
factors; (2) analyzing them
to identify their importance
to the architecture, exibility,
and changeability; (3)
identifying key issues or
problems that arise
from a set of factors

Build or extract a subset

of the use case model
and the supplementary
specication, as key
drivers for architectural

BAPO analysis identies

those elements of context
that are relevant for the
architectural t and
determine the scope of the
architecture. These elements
are already entered into the
various artifacts in the CAFCR
views. Strategic scenarios can
be used to explore multiple
possible futures and their
impact on business and architecture

Concept denition, identication

and renement of ASR, partition
of ASR by software segments:
runtime, development, load, etc.
Thus analysis results in a collection
of semi separable problems


Synthesis is iterative as drivers

are considered and the candidate
architectural solution evolves
This takes place in two parts.
In the rst part, Choose an
architectural pattern that
satises the architectural drivers
(Steps 2b) architectural tactics
and patterns determine the
structure of the solution
In the second part, Instantiate
modules (Step 2c) and Dene
interfaces (Step 2d) the
decomposition is documented
and remaining requirements
allocated to the structure

The fourth part of Global

Analysis, identifying
solution strategies, is the
beginning of arch. synthesis.
Then strategies are
instantiated as design
decisions that determine
the number and type of
design elements for one
of the software architecture
views. Design decisions can
be captured in a table

During the elaboration

phase, incrementally
build an architecture
organized along 4
dierent views; in
parallel implement
an architectural prototype

Iteratively elaborate the ve CAFCR

views, adding or rening artifacts
suitable for the particular system.
No particular order is prescribed.
Often a particular quality attribute
is chased through the dierent
views. Architecture scenarios
are dened as responses to
the strategic scenarios

Address the ASR, segment by

segment in an iterative process,
resolving conicts between the
ASR within the same segment
and integrating solutions from
dierent segments


Verify and rene use cases and

quality scenarios (Step 2e) veries
the decomposition can collectively
satisfy the requirements
and prepares the child modules
for their own decomposition,
preparing for the next iteration
of ADD. A given quality
scenario might not be satised
by the current decomposition.
If it is high priority, reconsider
the current decomposition.
Otherwise record the rationale
for why it is not supported
(e.g., because of a justied
tradeo between quality attributes)

S4V splits evaluation into

global evaluation (done
by the architect as the
design progresses ) and
architecture evaluation,
led by a team of external
reviewers, and done at
major checkpoints (e.g.,
to validate arch. concepts
and after design is complete)

Build an executable
prototype architecture
to assess whether
architectural objectives
have been met, and risks
retired (elaboration phase)

The CAFCR views are

evaluated in the BAPO
context to see whether
they t. Furthermore
quality attributes are
analyzed across the CAFCR
views to determine whether
the solutions in the technical
views satisfy the requirements
from the commercial views

Architectural decisions are

evaluated with respect to ASR
that they address. Typical
procedure of evaluation may
nclude model-based analysis
(LQN, Petri nets, Q nets)
simulation, prototyping, and
discussion of change/use scenarios

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126


Table 2
Comparing methods: artifacts


RUP 4 + 1




Functional requirements,
system quality attribute
requirements, design
constraints (requirements
for which the design
decisions are prespecied)

Inuencing factors are organizational, technological, and

product factors. Product
factors, describing required
characteristics of the product,
are always architectural
concerns, so are technological
factors (state of technology
including standards) that
could aect the product

Vision document,
specication (for
the Risk List identies,
among others, technical
issues: elements that are
novel, unknown, or just
perceived as challenging

These concerns are expressed

in the Customer and
Application views. The
overriding meta-concern
is bridging the gap between
customer needs, wishes, and
objectives and technological

Each product family has lists

of typical concerns that need
to be addressed by products
in the domain. Stakeholders
contribute product specic
concerns during product
conception phase


Business quality goals

(e.g., time to market,
cost and benet), architecture
qualities (e.g., conceptual
integrity, buildability),
system constraints

Organizational factors
(see above) are usually
context, not concerns

Business case and Vision


Business goals and constraints

(including the scope of the
market to be addressed),
process goals and constraints,
organizational goals and

Preferred technology
Technology/product road
Product family functional
and quality requirements
System/hardware architecture
Implementation constraints


Architectural drivers are

the combination of
functional, quality attribute,
and business requirements
that shape the architecture or the particular
module under consideration.
To identify them, locate the
quality attribute scenarios
that reect the highest priority
business goals relative to the
module and have the most
impact on the decomposition
of the module

Issue cards describe issues or

problems that arise from sets
of factors that, taken together,
pose signicant architectural
challenges. These issues and
their inuencing factors are
equivalent to the architecturally
signicant requirements

ASR are identied out of

the requirements documents
(Vision, use case model,
supplementary specication),
and the risk list. Some of the
ASRs are expressed in the form
of scenarios (use case instances)
that are allocated as objectives
in the upcoming iteration;
this forms a requirements view (+1)

Those elements of the BAPO

context that are relevant for
the architectural t and determine
the scope of the architecture.
Traditional types of requirements
are represented in the Customer
and Application views, which
can be inuenced by the
architect in order to obtain
a better BAPO t

A specic process is used to

identify ASR based on
stake-holder concerns, domain
and product family specic
checklists, and patterns for
analysis. ASR are partitioned
by segments of software
transformation cycle to
establish semi-separable
solution domains. ASR that
are in the same segment are
prioritized and analyzed for
potential conicts


A collection of views, patterns,

architectural tactics, and a
decomposition of modules.
Each module has a collection
of responsibilities, a set of use
cases, an interface, quality
attribute scenarios, and a
collection of constraints.
This aids the next iteration
of decomposition

Part of the four views

(conceptual, module,
execution, and code arch.
views). These represent
design decisions taken in
accordance with strategies
that solve one or more
issues. Issue Cards
capture the issues, their
inuencing factors, and
solution strategies. Factors
are listed and characterized
in Factor Tables

Design decisions are incrementally

captured in four views (logical,
process, implementation,
deployment), supplemented
with a use-case view and with
complementary texts, and
plus an architectural prototype

Consistent and partially

complete CAFCR views
(Customer, Application,
Functional, Conceptual,
and Realization), lled
with various artifacts
(models, scenarios, interfaces, etc.)

A collection of patterns,
frameworks, and reference
architectures constitute the
source for alternative
decisions. An often used
practice is to analyze
alternatives along with any
proposed solutions


(continued on next page)

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126



Table 2 (continued)


RUP 4 + 1




Architecture describes a
system as containers for
functionality and
interactions among the
containers, typically
expressed in three views:
module decomposition,
concurrency, and deployment.
The architecture is validated
for satisfaction of
with respect to the decomposition

The description of the four

views, the Issue Cards,
and the Factor Tables
represent the validated

Baseline a complete,
executable architectural
prototype at the end of
the elaboration phase.
This prototype is
complete enough to be
tested, and to validate
that major architectural
objectives (functional and
non-functional, such as
performance) have been met,
and major technical risks

Consistent and complete CAFCR

views. Consistency means that the
artifacts are mutually corresponding
and quality attribute analysis shows
no discrepancies (for example, all
quality requirements from the
Application view are satised by
the Conceptual and Realization
views). Completeness means that
artifacts have been elaborated in
sucient detail to enable realization

Concepts, structure and

texture for each signicant
segment of software
transformation cycle


Information to be processed in
subsequent steps including:
requirements to be analyzed,
decisions to be merged, patterns
to be instantiated, requirements
to be veried and rened
The order in which information
is processed will vary, for
example, the order of the
decomposition varies based
on business context, domain
knowledge, and technology
risk; the determination of drivers
is not always a top down process,
it might depend on a detailed
investigation to understand the
ramication of particular
requirements and constraints

Supported in part by Issue

Cards, which help the
architect identify important
issues to address and drive
the bigger iterations through
the activities. Issue Cards
are intended to be permanent
artifacts. S4V also recommends
the capture of certain inputs
to the backlog: Issue Cards
can capture strategies (ideas)
that do not work

In larger projects, an Issue List

is maintained, which contains
elements of the backlog.
Architectural objectives are
allocated to upcoming iterations,
and captured in the form
of iteration objectives in
the iteration plan

Worry List contains: Artifacts to be

completed; Quality attributes to be
analyzed; Quality requirements to
be satised; BAPO analysis to be
done; BAPO issues to be improved

The initial backlog is a result

of the analysis. As the design
progresses ASR are
partitioned into solvable
problems and some are left
on the backlog to be
addressed later while some
are being addressed earlier.
Thus entries in the backlog
represent ner and ner
grained problems or issues

Design knowledge comes from

the architect (or organizational
memory or community best practice)
and is recorded as an inuencing
factor. A large amount of general
architectural knowledge is
documented in the Gaud`
website Muller (2005)

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

each stage, depending on the desired quality attributes, a

suitable architectural pattern is selected and the system is
decomposed according to the pattern. ADD uses prioritization of quality attributes when architectural patterns cannot support all desired quality attributes at the same
time. The ATAM architecture evaluation method complements ADD design and analysis, and is used to analyze
how well design choices achieve the trade-o between all
desired quality attributes.
In S4V design decisions that aect quality requirements
might be reected in multiple views. Both the conceptual
and the execution view may reect some decisions that
aect dependability and performance. Each of the four
views has associated quality concerns that may or may
not be explicitly designated as quality attributes but are
important for most systems. Code architecture view is used
to minimize build time, facilitate product upgrades, etc.
Module view is used to achieve reuse, and execution architecture view serves to address performance, reliability and
other operational concerns. Global analysis is the process
in which non-functional requirements are analyzed and
strategies to address them are selected. S4V used categorization and prioritization of requirements and applies this
to make sequence design process and to nd proper
trade-o when conicts arise.
In BAPO/CAFCR, quality aspects do not belong to a
particular view. Rather they form the cross-cutting concerns that glue the views together and enable reasoning
across the views. Typically, a quality concern arises from
the Customer or Application View, where it becomes clear
that the system should fulll a certain customer need or
support a particular usage. In the Functional View it is
formulated as a specic system quality requirement. The
Conceptual and Realization Views should then make sure
that this requirement is met, by a combination of applying
suitable mechanisms and using suitable technology. Especially for challenging quality concerns, this process may
require a signicant number of iterations across the views.
ASC does not separate quality requirements from other
ASR. In fact ASC expects all quality requirements to be
dened by specic scenarios where the corresponding quality requirement plays an important role. This is quite similar to the way functional requirements are dened. ASC
relies on segmentation of ASR to make sure that decisions
aecting a particular architectural structure can be analyzed independently with respect to the corresponding
quality ASR. Within the same segment ASR are prioritized
to resolve conicts and to arrive at optimal trade o
choices. Specic choices in the design of each architectural
structure are guided by a domain specic collection of
architectural patterns which are known for specic qualities. Texture design in ASC plays a very important role
in addressing a broad range of quality requirements that
are orthogonal to the main decomposition pattern of the
architectural structure. For example to address quality
requirements related to security, ow-control, overload
control, fault detection and handling all the components


in the system must observe consistent behavior. However

specics of this behavior are not visible in the common
architectural views and may have no impact on the design
of architectural structures. Such design decisions are captured by ASC in texture design.
4.2.2. Common theme: multiple views
Table 3 summarizes the use of multiple views in the various methods. The primary motivation for multiple views is
separation of concerns: to group together closely related
concerns, and to have looser coupling between concerns
of dierent views.
Most of the views used in the methods can be categorized as structural views, meaning they describe architectural structure of the system. These are summarized in
the rst nine rows of the table. The structural views both
guide the architectural synthesis activity and furnish the
main documentation of this activity.
S4V and RUP 4 + 1 prescribe specic views. Although
they use dierent names for the views, their views cover
similar structures for decomposition and dependencies,
instantiation and synchronization, resource usage and
organization of development artifacts. They dier in support for inheritance and dataow.
The other methods are less prescriptive and instead indicate categories or typical views. ADD produces the rst
articulation of the architecture typically using module
decomposition and dependencies, concurrency and deployment. Other views can be added: their inclusion and the
amount of detail is driven by what is needed to satisfy
the architecturally signicant requirements. The views for
the other two methods are tied to specic concerns. ASC
organizes views according to segments that are tied to the
software transformation cycle: design/development, build,
upgrade, start-up, operation. In BAPO/CAFCR, concerns
ow from the customer needs and wishes represented in the
commercial views within the context of the business, process, and organization.
Two methods, RUP 4 + 1 and BAPO/CAFCR have one
or more additional views that do not describe architectural
structure but instead focus on goals or requirements of the
system, and these play a role mainly during the architectural analysis activity. Note that ADD, S4V, and ASC also
analyze these concerns, but rather than using views they
rely on other methods within the software development
process to elicit this information. BAPO/CAFCR has the
broadest set of views, which are intended to be successive
models along a path from requirements to realization.
Finally, in addition to structural views, ASC has the
notion of texture, a replicated microstructure that
applies to most components and crosscuts the structural
4.3. Variations
There are also important variations between the


Table 3
The use of multiple views

Structural views

Development time:
structure exhibited in
the source artifacts

Instantiation (e.g.,
tasks, objects)
Synchronization (e.g.,
control ow, threads
and their synchronization)
Dataow (e.g., how
data logically ows
through system)


RUP4 + 1



The nature of the project

determines the views.
Typical views are module
decomposition, concurrency,
and deployment
Module decomposition

Four views are used:

conceptual, module,
execution, and code
architecture views

Four views are used:

logical, process,
and deployment views

Each segment typically

calls for the use of one or
more structural views

Module Arch. View

Logical View

Often part of module


Module Arch. View

Logical View

Structural information is
mainly in the Conceptual
View. Its representation is
not xed by the method,
but suggestions are provided
Conceptual View: System
decomposition and
component models
Conceptual View: System
decomposition and
component models

Could be covered by
an additional view

Not covered. (Modules

are not usually
individual classes.)

Logical View

Conceptual View:
Information models

Could be covered by an
additional view

Could be covered by
an additional view

Conceptual Arch.
View Execution
Arch. View

Process View

Conceptual View:

Views used in Operation



View Execution
Arch. View
Conceptual Arch. View

Process View

Conceptual View:

Views used in Operation


Not covered

Conceptual View:

Could be covered by an
additional view

Could be covered by
an additional view

Functionality clusters, view

of the module structure
Functionality layers,
Portability layers,

Resource usage
(e.g., mapping to
processes, shared
libraries, or other
OS resources;
mapping to hardware)


Execution Arch. View

Deployment View

Conceptual View
and Realization View

Views used in Start-up


Organization of and
relationships among
permanent and
temporary artifacts
(e.g., of source,
executable les)

Could be covered by
an additional view

Code Arch. View

Implementation View

Conceptual View:
Variation Models

Views used in Build

segment, and in
upgrade segment

Non-structural views

None: results of analysis

activity are not
captured in a view

None: results of
analysis activity
are not captured
in a view

The +1 (requirements)
view is used primarily
during analysis. It
focuses mainly on
functional requirements.
It crosscuts the four
structural views

The Customer and

Application Views describe
goals, and the Functional
View focuses on functional
requirements. These are used
primarily during analysis.
The Realization View
covers technology choices

None: results of analysis

activity are not captured
in a view

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

Runtime: structure
exhibited at runtime

Decomposition (e.g.,
of subsystems,
modules, classes)
Dependencies (e.g.,
among modules,
interfaces, classes;
constrained by layers)
Inheritance (e.g.,
of classes)


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

Intent ADD was developed as a design approach

based on making a series of design decisions (aided by
the application of architectural tactics). Other viewbased approaches were initially centered on design artifacts, with their dependencies suggesting a sequencing of
activities. 4 + 1 embedded in RUP provides full process
support. BAPO/CAFCR has been especially developed
to support the development of product families.
Emphasis RUP puts a strong emphasis on incrementally building an evolutionary prototype, forcing the
designers to a more experimental style of architectural
design. BAPO/CAFCR puts a strong emphasis on the
scoping of the architecture and once the scope of the
architecture using a BAPO analysis has been established,
the focus is on ensuring the consistency and the completeness of the CAFCR views. ADD puts its emphasis
on constructing the architecture by applying architectural tactics (design options for the architect that are
inuential in the control of a quality attribute response).
Driving forces ADD is quality attribute scenario
focused; experience suggests that a handful of these
shape the architecture and all other requirements are
then mapped to this structure. This fact is also recognized in ASC, which ties architecture design to architecturally signicant requirements. ASR are broader than
quality attributes and may include key functional
requirements. RUP is mostly driven by risk mitigation.
Architectural Scope ASC recognizes a hierarchy of
architectural scopes like product portfolio, product family, a single product, and a product release. Each architecture design project uses the enclosing scope as the
context of the design.


Process Scope ADD provides a step for choosing the

architectural drivers but its scope is such that it depends
on more analysis types of activities from other methods,
such as global analysis from S4V. However, S4V does
not recommend or advocate specic evaluation techniques. Thus ADD and S4V complement each other in
these respects.

5. A template for analyzing software architecture design

One other outcome of this work is the proposal of a kind
of grid, or template, based on Fig. 10 and Tables 1 and 2,
to analyze other proposed software architecture design
methods, or even to drive the development of new architecture design methods; see Table 4.
To illustrate the use of this grid, we have applied it to the
architectural method proposed by Garland and Anthony
(2002), which we will denote here as G&A; see Table 5.
Numbers in this table indicate page in the book. A more
complete table could also be created for this method, containing the kind of detail given for the other methods in
Tables 13.
Using our grid to analyze this method, we can rapidly
identify the following points:
1. There is a strong focus on viewpoints and views, and the
description of these views using UML to document the
architecture; this occupies about half of the book.
2. Many of the activities and techniques are either sketchy
(chapter 11) or refer to other sources.

Table 4
A grid to analyze a software architecture design method
Generic artifacts

Architectural analysis

Architectural synthesis

Artifacts in X

Activities in X

Techniques and tools in X

Has the method X

provision for the
following artifacts?
How are they named
and represented?

Is the method X
providing activities to
produce these artifacts?
How are these activities
named and documented?

What specic tools and technique

is associated with the method X?

Other key artifacts

of the method X,
not matching the
generic ones

Other key activities

of the method, not
tting in the boxes above.

Requirements, and
Architecturally signicant
requirements (ASR)
Candidate architectural solutions
design (e.g., views, perspectives)
or Prototypes

Architectural evaluation

Quality attributes
Architectural assessment

Overall process driver




C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

Table 5
Analysis of the Garland and Anthony (2002) method (G&A)
Generic artifacts


Requirements, and
Architecturally signicant
requirements (ASR)
Candidate architectural solutions
+ Architectural design
(e.g., views, perspectives)
+ Prototypes
+ Rationale

Artifacts in G&A

Activities in G&A

contextual and analysis

viewpoint (p. 13, 87108)
Logical design viewpoints
(decomposes in component
viewpoint, logical data,
layered subsystem,. . .) (p. 87174)
Environment/physical viewpoint
(deployment, process,
physical data) (p.177200)
skeleton system (p. 205)
& prototyping (p. 206)

Analysis process,
similar to OOSE

Small activities scattered

in the book,
to populate the views, but
not named explicitly.
partitioning strategies
changeability and
dependency management


Quality attributes
Architectural assessment


Commonality and
variability analysis (p. 202)
evaluation (p. 208)

Overall process




3. Building a skeleton or architectural prototype is mentioned as a possibility.

4. There seems to be no concept of Architectural Signicant Requirements (except for a couple of mentions to
key requirements and key use cases with no explanation how they are identied).
5. There is no mention of design rationale (except for some
tracing between elements in views, and a mention of
requirements tracing p. 49).
6. Architecture evaluation is only mention briey, and no
technique described, nor any artifact.
7. Beyond emphasizing iterative development in chapter 3,
there is no indication of any driver for architectural
8. There is very few explicit links to quality attributes.
Such an analysis would lead to the rapid identication of
element from other techniques that could come to complement some of its deciencies. For example it would be nicely
complemented by the use of SEIs techniques, such QAW
(Barbacci et al., 2003) or ATAM (Kazman et al., 1994;
Clements et al., 2002b) , or a better linkage to quality using
the ASC approach (see Section 2.5), or ADD (see Section 2.1).
Applying the grid to other methods is often impeded by
the lack of detailed material on the proposed methods,
associated maybe to their lack of maturity and/or limited
use in industry. For example, trying to apply our grid to
VTTs QAD or QADA approach (Matinlassi et al.,
2002a,b), we found that views are well-articulated and justied, but there are very little description of the activities
that take place. Similarly for methods associated with
Model-Driven Architecture (Selic, 2004; Fowler, 2005),

Techniques and tools

in G&A
OOSE Jacobson
et al. (1992)

UML (p. 6986)

use of ADL (p. 208)
pattern (p. 216218)

which are not suciently mature and well-described to be

analyzed by our approach.
6. Related work
We have found four main approaches to comparing
design methods. Some researchers compare the methods
by comparing their results or artifacts. Others compare
the activities done when following the methods. Each of
these approaches breaks down further into comparisons
based on applying the methods to a particular example
application, or comparing the methods by classifying the
artifacts or activities.
The rst group compares the artifacts for an example
application. Bahill et al. (1998) rst provide a benchmark application to be used for comparing design methods. Then they provide a qualitative analysis of the
results of applying eleven design methods to the benchmark application. Sharble and Cohen (1993) use complexity metrics to compare the class diagrams that result from
applying two dierent OO development methods on a
brewery application.
The next group also compares artifacts, but by classifying them according to what they can model. Wieringa
(1998) does this for a number of structured and OO specication methods. Hong et al. (1993) do this as part of their
comparison of six OO analysis and design methods, so does
Fowler (1993).
The third kind of comparison examines the activities
undertaken when designing particular applications. Kim
and Lerch (1992) measure the cognitive activities of designers when using an OO design method versus a functional

C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

decomposition approach. Each participant in this study

designed two variants of a Towers of Hanoi application.
The approach we take in this paper falls into the fourth
category, characterizing and classifying activities then comparing them across methods. Song and Osterweil (1994) use
process modeling techniques to model the activities and, to
a lesser extent, the artifacts of the methodologies. Although
this approach is similar to ours, the approaches dier in the
development of the comparison model. They decompose
the activities of each methodology, then classify and compare them. Thus the classication and comparison is begun
with the low-level elements. In contrast we create a general
model where only one level of decomposition is done,
resulting in the three activities of architectural analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation and the corresponding artifacts.
We then determine which elements of each methodology
map to these activities and artifacts, and compare to what
extent each methodology covers the various aspects of the
activities and artifacts.
Hong et al. (1993) also compare activities by rst
characterizing and classifying them. They repeatedly
decompose the activities of each method, then create a
super-methodology that is a union of all the nest granularity of the subactivities. Each method is compared to the
super-methodology. Fichman and Kemerer (1992) take a
similar approach, comparing methods using the eleven
analysis activities and ten design activities that are the superset of the activities supported by methods. Both of these
approaches decompose the activities to very specic tasks
that are tightly related to the artifacts produced by the
method (e.g., Identify classes, Identify inheritance relationships). We did not want our general model to be restricted
by the kinds of artifacts our ve methods produce (e.g.,
specic views used by the method), so we did not decompose activities to the low level.
Dobrica and Niemela (2002a,b) presented a survey and
comparison of software architecture analysis methods, such
as SAAM (Kazman et al., 1994) or ATAM (Kazman et al.,
1996), mostly focusing on how analysis attempted to satisfy
quality attributes. Their approach to comparing methods is
perhaps closest to ours. However, rather than comparing
architectural design methods, they are comparing methods
for software architecture evaluation. Thus the eight
methods have a much narrower scope, and in addition a
number of them are variants of each other. Like us they
compare activities and workow at a fairly coarse granularity, but they add a few other dimensions for comparison,
such as scope of method, stakeholders involved, etc.
In a more recent paper, Matinlassi (2004) extended the
approach to a comparison of software product-line design
methods, looking at ve aspects: (1) context (goal, application domain, etc.), (2) user (stakeholders), (3) contents
(method structure, artifacts, viewpoints, tool support,
etc.) and (4) validation (maturity).
Kruchten (2005) shows that if software engineers were
to use the term design analogously to the way other engineers use it, design would include some requirements


activities and all coding and testing activities. In a similar

spirit, our use of the term architecture design encompasses analysis and evaluation activities. Architectural
synthesis, the activity that goes from the problem space
to the solution space is what others might equate with
the term architecture design. Fowler (1997) discusses
the importance of analysis, or understanding the problem,
in moving from the problem space to the solution space.
(Roshandel et al., 2004) reinforce our conviction that evaluation is an integral part of architecture design. They demonstrate that the kinds of automated evaluation possible
depend on the architectural view described (where each
of the two views studied is represented in a dierent ADL).
Finally we note that our general model and the methods
it is derived from are for the architecture design of new systems, not for evolving or reconstructing the architecture of
existing systems. While parts of the model may be relevant
for architecture evolution, when comparing our model to
the Symphony architecture reconstruction process (van
Deursen et al., 2004) we see that the activities and artifacts
are not related at all. In both cases the activities can be
categorized into (1) understand the problem, (2) solve it,
and (3) evaluate the solution, but the same can be said of
nearly any problem-solving activity.
7. Future work
The future work we envision is centered on the three fundamental architecting activities: architectural analysis, architectural synthesis and architectural evaluation (see Fig. 10).
They are present in all the investigated methods. We foresee
ongoing harmonization and integration of the best concepts
from each of the investigated methods. This work can take
two routes. The rst route is the most obvious one in the sense
that certain concepts in a particular method are replaced by a
better one from the other methods. The second route would
be along a kind of standardization eort in which the community as a whole accepts a set of standard concepts, inspired by
or derived from the investigated methods.
In addition to the above described evolution along the
activity axes. We expect that the notion of backlog will
be elaborated further as a way to systematically relate the
various activities and to guarantee architecting progress.
Yet another area of investigation would be the inclusion of
notions from the agile community in the backlog concept.
Next to these more generic evolution paths we foresee
that more domain specic variants of architecting methods
might arise. Further new development paradigms like
model-driven development (MDD) will have signicant
inuence. And future software architecting methods will
need to deal more explicitly with the system aspects.
8. Conclusion
In this paper we have analyzed a number of industrially
validated architectural design methods. Using a general
model for architectural design activity, we have identied


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

the common and variable ingredients of these methods.

Despite the dierent vocabulary used for the individual
methods they have a lot in common at the conceptual level.
The basic architecting activities, like architectural analysis,
architectural synthesis and architectural evaluation are present in all of the investigated methods. The major variation
can be observed in the dierent details with respect to guidance and process focus across the various methods. Here the
concept of backlog is crucial to relate the various activities.
For our general model many of the concepts we use are
already part of the IEEE 1471 (IEEE, 2000) vocabulary:
views, architectural concerns, context, stakeholders, etc.
Our more process-oriented model introduces the following
concepts: backlog, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
An important part of our model is the inclusion of analysis and evaluation activities as part of architecture design.
While architecture evaluation has been the focus of much
prior work, the emphasis is typically on identifying candidate architectures or evaluating the completed architecture.
There has been far less work on incremental or ongoing
evaluation, and on architectural analysis. Our model
reveals these to be important research topics.
Our model also introduces the concept of a backlog as
the driving force behind the workow. The backlog is a
much richer workow concept than simply noting that iteration is expected.
We oer a systematic grid or pattern for the further
analysis and comparison or other methods, as well as the
creation or synthesis of new software architecture design
methods (see Table 3). We hope that our increased understanding of the commonalities and dierences of the various approaches will contribute to future methods that
combine the strong points of the existing ones and provide
specic support for software architecture design in a large
variety of dierent contexts. As an example, two of the
authors looked at ways of combining ADD and RUP
4 + 1 by modeling ADD as a RUP activity, and found that
they complement each other well (Kazman et al., 2004).
ADD lls a need within the RUP: it provides a step-by-step
approach for dening a candidate architecture. The RUP
lls a need in the ADD by placing it in a lifecycle context;
the RUP provides guidance on how to proceed from the
candidate architecture to an executable architecture,
detailed design and implementation.
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Christine Hofmeister is an assistant professor in Computer Science &

Engineering at Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, PA. Her current research
areas are software architecture and component-based systems. She
received her A.B in Mathematics from Bryn Mawr College, M.S. in
Computer Science from Lehigh University, and Doctorate from the
University of Maryland, with a dissertation on dynamic reconguration of
distributed systems. Prior to joining Lehighs faculty in 2000, she spent a
number of years at Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, NJ. While
at Siemens, she coauthored the book Applied Software Architecture with
Robert Nord. crh@eecs.lehigh.edu
Philippe Kruchten is a professor of software engineering at the University
of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada. His current interests are
software process modeling and software architecture, and the impact of
culture on global engineering projects. Prior to UBC, he spent 16 years at
Rational Software (now IBM), where he was associated as a consultant
with several large-scale defense and aerospace projects around the world,
and where he developed the Rational Unied Process, a software engineering process. He also spent 8 years at Alcatel in France, developing
telephone switches. He has a mechanical engineering diploma and a
doctorate degree in information systems from French institutions. He is
the author of three books about RUP. pbk@ece.ubc.ca
Robert L. Nord is a senior member of the technical sta in the Product
Line Systems Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) where
he works to develop and communicate eective methods and practices
for software architecture. Prior to joining the SEI, Dr. Nord was a
member of the software architecture program at Siemens, where he
balanced research in software architecture with work in designing and
evaluating large-scale systems. He earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science
from Carnegie Mellon University. He is co-author of Applied Software
Architecture and Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond.
Henk Obbink is a principal scientist at Philips Research Laboratories in
Eindhoven. He heads the architecture research team for software-intensive
healthcare systems. His research interests have included computer systems,
communication systems, defense systems, and consumer products. He
received his doctorate in chemistry and physics from the University in
Utrecht. He is a member of the IFIP Working Group 2.10 on Software
Architecture and the steering committees of the Working IEEE/IFIP
Conference on Software Architecture and the Software Product Line
Conference. He was recently one of the guest editors of the March/April
IEEE special Issue on the Past, Present and Future of Software Architectures. henk.obbink@philips.com
Alexander Ran is a Research Fellow at Nokia Research Center (NRC), in
Cambridge, MA, USA. He is currently a Principal Investigator in


C. Hofmeister et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 106126

collaboration between Nokia and Massachusetts Institute of Technology

focusing on architectures for task-oriented user interfaces. Prior to
that he lead a research group working on software architecture analysis for improving performance characteristics of mobile phones,
conducted software architecture reviews, contributed to establishing
software architecture processes, and served as a consultant for software
architecture groups of several Nokia business units. alexander.ran@

Pierre America received a Masters degree from the University of Utrecht in

1982 and a Ph.D. from the Free University of Amsterdam in 1989. Since he
joined Philips Research in 1982, he has been working in dierent areas of
computer science, ranging from formal aspects of parallel object-oriented
programming to music processing. During the last few years he has been
working on software and system architecting approaches for product
families. He has been applying and validating these approaches in close
cooperation with Philips Medical Systems. pierre.america@ philips.com

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